Phoenix ST Peter: Head Teacher's

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Phoenix St Peter

E-Newsletter | Feb 2017

If you want to get involved in school more, please

Head teachers speak to Mrs Barnard or Mrs Riches, who are outside
every day or come and speak to Miss Hunter or
Dear Parents and carers, With best wishes

Miss Paczuska.
Welcome tour new look newsletter, which will come
out monthly. We will include dates for diary, news
about what each class has been up to and updates
on current and future projects.

We've had a busy term so far with lots of exciting

learning. Many children have started music tuition Introducing Thrive
this and can be heard on the piano every Wednesday.
This is in addition to the many after school clubs we
are running (see timetable below).

Miss Hunter has been busy entering children into

poetry competitions as she was so impressed by the
work produced by so many during out poetry unit
this month.

Early years have been busy making, doing, counting

reading and Mrs Allen is so proud of how much
progress they are all making.
After half term we will introducing Thrive
Further up the school. Year 6 have been working very across the school.
hard and have now started revising for their SATs in The Thrive Approach draws on insights from
May. We have confidence that they will all make the scientific fields of neuroscience and child
excellent progress this year and be proud of their psychology to provide a powerful way of
working with children and young people that
supports optimal social and emotional
Thank you to those parents who came along to our development. It is a holistic approach which
helps children and young people who have
Meet the PCA session and to Reception and Year 1
struggled with difficult life events to help them
parents who recently met with me for after school re-engage with life and learning.
events. Its a pleasure to see parents getting
involved in school life. From after half term we will Every class will be assessed by their teacher
using the Thrive online tool. This will enable
be running regular, informal after school events for
teachers to see areas where the children need
each class, please come along if youre free! some support and will also highlight any
children that would benefit from 1:1 sessions.
We have lots coming up next term, with our
Gleestanglia singing performance, maths week, lots We are holding an Introduction to Thrive
of trips planned and some interesting new learning coffee morning on Tuesday 21st February at
topics across the school. 9am. Please come along to hear more about
The Thrive Approach.

T: 01502 574586
E: [email protected]
Phoenix St Peter
E-Newsletter | Feb 2017

Herons and Robins completing peer
have been working assessments. Year 4
extremely hard on have started to get
improving their into the routine of
number and writing peer assessing which
skills. is giving the children
more control of their
Tedd has been learning and giving
ordering numbers up them ideas that they
to 20, while Hadleigh could include in their
has been writing a
own writing.
story inspired by
Supertato by Sue

Owls have been

practising their yoga and
On Thursday 2nd have had their very first
February, wagtail class PE lesson!
visited Lowestoft library.
We used the books and
computers to research a
chosen plant or flower and
write up our findings with
a partner. We thoroughly
enjoyed our class trip and
found out lots of
information for our
science topic 'Plants'.

T: 01502 574586
E: [email protected]
Phoenix St Peter
E-Newsletter | Feb 2017


Kingfisher class have been busy scientists.
We had to solve the problem of a missing teddy.
Using clues about the teddy we observed the
Woodpeckers different materials and used our five senses to
sharing a story decide which the missing teddy was. We also
after a very described the different objects using adjectives.
productive This is a photo of some of us tasting pickle
morning in the which we thought was very tangy and sharp,
most of us preferred the sweets!

Eagles have been

scientists this
term and have
learnt about how
light impacts how
we see things. We
have looked at how
Avocets have become Scientists learning all
light travels, the
about the features of space and how it
biology of the eye
affects the Earth. They used their prediction
and how shadows
and research skills to investigate how day
are formed.
and night occur, why the planets orbit the
Sun following a specific path and why one
side of the Moon never sees the Sun.

T: 01502 574586
E: [email protected]
Phoenix St Peter
E-Newsletter | Feb 2017


Monday 201th February- PD Day We are Theologists

Tuesday 21st February-Introduction to Thrive All of the children have been learning about
coffee morning. different religions over the past few weeks.
Wednesday 22nd February-Readathon starts The whole school took part in a Hinduism
workshop where the children learned all about
Tuesday 28th February-Bollywood Dance
the Hindu faith including the values and the
festival of Diwali.
Wednesday 1st March-Y3-Y6 Cross country
The children got to dress up in traditional
clothing and listen to stories.
Thursday 2nd March-World Book day

Y5 Football at PHS.

Monday 6th March-Parents evening.

Tuesday 7th March-Parents evening.

Wednesday 8th March- Y3 Skittleball competition

at EPA

Thursday 9th March- Kingfisher Library visit.

15th March-Gleestanglia

Friday 24th March- Red Nose Day, cake sale and


Tuesday 28th March- Easter Assembly with Rev.



Over the last few months the PCA have been
working hard to raise money to refurbish the
library. So far we have raised over 5000. Our
next event will be the annual Summer Fayre
After half term, there will more exciting clubs on Saturday 8th July. We will also be holding
starting up. Please keep your eyes open for the an Easter disco on Thursday 30th March,
letters arriving the first week back after half times TBC. We would like to thank all parents
term! who came to our recent coffee morning. It was
a huge success and we received some great
fundraising ideas. We will be holding another
soon and would love to see you there!

T: 01502 574586
E: [email protected]
Phoenix St Peter
E-Newsletter | Feb 2017


Congratulations to our Year5&6 athletes who

represented Phoenix at an indoor athletics

Our Year 6 basketball team also did

fantastically well in the Lowestoft Basketball
tournament where they came 2nd. Well done!
We are so excited that the team will go on to
represent South Lowestoft schools in the
Suffolk Basketball finals! Go Phoenix!!!

There will be lots of exciting opportunities to

represent our school in various sports and
activities. Watch this space for dates and


We would like to say a huge congratulations to

Mr Carver and his fianc on the birth of their
beautiful baby boy!

T: 01502 574586
E: [email protected]

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