Part A. Practical Guide for Conducting and Analysing
Pumping Tests
Report submitted
The research in the report emanated from a project funded by the Water Research
Commission entitled:
The Steering Committee who directed the project consisted of the following persons:
The financing of the project by the WRC and the contributions of members of the Steering
Committee are hereby gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also like to take this
opportunity to express their sincere thanks to the following institutions and people:
The University of the Free State for the facilities provided in conducting this research and
Mr Eberhard Braune of the Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry for his encouragement
during the study. The development of the original FC-program was sponsored by the
DWAF under the supervision of Mr SJ Marais.
Dr E Tordiffe of NAM WATER, Namibia (Khorixas borehole), Me Rowena Hay of
Umvoto Africa cc. (Boschkloof BK1 borehole) and Mr Karim Sami of the Council of
Geoscience (Borehole B427) for permission to use the pumping test data of these
Prof JF Botha for assistance in writing Chapter 4, Part B.
Mrs Ingrid Dennis for proof-reading the report.
Acknowledgement Page
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
This report presents the findings of research conducted by the Institute for Groundwater
Studies for the Water Research Commission on the development of a manual to analyse
pumping tests in fractured-rock aquifers. The manual provides a detailed summary of the
different types of pumping tests and the methods that can be used to analyse data from
these tests. The sustainable yield of a borehole can be defined as the discharge rate that
will not cause the water level in a borehole to drop below a prescribed limit. Determining
the sustainable yield of a borehole is important for the overall management of the aquifer
and therefore a whole chapter has been devoted to discussing the term. Protection is an
important consideration when managing a well field. For this purpose, computer software,
BPZONE, has been developed and included in the FC_EXCEL software. The manual
includes a step-by-step guide to assist the reader in planning and executing pumping tests.
Finally, recommendations and conclusions are drawn.
Pumping tests are important tools that provide information on the hydraulic behaviour of
a borehole, the reservoir and the reservoir boundaries. All this information is essential for
efficient aquifer and well field management. In general, the objectives of a pumping test
To obtain an understanding of the aquifer,
To quantify the aquifer's hydraulic and physical properties and
To determine the sustainable yield and efficiency of a borehole.
The interpretation of pumping test data is based on mathematical models that relate
drawdown response to discharge in the abstraction borehole. The results obtained from
these short duration tests can then be used to project the borehole's performance over a
long period of time. In fractured-rock aquifers, the geometry and permeability of the
system have a large influence on the drawdown. The scale of heterogeneity in a fractured
rock system may be large in relation to the scale of the test. Therefore convention models
developed for homogeneous porous aquifers might not be viable in fractured rock
systems. This manual focuses on methods and software specifically developed to analyse
pumping tests conducted in fractured-rock systems.
2. Statement of Objectives
All the objectives of this project were met. In fact, the project team did more than what
was required:
The project team also developed TPA. Test Pumping Analysis or TPA is a
windows-based software program, developed in Delphi. The software is a
curve fitting procedure for analysing fractured rock pumping test data. TPA
includes the following methods to analyse fractured-rock pumping test data:
i. Moench method for double porosity aquifers.
ii. Gringarten, Kazemi, Warren and Root and Stallman methods for single
and vertical fractures. Included here are uniform flux, finite- and
infinite conductive fractures, boundary conditions and a solution for a
dyke aquifer.
iii. Solutions for porous aquifers.
iv. Diagnostic plots.
One of the initial objectives of the project was to enhance the FC_EXCEL
software to include protection zones and step drawdown, multirate tests, and
slug tests. However, the project team went beyond the requirements and
i. Barker's generalised radial flow model, which uses non-integer flow
dimensions to analyse pumping data,
ii. A method to estimate the sustainable yield of a borehole by using the
data collected during the step drawdown test (non-linear solution),
iii. Comparing the suitability of water to the water quality classes
developed by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
The geometry of the fracture system is seldom known when performing a pumping lest.
Interpretation of test data may therefore have to include identification of the fracture
system. Hydraulic conductivity and storativity values for these systems are scale
dependent because the rocks are heterogeneous.
A characteristic of fractured aquifers is that most of the water flows along fractures.
These fractures are usually embedded in porous matrix blocks (sandstone) or micro
fissured blocks (quartzite), which are low permeable compared to the fracture
conductivity but are able to store water. If fractures are densely interconnected, they form
a 'fracture network continuum' characterised by a large storage capacity that contributes
substantially to the yield of a borehole. Whether a fracture network can be considered as
continuum or not is determined by the following three properties: the representative
elementary volume, fracture connectivity and the difference in conductivity between the
fracture and rock matrix.
The spatial distribution of fracture flow towards a borehole depends on the properties of
the fracture network, such as fracture permeability, fracture density and connectivity. The
characteristics of the fracture network determine the flow geometry, which is also known
as flow dimension. The flow towards a fully penetrating borehole may be radial (two-
dimensional) throughout a hard rock aquifer consisting of a highly connected fracture
system with an isotropic distribution, or may be spherical (three-dimensional) if the
borehole is only partially penetrating. Therefore, for a correct assessment of the
hydraulic parameters of a fractured hard rock aquifer, it is necessary to know the flow
geometry, or flow dimension.
Two kinds of models are applied in fractured-rock aquifers, namely the single fracture
model and the double porosity model. However, the methods for porous media (i.e. Theis
and Cooper-Jacob) are still applied for parameter estimation in fractured aquifers. Some
of these models have inherent problems. The methods of Theis and Cooper-Jacob are
only valid for radial flow.
Numerous field examples have been included in the manual. These demonstrate how to
conduct and analyse pumping tests. They also highlight the limitations of the various
tests and methods. The results from these tests indicate that monitoring must always be
an integral part of aquifer management.
When determining the sustainable yield of a borehole, field examples indicate the yield is
a non-unique number, dependent on the abstraction rate.
5. Conclusions
The development of this manual was driven by the need to establish a scientifically sound
and documented approach to performing and analysing pumping tests in fractured rock
systems. The manual has resulted from extensive consultations with pumping test experts
and hours of extensive research on methods to analyse these pumping tests.
It is concluded in this manual that in order to analyse a pumping test correctly, the
following important characteristics need to be identified:
In South Africa, pumping tests are performed for mainly two reasons: to determine the
long-term sustainable yield of a borehole and to estimate aquifer parameters. The manual
highlights the non-linear relationship between the abstraction rate and the drawdown,
which is common in most South African aquifers. Fracture dewatering is dependent on
the abstraction rate, which, in turn, will have an effect on the water level in the borehole.
This feature should be treated with caution when assigning sustainable yields.
6. Recommendations
When the objective of a pumping test is to determine aquifer parameters, the following is
Perform a minimum one-hour step drawdown test to determine the position of
the fracture and abstraction rate for the constant rate test.
The recommended minimum duration of the constant rate pumping test is 8
hours. RPTSOLV is an excellent two-dimensional model which analyses
pumping test data and calculates an accurate storativity value.
When calculating the sustainable yield, it is recommended that on the completion of the
constant rate pumping test, the FC_EXCEL software is used to analyse the results.
A large number of pumping tests that were performed on boreholes situated in fractured
rocks in South Africa indicate that a non-linear relationship between drawdown and
abstraction rate usually exists. Such non-linearities must be treated with caution when
assigning sustainable yields for boreholes or when applying numerical flow models.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements I
Executive Summary II
1 Project Objectives 1
2 Software developed 1
3 Preamble 2
4 Way to use the Manual 9
1. General Principles
1.1 General 2
1.2 Principles for Parameter Estimation 3
1.3 Principles for Sustainable Yield Estimation 4
1. Introduction
1.1 Software developed 2
1.2 Way to use Part B 3
References 125
Appendix A: Practical Guide for Conducting Pumping Tests in Fractured-Rock Aquifers
Appendix B: Check-List for Pump Test Equipment
Appendix C: Check-List for other Equipment
Appendix D: Pump Test Data Sheets
Two software packages were developed or enhanced during the current study:
FC (Flow Characteristic method).
TPA (Test Pumping Analysis).
TPA is a windows program in DELPHI and was written by Ingo Bardenhagen as part of his
Ph.D. study at the Institute for Groundwater Studies, while Gerrit van Tonder, Harald
Kunstmann and Yongxin Xu developed the original FC_EXCEL spreadsheet for the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (SA).
During the current project, the FC software was enhanced and currently includes the
following procedures:
Porous aquifer solutions (Theis, Cooper-Jacob I and II and Hantush methods and a
solution for water-table aquifers).
Step drawdown and multirate analyses.
Fractional pumping test analysis (Barker's Generalized Radial Flow Model).
Slug test analysis (Bouwer and Rice method).
Estimation of a risk-based sustainable yield of a borehole by using drawdown derivatives,
boundary information and error propagation.
Testing of the suitability of the water according to the Classes as prescribed by the
Different diagnostic plots for flow regime identification (e.g. derivatives, second
derivatives, LogLog (Theis) plot, LinLog (Cooper-Jacob) plot, square root of time plot,
fourth root of time plot, spherical and recovery plot).
Delineation of borehole protection zones in fractured aquifers.
The main emphasis of the FC program is to estimate a risk-based sustainable yield for a
borehole by using different methods. The estimation of the sustainable yield of a
borehole is very important for especially rural communities.
Introduction Page 1
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
TPA was developed with the aim to fit pumping test data in fractured aquifers and include
the following fractured aquifer methods:
Double porosity aquifer (Moench method).
Solutions for single vertical and horizontal fractures (Gringarten, Kazenii, Warren and
Root, Stallman, including uniform flux, finite conductive and infinite conductive fractures
as well as boundary conditions and a solution for a dyke aquifer).
Porous solutions.
Diagnostic plots.
TPA was specially developed as a curve fitting procedure for pumping tests performed
in fractured-rock aquifers to estimate aquifer parameters.
It is well recognised that on a theoretical basis the best method to obtain fractured-rock
aquifer parameters is by the use of a 3D-numerical model, like MODFLOW. However, the
data required for such a numerical model may not always be available and the application of
the model also requires an experience user and the construction of the correct conceptual
model for the geological set-up. The emphasis of this document will thus be on the
application of analytical procedures to analyse pumping lest data as well as on the correct
procedures to conduct pumping tests.
The term fracture in this document refers to cracks, fissures, joints and faults, which are
caused by (a) geological and environmental processes, e.g. tectonic movement, secondary
stresses, release fractures, shrinkage cracks, weathering, chemical action, thermal action; and
(b) petrological factors like mineral composition, internal pressure, grain size, etc. From a
hydrogeological point of view, a formation rock mass can be considered a multi-porous
medium, conceptually consisting of two major components: matrix rock blocks and fractures.
Fractures serve as higher conductivity conduits for flow if the apertures are large enough,
whereas the matrix blocks may be permeable or impermeable, with most of the water usually
contained within the matrix. Actually, a rock mass may contain many fractures of different
scales and the conductivity of the matrix blocks is in most cases only dependent on the
presence of smaller or micro-fractures.
Pumping tests are the most important experiments for aquifer investigation in the
groundwater industry. They are the only method that provides simultaneous information on
the hydraulic behaviour of the well (borehole), the reservoir and the reservoir boundaries,
which are essential for efficient aquifer and well field management. The complex situation in
fractured aquifers requires a decent understanding of the drawdown behaviour if reliable
reservoir information is desired. This can be achieved by a detailed diagnosis of drawdown
and recovery data in combination with a conceptual model of the geological set-up.
Introduction Page 2
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
The interpretation of pumping test data is based on mathematical models that relate the
drawdown response to the discharge of the pumped well and the results obtained from this
short duration test are then used to estimate the borehole performance over a period of many
months (even years). The mathematical model could be solved by the application of
analytical or numerical techniques.
There is no doubt that a hydraulic test in a fractured aquifer should be analysed with a three-
dimensional numerical model from the theoretical point of view. However, the data required
for such a numerical model may not always be available and the application of the model is
also not without its problems (e.g. the choice of the correct conceptual model and the non-
uniqueness of the solution; Chiang and Riemann, 2001).
The drawdown response to stressing a fractured rock aquifer is strongly influenced by the
geometry and permeability of the fracture system, i.e. by flow geometry. The scale of
heterogeneity in a fractured-rock aquifer may be large in relation to the scale of the test and
the conventional well flow equations, developed for homogeneous porous aquifers, will
usually not adequately describe the drawdown response in fractured-rock aquifers. In
pumping test practice, the geometry of the fracture system is seldom known beforehand.
Interpretation of test data may therefore require identification of this unknown fracture
system. The values of the hydraulic parameters (hydraulic conductivity and storativity) for
hard rock aquifers are scale-dependent (Verweiji and Barker, 1999) because of the
heterogeneity of the rocks.
On the field scale involved in pumping tests, the groundwater flow through porous media is
commonly described by applying the continuum approach and the flow to a borehole is then
described by the diffusion equation, which is a combination of Darcy's equation and
equations of state for the groundwater and the porous medium. Characteristic for fractured
aquifers is the fact that most of the water flows along fractures. Those fractures are usually
embedded in porous matrix blocks (sandstone) or micro fissured blocks (quartzite), which are
low permeable compared to the fracture conductivity, but capable to store water in the
uncountable pores or micro fractures. In extreme cases, the blocks between the fractures are
so low permeable (granite) that very little water can be exchanged between fracture network
and matrix, which is then called 'inert'.
introduction Paqe 3
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
The REV is the characteristic volume of fractured rock that can be represented by a
homogeneous anisotropic medium whose hydraulic properties do not change significantly if
an additional volume of rock is added (Long et ah, 1982). In some instances, a fractured rock
can have various REV depending on the scale of the investigation and, in some instances, it is
not possible to define a REV at all (Long and Witherspoon, 1985). The fracture connectivity
describes the interconnection between fractures in a given volume of rock, which is a
function of the fracture length and fracture density. Generally, the fracture network continuity
of a rock volume increases with increasing fracture length and fracture density (Long and
Witherspoon, 19S5). The conductivity contrast between fracture and matrix can diminish or
increase the continuous behaviour of a fracture network.
Verweiji and Barker (1999) give an excellent summary of the flow behaviour and analytical
techniques used in fractured-rock aquifers and interested readers are referred to their paper
for more information. Boreholes used for water supply in fractured-rock aquifers are often
sited on linearities such as faults, major fracture zones and fractured dykes, but may also be
drilled randomly. The flow to a well pumping in a fractured aquifer takes place through the
fractures but in most cases the water in storage is situated in the matrix of the formation.
Initially, water is pumped from storage in the fracture system and then water is flowing from
the matrix towards the fractures. .
The spatial distribution of flow through the fractures towards the well depends entirely on the
properties of the fracture network, such as fracture conductivity, fracture density and
connectivity (e.g. Barker, 1988; Black, 1994). The characteristics of the fracture network
determine the flow geometry, which is also known as flow dimension. Flow towards a
pumped well is usually concentrated along a certain fracture zone, while large volumes of
hard rock could remain isolated from this zone of relatively high permeability activated by
the pumping test. In contrast, the pattern of flow towards a fully penetrating well may be
radial (two-dimensional) throughout a hard rock aquifer consisting of a highly connected
fracture system with an isotropic distribution, or may be spherical (three-dimensional) if the
well is only partially penetrating. For a correct assessment of the hydraulic parameters of a
fractured hard rock aquifer using pumping test data, it is necessary to know how much flow
relates to a certain drawdown response of the aquifer, i.e. it is necessary to know the flow
geometry or flow dimension (Verweiji and Barker, 1999). Roberts and Beauheim (2001)
discussed the concept of a flow dimension and show that it actually represents the rate at
which hydraulic conductance (the product of hydraulic conductivity and through-flow area)
changes with distance from a test borehole. No unique estimation of hydraulic parameters
is possible from hydraulic tests without knowledge of the flow geometry.
Introduction Page 4
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
According to Black (1994), the area available to flow in an aquifer is a function of the
distance to the pumped well and is given by:
A = through-flow area
Ao = through-flow area at the pumped well (r = 0)
n = flow dimension
r = distance to the pumped well
Flow dimensions range between 1 and 3 (Barker, 1988; Black, 1994) and for a one-
dimensional flow geometry (n = 1), the area through which flow occurs will remain constant,
regardless of the distance r (Fig. I.I). A period of linear flow through a fracture or dyke
during a pumping test, when all the water pumped originates from storage in the dyke or
fracture corresponds to a flow dimension of 1. For a flow dimension of 2, corresponding to
radial flow to a well, the through-flow area will increase in direct proportion to the distance r
from the pumped well. This kind of flow dimension is not an intrinsic property of a fractured
hard rock aquifer because it usually changes in time during a pumping test, which is reflected
in the time drawdown behaviour at the pumped well and observation wells. The drawdown
response at a certain time, as observed at the pumped well and observation wells, might all
reflect different flow dimensions. The flow dimension prevailing during a test is thus a
function of scale (time).
The flow to a well in a hard rock aquifer that consists of a fracture system having fractal
properties may not be adequately characterised by a one-, two- or three-dimensional flow
geometry. Instead, non-integer fractional flow dimensions will describe the flow behaviour
more accurately (Barker, 19SS). The value of the fractional flow dimension depends on the
fracture geometry like orientation, connectivity and variability of aperture.
Introduction Paqe 5
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
Flow Dimension
Acer,o a) Linear n= 1
Fig. I.I Flow dimension definition in well lesting (after Doe. 1991)
Introduction Page 6
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
The time and scale dependence of flow dimension can be illustrated by looking at the flow
pattern created when a fractured dyke or fault bisecting an aquifer, the transmissivity of
which is several times less than that of the fault, is pumped (Boehmer and Boonstra, 1986;
Kruseman and de Ridder, 1991). At early pumping times, when all the water pumped
originates from storage in the fault and none is contributed from the aquifer, the flow towards
the well takes place in the fault only and is parallel (i.e. linear in the fault with a flow
dimension = 1). With continued pumping, the water is also supplied from the aquifer. The
flow in the aquifer will be predominantly parallel but oblique to the fault (i.e. linear
formation flow). This bi-linear flow period corresponds to the non-integer flow dimension of
1.5. Finally, the flow in the aquifer may become pseudo-radial, corresponding to a flow-
dimension of 2. Information on flow dimensions can be derived from the pumping test data.
Special analytical methods have been developed for different kinds of flow dimensions. The
concept of flow dimension plays an important role in selecting the appropriate time-
drawdown data to be used in a certain method.
Currently usually two kinds of models are applied in fractured-rock aquifers, namely the
single fracture model and the double porosity model as described in Chapter 2.7 (Part B),
while the methods for porous media (i.e. Theis and Cooper-Jacob) are still applied for
parameter estimation in fractured aquifers. Some of these models have inherent problems, as
the following short discussion indicates (see also Chapter 2.8 in Part B).
If a pumped well intersects a major fracture, fault or dyke, embedded in a very hydraulic
conductivity matrix, it may significantly influence the part of the time drawdown behaviour
of the fractured hard rock aquifer. Single fracture models deal with such a situation. The main
types of single fracture models are: infinite conductivity fracture, uniform flux fracture, finite
conductivity fracture, and dykes. The first three models have been developed for artificially
fractured wells in petroleum reservoirs (Vcrweiji and Barker, 1999). Only the dyke model has
been developed for groundwater purposes. The equivalent system in a single fracture model
is a homogeneously confined aquifer of large area! extent, which is dissected from top to
bottom by a vertical fracture of relatively short length or by a dyke of infinite length. The
pumped well fully penetrates the fracture or dyke.
Introduction page
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
The Moench model (1984) is usually applied for double porosity aquifers, but it was found
from practical applications of the method that the estimated S-values still show the same
distance dependency that is experienced when the Theis method (using the real
observation distances) is applied to pumping tests in fractured aquifers (see e.g.
Kirchner and Van Tonder, 1995). Six parameters have also to be Fitted which makes the
solution non-unique.
To analyse a pumping test correctly, the geohydrologist should be able to identify the
following important characteristics:
The correct geological conceptual model (for use of the correct analytical model).
Inner boundary conditions (i.e. well bore storage effects, well bore skin, fracture skin and
the lateral extent of the fracture or fracture zone).
Outer boundary conditions (i.e. especially no-flow boundaries but also fix head
Characteristic flow regimes (the choice of the correct part of the curve to be fitted by
looking at the flow dimension that is prevailing during that specific pan of the test).
One of the main problems with all analytical models is the underlying theoretical
assumptions. In most cases, a confined situation is assumed and practical experience in SA
has shown that the shallow fractured rock aquifers are usually semi-confined (the fractures)
with a water-table aquifer (the matrix) situated on top of it. In many cases during the
execution of a pumping test, some of the fractures are dewatered, with the result that the
conditions changed from semi-confined to unconfmed at the fracture position (a flattening of
the water level is experienced at the position of a fracture because the specific yield of the
fracture is much higher than the confined storage coefficient of it). Dewatering of some
fractures during the test also implies that the effective transmissivity is becoming smaller as
time is progressing. This phenomenon could result in a wrong interpretation of a step
drawdown or multirate test, which implies that the non-linear relationship between drawdown
and abstraction rate is due io turbulent flow (non-linear well loss coefficient C) in the
borehole. However, it will be shown in this document that such a non-linear relationship
between drawdown and abstraction rate could also occur during laminar (Darcian) flow in
fractured-rock aquifers.
Introduction Page S
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
The way to perform and analyse the pumping test depends mainly on the objective and on the
site where the test should take place. The manual (Fig. 1.2) is divided into a practical guide
for conducting and analysing pumping tests (Part A), the theoretical backgrounds and
detailed explanation for analyses (Part B) and the detailed explanation for conducting
pumping tests (Appendix A).
Estimation of Estimation of
Aquifer Parameters Sustainable Yield
Guidelines for Pumping Tests for Guideline for Pumping Tests for
Aquifer Parameter Estimation Sustainable Yield Estimation
(refer to Section 3.2) (refer to Section 3.3)
Fig. 1.2. FIOH chart for the different parts of the manual
Introduction Page 9
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Introduction
While Part A is a short guideline in how to perform and analyse pumping tests in fractured-
rock aquifers, Part B will focus on the application of different methods for analysing
pumping test data. Part A consists of a field guide on planning and performing the test
(Chapter 2) and a guideline for pumping test analysis, depending on the objective of the test.
In Chapter 3, the reader could find a discussion on the optimal planning of hydraulic tests
(with special emphasis on the choice of an abstraction rate for the constant rate tests and the
choice of the available drawdown to use for recommending a sustainable yield).
Readers that are interesting in all the analytical methods and the different flow diagnostics are
refered to Part B, Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is focussed on the estimation of the sustainable yield
of a borehole, while Chapter 4 is devoted to variable rate tests and non-linear relationships
between drawdown and abstraction rate. Chapter 5 is dealing with the delineation of borehole
protection zones in fractured aquifers and in Chapter 6, the reader could find the
recommendations concluded from the whole manual.
Appendix A describes the practical execution of the different kind of pumping tests in the
Both the FC- and TPA- programmes can be downloaded from the following website:
The RPTSOLV program developed during the project of Botha et al. (1998) can also be
downloaded from this website.
Note: No written manual of how to use both the FC- and TPA-program is given in this
manual. The reason is that such a manual is always changing. A step-by-step manual of
how to use the software is built into the programmes.
Introduction Page 10
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Part A
Pumping tests are the most important experiments for aquifer investigation in the
groundwater industry. They are the only method that provides simultaneous information on
the hydraulic behaviour of the well (borehole), the reservoir and the reservoir boundaries,
which are essential for efficient aquifer and well field management. The complex situation in
fractured aquifers requires a decent understanding of the drawdown behaviour if reliable
reservoir information is desired. This can be achieved by a detailed diagnosis of drawdown
and recovery data in combination with a conceptual model of the geological set-up.
As stated before, the two main objectives of pumping test analysis are:
From the above-mentioned points, it is clear that the principles for conducting and analysing
pumping tests depend on the objectives.
The main goal of Part A is to suggest general rules for the practical geohydrologist on how to
perform and analyse a pumping test considering the two objectives. Every borehole in a
fractured-rock aquifer reacts differently, and therefore it is of no use to give one general
recipe on how to conduct and analyse it. In the end, the expert analysing the test is totally
responsible for the way in which the test is conducted and analysed. He or she must use all
their practical experience and knowledge to come up with an answer. The aim is also to
demonstrate the limitations of analytical analysing methods. Usually, the limitations are due
to the assumptions underlying the theory' of the method.
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate aquifer parameters that are to be used in e.g.
a numerical management model, the constant rate test is the most important test and is set as
minimum requirement for parameter estimation (Fig. 1.1). Although a slug test and step
drawdown (or multirate) test can also be conducted, it is not of much practical value. If the
interest is setting up a 3D numerical model, a number of piezometers must be installed (to
measure pressure heads and vertical K-values of each layer). One of the most important
factors of a constant rate test in this case is selecting the abstraction rate during the test. The
yield must be chosen in such a way that no main water-yielding structures will be dewatered
during the test.
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate the sustainable yield of a single borehole, it
is not necessary to use different analytical or numerical models to estimate aquifer
parameters. According to the definition of the sustainable yield, it is necessary only to obtain
the relationship between abstraction rate and drawdown in the borehole. Therefore as
minimum requirement for estimating sustainable yield, a minimum of one constant rate
test must be conducted, stressing the aquifer (Fig. 1.2). A step drawdown test with a
minimum duration of one hour is also set as minimum requirement. To get prior
information, a slug test can also be performed. However, it is normally not of much practical
value. One of the most important factors to consider is selecting an appropriate abstraction
rate, when performing a constant rate test. The yield must be chosen so that the main water
strike will be reached during the constant rate test.
Yes t ir
This is a condensed field guide explaining the different steps involved in planning and
executing a pumping test. For more detail on the different steps, Appendix A should be
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate aquifer parameters, Figure 1.1 gives
an indication of the steps that should be followed.
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate the long-term sustainable yield for a
borehole, Figure 1.2 gives an indication of the steps that should be followed.
When the scope of the test or tests are fixed in a contract between the party that requires the
test, the contractor who will perform the test and the geohydrologist who has to analyse the
test, the planning stage can start.
The first and most important step in the planning phase is to determine the kind of pumping
test (calibration test, slug test, step-drawdown test, multirate test, constant discharge test) and
to choose the abstraction and observation boreholes. The geohydrologist should visit the site
and check the chosen boreholes to make sure that the test can be performed in the suggested
The second step is to gather all information, which is available about the different boreholes
and the aquifer, to ensure the correct planning of the depth and abstraction rate for the pump.
Step third step in the planning phase is to gather the necessary equipment for the pumping
test and to check their ability to ensure the successful and accurate performing of the
pumping test.
The different steps and the responsibilities of the geohydrologist and the pump test contractor
are described in detail in Section 2.3.1.
Prior to installing the equipment for the pumping test, the abstraction borehole should be
checked for damages (e.g. incorrect depth, damaged casing, damaged column).
The best type of pump to be used for pumping tests is a positive displacement pump like the
Mono-type pump. The yield of this type of pump remains constant and will not change if the
water level drops. The main drawback of a positive displacement pump is that it is not easy
to specify a pre-selected abstraction rate. Submersible (negative displacement) pumps can be
used, but the abstraction rate will decrease with an increase in drawdown. It is, however, a
simple task to set an exact initial pumping rate.
The maximum yield of the pump must be chosen so that the drawdown, which is necessary to
achieve the goal of the pumping test, will be reached in time.
During the test measurements, the water levels in the chosen boreholes and the discharge rate
must be taken in fixed time intervals, which are prescribed by the geohydrologist in the
planning phase. The duration of the test, the chosen discharge rate and the conditions of the
measurements (manually, electronically) depend on the kind and the goal of the test.
Every measurement and observation on site should be recorded on the pump test form.
Especially changes in the condition of the test, like change of discharge rate, heavy rainfall or
interruptions of the test due to technical problems, must be recorded to ensure that the
geohydrologist can analyse this test correctly.
After finishing the test, the equipment should be removed from the borehole, cleaned or
decontaminated (if necessary) and the site should be left in the same condition than before the
test. The field data and all gathered information should be checked direct after the lest and
before beginning the analysis. Any question of uncertainty should be solved between the
pumping test contractor and the geohydrologist as soon as possible.
The different steps and the responsibilities of the geohydrologist and the pump test contractor
are described in detail in Sections 2.3.2 to 2.3.4.
In order to perform a successful pumping test the active participation of different people is
required. On the one hand there is the pumping test contractor who is responsible for
gathering the field data and on the other hand there is also the geohydrologist who is
responsible for the initial planning of the test as well as the evaluation and interpretation of
the field data. This guide will look at each person's responsibilities as well as the necessary
interaction between the two parties to ensure the success of the pumping test. Geohydrologist
The different tests that are to be performed must be determined before the
commencement of the testing and the minimum length of each test must be specified.
The geohydrologist must ensure that a proper contract exists between the interested
parties. On the one hand the party that requires the pumping test and on the other hand
the pumping test contractor that will perform the work. The scope of the work that is to
be performed should be described in detail.
The gcohydrologist must determine the exact position of the pumping test borehole as
well as the positions of possible observation boreholes. These positions should be
supplied to the pumping test contractor and during a site meeting these positions can be
mutually agreed upon.
a Existing pumping equipment and the removal and reinstallation of this equipment to
enable the contractor to perform the pumping test must be described in the contract.
a As much information as possible regarding the pumping borehole and the aquifer must be
gathered by the geohydrologist prior to the beginning of the pumping test. Information
on borehole logs, maps and aerial photographs, existing pumping tests, blow yields,
possible abstraction rales, positions of fractures as well as the depth of the borehole
should be obtained in order to assist the pumping test contractor.
a Enter into a proper contract to ensure payment and correct project information. Issues
such as the removal and reinstallation of existing equipment must be included in the
Obtain as much information as possible regarding the geology, borehole logs, blow
yields, possible abstraction rates, positions of fractures as well as the depth of the
borehole from the geohydrologist.
n Get permission from the owner of the property to perform the pumping test.
Gather the equipment to do the pumping test. A list of the equipment is included in
Appendix Al.
D Ensure that a pump, capable of pumping sufficient volumes of water for long enough
periods of time, is available to perform the testing,
a Borehole co-ordinates and numbers must be recorded.
a Arrange a site meeting with the geohydrologist. Locate the correct borehole that is to be
pump tested as well as the identified observation boreholes. If no observation boreholes
had been specified, locate possible observation boreholes in the vicinity of the designated
borehole to be pump tested.
a Remove existing pumping equipment from the designated abstraction borehole and make
notes about the condition and type of equipment as well as the depth of installation.
Determine the depth and diameter of the abstraction borehole as well as the observation
Measure the distances from the abstraction borehole to the different observation
boreholes as well as the collar heights above the natural ground level.
Q Measure the static water levels in the abstraction borehole as well as the observation
If no information regarding the blow yield is available, perform a slug test to get a first
estimate of the possible maximum yield of the pumping borehole. If the possible
maximum yield is found to be less than 0.3 L/s (guideline value), the geohydrologist must
be contacted and a decision whether to stop or continue with the testing must be taken.
a If testing is to continue, the pumping equipment should now be installed into the
abstraction borehole. The intake of the pump should be placed at the correct depth.
a Discharge piping must be attached to the pump to ensure that the water pumped from the
borehole is discharged away from the borehole. The length of discharge piping as
specified by the geohydrologist must be used.
