BV 625 NR - 2016 07 Rules Containerships

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Structural Rules for Container Ships

July 2016

Rule Note
NR 625 DT R00 E

Marine & Offshore Division

92571 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex France
Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 00 Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 25
Email: [email protected]
2016 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved

1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine & Offshore Division (the "Society") is 6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not
the classification (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure of any type or part of provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance.
it or system therein collectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea 6.2. - If the Services of the Society or their omission cause to the Client a damage which is proved
bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines, to be the direct and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society,
hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary its liability towards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having
equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise caused the damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thou-
as decided by the Society. sand (8,000) Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000)
The Society: Euro and one and a half times the above mentioned fee. These limits apply regardless of fault in-
"prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (" Rules "); cluding breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute, etc.
"issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (" Certificates "); The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss whether arising naturally or not as
a consequence of the Services or their omission such as loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of pro-
"publishes Registers.
duction, loss relative to other contracts and indemnities for termination of other agreements.
1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Stand-
6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Serv-
ards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively re-
ices were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client,
ferred to as " Certification ".
and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be in-
1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and terrupted thereafter with the same periodicity.
company safety management certification; ship and port security certification, training activities; all activi-
ties and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, software, instrumen-
tation, measurements, tests and trials on board. 7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing.
1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its 7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving
representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are pre- the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions
pared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime in Article 8 hereunder.
and/or Offshore Industry (the "Industry") practices. 7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the
1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or char- date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above
tering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Ship- and Article 8 hereunder.
builder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied 7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned.
obligations by the interventions of the Society. ARTICLE 8
ARTICLE 2 8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment
2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following sur- of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
veys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of 8.2. - Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable leg-
a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates islation.
and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register.
8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful
2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter notification to pay.
and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards.
2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present
9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information
the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the
available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However:
given appraisement or cause to modify its scope.
"Clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classifica-
2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient
tion of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which
performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presenta-
have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit ;
tion of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out.
"copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports
can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer
3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their of class;
preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They
"the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of
are a collection of minimum requirements but not a standard or a code of construction neither a
the Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, may be
guide for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional practices, all of which are
passed on to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association
assumed to be known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client.
working rules;
Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those docu-
"the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be
reviewed during certificating bodies audits and are disclosed upon order of the concerned governmen-
3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them tal or inter-governmental authorities or of a Court having jurisdiction.
has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention.
The documents and data are subject to a file management plan.
3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable
Rules and to the Code of Ethics of the Society. Surveyors have authority to decide locally on matters re-
lated to classification and certification of the Units, unless the Rules provide otherwise. 10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event
not reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control of the Society shall be deemed not to be a breach of
3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of ran-
dom inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verification.
11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the So-
4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules:
ciety may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client.
"reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Cli-
11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the
Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee.
"conducts surveys at the place of their construction;
"classes Units and enters their class in its Register;
12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the
"surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules.
12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court
The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the of Nanterre, France, or to another Court as deemed fit by the Society.
extent of the surveys to be changed.
12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are
ARTICLE 5 exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration
5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society
on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty. and the Client shall be governed by English law.
5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level ARTICLE 13
of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided for. 13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the
In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions
or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory serv- whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement. They are not var-
ices, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an im- ied by any purchase order or other document of the Client serving similar purpose.
plied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value 13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the va-
for sale, insurance or chartering. lidity of the remaining provisions.
5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construc- 13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may
tion in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any
warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 L - 7 January 2013
machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any sur-
vey by the Society.

NR 625
Structural Rules for Container Ships

Chapter 1 General Principles

Chapter 2 General Arrangement
Chapter 3 Structural Design Principles
Chapter 4 Loads
Chapter 5 Hull Girder Strength
Chapter 6 Hull Local Scantling
Chapter 7 Direct Strength Analysis
Chapter 8 Buckling
Chapter 9 Fatigue
Chapter 10 Other Structures
Chapter 11 Superstructures, Deckhouses and Hull Outfitting
Chapter 12 Construction
Chapter 13 Ship in Operation - Renewal Criteria
Chapter 14 Lashing Equipment

July 2016
Unless otherwise specified, these rules apply to ships for which contracts are
signed after July 1st, 2016. The Society may refer to the contents hereof before
July 1st, 2016, as and when deemed necessary or appropriate.

2 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016


Section 1 Application

1 Scope of application 31
1.1 General
2 Rule application 31
2.1 Structural requirements
2.2 Ship parts
2.3 Other structural parts

Section 2 Rule Principles

1 Design basis 33
1.1 General
1.2 Hull form limit
1.3 Design life
1.4 Environmental conditions
1.5 Operating conditions
1.6 Operating draughts
1.7 Maximum service speed
1.8 Owners extras
2 Design principles 34
2.1 Overall principles
2.2 Loads
2.3 Structural capacity assessment
3 Rule design methods 35
3.1 General
3.2 Minimum requirements
3.3 Load-capacity based requirements
3.4 Acceptance criteria
3.5 Design verification

Section 3 Verification of Compliance

1 General 38
1.1 Newbuilding
1.2 Ships in service
2 Documents and information 38
2.1 Documents to be submitted
2.2 Information to be submitted

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 3

Section 4 Symbols and Definitions
1 Main symbols and units 39
1.1 General
2 Symbols 39
2.1 Ships main data
2.2 Materials
2.3 Loads
2.4 Scantlings
3 Definitions 40
3.1 Principal particulars
3.2 Superstructure height and tiers
3.3 Operation definition
3.4 Reference coordinate system
3.5 Naming convention
3.6 Glossary

Section 5 Loading Manual and Loading Instruments

1 General 51
1.1 Application

4 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016


Section 1 General
1 General 55
1.1 Application
1.2 Requirements

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 5


Section 1 Materials

1 General 59
1.1 Standard of material
1.2 Testing of materials
1.3 Manufacturing process
2 Hull structural steel 59
2.1 General
2.2 Material factor k
2.3 Steel grades
2.4 Through thickness properties
2.5 Stainless steel
2.6 Prevention of brittle crack propagation
3 Steels for forging and casting 62
3.1 General
3.2 Steels for forging
3.3 Steels for casting
4 Aluminium alloys 63
4.1 General
4.2 Extruded plating
4.3 Mechanical properties of weld joints
4.4 Material factor k
4.5 Others
5 Other materials and products 64
5.1 General
5.2 Iron cast parts

Section 2 Net Scantling Approach

1 General 65
1.1 Application
1.2 Gross and net scantling definitions
1.3 Scantling compliance

Section 3 Corrosion Additions

1 General 69
1.1 Applicability
1.2 Corrosion addition determination

6 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

Section 4 Corrosion Protection
1 Protection by coating 70
1.1 General
1.2 Structures to be protected

Section 5 Structural Detail Principles

1 Application 71
1.1 General
2 General principles 71
2.1 Structural continuity
2.2 Local reinforcements
2.3 Connection of longitudinal members not contributing to the hull girder
longitudinal strength
2.4 Connection between steel and aluminium
3 Stiffeners 72
3.1 General
3.2 Bracketed end connections of non-continuous stiffeners
3.3 Bracketless connections
3.4 Sniped ends
4 Primary supporting members (PSM) 74
4.1 General
4.2 Web stiffening arrangement
4.3 Tripping bracket arrangement
4.4 Bracketed end connections
4.5 Bracketless end connections
5 Intersection of stiffeners and primary supporting members 77
5.1 Cut-outs
5.2 Connection of stiffeners to PSM
6 Openings 82
6.1 Openings and scallops in stiffeners
6.2 Openings in primary supporting members
6.3 Openings in strength deck
6.4 Openings in shell plating
7 Bottom structure 86
7.1 General
7.2 Keel plate
7.3 Girders
7.4 Floors
7.5 Bilge keel
7.6 Docking
8 Side structure 87
8.1 General
8.2 Structural arrangement
9 Deck structure 90
9.1 Structural arrangement
9.2 Deck scantlings

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 7

10 Bulkhead structure 90
10.1 Application
10.2 Cargo hold bulkheads
10.3 Plane bulkheads
10.4 Non-tight bulkheads
10.5 Watertight bulkheads of trunks and tunnels
11 Pillars 91
11.1 General
11.2 Connections

Section 6 Structural Idealisation

1 Structural idealisation of stiffeners and primary supporting members 92
1.1 Effective spans
1.2 Spacing and load supporting breadth
1.3 Effective breadth
1.4 Geometrical properties of stiffeners and primary supporting members
2 Plates 101
2.1 Idealisation of EPP
2.2 Load Calculation Point
3 Stiffeners 104
3.1 Reference point
3.2 Load calculation point
4 Primary supporting members 105
4.1 Load calculation point

8 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016


Section 1 Introduction
1 General 109
1.1 Application
1.2 Sign convention

Section 2 Dynamic Load Cases

1 General 111
1.1 Definition of EDW and dynamic load cases
1.2 Application
1.3 Description of dynamic load cases
2 Dynamic load cases for strength assessment 119
2.1 Selection of EDW
2.2 Load combination factors
3 Dynamic load cases for fatigue assessment 122
3.1 Selection of EDW
3.2 Load combination factors

Section 3 Ship Motions and Accelerations

1 General 125
1.1 Definitions
2 Ship motions and accelerations 125
2.1 Ship motions
2.2 Accelerations at the centre of gravity
3 Accelerations at any position 126
3.1 General
3.2 Accelerations for dynamic load cases
3.3 Envelope accelerations for equipment

Section 4 Hull Girder Loads

1 Application 128
1.1 General
2 Still water hull girder loads 128
2.1 General
2.2 Vertical still water bending moments
2.3 Vertical still water shear forces
2.4 Torsional still water moment

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 9

3 Dynamic hull girder loads 130
3.1 Vertical wave bending moments
3.2 Vertical wave shear forces
3.3 Horizontal wave bending moment
3.4 Horizontal wave shear force
3.5 Wave torsional moment
3.6 Hull girder loads for dynamic load cases

Section 5 External Loads

1 Sea pressure 134
1.1 Total pressure
1.2 Hydrostatic pressure
1.3 External dynamic pressure for strength assessment
1.4 External dynamic pressure for fatigue assessment
2 External pressure on exposed decks 147
2.1 Application
2.2 Green sea loads
3 External impact pressure 147
3.1 Application
3.2 Bottom and stern slamming impact pressures
3.3 Bow flare impact pressure
4 External pressure on side of superstructures and deckhouses 149
4.1 Application
4.2 Definitions
4.3 Sides contributing to the longitudinal strength
4.4 Front, side and aft bulkheads not contributing to the longitudinal strength
5 External loads on containers 150
5.1 Wind forces

Section 6 Internal Loads

1 Pressures due to liquids 151
1.1 Application
1.2 Static liquid pressure in intact conditions
1.3 Dynamic liquid pressure in intact conditions
1.4 Static pressure in flooded conditions
2 Partly filled tanks intended for the carriage of liquid or ballast 152
2.1 Application
2.2 Static pressure
2.3 Dynamic sloshing pressure
2.4 Dynamic impact pressure
3 Loads on decks and platforms 154
3.1 Pressure due to uniform cargo
3.2 Concentrated force due to unit cargo

10 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

4 Loads due to containers 154
4.1 Forces applied to containers
4.2 Stacks of containers
5 Design pressure for tank testing 156
5.1 Definition

Section 7 Design Load Scenarios

1 General 157
1.1 Application
2 Design load scenarios for strength assessment 158
2.1 Principal design load scenarios
2.2 Design load scenarios for impact and sloshing
3 Design load scenario for fatigue assessment 158
3.1 Design load scenario

Section 8 Loading Conditions

1 Application 160
1.1 Loading conditions for strength assessment
1.2 Loading conditions for fatigue assessment
2 Loading conditions for longitudinal strength assessment 160
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Seagoing conditions
2.3 Harbour and sheltered water conditions
3 Loading conditions and load cases for analysis of primary structure
based on partial three-dimensional model 160
3.1 General
3.2 Container weight
3.3 Loading conditions for cargo holds strength check
3.4 Loading conditions for fuel oil tanks
4 Loading conditions and load cases for analysis of primary structure
based on full length model 164
4.1 Loading condition
4.2 Procedure for the selection of design waves
4.3 Load cases
5 Standard loading condition for fatigue assessment 166
5.1 General

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 11


Section 1 Hull Girder Yield Strength

1 Strength characteristics of hull girder transverse sections 169
1.1 General
1.2 Hull girder transverse sections
1.3 Structures contributing to the longitudinal strength
1.4 Moments of inertia
2 Hull girder stresses 172
2.1 Normal stress
2.2 Shear stress
3 Hull girder strength assessment 173
3.1 Longitudinal extent
3.2 Hull girder stiffness
3.3 Yield strength assessment
3.4 Buckling strength assessment
4 Structural models for the calculation of normal warping stress and shear
stress 174
4.1 Calculation methods

Section 2 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength

1 Application 175
1.1 General
2 Checking criteria 175
2.1 General
2.2 Hull girder ultimate bending loads
2.3 Hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity

Appendix 1 Direct Calculation of Shear Flow

1 Calculation formula 176
1.1 General
1.2 Determinate shear flow qD
1.3 Indeterminate shear flow qI
1.4 Computation of sectional properties

Appendix 2 Hull Girder Ultimate Bending Capacity

1 General 178
1.1 Application
1.2 Methods
1.3 General assumptions

12 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

2 Incremental-iterative method 178
2.1 Assumptions
2.2 Procedure
2.3 Load-end shortening curves
3 Alternative methods 185
3.1 General
3.2 Non-linear finite element analysis

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 13


Section 1 General
1 Application 189
1.1 Application
1.2 Acceptance criteria

Section 2 Load Application

1 Load combination 190
1.1 Hull girder
1.2 Pressure combination
2 Design load sets 190
2.1 Application of load components

Section 3 Minimum Thickness

1 Plating 192
1.1 Minimum thickness requirements
2 Stiffeners and tripping brackets 192
2.1 Minimum thickness requirements
3 Primary supporting members 192
3.1 Minimum thickness requirements

Section 4 Plating
1 Plating subjected to lateral pressure 194
1.1 Yielding check
1.2 Buckling check
2 Special requirements 194
2.1 Minimum thickness of keel plating
2.2 Bilge plating
2.3 Side shell plating
2.4 Sheer strake
2.5 Deck stringer plating
2.6 Aft peak bulkhead

Section 5 Stiffeners
1 Stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure 197
1.1 Yielding check
1.2 Beam analysis
1.3 Buckling check

14 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

Section 6 Primary Supporting Members and Pillars
1 General 199
1.1 Application
1.2 Flooded condition
2 Primary supporting members 199
2.1 Scantling requirements
2.2 Grillage structure
2.3 Buckling check
3 Pillars 201
3.1 Pillars subjected to compressive axial load
3.2 Pillars subjected to tensile axial load

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Section 1 Strength Assessment

1 General 205
1.1 Application
2 Net scantling 205
2.1 Net scantling application
3 Finite element types 205
3.1 Finite element types to be used
4 Acceptance criteria 205
4.1 Definition
5 Submission of results 205
5.1 Detailed report
6 Computer programs 206
6.1 Use of computer programs

Section 2 Cargo Hold Structural Strength Analysis

1 Objective and scope 207
1.1 General
1.2 Cargo hold structural strength analysis procedure
2 Structural model 208
2.1 Members to be modelled
2.2 Extent of model
2.3 Finite element types
2.4 Structural modelling
2.5 Boundary conditions
3 FE load combinations 212
3.1 Design load combinations
4 Load application 213
4.1 General
4.2 External and internal loads
4.3 Hull girder loads
4.4 Procedure to adjust hull girder shear forces and bending moments
5 Analysis criteria 220
5.1 General
5.2 Yield strength assessment
5.3 Buckling strength assessment

16 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

Section 3 Local Structural Strength Analysis
1 Objective and scope 222
1.1 General
2 Local areas to be assessed by fine mesh analysis 222
2.1 List of mandatory structural details
3 Screening procedure 222
3.1 List of structural details
3.2 Screening criteria
4 Structural modelling 223
4.1 General
4.2 Extent of model
4.3 Mesh size
4.4 Elements
4.5 Transverse web frames
5 FE load combinations 225
5.1 General
5.2 Application of loads and boundary conditions
6 Analysis criteria 226
6.1 Yield strength assessment

Section 4 Full Length Structural Strength Analysis

1 Objective and scope 227
1.1 General
1.2 Full length structural strength analysis procedure
2 Structural model 227
2.1 Model construction
2.2 Extent of model
2.3 Finite element types
2.4 Structural modelling
2.5 Boundary conditions of the model
3 Loading condition and load cases 228
3.1 General
4 Load application 228
4.1 General
5 Analysis criteria 229
5.1 Yield strength assessment
5.2 Buckling strength assessment
6 Refined analysis 229
6.1 Application
6.2 Structural modelling
6.3 Loading conditions and load cases
6.4 Load application
6.5 Analysis criteria

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Section 1 Buckling
1 General 233
1.1 Application
1.2 Allowable buckling utilisation fachor
2 Prescriptive buckling requirements 233
2.1 Application
2.2 Design load sets
2.3 Hull girder stress
3 Buckling capacity 233
3.1 Application
3.2 Stiffeners

18 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016


Section 1 General
1 Application 237
1.1 Scope
1.2 Structural details to be assessed
2 Definitions 237
2.1 NI 611
3 Loading condition 237
3.1 Design loading condition for fatigue assessment
4 Corrosion model 237
4.1 General
5 Fatigue assessment based on a deterministic approach 238
5.1 Longitudinal stiffener connections
5.2 Other structural details
6 Fatigue assessment based on spectral fatigue analysis 238
6.1 General
7 Acceptance criteria 239
7.1 Fatigue life and acceptance criteria

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 19


Section 1 Fore Part

1 General 243
1.1 Application
2 Structural arrangement 243
2.1 Floors and bottom girders
2.2 Wash bulkheads
2.3 Side shell supporting structure
2.4 Tripping brackets
2.5 Bulbous bow
3 Structures subjected to impact loads 244
3.1 General
3.2 Bottom slamming
3.3 Bow impact
4 Additional scantling requirements 248
4.1 Plate stem
4.2 Thruster tunnel

Section 2 Machinery Space

1 General 249
1.1 Application
2 Machinery space arrangement 249
2.1 Structural arrangement
2.2 Double bottom
3 Machinery foundations 250
3.1 General
3.2 Foundations for internal combustion engines and thrust bearings
3.3 Foundations

Section 3 Aft Part

1 General 251
1.1 Application
2 Aft peak 251
2.1 Structural arrangement
2.2 Stiffening of floors and girders
3 Stern frames 252
3.1 General
3.2 Propeller posts
3.3 Connections

20 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

4 Shell structure 253
4.1 Shell plating
5 Structure subjected to stern impact loads 253
5.1 General

Section 4 Tanks Subject to Sloshing

1 Application 256
1.1 General
1.2 Sloshing loads
1.3 Impact loads
1.4 Evaluation of the risk of resonance
2 Scantling of elements subjected to sloshing loads 258
2.1 Plating
2.2 Stiffeners
2.3 Primary supporting members
3 Scantling of elements subjected to impact loads 260
3.1 Plating
3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
3.3 Primary supporting members

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 21


Section 1 Superstructures, Deckhouses and Companionways

1 General 265
1.1 Application
1.2 Gross scantlings
2 Structural arrangement 265
2.1 Structural continuity
3 Scantlings 265
3.1 Application
3.2 Decks and superstructure sides
3.3 End bulkheads of superstructures and external bulkheads of deckhouses
3.4 Companionways

Section 2 Bulwark and Guard Rails

1 General requirements 267

1.1 Application
1.2 Minimum height
2 Bulwarks 267
2.1 General
2.2 Construction of bulwarks
3 Guard rails 267
3.1 General
3.2 Construction of guard rails

Section 3 Equipment

1 General 269
1.1 Application
2 Equipment number calculation 269
2.1 Requirements
3 Anchoring equipment 271
3.1 General
3.2 Ordinary anchors
3.3 High and super high holding power anchors
3.4 Chain cables

22 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

3.5 Chain lockers
3.6 Chain stoppers
3.7 Windlass
3.8 Hawse pipes
3.9 Towlines and mooring lines

Section 4 Supporting Structure for Deck Equipment and Fittings

1 General 275
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Anchor windlass and chain stopper 275
2.1 General
3 Mooring winches 275
3.1 General
3.2 Design loads
3.3 Strength criteria
4 Cranes, derricks, lifting masts and life saving appliances 276
4.1 General
4.2 Design loads
4.3 Strength criteria
5 Bollards and bitts, fairleads, stand rollers, chocks and capstans 277
5.1 General
5.2 Design loads
5.3 Strength criteria
6 Breakwater 278
6.1 General
6.2 Design loads
6.3 Strength criteria
7 Fixed cell guides 278
7.1 General
7.2 Arrangement of fixed cell guides
7.3 Strength criteria
8 Lashing bridge 279
8.1 General
8.2 Design loads
8.3 Strength criteria
9 Lashing items 279
9.1 Fixed cargo securing devices
9.2 Lashing software
10 Miscellaneous deck fittings 279
10.1 Support and attachment

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 23

Section 5 Cargo Hatch Covers and Small Hatches

1 Cargo hatch covers 280

1.1 Application
2 Small hatches 280
2.1 Application

24 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016


Section 1 Construction and Fabrication

1 General 283
1.1 Workmanship
1.2 Fabrication standard
2 Cut-outs, plate edges 283
2.1 General
3 Cold forming 284
3.1 Special structural members
3.2 Low bending radius
4 Hot forming 284
4.1 Temperature requirements
4.2 Line or spot heating
5 Assembly and alignment 284
5.1 General

Section 2 Fabrication by Welding

1 General 285
1.1 Application
1.2 Limits of application to welding procedures
2 Welding procedures, welding consumables and welders 285
2.1 General
3 Weld joints 285
3.1 General
3.2 Hatch coaming
4 Non-destructive examination (NDE) 286
4.1 General
4.2 Hatch coaming

Section 3 Design of Weld Joints

1 General 287
1.1 Application
2 Tee or cross joint 287
2.1 Application
2.2 Continuous fillet welds
2.3 Intermittent fillet welds
2.4 Partial and full penetration welds
2.5 Weld size criteria

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 25

3 Butt joint 293
3.1 General
3.2 Thickness difference
4 Other types of joints 293
4.1 Lapped joints
4.2 Slot welds
4.3 Stud and lifting lug welds
5 Connection details 294
5.1 Bilge keels
5.2 End connections of pillars
5.3 Abutting plates with small angles

26 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016


Section 1 Principles and Survey Requirements

1 Principles 299
1.1 Application
1.2 Corrosion allowance concept
1.3 Information to be submitted
2 Hull survey requirements 299
2.1 General

Section 2 Acceptance Criteria

1 General 300
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
2 Renewal criteria 300
2.1 Local corrosion
2.2 Global corrosion

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 27


Section 1 Container Lashing Equipment

1 General 305
1.1 Application
1.2 Materials
2 Arrangement of containers 305
2.1 General
2.2 Stowage in holds within cell guides
2.3 Stowage in holds without cell guides
2.4 Stowage on exposed deck
2.5 Uniform line load stowage on deck or hatch covers
3 Approval of the fixed and portable lashing equipment 307
3.1 General
3.2 Type tests
3.3 Additional functional test for fully automatic twistlocks
3.4 Inspection at works of the fixed and portable lashing equipment
3.5 Reception on board of the lashing equipment
4 Forces applied to containers 311
4.1 General
4.2 Definitions
4.3 Still water and inertial forces
4.4 Passive free-surface anti-roll tank
4.5 Wind forces
4.6 Forces imposed by lashing and securing arrangements
5 Resulting loads in lashing equipment and container frames 313
5.1 Calculation hypothesis
5.2 Distribution of forces
5.3 Containers only secured by locking devices
5.4 Containers secured by means of lashing devices or buttresses
5.5 Stiffness values
6 Strength criteria 315
6.1 Maximum stack weight
6.2 Permissible loads on containers
6.3 Permissible loads induced by lashing on container corners
6.4 Permissible loads on lashing equipment
7 Lashing software 316
7.1 General
7.2 Requirements for lashing software
7.3 Approval of a lashing software

28 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 1







July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 29

30 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 1


1 Scope of application 2.1.2 Materials and welding

These Rules apply to welded hull structures made of steel
1.1 General having characteristics complying with requirements in Ch 3,
Sec 1. These Rules applies also to welded steel ships in
1.1.1 These Rules apply to ships with a length greater than which parts of the hull, such as superstructures or small
65m and assigned with the service notation container ship. hatch covers, are built in material other than steel, comply-
ing with requirements in Ch 3, Sec 1.
1.1.2 The requirements for the container lashing equip-
Ships whose hull materials are different than those given in
ment, according to Chapter 14, may be applied for ships
the first paragraph are to be individually considered by the
with the additional service feature equipped for the car-
Society, on the basis of the principles and criteria adopted
riage of containers and granted with the additional class
in these Rules.
(restricted area).
2.2 Ship parts
2 Rule application 2.2.1 General
For the purpose of application of these Rules, the ship is
2.1 Structural requirements considered as divided into the following five parts:
2.1.1 These Rules apply to double bottom ships of double fore part
or single side skin construction, intended to carry containers cargo hold region
in holds or on decks. machinery space
The ship structure is to be longitudinally or transversely aft part
framed with full transverse bulkheads and intermediate web
frames. superstructures and deckhouses.

When single side skin construction is adopted, a torsion box 2.2.2 Fore part
girder at the topsides or an equivalent structure is to be fit- The fore part is the part of the ship located forward of the
ted. Typical midship sections are shown in Fig 1 and Fig 2. collision bulkhead, i.e.:
Figure 1 : Container ship of the fore peak structures
double side skin construction the stem.

2.2.3 Cargo hold region

The cargo hold region is the part of the ship that contains
cargo holds. It includes the full breadth and depth of the
ship, the collision bulkhead and the transverse bulkhead at
its aft end. The cargo hold region does not include the
pump room, if any.

2.2.4 Machinery space

The machinery space is the part of the ship between the aft
peak bulkhead and the transverse bulkhead at the aft end of
the cargo hold region and includes the pump room, if any.
Figure 2 : Container ship of
single side skin construction 2.2.5 Aft part
The aft part includes the structures located aft of the aft peak

2.2.6 Superstructures and deckhouses

A superstructure is a decked structure on the freeboard deck
extending from side to side of the ship or with the side plat-
ing not being inboard of the shell plating more than 0,04 B.
A deckhouse is a decked structure on the freeboard or
superstructure deck which does not comply with the defini-
tion of a superstructure.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 31

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 1

2.3 Other structural parts

2.3.1 Other structural parts not covered by these Rules, e.g.
rudder scantlings, are to comply with the applicable
requirements of NR467, Rules for Steel Ships.

32 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 Design basis 1.4.2 Wind and current

The effects of wind and current with regard to the strength
of the structure are not considered.
1.1 General
1.4.3 Ice
1.1.1 Ships are to be designed to withstand, in intact condi-
tion, the environmental conditions as defined in [1.4] antic- The effects of ice and ice accretion are not taken into
ipated during the design life, for the appropriate loading account by the Rules.
conditions. Structural strength is to be determined against
1.4.4 Design temperatures
buckling and yielding. Ultimate strength calculations must
include ultimate hull girder capacity and ultimate strength The structural assessment of hull strength members is
of plates and stiffeners. assumed to be valid for the following design temperatures:
lowest mean daily average temperature in air: 10C
1.1.2 Ships are to be designed to have sufficient reserve lowest mean daily average temperature in seawater: 0C.
strength to withstand loads in damaged conditions, e.g.
flooded scenarios. Ships intended to operate in areas with lower mean daily
average temperature, e.g. regular service during winter sea-
1.1.3 Finite element analysis sons to Arctic or Antarctic waters, are subject to specific
Scantlings of structural members within the cargo hold requirements.
region of ships having a length L of 150 m or above are to In the above, the following definitions apply:
be assessed according to the requirements specified in
Chapter 7. daily average : Average during one day and one night
mean : Statistical mean over an observation period (at
1.1.4 Fatigue life least 20 years)
Ships having a length L of 150 m or above are to be lowest : The lowest value during one year.
assessed according to the design fatigue life for structural For seasonally restricted service, the lowest value within the
details specified in Chapter 9. period of operation applies.

1.2 Hull form limit 1.5 Operating conditions

1.2.1 Loads applying to the ship hull, as described in these 1.5.1 The Rules specify the minimum loading conditions
Rules, are based on hull forms within the following limits: that are to be assessed for compliance.
L < 500 m Specification of loading conditions other than those
CB > 0,6 required by the Rules is the responsibility of the Owner.
These other loading conditions are to be documented and
L/B > 5
assessed for compliance.
B/D < 2,5

Specific consideration will be given by the Society to ships 1.6 Operating draughts
with different hull forms.
1.6.1 The design operating draughts are to be specified by
the builder/designer, subject to acceptance by the Owner,
1.3 Design life and are to be used to derive the appropriate structural
1.3.1 Rule loads and scantling criteria are based on a target
design life of 25 years. The design life is the period during All operational loading conditions in the loading manual
are to comply with the specified design operating draughts.
which the ship is assumed to be exposed to operating con-
ditions. The following design operating draughts are, as a minimum,
to be considered:
scantling draught for the assessment of structure
1.4 Environmental conditions
minimum ballast draught at midship for assessment of
1.4.1 Wave environment structure
The rule requirements are based on North Atlantic wave minimum forward draught, TF, for the assessment of bot-
environment for the strength assessment and on Worldwide tom structure forward subjected to slamming loads, as
wave environment for the fatigue assessement. defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [3.2.1].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 33

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 2

1.7 Maximum service speed 2.2 Loads

1.7.1 The maximum service speed is to be specified. 2.2.1 Design load scenarios
Although the hull structure assessment accounts for the The structural assessment is based on the design load sce-
service speed, this does not relieve the responsibilities of narios encountered by the ship, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 7.
the Owner and personnel to properly handle the ship. The following design load scenarios are based on the static
and dynamic loads given below:
1.8 Owners extras Static design load scenario (S):
Application of relevant static loads, typically: load sce-
1.8.1 The Owners specification above the general classifi- narios in harbour, sheltered water, or tank testing
cation or statutory requirements may affect the structural Static plus Dynamic design load scenario (S+D):
design. Owners extras may include requirements for:
Application of relevant static loads and simultaneously
vibration analysis occurring dynamic load components, typically: load
maximum percentage of high strength steel scenarios for seagoing operations
Impact design load scenario (I):
additional scantlings above those required by the Rules
Application of impact loads such as bottom slamming
additional design margin on the loads specified by the and bow impact encountered during seagoing opera-
Rules, etc. tions
improved fatigue resistance, in the form of a specified Sloshing design load scenario (SL):
increase in design fatigue life or equivalent. Application of sloshing loads encountered during sea-
going operations
Owners extras are not specified in these Rules. Owners
extras, if any, that may affect the structural design are to be Fatigue design load scenario (F):
clearly specified in the design documentation. Application of relevant dynamic loads
Accidental design load scenario (A):
2 Design principles Application of specific loads not occurring during nor-
mal operations.

2.1 Overall principles 2.3 Structural capacity assessment

2.1.1 General 2.3.1 General
These Rules are based on the following overall principles: The basic principle in structural design is to apply the
The safety of the structure can be assessed by addressing defined design loads, identify plausible failure modes and
the potential structural failure mode(s) when the ship is use appropriate capacity models to verify the required
subject to operational loads and environmental structural scantlings.
loads/conditions. 2.3.2 Capacity models for strength assessment
The design complies with the design basis, see Sec 3. The capacity models for strength assessment are able to
The structural requirements are based on consistent analyse the failure mode with regard to the required degree
design load sets which cover the appropriate operating of accuracy.
modes of a container ship. The capacity models either are in a prescriptive format or
require the use of more advanced calculations such as finite
2.1.2 The ship structure is so designed that: element analysis methods.
It has a degree of redundancy. The ship structure should The formulae used to determine stress, deformations and
work in a hierarchical manner and, in principle, failure capacity are deemed appropriate for the selected capacity
of structural elements lower down in the hierarchy does assessment method and the type and magnitude of the
not result in immediate consequential failure of ele- design load set.
ments higher up in the hierarchy.
2.3.3 Capacity models for fatigue assessment
It has sufficient reserve strength to withstand the wave The capacity models for fatigue assessment:
and internal loads in damaged conditions that are rea-
provide rule requirements to assess structural details
sonably foreseeable, e.g. flooding scenarios.
against fatigue failure
The incidence of in-service cracking is minimised, par- are based on a linear cumulative damage summation
ticularly in locations which affect the structural integrity (Palmgren-Miner rule) in combination with a design S-N
or containment integrity, affect the performance of curve, a reference stress range and an assumed long-
structural or other systems, or are difficult to inspect and term stress distribution curve, and
either are in a prescriptive format or require the use of
It has adequate structural redundancy to survive in the more advanced calculations, such as finite element
event that the structure is accidentally damaged by a analysis methods. These methods account for the com-
minor impact leading to flooding of any compartment. bined effects of global and local dynamic loads.

34 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 2

2.3.4 Net scantling approach i : Permissible utilisation factor (resistance fac-

The objective of the net scantling approach is to: tor). The utilisation factor includes consider-
provide a relationship between the thickness used for ation of uncertainties in loads, structural
strength calculations during the newbuilding stage and capacity and the consequence of failure.
the minimum thickness accepted during the operational b) Composition of the PSF method
phase for condition A:
enable the status of the structure with respect to corro-
sion to be clearly ascertained throughout the life of the stat-1 W stat + dyn-1 W dyn ----
for condition B:
The net scantling approach distinguishes between local cor-
rosion and global corrosion: stat-2 W stat + dyn-2 W dyn ----
local corrosion is defined as uniform corrosion of local
structural elements, such as a single plate or stiffener where:
global corrosion is defined as the overall average corro- stat-i : Partial safety factor that accounts for the
sion of larger areas, such as primary supporting mem- uncertainties related to static loads in condi-
bers and the hull girder. tion A or B
dyn-i : Partial safety factor that accounts for the
Both the local corrosion and the global corrosion are used
uncertainties related to dynamic loads in
as a basis for the newbuilding review and are to be assessed
condition A or B
during operation of the ship.
R : Partial safety factor that accounts for the
No credit is given in the assessment of structural capability
uncertainties related to structural capacity.
for the presence of coatings or similar corrosion protection
systems. The acceptance criteria for both the WSD method and the
PSF method are calibrated for the various requirements such
The application of the net thickness approach to assess the that consistent and acceptable safety levels for all combina-
structural capacity is specified in Ch 3, Sec 2. tions of static and dynamic load effects are derived.

3 Rule design methods 3.2 Minimum requirements

3.1 General 3.2.1 The minimum requirements specify the minimum

scantling requirements which are to be applied irrespective
3.1.1 Design methods of all other requirements, hence thickness below the mini-
Scantling requirements are specified to cover the relevant mum is not allowed.
failure modes, as necessary, for various structural parts. The minimum requirements are usually in one of the fol-
The criteria for the assessment of scantlings are based on lowing forms:
one of the following design methods: minimum thickness, which is independent of the speci-
Working Stress Design (WSD) method, also known as fied minimum yield stress
the permissible or allowable stress method minimum stiffness and proportion, which are based on
Partial Safety Factor (PSF) method, also known as Load buckling failure modes.
and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).
For both WSD and PSF, two design assessment conditions 3.3 Load-capacity based requirements
are given, as well as the corresponding acceptance criteria.
3.3.1 General
These conditions are associated with the probability level of
In general, the working stress design (WSD) method is
the combined loads, A and B.
applied in the requirements, except for the hull girder ulti-
a) Composition of the WSD method mate strength criteria, where the partial safety factor (PSF)
for condition A: method is applied for its highly critical failure mode, in
W stat 1R order to better account for uncertainties related to static
loads, dynamic loads and capacity formulations.
for condition B:
The identified load scenarios are addressed by the Rules in
W stat + W dyn 2R
terms of design loads, design format and acceptance criteria
where: set.
Wstat : Simultaneously occurring static loads (or Load-based prescriptive requirements provide scantling
load effects in terms of stresses) requirements for all plating, local support members, most
Wdyn : Simultaneously occurring dynamic loads. primary supporting members and the hull girder and cover
The dynamic loads are typically a combina- all structural elements including deckhouses and founda-
tion of local and global load components tions for deck equipment.
R : Characteristic structural capacity (e.g. speci- In general, these requirements explicitly control one partic-
fied minimum yield stress or buckling ular failure mode and hence several requirements may be
capacity) applied to assess one particular structural member.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 35

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 2

3.3.2 Design loads for strength assessment 3.4 Acceptance criteria

The structural assessment of the compartment boundaries,
e.g. the bulkheads, is based on the loading condition 3.4.1 General
deemed relevant for the type of ship and the operation the The acceptance criteria are categorised into four sets. The
ship is intended for. specific acceptance criteria sets applied in the rule require-
ments depend on the probability level of the characteristic
To provide consistency of approach, standardised rule val-
combined load.
ues for parameters, such as GM and CB , are applied to cal-
culate the rule load values. a) The acceptance criteria set AC-1 is typically applied for
the static design load combinations and for the sloshing
The design load scenarios for structural verification apply design loads. The allowable stress for such loads is
the applicable simultaneously acting local and global load lower than for an extreme load to take into account
components. The relevant design load scenarios are given effects of:
in Ch 4, Sec 7.
repeated yield
The simultaneously occurring dynamic loads are specified,
applying a dynamic load combination factor to the dynamic allowance for some dynamics
load values given in Chapter 4. The dynamic load combina- margins for some selected limited operational mis-
tion factors that define the dynamic load cases are given in takes.
Ch 4, Sec 2.
b) The acceptance criteria set AC-2 is typically applied for
Design load conditions for the hull girder ultimate strength the static + dynamic design load combinations, where
are given in Ch 5, Sec 2. the considered loads are extreme loads with a low prob-
ability of occurrence.
3.3.3 Design loads for fatigue assessment
c) The acceptance criteria set AC-3 is typically applied for
For the fatigue requirements given in Chapter 9, the load accidental loads, such as flooding loads.
assessment is based on the expected load history and an
average approach is applied. The expected load history for d) The acceptance criteria set AC-4 is typically applied for
the design life is characterised by the 102 probability level impact loads, such as bottom slamming and bow impact
of the dynamic load value, the load history for each struc- loads.
tural member is represented by Weibull probability distribu-
tions of the corresponding stresses. 3.4.2 Criteria

The considered wave induced loads include: A general overview of the acceptance criteria is provided in
Tab 1 and Tab 2 for the different design load scenarios cov-
hull girder loads (i.e. vertical and horizontal bending ered by these Rules for the yield and buckling failure
moments) modes:
dynamic wave pressures for the yield criteria, the permissible stress is propor-
tional to the specified minimum yield stress of the mate-
dynamic pressure from cargo.
The load values are based on rule parameters correspond- for the buckling failure mode, the acceptance criteria
ing to the loading conditions, e.g. GM, CB and the applica- are based on the control of stiffness and proportions as
ble draughts amidships. well as on the buckling utilisation factor.

The simultaneously occurring dynamic loads are accounted

for, combining the stresses due to the various dynamic load 3.5 Design verification
components. The stress combination procedure is given in
Chapter 9. 3.5.1 Design verification - Hull girder ultimate
3.3.4 Structural response analysis The requirements for the ultimate strength of the hull girder
The following approaches are used for the determination of are based on a partial safety factor (PSF) method. A safety
the structural response to the applied design load combina- factor is assigned to each of the basic variables, the still
tions: water bending moment, the wave bending moment and the
ultimate capacity. The safety factors are determined using a
a) Beam theory is used for prescriptive requirements structural reliability assessment approach, the long-term
load history distribution of the wave bending moment is
b) Finite element analysis is used for: derived using ship motion analysis techniques suitable for
determining extreme wave bending moments.
standard mesh for cargo hold model
fine mesh for local models The purpose of the hull girder ultimate strength verification
is to demonstrate that one of the most critical failure modes
very fine mesh for fatigue assessment. of the ship is controlled.

36 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 2

Table 1 : Acceptance criteria - prescriptive requirements

Plate panels and

Acceptance Primary supporting members (1) Hull girder members
local supporting members (1)
Yield Buckling Yield Buckling Yield Buckling
AC-1 Control of stiffness Permissible Control of stiffness Permissible Allowable buckling
AC-2 and proportions: stress: and proportions: stress: utilisation factor:
Ch 6, Sec 4
AC-3 Ch 8, Sec 1 Ch 6, Sec 6 Ch 8, Sec 1 Ch 5, Sec 1 Ch 8, Sec 1
Ch 6, Sec 5
Plastic criteria: Control of stiffness Control of stiffness
Plastic criteria:
AC-4 Ch 10, Sec 1, [3] and proportions: and proportions: N/A N/A
Ch 10, Sec 1, [3]
Ch 10, Sec 3, [5] Ch 8, Sec 1 Ch 8, Sec 1
(1) Refer to Chapter 10 for other structures and to Chapter 11 for superstructures, deckhouses and hull outfitting.

Table 2 : Acceptance criteria - Finite Element Analysis

Cargo hold analysis Fine mesh analysis

Acceptance criteria
Yield Buckling Yield
Permissible stress: Allowable buckling utilisation Permissible Von Mises stress:
refer to Ch 7, Sec 2, [5] factor: refer to Ch 7, Sec 3, [6]
refer to Ch 8, Sec 1 Screening criteria:
refer to Ch 7, Sec 3, [3]

3.5.2 Design verification - Finite element analysis 3.5.3 Design verification - Fatigue assessment
The finite element analysis is used to verify the scantlings The fatigue assessment is required to verify that the fatigue
given by the load-capacity based prescriptive requirements life of critical structural details is adequate. A simplified
to better consider the complex interactions between the fatigue requirement is applied to details such as end con-
ships structural components, complex local structural nections of longitudinal stiffeners using stress concentration
geometry, change in thicknesses and member section prop- factors (SCF) to account the actual detail geometry. A
erties as well as the complex load regime with sufficient fatigue assessment procedure using finite element analysis
accuracy. for determining the actual hot spot stress of the geometric
A linear elastic three dimensional finite element analysis of detail is applied to selected details. In both cases, the
the cargo region or of the full length model is carried out to fatigue assessment method is based on the Palmgren-Miner
assess and verify the structural response of the actual hull linear damage model.
girder and primary supporting members and to provide the
scantling requirements for the primary supporting members. 3.5.4 Relationship between prescriptive scantling
The purpose of the finite element analysis is to verify that requirements and finite element analysis
the stresses and buckling capability of the primary support- The scantlings defined by the prescriptive requirements are
ing members are within acceptable limits for the applied not to be reduced by any form of alternative calculations
design loads. such as finite element analysis, unless explicitly stated.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 37

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 3


1 General the following documents are to be submitted to the Society

for review:
container stowage plan, describing the arrangement of
1.1 Newbuilding
containers in hold, on deck and on hatch covers; the
plan shall also include the gross weight of containers
1.1.1 For newbuildings, the plans and documents submit-
and the maximum design weight of container stacks
ted for approval, as indicated in [2.1], are to comply with
the applicable requirements in these Rules, taking into list and/or plan of all fixed securing devices as requested
account of the relevant criteria, such as the additional serv- in Ch 11, Sec 4, [9]
ice features and classification notations assigned to the ship fixed cell guides arrangement and scantlings.
or the ship length.
2.2 Information to be submitted
1.2 Ships in service
2.2.1 The following additional information is to be
included in the relevant documents:
1.2.1 For ships in service, the requirements in Chapter 13
are to be complied with. the distributions of still water permissible vertical bend-
ing moments, vertical shear forces, and the maximum
torsional moment in seagoing and harbour conditions,
2 Documents and information as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, are to be included in the load-
ing manual
2.1 Documents to be submitted the permissible stack weights for 20 and 40 containers
stacks in hold and on deck, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 8,
2.1.1 Documents are to be submitted as required in [3.2.2], are to be included on the midship section draw-
NR467, Rules for Steel Ships, Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 3. In addition, ing and in the loading manual

38 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4


1 Main symbols and units 2 Symbols

2.1 Ships main data

1.1 General
2.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, symbols regarding ships
1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the main symbols and main data and their units used in these Rules are those
their units used in these Rules are those defined in Tab 1. defined in Tab 2.

Table 1 : Main symbols

Symbol Meaning Unit

A Area m2
Sectional area of stiffeners and primary members cm2
C Coefficient
F Force and concentrated loads kN
I Hull girder inertia m4
Inertia of stiffeners and primary members cm4
M Bending moment kNm
M Mass t
P Pressure kN/m2
Q Shear force kN
T Draught of the ship, see [3.1.5] m
Z Hull girder section modulus m3
Section modulus of stiffeners and primary supporting members cm3
ai Acceleration for the effect i m/s2
b Width of attached plating mm
Width of face plate of stiffeners and primary supporting members mm
g Gravity acceleration, taken equal to 9,81 m/s2 m/s2
h Height m
Web height of stiffeners and primary supporting members mm
Length/span of stiffeners and primary supporting members m
n Number of items
r Radius mm
Radius of curvature of plating or bilge radius mm
t Thickness mm
Permissible utilisation factor (usage factor)
Safety factor
Angle deg
Density of seawater, taken equal to 1,025 t/m 3 t/m3
Normal stress N/mm2
Shear stress N/mm2

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 39

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Table 2 : Ships main data

Symbol Meaning Unit

L Rule length m
LPP Length between perpendiculars m
L1 Rule length L, but not greater than 250 m m
L2 Rule length L, but not greater than 300 m m
B Moulded breadth of the ship m
D Moulded depth of the ship m
T Moulded draught m
TSC Scantling draught m
TBAL Ballast draught (minimum midship) m
TLC Midship draught at the considered loading condition m
TF Minimum forward draught for bottom slamming m
Moulded displacement at draught TSC t
CB Block coefficient at draught TSC
CB-BAL Block coefficient at draught TBAL
CW Waterplane coefficient at draught TSC
CW-BAL Waterplane coefficient at draught TBAL
V Maximum service speed knots
x, y, z Coordinates of the calculation point with respect to the reference coordinate m
system, see [3.4]

2.2 Materials 3 Definitions

2.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, symbols regarding mate-
rials and their units used in these Rules are those defined in
3.1 Principal particulars
Tab 3. 3.1.1 Rule length
The Rule length L is the distance, in m, measured on the
2.3 Loads waterline at the scantling draught TSC from the forward side
of the stem to the centre of the rudder stock. L is to be not
2.3.1 Unless otherwise specified, symbols regarding loads less than 96% and need not exceed 97% of the extreme
and their units used in these Rules are those defined in Tab 4. length on the waterline at the scantling draught TSC.
In ships without rudder stock (e.g. ships fitted with azimuth
2.4 Scantlings
thrusters), the rule length L is to be taken equal to 97% of the
2.4.1 Unless otherwise specified, symbols regarding scant- extreme length on the waterline at the scantling draught TSC.
lings and their units used in these Rules are those defined in In ships with unusual stem or stern arrangements, the rule
Tab 5. length is considered on a case-by-case basis.

Table 3 : Materials

Symbol Meaning Unit

E Youngs modulus, see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2] N/mm2

G Shear modulus: G = --------------------- N/mm2
2(1 + )
ReH Specified minimum yield stress, see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2] N/mm2
R eH
eH Specified shear yield stress: eH = -------
- N/mm2
Poissons ratio, see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2]
k Material factor, see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2]
Rm Specified minimum tensile strength, see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2] N/mm2
RY Nominal yield stress, taken equal to 235/k N/mm2

40 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Table 4 : Loads

Symbol Meaning Unit

T Roll period s
Roll angle deg
T Pitch period s
Pitch angle deg
ax Longitudinal acceleration m/s2
ay Transverse acceleration m/s2
az Vertical acceleration m/s2
kr Roll radius of gyration m
GM Metacentric height m
S Static load case
S+D Dynamic load case
Pex Total sea pressure, see Ch 4, Sec 5, [1] kN/m2
Pin Total internal pressure due to liquid kN/m2
Ps Static sea pressure kN/m2
Pls Static tank pressure kN/m2
Pw Dynamic wave pressure kN/m2
Pld Dynamic tank pressure kN/m2
Pd Green sea deck pressure kN/m2
Psl Sloshing pressure kN/m2
Pdl Total pressure due to uniform cargo kN/m2
PSLI Bottom and stern slamming pressure kN/m2
PFI Bow impact pressure kN/m2
Pfs Static pressure in flooded conditions kN/m2
PST Tank testing pressure (static) kN/m2
Fu-s Force due to unit cargo in static (S) design load scenario kN
Fu-d Force due to unit cargo in static plus dynamic (S+D) design load scenario kN
Msw Vertical still water bending moment kNm
Qsw Vertical still water shear force kN
Mwv Vertical wave bending moment kNm
Qwv Vertical wave shear force kN
Mwt Torsional wave moment kNm
Mwh Horizontal wave bending moment kNm

Table 5 : Scantlings

Symbol Meaning Unit

Iy-n50 Net vertical moment of inertia of hull girder m4
Iz-n50 Net horizontal moment of inertia of hull girder m4
ZD-n50 , ZB-n50 Net vertical hull girder section moduli, at deck and bottom respectively m3
zn Vertical distance from BL to horizontal neutral axis m
a Length of an elementary plate panel (EPP), as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.1.1] mm
b Breadth of an elementary plate panel (EPP), as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.1.1] mm
s Stiffener spacing, as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1.2.1] mm
S Primary supporting member spacing, as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1.2.2] m
Span of stiffeners or primary supporting members, as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1] m
b Bracket arm length m
t Net thickness with full corrosion reduction mm
tn50 Net thickness with half corrosion reduction mm

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 41

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Symbol Meaning Unit

tc Corrosion addition mm
tgr Gross thickness mm
tas_built As-built thickness taken as the actual thickness provided at the newbuilding stage mm
tgr_off Gross thickness offered mm
tgr_req Gross thickness required mm
toff Net thickness offered mm
treq Net thickness required mm
tvol_add Thickness for voluntary addition mm
tres Reserve thickness, taken equal to 0,5 mm
tc1, tc2 Corrosion addition on each side of structural member mm
hw Web height of stiffener or primary supporting member mm
tw Web thickness of stiffener or primary supporting member mm
bf Face plate width of stiffener or primary supporting member mm
hstf Height of stiffener or primary supporting member mm
tf Face plate/flange thickness of stiffener or primary supporting member mm
tp Thickness of the plating attached to a stiffener or a primary supporting member mm
de Distance from the upper edge of the web to the top of the flange for L3 profiles mm
beff Effective breadth of attached plating, in bending, for yield and fatigue mm
Net sectional area of stiffener or primary supporting member, with attached plating
Aeff or Aeff-n50 cm2
(of width s)
Ashr or Ashr-n50 Net shear sectional area of stiffener or primary supporting member cm2
Ip Net polar moment of inertia of a stiffener about its connection to plating cm4
Net moment of inertia of a stiffener, with attached plating, about its neutral axis par-
I cm4
allel to the plating
Net section modulus of a stiffener or primary supporting member, with attached
Z or Zn50 cm3
plating (of breadth beff )

3.1.2 Load line length 3.1.3 Moulded breadth

The load line length LLL is the distance, in m, on the water- The moulded breadth B is the greatest moulded breadth, in
line at 85% of the least moulded depth from the top of the m, measured amidships at the scantling draught TSC.
keel, measured from the forward side of the stem to the
centre of the rudder stock. LLL is to be not less than 96% of 3.1.4 Moulded depth
the total length on the same waterline. The moulded depth D, in m, is the vertical distance, amid-
Where the stem contour is concave above the waterline at ships, from the moulded baseline to the moulded deck line
85% of the least moulded depth, both the forward terminal of the uppermost continuous deck measured at deck at side.
of the total length and the fore-side of the stem respectively On ships with a rounded gunwale, D is to be measured at
is taken at the vertical projection to that waterline of the the continuation of the moulded deck line.
aftermost point of the stem contour (see Fig 1).
3.1.5 Draughts
Figure 1 : Concave stem contour The draught T, in m, is the summer load line draught for the
ship in operation, measured from the moulded baseline at
Note 1: This may be less than the maximum permissible summer
load waterline draught.

TSC is the scantling draught, in m, at which the strength

requirements for the scantlings of the ship are met and rep-
resents the full load condition. The scantling draught TSC is
to be not less than that corresponding to the assigned free-
board. The draught of ships to which timber freeboards are
assigned corresponds to the loading condition of timber,
and the requirements of the Society are to be applied to this

42 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

TBAL is the minimum design normal ballast draught amid- AWP : Waterplane area at scantling draught TSC , in m2.
ships, in m, at which the strength requirements for the
scantlings of the ship are met. This normal ballast draught is 3.1.11 Waterplane coefficient at ballast draught
the minimum draught of ballast conditions including ballast The waterplane coefficient CW-BAL , at draught TBAL , is
water exchange operation, for any ballast conditions in the defined by:
loading manual including both departure and arrival condi-
tions. A WP-BAL
C W-BAL = ----------------
3.1.6 Moulded displacement
The moulded displacement, in t, corresponds to the under-
AWP-BAL : Waterplane area at ballast draught TBAL , in m2.
water volume of the ship, at a draught, in seawater with a
density of 1,025 t/m3.
3.1.12 Lightweight
3.1.7 Maximum service speed The lightweight is the ship displacement, in t, complete in
all respects, but without cargo, consumable, stores, passen-
The maximum ahead service speed V, in knots, means the
gers and crew and their effects, and without any liquids on
greatest speed which the ship is designed to maintain in
board except the machinery and piping fluids, such as lubri-
service at her deepest seagoing draught at the maximum
cants and hydraulics, which are at operating levels.
propeller RPM and corresponding engine MCR (Maximum
Continuous Rating).
3.1.13 Deadweight
3.1.8 Block coefficient at scantling draught The deadweight DWT is the difference, in t, between the
displacement, at the summer draught in seawater of density
The block coefficient CB , at draught TSC , is defined by:
= 1,025 t/m3, and the lightweight.

C B = --------------------------------------
1, 025 L B T SC 3.1.14 Fore end
where: The fore end (FE) of the rule length L is the perpendicular to
the scantling draught waterline at the forward side of the
: Moulded displacement of the ship at draught stem. See Fig 2.
3.1.15 Aft end
3.1.9 Block coefficient at ballast draught
The aft end (AE) of the rule length L is the perpendicular to
The block coefficient CB-BAL , at draught TBAL , is defined by: the scantling draught waterline at a distance L aft of the fore
end. See Fig 2.
C B BAL = ----------------------------------------
1, 025 L B T BAL
3.1.16 Midship
where: The midship is the perpendicular to the scantling draught
BAL : Moulded displacement of the ship at draught waterline at a distance 0,5 L aft of the fore end.
3.1.17 Midship part
3.1.10 Waterplane coefficient at scantling draught The midship part of a ship is the part extending 0,4 L amid-
ships, unless otherwise specified.
The waterplane coefficient CW , at draught TSC , is defined
3.2 Superstructure height and tiers
C W = ---------
L B 3.2.1 Standard height of superstructure
where: The standard height of superstructure is defined in Tab 6.

Figure 2 : Ends and midship part

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 43

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Table 6 : Standard height of superstructure 3.4 Reference coordinate system

3.4.1 The ships geometry, motions, accelerations and loads
Load line Standard height hS , in m
are defined with respect to the following right-hand coordi-
length LLL , Raised All other nate system (see Fig 3):
in m quarter deck superstructures
Origin : At the intersection of the longitudinal plane of
LLL 30 0,90 1,80 symmetry of ship, the aft end of L, and the base-
30 < LLL < 75 0,9 + 0,00667 (LLL 30) 1,80 line
X axis : Longitudinal axis, positive forwards
75 LLL < 125 1,2 + 0,012 (LLL 75) 1,8 + 0,01 (LLL 75)
Y axis : Transverse axis, positive towards portside
LLL 125 1,80 2,30 Z axis : Vertical axis, positive upwards.

3.2.2 Tiers of superstructure Figure 3 : Reference coordinate system

A tier is extending over one standard height of superstruc-

ture as defined in [3.2.1].

The lowest tier is the tier located immediately above the

freeboard deck.

When the freeboard exceeds one standard superstructure

height, as defined in [3.2.1] for all other superstructures,
the lowest tier may be considered as an upper tier when
calculating the scantlings of superstructures and deck-

The second tier is the tier located immediately above the

lowest tier, and so on. 3.5 Naming convention
3.5.1 Structural nomenclature
3.3 Operation definition The common structural nomenclature used within these
Rules is shown in Fig 4 to Fig 6.
3.3.1 Sheltered water
3.6 Glossary
Sheltered waters are generally calm stretches of water when
the wind force does not exceed 6 Beaufort scale, i.e. har- 3.6.1 Definitions of terms
bours, estuaries, roadsteads, bays, lagoons. The common terms used within thid Rules are listed in Tab 7.

Figure 4 : Typical cargo hold configuration

Box beam
Inner hull

Hatch coaming

Passage way

Side tank Watertight


Duct heel

Inner bottom
Double bottom
Support transverse


44 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Figure 5 : Typical transverse section in way of cargo hold

Hatch coaming
top plate Coaming stay
Hatch side plate Upper deck

Passage way
Transverse web frame

Inner hull
longitudinal stiffener
Side shell
Inner hull plating stiffener

Side shell
Side tank plating

Longitudinal tank
bulkhead step
Inner bottom
plating (Tank top)
Duct Double bottom Inner bottom longitudinal
keel tank longitudinals stiffener

Bilge plating

Bilge keel
Centerline Keel Floor Bottom Double Bottom
girder plate plating bottom longitudinal
girder stiffener

Figure 6 : Typical transverse bulkheads

Box beam
Passage way


Vertical Watertight bulkhead




Non-watertight bulkhead Watertight bulkhead

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 45

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Table 7 : Definition of terms

Terms Definition
Accommodation deck Deck used primarily for the accommodation of the crew
Accommodation ladder Portable set of steps on a ships side for people boarding from small boats or from a pier
Aft peak Area aft of the aft peak bulkhead
Aft peak bulkhead First main transverse watertight bulkhead forward of the stern
Aft peak tank Compartment in the narrow part of the stern, aft of the aft peak bulkhead
Anchor Device attached to anchor chain at one end and lowered into the sea bed to hold a ship in position; it
is designed to grip the bottom when it is dragged by the ship trying to float away under the influence
of wind and current
Ballast tank Compartment used for the storage of water ballast
Bay Area between adjacent transverse frames or transverse bulkheads
Bilge keel Piece of plate set perpendicular to a ships shell along the bilges to reduce the rolling motion
Bilge plating Curved plating between the bottom shell and the side shell, to be taken as follows:
Within the cylindrical part of the ship: from the start of the curvature at the lower turn of bilge on
the bottom to the end of the curvature at the upper turn of the bilge
Outside the cylindrical part of the ship: from the start of the curvature at the lower turn of the
bilge on the bottom to the lesser of:
- a point on the side shell located 0,2D above the baseline/local centreline elevation
- the end of the curvature at the upper turn of the bilge
Bilge strake The lower strake of bilge plating
Boss The boss of the propeller is the central part to which propeller blades are attached and through which
the shaft end passes
Bottom shell Shell envelope plating forming the predominantly flat bottom portion of the shell envelope, including
the keel plate
Bow Structural arrangement and form of the forward end of the ship
Bower anchor Anchor carried at the bow of the ship
Bracket Extra structural component used to increase the strength of a joint between two structural members
Bracket toe Narrow end of a tapered bracket
Breakwater Inclined and stiffened plate structure on a weather deck to break and deflect the flow of water coming
over the bow
Breasthook Triangular plate bracket joining port and starboard side structural members at the stem
Bridge Elevated superstructure having a clear view forward and at each side, and from which a ship is steered
Buckling panel Elementary plate panel considered for the buckling analysis
Builder The party contracted by the Owner to build a ship in compliance with the Rules
Bulb profile Stiffener having an increase in steel mass on the outer end of the web instead of a separate flange
Bulkhead Structural partition wall subdividing the interior of the ship into compartments
Bulkhead deck Uppermost continuous deck up to which transverse watertight bulkheads and shell are to extend
Bulkhead structure Transverse or longitudinal bulkhead plating with stiffeners and girders
Bulwark Vertical plating immediately above the upper edge of the ships side surrounding the exposed deck(s)
Bunker Compartment for the storage of fuel oil used by the ship's machinery
Cable Rope or chain attached to the anchor
Camber Upward rise of the weather deck from both sides towards the centreline of the ship
Cargo hold region See Sec 1, [2.2.3]
Container hold Generic term for spaces intended to carry container
Carling Stiffening member used to supplement the regular stiffening arrangement
Casing Covering or bulkheads around any space for protection
Centreline girder Longitudinal member located on the centreline of the ship

46 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Terms Definition
Chain Connected metal rings or links used for holding anchor, fastening timber cargoes, etc.
Chain locker Compartment, usually at the forward end of the ship, used to store the anchor chain
Chain pipe Section of pipe through which the anchor chain enters or leaves the chain locker
Chain stopper Device for securing the chain cable when riding at anchor as well as securing the anchor in the
housed position in the hawse pipe, thereby relieving the strain on the windlass
Coaming Vertical boundary structure of a hatch or a skylight
Cofferdams Spaces, between two bulkheads or decks, primarily designed as a safeguard against leakage from one
compartment to another
Collar plate Patch used to close, partly or completely, a hole cut for a stiffener passing through a web plate
Collision bulkhead The foremost main transverse watertight bulkhead
Companionway Weathertight entrance leading from a deck to spaces below
Compartment Internal space bounded by bulkheads or plating
Confined space Space identified by one of the following characteristics: limited openings for entry and exit, unfavour-
able natural ventilation or not designed for continuous worker occupancy
Cross deck Area between cargo hatches
Deck Horizontal structure element defining the upper or lower boundary of a compartment
Deckhouse See Sec 1, [2.2.6]
Deck structure Deck plating with stiffeners, girders and supporting pillars
Deck transverse Transverse primary supporting member (PSM) of a deck
Deep tank Any tank which extends between two decks or between the shell/inner bottom and the deck above or
Designer The party who creates the documentation to be submitted to the Society for approval or for informa-
tion. The designer can be the builder or a party contracted by the builder or the Owner to create this
Discharges Any piping leading through the ships sides for conveying bilge water, circulating water, drains etc.
Docking bracket Bracket located in the double bottom to locally strengthen the bottom structure for the purposes of
Double bottom structure Inner bottom plating and all shell plating, stiffeners, primary supporting members and other elements
located below
Doubler Small piece of plate which is attached to a larger area of plate that requires strengthening in that loca-
tion. Usually at the attachment point of a stiffener
Double skin member Structural member where the idealised beam comprises the web with top and bottom flanges formed
by the attached plating
Duct keel Keel built of plates in box form extending over the length of the cargo tank. It is used to house ballast
and other piping leading forward which otherwise would have to run through the cargo tank
Enclosed superstructure Superstructure with bulkheads forward and/or aft fitted with weathertight doors and closing appliances
Engine room bulkhead Transverse bulkhead located either directly forward or aft of the engine room
EPP Elementary Plate Panel, the smallest plate element surrounded by structural members such as stiffen-
ers, PSM, bulkheads, etc.
Face plate Section of a stiffening member attached to the web and usually parallel to the plated surface
Flange Section of a stiffening member attached to the web, or sometimes formed by bending the web over. It
is usually parallel to the plated surface
Flat bar Stiffener only made of a web
Floor A bottom transverse member
Forecastle Short superstructure situated at the bow
Fore peak Area of the ship forward of the collision bulkhead
Fore peak deck Short raised deck extending aft from the bow of the ship

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 47

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Terms Definition
Freeboard deck Deck designated as such by the designer, in accordance with ICLL. Generally the uppermost complete
deck exposed to weather and sea, with permanent means of closing for all the exposed openings
Freeing port Opening in the bulwarks to allow water shipped on deck to run freely overboard
Girder Collective term for primary supporting structural members
Gudgeon Block with a hole in the centre to receive the pintle of a rudder; located on the stern post, it supports
the rudder and allows it to swing
Gunwale Upper edge of side shell
Gusset Plate usually fitted to distribute forces at a strength connection between two structural members
Hatch cover Cover fitted over a hatchway to prevent the ingress of water into the hold
Hatchway Opening, generally rectangular, in a deck affording access to the compartment below
Hawse pipe Steel pipe through which the hawser or cable of anchor passes, located in the ship's bow on either
side of the stem, also known as spurling pipe
Hawser Large steel wire or fibre rope used for towing or mooring
HP Bulb profile in accordance with the Holland Profile standard
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
ICLL IMO International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended
IMO International Maritime Organisation
Inner hull The innermost plating forming a second layer to the hull of the ship
Intercostal Non-continuous member between stiffeners or PSM
JIS Japanese Industrial Standard
Keel Main structural member or backbone of a ship running longitudinally along the centreline of the bot-
tom. Usually a flat plate stiffened by a vertical plate on its centreline inside the shell
Keel line Line parallel to the slope of the keel intersecting the top of the keel at midship
Knuckle Discontinuity in a structural member
Lightening hole Hole cut in a structural member to reduce its weight
Limber hole Small drain hole cut in a frame or a plate to prevent water or oil from collecting
Local support members Local stiffening members influencing only the structural integrity of a single panel, e.g. deck beams
Longitudinal hull girder Structural members contributing to the longitudinal strength of the hull girder, including decks, side,
structural members bottom, inner bottom, bilge plate, longitudinal bulkheads, double hull stringers and double bottom
Longitudinal hull girder Structural members contributing to strength against hull girder vertical shear loads, including side,
shear structural members inner hull longitudinal bulkheads, hopper, longitudinal bulkheads and double bottom girders
Manhole Round or oval hole cut in decks, tanks, etc, for the purpose of providing access
Margin plate Outboard strake of the inner bottom and, when turned down at the bilge, the margin plate (or girder)
forms the outer boundary of the double bottom
MARPOL IMO International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 and Protocol of 1978,
as amended
Mid-hold Middle hold(s) of the three cargo hold length FE model as defined in Ch 7, Sec 2, [1.2.2]
Notch Discontinuity in a structural member caused by welding
Oil fuel tank Tank used for the storage of fuel oil
Outer shell Same as shell envelope
Owner The party who has assumed all the duties and responsibilities for registration and operation of the ship
and who, assuming such responsibilities, has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities on
delivery of the ship from the builder with valid certificates prepared for the operator
Pillar Vertical support placed between decks, where the deck is not supported by the shell or a bulkhead
Pipe tunnel Void space running between the inner bottom and the shell plating, and forming a protective space
for bilge, ballast and other lines linking the engine room to the tanks

48 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Terms Definition
Plate panel Unstiffened plate surrounded and supported by structural members such as stiffeners, PSM, bulk-
heads, etc. See also EPP
Plating Sheet of steel supported by stiffeners, primary supporting members or bulkheads
Poop Superstructure located at the extreme aft end of the ship
Primary supporting members Members of the beam, girder or stringer type, which provide the overall structural integrity of the hull
PSM envelope and tank boundaries, e.g. double bottom floors and girders, transverse side structure, deck
transverses, bulkhead stringers and vertical webs on longitudinal bulkheads
Scallop Hole cut into a stiffening member to allow continuous welding of a plate seam
Scarfing bracket Bracket used between two offset structural items
Scantlings Physical dimensions of a structural item
Scupper Any opening for carrying off water from a deck, either directly or through piping
Scuttle Small opening in a deck or elsewhere, usually fitted with a cover, a lid or a door for access to a com-
Sheerstrake Top strake of a ships side shell plating
Shelf plate Horizontal plate located on the top of a bulkhead stool
Shell envelope plating Shell plating forming the effective hull girder exclusive of the strength deck plating
Side shell Shell envelope plating forming the side portion of the shell envelope above the bilge plating
Single skin member Structural member where the idealised beam comprises a web, a top flange formed by an attached
plating and a bottom flange formed by a face plate
Skylight Deck opening fitted with or without a glass port light and serving as a ventilator for engine room,
quarters, etc.
SOLAS IMO International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended
Spaces Separate compartments, including tanks
Stay Bulwark or hatch coaming brackets
Stem Piece of bar or plating at which the hull plating terminates at forward end
Stern frame Heavy strength member in single or triple screw ships, including the rudder post
Stern tube Tube through which the shaft passes to the propeller; it acts as an after bearing for the shafting. It may
be lubricated with water or oil
Stiffener Collective term for secondary supporting structural members
Strake Course or row of shell, deck, bulkhead, or other plating
Strength deck The uppermost continuous deck
Stringer Horizontal girder linking vertical web frames
Stringer plate Outside strake of deck plating
Superstructure See Sec 1, [2.2.6]
SWL Safe Working Load
Tank Generic term for space intended to carry liquid such as seawater, fresh water, oil, liquid cargoes, FO,
DO, etc.
Tank top Horizontal plating forming the bottom of a cargo hold
Towing pennant Long rope used to tow a ship
Transom Structural arrangement and form of the aft end of the ship
Transverse ring All transverse material appearing in a cross-section of the hull, in way of a double-bottom floor, a ver-
tical web and a deck transverse girder
Transverse web frame Primary transverse girder which joins the ship longitudinal structure
Tripping bracket Bracket used to strengthen a structural member under compression against torsional forces
Trunk Decked structure similar to a deckhouse but not provided with a lower deck
Tween deck Space between two decks, placed between the upper deck and the tank top in the cargo tanks
Void Enclosed empty space in a ship

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 49

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 4

Terms Definition
Wash bulkhead Perforated or partial bulkhead in a tank
Watertight Watertight means capable of preventing the passage of water through the structure under a head of
water for which the surrounding structure is designed
Weather deck Deck or section of deck exposed to the elements which has means of closing weathertight all hatches
and openings
Weathertight Weathertight means that, in any sea conditions, water will not penetrate into the ship
Web Section of a stiffening member attached to the plated surface, usually perpendicular
Web frame Transverse PSM, including deck transverse
Wind and water strakes Strakes of the side shell plating between the ballast and the deepest load waterline
Windlass Winch for lifting and lowering the anchor chain
Wing tank Space bounded by the inner hull longitudinal bulkhead and the side shell

50 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 5


1 General

1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements for loading guidance are given in
NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 51

NR 625, Ch 1, Sec 5

52 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 2



July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 53

54 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Requirements

1.2.1 The arrangements as mentionned in [1.1] are to com-
1.1 Application ply with the requirements given in NR467 Rules for Steel
1.1.1 The ship structural arrangement is to be considered Ships, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1 to Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3.
a) subdivision arrangement
b) compartment arrangement
c) access arrangement.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 55

NR 625, Ch 2, Sec 1

56 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 3








July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 57

58 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 1


1 General Steel grades are referred to as follows:

A, B, D and E denote normal strength steel grades

1.1 Standard of material
AH, DH and EH denote higher strength steel grades
1.1.1 Materials used during construction are to comply CAS stands for Crack Arresting Steel (see [2.6]).
with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and
Table 1 : Mechanical properties of hull steels
1.1.2 Materials other than those covered in [1.1.1] may be
accepted, provided their specification (e.g. manufacture, Steel grades for Specified minimum Specified minimum
chemical composition, mechanical properties, welding) is plates with yield stress ReH tensile strength Rm
tas_built 100 mm in N/mm2 in N/mm2
submitted to the Society for approval.
A, B, D, E 235 400 520
1.2 Testing of materials AH32, DH32,
315 440 570
EH32, FH32
1.2.1 Materials are to be tested in compliance with the AH36, DH36,
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding. EH36, FH36,
355 490 630
1.3 Manufacturing process
AH40, DH40,
1.3.1 The requirements of this Section presume that weld- EH40, FH40,
390 510 660
ing and other cold or hot manufacturing processes are car-
ried out in compliance with current sound working practice
and with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials EH47, EH47CAS 460 570 720
and Welding. Note 1: Refer to NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1,
In particular: [2].

parent material and welding processes are to be within

the limits stated for the specified type of material for Tab 1 gives the mechanical characteristics of steels gener-
which they are intended ally used in the construction of ships.

specific preheating may be required before welding 2.1.3 Higher strength steels other than those indicated in
welding or other cold or hot manufacturing processes Tab 1 are considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
may need to be followed by an adequate heat treatment.
2.1.4 Onboard documents
2 Hull structural steel It is advised to keep onboard a plan indicating the steel
types and grades adopted for the hull structures. Where
steels other than those indicated in Tab 1 are used, their
2.1 General mechanical and chemical properties, as well as any work-
manship requirements or recommendations, are to be avail-
2.1.1 Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio able onboard together with the above plan.
For carbon steel materials, Youngs modulus is equal to
206000 N/mm2 and Poissons ratio is equal to 0,3.
2.2 Material factor k
2.1.2 Steel material grades and mechanical
properties 2.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the material factor k of
normal and higher strength steels for hull girder strength
Steel having a specified minimum yield stress equal to
and scantling purposes is to be taken as given in Tab 2, as a
235 N/mm2 is regarded as normal strength steel and is function of the specified minimum yield stress ReH.
denoted MS (for mild steel). Steel having a higher specified
minimum yield stress is regarded as higher strength steel For intermediate values of ReH , k is obtained by linear inter-
and is denoted HT (for high tensile steel). polation.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 59

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 2 : Material factor k classes and grades specified in Tab 3 to Tab 6. General
requirements are given in Tab 3, while additional minimum
ReH , in N/mm2 k
requirements for ships greater than 150 m or 250 m in
235 1,00 length are given respectively in Tab 4 and Tab 5. The mate-
315 0,78 rial grade requirements for hull members of each class
355 0,72 depending on the thickness are defined in Tab 6.
390 0,68 (1)
2.3.2 For strength members not mentioned in Tab 3 to Tab
460 0,62
5, grade A/AH may be used, upon agreement of the Society.
(1) k may be taken equal to 0,66 for steels with a minimum
yield stress ReH equal to 390 N/mm2, provided the hull
2.3.3 The material classes required for the strength deck
structure is additionally verified for compliance with
finite element analysis and spectral fatigue assessment plating, the sheerstrake and the torsion box girder structure
according to NI539, Spectral Fatigue Analysis Method- within 0,4 L amidships are to be maintained in way of the
ology for Ships and Offshore Units. entire cargo hold region.

2.3 Steel grades 2.3.4 Plating materials for stern frames and shaft brackets
2.3.1 Materials in the various strength members are not to are, in general, not to be of lower grades than those corre-
be of lower grade than those corresponding to the material sponding to Class II.

Table 3 : Material classes and grades

Material class or grade

Structural member category
Within 0,4 L amidships Outside 0,4 L amidships
Longitudinal bulkhead strakes, other than those belonging to the

primary category
Deck plating exposed to weather, other than that belonging to I A / AH
the primary or special category
Side plating
Bottom plating, including keel plate
Strength deck plating, excluding that belonging to the special

Continuous longitudinal plating of strength members above
strength deck, excluding hatch coamings
Uppermost strake in longitudinal bulkhead
Sheerstrake at strength deck (1)
Stringer plate in strength deck (1) II
Deck strake at longitudinal bulkhead, excluding deck plating in I outside 0,6 L amidships
way of inner-skin bulkhead of double hull ships (1)
Strength deck plating at outboard corners of cargo hatch open-
III I outside 0,6 L amidships
Min. class III within cargo region
III within 0,6 L amidships

Strength deck plating at corners of cargo hatch openings III

II within the rest of cargo region
Bilge strake in ships with double bottom over the full breadth II within 0,6 L amidships
and with length less than 150 m I outside 0,6 L amidships
Bilge strake in other ships (1) III
I outside 0,6 L amidships
Longitudinal hatch coamings of length greater than 0,15 L,
including coaming top plate and flange
not to be less than I outside 0,6 L amidships
End brackets and deckhouse transition of longitudinal cargo
grade D/DH not to be less than grade D/DH
hatch coamings
(1) Single strakes required to be of class III within 0,4 L amidships are to have breadths not less than (800 + 5 L) mm, but need not
be greater than 1800 mm, unless limited by the geometry of the ships design.

60 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 4 : Minimum material grades for ships greater than 150 m in length

Structural member category Material grade

Longitudinal plating of strength deck where contributing to the longitudinal strength
B/AH within 0,4 L amidships
Continuous longitudinal plating of strength members above strength deck
Single side strakes for ships without inner continuous longitudinal bulkhead(s) between
B/AH within cargo region
bottom and the strength deck

Table 5 : Minimum material grades for ships greater than 250 m in length

Structural member category (1) Material grade within 0,4 L amidships

Shear strake at strength deck
Stringer plate in strength deck
Bilge strake D/DH
(1) Single strakes required to be of grade E/EH and within 0,4 L amidships are to have breadths not less than (800 + 5 L) mm, but
need not be greater than 1800 mm, unless limited by the geometry of the ships design.

