Belfast Grade 5 & 6 Problem Solving Assignment
Belfast Grade 5 & 6 Problem Solving Assignment
Belfast Grade 5 & 6 Problem Solving Assignment
Due Date: Tuesday February 28, 2017 Name: ___
Answer Page
Circle each choice.
Total mark correct: /5
1/ a b c d Marks for proofs: /
2/ a b c d 5
Neatness marks: /
3/ a b c d Deductions: /
4/ a b c d Early marks /
5/ a b c d
1/ Sally earned 7/13 of 100 dollars for babysitting on the 13th floor of the building
at 1313 13th Avenue. The sum of all the digits in all the numbers in the problem
a) 127 b) 27 c) 1 459 d) 991
2/ How far, and in what direction(s) does Auroras truck need to travel to return
to Zero Town? Auroras moving truck left Zero Town. It traveled north 7 km then
turned east and went 6 km. It stopped there for a delivery, then went west 10 km.
a) 4 km E, 7 km S b) 2 km N, 7 km E c) 4 km S, 7 km E
d) 6 km W, 5 km S
3/ What was the cost of fuel used by Auroras moving truck if the truck used fuel
costing $ .29 per kilometer?
a) $9.86 b) $8.93 c) $7.48 d) $8.98
4/ What was Jonnys total time for finding five dictionary words if his search
times were: 36, 17, 37, 45 and 55 seconds?
a) 2 min. 35 sec. b) 3 min. c) 3 min. 10 sec. d) 2 min. 50 sec.
5/ What percentage of students had fresh fruit or vegetables for their lunch? At
lunchtime a student did a count of lunch foods brought by children. He tallied 168
students who had at least one serving of fresh fruit or vegies with their lunch. There
were 240 students eating lunch. (hint: Ask your teacher how to proceed.)
a) 70%b) 60%c) 25% d) 75%
EXTRA: Collect original data.
Find several other students in your class who are keen to collect data about the food
eaten by Belfast students at lunch.
As a group, speak to your teacher about how this data could be collected and how
the data could be used for our learning.
Answer Key
1/ B
2/ A
3/ A
4/ C
5/ A