Equipment to measure the amount of water that is pumped from the abstraction borehole
should be installed. The discharge from the pump should be measured and recorded at
regular intervals.
Q In some cases, electronic data logging equipment is prescribed to do water level
measurements. If prescribed, this equipment should now be installed. If not required,
water-level measurements can be taken with a dip tape and time intervals recorded with a
The actual pumping test can now start.
3 If the objective of the pumping test is to determine parameter values for the aquifer, the
pumping test contractor will proceed as follows:
As mentioned before, a slug test will be performed to give a first estimate of the
possible maximum yield for the borehole.
To perform a proper constant rate pumping test, the correct pumping rate should be
chosen. The pumping rate should allow for sufficient drawdown during the
constant rate test, without allowing the water level to reach the position of the main
water strike. To determine the optimum abstraction rate, the pump test contractor
will perform a short calibration test.
If the position of the main water strike or fracture is not known, a revised minimum
one-hour step drawdown test will be performed. No equal time steps are required
and the pumping rates can be increased at any time during the test. A flattening of
the water level usually indicates the positions of the fractures.
Next a constant rate pumping test must be performed. The abstraction rate should
not allow the water level to reach the position of the main water strike.
The duration of the constant rate pumping test must be long enough to ensure that
interpretable drawdown curves are obtained at the observation points (observation
boreholes). The minimum proposed duration of pumping should be approximately
8 hours (this is a guideline value - the geohydrologist must decide on the duration
of the test). If the impact of inner boundaries (extent of fracture, matrix) or outer
boundaries (no-flow or recharge boundaries) is to be estimated, the duration of the
constant rate pumping test should be several days.
Measure the recovery inside the abstraction borehole until the water level has
recovered to 95 percent of the original static water level. A recovery test is an
independent test without any external interferences and it can yield important
a If the objective of the pumping test is to determine the long-term sustainable yield for a
specific borehole, the pumping test contractor will proceed as follows:
As mentioned before, a slug test will be performed to give a first estimate of the
possible maximum yield for the borehole.
" To perform a proper constant rate pumping test, the correct pumping rate should be
chosen. In this case, the pumping rate should allow for as much drawdown as
possible during the constant rate test, ensuring that the water level will reach a
position below the main fracture. To determine the optimum abstraction rate, the
pump test contractor will perform a short calibration test.
If the position of the main water strike or fracture is not known, a revised minimum
one-hour step drawdown test will be performed. No equal time steps are required
and the pumping rates can be increased at any time during the test. The main
objective of this test is to identify fracture positions and to choose a suitable rate
for the constant rate pumping test. A flattening of the water level usually indicates
the positions of the fractures.
The pump test contractor will now proceed with a short duration constant rate test.
The objective is to drop the water level to the position of the main fracture within 8
hours. If this position is reached between 2 and 8 hours (guideline duration - the
Geohydrologist must decide on the duration), measuring of the recovery phase
could start. If not. a higher pumping rate must be chosen for the follow-up
constant rate pumping test. Many times it is impossible to lower the water level to
the main water strike due to the limitations of the pump in a 160 - 165 mm drilled
borehole. In this case the end drawdown level must be used as available
Measure the recovery inside the abstraction borehole until the water level has
recovered to 95 percent of the original static water level. A recovery test is an
independent test without any external interferences and it can yield important
a Proper water-level measurements should be taken in both the abstraction and observation
boreholes during testing. These measurements should be recorded on the prescribed data
sheets and the information should be handed to the geohydrologist on completion of the
tests. The discharge rate from the pump should also be measured regularly.
Additional information such as other pumping activities or abstractions during testing,
irrigation activities prior to testing, change in water colour and temperature as well as
visible boundaries, should be recorded. As much information as possible should be
supplied by the pump test contractor.
a If specified in the contract, the pump test contractor must take water samples. The
samples should be taken close to the end of testing and the samples should be submitted
to the geohydrologist. Geohydrologisi
3 The geohydrologist can visit the test site while the contractor is busy with the testing.
Control water-level measurements against time as well as discharge measurements from
the pump can be taken.
a The pumping test contractor must consult the geohydrologist on important issues such as
the duration and abstraction rate for the constant rale pumping test,
a The positions of the main fractures can be verified once the modified step drawdown test
had been performed. This should be done in conjunction with the geohydrologist.
3 The pump testing and water-level measuring equipment must be removed from the
3 It is the responsibility of the pump test contractor to ensure that the equipment installed
on the boreholes prior to testing be reinstalled to the same condition as before removal.
3 The terrain should be properly cleaned and it should be left in the same condition as
during the start of the test,
a The information gathered during the pumping test should be submitted, with a detailed
account for the work done, to the geohydrologist. Geohydrologist
3 The geohydrologist must obtain the results of the different pumping tests from the
pumping test contractor.
3 The raw data should be checked, edited and prepared before the tests can be analysed.
3 If the objective of the pumping test is to obtain parameter values for the aquifer the rules
and steps are given in Section 3.2.
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate a long-term sustainable yield for a
specific borehole the rules and steps are given in Section 3.3.
As stated in Chapter 1, the two main objectives of pumping test analysis are:
The main goal of this chapter is to suggest general guidelines for the practical geohydrogist
on how to perform and analyse a pumping test considering the two objectives. Every
borehole in a fractured-rock aquifer reacts differently, and therefore it is of no use to give one
general recipe on how to conduct and analyse pumping test data. In the end, the expert
analysing the test is totally responsible for the way in which the test is conducted and
analysed. He or she must use all their practical experience and knowledge to come up with
an answer. The aim is also to demonstrate the limitations of analytical analysis methods.
Usually, the limitations are due to the assumptions underlying the theory' of the method. In
the rural areas of SA, pumping tests are perfomied on a single well (due to the costs involved
in drilling observation boreholes). Single well tests have limitations, such as that no accurate
S-value can be estimated.
To analyse a pumping test correctly, the geohydrologist should be able to identify the
following important characteristics:
The correct geological conceptual model (for use of the correct analytical model).
Inner boundary conditions (i.e. well bore storage effects, well bore skin, fracture skin and
the lateral extent of the fracture or fracture zone).
Outer boundary conditions (i.e. especially no-flow boundaries but also fix head
Characteristic flow regimes (the choice of the correct part of the curve to be fitted by
looking at the flow dimension that prevails during that specific part of the test).
In the following sections, some guidelines and principles are given on how to perform and
analyse hydraulic tests in fractured aquifers for the above-mentioned goals and characteristics
to be achieved.
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate aquifer parameters that are to be used in e.g.
a numerical management model, the constant rate test is most important and is set as
minimum requirement for parameter estimation. Although a slug test and step drawdown
(or multirate) test can also be conducted, it is not of much practical value. If the interest is
setting up a 3D numerical model, a number of piezometers must be installed (to measure
pressure heads and vertical K-values of each layer). One of the most important factors of a
constant rate test in this case is selecting the abstraction rate during the test. The yield must
be chosen in such a way that no main water-yielding structures will be dewatered during the
where 1 is the time to achieve a 90% recovery of the water level in seconds and Q is the
abstraction rate in litre/hour. The relationship was derived for boreholes with a 160 mm
diameter and is valid for all aquifer types.
To locate the main water strike and choose a rate that will not allow the water level to
reach a fracture position, a minimum one-hour step drawdown test is suggested (the
duration of one hour is a general guideline and could be changed by the geohydrogist).
This suggested test is slightly different from the usual step drawdown test. Equal time
increments are normally selected, but in the proposed test, this is not important. Start
with a very low rate and increase the abstraction rate after any time (e.g. 5 minutes, 15
minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes). A flattening of water level will usually occur at the
position of a fracture.
For the constant discharge test, which is set as a minimum requirement, choose an
abstraction rate so that the drawdown in the abstraction borehole will not reach the
position of a fracture (if the position of a fracture is reached, the conditions could change
from confined (semi-confined) to unconfined which makes analysis of the data extremely
The duration of the test must be long enough to ensure that interpretable drawdown
curves are obtained at the observation points (observation boreholes and piezometers).
The minimum duration of pumping is approximately S hours (guideline duration that
could be changed). If the impact of inner (extent of fracture, matrix) or outer boundaries
(no-flow or recharge boundaries) is to be estimated, the duration of the constant rate test
should be several davs.
Diagnostic plots (e.g. log-log and derivatives) can assist when identifying the different
characteristic flow regimes (e.g. WBS, linear, bilinear, semi-radial flow as well as
boundary conditions - see Chapter 2, Part B).
Construct the most suitable conceptual model for the aquifer considering the above and
the geology (it is not always possible to identify the type of flow. Matching different
models with the data could shed more light on the problem).
Select the most suitable analytical model (e.g. double porosity, single fracture of
infinite or finite conductivity) and use the TPA program (including skin factors and
boundary' conditions) to fit the measured drawdown and recovery data. Time drawdown
data associated with flow period representative of typical fractured behaviour for the
aquifer can only be analysed using one of the analytical models discussed in Chapter 2,
If the fractured aquifer reacts as a homogeneous porous aquifer, the Theis or Cooper-
Jacob methods can be used to estimate parameters. Remember that the Theis method is
only applicable in the case of radial acting flow (flow dimension = 2; i.e. where the
derivative is a horizontal line parallel to the time axis. This is usually at late times of the
pumping test, if a boundary was not reached). The estimated T- and S-values represent
the entire aquifer without differentiating between fracture and matrix (i.e. some average
value for the formation).
No unique estimation of hydraulic parameters is possible from hydraulic tests
without knowledge of the flow geometry (i.e. flow dimension).
For more accurate fits, a 3D numerical model must be used (see e.g. Chiang and
Riemann, 2001). The numerical models are not without problems and the solutions will
depend on the conceptual model constructed for the aquifer.
Measurements during the recovery phase must never be omitted and should be analysed
independently. Application of the Cooper-Jacob or Theis method to the radial acting
flow phase of the recover)' data, gives the T-value of the formation.
As a first estimate of the T-value of the formation, the Logan equation can be used:
T (m2/d)=1.22Q/s , where Q = abstraction rate in mVd and s is the drawdown at the end
of the test. A qualified guess of the T-value can also be obtained if the maximum yield
of the borehole is known [T (m2/d) = 10*Q, where Q is measured in L/s].
After analysing pumping tests in fractured-rock aquifers with a numerical 3D model, Chiang
and Riemann (2001) made the following suggestions to estimate the aquifer parameters with
the Cooper-Jacob or Theis methods:
In the case of a vertical fracture, situated along a dyke, the comparison of the results from
the numerical model with the analytical methods shows the relationship between the different
aquifer features. To use analytical methods for parameter estimating in a case of a vertical
fracture is more complicated than for a horizontal fracture, because more than one aquifer
system are involved.
As discussed in Chapter 2, Part B, most of the analytical models have inherent problems and
limitations. Therefore they have to be used with caution. Some important limitations, which
are valid for all or almost all methods, are listed below:
All analytical models for fractured-rock aquifers assume confined conditions (a very strict
condition) which is usually violated in pumping tests in SA fractured aquifers. Mostly the
main fracture zone (horizontal or vertical) is connected with the surface or a phreatic
aquifer above through smaller perpendicular fractures, which implies semi-confined or
unconfined conditions in the fracture zone.
It is important to make sure of the assumptions underlying each analytical model before
applying it to the time drawdown or time recover)' data.
When a fracture is dewatered, the aquifer system at that point has changed from confined
(or semi-confined) to unconfined, resulting in the T-value decreasing (the slope in the
diagnostic plots before and after reaching the fracture position is normally not the same).
The T-value estimated with any analytical technique for an observation borehole situated
in the tight part of the matrix formation or which is badly connected to the fracture, will
usually yield a too high T-value. Here a correct estimation is only possible when using a
3D numerical model.
The estimated S-value will show distance dependency in single fracture or double
porosity aquifers if analysed with an analytical model. If a single fracture model is used,
the fracture half-length must replace the observation distance. For an abstraction borehole
situated in a double porosity aquifer, the effective borehole radius must be used as
observation distance.
The estimation of a reliable S-value with an analytical model is currently still
problematic. The use of a numerical model to estimate an accurate S-value is the best
option (if the correct conceptual model is used).
If the T-(or K-) value of a matrix is very small (orders smaller than that of the fracture),
the drawdown in matrix piezometers will show a delayed response (i.e. after abstraction
has ceased, the hydraulic level will still show a drawdown). This behaviour can only be
seen if the fracture has a limited extent (i.e. acting like a closed boundary). Analysing this
type of time drawdown data is not possible using an analytical method. A 3D numerical
model must be used.
The non-uniqueness of the double porosity analytical model seriously restricts the
practical applications of these models when interpreting pumping test data for fractured-
rock aquifers. Heterogeneous aquifers in which the layers have highly contrasting flow
characteristics will react as a double porosity aquifer.
The two-dimensional numerical model, RPTSOLV, can be used to estimate the S-value.
Whether outer boundaries will have an influence on the time drawdown behaviour
depends on the radius of influence. As a first estimate of the radius of influence of a
borehole, the following equation can be used:
where T is the transmissivity (m2/d), t is the time (d) and S is the storativity.
Equation (3.2) can determine if a no-flow boundary will have an influence on the time
drawdown data. If a no-flow boundary intersects the same fracture as the abstraction
borehole, the time drawdown data will show the influence of the no-flow boundary. The
reason for this is the T-value of the fracture is usually very high (in the order of hundreds or
thousands) while the storage coefficient is very small (e.g. in the order of 10"5). If the no-
flow boundary does not intersect the same fracture as the abstraction borehole, its influence
will normally not be seen in pumping test as the drawdown wave propagates with the T-value
of the matrix (which is much smaller than that of the fracture) and the S-value of the matrix
which is very high (usually in the order of 1(T3). The radius of influence in an aquifer with a
matrix T-value of 5 m:/d and S=0.005 is 82 m, after a time of 3 days of pumping. This
implies that a no-flow boundary situated 100 m away from the abstraction borehole will not
have an influence on the time drawdown data after only three days of pumping.
An upward trend in the time drawdown data after a certain time is normally interpreted as the
influence of a no-flow boundary, and this can be incorrect. This is because the end of the
fracture zone was attained during the pumping test and the steeper drawdown is due to the
lower T-value of the matrix.
If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate the sustainable yield of a single borehole, it
is not necessary to use different analytical or numerical models to estimate aquifer
parameters. According to the definition of sustainable yield, it is only necessary to obtain the
relationship between the abstraction rate and drawdown in the borehole. Therefore as
minimum requirement for estimating the sustainable yield, a minimum of one constant rate
test must be conducted, stressing the aquifer. A step drawdown test with the minimum
duration of one hour is set as minimum requirement. To get prior information, a slug test
can also be performed. However, it is normally not of much practical value. One of the most
important factors is selecting an appropriate abstraction rate, when performing a constant rate
test. The yield must be chosen so that the main water strike will be reached during the
constant rate test.
The sustainable yield is defined as the discharge rate that will not cause the water level in the
borehole to drop below a prescribed limit (usually the position of a major water strike). To
estimate the sustainable yield for a single borehole, the following general guidelines should
be followed (as listed in Fig. 1.2, Chapter 1):
It is important to note that one cannot select the duration of the constant rate test
beforehand. It is dangerous and not cost-effective to decide beforehand that a test, of say
72 hours, is required. The minimum duration of the test must be at least 2 hours but
preferably no longer than 8 hours (guideline duration). The idea is thus to choose an
abstraction rate for which all the important characteristics can be seen within an 8-hour
If there is no blow yield information for the borehole, use a slug test (Eq. 3.1) to obtain a
first estimate of the yield. A calibration test could be performed, but it is not set as a
minimum requirement
The conductance of a minimum one-hour step drawdown test is set as a minimum
requirement (see point under 3.2 above). As previously discussed under Section 3.2,
there is no reason for the selected time increments to be constant. The main objective of
the test is to identify fracture positions and to choose a suitable rate for the constant rate
test. If a non-linear well loss coefficient has to be estimated, the Helweg method (Helweg,
1994) can be used. The FC-program also uses the data of this test to estimate a
sustainable yield for the borehole (non-linear FC-method - see Part B, Chapter 4).
The only way that an abstraction borehole can dry up is if the water level in the borehole
drops below the main water strike. It is therefore important to stress the aquifer during
the constant rate test, ensuring that the water level reaches the main water strike after
some time (this time must not be too short, preferably after more than 2 hours).
For sustainable yield estimations, at least one short duration constant rate test is
proposed as minimum requirement. The objective is to drop the water level to the
position of the main fracture within 8 hours. If this position is reached between 2 and 8
hours, the measurement of the recovery phase could start. If not, a higher rate must be
chosen for the following constant rate test.
It is frequently impossible to lower the water level to the main water strike due to the
limitations of the pump in a 160 mm drilled borehole. Using this end drawdown value as
available drawdown will give a conservative value for the "safe" yield of the borehole. A
better option is to use the geometric mean of the end drawdown and the distance to the
main water strike as available drawdown (see Section 3.3.3).
It is very important that a water sample be analysed to see if the water is fit for human
consumption (the FC-program contains a sheet for chemistry input and dividing the water
into one of the five different classes according to the DWA&F classification system).
For estimating the sustainable yield of the borehole, the minimum requirement (for
DWA&F) is using the FC-program.
The FC-program will estimate the sustainable yield of the borehole for 24 hours per day
by using different methods. If the owner of the borehole only wants to abstract water, for
say, 8 hours per day, the FC-program will estimate a rate according to the reduced
pumping hours per da)'.
The main objective is to recommend an abstraction rate for the borehole so that the water
level in the borehole does not reach a specified position after a long time of abstraction
(minimum of 1 year and maximum o^ 5 years for arid regions) without taking recharge
into account.
The distances and production rates of other boreholes in the area must be supplied to the
FC-program, which then estimates a sustainable yield by taking these influences into
After estimating the sustainable yield for a large number of boreholes in fractured-rock
aquifers, it was found that, as a first approximation, the sustainable yield is usually in the
order of 20 to 25% of the blow yield of the borehole if the blow yield is less than 20 L/s.
For blow yields higher than 20 L/s, the estimated sustainable yields were in the order of
15 to 20% of the blow yield.
Monitoring the water level during the operation phase is of the utmost importance
because of the uncertainty in the recommendation of the production abstraction rate.
There are some limitations when using analytical methods to estimate the sustainable yield:
The sustainable yield estimate is non-unique and will depend on the abstraction rate
during the constant rate test (the higher the rate the lower the sustainable yield, and vice
versa). Also remember that the relationship between drawdown and abstraction rate is
usually non-linear. This is due to the fact that fractures are dewatered faster at the higher
rate and that the effective T-value will be smaller.
If the drawdown curve shows an increasing slope, it is usually due to (i) dewatering of
fractures or (ii) reaching the lateral extent of the fracture with the result that the effective
T-value will become smaller and finally converge to the T-value of the matrix.
It is important to consider the choice of the available drawdown in the abstraction
borehole for the estimation of a sustainable abstraction rate for the borehole (see Section
If there are more than one abstraction boreholes in the aquifer system, the sum of the
sustainable yields for all boreholes must not be higher than the annual recharge for the
The choice of the available drawdown is one of the most critical parameters for sustainable
yield estimations. Guidelines for the choice of the available drawdown is as follow:
Position of main water strike, if this position was reached during the constant rate test.
Position where the drawdown graph showes a sharp increase.
If the position of the main water strike was not reached during the test, the best option in
most cases would be to take the geometric mean of the end drawdown value of the test
and the distance to the main water strike (measured from the rest water level) as available
drawdown. If the end drawdown is used as available drawdown, a conservative
sustainable yield will be estimated, while using the distance to the main water strike as
available drawdown could result in an over-estimate of the sustainable yield (especially in
the case of a deep water strike). An easy way to estimate the geometric mean of two
values is to take the square root of the product of the two values.
Position of the first water strike if there is a possibility of clogging [e.g. due to elevated
iron levels (iron bacteria and biofouling), calcite depositing, etc.] and also permanent
deformation in especially weak sandstone formations.
Also consider the recovery data to decide if the borehole has recovered completely. If the
recovery data show a horizontal flattening at a late time, it indicates that the fracture
system acts like a semi-closed boundary (i.e. very low formation T). If the recovery has
not reached the rest water level (RWL) after an equivalent time than the duration of the
pumping, the available drawdown must be corrected with the difference (e.g. if the RWL
- 24 m and the recovery water level = 22 m after an equivalent recovery time as the
pumping test, 2 m must be subtracted from the available drawdown value).
For dolomitic aquifers an available drawdown of 5 m would normally be a good choice
(sinkholes could form if the drawdown is more).
The FC-program recommends a value for the available drawdown, but the user has the option
to overwrite this value.
The identification of characteristic flow regimes is very important for both parameter and
sustainable yield estimation. The following figures show some of the most important flow-
characteristics and how to identify them from constant rate pumping tests:
Derivative Plot
Closed no-flow
boundary (Slope=1 fit)
Double no-flow
/ \
.* Single no-flow boundary
c \
Q Infinite acting
* radial flow
Well bore *
storage slope=1 /
Double Recharge boundary
porosity dip
o.i 10 1000
Fig. 3.1 Flow diagnostics obtainable from the derivative plot (YVBS is showing as a siope -1 line fit; radial acting
flow = horizontal line; closed no-flow boundary = line with slope 1 at late time; one no-flow boundary =
doubling of derivative value at most).
Dewaiered fractures
0.1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (min)
Fig. 3.2 Derivative plot if fractures were dewatered during the test (at the position of a fracture the derivative is
going down and after the fracture has been dewatered, the derivative is going up).
Linear and bilinear flow can easily he identified from a log-log plot (linear flow = line with
slope=0.5 fit and bilinear flow = line with slope =0.25 fit).
Examples, applying the different analytical methods for parameter estimation to case studies,
are given in Chapter 2, Part B. This section will therefore concentrate on estimating the
borehole sustainable yield for a few case studies.
Borehole Ml 1 was drilled along a dolerite dyke with the main water strike 30 m below the
rest water level, which is situated at 22 m below surface. The dolerite dyke was intersected at
28 m below the rest water level At 30 m below the rest water level a water strike of 4 L/s
was encountered in the dolerite. Two constant rate tests were performed on Ml 1 - one at 3
L/s and the other at 7 L/s. Fig. 3.3 shows the pumping test results as well as the information
on the water strikes.
Time (min)
Water 1 10 1O0 1000
strikes 0 -,
T = 170 m^d
- - - -
1 Us
-V 7 L/s
5 - - 3 Us
0.5 Us
0 3 Us
N \\ T = 20 m*/d
I 15 -
0.3 Us 1 \
25 -
4 Us
30 -
Fig. 3.3 Pumping test results and water strike information of borehole M i l on tlie Meadhurst Test
It is clear from Fig. 3.3 that the results from the two abstraction rates produced different
drawdown curves. The estimated T-value with the 3 L/s abstraction rate is 170 m2/d, while
the estimated T-value for the 7 L/s second abstraction rate is 20 m2/d. At a rate of 7 L/s, the
fractures could not sustain the abstraction rate with the result that the estimated T-value of 20
m2/d is the formation T-value, while the lower rate gives a T-value more representative of the
fractures. Very interesting is the fact that a long duration pumping test performed on borehole
Ml, which is situated 88 m from Ml I along the same dyke, also gave a formation T-value of
20 nr/d.
The distance from the rest water level to the position of the main water strike is 30 m and this
position was not reached during both tests. To investigate further, three different available
drawdown values were used in estimating the sustainable yield of borehole Ml 1 for both the
low and high abstraction rate, namely: (a) the position of the main water strike, (b) the end
drawdown of the test and (c) the geometric mean of (a) and (b). Fig. 3.4 shows the estimated
sustainable yields with the FC-program for each of these choices as available drawdown.
T 14 - AD=enc) drawdown
12 AD=Geomstric mean
D" "
10 - BAD^Water strike
"ro 4-
3 7
Abstraction rate (L/s) during test
Fig. 3.4 Estimated sustainable yields for borehole Mil by using different choices for the available
If the geometric mean of the end drawdown of the tests and the position of the main
water strike is used as available drawdown, much more realistic values for the
sustainable yield are estimated, i.e. 3.7 and 2.5 L/s for the low and high rate tests
Using the information of the 7 L/s constant rate test, it can be concluded that the sustainable
yield of Mil most probably lies between 1.9 and 3.4 L/s. The sustainable yield of 2.5 L/s
estimated from the 7 L/s test by using the geometric mean as available drawdown is a good
recommended abstraction rate for borehole Mil if no other boreholes are in operation in the
vicinity of Ml 1. Actually, two other production boreholes are in operation, and on including
their effect, the FC-program estimated the sustainable yield for M i l as 1.93 L/s. The owner
of borehole Ml 1 is operating this borehole at a rate of 2.8 L/s for 8 hours per day to irrigate
lucerne. Weekly monitoring of this borehole has shown that the recommended abstraction
rate is a sustainable one.
This example clearly illustrates the non-uniqueness of the sustainable yield estimate if the
position of the main water strike is not reached during the test. The best option in such cases
is to use the geometric mean of the end drawdown and the position of main water strike as
available drawdown.
Fig. 3.5 shows the constant pumping test performed on borehole Solo 4 in the Northern
Province at a rate of 6.7 L/s. The only water strike in this borehole was at a depth of 9 m
below the rest water level and this position was reached after 3 min., which was too quick.
After 400 min. the fracture was dewatered and the water level jumped to the pump inlet. No
reliable sustainable yield can be estimated from this constant rate test. In a case where the
main fracture position is reached within a very short time, the best option is to stop the
constant rate test and repeat it at a lower rate.
25 -
Drawdown (m)
20 -
15 -
10 -
n 4
Time (min)
Fig. 3.5 Constant rale test data obtained for the Solo 4 borehole showing that the main fracture
position was reached too quickly for a reliable sustainable yield estimate
Fig. 3.6 shows the constant rate test data from borehole B427, drilled in an extensional dip
slip fault at the margin of a half-graben (borehole sited and pump tested by Karim Sami). The
blow yield of the borehole was more than 50 L/s and the abstraction rate during the constant
rate test was 23.4 L/s (it was not possible to use a bigger pump due to the radius of the
borehole of 160 mm).
10 -
, . "
n1 -
I 10 100 1000 10000
Time (min)
Fig. 3.6 Constant rate pumping tests data of borehole B427 drilled into a fault zone
The drawdown after 3 days of pumping was only 2.35 m (the main water strike was at 44 m
below the rest water level). It is very difficult in this case to estimate the sustainable yield of
the borehole because of the small drawdown readied at the end of the test. If the end
drawdown of 2.35 m is used as available drawdown, the FC-program estimates the
sustainable yield of the borehole as 6 L/s, which is probably too conservative. If the
geometric mean (i.e. 10 m) of the end drawdown (i.e. 2.35 m) and the true available
drawdown (i.e. 44 m) is used, the FC-program obtaines a value of 21 L/s as the sustainable
yield for borehole B427. Sami (pers. comm.) recommended a production rate of 10 L/s for
this borehole.
This example also illustrates the uncertainty in the sustainable yield estimate if the drawdown
reached at the end of the test is much less than the distance to the main water strike.
In all the above cases more than one constant rate test was conducted on the borehole. This is
to illustrate that a reliable sustainable yield could still be estimated in cases where the main
water strike is relatively shallow and if the geometric available drawdown is used as available
drawdown in the FC-program.
Table 3.1 lists the borehole information together with the abstraction rates used during the
constant rate pumping tests.
Table 3.1 Borehole information, abstraction rates used during the two tests and the end
drawdown value of each test
Borehole Geology Main Qi Q2 End drawdown
water (L/s) (L/s) during tests (m)
strike (b
Ml Dolerite/ 14 1.5 2.0 4.24 and 6.98
Zonnebloem 1 Mudstone 13 14 19 5.9 and 9.98
Zonnebloem 2 Mudsione 13 15 35 4.1 and 12.28
Khorixas Calcrete 10 1.66 4.16 4.7 and 15.0
By using the geometric mean of the position of the main water strike and the end drawdown
value reached during each test, the FC-program estimated the sustainable yields for the
boreholes as shown in Fig. 3.7.
Low rate
High rate
Fig.3.7 Estimated sustainable yields for the boreholes in Table 3.1 using two abstraction rates for
the constant raft tests
All boreholes in these examples have relatively shallow water strikes and for such cases,
using the geometric mean value as available drawdown, would usually give a reliable
sustainable yield estimate, even for a constant rate test where the position of the main water
strike was not reached.
During January 199S one of the strongest boreholes in SA was drilled on the farm
Bosehkloof near Citrusdal (borehole sited by Rowena Hay of Umvoto Africa CC). At a
depth of 154 m below surface, a large fracture zone in the underlying quartzitic sandstone
formation was intersected. The blow yield of the borehole was in excess of 120 L/s and the
temperature of the water was 28 C. Fig. 3.8 shows the flushing of the water from this
borehole by compressed air during the drilling process.
Fig. 3.8 Groundwatcr flushing from borehole BKl at Boschkloof at a rate of more than 120 L/s
A constant rate pumping test at 27 L/s was performed on BKl and Fig. 3.9 shows the
measured drawdown for a period of 4320 minutes.
Fig. 3.9 Constant rate pumping tests data of borehole BKl at Boschkloof
The drawdown at the end of the test was only 10.12 m, which was far above the main water
strike of 154 m.
Using the end drawdown of 10.12 m as available drawdown, the FC-program
estimated the sustainable yield of BKl as 9 L/s, which is by far an under-estimate of
the "safe" yield of BKl.
By using the position of the main water strike (154 m; borehole was artesian) as
available drawdown, a far too high sustainable yield of 130 L/s was obtained.
Using the geometric mean (i.e. 39.5 m) of the end drawdown and 154 m as available
drawdown, a sustainable yield of 34 L/s was estimated.
With the information from the constant rate test, the sustainable yield of BK1 most probably
lies between 9 and 34 L/s (a value closer to 34 L/s will be more correct as the 9 L/s was
obtained with an available drawdown of only 10.12 m, which is much less than the "true"
available drawdown of 154 m).
A step drawdown test of four steps was also conducted on BKl and applying the FC-
nonlinear method (see Chapter 4, Part B) to the step data, a relative good fit (see Fig. 3.10)
was obtained by using Eq. (4.8) in Chapter 4, Part B, and the estimated sustainable yield was
30 L/s.
observed data
The abstraction rate during the constant rate was 27 L/s and the yields estimated with the FC-
program are a bit more than this value. The recovery data also show that the borehole has
recovered to the original rest water level within 3 days. The best option in this case would be
to use the rate of 27 L/s as production rate. Only monitoring will show if this recommended
rate was correct. Four other boreholes were also drilled in the vicinity of BKl, and if it is
planned to put them into operation, the influence that BKl will have on them, must be
included when a sustainable yield is estimated for each of them.
The most reliable sustainable yield will be estimated if the position of the main water strike
was reached during the constant rate test. Using the end drawdown of the constant rate test as
available drawdown, a conservative sustainable yield would usually be estimated. If the
position of the main water strike was not reached during the test, a good choice would be to
use the geometric mean of the end drawdown and position of the main water strike in the case
of relative shallow main water strikes. For very deep water strikes, and if the end drawdown
during the test was still far above the main water strike, using the geometric mean, could lead
to an over-estimation of the sustainable yield.
