TMT Construction Proposal Public
TMT Construction Proposal Public
TMT Construction Proposal Public
Construction Proposal
September 12, 2007
University of California
California Institute of Technology
The Association of Canadian Universities
for Research in Astronomy
TMT Observatory Corporation
In June 2007, the TMT Board requested the EAP to assess the proposal to construct TMT
together with the plans to achieve construction readiness and to conduct early operations of
the TMT Observatory. The EAP was charged to review the science cases, science
requirements, and observatory requirements. They were asked to review recent observatory
design changes, and to evaluate the proposed design against the requirements, and to assess
readiness for construction. They were also asked to comment on the site testing and site
selection process. The panel was asked to comment on the state of operations planning and
the operational model for the observatory, as well as to evaluate the plan for TMT as an
upgradeable observatory. The EAP was asked to assess the state of the project management,
organization, estimated construction costs and the strategy for phasing the entire TMT
program from design and development, construction, through commissioning and early
The TMT project prepared The Thirty Meter Telescope Construction Proposal for this
review. In this document, the project summarizes work completed to date and provides an
implementation roadmap. It begins with the science cases and science-driven requirements
that motivate the TMT design. This is followed by high-level operational concepts, technical
requirements, and observatory architecture description. Detailed descriptions of the
observatory sub-systems are followed by concepts for system assembly, integration and
verification followed by a description of how the observatory will be operated. The proposal
concludes with an overview of how the project will be organized and a summary of project
The TMT project plans to update this proposal over the next 12 – 18 months as TMT design
work and implementation planning are completed.
This version of the proposal omits some information that is proprietary to the project.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the TMT partner institutions. They are the
Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA), the California
Institute of Technology and the University of California.
This work was supported as well by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Canada
Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, the National
Research Council of Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund, the Association of Universities for
Research in Astronomy (AURA) and the U.S. National Science Foundation.
ComDev, Canada
Immervision, Canada
Tinsley, USA
4 Site................................................................................................................................................ 28
4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Site requirements....................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Candidate sites .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Characterization of candidate sites ........................................................................................... 28
4.5 Site selection process................................................................................................................ 32
4.6 Site merit function ...................................................................................................................... 33
4.6.1 Key Parameters..................................................................................................................... 33
4.6.2 Observing Modes .................................................................................................................. 33
4.6.3 Science value ........................................................................................................................ 33
4.7 Reference site............................................................................................................................ 34
5 Operational Concepts................................................................................................................. 35
5.1 Motivations................................................................................................................................. 35
5.1.1 Operations success metrics .................................................................................................. 35
5.1.2 Physical infrastructure components ...................................................................................... 35
5.2 Science Operations ................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Baseline services................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.2 Enhanced services ................................................................................................................ 36
5.3 Technical Operations................................................................................................................. 37
5.3.1 Goals ..................................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.2 Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 37
5.4 Development.............................................................................................................................. 38
6 Observatory Requirements........................................................................................................ 39
6.1 Observatory Requirements........................................................................................................ 39
6.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 39
6.1.2 General Constraints .............................................................................................................. 39
6.1.3 Site and Environmental Constraints ...................................................................................... 39
6.1.4 Observation Support ............................................................................................................. 39
6.1.5 Observatory System Requirements ...................................................................................... 40 Light Collection Geometry ............................................................................................ 40
Fig 1-1: The telescope design (a), and the entire observatory system (b).
TMT will couple unprecedented light collection area (almost 10 times more than one of the Keck telescopes)
with diffraction-limited spatial resolution that exceeds by Keck by a factor of 3. Relative to the Hubble Space
Telescope (arguable the most revolutionary astronomical instrument of our generation), TMT will have 144
times the collecting area and more than a factor of 10 better spatial resolution at near-infrared and longer
1.2.4 Enclosure
The TMT enclosure has several key functions. By day, it must protect observatory systems, facilitate a broad
range of maintenance activities, and keep the telescope temperature near the expected night time temperature.
By night, it must shield the telescope from wind buffeting while allowing enough airflow to keep the interior iso-
thermal to limit seeing degradation due to air turbulence in the enclosure.
TMT has selected an innovative, structurally efficient calotte enclosure design that, by its spherical shape and
circular “shutter” aperture, fulfills key functional requirements with lower mass (and hence lower cost) than
possible for previous enclosure designs.
Location also has an impact on design and cost. For the purposes of detailed preliminary design, Cerro
Armazones in northern Chile has been chosen as the design reference site. This choice does not unduly
constrain the ultimate TMT site decision but does allow the kind of planning necessary to better define
requirements and estimate cost. Cerro Armazones is a good model for the Mexican site and other Chilean sites
under consideration. Relative to Armazones, the Hawaiian site under consideration is expected to have
somewhat reduced infrastructure requirements and hence lower cost. However, much of this cost differential is
reduced by cost rate differences in several key areas. In short, cost estimates for Cerro Armazones are
expected to be broadly applicable for all sites under consideration.
[1] Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium, Prepared by the National Research Council; the
Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications (CPSMA); the Board on Physics and
Astronomy (BPA); and the Space Studies Board (SSB). The National Academies Press (2001).
[2] Science Advisory Committee (SAC) Report to the TMT Board, 23 Jan 2007, pg. 10, TMT.PSC.PRE.07.015.
[3] The Design and Construction of Large Optical Telescopes, Pierre Y. Bely, Editor, Springer (2002).
[4] Stepp, L., Daggert, L. and Gillett, P., "Estimating the costs of extremely large telescopes". Proc. SPIE 4840,
2.1 Introduction
TMT will enable ground-breaking advances in a wide range of scientific areas, from the most distant reaches of
the Universe to our own Solar System. We can look ahead and imagine what the most vital scientific questions
of the coming decades might be, but history has shown that the most important discoveries were often
unexpected. Powerful new facilities can reveal stunning new realms of research. There is no doubt that TMT
will make revolutionary discoveries in areas that we cannot today predict.
Fig 2-9: Simulation showing the positions of populations of stars (left) and the
radial velocity as a function of radius (right). The distinct components that can be
seen arise from smaller galaxies that have been captured and accreted
(Bullock & Johnstone 2005).
systems, which is complementary to studies of galaxies at high redshift. The stars in galaxies retain information
about the time that they were born, the composition of the gas
from which they formed, and its dynamical state.
Fig 2-15: Images of young stellar objects (left). Dusty disks can be seen obscuring the
star, and bipolar outflows occur along the symmetry axis. The right panel shows the
number of sources as a function of infrared flux. The two vertical lines represent the
detection limits of 10-m telescopes (red) and TMT (blue). TMT will be able to detect and
study virtually all YSOs in nearby star forming regions (TMT MIRES team).
Fig 2-16: Artist’s impression of a protoplanetary disk, showing a planet orbiting within the
ring that it has cleared (left). Profile of an emission line from a hypothetical spectroscopic
observation (right). The double peak arises from the Doppler shift due to the rotation of
the disk particles). By analyzing the spectrum, it is possible to detect the gap and thus
infer the presence of the planet (G. Bryden & J. Najita, NOAO).
2.9 Exoplanets
We now know of more than 200 planetary systems
beyond the solar system. The great majority of these
were detected from the small periodic motion of the host
star due to the gravitational perturbation of its planets.
Since the perturbation is proportional to planetary mass,
most of the planets so far detected are massive gas-
giants like Jupiter.
Fig 2-20: The ratio of brightness between the planet and the host
star is plotted as a function of the angular separation between the
planet and star for a large number of hypothetical planets. The
detection limit of TMT + PFI is shown by the red curve. TMT will be
able to detect directly giant planets forming in star forming regions
such as Taurus, and older planets orbiting close to their host stars
(TMT PFI team).
Fig 2-21: Contrast ratio as a function of Fig 2-22: Simulated high-resolution spectrum of
wavelength for a Jupiter-like planet orbiting the oxygen A-band absorption feature in the
a solar-type star, for a range of orbital radii. atmosphere of a transiting planet. The feature
Molecular bands can be distinguished in the can be detected in a 3 hr integration by TMT +
5 – 20 micron region (TMT MIRES team). HROS (adapted from Web & Wormleaton 2001).
Collecting area is expensive, and we have chosen a 30m diameter telescope to provide a great advance in
science potential (9x times the world’s largest telescope), while being cost-effective and technically achievable.
Of course the collecting efficiency is a part of this, so we want the highest practical mirror reflectivity.
The atmosphere limits the angular resolution (“seeing-limited image quality”) to about 0.5 arcsec. However,
using adaptive optics (AO) a diffraction-limited angular resolution of 7 milliarcsec (mas) can be achieved at a
wavelength of 1µm.
For point sources where the background flux dominates over the signal flux from the star, the time required for
an observation of a given signal-to-noise ratio varies as D-4 where D is the diameter of the mirror, if diffraction-
limited imaging can be achieved. Clearly it is important to be able to achieve diffraction-limited imaging over the
widest practical wavelength range. With the technical understanding we have today, achieving diffraction-
limited performance appears viable for wavelengths of 1µm and longer. At shorter wavelengths, difficulties
rapidly increase for a variety of technical reasons.
Science observations of faint objects frequently suffer a loss of sensitivity when there are significant
background fluxes. These may be unavoidable sources such as natural astronomical backgrounds, the
atmosphere itself, or potentially controllable sources such as the telescope optics and the instrument optics. As
much as practical, we seek to control the latter two effects. This requires minimizing the thermal emissivity of
the optics and minimizing their temperatures. Colder sites are thus advantageous.
For many science programs the observations of multiple targets is advantageous. Thus larger fields of view can
be valuable. Experience has shown that as the telescope becomes larger, the science instruments become
more difficult and in practice limit the useful field of view. The telescope optics also introduce aberrations that
limit the field of view. For a two mirror telescope (either Ritchey-Chretien or Aplanatic Gregorian) the typical
limit is about 20 arcmin diameter, before astigmatism becomes larger than the atmosphere-limited image
quality of about 0.5 arcsec.
Scientific interest spans all wavelengths. However the Earth’s atmosphere is opaque below about 0.3µm and
above about 28µm once again the atmosphere is essentially opaque. In this region (0.3 to 28µm) there are a
variety of useful atmospheric windows. These windows are influenced by the amount of atmosphere (altitude of
the site) and the amount of precipitable water vapor (site altitude and temperature). Typical atmospheric
transmission for a high site is shown in Figure 3-1.
Since science productivity is proportional to the observing time, we want the smallest practical down time. This
requires use of extremely reliable systems and rapid telescope motions to move to and acquire targets as
quickly as possible.
3.2 Telescope
The telescope itself is the key to achieving our science goals. In this section we will describe the performance
desired for the broad science objectives of this facility. The telescope is foremost an optical system, but it must
also move to point to science targets, and it must provide suitable support of the science instruments that
attach to it.
3.2.1 Optical
The telescope optics limit observations in a variety of ways and we describe the desired performance for the
major categories.
An innovation for TMT is that the tertiary mirror can be rotated to allow the light beam to be directed to any of
the science instruments located on either Nasmyth platform. This ability is strongly desired for our science
programs. The ability to place and access all science instruments on the Nasmyth platforms (without having to
reposition them) allows us to eliminate the Cassegrain focus from the telescope, a useful simplification.
The two-mirror telescope allows one to eliminate the field angle dependent coma that otherwise will strongly
limit the useful field of view. We have selected the Ritchey-Chretien design over the Aplanatic Gregorian
because it makes a significantly shorter telescope and thus smaller enclosure, with significant cost savings.
This gives a well corrected field of view of 20 arcmin. Because of the difficulty of making sufficiently large
instruments to take advantage of this full field, and the added cost of making the tertiary mirror large enough,
we only require that the unvignetted field of view is 15 arcmin. At the edge of the 20 arcmin field of view the
vignetting is only about 10%.
Optical baffles on the telescope can simplify the design of some science instruments, as moonlight, for
example, can be eliminated before the science instrument. However baffles can also entail significant additional
wind cross section that shake the telescope in high winds. Additionally, for infrared work, baffles can add
background to the focal plane. For our purposes then, baffles would need to be deployable, a complication. To
overcome this, we have simplified the telescope by avoiding optical baffles entirely, requiring instead that
science instruments in need of baffling do so internal to the science instrument.
To reduce the locally generated seeing, the telescope mass should be as small as practical. This will allow the
telescope to more closely approach the changing ambient air temperature, thus reducing thermal turbulence
around the telescope that would degrade the image quality.
P(θatm ,v wind )dθatm dv wind
Re al Pr oductivity =
all site conditions θ + θ atm + θ wind shake (v wind )
2 2 2
P(θatm ,v wind )dθatm dv wind
Maximum Pr oductivity =
all site conditions θ2atm
We require that real productivity/maximum productivity >0.9. For our reference site conditions, the degradations
from wind shake, using a specific dynamic model of the telescope, is about 1.1%. When θtel =0.22 arcsec we
achieve our overall goal of 10% reduction. The “telescope” image blur can be usefully decomposed into a part
from the optics and a part from the seeing degradation due to thermal imbalances of M1 and the enclosure
interior. The thermal part is currently under study, but it is estimated that with attention to the environment we
can achieve about 0.07 arcsec. For the telescope proper (optics, alignment, etc.), this leaves an allowance of
0.21 arcsec.
Figure 3-4 shows the science degradation as a function of the telescope image quality.
For our best sites this implies that the telescope image quality should be θtel = 0.237 arcsec at the zenith.
Degradation of the telescope with zenith angle should be no worse than that of the atmosphere. Seeing limited
image blur degrades as [sec z]3/5.
It is interesting to note that the segmented primary may also influence this result in the following sense. Pure
piston segment errors, if large enough, could add wave front errors that would cause the net image blur to be
that of a single segment rather than the entire primary, even though no tilt errors were introduced. At a
wavelength of 0.5µm, simple diffraction from a single segment produces θ80 = 0.14 arcsec. Hence it’s
necessary for seeing-limited observations that the primary mirror be well phased
Since the AO systems are designed to reduce all sources of wavefront error including the atmosphere and the
telescope, setting a telescope optical quality requirement means making a number of assumptions about the
AO system and the detailed form of the telescope wavefront error. Throughput
High throughput of the telescope is important and the science productivity is proportional to the throughput. In
the infrared, the telescope emissivity (e=1-throughput) generates background light that can be a major source
of background, so high throughput is beneficial in two ways. Most telescopes have used aluminum coatings on
their mirrors. However, there are alternative coatings much better suited in some wavelength regions and some
that are far more durable. Figure 3-5 shows the reflectivity/throughput through three mirrors for several
The Gemini coating is excellent everywhere except in the blue-ultraviolet, and it is our early light baseline
choice. However, our science needs require high throughput all the way down to 340nm (goal 310 nm). In the
future, we plan to develop or adopt coatings that will enable science in the UV while maintaining the Gemini
coating performance at longer wavelengths.