Table 6 : Material grade requirements for classes I, II and III

As-built thickness, Class I Class II Class III

in mm MS steel HT steel MS steel HT steel MS steel HT steel
t 15 A AH A AH A AH
15 < t 20 A AH A AH B AH
20 < t 25 A AH B AH D DH
25 < t 30 A AH D DH D DH
30 < t 35 B AH D DH E EH
35 < t 40 B AH D DH E EH
40 < t 50 D DH E EH E EH

2.4 Through thickness properties 2.6 Prevention of brittle crack propagation

2.6.1 This requirement applies to ships for which steel with
2.4.1 Where normal tensile loads induce out-of-plane
minimum specified yield stress ReH of 390 or 460 N/mm2 is
stress greater than 0,5 RY in steel plates:
used for hatch coaming plating.
for plates with t < 15 mm, ultrasonic testing is to be per- It gives measures, to be applied in cargo hold region, for
formed prevention of propagation of brittle cracks initiating in
block-to-block butt joints of upper deck and hatch side
for plates with t 15 mm, Z-quality steel is to be used or coaming.
ultrasonic testing is to be performed, a) For plating with as-built thickness greater than 50 mm
but not greater than 100 mm, measures are to be taken
in order to prevent laminar tearing. as specified in Tab 7, in which minimum specified yield
stress ReH and thickness t refer to hatch coaming top and
The above mentioned ultrasonic testing is to be performed,
side platings. Measures are defined as follows:
before and after welding, on the area of the plate located
Measure 1: measure for prevention of brittle crack
within 50 mm or t, whichever is the greater, around the
propagation along block-to-block butt joints, and
weld, in accordance with NR216 Materials and Welding, deviation from butt joints into base metal
Ch 2, Sec 1, [9.10].
Measure 2: measure for prevention of brittle crack
propagation from weld areas other than butt joints
2.5 Stainless steel considered in Measure 1, such as fillets and attach-
ment welds.
2.5.1 The reduction of strength of stainless steel with b) For plating with as-built thickness greater than 100 mm,
increasing temperature is to be taken into account in the appropriate measures are to be considered on a case-
calculation of the material factor k and in the material by-case basis by the Society.
Youngs modulus E. c) If the as-built thickness of the hatch coaming structure is
equal to or less than 50 mm, measures are not neces-
Stainless steels are considered by the Society on a case-by- sary, regardless of the as-built thickness and yield stress
case basis. of the upper deck.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 61

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 7 : Measures to prevent propagation Figure 1 : Example of weld shift

of brittle cracks

As-built thickness,
ReH , in N/mm2 Measures Hatch coaming
in mm
50 < t 85 N.A.
390 Measure 1 (1) welds
85 < t 100
and Measure 2
460 50 < t 100 Measure 1 (1)
Flux cored arc welding and Measure 2
Upper deck
460 50 < t 100 Measure 1 and
Electrogas welding Measure 2
(1) As an alternative to Measure 1, the shipbuilder may Inner side
apply enhanced non-destructive testing (particularly
time-of-flight diffraction technique) to all block-to-block
butt joints over their full length, using stricter defect
acceptance criteria, in lieu of ultrasonic testing. Figure 2 : Example of crack arrest hole

The following is considered to be an acceptable example of

Hatch coaming Butt
preventive Measure 1: weld

a) use of steel grade EH36CAS, FH36CAS, EH40CAS, Arrest

FH40CAS or EH47CAS for upper deck plating, in a way
suitable to prevent transmission of crack propagating Butt
from hatch coaming to the structure below, and weld

b) use of steel grade EH36CAS, FH36CAS, EH40CAS,

Upper deck
FH40CAS or EH47CAS for hatch side coaming plating,
Inner side
c) one of the following arrangements, aiming at creating a
discontinuity in weld line:

shifting block-to-block butt welds of the hatch side

Figure 3 : Example of arrest insert plate
coaming and those of the upper deck. This shift is to
be not less than 300 mm (see Fig 1)

Hatch coaming Butt

providing crack arrest holes in way of the block-to- weld
block butt welds at the region where hatch side
coaming weld meets the deck weld. In this case, the plate
fatigue strength of the lower end of the butt weld is
to be assessed (see Fig 2)
including arrest insert plates, of steel grade weld
EH36CAS, FH36CAS, EH40CAS, FH40CAS or Upper deck
EH47CAS, in way of the block-to-block butt welds at
the region where hatch side coaming weld meets the
deck weld (see Fig 3). Inner side

As an alternative to items b) and c), the shipbuilder may

apply enhanced non-destructive testing (particularly time-
of-flight diffraction technique) to all block-to-block butt 3 Steels for forging and casting
joints over their full length, using stricter defect acceptance
criteria, in lieu of ultrasonic testing.
3.1 General
The use of steel grade EH36CAS, FH36CAS, EH40CAS,
FH40CAS or EH47CAS for upper deck plating, in a way suit- 3.1.1 Mechanical and chemical properties of steels for
able to prevent transmission of crack propagating from forging and casting to be used for structural members are to
hatch coaming to the structure below, is considered to be comply with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materi-
an acceptable example of preventive Measure 2. als and Welding.

62 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 1

3.1.2 Steels of structural members intended to be welded 4.2 Extruded plating

are to have mechanical and chemical properties deemed
appropriate for this purpose by the Society on a case-by- 4.2.1 Extrusions with built-in plating and stiffeners, referred
case basis. to as extruded plating, may be used.

3.1.3 The steels used are to be tested in accordance with the 4.2.2 In general, the application of extruded plating is lim-
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding. ited to decks, bulkheads, superstructures and deckhouses.
Other uses may be permitted by the Society on a case-by-
3.2 Steels for forging case basis.

3.2.1 Rolled bars may be accepted in lieu of forged prod- 4.2.3 Extruded plating is to be oriented so that the stiffeners
ucts, after consideration by the Society on a case-by-case are parallel to the direction of main stresses.
basis. In such case, compliance with the applicable require-
ments of NR216 Materials and Welding, relevant to the 4.2.4 Connections between extruded plating and primary
quality and testing of rolled parts accepted in lieu of forged members are to be given special attention.
parts, may be required.
4.3 Mechanical properties of weld joints
3.3 Steels for casting
4.3.1 Welding heat input lowers locally the mechanical
3.3.1 Cast parts intended for stems and stern frames in gen- strength of aluminium alloys hardened by work hardening
eral may be made of C and C-Mn weldable steels, having a (series 5000 other than condition O or H111) or by heat
specified minimum tensile strength Rm equal to 400 N/mm2, treatment (series 6000).
in accordance with the applicable requirements of NR216
Materials and Welding. 4.3.2 The as-welded properties of aluminium alloys of
series 5000 are in general those of condition O or H111.
3.3.2 The welding of cast parts to main plating contributing Higher mechanical characteristics may be considered, pro-
to hull strength members is considered by the Society on a vided they are duly justified.
case-by-case basis.
4.3.3 The as-welded properties of aluminium alloys of
The Society may require additional properties and tests for series 6000 are to be agreed by the Society.
such casting, in particular impact properties which are
appropriate to those of the steel plating on which the cast
parts are to be welded and non-destructive examinations. 4.4 Material factor k

4.4.1 The material factor k for aluminium alloys is to be

4 Aluminium alloys obtained from the following formula:
4.1 General k = -----------
R lim

4.1.1 The use of aluminium alloys in superstructures, deck- where:

houses, hatch covers, helicopter platforms, or other local Rlim : Minimum guaranteed yield stress of the parent
components is to be specially considered. A specification of
metal in welded condition Rp0,2 , in N/mm2, but
the proposed alloys and their proposed method of fabrica-
not to be taken greater than 70% of the mini-
tion is to be submitted for approval.
mum guaranteed tensile strength of the parent
Material requirements and scantlings are to comply with the metal in welded condition Rm , in N/mm2
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
Rp0,2 : Minimum guaranteed yield stress, in N/mm2, of
Series 5000 aluminium-magnesium alloys or series 6000
aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloys are to be used. material in welded condition:
Rp0,2 = 1 Rp0,2
4.1.2 In the case of structures subjected to low service tem-
peratures or intended for other specific applications, the Rm : Minimum guaranteed tensile strength, in
alloys to be employed are to be agreed by the Society. N/mm2, of material in welded condition:
Rm = 2 Rm
4.1.3 Unless otherwise agreed, the Youngs modulus for
aluminium alloys is equal to 70000 N/mm2 and the Pois- Rp0,2 : Minimum guaranteed yield stress, in N/mm2, of
sons ratio equal to 0,33. the parent metal in delivery condition
Rm : Minimum guaranteed tensile strength, in N/mm2,
4.1.4 Details of the proposed method of joining any alu- of the parent metal in delivery condition
minium and steel structures are to be submitted for
approval. 1 , 2 : Coefficients specified in Tab 8.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 63

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 8 : Aluminium alloys - Coefficients for welded construction

Aluminium alloy 1 2
Alloys without work-hardening treatment (series 5000 in annealed condition 0 or
1 1
annealed flattened condition H111)
Alloys hardened by work hardening (series 5000 other than condition 0 or H111) Rp0,2 / Rp0,2 Rm / Rm
Alloys hardened by heat treatment (series 6000) (1) Rp0,2 / Rp0,2 0,6
(1) When no information is available, coefficient 1 is to be taken equal to the metallurgical efficiency coefficient as defined in
Tab 9.

Table 9 : Aluminium alloys - Metallurgical efficiency coefficient

Aluminium alloy Temper condition As-built thickness, in mm

t6 0,45
6005A (Open sections) T5 or T6
t>6 0,40
6005A (Closed sections) T5 or T6 all 0,50
6061 (Sections) T6 all 0,53
6082 (Sections) T6 all 0,45

4.4.2 In the case of welding of two different aluminium derrick posts, derricks, accessories and wire ropes are to
alloys, the material factor k to be considered for the scant- comply with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materi-
lings is the greater material factor of the aluminium alloys of als and Welding.
the assembly.
5.1.2 The use of plastics or other special materials not cov-
4.5 Others ered by these Rules is to be considered by the Society on a
case-by-case basis. In such cases, the requirements for the
4.5.1 Aluminium fittings in tanks used for the carriage of
acceptance of the materials concerned are to be agreed by
oil, and in cofferdams and pump rooms are to be avoided.
the Society.
4.5.2 The underside of heavy portable aluminium struc-
tures such as gangways, is to be protected by means of a
5.2 Iron cast parts
hard plastic or wood cover, or other approved means, in
order to avoid the creation of smears. Such protection is to
be permanently and securely attached to the structures. 5.2.1 As a rule, the use of grey iron, malleable iron or sphe-
roidal graphite iron cast parts with combined ferritic/perlitic
5 Other materials and products structure is allowed only to manufacture low stressed ele-
ments of secondary importance.
5.1 General
5.2.2 Ordinary iron cast parts may not be used for windows
5.1.1 Other materials and products such as parts made of or sidescuttles; the use of high grade iron cast parts of a suit-
iron castings, where allowed, products made of copper and able type is to be considered by the Society on a case-by-
copper alloys, rivets, anchors, chain cables, cranes, masts, case basis.

64 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 2



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1.2.3 Net offered thickness
tdm : Design production margin, in mm, taken as the The net offered thickness, toff , is obtained by subtracting the
thickness difference between offered gross corrosion addition from the gross offered thickness, as fol-
thickness and required gross thickness (equal lows:
also to the difference between offered net and
required net thickness) as a result of scantlings toff = tgr_off tc = tas_built tvol_add tc
applied by the designer or builder to suit design
or production situation. This difference in thick- 1.3 Scantling compliance
ness is not to be considered as an additional
corrosion margin.
1.3.1 The net required thickness, treq, is obtained by round-
ing the net thickness calculated according to the Rules to
1 General the nearest half millimetre.

1.1 Application 1.3.2 Scantling compliance in relation to the Rules is as fol-

1.1.1 Net thickness approach
The net offered thickness of plating is to be equal to or
The net thickness, t, of a structural element is required for greater than the net required thickness of plating.
structural strength in compliance with the design basis. The
corrosion addition, tc , for a structural element is derived The net offered section modulus, moment of inertia and
independently from the net scantling requirements as shear area of local supporting members are to be equal
shown in Fig 1. This approach clearly separates the net to or greater than the net required properties calculated
thickness from the thickness added to address the corrosion using the net thickness of the attached plate, web and
that is likely to occur during the ship-in-operation phase. flange. The net sectional dimensions of local supporting
members are defined in Fig 2. The required section
1.1.2 Exceptions in gross scantling modulus and web net thickness apply to areas clear of
Items that are directly determined in terms of gross scant- the end brackets.
lings do not follow the net scantling approach, i.e. they The offered net sectional properties of primary support-
already include additions for corrosion but without any ing members and the hull girder are to be equal to or
Owners extra margin. Gross scantling requirements are greater than the required net sectional properties which
identified with the suffix gr and examples are: are to be based on the gross offered scantling with a
scantlings of superstructures and deckhouses as given in reduction of the applicable corrosion addition, as speci-
Ch 11, Sec 1 fied in Tab 1, applied to all component structural mem-
scantlings of massive pieces made of steel forgings and bers.
steel castings. The strength assessment methods prescribed are to be
assessed by applying the corrosion reduction specified
1.2 Gross and net scantling definitions in Tab 1 to the offered gross scantlings. Half of the
applied corrosion addition specified in Tab 1 is to be
1.2.1 Gross required thickness deducted from both sides of the structural members
The gross required thickness, tgr_req, is the thickness obtained being considered.
by adding the corrosion addition as defined in Sec 3 to the Corrosion additions are not to be taken less than those
net required thickness, as follows: given in Sec 3, [1.2].
tgr_req = treq + tc
Any additional thickness specified by the Owner or the
1.2.2 Gross offered thickness builder is not to be included when considering the compli-
The gross offered thickness, tgr_off , is the gross thickness pro- ance with the Rules.
vided at the newbuilding stage, which is obtained by The net cross-sectional area, the moment of inertia about
deducting any thickness for voluntary addition from the as- the y-axis and the associated neutral axis position are to be
built thickness, as follows: determined applying a corrosion magnitude of 0,5 tc
tgr_off = tas_built tvol_add deducted from the surface of the profile cross-section.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 65

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 2

Figure 1 : Net scantling approach scheme

Table 1 : Assessment for corrosion applied to the gross scantlings

Structural requirement Property/analysis type Applied corrosion addition

Minimum thickness (all members including PSM) Thickness tc
Local strength (plates, stiffeners) Thickness/sectional properties tc
Stiffness / Proportions / Buckling capacity tc
Primary supporting members (prescriptive) Sectional properties 0,5 tc
Stiffness/proportions of web and flange
Buckling capacity
Strength assessment by FEA Cargo hold / Complete ship model 0,5 tc
Buckling capacity tc
Local fine mesh 0,5 tc
Hull girder strength Sectional properties 0,5 tc
Buckling capacity tc
Hull girder ultimate strength Sectional properties 0,5 tc
Buckling/collapse capacity 0,5 tc
Fatigue assessment (simplified stress analysis) Hull girder section properties
0,5 tc
Local support member
Fatigue assessment (FE stress analysis) Standard mesh FE model
0,5 tc
Very fine mesh portion

66 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 2

Figure 2 : Net sectional properties of local supporting members

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 67

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 2

Figure 3 : Net sectional properties of local supporting members (continued)

68 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 3


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. where tc1 is the value specified in Tab 1 for one side expo-
sure to that compartment.
1 General The total corrosion addition, tc, in mm, for compartment
boundaries and internal members made from stainless steel,
1.1 Applicability or aluminium is to be taken as:
1.1.1 The corrosion additions are applicable to carbon- tc = 0
manganese steels, stainless steels, stainless clad steels and
aluminium alloys. Corrosion addition for the exposed car- In case of stainless clad steel, the corrosion additions tc1, for
bon steel side of stainless clad structure is to be as required the carbon steel side, and tc2 , for the stainless steel side, are
in Tab 1 for the corresponding compartment. respectively to be taken as:
tc1 = the values specified in Tab 1 for the corresponding
1.2 Corrosion addition determination
1.2.1 The corrosion addition for each of the two sides of a tc2 = 0
structural member, tc1 or tc2 , is specified in Tab 1.
The total corrosion addition, tc , in mm, for both sides of the 1.2.2 Stiffener
structural member is obtained by the following formula:
The corrosion addition of a stiffener is determined accord-
tc = tc1 + tc2 + tres
ing to the location of its connection to the attached plating.
For an internal member within a given compartment, the
total corrosion addition, tc is obtained from the following 1.2.3 When a local structural member/plate is affected by
formula: more than one value of corrosion addition, the most oner-
tc = 2 tc1 + tres ous value is to be applied to the entire strake.

Table 1 : Corrosion addition for one side of a structural member

Compartment type tc1 or tc2

Ballast water tank, bilge tank, drain storage tank, chain locker (1) 1,00
Exposed to atmosphere 1,00
Exposed to seawater (2) 1,00
Fuel and lube oil tank 0,50
Fresh water tank 0,50
Void spaces 0,50
Dry spaces (internals of machinery spaces, pump room, store rooms, steering gear space, etc.) 0,50
Transverse bulkheads 0,50
Container holds
Elsewhere 1,00
Accommodation spaces 0,00
Compartments other than those mentioned above 0,50
(1) 1,0 mm is to be added to the plate surface within 3 m above the upper surface of the chain locker bottom.
(2) For the determination of the corrosion addition of the outer shell plating, the pipe tunnel is considered as for a ballast water

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 69

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 4


1 Protection by coating ing, epoxy or equivalent, applied in accordance with the

manufacturer's requirements.
1.1 General 1.2.2 Corrosion protective coating is not required for inter-
nal surfaces of spaces intended for the carriage of fuel oil.
1.1.1 It is the responsibility of the shipbuilder and the
Owner to choose the coating and have it applied in accord- 1.2.3 Narrow spaces are generally to be filled by an effi-
ance with the manufacturer's requirements. cient protective product, particularly at the ends of the ship
where inspections and maintenance are not easily practica-
1.2 Structures to be protected ble due to their inaccessibility.

1.2.1 All salt water ballast spaces with boundaries formed

by the hull envelope are to have a corrosion protective coat-

70 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 2.1.4 Stiffeners
Stiffeners are to be arranged in such a way that continuity of
1 Application strength is maintained.
Stiffeners contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
strength are to be continuous when crossing primary sup-
1.1 General
porting members within 0,4 L amidships and as far as prac-
ticable outside 0,4 L amidships.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the hull
structure except superstructures and deckhouses. Where stiffeners are terminated in way of large openings,
foundations and partial girders, compensation is to be
arranged to provide structural continuity in way of the end
2 General principles connection.

2.1 Structural continuity 2.1.5 Plating

Where plates with different thicknesses are joined, the
2.1.1 General change in the as-built plate thickness is not to exceed 50%
of the larger plate thickness in the load carrying direction.
Attention is to be paid to the structural continuity, in partic-
This also applies to strengthening by local inserts, e.g. insert
ular in the following areas:
plates in double bottom girders, floors and inner bottom.
in way of changes in the framing system
If the difference in thickness is greater than 50% of the
at end connections of primary supporting members or larger plate thickness, an intermediate plate is to be
ordinary stiffeners inserted, and the thicker plate is to be smoothly tapered to
in way of the transition zones between cargo hold the thickness of the thinner plate to maintain continuity, for
region and fore part, aft part and machinery space a length equal to at least four times the offset, including the
width of the weld.
in way of front, side and aft bulkheads of superstruc-
tures. 2.1.6 Weld joints
Weld joints are to be avoided in areas with high stress con-
At the termination of a structural member, structural conti-
nuity is to be maintained by the fitting of suitable supporting
2.2 Local reinforcements
Abrupt changes in transverse section properties of longitudi-
nal members are to be avoided. Smooth transitions are to be 2.2.1 General
provided. Where stress concentration may occur in way of structural
On double hull ships, where the machinery space is located discontinuities, adequate compensation and reinforcement
between two holds, the inner side is, in general, to be con- are to be provided.
tinuous within the machinery space. Where the machinery
2.2.2 Reinforcements at knuckles
space is situated aft, the inner hull is to extend as far abaft
as possible and be tapered at the ends. a) Knuckles are in general to be stiffened to achieve out-of-
plane stiffness by fitting ordinary stiffeners or equivalent
2.1.2 Longitudinal members means in line with the knuckle.
Longitudinal members are to be arranged in such a way that b) Whenever a knuckle in a main member (shell, longitu-
continuity of strength is maintained. dinal bulkhead, etc) is arranged, stiffening in the form of
webs, brackets or profiles is to be connected to the
Longitudinal members contributing to the hull girder longi- members to which they are to transfer the load (in
tudinal strength are to extend continuously as far as practi- shear).
cable towards the ends of the ship.
c) For longitudinal shallow knuckles, closely spaced car-
2.1.3 Primary supporting members lings are to be fitted across the knuckle, between longi-
tudinal members above and below the knuckle. Carlings
Primary supporting members are to be arranged in such a
or other types of reinforcement need not be fitted in way
way that continuity of strength is maintained.
of shallow knuckles that are not subject to high lateral
Abrupt changes of web height or cross-section are to be loads and/or high in-plane loads across the knuckle,
avoided. such as deck camber knuckles.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 71

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

d) Generally, the distance between the knuckle and the 2.4 Connection between steel and
support stiffening in line with the knuckle is not to be aluminium
greater than 50 mm. Otherwise, fatigue analysis accord-
ing to Chapter 9 is to be submitted by the designer. 2.4.1 Any direct contact between steel and aluminium
alloy is to be avoided (e.g. by means of zinc or cadmium
2.2.3 Reinforcement of deck structure in way of plating of the steel parts and application of a suitable coat-
concentrated loads ing on the corresponding light alloy parts).
The deck structure is to be reinforced in way of concen- Any heterogeneous jointing system is considered by the
trated loads, such as anchor windlass, deck machinery, Society on a case-by-case basis.
cranes, masts and derrick posts. The use of transition joints made of aluminium/steel-clad
plates or profiles is considered by the Society on a case-by-
Pillars or other supporting structures are generally to be fit- case basis (see NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 3, Sec 2,
ted under heavy concentrated loads. [4]).
Special arrangements, such as girders supported by canti-
levers, are considered by the Society on a case-by-case 3 Stiffeners

Stiffeners are also to be fitted in way of the ends and corners 3.1 General
of deck houses and partial superstructures.
3.1.1 All types of stiffeners (excluding web stiffeners) are to
be connected at their ends. However, in special cases such
2.2.4 Reinforcement under container corners and in as isolated areas of the ship where end connections cannot
way of fixed cargo securing devices and cell
be applied, sniped ends may be permitted. Requirements
for the various types of connections (bracketed, bracketless
Local reinforcement of the hull structure and hatch covers is or sniped ends) are given in [3.2] to [3.4].
to be provided under container corners and in way of fixed
cargo securing devices and cell guides, if fitted. 3.1.2 Where the angle between the web plate of the stiff-
ener and the attached plating is less than 50 deg, as shown
The forces applying on the fixed cargo securing devices are on Fig 1, a tripping bracket is to be fitted. If the angle
to be indicated by the designer. When one of the additional between the web plate of an unsymmetrical stiffener and
class notations LASHING, LASHING-WW or LASHING the attached plating is less than 50 deg, the face plate of the
(restricted area) is granted, these forces may be determined stiffener is to be fitted on the side of the open angle.
by the Society.
Figure 1 : Stiffener on attached plating
2.2.5 Reinforcement by insert plates with an angle less than 50 deg
Insert plates are to be made of materials with, at least, the
same specified minimum yield stress and the same grade as
the plates to which they are welded. See also [2.1.5].

2.3 Connection of longitudinal members not

contributing to the hull girder
Stiffener face plate
longitudinal strength to be fitted on the side
of the open (larger) angle
2.3.1 Where the hull girder stress at the strength deck or at
the bottom as defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2] is higher than the
permissible stress as defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [3.3] for normal
strength steel, longitudinal members not contributing to the 3.2 Bracketed end connections of non-
hull girder longitudinal strength and welded to the strength
deck or bottom plating and bilge strake, such as longitudi-
continuous stiffeners
nal hatch coamings, gutter bars, strengthening of deck 3.2.1 Where continuity of strength of longitudinal members
openings, bilge keel, are to be made of steel with the same is provided by brackets, the alignment of the brackets on
specified minimum yield stress as the strength deck or bot- each side of the primary supporting member is to be
tom structure steel. ensured, and the scantlings of the brackets are to be such
that the combined stiffener/bracket section modulus and
2.3.2 The requirement in [2.3.1] is also applicable to non- effective cross-sectional area are not less than those of the
continuous longitudinal stiffeners welded to the web of a member.
primary structural member contributing to the hull girder
longitudinal strength such as hatch coamings, stringers and 3.2.2 At bracketed end connections, continuity of strength
girders or on the inner bottom when the hull girder stress in is to be maintained at the stiffener connection to the bracket
those members is higher than the permissible stress as and at the connection of the bracket to the supporting mem-
defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [3.3] for normal strength steel. ber.

72 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

3.2.3 The arrangement of the connection between the stiff- 3.2.6 Brackets with different arm lengths
ener and the bracket is to be such that, at no point in the
The arms lengths 1 and 2 as shown on Fig 2, measured
connection, is the section modulus to be less than that
from the plating to the toe of the bracket, are to be such
required for the stiffener.
3.2.4 Net web thickness 1 + 2 > 2 bkt and 1 0,8 bkt and 2 0,8 bkt
The net bracket web thickness tb , in mm, is to comply with
the following condition: where bkt is as defined in [3.2.5].

R eH stf 3.2.7 Edge stiffening of bracket

t b ( 2 + f bkt Z) ----------------
R eH bkt Where an edge stiffener is required, the web height of the
and need not be greater than 13,5 mm, edge stiffener hw , in mm, is not to be less than:

h w = 45 1 + -------------
fbkt : Coefficient taken equal to:
0,2 for brackets with flange or edge stiffener without being less than 50 mm,
0,3 for brackets without flange or edge stiff- where:
Z : Net section modulus, of the stiffener, in cm3, as
Z : Net required section modulus, of the stiffener, in defined in [3.2.4].
cm3. In the case of two stiffeners connected, Z is
the smallest net required section modulus of the
two connected stiffeners 3.3 Bracketless connections
ReH-stf : Specified minimum yield stress of the stiffener
3.3.1 The design of bracketless connections is to be such as
material, in N/mm2 to provide adequate resistance to rotation and displacement
ReH-bkt : Specified minimum yield stress of the bracket of the connection.
material, in N/mm2.
3.4 Sniped ends
3.2.5 Brackets at the ends of non-continuous
3.4.1 Sniped ends may be used where dynamic loads are
Brackets are to be fitted, at the ends of non-continuous stiff- small, provided the net thickness tp of plating supported by
eners, with arm lengths 1 and 2 (see Fig 2), in mm, at least the stiffener, in mm, is not less than:
equal to bkt , as defined below:
tp = c1 1000 --s- --------
Z 2 10 6
bkt = c bkt ---
P : Design pressure for the stiffener for the design
cbkt = 65 for brackets with flange or edge stiffener
load set being considered, in kN/m2
cbkt = 70 for brackets without flange or edge stiffener
c1 : Coefficient for the design load set being consid-
Z : Net required section modulus, for the stiff- ered, to be taken as:
ener, in cm3, as defined in [3.2.4]
c1 = 1,2 for acceptance criteria set AC-1
tb : Minimum net bracket thickness, in mm, as
defined in [3.2.4] c1 = 1,1 for acceptance criteria set AC-2.
c1 = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-3.
where bkt is not to be taken less than:
Sniped stiffeners are not to be used on structures in the
1,8 hstf for connections where the end of the stiffener
vicinity of engines or generators or propeller impulse zone
web is supported and the bracket is welded in line with
nor on the shell envelope.
the stiffener web or with offset necessary to enable
welding, see case (c) in Fig 2
3.4.2 Bracket toes and sniped stiffeners ends are to be ter-
2,0 hstf for other cases, see (a), (b) and (d) in Fig 2 minated close to the adjacent member. The distance is not
to exceed 40 mm unless the bracket or member is sup-
hstf for connections similar to item (b) in Fig 2 but not
ported by another member on the opposite side of the plat-
ing. Tapering of the sniped end is not to be more than
2,0 hstf for connections similar to cases (c) and (d) in Fig 30 deg. The depth of toe or sniped end is, generally, not to
2 where the smaller stiffener is connected to a primary exceed the thickness of the bracket toe or sniped end mem-
supporting member or bulkhead. ber, but need not be less than 15 mm.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 73

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 2 : Bracket arm lengths of non-continuous stiffeners

2 2

1 1

hstf = max (d1, d2)

d2 hstf

(a) (b)

hstf hstf

1 1

2 2
(c) (d)

4 Primary supporting members (PSM) 4.3 Tripping bracket arrangement

4.3.1 Tripping brackets are generally to be fitted:

4.1 General
at positions along the member span such that they sat-
4.1.1 Primary supporting members web stiffeners, tripping isfy the criteria for tripping bracket spacing and flange
brackets and end brackets and connections are to comply slenderness given in Ch 8, Sec 1
with [4.2] to [4.5]. Where the structural arrangement is such in way of end brackets toes (see Fig 3, (b))
that these requirements cannot be complied with, adequate
alternative arrangement has to be demonstrated to the Soci- at ends of continuous curved face plates (see Fig 3, (c))
ety by the designer. in way of concentrated loads
near primary supporting members changes of sections.
4.2 Web stiffening arrangement
4.3.2 Where the face plate of the primary supporting mem-
4.2.1 Webs of primary supporting members are generally bers exceeds 180 mm on either side of the web, a tripping
to be stiffened where their thickness, in mm, is less than that bracket is to support the face plate.
required in Ch 8, Sec 1 (i.e. buckling).
4.3.3 Where the face plate of the primary supporting mem-
4.2.2 Web stiffeners arranged on primary supporting mem- bers is symmetrical and greater than 400 mm in width,
bers are to comply with the scantling requirements as given backing brackets are to be fitted in way of the tripping
in Ch 8, Sec 1. brackets (see Fig 3, (a)).

74 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 3 : Primary supporting member - Tripping bracket arrangement

a) Tripping bracket in way of stiffener

Backing bracket


b) Tripping brackets at the toe of end brackets c) Tripping brackets at the ends of continuous
curved face plates


4.3.4 Arm length 4.4 Bracketed end connections

The arm length of tripping brackets is not to be less than the
greater of the following values, in m: 4.4.1 General
d = 0,38 b Brackets or equivalent structure are to be provided at ends
of primary supporting members.
d = 0, 85b ---
t End brackets are generally to be soft-toed.

where: Bracketless connections may be applied according to [4.5],

b : Height, in m, of tripping brackets, see Fig 3, (a) provided there is adequate support of adjoining face plates.

st : Spacing, in m, of tripping brackets

4.4.2 Scantling of end brackets
t : Net thickness, in mm, of tripping brackets.
In general, the arm length of brackets connecting PSMs, as
4.3.5 Tripping brackets with a net thickness t less than 15 b shown in Fig 4, is not to be less than the web depth of the
member and need not be taken greater than 1,5 times this
are to be flanged or stiffened by a welded face plate; the net
web depth.
sectional area, in cm2, of the flanged edge or the face plate
is to be not less than 10 b , where: The bracket thickness is, in general, not to be less than that
b : Length, in m, of the free edge of the bracket (see of the adjoining PSM web plate.
Fig 3, (a)).
The scantling of the end brackets is to be such that the sec-
Where the depth of tripping brackets is greater than 3m, an tion modulus of the primary supporting member with end
additional stiffener is to be fitted parallel to the bracket free bracket, excluding face plate where it is sniped, is not less
edge (see Fig 3, (b)). than that of the primary supporting member at mid-span.

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NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 4 : Dimension of brackets Figure 5 : Bracket face plate adjacent to the edge

Where a face plate is welded onto, or welded adjacent to,

the edge of the end bracket (see Fig 5), the face plate is to
The net cross-sectional area Af , in cm2, of the bracket face be sniped and tapered at an angle not greater than 30.
plates is to be such that:
4.4.4 End brackets with symmetrical face plates
Af b tb Where deemed necessary, face plates of end connecting
brackets are to be symmetrical. In such a case, the following
requirements are in general to be complied with:
b : Length of the bracket edge, in m (see Fig 4). For the face plates are to be tapered at ends with a total
curved brackets, b may be taken as the length angle not greater than 30
of the tangent at midpoint of the edge
the breath of the face plates at ends is not to be greater
tb : Minimum net bracket web thickness, in mm, as than 25 mm
defined in [3.2.4]. face plates of 20 mm thick and above are to be tapered
Moreover, the net thickness of the face plate is to be not less in thickness at their ends down to their mid-thickness
than that of the bracket web. bracket toes are to be of increased thickness
an additional tripping bracket is to be fitted
4.4.3 Arrangement of end brackets
radius R of the face plate is to be as large as possible
Where length b of the bracket free edge is greater than
1,5 m, the web of the bracket is to be stiffened as follows: collar plates welded to the plating are to be fitted in way
of the bracket toes
the net sectional area, in cm2, of web stiffeners is to be
throat thickness of fillet welds is not to be less than t/2,
not less than 16,5 , where is the span, in m, of the where t is the thickness of the bracket toe.
Fig 6 shows an example of bracket with symmetrical face
tripping flat bars are to be fitted, and, where the width of
the symmetrical face plate is greater than 400 mm, addi-
tional backing brackets are to be provided.
Figure 6 : Bracket with symmetrical face plate
For a ring system, where the end bracket is integral with the
webs of the members and the face plate is carried continu-
ously along the edges of the members and the bracket, the
full area of the largest face plate is to be maintained close to
the mid-point of the bracket and gradually tapered to the
smaller face plates. Butts in face plates are to be kept well

clear of the bracket toes.
Where a wide face plate abuts a narrower one, the taper is
not to be greater than 1 to 4.

The bracket toes are not to land on unstiffened plating. The

toe height is not to be greater than the thickness of the
bracket toe, but need not be less than 15 mm. In general, 
the end brackets of primary supporting members are to be

soft-toed. Where primary supporting members are con-
structed of steel having a strength higher than the strength of
the bracket steel, particular attention is to be paid to the
design of the end bracket toes in order to minimise stress

76 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

4.5 Bracketless end connections Figure 8 : Bracketless end connections

between three primary supporting members
4.5.1 In the case of bracketless crossing between two pri-
mary supporting members (see Fig 7), the net thickness of
the common part of the webs, in mm, is to be not less than
the greatest value obtained from the following formulae: Member 3

Sf 1 1
t b = ------------------------
0, 52h 2 R y

Sf 2 2
t b = ------------------------
- h1
0, 52h 1 R y
tb Member 1
tb = max (t1 ; t2)
Sf1 , Sf2 : Net flange section, in mm2, of member 1 and
member 2, respectively
Member 2
1 , 2 : Normal stresses, in N/mm2, in member 1 and h2
member 2, respectively
t1 , t2 : Net web thicknesses, in mm, of member 1 and
member 2, respectively.
5 Intersection of stiffeners and primary
Figure 7 : Bracketless end connections
between two primary supporting members
supporting members

5.1 Cut-outs

h1 5.1.1 Cut-outs for the passage of stiffeners through the web

tb Member 1 of primary supporting members, and the related collaring
arrangements, are to be designed to minimise stress con-
centrations around the perimeter of the opening and on the
attached web stiffeners.

Member 2 5.1.2 The total depth of cut-outs without collar plate is to

be not greater than 50% of the depth of the primary sup-
porting member.

5.1.3 Cut-outs in high stress areas are to be fitted with full

4.5.2 In the case of bracketless crossing between three pri- collar plates, see Fig 9.
mary supporting members (see Fig 8), when the flange of
member 2 and member 3 is continuous, the net thickness, 5.1.4 Lug type collar plates are to be fitted in cut-outs
in mm, of the common part of the webs is not to be less where required for compliance with the requirements of
than the greater of: [5.2], and in areas of high stress concentrations, e.g. in way
Sf 1 1 of primary supporting member toes. See Fig 10 for typical
t b = ------------------------
- lug arrangements.
0, 52h 2 R y

tb = max (t1 ; t2) 5.1.5 At connection to shell envelope longitudinals below

When the flanges of member 2 and member 3 are not con- the scantling draught Tsc and at connection to inner bottom
tinuous, the net thickness of the common part of the webs is longitudinals, a soft heel is to be provided in way of the heel
to be defined as per [4.5.1]. of the primary supporting member web stiffeners when the
calculated direct stress w in the primary supporting mem-
4.5.3 The common part of the webs is to be generally stiff- ber web stiffener according to [5.2] exceeds 80% of the
ened where the minimum height of the member 1 and allowable values. The soft heel is to have a keyhole similar
member 2 is greater than 100 tb . to that shown in item (c) in Fig 10.

4.5.4 When lamellar tearing of flanges may occur, the A soft heel is not required at the intersection with watertight
flange in way of the connection may be requested to be of Z bulkheads and primary supporting members where a back
quality or a 100% ultrasonic testing of the flange in way of bracket is fitted or where the primary supporting member
the weld may be required prior to and after welding. web is welded to the stiffener face plate.

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NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 9 : Full collar plates

Figure 10 : Symmetric and asymmetric cut-outs


tc c
tw d

d tw
tc w



78 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

5.1.6 Cut-outs are to have rounded corners and the corner A1 : Effective net shear area, in cm2, of the connec-
radii R are to be as large as practicable, with a minimum of tion, to be taken equal to:
20% of the breadth b of the cut-out or 25 mm, whichever is in general: A1 = A1d + A1c
greater. See Fig 9. The corner radii R do not need be greater
in case of a slit type slot connections area:
than 50 mm.
A1 = 2 A1d
Consideration is to be given to other shapes, on the basis of
maintaining equivalent strength and minimising stress con- in case of a typical double lug or collar plate
centration. connection area:
A1 = 2 A1c
5.2 Connection of stiffeners to PSM A1d : Net shear connection area, in cm2, excluding
lug or collar plate, given by:
5.2.1 General
A1d = d tw 102
For connection of stiffeners to PSM:
d : Length of direct connection between stiffener
in case of lateral pressure other than bottom slamming and PSM web, in mm
and bow impact loads, [5.2.2] and [5.2.3] are to be
applied tw : Net web thickness of the primary supporting
member, in mm
in case of bottom slamming or bow impact loads,
[5.2.4] is to be applied. A1c : Net shear connection area, in cm2, with lug or
collar plate, given by:
The cross-sectional areas of the connections are to be deter- A1c = f1 c tc 102
mined from the proportion of load transmitted through each
component in association with its appropriate allowable c : Length of connection between lug or collar
stress. plate and PSM, in mm
tc : Net thickness of lug or collar plate, in mm, not
5.2.2 The load W1, in kN, transmitted through the shear to be taken greater than the net thickness of the
connection is to be taken as follows: adjacent PSM web
for web stiffener connected to the intersecting stiffener: f1 : Shear stiffness coefficient, taken equal to:
A1 for stiffeners of symmetrical cross-section:
W 1 = W a + ----------------------------
4f c A w + A 1 f1 = 1,0
for web stiffener not connected to the intersecting stiff- for stiffeners of asymmetrical cross-section:
ener: f1 = 140/w without being taken greater than
W1 = W 1,0
w : Width of the cut-out for an asymmetrical stiff-
where: ener, measured from the cut-out side of the stiff-
W : Total load, in kN, transmitted through the stiff- ener web, in mm, as indicated in Fig 10
ener connection to the PSM, taken equal to: Aw : Effective net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the
s1 s2 PSM web stiffener in way of the connection,
P 1 s 1 S 1 ------------ - + P 2 s 2 S 2 ------------ -
2000 2000 3
including backing bracket where fitted, as
W = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 shown in Fig 11. If the PSM web stiffener incor-
porates a soft heel ending or soft heel and soft
P1 , P2 : Design pressures applied on the stiffener for the toe ending, Aw is to be measured at the throat of
design load set being considered, in kN/m2, on the connection, as shown in Fig 11
each side of the considered connection
fc : Collar load factor taken equal to:
S1 , S 2 : Spacings, in m, between the considered and the
for intersecting stiffeners of symmetrical
adjacent PSM, on each side of the considered
- for Aw 14: fc = 1,85
s1 , s2 : Spacings of the stiffener, in mm, on each side of
the considered connection - for 14 < Aw 31:

a : Panel aspect ratio, equal to: fc = 1,85 0,0441 (Aw 14)

- for 31 < Aw 58:
a = -------------------
1000 S fc = 1,10 0,0130 (Aw 31)
without being taken greater than 0,25, with: - for Aw > 58: fc = 0,75

s1 + s2 for intersecting stiffeners of asymmetrical

s = --------------
- cross-section:
S1 + S2
S = ---------------
- f c = 0, 68 + 0, 0172 ------s
2 Aw

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NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

s : Connection length, in mm, equal to: w : Direct stress, in N/mm2, in the PSM web stiff-
ener at the minimum bracket area away from
for a single lug or collar plate connection to
the weld connection:
the PSM: s = c
for a single sided direct connection to the w = ---------------2
PSM: s = d
wc : Direct stress, in N/mm2, in the PSM web stiff-
in case of a lug or collar plus a direct con- ener in way of the weld connection:
nection: s = 0,5 (c + d).
10 W
wc = -----------------2
A wc
5.2.3 The load W2, in kN, transmitted through the PSM
web stiffener is to be taken as: with:
Awc : Effective net area, in cm2, of the
for web stiffener connected to the intersecting stiffener:
PSM web stiffener in way of the
A1 weld, as shown in Fig 11
W 2 = W 1 a ------------------------------
4 fc Aw + A1 w : Shear stress, in N/mm2, in the shear connection
to the PSM web:
for web stiffener not connected to the intersecting stiff-
ener: 10 W
w = -----------------1
W2 = 0
perm : Permissible direct stress, in N/mm2, given in Tab 1
where: for AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3
perm : Permissible shear stress, in N/mm2, given in Tab 1
W, a , A1 , fc , Aw : As defined in [5.2.2].
for AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3.
The values of Aw , Awc and A1 are to be such that the calcu-
lated stresses satisfy the following criteria: 5.2.4 Bottom slamming and bow impact loads
For bottom slamming or bow impact loads, the load W, in
for a connection to the PSM web stiffener not in way of
kN, transmitted through the PSM web stiffener is to comply
the weld:
with the following criterion instead of those defined in
w perm [5.2.2] and [5.2.3]:
( A 1 perm + A w perm )
for a connection to the PSM web stiffener in way of the 0, 9W ----------------------------------------------------
wc perm
W, A1 , Aw : As defined in [5.2.2]
for a shear connection to the PSM web: perm : Permissible direct stress, in N/mm2, given in Tab 1
w perm for AC-4
perm : Permissible shear stress, in N/mm2, given in Tab 1
where: for AC-4.

Table 1 : Permissible stresses for connection between stiffeners and PSMs

Direct stress perm, in N/mm2 Shear stress perm, in N/mm2

Acceptance criteria set Acceptance criteria set
AC-3 AC-3
AC-1 AC-2 AC-1 AC-2
AC-4 AC-4
PSM web stiffener 0,83 ReH (2) ReH ReH
PSM web stiffener to intersecting stiffener in way
of weld connection:
double continuous fillet 0,58 ReH (2) 0,70 ReH (2) ReH
partial penetration weld 0,83 ReH (1) (2) ReH (1) ReH
PSM stiffener to intersecting stiffener in way of
0,50 ReH 0,60 ReH ReH
lapped welding
Shear connection including lugs or collar plates:
single-sided connection 0,71 eH 0,85 eH eH
double-sided connection 0,83 eH eH eH
(1) The root face is not to be greater than one third of the gross thickness of the PSM stiffener.
(2) The permissible stresses may be increased by 5% where a soft heel is provided in way of the heel of the PSM web stiffener.

80 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 11 : Primary supporting member web stiffener details

Awc = tws dwc 10-2

Aw = tws dw 10-2

Awc = tws dwc 10-2

Aw = tws dw 10-2 dw

dw = dwc tws


(a) Straight heel no bracket (b) Soft toe and soft heel

Awc = Awc1 + Awc2

Aw = Aw1 + Aw2

max. 15 mm
dwc Rmin = 25 mm



(c) Keyhole in way of soft heel

(d) Symmetrical soft toe brackets

dwc1 = dw1 = 4 + tw3- + tf + 0,4 tw1 for angles and bulb flats

tw3 dwc1 = dw1 = 8 + tw3 + 2 tf + 0,8 tw1 for T bars

dwc1 = dw1





(e) Primary supporting member web welded directly to stiffener flange

tws , tws1 , tws2 : Net thickness of the primary supporting member web stiffener/backing bracket, in mm
dw , dw1 , dw2 : Minimum depth of the primary supporting member web stiffener/backing bracket, in mm
dwc , dwc1 , dwc2 : Length of connection between the primary supporting member web stiffener/backing bracket and the stiffener, in mm
tf : Net thickness of the flange, in mm. For bulb profile, tf is to be taken as defined in Sec 6, [1.4.1].

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NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Table 2 : Weld factor fweld for connection between stiffeners and PSMs

Item Acceptance criteria Weld factor fweld

AC-1 0,6 wc / perm
PSM stiffener to intersecting stiffener
AC-2 not to be less than 0,38
Shear connection inclusive of lug or collar plate 0,38
Shear connection inclusive of lug or collar plate, where the web AC-1 0,6 w / perm
stiffener of the PSM is not connected to the intersection stiffener AC-2 not to be less than 0,44
PSM stiffener to intersecting stiffener AC-3 9W
0, 6 ------------------------------------------------
Shear connection inclusive of lug or collar plate AC-4 A 1 perm + A w perm
Note 1:
w : Shear stress, in N/mm2, as defined in [5.2.3]
wc : Stress, in N/mm2, as defined in [5.2.3]
perm : Permissible shear stress, in N/mm2, see Tab 1
perm : Permissible direct stress, in N/mm2, see Tab 1
W : Load, in kN, as defined in [5.2.2]
A1 : Effective net shear area, in cm2, as defined in [5.2.2]
Aw : Effective net cross-sectional area, in cm2, as defined in [5.2.2].

5.2.5 Where a backing bracket is fitted in addition to the Figure 12 : Offset PSM web stiffeners
PSM web stiffener, it is to be aligned with the web stiffener.
The arm length of the backing bracket is not to be less than
the depth of the web stiffener. The net cross-sectional area
through the throat of the bracket is to be included in the cal-
culation of Aw as shown in Fig 11.

5.2.6 Lapped connections of PSM web stiffeners or tripping

brackets to stiffeners are not permitted in the cargo hold

5.2.7 Where built-up stiffeners have their face plate welded

to the side of the web, a symmetrical arrangement of con-
nection to the PSM is to be fitted. This may be achieved by
fitting backing brackets on the opposite side of the PSM or
bulkhead. The PSM web stiffener and backing brackets are
to be butt welded to the intersecting stiffener web.
6 Openings

5.2.8 Where the web stiffener of the PSM is parallel to the 6.1 Openings and scallops in stiffeners
web of the intersecting stiffener but not connected to it, the
offset PSM web stiffener is to be located in close proximity 6.1.1 Fig 13 shows examples of air holes, drain holes and
to the slot edge as shown in Fig 12. The ends of the offset scallops. In general, the ratio a/b, as defined in Fig 13, is to
be between 0,5 and 1,0. In fatigue sensitive areas, further
web stiffeners are to be suitably tapered and softened.
consideration may be required with respect to the details
Locations where the web stiffener of the PSM is not con- and arrangements of openings and scallops.
nected to the intersecting stiffeners as well as the detail
arrangements are to be specially considered on the basis of 6.1.2 Openings and scallops are to be kept (see Fig 14):
their ability to transmit load with equivalent effectiveness to
at least 200 mm clear of the toes of end brackets, end
that from [5.2.2] to [5.2.7]. Details of calculations made connections and other areas of high stress concentra-
and/or testing procedures and results are to be submitted. tion, measured along the length of the stiffener toward
the mid-span, and
5.2.9 The size of the fillet welds is to be calculated accord-
at least 50 mm measured along the length in the oppo-
ing to Ch 12, Sec 3, [2.5] based on the weld factor fweld
site direction.
given in Tab 2. For the welding in way of the shear connec-
tion, the size is not to be less than that required for the PSM In areas where the shear stress is less than 60% of the per-
web plate for the location under consideration. missible stress, alternative arrangements may be accepted.

82 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 13 : Examples of air holes, drain holes and scallops

Figure 14 : Location of air and drain holes

6.1.3 Closely spaced scallops or drain holes, i.e. where the Where openings are arranged, their shape is to be such that
distance between scallops/drain holes is less than twice the the stress concentration remains within the acceptable limits.
width b as shown in Fig 13, are not permitted in stiffeners Openings are to be well rounded, with smooth edges.
contributing to the longitudinal strength.
6.2.2 Manholes and lightening holes
For the other stiffeners, closely spaced scallops/drain holes
The web openings do not require reinforcement:
are not permitted within 20% of the stiffener span measured
from the end of the stiffener. Widely spaced air or drain in single skin sections: when the openings have depth
holes may be permitted, provided they are of elliptical not exceeding 25% of the web depth and are so located
that the edges are not at less than 40% of the web depth
shape or equivalent to minimise stress concentration and
from the face plate
they are cut clear of the welds.
in double skin sections: when the openings have depth
not exceeding 50% of the web depth and are so located
6.2 Openings in primary supporting members that the edges are well clear of cut-outs for the passage
of stiffeners.
6.2.1 General
The opening length is not to be greater than:
Manholes, lightening holes and other similar openings are at mid-span of primary supporting members: the dis-
to be avoided in way of concentrated loads and areas of tance between the adjacent openings
high shear. In particular, manholes and similar openings are
at ends of the span: 25% of the distance between the
to be avoided in high stress areas, unless the stresses in the adjacent openings
plating and the panel buckling characteristics have been
for openings cut in single skin sections: the web depth
calculated and found satisfactory.
or 60% of the stiffener spacing, whichever is greater.
Examples of high stress areas include:
The ends of the openings are to be equidistant from the cut-
floors or double bottom girders close to their span ends outs for the passage of stiffeners.
or in way of cargo hold bulkheads Where lightening holes are cut in the brackets, the distance
from the hole circumference to the bracket free flange is not
primary supporting member webs in way of end bracket to be less than the diameter of the lightening hole.
Openings not complying with the above requirement are to
above the heads and below the heels of pillars. be reinforced according to [6.2.3].

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6.2.3 Reinforcements around openings Figure 16 : Large openings in the web

of primary supporting members
Manholes and lightening holes are to be stiffened according
to this requirement, except where alternative arrangements
are demonstrated as satisfactory, in accordance with the
analysis methods described in Chapter 7.

On members contributing to longitudinal strength, stiffeners

are to be fitted alongside the opening free edges and paral-
lel to the vertical and horizontal axes of the opening. See
Fig 15. Edge reinforcement may be used as an alternative to
the stiffeners.

Stiffeners may be omitted:

in one direction if the shortest dimension of the opening

is less than 400 mm, and

in both directions if the sum of the dimensions (length

plus width) of the opening is less than 300 mm. A1-n50 ,A2-n50 : Net shear sectional areas, in cm2, of deep
webs (1) and (2), respectively, taking account of
Figure 15 : Web plate with openings the web height reduction by the depth of the
cut-outs for the passage of the ordinary stiffen-
ers, if any
shr : Shear span, in m, of deep webs (1) and (2) as
defined in Sec 6, [1.1.7].
Deep web (1) and (2) are defined in Fig 16.

6.3 Openings in strength deck

6.3.1 General
Openings in the strength deck are to be kept to a minimum
and spaced as far as practicable from one another and from
the ends of superstructures. Openings are to be located as
far as practicable from high stress regions such as side shell
platings, hatchway corners, or hatch side coamings.

6.3.2 Small opening location

Small openings are generally to be located outside the
shaded areas shown in Fig 17 and defined by:
the bent area of a rounded sheer strake, if any, or the
In the case of large openings in the web of PSMs (e.g. where side shell
a pipe tunnel is fitted in the double bottom), the secondary the transverse distance e, from the longitudinal edge of
stresses in PSMs are to be considered for the reinforcement the hatchway, equal to:
of these openings.
e = 0,25 (B b)
Where no FE analysis is performed, this may be carried out the longitudinal distance c, from the transverse edge of
by assigning an equivalent net shear sectional area to the
the hatchway, equal to:
PSM obtained, in cm2, according to the following formula:
c = 0,07 + 0,1 b or 0,25 b, whichever is greater
A 1-n50 A 2-n50
A s n50 = ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
2 the transverse distance gi , measured from the limit of
32 shr A 1-n50 32 shr A 2-n50
1 + ------------------------------ 1 + ------------------------------ the shaded areas at the connection between deck and
I 1-n50 I 2-n50
side, equal to:
where: - for a circular opening: gi = 2 ai
I1-n50 , l2-n50 : Net moments of inertia, in cm , of deep webs - for an elliptical opening: gi = ai
(1) and (2), respectively, with attached plating
around their neutral axes parallel to the plating where (see Fig 17):

84 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

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Figure 17 : Position of small openings with respect to sides and hatchways in the strength deck

Side Side

(B - b)
Deck Deck

Limit C
of curvature


ai : Transverse dimension, in m, of the small open- where:

ing i considered
ai : Transverse dimension, in m, of the small open-
b : Width, in m, of the hatchway considered, meas- ing i considered.
ured in the transverse direction
If the opening arrangements do not comply with these
: Width, in m, in way of the corner considered, of requirements, the hull girder longitudinal strength assess-
the cross deck strip between two consecutive ment is to be carried out by subtracting such opening areas,
hatchways, measured in the longitudinal direc- see Ch 5, Sec 1, [1.2].
Distances between small openings are not to be less than: 6.4 Openings in shell plating

a) In transverse direction (see openings 1 and 2 in Fig 18): 6.4.1 Position of openings
2,0 (a1 + a2) for circular openings Openings in the shell plating are to be located at a vertical
distance from the deck at side, taken under the bent area of
1,5 (a1 + a2) for elliptical openings and for an ellip- the rounded sheer strake if any, not less than:
tical opening in line with a circular one
two times the opening diameter, in case of circular
b) In longitudinal direction (see openings 1 and 3 in Fig 18): openings

(a1+ a3) for circular openings the transverse dimension of the opening (along the
minor axis), in case of elliptical openings.
0,75 (a1 + a3) for elliptical openings and for an ellip-
tical opening in line with a circular one See also Fig 17.

Figure 18 : Distances between small openings in the strength deck


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6.4.2 Local strengthening 7.1.4 Cell guides

Openings in the ship sides, e.g. for pilot doors, are to be The structure of the bottom and inner bottom on which cell
well rounded at the corners and located well clear of super- guides rest is to be adequately stiffened with doublers,
structure ends or of any openings in the deck areas at sides brackets or other equivalent reinforcements.
of hatchways.
Openings for sea intakes are to be well rounded at the cor- 7.1.5 Striking plate
ners and, within 0,6 L amidships, located outside the bilge Striking plates of adequate thickness or other equivalent
strakes. Where arrangements are such that sea intakes are arrangements are to be provided under sounding pipes to
unavoidably located in the curved zone of the bilge strakes, prevent the sounding rod from damaging the plating.
such openings are to be elliptical with the major axis in the
longitudinal direction. Openings for stabiliser fins are con-
7.1.6 Duct keel
sidered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. The thick-
ness of the sea chests is to be generally that of the local shell Where a duct keel is arranged, the centre girder may be
plating, but in no case less than 12 mm. replaced by two girders spaced not more than 3 m apart.
Otherwise, for a spacing wider than 3 m, the two girders are
Above mentioned openings, when deemed necessary by
to be provided with support of the adjacent structure and
the Society, other openings may be adequately compen-
subject to the Societys approval.
sated by means of insert plates of increased thickness or
doublers sufficiently extended in length. Such compensa- The structures in way of the floors are to provide sufficient
tion is to be partial or total, depending on the stresses continuity of the latter.
occurring in the area of the openings.
Circular openings on the sheer strake need not be compen- 7.2 Keel plate
sated where their diameter does not exceed 20% of the
sheer strake minimum width as defined in [8.2.4], or
7.2.1 Keel plating is to extend over the flat part of the bot-
380 mm, whichever is the lesser, and where they are
tom for the full length of the ship.
located away from openings on deck at side of hatchways
and away from superstructure ends. The width of the keel, in m, is not to be less than:

0,8 + L/200, without being taken greater than 2,3 m.

7 Bottom structure
7.3 Girders
7.1 General
7.3.1 Centre girder
7.1.1 Framing system
For ships greater than 120 m in length, the bottom shell and When fitted, the centre girder is to extend within the cargo
the inner bottom are to be longitudinally stiffened within hold region and is to extend forward and aft as far as practi-
the cargo hold region. Where it is not practicable to apply a cable. Structural continuity of the centre girder is to be
longitudinal framing system to fore and aft parts of the cargo maintained within the full length of the ship.
hold region due to the hull form, transverse framing may be Where double bottom compartments are used for the car-
accepted on a case-by-case basis, subject to appropriate riage of fuel oil, fresh water or ballast water, the centre
brackets and other arrangements being incorporated to pro- girder is to be watertight, except for cases such as narrow
vide structural continuity in way of the changes to the fram- tanks at the end parts or when other watertight girders are
ing system. provided within 0,25 B from the centreline.
Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners are generally to be continu-
ous when crossing primary supporting members. 7.3.2 Side girders
The side girders are to extend within the parallel part of the
7.1.2 Variation in height of double bottom
cargo hold region and are to extend forward and aft of the
Any variation in the double bottom height is to be made cargo hold region as far as practicable.
gradually and over an acceptable length; the knuckles of
inner bottom plating are to be located in way of double bot-
tom floors. Where such arrangement is not possible, longi- 7.4 Floors
tudinal structures, such as partial girders, longitudinal
brackets, fitted across the knuckle, are to be arranged. 7.4.1 Web stiffeners
Floors are to be provided with web stiffeners in way of lon-
7.1.3 Drainage of tank top
gitudinal ordinary stiffeners. Where the web stiffeners are
Effective arrangements are to be provided for draining water not welded to the longitudinal stiffeners, design standard as
from the tank top. Where wells are provided for the drain- given in Ch 9, Sec 1 applies, unless fatigue strength assess-
age, such wells are not to extend over more than one-half ment for the cut-out and connection of longitudinal stiffen-
height of double bottom. ers is carried out.

86 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

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7.4.2 Floor spacing The gross thickness of the ground bar is not to be less than
Generally, the floor spacing is to be such that floors are the gross thickness of the bilge strake or 14 mm, whichever
located in way of the container corners. Floors are also to is the lesser.
be fitted in way of the watertight bulkheads.
7.5.4 End details
The floor spacing is generally not to be greater than 3,5 m
or four times the transverse frame spaces, whichever is the The ground bar and bilge keel ends are to be tapered or
smaller. rounded. Tapering is to be gradual with a minimum ratio of
3:1, see Fig 20 items (a) and (b), and Fig 21 items (d) and (e).
Rounded ends are to be as shown in Fig 20, item (c). Cut-
7.5 Bilge keel outs on the bilge keel web within zone A (see Fig 20 item
(b) and Fig 21 item (e)) are not permitted.
7.5.1 Material
The end of the bilge keel web is to be not less than 50 mm
The material of the bilge keel and ground bar is to be of the
and not greater than 100 mm from the end of the ground
same yield stress as the material to which they are attached.
bar, see Fig 20 item (a) and Fig 21 item (d).
In addition, when the bilge keel extends over a length more
than 0,15 L, the material of the bilge keel and ground bar is Ends of the bilge keel and ground bar are to be supported
to be of the same grade as the material to which they are by either transverse or longitudinal members inside the hull,
attached. as indicated as follows:
transverse support member is to be fitted at mid-length
7.5.2 Design between the end of the bilge keel web and the end of
The design of single web bilge keels is to be such that fail- the ground bar, see Fig 20 items (a), (b) and (c)
ure to the web occurs before failure of the ground bar. This longitudinal stiffener is to be fitted in line with the bilge
may be achieved by ensuring that the web thickness of the keel web, it is to extend to at least the nearest transverse
bilge keel does not exceed that of the ground bar. member forward and aft of zone A (see Fig 20 item (b)
In general, scallops and cut-outs are not to be used. Crack and Fig 21 item (e)).
arresting holes are to be drilled in the bilge keel butt welds
as close as practicable to the ground bar. The diameter of Alternative end arrangements may be considered by the
the hole is to be greater than the width W of the butt weld Society on a case by case basis.
and is to be a minimum of 25 mm (see Fig 19). Where the
butt weld has been subject to non-destructive examination, 7.6 Docking
the crack arresting hole may be omitted.
Bilge keels of a design different from that shown in Fig 19 7.6.1 General
are to be specially considered by the Society. The dry docking arrangement itself is not covered by these
7.5.3 Ground bars
The bottom structure is to withstand the forces imposed by
Bilge keels are not to be welded directly to the shell plating.
the dry docking of the ship.
A ground bar, or doubler, is to be fitted on the shell plating
as shown in Fig 19 to Fig 21. In general, the ground bar is to
7.6.2 Docking brackets
be continuous.
Docking brackets connecting the centreline girder to the
Figure 19 : Bilge keel construction bottom plating are to be connected to the adjacent bottom

Spell plating
8 Side structure

8.1 General

8.1.1 Side shell and inner hull are generally to be longitu-

dinally framed.
Ground bar
8.2 Structural arrangement

Crack arrester 8.2.1 Primary supporting members

Side or double side web frames are to be fitted in line with
the bottom web frames. Alternative framing arrangements
may be considered by the Society on a case by case basis.

Bilge keel
A vertical framing is to be fitted in way of the structure of
the transverse bulkheads.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 87

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 5

Figure 20 : Bilge keel and design

88 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

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Figure 21 : Bilge keel and design

8.2.2 Longitudinal stiffeners The sheer strake may be either welded to the stringer plate
The longitudinal stiffeners on side shell and inner hull, or rounded.
where fitted, are to be continuous within the length of the If the sheer strake is rounded, its radius, in mm, is to be not
parallel part of the cargo hold region. They are to be effec- less than 17 ts , where:
tively connected to the transverse web frames and bulk-
ts : Net thickness, in mm, of the sheer strake.
heads of the double side structure.
The upper edge of the welded sheer strake is to be rounded,
Longitudinal framing of the side shell is to extend outside smooth and free of notches. Fixtures, such as bulwarks and
the cargo hold region, as far forward as practicable. eye plates, are not to be directly welded on the upper edge
of the sheer strake, except in fore and aft parts. Drainage
8.2.3 Transverse stiffeners
openings with a smooth transition in the longitudinal direc-
The transverse stiffeners on side shell and inner hull, where tion may be permitted.
fitted, are to be continuous or fitted with bracket end con-
Longitudinal seam welds of rounded sheer strake are to be
nections. At their upper and lower ends, the shell and inner
located outside the bent area at a distance not less than
hull transverse stiffeners are to be connected by brackets to
5 times the maximum net thickness of the sheer strake.
the supporting stringer plates.
The welding of deck fittings to rounded sheer strakes is to
8.2.4 Sheer strake be avoided within 0,6 L amidships.
Sheer strakes are to have breadths, in m, not less than The transition from a rounded sheer strake to an angled
0,8 + L/200, measured vertically, but need not be greater sheer strake associated with the arrangement of superstruc-
than 1,8 m. tures is to be designed to avoid any discontinuities.

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9 Deck structure They are to be provided with sufficient strength to sustain

stress resulting from the shear forces induced at their ends
by hull girder torsion effects.
9.1 Structural arrangement
Similar boxes might as well be provided at the bottom part
9.1.1 Framing system of the transverse bulkheads.
The deck areas contributing to the longitudinal strength are
to be longitudinally framed. 10.2.3 Primary supporting members
The vertical primary supporting members of the transverse
9.1.2 Stringer plate bulkheads are to be fitted in line with bottom girders.
Stringer plates are to have breadths, in m, not less than Their flanges are to be in line with a double bottom floor.
0,8 + L/200, measured horizontally, but need not be greater
than 1,8 m. The strength of the connection between these members and
the bottom structure is to be assessed.
Rounded stringer plates, where adopted, are to comply with
the requirements in [8.2.4]. 10.2.4 Reinforcements in way of cell guides
9.1.3 Connection of deckhouses and When cell guides are fitted on transverse or longitudinal
superstructures bulkheads which form boundaries of the hold, such struc-
Connection of the deckhouses and superstructures to the tures are to be reinforced, taking into account the loads
strength deck is to be so designed that loads are transmitted transmitted by the cell guides.
to the supporting structure under deck.
10.3 Plane bulkheads
9.1.4 Longitudinal hatch coaming
The width of the longitudinal hatch coaming flanges is to be 10.3.1 General
such as to accommodate the hatch covers and their secur- The bulkheads are to be stiffened in way of the deck girders.
ing arrangements. The horizontally framed bulkheads are made of horizontal
The end connections of the longitudinal hatch coamings are stiffeners supported by vertical primary supporting mem-
to ensure a proper transmission of stresses from the hatch bers.
coaming to the supporting structure. The vertically framed bulkheads are made of vertical stiffen-
ers supported by horizontal stringers, if needed.
9.2 Deck scantlings The crossing of stiffeners through a watertight bulkhead is to
9.2.1 Deck and hatch cover reinforcements be watertight.
The deck and hatch cover structures are to be reinforced Bulkheads that support girders or pillars and longitudinal
taking into account the loads transmitted by the container bulkheads which are fitted in lieu of girders are to be stiff-
corners and cell guides. ened to provide supports not less effective than required for
stanchions or pillars that would be located at the same posi-
9.2.2 Hatch corners tion.
The stress concentrations in way of the hatch corners are to Where bulkheads are penetrated by cargo or ballast piping,
be checked, in particular in the top part (hatch coaming, the structural arrangements in way of the connection are to
upper deck and stringers under deck). be adequate for the loads imparted to the bulkheads by the
hydraulic forces in the pipes.
10 Bulkhead structure
10.3.2 End connection of stiffeners
10.1 Application End connections of stiffeners are to be bracketed.
For isolated areas where bracketed end connections cannot
10.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to longitudi- be applied due to hull lines, other arrangements including
nal and transverse bulkheads. sniped ends are acceptable.
Sniped ends may be used for stiffeners on bulkheads subject
10.2 Cargo hold bulkheads to hydrostatic pressure, provided they comply with [3.4].
10.2.1 General
Watertight transverse bulkheads are to be fitted in line with 10.4 Non-tight bulkheads
a double bottom floor.
10.4.1 General
10.2.2 Transverse torsion box structures in way of In general, openings in wash bulkheads are to have their
transverse bulkheads aggregate area not to be less than 10% of the bulkhead
Transverse torsion box structures are generally to be pro- area. The area of non-tight bulkheads is the whole cross-
vided at the top part of the transverse bulkheads. sectional area in one plane that covers the tank boundaries.

10.4.2 Non-tight bulkheads not acting as pillars 0,9 m for transverse bulkheads

In general, the maximum spacing of stiffeners fitted on non- two frame spacings, with a maximum of 1,5 m, for lon-
tight bulkheads not acting as pillars is to be: gitudinal bulkheads.

90 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

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The net thickness of the bulkhead stiffeners, in mm, is not to 11 Pillars

be less than:
t = 3 + 0,015 L2 11.1 General
The depth of the bulkhead stiffeners of flat bar type is in
general not to be less than 1/12 of the stiffener length. 11.1.1 Wherever possible, pillars are to be fitted in the
same vertical line. If not possible, effective means are to be
A smaller depth of stiffener may be accepted, based on cal-
provided for transmitting the pillar loads to the supports
culations showing compliance with Ch 6, Sec 5 and Chap-
below. Effective arrangements are to be made to distribute
ter 8.
the loads at the heads and the heels of all the pillars. Where
10.4.3 Non-tight bulkheads acting as pillars pillars support eccentric loads, they are to be strengthened
to withstand the additional bending moment applied on
Non-tight bulkheads acting as pillars are to be provided
with bulkhead stiffeners having a maximum spacing equal
11.1.2 Pillars are to be provided in line with the double
two frame spacings, when the frame spacing does not bottom girders or as close thereto as practicable, and the
exceed 0,75 m structure above and below the pillars is to be of sufficient
one frame spacing, when the frame spacing is greater strength to provide effective distribution of the load.
than 0,75 m. Where pillars connected to the inner bottom are not located
Where non-tight bulkheads are corrugated, the depth of the in way of the intersection of floors and girders, partial floors
corrugation is not to be less than 100 mm. or girders, or equivalent structures, are to be fitted as neces-
sary to support the pillars.
Each vertical stiffener, in association with a width of plating
equal to: 11.1.3 Pillars provided in tanks are to be of solid or open
35 times the plating net thickness section type.
1/12 of stiffener length, or
the stiffener spacing, whichever is the smaller,
11.2 Connections

is to comply with the applicable requirements in Chapter 6, 11.2.1 Heads and heels of the pillars are to be secured by
for the load being supported. thick doubling plates and brackets, as necessary. Alternative
arrangements for doubling plates may be accepted, pro-
10.5 Watertight bulkheads of trunks and vided they are considered equivalent, as deemed appropri-
ate by the Society. Where the pillars are likely to be
subjected to tensile loads, heads and heels of the pillars are
10.5.1 Watertight bulkheads of trunks, tunnels, duct keels to be efficiently secured to withstand the tensile loads and
and ventilators are to be of the same strength as watertight the doubling plates are to be replaced by insert plates.
bulkheads at corresponding levels. The means used for The net thickness of the doubling plates, when fitted, is to
making them watertight, and the arrangements adopted for be not less than 1,5 times the net thickness of the pillar. Pil-
closing their openings, are to be to the satisfaction of the lars are to be attached at their heads and heels by continu-
Society. ous welding.

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For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. Figure 1 : Single skin construction
w : Angle, in deg, between the stiffener or the pri- Effective bending span bdg of stiffeners
mary supporting member web and the attached supported by web stiffeners
plating, see Fig 14. w is to be taken equal to
90 if the angle is greater than, or equal to, 75
bdg : Effective bending span, in m, as defined in:
[1.1.2] for stiffeners, and
[1.1.6] for primary supporting members
shr : Effective shear span, in m, as defined in:
[1.1.3] for stiffeners, and
[1.1.7] for primary supporting members
LCP : Load Calculation Point.

1 Structural idealisation of stiffeners

and primary supporting members

1.1 Effective spans

1.1.1 General
Where arrangements differ from those defined in this Arti-
cle, the span definition may be specially considered.

1.1.2 Effective bending span of stiffeners

The effective bending span bdg of stiffeners is to be obtained
as shown in Fig 1 for single skin structures and in Fig 3 for
double skin structures.
If the stiffener on the PSM web is sniped at the end or not
attached to the stiffener under consideration, the effective
bending span is to be taken as the full length between PSMs
unless a backing bracket is fitted, see Fig 1, items a) and b).
The effective bending span may be reduced where brackets
are fitted to the flange or free edge of the stiffener. Brackets
fitted on the side opposite to that of the stiffener with
respect to attached plating are not to be considered as effec- Figure 2 : Effective bending span bdg
tive in reducing the effective bending span. for local support members with
continuous face plate along bracket edge
In single skin structures, the effective bending span of a stiff-
ener supported by a bracket or by a web stiffener on one
side only of the primary supporting member is to be taken
as the total span between primary supporting members, as
shown in item a) of Fig 1. If brackets are fitted on both sides
of the primary supporting member, the effective bending
span is to be taken as shown in items b), c) and d) of Fig 1.
Where the face plate of the stiffener is continuous along the
edge of the bracket, the effective bending span is to be
taken to the position where the depth of the bracket is equal
to one quarter of the depth of the stiffener, see Fig 2.

92 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 3 : Double skin construction For curved and/or long brackets (high length/height ratio),
Effective bending span bdg of stiffeners the effective bracket length is to be taken as the maximum
supported by web stiffeners inscribed 1:1,5 right angled triangle as shown in items c) of
Fig 4 and Fig 6.

Where the face plate of the stiffener is continuous along the

curved edge of the bracket, the bracket length to be consid-
ered for determination of the span point location is not to
be taken greater than 1,5 times the length of the bracket arm
as shown in Fig 5.

Figure 4 : Single skin construction

Effective shear span shr of stiffeners
supported by web stiffeners

1.1.3 Effective shear span of stiffeners

The effective shear span shr of stiffeners is to be obtained as
shown in Fig 4 for single skin structures and in Fig 6 for
double skin structures. Figure 5 : Effective shear span shr
The effective shear span may be reduced for brackets fitted for local support members with
on either the flange or the free edge of the stiffener, or for continuous face plate along the bracket edge
brackets fitted to the attached plating on the side opposite
to that of the stiffener.
If brackets are fitted both on the flange or the free edge of
the stiffener and to the attached plating on the side opposite
to that of the stiffener, the effective shear span may be
reduced using the longer effective bracket arm.
Regardless of the support detail, the full length of the stiff-
ener may be reduced by a length, in m, at least equal to
s/4000 at each end of the member, hence the effective shear
span shr is not to be taken greater than:
shr -------------

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Figure 6 : Double skin construction Figure 8 : Span of stiffeners with two struts
Effective shear span shr of stiffeners
supported by web stiffeners

1.1.6 Effective bending span of primary supporting


The effective bending span bdg of a primary supporting

member without end bracket is to be taken as the length of
the primary supporting member between supports.

The effective bending span bdg of a primary supporting

member may be taken as less than the full length of the pri-
mary supporting member between supports, provided suita-
ble end brackets are fitted:

in case of separate welded end brackets, bdg is taken as

the length between the points where the depth of the
brackets is equal to one-half the web height hw of the
primary supporting member (see item b) of Fig 9)

in case of end brackets where the face plate of the pri-

mary supporting member is continuous along the face
of the brackets (see items a), c) and d) of Fig 9), bdg is
taken as the length between the points where the depth
of the brackets is equal to one-quarter the web height hw
of the primary supporting member.
1.1.4 Effect of hull form shape on span of stiffeners
For curved stiffeners, the span is defined as the chord length The end brackets used to determine the span points are
between span points to be measured at the flange for stiffen- either the effective brackets as defined in [1.1.8] or the fitted
ers with a flange, and at the free edge for flat bar stiffeners. brackets:
The calculation of the effective span is to be in accordance
with requirements given in [1.1.2] and [1.1.3]. for straight brackets with a length to height ratio greater
than 1,5, the span point is to be taken to the effective
1.1.5 Effective span of stiffeners supported by struts
bracket: see item c) of Fig 9; otherwise the span point is
The arrangement of stiffeners supported by struts is not to be taken to the fitted bracket: see item d) of Fig 9.
allowed for ships greater than 120 m in length.
The span of the stiffeners supported by one strut fitted at for curved brackets, for span positions above the tangent
mid-distance of the primary supporting members is to be point between fitted bracket and effective bracket, the
taken as 0,7 2. span point is to be taken to the fitted bracket; otherwise,
the span point is to be taken to the effective bracket.
In case where two struts are fitted at 1/3 and 2/3 of the dis-
tance between primary supporting members, the span of
For arrangements where the primary supporting member
the stiffeners is to be taken as 0,7 2.
face plate is carried on to the bracket and backing brackets
The spans 1 and 2 are defined in Fig 7 and Fig 8. are fitted, the span point need not be taken greater than to
the position where the total depth reaches twice the depth
Figure 7 : Span of stiffeners with one strut of the primary supporting member. Arrangements with
small and large backing brackets are shown in items e) and
f) of Fig 9.

For arrangements where the height of the primary support-

ing member is maintained and the face plate width is
increased towards the support, the effective bending span
bdg may be taken to a position where the face plate breadth
reaches twice the nominal breadth.

94 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 9 : Effective bending span bdg of primary supporting members

1.1.7 Effective shear span of primary supporting For arrangements where the effective backing bracket is
members larger than the effective bracket in way of the PSM face plate,
the shear span is to be taken as the mean distance between
The effective shear span shr of a primary supporting mem- toes of the effective brackets as shown in item f) of Fig 10.
ber may be reduced, compared to the effective bending
1.1.8 Effective bracket
span bdg , and taken between the toes of the effective brack-
The effective bracket is defined as the maximum size of the
ets at ends of the primary supporting member, where these right-angled triangular bracket with a length to height ratio
toes are as shown in Fig 10. The effective brackets used to of 1,5 that fits inside the fitted bracket. See Fig 9 and Fig 10
define the toe points are defined in [1.1.8]. for examples.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 95

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 10 : Effective shear span shr of primary supporting members

1.2 Spacing and load supporting breadth 1.2.2 Primary supporting member
Primary supporting member spacing S, in m, for calculation
1.2.1 Stiffeners of the effective breadth of the attached plating for primary
Stiffener spacing s, in mm, for calculation of the effective supporting members, is to be taken as the mean spacing
breadth of the attached plating for stiffeners, is to be taken between adjacent primary supporting members at ends (see
as the mean spacing between stiffeners at ends (see Fig 11): Fig 11):
b1 + b2 + b3 + b4
b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 S = ----------------------------------------
s = ----------------------------------------
- 4
b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 : Spacings between primary supporting mem-
b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 : Spacings between stiffeners at ends, in mm. bers at ends, in m.

96 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

1.2.3 Spacing of curved plating bdg

for ----------
- 1:
For curved plating, the stiffener spacing s or the primary S 3
supporting member spacing S is to be measured on the
mean chord between stiffeners or between primary support-
ing members, respectively.
1, 12
b eff = S min --------------------------- ; 1, 0
1, 75
Figure 11 : Spacing of plating 1 + ---------------- -
bdg 1, 6
S 3

for ----------
- < 1:
S 3
b eff = 0, 407 --------

1.3.3 Effective area of curved face plate and curved

attached plating of primary supporting
The effective net area is applicable to primary supporting
members for the following calculations:
actual net section modulus used for comparison with
the scantling requirements in Ch 6, Sec 6
actual effective net area of curved face plates, modelled
by beam elements, used in Chapter 7.