In the FC-program the user has the choice to obtain an estimate of the sustainable yield of a
borehole with the following methods:
The program also estimates the standard deviation of the estimates obtained with all the
methods. In the case of the Advanced FC-method, a risked-based sustainable yield is
estimated. To apply the advanced method, the user must know the possible range of the
distances to no-flow boundaries and the range of T- and S-values. The program then
estimates a 68 or 95 % certainty sustainable yield.
To extrapolate the drawdown measured in an abstraction borehole to a very long period (e.g.
2 years) from data of a pumping test of maximum 3 days remains uncertain. The importance
of water-level monitoring during the actual operational phase of the borehole could not be
stressed enough. Monitoring must always be an integral part of aquifer management.
Two software packages were developed or enhanced during the current study:
FC (Flow Characteristic method).
TPA (Test Pumping Analysis).
TPA is a windows program in DELPHI and was written by Ingo Bardenhagen as part of his
Ph.D. study at the Institute for Groundwater Studies, while Gerrit van Tonder, Harald
Kunstmann and Yongxin Xu developed the original FC_EXCEL spreadsheet for the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (SA).
During the current project, the FC software was enhanced and includes the following
Porous aquifer solutions (Theis, Cooper-Jacob I and II and Hantush methods and also a
solution for water-table aquifers).
Step drawdown and multirate analyses,
Fractal pumping test analysis (Barker's Generalized Radial Flow Model).
Slug test analysis (Bouwer and Rice method).
Estimation of a risk-based sustainable yield of a borehole by using drawdown derivatives,
boundary information and error propagation.
Testing of the suitability of the water according to the Classes used by the DWAF.
Different diagnostic plots for flow regime identification (e.g. derivatives, second
derivatives, log-log (Theis)-plot, lin-log (Cooper-.lacob)-plot, square root of time plot,
fourth root of time plot, spherical and recovery plot).
Delineation of borehole protection zones in fractured aquifers.
The main emphasis of the FC program is to estimate a risk-based sustainable yield for a
borehole by using different methods.
TPA was developed with the aim to fit pumping test data in fractured aquifers and include
the following fractured aquifer methods:
Double porosity aquifer (Moench method).
Solutions for single vertical and horizontal fractures (Gringarten, Kazemi, Warren and
Root and Stallman, including uniform flux, finite conductive and infinite conductive
fractures as well as boundary conditions and a solution for a dyke aquifer).
Porous solutions.
Diagnostic plots.
TPA was specially developed as a curve fitting procedure for pumping tests performed
in fractured-rock aquifers to estimate aquifer parameters.
It is well recognised that on a theoretical basis the best method to obtain fractured-rock
aquifer parameters is by the use of a 3D-numerical model, like MODFLOW. However, the
data required for such a numerical model may not always be available and the application of
the model also requires an experience user and the construction of the correct conceptual
model for the geological set up. The emphasis of this document will thus be on the
application of analytical procedures to analyse pumping test data.
Fig. 1.1 shows a flow chart of how to use Part B of the document.
Estimation of Estimation of
Aquifer Parameters Sustainable Yield
Guidelines for Pumping Tests for Guideline for Pumping Tests for
Aquifer Parameter Estimation Sustainable Yield Estimation
(refer to Part A, 3.2) (refer to Part A. 3.3)
Readers that are interested in all the analytical methods and the different flow diagnostics are
referred to Chapter 2. Chapter 3 focuses on the estimation of the sustainable yield of a
borehole, while Chapter 4 is devoted to variable rate tests and non-linear relationships
between drawdown and abstraction rate. Chapter 5 deals with the delineation of borehole
protection zones in fractured aquifers and in Chapter 6 the reader can find recommendations
concluded from this manual.
Pumping tests are the most important experiments for the aquifer investigation in the
groundwater industry. They are the only method that provides simultaneous information on
the hydraulic behaviour of the well, the reservoir and the reservoir boundaries, which are
essential for an efficient aquifer and well field management.
The complex situation in fractured aquifers requires a decent understanding of the drawdown
behaviour if reliable reservoir information is desired. This can be achieved by a detailed
diagnosis of drawdown and recovery data in combination with a conceptual model of the
geological set-up. The computer programs FC (Flow Characteristic) and TPA (Test Pumping
Analysis) were designed for this purpose. They provide powerful tools for the detailed
diagnostic and analysis of the pumping test data, and a simulator that can be used for a
forward modelling of test curves in the case of TPA. The simulator offers solutions for
primary' aquifers like confined, leaky, delayed response and two aquifers including the
influences from reservoir boundaries, well bore storage and partial penetration. In the case of
fractured aquifers, solutions for double porosity, single vertical and horizontal fractures with
finite and infinite conductivity and generalised radial flow, along with the influences of
reservoir boundaries, well bore storage and partial penetration are supplied.
This chapter will concentrate only on the special diagnosis and analysis techniques for
fractured aquifers because the standard methods, derived for porous media (i.e. Theis and
Cooper-Jacob), cannot be applied correctly in many cases, as discussed in Section 2.8. It will
demonstrate the diagnostic tools and methodologies available to identify the different flow
phases that can occur during a pumping test in a fractured environment. Theoretical examples
and field data will be presented to illustrate and discuss the limits of each derived solution.
Characteristic for fractured aquifers is the fact that most of the water flows along fractures.
Those fractures are usually embedded in porous matrix blocks (sandstone) or micro fissured
blocks (quartzite), which are low permeable compared to the fracture conductivity, but
capable to store water in the uncountable pores or micro fractures. In extreme cases, the
blocks between the fractures are so low permeable (granite) that very little water can be
exchanged between fracture network and matrix, which is then called 'inert'.
The fracture connectivity describes the interconnection between fractures in a given volume
of rock, which is a function of the fracture length and fracture density. Generally, the fracture
network continuity of a rock volume increases with increasing fracture length and fracture
density (Long and Witherspoon, 1985).
The conductivity contrast between fracture and matrix can diminish or increase the
continuous behaviour of a fracture network. Wei et ah (1998), by means of numerical
modelling, observed linear flow in a well situated in a parallel fracture system, embedded in a
matrix with a high conductivity contrast between fracture (Kf) and matrix (K) conductivities
(Kj/K = 10000). The same fracture distribution with a lower contrast (Kf/K = 100) resulted in
a long bilinear flow phase followed by a radial flow phase. A similar situation was observed
in a perpendicular two-dimensional fracture network with low contrast, whereas using a high
contrast, the system behaved a homogeneous media alike.
The storage of a single fracture or a fracture cluster is very limited, which can be
demonstrated by the following calculation:
Vr = 1 hf b = 2000m 2 0 0 H ; 0.002m = SOOm3
Vf = fracture volume [L3]
If = fracture length [L]
h = fracture height [L]
b = fracture aperture [L]
A well located in such a fracture that pumps at a rate of 10 nr/h would empty it within 80
hours. Under real world conditions, this is usually not the case because the matrix, where the
fracture is embedded, is drained by the fracture which, in this instance, acts as a conduit.
However, in both extremes the continuum and the single fracture case have very
characteristic flow and drawdown behaviour that can be observed during pumping tests and
will be presented in the following section.
Small rock
Large rock REV
Fig. 2.1 The representative elementary volume REV of a fractured rock is considered as
hydraulic-ally homogeneous (continuously fractured). A volume of rock larger than the REV
would maintain the same hydraulic properties, but not a smaller volume
The Poiseuille equation or 'cubic law' governs the laminar flow within a single fracture
(Witherspoon et a/., 1979). This law is a special case of the 'Darcian Law', which is written
Q-K-^-A (2.1,
Q = flow through the area A [UT] ]
A = through-flow area [L2]
Ah = potential or head difference over the length of interest 1 [L]
A! = length of interest [L]
K = hydraulic conductivity [LT1]
In the 'cubic law', the hydraulic conductivity is defined as K = (2b)2 pg /12|i [L/T] and A =
bh [L2]. Replacing K and A in Eq. (2.1):
J-// A/
b = aperture or width of the fracture [L]
h = height of the fracture [L]
Eq. (2.2) represents the Poiseuille equation, which is valid for laminar flow or Reynold
numbers smaller than 2300 (Wendland, 1996). It shows that the rate Q is a function of the
cube of the fracture aperture, hence the name 'cubic law'.
Taking into consideration Eq. (2.2), the cone of depression produced by a pumped well at a
certain point P(r,z) in a fracture continuum, can be described by the following diffusivity
equation in cylindrical co-ordinates (Moench and Ogata, 19S4):
r dh(r,t)
r dr dr 02 Ot
h = hydraulic head [L]
r = distance from P to the well [LI with r > rtt
r w = drilled radius [L]
z = vertical position of P [L]
K = conductivity of the continuum fracture network [LT'1]
Kv = vertical conductivity of the fracture network [LT"1]
Ss = specific storage coefficient of the reservoir [L"1]
qb - additional source function
In a fully penetrating well, the hydraulic head does not vary with depth. Therefore, the
second term on the left-hand side in Eq. (2.3J becomes zero and the equation reduces to an
ordinary linear inhomogeneous differential equation.
The solutions of Eq. (2.3) that will be discussed in this article were derived by several
authors, using either the Laplace transformation or Green's functions under different
boundary conditions.
The Laplace transformation L, applied to the hydraulic head function h(t), is often used to
solve radial symmetric boundary conditions. It reads
In 2 /In 2
N = even number
i,k = integer values
The advantage of the algorithm lies in the fact that V, is calculated only once for a given even
number N, becoming hence very fast. Stehfest (1970) and Walton (1996) report that the
quality of the results decreases with increasing number of N due to rounding errors. For this
reason solutions derived in TPA use a range of N from 4 to 26 depending on the time interval
Green's functions were first applied to boundary flow problems in fractured aquifers by
Gringarten and Ramey (1973) and have the advantage that two source functions can be
combined by simply multiplication, which is known as the Newman product. Using this
technique, Gringarten ci al. (1974) and Gringarten and Ramey (1974) derived solutions for
the drawdown in wells situated in single vertical and horizontal fractures. The drawdown
solutions for pumping wells located in vertical fractures with uniform flux and infinite flux
are generally analytically derived, whereas in most cases the drawdown in observation wells
within the matrix is numerically determined.
The following flow types can occur during pumping tests in fractured reservoirs (Barker
Linear flow.
Radial flow.
Spherical flow.
The typical geological features where linear flow is obsen'ed are subvertical fractures, faults,
or dykes. The different flow phases that can be distinguished during pumping tests in those
features are listed below (Fig 2.2):
Linear fracture flow is observed when the feature has a finite conductivity and is either
embedded in an inert fomiation (matrix) or in a low conductive fomiation (Boehmer and
Boonstra, 1986; Cinco-Ley and Samaniego, 1981).
If the matrix is permeable enough, the linear flow in the fracture is superposed by a
perpendicular linear flow from the fomiation to the fracture. This flow situation is
described as the 'bilinear flow' (Cinco-Ley and Samaniego, 1978).
Linear flow from the formation to the fracture in the case of infinite conductive single
features with negligible storage (Gringarten et al., 1974).
Linear fracture flow Bilinear flow
v > ,
i n Ii^i n n
Linear formation flow f * \
Radial-acting flow-
Fig. 22 Different flow phases observed in a single fracture of finite extension embedded in an infinite
formation (adapted from Home, 1997)
A special case of bilinear flow occurs in reservoirs that consist of a continuous fracture
network embedded in porous matrix blocks (Fig. 2.3), which is known as double porosity
reservoir (Barenblatt et ah, 1960) or naturally fractured reservoir (Mavor and Cinco,
Aquifer top
A. -
- *
* *
+ i i i t i + 4 + + i
*> *
t t + t t t t + t t t t
+ i i i i + 4 1 + i ;
t + t t t t t t t t t i
+ + 4 t 1 + i I i i i
Aquifer boiiom
Potential line
"Start of
radial flow
Fig. 2.4 REN' for a single vertical fracture with infinite conductivity. An observation point beyond the
grey area would show only radial-acting flow behaviour
The characteristic distance or dimension of the REV for a single fracture embedded in an
infinite matrix equals 5 times the fracture's half-length Xf (Fig. 2.4). An observation well
located outside of the REV will show only radial-acting flow as the characteristic flow
behaviour (Fig. 2.5). In instances where the REV coincides with the drilled radius rw, any
observation well will show radial-acting flow. Such observation data can then be analysed
with methods usually applied to primary aquifers. For observations within the REV, the
influence of the fracture network must be considered.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.5 Whether the influences of a fracture network can be observed or not depends on the location
of the observation point. Is the REV smaller than the drilled radius (a) or is the observation
well distance (b) equal or further apart than the REV, the influence of the fracture network
cannot be observed and the drawdown curve will follow a Theis curve. Therefore, in the
sketch of the right side only, the observation in the pumped well can show the influence of
the fracture network
radisl-irtin? Jlcm
Flow lines
Fig. 2.6 Spherical flow behaviour in a bounded aquifer under isotropic (Kr = Kv) and anisotropic
(K r > K,) conditions
In cases of a single vertical or horizontal fracture, the log-log plot can also be used to
determine linear formation flow (slope 0.5 at intermediate time) and limited extent of the
fracture (slope 1 at intermediate time). For more details, see Section 2.7.
Only one straight line will be observed when all the boundaries are located at equidistant to
the pumping well. If this is not the case, each boundary will increase the slope of the
previous straight line reached.
The first plot is useful for the determination of linear flow behaviour, as the drawdown data
will plot on a straight line that starts in the origin of the diagram. In the second plot, the
drawdown data of the bilinear flow phase plot on a straight line starting in the origin.
The drawdown data of a spherical flow plot on a straight line that starts in the origin in the
third plot.
Cinco-Ley and Samaniego (1981) demonstrated that the first two diagrams are very useful to
determine skin effects in drawdown data of wells in single fractures with either linear or
bilinear drawdown behaviours. Such skin effects cause an additional drawdown that increases
clogging phenomena and, in extreme cases, can even destroy the stimulation effect of drilling
in a fracture zone (Economides, 1989).
Cinco-Ley and Samaniego (1981) found that due to skin effects, the early time linear flow
data in a log-log plot graphs as an almost horizontal line that develops into the radial-acting
phase (bilinear flow would plot similarly). Plotting the same data in a linear drawdown versus
square root of time diagram will also show a straight line but shifted downwards from the
origin. Both authors stated further that data only from the pumped well do not provide a
unique solution for the determination of the skin location, which could be located at the well,
between fracture and formation, or at both. Bardenhagen (1999) showed a unique evaluation
method for the skin location in a single vertical fault by using the linear drawdown versus
square root of time plot for drawdown data of a pumped well and an observation well located
in the same fault.
These considerations are also valid in the case of horizontal fractures, as they are only related
to the flow regime.
2.5.3 Recovery
The same plots can be applied to recovery data after correction of the measured time. In most
practical cases, the quality of the recovery data is better than that of the drawdown, as they
are not influenced by fluctuations in the pumping rate. This holds especially for the
application of derivatives that are commonly used as diagnosis tools of drawdown phases. On
the recovery t/t' plot, a limited closed reservoir will result in a horizontal flattening at a late
While reaching a no-flow boundary, the horizontal line of a radial-flow period will shift to
a doubled value.
Unfortunately, derivatives applied to real data often show noisy results. Smoothing of the
derivatives would overcome this problem, but it cannot be ensured that the applied
mathematical algorithm would not produce misleading artifacts. The TPA program is using
the original derivatives, while the FC program plots smoothed derivatives. Nevertheless, with
some experience even noisy derivatives can be interpreted.
The following well and reservoir effects can affect the drawdown and recovery data within
fractured aquifers:
Well bore storage.
Well bore skin.
Partial penetration skin.
Fracture skin,
Fracture dewatering.
Reservoir boundaries.
(2 6)
''-xh -
re = casing radius [L], where the water-level change occur
rw = drilled radius [L]
S = specific storage coefficient of the reservoir [-]
Eq. (2.6) is valid if the compressibility of the water well system is negligible (Moench. 19S4).
Immediately after commencement of extraction, all water is pumped from the storage volume
of the well, as the gradient within the reservoir is still small; hence the enormous well bore
storage effects at the beginning of the test. With time, the gradient within the reservoir
increases gradually until all extracted water is provided by the reservoir and consequently the
well bore storage effects disappear (Fig. 2.7).
due to
bore storace
Fig. 2.7 Relationship between gradieni changes in the reservoir and well bore storage
Graphed in a log-log plot, the well bore storage effects in a pumped well show a unit slope. In
observation wells, this slope decreases with increasing distance of the observation well to the
pumped well (Fig. 2.8).
If A
^Puniped veil
' /
-1 10-3 10- 1 10 c 10-3
Fig. 2.8 W'eH bore storage effect in a pumped well and observation wells at various distances.
Straight line slope I indicates the well bore siorage in the pumped well. The solid curve
shows the drawdown in the four wells without well bore storage effect. Aquifer type:
confined, infinite extended; Discharge Q = 12.5 na /h; Transmissivity T = 50 m7d: Storage
coefficient S = 10"4; Drilled radius r = 0.2 m
A unit slope is also typical for the drawdown in a well situated in a closed reservoir; therefore
the same physical interpretation can be adopted for the well bore storage. The well can be
considered as a reservoir with an almost infinite conductivity in which the 'cone of
depression' reaches the 'well bore boundaries' instantaneously, resulting in a drawdown
behaviour similar to that of a limited reservoir at early times. However, the period of time for
which the well bore storage influence is observable is a function of the transmissivity of the
reservoir and the stored volume in the well. Given two equally designed wells situated in two
reservoirs of different transmissivities, the well bore storage effect will last longer in the
reservoir with the lower transmissivity. Given three wells with different casing diameter rc
drilled into the same reservoir, the well with the larger diameter will show a longer period of
well bore storage (Fig. 2.9a). If all wells are pumped at the same rate, the well with a smaller
casing radius shows the larger drawdown. This results in a larger gradient between the water
level in the well and the aquifer, which forces a deeper cone of depression in the aquifer.
Therefore, after any time, t,, is the portion of the discharge rate from the aquifer depletion in
the well with the smaller casing radius bigger than in the well with a larger casing radius,
during the phase where the drawdown is affected by well bore storage (Fig. 2.9b).
^ rc = 0J5m
10 /
' m
\ / / = m
: />
in- 1 .
I rc = 0.05 m
: 1 I I 11 I I I
t Imin]
Open htfle with c Wctft with casing and filling
y R e s t water l e \ e l
Aquifer depletion
afier time it
Drawdown in the well
after lime 11
Gravel pack
Fig. 2.9 Well bore storage effect, illustrated as drawdown (a) and sketch (b). in three wells with
different casing radius rc. Aquifer type: confined, infinite extended; Discharge rate Q = 12.5
nrVh; Transmission1 T = 50 m : /d; Storage coefficient S = 10""1; Drilled radius rB = 0.15 m.
Solid curve in (a) indicates the drawdown without well bore storage effect
If the water level in a telescoped casing drops from a bigger diameter into a smaller diameter,
the drawdown increases suddenly (Fig. 2.10). On the contrary, if the water level drops from a
smaller diameter into a bigger diameter, the drawdown decreases until the well bore storage
effect is vanished (Fig. 2.10) (Earlougher, 1977). The same effects will appear if the diameter
of the drilled radius changes relatively to the casing radius.
m o 'A
^*- Level where
1 0.20 m I)
/ rod: us
- /
y u=o .15 m
- Screen
1EW 10-1 10 10" 10' 3 10**
t [minj
Fig. 2.10 Drawdown during the well bore storage phase due lo changes or the casing radius. The solid
curve indicates Ihe drawdown without changes in the casing radius. Aquifer type: confined,
infinite extended; Discharge Q = 12.5 mVh; Transmissivity T = 50 m2/d; Storage coefficient S
= 10"1; Drilled radius rw = 0.15 m
where u is the argument that describes the relation between the aquifer parameters T and S as
well as the geometry' of the abstraction source over the extraction period. The drawdown
affected by a skin is a curve parallel to that without skin effects, whereas no effects appear
during the recovery phase, except during the well bore storage period (Fig. 2.12).
*P!nn casing
Viler level
Borehole wall drawdown
Fig. 2.11 Well bore skin and its effect on the drawdown in a pumped well
Well bore sioragi
B ,
-" __ _
A /
- - ~ _
Well be >rc Storaj
id 2D
0 : 10 i ID 3 TO-' TO > Ifl ' 10' )DE
-di) 1-J
Fig. 2.12 Drawdown and recovery curve with and without additional drawdown cause by a skin
Considering the skin effect, the drawdown s, for a fully penetrating well in a homogeneous
confined aquifer, pumped at a constant discharge rate and negligible well bore storage writes
(Theis, 1935)
5 =
o [Ei(u)+2c] (2.S)
The dimensionless well skin factor c derived from Eq. (2.S) reads:
, 2-TT-T-s
-0.5 /() (2.9)
If u < 0.03, the exponential integral Ei(u) is satisfied by the Cooper and Jacob (1946)
approximation: Ei(u) * -ln(l/u)-0.5772 within 1% error. The corresponding additional
drawdown sadd in metre can be calculated from following relationship (Kruseman and DDe
Ridder, 1991):
In homogeneous aquifers and an ideal well, \ is zero. Physically, this would mean that the
effective radius reir is equal to the drilled radius rw ,because q can be related to drilled radius
as follows (Sabet, 1991):
****** (2-11)
In case of restricted inflow, t becomes positive, which according to Eq. (2.11) results in an
effective radius smaller than the drilled radius. In cases where the permeability of the
formation around the well is improved, for example with well development, a negative c will
be observed (Gustafson and Anderson, 1997), which results in an enlarged effective radius.
However, for practical purposes, it is unlikely that the development can produce a positive
skin larger than 0.5 (Fig. 2.13). An increased effective radius will be observed in a well
situated in a single fracture that acts as a conduit (Home, 1995).
Measured drawdown
> Theoretical d
Aquifer Increased permeability
due to development
Fig. 2.13 Increased effective radius due to increased permeability zone by development or fracture
The additional drawdown effect is almost instantaneous due to the limited storage capacity of
the skin layer. During the radial-acting flow phase, the calculated skin effect using Eq. (2.9)
will always plot as a horizontal line in a lin-log plot, but not for those parts of the curve
affected by well bore storage or other reservoir effects (Fig. 2.14). This effect can be used for
identification of the radial-acting flow phase.
t [min]
Fig. 2.14 Drawdown data (dots) and corresponding skin factor \ (solid line) for a confined
homogeneous aquifer with well bore storage and one no-flow boundary. The skin factor plots
as a horizontal line during the radial-acting flow phase
rwa I 5-li(KrK..'
Fig. 2.15 Flow to a fully penetrating (left) and a partial penetrating well (right)
The slope of the drawdown in the early time data in the pumped and observation wells within
the critical distance rrp is increased and not only shifted as in the case of well bore skin (Fig.
2.16). This effect can lead to an underestimation of the reservoir transmissivity, which might
not be dangerous in the design of a water-supply scheme, but it certainly is in the design of a
dewatering scheme for mining or engineering purposes. For late time data only an additional
drawdown, shown as a parallel shift, is observed (Fig. 2.16). Moench and Ogata (19S4) give
the following equation for the calculation of the partial penetration skin in the Laplace space:
r2x nnr Y
KA = function that describes the reservoir properties. For a line source in a homogenous
confined aquiferx' /: = ( p S / T ) A
K^ = modified Bessel function of second kind and order zero
T = transmissivity [L 2 T"']
S = storage coefficient [-]
p = Laplace transform variable
Q - K v /K [-]
K v = vertical reservoir conductivity [LT 1 ]
K = horizontal resen'oir conductivity [LT 1 ]
X| = top of the screen related to the top aquifer in the pumped well [L]
X|' = top of the screen related to the top aquifer in the observation well [L]
Xd = bottom of the screen related to the top aquifer in the pumped well [L]
Xd' = bottom of the screen related to the top aquifer in the observation well [L]
h = aquifer thickness [L]
n = integer value from 1 to infinite, for practical purposes n = 30 is sufficient
Applying the numerical inversion algorithm of Stehfcst (1970) to Eq. (2.12) expressed as
KP)=- (2.13)
gives the additional drawdown due to the partial penetration skin
E 10 3
20 6 i i 1 i m
Fig. 2.16 Increased drawdown and recovery slope at early time due to partial penetration skin. The
solid line indicates the drawdown and recovery for a fully penetrating well. Aquifer type:
confined, infinite extended; Transniissivity T = 100 m : /d; Storativity S= 710"4; Vertical
conductivity 1 m/d: Aquifer thickness h = 100 m; Partial penetration depth = 50 m. The
partial penetration effect is negligible after 10J minutes (~7 days)
bs = thickness of the skin [L]
xr = fracture half-length [L]
k = conductivity of the matrix or formation [LT"!]
ks = conductivity of the skin [LT 1 ]
without skin
Drawdown caused
bv a skin
/\_-* Matrix
Vertical fracture
Fracture half-length Xf
Fig. 2.17 Drawdown in a single vertical fracture caused by a skin between fracture and matrix
Moench (1984) defined the fracture skin factor for the double porosity solution to
b = average half-aperture of the fracture [L]
*t \
t t
| Mamx
11 11 1 1 j p - FrtCturc s\
t 1 1t t t
I - Fracture
i 1 1 I i 1
Fig. 2.18 Effect of a fracture skin on the drawdown of the matrix and fracture system in a double
porosity aquifer
2.6.5 Pseudo-skin
A well located within or in the proximity of a fracture that acts as a conduit shows less
drawdown than that expected for wells in a homogeneous formation within the REV
(Fig. 2.19). This effect is known as pseudo-skin (Gringarten and Ramey, 1974). The
determination of the skin using Eq. (2.9) would lead to a negative skin factor % [-] which,
after Eq. (2.10), would result in a larger effective radius.
Drawdown curve
Reduced drawdown
I (pseudo-skin)
10 "
Fig. 2.19 Drawdown in a pumped well situated in a homogeneous aquifer and an observation well
25 m apart (solid curves). Drawdown in a pumped well (squares) situated in a single fracture
(fracture half-length x, - 200m) with infini<e conductivity and an observation well (dots)
located in the matrix at a distance of 25 m perpendicular to the fracture strike direction.
Transmissivity of the matrix T = 50 mVd; Storage coefficient S = Iff*. The difference in the
drawdown is known as pseudo-skin effect
This effect can be used to determine whether a well is located in a fracture zone, as, in
principle, no negative skin factor or enlarged effective radius is observed in a continuous
fractured aquifer. If the REV is equal or smaller than the drilled radius rw (Fig. 2.4), I will be
zero. An exception might be a zone of higher permeability due to caving processes during the
drilling works.
If a discontinuous fracture network is dewatered (Fig. 2.20), a sudden drop of the water level
in the borehole is observed when it reaches the fracture (Van Tonder et al, 1998). This effect
is characteristic of discrete down-hole water strikes. In these cases the physical conditions in
the vertical direction change instantaneously due to following reasons:
The aquifer above the dewatered fracture becomes a purged aquifer that releases water
into the fracture and borehole.
Unconfined conditions in the dewatered fracture.
Turbulent flow in the dewatered fracture and along the borehole wall.
Reduced influx area.
Zone afconUiiuoiLS
u u
0 t- J 6 ",
T T T ^ T T T T
i i i i r * i i
f i l l
Fi. 2.20 Effects after the dewatering of a bedding plane or horizontal fracture
25 -
I 20-
o 15 -
Time (min)
0.183-0 . f 2.25-T-t'
--log (2.16)
T \ S-r
If a well is discharged, Q > 0 and the term 0.183-Q/T cannot become zero (0). Therefore, the
logarithmic should be set equal to zero:
Applying exponential:
2.25 T-t
=1 (2.18)
The radius at which the drawdown disappears is given by the positive result of the square
r= (2.19)
This equation is useful to estimate the extension of a cone of depression or, knowing the
distance from the well to the boundary, to determine at which time t, the cone of depression,
will reach the boundary assuming that T/S (Diffusivity) remains constant. Eq. (2.19) shows
that the larger T and the smaller S, the bigger the cone of depression for a given time. Ferris
ct al. (1960) introduced the widely used concept of mirror wells to consider the effect of
positive (recharge) boundaries or negative (no-flow) boundaries. Earlougher (1977),
Streltsova (1988) and Kruseman and De Ridder (1991) present a detailed overview on how
the mirror well concept can be used. The effects of positive and negative boundaries on the
drawdown curve are shown in Fig. 2.22 to 2.25. Basically, recharge boundaries show a
flattening of the curve, whereas no-flow boundaries show an increase of the drawdown when
the cone of depression reaches the boundary.
(a) (b)
Impermeable rock
Oj e.g. Dyke .fQimasc = Qrcal
n curve
f TO
20 - . I1UH JJJJ,
Fig. 2.22 (a) One no-flow boundary and its representation as superposed image well, (b) Example of a
drawdown curve affected by one no-flow boundary
(a) (b)
Recharge boundary
c.c. River
n Drftwdc ft Cirrvfr
' * .
. . .
jO 0 O 0 ID 10
Real well Image well ,|mB1J
Fig. 2.2 (a) One recharge boundary and its representation as superposed image well, (b) Example of
a drawdown curve affected by one recharge boundary
0 Drawdown curve
Approximately end of
well bore storage
10- 2 10' 1 10* 2 10* 3 10* 1 10* 5 10* 6
t [min]
Fig. 2.24 Diagnostic straight lines in a lin-log plot for the identification of reservoir boundaries. The
slope of 0.48 indicates radial flow not affected by boundaries. The double slope 0.96 indicates
one no-flow boundary and the slope of 1.92 indicates two perpendicular no-flow boundaries
0 5D
E 10
2 1 1 3 7
10- 10- 10 10- TO- 10*" 10** 10* 10*
t [min]
Fig. 2.25 Diagnostic straight lines in a log-log plot for the identification of various reservoir
boundaries. The slope 1 at early times indicates well bore storage effects. The slope 1 at late
times indicates a closed reservoir (four boundaries). The slope 0.5 at late times indicates two
parallel boundaries (triangles) or three boundaries perpendicular to each other (squares) Theory
The concept of double porosity was introduced by Barenblatt el al. (1960), considering
homogenous distributed conductive fractures embedded in a homogenous distributed matrix.
For both fracture and matrix, different conductivity and storage coefficients can be adopted.
Two matrix types are generally discussed; the spherical block matrix (Warren and Root,
1964) used to represent aquifers like quartzite and the layered matrix (Kazemi, 1969)
adopted, for example, for sandstones with bedding planes (Fig. 2.26). Olarewaju (1997)
introduced a solution that explains the flow exchange between matrix and a fractal fracture
system, which is a more realistic approach for the description of double porosity behaviour,
but requires detailed knowledge of the fracture system and therefore will not be further
The concept of double porosity was extended to a triple porosity by Abdassah and
Ershaghi (1984) which was recently reinterpreted by Al-Ghamdi and Ershaghi (1996) with
the introduction of a dual fracture model connected to matrix blocks. Both models
concentrate on the interpretation of the behaviour of the very early time data, which are
unfortunately often masked by well bore storage effects. Therefore the practical use of these
interpretations is questionable and will not be further discussed.