It is important that the time averaged throughput is high, so we also need effective mirror cleaning procedures
in place and suitably scheduled mirror recoating in order to maximize the time averaged throughput. Guiding
Guiding the telescope, for seeing limited observations, should be good to a small fraction of the image size.
Thus the guiding should be no worse than 0.02 arcsec rms. Guiding with AO should be correspondingly better,
with rms image motion under 0.002 arcsec (small compared to the diffraction limit at 1µm of 0.007 arcsec.
3.3 Site
A potential site must have several desirable features. TMT is measuring several interesting candidate sites, but
no selection has yet been made. Broadly speaking we want a location that maximizes the science productivity.
Science productivity is a function of the fraction of clear nights, the seeing probability distribution, with the wind
speed distribution (that shakes the telescope), the precipitable water vapor (lower PWV reduces near IR
absorption), the mean site temperature (lower reduces the thermal emission of the telescope), the rate of
change of night-time temperature (smaller reduces the temperature difference between the telescope and the
air temperature, hence the local seeing, particularly M1 seeing), and the temperature range (science instrument
image quality degrades with larger temperature range). In addition for AO uses, the isoplanatic angle should be
as large as possible to maximize sky coverage and image quality over an instrument field of view. The more
slowly the atmospheric turbulence changes, the easier it is for the AO system to keep pace with the changes.
In addition to site characteristics related to science, it is important to consider the cost of construction and
operation of a given site. Safety issues must be considered for high-altitude sites, and finally, there may be
political issues that are site specific.
Selection of the TMT site will involve consideration of all these issues, not just the science-based performance.
3.4 Enclosure
The enclosure has many functions. It must protect the telescope during severe weather, provide an opening for
the telescope to look through, shield the telescope from wind-induced vibration, and provide a variety of service
requirements for the optics (including handling and mirror cleaning), AO and the instruments.
The opening should not vignette the telescope over a 20-arcmin field of view. In addition, for very delicate
measurements it may be desirable to halt the enclosure to minimize vibration. It should be possible to observe
an on-axis object for five minutes with the enclosure fixed, without vignetting.
The enclosure motion must be rapid enough never to restrict the observations.
3.6 Instrumentation
TMT’s science opportunities lie in both seeing-limited and diffraction-limited observations. Seeing-limited
instruments will be spectrometers working in the 0.3-1µm region. Diffraction-limited instruments will be in the
infrared, and because of the unique angular resolution we expect both imagers and spectrometers.
4.1 Overview
TMT needs to be built on the best available site to obtain the maximum return from its science potential.
Careful site selection has therefore been extremely important to TMT from the very beginning of the project.
The site selection process started in 2001/2002, in a collaboration between the Giant Segmented Mirror
Telescope (GSMT) and the California Extremely Large Telescope (CELT), with the pre-selection of five
candidate sites (see Section 4.3) to be studied in detail. On-site testing via the operation of small but complex
remote site monitoring observatories has been in progress since 2003 and will continue until final selection of
the TMT site. The site evaluation process employs a site ranking metric which allows for an objective
comparison of the technical properties of the candidate sites and their science producing implications.
Selection of the TMT site is expected in mid 2008.
Detailed descriptions of the site testing program, the requirements on this program, the candidate sites and
their pre-selection, the instruments and methods used, and the results are given in the "Site Selection
Requirements and Strategy Document"[1], the “Site Selection Intermediate Report”[2] and the “Site
Qualification Report”[3].
In addition to the on-site testing, remote methods are also used to characterize the sites:
• Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations: Used to verify results obtained at the candidate
The relative uncertainties (differences between measurements taken at the same site under the same
conditions) and absolute uncertainties (deviations of the measurements from the “absolute truth”) of some of
the more important parameters are given in Table 4-2. The relative values were determined during extensive
side-by-side comparison campaigns of identical instruments. Absolute uncertainties are hard to measure for
most parameters and are estimates based on the comparison of different instruments. Note that all values
given here are limits for the statistical properties of these parameters, not for the individual measurements.
The original goal of the TMT site selection campaign was to take on-site measurements of all major parameters
(e.g. weather, seeing) for at least 2 years, and for at least one year for all other parameters. This was achieved
or exceeded for most instruments, but was not possible in all cases for practical reasons. Dates of the first
deployments of all instruments are shown in Table 4-3. The site data will be put into context of longer-term data
sets (Erasmus satellite studies; data from existing observatories) as much as possible, as well as by
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, to investigate whether there is reason to believe that the on-
site testing period was unusual for any of the sites.
Table 4-2: Uncertainties of the statistical properties of some of the main parameters entering the
TMT site decision.
Parameter Relative Uncertainties Absolute Uncertainties
DIMM seeing 0”02 0”02 – 0”04
MASS seeing 0”05 0”05
MASS isoplanatic angle 0”01 «0.2”
SODAR seeing 10% 10%
SODAR wind profiles 20% 20%
Precipitable water vapor 0.25 mm tbd
Wind speed profile on 30m tower <10% <10%
Temperature profile on 30m tower <0.1K <0.1K
In addition to being technically qualified, the TMT site must also meet programmatic needs. Obtaining legal
possession and access to the site when required in the construction schedule is a primary factor, but other
considerations such as labor, logistics, geological conditions and the permitting process will also be considered
in the site selection. These aspects, as well as technical aspects not measured by the equipment listed above,
are summarized in Table 4-4.
Table 4-3: Deployment dates of the different instruments on the candidate sites.
Tolar Armazones Tolonchar SPM Mauna Kea
Weather station 3-Apr 3-Jul 5-Nov 4-Oct 5-Jun
DIMM 3-Oct 4-Nov 5-Nov 4-Oct 5-Jun
MASS 4-Jan 4-Nov 6-Jan 4-Oct 5-Jul
Mar 05 to Jan
SODAR --- 6-Feb 6-Mar 5-Oct
All-sky camera 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Nov 5-Jul 6-Jun
6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Mar 6-May 5-Nov
Dust sensor 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Mar 6-May 5-Nov
IRMA --- 6-Mar 7-Mar --- 7-Feb
Other factors may also enter into the science potential of a site including variability of seeing, atmospheric time
constant (for AO), latitude and proximity to other observatories.
3 8
M = ∑ w i ∏ C ij
i=1 j=1
where wi is the fraction of time spent in each of the three observing modes and Cij is the fractional science
productivity for each site parameter considered. The coefficients, Cij, may depend on the observing mode.
C1 is the fraction of clear nights.
C2 is the value of seeing, defined as the probability weighted sum of 1/θ2 where θ is the net image size. For AO
applications Strehl2 is a better science measure, so C2 is defined as the average of S2 in the J, H, and K bands.
C3 is defined by the degradation of image quality due to wind shake. Windier sites have a lower C3 and the
value depends on the structural performance of the telescope.
C4 is the contribution of PWV in J, H, and K where water absorption reduces the effective transmission of the
C5 is the impact of the isoplanatic angle. Larger isoplanatic angles increase the useful field of view of an AO
system, and increase the number of viable tip-tilt stars for use with laser beacons, hence increasing the net sky
C6 quantifies the beneficial impact of a cooler site, providing lower emissive background in the IR.
C7 is the impact of annual temperature swing, a larger range compromising the performance of some optical
Table 4-5: Shows the range of values among the sites, thus showing the relative importance of
each parameter. Each number has an upper value of 1.0.
Mode C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
Visible 0.85 0.77 0.99 1 1 1 0.95 0.97
Near IR 0.85 0.8 0.99 0.85 0.77 0.762 0.95 0.97
mid IR 0.85 0.9 0.99 0.53 0.88 0.825 0.95 0.97
• Armazones has none of the infrastructure required for TMT. All aspects of site mobilization,
construction, and operations need to be studied, and costs estimated for Armazones.
• Armazones is also representative of Cerro Tolar and Cerro Tolonchar in that neither of these sites has
any of the infrastructure that will be required. Mauna Kea and San Pedro Mártir, on the other hand,
have existing facilities (e.g. paved access roads) that will be utilized if that site is selected.
• Armazones, Tolar, and Tolonchar are all Chilean sites, representative of three of the five candidate
• Based on preliminary studies, Armazones is an intermediate case in both complexity and cost.
• Current results from the on-site testing show that Armazones will likely be a qualified site.
[1] Site Selection Requirements and Strategy Document, TMT.SIT.DRD.05.001
[2] Site Selection Intermediate Report, TMT.SIT.TEC.06.020.
[3] Site Qualification Report, TMT.SIT.TEC.07.009.
[4] A. Erasmus and C. A. van Staden, “A Satellite Survey of Cloud Cover and Water Vapor in Northern Chile,”
internal report for AURA-O and University of Tokyo, 2001
[5] A. Erasmus and C. A. van Staden, “A Comparison of Satellite-Observed Cloud Cover and Water Vapor at
Mauna Kea, and Selected Sites in Northern Chile, the Southwestern U.S.A. and northern Mexico,” internal
AURA-NIO report
[6] TMT Report 78, TMT Site Merit Function, Jerry Nelson, Matthias Schoeck, TMT Report 78,
5.1 Motivations
Queue observing
Classical observers must deal with the vagaries of weather, natural seeing, and unscheduled technical
downtime. When planned observations are not well matched to atmospheric and technical conditions, individual
user efficiency is often diminished, sometimes to zero. A more sophisticated approach is to collect all desired
observations from all approved users a few times per year and then execute each observation under optimal
environmental and technical conditions. This approach is known as queue observing and is used at least 50%
of the time at the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) and the Gemini Observatory.
Not only may queue observing be more efficient in the mean, it also opens windows on rare atmospheric
conditions such as very low precipitable water vapor or very low atmospheric turbulence (and hence very good
natural seeing). During these rare conditions, otherwise impossible unique and high-impact observations can
be made at the limits of TMT technical capabilities.
Observatory-based data processing pipelines
Unavoidable data artifacts caused by TMT AO systems and science instruments as well as the terrestrial
atmosphere will have to be removed from all TMT science data. For many observations, such artifact removal
is routine and independent of the science goals. Hence, in many instances, observatory-based data processing
pipelines can be implemented to remove these artifacts automatically, relieving the user of that burden and
shortening the time necessary to transform a set of raw observations into published papers. Successful
implementation of observatory-based pipelines requires both software and process engineering – careful
consideration must be given not only to algorithms but also to how science observations are structured, what
calibration data need to be acquired and when they need to be acquired.
5.3.1 Goals
The main goal for technical operations is to maintain and improve system performance over time.
An important related goal is to maximize the number of science integration hours by:
• Limiting time lost at night due to unscheduled technical failures to under 3% of scheduled science
operations time.
• Minimizing the number of hours used at night for scheduled technical activity (e.g. M1 alignment and
phasing, telescope pointing maps, M2 and M3 re-aluminization).
• Minimizing operational overheads required for target acquisition, instrument configuration, and data
A model for the potential cumulative nature of these effects for a specific set of assumptions is shown in the
following table. For a more detailed discussion as well as models with different assumptions, see Section A.4 in
the OCD[1].
5.3.2 Implementation
Achieving these goals begins during the construction phase - attention must be given to designing and
implementing low-fault, easily maintained subsystems.
During operations, overall system performance will be monitored continuously and compared to established
norms. Sudden changes or changes with time that are larger than predicted will be investigated promptly. As
time and resources permit, the subsystem in question will be restored to the nominal performance range.
Parameters related to end-to-end flux throughput, delivered image quality, and technical performance (e.g.
motor current demand) will be included in this monitoring program. Measured performance relevant to
astronomical observations will be made available to the community at large via the TMT Web portal.
Environmental conditions interior and exterior to the TMT enclosure will be monitored as well to provide a
comparison dataset for performance problem analysis.
A multi-tier maintenance program will be implemented including:
5.4 Development
By being first in its class, the TMT Observatory will be uniquely placed to achieve world-class scientific
breakthroughs. Over time, TMT will maintain world leadership through a program of continuous instrument
development. The development of new instruments and new capabilities for existing instruments will be driven
naturally by evolving scientific understanding and technology as well as by available resources.
As discussed elsewhere in this document, the TMT SAC has already established an instrument development
roadmap for the first 5 – 10 years of operations. This roadmap will be reviewed and revised on an annual basis.
[1] Operations Concept Document (OCD), TMT.OPS.MGT.07.002
6.1.1 Introduction
The top level engineering requirements for both the function and performance of the observatory are recorded
in the Observatory Requirements Document (ORD)[1]. These requirements flow down from the TMT Science
Requirements Document (SRD)[2], and the Operations Concept Document (OCD)[3]. This chapter gives an
overview of the key observatory requirements contained in the ORD.
The observatory requirements are stated relative to the operating mode that the observatory is in. The defined
modes for the observatory are: Observing Mode, which is sub-divided into Seeing Limited and Adaptive Optics
modes, Servicing and Maintenance Mode for day time operations, and Stow Mode for when the observatory is
shut down.
These observatory requirements are specific to the reference site of Armazones, Chile, which is the baseline
site for the TMT observatory design. The environmental and atmospheric conditions used for the observatory
requirements are based on our current understanding of the Armazones site. In the following discussion, the
term system refers to the overall observatory as an integrated unit.
These reflectivity values are for fresh surfaces. The throughput of the 3 mirror system must not degrade faster
than 0.81% per month due to dust accumulated on the optical surfaces and the ageing of the coating.
The thermal radiation collected at the focal surface, in the FOV of the system, from the primary, secondary, and
tertiary mirror assemblies together must not exceed 7% of the radiation of a 273 K black body, assuming that a
cold stop is used to mask out the telescope top end obstructions.
Wavelength Range The instrument shall operate over the Y,J, H, K bands.
Imaging Mode Shall provide imaging over the full 2’ field of NFIRAOS
Reliability and time to repair budgets will be allocated at the system decomposition level, and must be
consistent with the level 1 requirements for reliability and maintainability of the system. Definitions of the
conditions that determine a subsystem failure will be defined at level 2 for all subsystems. In the design phase,
before Critical Design Review, each subsystem design team must perform a subsystem reliability analysis, and
component tests as appropriate, to show that it will meet the required level 1 reliability and maintainability
budgets [6].
In industry, an assembly or component that can be replaced quickly to restore the entire system to service is
often called a Line Replaceable Unit (LRU).
6.3.1 Introduction
TMT requirements are organized into three levels, Science, System and Subsystem, as shown in Figure 6-2.