The following effective net area Aeff-n50 , in mm2, is only

applicable to curved face plates and curved attached plat-
ing of primary supporting members This is not applicable
for the area of web stiffeners parallel to the face plate.
a) Aeff-n50 = Cf tf-n50 bf
b) for curved face plates supported by radial brackets or
attached plating supported by cylindrical stiffeners:
3r f t f-n50 + C f s r
1.3 Effective breadth A eff-n50 = -------------------------------------
- t f-n50 b f
3r t +s
f f-n50 r
1.3.1 Stiffeners
a) Yielding check
Cf : Flange efficiency coefficient taken equal to:
The effective breadth beff , in mm, of the attached plating
to be considered in the actual net section modulus for r f t f-n50
C f = C f1 -------------------
the yielding check of a stiffener is to be obtained from b1
the following formulae: without being taken greater than 1,0
where the plating extends on both sides of the stiff- Cf1 : Coefficient taken equal to:
for symmetrical and unsymmetrical face
beff = min (200 ; s) plates:
where the plating extends on one side of the stiffener 0, 643 ( sinh cosh + sin cos )
(i.e. stiffener bounding an opening): C f1 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
( sinh ) + sin
beff = min (100 ; 0,5 s)
for attached plating of box girders with two
However, where the attached plate net thickness is less webs:
than 8 mm, the effective breadth is not to be taken
0, 78 ( sinh + sin ) ( cosh cos )
greater than 600 mm. C f1 = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
( sinh ) + sin
b) Buckling check
The effective breadth beff of the attached plating to be for attached plating of box girders with
multiple webs:
considered for the buckling check of stiffeners is given
in Ch 8, Sec 1. 1, 56 ( cosh cos )
C f1 = -------------------------------------------------------
sinh + sin
1.3.2 Primary supporting members
: Coefficient, in rad, taken equal to:
The effective breadth beff , in m, of the attached plating for
1, 285 b
calculation of the section modulus and/or moment of inertia = ------------------------1
of a primary supporting member is to be taken as: r f t f-n50

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 97

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 12 : Curved shell panel and face plate

b1 : Breadth, in mm, to be taken equal to: Where such calculation of properties is not possible, a bulb
for symmetrical face plates: section equivalent to a built-up section may be taken. The
b1 = 0,5 (bf tw-n50) net dimensions of the equivalent built-up section are to be
obtained, in mm, from the following formulae (see Fig 13):
for unsymmetrical face plates:
b1 = bf h
h w = h w --------w- + 2
for attached plating of box girders: 9, 2
b1 = sw tw-n50
sw : Spacing of supporting webs for box girders, in b f = t w + --------w- 2
6, 7
tf-n50 : Net flange thickness, in mm. For calculation of
Cf and of unsymmetrical face plates, tf-n50 is t f = --------w- 2
9, 2
not to be taken greater than tw-n50
tw-n50 : Net web plate thickness, in mm tw = tw
rf : Radius, in mm, of face plate or attached plating
at mid thickness, see Fig 12 where:
bf : Breadth, in mm, of face plate or attached plat- hw , tw : Net height and thickness of a bulb section, in
ing, see Fig 12 mm, as shown in Fig 13
sr : Spacing, in mm, of tripping brackets or web
stiffeners or stiffeners normal to the web plating, : Coefficient equal to:
see Fig 12.
for hw 120:

1.4 Geometrical properties of stiffeners and ( 120 h w )


primary supporting members = 1, 1 + ------------------------------


1.4.1 Stiffener profile with a bulb section for hw > 120:

The properties of bulb sections are to be determined consid-
ering the actual stiffener profile. = 1,0

Figure 13 : Bulb section and its equivalent built-up section

98 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

1.4.2 Net elastic shear area of stiffeners for flanged profile cross-sections:
The net elastic shear area Ashr , in cm2, of stiffeners is to be - where n = 1 or n = 2: fw = 0,75
taken as: - where n = 0: fw = 1,00
Ashr = dshr tw 102 for flat bar stiffeners: fw = 1,00
where: n : Number of plastic hinges at end supports of
dshr : Effective shear depth of stiffener, in mm, as each member, taken equal to: 0, 1 or 2.
defined in [1.4.3] A plastic hinge at end support may be consid-
ered where the stiffener:
tw : Net web thickness of the stiffener, in mm, as
defined in Sec 2, Fig 2. is continuous at the support
passes through the support plate while it is
1.4.3 Effective shear depth of stiffeners connected at its termination point by a car-
The effective shear depth of stiffeners dshr , in mm, is to be ling (or equivalent) to adjacent stiffeners
taken as: is attached to an abutting stiffener effective
dshr = (hstf + tp) sin w in bending (not a buckling stiffener)
is attached to a bracket effective in bending,
i.e. the bracket is attached to another stiff-
hstf : Height of stiffener, in mm, as defined in Sec 2, ener (not a buckling stiffener)
Fig 2 hw : Depth of stiffener web, in mm, defined in:
tp : Net thickness of the stiffener attached plating, in Sec 2, Fig 2 for T-profile, L-profile (rolled
mm, as defined in Sec 2, Fig 2 and built-up) and flat bar profile
1.4.4 Elastic net section modulus of stiffeners Sec 2, Fig 3 for L2-profile, L3-profile and
bulb profile
The elastic net section modulus Z of stiffeners, in cm3, is to
be taken as: : Coefficient taken equal to:

Z = Zstf sin w 1 + 3 + 12
= ----------------------------------
: Coefficient taken equal to:
Zstf : Net section modulus of the stiffener, in cm3,
for L-profiles without a mid-span tripping
considered perpendicular to its attached plate,
i.e. with w = 90
2 2
t w f b shr tw
1.4.5 Effective net plastic shear area of stiffeners = -----------------------------
- 10 6 + -------
80b f t f h f-ctr 2b f
The net plastic shear area Ashr-pl of stiffeners, in cm2, which
without being taken greater than 0,5
is used for assessment against impact loads is to be taken as:
for the other cases: = 0,5
Ashr-pl = Ashr
Af : Net cross-sectional area of flange, in mm2:
where: for flat bar profiles: Af = 0
Ashr : Net elastic shear area, in cm2, as defined in for the other profiles: Af = bf tf
bf-ctr : Distance, in mm, from the mid-thickness of the
1.4.6 Effective net plastic section modulus of stiffener web to the centre of the flange area:
stiffeners for rolled L-profiles: bf-ctr = 0,5 (bf tw-gr)
The effective net plastic section modulus Zpl of stiffeners, in for T-profiles: bf-ctr = 0
cm3, which is used for assessment against impact loads is to
for bulb profiles: as given in Tab 1 and Tab 2
be taken as:
hf-ctr : Height, in mm, of the stiffener measured to the
for 75 w 90:
mid-thickness of the flange:
f w h w t w ( 2 1 ) A f h f-ctr for profiles with flange of rectangular shape,
Z pl = -------------------- + ----------------------------------------
2000 1000 except for L3-profiles:
for w < 75: hf-ctr = hstf 0,5 tf
f w h t w sin w for L3-profiles (see Sec 2, Fig 3):
Z pl = -------------------------------------
2000 hf-ctr = hstf de 0,5 tf
( 2 1 ) A f ( h f-ctr sin w b f-ctr cos w ) for bulb profiles: as given in Tab 1 and Tab 2
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
de : Distance, in mm, from the web upper edge to the
where: top of the flange for L3-profiles (see Sec 2, Fig 3)
fw : Web shear stress factor, taken equal to: fb : Coefficient taken equal to:

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 99

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

for a flange continuous through the primary Figure 14 : Angle w

supporting member, with end bracket(s):

fb = 0,8

for a flange sniped at the primary supporting

member or terminated at the support with-
out aligned structure on the other side of the
support, and with end bracket(s): fb = 0,7

otherwise: fb = 1,0

tf : Net flange thickness, in mm, equal to: Figure 15 : Characteristic data for bulb profiles
for flat bar profiles: tf = 0

for bulb profiles: as given in Tab 1 and Tab 2.

Table 1 : Characteristic flange data (in mm)

for HP bulb profiles

hstf dw bf-gr tf-gr bf-ctr hf-ctr

200 171 40 14,4 10,9 188
220 188 44 16,2 12,1 206
240 205 49 17,7 13,3 225
260 221 53 19,5 14,5 244
280 238 57 21,3 15,8 263
300 255 62 22,8 16,9 281
320 271 65 25,0 18,1 300
340 288 70 26,4 19,3 318
370 313 77 28,8 21,1 346
1.4.7 Primary supporting member web not
400 338 83 31,5 22,9 374 perpendicular to attached plating
430 363 90 33,9 24,7 402 Where the web of a primary supporting member is not per-
Note 1: See also Fig 15. pendicular to the attached plating, the actual net shear area
Note 2: Conversion of characteristic flange data to net scant- Ash-n50 , in cm2, and the actual net section modulus Zn50 , in
lings: cm3, may be obtained from the following formulae:
bf bf-gr + 2 tw
actual net shear area:
tf = tf-gr tc
tw = tw-gr tc - for w < 75: Ash-n50 = Ash-0-n50 sin w

- for 75 w 90: Ash-n50 = Ash-0-n50

Table 2 : Characteristic flange data (in mm)
for JIS bulb profiles actual net section modulus:
- for w < 75: Zn50 = Zperp-n50 sin w
hstf dw bf-gr tf-gr bf-ctr hf-ctr
- for 75 w 90: Zn50 = Zperp-n50
180 156 34 11,9 9,0 170
200 172 39 13,7 10,4 188 where:

230 198 45 15,2 11,7 217 Ash-0-n50 : Actual net shear area, in cm2, of the primary
supporting member assumed to be perpendicu-
250 215 49 17,1 12,9 235
lar to the attached plating, to be taken equal to:
Note 1: See also Fig 15.
Note 2: Conversion of characteristic flange data to net scant- Ash-0-n50 = (hw + tf-n50 + tp-n50) tw-n50 102
Zperp-n50 : Actual section modulus, in cm3, with attached
bf bf-gr + 2 tw
plating, of the primary supporting member
tf = tf-gr tc
assumed to be perpendicular to the attached
tw = tw-gr tc plating.

100 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

1.4.8 Shear area of primary supporting members 2 Plates

with web openings
The effective web height heff , in mm, to be considered for
the calculation of the effective net shear area Ash-n50 is to be 2.1 Idealisation of EPP
taken as the lesser of:
heff = hw 2.1.1 EPP
heff = hw3 + hw4 An Elementary Plate Panel (EPP) is the unstiffened part of
heff = hw1 + hw2 + hw4 the plating between stiffeners and/or primary supporting
calculated at a distance a less than hw /3 on each side of members. The plate panel length, a, and breadth, b, of the
the considered cross-section, EPP are defined respectively as the longer and the shorter
where: plate edges, as shown in Fig 17.
hw : Web height of the primary supporting member,
in mm 2.1.2 Strake required thickness
hw1 , hw2 , hw3 , hw4 : Dimensions, in mm, as shown in Fig 16. The required thickness of a strake is to be taken as the great-
est value required for each EPP within that strake. The
Figure 16 : Dimensions hw1 , hw2 , hw3 and hw4 requirements given in Tab 3 are to be applied for the selec-
in way of web openings
tion of strakes to be considered, as shown in Fig 18, where:

a1 : Distance, in mm, measured inside the consid-

ered strake in the direction of the long edge of
the EPP, between the strake boundary weld
seam and the EPP edge.

The maximum corrosion addition within a strake is to be

applied according to Sec 3, [1.2.3].

hw 2.1.3 For direct strength assessment, the EPP is idealised

with the mesh arrangement in the finite element model.

hw2 Table 3 : Strake considered in a given EPP

tw-n50 a/b > 2 a/b 2

All strakes All strakes
a1 > b/2
hw4 (St1, St2, St3, St4) (St1, St2, St3, St4)
All strakes
a1 b/2 Strakes St2 and St4
(St1, St2, St3, St4)

Figure 17 : Elementary Plate Panel (EPP) definition

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 101

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 18 : Strake considered in a given EPP 2.2 Load Calculation Point

2.2.1 Yielding
For the yielding check, the local pressure and the hull girder
stress, used for the calculation of the local scantling require-
ments, are to be taken at the LCP (Load Calculation Point)
having coordinates x, y and z as defined in Tab 4.

2.2.2 Buckling
For the prescriptive buckling check of the EPP according to
Ch 8, Sec 1, the LCP for the pressure and for the hull girder
stresses are defined in Tab 5.
For the finite element buckling check, Ch 8, Sec 1 is appli-

Table 4 : LCP coordinates for yielding

Vertical transverse structure and

General (1) Horizontal plating
LCP transverse stool plating
coordinates Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Horizontal Vertical
framing ( Fig 19) framing ( Fig 20) framing framing framing ( Fig 21) framing ( Fig 22)
x coordinate Mid-length of the EPP Mid-length of the EPP Corresponding to y and z coordinates
y coordinate Corresponding to x and z coordinates Outboard y coordinate of the EPP Outboard y coordinate of the EPP,
taken at z level
z coordinate EPP lower edge The greater of the Corresponding to x and y coordinates EPP lower edge The greater of the
EPP lower edge or EPP lower edge or
strake lower edge strake lower edge
(1) All structures other than horizontal platings or vertical transverse structures.

Table 5 : LCP coordinates for plate buckling

LCP for hull girder stresses ( Fig 23)

LCP for pressure Bending stresses (1)
coordinates Shear stresses
Non horizontal plate Horizontal plate
x coordinate Same coordinates as Mid-length of the EPP
y coordinate LCP for yielding. Corresponding to Outboard and inboard ends Mid-point of EPP
See Tab 4 x and z coordinates of the EPP (points A1 and A2) (point B)
z coordinate Both upper and lower ends of Corresponding to x and y coordinates
the EPP (points A1 and A2)
(1) The bending stress for curved plate panel is the mean value of the stresses calculated at points A1 and A2.

Figure 19 : Load calculation point (LCP) for longitudinal framing

102 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 20 : Load calculation point for transverse framing

Figure 21 : Load calculation point for horizontal framing on transverse vertical structure

Figure 22 : Load calculation point for vertical framing on transverse vertical structure

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 103

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

Figure 23 : Load calculation point for plate buckling Hull girder stresses

3 Stiffeners 3.2.2 LCP for hull girder bending stress

The load calculation point for the hull girder bending stress
3.1 Reference point is defined as follows:

3.1.1 The requirements of stiffener section modulus relate for yielding verification according Ch 6, Sec 5:
to the reference point giving the minimum section modulus. - at the middle of the full length of the considered
This reference point is located as shown in Fig 24 for typical stiffener
- at the reference point given in Fig 24
3.2 Load calculation point for prescriptive buckling requirements according to Ch
8, Sec 1:
3.2.1 LCP for pressure
The load calculation point for the pressure is located at the: - at the middle of the full length of the considered
middle of the full length of the considered stiffener stiffener
intersection point between the stiffener and its attached - at the intersection point between the stiffener and its
plate. attached plate.

Figure 24 : Reference point for calculation of section modulus and hull girder stress
for local scantling assessment

104 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

3.2.3 Non-horizontal stiffeners Figure 25 : Definition of pressure for vertical stiffeners

The lateral pressure P is to be calculated as the maximum
between the value obtained at the middle of the full length
and the value obtained from the following formulae:
when the upper end of the vertical stiffener is below the
lowest zero pressure level:
pU + pL
P = -----------------

when the upper end of the vertical stiffener is at or

above the lowest zero pressure level (see Fig 25):

P = ----1 -----L
4 Primary supporting members
1 : Distance, in m, between the lower end of verti- 4.1 Load calculation point
cal stiffener and the lowest zero pressure level
4.1.1 The load calculation point is located at the middle of
PU , PL : Lateral pressures at the upper and lower ends of the full length S, at the attachment point of the primary sup-
the vertical stiffener span , respectively. porting member with its attached plate.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 105

NR 625, Ch 3, Sec 6

106 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 4










July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 107

108 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 1



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. The EDWs for the strength assessment and the dynamic load
combination factors for global loads are listed in Sec 2, [2].
1 General The dynamic loads are defined in the following Sections:
dynamic hull girder loads in Sec 4
1.1 Application
external loads in Sec 5
1.1.1 Scope internal loads in Sec 6.
This Chapter provides the design loads for strength and
fatigue assessments. 1.1.5 Loads for fatigue assessment
The load combinations are to be derived for the design load Each design load scenario for fatigue assessment is com-
scenarios specified in Sec 7. This Section uses the concept posed of a static + dynamic load case, where the static and
of design load scenarios to specify consistent design load dynamic loads depend on the loading condition being con-
sets which cover relevant operating modes for a container sidered.
ship. The static loads are defined in the following Sections:
1.1.2 Equivalent Design Wave (EDW) still water hull girder loads in Sec 4
The dynamic loads associated with each dynamic load case external loads in Sec 5
are based on the Equivalent Design Wave (EDW) concept.
internal loads in Sec 6.
The EDW concept applies a consistent set of dynamic loads
to the ship such that a specified dominant load response is The EDWs for the fatigue assessment and the dynamic load
equivalent to the required long term response value. combination factors for global loads are listed in Sec 2, [3].
1.1.3 Probability levels for strength and fatigue The dynamic loads are defined in the following Sections:
dynamic hull girder loads in Sec 4
In this Chapter, the assessments are to be understood as fol-
lows: external loads in Sec 5
Strength assessment means the assessment for strength internal loads in Sec 6.
criteria, excluding fatigue, for seagoing conditions, bal-
last water exchange conditions, harbour conditions and 1.2 Sign convention
flooded conditions, based on loads corresponding to a
return period of 25 years (probability level approxi- 1.2.1 Sign convention for ship motions
mately of 108)
The ship motions are defined with respect to the ships cen-
Fatigue assessment means the assessment for fatigue cri- tre of gravity (COG) as shown in Fig 1, where:
teria based on loads corresponding to the probability
level of 102. positive surge is translation in the X-axis direction (posi-
tive forward)
1.1.4 Loads for strength assessment positive sway is translation in the Y-axis direction (posi-
The strength assessment is to be undertaken for all design tive towards portside of ship)
load scenarios. The final assessment is to be made on the
positive heave is translation in the Z-axis direction (pos-
most demanding strength requirement.
itive upwards)
Each design load scenario for strength assessment is com-
positive roll motion is positive rotation about a longitu-
posed of a static load case or a static + dynamic load case,
dinal axis through the COG (starboard down and port-
where the static and dynamic loads depend on the loading
side up)
condition being considered.
positive pitch motion is positive rotation about a trans-
The static loads are defined in the following Sections:
verse axis through the COG (bow down and stern up)
still water hull girder loads in Sec 4
positive yaw motion is positive rotation about a vertical
external loads in Sec 5 axis through the COG (bow moving to portside and
internal loads in Sec 6. stern to starboard).

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 109

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 1

Figure 1 : Definition of positive motions section and upward resulting forces acting forward of
the transverse section under consideration

vertical bending moments Msw and Mwv are positive

when they induce tensile stresses in the strength deck
(hogging bending moment) and negative when they
induce tensile stresses in the bottom (sagging bending

horizontal bending moment Mwh is positive when it

induces tensile stresses in the starboard side and nega-
tive when it induces tensile stresses in the portside

torsional moment Mwt is positive in the case of resulting

moment acting aft of the transverse section following
negative rotation around the X-axis, and of resulting
moment acting forward of the transverse section follow-
1.2.2 Sign conventions for hull girder loads ing positive rotation around the X-axis
The sign conventions of vertical and horizontal bending
horizontal shear force Qwh is positive in the case of
moments, and vertical and horizontal shear forces, at any
ship transverse section, are as shown in Fig 2, namely the: resulting forces acting toward starboard side aft of the
transverse section and resulting force acting toward
vertical shear forces Qsw and Qwv are positive in the case portside forward of the transverse section under consid-
of downward resulting forces acting aft of the transverse eration.

Figure 2 : Sign conventions for shear forces Qsw , Qwv and Qwh and bending moments Msw , Mwv , Mwh and Mwt

Qsw, Qwv (+)

Aft Fore

Msw, Mwv (+)

Aft Fore

Mwh (+)

Aft Fore

Mwt (+)

Aft Fore

Qwh (+)

Aft Fore

110 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. : Roll angle, in deg, as defined in Sec 3, [2.1.1]
asurge , asway , aheave , aroll , apitch , ayaw : Acceleration compo- R : Roll angular frequency, in rad/s, to be taken as:
nents, as defined in Sec 3 R = 2 / T
aroll-y , aroll-z , apitch-x , apitch-z , ayaw-x , ayaw-y : Acceleration com- TR : Dimensionless roll period, to be taken as:
ponents, as defined in Sec 3 TR = T (g / L)0,5
fTL : Ratio between the draught at considered loading T : Roll period, in s, as defined in Sec 3, [2.1.1]
condition and the rule length, as defined in Sec 3 : Pitch angle, in deg, as defined in Sec 3, [2.1.2]
flp : Factor depending on the longitudinal position CB-LC : Block coefficient, as defined in Sec 3
along the ship, to be taken as follows: CW-LC : Waterplane coefficient, as defined in Sec 3.
flp = 1,0 for x 0,4 L
flp = 1,0 for x 0,6 L 1 General
Intermediate values of flp are to be obtained by
linear interpolation
1.1 Definition of EDW and dynamic load
Mwv : Vertical wave bending moment, in kNm, cases
defined in Sec 4 1.1.1 The Equivalent Design Waves (EDW) and the
Qwv : Vertical wave shear force, in kN, defined in Sec 4 dynamic load cases to be used for structural assessment are
Mwh : Horizontal wave bending moment, in kNm,
defined in Tab 1.
defined in Sec 4
Qwh : Horizontal wave shear force, in kN, defined in 1.2 Application
Sec 4
1.2.1 The dynamic load cases described in [1.3] are to be
Mwt : Wave torsional moment, in kNm, defined in
used for design load scenarios described in Sec 7.
Sec 4.
These dynamic load cases are to be applied for the follow-
Load combination factors, to be applied to the:
ing structural assessments:
CWV : Vertical wave bending moment
a) Strength assessment:
CQV : Vertical wave shear force
for plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary support-
CWT : Wave torsional moment
ing members by prescriptive methods
CWH : Horizontal wave bending moment
for the direct strength method (FE analysis) assess-
CQH : Horizontal wave shear force
ment of structural members
CXS : Surge acceleration
CXP : Longitudinal acceleration due to pitch b) Fatigue assessment:

CXY : Longitudinal acceleration due to yaw for structural details covered by simplified stress

CXG : Gravitational acceleration due to pitch analysis

CYS : Sway acceleration for structural details covered by FE stress analysis.

CYR : Transverse acceleration due to roll

1.3 Description of dynamic load cases
CYY : Transverse acceleration due to yaw
CYG : Gravitational acceleration due to roll 1.3.1 Tab 2 to Tab 7 describe the ship motion responses
CZH : Heave acceleration and the global loads corresponding to each dynamic load
CZR : Vertical acceleration due to roll case to be considered for the strength and fatigue assess-
CZP : Vertical acceleration due to pitch ments.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 111

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 1 : Definition of Equivalent Design Waves (EDW) and dynamic load cases

EDW Load case Definition

HVM HVM1 Head sea with maximum negative vertical bending moment (sagging) amidships (3)
HVM2 Head sea with maximum positive vertical bending moment (hogging) amidships (3)

HVMf HVMf1 Head sea with maximum negative vertical bending moment (sagging) at 0,25 L from AE (3)
(1) HVMf2 Head sea with maximum positive vertical bending moment (hogging) at 0,25 L from AE (3)

FVM FVM1 Following sea with maximum negative vertical bending moment (sagging) at 0,25 L from AE (3)
(2) FVM2 Following sea with maximum positive vertical bending moment (hogging) at 0,25 L from AE (3)
BR1-P Beam sea with maximum negative roll motion
BR2-P Beam sea with maximum positive roll motion
BR1-S Beam sea with maximum positive roll motion
BR2-S Beam sea with maximum negative roll motion
BP1-P Beam sea with maximum negative hydrodynamic pressure at the waterline amidships
BP2-P Beam sea with maximum positive hydrodynamic pressure at the waterline amidships
BP1-S Beam sea with maximum negative hydrodynamic pressure at the waterline amidships
BP2-S Beam sea with maximum positive hydrodynamic pressure at the waterline amidships
OHM1-P Oblique sea with maximum negative horizontal bending moment amidships
OHM2-P Oblique sea with maximum positive horizontal bending moment amidships
OHM1-S Oblique sea with maximum positive horizontal bending moment amidships
OHM2-S Oblique sea with maximum negative horizontal bending moment amidships
OHS1-P Oblique sea with maximum negative horizontal shear force and torsion at 0,75 L from AE
(2) OHS2-P Oblique sea with maximum positive horizontal shear force and torsion at 0,75 L from AE
OHS1-S Oblique sea with maximum positive horizontal shear force and torsion at 0,75 L from AE
OHS2-S Oblique sea with maximum negative horizontal shear force and torsion at 0,75 L from AE
OVA1-P Oblique sea with maximum negative vertical acceleration at L from AE
(2) OVA2-P Oblique sea with maximum positive vertical acceleration at L from AE
OVA1-S Oblique sea with maximum negative vertical acceleration at L from AE
OVA2-S Oblique sea with maximum positive vertical acceleration at L from AE
(1) Applicable to fatigue assessment only.
(2) Applicable to strength assessment only.
(3) The vertical shear force is also maximised with the dominant load component
Note 1: 1 and 2 denote the maximum positive or negative value of the dominant load component for each load case.
Note 2: P and S denote that the weather side (side of the ship exposed to the incoming waves) is on portside and on starboard side,
respectively. The lee side (sheltered side of the ship away from the incoming waves) is on the opposite side.

112 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 2 : Ship responses for HVM, HVMf and FVM load cases

Loadcase HVM1 / HVMf1 HVM2 / HVMf2 FVM1 FVM2

Wave heading Head sea at 180 deg Following sea at 0 deg
Effect Maximum bending moment Maximum bending moment
VWBM Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
Negativeaft Positiveaft Negativeaft Positiveaft
Positivefore Negativefore Positivefore Negativefore
Surge To stern or to bow To stern or to bow

asurge or or

Heave Down Up Down Up




Pitch Bow down Bow up




July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 113

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 3 : Ship responses for BR load cases

Load case BR1-P BR2-P BR1-S BR2-S

Wave heading Beam sea at 270 deg Beam sea at 90 deg
Effect Maximum roll
HWBM Starboard tensile Portside tensile Portside tensile Starboard tensile
Sway To portside or to starboard To portside or to starboard

asway or or

Heave Down or up Up or down

aheave or or

Roll Portside down Portside up Starboard down Starboard up



114 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 4 : Ship responses for BP load cases

Load case BP1-P BP2-P BP1-S BP2-S

Wave heading Beam sea at 270 deg Beam sea at 90 deg
Effect Maximum pressure at waterline
VWBM Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging
Positiveaft Negativeaft Positiveaft Negativeaft
Negativefore Positivefore Negativefore Positivefore
HWBM Portside tensile Starboard tensile Starboard tensile Portside tensile
Sway To starboard To portside To portside To starboard


Heave Up Down Up Down


Roll Portside up or portside down Starboard up or starboard down

aroll or or

Yaw To starboard To portside To portside To starboard


July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 115

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 5 : Ship responses for OHM load cases

Load case OHM1-P OHM2-P OHM1-S OHM2-S

Wave heading Oblique sea at 240 deg Oblique sea at 120 deg
Effect Maximum horizontal bending moment
VWBM Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
Negativeaft Positiveaft Negativeaft Positiveaft
Positivefore Negativefore Positivefore Negativefore
HWBM Port tensile Stbd tensile Stbd tensile Port tensile
Positiveaft Negativeaft Negativeaft Positiveaft
Negativefore Positivefore Positivefore Negativefore
Negativeaft Positiveaft Positiveaft Negativeaft
Positivefore Negativefore Negativefore Positivefore
Surge To stern To bow To stern To bow


Sway To starboard To portside To portside To starboard


Heave Up Down Up Down


Roll Portside up or portside down Starboard down or starboard up

aroll or or

Pitch Bow down Bow up Bow down Bow up


Yaw To portside or to starboard

ayaw or

116 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 6 : Ship responses for OHS load cases

Load case OHS1-P OHS2-P OHS1-S OHS2-S

Wave heading Oblique sea at 300 deg Oblique sea at 60 deg
Effect Maximum horizontal shear force
VWBM Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
Negativeaft Positiveaft Negativeaft Positiveaft
Positivefore Negativefore Positivefore Negativefore
HWBM Port tensile Stbd tensile Stbd tensile Port tensile
Positiveaft Negativeaft Negativeaft Positiveaft
Negativefore Positivefore Positivefore Negativefore
Negativeaft Positiveaft Positiveaft Negativeaft
Positivefore Negativefore Negativefore Positivefore
Surge To bow To stern To bow To stern


Sway To starboard or to portside To starboard or to portside

asway or or

Heave Up Down Up Down


Roll Portside up or portside down Starboard down or starboard up

aroll or or

Pitch Bow up Bow down Bow up Bow down


Yaw To portside or to starboard

ayaw or

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 117

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 7 : Ship responses for OVA load cases

Load case OVA1-P OVA2-P OVA1-S OVA2-S

Wave heading Oblique sea at 240 deg Oblique sea at 120 deg
Effect Maximum vertical acceleration
VWBM Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging
Positiveaft Negativeaft Positiveaft Negativeaft
Negativefore Positivefore Negativefore Positivefore
HWBM Stbd tensile Port tensile Port tensile Stbd tensile
Negativeaft Positiveaft Positiveaft Negativeaft
Positivefore Negativefore Negativefore Positivefore
Positiveaft Negativeaft Negativeaft Positiveaft
Negativefore Positivefore Positivefore Negativefore
Surge To bow To stern To bow To stern


Sway To portside To starboard To starboard To portside


Heave Up Down Up Down


Roll Portside up or portside down Starboard up or starboard down

aroll or or

Pitch Bow up Bow down Bow up Bow down


Yaw To starboard To portside To portside To starboard


118 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

2 Dynamic load cases for strength BP

assessment OHM
2.1 Selection of EDW OVA
2.1.1 The following Equivalent Design Waves are to be
considered for the strength assessment: 2.2 Load combination factors
HVM 2.2.1 The load combinations factors LCFs for the global
FVM loads and inertia load components for strength assessment
BR are defined in Tab 8 to Tab 13.

Table 8 : Load combination factors LCFs for HVM and FVM load cases - Strength assessment

Load component LCF HVM1 HVM2 FVM1 FVM2

Hull girder Mwv CWV 1 1 1 1
Qwv CQV flp flp flp flp
Mwh CWH 0 0 0 0
Qwh CQH 0 0 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0,60 10 fTL 10 fTL 0,60 0,32 7,60 fTL 7,60 fTL 0,32
apitch-x CXP 0,38 0,38 0 0
ayaw-x CXY 0 0 0 0
g sin CXG 0,36 0,36 0 0
Transverse asway CYS 0 0 0 0
aroll-y CYR 0 0 0 0
ayaw-y CYY 0 0 0 0
g sin CYG 0 0 0 0
Vertical aheave CZH 0,10 + 5,70 fTL 0,10 5,70 fTL 0,10 0,10
aroll-z CZR 0 0 0 0
apitch-z CZP 0,38 0,38 0 0

Table 9 : Load combination factors LCFs for BR load cases - Strength assessment

Load component LCF BR1-P BR2-P BR1-S BR2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 0 0 0 0
loads Qwv CQV 0 0 0 0
Mwh CWH 1,20 16 fTL 16 fTL 1,20 16 fTL 1,20 1,20 16 fTL
Qwh CQH 0 0 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0 0 0 0
apitch-x CXP 0 0 0 0
ayaw-x CXY 0 0 0 0
g sin CXG 0 0 0 0
Transverse asway CYS 1,71 R 0,73 0,73 1,71 R 0,73 1,71 R 1,71 R 0,73
aroll-y CYR 1 1 1 1
ayaw-y CYY 0 0 0 0
g sin CYG 1 1 1 1
Vertical aheave CZH 0,88 0,15 TR 0,15 TR 0,88 0,88 0,15 TR 0,15 TR 0,88
aroll-z CZR 1 1 1 1
apitch-z CZP 0 0 0 0

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 119

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 10 : Load combination factors LCFs for BP load cases - Strength assessment

Load component LCF BP1-P BP2-P BP1-S BP2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
Qwv CQV 0,2 flp 0,2 flp 0,2 flp 0,2 flp
Mwh CWH 19 fTL 1,30 1,30 19 fTL 1,30 19 fTL 19 fTL 1,30
Qwh CQH 0 0 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0 0 0 0
apitch-x CXP 0 0 0 0
ayaw-x CXY 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10
g sin CXG 0 0 0 0
Transverse asway CYS 1,73 2,11 R 2,11 R 1,73 2,11 R 1,73 1,73 2,11 R
aroll-y CYR 0,39 TR 1,82 1,82 0,39 TR 1,82 0,39 TR 0,39 TR 1,82
ayaw-y CYY 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10
g sin CYG 1,35 0,27 TR 0,27 TR 1,35 0,27 TR 1,35 1,35 0,27 TR
Vertical aheave CZH 1 1 1 1
aroll-z CZR 0,39 TR 1,82 1,82 0,39 TR 1,82 0,39 TR 0,39 TR 1,82
apitch-z CZP 0 0 0 0

Table 11 : Load combination factors LCFs for OHM load cases - Strength assessment

Load component LCF OHM1-P OHM2-P OHM1-S OHM2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 7,70 fTL 0,60 (1) 0,60 7,70 fTL (2) 7,70 fTL 0,60 (1) 0,60 7,70 fTL (2)
Qwv CQV (3) (7,70 fTL 0,60) flp (0,60 7,70 fTL) flp (7,70 f TL 0,60) flp (0,60 7,70 fTL) flp
Mwh CWH 1 1 1 1
Qwh CQH flp flp flp flp
Mwt CWT flp flp flp flp
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0,23 0,23 0,23 0,23
apitch-x CXP 6 fTL 0,80 0,80 6 fTL 6 fTL 0,80 0,80 6 fTL
ayaw-x CXY 0,67 17,50 fTL 17,50 fTL 0,67 17,50 fTL 0,67 0,67 17,50 fTL
g sin CXG 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37
Transverse asway CYS 0,23 0,23 0,23 0,23
aroll-y CYR 13,3 fTL 0,80 0,80 13,3 fTL 0,80 13,3 fTL 13,3 fTL 0,80
ayaw-y CYY 0,67 17,50 fTL 17,50 fTL 0,67 17,50 fTL 0,67 0,67 17,50 fTL
g sin CYG 0,7 10,20 fTL 10,20 fTL 0,7 10,20 fTL 0,7 0,7 10,20 fTL
Vertical aheave CZH 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17
aroll-z CZR 13,3 fTL 0,80 0,80 13,3 fTL 0,80 13,3 fTL 13,3 fTL 0,80
apitch-z CZP 6 fTL 0,80 0,80 6 fTL 6 fTL 0,80 0,80 6 fTL
(1) CWV is to be not greater than 0
(2) CWV is to be not less than 0
(3) When CWV = 0, CQV is to be taken equal to 0.

120 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 12 : Load combination factors LCFs for OHS load cases - Strength assessment

Load component LCF OHS1-P OHS2-P OHS1-S OHS2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 0,56 CW-LC (1) CW-LC 0,56 (2) 0,56 CW-LC (1) CW-LC 0,56 (2)
loads Qwv CQV (3) (0,56 CW-LC) flp (CW-LC 0,56) flp (0,56 CW-LC) flp (CW-LC 0,56) flp
Mwh CWH 1 1 1 1
Qwh CQH flp flp flp flp
Mwt CWT flp flp flp flp
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0,06 0,60 CB-LC 0,60 CB-LC 0,06 0,06 0,60 CB-LC 0,60 CB-LC 0,06
apitch-x CXP 1,16 CB-LC 0,32 0,32 1,16 CB-LC 1,16 CB-LC 0,32 0,32 1,16 CB-LC
ayaw-x CXY 7,60 fTL 0,43 0,43 7,60 fTL 0,43 7,60 fTL 7,60 fTL 0,43
g sin CXG 0,11 0,77 CB-LC 0,77 CB-LC 0,11 0,11 0,77 CB-LC 0,77 CB-LC 0,11
Transverse asway CYS 1,1 2CW-LC 0,80 0,80 1,12 CW-LC 0,80 1,12 CW-LC 1,12 CW-LC 0,80
aroll-y CYR 11,80 fTL 0,65 0,65 11,80 fTL 0,65 11,80 fTL 11,80 fTL 0,65
ayaw-y CYY 7,60 fTL 0,43 0,43 7,60 fTL 0,43 7,60 fTL 7,60 fTL 0,43
g sin CYG 0,60 10,20 fTL 10,20 fTL 0,60 10,20 fTL 0,60 0,60 10,20 fTL
Vertical aheave CZH 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15
aroll-z CZR 11,80 fTL 0,65 0,65 11,80 fTL 0,65 11,80 fTL 11,80 fTL 0,65
apitch-z CZP 1,16 CB-LC 0,32 0,32 1,16 CB-LC 1,16 CB-LC 0,32 0,32 1,16 CB-LC
(1) CWV is to be not greater than 0
(2) CWV is to be not less than 0
(3) When CWV = 0, CQV is to be taken equal to 0.

Table 13 : Load combination factors LCFs for OVA load cases - Strength assessment

Load component LCF OVA1-P OVA2-P OVA1-S OVA2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 0,60 3,15 fTL (2) 3,15 fTL 0,60 (1) 0,60 3,15 fTL (2) 3,15 fTL 0,60 (1)
loads Qwv CQV (3) (0,60 3,15 fTL) flp (3,15 fTL 0,60) flp (0,60 3,15 fTL) flp (3,15 fTL 0,60) flp
Mwh CWH 0,46 0,46 0,46 0,46
Qwh CQH 0,46 flp 0,46 flp 0,46 flp 0,46 flp
Mwt CWT 0,46 flp 0,46 flp 0,46 flp 0,46 flp
Longitudinal asurge CXS 8,40 fTL 0,81 0,81 8,40 fTL 8,40 fTL 0,81 0,81 8,40 fTL
apitch-x CXP 1 1 1 1
ayaw-x CXY 0,30 + 13,3 fTL 13,3 fTL 0,30 13,3 fTL 0,30 0,30 + 13,3 fTL
g sin CXG 0,70 0,70 0,70 0,70
Transverse asway CYS 0,36 0,36 0,36 0,36
aroll-y CYR 0,50 1,20 R 1,20 R 0,50 1,20 R 0,50 0,50 1,20 R
ayaw-y CYY 0,30 + 13,30 fTL 0,30 13,30 fTL 0,30 13,30 fTL 0,30 + 13,30 fTL
g sin CYG 1,20 R 0,50 0,50 1,20 R 0,50 1,20 R 1,20 R 0,50
Vertical aheave CZH 0,17 7,40 fTL 0,17 + 7,40 fTL 0,17 7,40 fTL 0,17 + 7,40 fTL
aroll-z CZR 0,50 1,20 R 1,20 R 0,50 1,20 R 0,50 0,50 1,20 R
apitch-z CZP 1 1 1 1
(1) CWV is to be not greater than 0
(2) CWV is to be not less than 0
(3) When CWV = 0, CQV is to be taken equal to 0.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 121

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

3 Dynamic load cases for fatigue BR

assessment BP
3.1 Selection of EDW
3.2 Load combination factors
3.1.1 The following Equivalent Design Waves are to be
considered for the fatigue assessment: 3.2.1 The load combinations factors LCFs for the global
HVM loads and inertial load components for fatigue assessment
HVMf are defined in Tab 14 to Tab 17.

Table 14 : Load combination factors LCFs for HVM and HVMf load cases - Fatigue assessment

Load component LCF HVM1 HVM2 HVMf1 HVMf2

Hull girder Mwv CWV 1 1 1 1
Qwv CQV flp flp flp flp
Mwh CWH 0 0 0 0
Qwh CQH 0 0 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0,80 12 fTL 12 fTL 0,80 1,00 16,50 fTL 16,50 fTL 1,00
apitch-x CXP 0,70 CB-LC 1,15 1,15 0,70 CB-LC 11,70 fTL 1,07 1,07 11,70 fTL
ayaw-x CXY 0 0 0 0
g sin CXG 0,57 0,57 0,91 9,82 fTL 9,82 fTL 0,91
Transverse asway CYS 0 0 0 0
aroll-y CYR 0 0 0 0
ayaw-y CYY 0 0 0 0
g sin CYG 0 0 0 0
Vertical aheave CZH 0,27 + 3,60 fTL 0,27 3,60 fTL 0,06 + 7,86 fTL 0,06 7,86 fTL
aroll-z CZR 0 0 0 0
apitch-z CZP 0,70 CB-LC 1,15 1,15 0,70 CB-LC 11,70 fTL 1,07 1,07 11,70 fTL

Table 15 : Load combination factors LCFs for BR load cases - Fatigue assessment

Load component LCF BR1-P BR2-P BR1-S BR2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 0 0 0 0
loads Qwv CQV 0 0 0 0
Mwh CWH 1,20 16 fTL 16 fTL 1,20 16 fTL 1,20 1,20 16 fTL
Qwh CQH 0 0 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0 0 0 0
apitch-x CXP 0 0 0 0
ayaw-x CXY 0 0 0 0
g sin CXG 0 0 0 0
Transverse asway CYS 1,71 R 0,73 0,73 1,71 R 0,73 1,71 R 1,71 R 0,73
aroll-y CYR 1 1 1 1
ayaw-y CYY 0 0 0 0
g sin CYG 1 1 1 1
Vertical aheave CZH 0,88 0,15 TR 0,15 TR 0,88 0,88 0,15 TR 0,15 TR 0,88
aroll-z CZR 1 1 1 1
apitch-z CZP 0 0 0 0

122 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 16 : Load combination factors LCFs for BP load cases - Fatigue assessment

Load component LCF BP1-P BP2-P BP1-S BP2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
Qwv CQV 0,2 flp 0,2 flp 0,2 flp 0,2 flp
Mwh CWH 19 fTL 1,30 1,30 19 fTL 1,30 19 fTL 19 fTL 1,30
Qwh CQH 0 0 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0 0 0
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0 0 0 0
apitch-x CXP 0 0 0 0
ayaw-x CXY 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10
g sin CXG 0 0 0 0
Transverse asway CYS 1,73 2,11 R 2,11 R 1,73 2,11 R 1,73 1,73 2,11 R
aroll-y CYR 0,39 TR 1,82 1,82 0,39 TR 1,82 0,39 TR 0,39 TR 1,82
ayaw-y CYY 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10
g sin CYG 1,35 0,27 TR 0,27 TR 1,35 0,27 TR 1,35 1,35 0,27 TR
Vertical aheave CZH 1 1 1 1
aroll-z CZR 0,39 TR 1,82 1,82 0,39 TR 1,82 0,39 TR 0,39 TR 1,82
apitch-z CZP 0 0 0 0

Table 17 : Load combination factors LCFs for OHM load cases - Fatigue assessment

Load component LCF OHM1-P OHM2-P OHM1-S OHM2-S

Hull girder Mwv CWV 7,70 fTL 0,60 (1) 0,60 7,70 fTL (2) 7,70 fTL 0,60 (1) 0,60 7,70 fTL (2)
Qwv CQV (3) (7,70 fTL 0,60) flp (0,60 7,70 fTL) flp (7,70 fTL 0,60) flp (0,60 7,70 fTL) flp
Mwh CWH 1 1 1 1
Qwh CQH flp flp flp flp
Mwt CWT flp flp flp flp
Longitudinal asurge CXS 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20
apitch-x CXP 0,39 0,39 0,39 0,39
ayaw-x CXY 0,53 16 fTL 16 fTL 0,53 16 fTL 0,53 0,53 16 fTL
g sin CXG 0,31 0,31 0,31 0,31
Transverse asway CYS 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30
aroll-y CYR 12 fTL 0,90 0,90 12 fTL 0,90 12 fTL 12 fTL 0,90
ayaw-y CYY 0,53 16 fTL 16 fTL 0,53 16 fTL 0,53 0,53 16 fTL
g sin CYG 0,7 10,20 fTL 10,20 fTL 0,7 10,20 fTL 0,7 0,7 10,20 fTL
Vertical aheave CZH 0,26 0,26 0,26 0,26
aroll-z CZR 12 fTL 0,90 0,90 12 fTL 0,90 12 fTL 12 fTL 0,90
apitch-z CZP 0,39 0,39 0,39 0,39
(1) CWV is to be not greater than 0
(2) CWV is to be not less than 0
(3) When CWV = 0, CQV is to be taken equal to 0.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 123

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 3



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. zG : Vertical coordinate, in m, of the ships centre of
H : Wave parameter, in m, as defined in [1.1.1] gravity, for the considered loading condition, to
fp : Coefficient to be taken as: be taken as:
for strength assessment: fp = fps T LC
z G = 1,08 ------- + --------------- GM
2 12T LC
for fatigue assessment: fp = 1
fps : Coefficient for strength assessments which TLC : Draught, in m, amidships for the considered
depend on the applicable design load scenario loading condition
specified in Sec 7, to be taken as: GM : Metacentric height, in m, for the considered
for the extreme sea design load scenario: loading condition, as defined in [2.1.1]
fps = 1,0 CXG , CXS , CXP , CXY , CYG , CYS , CYR , CYY , CZH , CZR and CZP :
for the ballast water exchange design load Load combination factors, as defined in Sec 2
scenario: aroll-y : Transverse acceleration due to roll, in m/s2, as
fps = 0,8 defined in [3.2.3]
Lref : Reference length, in m, to be taken as: aroll-z : Vertical acceleration due to roll, in m/s2, as
Lref = f Lc defined in [3.3.2]
: Parameter defined for the considered load apitch-x : Longitudinal acceleration due to pitch, in m/s2,
Lc : Length, in m, as defined in Tab 1 as defined in [3.2.2]
f : Speed effect coefficient for the reference length, apitch-z : Vertical acceleration due to pitch, in m/s2, as
to be taken as: defined in [3.2.4]
for strength assessment: f = 1,0 ayaw-x : Longitudinal acceleration due to yaw, in m/s2,
for fatigue assessment: f = 1,0 + C (F F5) as defined in [3.2.2]
C : Parameter defined for the considered load ayaw-y : Transverse acceleration due to yaw, in m/s2, as
F : Froudes number at 0,75 V, to be taken as: defined in [3.2.3]

F = 0,123 V / L0,5 fTL : Ratio between draught at the considered load-

ing condition and rule length, to be taken as:
F5 : Froudes number at 5 knots, to be taken as:
fTL = TLC / L
F = 0,82 / L0,5
V : Maximum ahead service speed, in knots fBL : Ratio between moulded breadth and rule
length, to be taken as:
fS : Speed effect coefficient, to be taken as:
for strength assessment: fS = 1,0 fBL = B / L

for fatigue assessment: fS = 1,0 + CS (F F5) fR : Routing factor to be taken as:

CS : Parameter defined for the considered load for strength assessment: fR = 0,85
T : Roll period, in s, as defined in [2.1.1] for fatigue assessment: fR = 1,00
: Roll angle, in deg, as defined in [2.1.1] f : Heading correction factor to be taken as:
T : Pitch period, in s, as defined in [2.1.2] for the extreme sea and the ballast water
: Pitch angle, in deg, as defined in [2.1.2] exchange design load scenario:
xG : Longitudinal coordinate, in m, of the ships cen- - f = 0,80 for BR and BP
tre of gravity, for the considered loading condi-
tion, to be taken as: - f = 1,00 for the other EDWs

xG = 0,57 CB-LC0,4 L for fatigue assessment:

CB-LC : Block coefficient at considered loading condi- - f = 1,00
tion draught TLC , to be taken as defined in Tab 2 fnl : Non-linear factor to be taken as 1,0
CW-LC : Waterplane coefficient at considered loading xyz : X, Y and Z coordinates, in m, of the considered
condition draught TLC , to be taken as defined in point with respect to the coordinate system, as
Tab 2 defined in Sec 1, [1.2.1].

124 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 3

1 General fT : Ratio between draught at the considered loading

condition and scantling draught, to be taken as:
1.1 Definitions fT = max (TLC / TSC ; 0,5)
fBK : To be taken as:
1.1.1 Wave parameter for ships without bilge keel: fBK = 1,2
The wave parameter H, in m, is to be taken as: for ships with bilge keel: fBK = 1,0
for L Lref : kr : Roll radius of gyration, in m, for the considered
e1 loading condition, as defined in Tab 2
H = f p A 0 1 A 1 1 -------
L ref GM : Metacentric height, in m, for the considered
loading condition, as defined in Tab 2.
for L > Lref :
e2 2.1.2 Pitch motion
H = f p A 0 1 A 2 ------- 1
L ref The pitch period T , in s, is to be taken as:

T = 0, 8 L
The pitch angle , in deg, is to be taken as:
A0 , A1 , A2 , e1 , e2 : Coefficients defined in Tab 1 for strength
and for fatigue assessment. 1970 f R f S f nl H
= ------------------------------------------------
0, 75
Table 1 : Wave parameter coefficients for strength
and fatigue assessment
H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
Assessment A0 A1 e1 A2 e2 Lc culated with:
Strength 1,00 1,50 2,20 0,45 1,70 486 = 0,56

Fatigue 0,17 1,60 2,00 0,65 1,70 290 f calculated with C = 0,85 for fatigue assess-
2 Ship motions and accelerations fS : Coefficient calculated with CS = 0,9 for fatigue
2.1 Ship motions
2.2 Accelerations at the centre of gravity
2.1.1 Roll motion
2.2.1 Surge acceleration
The roll period T , in s, is to be taken as:
The longitudinal acceleration due to surge, in m/s2, is to be
2, 3 k taken as:
T = --------------------r
g GM 115 f R f S f nl H
a surge = --------------------------------------------
0, 2 0, 6
The roll angle , in deg, is to be taken as: L f TL C B-LC

9000 ( 1, 25 0, 025T ) where:

= -----------------------------------------------------------
- f fa f BK
( B + 75 ) H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
culated with:
0, 37
ffa : Coefficient, to be taken as: = ------------------
0, 9
for strength assessment: ffa = 1
f = 1,0
for fatigue assessment:
fS : Coefficient to be taken as fS = 1,0 for fatigue
ffa = 0,9 (0,23 4104 B fT) assessment.

Table 2 : Values of kr , GM, CB-LC and CW-LC

Loading condition (1) TLC kr GM CB-LC CW-LC

Full load condition TSC
Full load condition with reduced Actual draught, taken 0,35 B 0,07 B CB CW
draught less than 0,9 TSC
Design fatigue condition 0,85 Tsc
Ballast condition TBAL 0,45 B 0,18 B CB-BAL CW-BAL
(1) For flooded loading conditions, the values of kr , GM, CB-LC , and CW-LC unless provided in the loading manual, are to be taken as
for the full load condition.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 125

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 3

2.2.2 Sway acceleration 2.2.6 Yaw acceleration

The transverse acceleration due to sway, in m/s , is to be 2 The yaw acceleration, ayaw , in rad/s2, is to be taken as:
taken as: f R f S f nl H
a yaw = 200, 4 10 ---------- ------------------------------
115 f R f S f nl H 180 L 2 f BL 0, 73
a sway = --------------------------------------------
0, 15 0, 5
L f TL f BL where:
where: H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
culated with:
H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
1, 14
culated with: = ----------------
0, 7
0, 24
= -------------
0, 65 f = 1,0
f BL
fS : Coefficient to be taken as fS = 1,0 for fatigue
f = 1,0 assessment.
fS : Coefficient to be taken as fS = 1,0 for fatigue
assessment. 3 Accelerations at any position
2.2.3 Heave acceleration 3.1 General
The vertical acceleration due to heave, in m/s2, is to be The accelerations used to derive the inertial loads at any
taken as: position are defined with respect to the ship fixed coordi-
nate system. Hence the acceleration values defined in
350 f R f S f nl H
a heave = --------------------------------------------
0, 5
- [3.2.2] and [3.2.3] include the gravitational acceleration
L f BL components due to the instantaneous roll and pitch angles.
3.1.1 The accelerations to be applied for the dynamic load
H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal- cases defined in Sec 2 are given in [3.2].
culated with:
3.1.2 The envelope accelerations as defined in [3.3] may
0, 35- be used for design purpose when the maximum design
= ------------
0, 35
f TL acceleration values are required.

f calculated with C = ( 16,3 fTL 1,10) for

3.2 Accelerations for dynamic load cases
fatigue assessment
fS : Coefficient calculated with CS = (19,7 fTL + 0,55) 3.2.1 General
for fatigue assessment. The accelerations to be applied for the dynamic load cases
defined in Sec 2 are given in [3.2.2] to [3.2.4].
2.2.4 Roll acceleration
3.2.2 Longitudinal acceleration
The roll acceleration, aroll , in rad/s2, is to be taken as:
The longitudinal acceleration aX at any position for each
2 2 dynamic load case, in m/s2, is to be taken as:
a roll = ---------- -------
180 T aX = CXG g sin (f) + f (CXS asurge + CXP apitch-x CXY ayaw-x)
2.2.5 Pitch acceleration
apitch-x : Longitudinal acceleration due to pitch, in m/s2:
The pitch acceleration, apitch , in rad/s , is to be taken as: apitch-x = apitch (z zG)
f R f S f nl H ayaw-x : Longitudinal acceleration due to yaw, in m/s2:
a pitch = 6 10 ---------- --------------------------------------------
180 L 2 f BL 0, 5 C W-LC 1, 5 ayaw-x = ayaw y

where: 3.2.3 Transverse acceleration

H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal- The transverse acceleration aY at any position for each
culated with: dynamic load case, in m/s2, is to be taken as:

0, 24 aY = CYG g sin + f (CYS asway + CYY ayaw-y) CYR aroll-y

= ------------
0, 8
f BL where:
f calculated with C = (2,83 9,13 CB-LC) for aroll-y : Transverse acceleration due to roll, in m/s2:
fatigue assessment aroll-y = aroll (z zG)
fS : Coefficient calculated with CS = 2,11 for fatigue ayaw-y : Transverse acceleration due to yaw, in m/s2:
assessment. ayaw-y = ayaw (x xG)

126 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 3

3.2.4 Vertical acceleration 3.3.2 Transverse acceleration

The vertical acceleration aZ at any position for each The envelope transverse acceleration aY-env , in m/s2, at any
dynamic load case, in m/s2, is to be taken as: position, is the maximum transverse acceleration calculated
aZ = f (CZH aheave CZP apitch-z) + CZR aroll-z with [3.2.3] for the following EDW:
where: a) BR load cases
aroll-z : Vertical acceleration due to roll, in m/s2: b) BP load cases
aroll-z = aroll y c) OHM load cases
apitch-z : Vertical acceleration due to pitch, in m/s2: d) OHS load cases
apitch-z = apitch (x xG) e) OVA load cases.

3.3 Envelope accelerations for equipment 3.3.3 Vertical acceleration

The envelope vertical acceleration aZ-env , in m/s2, at any
3.3.1 Longitudinal acceleration position, is the maximum vertical acceleration calculated
The envelope longitudinal acceleration aX-env , in m/s2, at with [3.2.4] for the following EDW:
any position, is the maximum longitudinal acceleration cal-
a) HVM load cases
culated with [3.2.2] for the following EDW:
b) FVM load cases
a) HVM load cases
c) BR load cases
b) FVM load cases
d) BP load cases
c) OHM load cases
d) OHS load cases e) OHM load cases
e) OVA load cases, and f) OHS load cases
f) a specific load case, with: g) OVA load cases, and
CXG = 1,5 2,5 CB-LC h) a specific load case, with:
CXS = 0,1 CZH = 10,72 fTL 0,28
CXP = 3,5 CB-LC 2 CZR = 0
CXY = 0 CZP = 1,2 6,84 fTL

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 127

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 4



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. The permissible hull girder bending moments and shear
forces at any other position may be obtained by linear inter-
x : X coordinate, in m, of the calculation point with
respect to the reference coordinate system polation.
defined in Sec 1, [1.2.1]
Distributions of permissible still water bending moments
H : Wave parameter, as defined in Sec 3 and shear forces are to be provided in the loading manual.
CB-LC : Block coefficient, as defined in Sec 3
2.1.2 Still water loads for the fatigue assessment
CW-LC : Waterplane coefficient, as defined in Sec 3
The still water bending moment and shear force values and
fBL : Ratio between moulded breadth and rule
distribution to be used for the fatigue assessment are to be
length, as defined in Sec 3
taken as the most typical values applicable for the loading
f : Heading correction factor as defined in Sec 3 conditions that the ship will operate most of the time in its
TLC : Draught, in m, as defined in Sec 3 life.

C : Wave coefficient, in m, to be taken equal to Typically, these conditions are the ballast condition and the
10,75. full homogeneously loaded condition.

1 Application 2.2 Vertical still water bending moments

1.1 General 2.2.1 Permissible vertical still water bending

moments in seagoing condition
1.1.1 The hull girder loads for the static design load scenar-
The permissible vertical still water bending moments in sea-
ios are to be taken as the still water loads defined in [2].
going condition Msw-max and Msw-min , at any longitudinal
1.1.2 The total hull girder loads for the static + dynamic position, are to envelop:
design load scenarios are to be derived for each dynamic
the maximum and minimum still water bending
load case and are to be taken as the sum of the still water
moments calculated, respectively, for all seagoing load-
loads defined in [2] and the dynamic loads defined in [3.6].
ing conditions defined in Sec 8

2 Still water hull girder loads the still water bending moments for all seagoing loading
conditions defined in the loading manual

2.1 General
2.2.2 Permissible vertical still water bending
moments in harbour/sheltered water
2.1.1 Seagoing and harbour/sheltered water
conditions The permissible vertical still water bending moments in har-
The designer is to provide the permissible still water bend- bour/sheltered water condition Msw-p-max and Msw-p-min , at any
ing moment and shear force distributions for seagoing and longitudinal position, are to envelop:
harbour/sheltered water operations.
the maximum and minimum still water bending
The permissible still water hull girder loads are to be given, moments, respectively, for all harbour/sheltered water
as a minimum: loading conditions defined in Sec 8
at each transverse bulkhead in the cargo hold region
the still water bending moments for all harbour/shel-
at the collision bulkhead tered water loading conditions defined in the loading
at the engine room forward bulkhead, and manual

at the mid-point between the forward and aft engine the permissible still water bending moment in seagoing
room bulkheads. condition, defined in [2.2.1].

128 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 4

2.2.3 Preliminary still water bending moment 2.3.2 Permissible still water shear forces in harbour/
When the permissible still water bending moments are not sheltered water and tank testing condition
defined, as a guidance at a preliminary stage, Msw-max and The permissible vertical still water shear forces Qsw-p-max and
Msw-min , in kNm, may be taken as: Qsw-p-min in harbour/sheltered water and tank testing condi-
tions, at any longitudinal position, are to envelop:
Msw-max = fsw (190 C L2 B (CB + 0,7) 103 Mwv-h-mid )
the still water shear forces, maximum or minimum, for
Msw-min = fsw (190 C L2 B (CB + 0,7) 103 + Mwv-s-mid ) all harbour/sheltered water loading conditions defined
in Sec 8
the still water shear forces, maximum or minimum, for
fsw : Distribution factor along the ship length, to be all harbour/sheltered water loading conditions defined
taken as follows (see Fig 1): in the loading manual
fsw = 0,0 for x 0 the permissible still water shear forces in seagoing con-
fsw = 0,15 at x = 0,1 L dition, defined in [2.3.1].

fsw = 1,00 for 0,3 L x 0,7 L

2.4 Torsional still water moment
fsw = 0,15 at x = 0,9 L
2.4.1 Permissible torsional still water moment in
fsw = 0,0 for x L seagoing condition
Intermediate values of fsw are to be obtained by The permissible torsional still water moment Msw-t , in kNm,
linear interpolation induced by a non-uniform distribution of cargo, consuma-
Mwv-h-mid : Vertical wave bending moment for strength ble liquids and ballast in seagoing condition, is to be con-
assessment in hogging condition, as defined in sidered.
[3.1.1], calculated with wave parameter H for When no specific data is provided by the designer, as a
extreme sea design load scenario (fp = 1,0) and guidance at a preliminary stage, Msw-t may be obtained, at
fm-h = 1,0 any longitudinal position, from the following formula:
Mwv-s-mid : Vertical wave bending moment for strength Msw-t = 0,04 L B (Sh Th + Sd Td )
assessment in sagging condition, as defined in where:
[3.1.1], calculated with wave parameter H for
Sh : Number of container stacks over the breadth B
extreme sea design load scenario (fp = 1,0) and
in cargo hold amidships
fm-s = 1,0.
Th : Number of container tiers in cargo hold amid-
Figure 1 : Distribution factor fsw ships
Sd : Number of container stacks over the breadth B
on deck amidships
1,0 Td : Number of container tiers on deck amidships.

2.4.2 Permissible torsional still water moment in

harbour/sheltered water
The permissible torsional still water moment Msw-t-h , in kNm,
induced by a non-uniform distribution of cargo, consumable
liquids and ballast in the harbour/sheltered water condition,
is to be considered.
When no specific data is provided by the designer, a pre-
0,15 liminary value for Msw-t-h may be taken equal to the permis-
sible torsional still water moment in seagoing condition
0 0,1L 0,3L 0,7L 0,9L L Msw-t as defined in [2.4.1].
2.4.3 Torsional still water moment for direct
calculation in seagoing condition
2.3 Vertical still water shear forces
For direct calculation analysis, the torsional still water
2.3.1 Permissible still water shear forces in moment in seagoing condition Msw-t-LC , in kNm, is to be
seagoing condition taken, at any longitudinal position, as follows:
The permissible vertical still water shear forces Qsw-max and Msw-t-LC = CWT Msw-t (fq-a + fq-f )
Qsw-min in seagoing condition, at any longitudinal position, where:
are to envelop: CWT : Load combination factor for wave torsional
the maximum and minimum still water shear forces, for moment, to be taken as specified in Sec 2, for
all seagoing loading conditions defined in Sec 8 the considered dynamic load case
the still water shear forces for all seagoing loading con- Msw-t : Permissible torsional still water moment in sea-
ditions defined in the loading manual. going condition, as defined in [2.4.1]

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 129

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 4

fq-a , fq-f : Distribution factors, as defined in [3.4.1]. fm-h : Distribution factor for vertical wave bending
moment in hogging condition along the ships
2.4.4 Torsional still water moment for direct length, to be taken as follows (see Fig 2):
calculation in harbour/sheltered water
fm-h = 0,0 for x 0
For direct calculation analysis, the torsional still water fm-h = 0,15 for x = 0,1 L
moment in the harbour/sheltered water condition Msw-t-p , in
kNm, is to be taken, at any longitudinal position, as follows: fm-h = 1,00 for 0,35 L x 0,55 L
fm-h = 0,25 for x = 0,8 L
Msw-t-p = flp Msw-t-h (fq-a + fq-f )
fm-h = 0,0 for x L
where: Intermediate values of fm-h are to be obtained by
flp : Factor depending on the longitudinal position, linear interpolation
as defined in Sec 2 fm-s : Distribution factor for vertical wave bending
Msw-t-h : Permissible torsional still water moment in har- moment in sagging condition along the ships
bour/sheltered water, as defined in [2.4.2] length, to be taken as follows (see Fig 3):
fq-a , fq-f : Distribution factors, as defined in [3.4.1]. fm-s = 0,0 for x 0
fm-s = 1,0 for 0,35 L x 0,6 L
3 Dynamic hull girder loads fm-s = 0,0 for x L
Intermediate values of fm-s are to be obtained by
linear interpolation
3.1 Vertical wave bending moments
H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
3.1.1 The vertical wave bending moments Mwv-h and Mwv-s , culated with:
in kNm, at any longitudinal position, are to be taken as: 315 1
= ---------- ------------
in hogging condition: 486 C W 1, 3

Mwv-h = 1,5 fR fS fnl-h fm-h H L3 CW fBL0,8 f = 1,0

in sagging condition: Figure 2 : Distribution factor fm-h

Mwv-s = 1,5 fR fS fnl-s fm-s H L3 CW fBL0,8
fR : Routing factor as defined in Sec 3
fS : Speed effect coefficient as defined in Sec 3 and
to be taken as fS = 1,0 for fatigue assessment
fnl-h : Coefficient considering non-linear effects applied
to hogging, to be taken equal to:
f nl h = 0, 3 ------B- T SC 0,25
without being taken greater than 1,1 x
fnl-s : Coefficient considering non-linear effects applied 0 0,1L 0,35L 0,55L 0,8L L
to sagging, to be taken equal to: AE FE

1 + 0, 2f Bow
f nl s = 4, 5 -----------------------------
0, 3
Figure 3 : Distribution factor fm-s
without being taken less than 1,0
fBow : Bow flare shape coefficient, to be taken equal to: 1,0
f Bow = ------------------------
0, 2Lz f

ADK : Projected area to the horizontal plane of deck,

in m2, including the forecastle deck, extending
from 0,8 L forward (see Fig 4)
AWL : Waterplane area, in m2, at scantling draught TSC,
extending from 0,8 L forward
zf : Vertical distance, in m, from the waterline at x
scantling draught TSC to the deck (or forecastle 0 0,35L 0,6L L
deck), measured at FE (see Fig 4) AE FE

130 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 4

Figure 4 : Projected area ADK and vertical distance zf


Forecastle Forecastle
deck deck
Deck Deck Deck
zf zf
Waterline Waterline Waterline

Tsc Tsc Tsc

0,8 L FE 0,8 L FE 0,8 L FE

3.2 Vertical wave shear forces H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
culated with:
3.2.1 The vertical wave shear forces Qwv-pos and Qwv-neg , in
330 1
kN, at any longitudinal position, are to be taken as follows: = ---------- ------------
486 C W 1, 3
Qwv-pos = fR fS fq-pos H L2 CW fBL0,8
f = 1,0
Qwv-neg = fR fS fq-neg H L2 CW fBL0,8
where: Figure 5 : Distribution factor fq-pos
fR : Routing factor as defined in Sec 3 fq-pos
fS : Speed effect coefficient as defined in Sec 3 and 5,7 (0,25 + 0,75fnl-s)
to be taken as fS = 1,0 for fatigue assessment 5,2 (0,3 + 0,7fnl-h)

fq-pos : Distribution factor along the ship length for pos- 4,0
itive wave shear force, to be taken as (see Fig 5):
fq-pos = 0,0 for x 0
fq-pos = 5,2 (0,3 + 0,7fnl-h) for 0,15L x 0,3L
fq-pos = 4,0 for 0,4L x 0,55L
fq-pos = 5,7 (0,25 + 0,75fnl-s) for 0,65L x 0,85L x
0 0,15L 0,3L 0,4L 0,55L 0,85L L
fq-pos = 0,0 for x L AE 0,65L FE
Intermediate values of fq-pos are to be obtained
by linear interpolation Figure 6 : Distribution factor fq-neg
fq-neg : Distribution factor along the ship length for neg-
ative wave shear force, to be taken as (see Fig 6):
5,2 (0,3 + 0,7fnl-s)
fq-neg = 1,3 (0,3 + 0,7fnl-s) for x 0 5,7 fnl-h
fq-neg = 5,2 (0,3 + 0,7fnl-s) for 0,15L x 0,3L
fq-neg = 4,0 for 0,4L x 0,50L
fq-neg = 5,7 fnl-h for 0,6L x 0,75L
fq-neg = 0,0 for x L
Intermediate values of fq-neg are to be obtained 1,3 (0,3 + 0,7fnl-s)

by linear interpolation x
fnl-h , fnl-s : Coefficients considering non-linear effects and 0 0,15L 0,3L 0,4L 0,5L 0,6L 0,75L L
defined in [3.1.1] AE FE

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 131

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 4

3.3 Horizontal wave bending moment T LC 0, 8

2 0, 6
Q wh-a = 10, 2 f R f S f q-a f nl H L C B-LC
3.3.1 The horizontal wave bending moment Mwh , in kNm,
at any longitudinal position, is to be taken as: 2 0, 8 T LC
Q wh-f = 19, 2 f R f S f q-f f nl H L C B-LC -------
T LC 0, 8
3 0, 3
M wh = 2, 6 f R f S f nl f m H L C B-LC with:
fR : Routing factor as defined in Sec 3
fS : Coefficient as defined in Sec 3 and to be taken
fR : Routing factor as defined in Sec 3
as fS = 1,0 for fatigue assessment
fS : Coefficient as defined in Sec 3 and to be taken
fnl : Coefficient considering non-linear effects and to
as fS = 1,0 for fatigue assessment
be taken equal to 1,0
fnl : Coefficient considering non-linear effects and to
fq-a : Distribution factor for the aft part of the hori-
be taken equal to 1,0
zontal wave shear force along the ship length,
fm : Distribution factor for horizontal wave bending to be taken as (see Fig 8):
moment along the ship length, to be taken as
fq-a = 0,0 for x 0
(see Fig 7):
fq-a = 1,0 for 0,20 L x 0,35 L
fm = 0,0 for x 0
fq-a = 0,4 for 0,45 L x 0,55 L
fm = 0,25 for x = 0,15 L
fq-a = 0,0 for x 0,65 L
fm = 1,00 for 0,4 L x 0,6 L
Intermediate values of fq-a are to be obtained by
fm = 0,20 for x = 0,85 L
linear interpolation
fm = 0,0 for x L
fq-f : Distribution factor for the fore part of the hori-
Intermediate values of fm are to be obtained by zontal wave shear force along the ship length,
linear interpolation to be taken as (see Fig 9):
H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal- fq-f = 0,0 for x 0,35 L
culated with:
fq-f = 0,4 for 0,45 L x 0,55 L
T LC 0, 3
= 0, 65 ------- fq-f = 1,0 for 0,65 L x 0,80 L
fq-f = 0,0 for x L
f = 1,0
Intermediate values of fq-f are to be obtained by
linear interpolation
Figure 7 : Distribution factor fm
H : Wave parameter for a reference length Lref cal-
fm culated with:

1,0 T LC 0, 3
= 0, 68 -------

f = 1,0

Figure 8 : Distribution factor fq-a

0 0,15L 0,4L 0,6L 0,85L L

3.4 Horizontal wave shear force


3.4.1 The horizontal wave shear force Qwh , in kN, at any

longitudinal position, is to be taken as:
Qwh = Qwh-a + Qwh-f
0 0,2L 0,35L 0,55L L
AE 0,45L 0,65L FE

132 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 4

Figure 9 : Distribution factor fq-f 3.6.2 Vertical wave shear force

The vertical wave shear force, Qwv-LC, in kN, to be used for
each dynamic load case in Sec 2, is defined in Tab 2.
Table 2 : Vertical wave shear force Qwv-LC
for dynamic load cases

CQV 0 Qwv-LC = f CQV Qwv-pos

CQV < 0 Qwv-LC = f CQV Qwv-neg
Note 1:
CQV : Load combination factor for vertical wave shear
force, to be taken as specified in Sec 2
x Qwv-pos , Qwv-neg : Positive and negative vertical wave shear
0 0,35L 0,55L 0,8L L forces taking account of the considered design
AE 0,45L 0,65L FE load scenario, as defined in [3.2.1].

3.6.3 Horizontal wave bending moment

3.5 Wave torsional moment
The horizontal wave bending moment Mwh-LC , in kNm, to
3.5.1 The wave torsional moment Mwt , in kNm, at any lon- be used for each dynamic load case defined in Sec 2, is to
gitudinal position with respect to the horizontal shear cen- be taken as:
tre, is to be taken as: Mwh-LC = f CWH Mwh
Mwt = Mwt-a + Mwt-f where:
where: CWH : Load combination factor for horizontal wave
bending moment, to be taken as specified in
Mwt-a = Qwh-a |zT 0,45 B| Sec 2
Mwt-f = Qwh-f |zT 0,30 B| Mwh : Horizontal wave bending moment taking
account of the appropriate design load sce-
with: nario, as defined in [3.3.1].
Qwh-a , Qwh-f : Horizontal wave shear forces as defined in
[3.4.1] 3.6.4 Horizontal wave shear force
The horizontal wave shear force Qwh-LC , in kN, to be used
zT : Vertical coordinate from baseline, in m, of the
for each dynamic load case defined in Sec 2, is to be taken
horizontal shear centre at the transverse section
under consideration. When zT is not known, the
value is to be taken as: Qwh-LC = f CQH Qwh
zT = 0,35 B where:
CQH : Load combination factor for horizontal wave
3.6 Hull girder loads for dynamic load cases bending shear force, to be taken as specified in
Sec 2
3.6.1 Vertical wave bending moment Qwh : Horizontal wave shear force taking account of
The vertical wave bending moment Mwv-LC , in kNm, to be the appropriate design load scenario, as defined
used for each dynamic load case in Sec 2, is defined in Tab 1. in [3.4.1].

3.6.5 Wave torsional moment

Table 1 : Vertical wave bending moment Mwv-LC
for dynamic load cases The wave torsional moment Mwt-LC , in kNm, to be used for
each dynamic load case defined in Sec 2, is to be taken as:
CWV 0 Mwv-LC = f CWV Mwv-h Mwt-LC = f CWT Mwt
CWV < 0 Mwv-LC = f CWV Mwv-s
Note 1:
CWV : Load combination factor for vertical wave bend-
CWT : Load combination factor for wave torsional
ing moment, to be taken as specified in Sec 2 moment, to be taken as specified in Sec 2
Mwv-h , Mwv-s : Hogging and sagging vertical wave bending Mwt : Wave torsional moment taking account of the
moments taking account of the considered appropriate design load scenario, as defined in
design load scenario, as defined in [3.1.1]. [3.5.1].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 133

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. The total pressure Pex at any load point of the hull, for the
Bx : Moulded breadth at the waterline (TLC ), in m, at static + dynamic design load scenarios, is to be derived for
the considered cross-section each load case and is to be taken as:

x, y, z : X, Y and Z coordinates, in m, of the load point Pex = PS + PW

with respect to the reference coordinate system
defined in Sec 1, [1.2.1] with Pex 0 for static + dynamic load scenarios other than
fatigue, and:
fBL , fTL : Ratios as defined in Sec 3
fR : Routing factor as defined in Sec 3 PS : Hydrostatic pressure, in kN/m2, defined in [1.2]
f : Heading correction factor as defined in Sec 3 PW : Hydrodynamic pressure, in kN/m2, defined in
fyB : Ratio between Y-coordinate of the load point [1.3] and [1.4].
and Bx , to be taken as:
f yB = ---------
1.2 Hydrostatic pressure

without being taken greater than 1,0 1.2.1 The hydrostatic pressure PS at any load point, in
kN/m2, is obtained from Tab 1. See also Fig 1.
fyB = 0 when Bx = 0
fzT : Ratio between Z-coordinate of the load point Table 1 : Hydrostatic pressure PS
and draught TLC , to be taken as:
z Location PS, in kN/m2
f zT = -------
z < TLC g (TLC z)
without being taken less than 0 z TLC 0
PW,WL : Wave pressure at the waterline (TLC), in kN/m2,
for the considered load case, to be taken as: Figure 1 : Distribution of hydrostatic pressure PS
PW,WL = Max (PW ; 0)
with PW calculated at z = TLC and:
y = Bx / 2 when y 0
y = Bx / 2 when y < 0
hW : Water head equivalent to the pressure at the
waterline, in m, to be taken as:
h W = -------------
: Roll angle, in deg, as defined in Sec 3, [2.1.1]
TR : Dimensionless roll period, as defined in Sec 2.

1 Sea pressure
1.3 External dynamic pressure for strength
1.1 Total pressure
1.1.1 The external pressure Pex at any load point of the hull,
in kN/m2, for the static design load scenarios, is to be taken 1.3.1 Hydrodynamic pressure for all load cases
as: The hydrodynamic pressure PW at any load point, in kN/m2,
Pex = PS is to be obtained, for all load cases, from Tab 2.

134 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 2 : Hydrodynamic pressure PW in kN/m2 PWL-O : Hydrodynamic pressure at the waterline on the
Strength assessment opposite side (see Fig 2), to be taken as:
Load case z TLC TLC < z hW + TLC z > hW + TLC with PWL as defined in [1.3.3], for the consid-
HVM1 ered EDW, calculated on the opposite side of
FVM1 the load point. When load points are located at
BP1-P centreline (y = 0), the lee side is to be consid-
BP1-S ered as the opposite side.
OHM2-S Figure 2 : Hydrodynamic pressures
BP2-P PW,WL g(z TLC) 0,0
BR2-P 1.3.3 Hydrodynamic pressures at the centreline,
PEDW + PSR bilge and waterline
The hydrodynamic pressures at the bottom centreline PCL , at
Note 1:
the bilge line PBL and at the waterline PWL , for each EDW, in
PEDW : Hydrodynamic pressure defined in [1.3.2]
kN/m2, is to be taken as:
PSR : Hydrostatic pressure, in kN/m2, due to the roll
motion, to be taken as: Pi = g fR fnl f H fk,i
C YG where:
P SR = gy ------------
180 fk,i = ki + kT,i fTL + kCB,i CB-LC + kCW,i CW-LC + kB,i fBL + kR,i TR
i : Location where the hydrodynamic pressure is
1.3.2 Hydrodynamic pressure at any point calculated, to be taken as:
The hydrodynamic pressure PEDW for each EDW, at any load CL at the bottom centreline
point of the hull, in kN/m2, is to be taken as: BL at the bilge line
when fyB fzT : WL at the waterline
H : Wave parameter defined in Sec 3, for a refer-
P EDW = ( 1 f yB )P CL + ( f yB f zT )P BL + f zT P WL ence length Lref calculated with to be taken in
Tab 3, for the considered EDW
when fyB < fzT :
fnl : Coefficient considering non-linear effects, to be
P EDW = ( 1 f zT )P CL + ( f zT f yB )P M + f yB P WL taken in Tab 3, for the considered EDW and
design load scenario
where: ki , kT,i , kCB,i , kCW,i , kB,i , kR,i : Coefficients in the longitudinal
PCL : Hydrodynamic pressure at the bottom cen- direction, to be taken in Tab 6 to Tab 17, for the
considered EDW.
treline (see Fig 2) defined in [1.3.3], for the con-
sidered EDW Intermediate values are obtained by linear inter-
PBL : Hydrodynamic pressure at the bilge line (see Fig
When portside is the weather side for the
2) defined in [1.3.3], for the considered EDW
considered load case:
PWL : Hydrodynamic pressure at the waterline (see Fig - for load points located on portside (y>0),
2) defined in [1.3.3], for the considered EDW the coefficients for the weather side are
to be used
PM : Intermediate hydrodynamic pressure (see Fig 2),
to be taken as: - for load points located on starboard side
(y<0), the coefficients for the lee side are
PM = 0,5 (PWL + PWL-O) to be used

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 135

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

When starboard side is the weather side for 1.3.4 Envelope of dynamic pressure
the considered load case: The envelope of dynamic pressure at any point Pex-max is to
be taken as the greatest pressure value obtained from any of
- for load points located on starboard side the load cases in accordance with [1.3.1].
(y<0), the coefficients for the weather
side are to be used Table 4 : Non-linear coefficients fnl
for extreme sea design load scenario
- for load points located on portside (y>0),
the coefficients for the lee side are to be fnl x/L=0 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,7 x/L=1,0
used fnl-1 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,6
fnl-2 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
When load points are located at centreline
fnl-3 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
(y=0), the coefficients for the weather side
are to be used. fnl-4 0,6 0,8 0,8 0,6
fnl-5 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8
Table 3 : Coefficients for hydrodynamic pressure fnl-6 0,5 0,8 0,8 0,6
Strength assessment Note 1: Intermediate values are obtained by linear interpola-
EDW fnl (1)
Table 5 : Non-linear coefficients fnl
0,65 C 1,3 fnl-1
HVM W-LC for ballast water exchange design load scenario
FVM 0,65 CW-LC1,3 fnl-2
fnl x/L=0 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,7 x/L=1,0
2 fnl-3
BR 4,6 TR
fnl-1 0,85 0,95 0,95 0,80
BP 0,55 fTL0,4 fnl-4
fnl-2 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,95
OHM 0,65 fTL0,3 fnl-5 fnl-3 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00
OHS 0,68 fTL0,3 fnl-5 fnl-4 0,60 0,80 0,80 0,60
OVA 0,24 fBL0,8 fnl-6 fnl-5 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90
(1) fnl-1 to fnl-6 are to be taken from: fnl-6 0,75 0,90 0,90 0,80
Tab 4 for extreme sea design load scenario Note 1: Intermediate values are obtained by linear interpola-
Tab 5 for ballast water exchange design load scenario. tion.