Warren and Root (1964) introduced a pseudo-steady state block-to-fracture flow solution,
which seems to adequately represent field data, but Kazemi (1969) and Wei et al (199S)
using numerical models, found that the flow is of transient block-to-fracture nature. However,
Moench (1984) shows that the pseudo-steady flow case is, in fact, a special case of the
transient flow restricted by a skin between fracture and matrix (Fig. 2.17, Page 17) caused by
mineral precipitation on the matrix blocks' surfaces.
Porous or
* micro *
\ fraciurcd
Open fracmrc
ooooo &
Spherical-stuped block Slab-shaped block
Fig. 2.26 Natural fracture systems and their simplification into spherical-shaped block and slab-
shaped blocks
For the mathematical description of the drawdown behaviour, Moench (1984) considers two
representative elementary volumes (REV); one for the fractures and one for the matrix.
However, the classic concept of double porosity cannot be applied if the cone of depression is
not larger than both REV, otherwise the influence of the individual fractures is not negligible
as demonstrated by Wei et al. (1998). Furthermore, Moench (1984) assumes an infinite extent
of the matrix and fracture system under confined conditions. To be able to deal with well
bore storage, well losses (skin at the well) and partial penetration, he derived a solution in the
Laplace space using the Stehfest (1970) algorithm for the numerical inversion. The solution
infers that only water from the fracture network reaches the well and that the contribution of
the matrix is negligible. Combining the findings from Mavor and Cinco-Ley (1979), Moench
and Ogata (1984) and Moench (1984), the drawdown in a pumped well with wellbore
storage, skin effect and partial penetration in the Laplace space can be written as:
<*)+***<?);] (2.20)
2[Kr(rd-X) + F}
{ }
h(p) = dtmensionless drawdown in the Laplace space [-]
Ko = modified Bessel function of second kind and zero order [-]
K] = Bessel function of second kind and first order [-]
F = partial penetration skin function (Section 6.3)
t dimensionless skin factor at the well (well bore skin factor) [-]
Wd = dimensionless well bore storage coefficient [-]
p Laplace transform variable [-]
X = (p+qd)V;
q = dimensionless block-to-fracture flow [-]
rd = dimensionless radius defined as r/rw [-]
r = distance of the observation well to the pumped well [L]
rw = drilled radius of the pumped well [L]
- 3-r[wcoth(m)-l]
q K }
{l + c>-coth(/;0-l](
and for slab-shaped blocks
a = , r-wtanh(w)
[1 + ct m tanh(()J
Moench (1984) also gives solutions for the pseudo-steady flow exchange, which seems to be
contradictive to the general findings of his paper. The solution produces an almost horizontal
flattening of the transient phase for small dimensionless skin value Cf, which in some
instances may fit data better than the transient solution. The flow q for sphere blocks under a
pseudo-steady state flow situation reads:
r ** (2.25)
4f - dimensionless fracture skin
y =TjbQVKt)%]
m =(S/SfP)1/Vy[-]
rw = drilled radius [L]
b = average half thickness of the block [L]
K = conductivity of the matrix block [LT" ! ]
KLf = conductivity of the fracture system [LT'1]
S = storage coefficient of the matrix block [-]
Sf = storage coefficient of the fracture system [-]
The double porosity model, presented by Moench (1984), was implemented in TPA because
it considers a fracture skin thus being a more realistic approach, which produces a restricted
flow exchange between matrix and fracture.
10 + 1 Drawdown curve
i 1
O 1 4
i |f=0.01
i" io
t [mm]
Fig. 2.27 Comparison of the drawdown behaviour with and without skin in the pseudu-sieady case.
The solid curve represents (he flow in a confined infinite aquifer Diagnosis
Initially, mainly the fracture network of a double porosity aquifer releases water when
pumping from a well starts and the drawdown are characterised by a straight line in a lin-log
plot that is proportional to the transmissivity of the fracture system. The flattening of the
cuA'e is originated by the ever-increasing additional contribution from the matrix storage.
The later drawdown is the response of both the matrix and the fracture storage, and is also
proportional to the transmissivity of the fracture system and plots as by a straight line parallel
to the initial one in the lin-log plot. In a log-log plot, both the initial and the late drawdown
are characterised by Theis curves shifted horizontally from each other. The distance between
the two parallels or two Theis curves depends on the fracture/matrix storage coefficient ratio
(Fig. 2.2S).
Both the pseudo-steady state and the transient model with fracture skin show an almost
horizontal flattening (Fig. 2.29). The flattening in the transient model without block to
fracture skin is not horizontal; it has a slope of half the slope of the two parallels (Fig. 2.30).
If well bore storage masks the first straight line, this behaviour can be mistaken as a
drawdown in a confined aquifer with one no-flow boundary (Fig. 2.31). In fact, there is no
unique diagnosis method available, if data from observation wells are not available. Fig. 2.32
shows that in the case of double porosity data plotted in a log-log plot, the extension of the
late time data joins the distance depending time axis = t/r2, whereas in case of a boundary
effect, the medium time data join this axis, but not the late time data. However, this diagnosis
method works for a pumped well and one observation well if the well losses or skin at the
pumped well are negligible, or if data of at least two observation wells are available
(Fig 2.32).
Theis curve
S = 1O'1
\ \
S = 1O } \
s = IO J
t [min]
Fig. 2.28 Drawdown curves for various matrix storage coefficients S and storage coefficient of the
fracture Sf^lO"1
Drawdown curve
t [mini
Fig. 2.29 Comparison between pseudo-steady state flow (marker) and transient flow (solid curves) for
various fracture skins
O Drawdown curve
= a Ait
E 10
i 0.92x
t [min]
Fig. 2.30 Drawdown in a double porosity aquifer with transient block to fracture flow and no fracture
m+2 Drawdown curve
Approximate end of
- well bore storage -
E 10 /
.. - - E
Jerivativ -
10-2 1 1 1 1 Mil ! ; i Mill 11: it-|
10 10* 1 10
t [min]
Fig. 2.31 Comparison between the drawdown in a confined aquifer with one no-flow boundary
(marker) and in a double porosity aquifer (solid line) and well bore storage. For all practical
purposes, it is not possible to distinguish between both cases
10 2 Drawdown curve
jproximale c nd of
- we!l bore storage
10* \
* * *
% "*-> Pumpec well r. = 0 2 m
10 t
t n /
A if
- o
< Observation well r = 5 m
10- /
'i 7
9 V ^ Observation well r = 25 m
I 1
0 / /
10 1 1 HIMi
i inn I /
i i inn ' ! I [l!ll 1 INN i LUja I I INI i ! mil! i i HIM i MII: ' i mn i t l l i n
1 0" 1 0 10-2 1 0- 1 10 10* 1 10-210*3 1 0 * 4 1 0 + S 1 0 * 6 10* 7
Fig. 2.32 Comparison between the drawdown of a pumped well and two observation wells in a
confined aquifer with one no-flow boundary (marker) and in a double porosity aquifer (solid
curves) and well bore storage. It is clearly seen that the double porosity curves merge the
time dependent axis at late time, whereas in the confined case the merge occurs at medium
time, while the boundary is not affecting the drawdown
Moench (19S4) proposed a type curve approach for the analysis of double porosity data,
which includes well bore storage, well skin and fracture skin and is therefore more advanced
than the simple straight line approach proposed by Warren and Root (1963) and Kazemi
(1969). However, due to the tremendous increase of computer calculation power, a combined
approach of straight line and forward modelling is nowadays possible. This approach will be
described in this work using TPA. The advantage of this proposed method lies in the ability
to calculate different drawdown scenarios after model calibration to find the optimal
abstraction rate for a particular well.
Once a double porosity case is diagnosed and it has been determined that the influence of the
well bore storage is negligible, the Warren and Root straight line method can be applied to
the pumped well data to determine the transmissivity T of the fracture system and the storage
coefficients Sf and S for the fracture system and the matrix, respectively (Fig. 2.33).
Whether the method can be applied or not depends on the following conditions:
u < 0.03 for the first straight line, u = S, r/(4t Tf).
1/u > 100 for the second straight line, u = (Sr+-pS)r7(4t Tf).
These limits should be cross-checked with the first derivative of the data curve, which must
plot as a horizontal line within the limit area (Fig. 2.33). The steps to follow in the application
of the Warren .and .Root method for the pumped well data using a lin-log plot are:
One straight line must be fitted to the early time data (first branch) of the curve.
A second straight line must be fitted to the late time data (second branch).
Analysis Warren-Root with esulls
Water parann eier
Q 12 5[m'/tl]
)rawdoTl With V tell bore storage effect tl 0 000502 [mm]
12 0 0515 Imin]
L b1>b2 2 18[m]
\ X Deriv Hive
20 ! Mill 1 1 1 Mil 1 1 LI HI i nun 1 ' 1 (III | < 1 Mill ! I rum 1 1 1 1 '11 I i1 :MII
10" ! 10-' 10 10"' 10*2 10* 3 10** 10*5 10*' 10* 7
t [mm]
Fig. 2.33 Application of the Warren and Root method to a pumped well that shows double porosity
behaviour. Solid curve indicates drawdown affected by well bore storage, which does not
allow fitting of a straight line at earlv times
Both straight lines must have the same slope, as they reflect the transmissivity of the fracture
system. In the presence of skin at the well, the Warren and Root method gives wrong results
for the two storage coefficients, as demonstrated in Fig. 2.34. A simple method for the skin
determination will be presented in the following section. The Kazemi straight line method
should be applied to observation data. Both methods are in fact, similar to the Cooper-Jacob
straight line method. The aquifer parameters for both methods are calculated as follows:
S, = (2.27)
2>-i -T
-5. (2.28)
d = drawdown of the straight lines over one log cycle [-]
r = effective well radius (Warren and Root method) or distance to the pumped well
(Kazemi method) [L]
Tf = transmissivity of the fracture system [L2T'1]
Sf = storage coefficient of the fracture system [-]
S = storage coefficient of the matrix [-]
P = shape factor: 1/3 for spherical blocks; 1 for slab blocks [-]. This parameter implies that
the conceptual model of the geological situation is known
tOi = time at which the first straight line intercepts the time axis [T]
to: = time at which the second straight line intercepts the time axis [T]
Deri native
Fig. 2.34 The solid curve is drawn using the same aquifer parameter as in Fig. 31. An additional
drawdown of 2 m due to well bore skin still gives the same transmissivity T = 25 m2/d. but
both storage coefficients S and Sr are much smaller due lo the fact that the extrapolated time
value for Eqs. 2.27 and 2.28 is wrongly determined
Eq. (2.9) can be applied for the determination of the well bore skin in a double porosity
aquifer, if the transmissivity T is set equal to the fracture transmissivity Tf. If data of an
observation well are available, the Kazemi method can be applied to determine the correct
values for the storage coefficient of the fracture system Sr and the matrix S. If observation
data are not available, the storage coefficient must be estimated. A coefficient Sf = 10"4 for a
fracture system is considered adequate as it assumes confined conditions at early time. The
value for the matrix storage coefficient is more variable and therefore difficult to estimate.
The storage coefficient for the fracture system Sf can be exchanged for S in Eq. (2.9), which
will give a zero skin factor for the early time data, whereas the transient and late time data
result in a negative skin value (Fig. 2.35a). Alternatively, the sum of S f +pS can be
exchanged for S, which results in a positive skin for the early times and transient data and a
zero value for the late time data in the absence of a skin (Fig. 2.35b).
a) b)
A n HySiS TTiPiTi oti Simulation lin/loCwHri BrawflPwr Sail ^ n atr^i^ nethod SimullhDP lin'loq witr drawflnwn Cala
/ s.
/ I , N ^ ,
/ - I " s N /
1 < 1 0 - 5 KJ-1
i i i mi
to-' 1 0 = t o -
1 1 Illll
rni io-> io" io-
I |min] in I
Fig. 2.35 Determination of the skin factor for early and late times
An easier approach is shown in Fig. 2.36, where the offset between the late time data of
the pumped well data and an observation well indicates the skin effect in meter of additional
drawdown. Eq. (2.10) can be used to solve for the dimensionless skin factor \.
Drawdown difference
due lo Fkineffecl
20 i Hill: I Illll I ilillll ' 1IIMI ' " " g 111 'T* Hi 1 " ^ HIH iii'iri . 111 ii M -;ri';il ilium
Fig. 2.36 The offset between the late time data in a pumped well (dots) and an observation well
(squares) indicates the additional drawdown in metres that can be used as an initial
approximation of the skin factor E,
The aquifer values from the straight line approach, the well bore skin determination and the
conceptual model of the geology in the well constitute the 'known aquifer parameter' for the
forward modelling. These are:
Transmissivity of the fracture network Tf [L2T"!].
Storage coefficient of the fracture network Sf [-].
Storage coefficient of the matrix block S [-].
Well bore skin factor [-].
Principle geometry of the matrix block.
Characteristic thickness of the matrix block b [L].
First example: Effects of well bore skin and well bore storage
Fig. 2.37 shows the forward modelling results for the drawdown and its derivatives using
TPA. The data correspond to drawdown data of a pumped well (UE-25b) and an observation
well (UE-25a) situated in an aquifer of layered volcanic rocks that show double porosity
behaviour from a drilling site in Nevada, USA, published by Moench (1984). The curve fit
was achieved using the same aquifer parameters determined by Moench:
Both curves do not show horizontal derivatives, therefore the straight line methods of Warren
and Root (1964) and Kazemi (1969) cannot be applied. The solution was instead obtained
using forward modeling. Although the results for both wells are acceptable, the fit for the
pumped well can be improved if a negative well bore skin factor q = -0.5 is applied.
This indicates that either the drilled radius is larger than published or the REV for the fracture
network is larger than the drilled radius.
The drawdown data of the pumped well at early times show an increase of the casing radius
to approximately 0.14 m, thus data are still affected by well bore storage (Fig. 2.38). An
increase of the matrix storage coefficient S to 0.25 leads to a better fit of the late time data
from the observation well (Fig. 2.38).
' .
1CT 1 5
1Q" L TIII ; ; ' -.;, : ,II ' ' ; : : . i -:HIJ : i mir ; ; 'i
10* 1 ^ 10
E 10
f - - - ~*> \
; |
7 ll
IO-1 =
Fig. 2.38 Forward modelling with matrix storage coefficient S increased to 0.25 and casing radius of
the pumped well increased to 0.14 m
Fig. 2.39 presents data of a pumped well and an observation well situated in a layered Karoo
sandstone aquifer in Botswana. Both curves do not show horizontal derivatives, therefore the
straight line methods of Warren and Root (1964) and Kazemi (1969) cannot be applied. The
solution was obtained using forward modelling instead. The aquifer parameters are
determined as:
Using the above listed parameters, it is possible to perfectly fit the observation well data, but
not the pumped well data due to the dewatcring of the main water strike, which was recorded
at 9 m below the rest water level. This example illustrates that in the case of water strike
dewatering, it is not possible to determine the aquifer parameters if only data from the
pumped well are available. The early time data in the pumped well can be fitted with a well
bore skin factor of ^ = 3.7, but not the medium and late time data (Fig. 2.39).
The Jacob's correction (s = s - s:/2h) applied to the drawdown data of the pumped well is not
sufficient to overcome the additional losses due to the dewatering of a water strike. The
correction leads to a reduction of the well bore skin factor to t = 2.4, but the medium and late
time data still cannot be fitted (Fig. 2.40).
Modelled dau
4 ID'1 _Main water strike
- i- fli -9 m below water
E 10 "i 1 20
f !/j
! l(
10 "' L Me asijred data
; . :
10"1 ; 11"11 1 1 iiiiirll i i IILII ' Him i Mil
J !
10 10-' 10 1 0 " 10-' 10-3 10-* 1D* 10-6
10" 10-= 1 0 - 3 10" 1D* ! 10" a
tfr2 |min]/|m*]
Fig. 2.39 The simulated curve {solid line) fits the observation well data (dots) very well, but not
the pumped well data (squares) due to additional well losses caused by dewatering of the main
water strike. Early time data of the pumped well are fitted using a well bore skin factor of = 3.7
n Drawdown curve
M am wat :r strike 9m
in * below water table
Coi Tected p umped iveil dat i
10 10*6
Fig. 2.40 Jacobs correction (s = s - s2/2h) applied to the drawdown data of the pumped well is not
sufficient to overcome the additional losses due to the dewatering of a water strike. Early
time data of the pumped well can be fitted using a well bore skin factor of \ = 2.4
2.7.2 Single vertical fracture with infinite conductivity and finite extend (Gringarten
etai, 1974) Theory
The drawdown behaviour in wells connected to a single fracture became a focus of interest in
the petroleum industry after the introduction of hydraulic fracturing, which is used to enhance
the yield of production boreholes in low permeable formations. Stober (1986), Merton (1987)
and other researchers showed that the solutions applied to hydro fracturing could be utilised
for natural vertical fracture cases.
Prat (1959) investigated the drawdown behaviour of single vertical fractures with finite extent
using an electrical analogue model. Based on Green's source function and applying the
Neuman product, Gringarten et al. (1974) produced the following general solutions for the
dimensionless drawdown pd in a vertical fracture with infinite conductivity and finite length:
&.(') =
qm = Influx rate per fracture segment [L2T"']
Q = Influx rate over the entire length of the fracture equivalent to the discharge at the well
h = Fracture height [L]
Xf = Fracture half-length [L]
m m wi-1
M -erf M -erf ~M M
+ erf
T = Formation transmissivity [L2T"!]
t = Time [T]
S = Formation storage coefficient [-]
M = Number of fracture segments
m = Integer number
dt = Integration variable [-]
td' = Integration parameter [-]
e = Exponential function
erf = Error function.
2. ft 1
Gringarten el a!. (1974) presented solutions for two different boundaries along the fracture
Uniform flux, where the flux distribution is homogeneous along the fracture and constant
in time.
Infinite flux, where the flux distribution is uniform along the fracture during the linear
flow phase, but not in the transient and radial-acting How phases. Simultaneously, it varies
with time until the radial-acting flow phase is reached.
In the uniform flux case the flux Qm is independent of time and can be taken out of the
integral in Eq. (2.29). The solution reduces to
1 + x.
***y*>*<)= \e""' erf\ erf (2.31)
Generally Eq. (2.31) must be solved by numerical integration. However, for the pumped well
and observation wells located along the fracture analytical solutions exist. For the pump well
the analvtical solution reads
er (2.32)
Gringarten ei at. (1974) found that the drawdown at a dimensionless distance xj = 0.732 is
equal for both the uniform flux and the infinite flux cases (Fig. 2.41). Substituting this Xj
value in Eq. (2.33), the drawdown reads:
Although the drawdown for both cases does not differ much, measured data can usually be
described by only one of them (Fig. 2.42).
E 10
10 ! ' i i '
100 10-1
t [min]
Fig. 2.41 Comparison of the drawdovi n in an infinite conductive vertical fracture for uniform flux
boundary at xu = 0.732 (dots) and infinite flux boundary (solid line)
. . .
10 o 10-3 10*
t [min]
Fig. 2.42 Comparison of drawdown in an infinite conductive vertical fracture with uniform flux
boundary (squares) and infinite flux boundary (dots)
The drawdown s in a fracture at early times is given by Gringarten et al (1974) for both the
uniform and infinite flux cases and reads:
td < 10"* for uniform flux
td<2-10"1 for infinite flux
Eq. (2.35) describes the drawdown during the linear flow phase, which implies uniformity of
flux along the fracture for both cases. Due to the fact that the fracture has infinite
conductivity, there is an infinite small pressure gradient along the fracture that can be
neglected (Ap/Axe = 0). Therefore, at early time the same drawdown is observed along the
entire length of the fracture and an observation well located in the fracture will show the
same curve as the pumped well.
The long term solution describes the radial-acting flow phase (tj > 5) on the fracture as
s = (2.36)
Eq. (2.36) plots as a straight line in a lin-log plot. Analogue to a homogeneous aquifer the
transmissivity value for the formation can be obtained from the Cooper-Jacob approach,
which will be demonstrated later.
The concept of relative storage capacity CDr was introduced by Ramey and Gringarten
(1976) to describe the influence of the fracture storage on the drawdown behaviour at early
time and is defined as:
S, w
CDf=^ (2.37)
S = Storage coefficient of the matrix [-]
Sf = Storage coefficient of the fracture [-]
w = Fracture width or aperture [L]
Xf = Fracture half-length [L] Diagnosis
The drawdown in a pumped well situated in a vertical fracture with infinite conductivity and
finite extent is dominated by two different flow phases:
Linear flow at early times, which shows a typical slope of 0.5 in a log-log plot (Fig. 2.43a)
or a straight line in a Iin t'/: plot (Fig. 2.43b).
Radial flow after a transition period, which plots as a straight line in a lin-log plot
(Fig. 2.43c).
a) b)
Drawdown curve 0 Drawdown curve
y ' O.SO
- \
10' ^ ^
^ ^ \
\ y = D.D7
10" i i n J in 1 i : in i i.[
0 Dr3wdown cufve
I [min|
Fig. 2.43 Flow phases in various diagnosis plots
Unfortunately, drawdown data often plot on an almost horizontal line at early times due to
skin effects at the well (well bore skin; Section 2.6.2), at the fracture interface'(fracture skin;
Section 2.6.4), or at both (Cinco-Ley and Samaniego, 1977). In such cases, the data plot as a
straight line in a lin t'" plot with a positive shift from the origin (Fig 2.44). The same plot can
be used to uniquely determine the skin location (Bardenhagen, 1999), as shown in Fig. 2.45.
Alternatively, the derivative of the curve can be used to determine the linear flow phase, due
to the fact that it is not affected by the skin effects. The derivative will plot as a straight line
with a slope of 0.5 in a log-log plot (Fig 2.46a) or as a straight line from the origin in a lin r 4
plot (Fig 2.46b).
Whether the radial-acting flow phase is present, can be determined using the derivative of a
log-log plot, as it graphs horizontal once the radial-acting flow was reached. The data beyond
the point where the radial-acting flow starts can be used for the estimation of the
transmissivity, using common methods e.g. the Cooper-Jacob straight line method. If the
radial-acting flow phase is not fully developed, the Gringarten type curve method should be
applied, whose handling is basically the same as the common Theis type cun'e approach.
It must be borne in mind that no unique evaluation of the aquifer parameters is possible if
only the linear flow phase is observed, as demonstrated in various recover;' curves in
Fig. 2.47.
Drawdown curve
due to well
bore skin
E 2 \
N ^v 0
0 07x*1 6 !
Oi [min]'/i
Fig. 2.44 Drawdown in an infinite conductive vertical fracture affected by skin indicated by a positive
shift of the drawdown curve from the origin
\ *
9 t
a m
1 m
I 1 - .
ft u
2 3
0.0 10 0 20.0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0 7D 0 00 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0 70 0
! \
f *
a t
I. m
0.0 10 0 20 0 3D0 40 0 50 D 60 0 70 0 00 10 0 20 D 30 0 40.0 50 0 BO.D 70 0
IVi lmin]VS
Fig. 2.45 Skin effects on drawdown curves from pumped well (squares) and observation well (dots)
both located in the same fracture
a) b)
r drawdown curve
V" 0.50 " \
/ > ;
E 10
- * _.
0 'L-J-L
1 [mm]
Fig. 2.46 The derivative is not affected by the skin effects and can therefore be used to determine the
linear flow phase at early times
n Recovery curve 0
A / - 0.1
1 D-J
c 0.3
/ Radial acting flow
2 B . .
- O.S
/ r a
10-1 10 10*'
Fig. 2.47 The Agarwal straight line method can only be used for the determination of the aquifer
transmissivity if the pumping time is long enough to allow for radial-acting flow as indicated
by the horizontal derivative in curve A (solid line A). The pumping time in curves B and C
was not long enough to reach the radial-acting flow and therefore the derivatives (solid lines
B and C) are not horizontal
The influence of the fracture storage on the drawdown is described by the relative fracture
storage coefficient CDr. At early times the drawdown curves differ significantly according to
the CDf value. The early time drawdown for CDf = 10*4 does not plot on a straight line with
slope 0.5 (Ramey and Gringarten, 1976). Indeed, between I0"4 < CDf < 10~2, the drawdown
curves are not characterised by straight lines for times of interest. If CDf > 10'2 the data will
plot as a straight line with slope 1, which indicates that the cone of depression has reached the
edges of the very high conductive fracture (Fig. 2.48). Therefore the drawdown at early times
is similar to that of pumping from a limited reservoir (closed boundaries). As soon as the
gradient between matrix and fracture builds up, the influx from the matrix to the fracture
increases and the slope of 1 vanishes, as in the well bore storage effect case.
1O- 1 V
10-2 M
A / /
1 'io-y io
* i i urn 1'CD
1 I 111IL
I -: __Ullllll
td = T t / S - x f 2
Fig. 2.48 Various dimensionless drawdown curves and their derivatives for different relative fracture
storage capacity CD r (pd = 2 % T s/Q)
Basically, two methods of analysis for the drawdown data are used to determine the
formation or matrix transmissivity T: a straight line method using a lin-log plot and a type
curve method using a log-log plot. If recovery (build up) data are available, the recovery
method of Theis (1935) or Agarwal (1979) can be used. Alternatively, a forward modelling
using TPA can be applied to determine the aquifer parameter for both the drawdown and
recovery phase. Note that the determination of the actual fracture transmissivity Tt- is not
possible because it is a priori considered infinite!
Straight line methods can be applied to both pumped well and observation well data, but only
if a significant part of the curve shows radial-acting flow (see previous section). The handling
is similar to that of the Cooper-Jacob (1947) method. The transmissivity T of the formation
can be determined by the following equation:
T= (2.3S)
T = Transmissivity of the formation or matrix [L2T'!]
Q -Discharge rate [L3T"']
s = Drawdown over one logarithmic cycle [L]
It must be bome in mind that the common Cooper-Jacob approach for the determination of
the storage coefficient is only applicable if the distance of the observation well to the pumped
well is more than 5 times that of the fracture half-length Xf.
The Theis (1935) and Agarwal (1980) recovery methods are applicable for the determination
of the formation transmissivity T if a significant portion of the recovery- curve show radial-
acting flow behaviour as demonstrated in Fig. 2.47.
The handling of the straight line recovery method is similar to the drawdown approach. The
transmissivity of the formation can be determined by the following equation:
T= (2.39)
s' = residual drawdown over one logarithmic cycle [L]
1 0 =
Fig. 2.49 Example of the Gringarten type curve method for a data set (dots) that does not reach the
radial-acting flow
The application of Gringarten1 s type cun'e method for pumped wells is similar to that of the
Theis type cun'e method (Fig. 2.49). After matching the data curve with the type curve, the
transmissivity T and storage coefficient S can be determined by substituting the values for the
match point co-ordinates as follows:
T= (2.40)
The fracture half-length Xf is usually an unknown parameter, which can only be determined if
data from an observation well are available and its relative location to the fracture is known.
Unfortunately, for each location of an observation well a set of type curves have to be drawn,
which is not very effective. In such cases, the forward modelling represents a more
appropriate approach (Fig. 2.50).
10*1 Drawdown curve
I" 10"1
- /
io-3 ' i : . : i 1
odd 1-tt-T
sadd = additional drawdown = s - J
T = transmissivity of the matrix [L T" ]
Q = discharge rate [L"T']
In the presence of an observation well located in the same fracture, the additional drawdown
caused by fracture skin ,f can be determined after Eq. (2.42) similarly to i,. The well bore
skin , is then calculated as
_ r jr
xm on n ::iv
10- -
.. Jl.,, 10" 1\
= 0.5
I- ' ;;,
~r :::
. ,
1J L f = o - 1
|y -
i, -4-
t - .... 1 '
_ a,
. LJU " '
; = () 3
jJJ *U=|-
= <A
10"= 10-1 10-'
I |m,n|
H Pumped well
0 Obsen-ation well (x/xf = 0.5)
1 Skin factor at lite pumped well
~f Skin factor between fracture and formation
xf Fracture half-length
Simulation parameters: T = 10 tn2/ii S = 0.0001 x r = 500 in Q = 20 m'/h
Fig. 2.51 Skin effect at pumped well and observation well located in the same infinite conductive
If the transmissivity value is known either from the straight line approach or the type curve
approach, this value should be used as a known parameter for the forward modelling to
shorten the time necessary to fit the unknown parameter. In the worst case the known
parameters are:
Hydrogeological concept of a single vertical fracture with infinite transmissivity.
Transmissivity T of the matrix.
Skin factor f
Two boreholes located 133.5 m apart were sited on a 15 km long, subvertical (77S) fault
zone crossing the Fish River in the southern part of Namibia, which might be a potential
recharge source. The fault partly separates two low-yielding formations composed by
horizontal intercalated layers of claystone, siltstone and sandstone. Both boreholes intersect
the fault at 27 m below the surface. The water level in both boreholes rose immediately after
the fault was struck at a level of 906.1 mamsl (8.3 m below surface in BH1 and 5.3 m below
surface in BH2). The airlift yield was estimated at more than 100m3/h in each borehole.
Screens with 0.5 mm slots were installed to avoid borehole collapse. Fig. 2.52 shows the
drawdown measured during one of the constant discharge tests. Only the drawdown in the
observation well shows a slope of 0.5 indicating linear formation flow. However, the
drawdown in the pumped well starts almost horizontal and develops at late time to radial-
acting flow. This behaviour is typical for a skin that is located at the well.
.dditional drawdown
caused by skin at the
Pumped well
o Observation well
- Simulated data
10 100 1000 10000 100000
t [min]
Fig. 2.52 Example for a restricted drawdown in a pumped well. The slope of 0.5 in the drawdown data
of the observation well indicates linear formation flow and simulation for a vertical infinite
conductive fracture with uniform flux
A borehole was drilled into the dolomites of the Tsumeb Karst area, Namibia. The constant
discharge test indicated a short period of linear flux to a fracture in the early stages. Water
strikes were recorded at depths between 14 m and 27 m below the water table. As soon as the
water level in the pumped well dropped to the level of the first water strike, a significant
increase in the drawdown was measured with a further increase as the water level dropped
below to the second strike (Fig. 2.53). This behaviour is a clear indication for over-
abstraction at a rate of 20 m3/h. However, due to unknown reasons, an additional drawdown
of 7 m can be determined from the special plot. The determination of the aquifer parameters
(T and S) for this test is not possible with any of the above-mentioned methods because the
transient and radial-acting flow phases are masked by the effects of fracture dewatering.
Measured data
tc y = 0.74X+0-
Additional drawdown
m caused by skin effects
= 0.74x+7.DO
Position of water \
strikes, at 14 m and 27 - ^ \
m below RWL
00 10.0 20 0
i [minj'/i
Fig. 2.53 Graphical skin evaluation using the linear flow period of drawdown curve
2.7.3 Single vertical fracture with finite conductivity and finite extent (Cinco-Ley and
Samaniego, 1978) Theory
Cinco-Ley et al. (1978) introduced a semi-analytical model that describes the drawdown in a
single vertical fracture with finite conductivity and length, which is embedded in an infinite,
isotropic, homogeneous, horizontal matrix limited by upper and lower impermeable
boundaries. It considers bilinear flow in the system and is therefore a generalised solution for
this type of aquifer's geometry. The Gringarten et al. (1974) infinite flux solution is a special
case of this model.