The Level 0 Science requirements are set by the Project Scientist with input from the scientific user community
through the TMT Science Advisory Committee, and are approved by the TMT Board. They dictate what is
required to enable the science envisioned for the Observatory. A Science Verification Plan is provided at the
top level to check that these requirements are met. The Level 1 System requirements are the top level
engineering requirements for the observatory, and they are traceable to the Science requirements. They
include the top level operational concepts, the system level requirements including performance budgets and
functionality that the observatory must provide, and the top level engineering architecture for the entire facility,
including the subsystem decomposition. There is an Integration and Commissioning plan at the system level
that documents how the observatory will be assembled and tested. The Subsystem requirements are traceable
to the system requirements and ensure that each component of the observatory delivers the performance and
functionality required to meet the system level performance needs. The subsystem documentation includes
interfaces between subsystems and design documents that show that design implementation will meet the
requirements. Each Subsystem must also provide an integration and test plan, to ensure that the system can
be successfully integrated with the observatory and that its performance and functionality can be verified.
[1] Observatory Requirements Document (ORD), TMT.SEN.DRD.05.001
[2] Science Requirements Document (SRD), TMT.PSC.DRD.05.001
[3] Operations Concept Document (OCD), TMT.OPS.MGT.07.002
[4] Seismic Analysis Two Telescope Sites, Mauna Kea Hawaii, and Cerro Pachon, Chile for Gemini 8-M
Telescopes Project. Prepared by DAMES & MOORE, INC, February 1994. GSM.FAC.TEC.94.001
[5] T. Mast and J. Nelson, TMT Image Size and Wavefront Error Budget, TMT.OPT.TEC.07.001,
TMT.OPT.TEC.07.002, TMT.OPT.TEC.07.003
[6] Glen Herriot, TMT Observatory Reliability and Availability Budget, TMT.SEN.TEC.07.005
Parameter Value
7.2.4 Enclosure
The enclosure is a Calotte type with an external radius of 33 meters. The enclosure has two distinct
components: the spherical, rotating dome and the cylindrical, fixed enclosure supporting the dome (see Fig. 8-
4). The fixed azimuth track top bearing surface, which is the interface between the enclosure fixed base and
rotating base, is at an elevation of 7.6 m above the ground.
To allow for pointing the telescope to the horizon for maintenance and stow, the telescope elevation axis goes
through the center of the spherical dome.
No point of the enclosure may be closer to the intersection of the optical and elevation axes than 29 meters.
The Calotte enclosure provides superior wind protection due to its inherently small, circular opening.
Deployable “lashes” forming a cylindrical extension to the opening further improve the wind protection of the
secondary mirror at high external wind speeds by moving the shear layer at the opening farther from the mirror.
Three rows of vents, right above and below the primary mirror elevation provide adequate flushing of the mirror
to minimize the thermal boundary layer at the optical surface that results in mirror seeing. The projected cross
sectional area of the vents is comparable to the area of the observing opening. Furthermore, the vents are
optimized to provide several air volume exchanges per hour under low to moderate external wind speeds, in
order to minimize dome seeing, i.e. image degradation due to non-isothermal air turbulence inside the
The enclosure will be air conditioned during daytime to ensure optimal initial mirror structure temperatures for
the observations during the night.
Entrainment of high ground temperature gradients into the enclosure was avoided by raising the lowest vent
row above the expected ground boundary layer.
The enclosure and telescope structure are designed with stairs, walkways and elevators to allow access to the
aforementioned servicing points. Fig. 7-4 shows the ship ladders and walkways for accessing the vent
openings and the interface between the cap and rotating base. Additional walkways also lead to the interface
between the shutter and cap where outside access is provided by hatchways through the enclosure wall. Fig.
7-5 shows access to the Nasmyth platform from the observatory floor via the fixed base and Nasmyth platform
elevators. Not shown in the figure are the walkways and stairways that allow access from the Nasmyth
platforms to the various servicing points on the elevation structure. Access into the telescope pier is via an
opening through the pier wall.
Two cranes are provided for lifting operations; both are mounted on the enclosure. A 20 tonne capacity
enclosure mounted crane is attached on the rotation base with its boom aligned radially towards the center of
the dome (see Fig. 7-7). The swept-volume of the Nasmyth platform is reachable by combined boom travel and
rotating base’s angular motion. A 10 tonne capacity cap mounted hoist is attached to the center of shutter. Fig.
7-6 shows schematically the radial travel between the center and edge of the dome that is achieved by the
cap’s angular rotation. The interior volume of the dome is reachable by combined base and cap angular
motions. However, the cranes are limited to vertical and overhead lifts.
Instruments are accessed by portable walkways
attached to the instrument support structures or
by a motorized scissor-lift with personnel
platform driven on the Nasmyth platform. Whole
instruments or their components can be lifted
onto the Nasmyth platform by the crane
systems. For non-vertical lifts such as handling
of small components or removal of small
subassemblies from inside an instrument that
does not warrant extensive disassembly in order
to accommodate vertical lift, manually operated
articulated lifting arm similar to those used in
assembly plants is envisioned. The articulated
lifting arm is designed to carry and balance its
payload, usually in the range of 100 kg to 200
kg, such that the operator can maneuver and
position the load without physical strain.
Fig 7-7: The cap mounted 20 tonne crane and the M2 Customized end effectors can be attached for
delicate components and for long reach,
service platform. Both are folded up during normal
depending on the operation.
operations in order to move them out of the way of
the telescope. Access to the LGFS system varies depending on
the locations of the components. The LSEs are
accessed from each Nasmyth platform. The
7.2.6 Facilities
The telescope, enclosure, and summit facility constitute the core of the observatory located on an appropriate
mountain top. The site layout on our current reference site, Armazones is shown in Fig. 7-8.
The summit facility will house the control and computer rooms, the mirror stripping, coating, and storage
facilities, electronics and mechanical shops, shipping and receiving, limited office space, a conference room,
and utilities. Some of the utilities are located in a separate building on the summit to minimize vibration
Besides the mountain top establishment, TMT will include a support facility in the vicinity of the summit. The
support facility consists of administration, shop, office, and laboratory space, the maintenance and utility yard,
as well as the accommodation and dinning facilities. Office space for the headquarters will be rented in
Fig 7-9: Control architecture for adaptive optics observations. In seeing limited observations, the
Laser Guide Star beam path, the high order deformable mirrors, and the high bandwidth tip/tilt
stage are not operational; the AO RTC is replaced with a miniRTC.
The early light implementation of NFIRAOS will provide an on-axis wavefront error of 187 nm RMS, and 191
nm RMS over a 10 arcsec FOV. The on-axis performance of a future NFIRAOS upgrade is estimated to be
about 130-135 nm RMS, assuming that (i) the ground-layer, order 61 by 61 DM is replaced by a 121 by 121
mirror with a 2.5mm inter-actuator pitch, and (ii) advanced, pulsed laser systems are available to eliminate
Fig 7-10: OES command hierarchy (configured for IRIS with laser guide stars observation).
7.4.1 Overview
The ultimate image performance metric TMT adopted is the long exposure Point Spread Function (PSF).
However, it is a two dimensional function that is hard to visualize and compare. Although the actual spatial
distribution of energy described by the PSF is important for some applications, like adaptive optics or high
contrast imaging, for most applications a single-number metric, the diameter encircling a given portion of the
total light energy is adequate. The usual encircled energy metric is the diameter encircling 80% of the energy
(D80, θ(80), 80% encircled energy, EE80).
Besides the encircled energy diameter, another single number measure of image quality with widespread use
is the RMS exit pupil wavefront aberration (optical path difference). TMT is using this measure to characterize
optical performance in the context of adaptive optics, as it is more appropriate for wavefront errors considerably
smaller than the observing wavelength.
The observatory performance is the function of various disturbance effects and processes:
• Deterministic, constant effects, like
o Residual errors of the optical design
o Aperture diffraction
o Pupil obscuration diffraction
• Deterministic effects randomized by environmental and operational parameters, like
o Gravitational print through of the axial and lateral mirror support structure
o In-plane segment displacement due to gravity
o Thermal deformation of optical surfaces and support structures
• Random processes, like
On-axis budget
The following error budget provides image jitter and image blur allocations for on-axis images of the zenith
pointing telescope, not including the instrument. It also does not include image rotators and atmospheric
dispersion compensators, as these functions are allocated to the instrument.
The image size error budget is detailed in [11].
Off-axis budget
The image blur of a Ritchey-Chretien optical design increases with field angle due to field dependent
astigmatism inherent to the design. The corresponding 80% encircled energy diameter is a quadratic function
of the field angle, resulting in 0.507 arcsec blur at 10 arcmin.
When the optical design error is added in quadrature to the on-axis error allocation, the resultant error is 0.560
arcsec at the edge of the FOV. An additional 7% increase is budgeted in the form of field dependent errors.
This additional allowance is 0.220 arcsec at the edge of the field, leading to a total 80% encircled energy
diameter of 0.6 arcsec at 10 arcmin.
Elevation angle dependence of the budget
The overall error budget is allowed to degrade the same way as the atmospheric seeing does, i.e.
D80 ∝ ( sec z ) 5 . From 0 to 65 degrees zenith angle the 80% encircled energy diameter increases with a factor
of 1.68, resulting in 0.398 arcsec on-axis and 0.720 arcsec at the edge of the FOV.
Dome seeing 50
Mirror Seeing 50
Telescope 227
Optical design 6
M1 shape 202
M2 shape 66
Figuring 53
Thermal distortion 1
Support print-through 38
Shape alignment 10
M3 shape 37
Figuring 20
Thermal distortion 0
Support print-through 29
Shape alignment 10
M2 (relative to M1) 37
M3 (relative to M1) 5
M2 (relative to M1) 27
M3 (relative to M1) 16
Fundamental AO 130
Implementation 89
Residual telescope 45
M1 shape 40
M2 shape 19
M3 shape 10
Residual instrument 30
Tip/tilt 85
Servo lag 20
Tilt anisoplanatism 52
It is obvious that the combination of these parameters can be optimized in various ways, i.e. various observing
models can be emulated. While a relatively simple optimization, like picking the optimal mirror temperature for
beginning of the night, needs to be implemented to carry out the calculations and reach preliminary results, the
framework allows future exploration of more sophisticated methods potentially involving even atmospheric
Using probability distributions for performance estimates requires an error budget expressed also as probability
distributions, instead of just in RMS values. By creating an error budget time record using the zenith angle
record in the “standard year”, the various budget terms can be extended into the required distributions. In the
following sections, the performance of the system is compared to these distributions.
The probability distributions were calculated by adding in quadrature the various error components for every 2
minute interval and then extracting stochastic characteristics of the error time histories. Conditional distributions
can also be computed, where parameters are kept constant as a condition. These distributions are useful to
understand the dependence of performance on these parameters, like zenith angle or external wind velocity.
The following sections assess the largest correlated effects: primary mirror print through, wind buffeting, and
local (dome and mirror) seeing. The plan is to extend modeling in the future to include: solid thermal effects,
polishing errors, M2 and M3 print through, and the active optics shape control loops.
Fig 7-12: Cumulative probability distribution of gravity induced segment shape aberrations
(left) and the zenith angle dependence of these aberrations (right).
Dynamic integrated modeling [16] provides the probability distribution of wind induced optical aberrations as
shown in Fig. 7-13. While the observatory meets the error budget allocation to wind induced image degradation
62% of the time, the median image size due to wind buffeting is below the error budget for all elevation angles.
The model includes predicted wind loads as specified in [17], the structural model (including soil and pier),
linear optical model, and all relevant feedback control loops including guiding. Most of the response at all
external wind speeds is image motion caused by the finite bandwidth of the elevation control system, and the
performance is thus most sensitive to the elevation control bandwidth. The achievable control bandwidth is
limited by the telescope structural dynamics. The first structural resonance (with drive loops open, not locked)
at 2.2 Hz is phase-stabilized, and the elevation control bandwidth of 1.3 Hz (loop crossover) is limited by a
second dominant structural mode at 5.5 Hz. The azimuth bandwidth is less important for performance and is
limited by a structural mode at 4.9 Hz.
For median wind conditions, the wind loads on M1 are the most significant contributor to the response and the
response is thus weakly dependent on orientation or external wind speed. At high external wind speeds (above
the 75th percentile), the forces on M2 result in much higher image degradation. At low external wind speeds
(below the 30th percentile), the desired venting of M1 is not achievable and the response to wind loads is small
(although the resulting dome/mirror seeing will be worse).
Fig 7-13: Cumulative probability distribution of wind induced dynamic aberrations (left) and
median wind induced image degradation as a function of zenith angle (right).
The methodology behind the thermal seeing models is presented in [17]. For the mirror seeing model a target
wind velocity on the primary mirror of 1.5 m/s was chosen, consistent with the wind buffeting model and
operating venting strategy described in the previous section. This happens to be the velocity required to
maintain forced convection above a 30m surface. The increase of image jitter above 1.5 m/s target velocity
overshadows the decrease in mirror seeing, which is why we cannot select 2 m/s. The mirror temperature at
sunset is chosen so that the average seeing throughout the night is optimized. This assumes that the long-
Fig 7-14: Cumulative probability distributions for mirror and dome seeing (left) and combined
median thermal seeing as a function of zenith angle (right).
The resulting probability distributions for mirror and dome seeing are shown in Fig. 7-14. Dome seeing exhibits
a minimum around 30o – 35o zenith angle [18]. It also exhibits a maximum at 0o azimuth relative to wind, due to
the higher turbulence and temperature gradients in the vicinity of the aperture. It is expected to meet the error
budget 100% of the time, as long as air exchange is provided. Mirror seeing is greatly influenced by the
temporal temperature gradients during the night. It is inversely proportional to velocity at low wind speeds and
thus deviates significantly from the ⎡⎣ cos ( z ) ⎦⎤ 5 rule. But even at higher speeds, it increases when telescope
azimuth angles relative to wind direction are higher than 90o, since most of the time the front side of the mirror
is in the mirror cell wake, thus negating the good dome seeing behavior. This results in a rather flat behavior of
the overall thermal seeing with zenith angle, as shown in Fig. 7-14. The somewhat higher values at low zenith
angles are biased by the low end of wind speeds, since natural mirror seeing is worse when the mirror is facing
up. The mirror seeing is currently expected to meet its error budget 43% of the time.
Fig. 7-16 visualizes the trade between local seeing and wind
buffeting. In a substantial range of external mean wind velocity,
from 2.8 m/s to 7 m/s, the median wind and thermal seeing
errors meet their combined allocation. At low wind speeds local
thermal seeing dominates, while at high wind speeds wind
buffeting increases the image size, mostly through image jitter.
All the simulations reported assume at least ~7.5% venting
even at high wind speeds to limit dome seeing and eliminate
shear layer acoustic resonances in the enclosure.