Table 6 : Coefficients for HVM load cases on weather and lee sides - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 17,0 3,27 3,98 3,54 0,274 3,18 2,02 5,09 18,1 33,4 41,3
kT,CL 31,5 0,777 9,99 2,12 27,0 54,4 76,9 93,3 108 124 136
kCB,CL 1,10 4,01 8,74 10,1 8,00 3,37 2,93 10,5 18,6 23,3 9,13
kCW,CL 20,9 3,07 9,79 13,1 10,0 4,90 1,01 0,778 5,19 13,9 29,0
kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BL kBL 17,4 4,10 3,88 3,25 1,94 5,28 1,94 8,38 20,9 32,2 40,9
kT,BL 31,4 2,78 7,71 12,5 51,2 93,1 128 149 152 143 120
kCB,BL 1,63 5,02 11,5 13,0 9,77 3,30 4,33 11,4 13,9 10,0 6,12
kCW,BL 21,8 3,21 12,1 16,4 12,2 5,75 3,10 5,87 12,6 22,7 30,0
kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WL kWL 17,0 2,59 8,14 6,20 1,90 6,66 2,22 8,72 21,0 33,0 37,0
kT,WL 41,8 11,6 15,9 14,6 12,2 57,9 113 163 192 205 273
kCB,WL 1,17 6,54 16,8 19,3 14,6 5,76 4,01 11,5 9,98 0,723 1,97
kCW,WL 22,0 1,34 20,4 24,9 17,2 7,98 5,13 8,20 17,9 33,4 36,2
kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

136 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 7 : Coefficients for FVM load cases on weather and lee sides - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 21,7 21,2 10,8 2,05 2,51 2,88 0,371 3,89 8,95 12,7 11,8
kT,CL 20,3 30,0 18,9 1,63 12,8 21,6 24,4 23,5 21,4 16,4 0,699
kCB,CL 21,8 20,0 13,8 7,93 2,24 2,46 5,85 8,43 10,2 9,45 0,391
kCW,CL 33,0 34,7 22,4 10,9 2,78 1,46 2,65 1,95 0,0681 2,53 6,35
kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BL kBL 21,1 22,7 13,2 1,79 4,03 3,73 0,209 5,06 9,20 11,7 11,9
kT,BL 19,8 41,7 28,0 0,845 21,6 32,1 34,4 31,2 24,4 13,9 2,86
kCB,BL 20,4 23,5 18,0 9,18 1,52 4,19 7,77 9,08 7,69 4,69 0,773
kCW,BL 31,0 38,3 28,2 12,7 1,98 2,64 3,03 1,31 1,75 4,61 6,27
kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WL kWL 24,5 27,6 15,8 1,32 6,12 5,08 0,089 4,85 9,08 11,7 11,1
kT,WL 13,2 63,7 73,4 46,6 18,0 5,60 25,7 39,1 46,7 44,0 8,12
kCB,WL 24,2 28,5 21,8 9,95 0,259 7,08 10,9 10,5 5,64 2,70 8,46
kCW,WL 36,8 46,5 33,4 13,1 1,20 6,00 5,37 2,39 3,81 6,89 1,81
kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 8 : Coefficients for BR load cases on weather side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 3,10 3,02 2,38 1,72 1,27 1,04 1,21 1,84 2,54 2,52 0,97
kT,CL 22,7 23,6 23,8 23,3 23,0 23,7 26,4 30,7 35,9 40,9 44,0
kCB,CL 1,52 0,856 0,49 0,755 1,11 1,32 1,07 0,491 0,137 0,232 3,03
kCW,CL 2,21 2,22 1,68 1,42 1,37 1,40 1,39 1,49 1,63 2,04 3,20
kB,CL 2,94 0,885 0,751 1,58 1,74 1,71 2,03 2,75 2,97 1,43 2,80
kR,CL 0,714 0,529 0,384 0,293 0,248 0,23 0,25 0,301 0,378 0,451 0,467
BL kBL 2,86 3,43 1,56 0,968 1,19 0,905 0,226 0,744 2,36 2,69 1,08
kT,BL 17,2 26,7 32,9 31,3 31,5 32,4 35,3 40,6 48,8 51,4 45,7
kCB,BL 1,90 2,17 1,29 0,859 0,644 1,11 1,52 1,93 1,37 0,992 2,94
kCW,BL 2,50 4,24 2,06 0,947 0,98 1,38 1,46 2,59 3,69 3,47 3,30
kB,BL 1,48 1,16 0,493 0,433 0,908 1,30 1,38 0,605 2,96 1,85 2,34
kR,BL 0,454 0,263 0,216 0,241 0,26 0,211 0,144 0,0925 0,173 0,335 0,454
WL kWL 0,196 0,151 3,89 2,73 0,504 0,508 3,66 4,78 1,39 1,58 0,197
kT,WL 6,85 12,5 31,2 29,9 31,8 33,9 29,5 32,2 44,4 45,6 24,0
kCB,WL 3,80 3,09 0,731 0,0209 0,985 0,0628 3,97 7,46 6,33 3,66 4,14
kCW,WL 3,07 3,75 3,45 4,00 1,81 0,301 0,167 2,52 4,79 5,34 4,40
kB,WL 1,86 0,987 1,20 8,49 10,9 11,5 13,5 11,7 2,46 3,53 3,21
kR,WL 0,155 0,253 0,133 0,587 0,805 0,713 0,40 0,161 0,143 0,116 0,0294

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 9 : Coefficients for BR load cases on lee side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 2,62 2,23 6,08 7,43 7,42 7,28 6,70 3,38 1,56 2,90 0,623

kT,BL 36,9 30,7 15,9 13,4 13,1 13,4 13,6 9,44 3,33 12,9 37,9

kCB,BL 1,35 2,23 0,601 2,13 3,02 3,26 3,12 4,27 6,95 6,98 3,61

kCW,BL 1,27 4,05 1,72 4,84 5,96 6,18 5,45 3,30 1,34 1,05 3,21

kB,BL 5,24 8,45 13,0 15,2 16,0 16,5 17,1 20,1 23,3 17,7 4,38

kR,BL 1,16 1,54 1,70 1,67 1,61 1,58 1,59 1,51 1,24 0,888 0,47

WL kWL 1,06 0,176 6,99 8,37 7,07 6,77 7,29 3,42 3,58 6,19 1,53

kT,WL 34,0 39,4 29,7 30,6 27,3 26,1 29,6 24,9 11,8 11,6 28,9

kCB,WL 3,81 5,74 2,10 0,121 1,84 2,03 0,622 0,62 4,89 7,41 5,73

kCW,WL 5,99 9,86 0,0271 4,18 5,05 5,13 4,27 0,355 2,15 1,28 4,47

kB,WL 5,11 7,07 12,4 13,9 15,9 17,1 17,3 20,8 26,7 21,6 6,42

kR,WL 0,995 1,82 2,16 2,08 1,91 1,87 1,96 1,91 1,54 0,972 0,177

Table 10 : Coefficients for BP load cases on weather side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 3,20 5,13 4,24 2,72 1,74 1,55 2,57 5,07 7,07 5,10 1,90

kT,CL 67,9 56,0 54,8 59,1 65,9 74,8 84,9 96,0 107 119 179

kCB,CL 14,2 7,75 3,75 4,93 7,25 8,29 6,98 2,86 2,53 1,79 14,7

kCW,CL 10,9 8,65 5,00 4,77 5,92 6,67 6,50 5,24 2,27 0,484 10,9

kB,CL 16,7 13,0 14,0 15,7 17,0 19,0 22,5 27,7 32,9 35,3 41,8

kR,CL 0,273 0,126 0,0321 0,0166 0,0402 0,0346 0,00217 0,0798 0,263 0,559 0,483

BL kBL 18,3 6,49 15,3 21,1 23,2 23,9 22,3 11,5 9,27 22,9 0,263

kT,BL 173 13,2 77,0 84,5 68,8 54,0 47,5 63,6 88,7 49,5 87,1

kCB,BL 35,6 12,9 7,91 11,7 12,8 13,7 14,8 17,9 33,3 47,4 24,6

kCW,BL 59,1 40,0 0,942 11,0 14,9 16,5 15,5 6,39 0,678 0,088 14,4

kB,BL 1,80 32,1 59,4 68,8 70,1 66,4 60,7 59,8 63,5 44,9 22,0

kR,BL 1,64 2,58 2,67 2,73 2,79 2,77 2,63 2,23 1,36 0,693 0,448

WL kWL 31,9 21,5 0,379 10,7 22,7 24,5 12,8 2,11 20,9 31,6 3,56

kT,WL 200 2,29 39,9 37,0 10,9 42,6 31,2 17,2 18,7 60,7 108

kCB,WL 46,5 18,5 8,86 18,1 18,7 21,2 31,6 53,8 75,0 85,6 36,8

kCW,WL 81,3 62,8 21,2 0,709 15,0 19,7 14,9 18,9 19,3 20,6 24,3

kB,WL 17,3 9,34 26,3 52,8 59,7 51,1 41,9 42,9 38,0 11,7 18,2

kR,WL 1,02 1,47 1,21 1,31 1,50 1,39 1,06 0,85 0,451 0,279 0,395

138 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 11 : Coefficients for BP load cases on lee side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 16,9 6,67 7,90 10,8 10,8 10,3 9,59 4,40 6,67 15,8 2,68

kT,BL 38,9 100 134 149 165 180 192 210 240 256 255

kCB,BL 48,5 26,6 15,1 14,8 15,8 16,5 17,0 15,3 4,59 9,26 7,03

kCW,BL 58,0 38,4 12,5 9,4 11,0 12,2 13,0 16,3 17,5 13,5 7,91

kB,BL 29,3 54,8 70,8 73,8 75,0 77,8 81,8 87,6 94,0 89,6 58,2

kR,BL 2,24 3,16 3,32 3,42 3,47 3,45 3,40 3,20 2,61 1,84 0,547

WL kWL 9,33 1,25 11,0 12,5 11,6 10,5 9,66 5,50 4,57 13,1 1,49

kT,WL 62,0 92,7 150 195 227 250 267 289 314 300 299

kCB,WL 44,8 20,0 14,7 18,0 20,0 21,4 24,2 28,0 20,8 4,92 11,1

kCW,WL 50,1 26,7 7,35 10,3 14,9 17,5 19,4 25,9 29,2 23,4 7,84

kB,WL 20,3 54,2 80,9 87,8 88,5 92,7 99,3 103 105 97,8 76,2

kR,WL 2,01 2,51 3,03 3,55 3,80 3,74 3,46 2,89 2,00 1,45 0,821

Table 12 : Coefficients for OHM load cases on weather side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 39,6 19,1 6,91 3,11 2,37 2,10 1,08 1,77 8,16 14,0 9,36

kT,CL 91,4 17,6 43,1 31,2 10,1 4,72 7,62 2,30 5,07 31,3 140

kCB,CL 30,9 13,7 5,56 4,04 4,87 6,66 10,0 16,7 27,7 40,4 30,4

kCW,CL 57,3 30,6 13,1 7,08 5,51 5,89 8,14 12,4 17,0 25,8 33,8

kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BL kBL 37,8 26,4 30,8 33,6 36,1 35,2 29,9 20,5 8,04 1,82 5,81

kT,BL 119 26,8 0,433 38,7 98,1 136 121 73,7 29,4 10,1 133

kCB,BL 23,4 11,8 18,7 24,8 30,1 34,7 39,1 42,2 42,5 38,3 31,2

kCW,BL 47,3 32,2 43,7 47,8 49,9 50,7 52,3 52,3 47,0 39,3 38,2

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 45,7 23,6 24,6 30,2 35,5 31,8 22,4 18,2 12,2 2,96 15,5

kT,WL 219 31,0 56,2 60,2 26,6 4,18 3,23 1,51 43,1 89,7 135

kCB,WL 29,6 7,77 19,0 33,1 41,7 46,1 52,7 51,0 34,1 31,0 70,7

kCW,WL 59,4 30,5 42,7 54,1 58,8 54,2 54,7 59,9 47,3 38,8 103

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 13 : Coefficients for OHM load cases on lee side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 38,8 12,5 9,53 18,7 24,9 30,3 33,2 28,8 20,8 17,0 12,8

kT,BL 56,4 62,6 101 123 142 158 175 202 227 218 150

kCB,BL 32,9 23,6 13,4 9,75 8,62 7,84 7,45 7,90 8,83 20,7 29,3

kCW,BL 59,6 33,2 4,97 4,97 10,1 14,5 15,9 8,17 3,33 17,5 29,5

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 42,7 10,5 11,2 17,6 25,8 32,5 32,1 25,0 18,7 18,5 4,41

kT,WL 75,6 56,1 106 141 163 187 217 252 283 297 162

kCB,WL 38,6 27,4 16,9 16,7 15,8 14,9 11,1 2,70 0,92 19,8 45,0

kCW,WL 69,3 34,8 7,05 4,27 2,08 7,47 7,63 4,55 0,0669 17,2 54,3

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 14 : Coefficients for OHS load cases on weather side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 12,3 7,12 3,87 2,55 1,38 0,364 0,55 2,51 2,67 12,4 44,6

kT,CL 49,6 13,6 13,7 18,0 13,1 4,19 11,5 43,8 85,2 107 55,2

kCB,CL 37,1 17,2 7,26 3,34 1,33 0,0341 0,421 0,337 2,16 8,38 21,8

kCW,CL 33,4 17,6 7,93 4,34 3,04 2,62 2,67 2,66 1,67 24,0 62,7

kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BL kBL 12,8 5,20 25,2 31,8 34,6 35,5 29,7 13,2 1,21 17,4 48,1

kT,BL 12,8 60,0 38,0 38,8 65,0 96,1 90,1 12,3 104 138 61,4

kCB,BL 44,7 32,9 17,5 5,85 2,20 7,25 11,3 13,4 15,8 18,4 22,7

kCW,BL 43,4 19,3 14,5 27,9 31,2 29,8 25,3 15,9 16,4 40,5 67,8

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 16,0 6,82 27,2 33,2 35,5 31,9 16,3 0,317 3,40 21,4 59,3

kT,WL 27,9 61,0 61,1 47,1 17,2 12,3 34,7 95,6 163 76,9 131

kCB,WL 49,2 36,7 22,4 5,55 8,15 14,0 23,1 36,0 26,0 27,6 45,6

kCW,WL 49,0 20,3 13,3 30,1 36,3 28,8 17,3 21,7 27,8 57,5 105

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

140 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 15 : Coefficients for OHS load cases on lee side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 10,7 19,6 37,1 41,6 39,5 33,6 26,7 20,1 11,3 5,84 40,4

kT,BL 103 93,8 88,2 108 114 90,5 85,2 110 136 132 23,3

kCB,BL 27,1 14,2 17,9 17,9 12,5 3 4,89 10,9 17,6 25 25,7

kCW,BL 20,3 23,7 47,5 51,4 44,7 33,6 21,6 9,23 5,89 28,5 58,8

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 16,2 20,7 38,2 45,3 45,0 37,4 25,6 18,5 11,5 8,50 46,9

kT,WL 195 157 140 133 121 86,6 84,3 117 145 154 36,7

kCB,WL 33,2 9,44 16,6 24,0 19,7 2,46 11,0 21,1 34,3 39,6 41,0

kCW,WL 28,4 21,2 48,0 59,6 54,4 35,4 13,6 2,81 21,4 45,9 80,2

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 16 : Coefficients for OVA load cases on weather side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 25,5 10,5 1,91 0,26 1,39 2,49 1,55 3,61 14,7 29,5 35,2

kT,CL 60,0 9,67 10,7 33,8 61,7 84,1 98,9 113 136 167 165

kCB,CL 4,00 0,827 6,19 7,88 7,13 4,51 0,323 8,63 22,7 38,4 19,8

kCW,CL 25,2 9,37 4,10 8,70 8,30 5,51 2,06 0,328 1,68 2,66 8,89

kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BL kBL 22,1 5,51 2,87 4,19 6,49 5,38 1,38 9,28 14,4 20,2 34,5

kT,BL 41,5 48,7 27,3 39,6 108 154 163 139 108 110 109

kCB,BL 7,03 19,7 22,8 24,6 23,6 19,0 13,7 9,46 9,70 7,79 11,6

kCW,BL 12,0 11,4 18,8 23,0 22,4 19,1 17,7 16,0 14,9 15,0 11,0

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 23,8 0,807 6,04 1,70 5,74 6,46 1,16 7,59 12,3 20,6 19,5

kT,WL 34,8 103 103 31,8 75,2 182 239 225 189 199 252

kCB,WL 2,07 19,5 26,4 32,1 33,0 26,8 20,0 23,2 32,9 24,3 44,1

kCW,WL 21,8 13,8 29,7 37,3 35,6 30,4 28,0 28,7 33,9 31,5 33,6

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 141

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 17 : Coefficients for OVA load cases on lee side - Strength assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.
BL kBL 25,0 13,7 4,56 0,107 1,76 2,73 3,31 4,80 13,6 29,7 35,5
kT,BL 75,1 96,4 98,1 103 120 141 157 170 200 237 198
kCB,BL 6,03 13,3 12,7 11,5 12,4 14,6 16,7 18,9 23,1 34,5 22,6
kCW,BL 25,9 20 10,4 5,17 3,97 4,83 6,43 7,22 1,31 4,47 8,97
kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WL kWL 26,4 12,4 0,0823 2,54 2,82 2,83 0,648 0,0939 10,8 31,0 27,9
kT,WL 106 116 98,2 103 134 175 193 193 216 280 327
kCB,WL 5,46 13,1 10,4 9,67 12,1 14,4 12,6 4,38 1,43 21,8 37,2
kCW,WL 28,8 19,9 4,87 1,29 2,51 3,64 4,64 1,50 16,6 20,6 8,91
kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1.4 External dynamic pressure for fatigue where:

assessment Pwf : hydrodynamic pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in
Tab 18
1.4.1 Hydrodynamic pressure for all load cases
fiw : factor accounting for the non-linearity due to
The hydrodynamic pressure PW for all load cases, at any intermittent wetting, to be taken as defined in
load point, in kN/m2, is to be taken as: Tab 19.

Pw = fiw Pwf Table 19 : Factor fiw for intermittent wetting

Table 18 : Hydrodynamic pressure Pwf in kN/m2 Pwf z TLC z > TLC

Fatigue assessment
Pwf = 0 0 0
Pwf > 0 1 10a
Load case z TLC z > TLC
Pwf < 0 1 10b 0
HVMf1 Note 1:
BP1-P a, b : Coefficients to be taken as:
2 z T LC
OHM2-P a = --- ----------------
3 hW
HVM2 g ( z T LC ) 1, 2

HVMf2 b = 1, 2 ----------------------------
P Wf
OHM1-P Table 20 : Coefficients for hydrodynamic pressure
OHM1-S Fatigue assessment
PEDW + PSR EDW f fnl
BR2-P HVM 0,65 CW-LC
BR2-S HVMf 0,65 CW-LC1,3
Note 1: BR 4,6 TR2
PEDW : Hydrodynamic pressure as defined in [1.3.2]
T LC 0, 4 1,0 1,0
0, 55 -------
with PCL , PBL , PWL and PWL-O as defined in [1.3.3],
calculated with coefficients to be taken in Tab 20 L
to Tab 28.
T LC 0, 3
PSR : Hydrostatic pressure due to the roll motion as OHM 0, 65 -------
defined in Tab 2. L

142 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 21 : Coefficients for HVM load cases on weather and lee sides - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 29,5 9,78 1,68 1,73 2,60 5,87 3,98 5,98 24,7 45,3 50,9
kT,CL 86,1 15,2 8,53 3,38 33,2 64,7 90,0 110 130 139 104
kCB,CL 5,37 0,418 8,14 11,3 10,5 6,22 1,80 14,9 33,5 51,6 34,0
kCW,CL 32,1 11,4 6,92 12,0 9,71 4,66 0,107 1,83 0,44 0,826 10,9
kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BL kBL 29,6 11,7 1,42 1,73 5,22 5,63 0,766 14,0 29,3 43,2 50,1
kT,BL 86,2 27,5 1,08 20,2 64,8 109 137 149 148 135 74,6
kCB,BL 4,53 2,73 10,9 11,9 6,54 1,82 11,5 21,8 28,7 31,0 28,9
kCW,BL 31,4 10,8 6,76 10,3 5,99 0,652 1,62 0,105 5,21 11,7 12,4
kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WL kWL 31,2 8,85 3,19 1,52 7,44 7,20 0,297 12,5 28,3 45,2 32,7
kT,WL 109 49,9 2,72 6,70 45,7 101 144 184 220 241 272
kCB,WL 7,92 6,64 21,3 20,2 8,79 5,15 16,6 21,0 18,3 21,1 54,8
kCW,WL 36,9 5,19 20,3 18,5 7,29 1,52 5,30 0,801 15,2 25,5 27,4
kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 22 : Coefficients for HVMf load cases on weather and lee sides - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 27,1 3,77 4,09 1,30 2,70 4,54 2,70 5,04 21,0 41,7 52,3
kT,CL 164 55,5 24,9 39,1 64,4 85,0 101 115 123 103 8,38
kCB,CL 7,65 10,8 15,1 14,4 10,2 4,12 3,42 13,1 27,1 45,8 48,4
kCW,CL 17,1 5,31 17,6 16,7 11,1 4,62 0,566 2,08 0,772 1,98 1,36
kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BL kBL 27,4 4,87 0,151 5,32 7,17 3,67 3,11 13,0 26,0 41,4 51,4
kT,BL 166 86,1 78,2 109 135 146 149 151 135 85,3 38,7
kCB,BL 8,73 18,0 22,6 17,7 8,21 2,28 11,8 19,6 24,1 30,4 43,2
kCW,BL 16,4 12,0 23,6 17,7 9,64 3,49 0,233 0,09 5,57 10,4 0,0756
kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WL kWL 27,2 5,07 5,64 5,63 9,32 4,00 2,29 11,0 25,0 44,3 42,8
kT,WL 152 78,6 73,1 113 133 149 171 201 205 170 157
kCB,WL 2,10 27,0 37,8 29,0 11,8 5,32 16,7 17,3 9,89 13,3 52,7
kCW,WL 24,9 29,1 43,8 30,7 13,8 2,85 3,75 1,85 19,2 31,4 13,9
kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 143

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 23 : Coefficients for BR load cases on weather side - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 3,70 2,99 2,21 1,47 0,887 0,481 0,457 0,876 1,37 0,857 1,44

kT,CL 31,0 27,6 25,6 23,8 22,6 22,7 24,5 28,5 34,2 41,1 49,4

kCB,CL 3,76 2,21 1,10 0,841 0,847 0,847 0,631 0,0509 1,01 1,49 1,13

kCW,CL 4,26 3,27 2,00 1,22 0,802 0,564 0,501 0,384 0,102 0,69 0,327

kB,CL 3,88 0,58 1,68 3,03 3,22 3,13 3,23 3,63 3,64 2,13 0,863

kR,CL 1,12 0,626 0,371 0,218 0,123 0,0561 0,0286 0,0581 0,12 0,172 0,101

BL kBL 3,29 2,50 0,469 0,261 0,428 1,12 1,75 1,48 0,488 0,848 1,69

kT,BL 26,5 30,5 33,5 30,8 28,9 28,5 30,1 34,4 41,4 45,8 49,9

kCB,BL 4,57 4,24 2,47 0,817 0,173 0,372 0,834 0,696 0,28 0,294 1,15

kCW,BL 5,41 5,60 2,61 0,414 0,20 0,117 0,398 1,08 1,73 0,264 0,362

kB,BL 1,92 3,43 3,13 1,45 0,907 0,622 0,853 1,93 3,48 3,07 0,044

kR,BL 0,604 0,0623 0,266 0,289 0,372 0,582 0,804 0,927 0,865 0,612 0,019

WL kWL 0,684 1,76 5,31 3,27 0,924 1,85 5,55 5,96 3,77 2,95 5,36

kT,WL 1,06 16,6 36,8 39,9 39,5 38,1 32,8 34,8 41,7 39,3 10,2

kCB,WL 7,00 4,23 0,408 0,403 1,32 0,46 3,68 9,59 9,45 3,25 2,11

kCW,WL 7,16 3,14 4,84 4,68 3,04 2,10 0,841 5,17 7,53 2,64 0,598

kB,WL 0,898 4,44 0,643 8,99 11,1 11,7 12,7 10,9 3,39 3,45 0,535

kR,WL 0,218 0,652 0,0948 0,531 0,564 0,187 0,345 0,717 0,913 1,10 1,28

Table 24 : Coefficients for BR load cases on lee side - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 2,97 3,55 7,27 7,88 7,18 6,55 5,60 2,36 1,92 3,18 1,38

kT,BL 43,9 42,6 32,5 30,1 28,8 28,0 27,2 22,5 17,1 25,0 45,8

kCB,BL 0,667 0,0293 4,10 5,32 5,36 4,94 4,64 4,93 7,15 6,92 1,52

kCW,BL 1,72 1,82 4,82 6,99 6,91 6,25 5,13 2,28 0,503 0,465 0,19

kB,BL 7,36 16,1 23,0 25,2 25,6 25,7 25,7 27,4 27,0 17,9 1,67

kR,BL 1,94 2,74 3,19 3,11 2,89 2,73 2,64 2,46 2,03 1,28 0,161

WL kWL 0,337 4,17 11,2 11,2 8,87 8,01 7,83 3,81 2,18 4,48 2,74

kT,WL 39,9 56,8 56,8 58,8 54,4 52,1 52,8 45,9 32,3 29,9 43,9

kCB,WL 5,64 0,0561 7,69 9,75 9,48 8,20 6,08 4,76 8,75 11,6 0,827

kCW,WL 8,76 2,23 10,8 13,6 12,1 10,7 8,76 3,52 1,52 3,54 2,58

kB,WL 6,92 19,1 28,0 29,7 31,3 32,1 31,5 32,6 32,7 22,2 0,356

kR,WL 1,90 3,79 4,69 4,54 4,10 3,83 3,72 3,47 2,86 1,70 0,114

144 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 25 : Coefficients for BP load cases on weather side - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 3,81 4,50 3,76 2,14 0,883 0,186 0,656 2,58 4,04 1,27 3,13

kT,CL 72,1 57,2 49,6 47,7 50,2 54,8 61,0 69,3 79,2 92,7 146

kCB,CL 13,9 6,98 2,49 2,88 4,75 5,80 5,14 1,97 3,32 4,72 13,1

kCW,CL 12,4 8,07 3,88 2,66 3,20 3,61 3,72 3,05 0,0293 4,18 6,20

kB,CL 15,7 12,9 12,3 13,6 14,1 14,6 16,0 18,6 21,3 22,6 29,8

kR,CL 0,377 0,27 0,114 0,0903 0,107 0,147 0,203 0,279 0,452 0,746 0,83

BL kBL 20,7 7,90 14,0 19,6 20,6 19,9 18,9 10,4 9,48 24,9 4,61

kT,BL 166 14,8 35,7 47,7 42,0 35,7 32,0 44,1 74,7 58,0 68,3

kCB,BL 48,6 27,1 8,13 4,41 3,22 2,22 1,48 1,40 10,3 34,4 21,0

kCW,BL 72,2 51,0 12,8 3,52 0,735 0,0956 0,196 9,00 19,5 12,7 7,21

kB,BL 6,60 18,7 40,9 48,9 51,4 50,9 48,6 49,2 51,6 36,4 20,6

kR,BL 1,02 1,73 2,23 2,32 2,33 2,24 2,09 1,75 0,981 0,241 0,779

WL kWL 29,9 24,5 3,68 10,4 20,1 19,3 11,8 0,714 20,2 36,3 10,2

kT,WL 192 33,9 0,503 6,99 36,4 56,2 52,2 37,7 13,4 29,1 44,8

kCB,WL 51,2 31,3 10,4 1,62 5,44 8,85 17,9 33,8 50,1 70,4 36,8

kCW,WL 81,4 71,9 37,2 11,7 4,08 7,48 7,83 10,6 3,21 5,32 18,9

kB,WL 12,9 4,90 22,5 43,8 48,8 46,0 43,4 43,9 40,2 14,1 9,51

kR,WL 0,774 0,668 0,978 1,19 1,09 0,925 0,644 0,361 0,288 0,734 0,913

Table 26 : Coefficients for BP load cases on lee side - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 21,8 7,83 7,46 10,9 11,7 12,1 12,4 8,40 1,97 10,8 2,54

kT,BL 18,9 82,2 100 110 120 128 133 146 173 203 210

kCB,BL 63,2 41,0 29,3 28,4 28,8 29,2 29,8 29,6 18,9 4,34 6,17

kCW,BL 77,9 52,9 26,9 23,1 23,4 23,6 23,7 27,6 29,0 16,3 4,49

kB,BL 21,3 36,6 46,4 47,6 48,1 49,2 50,3 53,0 58,0 59,1 37,8

kR,BL 1,76 2,59 2,96 3,14 3,26 3,29 3,26 3,11 2,69 2,05 0,928

WL kWL 14,6 6,62 7,47 10,0 11,1 11,0 11,1 8,79 0,65 8,90 5,18

kT,WL 48,6 74,3 118 161 180 192 201 213 232 237 264

kCB,WL 53,7 39,0 35,3 38,5 39,2 39,5 40,8 43,3 37,0 12,8 11,5

kCW,WL 64,3 49,8 30,9 33,0 34,7 35,5 36,0 39,8 43,6 29,7 16,2

kB,WL 12,7 30,2 47,3 53,9 54,2 55,0 56,8 58,2 61,4 62,2 52,5

kR,WL 1,44 1,46 2,00 2,70 3,19 3,22 2,98 2,57 1,98 1,59 0,0168

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 145

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 27 : Coefficients for OHM load cases on weather side - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL 23,6 11,9 6,32 4,57 3,99 3,49 1,98 2,74 11,1 15,8 6,43

kT,CL 58,2 21,0 38,9 30,1 15,1 2,54 4,21 7,85 6,63 15,7 125

kCB,CL 16,5 4,49 0,939 1,98 1,76 0,85 2,29 10,0 24,1 35,9 8,06

kCW,CL 30,1 14,9 6,19 2,91 1,31 0,693 1,66 3,81 8,48 17,5 15,0

kB,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BL kBL 17,3 13,4 21,9 25,4 25,8 24,0 18,0 6,51 5,39 7,32 4,38

kT,BL 70,0 7,05 2,87 35,8 80,4 113 113 83,9 50,3 0,373 94,9

kCB,BL 11,0 20,7 13,3 7,72 2,82 2,62 8,69 16,5 25,5 27,0 11,4

kCW,BL 2,40 10,7 3,75 8,56 9,14 9,91 10,7 10,5 12,4 19,9 18,2

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 22,5 10,4 17,9 25,8 25,6 20,0 10,2 0,769 6,05 2,52 29,2

kT,WL 161 11,5 54,2 66,9 56,1 36,3 28,4 12,1 35,5 77,6 183

kCB,WL 0,707 23,6 17,7 6,22 2,12 10,3 18,4 26,5 37,5 47,0 95,9

kCW,WL 10,7 12,7 0,534 12,4 13,0 10,7 10,4 13,7 25,9 44,6 141

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 28 : Coefficients for OHM load cases on lee side - Fatigue assessment

i Coef. x/L=0 x/L=0,1 x/L=0,2 x/L=0,3 x/L=0,4 x/L=0,5 x/L=0,6 x/L=0,7 x/L=0,8 x/L=0,9 x/L=1,0
CL kCL , kT,CL , kCB,CL , kCW,CL , kB,CL and kR,CL are identical to the coefficients on weather side.

BL kBL 26,2 8,79 4,97 12,1 18,2 22,3 24,0 22,1 20,1 15,4 8,47

kT,BL 42,6 49,8 88,4 113 135 154 168 187 202 204 114

kCB,BL 35,5 30,5 24,8 23,8 22,7 20,3 18,3 19,1 20,8 26,2 11,3

kCW,BL 50,6 35,6 20,3 14,9 9,85 5,07 2,68 6,85 11,5 22,0 14,5

kB,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,BL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WL kWL 25,1 4,16 5,33 10,8 20,4 25,6 24,2 22,2 21,4 16,3 9,62

kT,WL 55,0 42,1 87,7 121 159 197 238 272 293 304 233

kCB,WL 38,7 32,0 31,0 35,4 34,1 29,1 20,1 13,2 22,8 46,0 53,3

kCW,WL 52,6 32,2 26,0 28,3 20,5 13,0 8,82 6,37 16,3 42,0 77,7

kB,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

kR,WL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

146 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

2 External pressure on exposed decks Table 29 : Coefficient for pressure on exposed decks

Exposed deck location

2.1 Application
Freeboard deck and within the lowest tier 1,00
2.1.1 External pressure on exposed decks is only to be Within the second tier 0,75
applied for strength assessment. Within the third tier 0,56

2.1.2 Green sea pressure defined in [2.2] for exposed decks Within the fourth tier 0,42
is to be considered independently of the pressure due to: Within the fifth tier 0,32
distributed cargo or other equipment loads, and Within the sixth tier 0,25
any concentrated forces due to cargo or other unit Within the seventh tier 0,20
equipment loads, Within the eighth tier 0,15
defined in Sec 6, [3.1] and Sec 6, [3.2] respectively. Top of eighth tier and above 0,10
Note 1: When a deck is located at the limit between two
2.2 Green sea loads tiers, the coefficient from the tier above is to be considered.

2.2.1 Pressure on exposed deck PW,d-stb : Pressure obtained at starboard deck edge for
The external dynamic pressure due to green sea Pd at any BR, BP, OHM, OHS or OVA load cases as
defined in [1.3], as appropriate
point of an exposed deck, in kN/m2, for the static + dynamic
design load scenarios is to be derived for each dynamic PW,d-pt : Pressure obtained at port deck edge for BR, BP,
load case and is to be taken as defined in [2.2.3] to [2.2.4]. OHM, OHS, and OVA load cases as defined in
[1.3], as appropriate.
The external dynamic pressure due to green sea Pd at any
point of an exposed deck for the static design load scenario 2.2.5 Envelope of dynamic pressure on exposed
is zero. deck
The envelope of dynamic pressure at any point of an
2.2.2 If a breakwater is fitted on the exposed deck, no exposed deck Pd-max is to be taken as the greatest pressure
reduction of the external dynamic pressure due to green sea value obtained from any of the load cases in accordance
is allowed for the area of the exposed deck located aft of the with [2.2.3] and [2.2.4].

2.2.3 HVM and FVM load cases 3 External impact pressure

The external pressure Pd for HVM and FVM load cases at
any load point of an exposed deck, in kN/m2, is to be 3.1 Application
obtained from the following formula:
3.1.1 Impact pressure is only to be applied for strength
Pd = PW,d assessment.
: Coefficient defined in Tab 29 3.2 Bottom and stern slamming impact
PW,d : Pressure, in kN/m2, obtained at side of the
exposed deck for HVM and FVM load cases as 3.2.1 Bottom slamming
defined in [1.3], to be taken equal to: The bottom impact pressures PSLI due to slamming are to be
0 for direct strength analysis according to obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formulae:
Chapter 7 for L < 170 m:
the vertical weather design loads defined in
P SLI = 10 g L f SL c SL
NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, Pt B, Ch 8, Sec
7, for the other cases. for L 170 m:
P SLI = 130 g f SL c SL e c1
2.2.4 BR, BP, OHM, OHS and OVA load cases
The external pressure Pd for BR, BP, OHM, OHS and OVA where:
load cases at any load point of an exposed deck, in kN/m2, fSL : Coefficient to be taken as:
is to be obtained by linear interpolation between the pres-
fSL = 0 for x/L 0,50
sure values at the port and starboard deck edges:
fSL = 1,0 for x/L = 0,50 + c2
Pd,stb = PW,d-stb
fSL = 1,0 for x/L = 0,65 + c2
Pd,pt = PW,d-pt
fSL = 0,5 for x/L 1,0
where: Intermediate values of fSL are to be obtained by
: Coefficient defined in Tab 29 linear interpolation

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 147

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

c2 : Coefficient to be taken as: 3.3 Bow flare impact pressure

c2 = 0,33 CB + L / 2500
3.3.1 The bow flare impact pressure PFI is to be obtained, in
without being taken greater than 0,35 kN/m2, from the following formula:
cSL : Slamming coefficient, taken equal to: P FI = C S C Z ( 0 ,22 + 0 ,15 tan ) ( 0 ,4 V sin + 0 ,6 L )

T 0, 2
c SL = 5, 95 10, 5 -----F where:
CS : Coefficient depending on the type of structures
TF : Minimum forward draught, in m, among those on which the bow flare impact pressure is con-
foreseen in operation in ballast conditions or sidered to be acting:
conditions of partial loading
CS = 1,8 for plating and ordinary stiffeners
c1 : Coefficient to be taken as follows:
CS = 0,5 for primary supporting members
c1 = 0 for L 180 m
CZ : Coefficient depending on the distance between
c1 = 0,0125 (L 180)0,705 for L > 180 m. the draught for the considered loading condi-
tion and the calculation point:
3.2.2 Stern slamming for z 2 H + TLC 11:
The stern impact pressures PSLI due to slamming are to be CZ = H 0,5 (z TLC)
obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:
for z < 2 H + TLC 11:
2 2
h SL ( z T BAL )
P SLI = 100 ---------------------------------------
2 CZ = 5,5
T RZ tan
H : Wave parameter defined in Sec 3, for a refer-
where: ence length calculated with:
hSL : Maximum relative wave elevation, in m, to be = 0,65 CW-LC1,3
taken as follows:
: Flare angle at the calculation point, defined as
hSL = 13,7 fR H CB-LC2,5 CW-LC4,9 the angle between a vertical line and the tan-
gent to the side plating, measured in a vertical
H : Wave parameter defined in Sec 3, for a refer-
plane normal to the horizontal tangent to the
ence length calculated with:
shell plating (see Fig 4)
= 0,86
: Entry angle at the calculation point, defined as
f = 1,0 the angle between a longitudinal line parallel to
the centreline and the tangent to the shell plat-
TRZ : Mean up crossing period, in s, to be taken as: ing in a horizontal plane (see Fig 4).
TRZ = 3 L0,26
Figure 4 : Definition of angles and
: Longitudinal or transverse deadrise angle at the
calculation point, whichever is the greater, but
not to be taken less than 10 deg (see Fig 3).

Figure 3 : Definition of deadrise angle A Calculation A


Section B B

Section A A

148 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

4 External pressure on side of c : Coefficient taken equal to:

superstructures and deckhouses b
c = 0 ,3 + 0 ,7 -----1
4.1 Application For exposed parts of machinery casings, c is to
be taken equal to 1,0
4.1.1 External pressure on side of superstructures and deck-
houses is only to be applied for strength assessment. b1 : Breadth of the superstructure or deckhouse, in
m, at the position considered, to be taken not
less than 0,25 B1
4.2 Definitions
B1 : Actual maximum breadth of the ship at the
exposed weather deck level, in m, at the posi-
4.2.1 Superstructures and deckhouses contributing
to the longitudinal strength tion considered

Superstructures and deckhouses contributing to the longitu- b : Coefficient defined in Tab 31

dinal strength are defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [1.3]. f : Coefficient defined in Tab 32

4.2.2 Tiers of superstructures and deckhouses Psd-min : Minimum lateral pressure, in kN/m2, defined in
Tab 33.
Tiers of superstructures and deckhouses are defined in Ch 1,
Sec 4, [3.2.2]. Table 30 : Coefficient a
Lateral pressure for superstructures and deckhouses
4.3 Sides contributing to the longitudinal
strength Type of Maximum
Location Coefficient a
bulkhead value of a
4.3.1 Load point Unprotected L
Lowest tier 2 + ---------- 4,5
front 120
Lateral pressure is to be calculated at:
the lower edge of the elementary plate panel, for plating Second tier 1 + ---------- 3,5
mid-span, for stiffeners. L
Third tier 0 ,5 + ---------- 2,5
4.3.2 Lateral pressure
0 ,9 0 ,5 + ----------
Fourth tier 2,25
The lateral pressure is to be obtained as defined in [1]. 150

When the side is a tank boundary, the internal

0 ,8 0 ,5 + ----------
Fifth tier L
lateral pressure, as defined in Sec 6, is also to be consid- 2,0
and above 150
Protected Lowest,
front second and 0 ,5 + ---------- 2,5
4.4 Front, side and aft bulkheads not 150
third tiers
contributing to the longitudinal strength
0 ,9 0 ,5 + ----------
Fourth tier 2,25
4.4.1 Load point

0 ,8 0 ,5 + ----------
Lateral pressure is to be calculated at: Fifth tier L
and above 150
mid-height of the bulkhead, for plating
Side Lowest,
mid-span, for stiffeners. second and 0 ,5 + ---------- 2,5
third tiers
4.4.2 Lateral pressure
0 ,9 0 ,5 + ----------
Fourth tier 2,25
The lateral pressure to be used for the determination of 150
scantlings of the structure of front, side and aft bulkheads of
0 ,8 0 ,5 + ----------
superstructures and deckhouses is to be obtained, in kN/m2, Fifth tier L
and above 150
from the following formula:
Aft end All tiers,
Psd = 10 a c [b f (z Tsc)] L x x
when 0 ,7 + ------------- 0 ,8 --- 1 0 ,8 ---
1000 L L
to be taken not less than Psd-min x/L 0,5
All tiers,
where: when
L x
0 ,5 + ------------- 0 ,4 ---
0 ,8 0 ,4 ---
1000 L L
a : Coefficient defined in Tab 30 x/L > 0,5

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 149

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 5

Table 31 : Coefficient b 5 External loads on containers

Lateral pressure for superstructures and deckhouses
5.1 Wind forces
Location of bulkhead (1) Coefficient b
2 5.1.1 The forces due to the effect of the wind, applied to
x--- --- 0 ,45 one container stowed above deck at tier i, are to be
1 + ---------------------
0 ,45 L
L C B + 0 ,2 obtained, in kN, from the following formulae:

in x direction:
x 2 FX,wind,i = 1,2 hC bC
x --- 0 ,45
--- > 0 ,45 L
1 + 1 ,5 --------------------- in y direction:
L C B + 0 ,2
FY,wind,i = 1,2 hCC
(1) For deckhouse sides, the deckhouse is to be subdivided where:
into parts of approximately equal length, not exceeding hC : Height, in m, of a container
0,15 L each, and x is to be taken as the co-ordinate of
the centre of each part considered.
C, bC : Dimensions, in m, of the container stack in the
ship longitudinal and transverse directions,
Note 1:
CB : Block coefficient, with 0,6 CB 0,8
These forces only act on a stack exposed to wind. In the
case of M juxtaposed and connected stacks of the same
Table 32 : Coefficient f
height, the wind forces are to be distributed over the M
Lateral pressure for superstructures and deckhouses
Ship length Coefficient f In the case of juxtaposed and connected stacks of different
heights, the wind forces are to be distributed taking into
L 2
1 ----------
L- L 300
----- account the number of stacks at the tier considered (see
L < 150 e
10 example on Fig 5).
150 L < 300 ------ e L 300 Figure 5 : Distribution of wind forces
in the case of connected stacks
L 300 11,03
Fy, wind distributed over 3 stacks
Table 33 : Minimum lateral pressure Psd-min
for superstructures and deckhouses Fy, wind distributed over 4 stacks

Location and type of bulkhead Psd-min, in kN/m2 Fy, wind distributed over 5 stacks
Lowest tier of unprotected fronts 30 25,0 + 0,10L 50
Fy, wind distributed over 5 stacks
if z TLC + 0,5 B AR + 0,5 hw 15 12,5 + 0,05L 25
if TLC + 0,5 B AR + 0,5 hw < z
linear interpolation
and z TLC + 0,5 B AR + hw
if z > TLC + 0,5 B AR + hw 2,5
Note 1:
AR : Roll amplitude, in rad, taken as:

A R = ----------

hw : Relative wave elevation, in m, at the waterline:

for y 0, calculated on portside of BR1-S
for y < 0, calculated on starboard side of BR1-P

150 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 6



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1 Pressures due to liquids
xC , yC , zC : X, Y and Z coordinates, in m, of the centre of
gravity of the considered compartment, with 1.1 Application
respect to the reference coordinate system
defined in Sec 1, [1.2.1]
1.1.1 Pressures for the strength and fatigue
x, y, z : X, Y and Z coordinates, in m, of the load point assessments in intact conditions
with respect to the reference coordinate system The internal pressure Pin due to liquid acting on any load
defined in Sec 1, [1.2.1] point of a tank boundary, in kN/m2, for the static design
aX , aY , aZ : Longitudinal, transverse and vertical accelera- load scenarios given in Sec 7, is to be taken as:
tions, in m/s2, calculated at the centre of gravity Pin = Pls
of the considered compartment, xC , yC , zC , as
defined in Sec 3, [3.2] The internal pressure Pin due to liquid acting on any load
point of a tank boundary, in kN/m2, for the static + dynamic
hair : Height of air pipe or overflow pipe above the
design load scenarios is to be derived for each dynamic
top of the tank, in m
load case and is to be taken as:
Pdrop : Overpressure, in kN/m2, due to sustained liquid
flow through air pipe or overflow pipe in case of Pin = Pls + Pld
overfilling or filling during flow through ballast
without being taken less than 0
water exchange. It is to be defined by the
designer, but not to be taken less than 25kN/m2 where:
ztop : Z coordinate of the highest point of tank, Pls : Static pressure due to liquid in tank, in kN/m2,
excluding small hatchways, in m as defined in [1.2]
L : Density of liquid, in t/m3, to be taken as: Pld : Dynamic inertial pressure due to liquid in tank,
1,025 for ballast water in kN/m2, as defined in [1.3].

1,0 for fresh water 1.1.2 Pressures for the strength assessment in
flooded conditions
H : Height, in m, of a tank, to be taken as the verti-
cal distance from the bottom to the top of the The internal pressure Pin in flooded condition, in kN/m2,
tank, excluding any small hatchways acting on any load point of the watertight boundary of a
hold or other dry spaces, for the flooded static design load
dTB : Vertical distance, in m, from the baseline to the
scenarios given in Sec 7, is to be taken as:
tank bottom
Pin = Pfs
dF : Filling level of a tank, in m, to be taken as the
vertical distance measured with the ship at rest, where:
from the tank bottom to the free surface of the
liquid Pfs : Static pressure of seawater in flooded condition
in the compartment, in kN/m2, as defined in
C : Longitudinal distance, in m, between transverse [1.4].
watertight bulkheads or transverse wash bulk-
heads, if any, or between a transverse watertight
bulkhead and the adjacent transverse wash 1.2 Static liquid pressure in intact conditions
1.2.1 Normal operations at sea
bC : Transverse distance, in m, between longitudinal
watertight bulkheads or longitudinal wash bulk- The static pressure Pls due to liquid in tanks during normal
heads, if any, or between a longitudinal water- operations at sea, in kN/m2, is to be taken as:
tight bulkhead and the adjacent longitudinal
wash bulkhead Pls = L g (ztop z)

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 151

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 6

1.2.2 Harbour/sheltered water operations 1.4 Static pressure in flooded conditions

The static pressure Pls due to liquid in tanks for har-
1.4.1 Static pressure in flooded compartments
bour/sheltered water operations, in kN/m2, is to be taken as:
The static pressure Pfs , in kN/m2, for watertight boundaries
Pls = L g (ztop z) of flooded compartments is to be taken as:

1.2.3 Sequential ballast water exchange Pfs = g (zFD z)

The static pressure Pls due to liquid in ballast tanks associ- without being taken less than 0
ated with sequential ballast water exchange operations, in where:
kN/m2, is to be taken as: zFD : Z coordinate, in m, of the freeboard deck at side
Pls = L g (ztop z + 0,5 hair) in way of the transverse section considered or
the deepest equilibrium waterline in the dam-
1.2.4 Flow through ballast water exchange aged condition.
The static pressure Pls due to liquid in ballast tanks associ-
ated with flow through ballast water exchange operations, 2 Partly filled tanks intended for the
in kN/m2, is to be taken as: carriage of liquid or ballast
Pls = L g (ztop z + hair) + Pdrop
2.1 Application
1.2.5 Ballasting using ballast water treatment
2.1.1 Sloshing pressure
The sloshing pressure Psl , in kN/m2, due to liquid motion in
The static pressure Pls due to liquid in ballast tanks associ-
the longitudinal or transverse direction, acting on bulk-
ated with ballasting operations using a ballast water treat-
heads in tanks intended for the carriage of liquid or ballast,
ment system is to be taken as defined for sequential ballast
is to be taken as:
exchange in [1.2.3]. The ship designer has to inform the
Society if the ballast water treatment system implies addi- Psl = PS-SL + PW-SL
tional pressure to be considered such as Pdrop , in addition to where:
the pressure defined in [1.2.3]. PS-SL : Static pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in [2.2.1]
PW-SL : Dynamic sloshing pressure, in kN/m2, as defined
1.2.6 Static liquid pressure for the fatigue
assessment in [2.3.1] or [2.3.2].
The static pressure Pls due to liquid in tanks to be used for 2.1.2 Impact pressure
the fatigue assessment, in kN/m2, is to be taken as: The impact pressure Pim , in kN/m2, due to liquid motion in
Pls = L g (ztop z) the longitudinal or transverse direction, acting on bulk-
heads in tanks intended for the carriage of liquid or ballast,
is to be taken as:
1.3 Dynamic liquid pressure in intact
Pim = PS-I + PW-I
1.3.1 The dynamic pressure Pld due to liquid in tanks, in PS-I : Static pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in [2.2.2]
kN/m2, is to be taken as: PW-I : Dynamic impact pressure, in kN/m2, as defined
Pld = L [aX (x0 x) + aY (y0 y) + aZ (z0 z)] in [2.4.1].
2.2 Static pressure
x0 : X coordinate, in m, of the reference point.
y0 : Y coordinate, in m, of the reference point. 2.2.1 Static pressure to be used in combination
with the dynamic sloshing pressure
z0 : Z coordinate, in m, of the reference point.
The static pressure PS-SL to be used in combination with the
The reference point is to be taken as the point with the high- dynamic sloshing pressure defined in [2.3] is to be
est value of Vj , calculated for all the points that define the obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formulae:
upper boundary of the tank, as follows: for z < dF + dTB: PS-SL = L g (dF + dTB z)
Vj = aX (xj xC) + aY (yj yC) + (aZ + g) (zj zC) for z dF + dTB: PS-SL = 0
2.2.2 Static pressure to be used in combination
xj : X coordinate, in m, of the point j on the upper with the dynamic impact pressure
boundary of the tank The static pressure PS-I to be used in combination with the
yj : Y coordinate, in m, of the point j on the upper dynamic impact pressure defined in [2.4] is to be obtained,
boundary of the tank in kN/m2, from the following formulae:
zj : Z coordinate, in m, of the point j on the upper for z < 0,7 H + dTB: PS-I = L g (0,7 H + dTB z)
boundary of the tank. for z 0,7 H + dTB: PS-I = 0

152 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 6

2.3 Dynamic sloshing pressure

P W-SL = 0 for z 0 ,8d F + d TB
z d TB
P W-SL = 5 ---------------- 4 P 0
2.3.1 The sloshing pressure PW-SL is obtained, in kN/m , for 0 ,8d F + d TB < z d F + d TB
from the following formulae (see Fig 1): dF
z d TB
P W-SL = 6 5 ---------------- P for d F + d TB < z < 1 ,2d F + d TB
Figure 1 : Sloshing pressure PW-SL dF 0
P W-SL = 0 for z 1 ,2d F + d TB

P0 : Reference pressure defined in Tab 1 for longitu-
dinal and transverse liquid motion.

0,2dF : Coefficient taken equal to (see Fig 2):

H 0,2dF dF
= ------------- for d F < 0 ,6H
0 ,6H
dF =1 for 0 ,6H d F 0 ,7H
= ----------------F for d F > 0 ,7H
0 ,3H

Figure 2 : Coefficient

H 0,2dF


Table 1 : Reference pressure P0 for calculation of sloshing, and dynamic impact pressure PW-I

Liquid motion direction Reference pressure P0 , in kN/m2 Dynamic impact pressure PW-I , in kN/m2

Longitudinal 0 ,84 P L gS C ---------- P L g C 0 ,9 + ----C- ( 5 + 0 ,015L ) ----------
180 L 180

1 ,93 R L gb C B 1 0 ,3 ------ ----------
Transverse 0 ,61 R L g ( 0 ,75B 8 )b C ----------
b C 180 180
Note 1:
P : Coefficient defined as follows:
P = 1,0 in the case of smooth tanks or tanks with bottom transverses whose height, in m, measured from the tank
bottom, is less than 0,1 H
P = 0,4 in the case of tanks with bottom transverses whose height, in m, measured from the tank bottom, is not less
than 0,1 H
S : Coefficient defined as follows:
S = 1 + 0,02 L if L 200 m
S = 3 + 0,01 L if L > 200 m
: Pitch amplitude, in rad, defined in Sec 3, [2.1.2].
R : Coefficient defined as follows:
if bC / B 0,3: R = 0
if bC / B > 0,3:
- R = 1,0 in case of smooth tanks or tanks with bottom girders whose height, in m, measured from the tank bot-
tom, is less than 0,1 H
- R = 0,4 in case of tanks with bottom girders whose height, in m, measured from the tank bottom, is not less
than 0,1 H
: Roll amplitude, in rad, defined in Sec 3, [2.1.1].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 153

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 6

2.3.2 Sloshing pressure on tank bottom transverses Pdl-s : Static pressure, in kN/m2, due to uniform cargo,
in the case of longitudinal liquid motion to be defined by the Designer without being less
The sloshing pressure PW-SL to be considered as acting on than:
tank bottom transverses is obtained, in kN/m2, from the fol- 3 kN/m2 for accommodation decks, and
lowing formula: 10 kN/m2 for other decks and platforms
PW-SL = 0,84 L g (1,95 0,12 n) (z dTB) Pdl-d : Dynamic pressure, in kN/m2, due to uniform
where: cargo, to be taken as:
n : Number of bottom transverses in the tank. P dl-d = P dl-s ----Z-
2.3.3 Alternative methods aZ : Vertical acceleration, in m/s2, at the load posi-
The Society may accept that the dynamic sloshing pressure tion being considered, for the considered load
is evaluated on the basis of dynamic calculation proce- case, to be obtained according to Sec 3, [3].
dures, where deemed necessary in relation to the tank
dimensions and the ship characteristics. The calculations 3.2 Concentrated force due to unit cargo
are to be submitted to the Society for verification.
3.2.1 When a unit cargo is carried on a deck, a concen-
trated load is to be applied. The static and dynamic concen-
2.4 Dynamic impact pressure trated forces due to this unit cargo are to be considered,
when a direct analysis is applied for stiffeners or for primary
2.4.1 The dynamic impact pressure PW-I is obtained, in
supporting members, such as in Ch 6, Sec 5, [1.2] or in Ch
kN/m2, from the formulae defined in Tab 1 for longitudinal 6, Sec 6, [2.2], respectively.
and transverse liquid motions.
The concentrated force Fu-s , in kN, due to this unit cargo for
Where the upper part of a transverse bulkhead or longitudi- the static design load scenarios is to be taken, in the z direc-
nal bulkhead, inner side or side is sloped, the dynamic tion, as:
impact pressure PW-I may be multiplied by the coefficient ,
Fu-s = mU g
to be obtained from the following formula:
The concentrated force Fu-d , in kN, due to this unit cargo for
= 1 ------------- the static + dynamic design load scenarios is to be derived
0 ,3 H from the dynamic load cases, with components to be taken
without being taken less than 0 as defined in Tab 2.
where: Table 2 : Force Fu-d due to unit cargo
hT : Height, in m, of the sloped part of the transverse
or longitudinal bulkhead, inner side or side. Fu-d , in kN, Fu-d , in kN,
on exposed deck on non-exposed deck
2.4.2 Alternative methods x mU aX mU aX-env
The Society may accept that the dynamic impact pressure is y mU aY mU aY-env
evaluated on the basis of dynamic calculation procedures,
where deemed necessary in relation to the tank dimensions z mU (aZ + g) mU (aZ-env + g)
and the ship characteristics. The calculations are to be sub- Note 1:
mitted to the Society for verification. mU : Mass of the unit cargo carried, in t
aX , aY , aZ : Accelerations, in m/s2, at the centre of gravity of
3 Loads on decks and platforms the unit cargo carried for the considered load
case, to be obtained according to Sec 3, [3.2]
aX-env , aY-env , aZ-env : Envelope of accelerations, in m/s2, at the
3.1 Pressure due to uniform cargo centre of gravity of the unit cargo carried, to be
obtained according to Sec 3, [3.3].
3.1.1 When uniform cargo is carried on deck, a distributed
load is to be applied. The static and dynamic pressure due 4 Loads due to containers
to this uniform cargo is to be considered.
The total pressure Pdl , in kN/m2, due to uniform cargo for 4.1 Forces applied to containers
the static design load scenarios is to be taken as:
4.1.1 Centre of gravity of a container
Pdl = Pdl-s
The centre of gravity of each container with its cargo is to
The total pressure Pdl , in kN/m2, due to uniform cargo for be taken at 45% of the container height.
the static + dynamic design load scenario is to be derived
for each dynamic load case and is to be taken as: 4.1.2 Static and dynamic forces
The static and dynamic forces applied to one container
Pdl = Pdl-s + Pdl-d
located at tier i, as defined in Fig 3, are to be obtained, in
where: kN, as specified in Tab 3.

154 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 6

Figure 3 : Container levels in a stack Table 3 : Container at tier i

Static and dynamic forces, in kN
Lashing at level N
Static force FS,i = Mig

Tier N container
Dynamic forces FW,X,i = Mi aX-env in x direction
FW,Y,i = Mi aY-env in y direction
FW,Z,i = Mi aZ-env in z direction
Note 1:
Mi : Mass, in t, of the container at tier i
Lashing at level i aX-env , aY-env , aZ-env : Envelope of accelerations, in m/s2, deter-
mined at the container centre of gravity, to be
obtained according to Sec 3, [3.3].
Tier i container

4.2 Stacks of containers

Lashing at level i - 1

4.2.1 Static and dynamic forces

The static and dynamic forces and the wind force are to be
Lashing at level 2 considered as defined in [4.1.2] and Sec 5, [5.1], respec-
tively, and the forces transmitted at the corners of a stack are
to be obtained as specified in Tab 4 (see also Fig 4).
Tier 2 container
4.2.2 Empty containers
Lashing at level 1
When empty containers are stowed at the top of a stack,
static and dynamic forces are to be derived considering the
weight of empty containers equal to:
Tier 1 container
2,5 t for twenty feet containers
3,5 t for forty feet containers
3,5 t for forty-five feet containers.

Table 4 : Containers - Static, dynamic and wind forces

Static force FS and dynamic and wind force FW, Vertical static force RS and dynamic and wind force RW,
in kN, acting on each container stack in kN, transmitted at the corners of each container stack (1)
Static force NC
FS = F S ,i R S = ----S

Dynamic forces in x direction: F W, Z

R W ,1 = ---------
- + R W, MY + R W, MX
NC 4
F W ,X = (F W ,X ,i + F X ,wind ,i ) F W, Z
R W ,2 = ---------
- R W, MY R W, MX
i=1 4

in y direction: F W, Z
R W ,3 = ---------
- R W, MY + R W, MX
NC 4
F W ,Y = (F W ,Y ,i + F Y ,wind ,i ) F W, Z
R W ,4 = ---------
- + R W, MY R W, MX
i=1 4

in z direction: N C h C F W, X
R W ,MY = -----------------------
NC 4 C
F W ,Z = F W ,Z ,i N C h C F W, Y
R W ,MX = -----------------------
i=1 4b C
(1) Effect of cell guides may be taken into consideration according to [4.2.3].
Note 1:
FX,wind,i : Wind force in the longitudinal direction as defined in Sec 5, [5.1]
FY,wind,i : Wind force in the transverse direction as defined in Sec 5, [5.1]
NC : Number of containers per stack
hC : Height, in m, of a container
C, bC : Dimensions, in m, of the container stack in the ship longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 155

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 6

For other container sizes, the weight of empty containers is 5 Design pressure for tank testing
to be taken equal to 0,14 times the maximum gross weight
of the container.
5.1 Definition
Figure 4 : Stack of containers and forces
5.1.1 In order to assess the structure, static design pres-
FW,Z sures, PST, in kN/m2, are to be considered, as obtained from
the formulae in Tab 5.
Table 5 : Tank testing design pressures

Compartment Still water pressure PST , in kN/m2

Double bottom tanks The greater of the following:
Double side tanks PST = 10 [(ztop z) + hair]
PST = 10 [(ztop z) + 2,4]
PST = 10 (zbd z)
Fuel oil tanks The greater of the following:
PST = 10 [(ztop z) + hair]
RW,1 PST = 10 [(ztop z) + 2,4]
RW,2 X PST = 10 [(ztop z) + Pdrop]
PST = 10 (zbd z)
4.2.3 Effect of cell guides Deep tanks The greater of the following:
Where cell guides support the containers stowed in holds, Peak tanks PST = 10 [(ztop z) + hair]
absolute value of RW,Y calculated according to [4.2.1], may PST = 10 [(ztop z) + 2,4]
be assumed not to be greater than 160 kN, provided that
Chain locker PST = 10 (zcp z)
arrangements of cell guides and horizontal transverse cross-
ties effectively block the container corners. Note 1:
Any other arrangement may be accepted, to the Societys zbd : Z coordinate, in m, of the bulkhead deck
satisfaction. zcp : Z coordinate, in m, of the top of chain pipe.

156 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 7



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. Pin : Design internal pressure, in kN/m2
VBM : Design vertical bending moment, in kNm PST : Tank testing pressure, in kN/m2, see Sec 6,
Msw : Permissible maximum and minimum vertical [5.1.1]
still water bending moment in seagoing opera- Pls : Static liquid pressure in tank, in kN/m2, as
tion, in kNm, at the hull transverse section con- defined in Sec 6, [1.2]
sidered, defined in Sec 4, [2.2.1]
Pld : Dynamic liquid pressure in tank for a consid-
Msw-p : Permissible maximum and minimum vertical
ered dynamic load case, in kN/m2, as defined in
still water bending moment for harbour/shel-
Sec 6, [1.3]
tered water operation, in kNm, as defined in
Sec 4, [2.2.2] Pfs : Static pressure in compartments in flooded con-
Msw-t-LC : Permissible torsional still water moment for sea- dition, in kN/m2, as defined in Sec 6, [1.4.1]
going operation, in kNm, as defined in Sec 4, Pdk : Design pressure due to uniform cargo, in kN/m2
Pdl-s : Static pressure on decks and platforms, in
Msw-t-p : Permissible torsional still water moment for har- kN/m2, as defined in Sec 6, [3.1.1]
bour/sheltered water operation, in kNm, as
defined in Sec 4, [2.4.4] Pdl-d : Dynamic pressure on decks platforms for a con-
sidered dynamic load case, in kN/m2, as defined
Mwv-LC : Vertical wave bending moment for a considered
in Sec 6, [3.1.1]
dynamic load case, in kNm, as defined in Sec
4, [3.6.1] Psd : Lateral pressure on sides of superstructures or
HBM : Design horizontal bending moment, in kNm deckhouses not contributing to the longitudinal
strength, in kN/m2, as defined in Sec 5, [4.4.2]
Mwh-LC : Horizontal wave bending moment for a consid-
ered dynamic load case, in kNm, as defined in Fu : Design force due to unit cargo, in kN
Sec 4, [3.6.3] Fu-s : Static load acting on supporting structures and
TM : Design torsional moment, in kNm securing systems for unit cargo, in kN, as
Mwt-LC : Wave torsional moment for a considered defined in Sec 6, [3.2.1]
dynamic load case, in kNm, as defined in Sec Fu-d : Static and dynamic loads acting on supporting
4, [3.6.5] structures and securing systems for unit cargo,
VSF : Design vertical shear force, in kN in kN, as defined in Sec 6, [3.2.1]
HSF : Design horizontal shear force, in kN PSLI : Bottom or stern impact pressure, in kN/m2, as
Qsw : Permissible hull girder maximum and minimum defined in Sec 5, [3.2]
still water shear force limits for seagoing opera- PFI : Bow flare impact pressure, in kN/m2, as defined
tion, in kN, as defined in Sec 4, [2.3.1] in Sec 5, [3.3]
Qsw-p : Permissible hull girder maximum and minimum
Psl : Sloshing pressure, in kN/m, as defined in Sec 6,
still water shear force limits for harbour/shel-
tered water operation, in kN, as defined in Sec
4, [2.3.2] Pim : Impact pressure due to liquid motion, in kN/m,
Qwv-LC : Vertical wave shear force for a considered as defined in Sec 6, [2.1.2].
dynamic load case, in kN, as defined in Sec 4,
[3.6.2] 1 General
Pex : Design external pressure, in kN/m2
PS : Static sea pressure at considered draught, in 1.1 Application
kN/m2, as defined in Sec 5, [1.2.1]
PW : Dynamic pressure for a considered dynamic 1.1.1 This Section describes the design load scenarios to be
load case, in kN/m2, as defined in Sec 5, [1.3] used for:
or Sec 5, [1.4] strength assessment by prescriptive and direct analysis
Pd : Green sea pressure for a considered dynamic (Finite Element Analysis, FEA), as given in [2]
load case, in kN/m2, as defined in Sec 5, [2.2.3] fatigue assessment by prescriptive and direct analysis
and Sec 5, [2.2.4] (FEA), as given in [3].

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 7

1.1.2 For strength assessment, the principal design load 2.2.2 Design load scenario for bottom or stern
scenarios are either S (Static) loads, S+D (Static + Dynamic) slamming impact
loads or T (Testing) loads. When the letter A prefixes the S, For the design load scenario for bottom or stern slamming
it refers to an accidental design load scenario. impact, only the pressure PSLI , as defined in Sec 5, [3.2], is
In addition, design load scenarios are to be considered to be applied to the outer shell.
relating to impact loads and sloshing loads in partly filled
tanks. 2.2.3 Design load scenario for bow flare impact
For the design load scenario for bow flare impact, only the
1.1.3 For fatigue assessment, the design load scenarios are pressure PFI , as defined in Sec 5, [3.3], is to be applied to
S+D (Static + Dynamic) loads, with the prefix F for fatigue. the outer shell.

2 Design load scenarios for strength 2.2.4 Design load scenario for sloshing in partly
filled tanks
For the design load scenario for sloshing, the following
loads are to be considered:
2.1 Principal design load scenarios
the sloshing pressure Psl , as defined in Sec 6, [2.1.1], is
2.1.1 The principal design load scenarios for strength to be applied combined with the still water vertical
assessment are given in Tab 1. bending moment for seagoing Msw
only the impact pressure Pim , as defined in Sec 6,
2.2 Design load scenarios for impact and [2.1.2], is to be applied.
3 Design load scenario for fatigue
2.2.1 The additional design load scenarios relating to
impact loads and sloshing loads to be considered are: assessment
bottom slamming impact
stern slamming impact
3.1 Design load scenario
bow flare impact 3.1.1 The design load scenario for fatigue assessment is
sloshing loads in partly filled tanks. given in Tab 2.

Table 1 : Principal design load scenarios for strength assessment

Design load scenario

Harbour, Seagoing conditions Ballast water Flooded
Tank testing
sheltered water with extreme sea exchange conditions
(S) (1) loads (S+D) (S+D) (1) (A: S)
VBM Msw-p Msw-p Msw+ Mwv-LC Msw + Mwv-LC Msw
Hull girder


VSF Qsw-p Qsw-p Qsw + Qwv-LC Qsw + Qwv-LC
TM Msw-t-p Msw-t-p Msw-t-LC + Mwt-LC Msw-t-LC + Mwt-LC
Exposed decks Pd
Load components

Outer shell PS PS PS + PW PS + PW
Sides of superstructures PS + PW (2)
and deckhouses
Psd (3)

Local loads

Ballast tanks Pls + Pld

Pls PST Pls + Pld
Other tanks
Watertight boundaries Pfs

Exposed and non-exposed

Pdk Pdl-s Pdl-s + Pdl-d
decks for uniform cargo
Exposed and non-exposed
Fu Fu-s Fu-d
decks for unit cargo
(1) Applicable to prescriptive assessment only.
(2) Contributing to the longitudinal strength.
(3) Not contributing to the longitudinal strength.

158 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 7

Table 2 : Design load scenario for fatigue assessment

Fatigue (F: S+D)

VBM Msw+ Mwv-LC
Hull girder VSF Qsw + Qwv-LC
TM Msw-t-LC + Mwt-LC
Exposed decks
Load Pex Outer shell PS + PW
Sides of superstructures and deckhouses
Ballast tanks
Local loads Pls + Pld
Pin Other tanks
Watertight boundaries
Pdk Exposed and non-exposed decks for uniform cargo
Fu Exposed and non-exposed decks for unit cargo

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 8



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 2.2 Seagoing conditions
2.2.1 The following seagoing loading conditions are to be
1 Application included, as a minimum, in the loading manual:
a) homogeneous cargo loading condition including a con-
1.1 Loading conditions for strength dition at the scantling draught
assessment b) ballast condition where the ballast tanks may be full or
empty. All cargo holds are to be empty. The propeller is
1.1.1 The loading conditions to be considered for longitu- to be fully immersed
dinal strength assessment are given in [2]. The loading con-
ditions to be considered for assessment of primary structure c) when relevant, conditions covering ballast water
are given in [3] and [4]. exchange procedures with the calculations of intermedi-
ate conditions just before and just after ballasting and/or
1.1.2 These requirements are not intended to prevent con- deballasting any ballast tank.
ditions to be included in the loading manual for which cal-
culations are to be submitted. 2.3 Harbour and sheltered water conditions

1.1.3 Loading conditions from the loading manual, which 2.3.1 The following harbour and sheltered water conditions
are not covered in [2] to [4], are to be considered. are to be included in the loading manual:
a) docking condition afloat
1.2 Loading conditions for fatigue b) propellers inspection afloat condition, in which 75% of
assessment the propeller height at least is emerged. Ships with pod-
ded propulsion system arrangements are to be individu-
1.2.1 The loading conditions to be considered for fatigue ally considered by the Society.
assessment are given in [5].
3 Loading conditions and load cases for
2 Loading conditions for longitudinal analysis of primary structure based on
strength assessment partial three-dimensional model

2.1 Definitions 3.1 General

2.1.1 In general, the design cargo and ballast loading con- 3.1.1 The loading conditions to be considered for three-
ditions to be considered for the longitudinal strength assess- dimensional analysis are given in:
ment are to be assessed for both departure and arrival [3.3] for strength check of cargo holds
[3.4] for strength check of fuel oil tanks when deep fuel
Where the amount and disposition of consumables at any oil tanks are located in the cargo hold area.
intermediate stage of the voyage are considered more
severe, calculations for such intermediate conditions are to 3.1.2 These loading conditions may be adjusted if deemed
be submitted in addition to those for departure and arrival relevant by the Society.
3.2 Container weight
2.1.2 Departure conditions
The departure conditions are to be based on bunker tanks 3.2.1 Maximum number of tiers
not taken less than 95% full and other consumables (fresh It corresponds to the maximum number of tiers on deck and
water and stores) taken at 100% capacity. in hold as provided on the container stowage plan.
On a case-by-case basis, for tiers on deck, the maximum
2.1.3 Arrival conditions number of tiers as provided among all the loading condi-
The arrival conditions are to be based on 10% of the maxi- tions as described in the loading manual might be used,
mum capacity of bunker, fresh water and stores. upon agreement by the Society.

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 8

3.2.2 Permissible stack weight 3.3 Loading conditions for cargo holds
The permissible stack weights in hold and on deck, for 20 strength check
and 40 containers as referred to in [3.2.3] to [3.2.6], are to
be defined in the loading manual and on the midship sec- 3.3.1 The loading conditions to be considered for cargo
tion, as required in Ch 1, Sec 3, [2.2.1]. hold strength check are given in [3.3.4] to [3.3.8] and are
summarized in Tab 1.
3.2.3 Heavy cargo in hold
3.3.2 For the loading conditions given in [3.3.5] to [3.3.8],
a) 40 containers
all ballast and fuel oil tanks in way of cargo hold model are
Heavy cargo weight of 40' containers in hold is to be to be empty.
calculated as the permissible stack weight, as defined in
[3.2.2], divided by the maximum number of tiers, as 3.3.3 If deemed necessary by the Society, specific static
defined in [3.2.1]. harbour conditions may have to be considered in addition
Note 1: At preliminary stage when the permissible stack weight is
to the loading conditions given in [3.3.4] to [3.3.8], using
not available, the heavy cargo weight of 40' containers in hold permissible hull girder loads for harbour conditions.
may be taken equal to 30,5 T.
3.3.4 Ballast loading condition
b) 20 containers
Ballast 1 (BL-1):
Heavy cargo weight of 20' containers in hold is to be
all cargo holds to be empty, ballast tanks to be full
calculated as the permissible stack weight, as defined in
[3.2.2], divided by the maximum number of tiers, as the draught value is to be taken as the minimum ballast
defined in [3.2.1]. draught provided in the loading manual (LM) and the
still water bending moment is to be taken from the same
A specific value of uniform permissible stack weight of
20' containers might be specified in loading manual
and midship section, used for FE calculation. This value
3.3.5 Homogeneous loading conditions
should be at least equal to the maximum stack weight of
20' container stacks provided among the different load- Homogeneous heavy (HH):
ing conditions of the loading manual. homogeneous 40 containers loaded on deck and in
3.2.4 Heavy cargo on deck
heavy cargo weight of 40 containers is to be considered
a) 40 containers as defined in [3.2.3]
Heavy cargo weight of 40' containers on deck is to be scantling draught is to be considered together with the
calculated as the permissible stack weight, as defined in maximum design still water bending moment in hog-
[3.2.2], divided by the maximum number of tiers, as ging.
defined in [3.2.1].
Homogeneous light (HL):
b) 20 containers
homogeneous 40 containers loaded on deck and in
Heavy cargo weight of 20' containers on deck is to be
calculated as the permissible stack weight, as defined in
[3.2.2], divided by the maximum number of tiers, as light cargo weight of 40 containers in hold is to be con-
defined in [3.2.1]. sidered as defined in [3.2.5]
light cargo weight of 40 containers on deck is to be
3.2.5 Light cargo in hold taken as defined in [3.2.6]
a) 40 containers scantling draught is to be considered together with the
Light cargo weight of 40' containers in hold is to be maximum design still water bending moment in hog-
taken as 55% of its related heavy cargo weight, as ging.
defined in [3.2.3], not exceeding 16,5 T per container.
Homogeneous reduced draught (HR):
b) 20 containers
homogeneous 20 containers loaded on deck and in
Light cargo weight of 20' containers in hold is to be holds. Reduced draught is to be considered together
taken as the minimum stack weight in holds, selected with the minimum design still water bending moment
among homogeneous conditions provided in the load-
reduced draught corresponds to the expected draught
ing manual considering the holds filled up to the top,
amidships when heavy cargo is loaded in the consid-
divided by the maximum number of tiers as defined in
ered holds while lighter cargo is loaded in the other
[3.2.1], without exceeding 8 T per container.
3.2.6 Light cargo on deck Reduced draught is not to be taken more than 90% of
Light cargo weight of 40' containers on deck is to be taken the scantling draught
equal to 90% of its related heavy cargo weight, without heavy cargo weight of 20 containers is to be considered
exceeding 17 T per container. as defined in [3.2.3].

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Table 1 : Loading conditions for cargo hold strength check

Loading Loading Container

Description Draught SWBM SWSF
condition pattern loading (1)
BL-1 Ballast Not loaded TBAL from LM Qsw

HH Heavy cargo 40 TSC Msw-max Qsw

HL Light cargo 40 TSC Msw-max Qsw

HR Heavy cargo 20 0,9TSC Msw-min Qsw
(reduced draught)

Maximum Heavy cargo 20 on deck

DL 0,9 TSC Msw-min (2) Qsw
deck load Light cargo 20 in hold

Heavy cargo 40
OB-1 One bay empty One bay empty in hold TSC Msw-max Qsw
and on deck (3)

Heavy cargo 40
FD Flooding TF
Any cargo hold flooded

(1) Container weights are defined in [3.2]. Each stack is to be loaded with the maximum number of tiers, as defined in [3.2.1].
(2) The minimum vertical still water bending moment taken from all the homogeneous loading conditions in the loading manual
may be used.
(3) A minimum list of loading patterns is defined in Tab 2.

3.3.6 Maximum deck load loading condition all homogeneous loading conditions described in the
Maximum deck load (DL): loading manual.

maximum stack load of 20' containers on deck and 3.3.7 One bay empty loading condition
minimum stack load of 20' containers in holds
One bay empty 1 (OB-1):
light cargo weight of 20 containers in hold is to be
homogeneous loading is to be considered similarly to
taken as defined in [3.2.5]
HH, as defined in [3.3.5], except one bay to be kept
heavy cargo weight of 20 containers on deck is to be empty in hold and on deck. A minimum list of loading
taken as defined in [3.2.3] patterns is defined in Tab 2
scantling draught is to be considered together with the scantling draught is to be considered together with the
minimum still water bending moment, selected among maximum design still water bending moment in hogging.

162 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 8

Table 2 : One bay empty loading condition

Container ship arrangement

Number of bays Bays to be considered as being empty
per hold
Twin islands Bay located immediately aft of the fore island
One of the two bays of the second cargo hold aft of the fore island
Bay located immediately aft of the fore island
Two forward bays in the second cargo hold aft of the fore island (1)
Single island 2 One bay among those located within 0,3 L to 0,7 L
One bay among those located within 0,3 L to 0,7 L and adjacent to a watertight bulkhead
One bay among those located within 0,3 L to 0,7 L, in the middle of the hold
(1) Two different loading conditions are to be checked, each of them with one of the bays to be considered empty.

3.3.8 Flooding 3.4.4 Maximum stack load loading conditions

Flooding (FD): Maximum stack load 1 (SL-1):
cargo holds are to be loaded as per HH condition
homogeneous loading is to be considered similarly to
described in [3.3.6]. Fuel oil tanks are to be empty
HH, as defined in [3.3.5]. Dynamic loads and hull
girder loads are disregarded scantling draught is to be considered together with the
minimum still water bending moment, selected among
draught TF is to be considered up to the deepest equilib- all homogeneous loading conditions described in the
rium waterline in damaged condition (obtained from loading manual.
applicable damage stability calculations). If this infor-
mation is not available at design stage, the draught Maximum stack load 2 (SL-2):
might be considered up to the freeboard deck. It is to be cargo holds are to be loaded as per HH condition
checked at a later stage that the deepest equilibrium described in [3.3.6]. Fuel oil tanks are to be loaded
waterline remains below the freeboard deck alternately through ships breadth
the structural analysis is only carried out on the trans- Scantling draught is to be considered together with the
verse bulkheads. minimum still water bending moment, selected among
all homogeneous loading conditions described in the
loading manual.
3.4 Loading conditions for fuel oil tanks
3.4.5 One bay empty loading conditions
3.4.1 The loading conditions to be considered for fuel oil One bay empty 2 (OB-2):
tank strength check are given in [3.4.3] to [3.4.6] and are
cargo holds are to be loaded as per HH condition
summarized in Tab 3. described in [3.3.5] except one bay adjacent to the fuel
oil tanks to be kept empty. Fuel oil tanks are to be empty
3.4.2 The actual density of the fuel oil is to be used in the
calculation. scantling draught is to be considered together with the
maximum design still water bending moment in hog-
If any deckhouse or superstructure is fitted above the fuel oil ging.
tanks, inertial loads induced by such structures are to be
modelled. One bay empty 3 (OB-3):
cargo holds are to be loaded as per HH condition
3.4.3 Normal ballast loading conditions described in [3.3.5] except one bay adjacent to the fuel
oil tanks to be kept empty. Fuel oil tanks are to be
Ballast 2 (BL-2):
loaded alternately
cargo holds are to be empty. All fuel oil tanks are to be scantling draught is to be considered together with the
fully loaded maximum design still water bending moment in hog-
the draught is to be taken as the minimum ballast ging.
draught provided in the loading manual. One bay empty 4 (OB-4):
Ballast 3 (BL-3): cargo holds are to be loaded as per HH condition
described in [3.3.5] except one bay adjacent to the fuel
cargo holds are to be empty. Fuel oil tanks are to be oil tanks to be kept empty. All fuel oil tanks are to be
loaded alternately fully loaded
the draught is to be taken as the minimum ballast the draught is to be taken as the lightest load draught
draught provided in the loading manual. provided in loading manual.

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 8

Table 3 : Loading conditions for fuel oil tanks strength check

Loading Container FOT

Description Draught SWBM SWSF
condition loading (1) loading
BL-2 Full
Ballast Not loaded TBAL from LM Qsw
BL-3 Alternate
SL-1 Maximum Empty Msw-min
Heavy cargo 40 TSC Qsw
SL-2 stack load Alternate
OB-2 Empty Msw-max
OB-3 Heavy cargo 40 Alternate
One bay empty One bay adjacent to Qsw
OB-4 HFO empty (2) Full
TL (3) Msw-min
OB-5 Alternate
TS Testing Not loaded Testing TBAL from LM Qsw
(1) Container weights are defined in [3.2]. Each stack is to be loaded with the maximum number of tiers as defined in [3.2.1].
(2) If the arrangement and scantling of the bays forward and aft of the FOT are symmetrical, either bay is to be empty and the other
to be full. Otherwise, both conditions are to be considered.
(3) The lightest load draught taken from the loading manual.