The gradient along the fracture cannot be neglected due to its finite conductivity and the
solution requires the knowledge of the flux distribution along the fracture in time. However,
the flux distribution stabilises after a certain period of time that coincides with the start of the
radial-acting flow phase (Fig. 2.54). This stable distribution is known as stabilised flux
-Or 10
-Cf 100
-CM 000
-Cr 100000
Fig. 2.54 Stabilized flux distribution for different relative conductivities Cr. The flux distribution does
not change for values of Cr > 100
Assuming that the drawdown distribution in the fracture (Eq. 2.44) coincides with the
drawdown distribution in the matrix-fracture interface (Eq. 2.45), the matrix to fracture flux
distribution can be obtained by simultaneously solving both equations. The model developed
by Cinco-Ley et al. (1978) uses a special form of the finite difference method to obtain this
distribution. The drawdown is obtained using the calculated fluxes in either Eq. (2.44) or
(2.45). The equations for the fracture and reservoir are derived using the Green and source
functions and the Newman product method. They read:
f \\,-inf
x-ST- , ,\elwj & l dr (2.44)
M V} rt=1
dx'-dr (2.45)
pfd = dimensionless drawdown in the fracture [L]
xd = x/xr [-]
Yd =y/Xf[-]
td = T-t/S-x f - [-]
w = fracture width or aperture [L]
T = matrix transmissivity [L2T''l
Tf = fracture transmissivity [L2T ]
S = matrix storage coefficient [-]
Sf = fracture storage coefficient [-]
3d, 3rd = dimensionless flux from matrix to the fracture [-]
n = integer variable
x' = integration variable
The solution uses the concept of relative conductivity Cr to relate the conductivities of
fracture and matrix as follows:
Cr = L (2.46)
7T-T Xf
Tf = fracture transmissivity [L2T"']
w = fracture width or aperture [L]
T = matrix transmissivity [LrT~!]
Xf = fracture half-length [L]
Cinco-Ley et al. (1978) presented a series of type curves for the pumped well for Cr values in
the range of 0.1 to 100 and dimensionless time td between 10"3 and 103. The curve that
corresponds to Cr > 100 practically coincides with the infinite flux solution from Gringarten
et al (1974). Agarwal el al. (1979) extended these type curves to smaller dimensionless time
values (td = 10"') based on numerical results obtained with the finite difference method.
In general, the influence of the fracture storage capacity on the drawdown behaviour can be
described by the relative fracture storage capacity CDf (Eq, (2.37), Section as shown
by Cinco-Ley et al. (1978). However, they proved that this influence could be neglected for
the practical values of dimensionless time td and relative fracture storage capacity CDf
(Guppye/a/., 1982).
2. 7.3.2 Diagnosis
The drawdown in a pumped well situated in a vertical fracture with finite conductivity and
finite length is characterized by the relative conductivity Cr (Cinco-Ley and Samam'e"o
1981a) as follows:
Linear flow at very early time, which shows a typical slope of 0.5 in a log-log plot or a
straight line in a lin tM plot. It appears for Cr < 100, but is usually masked by well bore
Bilinear flow at early times, which shows a typical slope of 0.25 in a log-log plot (Fig.
2.55a) or a straight line in a lin t". It is observed for Cr < 100.
Linear formation flow at intermediate time, which shows a typical slope of 0.5 in a log-log
plot (Fig. 2.55a) or a straight line in a lin t'/= plot. It develops if Cr > 100.
Radial flow at late time, which plots as a straight line in a lin-log plot (Fig. 2.55b). It
appears for all Cr, if the discharge time is sufficiently long (t<j >5).
The drawdown curves show transition zones between all the different flow phases.
10-" 10-3 100 TO-1 10-2 10*3 10*6
t [min]
10-* 10-3 1 0 - 2i o - i 1 0 0 i o * i 10-: 10*3 10** 10*5 10*6
t (min]
Fig. 2.55 Drawdown curves for various relative conductivities Cr from wells located in a vertical finite
conductive fracture
The fracture has a finite conductivity and therefore the reaction in an observation well located
in the same fracture as the pumped well is not instantaneous, like in the infinite conductive
fracture case (Gringarten et al, 1974). As a result, at early times the shape of the drawdown
in the observation well is not similar to that of the pumped well (Fig. 2.56).
Drawdown curve
y =
: m
10" D
1 r1INI
10 "2 /
Whenever affected by skin, the drawdown at the pumped well develops similarly to the
infinite conductive fracture case. In a log-log plot, it graphs initially as a horizontal straight
line and after a transition period, it shows the normal radial flow shape (Fig. 2.57a). In a lin t'"
plot, the early time bilinear flow plots as a straight line with a positive shift from the origin
(Fig. 2.57b). Additionally, the derivative of the drawdown curve can be used to determine the
different flow phases, as it is not affected by skin.
Due to the finite conductivity of the fracture it is not possible to graphically determine the
location of the skin as described in Section for the infinite conductive fracture case.
In cases where the storage capacity of the fracture cannot be neglected, the influence of this
parameter on the drawdown behaviour can be described by the relative fracture storage
capacity CDt (Eq. (2.37), Section In log-log plots the effects (Fig. 2.58) are as
For values of CDf > 10 ,the bilinear flow at early time data does not plot on a straight line
with slope 0.25.
For values between 10"4 < CDf < 10*2,the drawdown curves cannot be characterised by any
straight line as they only show transient flow behaviour.
For values of CD,-> 10",the data plot as a straight line with slope 0.5.
10+i D r a w d o w n curve
= 0.25
E 10
10- i 1.11**11
10J 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 10*1 1o2 10*3
t [min]
D r a w d o w n curve
\] a
\l - 1.72X+.0 i 6
Slo 3C - 0 ^ -
Slop ; = 0.5 V
10 y
J /
io- z
\ /
Td = T S t / S xf2
Fig. 2.58 Various dimcnsionless drawdown curves and their derivatives for different relative fracture
storage capacity CDr (pd = 2 ir T s/Q)
Using the Cinco-Ley and Samaniego model (1978) in those cases where bilinear flow and
radial-acting flow are present (Cr < 100), the following parameters can be determined:
Reservoir transmissivity.
Reservoir storage coefficient.
Fracture half-length.
Fracture transmissivity.
Fracture storage coefficient.
Basically, two methods of analysis for the drawdown data are used to determine these
parameters: a straight line method using a lin-log plot and a type curve method using a log-
log plot. If recovery (build up) data are available, the recovery method of Theis (1935) or
Agarwal (1980) can be utilised. Alternatively, a forward modelling using TPA can be applied
to determine the aquifer parameter for both the drawdown and recover}' phase in the pumped
The straight line application allows the determination of the reservoir transmissivity using the
radial-acting flow of drawdown or recovery data in a lin-log plot for pumped well and/or
observation well data. The approach is similar to the methods of Cooper-Jacob (1947) and
Theis (1935). The transmissivity T of the formation can be determined using Eq. (2.38)
It must be borne in mind that the common Cooper-Jacob approach for the determination of
the storage coefficient is only applicable, if the distance of the observation well to the
pumped well is bigger than 5 times that of the fracture half-length Xf.
The Theis (1935) and Agarwal (1980) recovery methods are applicable for the determination
of the formation transmissivity T if a significant portion of the recovery curve shows radial-
acting flow behaviour (Section The handling of the straight line recovery method is
similar to the drawdown approach. The transmissivity of the formation can be determined
using Eq. 2.39 (Section
The advantage of the Cinco-Ley ei al. type curve approach lies in the fact that only data of
the transient phase from linear flow to radial-acting flow are needed. In other words, the
method can be used even if the test did not fully reach the radial-acting flow phase.
The application of Cinco-Ley el al. type curve method for a pumped well is similar to that of
the Theis type curve method. After matching the data curve with the type curve, the
transmissivity T and storage coefficient S of the formation are calculated by substituting the
values for the match point co-ordinates in Eqs. (2.45) and (2.46) (Section The
evaluation of the storage coefficient requires the knowledge of the fracture half-length Xf,
which can only be determined if data from at least one observation well are available and the
relative location to the fracture is known.
The transmissivity of the fracture Tf can be determined using the transmissivity of the
formation and estimated values for the fracture's aperture and half-length in the equation for
the relative conductivity Cr (Eq. 2.46). The storage coefficient of the fracture Sf can only be
uniquely determined using Eq. (2.37) if the relative storage capacity CDr > 10 .
Skin effects can appear at the well (well bore skin) between fracture and matrix (fracture
skin) or on both (Cinco-Ley and Samaniego, 1981b). If drawdown data from wells situated in
a vertical fracture with finite conductivity are obscured by skin effects, the curve shows an
almost horizontal drawdown at the early time data followed by the radial-acting flow period
after a transition zone. The total skin factor ct can be graphically determined using the
pumped well data represented in a lin t'4 plot (Fig. 2.57) and Eq. 2.42 (Section
1Q-3 Analysis method Simulation log/log with drawdown data Simulation parameters:
Discharge 12.5 [m'/h]
Transmissivity 1 [m3/d]
Thickness 2D[ml
Storattvity: 0 0001 [-]
10'* Fracture parameter
Transmissvity: Se6 [-]
Half-length: 400 [m]
Width: 0 001 [-]
Fracture skin factor o[-]
Well performance"
Wei! bore skin OH
Non-linear coeff C O[h*/rrf]
Exponent P
10 I
10 10* 1 10-2 10* 3 10* 10**
t [mm]
Fig. 2.59 Example of the Cinco-Ley et al. forward modelling for a data set (dots) that does not reach a
fully radial-acting flow phase
Cinco-Ley ei al. published a pumping test performed in an oil well with the following
The test was modelled using forward modelling and the above listed parameters. The test
evaluation is presented in Fig. 2.60.
IQ43 Drawdown curve
- - -
E 10*2
100 10*1 10*4 10*5
t [min]
Fig. 2.60 Example of the Cinco-Ley ei al. pumping test evaluation for Cr = 0.82. The dots represent
the data and the solid line the modelled curve
2.7.4 Single vertical dyke with finite conductivity and infinite extent (Boonstra and
Boehmer, 1986)
2.7.4,1 Theory
Boonstra and Boehmer (1986) introduced a semi-analytical model that describes the
drawdown in a single vertical feature with finite conductivity, infinite length and a
considerable uniform width. The feature is embedded in an infinite, isotropic, homogeneous,
horizontal matrix limited by upper and lower impermeable boundaries. The model considers
linear flow at early times and bilinear flow at intermediate times. Although originally
presented to analysed drawdown in dykes, the model can be utiliszed to model drawdown in
vertical fractures with significant width.
p = dimensionless drawdown in the feature [L]
% ={2n/m' / 2 ).x[-]
n = a-(S-T)" 2 /w-Sf["T 1 ' 2 ]
m ^
x - distance between the pumped well and observation point along the feature[L]
a = dmpirical parameter (generally a = 0.94) [-]
T = matrix transmissivity [L~T~l]
Tf = feature transmissivity [L 2 T ! ]
S = matrix storage coefficient [-]
Sf = feature storage coefficient [-]
w = feature width [L]
td = 4-n2-t [-]
r = Integration variable
t * 0.28-T^- (2.4S)
For larger pumping times, the flow in the formation deviates from the parallel flow and
develops gradually into the radial-acting flow.
Boonstra and Boehmer (19S6) demonstrated that for small values of dimensionless time (td <
0.003). Eq. (2.47) at the pumped well reduces to the form:
that coincides with the Cinco-Ley and Samaniego (1981) solution for linear fracture flow.
For large values of the dimensionless time (t^ > 100), Eq. (2.47) at the well reduces to the
which for a = 0.82 is identical to the equation derived by Cinco-Ley and Samaniego (1978)
for the bilinear flow case.
2. 7,4.2 Diagnosis
The drawdown curve in a pumped well situated in a vertical feature with finite conductivity,
infinite length, and considerable width presents the following flow periods:
Linear flow at early times, which shows a typical slope of 0.5 in a log-log plot (Fig. 2.61a)
or a straight line in a lin t plot.
Bilinear flow at intermediate times, which shows a typical slope of 0.25 in a log-log plot
(Fig. 2.61a) or a straight line in a lin tv\
Radial flow at late times, which plots as a straight line in a lin-log plot (Fig. 2.61b).
The drawdown curves show transition zones between all the different flow phases.
In the Boonstra and Bochmer model, the feature has a finite conductivity and therefore the
reaction in an observation well located in the same feature as the pumped well is not
instantaneous like in the infinite conductive fracture case (Gringarten et ah, 1974). At early
time the shape of the drawdown in the observation well is not similar to that of the pumped
well, like in the Cinco-Ley et at. model (Fig. 2.61).
E" 10
10- 2 i i nnu i i in , ,
\ MINI I ! 11IIC 1 11 jii \ 1 tllll
n Drawdown curve
10 \
*-Rac ial flo
20 \
10-3 10" 2 10 10*1 IQ*2 10*3 10*5
t [min]
Fi 2 . 2.61 Different flow periods in drawdown curves froni wells located in a vertical finite conductive
feature with infinile length and considerable width
Whenever affected by skin, the drawdown at the pumped well develops similarly to the
infinite conductive fracture case. In a log-log plot, it graphs initially as a horizontal'straight
line and after a transition period, it shows the normal radial flow shape (Figs. 2.62a and
2.62b). If the early time data shows linear formation flow (slope of 0.5 in a log^log plot), the
early time data graphs as a straight line with a positive shift from the origin in a tin t plot
(Fig. 2.62a). The bilinear flow at early time data (slope of 0.25 in a log-log plot) graphs as a
straight line with a positive shift from the origin in a lin tA (Fig 2.62b). Additionally, the
derivative of the drawdown curve can be used to determine the different flow phases, as this
curve is not affected by skin.
Due to the finite conductivity of the fracture it is not possible to graphically determine the
location of the skin as described in Section for the infinite conductive fracture case.
E 10
S!ope = 0.5
- j,/
1 1 1 1 i i 1 1111 1
' 1 ' ' ,1J 1
100 10-4
t [min]
Q Drawdown curve
\ ^
0.0 10.0 20.0 30,0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0
Fig. 2.62a Skin effects on drawdown curves from the pumped well (squares) and observation well (line)
with linear flow at early time data. Both wells arc located in the same finite conductive
feature with finite length and considerable width
^ ^
Slope = 0.25
E. 10
10"1 I i t M III i l i m n i ii i i i i mi
t [min]
n Drawdown curve
Skin 1
4 \
7 \
m \
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4,0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
t% [min]1/.
Fi. 2.62b Skin effects on drawdown curves from the pumped well (squares) and observation well (line)
with bilinear flow at early time data. Both wells are located in the same finite conductive
feature with finite length and considerable width
Using the Boonstra and Boehmer model (1986), the following parameters can be
determined if the feature width is known:
Reservoir transmissivity.
Reservoir storage coefficient.
Feature transmissivity.
Feature storage coefficient.
Basically, two methods of analysis for the drawdown data are used to determine these
parameters: a straight line method using a lin-log plot and a type curve method using a log-
log plot. If recovery (build up) data are available, the recovery method of Theis (1935) or
Agarwal (1980) can be utilised. Alternatively, a forward modelling using TPA can be applied
to determine the aquifer parameter for both the drawdown and recovery phase in the pumped
The straight line application allows the determination of the reservoir transmissivity T using
the radial-acting flow of drawdown or recovery data in a lin-log plot for pumped well and/or
observation well data. The approach is similar to the methods of Cooper-Jacob (1947) and
Theis (1935). The transmissivity T of the formation can be determined using Eq. (2.37)
The straight line method cannot be applied for the estimation of the reservoir storage
coefficient S.
The Theis (1935) and Agarwal (1980) recovery methods are applicable for the determination
of the formation transmissivity T if a significant portion of the recover}' curve shows radial-
acting flow behaviour. The handling of the straight line recovery method is similar to the
drawdown approach. The transmissivity of the formation can be determined using Eq. (2.39)
The handling of the Boonstra and Bochmer type curve method is similar to that of the
Theis type curve method. After matching the data curve of the observation well with the type
curve, the following parameter products can be calculated by substituting the values for the
match point co-ordinates in the following equations:
Q = constant discharge rate [L"'T"!]
s(x,t) = drawdown [L]
t - time [T]
If the radial-acting flow phase is present, the formation transmissivity T can be calculated
using the straight line method and by replacing T in Eq. (2.53), the formation storage
coefficient S can be estimated. If the feature's width w is known, it is possible to determine
the feature's parameters Tf and Sf by replacing w in Eqs. (2.51) and (2.52), respectively.
The type curve fitting using the pumped well data yields following product of parameters:
Eq. (2.54) is valid for those cases where the data curve fits small dimensionless time values
(td approximately 0.003), which indicates linear feature flow and is characterised by a slope
of 0.5 in a log-log plot. Eq. (2.55) must be used in those cases where the curve fits for td in
the range of 100. which describes bilinear flow and is represented by a slope of 0.25 in a log-
log plot.
Skin effects can appear at the well (well bore skin), between fracture and matrix (fracture
skin) or on both (Cinco-Ley and Samaniego, 1981b). If drawdown data from wells situated in
a vertical feature with finite conductivity are obscured by skin effects, the curve shows an
almost horizontal drawdown at the early time data followed by the radial-acting flow period
after a transition zone. In those cases where the early time data show linear flow (slope of 0.5
in a log-log plot), the total skin factor < can be graphically determined using the pumped well
data represented in a lin t'/j plot (Fig. 2.62a) and Eq. (2.42) (Section The same
procedure can be followed for the determination of the skin factor when the early time data
show a bilinear flow case (slope of 0.25 in a log-log plot), but the data must be graphed in a
lin t" plot (Fig. 2.62b). If the early time data do not show linear or bilinear flow, it is not
possible to apply this method for the determination of the skin factor.
If the formation transmissivity value is known from the straight line approach, this value
should be used as the known parameter in the forward modelling to shorten the time
necessary to fit the unknown parameters. The Boonstra and Boehmer model is implemented
in TPA for both pumped well and observation well located in the same feature.
Dolerite dyke at Brandwag Tvveeling, Republic of South Africa (Boonstra and Boehnier,
19S6 and Boehnier and Boonstra, 1987):
A pumping test was performed in a dyke intruded in the Beaufort Series of the Karoo
Formation. The test set-up consisted of a group of tliree wells. The pumped well, located
within a 10 m wide dyke an observation well located 100 m apart from the pumped well
within the same dyke, and another observation well situated 20 m from the pumped well
perpendicular to the dyke (Fig. 2.63).
1-2 Drawdown curve
g 10*
10 I i t r m i i i i i ii i i i i i
100 10*1 10*2 10*3 104-1
t [min]
]rj2 Drawdown curve
> " "
^ ^
10-1 1 1 1 ! [ 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 \ \ '
2.7.5 Bedding plain fracture with infinite conductivity and finite extent (Gringarten
and Ramey, 1974)
2.7.5J Theory
Gringarten and Ramey (1974) introduced an analytical model that describes the drawdown in
a penny-shape bedding plane fracture with infinite conductivity and finite extension with
uniform flux. The fracture is embedded in an infinite, homogeneous, horizontal matrix that
has anisotropic radial and vertical conductivities and is limited by upper and lower
impermeable boundaries. The model considers linear flow followed by radial-acting flow
after a transition period.
The equation presented by Gringarten and Ramey (1974) assumes that the flux is constant
and uniform along the fracture. It is obtained by means of the Green functions and reads:
' r
\m p-dt\ (2.56)
p - dimensionless drawdown in the fracture [L]
= - ["]
The model is able to describe four different flow phases as follows (Gringarten and Ramey
Fracture storage flow, which duration depends on the fracture thickness.
Linear formation flow, which duration depends on the fracture radius and distance to the
upper and lower formation boundaries.
Transient flow, which occurrence depends on the dimensionless parameter hd, and
Radial-acting flow, which starts at tj = 5. Diagnosis
The drawdown curve in a pumped well situated in a horizontal penny-shape fracture with
infinite conductivity, finite extension and uniform flux shows the following flow periods:
Fracture storage flow at very early time, which shows a typical slope of 1 in a log-log plot
(Fig. 2.64).
Linear formation flow at early time characterized by a slope of 0.5 in a log-log plot (Fig.
2.64) or a straight line in a lin t .
A transition period that shows a typical slope of 1 in a log-log plot (Fig. 2.64).
Radial-acting flow at late time (Fig. 2.64), which plots as a straight line in a lin-log plot.
10*1 limv /
ir> " h d = 10
I a o
" hd = 1
10- 1
i .1
10-2' -' J Tra nsient flo\
\,>% period dial flow
The fracture has an infinite conductivity and therefore the reaction in an observation well
located in the same fracture as the pumped well is instantaneous, as described in the infinite
conductive vertical fracture case (Gringarten et a!., 1974). The shape of the drawdown in the
observation well at early times is similar to that of the pumped well (Fig. 2.65).
The skin effect can be determined using the method described for the infinite conductive
vertical fracture (Gringarten et ai, 1974) as shown in Fig. 2.65. The location can be
graphically determined following the method presented by Bardenhagen (1999), as described
in Section for the infinite conductive fracture case. However, this method cannot be
applied if the drawdown shows fracture storage flow.
10.i Drawdown curve n Drawdown curve
Pump rdwell
10"1 10 10*1 10** 10*5 10*6 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 50 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
1 [mtn]
Fig. 2.65 Drawdown for hd = 0.5 in a pumped well (squares) and two observation wells, one at rd = 0.5
(dots) and the other at rd = 1.5 (triangles) from the pumped well, respectively. The solid lines
represent the drawdown in the same wells when affected by well bore and fracture skins. Fig.
a) presents the whole test and Fig. b) the early time data
Basically, two methods of analysis can be used to determine the formation or matrix
transmissivity T from the drawdown data: a straight line method using a lin-log plot and a
type curve method using a log-log plot. If recovery (build up) data are available, the recovery
method of Theis (1935) or Agarwal (19S0) can be used. Alternatively, a forward modelling
using TPA can be applied to determine the aquifer parameters T and S for both the drawdown
and recovery phases. Note that the determination of the actual fracture transmissivity Tf is not
possible because it is a priori considered infinite.
The straight line method can be applied for the estimation of the reservoir storage coefficient
S, if the observation well is located at a distance greater than five times the fracture radius.
The Theis (1935) and Agarwal (1980) recovery methods are applicable for the determination
of the formation transmissivity T, if a significant portion of the recovery curve shows radial-
acting flow behaviour. The handling of the straight line recovery method is similar to the
drawdown approach. The transmissivity of the formation can be determined using Eq (2 39)
The handling of the Gringarten and Ramey type curve method is similar to that of the Theis
type curve method. After matching the data curve of the pumping well with one of the type
curves, the reservoir transmissivity T can be calculated by substituting the values for the
match point co-ordinates in Eq. (2.40) (Section 2, The matching also provides the
value of hd, which allows the estimation of the vertical hydraulic conductivity kz, using the
following equation:
For the given hd. a different set of curves dependent on rd can be calculated and graphed on a
lin-log plot. A new match of the drawdown data with these curves will provide a value of rd
that permits the calculation of r, (rr = r/rd), which is required for the evaluation of the storage
coefficient, using Eq. (2.41) as presented in Section
Skin effects can appear at the well (well bore skin), between fracture and matrix (fracture
skin) or on both (Cinco-Ley and Samaniego, 1981b). If drawdown data from wells situated in
a horizontal fracture with infinite conductivity are obscured by skin effects, the curve shows
an almost horizontal drawdown at the early time data followed by the radial-acting flow
period after a transition zone.
In those cases where the early time data show formation linear flow (slope of 0.5 in a log-log
plot), the skin locations and the skin factors can be determined as described in Section for the infinite conductive vertical fracture case.
If the formation transmissivity value is known from the straight line approach, this value
should be used as the known parameter in the forward modelling to shorten the time
necessaiy to fit the unknown parameters. The Gringarten and Ramey model is implemented
in TPA for both the pumped well and observation well.
A constant discharge test was performed during 390 minutes in the test field of the University
of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, where a bedding plane is embedded in the
Karoo Formation. Due to the shortness of the test, the radial-acting flow was not reached;
therefore the estimated aquifer parameters are relatively uncertain. The test set-up consisted
in a pumped well and three observation wells. The test evaluation is presented in Fig. 2.66.
\ / / A.)bs. Wei I I
r = 5 rr Pumped well
rw = 0.08 m
10-3 100
Fig. 2.66 Evaluation of the pumping test performed in the test field of the University of the Free State
in Mocmfontein, South Africa. The data are represented by the symbols and the modelled
curve using the Griogarten and Ramey mudel is graphed with solid lines
2.7.6 Generalised radial flow model for fractured reservoirs (Barker, 1988) Theory
Barker (198S) introduced an analytical model that describes the drawdown in a fractured
aquifer for various flow dimensions including linear, radial and spherical flows. These flow
dimensions are seen as dependent on the fracture connectivity rather than as aquifer
dimensions and are described by a factor n. Flow dimensions equal aquifer dimensions for
integer values of n: for n = 1 the flow is strictly linear, for n = 2 the flow is radial (Theis
model) and for n = 3 the flow is spherical. The non-integer values of n describe the excess or
lack of fracture connections compared to fracture networks with perfect connections in 1, 2
and 3 dimensions (Leveinen et al. I99S).
The solution is valid for a homogeneous and isotropic fractured medium and considers 1, 2,
and 3 dimensional sources with a finite storage capacity. The source dimensions are defined
by b n "\ where n = 1 implies a very thin cube source, n = 2 a cylinder source and n = 3 a
sphere source. The model also incorporates the possibility of infinitesimal skin located at the
Due to the fact that the model considers the fractured aquifer as an isotropic homogeneous
medium, the flow dimension is strictly defined by the dimension of the source. In other
words, a one-dimensional flow can be obtained when the aquifer is an infinite strip of a
certain width b and thickness b and the source is a surface that intersects the entire strip. The
two-dimensional flow is obtained when the aquifer is infinite with a thickness b and the
source is a cylinder of height b that fully penetrates the aquifer. The three-dimensional flow
will be obtained whenever the aquifer is infinite in all three directions and the source is a
sphere. This effect restricts the use of the method to very few well-defined aquifers and tests,
as practically no one- or three-dimensional flows can extend for an infinite period of time.
Naturally, the flow tends to a radial-acting flow (two-dimensional flow) after a certain period
of time due to the fact that most aquifers have a finite thickness compared to the horizontal
Barker introduced two general equations to describe the head in the source and head in the
formation both related to the abstraction rate (Eqs. 2.58 and 2.59, respectively). The
equations obtained by means of the Laplace transformation read:
'Q{p) A',
_H(p) = drawdown at the source in the Laplace space [L]
h(p) = drawdown in the reservoir in the Laplace space [L]
Q(p) = abstraction rate in the Laplace space [L3T"'j
p = laplace transform variable
n = dimension of the fracture flow system [-]
b = extent of the flow region [L]
= r/rw [-]
= (P-S s f/K f ) v
v = l-n/2
" KM
K v (|i) = modified Bessel function of fractal order
F(x) = Gamma function Diagnosis
Based on the Barker model, the following flow characteristics can be observed (Fig. 2.67):
For n > 2 steady state situation at late time, which shows a typical slope of 0 (horizontal
line) in a log-log plot.
The Theis curve corresponds to n = 2, which is characterized by a straight line in a lin-log
For n < 2 straight lines at late time with slopes of v = 1 - n/2 in a log-log plot.
(a) (b)
t n-3 Drawdown curve
^ n = 1.5
n= ]
n = 3
! *-V^ 1.5
* * * * *
200 fi
i n= 1
10 II 300
10*' 10*2 0 1000 20D0 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 SOOC
t [mm] t [min]
Fig. 2.67 Drawdown obtained using the same aquifer parameters for different flow dimensions n in a
log-log plot (a). The graph (b) shows the drawdown and recovery for the same parameters in
a lin-log plot
Fig. 2.68 shows the type drawdown curves for different flow dimensions n. The function F(n,
u) is evaluated as:
. i [>T V Wi ..VI
- 1.5
F(n, u)
/ n =2
/ ~~
n = 2.5
n =3
1E+1 1E+O 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 1E-6 1E-7 1E-8
u = S it -r /(4-Kfl)
Fig. 2.68 Type curves for different flow dimensions (n) based on Eq. (2.60)
Basically, only the type curve method using a log-log plot and the forward modelling using
TPA can be used to determine the formation or matrix transmissivity T from the drawdown
data. Common straight line methods in the lin-log plot can only be applied for the cases
where n = 2.
The straight line method allows the determination of the reservoir transmissivity T using the
radial-acting flow phase of drawdown data in a lin-log plot for the pumped well and/or
observation well data. In the Barker model, this method is applicable only if n = 2. The
approach is similar to the methods of Cooper-Jacob (1946) and Theis (1935). The
transmissivity T of the formation can be determined using Eq. (2.38) (Section
The Theis (1935) and Agarwal (1980) recovery methods are applicable for the determination
of the formation transmissivity T if a significant portion of the recovery curve shows radial-
acting flow behaviour. The handling of the straight line recovery method is similar to the
drawdown approach. The transmissivity of the formation can be determined using Eq. (2.39)
The handling of the Barker type curve method is similar to that of the Theis type curve
method. Data from the pumped well can be used only if the well bore storage and the well
bore skin are negligible, but data from obsen'ation boreholes can always be analysed using
this method.
After matching the data curve of the pumping well with one of the type curves, the product
Kf b'"r' (that equals the transmissivity of the fracture system for n = 2) and the inverse of
diffusiviiy of the fracture system Ssf / Kr can be calculated by substituting the values for the
match point co-ordinates in Eqs. (2.61) and (2.62), respectively.
0 (AKf
b'-n = r (l-v)'- 2 r (2.6!)
4/r -' h{r,t)v
(2 .62)
Barker (1988) suggests that any two of these three parameters (Kf, Ssf) or b) can be
determined if the third is estimated or known.
Skin effects can appear at the well (well bore skin), between fracture and matrix (fracture
skin) or on both (Cinco-Ley and Samaniego 1981b). If drawdown data from wells situated in
a horizontal fracture with infinite conductivity are obscured by skin effects, the curve shows
an almost horizontal drawdown at the early time data followed by the radial-acting flow
period after a transition zone.
In those cases where the early time data show formation linear flow (slope of 0.5 in a log-log
plot), the skin locations and the skin factors can be determined as described in Section for the infinite conductive vertical fracture case.
If the formation transmissivity value is known from the straight line approach, this value
should be used as the known parameter in the forward modelling to shorten the time
necessary to fit the unknown parameters. The Barker model is implemented in TPA for both
the pumped well and observation well.
As discussed previously in this document, all the analytical models for fractured aquifers
have special assumptions which yield to limitations of their use. On the other hand, there are
a lot of uncertainties and effects during the pumping test, which can make it difficult to
estimate the time drawdown data correctly. In this section, some of these uncertainties and
limitations will be discussed and possible solutions explained.
The drawdown curve is often disturbed by variations in the pumping rate, which can be easily
recognised by comparison of the drawdown and recovery curve shapes. In the absence of no-
flow boundary' effects, both curves must show the same behaviour due to the superposition
theory (Fig. 2.69). If a closed reservoir is pumped, the shapes of the drawdown and recovery
curves have a characteristic difference as illustrated in Fig. 2.70.
