D.E. 1
D.E. 1
D.E. 1
DIFF CALCULUS 1 DUE: 28 Feb 17 8. Determine the differential equation of the family of 17. The equation y2 = cx is the general solution of :
lines passing through the origin. a.dy/dx = 2y/x b.dy/dx = 2x/y
NAME: __________________________________________________ a. = 0 b. + = 0 c.dy/dx = y/2x d.dy/dx = x/2y
c. = 0 d. + = 0 18. Solve : x(y-1)dx + (x+1)dy = 0. If y = 2 when x = 1,
COURSE: ____________ SCORE: ___________ 9. Obtain the general solution of = 2 . determine y when x = 2.
DIRECTION: Select the correct answer for each of the a. ( 2 + ) + 2 = 0 b. ( 2 + ) + 2 = 0 a.1.8 b.1.48
following questions. Mark ONE ONE ANSWER for each item
c. ( 2 + ) 2 = 0 d. ( + ) 2 = 0 c.1.55 d.1.63
by shading the box correspinding to the letter of your
10. Obtain the particular solution of (3 2 2 2 ) = 19. Obtain the differential equation of the family of
choice on the answer sheet provided.
2; when = 0, = 1. straight lines with slope and y-intercept equal.
1. Obtain the differential equation of the family of
a. 2 = 2 2 ( + 1) b. 2 = 2 2 ( 1) a. ydx (x +1)dy = 0 b. ydx + (x +1)dy = 0
straight lines with slope and y-intercept equal.
c. 2 = 2 ( + 1) d. 2 = 2 ( + 1) c. 2ydx (x +1)dy = 0 d. 2ydx + (x +1)dy = 0
a. + ( + 1) = 0
11. Solve the equation = 2 3 . 20. The population of the Philippines in the tear 1986
b. + ( + 1) = 0
. ( + 1) = 0 a. = 2 + b. = 3 + was 60 million and at 1996 is 65 million. If the rate
d. ( + 1) = 0 b. = +
d. = 2 + 3 of population growth is proportional to the
12. Find the orthogonal trajectories of family of curves population, find the population in the year 2000.
2. Obtain the particular solution of = 4 when
y = ax5. a.76.1 M b.86.1 M
= 0, = o. a. x2 + 5y2 = C b. x2 - 5y2 = C c.75.6M d. 67.1 M
2 2
a. = 2o 2 b. = o 2 c. x + 4y = C
2 2 d. 2x2 + 5y2 = C 21. The amount of P2, 825 in 8 years at 5%
2 2
c. = o d. = o 2 13. Solve the equation (y xy )dx + x2dy = 0
2 compounded continuously is:
3. Obtain the general solution of the differential a. y = x/( lnx C) b. y = x lnx C a.4214.4 b.4124.4
( + 2) = 0 c. y = 2x/ ln(x C) d. y = x/ ln(2x C) c.4421.4 c.4144.4
a. = ( + 2)2 b. = ( + 2) 14. A certain piece of dubious information about 22. Radium decomposes at the rate proportional to
c. = ( + 2) d. = 2( + 2)
phenylethyiamine in the drinking water began to the amount ay any instant. In 100 years, 100 mg of
4. Solve the equation + = 2 2 . spread one day in a city with a population of radium decomposes to 96 mg. how many mg will
a. ln|| = 3 + c. ln|| = 2 + 100,000. Within a week, 10,000 had heard this be left after 100 years?
c. ln| + | = 2 + d. Ln| | = 2 2 + rumor. Assume that the rate of increase of the a.91.16 b.92.16
5. Solve the equation + = 6 3 . number who have heard the rumor is proportional c.93.16 d.94.16
a. 2 = 6 5 + b. 2 2 = 6 5 + to the number who have not yet heard it. How 23. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of
c. = 5 +
2 6
d. 2 = 6 + long will be until half the population of the city has parabolas y 2= ax.
6. Solve the equation (4 + 3 2 ) + 2( + heard the rumor? a.x2 + y2 = C b. x2 + 2y2 = C
3) = 0. a. 49 days b. 46 days c. 2x2 + y2 = C d. x2 + 3y2 = C
1 c. 42 days d. 44 days 24. Just before midday the body of an apparent
a. 4 2 + 3 2 2 2 =
15. Solve + = x2 homicide victim is found in a room with a constant
b. 2 (4 4 2 ) = temperature of 70F. at 12 noon the temperature
c. 3 (4 + 4 2 ) = a. xy = x4/4 + C b. xy = x2/4 + C
of the body is 80F and at 1 pm it is 75F. assume
d. 3 (4 2 + 4 2 + 2 ) = c. xy = x /4 + C
3 d. xy = x5/4 + C
that the temperature at the time of death was
7. The equation 2 = is the general equation of 16. Find the particular solution of the curve which
98.6F and it was cooled in accordance with
a. = 2/ b. = /2 passes through the point (1,2) if the equation of its
Newtons Law. What was the time of death.
c. = 2/
d. = /2 slope dy/dx = 2x 3.