One bay empty 5 (OB-5): If no relevant homogeneous loading condition is provided

cargo holds are to be loaded as per HH condition without ballast water, the one with the least ballast water is
described in [3.3.5] except one bay adjacent to the fuel to be selected.
oil tanks to be kept empty. Fuel oil tanks are to be This generally leads to a nominal container weight of
loaded alternately 28 t / FEU. Any significant deviation to this value shall be
the draught is to be taken as the lightest load draught discussed with the Society.
provided in loading manual, without being taken
greater than 0,75 D. 4.2 Procedure for the selection of design
3.4.6 Testing loading conditions
Testing (TS): 4.2.1 Summary of the loading procedure
fuel oil tank testing condition is to be checked consider- The determination of the design wave characteristics for
ing the test pressure as defined for deep tanks in Sec 6, each load case includes the following steps:
[5]. No dynamic pressure is to be considered. Each tank computation of the response operators (amplitude and
is to be filled separately phase) of the dominant load effect
the draught is to be taken as the minimum ballast selection of the wave length and heading according to
draught from the loading manual, and the still water the guidelines in [4.3]
bending moment is to be taken from the same condi-
determination of the wave phase such that the dominant
load effect reaches its maximum
computation of the wave amplitude corresponding to
4 Loading conditions and load cases the design value of the dominant load effect.
for analysis of primary structure
based on full length model 4.2.2 Dominant load effects
Each load case maximises the value of one of the following
4.1 Loading condition load effects having a dominant influence on the strength of
some parts of the structure:
4.1.1 A single loading condition is to be selected from the vertical wave bending moment in hogging and sagging
loading manual, considering the following criteria: condition amidships
the ship is to be homogeneously loaded with 40 con- horizontal wave bending moment amidships
tainers (few 20 containers might be used to fill in empty wave torsional moment around 0,25L and 0,75L
vertical acceleration at fore body sections
cargo holds are to be loaded up to their top
roll motion
no ballast water is carried in the cargo hold region
wave pressure at the waterline amidships.
among all conditions that fulfil the above requirements,
the one achieving the highest still water vertical bending Additional loads might be investigated when deemed rele-
moment is to be selected. vant by the Society.

164 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 8

4.2.3 Response Amplitude Operators where:

The Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) and associated D : Design value of the dominant load effect
phase characteristics are to be computed for wave periods
between 4 and 22 seconds, using a seakeeping program, for RAO : Response amplitude operator of the dominant
the following motions and load effects: load effect computed for the relevant wave
heading and wave frequency
heave, sway, pitch, roll and yaw motions
RAO : Phase of the response amplitude operator of the
vertical wave bending moment at 0,5L or at the longitu-
dinal position where the bending moment RAO is maxi- dominant load effect for the relevant wave
mum heading and wave frequency
vertical wave shear force at 0,25L and 0,75L i : Wave frequency
horizontal wave bending moment at 0,5L : Wave heading
wave torsional moment at 0,25L and 0,75L. S : Wave spectrum (Pierson-Moskowitz) with the
peak period Tp
The response amplitude operators are to be calculated for
wave headings ranging from 0 (following seas) to 180 m0 : Spectral moment of order 0, defined as:
(head seas) by increment of 15, using a ship speed of

S ( )RAO ( , ) d
5 knots. m0 =
The amplitude and phase of other dominant load effects 0

may be computed at relevant wave period, using the RAOs i : Wave frequency step.
listed above.
The wave heading , peak period Tp and design value D of
4.2.4 Design waves the dominant load effect are given, for each load case, in
For each load case, the ship is considered to encounter a [4.3.1] and [4.3.2].
Response Conditioned Wave (RCW). The RCW is an irregu- When positioning the finite element model of the ship on
lar wave train composed by at least 60 uni-directional the design wave, the amplitude of the wave is to be cor-
waves. For each wave, the range of time is to be taken rected to obtain the design value of the dominant load
between / and /, where is the wave frequency effect in order to take into account the non linear effects
step as defined in [4.3.4]. due to the hull shape and to the pressure distribution above
the mean water line.
4.2.5 Design wave amplitude and phase

For each wave contributing to the RCW, the amplitude Ai 4.3 Load cases
and phase i can be computed from the RAO and the wave
spectrum, using the following relationships:
4.3.1 Load case definition
A i = S ( i ) RAO ( i, ) ------- i
m0 The wave heading , in deg, which maximises each domi-
i = RAO ( i, ) nant load effect is specified in Tab 4.

Table 4 : Load cases definition

Load EDW Reference of
Dominant load effect Location heading
case (1) design value D
HVM Vertical wave bending moment
1 Midship section 180 0,65 CW-LC1,3
Mwv-h or Mwv-s Mwv-h and Mwv-s defined in
FVM Vertical wave bending moment Sec 4, [3.1]
2 Vicinity of 0,25L 0 0,65 CW-LC1,3
Mwv-h or Mwv-s
3 BR Roll motion Midship section 90 4,60 TR2 defined in Sec 3, [2.1.1]
BP Wave pressure at the waterline PW defined in Sec 5, [1.3.1]
4 Midship section 90 0,55 fTL0,4
PW for BP
OHM Horizontal wave bending
5 Midship section 120 0,65 fTL0,3 Mwh defined in Sec 4, [3.3]
moment Mwh
OHS Horizontal wave shear force Qwh defined in Sec 4, [3.4]
6 Vicinity of 0,75L 60 0,68 fTL0,3
Qwh and torsion Mwt Mwt defined in Sec 4, [3.5]
7 OVA Vertical acceleration aZ Vicinity of L 120 0,24 fBL0,8 aZ defined in Sec 3, [3.2.4]
(1) Equivalent Design Wave as defined in Sec 2.
(2) The forward ship speed is to be taken equal to 5 knots.

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NR 625, Ch 4, Sec 8

The peak period Tp , in s, which maximises each dominant Table 5 : Values of factor Cmax
load effect is to be taken as:
0, 25 Load component Cmax
Tp = ( T0 )
0, 5 2L
g Wave bending moments and wave torque 1,10
where: Wave shear forces 1,40
T0 : Wave period providing the maximum RAO, in s, Roll angle, vertical and horizontal accelerations 1,10
to be taken as: Wave pressure 1,20
L 0, 5
T 0 = 2, 2 -------
g 4.3.4 Seakeeping assumptions
Lc : Length, in m, as defined in Sec 3 When a direct seakeeping analysis is used to derive long-
: Parameter for the considered load case, as term values of hull girder loads, Response Amplitude Oper-
defined in Tab 4. ators are to be computed, considering:
a linear analysis
4.3.2 Design value of dominant load effect
The design values of dominant load effects are specified in a ship speed of 5 knots
Tab 4. at least 36 headings (10 steps)
When deemed relevant by the Society, the design values frequencies in the range [0:2] rad/s
may be derived on the basis of a direct long-term linear sea-
keeping analysis. The long-term value for vertical bending a frequency step equal to:
moment is to be corrected for Froude-Krylov non-linearities.
Long-term values are to be derived for a return period of = 0, 3 g
25 years, considering a North-Atlantic scatter diagram. The
routing factor as defined in Sec 3 is also to be considered.
5 Standard loading condition for
4.3.3 Combined load effects fatigue assessment
When the design value of the dominant load effect is not
based on the rule value, the heading and amplitude of 5.1 General
waves must be selected such that the amplitude of the other
combined load effects is not to exceed their rule reference 5.1.1 The standard loading condition to be applied for
value multiplied by a factor Cmax given in Tab 5. fatigue assessment is defined in Ch 9, Sec 1, [3].

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Chapter 5






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168 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 1



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. Qwv-LC : Vertical wave shear force for a considered
dynamic load case, in kN, as defined in Ch 4,
Msw : Permissible maximum and minimum vertical
Sec 4, [3.6.2]
still water bending moment in seagoing opera-
tion, in kNm, at the hull transverse section con- Qwh-LC : Horizontal wave shear force for a considered
sidered, defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.2.1] dynamic load case, in kN, as defined in Ch 4,
Sec 4, [3.6.4]
Msw-p : Permissible maximum and minimum vertical
x : X coordinate, in m, of the calculation point with
still water bending moment for harbour/shel-
respect to the reference coordinate system
tered water operation, in kNm, at the hull trans-
defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, [3.4]
verse section considered, as defined in Ch 4,
Sec 4, [2.2.2] z : Z coordinate, in m, of the calculation point with
respect to the reference coordinate system
Msw-t-LC : Permissible torsional still water moment for sea- defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, [3.4]
going operation, in kNm, at the hull transverse
zn : Z coordinate, in m, of horizontal neutral axis of
section considered, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4,
the hull transverse section with net scantling
defined in [1.2], with respect to the reference
Msw-t-p : Permissible torsional still water moment for har- coordinate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, [3.4]
bour/sheltered water operation, in kNm, at the Iy-n50 : Net moment of inertia, in m4, of the hull trans-
hull transverse section considered, as defined in verse section about its horizontal neutral axis, to
Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.4.4] be calculated according to [1.4]
Mwv : Vertical wave bending moment in seagoing Iz-n50 : Net moment of inertia, in m4, of the hull trans-
operation, in kNm, at the hull transverse sec- verse section about its vertical neutral axis, to
tion considered, defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.1.1] be calculated according to [1.4].

Mwv-LC : Vertical wave bending moment for a considered

dynamic load case, in kNm, as defined in Ch 4, 1 Strength characteristics of hull
Sec 4, [3.6.1] girder transverse sections
Mwh : Horizontal wave bending moment in seagoing
operation, in kNm, at the hull transverse sec- 1.1 General
tion considered, defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.3.1]
1.1.1 This Article specifies the criteria for calculating the
Mwh-LC : Horizontal wave bending moment for a consid- hull girder strength characteristics to be used for the hull
ered dynamic load case, in kNm, as defined in girder strength assessment in [3], in association with the
Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.6.3] hull girder loads specified in Ch 4, Sec 4.

Mwt : Wave torsional moment in seagoing operation,

in kNm, at any longitudinal position defined in 1.2 Hull girder transverse sections
Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.5.1]
1.2.1 General
Qsw : Permissible maximum or minimum still water Hull girder transverse sections are to be considered as being
shear force for seagoing operation, in kN, at the constituted by all the members contributing to the hull
hull transverse section considered, as defined in girder longitudinal strength, taking into account the require-
Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.3.1] ments in [1.2.2] to [1.2.12].
Qsw-p : Permissible maximum or minimum still water
1.2.2 Net scantling
shear force for harbour/sheltered operation, in
kN, at the hull transverse section considered, as The members contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.3.2] strength are to be considered using net offered scantlings
based on gross offered thickness reduced by 0,5 tc , as
Qwv : Vertical wave shear force in seagoing condition, defined in Ch 3, Sec 3, when the hull girder strength char-
in kN, at the hull transverse section considered, acteristics are used for the hull girder yielding check
defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.2.1] according to [3].

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NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 1

1.2.3 Structural members not contributing to hull Figure 1 : Longitudinal girders between hatchways
girder sectional area
The following members are not to be considered in the cal- 0
culation as they are considered not contributing to the hull
girder sectional area:
superstructures and deckhouses which do not comply b1
with [1.3.2]
bulwarks and gutter plates s s
bilge keels
sniped or non-continuous longitudinal stiffeners
non-continuous hatch coamings.

1.2.4 Continuous trunks and longitudinal 1.2.7 Members in materials other than steel
continuous hatch coamings Where a member contributing to the longitudinal strength is
Continuous trunks and longitudinal continuous hatch made of material other than steel with a Youngs modulus E
coamings may be included in the hull girder transverse sec- equal to 2,06105 N/mm2, the steel equivalent sectional
tions, provided that they are effectively supported by longi- area that may be included in the hull girder transverse sec-
tudinal bulkheads or primary supporting members. tion is obtained, in m2, from the following formula:
1.2.5 Longitudinal stiffeners or girders welded A SE-n50 = -------------------------5- A M-n50
above the strength deck 2, 06 10

Longitudinal stiffeners or girders welded above the strength where:

deck, including the deck of any trunk fitted as specified in AM-n50 : Net sectional area, in m2, of the member under
[1.2.4], are to be included in the hull girder transverse sec- consideration.
1.2.8 Definitions of openings
1.2.6 Longitudinal girders between hatchways The following definitions are considered as openings:
Where longitudinal girders are fitted between hatchways,
a) Large openings are openings which are:
the sectional area that can be included in the hull girder
transverse sections is obtained, in m2, from the following elliptical openings exceeding 2,5 m in length or
formula: 1,2 m in breadth

AEFF = ALG a circular openings exceeding 0,9 m in diameter.

b) Small openings (i.e. drain holes, etc) are openings which
are not large openings
ALG : Sectional area, in m2, of longitudinal girders
c) Manholes
a : Coefficient:
d) Isolated openings are openings spaced not less than 1 m
for longitudinal girders effectively supported apart in the ship transverse/vertical direction.
by longitudinal bulkheads or primary sup-
porting members: 1.2.9 Large openings, manholes and nearby small
a=1 openings
Large openings and manholes are to be deducted from the
for longitudinal girders not effectively sup-
sectional area used in the hull girder moment of inertia and
ported by longitudinal bulkheads or primary
section modulus. When small openings are spaced less than
supporting members and having dimensions
1 m apart, in the ship transverse/vertical direction, from
and scantlings such that 0 / r 60:
large openings or manholes, the total breadth of them is to
0 ,5
be deducted from the sectional area.
a = 0 ,6 ----- + 0 ,15
Additionally, small openings not complying with the
for longitudinal girders not effectively sup- arrangement requirements given in Ch 3, Sec 5, [6.3.2] are
ported by longitudinal bulkheads or primary to be deducted from the sectional areas included in the hull
supporting members and having dimensions girder transverse sections.
and scantlings such that 0 / r > 60:
1.2.10 Isolated small openings
a=0 Isolated small openings in one transverse section in the
0 : Span, in m, of longitudinal girders, to be taken strength deck or bottom area need not be deducted from the
as shown in Fig 1 sectional areas included in the hull girder transverse sec-
tions, provided that:
r : Minimum radius of gyration, in m, of the longi-
tudinal girder transverse section bS 0,06 (B b)
s, b1 : Dimensions, in m, defined in Fig 1. where:

170 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 1

bS : Total breadth of isolated small openings, in m, 1.2.11 Lightening holes, draining holes and single
in the strength deck or bottom area at the trans- scallops
verse section considered, determined as indi- Lightening holes, draining holes and single scallops in lon-
gitudinals need not be deducted if their height is less than
cated in Fig 2, not deducted from the section
0,25 hW , without being greater than 75 mm, where hW is
area as per [1.2.9] the web height, in mm, defined in Ch 3, Sec 2.
b : Total breadth of large openings, in m, at the Otherwise, the excess is to be deducted from the sectional
transverse section considered, determined as area or compensated.
indicated in Fig 2, deducted from the section 1.2.12 Non-continuous decks and longitudinal
area as defined in [1.2.9]. bulkheads
When calculating the effective area in way of non-continu-
Where the total breadth of isolated small openings bs does
ous decks and longitudinal bulkheads, the effective area is
not fulfil the above criteria, only the excess of breadth is to to be taken as shown in Fig 3. The shadow area, which indi-
be deducted from the sectional areas included in the hull cates the non-effective area, is obtained by drawing two
girder transverse sections. tangent lines with an angle of 15 deg to the longitudinal
axis of the ship.
Figure 2 : Calculation of b and bs
1.3 Structures contributing to the
longitudinal strength
1.3.1 Strength deck
The strength deck is, in general, the uppermost continuous
deck. In the case of a superstructure or deckhouses contrib-
uting to the longitudinal strength, the strength deck is the
deck of the superstructure or the deck of the uppermost

1.3.2 Other structures

A superstructure extending at least 0,15 L within 0,4 L
amidships may generally be considered as contributing to
the longitudinal strength. For the other superstructures and
for deckhouses, their contribution to the longitudinal
strength is to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, through a
finite element analysis of the whole ship, which takes into
account the general arrangement of the longitudinal ele-
ments (side, decks, bulkheads).

Figure 3 : Effective area in way of non-continuous decks and bulkheads









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NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 1

The presence of openings in the side shell and longitudinal for seagoing operation:
bulkheads is to be taken into account in the analysis. This
M sw + M wv
may be done in two ways: L = -------------------------
- ( z z n ) 10 3
I y-n50
by including these openings in the finite element model
for harbour/sheltered operation:
by assigning to the plate panel, between the side frames
M sw-p
beside each opening, an equivalent thickness, in mm, L = ------------ ( z z n ) 10 3
obtained from the following formula: I y-n50

2 1
t EQ = 10 P ------------- + -----
3 Gh 1 2.1.2 Normal stress induced by torque and bending
12EI J A J moments
The normal stress L induced at any point by torque and
where (see Fig 4):
bending moments is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the fol-
P : Longitudinal distance, in m, between the lowing formulae:
frames beside the opening
for seagoing operation:
h : Height, in m, of the openings
M sw + M wv-LC M wh-LC 3
L = ------------------------------
- ( z z n ) --------------
- y 10 +
IJ : Moment of inertia, in m4, of the opening I y-n50 I z-n50
jamb about the transverse axis y-y
for harbour/sheltered operation:
AJ : Shear area, in m2, of the opening jamb in
the direction of the longitudinal axis x-x M sw-p 3
L = ------------ ( z z n ) 10 +
I y-n50
G : Coulombs modulus, in N/mm2, of the mate-
rial used for the opening jamb, to be taken where:
equal to:
: Warping stress, in N/mm2, induced by the still
for steels: water torsional moment Msw-t-LC or Msw-t-p , com-
G = 8,0104 N/mm2 bined with the wave torsional moment Mwt for
seagoing operation, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4
for aluminium alloys: and obtained through direct calculation analy-
G = 2,7104 N/mm2. ses based on a structural model in accordance
with [4].
Figure 4 : Side openings
2.1.3 Material other than steel
Side frames In a member made in material other than steel with a
Youngs modulus E equal to 2,06105 N/mm2 and included
in the hull girder transverse sections as specified in [1.2.7],
the normal stress is obtained from the following formula:
h x x L = -------------------------5- LS
2, 06 10
y where:
p Cross section of
the opening jamb LS : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in the member under
consideration, calculated according to [2.1.1]
and [2.1.2] considering this member as having
1.4 Moments of inertia the steel equivalent sectional area ASE-n50
defined in [1.2.7].
1.4.1 The net moments of inertia Iy-n50 and Iz-n50 , in m4, are
those, calculated about the horizontal and vertical neutral 2.2 Shear stress
axes respectively, of the hull transverse sections defined in
[1.2]. 2.2.1 Shear stress induced by vertical shear forces
The hull girder shear stress L , in N/mm2, induced by verti-
2 Hull girder stresses cal shear forces is to be determined, at the load calculation
point under consideration, as follows:
2.1 Normal stress for seagoing operation:
Q sw + Q wv 3
2.1.1 Normal stress induced by vertical bending L = -------------------------
- 10
t n50 q vi
for harbour/sheltered operation:
The normal stress L induced, at any point, by vertical bend-
ing moments is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the follow- Q sw p
L = ------------------
- 10 3
ing formulae: t n50 q vi

172 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 1

where: 3.2 Hull girder stiffness

qvi : Contribution ratio for hull girder shear force per 3.2.1 Minimum net moment of inertia
mm, in mm1, for the plate i based on net scant- For both hogging and sagging conditions, the net moment
lings with deduction of 0,5 tc , which is equal to
of inertia Iy-n50 , in m4, of the hull transverse section is to be
the unit shear flow per mm, in N/mm, for a unit
not less than Iy-min , obtained from the following formula:
vertical shear force, from a numerical calcula-
tion based on thin-walled beam theory accord- Iy-min = 1,55 L |Msw + Mwv| 107
ing to App 1.
3.3 Yield strength assessment
2.2.2 Shear stress induced by shear forces and
torque 3.3.1 General acceptance criteria
It is to be checked that the equivalent Von Mises stress eq ,
The hull girder shear stress L , in N/mm2, induced by shear
in N/mm, calculated with the load combinations given in
forces and torque is to be determined, at the load calcula-
[3.3.2] and [3.3.3] for seagoing operations in extreme con-
tion point under consideration, as follows:
ditions and for harbour operations, is in compliance with
for seagoing operation: the following formula:
eq < perm
Q sw + Q wv-LC Q wh-LC 3
L = ------------------------------
- + ------------------- 10 +
t n50 q vi t n50 q hi where:
eq : Equivalent Von Mises stress, in N/mm2:
for harbour/sheltered operation:
2 2
eq = L + 3 L
Q sw p
L = ------------------
- 10 3 + perm : Permissible hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2:
t n50 q vi
R eH
perm = --------
where: 1 2
L : Normal stress, in N/mm, calculated according
qvi : Ratio as defined in [2.2.1]
qhi : Contribution ratio for hull girder shear force per [2.1.1] for head sea design waves
mm, in mm1, for the plate i based on net scant- [2.1.2] for OHS, OHM and OVA design
lings with deduction of 0,5 tc , which is equal to waves
the unit shear flow per mm, in N/mm, for a unit
horizontal shear force, from a numerical calcu- L : Shear stress, in N/mm, calculated according to:
lation based on thin-walled beam theory [2.2.1] for head sea design waves
according to App 1 [2.2.2] for OHS, OHM and OVA design waves
: Shear stress, in N/mm2, induced by the still 1 : Partial safety factor for material:
water torsional moment Msw-t-LC or Msw-t-p , com- R eH
1 = k ---------
bined with the wave torsional moment Mwt for 235
seagoing operation, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4
2 : Partial safety factor for load combinations and
and obtained through direct calculation analy-
permissible stress:
ses based on a structural model in accordance
with [4]. 2 = 1,24 for bending strength assessment in
seagoing operation
2 = 1,65 for bending strength assessment in
3 Hull girder strength assessment harbour/sheltered operation
2 = 1,13 for shear strength assessment in
3.1 Longitudinal extent seagoing operation
2 = 1,29 for shear strength assessment in
3.1.1 The stiffness, yield strength and buckling strength harbour/sheltered operation.
assessment are to be carried out in way of 0,2L to 0,75L
with due consideration given to locations where there are 3.3.2 Bending strength assessment
significant changes in hull cross-section, e.g. changes of The bending strength is to be assessed at the following loca-
framing system and the fore and aft ends of the forward tions of the cross-section:
superstructure in case of twin island designs. at bottom
at deck
3.1.2 In addition, yield strength and buckling assessments
are to be carried out outside this area. As a minimum, these at top of hatch coaming
assessments are to be carried out at forward end of the fore- at any point where there is a change of steel yield
most cargo hold and at aft end of the aftermost cargo hold. strength.

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NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 1

The assessment is to be performed according to [3.3.1], 4 Structural models for the calculation
considering a shear stress L equal to 0.
of normal warping stress and shear
3.3.3 Shear strength assessment stress
The shear strength is to be assessed for all structural ele-
ments contributing to the hull girder shear strength capabil- 4.1 Calculation methods
4.1.1 The calculation of normal warping stress and shear
The assessment is to be performed according to [3.3.1],
stress induced by torque may be achieved by means of thin-
considering a normal stress L equal to 0.
walled beam models.

3.4 Buckling strength assessment 4.1.2 An alternative methodology such as complete ship FE
model(see Ch 7, Sec 4 for evaluation of warping stress and
3.4.1 The hull girder buckling strength is to be checked shear stress induced by torque may be applied, subject to
according to Chapter 8. the satisfaction of the Society.

174 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, Sec 2


1 Application 2.2 Hull girder ultimate bending loads

2.2.1 The vertical hull girder bending moment M, in kNm,
1.1 General in hogging and sagging conditions, to be considered in the
ultimate strength check, is to be taken as:
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to ships with M = S Msw + W Mwv
length L equal to or greater than 150 m.
1.1.2 The hull girder ultimate strength is to be assessed in Msw : Permissible hogging and sagging vertical still
way of 0,2L to 0,75L. water bending moment, in kNm, at the hull
transverse section considered, defined in Ch 4,
1.1.3 The hull girder ultimate bending capacity is to be Sec 4, [2.2.1] and Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.2.2]
checked to ensure that it satisfies the checking criteria given Mwv : Vertical wave bending moment in seagoing
in [2]. Such criteria are applicable to intact ship structures operation, in kNm, at the hull transverse sec-
for both hogging and sagging conditions, in seagoing and tion considered, defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.1.1]
harbour/sheltered water conditions.
S : Partial safety factor for the still water bending
moment, to be taken as: S = 1,0
2 Checking criteria W : Partial safety factor for the vertical wave bend-
ing moment, to be taken as: W = 1,2.
2.1 General
2.3 Hull girder ultimate bending moment
2.1.1 The vertical hull girder ultimate bending capacity at capacity
any hull transverse section is to satisfy the following crite-
rion: 2.3.1 General
MU The hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity MU is
M -------------
- defined as the maximum bending moment capacity of the
hull girder beyond which the hull structure collapses.
2.3.2 Determination of hull girder ultimate bending
M : Vertical bending moment, in kNm, to be moment capacity
obtained as specified in [2.2.1]
The ultimate bending moment capacities of a hull girder
MU : Hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity, transverse section, in hogging and sagging conditions, are
in kNm, to be obtained as specified in [2.3] defined as the maximum values of the curve of bending
M : Partial safety factor covering material, geometric moment M versus the curvature of the transverse section
and strength prediction uncertainties, in general considered (MUH for hogging condition and MUS for sagging
to be taken equal to: condition, see Fig 1). The curvature is positive for hogging
condition and negative for sagging condition.
M = 1,05
The hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity MU is to
DB : Partial safety factor covering the effect of double be calculated according to App 2.
bottom bending under lateral loads, to be taken
equal to: 2.3.3 The effective area to be considered for the hull girder
ultimate strength capacity assessment is specified in App 2.
for hogging condition: DB = 1,15
for sagging condition: DB = 1,0 Figure 1 : Bending moment capacity versus curvature
For cross-sections where the breadth of the inner bottom is
less than the one amidships, or where the double bottom
structure differs from the one amidships (e.g. engine room
sections), the factor DB for hogging condition may be
reduced, based upon agreement with the Society.
Ships for which coefficient fBow , as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4,
[3.1], is greater than 2,0 are subject to special examination
by the Society, for consideration of the whipping contribu-
tion to the vertical bending moment.

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NR 625, Ch 5, App 1



For symbols not defined in this Appendix, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1.2.3 Where the cross-section includes closed cells, the
closed cells are to be cut with virtual slits, as shown in Fig 2
in order to obtain the determinate shear flow.
1 Calculation formula
These virtual slits are not to be located in walls which form
part of another closed cell.
1.1 General
1.2.4 Determinate shear flow at bifurcation points is to be
1.1.1 This Appendix describes the procedures of direct cal- calculated by water flow calculations or similar, as shown
culation of shear flow around a ship cross-section due to in Fig 3.
hull girder vertical shear force. The shear flow qv , at each
location in the cross-section, is calculated considering the Figure 1 : Definition of line segment
cross-section subjected to a unit vertical shear force of 1 N.
The unit shear flow per mm qv , in N/mm, is to be taken as:
qv = qD + ql
qD : Determinate shear flow, as defined in [1.2]
ql : Indeterminate shear flow which circulates
around the closed cells, as defined in [1.3].
In the calculation of the unit shear flow qv , the longitudinal
stiffeners are to be taken into account.

1.2 Determinate shear flow qD

Figure 2 : Closed cells and common wall
1.2.1 The determinate shear flow qD , in N/mm, at each
location in the cross-section is to be obtained from the fol-
lowing line integration:
q D ( s ) = ---------------------
10 I y-n50
(z z ) t
n n50 ds

where: Common wall

s : Coordinate value of the running coordinate

along the cross-section, in m Cell c
Iy-n50 : Net moment of inertia of the cross-section, in
Cell m
tn50 : Net thickness of plating, in mm.

1.2.2 It is assumed that the cross-section is composed of Figure 3 : Placement of virtual slits and calculation of
line segments as shown in Fig 1, where each line segment determinate shear flow at bifurcation points
has a constant plate net thickness. The determinate shear
Path 2 qd2end qd3start = qd1end + qd2end
flow is obtained by the following equation:
t n50 qd1end
q Dk = -----------------------------
- ( z k + z i 2z n ) + q Di
2 10 I y-n50
qDk , qDi : Determinate shear flow, at node k and node i qd2start = 0 Path 1 Path 3
respectively, in N/mm
: Length of line segments, in m qd1start = 0 qd3end = 0

zi , z k : Z coordinates, in m, of the end points i and k of Start point

Virtual slit
a line segment, as defined in Fig 1. End point

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NR 625, Ch 5, App 1

1.3 Indeterminate shear flow qI 1.4 Computation of sectional properties

1.3.1 The indeterminate shear flow qI around the closed 1.4.1 Properties of the cross-section are to be obtained by
cells of a cross-section is considered as a constant value the following formulae, where the cross-section is assumed
within the same closed cell. The following system of equa- to be made of the assembly of line segments:
tion for determination of indeterminate shear flows can be =
( yk yi ) + ( zk zi )

developed. In the equations, contour integrations of several

parameters around all the closed cells are performed. an50 = 103 tn50

qD A n50 = a n50

q -------- ds =
1 1
q Ic

-------- ds
t n50 lm
cm t n50 c
t n50
- ds
a n50
s y-n50 = --------
- ( zk + zi )
Nw : Number of common walls shared by cell c and S y-n50 = s y-n50

all the other cells

a n50 2
cm : Common wall shared by cells c and m i y0-n50 = --------
- ( z k + z k z i + z 2i )
qIc , qlm : Indeterminate shear flows around the closed
cells c and m respectively, in N/mm. I y0-n50 = i y0-n50

1.3.2 Under the assumption of the assembly of line seg- where:

ments shown in Fig 1 and constant plate thickness of each yi , zi : Y and Z coordinates of start point i of a line seg-
line segment, the equation in [1.3.1] is expressed as fol- ment, in m, as defined in Fig 1
lows: yk , zk : Y and Z coordinates of end point k of a line seg-
ment, in m, as defined in Fig 1



Nc an50 , An50 : Areas of the line segment and the cross-section
q Ic -
t n50 j q lm

t n50 j

= j respectively, in m2
j=1 m=1 j=1 j=1
sy-n50 , Sy-n50 : First moments of the line segment and the
2 cross-section about the baseline, in m3

j = ---------------------------
( z k + 2z i 3z n ) + -------- q Di iy0-n50 , Iy0-n50 : Moments of inertia of the line segment and
6 10 I y-n50 t n50 j
the cross-section about the baseline, in m4.
1.4.2 The height of the horizontal neutral axis zn , in m, is
Nc : Number of line segments in cell c
to be obtained as follows:
Nm : Number of line segments on the common wall
S y-n50
shared by cells c and m z n = -----------
A n50
qDi : Determinate shear flow, in N/mm, calculated
according to [1.2.2]. 1.4.3 The moment of inertia about the horizontal neutral
The difference in the directions of running coordinates axis, in m4, is to be obtained as follows:
specified in [1.2] and the present [1.3] is to be considered. Iy-n50 = Iy0-n50 zn2 An50

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For symbols not defined in this Appendix, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1.2.2 Alternative methods
Iy-n50 : Moment of inertia, in m4, of the hull transverse Principles for alternative methods for the calculation of the
section around its horizontal neutral axis, to be hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity, e.g. the non-
calculated according to Sec 1 linear finite element analysis, are given in Article [3].

ZB-n50 : Section moduli at bottom, in m3, to be taken as: Application of alternative methods is to be agreed by the
Society prior to commencement. Documentation of the
I y-n50 analysis methodology and detailed comparison of its results
Z B-n50 = ---------
zn are to be submitted for review and acceptance. The use of
such methods may require the partial safety factors to be
ZD-n50 : Section moduli at deck, in m3, to be taken as: recalibrated.
I y-n50
Z D-n50 = -------------------
zD zn 1.3 General assumptions
zD : Z coordinate, in m, of the strength deck at side,
1.3.1 The method for calculating the ultimate hull girder
defined in Sec 1, [1.3]
bending capacity is to identify the critical failure modes of
zn : Z coordinate, in m, of horizontal neutral axis of all the main longitudinal structural elements.
the hull transverse section, defined in Sec 1
1.3.2 Structures compressed beyond their buckling limit
ReHs : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the material have reduced load carrying capacity. All relevant failure
of the considered stiffener modes for individual structural elements, such as plate
ReHp : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the material buckling, torsional stiffener buckling, stiffener web buck-
ling, lateral or global stiffener buckling and their interac-
of the considered plate
tions, are to be considered in order to identify the weakest
As-n50 : Net sectional area, in cm2, of stiffener, without inter-frame failure mode.
attached plating

Ap-n50 : Net sectional area, in cm2, of attached plating. 2 Incremental-iterative method

1 General 2.1 Assumptions

2.1.1 In applying the procedure described in [2.2], the fol-

1.1 Application lowing assumptions are generally to be made:

1.1.1 This Appendix provides the criteria to obtain the ulti- the ultimate strength is calculated at hull transverse sec-
mate longitudinal bending moment capacity MU to be used tions between two adjacent transverse webs
in the hull girder ultimate capacity check according to Sec 2. the hull girder transverse section remains plane during
each curvature increment
1.1.2 MU is defined as the maximum bending moment
capacity of the hull girder beyond which the hull structure the hull material has an elasto-plastic behaviour
collapses. Hull girder failure is controlled by buckling, ulti- the hull girder transverse section is divided into a set of
mate strength and yielding of longitudinal structural ele- elements which are considered to act independently.
These elements are:
1.2 Methods transversely framed plating panels and/or stiffeners with
attached plating, whose structural behaviour is
1.2.1 Incremental-iterative method described in [2.3.1]
The hull girder ultimate bending moment capacity is to be hard corners, constituted by plating crossing, whose
assessed by the incremental-iterative method defined in [2]. structural behaviour is described in [2.3.2].

178 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

According to the iterative procedure, the bending moment The stress induced in each structural element by the strain
Mi acting on the transverse section at each curvature value is to be obtained from the load-end shortening curve -
i is obtained by summing the contribution given by the of the element, which takes into account the behaviour of
stress acting on each element. The stress corresponding the element in the non-linear elasto-plastic domain.
to the element strain is to be obtained, for each curvature The distribution of the stresses induced in all the elements
increment, from the non-linear load-end shortening curves composing the hull transverse section determines, for each
- of the element. step, a variation of the neutral axis position, due to the non-
These curves are to be calculated, for the failure mecha- linear - relationship. The new position of the neutral axis
nisms of the element, from the formulae specified in [2.2]. relevant to the step considered is to be obtained by means
The stress is selected as the lowest value among those of an iterative process, imposing the equilibrium among the
obtained from each of the considered load-end shortening stresses acting in all the hull elements on the transverse sec-
curves -. tion.
Once the position of the neutral axis is known and the rele-
The procedure is to be repeated until the value of the
vant element stress distribution in the section is obtained,
imposed curvature reaches the value F , in m1, in hogging
the bending moment of the section Mi around the new posi-
and sagging conditions, obtained from the following for-
tion of the neutral axis, which corresponds to the curvature
i imposed in the step considered, is to be obtained by sum-
MY ming the contribution given by each element stress.
F = 0, 003 -------------
EI y-n50 The main steps of the incremental-iterative approach
where: described above are summarised as follows (see also Fig 1):
Step 1: Divide the transverse section of hull into stiff-
MY : The lesser of the following values MY1 and MY2 ,
ened plate elements
in kNm:
Step 2: Define stress-strain relationships for all the ele-
MY1 = 103 ReH ZB-n50 ments, as shown in Tab 1
MY2 =103 ReH ZD-n50 Step 3: Initialise curvature 1 and neutral axis for the first
incremental step with the value of the incremental cur-
If the value F is not sufficient to evaluate the peaks of the vature (i.e. curvature that induces a stress equal to 1% of
curve M-, the procedure is to be repeated until the value of yield strength in strength deck):
the imposed curvature permits the calculation of the maxi-
mum bending moments of the curve. R eH 1
1 = = 0, 01 -------
- -----------------
E zD zn

2.2 Procedure where:

zD : Z coordinate, in m, of the strength deck at
2.2.1 General side, with respect to the reference coordi-
The curve M- is to be obtained by means of an incremen- nate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, [3.4]
tal-iterative approach, summarised in the flow chart of Fig 1. zn : Z coordinate, in m, of the horizontal neutral
axis of the hull transverse section, with
In this procedure, the hull girder ultimate bending moment
respect to the reference coordinate system
capacity MU is defined as the peak value of the curve with
defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, [3.4]
vertical bending moment M versus the curvature of the
ship cross-section as shown in Fig 1. The curve is to be Step 4: Calculate, for each element, the corresponding
obtained through an incremental-iterative approach. strain i = (zi zn) and the corresponding stress i

Each step of the incremental procedure is represented by Step 5: Determine the neutral axis zNA_cur at each incre-
the calculation of the bending moment Mi which acts on mental step by establishing force equilibrium over the
the hull transverse section as the effect of an imposed cur- whole transverse section:
vature i. (Ai-n50 i ) = (Aj-n50 j ), the i-th element being under
compression and the j-th element under tension
For each step, the value i is to be obtained by summing an
increment of curvature to the value relevant to the previ- Step 6: Calculate the corresponding moment by sum-
ous step i1. This increment of curvature corresponds to an ming the contributions of all the elements:
increment of the rotation angle of the hull girder transverse
section around its horizontal neutral axis. MU = Ui A i-n50 ( z i z NA_cur )

This rotation increment induces axial strains in each hull Step 7: Compare the moment in the current incremental
structural element, whose value depends on the position of step with the moment in the previous incremental step.
the element. In hogging condition, the structural elements If the slope in M- relationship is less than a negative
above the neutral axis are lengthened, while the elements fixed value, terminate the process and define the peak
below the neutral axis are shortened, and vice-versa in sag- value MU. Otherwise, increase the curvature by the
ging condition. amount of and go to Step 4.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 179

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

Figure 1 : Flow chart of the procedure for the evaluation of the curve M-

Figure 2 : Extension of the breadth of an attached plating and hard corner element

180 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

2.2.2 Modelling of the hull girder cross-section The typical examples of modelling of hull girder section are
Hull girder transverse sections are to be considered as being illustrated in Fig 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing principle,
constituted by the members contributing to the hull girder these figures are to be applied to the modelling in the vicin-
ultimate strength. ity of upper deck, sheer strake and hatch coaming.
Sniped stiffeners are also to be modelled, taking account of
the fact that they do not contribute to the hull girder Figure 3 : Examples of the configuration of
strength. stiffened plate elements, stiffener elements and
The structural members are categorised into a stiffener ele- hard corner elements on a hull section
ment, a stiffened plate element or a hard corner element.
s/2 s/2
The plate panel including web plate of girder or side
stringer is idealised into either a stiffened plate element, an
attached plate of a stiffener element, or a hard corner ele-
ment. s/2 s s s/2
The plate panel is categorised into the following two kinds:
longitudinally stiffened panel, the longer side of which s/2 s/2

is in the ship longitudinal direction, and s s

transversely stiffened panel, the longer side of which is s s

in the direction perpendicular to the ship longitudinal s/2 s/2
a) Hard corner element
Hard corner elements are sturdier elements composing
the hull girder transverse section, which collapse mainly
according to an elasto-plastic mode of failure (material
yielding); they are generally constituted by two plates
not lying in the same plane.
The extent of a hard corner element from the point of
intersection of the plates is taken equal to (see Fig 2):
20 tn50 on a transversely stiffened panel, and
0,5 s on a longitudinally stiffened panel,
s s s/2
where: s/2

tn50 : Net offered thickness of the plate, in mm s/2

s : Spacing of the adjacent longitudinal stiff- s

ener, in m.
Bilge, sheer strake-deck stringer elements, girder-deck
connections and face plate-web connections on large
girders are typical hard corners. Enlarged stiffeners, with
or without web stiffening, used for Permanent Means of
Access (PMA) are not to be considered as a large girder,
so the attached plate/web connection is only considered
as a hard corner, see Fig 3. s s/2 s/2 s s

b) Stiffener element
In case of knuckle points as shown in Fig 4, the plating area
The stiffener constitutes a stiffener element together with adjacent to the knuckles in a plating having an angle greater
the attached plate. than 30 is defined as a hard corner. The extent, from the
The attached plate width is, in principle, equal to: knuckle point, of one side of the corner is taken equal to 20 tn50
on transversely framed panels and to 0,5 s on longitudinally
the mean spacing of the stiffener, when the panels
framed panels.
on both sides of the stiffener are longitudinally stiff-
ened, or Where plate elements are stiffened by non-continuous longitu-
the width of the longitudinally stiffened panel, when dinal stiffeners, the non-continuous stiffeners are considered
the panel on one side of the stiffener is longitudi- only as dividing a plate into various elementary plate panels.
nally stiffened and the other panel is transversely Where openings are provided in stiffened plate elements, the
stiffened, see Fig 2. openings are to be considered in accordance with Sec 1,
c) Stiffened plate element [1.2.8].
The plate between stiffener elements, between a stiff- Where an attached plating is made of steels having different
ener element and a hard corner element or between thicknesses and/or yield stresses, an average thickness and/or
hard corner elements is to be treated as a stiffened plate average yield stress, obtained from the following formulae, are
element, see Fig 2. to be used for the calculation:

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 181

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

t 1-n50 s 1 + t 2-n50 s 2 intersection of the other plate or longitudinal stiffener

t n50 = -------------------------------------
neither from the end of the hard corner element nor
R eHp1 t 1-n50 s 1 + R eHp2 t 2-n50 s 2 from the attached plating of the stiffener element, if any.
R eHp = -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In the calculation of the total forces for checking the
t n50 s
hull girder ultimate strength, the area of the stiffened
where: plate element is to be taken between the hard corner
element and the stiffener element or between the hard
ReHp1 , ReHp2 , t1-n50 , t2-n50 , s1 , s2 , s : As shown in Fig 5.
corner elements, as applicable.

Figure 4 : Plating with knuckle point 2.3.2 Hard corner element

The relevant load-end shortening curve - is to be
obtained for lengthened and shortened hard corners
according to [2.3.3].

2.3.3 Elasto-plastic collapse of structural elements

(hard corner element)
The equation describing the load-end shortening curve -
for the elasto-plastic collapse of structural elements com-
posing the hull girder transverse section is to be obtained
from the following formula, valid for both positive (shorten-
ing) and negative (lengthening) strains (see Fig 6):
Figure 5 : Element with different thickness
and/or different yield strength = ReHA
ReHA : Equivalent minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of
the considered element, obtained by the follow-
ing formula:
R eHp A p-50 + R eHs A s-n50
R eHA = -------------------------------------------------------
A p-n50 + A s-n50

: Edge function, equal to:

= 1 for < 1
= for 1 1
=1 for > 1
2.3 Load-end shortening curves : Relative strain, equal to:

2.3.1 Stiffened plate element and stiffener element = -----E
Stiffened plate element and stiffener element composing the
hull girder transverse sections may collapse, following one E : Element strain
of the modes of failure specified in Tab 1. Y : Strain at yield stress in the element, equal to:
Where the plate elements are stiffened by non-continu- R eHA
Y = ----------
ous longitudinal stiffeners, the stress of the element is to E
be obtained in accordance with [2.3.3] to [2.3.8], tak-
ing account of the non-continuous longitudinal stiffener. Figure 6 : Load-end curve - for elasto-plastic collapse
In the calculation of the total forces for checking the
hull girder ultimate strength, the area of the non-contin-
uous longitudinal stiffener is to be assumed as zero.

Where an opening is provided in the stiffened plate ele-

ment, the considered area of the stiffened plate element
is to be obtained by deducting the opening area from
the plating in the calculation of the total forces for
checking the hull girder ultimate strength. The consider-
ation of the opening is in accordance with the require-
ment in Sec 1, [1.2.8].
For the stiffened plate element, the effective width of
plate for the load shortening portion of the stress-strain
curve is to be taken as the full plate width, i.e. to the

182 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

Table 1 : Modes of failure of stiffened plate elements and stiffener elements

Elements Mode of failure Curve - defined in

Lengthened stiffened plate elements
Elasto-plastic collapse [2.3.3]
or lengthened stiffener elements
Shortened stiffener elements Beam column buckling [2.3.4]
Torsional buckling [2.3.5]
Web local buckling of flanged profiles [2.3.6]
Web local buckling of flat bars [2.3.7]
Shortened stiffened plate elements Plate buckling [2.3.8]

Figure 7 : Load-end shortening curve CR1- sE : Distance, in mm, measured from the neutral
for beam column buckling axis of the stiffener with attached plating of
width bE1 to the top of the stiffener
: Relative strain, as defined in [2.3.3]
E1 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm2, equal
I E-n50
- 10 4
E1 = E --------------------
A E-n50

IE-n50 : Net moment of inertia of stiffeners, in cm4, with

attached plating of width bE1
AE-n50 : Net area, in cm2, of stiffeners with attached plat-
ing of width bE
bE1 : Effective width corrected for relative strain, in
2.3.4 Beam column buckling m, of the attached plating, equal to:
The equation describing the load-end shortening curve for E > 1,0:
CR1- for the beam column buckling of stiffeners compos-
ing the hull girder transverse section is to be obtained from b E1 = -----
the following formula, see Fig 7:
A s-n50 + A pE-n50 for E 1,0:
CR1 = C1 --------------------------------------
A s-n50 + A p-n50 bE1 = s
s R eHp
E = 10 --------
: Edge function, as defined in [2.3.3] ----------------
t n50 E
C1 : Critical stress, in N/mm2, equal to:
ApE-n50 : Net sectional area, in cm2, of attached plating of
R eHB width bE , equal to:
for E1 ----------
- :
ApE-n50 = 10 bE tn50
C1 = ------- bE : Effective width, in m, of the attached plating,

equal to:
for E1 > ----------
- : for E > 1,25:
2, 25 1, 25
R eHB b E = ------------- ------------
- s
C1 = R eHB 1 ---------------
- E E
4 E1
ReHB : Equivalent minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of for E 1,25:
the considered element, obtained by the follow- bE = s
ing formula:
R eHp A pEI-n50 pE + R eHs A s-n50 sE 2.3.5 Torsional buckling
R eHB = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A pEI-n50 pE + A s-n50 sE The load-end shortening curve CR2- for the flexural-tor-
ApEl-n50 : Effective area, in cm2, equal to: sional buckling of stiffeners composing the hull girder trans-
ApEl-n50 = 10 bE1 tn50 verse section is to be obtained according to the following
formula, see Fig 8:
pE : Distance, in mm, measured from the neutral
axis of the stiffener with attached plate of width A s-n50 C2 + A p-n50 CP
CR2 = ----------------------------------------------------------
bE1 to the bottom of the attached plate A s-n50 + A p-n50

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 183

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

where: hwe : Effective height of the web, in mm, equal to:

: Edge function, as defined in [2.3.3] for w > 1,25:
C2 : Critical stress, in N/mm2, equal to: 2, 25 1, 25-
h we = ------------- ------------ hw
w w
R eHs
for E2 ---------
- :
for w 1,25:
E2 hwe = hw
C2 = -------

hw R eHs
R eHs w = -------------
- ---------------
for E2 > ---------
- : t w-n50 E
: Relative strain, as defined in [2.3.3].
1 R eHs
C2 = R eHs --------------
4 E2 2.3.7 Web local buckling of stiffeners made of flat
E2 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm , taken 2

equal to ET , as defined in Ch 8, Sec 1 The load-end shortening curve CR4- for the web local
buckling of flat bar stiffeners composing the hull girder
: Relative strain, as defined in [2.3.3] transverse section is to be obtained from the following for-
CP : Buckling stress of the attached plating, in mula, see Fig 9:
N/mm2, equal to:
A p-n50 CP + A s-n50 C4
CR4 = -----------------------------------------------------
for E > 1,25: A p-n50 + A s-n50
2, 25 1, 25
CP = ------------- ------------
- R eHp where:
: Edge function, as defined in [2.3.3]
for E 1,25: CP : Buckling stress of the attached plating, in
CP = ReHp N/mm2, as defined in [2.3.5]

E : Coefficient, as defined in [2.3.4]. C4 : Critical stress, in N/mm2, equal to:

R eHs
Figure 8 : Load-end shortening curve CR2- for E4 ---------
- :
for flexural-torsional buckling
C4 = -------

R eHs
for E4 > ---------
- :

R eHs
C4 = R eHs 1 --------------
4 E4

E4 : Local Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2, equal to:

t w-n50 2
E4 = 160000 -----------

: Relative strain, as defined in [2.3.3].

Figure 9 : Load-end shortening curve CR4-

2.3.6 Web local buckling of stiffeners made of for web local buckling
flanged profiles
The equation describing the load-end shortening curve
CR3- for the web local buckling of flanged stiffeners com-
posing the hull girder transverse section is to be obtained
from the following formula:
10 b E t n50 R eHp + ( h we t w-n50 + b f t f-n50) R eHs
CR3 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 s t n50 + h w t w-n50 + b f t f-n50

: Edge function, as defined in [2.3.3]
bE : Effective width, in m, of the attached shell plat-
ing, as defined in [2.3.4]

184 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

2.3.8 Plate buckling c) geometrical imperfections and residual stresses (geo-

The load-end shortening curve CR5- for the buckling of metrical out-of-flatness of plate and stiffeners)
transversely stiffened panels composing the hull girder d) simultaneously acting loads:
transverse section is to be obtained from the following for- bi-axial compression
bi-axial tension
s 2, 25 1, 25-
CR5 = R eHp - ------------- ------------ + 0, 1 1 - 1 + -----2
s 1 2 shear and lateral pressure
2 E e) boundary conditions
without being taken greater than ReHp , f) interactions between buckling modes
where: g) interactions between structural elements such as plates,
: Edge function, as defined in [2.3.3] stiffeners, girders, etc

s R eHp h) post-buckling capacity

E = 10 --------
t n50 E i) overstressed elements on the compression side of hull
girder cross-section possibly leading to local permanent
s : Plate breadth, in m, taken as the spacing
sets/buckle damages in plating, stiffeners etc (double
between the stiffeners
bottom effects or similar).
: Longer side of the plate, in m.
3.2 Non-linear finite element analysis
3 Alternative methods
3.2.1 Advanced non-linear finite element analysis models
3.1 General may be used for the assessment of the hull girder ultimate
capacity. Such models are to consider the relevant effects
3.1.1 The bending moment-curvature relationship M- may important to the non-linear responses, with due considera-
be established by alternative methods. Such models are to tion to the items listed in [3.1.1].
consider all the relevant effects important to the non-linear
response, with due consideration to: 3.2.2 Particular attention is to be given to modelling the
shape and size of geometrical imperfections. It is to be
a) non-linear geometrical behaviour ensured that the shape and size of geometrical imperfec-
b) inelastic material behaviour tions trigger the most critical failure modes.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 185

NR 625, Ch 5, App 2

186 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 6







July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 187

188 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 1


1 Application 1.1.3 Required scantlings

The offered net scantling is to be greater than, or equal to,
1.1 Application the required scantlings based on requirements provided in
this Chapter.
1.1.1 This Chapter applies to hull structure over the full
length of the ship including fore end, cargo hold region, 1.1.4 Additional local strength requirements
machinery space, aft end, side shell, engine casing, Additional local strength requirements are provided as
exposed decks of superstructure and internal decks except listed below:
those inside superstructures and deckhouses.
fore part, bow flare impact and bottom forward slam-
1.1.2 This Chapter provides requirements for evaluation of ming: in Ch 10, Sec 1
plating, stiffeners and primary supporting members (PSM) machinery space: in Ch 10, Sec 2
subject to lateral pressure, local loads and hull girder loads, aft part and stern impact: in Ch 10, Sec 3
as applicable. Requirements are specified in:
sloshing: in Ch 10, Sec 4.
Sec 2 for load application
Sec 3 for minimum thickness of plates, stiffeners and PSM
1.2 Acceptance criteria
Sec 4 for plating
Sec 5 for stiffeners 1.2.1 Acceptance criteria set are to be selected as defined
Sec 6 for PSM and pillars. in Sec 2, Tab 1 and Sec 2, Tab 2.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 189

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 2



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. If the compartment adjacent to the outer shell is not
intended to carry liquids, the internal pressures and external
sea pressures are to be considered independently.
1 Load combination
1.2.2 Elements other than those of the outer shell
1.1 Hull girder
The static and dynamic lateral pressures on an element sep-
1.1.1 Normal stress arating two adjacent compartments are those obtained con-
sidering the two compartments individually loaded.
The hull girder normal stress L , in N/mm2, is to be calcu-
lated according to Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.1.2] at the considered
position for each design load set defined in [2]. 2 Design load sets

1.2 Pressure combination

2.1 Application of load components
1.2.1 Elements of the outer shell
2.1.1 Application
The static and dynamic lateral pressures to be considered
are the differences between the internal pressures and the These requirements apply to:
external sea pressures at the corresponding loading condi-
tion. At least the two following cases are to be considered: plating and stiffeners along the full length of the ship

combination of the maximum external pressure with the primary supporting members:
minimum internal pressure (generally full load with
empty ballast) - outside the cargo hold region for ships having rule
length of 150 m or above
combination of the minimum external pressure with the
maximum internal pressure (generally ballast loading - along the full length of ships having rule length less
condition). than 150 m.

Table 1 : Design load sets

Design Load Acceptance Design load scenario /

Item Draught
load set component criteria Loading condition
Outer shell and exposed deck SEA-1 Pex , Pd TSC AC-2 Sea-going / Full load condition
SEA-2 (1) Pex TSC AC-1 Harbour condition
WB-1 Pin Pex (2) TBAL AC-2 Sea-going / Normal ballast condition
WB-2 Pin Pex (2) TBAL AC-2 Water ballast exchange
Water ballast tanks
WB-3 Pin Pex (2) 0,25 TSC AC-1 Harbour condition
WB-4 Pin Pex (2) 0,25 TSC AC-3 Tank testing condition
Other tanks (fuel oil tank, fresh TK-1 Pin Pex (2) TBAL AC-2 Sea-going / Normal ballast condition
water tank) TK-2 Pin Pex (2) 0,25 TSC AC-1 Harbour condition
TK-3 Pin Pex (2) 0,25 TSC AC-3 Tank testing condition
Compartments not carrying liquids FD-1 (4) Pin TF AC-3 Flooded condition
Exposed deck, internal decks or DL-1 (3) Pdk , FU TSC AC-2 Sea-going / Full load condition
platforms DL-2 (3) Pdk , FU AC-1 Harbour condition
(1) For outer shell only.
(2) Pex is to be considered for external shell only.
(3) Distributed or concentrated loads only. Need not be combined with simultaneously occurring green sea pressure.
(4) Not applicable to external shell.

190 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 2

2.1.2 Load components 2.1.3 Design load sets

The static and dynamic load components are to be deter- Design load sets are defined in Tab 1 for:
mined in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 1. plating and stiffeners along the full length of the ship
primary supporting members located outside the cargo
Radius of gyration kr and metacentric height GM are to be
hold region.
in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 2 for the considered
loading conditions specified in the design load sets given in For primary supporting members located within the cargo
Tab 1. hold region, design load sets are defined in Tab 2.

Table 2 : Design load sets for primary supporting members within the cargo hold region

Design Load Acceptance

Item Draught Loading condition
load set component criteria
Double bottom floors and girders PC-1 F Pex 0,9 TSC AC-2 Sea-going / Containers stacks forces
and sea pressure
SEA-2 Pex TSC AC-1 Harbour condition / Sea pressure
Side transverses and stringers SEA-1 Pex TSC AC-2 Sea-going / Full load condition
Note 1: For the other primary supporting members, design load sets listed in Tab 1 are to be considered.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 191

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 3


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. In addition, the net thickness of the web of stiffeners and
tripping brackets, in mm, is to be:
1 Plating not less than 40% of the net required thickness of the
attached plating, to be determined according to Sec 4.
1.1 Minimum thickness requirements
less than twice the net offered thickness of the attached
1.1.1 The net thickness of plating, in mm, is to comply with plating.
the appropriate minimum thickness requirements given in
Tab 1.
3 Primary supporting members
2 Stiffeners and tripping brackets
3.1 Minimum thickness requirements
2.1 Minimum thickness requirements
2.1.1 The net thickness of the web and face plate, if any, of 3.1.1 The net thickness of web plating and flange of pri-
stiffeners and tripping brackets, in mm, is to comply with mary supporting members, in mm, is to comply with the
the minimum net thickness given in Tab 2. minimum net thickness given in Tab 3.

Table 1 : Minimum net thickness for plating

Element Location Area Net thickness

Keel 7,5 + 0,03 L1 k0,5
Fore part 6,5 + 0,025 L1 k0,5
Shell Bottom
Machinery space
Side shell 7,0 + 0,025 L1 k0,5
Aft part
Elsewhere 5,5 + 0,025 L1 k0,5
Breasthook Fore part 6,5
Weather deck
Strength deck 4,5 + 0,02 L1 k0,5
Internal tank boundary
Machinery space 2,8 + 0,0067 s
Platform deck
Elsewhere 6,5
Machinery space 6,6 + 0,024 L1 k0,5
Inner bottom (1)
Elsewhere 5,5 + 0,025 L1 k0,5

Internal tank boundary

4,5 + 0,02 L1 k0,5
Transverse/longitudinal watertight bulkhead

Bulkhead Non-tight bulkhead

Wash bulkhead 4,5 + 0,01 L1 k0,5
Bulkhead between dry spaces
Pillar bulkhead in fore and aft peaks 7,5
Engine casing (in the cargo hold region) Cargo hold region 5,5
Other member Engine casing (in way of accommodation) Accommodation 4,0
Other plate in general 4,5 + 0,01 L1 k0,5
(1) Applicable for both tight and non tight members.

192 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 2 : Minimum net thickness Table 3 : Minimum net thickness

for stiffeners and tripping brackets for primary supporting members

Element Location Net thickness Element Location Net thickness

Stiffener and Watertight boundary 3,5 + 0,015 L1 Double bottom Machinery space 1,55 L11/3 + 3,5
attached end bracket centreline girder
Other structure 3,0 + 0,015 L1 Elsewhere 5,5 + 0,025 L1
Tripping bracket 5,0 + 0,015 L1 Other bottom Machinery space 1,7 L11/3 + 1,0
Fore part of ships with 0,7 L11/2
L 150 m
Elsewhere and fore part 5,5 + 0,02 L1
of ships with L < 150 m
Girder bounding Machinery space 0,8 L11/2 + 2,5
a duct keel
Bottom floor Machinery space 1,7 L11/3 + 1,0

Fore part 0,7 L11/2

Elsewhere 0,6 L11/2

Aft peak floor 0,7 L11/2

Other primary Aft part / fore part 0,7 L11/2

member Elsewhere 0,5 L11/2

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 193

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 4



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. P

t = 0, 0158 p b -----------------------
p : Correction factor for the panel aspect ratio, to C a R eH
be taken as follows:
p = 1, 2 --------------- Ca : Permissible bending stress coefficient for plate,
2, 1 a
taken equal to:
without being taken greater than 1,0
a : Length of plate panel, in mm, as defined in Ch
C a = -------L-
3, Sec 6, [2.1.1] R eH
b : Breadth of plate panel, in mm, as defined in Ch without being taken greater than Ca-max
3, Sec 6, [2.1.1]
, : Coefficients as defined in Tab 1
P : Pressure for the considered design load set (see
Ca-max : Maximum permissible bending stress coeffi-
Sec 2, [2]), in kN/m2, calculated at the load cal-
culation point defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.2] cient, as defined in Tab 1.
L : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, as defined
in Sec 2, [1.1], calculated at the load calcula- 1.2 Buckling check
tion point as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.2]
1.2.1 The buckling check of plate panels is to be performed
: Coefficient taken equal to:
according to Ch 8, Sec 1.
in intact condition:
= 1,00
2 Special requirements
in flooded condition:
= 1,00 for collision bulkheads
= 1,15 for other watertight boundaries of
2.1 Minimum thickness of keel plating
2.1.1 The net thickness of the keel plating is not to be taken
less than the offered net thickness of the adjacent 2 m width
1 Plating subjected to lateral pressure bottom plating, measured from the edge of the keel strake.
The width of the keel is defined in Ch 3, Sec 5, [7.2.1].
1.1 Yielding check
1.1.1 Plating 2.2 Bilge plating
The net thickness t, in mm, is not to be taken less than the
greatest value for all the applicable design load sets, as 2.2.1 Definition
defined in Sec 2, [2.1.3], given by: The definition of bilge plating is given in Ch 1, Sec 4, Tab 7.

Table 1 : Coefficients , and Ca-max

Structural member Ca-max
criteria set
Longitudinal strength members Longitudinally stiffened plating 0,5
AC-1 Transversely stiffened plating 1,0 0,8
Other members 0,8 0
Longitudinal strength members Longitudinally stiffened plating 0,5
1,05 0,95
AC-2 Transversely stiffened plating 1,0
Other members 1,0 0 1,0
Longitudinal strength members Longitudinally stiffened plating 0,5
AC-3 Transversely stiffened plating 1,0 1,0
Other members 1,0 0

194 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 4

2.2.2 Bilge plate thickness 2.2.3 Transverse extension of bilge minimum plate
a) The net thickness of bilge plating is not to be taken less
than the offered net thickness for the adjacent bottom Where a plate seam is located in the straight plate just
shell or adjacent side shell plating, whichever is greater. below the lowest stiffener on the side shell, any increased
thickness required for the bilge plating does not have to be
b) The net thickness of rounded bilge plating t, in mm, is extended to the adjacent plate above the bilge, provided the
not to be taken less than: plate seam is not more than s2 /4 below the lowest side lon-
gitudinal. Similarly, for the flat part of adjacent bottom plat-
t = 6,45 104 (Pex sb)0,4 R0,6 ing, any increased thickness for the bilge plating does not
have to be extended to the adjacent plate, provided the
plate seam is not more than s1 /4 beyond the outboard bot-
Pex : Sea pressure for the design load set SEA-1 as tom longitudinal. For definition of s1 and s2 , see Fig 1.
defined in Sec 2, [2.1.3], calculated at the
lower turn of the bilge, in kN/m2 2.2.4 Hull envelope framing in bilge area
R : Effective bilge radius in mm: For transversely stiffened bilge plating, a longitudinal is to
be fitted at the bottom and at the side close to the position
R = R0 + 0,5 (s1 + s2)
where the curvature of the bilge plate starts. The scantling of
R0 : Radius of curvature, in mm (see Fig 1) those longitudinals is to be not less than the one of the
closer adjacent stiffener. The distance s1 between the
s1 : Distance between the lower turn of bilge lower turn of bilge and the outermost bottom longitudinal is
and the outermost bottom longitudinal, in generally not to be greater than one-third of the spacing
mm, see Fig 1. Where the outermost bottom between the two outermost bottom longitudinals s1. Simi-
longitudinal is within the curvature, this dis- larly, the distance s2 between the upper turn of the bilge
tance is to be taken as zero and the lowest side longitudinal is generally not to be
greater than one-third of the spacing between the two low-
s2 : Distance between the upper turn of bilge
est side longitudinals s2. See Fig 1.
and the lowest side longitudinal, in mm, see
Fig 1. Where the lowest side longitudinal is
within the curvature, this distance is to be 2.3 Side shell plating
taken as zero

sb : Distance between transverse stiffeners, webs 2.3.1 Fender contact zone

or bilge brackets, in mm.
The net thickness t, in mm, of the side shell plating within
c) Longitudinally stiffened bilge plating is to be assessed as the fender contact zone, as specified in [2.3.2], is not to be
regular stiffened plating. The bilge thickness is not to be taken less than:
less than the lesser of the values obtained by [1.1.1] and
BT SC 0, 25
t = 26 ------------- + 0, 7 -----------
item b). A bilge keel is not considered as an effective b
1000 R 2
longitudinal stiffening member. eH

Figure 1 : Transverse stiffened bilge plating 2.3.2 Application of fender contact zone

The application extends within the cargo hold region as

defined in Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.2.3], from the ballast draught TBAL
to 0,25 TSC (minimum 2,2 m) above TSC.

2.4 Sheer strake

2.4.1 General

The minimum width of the sheer strake is defined in Ch 3,

Sec 5, [8.2.4].

2.4.2 Welded sheer strake

The net thickness of a welded sheer strake is not to be less

than the offered net thickness of the adjacent 2 m width
side plating, provided this plating is located entirely within
the top wing tank or the double side tank, as the case may

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 195

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 4

2.4.3 Rounded sheer strake 2.5 Deck stringer plating

The net thickness of a rounded sheer strake is not to be less
than: 2.5.1 The minimum width of deck stringer plating is
defined in Ch 3, Sec 5, [9.1.2].
the offered net thickness of the adjacent 2 m width deck
plating, or 2.5.2 Within 0,6 L amidships, the net thickness of the deck
the offered net thickness of the adjacent 2 m width side stringer plate is not to be less than the offered net thickness
plating, of the adjacent deck plating.
whichever is greater.
2.6 Aft peak bulkhead
2.6.1 The net thickness of the aft peak bulkhead plating in
way of the stern tube penetration is to be at least 1,6 times
the required thickness for the bulkhead plating.

196 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 5


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1.1.2 Section modulus
dshr : Effective shear depth, in mm, as defined in Ch The minimum net section modulus, Z in cm3, is not to be
3, Sec 6, [1.4.3] taken less than the greatest value calculated for all applica-
bdg : Effective bending span, in m, as defined in Ch 3, ble design load sets as defined in Sec 2, [2.1.3], given by:
Sec 6, [1.1.2] P s bdg 2
Z = --------------------------------
shr : Effective shear span, in m, as defined in Ch 3, f bdg C s R eH
Sec 6, [1.1.3] where:
P : Design pressure for the design load set being
fbdg : Bending moment factor taken as:
defined in Sec 2 and calculated at the load cal-
culation point defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [3.2], in for continuous stiffeners with fixed ends, fbdg
kN/m2 is to be taken equal to:
: Coefficient as defined in Sec 4. - fbdg = 12 for horizontal stiffeners and
upper end of vertical stiffeners
1 Stiffeners subjected to lateral - fbdg = 10 for lower end of vertical stiffen-
pressure ers
for stiffeners with reduced end fixity, varia-
1.1 Yielding check ble load or being part of grillage, the
requirement in [1.2] applies
1.1.1 Web plating Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient as defined
The minimum net web thickness tw , in mm, is not to be in Tab 1 for the design load set being consid-
taken less than the greatest value calculated for all applica- ered
ble design load sets as defined in Sec 2, [2], given by: L : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, as defined
f shr P s shr in Sec 2, [1.1], calculated at the load calcula-
t w = --------------------------------
d shr C t eH tion point as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.2]
with Ct not to be taken greater than 1,0, s , s , Cs-max : Coefficients as defined in Tab 2.
Table 1 : Definition of Cs
fshr : Shear force distribution factor taken as:
for continuous stiffeners with fixed ends, fshr Sign of hull girder Lateral pressure Coefficient
is to be taken equal to: bending stress L acting on Cs
- fshr = 0,5 for horizontal stiffeners and
Tension (positive) Stiffener side C s = s s -------L-
upper end of vertical stiffeners R eH
- fshr = 0,7 for lower end of vertical stiffeners Compression
Plate side but not to be taken
for stiffeners with reduced end fixity, varia- (negative) greater than Cs-max
ble load or being part of grillage, the
requirement in [1.2] applies Tension (positive) Plate side
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient for the design Compression Cs = Cs-max
Stiffener side
load set being considered, as defined in Tab 2. (negative)

Table 2 : Coefficients s , s , Cs-max , Ct and Ccomb

Acceptance criteria set Structural member s s Cs-max Ct Ccomb

Longitudinal strength member 0,85 1,0
AC-1 0,75 0,75 0,75
Transverse or vertical member 0,75 0
Longitudinal strength member 1,00 1,0
AC-2 0,9 0,9 0,9
Transverse or vertical member 0,90 0
Longitudinal strength member 1,10 1,0
AC-3 1,0 1,0 1,0
Transverse or vertical member 1,00 0

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 197

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 5

1.1.3 Group of stiffeners 1.2 Beam analysis

Scantlings of stiffeners based on requirements in [1.1.1] and
[1.1.2] may be decided based on the concept of grouping 1.2.1 Model definition
designated sequentially placed stiffeners of equal scantlings The maximum normal bending stress and shear stress in
on a single stiffened panel. The scantling of the group is to a stiffener using net properties with reduced end fixity, vari-
be taken as the greater of the following: able load or being part of grillage are to be determined by
direct calculations taking into account:
the average of the required scantling of all the stiffeners
within a group the distribution of static and dynamic pressures and
forces, if any
90% of the maximum scantling required for any one
stiffener within the group. the distribution of static and dynamic hull girder
stresses, if any
1.1.4 Plate and stiffener of different materials the number and position of intermediate supports (e.g.
When the minimum specified yield stress of a stiffener decks, girders, etc)
exceeds the minimum specified yield stress of the attached the condition of fixity at the ends of the stiffener and at
plate by more than 35%, the following criterion is to be sat- intermediate supports
isfied: the geometrical characteristics of the stiffener on the
S L ZP S L intermediate spans.
R eH-S R eH-P ----------------
- ----- + -----------------
1.2.2 Stress criteria
where: The stress is to comply with the following criterion:
ReH-S : Minimum specified yield stress of the material eq Ccomb ReH
of the stiffener, in N/mm2 where:
ReH-P : Minimum specified yield stress of the material eq : Equivalent Von Mises stress, in N/mm2:
of the attached plate, in N/mm2
2 2
L : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, as defined eq = + 3
in Sec 2, [1.1] with |L| not to be taken less than Ccomb : Permissible combined stress coefficient for the
0,4 ReH-P design load set being considered, as defined in
Z : Net section modulus, in cm3, in way of face Tab 1.
plate/free edge of the stiffener
ZP : Net section modulus, in cm3, in way of the
1.3 Buckling check
attached plate of stiffener 1.3.1 The buckling check of stiffeners is to be performed
s , s : Coefficients defined in Tab 2. according to Ch 8, Sec 1.

198 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 6



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. P S bdg 2

Z n50 = 1000 ---------------------------------
P : Design pressure, in kN/m2, for the design load f bdg C s R eH
set being considered as defined in Sec 2 and where:
calculated at the load calculation point as
fbdg : Bending moment distribution factor, as given in
defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [4.1.1]
Tab 2
bdg : Effective bending span, in m, as defined in Ch 3,
Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient for the
Sec 6, [1.1.6] acceptance criteria set, as given in Tab 1.
shr : Effective shear span, in m, as defined in Ch 3,
Sec 6, [1.1.7] 2.1.2 Net shear area

: Coefficient as defined in Sec 4. The net shear area, Ashr-n50 in cm2, of primary supporting
members subjected to lateral pressure is not to be taken less
than the greatest value for all applicable design load sets
1 General defined in Sec 2, [2], given by:
f shr P S shr
1.1 Application A shr n 50 = 10 -------------------------------
C t eH

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to primary where:

supporting members subjected to lateral pressure and con- fshr : Shear force distribution factor, as given in Tab 2
centrated loads and pillars subjected to compressive axial Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient for the
loads. The yielding check is also to be carried out for mem- acceptance criteria set being considered, as
bers subjected to any other specific loads. given in Tab 1.
Alternatively, the scantlings of such members may be veri-
fied by direct strength assessment, as deemed appropriate Table 1 : Permissible bending and shear stress
by the Society. coefficients for primary supporting members

1.1.2 For ships of rule length L equal to 150 m or above, Acceptance Structure attached
Cs Ct Ccomb
the primary supporting members located within the cargo criteria set to PSM
hold region are to be verified by FE analysis, according to AC-1 0,70 0,70 0,70
All boundaries,
Chapter 7.
AC-2 including decks 0,85 0,85 0,85
and flats
AC-3 0,90 0,90 0,90
1.2 Flooded condition

1.2.1 The verification against flooding of primary support- 2.2 Grillage structure
ing members of watertight boundaries other than outer shell
or tank boundaries is to be made using the pressure and 2.2.1 Model
hull girder loads for the appropriate design load set as Where the structure is arranged as a grillage, the scantlings
defined in Sec 2 and the scantling requirements given in are to be checked using beam or FE models in 2 or 3 dimen-
[2.1]. sions, taking into account:
the distribution of still water and wave pressure and
2 Primary supporting members forces, if any
the distribution of static and dynamic hull girder
stresses, if any
2.1 Scantling requirements
the number and position of intermediate supports (e.g.
2.1.1 Net section modulus decks, girders, etc)
The net section modulus Zn50 , in cm3, of primary supporting the condition of fixity at the ends of the primary sup-
members subjected to lateral pressure is not to be taken less porting members and at intermediate supports
than the greatest value for all applicable design load sets the geometrical characteristics of the primary supporting
defined in Sec 2, [2], given by: members on the intermediate spans.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 199

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 6

Table 2 : Bending moment and shear force distribution factors fbdg and fshr

Bending moment and shear force distribution factors

Load and boundary condition
(based on load at mid-span, where load varies)
Position 1 Position 2 Position 3
Load model Position 1 Position 2 Position 3
Support Field Support

fbdg1 = 12,0 fbdg2 = 24,0 fbdg3 = 12,0

fshr1 = 0,50 fshr3 = 0,50

fbdg2 = 14,2 fbdg3 = 8,0

fshr1 = 0,38 fshr3 = 0,63

fbdg2 = 8,0
fshr1 = 0,50 fshr3 = 0,50

fbdg1 = 15,0 fbdg2 = 23,3 fbdg3 = 10,0

fshr1 = 0,30 fshr3 = 0,70

fbdg2 = 16,8 fbdg3 = 7,50

fshr1 = 0,20 fshr3 = 0,80

fbdg3 = 2,0
fshr3 = 1,0

Note 1: The bending moment distribution factor fbdg for the support positions is applicable for a distance of 0,2bdg from the end of
the effective bending span of the primary supporting member.
Note 2: The shear force distribution factor fshr for the support positions is applicable for a distance of 0,2 shr from the end of the effec-
tive shear span of the primary supporting member.
Note 3: Application of fbdg and fshr :
The section modulus requirement within 0,2bdg from the end of the effective span is to be determined using the applicable fbdg1 and
fbdg3 , however fbdg is not to be taken greater than 12.
The section modulus of mid-span area is to be determined using fbdg = 24, or fbdg2 from the Table if lesser.
The shear area requirement of end connections within 0,2shr from the end of the effective span is to be determined using fshr = 0,5 or
the applicable fshr1 or fshr3 , whichever is greater.
For models A through F, the value of fshr may be gradually reduced outside of 0,2shr towards 0,5 fshr at mid-span, where fshr is the
greater value of fshr1 and fshr3.

2.2.2 Analysis criterion Ccomb : Permissible combined stress coefficient for the
The calculated stress values are to comply with the follow- design load set being considered, as defined in
ing criterion: Tab 1.
eq Ccomb ReH
where: 2.3 Buckling check
eq : Equivalent Von Mises stress, in N/mm2:
2.3.1 The buckling check of primary supporting members is
2 2
eq = + 3 to be performed according to Ch 8, Sec 1.

200 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 6

3 Pillars ri : Coefficient which depends on the relative posi-

tion of each pillar above the one considered, to
3.1 Pillars subjected to compressive axial be taken equal to 0,9i for the ith pillar of the line
above the pillar considered, to be taken not less
than 0,478
3.1.1 Criteria Apill-n50 : Net cross-section area of the pillar, in cm2.
The maximum applied compressive axial load on a pillar
3.1.2 Buckling check
Fpill , in kN, is to be taken as the greatest value calculated for
The buckling check of pillars is to be performed according
all the applicable design load sets defined in Sec 2, [2], and
to Ch 8, Sec 1, with av , in N/mm2, taken equal to:
is given by the following formula:
F pill
av = 10 ---------------
F pill = P b a-sup a-sup + r F
i pill-i A pill-n50
ba-sup : Mean breadth of area supported, in m 3.2 Pillars subjected to tensile axial load
a-sup : Mean length of area supported, in m 3.2.1 Criteria
Fpill-i : Axial load from the ith pillar above the pillar Pillars and PSM members subjected to tensile axial load are
considered, in kN, if any to satisfy the criteria given in [2.2.2].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 201

NR 625, Ch 6, Sec 6

202 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 7






July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 203

204 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 1


1 General Table 1 : Types of finite elements

Type of finite element Description

1.1 Application
Rod (or truss) Line element with axial stiffness only
1.1.1 This Chapter provides requirements applicable to element and constant cross-sectional area
ships having a rule length L of 150 m or above to assess the along the length of the element
scantlings of the hull structure using finite element analysis. Beam element Line element with axial, torsional
and bi-directional shear and bending
1.1.2 The finite element analysis consists of four parts: stiffness and with constant properties
a) Cargo hold analysis to assess the strength of longitudinal along the length of the element
hull girder structural members, primary supporting Shell (or plate) Shell element with in-plane stiffness
structural members and bulkheads of the midship element and out-of-plane bending stiffness
region, performed according to Sec 2. with constant thickness
b) Complete ship structural analysis to assess the primary
supporting members, performed according to Sec 4, 3.1.2 Two node line elements and four node shell elements
mandatory only for ships having a rule length L of are, in general, considered sufficient for the representation
250 m or above. of the hull structure. The mesh requirements given in this
c) Fine mesh analysis to assess detailed stress levels in Chapter are based on the assumption that these elements
local structural details, performed according to Sec 3. are used in the finite element models. However, higher
order elements may also be used.
d) Very fine mesh analysis to assess the fatigue capacity of
the structural details according to Ch 9.
4 Acceptance criteria
1.1.3 The analysis is to verify that:
a) stress levels are within the acceptance criteria for yielding
4.1 Definition
b) buckling capability of plates and stiffened panels are
within the acceptance criteria for bucking defined in 4.1.1 Acceptance criteria are to be selected as defined in
Chapter 8 Tab 2.
c) fatigue capacity of the structural details is within the
acceptance criteria defined in Chapter 9. Table 2 : Acceptance criteria

1.1.4 A flow diagram showing the minimum requirement Acceptance Design load scenario /
of finite element analysis is shown in Fig 1. criteria Loading condition (1)
AC-1 Harbour condition (2)
2 Net scantling AC-2 Any seagoing condition
AC-3 Tank testing condition
2.1 Net scantling application Flooded condition (3)
2.1.1 Models for cargo hold FE analyses, local fine mesh FE (1) The detailed loading conditions are defined in Ch 4,
analyses and very fine mesh FE analyses are to be based on Sec 8.
the net scantling approach, applying the corrosion addition (2) If deemed necessary by the Society (see Ch 4, Sec 8,
as defined in Ch 3, Sec 2, Tab 1. [3.3.3].
All the buckling capacity assessments are to be based on (3) In this Chapter, flooding condition is to be considered
the net scantling approach, applying the corrosion addition only for the assessment of transverse watertight bulk-
as defined in Ch 3, Sec 2, Tab 1.