E 10 B 10
Fi. 2.69 The superposition theory implies that the shapes of the drawdown and recovery curves are
similar. This effect can be used to determine the quality of the drawdown data
10" ;
E 10
/ n *
E ? 1 00
10- i Hill i inn 10 "1 MtM-l II I I - - | H I I I I Mil
ID-: 10 c 10"*
Fig. 2.70 If a limited reservoir is pumped, the drawdown and recovery curves present characteristic
In cases of step drawdown tests or extreme variations in the abstraction rates daring a
constant discharge test (pump failure, etc.). only the recovery or build up curve is suitable for
common analysis methods like Theis (1935) or Agarwal (1980). However, these methods
lead to correct results if the discharge variations are eliminated using the Birsoy and Summer
(1980) correction, which writes:
'-'.- (2.63)
on = 1 1
= start time of the iltl discharge period
V = end time of ith discharge period
Q, = constant discharge rate of ilh period
Qn = last constant discharge rate
If the time correction is ignored, significant differences in the recovery behaviour are
observed (Fig. 2.71), which would result in a wrong determination of the transmissivity.
-I Recovery curve
1 \ s 82
b = 1.03
3 . I 1 1 l!l ! 1 1 . 1 , 1 1
10 10*1 10*2 10*3 10-*
(tp+dt)/dt [-]
Fig. 2.71 The curves represent the recovery from a step tesi run at Q = 4 m'/h, Q = 8 in'Vh and
Q = 12 my/h. The dots graph the recovery considering a constant average discharge of
Q = 8 nr/h and no time correction. The solid curve shows the same recovery data with time
correction. The Theis recovery method estimates transmissivity values of T = 50 m:/d for
corrected data and T = -43 mVd for uncorrected data, due to the differences in the applied
discharge rate (Q = 12 nvVh for corrected data and an average of Q = 8 nv/h for uncorrected
The corrected time tcorr replaces the pumping time tp in the Theis (1935) superposing
correction for the recovery curve, which then reads:
+ dt
t' = time corrected for the superposition effects in the drawdown phase
dt = time increment after the recovery (build up) phase starts
The time correction for the recovery curve in the Agarwal (1980) method reads
t dt
r= t, . + (it (2.65)
The advantage of Agarwal's method lies in the possibility of using common type curve
methods for the detemiination of the transmissivity and storage coefficient (if skin effects are
Common analysis methods for primary aquifers (Cooper-Jacob or Theis) can be applied to
pumping test results from a fracture network with limited extent for the detemiination of the
transmissivity T, but only after the radial-acting flow phase is reached. However, these
methods cannot be used for the estimation of the storage coefficient S, due to the pseudo-skin
The storage coefficient in the common methods is calculated using the following equation:
5= / (2.66)
T = transmissivity [L'T ]
r = distance to the pumped well [L]
to = time at which the first straight line intercept the time axis [T]
and the pseudo-skin effect gives wrong values for to as illustrated in Fig. 2.72.
t Imin]
Fig. 2.72 The application of the Cooper-.laeob approach for the determination of the storage
coefficient gives wrong results due to the pseudo-skin effect
Fig. 2.73 shows the extremely large error made in the calculation of S, when the Cooper-
Jacob straight line method is applied to the drawdown data measured in observation wells
located in various directions near an infinite conductive vertical fracture with uniform flux.
Indeed, common methods are only applicable in the calculation of S when the observation
well is located at a distance of at least 5 times the fracture half-length from the fracture. This
distance represents the REV of such system and is identical to the location where the cone of
depression reaches the radial-acting flow phase.
90 degree ^ ^ ^
fault oeg^e
: \\ 90 degree Dfreclion of !he ctservaiion well location
1 45 degree
= ^ - .
0 degree
0 1 2 3 4 5
Dimensionless distance r/xf
Fig. 2.73 Deviation from the real storage coefficient calculated using the Cooper-Jacob straight line
method for data of the radial-acting flow phase in observation wells in the vicinity of a single
vertical infinite conductive fracture with uniform flux
Consider the geological set-up and geometry of the fractured-rock aquifers in South Africa, in
general a three-dimensional groundwater flow must be considered when estimating aquifer
parameters with pumping test data. However, recently most pumping test data are still
evaluated using analytical solutions such as Theis or Cooper-Jacob, which were derived for
porous media and therefore cannot be applied correctly to fractured rock environments, as it
will be shown in this section. Field Example - Hydraulic Test UO26 on the Campus Test Site
The constant discharge test on the Campus Test Site was conducted at borehole UO26 for
abstraction with a discharge rate of 0.71 1/s for a period of 13 hours. The boreholes UO27,
UO28 and UO29 were used to observe the water level in the aquifer permanently with a
pressure transducer and automatically data logger. All the boreholes intersected the same
fracture zones and Fig. 2.74 shows the pumping test data in this case. The drawdown values
in UO27, UO2S and UO29 were very similar and did not converge to the same drawdown
value as the abstraction borehole UO26.
2.5 -
I 2 UO29 (34)
UO27 (7)
| 1.5 H
1 I"
0.5 -
0 -
10 100 1000
Time (min)
Fig. 2.74 Draivdcrwn in the abstraction and observation boreholes durin the constant rale test at
UO26. The values in parenthesis give the distance between individual boreholes and IO26
The test data were analysed with different methods to evaluate the aquifer parameter
transmissivity T (nT/d) and storage coefficient S (-). The results of the analyses are shown in
Table 2.1. The estimated T-values, using the methods of Cooper-Jacob or Theis, are of the
same order of 10 m"/d, but the estimated S-values differ between 3 E-5 and 2E-3 with a
distance dependency (the larger the observation distance, the smaller the estimated S-value).
The reason for this phenomenon is the application of a ^Yrong method to the real field
situation. In a fractured aquifer, we are dealing with two systems, i.e. fracture and matrix.
During a pumping test, groundwater is released from matrix, flows vertically to the fracture
and then along the fractured zone towards the abstraction borehole. However, neither the
Theis nor Cooper-Jacob methods consider this situation. When applying these methods, only
the portion of groundwater, which is released outside of the radius of the observation
borehole, is considered by the analytical solution. This portion is decreasing with the
increasing distance of the observation borehole. This explains the decreasing of the S-values
with the distance. As a result of applying Theis or Cooper-Jacob methods, the estimated T
and S-values represent a mixture of the matrix and fracture properties (Chiang and Riemann,
By using the distance-drawdown method (known as Cooper-Jacob II, see Fig. 2.75), the
estimated T-value is much higher and the S-value much smaller than with Cooper-Jacob or
Theis. With the Cooper-Jacob II method, the estimated values mainly represent the fracture
zone, while the estimated values with the other methods represent the whole aquifer (fracture
+ matrix).
Cooper-Jacob II
0.3 -
0.2 - T = 755 m 7d
S = 6 E-7
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Distance (rn)
Fig. 2.75: Measured drawdown afler 2 minutes vs. distance of observation during constant rate test at
From the graphs and the results, it can be seen, that the standard methods for estimating
aquifer parameter from hydraulic tests (i.e. Theis and Cooper-Jacob) cannot be applied
correctly to fractured aquifers, because the vertical flux from the matrix to the fracture and
the storage of the matrix are nearly neglected in these models.
Table 2.1 Results of the evaluated aquifer parameter for the constant rate test
Cooper-Jacob Method Theis Method
Borehole T (nr/d) S(-) T (m:/d) S(-) Comment
UO26 10.6 2.75 E-3 10 3.30 E-3 S-value calculated
with effective BH
Radius of 25 m
UO27 10.6 2.] 3 E-3 10 2.45 E-3 T- and S-values valid
UO28 10.5 5.41 E-4 10 5.80 E-4 for whole aquifer
UO29 10.7 8.92 E-5 11 8.60 E-5 (fracture + matrix)
AllBH's 755 5.87 E-7 Cooper-Jacob II
for fracture zone
The constant discharge test on the Meadhurst Test Site was conducted at borehole Ml for
abstraction with a discharge rate of 1.4 17s for a period of 16 hours. The boreholes M2, M3,
M5 and M6 were used to observe the water level in the aquifer over the whole period of the
test. Fig. 2.76 shows the data and graphs of the 1st test for the abstraction borehole Ml and
the nearest observation borehole M2. The behaviour of the drawdown in both boreholes are
very similar, even the jump in the drawdown due to the change of the discharge rate after
around 8 minutes, is clearly to observe in both boreholes.
5- A
f 4-
. ^
Change of M1 (0.08}
discharge rate M2(21.7)
n -
- 10 100 1000
Time (min)
Fig. 2.76 Drawdown in the abstraction borehole Ml and the observation borehole M2 during the
constant rate test with 1.4 1/s at Meadhurst Test Site
1 -
E 0.8
-M2 (21.7)
0.2 -
10 100 1000
Time (min)
Fig. 2.77 Drawdown behaviour of the observation boreholes M2 and M3
The drawdowns in the boreholes M2 and M3, both intersecting the dyke with a distance of 2
m to each other and having almost the same distance to the abstraction borehole Ml, show a
different behaviour. While drawdown values in M2 and M3 react in the same way as those of
the abstraction borehole Ml (Figs. 2.76 and 2.77), the drawdown in M3 is much less (Fig.
2.77). This shows that the hydraulic contact between Ml and M2 is better than between Ml
and M3. A similar behaviour can be observed in M6.
The estimation of the transmissivity for the different boreholes, used in the methods from
Theis and Cooper-Jacob, yields values between 23.8 m:/d and 294 m2/d (see Table 2.2). The
high values were estimated for boreholes with a small drawdown like M3, M5 and M6. In the
same boreholes, large values for the storage coefficient, between 3E-3 and 3E-2, were
estimated, while the storage coefficient in boreholes Ml and M2 was estimated at 2E-5.
Using the drawdown-distance method (Cooper-Jacob II), an average T-value for the fracture
is estimated as 35 mVd and an average storage coefficient S as 3E-5. From the graph (see fig.
2.78), it can be shown that these values are only valid for boreholes Ml, M2 and M5, while
the plots of boreholes M3 and M6 lie outside of the straight line. This even shows that these
boreholes do not have a good hydraulic contact with the fracture system Ml - M2 - M5.
From the results listed in Table 2.2, it can be clearly seen that the application of Cooper-
Jacob or Theis methods cannot yield correct values in this case due to the different behaviour
of the fractured aquifer, because these methods are only valid for porous media and under
restrictive assumptions.
Table 2.2 Results from the Constant Rate Test at Meadhurst Test Site, using the
standard methods of Cooper-Jacob and Theis
To apply the porous media methods like Cooper-Jacob or Theis for analysing hydraulic tests
in fractured aquifers will yield wrong values, as shown above. The main errors are listed
Estimated S-values depend on the distance from the observation to the abstraction
Boreholes in badly connected fractures will yield too high T- and S-values.
Estimated T-values resulted from conductivity in the fracture, horizontal and vertical
conductivity in the matrix and aquifer thickness.
Applying the straight line method (Cooper-Jacob) or the Theis method to the phase of
radial flow (derivative is horizontal) will yield parameter values, which are not
representing the fracture or the formation alone (harmonic mean of the values).
In general, the spread of the drawdown wave can significantly be affected by several
hydrogeological parameters, including:
the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the matrix (khm),
the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the matrix (kvm),
the specific storage coefficient of the matrix (S5m),
the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the fracture (khf),
the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the fracture (kvf) and
the specific storage coefficient of the fracture (SSf).
Theis or Cooper-Jabcob methods and therefore all other methods, which are based on these
methods, can only provide an estimate of the transmissivity (a mixture of khm, kvm. khf, kvt and
aquifer thickness) and storage coefficient (a mixture of Ssm, Ssl-and aquifer thickness).
In Section 2.7, the different flow models, derived for fractured aquifers, were described and
the underlying assumptions were listed. For example, the Warren and Root or Kazemi
method for a double porosity aquifer can be applied only if the conditions on the left side of
Table 2.3 are true. On the right side, the real situation in most of the aquifers in South Africa
are described.
An increasing number of boreholes in Southern Africa have dried up during the past years, in
spite of favourable hydrologic conditions. An investigation of reliable estimates for the
sustainable yield of the boreholes was therefore required. Overestimation of the borehole
yield was due to the application of improper extrapolation of drawdown curves, which
ignored barrier boundaries and neglected parameter uncertainties arising from the imperfect
knowledge of the effective aquifer properties. Sami and Murray (199S) give a summary of
methods that are commonly used in SA to estimate the sustainable yield of a borehole and the
methods include:
(i) the Recovery Method,
(ii) the late T-method,
(iii) the Drawdown-to-boundary Method and
(iv) the Distance-to-boundary Method.
Naafs (1999) compared the methods above using the FC-method (Van Tonder el ai, 1998)
and found that the Recovery method and the late T-method are not to be used because they
gave a too high sustainable yield in most of the cases tested. Naafs adapted the late T-method
by introducing a variable available drawdown. In the case of this adapted late T-method, it
yielded very similar results if compared to the Drawdown-to-boundary and Distance-to-
boundary methods. Both the adapted late T-method and the Drawdown to-boundary methods
are special cases of the FC-method.
The following sections show how to estimate the sustainable yield of a borehole by
quantifying the effects of no-flow boundaries as well as the uncertainties in the values of
transmissivity, storativity and distances to the boundaries.
The ratio of drawdown s to pumping rate 0 is a constant for a well (if corrected for well
losses). This constant only depends on the aquifer properties transmissivity T and storativity
S: If tiong describes the maximum operation time in which the drawdown s shall not exceed a
maximum drawdown salable, the extrapolation of the measured pumping test drawdown can
be used to determine the sustainable yield Qs
The available drawdown is, for instance, the position of the main water strike in the borehole.
If the drawdown exceeds this position, a drastic decrease in the yield of the borehole occurs
and it may dry up. The problem of extrapolating the drawdown measured during the pumping
test from the time of the end of the pumping test to a time f/ong of around two to five years,
remains. This extrapolation is traditionally done by applying the Theis solution. A more
sophisticated extrapolation of the pumping test drawdown beyond the time of the end of the
measurement is obtained by using a Taylor series expansion based on the extrapolation of the
measured drawdown curve including drawdown derivatives, and by accounting for
The drawdown measured during a pumping test is the sum of the drawdowns due to the
production well, SweU, and the boundaries, sBoui,liao.\
The drawdown due to the production well (sir?//) is extrapolated by a Taylor series expansion
around the late measurement points of the drawdown at t ~tE0P (subscript EOP denotes end
of pumping test). The Taylor series expansion is performed with respect to the logarithm of
time, logic- A second order approximation is assumed to be sufficient:
-2 '
2 cfhg ,)2 'leg ~ S 'EOP )
The time 1EOP has to be large enough to ensure that the drawdown has already passed the
early time flow behaviour that is due to well bore storage, fracture flow and double porosity
effects. This can clearly be monitored by looking at the derivative plot cs/cJogt (van
Tonder, 199S; Bourdet et a!., 19S4). Usually, the effect of the boundaries can only be seen at
very late times of the pumping test. The extrapolation of Equation (3.3) therefore does not in
general include boundary information.
For simple geometries of the boundaries, image well theory is applied to analyse the effects
of the boundaries on the drawdown (sn
The analytical expressions and the simplified boundary configurations already yield far better
estimates of the sustainable yield than the traditional Theis extrapolation, which assumes an
aquifer of infinite extent. The estimate can be improved further by taking into account
uncertainties in the required parameters like the late time transmissivity T, storativity S and
the distances to the boundaries a and b.
The drawdown in the pumping well is a function of the parameters t, Q, T, S, a and b, where
a and b are the distances to boundaries. It is assumed that the latter four parameters are not
known perfectly, but are within a range around their mean values:
The mean drawdown s can be approximated by evaluating the drawdown equations at the
mean values of the input parameters:
is(f.S,a,b) (3.5)
The standard deviation (describing the uncertainty of the drawdown) can be approximated by
the following formula:
qj is required at the extrapolation time tjong, since the uncertainty of the extrapolated
drawdown is of interest. Equation (3.6) shows that the uncertainty crs is determined by the
input parameter uncertainties aT,as ,aB,ab, and the sensitivities
8s / dT, 8s / dS, ds/da, ds / db .
The sensitivity of the drawdown with respect to the parameters is the sum of the sensitivity of
the well drawdown and the sensitivity of the image wells, i.e. the boundary drawdown. In
case of the transmissivity, for instance, this can be written as:
CS 1
^- (3.8)
dT dT
The analytical expression of the Theis sensitivity can easily be evaluated by a finite
difference approximation. The uncertainty of the extrapolated drawdown cr5 can now be
included in the estimation of the sustainable yield. The available drawdown has to be
corrected by the uncertainty of the drawdown that arises from the imperfect knowledge of the
aquifer parameters and the distances to the boundaries:
'available ~ savailable ~ ^as (3 -9)
Application of this methodology required the determination of T and S. These parameters can
be estimated by the interpretation of the drawdown curve. Moreover, to get an estimate of the
available drawdown and the water strikes, the flow regime behaviour has to be investigated to
identify the main fractures and the water strikes. In the following section we present a new,
heuristic approach for the identification of T and S and a way to obtain a better knowledge on
the flow regime.
A specific flow regime has a characteristic pumping test curve. The use of derivatives of
pressure head has been used for many years in the oil field to evaluate flow regime
characteristics (Bourdet et ah, 1984; Home 1997). Use of the derivative of pressure head
versus time is mathematically satisfying because the derivative is directly represented in one
of the diffusivity equations, which is the governing equation for all the models of transient
pressure behaviour currently in use in well test analysis. Consequently, the derivative
response is much more sensitive to small phenomena of interest which are all integrated and,
hence, diminished, by the pressure head versus time solutions usually present in well test
interpretations. Accurate field measurements of drawdown versus time are, however,
*2.3togC (X1G)
where s is the drawdown in the borehole, 0 is the abstraction rate of abstraction borehole, T
is the transmissivity of the aquifer system and C is a lime dependent expression that varies
according to aquifer type and contains the ratio T/S where S is the storativity (see Table 3.1).
From Equation (3.10), the derivative of the drawdown with respect to log (t) is found to be:
clogt ATTT
From this equation the T-value can be calculated for each time. The derivative of the
logarithmic drawdown with respect to log (t) is given by:
clogs _ 1 1 1
Slog* ~ In C ~ \n{actQ) ~ ftlnlO
Table 3.1 Values of the parameter C in Equation (3.10) for a few typical types of
aquifers, with Xf the half-width of the vertical fracture, \Vd the width of the dyke or
fault and b a constant^ 3 for an orthogonal fracture system and 1 for a linear system
(Kruseman and De Ridder, 1991)
c Aquifer
(2.25Tto)<(rS) 2.2-vr Homogeneous porous (Theis-model)
(2.25Tfto)/(rSf) 2.25/r2 Dual porosity (early time)
(2.25T f W[r(S f - bSm)] 2,25/r Dual porosity (late time)
(I6.59Tto)/[S(Xf):] 16,59/KXf)2] Single vertical fracture
(40T3to)/[S(WdTd)2] (40T2)/[(WdT<,)2] Conductive dvke or fault zone
The subscripts f. m and d refer to the fracture, rock matrix and dyke respectively
The characteristics that can be obtained from the derivative graph are as follows:
Well bore storage shows a line with slope = 1 at early times.
Infinite radial shows a horizontal straight-line 1 to 1.5 log cycles after well bore storage.
A double porosity aquifer shows a characteristic dip after well bore storage.
A single no-flow boundary shows, at most, a doubling of the derivative
Two no-flow boundaries show, at most, a tripling of the derivative.
A closed no-flow boundary shows a straight line with slope = 1 at late times.
Two parallel and a U-shape no-flow boundary show a slope = 0.5 graph.
A recharge boundary (river or dam) shows a drastic decrease in the value of the derivative
Positions of fractures are usually seen by a typical sinus wave form (i.e. at the fracture
position, the derivative decreases and after de-watering of the fracture, the derivative
increases again).
If the second derivative (say s") of drawdown is taken, the following important characteristics
could be obtained:
The value of s" reaches a value of exactly 1 for a closed no-flow boundary.
The value of s" is equal to zero for a homogeneous infinite aquifer (Theis model).
The effective T-and S-values are obtained by the evaluation of the derivatives as described
above. We suggest taking the highest value of the drawdown derivative observed during the
pumping test to estimate the effective 7*-and S-values. However, this holds only after having
passed well bore storage effects and before having reached the boundaries. The reason for
this heuristic approach is the following. When the water level reaches the position of a
fracture, a flattening of the water level is observed. At this stage, one would obtain an
erroneous effective T-value by using the derivative of this flattened part. The flattening of the
drawdown curve is due to the fact that flow conditions have changed from confined to
unconfined. At the position of the fracture, the drawdown will be according to the specific
yield and not to the storage coefficient of the fracture. Because the specific yield is much
higher than the storage coefficient, a flattening of the drawdown curve is observed.
The maximum drawdown derivative coincides with the maximum of the log-drawdown
derivative due to the monotonic behaviour of the decimal logarithm. The effective S-value
curve will thus always show an upward trend in field situations. At early times, the
drawdown is according to the storage coefficient of the fracture, and then changes to the
specific yield at the position of the fracture. At late times, the S-value changes to the
storativity of the matrix.
The MODFLOW program was used to generate a typical pumping test solution:
Case: Two-layer generated pumping test (2020 x 2020 m square closed boundary) with
typical parameter values for fractured aquifers in the Karoo rocks of Southern Africa with a
fracture zone in the bottom layer. Thickness of the first layer = 19 m and bottom layer = 1 m.
Fracture zone is situated in bottom layer (220 x 220 m). Abstraction borehole (2 1 s'1) is
situated in the center of this fracture zone in the bottom layer. First layer: Tm=l m2 d'1;
Sm=0.001 (typical matrix values for the Karoo aquifers). Fracture zone T,=20 m2 d"1 and
SrlxlO" 4 . Rest of bottom layer has the same Tm and Sm as top layer. Vertical Kz = 0.1 m d"1.
Fig. 3.1 shows the Modflow generated values for a period of 2 years.
The use of the different derivative graphs could be used with great effect to identify certain
specific flow characteristics (see Fig. 3.1) of fractured-rock aquifers.
10 +
0 1
io ioo IOOO 10000 100000 1000000
Time (min)
The Modflow program was run for a period of 2 years with an abstraction rate of 2 1 s"1. The
generated data values for times up to 3 days (i.e. the typical length of a pumping test) were
used in the FC-method to estimate the drawdown and sustainable yield by extrapolating
drawdown to 2 years. The correct answer is, of course, 2 1s'1. Table 3.2 shows the results:
Table 3.2. Comparison between Modflow and FC-results for synthetic generated data
Parameter Result
Modflow FC
s [t=tE0P) (m) 3.S2 -
s(t=t;Mf) (m) 30.56 29.2
Q_sust(ls"') 2 2.09
The recommended yield estimated with the FC-method is within 4.5 % of the Modflow
solution. Further examples of the successful application of the method to various synthetic
and real case field studies can be found in (Van Tonder el a!., 1998 and Van Tonder et al,
Step drawdown and multirate tests present convenient tools for the estimation of the long-
term yield of boreholes. However, the analytical methods commonly employed for the
analysis of such tests are all based on the assumption that the drawdown in a borehole is a
linear function of the discharge rate. Numerous constant rate tests, of which a few are
discussed in this chapter, have shown that this is not necessarily the case with boreholes
drilled in the fractured formations of South Africa. The drawdowns in these boreholes are not
only influenced by the peculiar geometry of the aquifers, but also the non-linear deformation
of the aquifers during the pumping of a borehole. The two new non-linear models for the
analysis of step drawdown and multirate tests introduced here, try to account for these
factors, in particular the deformation of the aquifer, flow dimension and dewatering of
discrete fractures. Although the model proposed for multirate tests is still based on constant
time steps, the one for step drawdown tests allows the user to use arbitrary time steps, when
performing the test in the field.
Non-linearities in drawdown curves should always be treated with caution, especially when
used to assign sustainable yields for boreholes. However, the example of a step drawdown
test performed at the Campus Test Site of the University of the Free State, shows that non-
linearities can be addressed with an appropriate model.
Step drawdown tests were introduced by Jacob (1947) to study the influence that the
discharge rate, Q, has on the drawdown, s(r, t), of the water level in a borehole. His
conclusion, based on a number of drawdown tests, was that the observed drawdown consists
of two componentsone linear in Q and the other one non-linear. He also showed that the
linear component can be divided into what he called 'the linear aquifer loss coefficient',
which he denoted by the symbol Bi(rw, t), and a 'linear well loss coefficient, B ; , caused by
the loss of energy in the borehole itself. The former of these components can be viewed as the
drawdown one would observe if water could be withdrawn from an aquifer without the loss
of energy represented by the term B2. In other words, Bi(rWj t) can be interpreted as the
theoretical solution of the groundvvater flow equation for the actual, physical aquifer. It is
consequently impossible (at least at this moment) to distinguish between the two linear losses
in practice. Jacob therefore combined the two tenns into the linear loss coefficient, defined by
the equation
where re is known as the effective radius of a borehole, with physical radius rw.
Jacob defined re as the radial distance from the vertical axis of the borehole to a point where
the water level in the aquifer equals the water level in the borehole. This interpretation led
him to describe the observed drawdown in a pumped borehole, sw, with the equation
where the term CQ represents the non-linear losses.
The main effect of the non-linear losses is to drive the water level in the borehole down,
without contributing to Q. This could not only affect the operational costs of a borehole
adversely, but also cause irreparable damage to the borehole, pump and even the aquifer. It is
therefore very important that one should never operate a borehole in such a way that the non-
linear energy losses become dominant. However, it may sometimes be necessary to sacrifice
energy for the borehole to perform optimally. Since this was the main motivation for Jacob to
introduce step drawdown tests, it is not surprising to find that Eq. (4.1) can be very useful in
this reiiard.
It is common practice to assume that the coefficient C in Eq. (4.1) is constant and attribute
the existence of the term CQ" to turbulent flow, caused by the pump in and near the borehole
(Helweg, 1994). However, there are indications that the drawdown is not only a function of
Q. but also the geometry of the aquifer and that this may contribute to the non-linear term in
Eq. (4.1) and cause the parameters B2 and C to be time dependent. Helweg therefore suggests
that Eq. (4.1) should be replaced by the equation
which he claims is more general than Eq. (4.1). This is certainly true in the sense that
Eq. (4.2) allows the coefficients to be time dependent. However, to achieve this he assumed
that the theoretical drawdown, Bi(rw, t), could be represented by the Cooper-Jacob
approximation of the Theis solution for an infinite uniform aquifer. Since this assumption is
not necessary in Eq. (4.1), the possibility exists that Eq. (4.1) may describe the drawdowns of
boreholes in heterogeneous aquifers better than Eq. (4.2), if the time is kept constant.
Another consequence of Helweg's assumption is that the flow towards the borehole must be
radial, which need not be the case. This seems to be particularly the case with the shallow
aquifers in the geological formations associated with the Karoo Supergroup in South Africa.
These formations, which underlie approximately 50% of the country, consist mainly of
sandstones, mudstones, shales and siltstones. The isostatic uplift of Karoo sediments and the
intrusion of Drakensberg lavas and dolerites have fractured these formations, particularly the
sandstone layers that are less elastic than the rest of the rocks in the Supergroup. Karoo
aquifers therefore normally contain one (sometimes a few) bedding parallel fracture, as
illustrated in Fig. 4.1, that serves as the main conduit of water for boreholes in the aquifers
(Botha el a!., 1998). The drawdown observed during a constant rate test on such a borehole
consequently displays a completely different behaviour than the drawdown in a conventional
borehole. If borehole storage is neglected, the drawdown initially follows a linear trend, as
shown in Fig. 4.2, which suggests that the borehole receives its water from the bedding plane
fracture, This period is followed by one in which the flow is bilinear, when the borehole
receives water from both the fracture and the rock matrix. Although the water level at first
continue to decrease during this period, it ultimately tends to stabilise on or just above the
bedding parallel fracture, provided that the discharge rate of the borehole does not exceed the
rate at which the matrix can recharge the fracture. Otherwise, the water level will begin to
decline again and stabilizes above another fracture (if one is present), or simply drop to the
pump intake. The drawdowns observed in Karoo boreholes therefore depend not only on the
discharge rates of the boreholes, as implied in the derivations of Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2), but also
on the geometry of the aquifer.
Soil Surface
\\ Observed
\ Water Level u
Schematic cross-section through a typical Karoo aquifer
Bedding Parallel
Fie- 4.1
Fraclum.Siability f
25 -
% 15
rt Fracture .Stability
D 10
5 -
J ] \
Fig. 4.2 The drawdown observed during a constant rate test on a borehole in the Karoo Supergroup
pumped at a constant rate ofl5 L s"1
The dependence of the observed drawdowns in Karoo boreholes on the geometry of the
aquifer is not restricted to the dewatering of fractures alone, as illustrated by the results of
two constant rate tests performed on borehole UO5 on the Campus Site with discharge rates
of 0.5 L s~' and 1.25 L s~'. In these tests, water levels were monitored simultaneously in UO5
and a piezometer installed in borehole UO6, situated 5 m from UO5. The piezometer was
installed 2 m above the bedding parallel fracture that intersects both UO5 and UO6 at a depth
of 23 m below surface within a sandstone layer that contains the fracture. The results are
summarised in Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.3.
Table 4.1 Water levels observed in Borehole UO5 on the Campus Test Site and a
piezometer installed in Borehole UO6, 5 m from UO5, during two pumping
tests with different abstraction rates
, 1
I 7
I ^ o c o <
0 350 720
1 D80
i ,
1 440
Time (min)
a 0.08 *
1 25 (L s-' )
0.04 0 .5(Ls-')
r O O O o
0 360 720 1 080 1 440 1 800
Time (min)
Fi". 4.3 Drawdowns observed in UO5 and the piezometer installed in UO6, 5 m from UO5. when
UO5 was pumped at the given rates
As shown in Fig. 4.3, the ^rater level in UO5 never dropped below the fracture in both tests,
while the ratio of its water levels (after one day of pumping) in Table 4.1 is also very similar
to the ratio of the discharge rates. However, the drawdowns observed in the piezomeier differ
by a ratio of 6.5. This behaviour can be briefly explained as follows.
It is known that the rocks serve as the main reservoir for water in Karoo aquifers. However,
the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities of the Karoo rocks are very low (-10"
ms~ ! to l(T s ms^). The bedding parallel fractures, on the other hand, have very high
horizontal hydraulic conductivities (-lCT'ms" 1 ) and can consequently transmit large
quantities of water quickly. Very little water therefore flows through undisturbed Karoo
aquifers under natural conditions. It is only when the piezometric pressure in a bedding
parallel fracture is disturbed that the vertical piezometric gradient and gravity force the water
to flow from the rock matrix to the fracture. The main direction of flow in these aquifers is
therefore vertical and linear, and not horizontal and radial as in conventional aquifers (Botha
etal, 1998).