Fig. 7-17 shows the conditional probability density of the image
size as a function of the zenith angle. The integral below the
error budget curve accounts for 83% of the total integral of the
density function, indicating the fraction of time the system
meets the error budget requirement. The contour plot also
reflects the probability density distribution of observing zenith Fig 7-16: Median wind induced image
angles, which are 60% of the time between 20 and 45 degrees. degradation and local thermal seeing
as functions of the external mean wind
7.6 Reliability and Availability Budget velocity estimate.
Reliability must be "designed in" to the TMT. During system
design, the top-level reliability requirements are allocated to
subsystems by design engineers and system engineers working
together. The goal is to minimize lost time due to failures and
maintenance, both planned and unplanned. A more detailed
approach to reliability is in the TMT Observatory Reliability and
Availability Budget [20].
As prescribed in the Operations Concept Document (OCD) [21],
the unscheduled technical downtime cannot exceed 3% of the
time scheduled for science operations. However, an instrument
or AO failure does not necessarily count as downtime, as long
the scheduled observer’s planned instrument is available (see
Fig. 7-18). For the early light instrument suite, this plan results
in manageable downtime allocations for WFOS, the Laser
Guide Star Facility, and NFIRAOS, while the overall downtime
Fig 7-17: D80 conditional probability
meets the OCD requirement.
density function as a contour plot,
Table 7-6 shows the high level top-down partitioning of 3% compared to the zenith dependent error
technical downtime for the observatory, based on scheduled
science time of 3000 hours per year. The arithmetic to combine budget.
[1] Gary Sanders, Adoption of TMT Reference Design Parameters,TMT.PMO.CCR.04.001.
[2] G. Z. Angeli, Final Focal Length Trades, TMT.SEN.TEC.05.006.
[3] S. Roberts et al., TMT Re-Scope Recommendations: Nasmyth Instrument Configuration,
[4] Change Request #11: Primary Mirror Segment Size Increase, TMT.SEN.CCR.06.003.
[5] Gary Sanders, Enclosure Type Selection – Record of Decision, TMT.PMO.MGT.05.137.
[6] G. Z. Angeli et al., TMT Delta Design Recommendations: Enclosure Configuration, TMT.SEN.TEC.06.024.
[7] Observatory Architecture Document, TMT.SEN.DRD.05.002.
[8] G. Z. Angeli, Ritchey-Chretien Baseline Design, TMT.SEN.SPE.06.001.
[10] G. Z. Angeli, Seeing Versus Exit Pupil OPD, TMT.SEN.TEC.05.001.
[11] T. Mast and J. Nelson, TMT Image Size and Wavefront Error Budget, TMT.OPT.TEC.07.001,
TMT.OPT.TEC.07.002, TMT.OPT.TEC.07.003.
[12] K. Vogiatzis, Standard year, TMT.SEN.TEC.07.018.
[13] I. Crossfield, C. Nissly, N. Sigrist, M. Troy, JPL TMT Optical Modeling Progress Update,
8.1.1 Overview
The Summit and Support Facilities are the infrastructure at and nearby the site that are required to operate
TMT. Based on Cerro Armazones as the reference site, these facilities include (1) an access road to the site
from a publicly maintained road, (2) the facilities at the summit, (3) support facilities near the base of the
mountain, and (4) a construction camp, also at the base of the mountain, to provide boarding and lodging for
contractor personnel during construction.
Also included in the Summit and Support Facilities are (1) the earthwork at the summit to provide the level
platform for the enclosure, telescope and summit buildings, as well as the excavation for the facility
foundations, utility trenches and other below-ground components, (2) the fixed base for the enclosure, (3) the
telescope pier, and (4) utilities. The rotating enclosure is discussed separately in Section 8.2 and the telescope
is discussed in Section 8.3.
8.1.2 Requirements
The overarching requirements for the Summit and Support Facilities are to “provide adequate infrastructure for
operations, including utilities, operational environment, and boarding, lodging [ORD].” More specific
requirements for the Summit Facilities are derived from the telescope requirements for a range of items
including the mirror storage, stripping and coating areas; and from the operations model for the control room,
offices, laboratory and supporting areas; and from requirements for utilities from the telescope, instruments,
rotating enclosure and other parts of the Summit Facility itself. The requirements for the Support Facilities are
derived from the operations model and from requirements for utilities for the Summit Facilities and the Support
Facilities themselves.
• Administrative, Laboratory and Shops. This facility includes offices, conference rooms, a lecture hall,
mechanical shop, engineering laboratory, shipping and receiving, emergency vehicle garage, safety
equipment room, lounge, kitchenette, and administrative area.
• Maintenance, Utility and Warehouse. This facility contains the electrical generation equipment,
electrical distribution equipment, mechanical equipment for the support facilities, electrical shop,
welding shop, mechanical shop, and a warehouse. This facility also includes a utility yard for water
storage, chillers, fuel storage, and other equipment that does not need to be located within a building.
An open storage yard and lay-down zone will also be located in this area.
• Dining Facilities. The dining facilities include a dining hall with seating for 60 people, a kitchen with the
capacity to prepare and serve two seatings of 60 people, and the storage facilities in support of the
• Accommodations. The accommodations consist of single-occupancy motel-style bedrooms with private
bathrooms for 74 people. Each room is provided with a desk and internet access so that a person can
work from the room. An accommodations support facility houses the logistical, mechanical and
electrical services for the motel rooms and common areas such as personal laundry room, kitchenette,
game and TV rooms.
Room Room
Mirror Storage 189 m2 Janitor’s Closet 5 m2
Mirror Stripping 187 m2 First Aid 12 m2
Mirror Coating 185 m2 Computer Room 76 m2
Mirror Coating Pumps 25 m2 Electrical Distribution Room 42 m2
Mirror Storage 13 m2 Hydrostatic Bearing Equipment 40 m2
Control Room 75 m2 Shipping and Receiving 108 m2
Conference Room 33 m2 Mechanical Shop 61 m2
Open Offices 54 m2 Engineering and Electronics Lab 76 m2
Fig 8-2: Conceptual layout of the Main Summit Facilities.
Fig 8-3: Conceptual layout of Support Facilities with areas of rooms. Note: The Total Building
Areas include the areas of corridors and other areas that are not listed as individual rooms.
8.2.1 Overview
The TMT enclosure is a spherical structure
housing the telescope. The principal functions
of the enclosure are to protect the telescope
from severe site environmental conditions,
protect the telescope from wind buffeting,
minimize the daytime thermal load, and provide
a safe environment for observatory employees
and visitors.
8.2.2 Requirements
The TMT enclosure requirements are
the result of an iterative process
involving input from all the relevant
disciplines within the TMT project, and
from other observatories and industrial
partners. Refinement of the
requirements will continue, to enable
an optimized and cost effective
enclosure design.
The Enclosure Requirements
Document (ERD) [1] provides an
overall description of the enclosure
system, its functions and constraints.
High level TMT enclosure
requirements are summarized below:
• Survival environmental loads:
78m/s wind load, 76mm ice Fig 8-5: Enclosure Systems.
load, 150kg/m2 snow load,
and seismic events applicable to the selected observatory site
• Protection of the telescope against environmental impact such as wind, snow or rain and dust
• Aperture position: zenith range 0° to 65°, continuous azimuth range, and slewing between any two
points on the sky within 180 sec
• Shutter and vents: open or close within 120 sec
• Provide optimal observing aerodynamic conditions to minimize dome seeing, mirror seeing and wind
• Minimize daytime thermal influx from infiltration and conduction Shutter
The shutter (Figure 8-9) consists of an open
framework of steel tubing and nodes, supporting
an aluminum plug structure. The shutter is
supported by 16 bogies at its bottom edge, and
rotates on a dedicated track attached to the cap
ring girder. A rack and pinion drive system similar
to the cap drive utilizes two, 40 HP drive units
used to rotate the shutter between open and
closed positions. The shutter structure is balanced
about its axis. This feature enables the use of
relatively modest size drive motors. The shutter is
not moving relative to the cap during observation.
A dedicated lock mechanism was designed to
reduce shutter structural mass. The shutter is
secured in the closed position by a set of 10
latches attached to the cap structure. The latches Fig 8-9: TMT Enclosure Shutter.
are designed to react only to loads significantly
exceeding operating loads effectively limiting plug deflections under such loads.
Shutter sealing is provided by P-seals attached to aperture flap planes. Any potential water leakage will be
contained by a dedicated channel located at the shutter outer edge and drained overboard.
8.2.5 Workplan
Complex enclosure components will be fabricated at the DSL facility and, after a trial erection, shipped to TMT
observatory site. Lower cost fabrication options including outsourcing have also been considered. Enclosure
erection will be initiated upon completion of summit preparation, foundation pouring and fixed base erection
activities. Completion of the enclosure shell and removal of dedicated falsework will enable start of telescope
structure erection work. Final integration and acceptance of enclosure systems will be performed once facility
power supply has been established.
[1] Enclosure Requirements Document, TMT.ENC.DRD.05.003.DRF13.
[2] AMEC Enclosure – PP4 Midterm Review, TMT.ENC.PRE.05.024.
[3] Enclosure Down-Selection External Review, Overview and Aero-Thermal Presentation,
8.3.1 Structure Overview
Empire Dynamic Structures, LTD (DSL) is providing the
leading engineering support on the design of the
telescope structure system. DSL has extensive
experience in the design, fabrication and erection of
telescope structures worldwide. The telescope structure
system accommodates a Ritchey-Chrétien optical
design [1, 2] and altitude-azimuth mount as described in
Section 7.2.2 Telescope Layout. The system consists
of two major structural components: the azimuth and
elevation structures, see Fig. 8-11. The elevation
structure provides mounting for the telescope optics,
492 primary mirror (M1) segments with segment
support assemblies, secondary (M2) and tertiary (M3)
mirrors, and the Laser Guide Star Facility (LGSF),
(Section The azimuth structure supports the
elevation structure and two large Nasmyth platforms
where the observatory instruments and AO system are
located, see Fig. 8-13. The telescope elevation axis is
above the primary mirror. This enables an articulated Fig 8-11: Telescope Structure System.
M3 to direct science light to multiple instrument
locations on both Nasmyth platforms. This M3 configuration provides flexibility and speed in instrument
switching during astronomical observations by allowing multiple addressable focal plane positions on the
Nasmyth platform.
Fig 8-12: Elevation Structure Components. Fig 8-13: Azimuth Structure Components. Requirements
Functionally, the telescope structure system is required to provide support for the telescope optics and the
associated astronomical instrumentation and supply the utilities that they require to operate. The optics support
requirements can be further divided into shape and alignment controls over the operating environmental
conditions. The shape control is specific to the mirror cell design, which supports the 492 M1 segments such
that their motions are within the actuator stroke allotment, decenter and rotation tolerances as dictated by the
image quality error budget [3]. The alignment control governs the allowable misalignment after active position
controls of M2 and M3 with respect to M1and the instrument focal plane caused by the quasi-static
disturbances due to gravity and thermal effects, and dynamic disturbances due to wind and vibration sources.
The alignment requirements are also dictated by the delivered image quality in the error budget. The utilities
required to operate the telescope-mounted systems include power, coolant, cryogen, data and communication,
Elevation structure
The focal plane at the on-axis instrument position has a diameter of 2.62 meters, which corresponds to a 20
arcminute Field Of View (FOV) [4]. M3 has the capability to direct the science beam to a large portion of the
Nasmyth platforms, over the steering range described in Section 7.2.3 Nasmyth Platform, see Fig. 8-15.
Furthermore, this range of instrument positions must be accessible over the operating zenith angle range of -1°
to 65°. The swept-volume of the beam from M3 to the Nasmyth platforms, shown as yellow conical cylinders in
Fig. 8-15, determines the structural support placement. Firstly, the primary support structure has to be placed
below the elevation axis in order to create a direct and efficient load path towards ground, since any structure
near the elevation axis would result in vignetting. Secondly, the large beam swept-volume is not compatible
with using compact trunnion bearings to support the elevation structure on its axis of rotation. A pair of large
circular journals with an open annulus arc centered on the elevation axis, supported by hydrostatic bearings
mounted on the azimuth structure is the obvious alternative. The minimum arc length and radius of the
elevation journals are set by the -1° to horizon pointing zenith angle range. More importantly, the journal length
and geometry are also restricted by the requisite light beam clearance incident on M1, shown as yellow conical
cylinder in Fig. 8-16. The geometry of the elevation journals is also illustrated in Fig. 8-16. Thus the governing
journal geometric parameters are bounded by both light path constraints along with the need to balance the
elevation structure about its axis of rotation.
Fig 8-15: Structural Placement for Light Path Considerations - M3 to Nasmyth Platform, yellow
cylinders represent the FOV at different instrument positions.
Having the elevation axis above the primary mirror, the distributions of the supported optical elements are not
“naturally” balanced about this axis. The mass moment due to the 144-tonne primary mirror system 2.9 m
below the elevation axis is only reduced by less than half by the moment created by the 7-tonnes of secondary
mirror (M2) system and laser guide star components located at the top end, 25 m above the elevation axis; see
Table 8-1. The structural elements required to support the M1 mirror cell 2 and tie the elevation journals
together are all located below the elevation axis, further adding to the imbalance. Moreover, trade studies have
shown that in order to support the M1 segments in the mirror cell to within its quasi-static alignment
requirements over the zenith angle range, it requires two substantial elevation journal structures. The
requirement to balance the elevation structure about its rotation axis implies a design solution different from the
minimum mass configuration. In other words, the balancing requirement requires the structural mass of the
elevation structure to be redistributed from areas where it could work more efficiently to areas where it can help
balance the telescope, e.g. the elevation of the M2 support hexagonal ring is influenced by mass balance.
The remaining M2 support elements such as the tripod legs and tension members are designed to be as
slender as possible, given buckling considerations, in order to minimize top-end obscuration and wind cross-
section, also illustrated in Fig. 8-16.
Table 8-1: Mass and location of the telescope mounted optical components.
M1 144 -2.9 m
M3 9.7 2.0 m
The mirror cell is a 2 m deep truss structure with a fine top chord fitting the segment-triangulation scheme, i.e.
with equilateral triangular openings matching the vertices of hexagonal mirror segments when projected in plan
view. Each M1 segment is attached via its segment support assembly at the 2/3 point of each side of the
triangular opening and its neighboring “triangles” are not occupied. Diagonal trusses transition the load paths
into a coarser bottom chord at 2 m below. This configuration allows practical access through the mirror cell.
The segment-triangulation results in a less dense top chord, compared with actuator-triangulation which
requires smaller openings, for better mirror segment servicing access. The mirror also has a six-fold symmetry,
i.e. six identical 60° sectors, in order to reduce fabrication complexity.
IBC 2003, 125 psf distributed, 2,000 lb concentrated.
Fig 8-18: Azimuth Axis Mount Control Hardware – Split View (Left -Side View, Right- Back View).