3 Finite element types 5 Submission of results

3.1 Finite element types to be used 5.1 Detailed report

3.1.1 The structural assessment is to be based on linear 5.1.1 A detailed report of the structural analysis is to be
finite element analysis of three-dimensional structural mod- submitted by the designer/builder to demonstrate compli-
els. The general types of finite elements to be used in the ance with the specified structural design criteria. This report
finite element analysis are given in Tab 1. is to include the following information:

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 205

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 1

a) List of plans used including dates and versions j) Summaries and sufficient plots of stresses to demonstrate
that the design criteria are not exceeded in any member
b) Detailed description of structural modelling including
all modelling assumptions and any deviations in geome- k) Plate and stiffened panel buckling analysis and results
try and arrangement of structure compared with plans l) Tabulated results showing compliance, or otherwise,
with the design criteria
c) Plots to demonstrate correct structural modelling and
assigned properties m) Proposed amendments to structure where necessary,
including revised assessment of stresses, buckling and
d) Details of material properties, plate thickness, beam fatigue properties showing compliance with design cri-
properties used in the model teria
e) Details of boundary conditions n) Reference of the finite element computer program,
including its version and date.
f) Details of all loading conditions reviewed with calcu-
lated hull girder shear force, bending moment and tor-
sional moment distributions 6 Computer programs
g) Details of applied loads and confirmation that individ-
6.1 Use of computer programs
ual and total applied loads are correct

h) Plots and results that demonstrate the correct behaviour 6.1.1 Any finite element computation program may be
of the structural model under the applied loads employed to determine the stress and deflection of the hull
structure, provided that the combined effects of bending,
i) Summaries and plots of global and local deflections shear, axial and torsional deformations are considered.

Figure 1 : Flow diagram of finite element analysis

Cargo Hold FE Full Length

Analysis FE Analysis

Cargo Region Complete ship



Local Fine Mesh FE Analysis

Screening (fail) FE fine mesh

criteria stress
(Yield) assessment

Very Fine Mesh FE

Fatigue Analysis

206 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2




For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1 Objective and scope
Msw : Permissible vertical still water bending moment,
in kNm, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4 1.1 General
Mwv : Vertical wave bending moment, in kNm, in 1.1.1 This Section gives the requirements for cargo hold
hogging or sagging condition, as defined in Ch structural strength analysis used for the assessment of scant-
4, Sec 4 lings of longitudinal hull girder structural members, primary
supporting members and bulkheads within the midship
Mwh : Horizontal wave bending moment, in kNm, as cargo hold region.
defined in Ch 4, Sec 4
1.1.2 Holds in the midship cargo hold region are defined
Qsw : Permissible still water shear force, in kN, at the as the holds having their longitudinal centre of gravity posi-
considered bulkhead position, as provided in tion located forward of 0,3 L from AE and aft of 0,7 L from
Ch 4, Sec 4 AE, as shown in Fig 1.
Qwv : Vertical wave shear force, in kN, as defined in
Ch 4, Sec 4 1.2 Cargo hold structural strength analysis
xb-aft , xb-fwd : X-coordinate, in m, of, respectively, the aft and
forward bulkheads of the mid-hold 1.2.1 Procedure description
The structural FE analysis is to be performed in accordance
xaft : X-coordinate, in m, of the aft end support of the
with the following:
FE model
Model: three cargo hold model with:
xfore : X-coordinate, in m, of the fore end support of - extent as given in [2.2]
the FE model - finite element types as given in [2.3]
xi : X-coordinate, in m, of web frame station i - structural modelling as defined in [2.4]
Boundary conditions as defined in [2.5]
Qaft : Vertical shear force, in kN, at the aft bulkhead
of the mid-hold, as defined in [4.4.6] FE load combinations as defined in [3]
Load application as defined in [4]
Qfwd : Vertical shear force, in kN, at the forward bulk- Evaluation area as defined in [5.1]
head of the mid-hold, as defined in [4.4.6]
Strength assessment as defined in [5.2] and [5.3].
Qtarg-aft : Target shear force, in kN, at the aft bulkhead of
1.2.2 Mid-hold definition
the mid-hold, as defined in [4.3.3]
For the purpose of the FE analysis, the mid-hold is defined
Qtarg-fwd : Target shear force, in kN, at the forward bulk- as the middle hold(s) of the three cargo hold length FE
head of the mid-hold, as defined in [4.3.3]. model.

Figure 1 : Definition of midship cargo hold region for FE structural assessment



AE 0.3L 0.7L FE

Midship cargo hold region

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 207

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

1.2.3 Scantling assessment other primary supporting members

The scantling assessment is carried out according to Sec 1 other structural members which contribute to hull girder
for each individual cargo hold of the midship region using strength.
the FE load combinations defined in Ch 4, Sec 8 applicable
to the considered cargo hold. The FE analysis results are All plates and stiffeners on the structure, including web stiff-
applicable to the evaluation area, as defined in [5.1.1], of eners, are to be modelled. Brackets which contribute to the
the considered cargo hold. primary supporting member strength and the size of which
is not less than the typical mesh size (s-by-s) described in
The individual transverse bulkhead structural elements, [2.4.2] are to be modelled.
including plating, stiffeners and horizontal stringers, are to
be assessed considering two cargo hold finite element anal-
yses, i.e. the analysis for the hold forward and the one for 2.2 Extent of model
the hold aft of the considered transverse bulkhead.
2.2.1 Longitudinal extent
When the results of the full length model are not deemed The longitudinal extent of the cargo hold FE model is to
sufficient by the Society, in particular to account for condi- cover three cargo hold lengths. The transverse bulkheads at
tions with one bay empty, results from midship cargo hold the ends of the model are to be modelled. Typical finite ele-
analysis may also be extrapolated with special care to the ment model representing the midship cargo hold region is
other cargo hold areas. shown in Fig 2.

2 Structural model 2.2.2 Hull form modelling

In general, the finite element model is to represent the
geometry of the hull form. In the midship cargo hold region,
2.1 Members to be modelled
the finite element model may be prismatic, provided the
2.1.1 All the main longitudinal and transverse structural mid-hold has a prismatic shape.
elements are to be modelled. These ones include:
2.2.3 Transverse extent
inner and outer shell Both port and starboard sides of the ship are to be mod-
upper deck elled.
double bottom floors and girders
2.2.4 Vertical extent
transverse and vertical web frames
The full depth of the ship is to be modelled including pri-
hatch coamings mary supporting members above the upper deck, trunks
stringers and lower decks and cargo hatch coaming, if any.
transverse structures The bulwark is not required to be included in the model.

Figure 2 : Example of 3 cargo hold model within midship region (half view)

208 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

2.3 Finite element types For deck transverse and horizontal stringers on trans-
verse wash bulkheads and longitudinal bulkheads with a
2.3.1 Shell elements are to be used to represent plating. smaller web depth, modelling using two elements over
the depth is acceptable provided that there is at least one
2.3.2 All the stiffeners are to be modelled with beam ele- element between every web stiffener. The mesh size of
ments. The eccentricity of the neutral axis is to be modelled. adjacent structure is to be adjusted accordingly.

2.3.3 Face plates of primary supporting members and e) The curvature of the free edge on large brackets of pri-
brackets are to be modelled using rod or beam elements. mary supporting members is to be modelled to avoid
unrealistic high stress due to geometry discontinuities. In
general, a mesh size equal to the stiffener spacing is
2.4 Structural modelling acceptable. The bracket toe may be terminated at the
nearest nodal point, provided that the modelled length of
2.4.1 Aspect ratio
the bracket arm does not exceed the actual bracket arm
The aspect ratio of the shell elements is in general not to length. The bracket flange is not to be connected to the
exceed 3. The use of triangular shell elements is to be kept plating, as shown in Fig 6. The modelling of the tapering
to a minimum. Where possible, the aspect ratio of the shell part of the flange is to be in accordance with [2.4.7]. An
elements, in areas where there are likely to be high stresses example of acceptable mesh is shown in Fig 6. A finer
or a high stress gradient, is to be kept close to 1 and the use mesh is to be used for the determination of detailed stress
of triangular elements is to be avoided. at the bracket toe, as given in Sec 3.

2.4.2 Mesh
2.4.3 Finer mesh
The shell element mesh is to follow the stiffening system as
far as practicable, hence representing the actual plate pan- Where the geometry cannot be adequately represented in
els between stiffeners. In general, the shell element mesh is the cargo hold model and the stress exceeds the cargo hold
to satisfy the following requirements: mesh acceptance criteria, a finer mesh may be used for
such geometry, to demonstrate satisfactory scantlings. The
a) One element between every longitudinal stiffener, see mesh size required for such analysis can be governed by the
Fig 3. Longitudinally, the element length is not to be geometry. In such cases, the average stress within an area
greater than two longitudinal spaces, with a minimum of equivalent to that specified in [2.4] is to comply with the
three elements between primary supporting members.
requirements given in [5.2].
b) One element between every stiffener on transverse
bulkheads, see Fig 4. 2.4.4 An example of mesh arrangement of the cargo hold
structure is shown in Fig 7.
c) One element between every web stiffener on transverse
and vertical web frames and stringers, see Fig 3 and Fig
5. 2.4.5 Sniped stiffener

d) At least three elements over the depth of double bottom Non continuous stiffeners are to be modelled as continuous
girders, floors, transverse web frames, vertical web stiffeners, i.e. the height web reduction in way of the sniped
frames and horizontal stringers on transverse bulkheads. ends are not to be modelled.

Figure 3 : Typical finite element mesh on web frame

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NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Figure 4 : Typical finite element mesh on transverse bulkhead

Figure 5 : Typical finite element mesh on horizontal transverse stringer on single skin transverse bulkhead

s = Stiffener spacing

Figure 6 : Typical finite element mesh on large brackets of primary supporting member

210 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Figure 7 : Example of FE cargo hold structure mesh arrangements

2.4.6 Web stiffeners of primary supporting 2.4.7 Face plate of primary supporting member
members The effective cross-sectional area at the curved part of the
face plate of primary supporting members and brackets is to
Web stiffeners of primary supporting members are to be
be calculated in accordance with Ch 3, Sec 6. The cross-
modelled. Where these stiffeners are not in line with the pri- sectional area of a rod or beam element representing the
mary FE mesh, it is sufficient to place the line element along tapering part of the face plate is to be based on the average
the nearby nodal points, provided that the adjusted distance cross-sectional area of the face plate in way of the element
does not exceed 0,2 times the stiffener spacing under con- length.
sideration. The stresses and buckling utilisation factors
2.4.8 Openings
obtained need not be corrected for the adjustment. Buck- Methods of representing openings and manholes in webs of
ling stiffeners on large brackets, deck transverses and string- primary supporting members are to be in accordance with
ers parallel to the flange are to be modelled. These stiffeners Tab 1. Regardless of size, manholes are to be modelled by
may be modelled using rod elements. removing the appropriate elements.

Table 1 : Representation of openings in primary supporting member webs

Criteria Modelling decision Analysis

ho /h < 0,5 and go < 2,0 Openings do not need to be modelled
Manholes The geometry of the opening is to be modelled To be evaluated by the screening procedure as given in
by removing the adequate elements Sec 3, [3.1.1]
ho /h 0,5 or go 2,0 The geometry of the opening is to be modelled To be evaluated by fine mesh as given in Sec 3, [2.1.1]
Note 1:

g o = 1 + --------------------------------
2 , 6 ( h h o )

o : Length, in m, of the opening parallel to the primary supporting member web direction, see Fig 8. For sequential openings
where the distance do between openings is less than (0,25 h), o is to be taken as the length across openings, as shown in
Fig 9
ho : Height of the opening parallel to the web depth, in m, see Fig 8 and Fig 9
h : Web height of the primary supporting member in way of the opening, in m, see Fig 8 and Fig 9.

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NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Table 2 : Boundary constraints at model ends

Translation Rotation
x y z x y z
Independent point at aft end fix fix fix
All longitudinal members at both ends rigid link rigid link rigid link
Independent point at fore end fix fix fix fix
Note 1: [] means no constraint applied (free).
Note 2: See Fig 10, where NA represents the neutral axis of the model end sections.

Figure 8 : Openings in web 2.5 Boundary conditions

2.5.1 General
All boundary conditions described in this Section are in
accordance with the global coordinate system defined in
ho Ch 4, Sec 1.

o 2.5.2 Application
The boundary conditions given in [2.5.3] are applicable to
tw-n50 cargo hold finite element model analyses in midship region.

2.5.3 Boundary conditions

Both ends of the model are to be simply supported. The
nodes on the longitudinal members at both end sections are
to be rigidly linked to independent points at the neutral axis
ho h on the centreline. The independent points of both ends are
to be fixed. The boundary conditions to be applied at the
tw-n50 ends of the cargo hold FE model are given in Tab 2.

Figure 9 : Length o for sequential openings 3 FE load combinations

with do < h/4

3.1 Design load combinations

3.1.1 FE load combination definition

A FE load combination is defined as a loading pattern, a
draught, a roll radius of gyration, a metacentric height, a
value of still water bending moment and of still water shear
force, associated with a given dynamic load case.

3.1.2 Mandatory load combinations

For cargo hold structural strength analysis, the design load
combinations specified in Ch 4, Sec 8 are to be used.
Figure 10 : Boundary conditions Each design load combination given in Ch 4, Sec 8 consists
applied at the model end sections of a loading pattern and dynamic load cases as given in Ch
4, Sec 2. Each load combination requires the application of
the structural weight, internal and external loads and hull
girder loads. For seagoing condition, both static and
dynamic load components are applied. For tank testing and
flooding condition, only the static load components are
point applied.
3.1.3 Additional loading conditions
Where the loading conditions specified by the designer are
not covered by the load combinations given in Ch 4, Sec 8,
these additional loading conditions are to be examined
CL according to the procedure in [4].

212 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

4 Load application Mv-targ = Msw + Mwv-LC

4.1 General Msw : Maximum and minimum permissible vertical
still water bending moments in seagoing condi-
4.1.1 Structural weight tions, in kNm, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 8,
Effect of the weight of hull structure is to be included in the [3.3.1] and Ch 4, Sec 8, [3.4.1]
static loads, but is not to be included in the dynamic loads. Mwv-LC : Vertical wave bending moment, in kNm, for
Density of steel is to be taken as given in Ch 4, Sec 6. the dynamic load case under consideration, cal-
culated in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.6.1].
4.1.2 Sign convention
For each given FE load combination defined in Ch 4, Sec 8,
Unless otherwise mentioned in this Section, the sign of the the value of Mv-targ is taken as the maximum hull girder
moments and shear forces is to be in accordance with the bending moment within the model mid-hold.
sign convention defined in Ch 4, Sec 1.
4.3.3 Target hull girder vertical shear forces
4.2 External and internal loads The target hull girder vertical shear forces Qtarg-aft and Qtarg-fwd
at the aft and forward transverse bulkheads of the mid-hold,
4.2.1 External loads in kN, for a given FE load combination, are taken as:
The external pressures are to be calculated for each load if Qfwd Qaft :
case in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 5. They include static
Qtarg-aft = Qsw-aft + |CQV| Qwv-neg
sea pressure, wave pressure and green sea pressure.
Qtarg-fwd = Qsw-fwd + |CQV| Qwv-pos
The effect of the hatch cover self weight is to be ignored in
the loads applied to the ship structure. if Qfwd < Qaft :
Qtarg-aft = Qsw-aft + |CQV| Qwv-pos
4.2.2 Internal loads
Qtarg-fwd = Qsw-fwd + |CQV| Qwv-neg
The internal loads are to be calculated for each load case in
accordance with Ch 4, Sec 6 for design load scenarios where:
given in Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 1. They include static dry cargo Qfwd , Qaft : Vertical shear forces, in kN, due to the local
(including containers on deck), ballast and other liquid loads, respectively at the forward and aft bulk-
pressure, setting pressure on relief valve and dynamic pres- head positions of the mid-hold, as defined in
sure of dry cargo (including containers on deck), ballast and [4.4.6]
other liquid pressure due to acceleration.
Qsw-aft , Qsw-fwd : Aft and forward permissible still water shear
4.2.3 Pressure application on FE element forces, in kN, at any longitudinal position for
seagoing conditions as defined in Ch 4, Sec 8,
A constant pressure, calculated at the elements centroid, is [3.3.1] and Ch 4, Sec 8, [3.4.1]
applied to the shell element of the loaded surfaces, e.g.
outer shell and deck for the external pressure and tank/hold CQV : Load combination factor for vertical wave shear
boundaries for the internal pressure. Alternately, the pres- force, as given in Ch 4, Sec 2
sure can be calculated at the element nodes applying linear Qwv-pos , Qwv-neg : Positive and negative vertical wave shear
pressure distribution within the elements. forces, in kN, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.2.1].
The values of Qtarg-aft and Qtarg-fwd are to be taken at the aft
4.3 Hull girder loads and forward transverse bulkheads of the mid-hold under
4.3.1 General
4.3.4 Target hull girder horizontal bending moment
Each loading condition is to be associated with the corre-
sponding hull girder loads to be applied to the model The target hull girder horizontal bending moment Mh-targ , in
according to the procedure described in [4.4]. The hull kNm, for a given FE load combination is taken as:
girder loads are the combinations of the still water hull Mh-targ = Mwh-LC
girder loads and the wave induced hull girder loads as spec-
ified in Ch 4, Sec 8. For each required FE load combination, where:
the wave induced hull girder loads are to be calculated with Mwh-LC : Horizontal wave bending moment, in kNm, for
the load combination factors (LCFs) specified in Ch 4, Sec 2. the dynamic load case under consideration, cal-
culated in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.6.3].
4.3.2 Target hull girder vertical bending moment
The values of Mwh-LC are taken as the maximum hull girder
The target hull girder vertical bending moment Mv-targ , in bending moment within the mid-hold(s) for each individual
kNm, at a longitudinal position for a given FE load combi- cargo hold for each given FE load combination as defined
nation, is taken as: in Ch 4, Sec 8.

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NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

4.4 Procedure to adjust hull girder shear

forces and bending moments (x x i aft ) f hi
R H_fore = -------------------------------------
x fore x aft
4.4.1 General
The procedure given in this sub-article describes how to
adjust the hull girder horizontal bending moment, vertical
R H_aft = f hi + R H_fore
shear force and vertical bending moment distribution on the
three cargo hold FE model, in order to achieve the required
target values defined in [4.3] at the following target loca-
Fl = f li

tions: and, when xi < xj:
at the transverse bulkheads of the mid-hold for vertical
shear force Q V_FEM ( x j ) = R V_aft f vi

at the centre of the mid-hold, in general, for hull girder i

bending moments.
Q H_FEM ( x j ) = R H_aft + f hi

The final adjusted loads at the target location should not i

exceed the target loads.

M V_FEM ( x j ) = ( x j x aft ) R V_aft (x x ) f
j i vi
4.4.2 Local load distribution i

The following local loads are to be applied:

a) ship structural steel weight distribution over the length
M H_FEM ( x j ) = ( x j x aft ) R H_aft + (x x ) f j i hi

of the cargo hold model (static loads)
b) static sea pressure, dynamic wave pressure and, where
applicable, green sea load RV_aft , RV_fore , RH_aft , RH_fore : Vertical and horizontal reaction
forces at the aft and fore ends, in kN
c) weight of cargo/containers, ballast and fuel oil (static
loads) xaft : X-coordinate of the aft end support, in m
xfore : X-coordinate of the fore end support, in m
d) dynamic loads for cargo/containers, ballast and fuel oil
in seagoing operation. fvi : Lumped vertical local load at longitudinal sta-
tion i, in kN, as defined in [4.4.2]
The 3D nodal forces obtained by applying the above local
loads to the FE model are lumped to each longitudinal sta- fhi : Lumped horizontal local load at longitudinal
tion, in order to generate the one dimension local load dis- station i, in kN, as defined in [4.4.2]
tribution. Fl : Total longitudinal force of the model, in kN
The longitudinal stations are located at transverse bulk- fli : Lumped longitudinal local load at longitudinal
heads/frames and typical nodal locations in between the station i, in kN, as defined in [4.4.2]
frames according to the cargo hold model mesh size xj : X-coordinate, in m, of the considered longitudi-
requirement. nal station j
Any intermediate nodes created for modelling structural xi : X-coordinate, in m, of longitudinal station i
details are not treated as longitudinal stations for the pur-
QV_FEM (xj), QH_FEM (xj), MV_FEM (xj), MH_FEM (xj) : Vertical and
pose of local load distribution.
horizontal shear forces, in kN, and bending
The nodal forces are to be lumped to the nearest longitudi- moments, in kNm, at longitudinal station xj cre-
nal station, the lumping process being done separately for ated by the local loads applied on the FE model.
vertical and horizontal nodal forces in order to obtain both According to the sign convention, positive reac-
vertical and horizontal local loads fvi and fhi at each longitu- tion forces create a positive shear force.
dinal station i.
4.4.4 Longitudinal unbalanced force
4.4.3 Hull girder forces and bending moments due In case the total longitudinal force of the model Fl is not
to local loads
equal to zero, the counter longitudinal force (Fx)j is to be
The model is considered simply supported at both ends. The applied at the model end where the translation in X-direc-
reaction forces at model ends and the hull girder shear tion x is fixed. (Fx)j is to be distributed among all the bend-
forces and bending moments induced by local loads at any ing effective hull girder longitudinal elements, as follows:
longitudinal station are determined by the following formu-
lae: F l A j-n50
( F x ) j = ------------
- ------------
A x-n50 n j
(x x i aft ) f vi where:
R V_fore = -------------------------------------
(Fx)j : Axial force, in kN, applied to a node of the j-th
x fore x aft
R V_aft = f vi + R V_fore Fl : Total longitudinal force of the model, in kN, as
i defined in [4.4.3]

214 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Aj-n50 : Net cross-sectional area of the j-th element, in The method to be applied for one given FE load combina-
m2 tion is to be selected as follows:
Ax-n50 : Net cross-sectional area of the fore end section, no shear force adjustment is requested when the shear
in m2: forces at both bulkheads are lower than, or equal to, the
target values
A x-n50 = A j-n50 method 1 applies when the shear force exceeds the tar-
j get value at one bulkhead. At the other bulkhead, the
nj : Number of nodal points of the j-th element on shear force adjusted according to method 1 is not to
the cross-section: exceed the target value, otherwise method 2 is to be
nj = 1 for beam element
method 2 applies when the shear forces exceed the tar-
nj = 2 for 4-node shell element. get values at both bulkheads.

4.4.5 Hull girder shear force adjustment procedure 4.4.6 Method 1 for vertical shear force adjustment
The hull girder shear force adjustment procedure defined in at one bulkhead
this requirement applies to all the FE load combinations The required adjustments in shear force at mid-hold aft and
given in Ch 4, Sec 8. The FE load combinations not directly forward bulkheads are given by:
covered by the load combination tables of Ch 4, Sec 8 are aft bulkhead:
to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
( x fore x aft )
The two following methods are used for shear force adjust- M Y_aft = M Y_fore = -------------------------- ( Q targ-aft Q aft )
forward bulkhead:
method 1 (M1): shear force adjustment at one of the
( x fore x aft )
mid-hold bulkheads, as given in [4.4.6] M Y_aft = M Y_fore = --------------------------
- ( Q targ-fwd Q fwd )
method 2 (M2): shear force adjustment at both mid-hold
bulkheads, as given in [4.4.7]. where:

Table 3 : Vertical shear force adjustment by application of vertical bending moments MY_aft and MY_fore for method 1

Vertical shear force diagram Target position at mid-hold

Forward bulkhead

Aft bulkhead

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NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

MY_aft , MY_fore : Vertical bending moments, in kNm, to be 4.4.7 Method 2 for vertical shear force adjustment
applied at the aft and fore ends in accordance at both bulkheads
with [4.4.9], in order to enforce the hull girder The required adjustments in shear force at both mid-hold
vertical shear force adjustment as shown in Tab transverse bulkheads are to be made by applying:
3. The sign convention is that of the FE model
vertical bending moments MY_aft and MY_fore at model
Qaft : Vertical shear force, in kN, due to the local
ends, and
loads at mid-hold aft bulkhead location xb_aft
resulting from the local loads calculated vertical loads at the transverse frame positions as shown
according to [4.4.3]. in Tab 5, in order to generate vertical shear forces Qaft
and Qfwd at the transverse bulkhead positions.
Since the vertical shear force is discontinued at
the transverse bulkhead location, Qaft is the
Tab 4 shows application examples of the shear force adjust-
maximum absolute shear force between the sta-
ment by means of vertical bending moments and vertical
tions located right after and right forward
the mid-hold aft bulkhead
Qfwd : Vertical shear force, in kN, due to the local x fore x aft Q targ-fwd Q fwd + Q targ-aft Q aft
M Y_aft = ---------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
loads at mid-hold forward bulkhead location 2 2
xb_fwd resulting from the local loads calculated MY_fore = MY_aft
according to [4.4.3].
Q targ-fwd Q fwd ( Q targ-aft Q aft )
Since the vertical shear force is discontinued at Q fwd = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
the transverse bulkhead location, Qfwd is the
maximum absolute shear force between the sta- Qaft = Qfwd
tions located right after and right forward the
mid-hold forward bulkhead. where:

Table 4 : Target and required shear force adjustment by applying vertical forces

Aft bulkhead Forward bulkhead

Vertical shear force diagram
Target shear force Target shear force

Qtarg-aft (ve) Qtarg-fwd (+ve)

Qtarg-aft (+ve) Qtarg-fwd (ve)

Note 1: ve means negative, +ve means positive.

216 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

MY_aft , MY_fore : Vertical bending moments, in kNm, to be for k = 2, 3, , n1 2, in cargo hold i:

applied at the aft and fore ends in accordance k k+1
with [4.4.9], in order to enforce the hull girder k i
av-i = ----i + ---------
vertical shear force adjustment. The sign con- 2 2
vention is that of the FE model
for k = ni 1 (last frame), in cargo hold i:
Qaft : Shear force adjustment, in kN, at mid-hold aft n n 1
bulkhead k ni av-i i i i i
av-i = i ----------------
+ -----------
i + i i 2
Qfwd : Shear force adjustment, in kN, at mid-hold for-
ward bulkhead. ik : Frame spacing, in m, between the frames k1
The shear force adjustments Qaft and Qfwd are to be gen- and k, in the cargo hold i.
erated at transverse bulkhead positions by applying vertical The vertical correction loads, wi for a uniform frame spac-
loads at the transverse frame positions, as shown in Tab 5. ing or wik for a non-uniform frame spacing, are to be
Vertical correction loads are not to be applied to any trans- applied, following the shear flow distribution at the consid-
verse tight bulkheads, any frames forward of the forward ered cross-section, as described in Ch 5, App 1. For a frame
cargo hold nor any frames aft of the aft cargo hold of the FE section under the vertical load wi , the shear flow qf , at the
model. middle point of the element, is calculated as follows:

The vertical loads applied to each transverse frame in order w

q f-k = ----------i Q k-n50
to generate the increase/decrease in shear force at bulk- I y-n50
heads may be calculated as shown in Tab 5. where:
In case of uniform frame spacing, the amount of vertical qf-k : Shear flow calculated at the middle of the k-th
force to be distributed at each transverse frame may be cal- element of the transverse frame, in N/mm
culated in accordance with Tab 6.
wi : Distributed load at each transverse frame loca-
Where non-uniform frame spacing is used within a hold i, tion, in N, for the i-th cargo hold (i = 1, 2, 3), as
the average frame spacing av-i is used to calculate the aver- defined in Tab 6
age frame load wav-i according to Tab 6. wav-i is then redis- Iy-n50 : Moment of inertia of the hull girder cross-section,
tributed among the non-uniform frames, as follows:
in mm4
av-i Qk-n50 : First moment, about the neutral axis, of the accu-
w i = w av-i ---------
av-i mulative section area starting from the open end
(shear stress free end) of the cross-section to the
point sk for shear flow qf-k , in mm3, taken as:
k = 1, 2, ..., ni 1, for each frame in cargo hold i, with Sk
i = 1, 2, 3 Q k-n50 = 0
z neu t n50 ds

av-i : Average frame spacing, in m, equal to: zneu : Vertical distance, in mm, from the integral point
s to the vertical neutral axis
av-i = i / ni , in cargo hold i, with i = 1, 2, 3
tn50 : Net thickness, in mm, of the plate at the integral
i : Length, in m, of the cargo hold i, with i = 1, 2, 3,
point of the cross-section
as defined in Tab 6
The distributed shear force Fj-grid at the j-th FE grid of the
ni : Number of frame spacings in cargo hold i, with transverse frame, in N, is obtained from the shear flow of
i = 1, 2, 3, as defined in Tab 6 the connected elements, as follows:
wav-i : Average frame load calculated, according to n

Tab 6, with the average frame spacing av-i in F j-grid = q f-k ----k
cargo hold i, with i = 1, 2, 3 k=1

wik : Distributed load, in kN, for non-uniform frame k where:

in cargo hold i
k : Length, in mm, of the k-th element of the trans-
kav-i : Equivalent frame spacing, in m, for each frame verse frame connected to grid j
k, with k = 1, 2,..., ni 1, in cargo hold i, taken n : Total number of elements connected to grid j.
equal to:
The shear flow has direction along the cross-section and
for k = 1 (first frame), in cargo hold i: therefore the distributed force Fj-grid is a vector force. For ver-
1 2 tical hull girder shear correction, the vertical and horizontal
k 1 av-i
av-i = i ----------------ni + ----i force components calculated with the above mentioned
i + i i 2
shear flow method need to be applied to the cross-section.

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NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Table 5 : Distribution of adjusting vertical force at frames and resulting shear force distributions

Simply Simply
supported supported
end end

Simply Simply
supported supported
end end

Shear force distribution due to adjusting vertical force at frames

Simply Simply
supported supported
end end

Note 1: For definition of the symbols, see Tab 6.

218 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Table 6 : Formulae for calculation of vertical loads for adjusting vertical shear forces

Q aft ( 2 2 3 ) + Q fwd ( 2 + 3 ) W1 ( 2 + 1 ) W3 ( 2 + 3 )
w 1 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- F = 0, 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
( n 1 1 ) ( 2 1 2 2 3 )

( W1 + W3 ) ( Q aft Q fwd )
w 2 = ------------------------------ = ---------------------------------------
( n2 1 ) ( n2 1 )

Q fwd ( 2 1 2 ) Q aft ( 1 + 2 )
w 3 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( n 3 1 ) ( 2 1 2 2 3 )

1 : Length of the aft cargo hold of the model, in m

2 : Length of the mid-hold of the model, in m
3 : Length of the forward cargo hold of the model, in m
Qaft : Required adjustment in shear force, in kN, at the aft bulkhead of the mid-hold, see [4.4.7]
Qfwd : Required adjustment in shear force, in kN, at fore bulkhead of the mid-hold, see [4.4.7]
F : End reactions, in kN, due to application of vertical loads to frames
W1 : Total evenly distributed vertical load, in kN, applied to the aft hold of the FE model: W1 = (n1 1) w1
W2 : Total evenly distributed vertical load, in kN, applied to the mid-hold of the FE model: W2 = (n2 1) w2
W3 : Total evenly distributed vertical load, in kN, applied to the forward hold of the FE model: W3 = (n3 1) w3
n1 : Number of frame spaces in the aft cargo hold of the FE model
n2 : Number of frame spaces in the mid-hold of the FE model
n3 : Number of frame spaces in the forward cargo hold of the FE model
w1 : Distributed load, in kN, at frame in the aft cargo hold of the FE model
w2 : Distributed load, in kN, at frame in the mid-hold of the FE model
w3 : Distributed load, in kN, at frame in the forward cargo hold of the FE model
end : Distance, in m, between the aft bulkhead of the aft cargo hold to the aft end of the FE model
fore : Distance, in m, between the forward bulkhead of the forward cargo hold to the forward end of the FE model
: Total length, in m, of FE model including portions beyond end bulkheads:
= 1 + 2 + 3 + end + fore
Note 1: In the above formulae, positive direction of loads, shear forces and adjusting vertical forces is in accordance with Tab 4 and
Tab 5.
Note 2: W1 + W3 = W2
Note 3: The above formulae are applicable only if a uniform frame spacing is used within each hold. The length and frame spacing of
individual cargo holds may be different.

4.4.8 Procedure to adjust vertical and horizontal Mv-peak is to be taken as the maximum bending
bending moments for midship cargo hold moment if Mv-targ is hogging (positive) and as the
region minimum bending moment if Mv-targ is sagging
In case the target vertical bending moment needs to be
Mv-peak is to be calculated as follows, based on a
reached, an additional vertical bending moment Mv-end is to
simply supported beam model:
be applied at both FE model ends, according to [4.4.9], in
order to generate this target value within the mid-hold. This
M v-peak = Extremum M V_FEM ( x ) + M lineload +
additional vertical bending moment is to be taken, in kNm,
equal to: x x aft
M Y_aft 2 ----------------------
- 1
x fore x aft
Mv-end = Mv-targ Mv-peak
MV_FEM(x): Vertical bending moment, in kNm, at position
where: x, induced by the local loads as described in
Mv-targ : Hogging (positive) or sagging (negative) vertical
MY_aft : Aft bending moment, in kNm, to be taken
bending moment, in kNm, as specified in
equal to:
when method 1 is applied: the value defined
Mv-peak : Maximum or minimum bending moment, in in [4.4.6]
kNm, within the mid-hold length induced by when method 2 is applied: the value defined
the local loads as described in [4.4.3] and the in [4.4.7]
shear force adjustment as defined in [4.4.5]. otherwise: MY_aft = 0

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 219

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

Mlineload : Vertical bending moment, in kNm, at position Mv : Vertical bending moment adjustment, in kNm,
x, induced by the application of vertical loads at to be applied to the considered cross-section of
frames according to method 2, to be taken the model
equal to: Mh : Horizontal bending moment adjustment, in
kNm, to be applied to the considered cross-
M lineload = ( x x aft )F ( x x )w
i i when x i < x
section of the model
(Fx)i : Axial force, in kN, applied to a node of the i-th
F : Reaction force, in kN, at model ends induced
by the application of vertical loads to frames as
defined in Tab 5 Iy-n50 : Hull girder vertical moment of inertia, in m4, of
x : X-coordinate, in m, of frame in way of the mid- the considered cross-section about its horizon-
hold tal neutral axis
wi : Vertical load, in kN, at web frame station i Iz-n50 : Hull girder horizontal moment of inertia, in m4,
applied to generate required shear force. of the considered cross-section about its vertical
neutral axis
In case the target horizontal bending moment needs to be
reached, an additional horizontal bending moment Mh-end is Zi : Vertical distance, in m, from the neutral axis to
to be applied at both FE model ends, according to [4.4.9], the centre of the cross-sectional area of the i-th
in order to generate this target value within the mid-hold. element
The additional horizontal bending moment, in kNm, is to Yi : Horizontal distance, in m, from the neutral axis
be taken equal to: to the centre of the cross-sectional area of the i-
Mhend = Mhtarg Mhpeak th element.
Ai-n50 : Cross-sectional area, in m2, of the i-th element
ni : Number of nodal points of the i-th element on
Mh-targ : Horizontal bending moment, as defined in
[4.3.4] the cross-section:
Mh-peak : Maximum or minimum horizontal bending ni = 1 for a beam element
moment, in kNm, within the mid-hold length ni = 2 for a 4-node shell element.
induced by the local loads described in [4.4.3]. For cross-sections not located at the model ends, the aver-
Mh-peak is to be taken as the maximum horizontal age area of the corresponding i-th elements forward and aft
bending moment if Mh-targ is positive (starboard of the considered cross-section is to be used.
side in tension) and as the minimum horizontal
bending moment if Mh-targ is negative (port side 5 Analysis criteria
in tension).
Mh-peak is to be calculated as follows, based on a 5.1 General
simply supported beam model:
5.1.1 Evaluation areas
Mhpeak = Extremum MH_FEM (x) } Verification of results against the acceptance criteria is to be
MH_FEM (x): Horizontal bending moment, in kNm, at posi- carried out within the longitudinal extent of the mid-hold,
tion x, induced by the local loads as described as shown in Fig 11.
in [4.4.3].
The vertical and horizontal bending moments are to be cal- Figure 11 : Longitudinal extent of evaluation area
culated over the mid-hold length in order to identify the
position and value of each maximum/minimum bending

4.4.9 Application of bending moment adjustments

on the FE model
The required vertical and horizontal bending moment
adjustments are to be applied by distributing the longitudi-
nal axial nodal forces among all the bending effective hull
girder longitudinal elements of the considered FE model
cross-section according to Ch 5, Sec 1, [1.2], as follows:
for vertical bending moment: 5.1.2 Structural members
M A i-n50 The following structural elements within the evaluation area
( F x ) i = ---------v- -----------
- zi are to be verified with the criteria given in [5.2] and [5.3]:
I y-n50 n i
for horizontal bending moment: all the hull girder longitudinal structural members
all the primary supporting structural members and bulk-
M A i-n50
( F x ) i = ---------h- -----------
- yi heads within the mid-hold
I z-n50 n i
all the structural members being part of the transverse
where: bulkheads.

220 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 2

5.2 Yield strength assessment where:

y : Yield utilisation factor:
5.2.1 Von Mises stress
For all the plates of the structural members defined in y = -------- for shell elements
[5.1.2], the Von Mises stress vm , in N/mm2, is to be calcu-
lated based on the membrane normal and shear stresses of axial
y = --------------
- for rod or beam elements
the shell element. The stresses are to be evaluated at the RY
element centroid of the mid-plane, as follows: vm : Von Mises stress, in N/mm2
2 2 2 axial : Axial stress in rod or beam element, in N/mm2
vm = x x y + y + 3 xy
yperm : Standard mesh permissible yield utilisation fac-
tor defined in Tab 7.
x y : Element normal membrane stresses, in N/mm2
Where the Von Mises stress of elements assessed by fine
xy : Element shear stress, in N/mm2. mesh analysis according to Sec 3 exceeds the yield criteria,
the average Von Mises stress, obtained from the fine mesh
5.2.2 Axial stress in beams and rod elements
analysis and calculated over an area equivalent to the mesh
For beams and rod elements, the axial stress axial , in size of the cargo hold model, is to satisfy the yield criterion
N/mm2, is to be calculated based on the axial force alone. above.
The axial stress is to be evaluated at the middle of the ele-
ment length.
5.3 Buckling strength assessment
5.2.3 Yield criteria
5.3.1 All the structural elements in FE analysis carried out
The structural elements given in [5.1.2] are to comply with in accordance with this Section are to be assessed individu-
the following criterion: ally against the buckling requirements as defined in Ch 8,
y yperm Sec 1.

Table 7 : Standard mesh permissible yield utilisation factor yperm

Structural component Acceptance criteria (1) yperm

Plating of all the longitudinal hull girder structural members, AC-1 0,8
primary supporting structural members and bulkheads
Face plate of the primary supporting members 1,0
(1) See Sec 1, [4]for the acceptance criteria definition.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 221

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 3


1 Objective and scope any area with significant scantling discontinuities

(forward of each watertight bulkhead at each com-
plete deck above the inner bottom for instance)
1.1 General
b) Openings in way of fuel oil tanks platforms, when deep
1.1.1 The local strength analysis of structural details is to be fuel oil tanks are located in the cargo hold area (from
in accordance with the requirements given in this Section. the second deck to the upper deck)
1.1.2 The selection of critical locations on the structural c) Typical openings in double bottom girders located in
members for fine mesh analysis is to be in accordance with way of watertight bulkheads, as shown in Tab 2
this Section. d) Typical uppermost and lowest openings in vertical gird-
1.1.3 Fine mesh analysis procedure ers of transverse watertight bulkhead, as shown in Tab 2
The details to be assessed by fine mesh analysis are to be e) Typical connection of longitudinal step bulkheads with
modelled according to the requirements given in [4], under web frames, inner hull and inner bottom, as well as
the FE load combinations defined in [5], and are to comply holes nearby, as shown in Tab 1
with the criteria given in [6]. f) Typical connection of double bottom girders and verti-
1.1.4 Scope of local structural strength verification cal girders of transverse watertight bulkheads, as shown
in Tab 2
The fine mesh verification is to be performed as follows:
fine mesh analysis for the structural details given in [2] g) Typical connection of horizontal stringers (transverse
screening procedure according to [3]. watertight bulkheads with double hull), as shown in Tab 2

Figure 1 : Screening areas at hatch corner

2 Local areas to be assessed by fine
mesh analysis

2.1 List of mandatory structural details

2.1.1 The following structural details are to be assessed
according to the fine mesh analysis procedure defined in
a) ends of hatch coamings
b) large openings in the upper part of the inner hull and of
the side shell in way of cargo holds (e.g. pilot doors).
Table 1 : Screening areas for transverse web frame
For each above mentioned structural detail, one fine mesh
model is required. The selection of the location of this fine
mesh model is to be based on the detail which has the max-
imum yield utilisation factor y.

3 Screening procedure

3.1 List of structural details

3.1.1 The following structural details and areas are to be
evaluated by screening:
s s
a) Representative hatch corners in way of cargo holds, as
shown in Fig 1 (from the second deck to the top of hatch
coaming, where second deck means the first complete s s
deck below the main deck), in particular in way of:
connections between fuel oil tanks and adjacent Openings and manholes (shaded regions)
cargo holds
watertight bulkheads
Manholes (unshaded regions)
support bulkheads beside the watertight bulkheads

222 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 3

Within each group of the structural details having the same 3.2 Screening criteria
geometry and the same relative location inside the midship
cargo region, the screening verification can be performed 3.2.1 Screening criteria
for the detail for which the yield utilisation factor y is max-
imum. Stresses in areas defined in [3.1], calculated for all the
applicable FE load combinations given in [5], are to be
Table 2 : Screening areas for horizontal stringer and checked against the following screening criterion:
transverse bulkhead to double bottom connections
sc scperm


sc : Screening factor as defined in Tab 3

scperm : Permissible screening factor as defined in Tab 3.

Where the screening criterion is not met, fine mesh analysis

of the corresponding structural detail is required and to be
performed according to [1.1.3].

4 Structural modelling

4.1 General

4.1.1 Evaluation of detailed stresses requires the use of

refined finite element mesh in way of areas of high stress.
This fine mesh analysis can be carried out by fine mesh
zones incorporated into the cargo hold model. Alterna-
tively, separate local FE model with fine mesh zones in con-
junction with the boundary conditions obtained from the
cargo hold model may be used.

4.2 Extent of model

4.2.1 If a separate local fine mesh model is used, its extent
is to be such that the calculated stresses at the areas of inter-
Openings and manholes (shaded regions) est are not significantly affected by the imposed boundary
conditions. The boundary of the fine mesh model is to coin-
Manholes (unshaded regions) cide with primary supporting members in the cargo hold
model, such as web frame, girders, stringers and floors.

Table 3 : Screening factors and permissible screening factors

Permissible screening factors scperm

Type of details
factors sc AC-2
AC-1 (2)
AC-3 (2)
Openings and manholes (1) y 0,85 yperm
Horizontal stringers and transverse plane bulkhead to double bottom
Tab 4 1,50 1,20
connection specified in Tab 2
Corners of transverse bulkhead horizontal stringers specified in Tab 2 Tab 5 1,50 1,20
Hatch corner area y 0,95 yperm
(1) The representative element which has the maximum yield utilisation factor around the manhole and the large opening is to be
verified against criteria.
(2) See Sec 1, [4] for acceptance criteria definition.
Note 1:
y : Standard mesh yield utilisation factor, as defined in Sec 2, [5.2.3]
yperm : Standard mesh permissible yield utilisation factor, as defined in Sec 2, [5.2.3].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 223

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 4 : Screening factor for bracket toes of primary supporting members

sc : Screening factor taken as:

b A beam-n50 k
sc = C a 0, 68 -----2 vm + 0, 50 - beam
------------------ ----------
b1 b 1 t n50 235

Ca : Coefficient taken as:

Ra 2
C a = 1, 0 0, 2 ------------

b1 , b2 : Heights of shell element in way of bracket toe in cargo hold FE model, in mm

Abeam-n50 : Sectional area of beam or rod element in cargo hold FE model representing the face plate of bracket, in mm2
beam : Beam or rod element axial stress determined from cargo hold FE analysis, in N/mm2
vm : Von Mises stress of shell element in way of bracket toe determined from cargo hold FE analysis, in N/mm2
tn50 : Net thickness of shell element in way of bracket toe, in mm
Ra : Leg length, in mm, not to be taken greater than 1400 mm.

Table 5 : Screening factor for heels of transverse bulkhead horizontal stringers


sc : Screening factor for heels at side horizontal girder and transverse

bulkhead horizontal stringer (see Figure) taken as:
k stringer
sc = 1, 67 vm ----------

vm : Von Mises stress of shell element in way of heel determined from

cargo hold FE analysis, in N/mm2. Transverse

Individual element in web to be verified

against criteria.

4.3 Mesh size 4.4 Elements

4.3.1 The mesh size in the fine mesh zones is not to be
4.4.1 All plating within the fine mesh zone is to be repre-
greater than 50 x 50 mm.
sented by shell elements. The aspect ratio of elements
4.3.2 The extent of the fine mesh zone is not to be less than within the fine mesh zone is to be kept as close to 1 as pos-
10 elements in all directions from the area under investiga- sible. Variation of mesh density within the fine mesh zone
tion. A smooth transition of mesh density from fine mesh and the use of triangular elements are to be avoided. In all
zone to the boundary of the fine mesh model is to be main- cases, the elements within the fine mesh model are to have
tained. an aspect ratio not exceeding 3. Distorted elements, with

224 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 3

element corner angles less than 45 or greater than 135, Figure 4 : Fine mesh zone around an opening
are to be avoided. Stiffeners inside the fine mesh zone are to
be modelled using shell elements. Stiffeners outside the fine
mesh zones may be modelled using beam elements.

4.4.2 For hatch corners and where fine mesh analysis is

required for bracket end connections and corners, the fine
mesh zone is to be extended to at least 10 elements in all
directions from the area subject to assessment, see Fig 2 and
Fig 3.

Figure 2 : Fine mesh zone around bracket toes

4.4.4 Face plates of openings, primary supporting members

and associated brackets are to be modelled with at least two
elements across their width on either side.

4.5 Transverse web frames

4.5.1 In addition to the requirements of [4.2] to [4.4], the

modelling requirements in this sub-article are applicable to
the analysis of a typical transverse web frame.

4.5.2 Where a FE sub-model is used, the model is to have

an extent of at least 1+1 web frame spaces, i.e. one web
frame space extending on either side of the transverse web
Figure 3 : Example of local model for the analysis of frame under investigation. The transverse web frames for-
hatch opening structures ward and aft of the web frame under investigation need not
be included in the sub-model.

4.5.3 The full depth and full breadth of the ship are to be
modelled, see Fig 5.

Figure 5 : Example of extent of local model for fine mesh

analysis of web frame bracket connections and openings
Model extent

4.4.3 Where a fine mesh analysis is required for an open-

ing, the first two layers of elements around the opening are
to be modelled with mesh size not greater than
50 x 50 mm. A smooth transition from the fine mesh to the
coarser mesh is to be maintained. Edge stiffeners which are 5 FE load combinations
welded directly to the edge of an opening are to be mod-
elled with shell elements. Web stiffeners close to an open- 5.1 General
ing may be modelled using rod or beam elements located at
a distance of at least 50 mm from the edge of the opening. 5.1.1 The fine mesh detailed stress analysis is to be carried
Example of fine mesh zone around an opening is shown in out for all the FE load combinations applied to the corre-
Fig 4. sponding cargo hold analysis.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 225

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 3

5.2 Application of loads and boundary n

conditions vm-av =
A i vm-i

A 1

5.2.1 General
The average stress is to be calculated based on stresses at
Where a separate local model is used for the fine mesh the element centroid; stress values obtained by interpola-
detailed stress analysis, the nodal displacements from the tion and/or extrapolation are not to be used.
global model are to be applied to the corresponding bound-
Stress averaging is not to be carried across structural discon-
ary nodes on the local model as prescribed displacements.
tinuities and abutting structure.
Alternatively, equivalent nodal forces from the global model
may be applied to the boundary nodes. 6.1.3 Yield criteria
Where there are nodes on the local model boundaries The structural assessment is to demonstrate that the stress
which are not coincident with the nodal points on the glo- complies with the following criterion:
bal model, it is acceptable to impose prescribed displace- f fperm
ments on these nodes using multi-point constraints. The use
of linear multi-point constraint equations connecting two
neighbouring coincident nodes is considered sufficient. f : Fine mesh yield utilisation factor:
for shell elements:
At the exception of flooding loads, all the local loads,
including any loads applied for hull girder bending moment f = --------
and/or shear force adjustments, in way of the structure rep-
resented by the separate local finite element model are to for rod or beam elements:
be applied to the model. axial
f = -------------
6 Analysis criteria vm : Von Mises stress, in N/mm2
axial : Axial stress in rod element, in N/mm2
6.1 Yield strength assessment fperm : Fine mesh permissible yield utilisation factor,
taken as:
6.1.1 Reference stress element not adjacent to weld:
Reference stress is Von Mises stress vm as defined in Sec 2, fperm = 1,36 ff for AC-1 criteria
[5.2.1], which is to be calculated based on the membrane fperm = 1,70 ff for AC-2 criteria
normal and shear stresses of the shell element evaluated at fperm = 1,70 ff for AC-3 criteria
the element centroid. The stresses are to be evaluated at the
element adjacent to weld:
mid-plane of the element.
fperm = 1,20 ff for AC-1 criteria
6.1.2 Permissible stress fperm = 1,50 ff for AC-2 criteria
The maximum permissible stresses are based on the mesh fperm = 1,50 ff for AC-3 criteria
size of 50 x 50 mm, as specified in [4.1] to [4.4]. ff : Fatigue factor, taken as:
ff = 1,0 in general
Where a smaller mesh size is used, an area weighted Von
Mises stress vm-av calculated over an area equal to the spec- ff = 1,2 for details assessed by very fine mesh
ified mesh size may be used to compare with the permissi- analysis complying with the fatigue assess-
ble stresses. The averaging is to be based only on elements ment criteria given in Ch 9, Sec 1
with their entire boundary located within the desired area: AC-1, AC-2, AC-3 : Acceptance criteria defined in Sec 1, [4].

226 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 4



1 Objective and scope 2.1.2 Net scantlings

All the elements are to be modelled with their net scantlings
1.1 General according to Ch 3, Sec 3. Therefore, the hull girder stiffness
and inertia to be reproduced by the model are also those
obtained considering the net scantlings of the hull struc-
1.1.1 This Section gives the requirements for full length tures.
structural strength analysis to be used for the assessment of
primary supporting members.
2.2 Extent of model
1.1.2 Full length structural strength analysis is mandatory
for ships having a rule length L of 250 m or above. 2.2.1 The complete ship is to be modelled so that the cou-
pling between torsion and horizontal bending is properly
1.1.3 The structural analysis aims at calculating the stresses taken into account in the structural analysis.
in the primary supporting members and in the hull plating,
Superstructures are to be modelled in order to reproduce
to be used for yielding and buckling checks.
the correct lightweight distribution.

1.2 Full length structural strength analysis 2.3 Finite element types
2.3.1 See Sec 2, [2.3].
1.2.1 Procedure description

The structural FE analysis is to be performed in accordance 2.4 Structural modelling

with the following:

full length model with: 2.4.1 See Sec 2, [2.4].

- extent as given in [2.2] Note 1: Openings modelling defined in Sec 2, Tab 1 are not appli-
cable to complete ship models.
- finite element types as given in [2.3]

- structural modelling as defined in [2.4] 2.4.2 Lightweight and deadweight

The finite element model is to include both the lightweight
boundary conditions as defined in [2.5]
and the deadweight mass and inertia distributions.
loading conditions and load cases as defined in [3]
The lightweight can be adjusted using one of the following
load application as defined in [4] techniques:

strength assessment as defined in [5]. modification of the density properties of plate and beam

2 Structural model additional nodal masses fitted on the structural model.

Massive items (main engine, hatch covers) are preferably be

2.1 Model construction excluded of the lightweight distribution and modelled simi-
larly to deadweight items.
2.1.1 Elements
Deadweight items (such as container stacks or liquids) are
The structural model is to represent the primary supporting to be model ed as nodal masses linked to the model
members with the plating to which they are connected. through additional elements designed in order to transfer
loads without introducing artificial stiffness (interpolation
Ordinary stiffeners are also to be represented in the model elements). An example is shown in Fig 1. Nodal masses are
in order to reproduce the stiffness and inertia of the actual also to include the inertia properties of the items they repre-
hull girder structure. sent.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 227

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 4

Figure 1 : Example of deadweight modelling

Table 1 : Boundary conditions to prevent rigid body motion of the model

Translation Rotation
x y z x y z
One node on the fore end of the ship free fixed fixed free free free
One node on the port side shell at aft end of
fixed free fixed free free free
the ship (1)
One node on the starboard side shell at aft
free fixed fixed free free free
end of the ship (1)
(1) The nodes on the port side shell and that on the starboard side shell are to be symmetrical with respect to the ships longitudinal
plane of symmetry.

2.5 Boundary conditions of the model 4 Load application

2.5.1 General
4.1 General
All the boundary conditions described in this Section are in
accordance with the global coordinate system defined in 4.1.1 Design wave method
Ch 4, Sec 1.
The various load components which occur simultaneously
2.5.2 Application may be combined by setting the characteristics of waves
defined in Ch 4, Sec 8, [4.2.4] that maximise the dominant
The boundary conditions given in [2.5.3] are applicable to load effects given in Ch 4, Sec 8, [4.2.2].
full length finite element model analyses.
Any other method may be used, provided relevant docu-
2.5.3 Boundary conditions mentation is submitted to the Society for review.

In order to prevent the rigid body motions of the overall 4.1.2 Model loading
model, the constraints specified in Tab 1 are to be applied.
The loads are applied to the finite element model according
3 Loading condition and load cases to the following indications:

a) Still water loads include the:

3.1 General
still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [1]

3.1.1 Loading condition and load cases to be considered still water internal loads, defined in Ch 4, Sec 6 for
are defined in Ch 4, Sec 8, [4]. the various types of cargoes and for ballast

228 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 4

b) Wave loads, determined by means of hydrodynamic cal- where:

culations, include the:
y : Yield utilisation factor:
wave pressure
inertial loads y = -------
- for shell elements
c) The fluid pressure in tanks is affected by the change of axial
direction of the total acceleration vector defined in Ch y = -------------
- for rod or beam elements
4, Sec 3
vm : Von Mises stress, in N/mm2
d) For dry unit cargoes, inertial forces are computed at the
centre of mass, taking into account the mass moment of axial : Axial stress in rod or beam element, in N/mm2
inertia yperm : Permissible yield utilisation factor defined in
e) Inertial loads for structure weight and dry uniform cargo Tab 2.
are computed using local accelerations calculated at Where the Von Mises stress of the elements under investiga-
their location. tion by fine mesh exceeds the yield criteria, the average Von
Mises stress obtained from the fine mesh analysis, calcu-
4.1.3 Equilibrium check lated over an area equivalent to the mesh size of the full
The convergence of the displacement, trim and vertical length finite element model, is to satisfy the yield criterion
bending moment is deemed satisfactory within the follow- above.
ing tolerances:
2% of the displacement 5.2 Buckling strength assessment
0,1 degree of the trim angle
5.2.1 All the structural elements in FE analysis carried out
10% of the still water bending moment. in accordance with this Section are to be assessed individu-
ally against the buckling requirements as defined in Ch 8,
5 Analysis criteria Sec 1.

5.1 Yield strength assessment 6 Refined analysis

5.1.1 Von Mises stress 6.1 Application

The Von Mises stress vm , in N/mm2, is to be calculated
based on the membrane normal and shear stresses of the 6.1.1 When a refined analysis is deemed necessary on a
shell element. The stresses are to be evaluated at the ele- given detail, the requirements of this Article are to be
ment centroid of the mid plane, as follows: applied.

2 2 2
vm = x x y + y + 3 xy 6.2 Structural modelling
6.2.1 See Sec 3, [4].
x , y : Element normal membrane stresses, in N/mm2
xy : Element shear stress, in N/mm2. 6.3 Loading conditions and load cases
5.1.2 Axial stress in beams and rod elements 6.3.1 The loading conditions and load cases considered are
For beams and rod elements, the axial stress axial , in to be similar to those applied for the full length model.
N/mm2, is to be calculated based on the axial force alone.
The axial stress is to be evaluated at mid-length of the ele- 6.4 Load application
6.4.1 See Sec 3, [5.2].
5.1.3 Yield criteria
The structural elements are to comply with the following
6.5 Analysis criteria

y yperm 6.5.1 See Sec 3, [6].

Table 2 : Permissible yield utilisation factor yperm

Structural component yperm

Plating of all longitudinal hull girder structural members, primary supporting structural members
and bulkheads 1,0
Face plate of primary supporting members modelled using beam or rod elements

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 229

NR 625, Ch 7, Sec 4

230 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 8



July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 231

232 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 8, Sec 1



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 4, Sec 4. 2.3 Hull girder stress

2.3.1 The hull girder bending stress hg , in N/mm2, is to be

1 General taken equal to L as defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.1.2].

1.1 Application 2.3.2 The hull girder shear stress hg , in N/mm2, is to be

taken equal to L as defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.2.2].
1.1.1 The buckling check of plating, stiffeners, primary sup-
porting members and other structures such as pillars and 2.3.3 The hull girder stresses defined in [2.3.1] and [2.3.2]
brackets is to be performed according to the applicable are to be calculated for all the design load scenarios defined
requirements of the Guidance Note NI 615 Buckling Assess- in Ch 4, Sec 7, [2] and for the following load cases:
ment of Plated Structures of Offshore Units, taking into head sea S11A1 and S11A2, with the load combination
account, in addition, the requirements of this Chapter. factors (LCF) as defined in Tab 2
beam and oblique sea dynamic load cases, with the LCF
1.2 Allowable buckling utilisation fachor as defined in Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 9 to Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 13.
Note 1: For beam and oblique sea dynamic load cases, the still
1.2.1 General structural elements water loads Qsw and Msw need not be combined simultaneously but
may be considered independently from each other when combined
The allowable buckling utilisation factor all is defined in
with wave loads.
Tab 1.

3 Buckling capacity
2 Prescriptive buckling requirements
3.1 Application
2.1 Application
3.1.1 The requirements in this Article are to be taken into
2.1.1 The requirements in this Article are to be taken into account for application of NI 615, Sec 5.
account for application of NI 615, Sec 3.
3.2 Stiffeners
2.2 Design load sets 3.2.1 Idealisation of bulb profiles
Bulb profiles are to be considered as equivalent angle pro-
2.2.1 The buckling checks are to be performed for all the
files as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1.4.1].
design load sets defined in Ch 6, Sec 2, [2], with pressure
combination defined in Ch 6, Sec 2, [1]. 3.2.2 Ultimate buckling capacity
For each design load set, the hull girder stress given in [2.3] The load calculation points of the stiffener attached plating, to
is to be applied together with the static lateral pressure be considered for the stiffener ultimate buckling capacity
determined according to Chapter 4, at the load calculation check according to NI 615, Sec 5, [2.3.4], are defined in Ch 3,
point defined in Ch 3, Sec 6. Sec 6, [2].

Table 1 : Allowable buckling utilisation factor all

Structural component Acceptance criteria all

Plates and stiffeners AC-1 0,80

Stiffened and unstiffened panels AC-2
Web plate in way of openings 1,00
AC-1 0,65
Struts and pillars AC-2

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 233

NR 625, Ch 8, Sec 1

Table 2 : Load combination factors for buckling strength assessment

Load component LCF S11A1 S11A2

Hull girder still water loads Msw 1,0 0,7
Qsw 0,7 1,0
Msw-t 0 0
Hull girder wave loads Mwv CWV 1,0 0,7
Qwv CQV 0,7 flq flq
Mwh CWH 0 0
Qwh CQH 0 0
Mwt CWT 0 0
Note 1: flq = 1 for x/L 0,5 and flq = 1 for x/L > 0,5

234 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 9



July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 235

236 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 9, Sec 1



TDF : Design fatigue life, in year, specified by the Items a) to f) are to be checked through a spectral fatigue
designer, but not to be taken less than 25 years. analysis as detailed in [6]. As an alternative, for ships of
length less than 250 m, they might be checked using the
For ships granted with additional class notation
deterministic approach described in [5].
FAT xx years, TDF is to be taken equal to
xx years Items g) and h) are to be checked following a deterministic
approach as detailed in [5].
Tf : Calculated fatigue life, determined in accord-
ance with NI 611. Additional specific details may be requested to be checked
on a case-by-case basis by the Society.
Note 1: For details assessed with spectral fatigue analysis in
1 Application accordance with [6], deterministic fatigue assessment is not man-
1.1 Scope
2 Definitions
1.1.1 The fatigue assessment is to be performed on struc-
tural details for ships of length L equal to or greater than
150 m. 2.1 NI 611

1.1.2 Fatigue assessment is performed for structural details 2.1.1 NI 611 refers to BV Guidelines for Fatigue Assess-
in order to prevent the following types of fatigue failure: ment of Steel Ships and Offshore Units. When reference is
made to NI 611, the latest version of this guidance note is
fatigue cracks initiating from the toe of the weld and applicable.
propagating into the plate
fatigue cracks initiating from the free edge of non- 3 Loading condition
welded details.

3.1 Design loading condition for fatigue

1.2 Structural details to be assessed
1.2.1 When fatigue assessment is required, the following
3.1.1 One loading condition at 0,85 TSC is to be considered
structural details are to be checked:
for fatigue analysis.
a) Representative hatch corners in way of cargo holds This design fatigue loading condition is to be based on the
(from the second deck to the top of hatch coaming) loading condition selected for full length analysis, as
b) Ends of hatch coamings defined in Ch 4, Sec 8, [4.1], modified with adjusted con-
tainer weight in order to obtain a loading condition draft of
c) For ships of length L greater than 250 m, openings in
0,85 TSC.
way of engine room platforms (from the second deck to
the upper deck)
4 Corrosion model
d) Openings in way of fuel oil tank platforms, when deep
fuel oil tanks are located in the cargo hold area (from
the second deck to the upper deck) 4.1 General
e) Large openings in the side shell (e.g. pilot door) and 4.1.1 Corrosion model
inner hull
The fatigue assessment is to be performed based on net
f) Connections of inner bottom girders with HFO tank lon- thicknesses according to Ch 3, Sec 2.
gitudinal bulkheads The following values of stress correction factor as defined in
g) Connection of longitudinal stiffeners with stiffeners of NI 611 are to be considered:
transverse primary supporting members or bulkheads a) for analytical approach for longitudinal stiffeners:
h) Connection of longitudinal stiffeners with transverse pri- fc_a = 0,95
mary supporting members or bulkheads (without stiff-
fc_b = 1,0
ener on transverse primary member connected to
longitudinal stiffeners). b) for FEA calculations: fc_FEA = 0,95

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 237

NR 625, Ch 9, Sec 1

5 Fatigue assessment based on a 5.2.3 Load cases

deterministic approach The dynamic load cases to be considered are given in Ch 4,
Sec 2, [3].

5.1 Longitudinal stiffener connections The design load scenario for fatigue assessment is defined in
Ch 4, Sec 7, [3].
5.1.1 Application For the loading condition defined in [5.2.2], all the fatigue
The fatigue strength of connections of longitudinal stiffeners load cases are to be considered to generate the combina-
with stiffeners of transverse primary supporting members is tion of dynamic loads for fatigue assessment and the hot
to be checked according to the methodology of NI 611 as spot stress range in accordance with NI 611.
applicable to the simplified rule based approach.
5.2.4 Hot spot stress calculation for welded details
For application of this methodology, requirements [5.1.2] to
For hot spot stress calculation of ordinary welded details as
[5.1.6] are to be taken into account.
defined in NI 611, the hot spot stress without stress extrap-
olation method is to be considered.
5.1.2 Loading condition
The design fatigue loading condition as defined in [3.1] is to 5.2.5 Fatigue damage calculation
be considered. The fatigue damage is to be calculated according to NI611
as applicable, considering:
5.1.3 Load cases
a simplified rule based approach
The dynamic load cases to be considered are given in Ch 4,
Sec 2, [3]. a single period design life pattern
the corrosion protection.
The design load scenario for fatigue assessment is defined in
Ch 4, Sec 7, [3].
5.2.6 Impact of hydro-elastic effects on damage
For the loading condition defined in [5.1.2], all the fatigue For ships having a length from 200 m to 300 m, the damage
load cases are to be considered to generate the combina- is to be corrected using the following partial safety factor:
tion of dynamic loads for fatigue assessment and the hot
spot stress range in accordance with NI 611. L
HE = 0, 5 + ----------
5.1.4 Fatigue damage calculation In case the ship is granted with any additional service fea-
Fatigue damage calculation according to NI 611 simplified ture or any additional class notation WhiSp, HE is to be
rule based approach is to be applied, considering the sin- taken equal to 1,00.
gle period design life pattern, with corrosion protection.
5.2.7 Acceptance criteria
5.1.5 Impact of hydro-elastic effects on damage The acceptance criterion is defined in [7].
For ships having a length from 200 m to 300 m, the damage
is to be corrected using the following partial safety factor: 6 Fatigue assessment based on
L spectral fatigue analysis
HE = 0, 5 + ----------
In case the ship is granted with any additional service fea- 6.1 General
ture or any additional class notation WhiSp, HE is to be
taken equal to 1,00. 6.1.1 Fatigue strength of details subject to spectral fatigue
analysis is to be assessed following the provisions of NI 611
5.1.6 Acceptance criteria considering the assumptions given in [6.1.2] to [6.1.6].
The acceptance criterion is defined in [7].
6.1.2 Seakeeping assumptions
The seakeeping analysis necessary to the spectral fatigue
5.2 Other structural details assessment is to be based on:
5.2.1 Application linear analysis
When, in accordance with [1.2.1], the structural details ship speed, to be taken as 66% of the design speed
other than longitudinal connections to primary supporting at least 36 headings, 10 steps
members are assessed by deterministic fatigue analysis,
frequencies, to be taken in the range [0:2] rad/s
they are to be checked according to the methodology of
NI 611 as applicable to the rule based approach, taking frequency step, to be about 0,3 (g / L)0,5
into account requirements [5.2.2] to [5.2.7]. intermittent wetting, to be accounted for, where relevant.

5.2.2 Loading condition 6.1.3 Loading condition

The design fatigue loading condition as defined in [3.1] is to The design fatigue loading condition as defined in [3.1] is to
be considered. be considered.

238 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 9, Sec 1

6.1.4 Environmental conditions L

HE = 0, 5 + ----------
The long term analysis of stress RAOs is to be carried out 400
considering a worldwide scatter diagram, as defined in In case the ship is granted with any additional service fea-
NI 611, Appendix 1. ture or any additional class notation WhiSp, HE is to be
taken equal to 1,00.
6.1.5 Fatigue damage calculation
The fatigue damage is to be calculated according to NI611 6.1.7 Acceptance criteria
as applicable, considering: The acceptance criterion is defined in [7].

a spectral analysis
7 Acceptance criteria
a single period design life pattern
the corrosion protection. 7.1 Fatigue life and acceptance criteria
6.1.6 Impact of hydro-elastic effects on damage 7.1.1 General
For ships having a length from 200 m to 300 m, the damage For each considered detail, the calculated fatigue life Tf is to
is to be corrected using the following partial safety factor: be greater than TDF.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 239

NR 625, Ch 9, Sec 1

240 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 10






July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 241

242 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 1



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. In case of longitudinal framing, the spacing of solid floors is
not to be greater than 3,5 m or four transverse frame spaces,
p : Correction factor for panel aspect ratio to be whichever is smaller.
taken as:
The minimum depth of the floor at the centreline is not to
b be less than the required depth of the double bottom of the
p = 1, 2 -------------
2, 1a foremost cargo hold.
but not to be taken greater than 1,0 2.1.2 Bottom girders
fbdg : Bending moment factor taken as: A supporting structure is to be provided at the centreline,
either by extending the centreline girder to the stem, or by
f bdg = 8 1 + ----s providing a deep girder or a centreline bulkhead.
Where a centreline girder is fitted, the minimum depth is
ns : End fixation factor taken as: not to be less than that required for the depth of the double
bottom in the neighbouring cargo hold region, and the
for both ends with low end fixity (simply upper edge is to be stiffened.
supported): ns = 0
The spacing of bottom girders is not to exceed:
for one end fixed and one end simply sup-
2,5 m in case of transverse framing
ported: ns = 1
3,5 m in case of longitudinal framing.
for continuous members or members with
brackets fitted at both ends: ns = 2. 2.1.3 Alternative design verification
The spacing of solid floors and bottom girders, defined in
1 General [2.1.1] and [2.1.2] respectively, may be increased, if the
designer performs a verification of the bottom structure by
means of grillage analysis or FE analysis and provides the
1.1 Application full corresponding documentation.
The acceptance criteria to be applied are defined in Ch 6,
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the follow-
Sec 6, [2]. A FE analysis is to be performed, considering the
ing structures of the fore part as defined in Ch 1, Sec 1,
requirements provided in Chapter 7.

fore peak structures 2.2 Wash bulkheads

2.2.1 Where a centreline wash bulkhead is fitted, the low-
In addition, the requirements of this Section apply to struc- est strake thickness is not to be less than the value required
ture subjected to impact loads: for a centreline girder.
Where a longitudinal wash bulkhead supports bottom trans-
flat bottom forward, according to [3.2]
verses, the details and arrangements of openings in this
bow area, according to [3.3]. bulkhead are to be configured to avoid high stress areas in
way of the connection of the wash bulkhead with bottom
2 Structural arrangement
2.3 Side shell supporting structure
2.1 Floors and bottom girders
2.3.1 Web frames
2.1.1 Floors The spacing S of web frames, in m, as defined in Ch 1, Sec
4, Tab 5, is generally not to be taken greater than:
In case of transverse framing, solid floors are to be fitted at
each web frame location. S = 2,6 + 0,005 L

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 243

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 1

2.3.2 Stringers 2.5.4 Strengthening for anchor and chain cable

Stringers are to have an effective span not greater than 10 m
and are to be adequately supported by web frame struc- The shell plating is to be increased in thickness at the for-
tures. ward end of the bulb and also in areas likely to be subjected
to contact with anchors and chain cables during anchor
2.3.3 Alternative design verification handling. The increased plate thickness is to be the same as
that required for plated stems given in [4.1.1].
The spacing of web frames and stringers may be increased,
if the designer performs a verification of the side shell sup-
porting structure by means of beam analysis or FE analysis 3 Structures subjected to impact loads
and provides the full corresponding documentation.
The acceptance criteria to be applied are defined in Ch 6, 3.1 General
Sec 6, [2]. A FE analysis is to be performed, considering the
requirements provided in Chapter 7.
3.1.1 Application
This Article covers the strengthening requirements for local
2.4 Tripping brackets
impact loads that may occur on the forward structures. The
impact loads to be applied in [3.2] and [3.3] are those
2.4.1 For side shell and tank walls located forward of the defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [3].
collision bulkhead and vertically framed, tripping brackets
spaced not more than 2,6 m are to be fitted, according to
3.1.2 General scantling requirements
Fig 1, between primary supporting members, decks and/or
platforms. The requirements of [3.2] and [3.3] apply in addition to the
applicable scantling requirements in Chapter 6. Local
The as-built thickness of the tripping brackets is not to be
scantling increase due to impact loads is to be made with
less than the as-built thickness of the side frame webs to
due consideration given to the details and avoidance of
which they are connected.
hard spots, notches and other harmful stress concentrations.

Figure 1 : Tripping brackets

3.2 Bottom slamming

3.2.1 Application
Where the minimum forward draught TF , as specified in Ch
4, Sec 5, [3.2.2], is less than the minimum between 0,04 L
and 0,86 m, the bottom forward is to be additionally
strengthened to resist bottom slamming pressures.

The draughts for which the bottom has been strengthened

2.5 Bulbous bow are to be indicated on the shell expansion plan and loading
guidance information, as required in Ch 1, Sec 5.
2.5.1 General The load calculation point of the primary supporting mem-
Where a bulbous bow is fitted, the structural arrangements bers is specified in Ch 3, Sec 6, [4].
are to be such that the bulb is adequately supported and
integrated into the fore peak structure. 3.2.2 Extent of strengthening
The strengthening is to extend forward of 0,3 L from the FP
2.5.2 Diaphragm plates
over the flat of bottom and adjacent plating with attached
At the forward end of the bulb, the structure is generally to stiffeners up to a height of 500 mm above the baseline, see
be supported by horizontal diaphragm plates, spaced about Fig 2.
1 m apart, in conjunction with a deep centreline web.
In general, vertical transverse diaphragm plates are to be Figure 2 : Extent of strengthening
arranged in way of the transition from the peak framing to against bottom slamming
the bulb framing.

2.5.3 Special bulbous bow designs

In way of a wide bulb, additional strengthening in the form
of a centreline wash bulkhead is generally to be fitted.
In way of a long bulb, additional strengthening in the form
of transverse wash bulkheads or substantial web frames is to
be fitted.

244 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 1

Outside the region strengthened to resist bottom slamming, 3.2.6 Bottom slamming load area for primary
the scantlings are to be tapered to maintain continuity of supporting members
longitudinal and/or transverse strength. The scantlings of primary supporting members according to
[3.2.7] are based on the application of the slamming pres-
3.2.3 Design to resist bottom slamming loads sure defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [3.2] to an idealised slamming
The design of end connections of stiffeners in the bottom load area of hull envelope plating ASL , in m2, given by:
slamming region is to provide end fixity, either by making 1, 1LBC
the stiffeners continuous through supports, or by providing A SL = -----------------------B-
end brackets complying with Ch 3, Sec 5, [3.2]. Where it is
not practical to comply with this requirement, the net plas- 3.2.7 Primary supporting members
tic section modulus, Zpl-alt , in cm3, for alternative end fixity The size and number of openings in the web plating of
arrangements is not to be less than: floors and girders subjected to slamming loads are to be
minimised in order to achieve the shear requirements given
Z pl-alt = -------------pl- in items a) to d), as follows:
f bdg
a) Net shear sectional area
The net shear sectional area Ashr-n50 , in cm2, of each pri-
Zpl 3
: Net plastic section modulus, in cm , as required mary supporting member web, at any position along its
by [3.2.5]. span, is not to be less than:
Scantlings and arrangements of primary supporting mem- Q SL
A shr-n50 = 10 ------------
bers, including bulkheads in way of stiffeners, are to comply C t eH
with [3.2.7]. where:
QSL : The greatest shear force due to slamming for
3.2.4 Shell plating
the position being considered, in kN, based
The net thickness t of the hull envelope plating, in mm, is on the application of a patch load FSL at the
not to be less than: most severe location, as determined in
accordance with item b) or c)
0, 0158 p b P SLI
t = ----------------------------- --------------- Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient taken as:
Cd C a R eH
Ct = 0,9 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.
b) Simplified calculation of slamming shear force
Cd : Plate capacity correction coefficient taken as:
For simple arrangements of primary supporting mem-
Cd = 1,3 bers, where grillage effects may be ignored, the shear
force QSL , in kN, is given by:
Ca : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken as:
QSL = fpt fdist FSL
Ca = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.
3.2.5 Shell stiffeners fpt : Correction factor for the proportion of patch
load acting on a single primary supporting
The shell stiffeners within the strengthening area defined in
member, taken as:
[3.2.2] are to comply with the following criteria:
fpt = 0,5 (fSL3 2 fSL2 + 2)
a) The net plastic section modulus Zpl , in cm3, is not to be
fSL : Patch load modification factor taken as:
less than:
b SL
2 f SL = 0, 5 ------
P SLI S bdg S
Z pl = ----------------------
f bdg C s R eH fdist : Factor for the greatest shear force distribu-
where: tion along the span, according to Fig 3
Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken FSL : Patch load, in kN, taken as:
as: FSL = PSL SL bSL
Cs = 0,9 for acceptance criteria set AC-4 SL : Extent of slamming load area along the
span, in m, taken as:
b) The net web thickness tw , in mm, is not to be less than:
P SLI s shr
t w = -------------------------
- but not to be greater than 0,5 shr
2d shr C t eH
bSL : Breadth of slamming load area supported by
where: the primary supporting member, in m, taken as:
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient taken as: b SL = A SL
Ct = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-4 but not to be greater than S
c) The slenderness ratio is to comply with Ch 8, Sec 1. ASL : Surface defined in [3.2.6].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 245

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 1

Figure 3 : Distribution of fdist along the span Figure 4 : Extent of strengthening against bow impact
of simple primary supporting members

3.3.2 Design to resist bow impact loads

a) In the bow impact strengthening area, longitudinal
framing is to be maintained as far forward as practica-
The design of end connections of stiffeners in the bow
c) Direct calculation method for slamming shear force impact region is to ensure end fixity, either by making
For complex arrangements of primary supporting mem- the stiffeners continuous through supports, or by provid-
bers, the greatest shear force QSL , at any location along ing end brackets complying with Ch 3, Sec 5, [3.2].
the span of each primary supporting member, is to be Where it is not practical to comply with this require-
derived by direct calculation in accordance with Tab 1. ment, the net plastic section modulus Zpl-alt , in cm3, for
alternative end fixity arrangements is not to be less than:
d) Web thickness of primary supporting members
The net web thickness tw , in mm, of primary supporting Z pl-alt = -------------pl-
f bdg
members adjacent to the shell is not to be less than:
s W R eH Zpl : Effective net plastic section modulus, in
tw = -----
- ----------
70 235 cm3, as required by [3.3.4].
where: b) Scantlings and arrangements of primary supporting
sW : Plate breadth, in mm, taken as the spacing members, including decks and bulkheads in way of the
stiffeners, are to comply with [3.3.6]. In areas where
between the web stiffening.
bow impact load is maximum, the web stiffeners are to
be arranged perpendicular to the hull envelope plating
3.3 Bow impact and double sided lug connections are to be provided.

3.3.1 Application 3.3.3 Side shell plating

The side structure in the ship forward area is to be strength- The net thickness t of the side shell plating, in mm, is not to
ened against bow impact pressures. The strengthening is to be less than:
extend forward of 0,1 L from the FP and, vertically, from the P FI
minimum design ballast draught TBAL defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, t = 0, 0158 p b --------------
C a R eH
[3.1.5] up to the forecastle deck, if any. See Fig 4.
Outside the strengthening area, scantlings are to be tapered
to maintain continuity of longitudinal and/or transverse Ca : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken as:
strength. Ca = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.

Table 1 : Direct calculation methods for derivation of QSL

Type of analysis Model extent Assumed end fixity of floors

Single beam calculation () Overall span of member between effective bending supports Fixed at ends
Double bottom grillage Longitudinal extent to cover at least three primary supporting Floors and girders to be fixed at
member spans or spacings (1) boundaries of the model
Transverse extent to cover at least three primary supporting
member spans or spacings (1)
The envelope of the greatest shear force along each primary supporting member is to be derived by applying the load QSL on a square
area ASL , as defined in [3.2.6], to a number of locations along the span.
(1) A more extensive model in length and breadth can be considered.