Because the flow is vertical, a Karoo borehole will first dewater the rock matrix in its
immediate vicinity, before it begins to dewater the matrix at more distant points. One would,
of course, expect the opposite situation to arise after the pump has been switched off that the
water levels in the pumped borehole and surrounding rock matrix will restore more rapidly
than water levels at more distant points in the aquifer. It is therefore very interesting to note
that although the water levels in UO5 restored very quickly, the piezometer level in UO6
continued to decline for 5 days, after the pump was switched off in the 0.5 L s"1 test, and 14
days after the 1.25 L s test. The water levels near the borehole therefore not only restore
first, but also at the expense of the piezometric levels within the rock matrix. However, there
are indications that this delay in the restoration of the water levels in the matrix is enhanced
by the restoration of the fracture geometry, which was deformed during the pumping
The previously described heterogeneous behaviour of the water levels has been observed in
many constant rate tests performed in Southern Africa. The results of four of these tests are
summarised in Table 4.2 and illustrated graphically in Fig. 4.4. The first test was performed
on a borehole in the mudstone aquifer at Meadhurst (just west of Bloemfontein) and the
second on a borehole in the calcrete aquifer of Khorixas in Namibia. The other two were
performed on the boreholes Zonnebloem 1 and 2 of the Middelburg Municipality in the North
Cape Province.
There is a possibility that the sharp increase in the drawdown of the Khorixas borehole at the
late times in Fig. 4.4 was caused by boundary effects. The reason for this believe is that the
increase in the drawdown is smooth and not stepwise as in the other boreholes.
Table 4.2 Ratios of the abstraction rates, Q, and associated drawdowns, s(td), observed
during pumping tests with durations td on four boreholes in Southern Africa
Meadhurst t d 9 5 0 min Khorixas t d 420 min
Q(Ls" ) s(td) (m) Q (L s-1) s(t d ) (m)
1.5 : 2 - 1 1.66 1,9
2.0 6.83 4.1 S.S
Ratio 1.33 1.63 Ratio 2.47 4.6
Zonnebloem 1 t d 540 min Zonnebloem 2 t d 540 min
Q(Ls"1) s(td) (m) Q (L s"1) s(td) (m)
14 5.68 15 4.01
19 9.9S 35 12.43
Ratio 1.36 1.75 Ratio 2.33 3.01
Q ,
" Q=2.DLs" 1
"* Q = 1.5Ls-1
Zonnebloem 2
* Q - 35 L 5~
*- u = 15L5-1
10 100 1 000 1 10 100 1 000
Time fmirO Timefmin)
Fig. 4.4 Drawdowns observed during constant rate tests at Meadhurst, Khorixas and the boreholes
Zonnebloem 1 and 2 of the Middclburg Municipality
The previous examples clearly suggest that Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2) cannot fully account for the
heterogeneities in fractured-rock aquifers, caused by their particular geometry. A new method
was therefore developed for the analysis of these boreholes. However, the idea behind the
method may be better understood if one has a good understanding of how these tests are
performed and the factors that may influence the dependence of su on the discharge rate. The
discussion that follows therefore begins with a brief discussion of the basic principles that
underlies the application of Eqs. (4,1) and (4.2) and the methods conventionally used to
analyse the yields of boreholes. This is followed by a discussion of the various factors that
may influence the behaviour of boreholes, the new approach developed for fractured aquifers
and the application of the method to a typical borehole in a Karoo aquifer.
It is well-known that Eq. (4.1) can only be applied in practice once a suitable time has been
chosen for a drawdown test (Helweg, 1994). The reason for this is that the coefficient
B|(rw, t) in Eq. (4.1) is time dependent. Its contribution to sw can therefore only be neglected
if the tests are performed for the same period. However, there is another implicit assumption
in the equation that is often overlookedthe assumption that the theoretical drawdown can
be expressed in the form
That this is indeed an assumption follows directly from the observation that the discharge rate
appears nowhere in the equation universally accepted as the one that describes the flow of
groundwater (Bear, 1972)
,/)] + / ( v ) (4.3)
This equation only contains the specific storativity, So, hydraulic conductivity, K,
piezometric head, <p, and the strength of the sink (or source), f(x, t), apart from the usual
spatial and time variables and their derivatives. Since it is impossible to determine the
strength of the sink (borehole) with the methods available today, a borehole is commonly
regarded as a line sink, and f(x, t) expressed as
-y0) (4.4)
where 8(z - z0) is the well-known Dirac delta function, and (x0, yo) the horizontal position of
the borehole. However, this immediately removes any dependence of s(rw, t) on the
heterogeneity of the aquifer and forces it to be a linear function of Q, which needs not be the
case in general, as illustrated by the previous discussion of the drawdowns observed in
fractured boreholes. Unfortunately, Eq. (4.4) probably represents the best assumption until it
becomes possible to quantify f(x, t) directly. One must therefore always apply Eqs. (4.1) and
(4.2) with care.
There are two field methods for the estimation of well lossesthe well-known step
drawdown test and the multirate test. The main difference between the two tests is that the
water level is allowed to recover between the steps of a multirate test, while the step
drawdown test is a continuous test, as illustrated by the schematic drawdowns in Fig. 4.5.
It is, in principle possible to disrupt the restoration of the water level in multirate tests.
However, it must be kept in mind that the solution of Eq. (4.3) for variable discharge rates
has a memory, which needs to be taken into account in the analysis of the results, as shown
by the various methods, such as the Hantush-Bierschenk method, often used to analyse step
drawdown tests (Kruseman and De Ridder, 1991). A similar procedure will not only
complicate the analysis of a multirate test, but also affect the reliability of the results
Xy^[ 71 7] T
> V / ** v 1 \ 1 \ 1
^-\ / - \ 1
00 v I
K a:
. 1 ID
i in
Q 1 Q
Time *~ Time *~
Fig. 4.5 Schematic illustration of the difference in drawdowns observed during a step drawdown and
a multirate test
Multirate tests are not much favoured in groundwater hydraulics, because of the extensive
periods required for the tests. However, they can be used to determine the coefficients in Eqs.
(4.1) and (4.2) directly. For example, consider the case where two constant rate tests have
been performed on the same borehole, one with a discharge rate Qi and the other with a
discharge rate Q;. Let S\ and S; represent the observed drawdowns after a fixed time, t,-, and \\
and ri the ratios (Si/Qi) and (S2/Q2) respectively. It is then not difficult to show that the
coefficients B(r o t) and C in Eq. (4.1) must satisfy the relations
C(t,) =
If applied at different periods, tf, these expressions can also be used to determine the
dependence of B(re, t) and C(t,) on t, without any assumption on the nature of B ^ , t).
As mentioned in the introduction, the non-linear term, CQ2 in Eq. (4.1) and C'log(t)Qp in Eq.
(4.2), is conventionally ascribed to turbulence caused by the pumping of the water. However,
there are three other phenomena that may also contribute to the non-linear behaviour.
1 Dewatering of discrete fractures.
Turbulence is a characteristic property of any fluid flowing across an obstacle, caused by the
interaction between the molecules of the fluid and obstacle, and depends essentially on the
roughness and size of the obstacle and the flow velocity. Since turbulence is a very common
phenomenon in pipe flow, geohydrologists mainly associate it with fractures and sinkholes.
However, two other factors may also contribute to turbulence in a producing boreholea
high discharge rate and a restrictive entry to the borehole. The first of these factors can be
controlled by using a judiciously chosen discharge rate (the main reason why Jacob
introduced step drawdown tests), but the second factor presents some difficulties.
There are a number of reasons why a restrictive entry may develop in a borehole, such as the
clogging of the natural pores by drilling mud, fine-grained particles deposited by percussion
drills and the installation of gravel packs. This usually results in the formation of a zone,
commonly referred to as a skin, in the immediate domain of the borehole whose hydraulic
conductivity, Ks, differs markedly from the hydraulic conductivity, K, of the aquifer outside
the skin. Such a skin can be conveniently characterised by the so-called skin factor
^ = {-l}log() (4.5)
where rw is the radius of the borehole and rs that of the skin, assuming that the skin does not
store water. If it is further assumed that the water levels near the borehole could be described
by the Cooper-Jacob approximation, the skin factor can be used to describe Jacob's effective
radius, re, in Eq. (4.1) with the equation (Matthews and Russell, 1967)
re = rw
The skin factor can be positive or negative, as illustrated in Fig. 4.6. A positive skin factor
indicates that the drawdown in the borehole is more than the drawdown expected
theoretically for the aquifer and a negative skin factor that the drawdown is less than the
theoretical drawdown, A positive skin factor often arises when the skin have been clogged
during the drilling operations, while a negative skin factor indicates that the skin is well-
developed. The latter situation often arises where a gravel pack has been installed around a
producing borehole, but has also been observed in constant rate tests performed on boreholes
that intersect horizontal fractures in fractured aquifers.
Fig. 4.6 Graph of the skin factor, L as a function of the ratios T/TS=(K/KS) and lo(r s /r w ) in Eq. (4.5)
As shown in Fig. 4.2 and 4.4, the observed drawdown rate in a borehole intersected by a
horizontal fracture remains practically constant if the borehole is pumped at a rate that can be
sustained by the fracture, but increases sharply if this rate is exceeded. Although the increase
in the drawdown rate may be viewed as a non-linearity, it must be remembered that the
dewatering of a fracture is largely controlled by the hydraulic conductivity of the rock matrix
surrounding the fracture (Botha el a!., 199S). This behaviour is similar, but not physically
equivalent, to that observed in an aquifer with one or more impermeable boundaries, where
the drawdown rate also increases sharply once the pumping begins to influence the water
levels on its boundaries. (See for example the drawdown curve for the KJiorixas borehole in
Fig. 4.4.) One approach to compute discharge rates from these drawdowns would be to use
the simple graphical technique, illustrated in Fig.4.7, often employed in the analysis of
aquifers with impermeable boundaries. However, as a comparison of the drawdowns of the
Khorixas and Zonnebloem 2 boreholes in Fig. 4.4 shows the drawdown rate for the fractured
Zonnebloem 2 borehole is larger than that of the KJiorixas borehole. The previous procedure
may therefore not be very suitable in the case where a large increase in the drawdown rate is
caused by the dewatering of a fracture.
Sharp inflection
Sign of non-linearity
Maximum sustainable yield
of borehole
200 400 600 800 I 000
Fig. 4.7 A graph of normalised drawdown, S/Q. as a function of the discharge rate, Q, used in the
analysis of drawdowns in an aquifer with one or more impermeable boundaries
Previous experience with constant rate tests on boreholes in fractured-rock aquifers has
shown that the non-linear behaviour will always be observed, if the discharge rate of the
producing borehole is high enough. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to predict when and at
what discharge rate the non-linear behaviour will begin, since that is determined by the area!
dimension of the fracture (Gringarten and Ramey, 1974). It may thus take a long time and a
large number of discharge rates to determine the position of the non-linear behaviour in a
borehole that intersects an extensive fracture.
It is tempting to assume that the presence of a prolonged period during which the drawdown
remains constant, signifies that the discharge rate used in the test represents an acceptable
measure for the long-term yield of the borehole. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the
case. For, as shown by the drawdown curves of borehole Zonnebloem 2 in Fig. 4.4, both the
length of the period and the depth at which the water level stabilises depend on the discharge
rate and the position of the fracture. The possibility therefore exists that one may easily over-
or underestimate the yield of the borehole, by concentrating on the presence of such a period.
This was the main reason for introducing the generalised solution for step drawdown tests
described below.
It may not always be appreciated, but the only reason why groundwater can be withdrawn
from the subsurface of the earth is that all the geological formations on earth (and water) are
compressible. The result is that an aquifer will always deform to some extent when water is
pumped from a borehole drilled into the aquifer. If the stress strain relation for the formations
that govern the deformation is linear, that is obeys Hooke's law, the formations will restore to
their original form once the pumping is stopped, otherwise it will continue to deform with
time. Although Eq. (4.3) accounts for linear deformation in the vertical direction, through the
appearance of the compressibility coefficients of the rock and water in the specific storativity
(Bear, 1972), it completely neglects horizontal and non-linear deformations. This aspect is
currently investigated by Cloot and Botha (2000) with a numerical model for an aquifer
consisting of a central sandstone layer bounded on the top and bottom by mudstone layers.
Their results can be briefly summarised as follows.
When pumping starts, perturbations in the fluid pressure that develop near the wall of the
borehole propagate rapidly through the aquifer, causing deformations in both the horizontal
and vertical directions, but on different scales. The horizontal displacements develop
uniformly throughout the thickness of the aquifer, but the vertical displacements concentrate
on the sandstone-mudstone interfaces. The maximum amplitude of the horizontal
deformation, which remains more or less constant, propagates slowly from the borehole wall
into the aquifer. The vertical displacement, on the other hand, remains at the interfaces where
both its maximum amplitude and extent slowly increases with time. As could have been
expected, the deformation does not affect the piezometric head in the different layers
adversely at the beginning, but its effect becomes more noticeable with time. However, the
linear stress strain relation ensures that all deformations disappear once the pumping is
The same situation also develops in the case where the stress-strain relation is non-linear, as
long as the deformation is restricted to the linear leg of the relation. However, the
deformation amplitudes, particularly that of the vertical displacements, quickly begin to
exceed those of the linear stress strain relation, once the strains exceed the elastic limit.
Moreover, the aquifer is not restored to its original dimensions after the pumping has stopped.
Since the magnitudes of the pressure perturbations (thus the deformations) are essentially
functions of the discharge rate, there is a possibility that a too high discharge rate may not
only damage the aquifer permanently, but ultimately also causes it to collapse. This applies in
particular to any fracture (vertical or horizontal) in the aquifer.
It is important to note that the relation between the computed piezometric head and the
discharge rate is always non-linear, even in the case of the linear stress strain relation.
Deformation of the aquifer could therefore contribute significantly to the non-linear terms in
Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2). as mentioned by Helweg (1994). A common rule of thumb to regard a
borehole with a coefficient C [d'/mb]>10~7 as one that could be developed to make it more
efficient mav therefore not be valid for these boreholes.
Phreatic Aquifers
The major characteristic of a phreatic or water-table aquifer, and the one that distinguish it
from all other types of aquifers, is that the water table will move in or out of the unsaturated
zone that overlies the water level in such an aquifer. This type of aquifer therefore has to be
described by the unsaturated-saturated flow equation
where Sw is the water saturation and C(cp) the moisture capacity, while the other symbols
have the same meaning as in Eq. (4.3). This is a highly non-linear equation in the
mathematical sense in that it does not obey the principle of superposition (Cakmak and
Botha, 1995), since both C((p) and K(cp) are functions of the piezometric head. However, this
does not imply that the drawdown in such an aquifer will be a non-linear function of Q, as is
often believed. Indeed, it is not difficult to see that the latter relation will still be linear if the
source strength, f(x, t), is approximated with Eq. (4.4). One reason for the believe that the
drawdown in these aquifers is a non-linear function of the discharge rate, is probably because
such aquifers are often viewed as a confined aquifer in which the transmissivity, T, varies
with the saturated thickness of the aquifer. However, as shown by the Dupuit formula for
phreatic aquifers (Kruseman and De Ridder, 1991), this would imply that the drawdown
should behave as a function of Q1/2 and not Qp, with p > 1, as is conventionally assumed for
the non-linear term in both Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2).
A common implicit assumption in the analysis of drawdown tests is that all points in an
aquifer are equally accessible to the borehole. In other words, the rate at which water will
flow from a point A in the aquifer to the borehole will depend only on the discharge rate of
the pump and not on the geometry of the aquifer in the vicinity of A. However, this may not
be the case in Fig. 4.8 where UO5 will more likely withdraw water from point A than point
B, even though B is situated closer to UO5. This behaviour prompted Barker (19SS) to
introduce what he calls the flow dimension for flow tlirough a fracturea concept based on
his fraclalization of the spherical surface element (but not the spherical space itself). This
allows him to express the drawdown in a uniform infinite aquifer in his hybrid space as
r = the radius vector in spherical space
n = the flow dimension
Sf. Kf = the specific storativity and hydraulic conductivity of the fracture
v = l - n/2
b = a parameter that represents the thickness of the aquifer in radial two-dimensional
f(u, z) = the incomplete gamma function
and the other symbols have the same meaning as defined previously.
. .UO2
* B *UOI7 UOI0
21 100
UO23* .UOI2
-21 ISC
- 2 1 175
7*000 7S9JS 78S0 78 915 7{ 900 J8 S7S 7B SD 78 835
Fig. 4.8 Conceptual model of the horizontal fracture in the sandstone layer that forms the major
aquifer at the Campus Test Site (adapted from Van der Yoort and Van Tondcr , 2000)
The discussion above shows that neither the Jacob or Helweg expressions in Eqs. (4.1) and
(4.2) can fit the observed drawdowns of boreholes in fractured aquifers, nor account for the
possible non-linear deformation of such an aquifer, or fractal flow. Since it was not obvious
how to include these factors into either the Jacob or Helweg equations, a heuristic approach
was used to try and adjust these equations for flow in fractured aquifers.
The recent model of Cloot and Botha (2000) for a horizontal fracture suggested that one can
account for the non-linear deformation by splitting the non-linear term in Jacob's equation
into two partsone accounting for the usual effects of turbulence and the other one for the
deformation. The model also suggested that the contribution of non-linear deformation will
be non-linearly proportional to that of turbulence and time-dependent. Jacob's equation was
consequently modified to read
+ C0']iog(O (4.6)
where the non-linear term has been replaced by the one suggested by Helweg. The exponent
p + e - 1 in the term EQP~C~ log(t), introduced to account for non-linear deformation of the
aquifer, was chosen in such a way that Eq. (4.6) reduces to Eq. (4.1) for a fixed time if there
is no deformation (or no dewatering of fractures), that is e = 1. The choice was further
motivated by the fact that the model of Cloot and Botha indicated that the drawdown will
increase if the deformation tends to close the fracture (e > 1). A negative exponent, e, would
therefore indicate an opening of the fracture, which is not impossible (Botha et a!., 1998).
The analysis of a large number of constant rale and step drawdown tests performed on
boreholes in the fractured formations have shown that Eq. (4.6) cannot fully account for the
observed drawdowns. However, further numerical experiments indicated that this can
possibly be ascribed to the fractal structure of the fractures in these aquifers (see Fig. 4.8) and
that the equation
with f(ni) the nonnal Gamma function and n Barker's fractal dimension, provides a better
approximation for these aquifers.
The approximation in Eq. (4.7) is very similar to Eq. (4.1) and, in fact reduces to it, if e = 1,
n=2 and the time is constant. It therefore shares all the advantages of Eq. (4.1), discussed
above, but also the same disadvantages, the most serious of which is that it requires constant
time steps in step-drawdown or multirate tests. However, the numerical experiments
indicated that the same results can also be obtained with the equation
Since A is a constant, Eq. (4.8) can be applied to step-drawdown or multirate tests with
variable time steps. Unfortunately, there is a price one has to pay in using Eq. (4.8) (or
Eq. (4.7) for that matter), in that it is no longer possible to use the principle of superposition
in the analyses of step drawdown or multirate tests. The reason for this is that both the B' and
C1 terms contain fractional exponents of Q, and therefore cannot be linearised by dividing the
equation with Q. Moreover, the objective function that arises if one attempts to fit Eq. (4.8)
with a non-linear least squares method to the observed drawdowns is non-convex (this also
applies to Hehveg's equation). An interactive method, called the non-linear FC-method, was
therefore developed and implemented in the FC-program. The workbook also allows the user
to use a non-linear least square fit, if required, but this is not recommended for someone who
does not have experience with non-linear least squares approximations.
There are six unknown parameters in Eq. (4.S) that should be estimated which makes the
solution non-unique. To obtain a more unique solution, the following steps are proposed:
The coefficient A could be obtained by using the data of the first step which, if plotted in
a t "% versus drawdown plot (squared root of time), will yield the value of the skin (i.e. if
no skin exists, the data will start at the origin of the plot; A=sadd /Q in Eq. (2.10) in
Chapter 2).
Turbulence is due to high flow velocities according to 0.5v2, which implies that a value of
p=2 is sufficient to account for the turbulent term.
Using of the above two rules implies that only four parameters have to be estimated.
It is also possible to estimate a T-and S-value from the generalised step test by using the
Birsoy-Summers method (19S0, see e.g. Kruseman and De Ridder, p. 181). Due to the
changing of rates a time correction must be performed. The t in the Cooper-Jacob equation is
replaced with a correction time pi(n)(t-tn):
The application of the method is exactly the same as the Cooper-Jacob method. The only
difference is that a graph of s,/Qj is drawn against the corrected time. For the estimation of the
S-value, the effective borehole radius must replace the real borehole radius.
It is not possible to describe all the step drawdown tests that have been used in developing
Eq. (4.8). The present discussion will therefore be concluded with just one example, the step
drawdown test performed on Borehole UP16 on the Campus Test Site (see Fig. 4.8 for its
position). This borehole intersects the bedding parallel fracture on the site at a depth of 21 m
below the surface, while its rest water level at the time of the test was 13.2 m below the
surface. Table 4.3 lists the discharge rates and drawdowns observed during the four steps
used in the test. The observed drawdowns are also compared graphically with the interactive
fit to Equation (4.8) in Fig. 4.9.
The coefficients detemiined from the fit of S(t) (expressed in m), Q (expressed in m3 d"') and
t (expressed in d) to Eq. (4.8), are listed in Table 4.4. These values were used to estimate the
drawdown in the borehole for a period of 2 years, such that the drawdown would not reach
the position of the bedding parallel fracture, in other words S should not exceed 7.8 m
(=21 m - 13.2 m). This yielded a discharge rate of 0.5 L/s, which agrees excellently with the
value of 0.48 L/s, obtained by Van Tonder el al. (2001) with the normal FC-method.
Table 4.3 Step sizes and discharge rates used during the step drawdown test performed
on borehole UP16
Table 4.4 Values of the coefficients that describe the fit of Eq. (4.8) to the observed
drawdowns of UP 16 in Fig. 4.9
A B C p n e
4.361 ( 2.0 1.4S 1.12
50 100 150
Time (mm)
Fig. 4.9 Graph of Eq. (4.8) when fitted to the drawdowns observed during the step drawdown test
performed on Borehole I'1*16
Drawdown tests are frequently the only tool available with which to assign sustainable yields
for boreholes. This applies in particular to boreholes in the Karoo formations of South Africa.
Unfortunately, the drawdown curves in these boreholes regularly display a non-linear
behaviour that cannot be attributed to turbulent effects in the borehole alone. Two new
generalised equations (Eqs. 4.7 and 4.S) were therefore derived in this chapter to analyse step
drawdown test data in these aquifers.
There is no doubt that Eq. (4.7), applied to a series of at least six (preferably more) multirate
tests, will yield the most reliable results. However, these tests can be very time- consuming
and expensive. In such cases, the user may find the approximation in Eq. (4.8), which allows
the use of the more economical step drawdown tests with variable time steps, more suitable.
However, the yield estimated from this analysis should preferably be monitored for some
time after the borehole is used for production purposes.
Non-linearities in drawdown curves should always be treated with caution, especially when
used to assign sustainable yields for boreholes. This applies, in particular, to the extrapolation
of the results into domains not covered during the test. The recommendation by Helweg
(1994) that the tests should be designed to reach the maximum possible drawdown and
discharge rate, cannot therefore be overemphasised. In the case of boreholes in fractured-rock
aquifers, the maximum drawdown is when the water level reaches the main water-bearing
fracture. This depth should never be exceeded, not even during the drawdown test, if one
does not want to damage the borehole.
Results from many tracer tests indicate that the minimum distance between a pit-latrine and
borehole as proposed by Xu and Braune (1995) will not be adequate in many practical cases
to protect the borehole from being polluted. The idea of three protection zones, like in
Germany (Kinzelbach et al., 1991), for boreholes at on-site sanitation areas was proposed by
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was also involved in delineating well head
protection areas (WHPA). In order to achieve the overall goal of delineating the zone of
influence (ZOI) or the zone of contribution (ZOC) of a well in an unconfmed fractured-rock
aquifer, the methods used were (EPA, 1991):
3. Vulnerability mapping.
4. Flow-system mapping:
After the WHPA is determined, the following steps are proposed by the EPA to protect the
groundwater resource (Xu, 199S):
In the case of the delineation of protection zone II, the areal extent of the fracture is very
important, and a fracture could be viewed as an extended borehole with a very high T-value
and a small S-value. It is thus very important to estimate the areal extent of the fracture.
Once bacteria or an element reaches the fracture, its movement will be very rapid towards the
abstraction borehole and one of the major mechanisms that will play a role in bacterial die-off
lime, is the distance from the ground surface to the water level. If a vertical fracture intersects
a pitlatnne, the movement of the pollutant to the water level could be very rapid, even in the
case of a very deep water level. This illustrates the difficulty to estimate travel times from the
surface to the water level in a fractured aquifer. For this reason it is proposed that the whole
domain above the fracture be regarded as protection zone II and must be protected. In the
following section, a method to estimate the size of this capture zone is discussed.
A very good idea of the areal size of the fracture could be obtained by making use of early
pumping test data. Considering early data of a pumping test, it was found that the ratio s/Q
(i.e. drawdown in abstraction borehole/ abstraction in L/s) after 1 minute of abstracting water
from a borehole, gives a good first approximation of the extent of the fracture and the
following generalisation applies:
1. If s/Q < 0.5 very good fracture extent
2. If s/Q < 1 but > 0.5 good fracture extent
3. If s/Q > 1 limited fracture extent
For a qualified estimation of the extent of the fracture the knowledge of the following
parameters are required, which can be computed from the early data of the hydraulic test:
T-value of the fracture
S-value of the fracture
7 = 10 W
where T = transmissivity in m7d; Q = abstraction rate in L/s; s = drawdown in m after 1
First, the theoretical specific storage (Ss) must be determined. The Ss is calculated by
applying Equation (5.2) (Kruseman and De Ridder, 1994).
' Secondly the thickness of the fractured zone (D) must be determined (Eq. 5.3).
Estimation of S ; .
Ss = pg(cx+nP) (5.2)
The following values for n and a (obtained from inverse modeling and tracer tests) are
pg= 9804 N/nr (specific weight of water)
n = 0.13 (porosity)
a = 5.56\1O"<; m7N (compressibility of the rock)
p = 4.74xlO~10 mVN (compressibility of water)
After the application of Equation (5.2), a proposed value for Ss is 5.6 x 10.
Estimating the thickness of the fractured zone (D) (De Lange, 1999)
To estimate S, the thickness of the fracture zone is required and the following equation
(obtained from experience from the tracer tests) can be used:
Where s = drawdown (m) in borehole after 1 minute of abstraction at a rate of Q (L/s) from
the borehole.
After the specific storage and thickness of the fracture zone have been estimated, the S-value
for the fracture can be estimated by the following equation:
S = SS*D (5.4)
77 Js JtfT (5-5)
where Xf = half-length (m); Q=abstraction rate in m3/d; sw = drawdown in m after time t
(minutes); Tr=T-value of fracture; Sr=S-value of fracture].
r, =
i U Sr (5-6)
c. Vertical or horizontal fracture (proposed equation - assumed bilinear flow at early times
in fracture)
O(t)025 (5.7)
) =
> 45
' J / ' (5.8)
e. Adapted Bohmer equation (bilinear flow in vertical dyke/fault)
ew 0 - 25
, ,0.25 (5-9)
The estimation of the three protection zones was coded in the FC-program and is called
Protection Zone I
If more than 20 persons are using pit-latrines, it is proposed that a fence of at least 5 m must
be constructed around the borehole. Otherwise, just a sanitary seal is required.
Protection Zone II
The maximum expected NO3 (as N) is estimated by using the following information:
Program BPZONE then estimates the maximum expected N in boreholes and the risk to
infants according to Table 5.1
Table 5.1 Nitrate value intervals and the risk (to infants) associated with each
The next step is to estimate the extent of the vertical or horizontal fracture by using early
pumping test data (i.e. the drawdown after 1 minute). To estimate the extent, the program
uses the five equations presented earlier (Eq. (5.5) - (5.9)). The mean of the estimated
fracture extent together with the standard deviation is given.
Step 3 is the estimation of the travel time from the surface to the water level and the position
of the water strike. For the estimation of travel times, a number of parameters is required, i.e.:
i) The saturated vertical K-vahie of the unconsolidated material. If the K-value is not
known, it was decided to try and estimate it by means of the clay content of the
unconsolidated material. Data were gathered of soils with known values for clay content
and K-values. A graph was drawn of clay content vs. K-value and the equation of the
exponential trend line fitted with the data was incorporated in the program BPZONE.
Ku = 30 e' 0J * d (5.10)
ii) Vertical K-value of the consolidated material. If unknown, it is suggested that a value of
0.01 be used (usually between 0.001 and 0.1 for South African rocks).
iv) Thickness of the unconsolidated and consolidated material and their kinematic
The total travel time to the water strike is estimated from (assuming a gradient of 1):
n D n D
_ eu u , ec c
where t = travel time (d); n = kinematic porosity; D = thickness (mm) and K = hydraulic
conductivity (m/d). Subscripts u and c denote unsaturated and saturated zone repectively.
Table 5.2 Travel limes and the risk of microbial pollution assigned to each
The program then estimates protection zone II by using the following criteria:
Table 5.3 Criteria involving risk and proposed distances for protection zone II.
Risk Protection zone II
High or very high risk of 2 times fracture half-length.
microbia] pollution.
Low risk for microhial pollution. 1 times fracture half-length.
No risk for microbial pollution. 0.5 times fracture half-length.
High risk for N for infants. 2 limes fracture half-length.
Low risk for N for infants. 1 times fracture half-lengih.
No risk for N for infants. 0.5 limes fracture length.
Table 5.4 Parameter values assigned for the generated Modflow model(Ss = specific
storativity [1/m]; Kh = horizontal K-value; Kv = vertical K-value)
Layer ss Kh(m/d) Kv(m/d)
1-9 5e-5 0.1 0.005
10 5e-5 3600 .005
This gives a T-value of the matrix = 1 m2/d and T-value of the fracture = 720 m:/d as on the
Campus of the University of the Free State Test Site.
A fracture zone was assigned to the bottom layer (i.e. layer 10) and three fracture radii were
used, i.e. 60 m, 100 m, and 200 m (i.e. the case of a horizontal bedding plane fracture). The
model was run for 300 minutes for each of the set-ups and the drawdown after 1 minute (with
an abstraction rate of 1.25 1/s) was supplied to the BPZONE program. The results are shown
in Table 5.5.
Table 5.5 Comparison between MODFLOW and BPZONE results (mean and
standard deviation of the 5 equations) for the estimation of the radius of the fracture.
PROGRAM r,(m) r,(in) rf(m)
MODFLOW 60 100 200
(value assigned)
BPZONE 76 113 175
(mean of 5 equations) 15 19 40
1. Due to the heterogeneity of South African conditions concerning the groundwalcr
environment, this document can be seen as a continuation of the work that has already
been done on delineating protection zones. The information in this chapter must be
regarded as such and not as the ultimate solution to assigning protection zones. There is
room for many more approaches as well as studies on this topic.
2. In this chapter the focus is on nitrates and microbes due to their association with
pitlatrines and septic tanks. The same approach can be applied to more parameters
depending on what type of study is being done.
3. The application of risk assessment and management is of great importance. However,
great care must be taken and the person(s) responsible should be adept in the process and
be able to evaluate a given situation with care before any major decisions are reached.
4. The program BPZONE must be used with great care and the answers obtained must be
viewed within the existing conditions of a given situation or problem.