[1] Adoption of TMT Reference Design Parameters, TMT.PMO.CCR.04.001.
[2] Ritchey-Chretien Baseline Design, TMT.SEN.SPE.06.001.
[3] TMT Image Size and Wavefront Error Budgets, Volume 1 - TMT.OPT.TEC.07.001, Volume 2 -
TMT.OPT.TEC.07.002., and Volume 3 - TMT.OPT.TEC.07.003.
[4] Observatory Architecture Document TMT.SEN.DRD.05.002
[5] Observatory Requirements Document TMT.SEN.DRD.05.001
[6] Nasmyth Platform Structural Design Concept, TMT.STR.TEC.06.043.
[7] M1 seeing Delta Design, TMT.SEN.PRE.06.048.
[8] CFD Results - 30m, TMT.SEN.PRE.06.049.
[9] Nasmyth Platform Configuration Issues TMT.SEN.TEC.06.026.
[10] Nasmyth Instrument Support Requirements Document, TMT.SEN.DRD.06.003.
[11] Mount control and mechanical hardware, TMT.STR.PRE.06.014.
[12] Telescope Azimuth Lateral Restraint Configuration, TMT.STR.PRE.06.38.
[13] S. Roberts, S. Sun and D. Kerley, “Optical performance analysis and optimization of large telescope
structural design”, Proc. SPIE 5867, 586700 (2005). Overview
The TMT primary mirror (M1) builds on the successful experience of the W. M. Keck Observatory in
constructing and operating two 10 m diameter telescopes that currently are the largest optical-infrared
telescopes in the world.
Keck Heritage
The Keck telescopes were the first large telescopes to be built with segmented primary mirrors, and their
technical and scientific success has made them the prototypes for other large segmented-mirror telescopes in
use or under construction around the world.
TMT has benefited greatly from the lessons learned on the Keck Telescopes. Many TMT staff members worked
on the Keck project and current Keck Observatory staff members have been generous with their time, serving
as advisors and reviewers for TMT. TMT is particularly drawing on Keck experience in the design of the primary
The Keck primary mirrors use 1.8 m hexagonal segments. Each segment’s reflecting surface is an aspheric,
off-axis portion of the global primary mirror. The gaps between segments are only 3 mm wide (the optical gap is
about twice that if you include the edge bevels), resulting in a >99% filled aperture. Requirements
The optical prescription for M1 is described in Section 7.2.1. M1 is a hyperboloid with a conic constant of -
1.0009535 and a paraxial radius of curvature of 60 meters. The aperture outer diameter is 30 meters.
The M1 functional requirements are driven primarily by system architecture choices. The performance
requirements are driven primarily by the error budgets described in Section 7.4. These requirements are
summarized below.
Functional requirements
M1 incorporates 492 hexagonal segments, as described in Section 7.2.1. The segmentation pattern is shown
in Figure 8-19. There are 82 unique types of segments. The pattern of segment types repeats every 60
degrees around the aperture. One spare segment of each type will be provided to allow immediate replacement
when a segment is removed for recoating. This means that each segment will be installed in a different sector
of the mirror each time it is recoated. Therefore, each segment must have alignment features that position it in
precisely the correct position and orientation when it is substituted into the array.
It isn’t possible to divide a curved surface into regular hexagons of uniform size. TMT has developed a scaling
approach [1] that minimizes the differences in segments to a few millimeters. To accommodate the different
sizes, the Segment Support Assemblies (SSAs) must incorporate features that divide the support forces
differently for each type of segment.
The TMT pointing error budget is described in Table 7-4 and the pupil alignment budget is described in Table
7-5. To meet these budgets the global position and tilt of M1 relative to the telescope structure must be
repeatable as a function of zenith angle. This primarily imposes requirements on the mirror cell structure and
on the M1CS. M1 must also incorporate alignment features (retro-reflectors) that allow its global position to be
accurately measured by the Global Metrology System (GMS) described in Section
Requirements on system emissivity, described in Section, and diffraction effects that scatter energy out
of the center of the image, impose limits on the effective width of the gaps (nominally 3.5 mm) between the
segments, including the physical gap (nominally 2.5 mm) as well as the edge bevels on the optical surfaces
(0.5 mm each side).
Errors in the global shape of M1 can cause spatial and temporal variations in the image scale. The global
shape is controlled by the M1CS.
The segments will be attached to the top chords of the mirror cell, which is described in Section
Servicing of the segment support equipment will be performed by staff working in the mirror cell. The segments,
SSAs and mirror cell are shown in Figure 8-20.
Segment Support Assembly (SSA)
The segment support design is based on the successful Keck approach, with a statically-determinant
whiffletree axial support and a central diaphragm lateral support. The TMT mirror cell will have larger
fabrication tolerances and structural deflections than the smaller Keck cell, which requires a larger adjustment
range in the Subcells and a larger travel range in the actuators and SSA. To minimize stress in the central
Fig 8-21: Schematic of the SSA design. Fig 8-22: Conceptual design of the SSA.
mass. Reducing the glass thickness reduces the total mass and the thermal inertia, but requires more support
points. For a 27-point axial support, the thickness of the segment can be reduced to 45 mm for a zero-
expansion glass-ceramic segment or 50 mm for a zero-expansion fused silica segment.
The finished segments will conform to the parent hyperboloidal shape. From the center to the outer edge of the
primary mirror the segment radius of curvature increases from 60 to > 63 meters and the segments go from
being almost spherical to having 230 microns peak-to-valley of asphericity (mostly astigmatism).
Each finished segment will have a cylindrical pocket ground into the back side of the segment for the central
diaphragm. All surfaces, except the optical surface, will have a commercial grade polish to remove subsurface
damage. The optical surface will have a smoother polish and an accurate figure. The SSA will be mounted to
the segment prior to final figuring and the acceptance test. This will ensure that the segment figure measured in
the optics shop is the same as it will be in the telescope.
Fig 8-23: A PSA and its neighbors, shown from below (cables not shown). Overview
The secondary mirror (M2) reflects the
light from the f/1 primary mirror and
converts it to an f/15 beam for the
science instruments. The mirror is a
large, convex hyperboloid.
The secondary mirror assembly
includes the mirror, cell, positioner,
control electronics, and software, along
with the associated interfaces to the
telescope structure. The cell is a steel
weldment structure that contains the
axial and lateral supports for the mirror.
The mirror supports are active and can
correct low-order aberrations including Fig 8-24: Configuration of Secondary Mirror Assembly (Laser
residual polishing figure errors and the Launch Telescope removed for clarity).
effects of changing zenith angle
(gravity) and temperature. The hexapod
positioner is used to control five rigid body degrees of freedom of the M2. The hexapod will be used to correct
telescope structural deformations due to gravity and temperature.
The control electronics and software provide the local servo control loops for the hexapod positioner and the
mirror support. The Telescope Control System (TCS) provides the high level control for the positioner and
mirror support systems.
An annotated schematic of the Secondary Mirror Assembly is shown in Figure 8-24. Requirements
The optical prescription for the M2 is described in Section 7.2.1. The M2 is a convex hyperboloid with a conic
constant of -1.31822813 and a paraxial radius of curvature of 6.22768 meters. The clear aperture outer and
inner diameters for a 15 arc minute field of view are 3.025 and 0.210 meters, respectively.
Functional Requirements
The M2 must maintain the correct optical shape and remain aligned with the other telescope optics. The focus
adjustment of the telescope is accomplished by moving the M2 in the Z- direction. The M2 Positioner must be
able to control the M2 position and orientation in five degrees of freedom (rotation about the optical axis has no
optical significance). Retro-reflectors at the edge of the M2 will allow measurements of the mirror position by
the Global Metrology System (GMS), described in Section
To minimize flexure of the relatively thin members in the upper telescope structure, the mass of the M2
Assembly must be limited – the total mass has been specified to be < 6,000 kg.
To limit the obscuration of the telescope entrance pupil by the M2 Assembly, the diameter of the M2 Assembly
shall be less than 3.6 meters. All components of the mirror cell, positioner and control electronics will be inside
this diameter. This is similar in size to the seven segments left out of the center of M1.
Because it is close to the enclosure entrance aperture, the M2 Assembly will be subjected to relatively high air
flow velocity. To minimize wind shake of the telescope, the cross sectional area of the M2 Assembly must be
limited, and the external surfaces must be streamlined to reduce drag. The specified cross-sectional area for
the M2 Assembly, in combination with the Laser Launch Telescope mounted above it, is < 10 square meters
from any orientation. The average drag coefficient of the M2 Assembly will be less than 1.5, from any
The design of the M2 Assembly must ensure safety of personnel and must safeguard the telescope and other
equipment of the observatory. Because of its high position in the telescope, two concerns are particularly
important: avoiding hazards from falling parts; and limiting damage from an earthquake whose accelerations
Mirror supports 57 73
Polishing Error 83 83
Thermal Effects 38 38
Coatings Effects 14 14
The cell and positioner are controlled by two independent low level control systems. It is envisioned that these
low level control systems will be provided by the suppliers of the M2 assembly and the positioner respectively.
The Telescope Control System (TCS) will provide a software adaptor around each system as well as providing
the required high level control. See Section 8.3.5. The bandwidth of the low level M2 support control system
will be less than 0.1 Hz and the bandwidth or the hexapod will be less than 1 Hz.
Fig 8-26: M2 Axial support print-through, Fig 8-27: M2 Lateral support print-through,
with 60 axial supports, at horizon pointing with 24 edge lateral supports, at horizon
(print-through is polished out at zenith). pointing.
There will be a coating chamber large enough to coat the M2
at the observatory. The baseline coating orientation is face
down, to reduce the number of pinholes caused by particles on
the surface of the mirror during the recoating process.
A dome-mounted crane and service platform will be used to
remove the M2 Cell Assembly from the telescope structure
and lower it to a cart on the floor. The assembly will be moved
to the cleaning and stripping room, where the mirror will be
prepared for re-coating. After re-coating it will be moved back
to the dome floor where it will be lifted and re-installed in the
telescope structure. The coating chamber and mirror handling Fig 8-28: Illustration of the
equipment are described in Section 8.3.7.
hexapod geometry evaluated by
CSA Engineering for the M2 Development Tasks
Key development tasks include: development of prototype
axial and lateral support actuators; and studies to develop the method of testing the large convex secondary
mirror. Optical testing of large convex mirrors requires specialized auxiliary optics, and can require stitching
together of multiple interferograms to encompass the full optical surface. These tasks will be carried out by
contractors as described below.
[1] TMT M2 Performance prediction, Ritchey-Chrétien design, May 11, 2007, TMT.OPT.PRE.07.019.
[2] Secondary Mirror Positioner Concept Design, Michael Cash and Greg Pettit, CSA Engineering, Inc.,
February 28, 2006, TMT.OPT.CDD.06.002. Overview
The Tertiary Mirror (M3) is a large, optically-flat
mirror that is used to direct the telescope image to
the multiple instruments on both Nasmyth platforms.
The M3 must be able to switch among the science
instruments rapidly and precisely, and it must be
able to track in two axes to keep the beam aligned
with the instrument as the telescope changes zenith
angle. One of these axes (the “rotation” axis) is
coincident with the M1 optical axis, and the other
(the “tilt” axis) is perpendicular to that axis. The
optical surface of the M3 passes through the
intersection of the telescope elevation and azimuth
axes and rotates and tilts about that point.
The M3 Assembly, shown in Figure 8-29, includes
the mirror, cell, positioner, control electronics,
cables, cable wrap and software, along with the
associated interfaces to the telescope structure.
The cell is a steel weldment structure that contains
the axial and lateral supports for the mirror. The
mirror supports are active and can correct low-order
aberrations including residual figuring errors and the
effects of changing zenith angle (gravity) and
Fig 8-29: Tertiary Mirror (M3) Assembly.
The control electronics and software provide the local servo control loops for the M3 positioner and the mirror
support. The Telescope Control System (TCS) provides the high level control for the positioner and mirror
support systems. Requirements
Functional Requirements
As stated in Section 7.2.1, the clear aperture of the M3 optical surface is an ellipse with minor axis of 2.450 m
and major axis of 3.508 m, providing a 15 arc minute unvignetted field of view.
The M3 Assembly must be able to direct the science beam to any instrument within the range of instrument
positions specified in Section 7.2.3. To address all the instruments and to meet servicing needs, the M3
Positioner must have a rotation range of ±180 degrees. The tilt range of motion is from 32 to 48 degrees, with
this angle measured between the M1 optical axis and the M3 surface normal vector.
The M3 must remain flat and meet surface figure specifications at all operational orientations. The support of
the M3 is more complex than typical alt-az telescope mirrors. The gravity vector has changing components in
all three orthogonal directions in the M3 local coordinate system. Active optics control of the M3 figure is
required to compensate for support errors and uneven thermal expansion.
To minimize M3 misalignment caused by deflection of its supporting structure, the mass of the M3 Assembly
must be minimized – the total mass has been specified to be < 8,000 kg.
The coating chamber at the observatory will be large enough to coat the M3. The baseline coating orientation is
face down, to reduce the number of pinholes caused by particles on the surface of the mirror during the coating
Removal of the M3 for recoating will be done with the telescope locked at a zenith angle of 45 degrees and the
M3 rotated to face upwards in that position. A mobile crane will extend its boom upwards from floor level to
suspend a lifting harness above the M3 cell, as shown in Section 8.3.7. Connection of the lifting harness to the
M3 cell will be semi-automatic. The cell will have deployable bars that guide the lifting harness into position and
actuators that make the connection. Disengagement of the M3 cell from the positioner will also be by means of
[1] D. Blanco, M. Cho, L. Daggert, P. Daly, J. DeVries, J. Elias, B. Fitz-Patrick, E. Hileman, M. Hunten, M.
Liang, M. Nickerson, E. Pearson, D. Rosin, M. Sirota, L. Stepp, “Control and support of 4-meter class
secondary and tertiary mirrors for the Thirty Meter Telescope”, Optomechanical Technologies for Astronomy,
ed. E. Atad-Ettedgui, J. Antebi and D. Lemke, SPIE Proc. 6273, 2006; TMT.OPT.JOU.06.002.
[2] M. Cho, TMT M3 Performance prediction, Ritchey-Chrétien design, May 11, 2007, TMT.OPT.PRE.07.018. Overview
Telescope Controls and Software consists of the systems listed below 4.
• Telescope Control System (TCS)
o The TCS includes adaptors and high level control for the M2, M3, and enclosure systems 5
Although the Alignment and Phasing System (APS) is contained under the WBS for Telescope Controls the
APS is described in Section due to its unique functionality and critical importance.