246 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 1

3.3.4 Side shell stiffeners e) The net section modulus Zn50 of each primary support-
The side shell stiffeners, within the strengthening area ing member, in cm3, is not to be less than:
defined in [3.3.1], are to comply with the following criteria: 2
f bdg-pt P FI b BI f BI bdg
Z n50 = 1000 ----------------------------------------
a) The effective net plastic section modulus Zpl , in cm3, in f bdg C s R eH
association with the effective plating to which it is where:
attached, is not to be less than:
fbdg-pt : Correction factor for the bending moment at
P FI s bdg the ends and considering the patch load,
Z pl = ----------------------
f bdg C s R eH taken as:

where: fbdg-pt = 3 fBI3 8 fBI2 + 6 fBI

Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken fBI : Patch load modification factor, taken as:
f BI = --------
Cs = 0,9 for acceptance criteria set AC-4 bdg

b) The net web thickness tw , in mm, is not to be less than: BI : Extent of bow impact load area, in m, along
the span, taken as:
P FI s shr
t w = -------------------------
2d shr C t eH BI = A BI

where: but not to be taken greater than bdg

dshr : Effective web depth of stiffener, in mm, as bBI : Breadth of bow impact load area, in m, sup-
defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1.4.3] ported by the primary supporting member,
to be taken as the spacing S between pri-
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient taken as:
mary supporting members, as defined in Ch
Ct = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-4 1, Sec 4, Tab 5, but not to be taken greater
than BI
c) The slenderness ratio is to comply with Chapter 8.
ABI : Bow impact load area, in m2, as defined in
3.3.5 Bow impact load area for primary supporting [3.3.5]
fbdg : Bending moment factor, taken as fbdg = 12
The scantlings of primary supporting members according to for primary supporting members with end
[3.3.6] are based on the application of the bow impact pres- fixed continuous flange or where brackets at
sure, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [3.3], to an idealised bow both ends are fitted in accordance with Ch
impact load area of hull envelope plating ABI, in m2, given 3, Sec 5, [4.4]
Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken
1, 1LBC as:
A BI = -----------------------B-
1000 Cs = 0,8 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.

3.3.6 Primary supporting members f) The net shear sectional area Ashr-n50 of the web, in cm2,
of each primary supporting member at the support/toe
a) The net section modulus Zn50 given in item e) is to be of end brackets is not to be less than:
verified along the bending span of the primary support-
ing members (clear of end brackets). The shear sectional 5f PL P FI b BI shr
A shr-n50 = -------------------------------
area Ashr-n50 given in item f) is the required value at C t eH
ends/supports. It may be gradually reduced along the
span, following the distribution of fdist indicated in Fig 3.
fPL : Patch load modification factor, taken as:
b) Primary supporting members in the bow impact
strengthening area are to be designed to provide effec- BI
f PL = -------
tive continuity of strength and avoid hard spots. shr

c) End brackets of primary supporting members are to be BI : Extent of bow impact load area, in m, along
suitably stiffened along their edge. Consideration is to the span, taken as:
be given to the design of bracket toes to minimise
abrupt changes of cross-section. BI = A BI

d) Tripping arrangements are to comply with Chapter 8. In but not to be taken greater than shr
addition, tripping brackets are to be fitted at the toe of
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient taken as:
end brackets and at locations where the primary sup-
porting member flange is knuckled or curved. Ct = 0,75 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 247

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 1

g) The net web thickness tw , in mm, of each primary sup- but need not be greater than: 22 (k 1)0,5
porting member, including decks and bulkheads in way
of the side shell, is not to be less than: where:

P FI b BI SB : Spacing, in m, between horizontal stringers

t w = -----------------------
sin w crb (partial or not), breasthooks, or equivalent hori-
zontal stiffening members.
w : Angle, in deg, between the primary support- Starting from 0,6 m above TSC up to (TSC + Cw), the net thick-
ing member web and the shell plate, as ness may gradually be reduced to 0,8 tStm .
shown in Fig 5
crb : Critical buckling stress in compression, in 4.1.2 Breasthooks and diaphragm plating
N/mm2, of the web of the primary support- The net thickness of breasthooks/diaphragm plates tw , in
ing member or deck/bulkhead panel in way mm, is not to be less than:
of the applied load, as given in Chapter 8.
s R eH
Figure 5 : Angle between shell primary member t w = ------ ---------
70 235
and shell plate
s : Spacing of stiffeners on the web, in mm, as
defined in Ch 1, Sec 4, Tab 5. Where no stiffen-
ers are fitted, s is to be taken as the depth of the

4.2 Thruster tunnel

4.2.1 The net thickness of the tunnel plating ttun , in mm, is

not to be less than the net thickness required for the shell
plating in the vicinity of the bow thruster.
In addition, ttun is not to be taken less than:

ttun = 0,008 dtun + 1,8

4 Additional scantling requirements where:
dtun : Inside diameter of the tunnel, in mm, not to be
4.1 Plate stem
taken less than 970 mm.
4.1.1 The net thickness tStm , in mm, is not to be less than: Where the outboard ends of the tunnel are provided with
tStm = (0,6 + 0,4 SB) (0,08 L + 2,7) k0,5 bars or grids, the bars or grids are to be effectively secured.

248 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 2


1 General c) foundations of thrust bearings

d) structures supporting a), b) and c).
1.1 Application
2.2 Double bottom
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the scant-
lings and arrangement of structures located in the machin- 2.2.1 Double bottom height
ery space. It is the shipyard responsibility to design the ship The double bottom height at the centreline, irrespective of
in accordance with the machinery manufacturers require- the location of the machinery space, is to be not less than
ments. the value defined in Ch 2, Sec 1. This depth may need to be
considerably increased, depending on the type and depth of
2 Machinery space arrangement main machinery seatings.
Where the double bottom height in the machinery space
2.1 Structural arrangement differs from that in adjacent spaces, structural continuity of
longitudinal members is to be provided by sloping the inner
2.1.1 All parts of the machinery, shafting, etc, are to be sup- bottom over an adequate longitudinal extent. The knuckles
ported to properly transfer the loads to the ship structure. in the sloped inner bottom are to be located in way of
The adjacent structure is to be suitably stiffened. floors. A lesser double bottom height may be accepted in
local areas provided that the overall strength of the double
2.1.2 The spacing of web frames in way of transversely
bottom structure is not thereby impaired.
framed machinery spaces is generally not to exceed five
transverse frame spaces. Web frames are to be connected at 2.2.2 Centreline girder
the top and bottom to members of suitable stiffness.
The double bottom is to be arranged with a centreline
2.1.3 Side shell longitudinal stiffeners are to be efficiently girder. Manholes in the centreline girder are only to be fit-
connected to transverse bulkheads to provide proper fixity ted where absolutely necessary for double bottom access
and lateral support. When the stiffener is not continuous and maintenance. Local strengthening in way of such man-
through the bulkhead, a soft-toe bracket is to be fitted. holes is to be provided.
Brackets lapped onto the longitudinals are not satisfactory.
2.2.3 Side bottom girders
2.1.4 Where a transverse framing system is adopted, deck In the machinery space, the number of side bottom girders
stiffeners are to be supported by a suitable arrangement of is to be adequately increased, with respect to the adjacent
longitudinal girders in association with pillars or pillar bulk- areas, to provide adequate rigidity of the structure. The side
heads. Where fitted, deck transverses are to be arranged in bottom girders, in longitudinal stiffened double bottom, are
line with web frames to provide end fixity and transverse to be in line with bottom longitudinals in adjacent areas.
continuity of strength. The spacing of such girders is generally not to be greater
Where a longitudinal framing system is adopted, deck longi- than 3 times that of the longitudinals and in no case greater
tudinals are to be supported by deck transverses in line with than 3 m.
web frames in association with pillars or pillar bulkheads.
2.2.4 Girders in way of machinery seatings
2.1.5 Machinery casings are to be supported by a suitable Bottom girders are to be fitted in way of machinery seatings.
arrangement of deck transverses and longitudinal girders in Bottom girders arranged in way of main machinery seatings
association with pillars or pillar bulkheads. In way of partic- are to be extended over the full length of the machinery
ularly large machinery casing openings, cross ties may be space.
required. These are to be arranged in line with deck trans-
verses. Where the machinery space is situated amidships, the bot-
tom girders are to extend aft of the after bulkhead of such
2.1.6 The foundations of main propulsion units, reduction space for at least three frame spaces, and beyond to be con-
gears, shaft and thrust bearings, and the structure supporting nected to the hull structure by tapering.
those foundations are to maintain the required alignment Where the machinery space is situated aft, the bottom gird-
and rigidity in all anticipated loading conditions. The fol- ers are to extend as far as practicable and be supported by
lowing drawings are to be submitted to the machinery man- floors and side primary supporting members at the ends.
ufacturer for review:
Forward of the machinery space forward bulkhead, the bot-
a) foundations of main propulsion units tom girders are to be tapered for at least three frame spaces
b) foundations of reduction gears and are to be effectively connected to the hull structure.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 249

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 2

2.2.5 Floors in longitudinally stiffened double Figure 1 : Machinery foundations type 1

bottom Seat integral with tank top
Where the double bottom is longitudinally stiffened, plate
floors are to be fitted at every frame under the main engine
and thrust bearing. Outboard of the engine and bearing
seatings, the floors may be fitted at alternate frames.

2.2.6 Floors in transversely framed double bottom

Where the double bottom in the machinery space is trans-
versely stiffened, floors are to be arranged at every frame.
Note 1: Brackets are to be as large as possible. Brackets may be omit-
ted to avoid interference with the girders of the engine foundation, in
2.2.7 Manholes and wells
accordance with the recommendations of the engine manufacturer.
The number and size of manholes in floors located in way
of seatings and adjacent areas are to be kept to the mini- 3.1.3 For main machinery supported on foundations of
mum necessary for double bottom access and maintenance. Type 2, as shown in Fig 2, the forces from the engine into
the adjacent structure are to be distributed as uniformly as
In general, manhole edges are to be stiffened with flanges; possible. Longitudinal members supporting the foundation
failing this, the floor plate is to be adequately stiffened with are to be aligned with girders in the double bottom, and
flat bars at manhole sides. transverse stiffening is to be arranged in line with the floors,
see Fig 2.
Manholes with perforated portable plates are to be fitted in
the inner bottom in the vicinity of wells arranged close to Figure 2 : Machinery foundations type 2
the aft bulkhead of the engine room. Built-up seat

Drainage of the tunnel is to be arranged through a well

located at the aft end of the tunnel.

2.2.8 Inner bottom plating

Where main engines or thrust bearings are bolted directly to
the inner bottom, the net thickness of the inner bottom plat-
ing is to be at least 19 mm. The hold-down bolts are to be
arranged as close as possible to floors and longitudinal gird-
ers. Plating thickness and arrangements of hold-down bolts
are also to consider the manufacturers recommendations.

2.2.9 Heavy equipment

Where an heavy equipment is mounted directly on the
inner bottom, the thickness of the floors and girders is to be
suitably increased.
Note 1: Brackets are to be as large as possible. Brackets may be omit-
ted to avoid interference with the girders of the engine foundation, in
3 Machinery foundations accordance with the recommendations of the engine manufacturer.

3.1 General 3.2 Foundations for internal combustion

engines and thrust bearings
3.1.1 Main engines and thrust bearings are to be effectively
3.2.1 The general rigidity of the engine is to be considered
secured to the hull structure by foundations having a
in the determination of the foundations scantlings, as it may
strength sufficient to resist the various gravitational, thrust,
have an incidence on the loads balance.
torque, dynamic, and vibratory forces which may be
imposed on them. 3.2.2 Generally, two girders are to be fitted in way of the
foundation for internal combustion engines and thrust bear-
3.1.2 In the case of higher power internal combustion ings.
engines or turbine installations, the foundations are gener-
ally to be integrated within the double bottom structure. 3.3 Foundations
Consideration is to be given to substantial increase of the
inner bottom plating thickness in way of the engine founda- 3.3.1 Auxiliary machinery is to be secured on foundations
tion plate or the turbine gear case and the thrust bearing, that are of suitable size and arrangement to distribute the loads
see Fig 1. from the machinery evenly into the supporting structure.

250 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 3



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. sis or FE analysis and provides the full corresponding docu-
mentation. The acceptance criteria to be applied are
defined in Ch 6, Sec 6, [2]. A FE analysis is to be performed
1 General
under consideration of the requirements provided in Chap-
ter 7.
1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the scant- 2.2 Stiffening of floors and girders
lings and arrangement of structures located aft of the aft
peak bulkhead. 2.2.1 The height of stiffeners hstf , in mm, on the floors and
girders in aft peak is not to be less than:
2 Aft peak for flat bar stiffeners: hstf = 80 stf

for bulb profiles and flanged stiffeners: hstf = 70 stf

2.1 Structural arrangement
2.1.1 Floors
Floors are to be fitted at each frame space in the aft peak. stf : Stiffener length, in m, as shown in Fig 1. stf
They are to extend at least above the stern tube. Where need not be taken greater than 5 m.
floors do not extend up to a platform or a deck, they are to
be stiffened by flanges at their upper end. 2.2.2 Stiffeners on the floors and girders in aft peak ballast
or fresh water tanks above propeller are to be arranged with
Heavy plate floors are to be fitted in way of, and near, the rud-
brackets. This applies to stiffeners located in an area extend-
der post, propeller post and rudder horn. They are to extend
ing longitudinally between the forward edge of the rudder
up to the peak tank top or platform. In this area, cut outs, scal-
and the after end of the propeller boss and transversely
lops and other openings are to be kept to a minimum.
within the diameter of the propeller. End brackets are to be
provided as follows:
2.1.2 Platforms and side girders
Platforms and side girders within the peak are to be arranged at the lower and upper ends when stf-t exceeds 4 m
in line with those located in the area immediately forward.
at the lower end when stf-t exceeds 2,5 m,
Where this arrangement is not possible due to the shape of
the hull and access needs, structural continuity between the where:
peak and the structures of the area immediately forward is
to be ensured with wide tapering brackets. stf-t : Total length of the stiffener, in m, as shown in
Fig 1.
Where the aft peak is adjacent to a longitudinally framed
side machinery space, the side girders in the aft peak are to
be fitted with tapering brackets. Figure 1 : Stiffening of floors and girders
in the aft peak tank
2.1.3 Longitudinal bulkheads
A longitudinal non-tight bulkhead is to be fitted at the cen-
treline of the ship, in general in the upper part of the peak, stf-t
and stiffened at each frame spacing.
stf stf-t

Where either the stern overhang is very large or the maxi-

stf stf
mum breadth of the space divided by watertight and wash stf-t
bulkheads is greater than 20 m, additional longitudinal
wash bulkheads may be required.

2.1.4 Alternative design verification

Spacings and arrangements other than those required in
[2.1.1], [2.1.2] and [2.1.3] may be agreed, provided the
designer performs a verification by means of grillage analy- stf-t > 4,0 m 4,0 m stf-t > 2,5 m stf-t 2,5 m

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 251

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 3

3 Stern frames 3.1.3 In the upper part of the propeller aperture, where the
hull form is full and centreline supports are provided, the
thickness of stern frames may be reduced to 80% of the
3.1 General applicable requirement in [3.2.1].

3.1.1 Stern frames are to be fabricated from steel plates or 3.2 Propeller posts
made of cast steel with a hollow section. For applicable
material specifications and steel grades, see Ch 3, Sec 1. 3.2.1 Gross scantlings of propeller posts
Stern frames of other material or construction will be spe- The gross scantlings of propeller posts are not to be less
cially considered. than those obtained from the formulae in Tab 1 for single
screw ships and in Tab 2 for twin screw ships.
3.1.2 Cast steel and fabricated stern frames are to be Scantlings and proportions of the propeller post which differ
strengthened by adequately spaced plates with gross thick- from those above may be considered acceptable, provided
ness not less than 80% of the required thickness for stern the section modulus of the propeller post section about its
frames. Abrupt changes of section are to be avoided in cast- longitudinal axis is not less than the value calculated with
ings; all sections are to have adequate tapering radius. the propeller post scantlings in Tab 1 or Tab 2, as applicable.

Table 1 : Single screw ships - Gross scantlings of propeller posts

Fabricated propeller post Cast propeller post Bar propeller post, cast or forged,
having a rectangular section
in mm

a 50 L11/2 33 L11/2 10 7, 2L 256

b 35 L11/2 23 L11/2 10 4, 6L 164

t1 2,5 L1 1/2
3,2 L1 1/2
t2 4,4 L11/2
td 1,3 L1 1/2
2,0 L1 1/2
R 50 mm

Table 2 : Twin screw ships - Gross scantlings of propeller posts

Fabricated propeller post Cast propeller post Bar propeller post, cast or forged,
having a rectangular section

in mm

a 25 L11/2 12,5 L11/2 2,4 L + 6

b 25 L1 1/2
25 L1 1/2 0,8 L + 2
t1 2,5 L1 1/2
2,5 L1 1/2
t2 3,2 L11/2 3,2 L11/2
t3 4,4 L1 1/2
td 1,3 L1 1/2
2,0 L1 1/2

252 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 3

3.2.2 Section modulus below the propeller shaft b : Breadth of the plate panel, in mm, as defined in
bossing Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.1.1].
In the case of a propeller post without a sole piece, the sec-
tion modulus of the propeller post may be gradually 4.1.2 Heavy shell plates
reduced below the propeller shaft bossing down to 85% of Heavy shell plates are to be fitted locally in way of the
the value calculated with the scantlings in Tab 1 or Tab 2, as heavy plate floors as required in [2.1.1]. Outboard of the
applicable. heavy floors, the heavy shell plates may be reduced in
thickness in as gradual a manner as practicable. Where the
In any case, the thicknesses of the propeller posts are not to
rudder horn plating is radiused into the shell plating, the
be less than those obtained from the formulae in Tab 1 and
Tab 2. radius r at the shell connection, in mm, is not to be less
3.2.3 Propeller shaft bossing r = 150 + 0,8 L2
In single screw ships, the thickness of the propeller shaft
bossing, included in the propeller post, is not to be less than 4.1.3 Thruster tunnel plating
60% of the dimension b required in [3.2.1] for bar propeller The net thickness ttun of the tunnel plating, in mm, is to com-
posts with a rectangular section. ply with the requirements in Sec 1, [4.2.1].

3.3 Connections 5 Structure subjected to stern impact

3.3.1 Connections with hull structure loads
Stern frames are to be effectively attached to the aft struc-
ture and the lower part of the stern frame is to be extended 5.1 General
forward of the propeller post to a length not less than
(1500 + 6 L2) mm, in order to provide an effective connec- 5.1.1 Application
tion with the keel. However, the stern frame need not This Article covers the strengthening requirements for local
extend beyond the aft peak bulkhead. impact loads that may occur on the flat area of the bottom
aft structure located at a distance not greater than hSL from
3.3.2 Connection with keel plate the design waterline, for ships having a length L at least
The thickness of the lower part of the stern frames is to be equal to 170 m,
gradually tapered to that of the solid bar keel or keel plate.
Where a keel plate is fitted, the lower part of the stern frame
hSL : Maximum relative wave elevation, in m, for
is to be designed to ensure an effective connection with the
stern impact pressure, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 5,
3.3.3 Connection with transom floors The impact load PSLI to be applied is defined in Ch 4, Sec 5,
Rudder posts and propeller posts are to be connected with [3].
transom floors having a height not less than the double bot-
tom height and a net thickness not less than the value 5.1.2 General scantling requirements
obtained, in mm, from the following formula: The requirements of Sec 1, [3.2] apply in addition to appli-
cable scantling requirements in Chapter 6. Local scantling
t = 9 + 0,023 L1
increase due to impact loads is to be made with due consid-
3.3.4 Connection with centre keelson eration given to the details and avoidance of hard spots,
notches and other harmful stress concentrations.
Where the stern frame is made of cast steel, the lower part
of the stern frame is to be fitted, as far as practicable, with a 5.1.3 Design to resist stern impact loads
longitudinal web for connection with the centre keelson.
The design of end connections of stiffeners in the flat area of
the bottom aft structure is to provide end fixity, either by
4 Shell structure making the stiffeners continuous through supports, or by
providing end brackets complying with Ch 3, Sec 5, [3.2].
4.1 Shell plating Where it is not practical to comply with this requirement,
the net plastic section modulus Zpl-alt , in cm3, for alternative
4.1.1 Shell plating connected with stern frame end fixity arrangements is not to be less than:
The net thickness of shell plating connected with the stern
frame is not to be less than the value obtained, in mm, from Z pl-alt = -------------pl-
f bdg
the following formula:
t = 0,094 (L2 43) + 0,009 b
Zpl : Net plastic section modulus, in cm3, as required
In way of the boss and heel plate, the net thickness t of shell
by [5.1.5].
plating, in mm, is not to be less than:
Scantlings and arrangements of primary supporting mem-
t = 0,105 (L2 47) + 0,011 b bers, including bulkheads in way of stiffeners, are to comply
where: with [5.1.6].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 253

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 3

5.1.4 Shell plating where:

The net thickness t of the hull envelope plating, in mm, is fpt : Correction factor for the proportion of patch
not to be less than: load acting on a single primary supporting
member, taken as:
0, 0158 p b P SLI
t = ----------------------------- --------------- fpt = 0,5 (fSI3 2 fSI2 + 2)
Cd C a R eH
where: fSI : Patch load modification factor taken as:
Cd : Plate capacity correction coefficient taken as: b
f SI = 0, 5 -----SI-
Cd = 1,3
Ca : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken as: fdist : Factor for the greatest shear force distribu-
tion along the span, according to Fig 2
Ca = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.
FSI : Patch load, in kN, taken as:
5.1.5 Shell stiffeners FSI = PSLI SI bSI
The shell stiffeners within the strengthening area defined in SI : Extent of impact load area along the span, in
Sec 1, [3.2.2] are to comply with the following criteria: m, taken as:
a) The net plastic section modulus Zpl , in cm3, is not to be
less than:
but not to be greater than 0,5 shr
P SLI S bdg
Z pl = ----------------------
- bSI : Breadth of impact area supported by the pri-
f bdg C s R eH
mary supporting member, in m, taken as:
Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient taken b SI = A SI
as: but not to be greater than S
Cs = 0,9 for acceptance criteria set AC-4 ASI : Idealised impact load area of hull envelope
b) The net web thickness tw , in mm, is not to be less than: plating, in m2, given by:
1, 1LBC
P SLI s shr A SI = -----------------------B-
t w = -------------------------
- 1000
2d shr C t eH
where: c) Direct calculation method for impact shear force
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient taken as: For complex arrangements of primary supporting mem-
bers, the greatest shear force QSI , at any location along
Ct = 1,0 for acceptance criteria set AC-4
the span of each primary supporting member, is to be
c) The slenderness ratio is to comply with Ch 8, Sec 1. derived by direct calculation in accordance with Tab 3.

5.1.6 Primary supporting members d) Web thickness of primary supporting members

The size and number of openings in the web plating of The net web thickness tw , in mm, of primary supporting
floors and girders subjected to slamming loads are to be members adjacent to the shell is not to be less than:
minimised in order to achieve the shear requirements given s W R eH
in the following items a) to d): t w = -----
- ----------
70 235
a) Net shear sectional area where:
The net shear sectional area Ashr-n50 , in cm2, of each pri- sW : Plate breadth, in mm, taken as the spacing
mary supporting member web, at any position along its between the web stiffening.
span, is not to be less than:
Q SI Figure 2 : Distribution of fdist along the span
A shr-n50 = 10 ------------
of simple primary supporting members
C t eH
QSI : The greatest shear force due to impact for
the position being considered, in kN, based
on the application of a patch load FSI at the
most severe location, as determined in
accordance with item b) or c)
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient taken as:
Ct = 0,9 for acceptance criteria set AC-4.
b) Simplified calculation of slamming shear force
For simple arrangements of primary supporting mem-
bers, where grillage effects may be ignored, the shear
force QSI , in kN, is given by:
QSI = fpt fdist FSI

254 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 3

Table 3 : Direct calculation methods for derivation of QSI

Type of analysis Model extent Assumed end fixity of floors

Single beam calculation (1) Overall span of member between effective bending supports Fixed at ends
Double bottom grillage Longitudinal extent to cover at least three primary supporting Floors and girders to be fixed at
member spans or spacings (2) boundaries of the model
Transverse extent to cover at least three primary supporting
member spans or spacings (2)
(1) The envelope of the greatest shear force along the span of the primary supporting member is to be derived by applying the load
QSI on a square area ASI to a number of locations along the span.
(2) A more extensive model in length and breadth can be considered.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 255

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. L : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, as defined
p : Correction factor for the panel aspect ratio to be in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.1.2], calculated at the load
calculation point as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6,
taken as:
[2.2] or Ch 3, Sec 6, [3.2].
p = 1, 2 ---------------
2, 1 a
1 Application
but not to be taken greater than 1,0
a : Length of plate panel, in mm, as defined in Ch
1.1 General
3, Sec 6
b : Breadth of plate panel, in mm, as defined in Ch 3, 1.1.1 The requirements of this Section cover the strength-
Sec 6 ening requirements for localised loads that may occur in
bdg : Effective bending span, in m, as defined in Ch 3, partly filled tanks intended for the carriage of liquid.
Sec 6
1.1.2 Sloshing and impact pressures are to be considered
shr : Effective shear span, in m, as defined in Ch 3, as applicable according to [1.2] and [1.3].
Sec 6
H : Height of a tank, in m, to be taken as the verti- 1.1.3 Sloshing and impact pressures may be disregarded for
cal distance from the bottom to the top of the filling levels lower than 0,50 H.
tank, excluding any small hatchways
C : Longitudinal distance, in m, between transverse 1.2 Sloshing loads
watertight bulkheads or transverse wash bulk-
heads, if any, or between a transverse watertight 1.2.1 Longitudinal motion
bulkhead and the adjacent transverse wash bulk-
head Where there is a risk of longitudinal resonance according to
[1.4] for a filling level dF , the sloshing pressure Psl calcu-
bC : Transverse distance, in m, between longitudinal lated according to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1] is to be considered
watertight bulkheads or longitudinal wash bulk- as acting on transverse bulkheads which form tank bounda-
heads, if any, or between a longitudinal water- ries, in the area extended vertically 0,2 dF above and below
tight bulkhead and the adjacent longitudinal dF (see Ch 4, Sec 6, Fig 1).
wash bulkhead
dF : Filling level of a tank, in m, to be taken as the ver- Where tank bottom transverses or wash transverse bulk-
tical distance, measured with the ship at rest, from heads are fitted, the sloshing pressure calculated according
the tank bottom to the free surface of the liquid to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.3.2] is to be considered as acting on
S : Length, in m, of the free surface of the liquid,
measured horizontally with the ship at rest and The Society may also require the sloshing pressure to be
depending on the filling level dF , as shown in considered when there is no risk of resonance, but the tank
Fig 1 wash bulkheads are those satisfying the arrangement is such that C / L > 0,15.
requirements in Ch 3, Sec 5, [10.4.1]
1.2.2 Transverse motion
bS : Breadth, in m, of the free surface of the liquid,
measured horizontally with the ship at rest and Where there is a risk of transverse resonance according to
depending on the filling level dF, as shown in [1.4] for a filling level dF , the sloshing pressure Psl calculated
Fig 2 for ships without longitudinal watertight or according to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1] is to be considered as act-
wash bulkheads. ing on longitudinal bulkheads, inner sides or sides which, as
the case may be, form tank boundaries, in the area extended
For ships fitted with longitudinal watertight or vertically 0,2 dF above and below dF (see Ch 4, Sec 6, Fig 1).
wash bulkheads (see Fig 3), bS is delimited by
these bulkheads (to this end, wash bulkheads If sloped longitudinal topsides are fitted, they are to be con-
are those satisfying the requirements in Ch 3, sidered as subjected to the sloshing pressure if their height
Sec 5, [10.4.1]) is less than 0,30 H.

256 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4

Figure 1 : Length S of the free surface of the liquid Figure 2 : Breadth bS of the free surface of the liquid
for ships without longitudinal bulkheads

watertight or wash transverse bulkheads



dF dF




watertight or wash transverse


1.3 Impact loads
1.3.1 Longitudinal motion dF
Where there is a risk of longitudinal resonance in tanks with
arrangements such that s is greater than 0,13 L at any filling
level dF from 0,05 H to 0,95 H, the impact pressure Pim due
Figure 3 : Breadth bS of the free surface of the liquid
to liquid motions calculated according to Ch 4, Sec 6,
for ships with longitudinal bulkheads
[2.1.2] is to be considered as acting on:
transverse bulkheads which form tank boundaries, in Watertight or wash longitudinal bulkheads
the area extended vertically 0,15 H from the tank top
the tank top in the area extended longitudinally 0,3 C bS/2
from the above transverse bulkheads.
Where the upper part of a transverse bulkhead is sloped, the
impact pressure is to be considered as acting on the sloped bS bS/2
part of the transverse bulkhead and the tank top (as the case dF
may be) in the area extended longitudinally 0,3 C from the
transverse bulkhead.
1.3.2 Transverse motion
Where there is a risk of transverse resonance in tanks with
arrangements such that bs is greater than 0,56 B at any fill-
ing level dF from 0,05 H to 0,95 H, the impact pressure Pim
due to liquid motions calculated according to Ch 4, Sec 6, Watertight or wash longitudinal bulkheads
[2.1.2] is to be considered as acting on:
longitudinal bulkheads, inner sides or sides which, as bS/2 bS
the case may be, form tank boundaries, in the area
extended vertically 0,15 H from the tank top
the tank top in the area extended transversely 0,3 bC from
the above longitudinal bulkheads, inner sides or sides.
Where the upper part of a longitudinal bulkhead, inner side
bS bS/2
or side is sloped, the impact pressure is to be considered as
acting on this sloped part and the tank top (as the case may
be) in the area extended transversely 0,3 bC from the longi- dF
tudinal bulkhead, inner side or side.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 257

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4

1.4 Evaluation of the risk of resonance 2 Scantling of elements subjected to

sloshing loads
1.4.1 Where tanks are partly filled at a level dF such as
0,10 H dF 0,95 H, the risk of resonance between:
2.1 Plating
the ship pitch motion and the longitudinal motion of the
liquid inside the tank 2.1.1 Net thickness
The net thickness of plating t, in mm, subjected to sloshing
the ship roll motion and the transverse motion of the liq- pressures is not to be less than:
uid inside the tank,
P sl
t = 0, 0158 p b --------------
is to be evaluated on the basis of the criteria specified in Tab 1 C a R eH
where: where:
Ca : Permissible bending stress coefficient to be
TX : Natural period, in s, of the liquid motion in the
taken as:
longitudinal direction:

C a = a a -------L-
4 S R eH
TX = ------------------------
d without being taken greater than Ca-max
g tanh ---------F
with a , a and Ca-max as defined in Tab 2
TY : Natural period, in s, of the liquid motion in the L : Hull girder bending stress, in N/mm2, corre-
transverse direction: sponding to the greater of the sagging and hog-
ging bending moments in absolute value
4b S
TY = ------------------------
- Psl : Sloshing pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
g tanh ---------F ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1].

T : Pitch period, in s, defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.1.2] 2.2 Stiffeners

T : Roll period, in s, defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.1.1]. 2.2.1 Net section modulus
The net section modulus Z, in cm3, of stiffeners subjected to
1.4.2 The Society may accept that the risk of resonance is
sloshing pressures is not to be less than:
evaluated on the basis of dynamic calculation procedures,
where deemed necessary in relation to the tank dimensions P sl S bdg
Z = ----------------------
and the ship characteristics. The calculations are to be sub- f bdg C s R eH
mitted to the Society for approval. where:
fbdg : Bending moment factor:
Table 1 : Criteria for the evaluation
of the risk of resonance fbdg = 12 for stiffeners fixed against rotation
at each end. This is generally to be applied
Liquid for scantlings of all continuous stiffeners
Resonance fbdg = 8 for stiffeners with one or both ends
motion Risk of resonance when:
due to:
direction not fixed against rotation. This is generally
to be applied to discontinuous stiffeners
T d
Longitudinal 0 ,6 < -----X < 1 ,3 and -----F > 0 ,1 Pitch Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient, to be
taken as defined in Tab 3
T d Psl : Sloshing pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
Transverse 0 ,8 < -----Y < 1 ,2 and -----F- > 0 ,1 Roll
T bC
ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1].

Table 2 : Definition of a , a and Ca-max

Structural member a a Ca-max
criteria set
Longitudinal strength members in the cargo hold Longitudinally stiffened
region including, but not limited to: 0,9 0,5 0,8
longitudinal bulkhead Transversely or vertically
0,9 1,0 0,8
longitudinal girders and stringers stiffened plating
Other strength members including:
transverse bulkhead
0,8 0 0,8
transverse stringers and web frames
plating of tank boundaries and primary supporting members

258 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4

Table 3 : Permissible bending stress coefficient Cs

Sign of hull girder Lateral pressure Stiffener boundary

fbdg Coefficient Cs (4)
bending stress L (1) acting on (2) condition (3)
Tension (positive) L
F-F 12 C s = s s -------- with Cs Cs-max
R eH

Stiffener side L
F-S 8 C s = s s -------- with Cs Cs-max
R eH

S-S 8 Cs = Cs-max
F-F 12 Cs = Cs-max
F-S 8 Cs = Cs-max
Plate side
S-S 8 C s = s s -------- with Cs Cs-max
R eH

Compression (negative) F-F 12 Cs = Cs-max

F-S 8 Cs = Cs-max
Stiffener side
S-S 8 C s = s s -------- with Cs Cs-max
R eH

F-F 12 C s = s s -------- with Cs Cs-max
R eH

Plate side L
F-S 8 C s = s s -------- with Cs Cs-max
R eH

S-S 8 Cs = Cs-max
(1) L is to be considered for the hogging and sagging situations.
(2) For primary supporting members located inside the considered tank and for wash bulkheads, the sloshing pressure is to be
applied on both stiffener side and plate side.
(3) F - F stands for both ends of the stiffener fixed against rotation
F - S stands for one end of the stiffener fixed and the other not fixed against rotation
S - S stands for both ends of the stiffener not fixed against rotation.
(4) See Tab 4 for definition of s , s and Cs-max .

Table 4 : Definition of s , s and Cs-max

Structural member s s Cs-max
criteria set
Longitudinal strength members in the cargo hold
region including, but not limited to: Longitudinal stiffeners 0,85 1,0 0,75
deck stiffeners
stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads Transverse or vertical
0,70 0 0,70
stiffeners on longitudinal girders and stringers stiffeners
Other strength members including:
stiffeners on transverse bulkheads
0,75 0 0,75
stiffeners on transverse stringers and web frames
stiffeners on tank boundaries and primary supporting members

2.3 Primary supporting members where:

Psl : Sloshing pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
2.3.1 Web plating ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1]. The pressure is to be
The web plating net thickness t of primary supporting mem- calculated at the load application point, defined
bers, in mm, is not to be less than: in Ch 3, Sec 6, [4.1], taking into account the
distribution over the height of the member
P sl Ca : Permissible plate bending stress coefficient, as
t = 0, 0158 p b --------------
C a R eH given in [2.1.1].

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 259

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4

2.3.2 Stiffeners on web plating 3 Scantling of elements subjected to

The net section modulus Z, in cm3, of each individual stiff- impact loads
ener on the web plating of primary supporting members
subjected to sloshing pressures is not to be less than:
3.1 Plating
P sl S bdg
Z = ----------------------
f bdg C s R eH 3.1.1 Net thickness
where: Unless otherwise specified, the net thickness of plate panels
Psl : Sloshing pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord- subjected to impact loads is to be not less than the value
ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1]. The pressure is to be obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
calculated at the load application point, defined
in Ch 3, Sec 6, [3.2], taking into account the P im
t = 0, 0158 p b -------
distribution over the height of the member R eH
Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient, as given where:
in Tab 3 Pim : Impact pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
fbdg : Bending moment factor, as given in [2.2.1]. ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.2].
2.3.3 Tripping brackets supporting primary If deemed necessary by the Society and depending on spe-
supporting members cific natures of loadings, different calculation methods may
The net section modulus Z, in cm3, in way of the base be applied, on a case-by-case basis.
within the effective length d of tripping brackets, and the net
shear sectional area Ashr , in cm2, after deduction of cut-outs 3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
and slots, of the tripping brackets supporting primary sup-
porting members are not to be less than: 3.2.1 Net plastic section modulus and net web
1000P sl s trip h 2
Z = ----------------------------------
2C s R eH Unless otherwise specified, the net plastic section modulus
Zpl , in cm3, as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1.4.6] and the net
P sl s trip h
A shr = 10 ------------------ web thickness tw , in mm, of stiffeners subjected to impact
C t eH
loads are to be not less than the values obtained from the
where: following formulae:
Psl : Sloshing pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
P im
ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.1]. The average pressure Z pl = -------------------------------------------
- s 2
0, 9x4 ( n + 2 )R eH bdg
may be calculated at mid-point of the tripping
bracket, taking into account the distribution P im
over the height of the bracket t w = ------- -----------------------------
- s
2 ( h w + t p )R eH shr
strip : Mean spacing, in m, between tripping brackets
or other primary supporting members or bulk- where:
heads Pim : Impact pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
h : Height of tripping bracket, in m (see Fig 4) ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.2]
Cs : Permissible bending stress coefficient for trip- n : Number of fixed ends of the stiffener:
ping brackets, to be taken as 0,75
n = 2 for continuous members or members
Ct : Permissible shear stress coefficient for tripping with brackets fitted at both ends
brackets, to be taken as 0,75.
n = 1 for one end equivalent to built-in and
The effective breadth of the attached plate to be used for the the other end simply supported
calculation of the section modulus of the tripping bracket is
to be taken as h / 3. n = 0 for both ends with low end fixity
tp : Attached plating net thickness, in mm.
Figure 4 : Effective length d of tripping bracket
If deemed necessary by the Society and depending on spe-
cific natures of loadings, different calculation methods may
be applied, on a case-by-case basis.

3.3 Primary supporting members

3.3.1 Net section modulus and net shear sectional

The net section modulus Z, in cm3, of primary supporting
members and their net shear sectional area Ash , in cm2, at
any position along their span are not to be less than the val-
ues obtained from the following formulae:

260 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4

f cb P im f p bdg s
2 fdist : Coefficient for shear force distribution along the
Z = -----------------------------
- span, as defined in Fig 5
mR eH
bI : Breadth of impact area supported by primary
3Q I
A sh = 10 ------------------ supporting member, in m, taken as:
0, 9R eH
where: bI = AI

fcb : Correction factor for the bending moment at the not to be taken greater than S
ends and considering the patch load, taken as: 1, 1LBC
A I = -----------------------B-
fcb = 3 fp3 8 fp2 + 6 fp
For complex arrangements of primary supporting members,
Pim : Impact pressure, in kN/m2, calculated accord-
especially where grillage effect may not be ignored, the
ing to Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.2]
greatest shear force QI , at any location along the span of
fp : Patch load modification factor, taken as: each primary supporting member, is to be derived by direct
calculation in accordance with Tab 5.
f p = ---I

Figure 5 : Distribution of fdist along the span
QI : Shear force, in kN, taken as: of simple primary supporting members
QI = fcs fdist PI I bI
I : Extent of impact load area, in m, along the span:
I = AI
not to be taken greater than:
0,5 for calculation of QI 0.55

for calculation of fp
fcs : Correction factor for the proportion of patch
load acting on a single primary supporting
member, taken as: s s
/2 /2
fcs = 0,5 (fp3 2 fp2 + 2)

Table 5 : Direct calculation methods for derivation of QI

Type of analysis Model extent Assumed end fixity

Single beam model (1) Overall span of members between effective bending supports Fixed at ends
Grillage Longitudinal extent to cover at least three primary supporting Longitudinal and transversal
member spans or spacings members to be fixed at bound-
Transverse extent to cover at least three primary supporting aries of the model
member spans or spacings
(1) The envelope of the greatest shear force along the span of the primary supporting member is to be derived by applying the load
QI on a square area AI to a number of locations along the span.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 261

NR 625, Ch 10, Sec 4

262 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 11









July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 263

264 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 1




For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 1.2 Gross scantlings
P : Pressure applied on the considered superstruc-
ture side or deck, in kN/m2: 1.2.1 With reference to Ch 3, Sec 2, [1.1.2], all the scant-
lings and dimensions referred to in [3] are gross.
P = Pd for external decks
P = Pdl for unexposed deck
2 Structural arrangement
P = Psd for superstructure side
Pd : Lateral pressure for exposed decks, in kN/m2, as 2.1 Structural continuity
defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [2]
Pdl : Lateral pressure for unexposed decks, in kN/m2, 2.1.1 Bulkheads and sides of deckhouses
as defined in Ch 4, Sec 6, [3.1] The aft, front and side bulkheads of deckhouses are to be
Psd : Lateral pressure for superstructure sides, in effectively supported by underdeck structures such as bulk-
kN/m2, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [4] heads, girders and pillars.
bdg : Effective bending span, in m, as defined in Ch 3, Sides and main longitudinal and transverse bulkheads of the
Sec 6 various tiers of deckhouses are to be aligned. Where such
shr : Effective shear span, in m, as defined in Ch 3, in-line arrangement is not possible, other effective support
is to be provided.
Sec 6
c : Coefficient taken as: Arrangements are to be made to minimise the effect of dis-
continuities. All openings in the sides are to be framed and
c = 0,75 for ordinary stiffeners and primary sup-
provided with well-rounded corners. Continuous coamings
porting members which are simply supported at
or girders are to be fitted below and above doors and simi-
one or both ends
lar openings.
c = 0,55 in the other cases
ma : Coefficient taken as: 2.1.2 Deckhouse corners
2 At the corners where the deckhouse is attached to the
m a = 0, 204 ---------------------- 4 ----------------------
s s
1000 bdg 1000 bdg strength deck, attention is to be given to proper structural
with ---------------------- 1
1000 bdg
3 Scantlings
1 General 3.1 Application
1.1 Application 3.1.1 Exposed decks
The plating and supporting structure of the exposed decks
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to superstruc-
of superstructures and deckhouses are to comply with the
tures, deckhouses and companionways, made of steel.
requirements given in [3.2.1] and in [3.2.3] to [3.2.5].
The requirements of Chapter 6 apply, in addition to those of
this Section, to exposed decks of superstructure and the 3.1.2 Unexposed decks
sides of superstructure or deckhouse when these sides are
The plating and supporting structure of the unexposed
part of the side shell.
decks of superstructures and deckhouses are to comply with
1.1.2 For the application of this Section, a superstructure is the requirements given in [3.2.2] to [3.2.5].
considered being located aft or forward of 0,4 L amidships
3.1.3 Exposed sides of superstructures
or having a length of less than 0,15 L.
Sides of superstructures are to comply with the require-
1.1.3 For the application of this Section, the length of a ments given in [3.2.1] and in [3.2.3] to [3.2.5], taking into
deckhouse located within 0,4 L amidships is considered not account the requirements for bow impact given in Ch 10,
exceeding 0,2 L. Sec 1, [3.3], if applicable.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 265

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 1

3.1.4 End bulkheads of superstructures and 3.2.4 Primary supporting members

external bulkheads of deckhouses The gross section modulus Zgr, in cm3, and the gross shear
The requirements in [3.3] apply to end bulkheads of super- area Agr-sh , in cm2, of the primary supporting members are
structures and external bulkheads of deckhouses forming not to be less than:
the only protection for openings and for accommodations.
Zgr = c k P S bdg2
Special consideration may be given to bulkheads of deck-
houses which do not protect: Agr-sh = 0,05 k P S shr
openings in the freeboard deck, superstructure deck or The depth of deck girders is not to be less than /25. The
in the top of a lowest tier deckhouse web depth of girders scalloped for continuous stiffeners is to
machinery casings, provided the bulkheads do not con- be at least 1,5 times the depth of the stiffeners.
tain accommodation or do not protect equipment essen-
tial to the operation of the ship. 3.2.5 Alternative grillage analysis for deck primary
supporting members
3.2 Decks and superstructure sides Where the arrangement of deck primary supporting mem-
bers is such that these members act as a grillage structure,
3.2.1 Plating of exposed decks and sides additional analysis may be carried out with a structural
The plating gross thickness tgr-exp of the exposed decks and model based on gross scantlings.
of the superstructure sides, in mm, is not to be less than: The resulting stress is not to exceed the following permissi-
on the first tier: ble bending, shear and equivalent stress, in N/mm:
ks b = 150 / k
t gr-exp = 7, 5 -------
s std = 100 / k
on the second tier: eqv = 180 / k
t gr-exp = 7, 0 ------
s std 3.3 End bulkheads of superstructures and
on the third tier and above: external bulkheads of deckhouses
t gr-exp = 6, 5 ------- 3.3.1 Plate thickness
s std
The plating gross thickness tgr , in mm, is not to be less than:
where: s
t gr = 0, 9 ------------- kP sd + 1, 5
sstd : Standard reference spacing of ordinary stiffen- 1000
ers, in mm, taken as:
without being less than:
sstd = 470 + 1,67 L1
for the lowest tier:
Where a deck is protected by sheathing, the gross thickness
of the deck plating may be reduced by 1,5 mm, without t gr = 5, 0 + ---------
- k
being less than 5 mm. 100

Where sheathing other than wood is used, attention is to be for the upper tiers, without being less than 5,0 mm:
paid that the sheathing does not affect the steel. The sheath-
ing is to be effectively attached to the deck. t gr = 4, 0 + ---------
- k
3.2.2 Plating of unexposed decks
The plating gross thickness tgr-unexp of the unexposed decks, 3.3.2 Stiffeners
in mm, is not to be less than the greater value of: The gross section modulus Zgr , in cm3, of stiffeners is not to
be less than:
tgr-unexp = 0,9 tgr-exp at the tier considered, and:
Z gr = 0, 35 k P sd -------------

t gr-unexp = 5, 8 ------------- + 1
k 1000
This requirement assumes that the web of lowest tier stiffen-
without being less than 5,5 mm. ers is efficiently welded to the decks. Scantlings for other
types of end connections are to be specially considered.
3.2.3 Ordinary stiffeners
The gross section modulus Zgr , in cm3, and the gross shear The section modulus of deckhouse side stiffeners needs not
area Agr-sh , in cm2, of the ordinary stiffeners are not to be to be greater than that of the tier directly below, considering
less than: spacing s and span .

Z gr = c k P ------------- bdg
1000 3.4 Companionways
s 3.4.1 The scantlings of companionways are to be deter-
A gr-sh = 0, 05 ( 1 0, 817 m a ) k P ------------- shr
1000 mined in accordance with [3.2] and [3.3].

266 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 2


1 General requirements Table 1 : Thickness of bulwark plates

Height of
1.1 Application Gross thickness
1.1.1 Bulwarks or guard rails are to be provided at the Thickness required for a superstructure side
1,8 m
boundaries of exposed freeboard and superstructure decks, in the same position, obtained from Sec 1,
or more
at the boundaries of first tier of deckhouses and superstruc- [3.2.1], but not to be less than 6,5 mm
tures. 1,0 m 6,5 mm
1.2 Minimum height height
To be determined by linear interpolation

1.2.1 Bulwarks or guard rails, are to be of 1,0 m in height

as a minimum, measured above sheathing, and are to be 2.2.2 Stays
constructed as required in [2.2] and [3.2]. Where this
The gross section modulus of stays Zstay-gr , in cm3, is not to
height would interfere with the normal operation of the
be less than:
ship, a lesser height may be accepted by the Society on a
case-by-case basis. Zstay-gr = 77 hblwk2 sstay

2 Bulwarks
hblwk : Height of bulwark from the top of the deck plat-
2.1 General ing to the top of the rail, in m
sstay : Spacing of the stays, in m.
2.1.1 Plate bulwarks are to be stiffened at the upper edge
by a suitable rail and supported either by stays or brackets In the calculation of the section modulus, only the material
spaced not more than 2,0 m apart. connected to the deck is to be included. The bulb or flange
The free edge of the stay or bracket is to be stiffened. of the stay may be taken into account where connected to
the deck. Where the bulwark plating is connected to the
2.1.2 Bulwarks are to be arranged to ensure that they do sheer strake, a width of attached plating, not exceeding
not contribute to hull girder strength. 600 mm, may also be included.

2.1.3 Bulwarks are to be adequately strengthened in way of 2.2.3 Where bulwarks are fully interrupted, stays or plate
mooring pipes. In particular, the plate thickness is to be brackets of increased strength are to be fitted at the ends of
locally increased. openings.
Cut-outs in bulwarks for gangways or other openings are to Bulwark stays are to be supported by, or are to be in line
be kept clear of superstructures discontinuities. with, suitable under deck stiffening. The stiffening is to be
connected by double continuous fillet welds in way of bul-
2.1.4 Bulwark plating and stays are to be adequately
wark stay connections.
strengthened in way of eye plates used for shrouds or other
tackles used for cargo gear operation, as well as in way of
2.2.4 At the ends of superstructures and for the distance
hawser holes or fairleads provided for mooring or towing.
over which their side plating is tapered into the bulwark, the
2.1.5 Openings in bulwarks are to be arranged so that the latter is to have the same thickness as the side plating.
protection of the crew is at least equivalent to that provided Where openings are cut in the bulwark at these positions,
by guard rails. adequate compensation is to be provided either by increas-
ing the thickness of the plating or by other suitable means.
2.1.6 Where mooring fittings might induce large forces on
the bulwark, the stays are to be adequately strengthened.
3 Guard rails
2.2 Construction of bulwarks
3.1 General
2.2.1 Plating
The gross thickness of bulwark plating, at the boundaries of 3.1.1 Where superstructures are connected by trunks, open
exposed freeboard and superstructure decks, is not to be rails are to be fitted along the whole length of the exposed
less than that given in Tab 1. parts of the freeboard deck.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 267

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 2

3.2 Construction of guard rails 3.2.2 The size of openings, below the lowest course of rails
and the deck or upstand, is to be a maximum of 230 mm.
3.2.1 Stanchions of guard rails are to comply with the fol- The distance between other courses is not to be greater than
lowing requirements: 380 mm.
a) fixed, removable or hinged stanchions are to be fitted
approximately 1,5 m apart 3.2.3 Wire ropes may be accepted, in lieu of guard rails,
b) at least every third stanchion is to be supported by a only in special circumstances and then only in limited
bracket or stay lengths. In such cases, they are to be made taut by means of
c) removable or hinged stanchions are to be capable of turnbuckles.
being locked in the upright position
d) in the case of ships with rounded sheer strake, the stan- 3.2.4 Chains may be accepted, in lieu of guard rails, only
chions are to be placed on the flat of the deck where they are fitted between two fixed stanchions and/or
e) in the case of ships with welded sheer strake, the stan- bulwarks. If the opening is wide, the chains are to be fitted
chions are not to be attached to the sheer strake, an with vertical courses to prevent the horizontal courses from
upstand or a continuous gutter bar. spreading apart.

268 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 3



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. A : Area, in m2, in profile view, of the parts of the
hull, superstructures and houses above the sum-
1 General mer load waterline which are within the length
L and also have a breadth greater than B/4.
1.1 Application Fixed screens or bulwarks 1,5 m or more in height are to be
regarded as parts of houses when determining h and A. In
1.1.1 The anchoring equipment specified in this Section is particular, the hatched area shown in Fig 2 is to be
intended for temporary mooring of a ship within a harbour included.
or sheltered area when the ship is awaiting berth, tide, etc. The height of hatch coamings and that of any deck cargo,
1.1.2 The equipment specified is not intended to be ade- such as containers, may be disregarded when determining h
quate to hold a ship off fully exposed coasts in rough and A.
weather or to stop a ship that is moving or drifting. In such a
2.1.2 For ships with EN greater than 16000, the determina-
condition, the loads on the anchoring equipment increase
tion of the equipment will be considered by the Society on
to such a degree that its components may be damaged or
a case-by-case basis.

1.1.3 The Equipment Number (EN) formula for the required Figure 1 : Effective heights of deckhouses
anchoring equipment is based on an assumed current speed
of 2,5 m/s, a wind speed of 25 m/s and a scope of chain
cable between 6 and 10. The scope of chain cable is
defined as the ratio between the length of chain paid out
and the water depth.
It is assumed that under normal circumstances a ship will
use only one bower anchor and chain cable at a time.

2 Equipment number calculation

2.1 Requirements
2.1.1 Anchors and chains are to be in accordance with Tab
1 and the quantity, mass and sizes of these ones are to be
determined by the equipment number (EN), given by:
EN = 2/3 + 2 B h + 0,1 A
h : Effective height, in m, from the summer load
waterline to the top of the uppermost house, to
be obtained in accordance with the following
h = hFB + hn
Figure 2 : Profile areas of fixed screens and bulwarks
When calculating h, sheer and trim are to be
hFB : Freeboard amidships from the summer load
waterline to the upper deck, in m
hn : Height, in m, at the centreline, of superstructure
or deckhouse tier n having a breadth greater
than B/4. Where a house having a breadth
greater than B/4 is above a house with a breadth
of B/4 or less, the upper house is to be included
and the lower ignored (see Fig 1)

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 269

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 3

Table 1 : Equipment - Bower anchors and chain cables

Equipment Number Stockless bower anchors Chain cable stud link bower chain

Diameter, in mm
Equal to Number Mass per
Length, Normal High Extra high
Greater than or of anchors anchor,
in m strength steel strength steel strength steel
less than (1) in kg
(grade 1) (grade 2) (grade 3)
150 175 2 480 275 22 19 *
175 205 2 570 302,5 24 20,5 *
205 240 2 660 302,5 26 22 20,5
240 280 2 780 330 28 24 22
280 320 2 900 357,5 30 26 24
320 360 2 1020 357,5 32 28 24
360 400 2 1140 385 34 30 26
400 450 2 1290 385 36 32 28
450 500 2 1440 412,5 38 34 30
500 550 2 1590 412,5 40 34 30
550 600 2 1740 440 42 36 32
600 660 2 1920 440 44 38 34
660 720 2 2100 440 46 40 36
720 780 2 2280 467,5 48 42 36
780 840 2 2460 467,5 50 44 38
840 910 2 2640 467,5 52 46 40
910 980 2 2850 495 54 48 42
980 1060 2 3060 495 56 50 44
1060 1140 2 3300 495 58 50 46
1140 1220 2 3540 522,5 60 52 46
1220 1300 2 3780 522,5 62 54 48
1300 1390 2 4050 522,5 64 56 50
1390 1480 2 4320 550 66 58 50
1480 1570 2 4590 550 68 60 52
1570 1670 2 4890 550 70 62 54
1670 1790 2 5250 577,5 73 64 56
1790 1930 2 5610 577,5 76 66 58
1930 2080 2 6000 577,5 78 68 60
2080 2230 2 6450 605 81 70 62
2230 2380 2 6900 605 84 73 64
2380 2530 2 7350 605 87 76 66
2530 2700 2 7800 632,5 90 78 68
2700 2870 2 8300 632,5 92 81 70
2870 3040 2 8700 632,5 95 84 73
3040 3210 2 9300 660 97 84 76
3210 3400 2 9900 660 100 87 78
3400 3600 2 10500 660 102 90 78
3600 3800 2 11100 687,5 105 92 81
3800 4000 2 11700 687,5 107 95 84
4000 4200 2 12300 687,5 111 97 87
(1) Spare anchors are not included in the number of required anchors.
Note 1: * : Chain grade not to be used at this diameter.

270 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 3

Equipment Number Stockless bower anchors Chain cable stud link bower chain

Diameter, in mm
Equal to Number Mass per
Length, Normal High Extra high
Greater than or of anchors anchor,
in m strength steel strength steel strength steel
less than (1) in kg
(grade 1) (grade 2) (grade 3)
4200 4400 2 12900 715 114 100 87
4400 4600 2 13500 715 117 102 90
4600 4800 2 14100 715 120 105 92
4800 5000 2 14700 742,5 122 107 95
5000 5200 2 15400 742,5 124 111 97
5200 5500 2 16100 742,5 127 111 97
5500 5800 2 16900 742,5 130 114 100
5800 6100 2 17800 742,5 132 117 102
6100 6500 2 18800 742,5 * 120 107
6500 6900 2 20000 770 * 124 111
6900 7400 2 21500 770 * 127 114
7400 7900 2 23000 770 * 132 117
7900 8400 2 24500 770 * 137 122
8400 8900 2 26000 770 * 142 127
8900 9400 2 27500 770 * 147 132
9400 10000 2 29000 770 * 152 132
10000 10700 2 31000 770 * * 137
10700 11500 2 33000 770 * * 142
11500 12400 2 35500 770 * * 147
12400 13400 2 38500 770 * * 152
13400 14600 2 42000 770 * * 157
14600 16000 2 46000 770 * * 162
(1) Spare anchors are not included in the number of required anchors.
Note 1: * : Chain grade not to be used at this diameter.

3 Anchoring equipment 3.1.3 Testing

All anchors and chain cables are to be tested at establish-
ments and on machines recognised by the Society, under
3.1 General the supervision of surveyors or other representatives of the
Society and in accordance with the relevant requirements
3.1.1 General for materials of the Society.
Two bower anchors are to be connected to chain cable and Test certificates showing particulars of weights of anchors,
stowed in position ready for use. or size and weight of cable and of the test loads applied are
to be available. These certificates are to be examined by the
A third anchor is recommended to be provided as a spare surveyor when the anchors and cables are placed on board
bower anchor and is listed for guidance only; it is not the ship.
required as a condition of classification.
3.2 Ordinary anchors
3.1.2 Design
3.2.1 Anchor mass
Anchors are to be of an approved design. The design of
The mass per anchor of bower anchors given in Tab 1 is for
anchor heads is to be such as to minimise stress concentra-
anchors of equal mass. The mass of individual anchors may
tions. In particular, the radii, on all parts of cast anchor
vary 7% above or below the tabulated value, provided the
heads, are to be as large as possible, especially where there
combined mass of all the anchors is not less than that
is considerable change of section.
required for anchors of equal mass.
If the anchor design is different from standard or approved Anchors are to be of the stockless type. The mass of the
anchor types, the anchor drawing, including material speci- head of anchor, including pins and fittings, is not to be less
fication, is to be submitted for approval. than 60% of the total mass of the anchor.

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NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 3

3.3 High and super high holding power 3.4 Chain cables
3.4.1 General
3.3.1 General The chain cables are classified as grade 1, grade 2 or grade
Where agreed by the owner, consideration will be given to 3, depending on the type of steel used and its manufacture.
the use of special types of anchors. High Holding Power The characteristics of the steel used and the method of man-
(HHP) anchors and Super High Holding Power (SHHP) ufacture of chain cables are to be approved by the Society
anchors, i.e. anchors for which a holding power higher than for each manufacturer. The material from which chain
that of ordinary anchors has been proved according to the cables are manufactured and the completed chain cables
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding, themselves are to be tested in accordance with the applica-
Ch 4, Sec 1, do not require prior adjustment or special ble requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 4,
placement on the sea bottom. Sec 1.
3.3.2 HHP or SHHP anchor mass Chain cables which are intended to form part of the equip-
Where HHP or SHHP anchors are used as bower anchors, ment are not to be used as check chains when the ship is
the mass of each anchor is to be not less than 75% or 50%, launched.
respectively, of that required for ordinary stockless anchors
in Tab 1. 3.4.2 Application
The total length of chain required to be carried onboard, as
The mass of SHHP anchors is to be, in general, less than or
given in Tab 1, is to be divided approximately equally
equal to 1500 kg.
between the two anchors.
3.3.3 Application Where the owner requires equipment for anchoring at
High holding power anchors are to be of a design that will depths greater than 82,5 m, it is the owners responsibility
ensure that the anchors will take effective hold of the sea to specify the appropriate total length of the chain cable
bed without undue delay and will remain stable, for holding required. In such a case, consideration can be given to
forces up to those required by [3.3.4], irrespective of the dividing the chain cable into two unequal lengths.
angle or position at which they first settle on the sea bed
when dropped from a normal type of hawse pipe. A demon- 3.5 Chain lockers
stration of these abilities may be required.
The design approval of high holding power anchors may be 3.5.1 General
given as a general/type approval, and listed in a published The chain locker is to have adequate capacity and be of a
document by the Society. suitable form to provide for the proper stowage of the chain
cable, allowing an easy direct lead for the cable into the
3.3.4 Testing chain pipes when the cable is fully stowed. Port and star-
An anchor for which approval is sought as a high holding board cables are to have separate spaces.
power (HHP) anchor, is to be tested at sea to show that it
The chain locker boundaries and access openings are to be
has a holding power of twice that approved for a standard
watertight. Provisions are to be made to minimise the prob-
stockless anchor of the same mass.
ability of the chain locker being flooded in bad weather.
If approval is sought for a range of sizes, then at least two Adequate drainage facilities for the chain locker are to be
are to be tested. The smaller of the two anchors is to have a provided.
mass not less than one-tenth of that of the larger anchor. The
Chain or spurling pipes are to be of suitable size and pro-
larger of the two anchors tested is to have a mass not less
vided with chafing lips.
than one-tenth of that of the largest anchor for which
approval is sought. 3.5.2 Application
Each test is to comprise a comparison between at least two Provisions are to be made for securing the inboard ends of
anchors: one ordinary stockless bower anchor and one the chain to the structure. This attachment and its support-
HHP anchor. The masses of the anchors are to be approxi- ing structure are to be able to withstand a force of not less
mately equal. than 15% or more than 30% of the minimum breaking
The tests are generally to be carried out by means of a tug. strength of the fitted chain cable.
The pull is to be measured by a dynamometer or deter- The fastening of the chain to the ship is to be arranged in
mined from recently verified data of the tug's bollard pull as such a way that in case of an emergency, when the anchor
a function of propeller rpm. and chain have to be sacrificed, the chain can be readily
During the test, the length of the chain cable on each released from an accessible position outside the chain
anchor is to be sufficient to obtain an approximately hori- locker.
zontal pull on the anchor. Generally, a horizontal distance
between anchor and tug equal to 10 times the water depth 3.6 Chain stoppers
will be sufficient.
For SHHP, the tests are to be conducted on at least three dif- 3.6.1 General
ferent types of bottom, which may be soft mud or silt, sand Chain stoppers are to be provided to secure each chain
or gravel, and hard clay or similarly compacted material. cable once it is paid out.

272 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 3

3.6.2 Application Where hawse pipes are not fitted, alternative arrangements
Securing arrangements of chain stoppers are to be capable will be specially considered.
of withstanding a load equal to 80% of the breaking load of
the chain cable as required by [3.4.1], without undergoing 3.8.2 Application
permanent deformation. Hawse pipes are to be securely attached to thick, doubling
or insert plates, by continuous welds.
3.7 Windlass
3.8.3 Stowage and deployment arrangements for
3.7.1 General anchors
Rule Note NR626 Anchor Windlass is to be applied, con- Hawse pipes and anchor pockets are to have full-rounded
sidering the windlass brake capacity defined in [3.7.2]. flanges or rubbing bars in order to minimise the nip on the
cables and to minimise the probability of cable links being
3.7.2 Brake capacity subjected to high bending stresses. The radius of curvature
Based on mooring line arrangements with brakes engaged is to be such that at least three links of chain will bear
and cable lifter disengaged, the capacity HL (Holding simultaneously on the rounded parts of the upper and lower
Load), in kN, of the windlass brake is to be sufficient to ends of the hawse pipes in those areas where the chain
withstand 0,2 times the breaking load BL of the chain with- cable is supported during paying out and hoisting and when
out any permanent deformation of the stressed parts and the ship is at anchor.
without brake slip.
On ships provided with a bulbous bow, where it is not pos-
sible to obtain a suitable clearance between shell plating
3.8 Hawse pipes and the anchors during anchor handling, local reinforce-
ments of the bulbous bow are to be provided in the form of
3.8.1 General
increased shell plate thickness.
Hawse pipes are to be of a suitable size and configuration
to ensure adequate clearance and an easy lead of the chain
cable from the chain stopper through the ships side. 3.9 Towlines and mooring lines
Hawse pipes are to be of sufficient strength. 3.9.1 General
Their position and slope are to be so arranged as to create Mooring lines and towlines are not required as a condition
an easy lead for the chain cables and efficient housing for of Classification. The hawsers and towlines listed in Tab 2
the anchors, where the latter are of the retractable type, are intended as a guide. Where the tabular breaking
avoiding damage to the hull during these operations. strength is greater than 490 kN, the breaking strength and
For this purpose, chafing lips of suitable form with ample the number of individual hawsers given in Tab 2 may be
lay-up and radius adequate to the size of the chain cable modified, provided that their product is not less than that of
are to be provided at the shell and deck. The shell plating in the breaking strength and the number of hawsers given in
way of the hawse pipes is to be reinforced as necessary. Tab 2.

Table 2 : Towlines and hawsers

Equipment Number Towline wire or rope Hawsers

Equal to Length, Breaking Length of each, Breaking
Greater than Number
or less than in m strength, in kN in m strength, in kN
150 175 180 98,0 3 120 54,0
175 205 180 112,0 3 120 59,0
205 240 180 129,0 4 120 64,0
240 280 180 150,0 4 120 69,0
280 320 180 174,0 4 140 74,0
320 360 180 207,0 4 140 78,0
360 400 180 224,0 4 140 88,0
400 450 180 250,0 4 140 98,0
450 500 180 277,0 4 140 108,0
500 550 190 306,0 4 160 123,0
550 600 190 338,0 4 160 132,0
600 660 190 371,0 4 160 147,0
660 720 190 406,0 4 160 157,0
720 780 190 441,0 4 170 172,0
780 840 190 480,0 4 170 186,0
840 910 190 518,0 4 170 201,0

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 273

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 3

Equipment Number Towline wire or rope Hawsers

Equal to Length, Breaking Length of each, Breaking
Greater than Number
or less than in m strength, in kN in m strength, in kN
910 980 190 559,0 4 170 216,0
980 1060 200 603,0 4 180 230,0
1060 1140 200 647,0 4 180 250,0
1140 1220 200 691,0 4 180 270,0
1220 1300 200 738,0 4 180 284,0
1300 1390 200 786,0 4 180 309,0
1390 1480 200 836,0 4 180 324,0
1480 1570 220 888,0 5 190 324,0
1570 1670 220 941,0 5 190 333,0
1670 1790 220 1024,0 5 190 353,0
1790 1930 220 1109,0 5 190 378,0
1930 2080 220 1168.0 5 190 402,0
2080 2230 240 1259,0 5 200 422,0
2230 2380 240 1356,0 5 200 451,0
2380 2530 240 1453,0 5 200 480,0
2530 2700 260 1471,0 6 200 480,0
2700 2870 260 1471,0 6 200 490,0
2870 3040 260 1471,0 6 200 500,0
3040 3210 280 1471,0 6 200 520,0
3210 3400 280 1471,0 6 200 554,0
3400 3600 280 1471,0 6 200 588,0
3600 3800 300 1471,0 6 200 618,0
3800 4000 300 1471,0 6 200 647,0
4000 4200 300 1471,0 7 200 647,0
4200 4400 300 1471,0 7 200 657,0
4400 4600 300 1471,0 7 200 667,0
4600 4800 300 1471,0 7 200 677,0
4800 5000 300 1471,0 7 200 686,0
5000 5200 300 1471,0 8 200 686,0
5200 5500 300 1471,0 8 200 696,0
5500 5800 300 1471,0 8 200 706,0
5800 6100 300 1471,0 8 200 706,0
6100 6500 300 1471,0 9 200 716,0
6500 6900 300 1471,0 9 200 726,0
6900 7400 300 1471,0 10 200 726,0
7400 7900 300 1471,0 11 200 726,0
7900 8400 300 1471,0 11 200 735,0
8400 8900 300 1471,0 12 200 735,0
8900 9400 300 1471,0 13 200 735,0
9400 10000 300 1471,0 14 200 735,0
10000 10700 15 200 735,0
10700 11500 16 200 735,0
11500 12400 17 200 735,0
12400 13400 18 200 735,0
13400 14600 19 200 735,0
14600 16000 21 200 735,0

274 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 4




For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to Ch 1, Sec 4. 3.1.2 Foundation
SWL : Safe working load as defined in [4.2.1] The builder and mooring winch manufacturer are to ensure
Normal stress: The sum of bending stress and axial stress that the foundation is suitable for the safe operation and
with the corresponding shear stress acting per- maintenance of the mooring winch equipment.
pendicular to the normal stress.
3.1.3 Corrosion model
1 General These requirements are to be assessed based on gross scant-
1.1 Application
3.1.4 Winches situated within 0,25 L forward
1.1.1 Information pertaining to the supporting structure for For mooring winches situated within 0,25 L forward, the
deck equipment and fittings, as listed in this Section, is to supporting structure is to be designed against green sea
be submitted for approval. design loads as per windlass according to the requirements
This Section includes scantling requirements to the support- of Rule Note NR626 Anchor Windlass.
ing structure and foundations of the following pieces of
equipment and fittings: 3.2 Design loads
a) anchor windlasses
b) anchor chain stoppers 3.2.1 Rated pull

c) mooring winches The rated pull is defined as the maximum load which the
mooring winch is designed to exert during operation.
d) deck cranes, derricks and lifting masts
e) bollards and bitts, fairleads, stand rollers, chocks and 3.2.2 Holding load
The holding load is defined as the maximum load which the
1.1.2 Where deck equipment is subject to multiple load mooring winch is designed to resist during operation and is
cases, such as operational loads and green sea load, the to be taken as the design brake holding load or equivalent.
loads are be applied independently for the strength evalua-
tion of foundations and support structure. 3.2.3 Load cases
Each of the following load cases is to be assessed for design
1.2 Documents to be submitted loads due to mooring operation:
a) mooring winch at maximum pull: 100% of the rated
1.2.1 The documents to be submitted are indicated in Ch 1,
Sec 3.
b) mooring winch with brake effective: 100% of the hold-
2 Anchor windlass and chain stopper ing load
c) line strength: 125% of the breaking strength of the
2.1 General mooring line (hawser) according to Sec 3, Tab 2 for the
ship corresponding equipment number.
2.1.1 The applicable requirements of Rule Note NR626
The design load is to be applied through the mooring line
Anchor Windlass are to be applied.
according to the arrangement shown on the mooring
arrangement plan.
3 Mooring winches
3.2.4 Where a separate foundation is provided for the
3.1 General mooring winch brake, the distribution of the resultant forces
is to account for the different load paths. The brake is only
3.1.1 Mooring winches are to be efficiently bedded and to be considered in relation with the forces in [3.2.3], item
secured to the deck. b).

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 275

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 4

3.3 Strength criteria 4.1.4 Crane pedestal and derrick mast are as defined in Fig 1.

3.3.1 Supporting structure 4.1.5 Deck plating and underdeck structure are to provide
The supporting structure is to be designed to ensure that, for adequate support for derrick masts and crane pedestals
each of the load cases specified in [3.2.3], resulting stress against the loads and maximum overturning moment.
does not exceed the following permissible values: Where the deck is penetrated, the deck plating is to be suit-
normal stress: 1,00 ReH ably strengthened.
shear stress: 0,58 ReH 4.1.6 Material grade of deck plating is to be compatible
with the crane pedestal. Where necessary, a thicker insert
4 Cranes, derricks, lifting masts and plate is to be fitted. Doublers are never to be used where
structures are subject to tension.
life saving appliances
4.1.7 These requirements are to be assessed based on gross
4.1 General scantlings.

4.1.1 Supporting structures of life saving appliances,

4.2 Design loads
cranes, derricks and lifting masts with a safe working load
greater than 30 kN, or a maximum overturning moment on 4.2.1 SWL definition
the supporting structure greater than 100 kNm, are to com- The safe working load (SWL) is defined as the maximum load
ply with this Article [4]. which the lifting appliance is certified to lift at any specified
outreach. Its value is to be provided by the designer.
4.1.2 These requirements apply to the connection to the
deck and the supporting structure of cranes, derricks and 4.2.2 Self weight
lifting masts. Where the crane, derrick or lifting mast is to be The self weight is the calculated gross self weight of the lift-
certified by the Society, additional requirements may be ing appliance, including the weight of any lifting gear.
applied by the Society.
4.2.3 Overturning moment
4.1.3 These requirements do not cover the following items:
The overturning moment is the maximum bending moment,
a) the supporting structure of equipment other than life calculated at the connection of the lifting appliance to the
saving appliances used for the lifting of personnel or ship structure, due to the lifting appliance operating at safe
passengers working load, taking into account outreach and self weight.
b) the structure of the lifting appliance pedestals or post
above the area of the deck connection 4.2.4 For lifting appliances which are limited to use in har-
bour, the design load is to be taken equal to 1,3 times the
c) the holding down bolts and their arrangement, which
SWL added to the self weight.
are considered as part of the lifting appliance.
The term lifting appliance is defined as a crane, a derrick 4.2.5 For life saving appliances, the design load is to be
or a lifting mast. taken as 2,2 times the SWL.

Figure 1 : Crane pedestal and derrick mast

276 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 4

4.3 Strength criteria The structural arrangement of the ship structure in way of
shipboard fittings and their seats and in way of capstans is
4.3.1 The supporting structure is to be designed to ensure to be such that abrupt changes of shape or section are to be
that, for the load cases specified in [4.2.4] and [4.2.5], the avoided in order to minimise stress concentrations. Sharp
corners and notches are to be avoided, especially in highly
stress does not exceed the allowable values given in [4.3.2].
stressed areas.
The capability of the supporting structure to resist buckling
failure is to be ensured. 5.1.4 These requirements are to be assessed based on net
4.3.2 The stresses induced in the supporting structure is not
to exceed the following permissible values: 5.2 Design loads
normal stress: 0,67 ReH
5.2.1 Design loads for the supporting structure for ship-
shear stress: 0,39 ReH board fittings are to be as follows:
a) in the case of normal towing in harbour or manoeuvring
4.3.3 Structural continuity of the deck structure is to be operations: 125% of the maximum towline load as indi-
maintained. cated on the towing and mooring arrangement plan

Underdeck members are to be provided to support the b) in the case of towing service other than that experi-
crane pedestal and are to comply with: enced in harbour or manoeuvring operations, such as
escort service: the nominal breaking strength of towline
a) Where the pedestal is directly connected to the deck,
without brackets above deck, adequate underdeck c) in the case of mooring operations: 125% of the nominal
structure directly in line with the crane pedestal is to be breaking strength of the mooring line (hawser) accord-
provided. Where the crane pedestal is attached to the ing to Sec 3, Tab 2 for the ship corresponding equip-
deck without brackets or where the crane pedestal is not ment number.
continuous through the deck, welding to the deck of the
crane pedestal and its underdeck support structure is to 5.2.2 The design load for the supporting structure for cap-
be made by suitable full penetration welding. Resulting stans is to be taken as 125% of the maximum hauling in
stress in the weld shall not exceed the allowable values force.
as given in [4.3.2].
5.2.3 The assessment of the structure is to consider the pro-
b) Where the pedestal is directly connected to the deck posed lines arrangement for the application of design load;
with brackets, underdeck support structure is to be fitted however, the total load applied for towing and mooring sce-
to ensure a satisfactory transmission of the load. Brack- narios described in [5.2.1] need not to be more than twice
ets above deck may be fitted inside or outside the pedes- the design load on the mooring line or towline. The acting
tal and are to be aligned with deck girders and beams. point for the force on the shipboard fittings is to be taken as
The design is to avoid stress concentrations caused by the attachment point of the mooring line or towline, or at a
an abrupt change of section. Brackets and other direct change in its direction.
load carrying structure and underdeck support structure
are to be welded to the deck by suitable full penetration 5.2.4 The SWL for the intended use of each deck fitting is
welding. Resulting stress in the weld shall not exceed to be stated in the towing and mooring arrangement plan
the allowable values as given in [4.3.2]. available onboard for consistency for the guidance of the
Master. For each deck fitting, the following information is to
be included:
5 Bollards and bitts, fairleads, stand
rollers, chocks and capstans a) location on the ship
b) fitting type
5.1 General c) SWL
d) purpose (mooring/harbour towing/escort towing)
5.1.1 Shipboard fittings (bollards and bitts, fairleads, stand
rollers and chocks) and capstans used for mooring and tow- e) manner of applying towing or mooring line load includ-
ing operations are to be fitted to the deck or bulwark struc- ing limiting fleet angles.
This information is to be incorporated into the pilot card in
order to provide the pilot with proper information on har-
5.1.2 Where fairleads are fitted in bulwarks, the thickness bour/escorting operations.
of bulwarks may need to be increased. See Sec 2, [2.2].
5.2.5 The following requirements on safe working load
5.1.3 The structural arrangement is to provide strength con- apply for a single post basis (i.e. no more than one turn of
tinuity. one cable):

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 277

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 4

a) The SWL used for normal towing operations, e.g. har- 7.1.2 When containers are secured by fixed cell guides, the
bour/manoeuvring, is not to exceed 80% of the design scantlings of such cell guides and supports are to be
load given in [5.2.1] item a). The SWL used for the other approved and checked using the criteria in [7.2] and [7.3].
towing operations, e.g. escort, is not to exceed the
design load given in [5.2.1] item b). For deck fittings
used for both normal and other towing operations, the
7.2 Arrangement of fixed cell guides
greater of the design loads given in [5.2.1] item a) and
[5.2.1] item b) is to be used. 7.2.1 Vertical guides generally consist of sections with equal
sides, not less than 12 mm in thickness, extended over a
b) The SWL for mooring operations is not to exceed 80% height sufficient to give uniform support to containers.
of the design load given in [5.2.1] item c).
c) The SWL of each deck fitting is to be marked (by weld 7.2.2 Guides are to be connected to each other and to the
bead or equivalent) on the deck fittings used for towing supporting structures of the hull by means of cross-ties and
and/or mooring. longitudinal members such as to prevent deformation due
to the action of the forces transmitted by containers.
d) The towing and mooring arrangement plan mentioned
in [5.2.4] is to define the method of use of towing lines In general, the spacing between cross-ties connecting the
and/or mooring lines. guides may not exceed 5 metres and their position is to
coincide as nearly as possible with that of the container cor-
5.3 Strength criteria ners (see Fig 2).
Cross-ties are to be longitudinally restrained at one or more
5.3.1 The supporting structure is to be designed to ensure points so that their elastic deformation due to the action of
that, for the loads specified in [5.2.1] to [5.2.3], the result- the longitudinal thrust of containers does not exceed
ing stress does not exceed the permissible values given in 20 mm at any point.
The capability of the structure to resist buckling failure is to Figure 2 : Typical structure of cell guides
be ensured.

5.3.2 For the design loads specified in [5.2.1] to [5.2.3], the Cell guides

stress induced in the supporting structure and welds is not

to exceed the following permissible values:
normal stress: 1,00 ReH
Maximum 5 m

Cross ties
shear stress: 0,60 ReH.
6 Breakwater

6.1 General

6.1.1 When a breakwater is fitted on deck to protect the

containers from green sea loads, it is to comply with the
requirements given in [6.2] and [6.3]. Section A A

6.2 Design loads 7.2.3 The upper end of the guides is to be fitted with a
block to facilitate entry of the containers. Such appliance is
6.2.1 Design loads on the breakwater are to be taken as the to be of robust construction so as to withstand impact and
lateral pressure for unprotected lowest tier front bulkhead of chafing.
superstructure, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 5, [4.4].

7.3 Strength criteria

6.3 Strength criteria

6.3.1 Scantlings of plating, stiffeners and girders are to be 7.3.1 The local stresses in the elements of cell guides,
evaluated according to Sec 1, [3]. transverse and longitudinal cross-ties, and connections with
the hull structure are to be less than the following values:

7 Fixed cell guides normal stress: 150/k N/mm2

shear stress: 100/k N/mm2
7.1 General
Von Mises equivalent stress: 175/k N/mm2,
7.1.1 Containers may be secured within fixed cell guides,
permanently connected by welding to the hull structure,
which prevent horizontal sliding and tipping. k : Material factor, defined in Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.2].