a. 10:29 AM b. 10:30 AM
a. y = 2x2 - 3x + 4 b. y = 3x2 - 3x + 5
c. 10:28 AM d. 10:27 AM
c. y = x2 - 2x + 6 d. y = x2 - 3x + 4
1|P age
25. Consider a tank that initially contains 100 gallons 30. In a tank are 100 liters of brine containing 50 kg. 34. A tank initially contains 200 liters of fresh water.
of a solution in which 50 pounds of salt is dissolved. total of dissolve salt. Pure water is allowed to run Brine containing 2 N/L dissolved salt enters the
Suppose that 3 gal. of brine, each gallon into the tank at a rate of 3 L/min. brine runs out of tank at 5 L/min and the resulting mixture leaves
containing 2 pounds of salt, runs into the tank the tank at a rate of 2 L/min. the instantaneous the tank at the same rate. Find the salt
each minute, and that the mixture is kept uniform concentration in the brine is kept uniform by concentration in the tank after 5 minutes.
by stirring, runs out at a rate of 2 gal/min. find the stirring. How much salt is in the tank at the end of 1 a)0.235 N/L b) 0.335 N/L
amount of salt in one hour. hour? c) 0.535 N/L d) 0.245 N/L
a.261.4 b.216.4 a.19.53 kg b.15.93kg 35. A metal object at 120F is set on an insulating pad
c.246.1 d.264.1 c.20.54kg c.16.93kg to cool. The temperature falls from 120F to 100F
26. A 10 ohms resistor and 10 ohms inductor are 31. Solve the differential equation:( D 3)(D2 + 3D + 2) in 12 minutes. The surroundings are at 65F. Find
connected in series across a source of 12 volts. If = 0, where D is the differential operator d/dx when the time required for that object to continue to
the current is initially zero, find the current at the x = 1 determine y in terms of the constant of cool from 98F to 80F. Assume negligible
end of 5 millisecond. integration. conduction and radiation losses in both cases.
a.5.98 mA b.6.98mA a.2.718C1 + 7.389C2 20.086C3 a)20.9 min b ) 21.9 min
c.3.1 mA d.4.2mA b. 0.368C1 + 0.135C2 + 0.5C3 c) 22.9 min d) 23.9 min
27. According to Newtons law of cooling, the rate at c. 0.368C1 + 7.389C2 + 20.086C3 36. When a bullet is fired into a sand bag, it will be
which a substance cools in air is directly d. 0.368C1 + 0.135C2 + 20.086C3 assume that the retardation is equal to the square
proportional to the difference between the 20. A 400-gallon tank initially contains 100 gal of brine root of its velocity on entering. For how long will it
temperature of the substance and that of air. If containing 50 lb of salt. Brine containing 1lb/gal travel if the velocity on entering of the bag is 144
the temperature of air is 30 C and the substance enters the tank at a rate of 5 gal/sec and flows out ft/sec
cools from 100C to 70C in 15 minutes, how long at the rate of 3 gal/sec. how much salt will the tank a)24sec b)23sec
will it take to cool 100C to 50C. contains when it is full of brine. c)27 sec d)19sec
a.30.59 min b.31.59 min a. 393.75 lbs b. 379.96 lbs 37. Carbon extracted from the ancient skull
c.32.59 min d.33.59 min c. 375.25 lbs d. 493.75 lbs contained only 1/6 as much radioactive 14C as
28. Under certain conditions, the cane sugar in water 32. The rate of growth of a population is proportional carbon extracted from present day bone. How
is converted into dextrose at the rate which is to the present population. If it is 1,000 initially and is old is the skull if k = 0.0001216
proportional to the amount of that is converted at 2,000 10 hours later, how long will it take in hours to a)14,735 years b)1,499 years
any time. If 75 kg at time t = 0, 8 kg are converted reach 5,000? c) 15,735 years d) 2,499 years
during the first 30 mins, find the amount converted a)33.44 b)23.22 c)27.86 d)19.35 38. An inductance of L henry and a resistance of 10
in 2 hours. 33. A certain piece of dubious information about ohms are connected in series across a 100 volts
a.27.23 kg b.72.32kg phenylethyiamine in the drinking water began to source. If the current is initially zero and is equal to
c.72.23kg d.23.27kg spread one day in a city with a population of 9 amperes after 1 second, find L.
29. The intensity of light I is at the depth of x meters 100,000. Within a week, 10,000 had heard this a)4.34 b)4.43
below the surface of the lake satisfies the rumor. Assume that the rate of increase of the c) 3.43 d)3.34
differential equation dI/dx = -1.4I. At what depth is number who have heard the rumor is proportional 39. A body falls from rest. If the resistance of the air is
the intensity half the intensity I o(where x = 0) to the number who have not yet heard it. How proportional to the speed, and if the limiting
a.0.495m b.0.380m long will be until half the population of the city has speed is 160 ft/sec, find the speed after 5 sec.
b.0.648m d.1.050 heard the rumor a)101 ft/sec b)98 ft/sec
a)49 days c)46 days c) 105 ft/sec d)95 ft/sec
c)42 days d)44 days
2|P age
3|P age