The M2 and M3 systems (mirrors, support systems, rigid body positioners, and low level controls) are
envisioned to be procured as turn key systems. The WBS and the organization of this construction proposal
reflect this vision therefore the low level control of M2 and M3 is described in Sections 8.3.3 and 8.3.4 rather
than in this section. Telescope Controls and Software will provide the necessary wrappers, adaptors, and high
The TMT is the first ground based observatory to be designed from conception with fully integrated active optic
systems, adaptive optic systems, laser guide star systems, and instrument systems. Although the system
decomposition and associated interfaces are optimized to minimize unnecessary inter-system coupling, the
architecture and design explicitly acknowledges that TMT is a complex system-of-systems. Telescope Controls
alone is responsible for over 30,000 I/O channels and nearly 12,000 degrees of freedom (DoF).
The TMT active optics (aO) system consists of the Mount, M1, M2, M3 systems; the Alignment and Phasing
System (APS); and the wave front sensing functionality that is embedded within the instruments, AO systems,
and the APS. See Figure 7-9. The Telescope Controls and Software provides the functionality required to
coordinate and control the telescope including, but not limited to, the mount, enclosure, and the M1, M2, and
M3 control systems. Figure 8-31 illustrates the various telescope control systems from a functional
The aO architecture consists of several nested control loops, which work in combination to minimize image
jitter, image blur, and pupil motion. The inner control loops are typically closed on a local encoder or
transducer; for example an encoder in the case of the mount. The inner loop receives commands from a look
up table (LUT) 6. The middle control loop refreshes the LUT set-points, often with on-sky optical measurements,
on time scales of days, weeks, or months. The outermost control loop is closed in real time with on-sky, optical
measurements. The update times for the outermost control loops are in the range of fractions of seconds to
The M1, M2, and M3 systems each contain the functionality to control rigid body DoF as well as higher order
modes via shape actuators. Rigid body control of M1 is via three actuators per segment (see Section 8.3.2),
M2 rigid body control is via a Hexapod (see Section 8.3.3), and M3 rigid body control is via a two axis
positioner (see Section 8.3.4). The TCS, M1, M2, and M3 control systems include rigid body LUTs that contain
the required set-points. The rigid body LUTs are created offline by the TCS based on APS measurements,
complemented with data gathered by surveying or the Global Metrology System (GMS). The LUTs will support
functions of zenith angle (gravity) and temperature. The initial data for the M1 rigid body segment LUT is
determined by a calibration process during sensor installation. Initial data for the M1 global tip/tilt piston LUTs
are determined via surveying. Initial data for the M2 and M3 rigid body LUTs are based on surveying.
M1 shape control is accomplished via warping harnesses. See Section 8.3.2. Control of M2 and M3 shape is
accomplished via their respective support systems. See Sections 8.3.3 and 8.3.4. The M1, M2, and M3 control
systems include shape LUTs that contain set-points for their respective “shape” control systems. The shape
LUTs are created offline by the TCS based on measurements by the APS. The LUTs will support functions of
zenith angle (gravity) and temperature. Initial data for the M2 and M3 shape LUTs will be determined by the
vendors who supply the respective systems. Initially, prior to APS measurements, the M1 warping harness
LUTs will be set to the unloaded condition.
The APS will be used to align and phase M1 every time new segments are installed. The APS alignment and
phasing measurements can be accomplished in parallel for all 492 segments; hence all M1 rigid body and
shape LUTs can be updated every time APS is used - approximately every ten to twenty days when newly
coated segments are installed. The zero points for the M2 and M3 rigid body LUTs will be updated on a time
scale that is similar to that of M1 updates; LUT updates for gravity and temperature will occur every one to two
level control necessary to interface the vendor supplied systems to the telescope control systems. The same is
true of the enclosure system.
The definition of LUTs includes analytic expressions as well as explicit n-dimensional tables. Typically
LUTs are functions of one or more variables, most often zenith angle and temperature, although
additional dependencies are possible. The LUTs typically contain set-points for a closed loop control
system. The LUTs are updated on time-scales of days, weeks or even months in contrast to the much
faster time-scales of true real time control systems.
The azimuth and elevation telescope mount commands will be based on the time and the right ascension and
declination coordinates of the selected science object. Corrections to the idealized telescope will be made via a
TCS LUT (pointing model). Pointing models will be updated on a monthly basis. Once the M1, M2, and M3
LUTs are determined and a pointing model is built it will be possible for the telescope systems to run without
the outermost real time control loop. On the other hand without real time optical feedback from an on
instrument wave-front sensor (OIWFS) or off-loads from the AO system, performance is not expected to be
adequate as a result of un-modeled errors and drifts.
In seeing limited operation, wave front tip/tilt, focus, coma, and low order radial modes will be measured via an
OIWFS. The TCS will utilize these measurements to correct tip/tilt image motion errors via the mount, coma
errors via M2 decenter and/or tip/tilt, focus errors via M2 piston; low order radial modes will be corrected via
M1. The process of correcting tip/tilt errors on the mount has historically been called guiding. The M3 control
baseline is to operate without any real time optical feedback, although the control design will support pupil
corrections via feedback from the instruments or APS. During AO observations the aO corrections will be
based on the time-averaged position of the AO tip/tilt stage and the time-averaged position of the AO
deformable mirror (DM); up to 100 modes can be offloaded. The characteristics of each of the nested aO loops
are listed in Table 8-7. Additional corrections to the M2 LUTs, beyond those described Table 8-7, may be
implemented via FEA and thermal models.
The APS (see Section contains an acquisition camera and a low order WFS. Together these
components will act as a surrogate instrument from the perspective of the telescope. The acquisition camera
and WFS will be used to integrate and verify telescope pointing and aO loop performance prior to telescope
integration with an instrument or AO system. In addition the APS acquisition camera and WFS will be utilized
throughout the life of the observatory for engineering and performance improvements of acquisition, pointing,
and the aO loops.
In general look up tables are functions of zenith angle (ZA) and temperature (T); additional dependencies are also possible.
The actual command rate may be faster as a result of required profiling and trajectory control
Direct drive linear motor
WFS Tip/Tilt (image motion) will be corrected via the mount (guiding). In AO mode the outer loop image motion feedback is not based on the OIWFS but rather via an offload of the time averaged
position of the AO tip/tilt stage.
The global M1 control bandwidth is 0.5 Hz. The control bandwidths of the individual segments will be approximately 20 Hz; individual actuator bandwidths will be 30 to 50 Hz.
Zero point only. Zenith angle and temperature dependence will be updated on approximately a yearly basis or whenever M2 and M3 are recoated (~ every 2 years).
In seeing limited mode low order radial modes will be corrected on the M1. In AO mode the outer loop feedback is not based on the OIWFS but rather on an offload based on the time averaged
shape of the AO deformable mirror (DM); up to ~ 100 modes will be offloaded.
Warping harness will be adjusted as a function of zenith angle and temperature. A bandwidth requirement is not relevant.
The GMS may be used on a nightly basis to correct the zero point drifts of the M2 LUTs as a result of un-modeled (primarily temperature) error sources.
On a 2 to 4 week basis (based on the frequency of segment exchanges) APS will realign focus and two of the remaining four M2 DOF. The remaining two degrees of freedom will be measured by
APS on approximately a yearly basis or whenever the M2 is recoated. The selection of which two DOF will be measured by APS more frequently is TBD.
Coma will be corrected on M2 via tip/tilt, de-center, or rotation about the neutral point. The optimum approach is TBD; the architecture will easily support any of these three possibilities.
Focus will be corrected via M2 piston
The instruments and the APS will have the ability to slowly control pupil position via M3 tilt.
The TCS is responsible for the coordination and control of the various systems that make up the telescope
system. Figure 8-31 illustrates the TCS relative to the other telescope control systems. Figure 7–10 illustrates
the context of the TCS relative to the other principal systems within the OES. The TCS is one of the systems
within the Observatory Execution System (OES); the OES is described in Section 8.4.3 The TCS consists of
control software and associated off the shelf computer processing hardware. Figure 8-31 illustrates the use of
adaptors to interface and reconcile differences between vendor supplied software and core observatory
Fig 8-31: An illustration showing the functional relationships between the various
systems that fall under Telescope Controls. Dashed lines and/or grey text indicate
systems that are shown for reference only and are not contained within Telescope
Controls. The lines connecting the various systems are illustrative of a
hierarchical control relationship but do not imply communication paths.
Communication paths are better illustrated by Figure 8-52 (OES Integration
The TCS consists of a Sequencer and Status/Alarm Monitor, a Pointing Kernel, a Corrections Module, and
several adaptors. The Sequencer and the Status/Alarm Monitor controls and coordinates the telescope
The TCS contains several adaptors to handle differences between vendor and commercially supplied software
systems and the core observatory software systems. There will be adaptors for the M2, M3, Enclosure, and
Engineering Sensor systems.
Work Plan
The operations staff must be intimately familiar with the observatory software in order to efficiently address the
persistent desire to improve system performance, add new capabilities, maintain complex interfaces, and keep
pace with evolving technology. A demonstrated successful approach (as per Keck) to developing the requisite
familiarity is to develop the core software components in house and to ensure a smooth transition to operations
of the knowledge base and staff at the end of the construction project. This is the baseline approach for TMT.
Other than for unique processes such as the pointing kernel the majority of the software effort will be
accomplished within the Project Office and by TMT partner institutions.
The M1 Control System (M1CS) is responsible for maintaining the overall shape of the segmented M1 mirror
despite structural deformations caused by temperature and gravity and disturbances from wind and vibrations
(observatory generated and seismic). Properly supported, the mirror segments (see Section 8.3.2) can be
treated as rigid bodies; hence, their positions can be described by six parameters. The three in-plane motions
are controlled passively via the Segment Support Assembly (SSA). The three out-of-plane motions (piston, tip,
tilt) are actively controlled by the M1CS via three actuators and two sensors per inter-segment edge. In total the
M1CS contains 1476 actuators and 2772 sensors. In addition to actuators and sensors the M1CS includes the
algorithms, software, electronics, and communication buses necessary for control of the primary mirror. The
M1CS also provides the local control of the warping harnesses.
The M1CS can be considered a stabilization system that works to maintain the shape of M1 based on
previously determined set-points. The set-points vary as a function of gravity (zenith angle) and temperature.
The APS is responsible for aligning M1 by making measurements using starlight from which the set-points can
be determined (see Section 8.3.6). The APS also takes the data to determine the proper set-points for the
The starting point for the design of the TMT M1CS is the design of the M1 control system used on the
successful Keck telescope and more recent work done for The California Extremely Large Telescope CELT
[5,6,7]. The M1CS description that follows starts off with a statement of requirements and then leads into a
description of each of the primary M1 components culminating with a description of the control algorithm and
remaining development activities. Figure 8-31 illustrates the context of the M1CS within the overall group of
telescope control systems.
The conceptual design of the M1CS is requirement driven. The Level 1 error allocations for M1 shape drive the
noise requirements on sensors, actuators, and the APS derived set-points. The operating wind environment
drives the required pseudo static stiffness of the actuators, SSAs, and the mirror cell as well as the control
bandwidth of the M1CS. The requirement on M1CS bandwidth is also driven by the disturbance forces that the
air flow over M1 produces. Air flow is maintained over M1 in order to meet the Level 1 error allocation for
telescope and dome seeing. In addition the telescope and dome seeing error allocations drive towards a M1CS
design with low power dissipation and the need to remove unacceptable thermal loads. The level-1
requirements to minimize disturbances due to vibrations, in particular from rotating machinery, drive the design
requirement to push excitable resonances above 35 Hz and to choose a baseline actuator design than can
provide damping.
The M1 aperture size coupled with the 1.4 meter segment size results in a design with many M1CS
components; hence, reliability, maintainability, and cost are important. The large number of segments also
drives the duration of the Assembly, Integration, and Verification (AIV) process. The M1CS will be designed to
handle the continually evolving M1 configuration during AIV.
Level 1 requirements on observatory availability drive requirements on the maximum observing time allowed for
M1CS alignment, which in turn drives requirements on drift at the M1CS component level. The fifty year
observatory lifetime requirement directly drives an actuator and sensor design, which can be maintained, via
repair and replacement, for at least fifty years. In addition it drives a software/electronics design that pushes
industry standards deep into the system, enabling cost effective future upgrades driven by obsolescence and
technology evolution.
The error budget terms for the active alignment of M1 are listed in Table 8-8. Key M1CS derived requirements
are listed in Table 8-9.
Table 8-8: The error budget terms for active alignment of M1. Grey entries are beyond the direct
scope of the M1CS but impact alignment of M1.
The core requirements on M1CS actuator performance are listed in Table 8-9. The most demanding design
requirements are tracking error, low sensitivity to wind loads and structural vibrations, large dynamic range, low
operating power, reliable operation, and low unit cost. The required actuator stroke results from a system level
trade study involving telescope structure mass and dynamics, segment installation and alignment tolerances,
and actuator cost. The large number of actuators drives the aggressive cost and reliability targets and hence a
design that departs from that used on the Keck telescopes. A number of potential actuator technologies have
been investigated [8]. Voice coil technology was chosen based on its ability to damp vibrations, to deliver high
accuracy, and to deliver a long potential lifetime due to low wear. It is interesting to note that the European
Southern Observatory (ESO) Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) Project is also leaning towards voice coil based
Bandwidth 0.5 Hz
Power dissipation on segment ≤ 2 watts/meter RMS
Total Stroke 4.3 mm
Tracking Error ≤ 5 nm RMS
Axial Load 610 Newtons
Axial Stiffness @ 35 Hz ≥ 10 N at 35 Hz
Max Tracking Rate 150 nm/sec
Slew Rate ≥ 50 µm/second
Power (segment mounted) ≤ 0.2 Watts/actuator RMS
Weight ≤ 7 Kgs
MTBF ≥ 300,000 hours
Orientation (performing) 0 to 115 degrees
Noise 4.9 nm RMS, 5.5 nm/ (Hz)
Temporal effects 1 nm week (assumes re-alignment every 5 weeks)
Gravity and thermal effects 1 nm RMS each
Humidity effects 3.2 nm RMS
Gap range 2.5 +/- 0.6 mm
Delta gap in operation +/-0.3 mm
Range for performance +/-100 µm
Range for operation +/- 2.5 mm
Orientation non interlocking
Vacuum compatible Yes
Power (segment mounted ) ≤ 0.3 Watts/sensor RMS
Summit Facility
Controller Controller Warping
prototype actuators (P1 through P4) No. 1 No. 82 Harnesses
to verify cost, reliability, and Coolant Coolant
(21 per
performance prior to the initiation of AC Power Power
mass production. The build, and initial
test of the first TMT prototype (P1) is
complete; the demonstrated AC Power M1CS-
Computer Room
Power and
performance indicates that the design M1CS- Comms
Signal Distribution
can meet the most demanding Global
performance requirements [11].