278 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 4

8 Lashing bridge 8.2.4 Loading conditions

The following loading conditions are to be considered for
the calculation of lashing bridges:
8.1 General
a) both fore and aft bays of the lashing bridge are loaded
with containers
8.1.1 Container securing
b) fore bay of the lashing bridge is loaded with containers
Containers on deck may be secured by means of lashing while the aft bay is empty
bridges permanently connected by welding to the ship
structure. Lashing bridges allow lashing at a higher level. c) aft bay of the lashing bridge is loaded with containers
while the fore bay is empty.
8.1.2 Material Loading condition a) is intended to maximize vertical and
transverse forces acting on the lashing bridge. Loading con-
Materials used are to comply with Ch 3, Sec 1. The manu- ditions b) and c) are intended to maximize the longitudinal
facturing processes and testing are to comply with the forces acting on the lashing bridge.
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
8.3 Strength criteria
8.1.3 Strength verification
8.3.1 Allowable stress
Drawings of the lashing bridge structure and details of the
supporting structure are to be submitted to the Society for Allowable stresses are to be in accordance with Ch 6, Sec 6,
approval together with details on the calculations carried [2.2.2] for all supports and plating elements.
9 Lashing items
Calculations shall be based at least on a a three-dimen-
sional beam analysis or on a finite element analysis.
9.1 Fixed cargo securing devices
Calculations are to consider net scantlings in accordance
with Ch 3, Sec 3. 9.1.1 A list and/or a plan of all the fixed securing devices,
indicating their location on board, is to be provided.
8.1.4 General arrangement
9.1.2 For each type of fixed securing device, the following
Structural continuity is to be ensured at the connections of information is to be provided:
the vertical supports of the lashing bridge to the ship struc- identification of the device (name and model type)
sketch of the device and material quality
value of Safe Working Load (also named Maximum
8.2 Design loads Securing Load)
value of the minimum breaking load.
8.2.1 General

The forces applied to the lashing bridge structure are to con- 9.2 Lashing software
sider the loads transferred by containers. Force intensity is
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis, depend- 9.2.1 If installed on board a ship, a lashing software is to be
ing on the lashing arrangement and the proportion of the approved, following the provisions of Ch 14, Sec 1, [7].
load that is considered as transferred to the lashing bridge
10 Miscellaneous deck fittings
8.2.2 Container loads
10.1 Support and attachment
To derive loads induced by container lashing devices, the
loads to be applied to container stacks can be determined 10.1.1 The following requirements are to be considered in
in accordance with Ch 14, Sec 1, [4]. the design of the support and attachment of miscellaneous
fittings which impose relatively small loads on the ship
8.2.3 Forces applied on lashing bridge structure. The arrangement of such details and their
approval is considered on a case-by-case basis by the Soci-
The forces applied on each fixed cargo securing device on ety.
the lashing bridge shall be considered acting in the direc-
tion of the lashing bar. 10.1.2 Support positions are to be arranged so that the
attachment to the ship structure is clear of deck openings
In general, the SWL (Safe Working Load) for fixed cargo and stress concentrations, such as the toes of end brackets.
securing device may be taken as 250 kN and the applied Design of supports is to be such that the attachment to the
force as 70% of this SWL value. deck minimises the creation of hard points.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 279

NR 625, Ch 11, Sec 5


1 Cargo hatch covers 2 Small hatches

1.1 Application 2.1 Application

2.1.1 Small hatches and small hatch covers on exposed
1.1.1 Large cargo hatch covers and coamings are to com- and non-exposed decks are to comply with the require-
ply with the requirements of NR467, Ch 8, Sec 7. ments of NR467, Ch 8, Sec 8.

280 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 12





July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 281

282 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 1


1 General the major part of the welding of the aft part of the ship.
Where block boring is used, the shaft alignment is to be
carried out using a method and sequence submitted to
1.1 Workmanship and recognised by the Society. The fit-up and alignment
of the rudder, pintles and axles are to be carried out
1.1.1 All workmanship is to be of standard marine quality after completing the major parts of the welding of the aft
and acceptable to the Surveyor. Welding is to be in accord- part of the ship. The contacts between the conical sur-
ance with the requirements of Sec 2. Any defect is to be rec- faces of pintles, rudder stocks and rudder axles are to be
tified to the satisfaction of the Surveyor before the material checked before the final mounting.
is covered with paint, cement or any other composition.
i) Butt joints in plating: alignment of butt joint in plating.
1.2 Fabrication standard j) Cruciform joints: alignment measured on the median
line and measured on the heel line of cruciform joints.
1.2.1 Structural fabrication is to be carried out in accord-
ance with IACS Recommendation No. 47 or with a recog- k) Alignment of interior members: alignments of flange of
nised fabrication standard which has been accepted by the T profiles, alignment of panel stiffeners, gaps in T joints
Society prior to the commencement of fabrication/construc- and lap joints, and distance between scallop and cut-
tion. outs for continuous stiffeners in assembly and in erec-
tion joints.
1.2.2 The fabrication standard to be used during fabrica-
tion/construction is to be made available to the attending l) Keel and bottom sighting: deflections for whole length
representative of the Society prior to the commencement of of the ship, and for the distance between two adjacent
the fabrication/construction. bulkheads, cocking-up of fore body and of aft body, and
rise of floor amidships.
1.2.3 The fabrication standard is to include information, to m) Dimensions: length between perpendiculars, moulded
establish the range and the tolerance limits, for the items breadth and depth at midship, and length between aft
specified as follows: edge of propeller boss and main engine.
a) Cut edges: the slope of the cut edge and the roughness
n) Fairness of plating between frames: deflections between
of the cut edges.
frames of shell, tank top, bulkhead, upper deck, super-
b) Flanged stiffeners and brackets and built-up sections: structure deck, deckhouse deck and wall plating.
the breadth of flange and depth of web, angle between
flange and web, and straightness in plane of flange or at o) Fairness of plating in way of frames: deflections of shell,
the top of face plate. tank top, bulkhead, strength deck plating and other
structures measured in way of frames.
c) Pillars: the straightness between decks and cylindrical
structure diameter.
2 Cut-outs, plate edges
d) Brackets and flat bar stiffeners: the distortion at the free
edge line of tripping brackets and flat bar stiffeners.
e) Sub-assembly stiffeners: details of sniped end of face 2.1 General
plates and webs.
2.1.1 The free edges (cut surfaces) of cut-outs, hatch cor-
f) Plate assembly: for flat and curved blocks, the dimen- ners, etc are to be properly prepared and are to be free from
sions (length and breadth), distortion and squareness, notches. As a general rule, cutting draglines, etc are to be
and the deviation of interior members from the plate. smoothly ground. All edges are to be broken or in cases of
g) Cubic assembly: in addition to the criteria for plate highly stressed parts, be rounded off.
assembly, twisting deviation between upper and lower Free edges on flame or machine cut plates or flanges are not
plates, for flat and curved cubic blocks. to be sharp cornered and are to be finished off as specified
h) Special assembly: the distance between upper and above. This also applies to cutting drag lines, etc, in particu-
lower gudgeons, distance between aft edge of propeller lar to the upper edge of sheer strake and analogously to
boss and aft peak bulkhead, twist of stern frame assem- weld joints, changes in sectional areas or similar disconti-
bly, breadth and length of top plate of main engine bed. nuities.
Where boring out of the propeller boss and stern frame,
skeg or solepiece are to be carried out after completing 2.1.2 Corners in hatch opening are to be machine cut.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 283

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 1

3 Cold forming 4 Hot forming

4.1 Temperature requirements

3.1 Special structural members
4.1.1 Steel is not to be formed between the upper and
3.1.1 For highly stressed components of the hull girder lower critical temperatures. If the forming temperature
where notch toughness is of particular concern (e.g. items exceeds 650C for as-rolled, controlled rolled, thermo-
required to be Class III in Ch 3, Sec 1, Tab 3, such as radius mechanical controlled rolled or normalised steels, or is not
gunwales (bent sheer plates) and bilge strakes), the inside at least 28C lower than the tempering temperature for
bending radius, in cold formed plating, is not to be less than quenched and tempered steels, mechanical tests are to be
10 times the as-built plate thickness for carbon-manganese made to assure that these temperatures have not adversely
affected both the tensile and impact properties of the steel.
steels (see Ch 3, Sec 1). The allowable inside bending radius
Where curve forming or fairing, by line or spot heating, is
may be reduced provided the requirements stated in [3.2]
carried out in accordance with [4.2.1], these mechanical
are complied with.
tests are not required.

4.1.2 After further heating, other than specified in [4.1.1],

3.2 Low bending radius of thermo-mechanically controlled steels (TMCP plates) for
forming and stress relieving, it is to be demonstrated that the
3.2.1 When the inside bending radius is reduced below mechanical properties meet the requirements specified by a
10 times or 4,5 times the as-built plate thickness according procedure test using representative material.
to [3.1], supporting data is to be provided. The bending
radius is in no case to be less than 2 times the as-built plate 4.2 Line or spot heating
thickness. As a minimum, the following additional require-
ments are to be complied with: 4.2.1 Curve forming or fairing, by linear or spot heating, is
to be carried out using approved procedures in order to
a) For all bent plates: ensure that the properties of the material are not adversely
affected. Heating temperature on the surface is to be con-
100% visual inspection of the bent area is to be car- trolled so as not to exceed the maximum allowable limit
ried out applicable to the plate grade.
random checks by magnetic particle testing are to be
carried out. 5 Assembly and alignment
b) In addition to item a), for bent plates at boundaries to 5.1 General
tanks or ballast holds:
5.1.1 The use of excessive force is to be avoided during the
the steel is to be of grade D/DH or higher assembly of individual structural components or during the
erection of sections. Major distortions of individual struc-
the material is impact tested in the strain-aged con- tural components are to be corrected before further assem-
dition and satisfies the requirements stated herein. bly.
The deformation is to be equal to the maximum
After completion of welding, straightening and aligning are
deformation to be applied during production, calcu-
to be carried out in such a manner that the material proper-
lated by the formula tas-built / (2rbdg + tas-built), where ties are not influenced significantly. In case of doubt, the
tas-built is the as-built thickness of the plate material Society may require a procedure test or a working test to be
and rbdg is the bending radius. One sample is to be carried out.
plastically strained at the calculated deformation or Structural members are to be aligned following the provi-
5%, whichever is greater and then artificially aged at sions of IACS Recommendation No. 47, Tables 7 or accord-
250C for one hour then subject to Charpy V-notch ing to the requirements of a recognised fabrication standard
testing. The average impact energy after strain age- that has been accepted by the Society. In the case of critical
ing is to meet the impact requirements specified for components, control drillings are to be made where neces-
the grade of steel used. sary, which are then to be welded up again on completion.

284 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 2


1 General 3.1.3 Consideration is to be given to the assembly

sequence and the effect of the overall shrinkage of plate
panels, assemblies, etc, resulting from the welding proc-
1.1 Application
esses employed. Welding is to proceed systematically, with
each welded joint being completed in correct sequence,
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the prepara-
tion, execution and inspection of welded connections in without undue interruption. When practicable, welding is
hull structures. to commence at the centre of a joint and proceed outwards,
or at the centre of assembly and progress outwards towards
the perimeter so that each part has freedom to move in one
1.2 Limits of application to welding
procedures or more directions.

1.2.1 Weld type, size and materials 3.1.4 Completed welded joints are to be to the satisfaction
of the attending Surveyor. Edge preparations and root gaps
The requirements of this Section for weld type, size and
are to be in accordance with the approved welding proce-
materials are based on the following considerations:
dure. The gap between the members being joined should
joint type not exceed the maximum values given in IACS Recommen-
criticality of the joint dation No. 47 or as specified in recognised fabrication
standard approved by the Society. Where the gap between
magnitude, type and direction of the stress in the joint members being joined exceeds the specified values, correc-
material properties of the parent and weld material tive measures are to be taken in accordance with an
approved welding procedure specification.
weld gap size.
3.1.5 Where small fillets are used to attach heavy plates or
2 Welding procedures, welding sections, welding is to be based on approved welding pro-
consumables and welders cedure specifications. Special precautions, such as the use
of preheating, low-hydrogen electrodes or low-hydrogen
welding processes, are accepted.
2.1 General
3.1.6 When heavy structural members are attached to rela-
2.1.1 All welding is to be carried out by approved welders,
in accordance with approved welding procedures, using tively light plating, the weld size and sequence may require
approved welding consumables, in compliance with modification.
NR216 Materials and welding.
3.1.7 Where quality control systems are in place which
Personnel manning automatic welding machines and
equipment are to be competent, sufficiently trained and cer- ensure that the grade of welding consumable used is higher
tified by the Society as specified in NR216 Materials and than the minimum required for the particular strength steel
welding. being welded, the welding consumables that are used may
have a weld deposit material yield strength that is greater
3 Weld joints than the minimum specified in Sec 3, [2.5.2] and the size of
the weld may be determined based on the yield strength of
the higher grade welding consumable.
3.1 General
3.1.8 In general, butt joints are to be welded from both
3.1.1 Welding of connections is to be executed according
sides. Before welding is carried out on the second side,
to the approved plans.
unsound metal is to be removed at the root by a suitable
3.1.2 The quality standard adopted by the shipyard is to be method. Butt welding from one side will only be permitted
submitted to the Society and it applies to all welded con- for specific applications with an approved welding proce-
nections unless otherwise specified on a case-by-case basis. dure specification.

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NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 2

3.1.9 Arrangements at junctions of welds 4 Non-destructive examination (NDE)

Welds are to be made flush in way of the faying surface
where stiffening members, attached by continuous fillet 4.1 General
welds, cross the completely finished butt or seam welds.
Similarly, butt welds in webs of stiffening members are to be 4.1.1 The NDE plan to be submitted for approval has to
completed and made flush with the stiffening member contain the necessary data relevant to the locations and
before the fillet weld is made. The ends of the flush portion number of examinations, welding procedures applied,
are to run out smoothly without notches or sudden changes method of NDE applied, etc. Visual inspection of finished
of section. Where these conditions can not be complied welds is to be carried out by the shipyard to ensure that all
with, a scallop is to be arranged in the web of the stiffening welding has been satisfactory completed. In addition to vis-
member. Scallops are to be of the size, and in a position, ual inspection, welded joints are to be examined using any
that a satisfactory return weld can be made. one or a combination of ultrasonic, radiographic, magnetic
particle, eddy current, dye penetrant or other acceptable
3.1.10 Leak stoppers methods appropriate to the configuration of the weld.
Where structural members pass through the boundary of a Above inspections are to be carried out as per the require-
tank, leakage into adjacent space could be hazardous or ments of the Society.
undesirable, and full penetration welding is to be adopted
for the members for at least 150 mm on each side of the 4.1.2 NDE of welding is to be carried out at the positions
boundary. Alternatively, a small scallop of suitable shape indicated by the NDE plan in order to ensure that the welds
may be cut in a member close to the boundary outside of are free from cracks and unacceptable internal defects with
the compartment, and carefully welded all around. regards to the requirements of the Society. NDE is to be car-
ried out by qualified personnel certified by recognised bod-
ies in compliance with recognised standards.
3.2 Hatch coaming

3.2.1 Application 4.2 Hatch coaming

This sub-article applies to welding of plates having a mini- 4.2.1 Application

mum specified yield stress ReH equal to 460 N/mm2 and a
This sub-article applies to ships with hatch side coaming
thickness equal to or greater than 50 mm but not greater
plate thickness t such that:
than 100 mm, used for longitudinal structural members in
the upper deck region (such as hatch side coaming, hatch 85 mm t 100 mm for steel with ReH = 355 N/mm2
coaming top and attached longitudinal stiffeners).
50 mm t 100 mm for steel with ReH = 390 N/mm2 or
Specific procedures are to be submitted to the Society for ReH = 460 N/mm2.
plates having a thickness greater than 100 mm.
Special consideration is to be given to hatch side coaming
Special care is to be paid to the final welding so that harm-
plate thickness greater than 100 mm.
ful defects do not remain.

4.2.2 Ultrasonic testing

3.2.2 Short bead
Ultrasonic testing is to be performed on all block-to-block
Short bead length for tack and repairs of welds by welding
butt welds of upper longitudinal members along cargo hold
is not to be less than 50 mm. In the case where the cold
region over their full lengths.
cracking susceptibility index Pcm, as defined in NR216
Materials and Welding, is less than or equal to 0,19, short Upper longitudinal members are defined as follows:
bead length of 25 mm may be considered by the Society on
uppermost strakes of inner hull and longitudinal bulk-
a case-by-case basis.
3.2.3 Preheating sheerstrake
Preheating is to be at least 50C when air temperature is main deck
5C and under. In the case where the cold cracking suscep-
tibility index Pcm, as defined in NR216 Materials and Weld- coaming side plate
ing, is less than or equal to 0,19, air temperature of 0C and coaming top plate
under may be considered by the Society on a case-by-case
basis. and all their attached longitudinal stiffeners.

286 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3



Aweld : Effective fillet weld area, in cm2 1.1.3 Plans and/or specifications showing weld sizes and
f : Root face, in mm weld details are to be submitted for approval.
fweld : Weld factor
1.1.4 The leg length of welds is to comply with the mini-
fyd : Correction factor taking into account the yield
mum leg length given in Tab 1.
strength of the weld deposit as defined in
ldep : Total length of deposit of weld metal, in mm 2 Tee or cross joint
lleg : Leg length of continuous, lapped or intermittent
fillet weld, in mm 2.1 Application
lweld : Length of the welded connection in mm
2.1.1 The connection of primary supporting members, stiff-
ReH_weld : Minimum yield stress of weld deposit, in
ener webs to plating as well as the plating abutting on
another plating, are to be made by fillet or penetration
tas-built : As-built thickness of the member being joined,
welding, as shown in Fig 1.
in mm
tgap : Allowance for fillet weld gap, is to be taken 2.1.2 Where the connection is highly stressed or otherwise
equal to 2,0 mm considered critical, a partial or full penetration weld is to be
tthroat : Throat thickness of fillet weld in mm, as defined achieved by bevelling the edge of the abutting plate.
in [2.5.3].
Figure 1 : Tee or cross joints
1 General

1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the design
of welded connections in hull structures and are based on
the considerations mentioned in Sec 2, [1.2.1].

1.1.2 The requirements given in this Section are considered

minimum for electric-arc welding in hull construction, but
alternative methods, arrangements and details will be spe- tas-built : As-built thickness of the member being attached, in mm
cially considered for approval. : Connecting angle, in deg.

Table 1 : Minimum leg size

Area Type of space Minimum length, in mm

welds within 3m below top of compartment 6,5 (1)
Cargo holds
elsewhere 6,0 (1)
Water ballast and welds within 3m below top of compartment 6,5 (1)
Cargo hold region
fresh water tanks elsewhere 6,0 (1)
Dry spaces and voids 5,0
Other tanks 6,0 (1)
Water ballast and welds within 3m below top of compartment 6,0 (1)
fresh water tanks elsewhere 5,5 (1)
Fuel oil, diesel oil and welds within 3m below top of compartment 5,0
Other areas
other tanks elsewhere 4,5
welds within 3m below top of compartment 4,5
Dry spaces and voids
elsewhere 4,0
(1) If the as-built thickness of the element is less than 12 mm, the minimum leg length may be reduced by 0,5 mm.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 287

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

2.2 Continuous fillet welds 2.3.3 Deckhouses

One side continuous fillet welding is acceptable in the dry
2.2.1 Continuous welding is to be adopted in the following
spaces of deckhouses.
a) Connection of the web to the face plate for all members 2.3.4 Size for one side continuous weld
b) All fillet welds where higher strength steel is used The size for one side continuous weld is to be of fillet
c) Boundaries of weathertight decks and erections, includ- required by [2.5.2] for intermittent welding, where f3 factor
ing hatch coamings, companionways and other open- is to be taken as 2,0.
d) Boundaries of tanks and watertight compartments 2.4 Partial and full penetration welds
e) All structures inside tanks and cargo holds 2.4.1 High stress area definition
f) Stiffeners and primary supporting members at tank For the application of this Section, high stress area means
boundaries an area where fine mesh finite element analysis is to be car-
g) All structures in the aft peak and stiffeners and primary ried out and the fine mesh yield utilisation factor in ele-
supporting members of the aft peak bulkhead ments adjacent to the weld is more than 90% of the fine
h) All structures in the fore peak mesh permissible utilisation factor, as defined in Ch 7, Sec
i) Welding in way of all end connections of stiffeners and 3, [6.1.3].
primary supporting members, including end brackets,
lugs, scallops, and at orthogonal connections with other 2.4.2 Partial or full penetration welding
members In areas with high tensile stresses or areas considered criti-
j) All lap welds in the main hull cal, full or partial penetration welds are to be used.
k) Primary supporting members and stiffener members to In case of full penetration welding, the root face is to be
bottom shell in the 0,3 L forward region removed, e.g. by gouging before welding of the back side.
l) Flat bar longitudinals to plating For partial penetration welds the root face, f, is, to be taken
m) The attachment of minor fittings to higher strength steel between 3 mm and tas-built /3.
plating and other connections or attachments The groove angle made to ensure welding bead penetrat-
n) Pillars to heads and heels ing up to the root of the groove is usually from 40 to 60.
o) Hatch coaming stay webs to deck plating, see [2.4.5]. The welding bead of the full/partial penetration welds is to
cover root of the groove.
2.3 Intermittent fillet welds
Examples of partial penetration welds are given in Fig 2.
2.3.1 Where continuous welding is not required, intermit-
2.4.3 One side partial penetration weld
tent welding may be applied.
For partial penetration welds with one side bevelling the fil-
2.3.2 Where beams, stiffeners, frames, etc, are intermit- let weld at the opposite side of the bevel is to satisfy the
tently welded and pass through slotted girders, shelves or requirements given in [2.5.2].
stringers, there is to be a pair of matched intermittent welds
(double continuous welds having the length of an intermit- 2.4.4 Extent of full or partial penetration welding
tent fillet weld) on each side of every intersection. In addi-
The extent of full or partial penetration welding in each par-
tion, the beams, stiffeners and frames are to be efficiently
attached to the girders, shelves and stringers. ticular location listed in [2.4.5] and [2.4.6] is to be
approved by the Society. However, the minimum extent of
Where intermittent welding or one side continuous welding
is permitted, double continuous welds are to be applied for full/partial penetration welding from the reference point
one-tenth of their shear span at each end, in accordance (i.e. intersection point of structural members, end of bracket
with [2.5.2] and [2.5.3]. toe, etc.) is not to be taken less than 300 mm.

Figure 2 : Partial penetration welds

288 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

2.4.5 Locations required for full penetration 2.5 Weld size criteria
Full penetration welds are to be used in the following loca- 2.5.1 The required weld sizes are to be rounded to the
nearest half millimetre.
tions and elsewhere as required by these rules:
a) radiused hatch coaming plate at corners to deck 2.5.2 The leg length, leg in mm, of continuous, lapped or
intermittent fillet welds is not to be taken less than the
b) edge reinforcement or pipe penetration both to strength
greater of the following values:
deck, sheer strake and bottom plating within 0,6 L
amidships, when the dimensions of the opening
leg = f1 f2 tas-built
exceeds 300 mm leg = fyd fweld f2 f3 tas-built + tgap
c) abutting plate panels with as-built thickness less than or nor less than the minimum values given in Tab 1,
equal to 12 mm, forming outer shell boundaries below where:
the scantling draught, including but not limited to: sea f1 : Coefficient depending on the welding type:
chests, rudder trunks, and portions of transom. For as-
f1 = 0,30 for double continuous welding
built thickness greater than 12 mm, partial penetration
f1 = 0,38 for intermittent welding
in accordance with [2.4.2]
f2 : Coefficient depending on the edge preparation:
d) crane pedestals and associated bracketing and support
structure f2 = 1,0 for double continuous welding
without bevelling
e) for toe connections of longitudinal hatch coaming end
f2 = 0,7 for partial penetration welds with
bracket to the deck plating, full penetration weld for a
one side bevelling and f = tas-built / 3
distance of 0,15 Hc from toe of side coaming termina-
tion bracket is required, where Hc is the hatch coaming fyd : Coefficient not to be taken less than:
0, 50
height 235 0, 75
f yd = --- ------------------
k R eH_weld
f) rudder horns and shaft brackets to shell structure
g) thick flanges of long transverse web frames to side web nor less than 0,71
frames. Thick flanges of long longitudinal girder to bulk- k : Material factor of the abutting member
head web frames ReH_weld : Specified minimum yield stress for the weld
h) brackets connecting face plates of cross decks and deck deposit, in N/mm2, not to be less than:
girders 305 N/mm2 for welding of normal strength
i) cross deck structures to transverse web frames (recom- steel with ReH = 235 N/mm2
mendation). 375 N/mm2 for welding of higher strength
steel with ReH from 265 to 355 N/mm2
2.4.6 Locations required for full or partial
penetration welding 400 N/mm2 for welding of higher strength
steel with ReH = 390N/mm2
Partial penetration welding as defined in [2.4.2], is to be
used in the following locations. Additional locations may 460 N/mm2 for welding of higher strength
be required based on other criteria, such as fatigue assess- steel with ReH = 460N/mm2
ment as given in Chapter 9: fweld : Weld factor depending on the type of the struc-
tural member. See Tab 2, Tab 3 and Tab 4
a) structural elements in double bottom below bulkhead
primary supporting members and stool plates f3 : Correction factor for the type of weld:
f3 = 1,0 for double continuous weld
b) horizontal stringers on bulkheads in way of their bracket
toe and the heel. f3 = sctr / weld for intermittent or chain welding
sctr : Distance between successive fillet welds, in
2.4.7 Fine mesh finite element analysis mm.
In high stress area, at least partial penetration welds as
defined in [2.4.2] are to be used. The minimum extent of 2.5.3 The throat size tthroat , in mm, as shown in Fig 3, is not
full or partial penetration welding in that case is to be the to be less than:
greater of the following: leg
t throat = -------
150 mm in either direction from the element with the 2
highest yield utilisation factor
2.5.4 For primary supporting members connections not
the extent covering all elements that exceed the above listed in Tab 2 and Tab 3, the weld factors from Tab 4 are to
mentioned yield utilisation factor criteria. be used.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 289

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

Figure 3 : Weld scantlings definitions

Table 2 : Weld factor fweld for different structural members

Hull area fweld
Of To
General, unless Watertight plate Boundary plating 0,48
otherwise specified
Oil-tight plate Boundary plating 0,51
in the Table
Brackets at ends of members 0,48

Ordinary stiffener and collar Deep tank bulkheads 0,24

plates Web of primary supporting members and collar plates 0,38
Web of stiffener Plating (except deep tank bulkhead) 0,20

Face plates of at ends (15% of span) 0,38

built-up stiffeners elsewhere 0,20
Bottom and double Ordinary stiffener Bottom and inner bottom plating 0,24
Centre girder Shell plates 0,38
Inner bottom plate 0,38
Side girder including
Bottom and inner bottom plating 0,24
intercostal plates
Floor Shell plates and at ends, on a length equal to
inner bottom plates two frame spaces
Centre girder and side girders in way of hopper tanks 0,38
Elsewhere 0,24
Bracket on centre girder Centre girder, inner bottom, floors and shell plates 0,38
Web stiffener Floor and girder 0,20
Side and inner side Web of primary supporting Side plating 0,30
in double side members
Inner side plating and in way of deck transverse and
structure 0,43
web of primary supporting end connections
in way of cross tie 0,36

elsewhere 0,30
Deck Strength deck tas_built 13 Side shell plating within 0.6 L amidships PPW (3)
Elsewhere 0,48
tas_built < 13 Side shell plating 0,48
Other deck Side shell plating 0,38
Stiffeners 0,20
Hatch coamings Deck plating at corners of hatchways
FPW (4) (1)
for 15% of the hatch length
elsewhere 0,38
Web stiffeners Coaming webs 0,20 (2)

290 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

Hull area fweld
Of To
Bulkheads Non-watertight bulkhead
Boundaries swash bulkheads 0,24
Stiffener at ends (25% of span), where
Bulkhead plating 0,48
no end brackets are fitted
Aft peak Internal members Boundaries and each other: below waterline 0,38
Above waterline 0,20
Fore peak Internal members Boundaries and each other 0,20
Machinery space Centre girder Keel and inner bottom 0,48
Floor Centre girder 0,48
Engine foundation girders Top plate and primary hull structure PPW (3)
Floors and girders Inner bottom and shell plate 0,38
Superstructure External bulkhead (first and
Deck, external bulkhead 0,48
second tier erections)
External bulkheads and inter-
Elsewhere 0,20
nal bulkheads
(1) fweld = 0,43 for hatch coaming other than in cargo holds.
(2) Continuous welding.
(3) PPW : Partial penetration welding in accordance with [2.4.2].
(4) FPW : Full penetration welding in accordance with [2.4.2].

Table 3 : Weld factor fweld for miscellaneous fittings and equipment

Item Connection to fweld

Hatch cover watertight/oil-tight joints 0,48

at ends of stiffeners 0,38
elsewhere 0,24
Mast, derrick post, crane pedestal, etc. deck / underdeck reinforced structure 0,43
Deck machinery seat deck 0,24
Mooring equipment seat deck 0,43
Ring for access hole type cover anywhere 0,43
Stiffening of side shell doors and weathertight doors anywhere 0,24
Frames of shell and weathertight doors anywhere 0,43
Coaming of ventilator and air pipe deck 0,43
Ventilators, etc., fittings anywhere 0,24
Ventilators, air pipes, etc., coaming to deck deck 0,43
Scupper and discharge deck 0,55
Bulwark stay deck 0,24
Bulwark plating deck 0,43
Guard rail, stanchion deck 0,43
Cleats and fittings hatch coaming and hatch cover 0,60 (1)

(1) Minimum value of the weld factor. Where tas-built > 11,5mm, leg need not exceed 0,62 tas-built. Penetration welding may be
required depending on the design.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 291

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

Table 4 : Weld factor fweld for primary supporting members

Hull structural Connection

member Of To
Primary Web plate Shell plating, deck plating, Within 15% of shear span at ends 0,48
supporting inner bottom plating, bulkhead
Elsewhere 0,38
Face plate In tanks/holds
Members located within 0,125 L from fore peak
Elsewhere if cross-sectional area of face plate
exceeds 65 cm2
Elsewhere 0,24
End connections In way of boundaries of ballast and cargo tanks 0,48
Elsewhere 0,38

2.5.5 Where the as-built web thickness of the abutting lon- 2.5.7 Shear area of primary supporting member end
gitudinal stiffener is greater than 15 mm and exceeds the connections
thickness of the attached plating, the welding is to be dou- Welding of the end connections, inclusive 10% of shear
ble continuous and the leg length of the weld is not to be
span, of primary supporting members is to be such that the
less than the greatest of the following values:
weld area is to be equivalent to the gross cross-sectional
a) 0,30 tas-built , where tas-built is the as-built thickness of the
attached plating without being taken greater than area of the member. The weld leg length leg , in mm, is to
30 mm be taken as:
b) 0,27 tas-built + 1, where tas-built is the as-built thickness of h w t gr req
leg = 1, 41 f yd ----------------------
the abutting member. The leg size resulting of this for- dep
mula need not be taken greater than 8,0 mm where:
c) the minimum leg length given in Tab 1. hw : Web height of primary supporting members, in
2.5.6 Where the minimum weld size is determined by the mm
requirements of the second formula given in [2.5.2], the tgr_req : Required gross thickness, in mm, of the web in
weld connections to shell, decks or bulkheads are to take way of the end connection, including 10% of
account of the material lost in the cut out, where stiffeners
shear span, based on the highest average usage
pass through the member. In cases where the width of the
cut-out exceeds 15% of the stiffener spacing, the size of factor for yield from cargo hold FE analysis or
weld leg length is to be multiplied by: the shear area requirement for PSM outside
0, 85 s cargo hold region
w dep : Total length of deposit of weld metal, in mm,
where: taken as (see Fig 5):
s : Stiffener spacing in mm, as shown in Fig 4 dep = 2 weld
w : Length of web plating between notches, in mm, weld : Length of the welded connection in mm, as
as shown in Fig 4. shown in Fig 5

Figure 4 : Effective material in web cut-outs fyd : coefficient defined in [2.5.2].

for stiffeners The size of weld is not to be less than the value calculated
in accordance with [2.5.2].

2.5.8 Longitudinal stiffeners

Welding of longitudinal stiffeners to plating is to be double
continuous at the ends of the longitudinal stiffeners over
15% of their shear span as defined in Ch 3, Sec 6, [1.1.3].
In way of primary supporting members, the length of the
double continuous weld is to be equal to the depth of the
longitudinal or the end bracket, whichever is greater.

292 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

Figure 5 : Shear area of primary supporting member 3 Butt joint

3.1 General
3.1.1 Plate components of stiffened panel structures are
generally to be joined by butt welds (see Fig 6).

Figure 6 : Typical butt welds

Note: The length weld is the length of the welded connection. The
total length of the weld deposit dep if welded with double continu-
ous fillet welds is twice the length of the welded connection weld.
3.2 Thickness difference
2.5.9 Longitudinal continuity provided by brackets
Where the longitudinal continuity of a member contributing 3.2.1 Taper
to the longitudinal strength of the ship is provided by brack- In the case of welding of plates with difference in as-built
ets, the weld area Aweld is not to be less than the gross cross- thickness greater than 4 mm, the thicker plate is normally to
sectional area of the member. The weld area Aweld , in cm2, be tapered. The taper length is to be not less than 3 times
is to be determined by the following formula: the difference in as-built thickness.
f yd t throat dep
A weld = -------------------------------
- 4 Other types of joints

2.5.10 Reduced weld size 4.1 Lapped joints

Where an approved automatic deep penetration procedure
is used and where the gap between the assembled members 4.1.1 Areas
can be controlled to be not more than 1 mm, the weld fac- Lap joint welds may be adopted in very specific cases sub-
tors given in Tab 2 may be reduced by 15%, without lead- ject to the approval of the Society. Lap joint welds may be
ing to leg size reduction of more than 1,5 mm. Reductions adopted for the following:
of up to 20%, without leading to leg size reduction of more
peripheral connections of doubler plates
than 1,5 mm, will be accepted provided that the shipyard is
able to demonstrate that the following requirements are internal structural elements subject to very low stress.
consistently met:
4.1.2 Overlap width
a) The welding is performed in accordance with welding Where overlaps are adopted, the width of the overlap is not
procedure tests covering both minimum and maximum to be less than three times, but not greater than four times
root gaps. the as-built thickness of the plates being joined (see Fig 7.
b) The weld penetration at the root is at least equivalent to Where the as-built thickness of the thinner plate is 25 mm
the granted leg size reduction. or more, the overlap will be subjected to special considera-
c) An established quality control system is in place. tion.

2.5.11 Reduced weld size justification Figure 7 : Fillet weld in lapped joint
Where any of the methods for reduction of the weld size are
adopted, the specific requirements allowing the reduction
are to be indicated on the drawings. The drawings are to
document the weld design and dimensioning requirements
for the reduced weld length and the required weld leg
length given by [2.5.2] without the leg length reduction.
Also, notes are to be added to the drawings to describe the
difference in the two leg lengths and the requirements for
their application.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 293

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

4.1.3 Overlaps for lugs 4.2.4 Slots are to be well-rounded and have a minimum
The overlaps for lugs and collars in way of cut-outs for the slot length slot of 90 mm and a minimum width wslot of
passage of stiffeners through webs and bulkhead plating are twice the as-built plate thickness. Slots cut in plating are to
not to be less than three times the thickness of the lug and have smooth, clean and square edges and are in general to
not be greater than 50 mm. be spaced a distance sslot not greater than 140 mm. Slots are
not to be filled with welding.
4.1.4 Lapped end connections
Lapped end connections are to have continuous welds on 4.3 Stud and lifting lug welds
each edge with leg length leg , in mm, as shown on Fig 7
4.3.1 Where permanent or temporary studs or lifting lugs
such that the sum of the two leg lengths is not less than
are to be attached by welding to main structural parts in
1,5 times the as-built thickness of the thinner plate. areas subject to high stress, the proposed locations are to be
4.1.5 Overlapped seams submitted for approval.
Overlapped seams are to have continuous welds on both
edges, of the sizes required by [2.5.2] for the boundaries of
5 Connection details
tank/hold or watertight bulkheads. Seams for plates with as-
5.1 Bilge keels
built thickness of 12,5 mm or less, which are clear of
tanks/holds, may have one edge with intermittent welds in 5.1.1 The ground bar is to be connected to the shell with a
accordance with [2.5.2] for watertight bulkhead boundaries. continuous fillet weld, and the bilge keel to the ground bar
with a continuous fillet weld in accordance with Tab 5.
4.2 Slot welds
Table 5 : Connections of bilge keels
4.2.1 Slot welds may be adopted in very specific cases sub-
Leg length of weld, in mm
ject to the approval of the Society. However, slot welds of Structural items being joined
At ends Elsewhere
doublers on the outer shell and strength deck are not per-
Ground bar to the shell 0,62 t1as-built 0,48 t1as-built
mitted within 0,6 L amidships.
Bilge keel web to ground bar 0,48 t2as-built 0,30 t2as-built
4.2.2 Slots are to be well-rounded and have a minimum t1as-built : As-built thickness of ground bar, in mm
slot length slot of 75 mm and width wslot of twice the as- t2as-built : As-built thickness of web of bilge keel, in mm.

built plate thickness. Where used in the body of doublers

5.1.2 Butt welds, in the bilge keel and ground bar, are to be
and similar locations, such welds are in general to be
well clear of each other and of butts in the shell plating as
spaced a distance sslot of 2slot to 3slot but not greater than shown in Fig 9. In general, shell butts are to be flush in way
250 mm, see Fig 8. The size of the fillet welds is to be deter- of the ground bar and ground bar butts are to be flush in
mined from the second formula given in [2.5.2] using tas-built way of the bilge keel. Direct connection between ground
of the thinner plate and a weld factor of 0,48. bar butt welds and shell plating is not permitted. This may
be obtained by use of removable backing.
Figure 8 : Slot welds
5.1.3 The ground bar is to be continuously fillet welded
with a leg length as given in Tab 5. At the ends of the
ground bar, the leg length is to be increased as given in Tab
5, without exceeding the as-built thickness of the ground
bar as shown in Fig 9. The welded transition at the ends of
the ground bar to the plating connection should be formed
with the weld flank angle of 45 or less.

5.1.4 In general, scallops and cut-outs are not to be used.

Crack arresting holes are to be drilled in the bilge keel butt
welds as close as practicable to the ground bar. The diame-
4.2.3 Closing plates ter of the hole is to be greater than the width W of the butt
For the connection of plating to internal webs, where access weld and is to be a minimum of 25 mm. Where the butt
for welding is not practicable, the closing plating may be weld has been subject to non-destructive examination, the
attached by slot welds to face plates fitted to the webs. crack arresting hole may be omitted.

294 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

Figure 9 : Bilge keel

Crack arrester

5.2 End connections of pillars leg

= ----------------------

2 sin ---
5.2.1 The end connections of pillars are to have an effec- 2
tive fillet weld area, in cm2, (weld throat multiplied by weld where:
length) not less than: leg : Leg length of fillet weld, in mm, as defined in
0, 75 [2.5.2]
A weld = f 3 -------------------
R eH_weld : Connecting angle, in deg, as shown in Fig 10.
where: 5.3.2 Connections of main strength members where is
F : Design load, for the structure under considera- less than 45, see Fig 10, may be applied only in dry spaces
tion, in kN and voids.

f3 : Coefficient equal to: Figure 10 : Connecting angle

0,05 when pillar is in compression only
0,14 when pillar is in tension.

5.3 Abutting plates with small angles

5.3.1 Where angle between the abutting plate and the

connected plate is less than 75 as shown in Fig 10, the size
of fillet welds , in mm, for the side of larger angle is to be
increased in accordance with:

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 295

NR 625, Ch 12, Sec 3

296 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 13




July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 297

298 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 13, Sec 1


1 Principles ships, provided that the measured thickness of structural

members remain greater than the renewal thickness speci-
fied in Sec 2
1.1 Application
1.2.3 Steel renewal
1.1.1 This Chapter provides criteria for allowable thickness Steel renewal is required if either the local or global corro-
diminution of ship hull structure. sion allowance is exceeded.
Thickness measurement is to be used to assess hull struc-
tures against the specified renewal criteria. 1.3 Information to be submitted
The hull survey requirements are those given, as applicable, 1.3.1 Drawings
in the NR467, Part A. The structural drawings are to indicate for each structural
element the as-built scantling and the renewal thickness as
1.2 Corrosion allowance concept specified in Sec 2. If thickness for voluntary addition is
included in the as-built thickness, this is to be clearly men-
tioned and identified on the drawings.
1.2.1 Corrosion allowance
For the list of drawings and information to be supplied
Corrosion allowance covers for local and global corrosion
onboard the ship, reference is made to NR467, Part A.
as defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.3.4].

1.2.2 Assessment 2 Hull survey requirements

Assessment against both local and global corrosion renewal
criteria is required during the operational life of ships. 2.1 General

Assessment against the newbuilding requirements which 2.1.1 Minimum hull survey requirements
incorporate corrosion additions, given in Ch 3, Sec 3 and The minimum hull survey requirements including thickness
which consider all relevant loads, e.g. yielding, buckling, measurements for the maintenance of class are given in
and fatigue is not required during the operational life of NR467, Part A.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 299

NR 625, Ch 13, Sec 2



tas-built : As built thickness, in mm 1.2.3 Neutral axis zone

tc : Corrosion addition, in mm, as defined in Ch 3, The neutral axis zone includes the following items between
Sec 2 the deck zone and the bottom zone, as for example:
tres : Reserve thickness, taken equal to 0,5 mm side shell plating
tvol_add : Thickness for voluntary addition, in mm. inner hull plating and longitudinal bulkhead, if any

double hull stringer.

1 General
2 Renewal criteria
1.1 Application

1.1.1 This section gives requirements for the application of 2.1 Local corrosion
the acceptance criteria.
2.1.1 Renewal thickness of local structural
1.2 Definitions elements

Local structural elements include local supporting members

1.2.1 Deck zone and primary supporting members.
The deck zone includes all the following items contributing
Steel renewal is required if the measured thickness, tm in
to the hull girder strength:
mm, is less than the renewal thickness, tren defined as:
strength deck plating
tren = tas-built - tc - tvol_add
longitudinal hatch coaming

sheer strake 2.1.2 Renewal area

side shell plating Areas which need to be renewed based on the renewal cri-
teria in [2.1.1] are to be repaired with inserted material
inner hull and other longitudinal bulkhead plating, if
which is to have the same or greater grade and yield stress
as the original, and to have a thickness, trepair in mm, not less
longitudinal stiffeners, girders and stringers connected than:
to the above mentioned plating.
trepair = tas-built - tvol_add
1.2.2 Bottom zone
2.1.3 Alternative solutions
The bottom zone includes all the following items contribut-
ing to the hull girder strength: When there is a substantial corrosion as defined in NR467,
keel plate Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.7], alternative solutions may be
adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Society.
bottom plating

bilge plating 2.2 Global corrosion

bottom girders
2.2.1 Application
inner bottom plating
The longitudinal strength of the ship is to be evaluated by
longitudinal stiffeners connected to the above men- using the thickness of structural members measured,
tioned plating
renewed and reinforced, as appropriate, during Special Sur-
side shell plating. veys, for ships over 10 years of age.

300 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 13, Sec 2

2.2.2 Renewal criteria b) For neutral axis zone:

Hull girder strength criteria are given as detailed below: The current sectional area of the neutral axis zone,
a) For deck and bottom zones: which is the sum of the measured plating areas of this
zone, is not to be less than the sectional area of the neu-
The current hull girder section modulus at deck and bot-
tral axis zone calculated with the gross offered thickness
tom determined with the thickness measurements are
minus 0,5 tc
not to be less than 90% of the section modulus calcu-
lated according to Ch 5, Sec 1 with the gross offered If the actual reduction of the gross offered thickness of all
thickness. items, of a given transverse section which contribute to the
Alternatively, the current sectional areas of the bottom hull girder strength is less than 10% for the deck and bot-
zone and of the deck zone which are the sum of the tom zones and 0,5 tc for the neutral axis zone, the hull
measured item areas of the considered zones are not to girder strength criteria of this transverse section is satisfied
be less than 90% of the sectional area of the corre- and there is no need to perform calculation of the zone
sponding zones determined with the gross offered thick- areas with measured thicknesses.
ness. The gross offered thickness is defined in Ch 3, Sec 2.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 301

NR 625, Ch 13, Sec 2

302 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625

Chapter 14



July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 303

304 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016
NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1


1 General 2 Arrangement of containers

1.1 Application 2.1 General

2.1.1 Containers are generally aligned in the fore and aft
1.1.1 The requirements in this Section are applicable to
direction and are secured to each other and to the ship
ships for which the following additional class notation is
structures so as to prevent sliding or tipping under defined
assigned, in accordance with NR467 Rules for Steel Ships,
conditions. However, alternative arrangements may be con-
Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2:
2.1.2 Containers are to be secured or shored in way of cor-
LASHING-WW ner fittings. Uniform load line stowage is to be considered
LASHING (restricted area). by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

2.1.3 One or more of the following methods for securing

1.2 Materials containers may be accepted:
corner locking devices
1.2.1 Steel wires and chains
steel wire ropes or chain lashing
Materials for steel wires and chains are to comply with the
steel rods
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
buttresses or shores permanently connected to the hull
1.2.2 Lashing rods cell guides.
Lashing rods are generally required to be of high strength 2.1.4 On ships with the service notation container ship,
steel grade, or steel having equivalent mechanical properties. containers in holds are generally stowed within cell guides
(see Fig 1).
1.2.3 Securing and locking devices
Securing and locking devices may be made of the following Figure 1 : Containers in holds within cell guides
high strength steel grade or equivalent
cast or forged steel having characteristics complying
with the requirements of NR216, with particular regard
to weldability, where required.

1.2.4 Plates and profiles

Plates and profiles for cell guides, are to comply with the
applicable requirements of NR216.
2.1.5 On ships with the additional service feature equipped
1.2.5 Other materials for the carriage of containers, containers in holds are gen-
The use of nodular cast iron or materials other than steel is erally mutually restrained to form blocks which are shored,
to be specially considered by the Society on a case-by-case transversely and longitudinally, by hull structures, or
basis. restrained by lashing devices (see Fig 2).

Figure 2 : Container in holds arranged in blocks

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 305

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

2.2 Stowage in holds within cell guides 2.3.5 Each row of containers is to be connected to that
adjacent by means of double stacking cones or equivalent
2.2.1 Fixed cell guides arrangements and, if containers are subdivided into sepa-
Cell guides of fixed type are to comply with the require- rate blocks, connection devices of sufficient strength to
ments of Ch 11, Sec 4, [7]. transmit the loads applied are to be fitted at shoring points.

2.3.6 If hull structural elements of sufficient strength to sup-

2.2.2 Removable cell guides
port buttresses are not available, as an alternative to the
When cell guides are of removable type, they are to form a above, containers may be secured by means of lashings or
system as independent as possible of the hull structure. lashing rods, similarly to the arrangements for containers
They are generally bolted to hull structures. stowed on deck or on hatch covers.
They are to comply with the provisions on arrangement and
strength as applicable to fixed cell guides, given in Ch 11, 2.4 Stowage on exposed deck
Sec 4, [7].
2.4.1 The arrangement and number of containers stowed
2.2.3 Mixed stowage on exposed deck (see Fig 3) is to be assessed considering
When it is intended to carry 20' containers within 40' cells, the following elements:
removable vertical guides may be fitted at mid-cell length. actual mass of containers
When such removable vertical guides are not fitted, the exposure to sea and wind
maximum stack weight is to comply with [6.1.2] and the stresses induced in the lashing system, in the container
following is to be complied with: structure and in hull structures or hatch covers
a) In case of 20 containers topped at least by one 40 con- ships stability conditions.
tainer on single cones:
Figure 3 : Stowage of containers on exposed deck
20 containers are to be of the closed type
containers are to be secured by single stacking
cones, or automatic stackers, at each tier. Cones or
stackers are to have a sufficient vertical contact area
with the container corner casting
b) In case of 20 containers connected with single cones:
20 containers are to be of the closed type
containers are to be secured by single stacking
cones, or automatic stacker, at each tier

2.3 Stowage in holds without cell guides

2.3.1 Containers are stowed side by side in one or more 2.4.2 Containers are generally arranged in several rows and
tiers and are secured to each other at each corner at the tiers so as to constitute blocks. The arrangement of contain-
base of the stack and at all intermediate levels. ers is to be such as to provide sufficient access to spaces on
deck for operation and inspection of the lashing devices
2.3.2 Securing arrangements may be either centring or and for the normal operation of personnel.
stacking cones or, if calculations indicate that separation
forces may occur, locking devices. 2.4.3 Containers are to be secured by locking devices fitted
at their lower corners at each tier, and capable of preventing
2.3.3 Each container block is to be shored transversely, by horizontal and vertical movements. Bridge fittings are to be
means of buttresses acting in way of corners, supported by used to connect the tops of the rows in the transverse direc-
structural elements of sufficient strength, such as web tion.
frames or side stringers or decks. Alternatively, lashings fitted diagonally or vertically on con-
tainer corners may be used to prevent vertical movements
2.3.4 The number of buttresses is to be determined taking in addition to centring and stacking cones fitted between
into account the maximum load that can be supported by the tiers and in way of the base of the stack to prevent hori-
the corners and end frames of containers (see [6]). zontal movements.
The hull structure in way of buttresses of container blocks is The upper tier containers are to be secured to the under tier
to be adequately reinforced. containers by means of locking devices fitted at their cor-
Side buttresses are to be capable of withstanding both ten- ners and located between the two tiers.
sion and compression loads and may be either fixed or When external lashing is used (see Fig 4), the vertical gap
removable. They are to be fitted with means to adjust ten- between twistlock and container corner socket or support
sion or compression and their position is to be easily acces- fitting is to be taken into consideration for the calculation of
sible to allow such adjustment. loads applied to the lashing equipment.

306 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

Typical values for vertical gap may be taken as follows: 3 Approval of the fixed and portable
12 mm, for manual and semi-automatic twistlocks lashing equipment
20 mm, for fully automatic twistlocks 3.1 General

Figure 4 : Internal and external lashing 3.1.1 Procedure

Each type of fixed or portable lashing device is to be
approved by the Society. The approval consists of:
the review of the submitted documents
a structural analysis including the calculation of loads
on containers and lashing devices and their comparison
to applicable strength criteria
Internal External the review of type tests and associated certificates
inspection at works
2.4.4 Locking devices are to be used every time the calcu- inspection onboard.
lations indicate that separation forces may occur. 3.1.2 Documents
Where the calculations indicate that separation forces will The following information is to be provided for each kind of
not occur, double stacking cones may be fitted instead of device:
locking devices at all internal corners of the stack and identification of the device (name and model type)
bridge fittings are to be used to connect the tops of the rows identification of the manufacturer (name and location,
in the transverse direction. including the country) and of the supplier (if different)
detailed drawing of the device, showing dimensions
2.4.5 The external containers are not to extend beyond the and material quality
ship side, but they may overhang beyond hatch covers or intended load conditions for the device (tension, com-
other ship structures, on condition that adequate support is pression, shear)
provided for the overhanging part.
value of Safe Working Load (also named MSL for Maxi-
mum Security Load) in accordance with the intended
2.4.6 When cell guides are fitted on deck and it is intended load conditions
to carry 20' containers within 40' cells on exposed deck, value of minimum breaking load
the requirements given in [2.2.3] are to be complied with.
proof load for batch testing
copy of any Type Approval Certificate already granted.
2.5 Uniform line load stowage on deck or
hatch covers 3.2 Type tests
3.2.1 Type tests are to be carried out as indicated in the fol-
2.5.1 Instead of resting on their four lower corners, con-
lowing procedure, or in a procedure considered equivalent
tainers may be arranged on deck or on hatch covers with
by the Society:
their bases in uniform contact with the supporting structure.
This can be done, for example, by fitting wood planks or a breaking test is to be carried out on two samples for
continuous metal beams under the lower longitudinal sides each type of portable lashing equipment
(chocks are not allowed), or by inserting the lower corners dimensions and scantlings of the tested samples are to
into special recesses provided on deck or on hatch covers. be identical to those given in the detailed drawing of the
A clearance not less than 5 mm is to be left between corners load conditions of the test (i.e. tensile, shear, compres-
and deck structure, or hatch cover structure underneath sion or tangential load) are to be as close as possible to
(according to ISO Standards, the maximum protrusion of the actual loads in operation.
the corner fitting beyond the lower side longitudinal is
17,5 mm). Supplementary tests may be requested by the Society on a
case-by-case basis, depending on the actual conditions of
2.5.2 Such arrangement is, in general, permitted only for a
single container or containers in one tier. Tests to be carried out on the most common types of porta-
ble securing and lashing devices are indicated in Tab 1 to
For containers in more than one tier, such arrangement may Tab 3.
only be accepted if the total mass of the containers above Most common types of fixed securing devices include
the first tier does not exceed 24 t. raised sockets, dovetail foundations, lashing eyes, and any
kind of bottom foundation for container corner or devices
2.5.3 Containers are to be adequately secured to avoid to which rods or turnbuckles are connected. Cell guides are
transverse sliding and tipping. not to be considered.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 307

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

3.2.2 When a lashing device consists of several compo- 3.3 Additional functional test for fully
nents, the test is to be carried out on the complete device. automatic twistlocks

3.2.3 Tests of fixed securing devices are to be carried out 3.3.1 General
on a stiff rig so as to account for the hull stiffness. A scheme
of the arrangement is to be provided. In addition to the requirements in [3.2], the functional test
described from [3.3.2] to [3.3.5] is to be carried out for fully
automatic twistlocks in order for the Type Approval Certifi-
3.2.4 The breaking load corresponds to the load reached at
cate to be delivered.
the moment the first cracks appear on the test piece.
This test is to be carried out each year during the five-year
3.2.5 The breaking load obtained from tests is to be at least validity of the certificate.
equal to the breaking load foreseen by the Manufacturer
and indicated on the detailed drawing. 3.3.2 Test rig

When one of the breaking loads obtained from tests on the The test rig to be used is described in Fig 5.
two pieces is lower than the value foreseen by the Manufac- Two container top corner fittings are to be fixed on the plat-
turer by a value not exceeding 5%, a third piece is to be form, at a relative distance of 2259 mm (between the centre
tested. In such case, the mean breaking load over the three lines).
tests is to be not lower than the theoretical value foreseen
by the Manufacturer. Two container bottom corner fittings are to be secured
above the top corners using the fully automatic twistlock.
3.2.6 The breaking test may be stopped when the piece They shall be linked to each other by means of a stiff jig.
does not break with an applied load exceeding the breaking The relative distance between the fitting centre lines is to
load declared by the Manufacturer. be reduced, in comparison to the distance between the
lower fittings, by:
3.2.7 The breaking load is to be equal to at least twice the = 5 mm for the pull test
safe working load (SWL) indicated by the Manufacturer.
= 4 mm for the shear test.
3.2.8 A test report is to be issued with the following infor- All container corner fittings are to be of ISO type and pro-
mation: vided in brand new condition. In particular, the maximum
identification of the Manufacturer and of the manufac- aperture of all corner fittings is to be 65 mm.
turing factory The direction for the transverse force is always to be taken
type of device and quantity of tested samples opposite to the nose of the fully automatic twistlocks (in the
opening direction).
identification number of the samples
3.3.3 Testing principle
materials, with mechanical characteristics
Three different samples at least are to be tested.
measured breaking loads and comments on the tests, if
any Two different tests are to be carried out: a pull test and a
shear test.
safe working load.
During the tests, no disconnection, permanent deformation,
3.2.9 When the tests are considered satisfactory, a Type crack or failure may be accepted.
Approval Certificate is issued by the Society.
3.3.4 Pull test
The following information is to be indicated on the Type
Approval Certificate: The following forces are to be applied successively in this
order, in accordance with Fig 6:
identification of the Manufacturer and of the manufac-
compressive force of 350 kN
turing factory
transverse racking force of 150 kN
type of device
lifting force of 325 kN.
identification number of the samples
breaking load and safe working load 3.3.5 Shear test

reference to the test report (see [3.2.8]), which is to be The following forces are to be applied successively in this
attached to the Type Approval Certificate. order, in accordance with Fig 7:
compressive force of 96 kN
3.2.10 Each sample is to be clearly identified in the docu-
compressive force of 35 kN
ments kept on board, as required in NR467, Pt E, Ch 10,
Sec 5, [1.3.1]. transverse racking force of 210 kN.

308 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

Figure 5 : Test rig

Stiff jig

2259 mm

Figure 6 : Pull test Figure 7 : Shear test

350 kN 325 kN 96 kN 35 kN

150 kN 210 kN

3.4 Inspection at works of the fixed and 3.4.5 Fixed lashing equipment is to be tested as per one of
portable lashing equipment the following procedures:

a prototype test (in accordance with [3.2]) is to be car-

3.4.1 Lashing equipment is to be tested and inspected at ried out each year, or
the production works with the attendance of a Surveyor
from the Society. a batch test of 2% of the devices of the batch is to be
carried out at proof load (1,3 times the safe working
3.4.2 Tests are to be carried out under load conditions (i.e. load) on a test rig identical to the one used for the type
tensile, shear, compression or tangential load) as close as
test. This implies that the tested samples cannot be
possible to the actual conditions of loading in operation.
delivered after the test and are to be replaced.
Test to be carried out on the most common types of secur-
ing and lashing elements are indicated in Tab 1 to Tab 3. 3.4.6 At least 10% of the devices are to be visually
3.4.3 It is to be checked that a valid Type Approval Certifi-
cate has been issued for the inspected devices, and that the It is also to be checked that the identification number and
specifications are identical to those described on the Type the safe working load (SWL) declared by the Manufacturer
Approval Certificate. are indicated on the devices.

3.4.4 portable lashing equipment is to be batch-surveyed.

3.4.7 The Surveyor may require tests to be repeated or car-
The batch includes a maximum of 50 devices.
ried out on a greater number of samples, if considered nec-
Two samples per batch (three in the case of wire ropes with essary.
their ends) are to be tested at a proof load equal to 1,3 times
the safe working load. If mass production does not exceed 3.4.8 If the test proves satisfactory and after examination of
50 pieces, the test is to be carried out on at least one sam-
the documents describing the batch, an Inspection Certifi-
cate is issued, the equipment is identified by the Manufac-
When a lashing device consists of several components, the turer and each piece is stamped by the Surveyor. The
test is to be carried out on the complete device. reference to the Type Approval Certificate and the quantity
The tested samples are not to show cracks or permanent of tested samples are indicated on the Inspection Certifi-
deformation. cate.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 309

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

Table 1 : Test modes for lashing devices

Test modes for lashing devices

Lashing rod, chain and steel wire rope Penguin hook

Tensile load Tangential load

Turnbuckle Hook

Tensile load Tensile load

Table 2 : Test modes for connecting devices between containers

Test modes of connecting devices between containers

Twistlock Double twistlock Bridge fitting

Shear and tensile loads Shear and tensile loads Tensile load
Single stacker Double stacker Buttress

Shear load Shear and tensile loads Tensile load

Table 3 : Test modes for portable securing devices

Test modes for portable securing devices

Bottom twistlock Stacking cone Stacking cone with pin

Shear and tensile load Shear load Shear and tensile load
Pillar on deck Intermediate pillar

Compression load Shear, compression and tensile load

310 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

3.5 Reception on board of the lashing Figure 8 : Container tiers and lashing levels in a stack
equipment Lashing at level N

3.5.1 The portable lashing equipment on board is to be Tier N container

provided with an Inspection Certificate (see [3.4]).
Tests of mounting of portable lashing equipment in accord-
ance with the conditions of operation and the lashing plan
arrangement are to be carried out.
Lashing at level i

3.5.2 When deemed necessary by the Surveyor, a test of

fixed lashing equipment onboard might be requested. In
Tier i container
that case, the test is to be carried out after the device has
been welded at a proof load value equal to 1,1 times the
Lashing at level i - 1
safe working load.

4 Forces applied to containers

Lashing at level 2

4.1 General
Tier 2 container
4.1.1 Loads to be considered for lashing assessment are the
following ones: Lashing at level 1

still water and inertial forces (see [4.3])

Tier 1 container
wind loads (see [4.5])
forces imposed by lashing and securing arrangements
(see [4.6]).

4.3.2 Still water forces

4.2 Definitions For the container at tier i, still water forces are to be taken,
in kN, equal to:
4.2.1 Stack of containers
FS,i = Mi g
A stack of containers consists of N containers connected
vertically by securing devices.
Mi : Mass, in t, of the container considered at the tier
The container located at the tier i within a stack is indi- i (see also Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.2.2])
cated in Fig 8.
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s2, taken equal to:
Level i corresponds to the top of the container at tier i g = 9,81 m/s2.
and bottom of the container at i + 1.
4.3.3 Inertial forces in upright condition
4.2.2 Block of containers For the container at tier i, inertial forces in upright condi-
tion are to be taken, in kN, equal to:
A block of containers consists of M stacks connected
transversely by corner fittings. FW, X, i = Mi nw1 aX in x direction
FW, Z, i = Mi nw1 aZ in z direction
4.3 Still water and inertial forces where:
Mi : Mass, in t, of the container considered at the tier
4.3.1 Environmental conditions i (see also Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.2.2])
Inertial forces are to be derived considering: : Coefficient equal to:

unrestricted navigation conditions for ships granted with = 1,2 for containers of the forward block,
the additional class notation LASHING when the centre of gravity of this block is
located forward of 0,75 L from the aft end
worldwide environmental conditions for ships granted and is not protected by breakwater struc-
with the additional class notation LASHING-WW tures deemed effective by the Society

local environmental conditions for ships granted with = 1,0 in the other cases.
the additional class notation LASHING (restricted aX, aZ : Accelerations, in m/s2, for the upright ship con-
area). dition, determined according to [4.3.5]

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 311

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

nw1 : Coefficient equal to: LC1 : Upright condition, maximizing longitudinal

for unrestricted navigation conditions: acceleration

nw1 = 1,0 LC2, LC3: Inclined condition, maximizing positive or neg-

ative transverse acceleration
for worldwide environmental conditions:
LC B LC4 : Inclined condition, maximizing positive or neg-
n w1 = 0.95 ------------
- ative vertical acceleration
for restricted area conditions, nw1 is defined Note 1: When the ship is equipped with a passive free-surface anti-
on a case-by-case basis roll tank, a roll reduction factor can be used according to [4.4],
subject to special examination by the Society.
4.3.4 Inertial forces in inclined condition When the notation LASHING (restricted area) is contem-
For the containers at tier i, the inertial forces in inclined plated, specific values of accelerations are to be used. They
condition are to be taken, in kN, equal to: shall be derived on the basis of direct seakeeping analyses,
FW, Y, i = Mi nw2 aY in y direction using a specific wave scatter diagram.

FW, Z, i = Mi nw2aZ in z direction Table 4 : Accelerations for additional service feature

where: Equipped for carriage of containers
Mi : Mass, in t, of the container considered at the tier
Acceleration Upright condition Inclined condition
i (see also Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.2.2])
aY, aZ : Accelerations, in m/s2, for the inclined ship con- aX 1,4 aX1 -
dition, determined according to [4.3.5] aY - 1,4 aY2
nw2 : Coefficient equal to: aZ 1,4 aZ1 1,4 aZ2
for unrestricted navigation conditions:
nw2 = 1,0 Table 5 : Load case LC1 in upright condtion
for worldwide environmental conditions:
Transversal stack location LC1
27 T
n w2 = 0.8 + ------------------ Portside OVA1-S
Starboard side OVA1-P
for restricted area conditions, nw1 is defined
on a case-by-case basis Note 1: Stack with centre of gravity located at centreline is
considered to be on portside
T : Roll period, in s, as defined in:
Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.1.1] for container ship,
Table 6 : Load cases LC2 and LC3 in inclined condi-
NR467, Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3, [2.4] for ship tion
assigned with additional service feature
Equipped for carriage of containers, with T
Transversal LC2 LC3
not to be taken more than 27s. stack location Max Min Max Min
4.3.5 Acceleration values Portside BR2-P BR1-P BR1-S BR2-S
Accelerations considered in [4.3.3] and [4.3.4] are to be Starboard side BR1-S BR2-S BR2-P BR1-P
derived at the centre of gravity of the stack, considering:
Note 1: Stack with centre of gravity located at centreline is
centre of gravity of each containers as defined in Ch 4, considered to be on portside
Sec 6, [4.1.1]
the value of GM and kr as induced by the loading condi- Table 7 : Load case LC4 in inclined condition with
tion. When GM and kr are not known, the values may stack located on portside
be taken as defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 2 for the Full
load condition Longitudinal stack location LC4
unrestricted navigation Max Min
For ships assigned with additional service feature Equipped x/L 0,25L SPLC (1) SPLC (1)
for carriage of containers, the accelerations for upright and 0,25L < x/L 0,65L BP2-P BP1-P
inclined conditions are derived according to NR467, Pt B,
Ch 5, Sec 3, [3.4] and defined in Tab 4. x/L > 0,65L OVA2-S OVA1-S

For ships assigned with the service notation container ship, Note 1: Stack with centre of gravity located at centreline is
the accelerations for upright and inclined conditions are considered to be on portside
derived according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [3] and considering the (1) SPLC is the specific load case for vertical acceleration
load cases LC1 to LC4 as defined in Tab 5 to Tab 8: as defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.3.3]

312 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

Table 8 : Load case LC4 in inclined condition with c) Long term analysis
stack located on starboard side A linear spectral analyis is performed to derive the
extreme long term roll angle by combining the roll
Longitudinal stack LC4
transfer function for each sea state of the scatter diagram
location Max Min and the corresponding probability of occurence of these
x/L 0,25L SPLC (1) SPLC (1) sea states.
0,25L < x/L 0,65L BP2-S BP1-S d) Determination of the roll reduction factor
x/L > 0,65L OVA2-P OVA1-P The roll reduction factor is determined by dividing the
Note 1: Stack with centre of gravity located at centreline is extreme long term roll angle including ART with the
considered to be on portside extreme roll angle as defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.1.1]
(1) SPLC is the specific load case for vertical acceleration
as defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.3.3] 4.5 Wind forces

4.4 Passive free-surface anti-roll tank 4.5.1 The forces due to the effect of the wind, applied to a
container stowed on deck at tier i, are to be obtained, in
4.4.1 General kN, from Ch 4, Sec 5, [5.1]
When the ship is equipped with an anti-roll tank (ART) or a
stabilization system, a roll reduction factor may be taken 4.6 Forces imposed by lashing and securing
into account to reduce the accelerations, as defined in arrangements
[4.3.5], for the calculation of inertial forces.
4.6.1 The forces due to locking and/or pretensioning of lash-
4.4.2 Information to be provided ing and securing devices are only to be considered where, in
The geometry and the operational guidance of the ART (fill- a single element, they exceed 5 kN, or where they are neces-
ing levels according to the loading conditions and the wave sary for the correct operation of the lashing system.
periods) are to be provided to the Society. All systems such
as filling level sensors and sensors or procedures to evaluate
the ship roll periods are to be fully documented and vali-
5 Resulting loads in lashing
dated by the Society. equipment and container frames
4.4.3 Methodology to determine the roll reduction 5.1 Calculation hypothesis
To derive the roll reduction factor, the influence of the ART 5.1.1 The forces to be considered are the following ones:
is to be considered for both the static stability and the eval-
to check lashing devices, securing devices and con-
uation of ships seakeeping behaviour.
tainer racking:
For the static stability, the loss of stability due to the reduc-
- in the case of containers stowed longitudinally:
tion of metacentric height is to be taken into account. The
roll reduction factor evaluated by seakeeping calculations is transverse forces derived as per [5.2.3], and
by definition the extreme long term roll angle with ART
- in the case of containers stowed transversely:
divided by the extreme long term roll angle without ART.
longitudinal forces derived as per [5.2.2]
The ship motions equations including the ART are to take
into account consistently the non-linearities due to the ART. to check vertical loads in container frames:
The following methodology is to be applied: vertical forces derived as per [5.2.4] for the upright con-
a) Evaluation of the hydrodynamic database
to check container tipping:
Prior to the seakeeping calculations, an hydrodynamic
database is to be evaluated containing the translational transverse and vertical forces in inclined condition,
and rotational ART motions for different frequencies and derived as per [5.2.3] and [5.2.4], respectively.
amplitudes. This database may be evaluated by using
either a numerical CFD method (Computational Fluid 5.1.2 The calculations are based on the following assump-
Dynamics) or model tests. tions:

b) Short term analysis loads due to ship motions (see [4.3]) are independently
applied to each stack
The ship motions equations are to be solved for each sea
state of the scatter diagram (North-Atlantic) by using a wind loads are applied to one stack, accounting for the
linearization procedure. An iteration procedure may be number of containers exposed to wind and for the
applied to take into account consistently the non-linear- number of stacks constituting the block (see [4.5])
ities due to the ART. The presence of any additional roll lashing of a block is modelled as lashing of a single
reduction effects or devices (e.g. bilge keels, rudder ...) stack and accounts for the number of stacks and the
is to be taken into account within the linearization proc- type and quantity of lashing devices at each securing
ess. level.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 313

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

5.1.3 If M stacks of containers are connected transversely 5.3 Containers only secured by locking
at each securing level, resulting forces are to be derived devices
considering a block of containers.
5.3.1 Where the containers of a stack are secured to each
If the stacks are not connected at each securing level, result-
other and to the base only by means of locking devices fit-
ing forces are to be derived stack by stack.
ted at their corners, the reactions on the different supports
In such case, the gaps between stacks are to be large are to be determined using the equilibrium equations of
enough to avoid contacts between container corners after rigid bodies, equalling to zero the sum of the forces and
deformation. moments applied to the system.

5.1.4 Interaction between wall-end and door-end frames of 5.3.2 In particular, a calculation is to be carried out by con-
a container is not taken into account. sidering the combination of vertical forces with vertical
reactions induced by transverse forces, to determine
whether, on some supports, reactions have a negative sign,
5.2 Distribution of forces which indicates the possibility of separation and tipping of
5.2.1 General
5.3.3 The loads resulting on containers and securing
For the purpose of the calculation of the lashing and secur-
devices are not to exceed the permissible loads defined in
ing devices, longitudinal, transverse and vertical forces are
considered as uniformly distributed on the container walls.

5.2.2 Longitudinal force 5.4 Containers secured by means of lashing

devices or buttresses
The longitudinal force applied to a container is to be
obtained, in kN, from the following formula: 5.4.1 Where containers are secured by means of lashing
FX, i = FW, X, i + FX, wind, i devices, the stiffness of both the lashing devices (see
[5.5.1]) and the container (see [5.5.2]) are to be taken into
where: account.
FW, X, i : Inertial force for upright condition, defined in
5.4.2 The tension in each lashing device may be calculated
[4.3.3] imposing equality of displacements of the corner of the
FX, wind, i : Wind force, if any, defined in [4.5]. container to which the lashing device is secured and the
lashing device elongation.
The longitudinal force is considered as subdivided on the
four side longitudinal frames of the container. When external lashing is used, the additional elongation in
the lashing device resulting from the vertical gap between
5.2.3 Transverse force the twistlock and the corner of the container, may be con-
The transverse force applied to a container is to be
obtained, in kN, from the following formula: 5.4.3 The loads resulting on containers and securing
devices are not to exceed the permissible loads defined in
FY, i = FW, Y, i + FY, wind, i
FW, Y, i : Inertial force for inclined condition, defined in
5.5 Stiffness values
[4.3.4] 5.5.1 Lashing device stiffness
FY, wind, i : Wind force, if any, defined in [4.5]. The stiffness of a lashing device is to be obtained, in
kN/mm, from the following formula:
The transverse force is considered as subdivided on the four
end transverse frames of the container. A E a 4
K = ----------
- 10

5.2.4 Vertical forces where:
The vertical force applied to a container is to be obtained, A : Cross-section of the lashing device, in cm2
in kN, from the following formula: Ea : Modulus of elasticity of the lashing device, in
FZ, i = FS, i + FW, Z, i N/mm2, which may be obtained from Tab 9 in
the absence of data on the actual value
: Total length of the lashing device, including ten-
FS, i : Still water force defined in [4.3.2] sioning devices, in m.
FW, Z, i : Inertial force for upright or inclined condition, 5.5.2 Stiffness of containers
as applicable, defined in [4.3.3]or [4.3.4].
For the purpose of the calculation, in the absence of data on
The vertical force is considered spread over the four con- the actual values, the stiffness of containers may be
tainer corners. obtained, in kN/mm, from Tab 10.

314 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

Table 9 : Modulus of elasticity of lashing devices Figure 9 : Permissible transverse and longitudinal
racking loads on frames of 20 and 40 containers
Type Ea , in N/mm2
Steel wire rope 90 000 150
Steel chain 40 000
Steel rod (and turnbuckle):
length < 4 m 140 000
length 4 m 125
180 000 150

Table 10 : Stiffness of containers

Figure 10 : Permissible transverse and vertical com-
Racking stiffness, in kN/mm pressions on frames of 20 and 40 containers
Wall end Door end Side
128 / H0 32 / H0 320 / L0 (1)
200 200
(1) The racking stiffness is given for one container side only.
Note 1: 848 (ISO containers)
450 (20'non-ISO containers) 675 (40'non-ISO containers)

H0 : Height of the container, in feet

300 300
L0 : Length of the container, in feet.

6 Strength criteria Figure 11 : Permissible transverse and vertical ten-

sions on frames of 20 and 40 containers
6.1 Maximum stack weight
6.1.1 Design value
The total weight of each container stack is to be less than 200
the maximum design value as provided by the designer. 250

6.1.2 Mixed stowage within cell guides 250

When it is intended to carry 20 feet containers within
40 feet cells, in hold or on deck, the total weight of the 20
container stack (excluding the 40 container at the top of
the stack) is to be not greater than WMAX, in t, obtained, for 6.2.3 For containers other than 20 and 40 feet containers,
the relevant case, from the following formula: the lashing arrangement is to be such that maximum loads
a) In case of 20 containers topped at least by one 40 con- on each container frame, in kN, are less than:
tainer on single cones: 2,25 mc for the vertical compression
590 0,50 mc for the vertical traction,
W MAX = --------------
a Y n w2
where mc is the maximum container weight (including the
b) In case of 20 containers connected with single cones:
container self-weight).
W MAX = --------------
a Y n w2 6.3 Permissible loads induced by lashing on
where: container corners
aY : Transverse acceleration, in m/s2, determined
according to [4.3.5]. 6.3.1 The maximum forces induced by lashing equipment
and applied on container corner pieces are to be less than
nw2 : Coefficient as defined in [4.3.4]. the values indicated, in kN, in Fig 12.

6.2 Permissible loads on containers 6.3.2 In the case of a combination of forces applied on
container corners, the resultant force is to be less than the
6.2.1 For 20 and 40 feet containers, the lashing arrange- value obtained, in kN, from Fig 13.
ment is to be such that maximum loads on each container
frame, in kN, are less than the values indicated in: Figure 12 : Permissible loads induced
Fig 9 for transverse and longitudinal racking by lashing on container corners
Fig 10 for transverse and vertical compression (in this
Figure, ISO containers are identified with reference to
150 150
ISO 1496-1)
Fig 11 for transverse and vertical tension.

6.2.2 For open containers the permissible load in longitudi- 300 300
nal frames is to be less than 75 kN in the case of racking.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 315

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

Figure 13 : Resultant permissible load 7.2.2 Requested software outputs

on container corners
For any loading condition defined, the software is to derive
the following results in way of each stack of containers:

total stack weight

location (x, y and z) of the considered centre of gravity

considered accelerations at the centre of gravity

6.4 Permissible loads on lashing equipment displacement in way of the four lower corners of each
6.4.1 The forces applied to each piece of lashing equip-
ment are to be less than the Safe Working Load (SWL) indi- vertical reaction in way of the four lower corners of
cated by the Manufacturer. each container

For ships granted with the additional class notation LASH- racking forces in way of both container sides (door and
ING-WW or LASHING (restricted area), the force applied wall)
to each piece of lashing equipment needs not exceed the
reactions in the associated lashing bars (door and wall).
resulting force calculated considering unrestricted naviga-
tion conditions.
7.2.3 Environmental conditions

7 Lashing software For ships granted with the additional class notation LASH-
ING, calculations are to consider North-Atlantic environ-
mental conditions (see [4.3.1])
7.1 General
For ships granted with the additional class notation LASH-
7.1.1 Definition ING-WW, choice is to be given to the user to select either
North-Atlantic or worldwide conditions. The relevant con-
A lashing software is a software program installed on a
ditions are then to be considered in the calculation. Condi-
computer onboard the ship, which enables to define a con-
tions considered for the calculation are to be clearly
tainer loading pattern and the associated lashing configura-
indicated to the user.
tion, and which allows to ensure the validity of the
arrangement according to the present Rules.
7.2.4 Associated checks and warnings
A lashing software is dedicated to a specific ship.
The following checks are to be carried out by the software:
7.1.2 An approved lashing software is to be fitted onboard total stack weight is to be less than the maximum stack
any ship granted with the additional class notation LASHING- weight as given in [6.1]
loads on containers are to be less than the permissible
7.1.3 A lashing software, if installed onboard a ship, is to loads as given in [6.2] and [6.3]
be approved.
loads in lashing equipment are to be less than the SWL
given by the manufacturer.
7.2 Requirements for lashing software
The user is to be given clear warnings when the results
7.2.1 Necessary software inputs exceed the allowable values.
The following data are necessary for the calculation to be
Clear warnings are also to be given to the user when inputs
carried out:
are incorrect (e.g. ship speed out of the Rule limits, negative
ship intended speed container weight, ...).
GM and draught values resulting from the loading con-
dition (no default value to be considered) 7.3 Approval of a lashing software
description of the container loading (type, weight, posi-
tion) 7.3.1 Test case
description of the associated securing and lashing A test case is a printout of lashing software inputs and out-
devices (type, quantity, total length of rod and turnbuck- puts for a given loading condition (i.e. in particular a given
les). value of GM). The printout is to include as a minimum the
inputs defined in [7.2.1] and the outputs defined in [7.2.2].
Their value might either be input by the user or be direct
outputs from an associated loading instrument. In any case, Basis ship data (length, breadth, ...) used for the calculation
the information is to be clearly accessible to the user. shall also be indicated.

316 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

7.3.2 Documents to be submitted stacks including containers exposed to wind and stacks
Different test cases are to be submitted for review. including containers protected from wind
stacks made of 20 feet containers and stacks made of
They shall include, as a minimum, two different loading 40 feet containers
conditions with different GM values. The conditions are to
stacks where allowable criteria as given in [7.2.4] are
be designed so that one of them yields a small value of GM
and the other one yields a high value of GM.
In the case of a ship granted with the additional class nota-
Each loading condition is to show container bays on deck
tion LASHING-WW, results of one of the loading condi-
and in hold, located aft, amidships and forward.
tions at least are to be given for both unrestricted and
Among the different stacks, the following is to be provided: worldwide environmental conditions.

July 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships 317

NR 625, Ch 14, Sec 1

318 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Container Ships July 2016

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