270/16/ER XIII: Kerala Public Service Commission

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SL. No. : 270/16/ER XIII Trivandrum

Cat. No. : 035/2015 20/12/2016

The following is the Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally
eligible to be called for interview, for selection to the post of ASSISTANT DENTAL SURGEON -
Statewide (Category No. 035/2015 ) in HEALTH SERVICES Department on Rs.20740-36140/- on the
basis of the Objective Type Test (OMR) held on 29/12/2015.

The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way,
indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test.

Main List

100008 100015 100047 100057 100065 100134

100136 100142 100145 100177 100192 100230

100237 100258 100263 100267 100290 100291

100302 100309 100318 100342 100355 100358

100393 100402 100407 100430 100437 100439

100458 100465 100474 100488 100490 100500

100502 100532 100548 100559 100593 100611

100641 100646 100650 100654 100655 100668

100702 100717 100726 100735 100760 100770

100772 100773 100778 100807 100822 100830

100871 100887 100895 100930 100946 100965

100978 100989 101005 101024 101033 101039

101080 101092 101141 101207 101210 101239

101262 101284 101326 101332 101366 101387

101408 101419 101420 101427 101435 101454

101458 101464 101470 101476 101486 101511

101520 101524 101540 101565 101585 101596

101636 101642 101644 101649 101687 101701


101703 101769 101777 101835 101846 101931

101967 101977 101978 102024 102055 102059

102083 102084 102137 102229 102245 102258

102259 102264 102287 102317 102334 102382

102385 102390 102426 102450 102455 102484

102512 102535 102549 102576 102604 102621

102654 102704 102706 102837 102865 102869

102874 102944 102954 102961 102995 103034

103092 103105 103108 103112 103125 103154

103170 103210 103212 103215 103240 103253

103257 103276 103287 103302 103320 103328

103350 103351 103372 103396 103435 103442

103478 103495 103509 103521 103559 103616

103623 103648 103651 103661 103686 103749

103795 103802 103822 103860 103910 103990

104016 104018

Supplementary List

100036 100046 100094 100214 100225 100327

100330 100331 100349 100362 100450 100542

100578 100810 100836 100857 100969 100979

100997 101077 101087 101101 101203 101392

101508 101904 101923 102094 102239 102316

102320 102321 102381 102419 103149 103225

103332 103356 103429 103457 103461 103684

103736 103750 103826 103964

Scheduled Caste

100052 100072 100076 100189 100218 100413

100607 100921 101027 101440 101607 101634

101879 101928 102016 102096 102128 102216


102235 102537 102786 103047 103319 103344

103523 103730
Scheduled Tribe

100095 100212 100304 100584 101733 102015


100180 100600 100603 100677 100796 100941

101233 101445 101530 101689 101693 102100

102104 102515 102539 102583 102584 102585

102587 102624 102639 102641 102685 102735

102746 102813 102873 102953 102955 102973

103127 103159 103368 103451 103452 103477

103563 103652 103710 103925

Latin Catholics/A.I.

100381 100491 100505 100658 100852 101020

101045 101192 101831 101941 101946 102013


100369 101190 102341 103103 103193 103218

103439 103492 103570 103786


100508 100776 100889 100928 101082 101111

101555 103126 103236 103776

SIUC Nadar

100166 100326 100433 100567 100782


100184 100363 101663 103538 103639


100220 101067 101921 102271 102987

Hindu Nadar

100203 100301 100376 100625 100703

List of Differently abled Candidates for 3% Reservation

Low Vision
Not eligible

Hearing Impairment
Not eligible

Locomotor Disability / Cerebral Palsy

100002 DA-O 101137 DA-O 102180 DA-O 102510 DA-O 102810 DA-O 103391 DA-O

Note:- (1) Inclusion of Register Numbers in this Short list is purely provisional subject to scrutiny and
admission of application on absolute basis. Inclusion of Register numbers in the Short list does not confer
any right on the candidate for inclusion in the Ranked List.

Note:- (2) The Short list has been prepared by including eligible and qualified candidates who have
secured top marks in the OMR Test.

Note :- (3) The candidates who have secured 40.33 (Forty (point) three three ) marks and above are
included in the Main List of the Short list and the requisite marks have been lowered to the extent
necessary in respect of the Supplementary lists.

Note:- (4) Candidates included in the Short list should present and produce in person the original
documents for One Time verification. Date, Time and Venue of One Time verification of candidates included
in this Short list will be intimated in due course.

Note:- (5) According to the existing procedure, revaluation of answer scripts is not allowed but answer
scripts can be rechecked to those candidates who,apply for the same remitting the prescribed fee(RS.75/
-)after the publication of Ranked List. Detailed instructions will be published in the Ranked List to be
published for the post.

Note :- (6) SC/ST candidates included in the short list are required to produce community certificates
issued by the revenue authority and candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes included in this list
who are required to produce Non Creamy Layer Certificate as per G.O (P) No: 81/09/SC/ST/DD dated
26.09.2009 shall produce the same along with the other documents mentioned above at the time of
verification of original documents.

Note :- (7) Copy of answer scripts of the OMR Test held on 29/12/2015 will be issued to those candidates
who, apply for the same remitting the prescribed fee (RS.300/-) after approval of the Ranked List.
Candidates whose Register Numbers are invalidated are advised to refer to Notification No : ER
XIII(1)4750/16/EW dated 20/12/2016.



Office of the Head Office , Trivandrum

Kerala Public Service Commission
Head Office,Trivandrum

Approved for issue,

Section Officer.

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