P1 evaluation continues to be
followed by a P2 design effort. Figure
8-33 is an illustration of the Primary- Fig 8-32: M1CS functional block diagram. The 82 segment
mirror Segment Assembly (PSA), controllers and the power and signal distribution system are
Subcell, and the top layer of the mounted to the mirror cell floor. The signal distribution
telescope mirror cell including
consists of a tree structure of network switches.
pictures of the P1 actuators and
12 half sensors
(6 drive & 6 sense)
per segment
Cable harness
connector bulkhead
3 per segment Drive half Sense half
Fig 8-33: An illustration of the PSA, Sub-cell, and top layer of the mirror cell. The
segment jack can also be seen. Pictures of the P1 actuator and the P1 sensors
are shown. The P1 actuator is shown with its covers off.
The off-loader mechanism has a number of gears, bearings, rotating parts and cables. A single accelerated life-
time test (41 years) of the off-loader was run with only two failures. The common failure mode was identified
and a fix installed. Although this single test is statistically insignificant it does provide some confidence that a
reliable actuator that is based on P1 design concepts is realizable. Comprehensive reliability, lifetime, and
stress tests will be run on the P2, P3, and P4 actuators.
The production actuator will be designed to so that it can be re-built with relative ease in order to support a 50
year observatory life time. The fine position control mechanism of the actuator has no sliding or rotating parts,
does not require lubrication, and relies only on flexural systems that can be designed to operate for essentially
infinite lifetime. A few examples of the initial test results are illustrated in Fig. 8-34.
The requirements on the sensors are listed in Table 8- z
9. Two critical top level requirements drove a sensor y
design that diverged from that used at Keck. The Keck end view x side view
design is described in reference [14]. First, due to the
large number of sensors, the cost target for the TMT
sensor is approximately one tenth the cost of a Keck segment
sensor. An equally important design driver is the
requirement on ease and efficiency of the segment
exchange process. When a Keck mirror segment is 28
sensor (sense)
sensor (drive)
Fig 8-35: The top figure illustrates the actuator tracking error at a
track rate of 270 nm/sec. The tracking error is 3.1 nm RMS and meets
the 5 nm RMS requirement identified in Table 8-9. The measured
power dissipated at the actuator is extremely low due to the use of
an off-loader. The bottom figure illustrates that the actuator
bandwidth, defined by a 90 degree phase lag between the command
and output is greater than 50 Hz. Both of these tests were run with a
450 Newton load on the actuator.
cross talk despite the desire to do otherwise for cost 3.5
Saturation Measurements
considerations. Figure 8-37 illustrates the favorable 3
comparison between measured P1 (shielded)
performance and an electrostatic model of the
sensor. Figure 8-37 also illustrates that the sensor 2
is linear over a ±4mm range - a larger range than is Test Electronics
1.5 Saturation
required. A P2 will be built and tested after the
analysis of the in and out-of-plane coupling has 1
been completed. Additional electrostatic modeling 0.5 Linear Section
will also be completed as the design matures to
include interactions of three sensors near a 0
segment edge, attachment characteristics, and 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Displacement (mm)
cable bonding characteristics.
The proposed sensor calibration approach is in the
Fig 8-37: A comparison of measured and
development stage, and until proven, poses simulated P1 sensor data for relative height (Z)
considerable risk to the project. As part of a risk displacements.
mitigation plan the status of an inductive sensor
under consideration for the ESO ELT remains under consideration as a TMT alternative. It may be possible to
develop an inductive sensor with favorable cross coupling characteristics and little sensitivity to humidity.
Optical sensors have been researched and have shown certain benefits but at a relatively high cost. The
section below on development tasks discusses the sensor risk mitigation activities in more detail.
It is important to note that implementing the required computer power for the Keck M1CS was a major
challenge and risk; the same is not true for TMT. The advancement of processing power over the last two
decades far exceeds the additional processing power required to control 492 segments.
An important feature of the work plan is the goal of a smooth transition between the project and operational
phases of the observatory. During construction, TMT staff members who expect to remain with the project into
operations will be embedded into the design team located at the NL. In addition the NL will support AIV of the
M1CS at the observatory site, providing training to TMT staff members during the process. Both of these
transition mechanisms were used successfully at the Keck Observatory.
Response (mas)
light as possible to minimize cost.
Design and performance prediction is 10
[1] Level-1 TMT Software Architecture, TMT.SFT.DRD.07.002.
[2] Marshall, R. E. et al, The Telescope Control System Supervisory Controller for the Thirty Meter Telescope,
SPIE Vol. 6274, June 23, 2006, ,TMT.CTR.JOV.06.005.
[3] Wallace, P.T., A Rigorous algorithm for telescope pointing, Proc. SPIE 4848, 125-136, 2002.
[4] Wallace, P.T., Pointing and tracking software for the Gemini 8-m telescopes, Proc. SPIE Vol. 2871, 1997,
pp. 1020-1031.
[5] Jared, R. C. et al, The W. M. Keck Telescope segmented primary mirror active control system, SPIE Vol.
1236 Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes lV (1990).
[6] Chanan, G. et al, Control and alignment of segmented-mirror telescopes: matrices, modes, and error
propagation, Applied Optics, February 2004, Vol. 43, No. 6. TMT.CTR.JOU.04.001.
[7] MacMartin, Chanan, Control of the California Extremely Large Telescope primary mirror, SPIE Vol. 4840
(2003), Future Giant Telescopes. CEL.CTR.TEC.02.001.
[8] Schier, A. J. (The Pilot Group), Summary of CELT Mirror Segment Actuator Survey”, February 20, 2001,
[9] Aubrun, J. N., Lorell, K. R., CELT Primary Mirror Actuators, Phase 1 Study, 2001 , CEL.CTR.TEC.01.003.
[10] Aubrun, J. N., Lorell, K. R., et al, Design and Test of a Precision Segment Actuator for the CELT Primary
Mirror, CEL.CTR.TEC.02.002.
[11] Aubrun, J. N., Lorell, K. R., Marjan Research, TMT M1 Actuator Performance Tests, September 28, 2006,
[12] Aubrun, J. N., Lorell, Marjan Research, TMT Actuator PDR Presentation, November 18, 2005,
[13] Aubrun, J. N., Lorell, (Marjan Research), et al, Design of a Prototype Primary Mirror Segment Positioning
Actuator for the Thirty Meter Telescope, SPIE Vol. 6267, June 23, 2006, TMT.CTR.JOV.06.001.
[14] Minor, R. H., et al, Displacement sensors for the primary mirror of the W.M. Keck telescope, SPIE Vol. 1
1236 Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes IV (1990)
[15] Mast, T., et al, An Edge Sensor Design for the Thirty Meter Telescope,SPIE Vol. 6267, June 23, 2007.
[16] Chanan, G., Segment In-Plane Position Sensing, March 9, 2007, TMT.CTR.PRE.07.019
[17] Mast, T., TMT Edge Sensor Concepts, March 2007, TMT.CTR.TEC.07.009, TMT.CTR.TEC.07.009.
[18] Cohen, R. W. et al, The W.M. Keck telescope segmented primary mirror active control system software,
1038/ SPIE Vol. 1236 Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes IV(1990).
[19] Aubrun, Lorell, Havas, Lockheed, An Analysis of the Segment Alignment Control System for the W. M.
Keck Observatory Ten Meter Telescope, December 1985, TMT.CTR.COR.06.012. Overview
This section describes the initial alignment of the telescope optics during integration, as well as the alignment
and phasing system (APS) and the global metrology system (GMS) that will be used to set and maintain
alignment of the optics and phasing of M1 segments during operations.
As the M1 segments, secondary mirror (M2) and tertiary mirror (M3) are installed in the telescope, their initial
alignment will be accomplished with surveying instruments. A prime focus camera (PFC) will be used to check
the alignment of the first 120 segments before the M2 and M3 are installed. The PFC will also be used for early
telescope pointing tests. Once the M2 and M3 are in place, the APS will be used to align and phase the
segments as they are installed.
The GMS will provide a rapid independent measurement of the positions of M1, M2 and M3 as a function of
zenith angle.
The Alignment and Phasing System (APS) is
responsible for the alignment of M1, M2 and M3. Fig 8-41: Mounting configuration for the PFC.
Here, the word “alignment” in general encompasses Note the M2 dummy weight, which must have an
the determination as well as the correction of both
aperture to allow the light from the central 120
rigid body and surface figure degrees of freedom.
APS will use starlight to measure the wavefront errors segments to reach the PFC.
and then will determine the appropriate commands to
send to align the optics. Once the optics are aligned, the various control systems will record the set points for
later use. In particular APS will measure and correct or align:
• M1 segments in piston, tip and tilt
• M1 segment surface figure
• M2 five degrees of rigid body motion (piston, tip, tilt, and x- and y-decenter)
• M2 surface figure
• M3 surface figure
• M3 two degrees of rigid body motion (tip and tilt)
APS will align the telescope at various elevation angles and then from the set points for the M1, M2 and M3
control systems, lookup tables will be generated to correct for gravity-induced deformations. In a similar
fashion, data will be collected at various temperatures over time and lookup tables will be built as a function of
temperature as well.
APS will have an acquisition camera with a 1 to 2 arcminute
field of view, which can be used for pointing, acquisition, and
tracking tests. APS will also provide a port where an On-
Board Instrument WaveFront Sensor (OIWFS) can be
placed in order to test its performance and validate the
active optics control algorithms against APS.
APS is based upon the successful Keck Observatory
Phasing Camera Systems (PCS) [1], and will play a similar,
though somewhat expanded role. Each of the two Keck
telescopes is equipped with a PCS, shown in Fig. 8-42.
Together the two PCS systems have almost 25 years of on-
sky experience and have successfully aligned the Keck
telescopes a total of over 600 times. On the basis of this Fig 8-42: Keck 2 phasing camera system
experience, we can confidently make quantitative installed at the left bent Cassegrain focus.
predictions about how well we will be able to align many,
though not all, of the optical degrees of freedom of TMT [2]. There are, however, some significant differences
between PCS and APS. These include the following:
1. TMT has an order of magnitude more segments than Keck, which substantially increases the “source
confusion” problems in the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor software. At the same time, the sheer
2. Keck is almost never used without all 36 segments installed. However, the TMT primary mirror will be
built up sequentially, and as a result there will be long periods when it may often be used without all
492 segments installed (or at least controlled). APS will have to implement a robust incomplete mirror
capability that can handle missing or uncontrolled segments.
3. APS will automatically control the warping harness on the M1 segments. At Keck, PCS made
segment figure measurements, but the corresponding warping harness commands were then
computed offline and the harnesses were adjusted manually.
4. APS will align the mirror shapes of M2 and M3 (these are static at Keck). This will require that APS
make off-axis measurements to decompose the measured wavefront errors into the individual
contributions from M1, M2 and M3.
In many, if not most, cases, the APS alignment capabilities are limited by atmospheric turbulence, even for the
long (~300 second) integrations that we anticipate for most modes.
We have developed a simple model to characterize this residual atmospheric turbulence based on the last six
years of Keck alignment data. Fig. 8-44 shows the results of the measurements vs. the best-fit model (the fit
involves a single parameter, essentially the effective coherence diameter r0). This model can be readily
extrapolated to an aperture diameter of 30 meters and this provides a quantitative basis for our estimates of the
atmospheric limitations to APS performance.
The model also provides an effective means to separate atmospheric effects from non-fundamental limits. Thus
we have argued elsewhere [2] that the discrepant point in Fig. 8-44 is due to contamination by noise from the
Keck Active Control System.
Table 8-10 shows the measurement uncertainties for various telescope misalignments and segment
aberrations for a ~300 second exposure as measured at Keck and predicted for TMT. The values are for the
average seeing at Keck (r0=0.1m @ 500nm). The PCS systematic errors have been measured by inserting a
fiber coupled reference source at the nominal telescope focus within PCS. In all cases the TMT predicted
systematic errors are significantly smaller then the atmospheric errors.
2. The warping harnesses at Keck perform significantly worse than the theoretical predictions. Much work
has gone into understanding the errors at Keck, including experiments conducted at the Keck
telescope, and while some significant progress has been made, the performance is on average a
factor of 3 worse than the predictions. There is evidence that part of the problem is due to human error
associated with the man-in-the-loop nature of the Keck procedure, but this same problem makes it
difficult to perform definitive controlled experiments. TMT is relying on the warping harnesses
performing at or near their theoretical limits in order to meet the stringent wavefront specifications
imposed by adaptive optics systems. The warping harnesses at TMT will be motorized, which should
allow for iterations of the control loop - something which is not feasible with the manual Keck system.
TMT is also working on detailed modeling as well as investigating experiments with the ESO ELT effort
and additional experiments at Keck.
3. As described above, the phasing function of APS utilizes details of the subimage diffraction patterns
(and not simply their centroids) in order to determine the segment piston or phase errors. This places
stringent requirements on the optical quality of the micro-optics used to form these subimages. At
Keck, micro-prisms were used for this purpose. These are ideal as they can be built with extremely
high optical quality; however, micro-prisms are not practical for TMT because the very large number of
subimages implies unreasonably small prisms, probably a factor of 3 smaller (in each dimension) than
the 2 mm by 3 mm prisms used in the Keck PCS. We will procure a prototype lenslet array with similar
specifications to those needed for APS and test the optical quality in order to better understand
whether this will be a problem for APS.
4. We have learned from our experiences with PCS that the algorithms, procedures, and even
requirements continue to evolve during development, delivery and for years after delivery of the
subsystem. As a result we believe it is essential to have a flexible software framework in place for
procedure development and execution that allows the Optical Engineer to focus on solving the
scientific/engineering problems without having to focus on software related issues. We have a potential
solution and we will develop a test version of this system well before Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
in order to insure that it will meet our requirements.
5. APS has a requirement on pupil stability of one part in 3000 or (0.03%) over 120 seconds. This is set
by the phasing function of APS. This stability sets a requirement both on the telescope itself
(principally M3) and on the internal K-mirror that APS utilizes to de-rotate the pupil. An initial analysis
of the design of a K-mirror has been completed by Lick Observatory and shows that this level of
accuracy will be difficult to maintain. The telescope system engineering group is currently analyzing if
the telescope can met the needed requirements. A fall-back position is to add another camera to APS
that will re-image the pupil after the K-mirror and provide fast (~1 second) measurements of the pupil
and image position. The pupil position can then be corrected using optics internal to APS, while the
image position would be corrected by means of adjustments to the telescope pointing.
6. APS will be the first “instrument” at TMT and as such it will be the first to work with many of the major
telescope subsystems (M1CS, M2CS, M3CS, TCS, and the observatory database). During the early
stages of integration and operations, it is inevitable that not all subsystems will be working properly
and it can be particularly challenging to determine whether a given problem is internal or external to
the APS. To deal with this issue effectively will require an extensive suite of tests and diagnostics
internal to APS.