1) The real reason why a particular pumping test is to be conducted must be established
before the start of the test. The purpose of the pumping test will play an integral part
in the actual method of conducting and analysing the test (length and abstraction rate).
In South Africa, pumping tests are performed for mainly two reasons; to determine
the long-term sustainable yield of a borehole or to estimate the aquifer parameters.
2) Because of the composition of the South African aquifer systems (water table aquifer
behaviour and elasticity), there is a non-linear relationship between the abstraction
rate and the drawdown. At different abstraction rates, different fractures will be
dewatered and, in some cases, the end of the fracture extent will be reached. This
results in a smaller effective transmissivity (T) value, giving rise to a unique
drawdown value per abstraction rate. This non-linearity between drawdown and
abstraction rate has the consequence that it is very difficult to extrapolate the
behaviour of the water level in an aquifer, if a rate different to that used during the
constant rate test is applied. This feature should be treated with caution when it
comes to the assigning of sustainable yields to boreholes.
3) Incorrect analytical methods are often used to estimate parameter values. Because of
assumptions such as homogeneity and infinite areal extent used in developing most of
these analytical methods as well as the unique composition and characteristics of
South African Karoo aquifers, unrealistic parameter values are produced. These
parameter values (such as storativity that is distance dependent) are then used in
sustainable yield calculations. These incorrect sustainable yield values result in the
borehole drying up.
2) Great care should be taken when analysing pumping test data for parameter
estimation. A suitable analytical model should be used, taking into account the unique
aquifer conditions in South Africa. In some cases, a two-dimensional numerical
model such as RPTSOLV, developed for the conditions in this country, should be
used to estimate aquifer parameter values. By applying incorrect analytical methods,
wrong storativity values (S-values) are obtained. When using numerical models such
as RPTSOLV, acceptable storativity values are obtained. For more accurate data fits,
a three-dimensional numerical model must be used.
3) If the objective of the pumping test is to estimate the long-term sustainable yield of
the borehole, the following is recommended:
a Once again a modified minimum one-hour step drawdown test should be
performed to locate the depth of the main water strike as well as to determine
an abstraction rate for the constant rate pumping test.
The constant rate pumping test should be performed, straining the aquifer in
order to drop the water level down to the position of the main water strike
within 8 hours.
It is recommended that the FC-program be used for the long-term sustainable
yield calculation.
5) The proper planning and execution of a pumping test will yield reliable data and this
data will enable the user to estimate realistic parameter values or long-term
sustainable yields. It is therefore recommended that great care should be taken when
doing a pumping lest and when gathering data during a pumping test.
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Drilling and developing a borehole is an expensive exercise and in all cases the performance
of such a borehole will be of utmost importance to somebody. This can be a farmer using the
water for irrigation or even a whole community depending on the borehole for their water
The policy of the present government is to address the basic needs of all the people in South
Africa and in doing this, they have in the past few years supplied basic water needs to
between 12 and 18 million people in approximately 15 000 villages in the rural and remote
areas of the country. In doing this, groundwater with its widespread, mostly low-yielding
occurrence was widely used and because of this, it became a national asset of strategic
importance. Because of this, legislation was passed to change the status of ownership of
water in South Africa, including that ofgroundwater.
It is estimated that some 90 percent of local groundwater occur in secondary aquifers
consisting primary of shallow zones of weathering and fracturing. A lack of understanding of
the occurrence, movement and recharge ofgroundwater led to this resource not being utilised
in a sustainable manner. The consequent failure of boreholes, in some instances, has
unfortunately promoted the belief that groundwater is an unreliable source of water supply
and that it should be replaced by the more reliable surface water supply. Because of this, it is
going to be a very difficult and uphill task to re-establish groundwater as a reliable water
source and to give it its rightful place as a source of reliable water supply.
Contrary to surface water, groundwater is not visible and this makes understanding the art of
groundwater resource development and determination that more difficult. The depletion of
the country's surface water resources is a matter of great concern and in the not too distant
future alternative water resources will have to be found. The obvious alternative is to
develop the groundwater resources, which will put tremendous strain on this resource.
Proper control over the development, as well as the management of the groundwater
resources, will thus be very important in future. The new water law in the country states that
all water belongs to the government and abstraction can only take place after a permit had
been issued. This lays the foundation for the control over the development and management
of the groundwater resources.
Due to the above, pump testing of boreholes will, in future, become even more important. In
performing a pumping test, we can determine the possible long-term sustainable yield of a
specific borehole as well as the strain that the abstraction from the borehole will place on the
aquifer. Performing accurate pumping tests can therefore not be over-emphasised.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Before the actual pumping test is done there are several initial actions that should take place.
If these steps are not performed properly there might be uncertainties that eventually might
result in claims being put in against the different parties involved. The pumping test
contractor may even run the risk of not receiving his or her money for work done.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The samples are then described by a qualified person according to the prescribed guidelines.
The drilling contractor will give a description of the colour of the formation, the relative size
of the drill cuttings as well as the possible rock types. This is called a written log of the
borehole and below is an example of such a log (Table Al).
This information is combined in a schematic layout and it is known as the log of the borehole.
A typical log of a borehole is shown below {Fig. A2).
For large areas of South Africa, detailed geological maps had been produced and these maps
can assist in understanding the local geology of a specific area. These maps can also be used
to compare the borehole logs to the geological map of the area.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The borehole logs supply important information such as possible fracture positions and
water-bearing formations. It is therefore very important to gather as much as possible
information about the geology of the area. If no geological map or borehole log exists, the
geology of the area around the borehole will have to be interpreted. Interpreting the geology
of the area, however, requires extensive knowledge and experience.
Appendix A Page 5
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Aerial photographs could also yield valuable information such as development of the land
and growth of trees in the area. Rocky outcrops on aerial photographs could indicate possible
dykes. Excessive tree growth in a definite line, away from a river, might indicate a water
strike, and this will only be visible on aerial photographs. The increase in such tree growths
can be determined from these photographs.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Normally, a positive displacement type pump (mono pump) is used when performing
pumping tests. This type of pump can be divided into two components: the actual pump
situated inside the borehole and the power supply situated outside the borehole. With a mono
pump, the discharge rate can be changed by varying the speed or revolutions of the power
supply. This can be done with the aid of a gearbox or by regulating the fuel throttle. No
valve can be used to increase or decrease the pumping rate of a mono pump. The main
advantages of a mono pump are the constant rate at which it can pump or discharge water for
a long period of time, as well as the large volumes of water that it can pump.
It may be acceptable, under certain circumstances, to use a submersible pump (negative
displacement pump) for testing purposes. In the case of a submersible pump, both the pump
and power supply are situated under the water inside the borehole. When a submersible
pump is to be used, it is very important that the unit be fitted with a non-return valve at the
bottom of the pump column. This prevents any return flows after the pump was shut down
and the recovery period has started. A submersible pump cannot deliver very large volumes
of water, compared to mono pumps. The discharge from a submersible pump is increased
and decreased by using a valve in the delivery piping. It is difficult to maintain a constant
discharge rate over a long period of time with a submersible pump.
In the figure above (Fig. A3) on the left, a submersible pump is showed. In the center is a
mono pump with its discharge head on the right.
The pump used for a pumping test must be capable of delivering water at a rate in excess of
the expected maximum yield of the borehole to be tested. The capacity of the pump and the
rate of discharge should be high enough to produce good measurable drawdowns in
observation boreholes as far away as 200 m from the pumping borehole, depending on the
aquifer conditions. In many cases, some of the pump testing contractors earn,' more than one
pump, each capable of pumping a different rate, depending on the requirements.
Appendix A Page 7
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
*" r
/ .
/ : Hi
is -
n "*v-r--li> * "' ,
| l
i *' <7
- .
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Ml , t';"-M
, ,
Appendix A Page8
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Appendix A Page 9
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
To perform this test we need a closed cylinder with a known volume, tied to a length of rope.
Instrumentation to measure the rate of recession of the water level inside the borehole is also
required. For this purpose a data logger can be used. The borehole diameter must be 165
mm in order to use this method. The recession time to recover to at least 90 % of its initial
value is used in a formula to determine the yield of the borehole. The formula (Vivier el al.,
y = 117155 x"0824 (Al)
where x = recession time in seconds
will give the possible yield of the borehole in L/h.
The graph below (Fig. A6) was drawn up from results obtained by testing 32 boreholes. The
graph shows that a straight line is obtained, using log-log scale. If the recession time for the
borehole is entered on the x-axis, the possible yield can be read off on the y-axis.
E vs y^&d J
y - 1 1 71
>D i 9?
10OO0O-. 1- -1 1
>-- T
g h-1
If a slug test indicates that the potential yield of a borehole will be less than 0.3 L/s, then
performing any additional tests should be reconsidered. If the potential yield is more than 0.3
L/s, then the contractor should proceed with other tests such as step drawdown, multirate and
constant rate pumping tests.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
With the method of hand water-level measurement, the ever-present human error can always
creep in and cause valuable information to be recorded inaccurately. To overcome this
problem, electronic data loggers are used. These data loggers are reliable and they can be set
up to take readings at specified intervals.
Appendix A Page 11
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
A multi-channel data logger (Fig. A9) is used to convert the electronic signal from the
pressure probe to a height. This is the height of the water column above the pressure probe
inside the borehole or piezometer. This reading can be taken and stored at specified intervals,
which can range from 5 sec. to once a day (24 h), depending on the need of the client.
Appendix A Page 12
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The data logger being multi-channeled can accommodate up to four pressure probes. Only
one data logger can therefor be used to take and store readings at the pumping borehole as
well as three observation boreholes in the vicinity.
The data logger is powered by a 12-volt power system and like the pressure probe, a battery
and solar panel can be used as the power source. This enables the pumping test operator to
use the data logger in remote areas without any power problems.
There is also a function where the readings can be taken at certain intervals, but the average
of a number of specified intervals will be stored. The logger can also be set up to take a
reading only if the reading differs by a pre-set margin from the previous reading. A ring
memory enables the data logger to store large amounts of data and these data are taken from
the data logger with the aid of lap top computer and software.
There are various types of data loggers available on the market, and the type of data logger
used does not really matter. It is, however, important that the data logger must be reliable
because valuable data can be lost if the data logger fails during the pumping test.
A variation on the pressure probe and data logger combination is the data logger that makes
use of an indirect measuring principle (bubble principle). A piston pump inside the
instrument generates compressed air that flows through a dedicated line into a bubble
chamber inside the borehole at programmable intervals. Depending on the groundwater level
above the bubble chamber orifice, an air pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure is
established inside the measuring tube. Assuming a constant liquid density, there is a linear
relationship between the water level to be measured and the air pressure inside the measuring
tube. The bubble line pressure and the barometric pressure are measured concurrently by an
absolute pressure measuring cell inside the data logger. The water level is calculated as the
difference between the two signals.
Appendix A Page 13
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
3.3 -
3.2 -
V: ^ ^ ~~\^_ Step 1
1 2.9
2.7 -
2.5 -
Fig. A10 The influence from external pumping activities on the drawdown
The intervals at which hand readings should be taken can be seen on the data sheet as
described in the next section. It must also be noted that hand readings must be taken at all
times, even if a pressure probe and data logger had been installed for the pumping test. The
hand readings will verify the readings taken with the aid of the pressure probe and data
Appendix A Page 14
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
In some cases, a universal form or sheet is drawn up and this sheet can therefore be used to
record information on slug tests, calibration tests, constant rate pumping tests, multirate
pumping tests, as well as recovery tests. An example of such a data sheet is included in
Appendix D.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
According to the South African Bureau of Standards Code of Practice on the Development,
Maintenance and Management of Groundwater Resources (SABS 0299-4:1998 Part 4: Test-
pumping of water boreholes), the discharge point of the delivery pipe must be so far away
that the discharged water does not flow back into the aquifer during the pumping test. It is
also specified that in the case of
a confined aquifer with a thick, impervious confining layer, the water must be discharged
at least 10 meter away from the borehole,
an alluvial gravel subterrain, at least 300 m, but preferably more than 500 meters away
from the borehole and
an aquifer of which the surrounding geological structure is not known, at least 1000
meters away from the borehole.
It is recognized that some water leakage will generally occur during a pumping test. This is
acceptable provided that such leakage does not interfere with any water-level monitoring and
the total amount of leakage to the end of the discharge pipeline does not exceed more than
one percent of the pumping rate as measured at the end of the pumping test.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The flow meter (Fig. All) is installed in the delivery line from the pump. The flow meter
must be properly calibrated before it is used and its piping must be of similar diameter to that
of the discharge pipe. There must be no turbulent flow or entrained air in the discharge pipe
before the meter. The discharged water must be free of solid material carried in suspension.
Some flow meters have got two valves for discharge setting, a coarse and a fine setting valve.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The pump test contractor should plan the trip to go and do the pumping test properly. The
equipment specified on the check-list (Appendix B) must be acquired and assembled. All the
equipment must be tested at the office to ensure that it works properly before leaving for the
pumping test. Camping equipment must also be packed and permission to stay on the
property must also be obtained from the owner prior to the pumping test.
Information on trig beacons in the area where the pumping test is going to be performed
should also be obtained. This information will be used to survey the pumping as well as the
observation boreholes. This includes the elevation (z co-ordinates) as well as the positions (x
and y co-ordinates).
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Great care should be taken when removing the existing equipment. This includes equipment
on observation boreholes as well. Normally, the equipment had been in the boreholes for a
long time and connections are rusted and very difficult to disconnect and to remove.
A tripod type of frame fitted with a block and tackle or a winch can be used to remove the
equipment. The equipment should be neatly placed and stored away from the borehole to be
tested so that it does not interfere with the pumping test. As much as possible information on
the equipment should be recorded. This includes:
All deficiencies and breaks on the equipment should be carefully written down and it should
be reported to the representative as well as the owner of the equipment. The depth of the
pump before removal, as well as specifications on the equipment, should be written down.
If the contractor is responsible for the removal of the equipment, he should also reinstall the
equipment to the same condition that it was found in. If equipment in the identified
observation boreholes might interfere with the pumping test, it should also be removed. The
same procedure as described above should be followed when removing this equipment.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The deliven1 pipe is also fixed to the pump and care should be taken that all connections are
watertight. In some cases, shorter lengths of delivery pipes are used and then care should be
taken that all connections are watertight. The non-return valve fitted at the bottom of the
pump column should be checked to ensure that after the pump is stopped, no return flows
take place via the deliver)' piping and pump. If this happens, it will have a negative effect on
the accuracy of recovery test.
In some cases, the rising mains of a mono pump can have a large diameter (140-mm) and this
can cause problems if the borehole diameter is not large enough. It can result in difficulty to
install and remove the pump and it might also prevent the contractor from installing other
equipment such as pressure probes or dip-meters in the borehole. The contractor should
know the diameters of the different pumps to his disposal and he should try and obtain the
diameter of the pumping borehole before the pumping test.
If the available drawdown (water column) in the borehole is less than 5 m, then a pumping
test should not be performed. The initial drawdown during a pumping test can be ascribed to
the storage effect in the borehole (well bore storage) and it lasts for only a few minutes,
depending on the abstraction rate. In most instances, this initial drawdown is more than 5 m
which makes a pumping test in a borehole with only 5 m of available drawdown a futile
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Appendix A Paoe23
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
If discharge measurement is required with the aid of a flow meter, such a meter should be
installed on the horizontal section of the delivery' pipe of the pump. The deliver},1 pipe should
be straight and of uniform diameter for a distance of at least four times the diameter of the
pipe before the meter. A properly calibrated flow meter with a similar diameter to that of the
discharge pipe should be used. There must be no turbulent flow or entrained air in the
discharge pipe before the meter. The flow meter must be such that the operator should be
able to adjust the flow with a course as well as a fine setting.
Another method of measuring the discharge from the pump is to install an orifice weir at the
end of the discharge pipe. The orifice plate opening must be sharp, clean, bevelled to 45
degrees and have a diameter less than 80 percent of the diameter of the approach tube to
which it is fixed. The piezometer tube must not contain entrained air bubbles at the time of
pressure head measurement.
The discharge rate from the pump should be checked at the prescribed intervals and it should
be recorded on the data sheet. The intervals are described in detail when the different
pumping tests are discussed later in the report. The revolutions of the pump motor or the
valves at the flow meter should be adjusted to keep flow constant. The connections between
the discharge piping and the discharge measuring equipment should be watertight.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The drawdown measured with the pressure probe during a pumping test is stored on a data
logger. The contractor must now attach the pressure probe to a data logger. The data logger
converts the electronic signal from the pressure probe to a height of pressure above the
pressure probe. Normally, a multi-channel data logger is used and therefore several pressure
probes can be attached to one data logger. The data logger should be placed centrally on the
test site so that all the pressure probes can be connected to it. The data logger can be set up
so that the water levels are stored at specified intervals. These intervals should be negotiated
with the consultant before the commencement of the pumping test. A lap top computer or
data reader can be used to extract the data from the data logger.
These data logging systems normally work on a 12-volt power supply. The power can either
be supplied from a 220-volt system brought down with a transformer or a solar panel and
regulator and, in some cases, a 12-volt battery is sufficient. The battery must be capable of
keeping the system going for the duration of the test. The contractor is responsible to supply
the power for the water measuring equipment. Now the system is operational and it should
be set up properly.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
To perform the actual calibration test, the pump test contractor must:
Insert the dip-meter into the borehole or the plastic tube inside the borehole and determine
the static water level. Record the information on the data sheets.
If no plastic tube is installed, insert the dip-meter into the borehole and determine the
static water level.
Make sure that the stopwatch is zeroed and working properly.
Make sure that the data logger had been reset and that it is working properly.
See to it that the equipment to measure the discharge from the pump is in place and that it
is ready.
3 Make sure that the capacity of the pump is known. Strain the pump so that about one
third of the capacity will be discharged during the first run of the test.
Start the pump.
Measure the drawdown in the pumping borehole with the dip-meter as per the above
prescribed time intervals.
Measure the discharge from the pump at the beginning as well as at the end of the first
run of the test.
3 Stop the pump after the prescribed time has passed.
Measure the recovery in the borehole as per the prescribed time intervals.
a Allow the water level to recover to more than 90 percent of the original static water level.
Repeat the test for two-thirds as well as full capacity of the pump.
a Using this information, the contractor must decide on what pumping rates to use for the
stepped drawdown as well as the constant rate tests.
The chart on the next page (Fig. A12) is an example of a calibration test done prior to a
pumping test. From this figure it is clear that the drawdown of about 10 m obtained in 15
min. with the full pumping rate was much too high and this would have caused the water
level to drop below the pump intake within a few hours. The second and third pumping rates
produced drawdowns of between 3 and 5 m and because of this, a pumping rate of 3600 L/h
was chosen for this particular pumping test.
Appendix A Page 27
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Calibration Test : Borehole 1168-355
Full Flow
4500 l/h
10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 M 1
Time (mlfl]
Appendix A Page 28
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
To perform the actual step drawdown test, the pump test contractor must:
Insert the dip-meter into the plastic tube inside the pumping borehole and detemiine the
static water level. Record the information on the data sheets.
3 If no plastic tube is installed, insert the dtp-meter into the borehole and determine the
static water level.
Make sure that the stopwatch is zeroed and working properly.
3 Make sure that the data logger had been reset and that it is working properly.
3 In order to determine parameters such as effective radius of the borehole and storativitv of
the aquifer the contractor must take water-level readings in the observation boreholes.
Appendix A Psge 29
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Therefore make sure that measurements are taken in the observation boreholes at the
prescribed times.
See to it that the equipment to measure the discharge from the pump is in place and that it
is ready.
3 By using information from the slug as well as the calibration tests, work out what the
different steps for the step drawdown test will be. Strain the pump so that a low first
constant discharge rate increment will be delivered.
3 Start the pump.
a Measure the drawdown in the pumping borehole with the dip-meter as per the prescribed
time intervals. Record this information on the data sheets.
Measure the discharge from the pump at the beginning of the discharge increment. After
that, check the discharge after 7, 15 and 60 min. Then take a final reading just before the
end of the step.
o After about 10 min. into the test take a water sample. The borehole number, date and time
must be indicated on the bottle. Take another sample just before pumping is stopped.
a By now, the drawdown will have stabilised and the chosen time interval (say 100 min.)
will have passed.
a After the prescribed time, increase the delivery of the pump to the second constant
discharge rate increment.
Q Measure the second constant discharge rate increment from the pump. Check the
discharge at the same intervals as prescribed above.
a Measure the drawdown at the prescribed time intervals. The drawdown will eventually
a Increase the discharge rate to the third constant rate increment after the prescribed time.
Follow the same procedure as described above.
u Just before the pump is stopped, take another water sample.
a After the prescribed time, stop the pump and start the recovery. Measure and record the
Allow the water level to recover for the same period of time as the length of pumping.
The chart below (Fig. A13) is an example of a step drawdown test performed on a borehole.
The effect on the water level with the increased pumping rate can clearly be seen.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
tilTU 'iliv
>-, i
Appendix A Page 31
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Appendix A Page 32
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The chart below (Fig. AJ4) is an example of a multirate test done on the Campus Test
Pumping Terrain at the University. The blue line represents the drawdown in the borehole,
while the red line indicates the pumping rates.
*> 05 83 KD
s = AO + BLogtO + CLogtQ
If i is constant and p=2, this equation simplifies to the well-known Jacob well loss equation.
The unknown coefficients A, B\ C and/7 are estimated with a least square method.
Appendix A Page 33
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
A constant rate pumping test is performed by pumping water from a borehole at a single
pumping rate which is kept constant for an extended period of time. It is critical that the
pumping rate during the entire duration of the test be kept as constant as possible. The
pumping rate should be set at a yield, which will be able to be maintained for the duration of
the pumping test, and in the process utilising more than 70 percent of the available
drawdown. The available drawdown, however, should not be exhausted. The drawdown in
the water-level in the borehole as well as the observation boreholes is measured according to
the prescribed time schedule. Before starting with the constant rate pumping test, the
borehole should be allowed to recover completely from the stepped discharge or multirate
tests. If the borehole is recovered overnight, the water level will return to within a few cm of
the original water level.
The time schedule for a constant rate test is in the table (Table A6) below. A complete
constant rate data sheet is supplied in Appendix D.
The actual pumping rate maintained during the test should be measured and recorded
regularly. The pumping rate must be checked and adjusted, if necessary, after 7, 15, 60, 120
and 1 SO min. From then on, the pumping rate should be checked whenever the water-level
measurements are taken. At the end of the constant rate test, the recovery inside the borehole
should be measured.
In performing the actual constant rate pumping test, the contractor will:
Insert the dip-meter into the plastic tube inside the pumping borehole and determine the
static water level. Record the information on the data sheets.
D If no plastic tube is installed, insert the dip-meter into the borehole and determine the
static water level.
Make sure that the stopwatch is zeroed and working properly.
3 Make sure that the data logger had been reset and that it is working properly.
3 In order to determine parameters such as the transmissivity and storativity of the aquifer,
the contractor must take water-level readings in the observation boreholes. Therefore
make sure that measurements are taken in the observation boreholes at the prescribed
Appendix A Page 34
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
a See to it that the equipment to measure the discharge from the pump is in place and that it
is ready.
a By using information from the slug, calibration, step discharge and multirate tests, work
out what the pumping rate for the constant rate pumping test should be. The pumping
rate should be such that the water level inside the borehole does not drop to below the
intake of the pump at any time during the pumping test. Strain the pump so that this
desired discharge would be delivered by the pump.
Stan the pump.
Measure the drawdown in the pumping as well as the observation boreholes with the dip-
meter as per the prescribed time intervals. Record this information on the data sheets.
a Measure the discharge rate from the pump at the beginning of the test. After that, check
the discharge after 7, 15, 60, 120 and 180 min. From then on, the pumping rate should be
checked whenever the water-level measurements are taken.
A water sample must be taken after about 10 min. of pumping and another one just before
the end of the test. The borehole number, date and time should be indicated on the
sample bottle.
After the prescribed time, stop the pump and measure the recovery. Recovery must be
measured for the same time interval as used for pumping.
The chart below (Fig. A15) is an example of a constant rate test that was done on borehole
UO5 on the Campus Test Site. It can clearly be seen that there was a rapid drawdown at the
beginning of the test and that it decreased towards the end of the test.
Drawdown -UO5
-1 - \
r3- \
- .
* 1
Appendix A Page 35
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
| Ftea^ery isst |
/ 1
Appendix A Page 36
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
The duration of the constant rate pumping test shall not be less than 12 h and, in some
instances, it might even last for 72 h or more if the objective is the estimation of aquifer
parameters for well field management. This criterion is set according to the Reconstruction
and Development Program Rules of South Africa.
A good practice is to, while the pumping test is in progress, plot the water levels obtained
during a constant rate pumping test on semi-log paper (the time is plotted on the logarithmic
scale). If considerable changes in the gradient of the curve are noticed, it may be considered
to extend the duration of the test so that more measurements will point out the new gradient
and in effect new parameters. In many circles, the duration of constant rate pumping tests
remains a controversial issue. Different opinions exist about this issue and it will be
investigated and discussed in more detail later in this report. Continued pumping without
achieving significant drawdown does not make any sense. The pump test contractor should
also not just continue with a constant rate pumping for several hours without obtaining
information that makes sense, because he is paid by the hour.
Appendix A p a g e 37
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
If the breakdown cannot be fixed and if the pump cannot be started within one hour of the
breakdown occurring, recover the water level to the initial water level or within five percent
thereof. Then restart the pumping test as if it is the first attempt. If the breakdown occurs
after approximately 80 percent of the planned duration of the constant rate test, continue with
the recovery as per prescribed time intervals. The allowable elapsed time in regard to
selected constant rate test durations in order for this specification to be acceptable is given in
the table below (Table AS).
Table A8 Period after which constant rate test can be considered completed
24 hours 20 hours (80 % of total time)
36 hours 30 hours (S3 % of total time)
4S hours 38 hours (79 % of total time)
72 hours 60 hours (77 % of total time)
Appendix A Page 39
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
In practice, no aquifer extends infinitely and they are bounded laterally in one way or
another. At some point, a boundary will start to interfere with the abstraction of water from
that aquifer. A boundary may consist of a geological barrier that delineates the lateral extent
of the aquifer or it may consist of a geological formation with lower permeability or even
zones within a formation of lower permeability. In some cases, these boundaries may even
show in the geology protruding from the ground. The pump test contractor must keep his
eyes open for these formations and he must make a note about all such possible boundaries.
Groundwater will normally follow the natural gradient of the topography of the surface of an
area. The pump test contractor should take note of the general topography of the area
surrounding the borehole being pump tested. A borehole situated next to a mountain range
may be influenced by that mountain range. The mountain range may act as a boundary on the
aquifer. Therefore it is important that the pump test contractor make notes or even a schetch
of the area showing all mountains, koppies and hills. Distances from the borehole to these
protrusions should also be noted.
Although recharge due to rainfall nonnally has a delayed effect, all rainfall figures during the
pumping test period should be written down. Nonnally, rainfall figures are available
(farmers, the public and weather bureau) and the pumping test contractor should include these
figures in his report. Rainfall figures prior to the pumping test should also be acquired and it
should be included in the report.
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Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Dams and rivers situated close to the pump testing site can cause recharge to the aquifer and
it is good practice to mention this in the report that will be drawn up after the pumping test is
All irrigation activities prior as well as during the pumping test should be written down by the
pump test contractor and it should be included in the report on the pumping test. Sometimes
water from an external source such as a river, dam or channel far away from the pump testing
site is used for irrigation and this water can act as a recharge to the aquifer. The pumping test
contractor should keep an eye open for this and it should be mentioned in his report. This
external influence could have a negative effect on the results of the pumping test.
A good set of photographs can yield valuable information. The results of the pumping tests
performed by the contractor will, in many cases, be interpreted and evaluated by independent
people without any knowledge of the area where the pumping test was performed.
Photographs will provide these people with an idea of how the terrain and the surroundings
look. Possible boundaries can also be described in a panoramic photograph image of the area.
Appendix A Page 41
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
If it is specified in the contract, the contractor should make use of a land surveyor to
determine the accurate latitude, longitude, as well as the height of the boreholes involved in
the pumping test. Sophisticated survey equipment is used to tie the boreholes in with the trig
beacons with latitude, longitude and height situated in the area. The collar height of each
borehole is determined and is used in calculations.
Appendix A Page 42
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
NOTE: An EXCEL program for data entering of the calibration, variable rate and constant
discharge tests are available from IGS.
Appendix A Page 43
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Appendix B Page 1
Manual on Punnping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Appendix B Page 2
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
Appendix C Page 1
Manual on Pumping Test Analysis in Fractured-Rock Aquifers Appendix
19 19 19 19 19
20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25
30 30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50
60 60 60 60 60
75 75 75 75 75
90 90 90 90 90
120 120 120 120 120
150 150 150 150 150
180 180 ISO 180 180
240 240 240 240 240
300 300 300 300 300
3S0 360 360 350 360
420 420 420 420 420
480 480 480 480 480
600 600 600 600 600
720 720 720 720 720
900 900 900 900 900
1080 1080 1080 1080 1030
1440 1440 1440 1440 1440
1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
2160 2160 2160 2150
2520 2520 2520 2520 2520
2880 2880 2880 2880 2880
3600 3600 3600 3600 3600
4320 4320 4320 4320 4320
General Information Pumping Borehole Information Remarks
Project No: }epth of Pump (m):
Borehole No: Collor Height (m):
Site Name: BH diameter (m):
Farm Name: Depth of BH (m):
Discharge rate 1 Discharge rate 2 Discharge rate 3
Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: | |Time:
Static W/L (m|: Static W/L (m): Static W/L (m):
Time Drawdown Yield Time Recovery Time Drawdown Yield Time Recovery Time Drawdown Yield Time Recovery
(mm) s{m) (l/s) (min) s'(m) (min) s(m) (l/s) (min) s'(m) (min) s (m) (l/s) (min) s'(m)
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 13 13
14 14 14 14 14 14
15 15 : : 15 15 15
16 16 16 16 16 16
17 17 17 17 17 17
18 18 18 18 18 16
19 19 19 19 19 19
20 20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50 50
60 60 60 60 60 60
70 70 70 70 70 70
80 60 eo 80 80 80
90 90 90 90 90 90
100 100 100 100 100 100
110 110 110 110 110 110
120 120 120 12(J 12U 12U
Discharge rate 4 Discharge rate 5 Discharge rate 6
Date: Time: Date: JTime: Date: |Time:
Static W/L (m): Static W/L (m): Static W/L (m):
Time Drawdown Yield Time Recovery Time Drawdown Yield Time Recovery Time Drawdown Yield Time Recovery
(min) s{m) (I's) (min) s'(m) (min) S(m) (l/s) (mm) s'(m) (mm) s(m) (I's) (min) s1 (m)
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
0 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
i 7 7 7 7 7
8 e a 8 e
9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 1U 10
11 11 n 11 n 11
12 12 12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 13 13
14 14 14 14 14 14
15 15 15 15 15 15
16 16 16 16 16 16
17 17 17 17 17 17
18 13 18 18 18 18
19 19 19 19 19 19
20 20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40 - -
50 50 50 50 50 50
60 60 60 60 CJ 60
70 70 70 70 70 70
80 BO 80 80 80 80
90 90 90 90 90 90
100 100 100 100 100 100
110 110 110 110 110 110
120 120 12U