Work Plan
The principal investigator (PI) for the successful Keck PCS systems will likely be the PI for APS [1]. Because of
the increased scale and complexity of APS, it makes sense to team with an industrial partner or a national lab
that has experience delivering systems of similar scope. Collaboration has already started with the Jet
Propulsion Lab, where there is also a significant existing knowledge base with Keck and the PCS. The PCS
software lead is currently serving as a consultant to the APS team and will likely eventually become the APS
software lead. We are leveraging as much as possible on the Keck experience in order to deliver a successful
and cost effective solution for alignment and phasing of the TMT.
As mentioned above APS is a critical element in building TMT and in reaching first light. APS will likely be the
first subsystem to use and test the telescope as a complete system. Thus it is essential that APS arrive at the
[1] G. A. Chanan, “Design of the Keck Observatory alignment camera,” in Precision Instrument Design, T. C.
Bristow and A. E. Hathaway, eds., SPIE 1036, pp. 59-70, 1988.
[2] G. A. Chanan, M. Troy, I. Crossfield, “Predicted measurement accuracy of the TMT alignment and phasing
system”, TMT.CTR.TEC.07.002,
[3] Lick Observatory, “Lick Observatory: revised proposal for APS K-mirror (12 arcsec FOV)”, TMT,
[4] Optical Research Associates, “Feasibility design reduced-cost refractive collimator lens for APS”,
[5] S. Michaels, “APS software requirements”, TMT.CTR.DRD.07.001.DRF01,
[6] G. A. Chanan, M. Troy, F. G. Dekens, S. Michaels, J. Nelson, T. Mast, and D. Kirkman, “Phasing the mirror
segments of the Keck telescopes: the broadband phasing algorithm,” Applied Optics 37, pp. 140-155, Jan.
[7] G. A. Chanan, C. Ohara, M. Troy, “Phasing the mirror segments of the Keck telescopes: the narrowband
phasing algorithm,” Applied Optics 39, pp. 4706-4714, Sept. 2000.
[8] G. A. Chanan, M. Troy, I. Crossfield, J. Nelson, and T. mast, “The alignment and phasing system for the
Thirty Meter Telescope”, L. Stepp, eds., SPIE 6267, 2006.
The GMS is a system based on permanently mounted surveying instruments (total stations) that can be used to
automatically measure the relative positions of M1, M2, M3, and instrument, during operation of the telescope.
At any time during the night, the telescope operator can pause between exposures and measure these
positions to an accuracy of 50 microns in each axis, in a time period of about one minute. The GMS will be
used to locate the M2 and M3 in their intended positions when they are initially installed, which will place them
within the capture range of the APS.
Each target must be viewable by at least one total station, preferably by at least two. The total stations must
have a clear view of each other to establish the base reference frame. The total stations must have a distance
range of 40 meters, and when used as a system must be able to measure the position of targets anywhere in
that range with an accuracy of ±50 microns in X, Y and Z. The total stations must be cooled to minimize heat
dissipation into the observatory environment. The GMS may not emit light during use of the telescope for
science. The GMS must be controllable by the telescope operator, following prepared measurement programs.
The full set of measurements shall be completed in one minute or less.
Conceptual design description
The GMS will consist of three total stations mounted in the upper telescope structure at locations where they
can see: several fixed reference points around the perimeter of the M1, three points attached to the M2, three
points attached to the M3, and three points around the entrance window of the instrument in use. The targets
will be corner cubes or other similar retro-reflectors. Each total station will be kept continually warmed up, so
Work plan
The total stations and targets will be commercial-off-the-
shelf components. TMT will design the mounting
hardware and enclosures for the total stations, and the
mounting hardware for the targets. A subcontractor will
provide the custom software for determining the target
positions from the three sets of measurements. Controls
Group engineers will develop the software that links the
GMS to the Telescope Control System. Overview
The telescope optics will need special installation and Fig 8-45: The configuration of the GMS. The
maintenance equipment, including lifting, handling and three surveying instruments are permanently
storage equipment for the mirrors and their cells, coating
mounted in small enclosures near the top of
equipment, and in-situ mirror cleaning equipment. These
items of special equipment will be designed and the telescope.
fabricated as part of the construction project.
The installation process for M1 segments will be similar to that used with the Keck telescopes. The M1 Subcells
will be installed on the mirror cell with the Segment Handling Cranes (SHCs). The subcells will be aligned using
the surveying equipment and procedures outlined in Section 8.3.6.
Each Primary-mirror Segment Assembly (PSA) will be lifted into place with the SHC, which will be equipped
with a hoist and a talon-type lifting mechanism. The lifting mechanism will be similar to that used at Keck. The
SHC will place the PSA onto the segment jack attached to the M1 Subcell. The lifting mechanism will be
disengaged and the PSA will then be lowered into place and aligned against registration features on the
Subcell. Procedures for removal of the segment assembly are in reverse order, except the M1 Subcell remains
in place on the mirror cell.
Installation of the Secondary Mirror (M2) Assembly will be with the telescope at horizon pointing. The
enclosure-mounted crane will be used to lift the M2 Positioner and place it on the telescope structure interface
mounts. The same crane will be used to lift the M2 Cell Assembly off the M2/M3 handling cart and place it on
the Positioner interface mounts. Enclosure-mounted platforms will be used for personnel access while installing
the M2 Positioner, mirror and cell. The procedure is reversed to remove the M2 Cell Assembly from the
telescope for maintenance and re-coating.
The M3 Positioner will be installed using a mobile articulated boom crane, prior to installing the M3 Cell
Assembly. The baseline approach for installing and removing the M3 Cell Assembly also uses the same
articulated boom crane. The telescope will be elevated to 45 degrees and the Positioner rotated such that the
mounting surface for the M3 Cell Assembly is horizontal. The articulated boom crane will pick up the M3 Cell
Assembly and place it on the interface pads for the M3 Positioner. For maintenance and recoating, the M3 Cell
Assembly will be removed from the telescope and transported on the M2/M3 handling cart to the coating area
for stripping and re-coating.
Servicing and Maintenance
Servicing and maintenance of the optics includes in-situ cleaning and re-coating. In–situ service access for
checking/replacing electrical and mechanical components is discussed in Section 7.2.5.
In-situ cleaning includes CO2 snow cleaning and water/detergent washing. CO2 snow cleaning of M1 and M3
will be performed semi-automatically using CO2 snow cleaning nozzles attached to the SHCs. The M2 will be
manually snow cleaned using a snow cannon controlled by a person on the enclosure-mounted service Requirements
The baseline coating recipe is the Gemini protected silver coating [1]. It has been shown to last 2 to 3 years in
an observatory environment, with frequent cleaning. Other coating recipes are being investigated to improve
durability and increase reflectance in the ultraviolet. Reflectance requirements and goals are summarized in
Table 6-2. The lifetime requirement for the new coating is 3 to 4 years, with a goal of > 5 years under
conditions that include frequent CO2 snow cleaning and washing.
It is anticipated that the M1 segments and M3 will require weekly cleaning with CO2 snow, because they face
upward and will collect more dust. Because the M2 faces down and collects less dust, it will only need cleaning
The required M1 Segment coating rate is 4 segments every two days. Two days are allocated for coating the
M2 and M3, each. Any attached mirror support components that go into the coating chamber must be vacuum
compatible and not contaminate the chamber or the coating.
Requirements on the handling equipment relate to people and equipment safety, efficiency and effect on
performance. Interface requirements for the installation and maintenance equipment are being developed.
Fig 8-46: The segment handling cranes, one Fig 8-47: The Keck segment lifting
shown in stowed position and the other mechanism.
Figure 8-48 shows an example of a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) handling fixture [3] that can be modified
to serve as the segment handling carts, similar to those used at Keck (see Figure 8-47). Figure 8-49 shows a
COTS shelving unit [4] of a type that can serve as the segment storage units. Each storage unit will store three
PSAs and will use less floor space than storing each segment on a handling cart, as is done at Keck.
[1] Maxime Boccas, Tomislav Vucina, Claudio Araya,
Esteban Vera, Clayton Ahhee, Coating the 8-m Gemini
telescopes with protected silver, Optical Fabrication,
Metrology, and Material Advancements for Telescopes,
SPIE Proc. Vol. 5494, ed.E. Atad-Ettedgui & P. Dierickx,
Sept. 2004, pp 239-253.
[2] A. Phillips, M. DiVittorio, Ben Platt, Draft Coating
Requirements for the TMT Mirrors, TMT.OPT.SPE.06.004,
Fig 8-51: Removal of the M3 and its mirror
[3] Jarke Corporation, cell using the mobile crane, with the
[4] Flotron Inc., telescope pointing 45 degrees from the
8.4 Observatory software
8.4.1 Overview
Observatory software covers a collection of design and implementation activities that include:
• High-level software system architecture
• A common TMT software development framework for all software subsystems
• Communications architecture and software (middleware) for system integration
• Critical software subsystems for observatory control, data management and queue observing
Level-1 software requirements for TMT can be found in the Observatory Requirements Document [1]. The
Observatory Architecture Document [2] contains a summary of the Level-1 software architecture.
8.4.2 Requirements
Observatory software has the following top-level functional requirements:
• Enable efficient user command, control, and monitoring of all observatory functions.
• Enable target acquisition and observation initiation in no more than five (5) minutes (10 minutes if an
instrument change is involved).
• Enable all the baseline science operations services discussed in Section 5.2.
• Enable the later implementation of all the enhanced science operations services discussed in Section
• Enable telemetry capture for the purposes of performance analysis and monitoring.
• Capture and store observatory data streams (science, engineering, and adaptive optics) at mean rate
of 0.02 Gbit/s (estimated peak rates: 0.10 Gbit/s). At least 100 TB of storage must be available.
All TMT software subsystems have the following additional top-level technical requirements:
database will provide persistent storage as necessary. User interfaces shall act as client-side applications
Each of these services will have an Application Programming Interface (API) that is service implementation
neutral, i.e. it should be possible to change how a service is implemented without needing to make code
modifications to the subsystems using that service.
It may be desirable to build these services on top of available middleware toolkits such as RTI Data Distribution
Service (formerly NDDS), Ice, CORBA, EPICS, the Internet2 middleware initiative, FioranoMQ, etc. Various
such solutions shall be evaluated during the design phase.
These services will be built on top of generic protocol stack described in Table 8-12.
User interfaces with command and monitor functionality must be developed for classical observers (on-site or
remote), systems operators, and technical staff responsible for monitoring performance. These interfaces will
be graphical and have a common look-and-feel. Each user interface is essentially a thin-client interacting with
the rest of the system as if it were a server. Care will be taken to allow for using such interfaces in monitor-only
mode from remote locations.
Observation execution is central to a larger program execution workflow common to all general-purpose
observatories (see Figure 8-53). To support that workflow, a program execution system (PES) has been
designed. Due to resource limitations, the PES will be implemented incrementally. Hence, the PES architecture
and subsystem design must take that limitation into account.
As necessary, specifications and initial design work should be completed on various PES subsystems to make
sure they use interfaces, data structures, and inter-process communication solutions that are compatible with
the core OES architecture.
The second category (software system engineering) contains all the work necessary to integrate and test the
entire TMT software system. Incremental lab integration is foreseen so that software system delivered to the
site has already been extensively tested. This work will be done by an in-house team. That team will also
provide support to subsystem developers using the TMT common software development framework.
[1] Observatory Requirements Document (ORD), TMT.SEN.DRD.05.001
[2] Observatory Architecture Document (OAD), TMT.SEN.DRD.05.002 Overview
Adaptive optics (AO), including laser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics, has already proven its importance and
popularity on the current generation of 8-10 meter class ground-based astronomical telescopes. Because the
benefits of AO grow dramatically with telescope aperture (the so-called “D4 scaling”), the anticipated use and
significance of AO for future ELTs is even greater. According to our SRD [1], at least 40 percent of TMT
observing time will utilize AO from the very beginning of science operations, a percentage that will only
increase as the telescope and its instrumentation mature. The range of potentially interesting AO concepts and
science applications that have been proposed to address this opportunity is much too large to be outlined here;
the challenge is not only to identify a plausible AO architecture for TMT, but to select the configuration which
will maximize scientific return as soon as possible following telescope first light at acceptable cost, complexity,
and risk.
The initial AO architecture for TMT has been defined to
provide near-diffraction-limited wavefront quality and high
sky coverage in the near infra-red (IR) for the early light
science instruments IRIS and IRMS. It is an LGS multi-
conjugate AO (MCAO) architecture consisting of three
major systems: (i) the facility Narrow Field IR AO System
(NFIRAOS), which is located on the TMT Nasmyth
platform and relays light from the telescope to three
science instrument ports after sensing and correcting for
wavefront aberrations introduced by atmospheric
turbulence and the observatory itself; (ii) the Laser Guide
Star Facility (LGSF), which generates multiple LGS in the
mesospheric sodium layer with the brightness, beam
quality, and asterism geometry required by the NFIRAOS
wavefront sensors (WFSs); and (iii) the Adaptive Optics
Sequencer (AOSQ), which automatically coordinates the
operations of NFIRAOS and the LGSF with the Fig 8-54: Early Light AO Facility.
remainder of the observatory for safe and efficient
This top-level decomposition of the early light AO facility is completely analogous with current and near-term
facility LGS AO systems on many existing 3-10 meter astronomical telescopes. In fact, much of the overall
design philosophy (and many important subsystem design concepts) for NFIRAOS and the LGSF has also
been derived from these existing AO systems, and the use of MCAO to widen the corrected field of view has
recently been demonstrated on the sky at the VLT. Although the order of wavefront correction required for a 30
meter telescope will be at least a full factor of ten greater than today’s facility AO systems, recent and ongoing
advances in critical component technologies will enable the use of scaled and/or re-engineered versions of
many existing designs (for instance, deformable mirrors and sodium guidestar lasers), supplemented by
Laser guide stars cannot currently be used for tip/tilt sensing, since their precise location on the sky is
unknown due to a combination of laser jitter, telescope jitter, and atmospheric turbulence.
Table 8-14 summarizes some of the high-level design choices imposed upon the NFIRAOS and LGSF design
teams. Laser beams will be projected from behind the TMT secondary mirror to minimize the magnitude of LGS
elongation, which would be approximately twice as large if the beams were launched from the edge of M1. The
lasers themselves must be mounted on the telescope center section (moving with the primary mirror), since it
currently appears difficult to transport laser beams from the Nasmyth platform onto the telescope without using
optical fibers at unrealistically high power levels. 21
Turning to the design of NFIRAOS, we have decided to transfer the requirements for field de-rotation and tip/tilt
wavefront sensing onto the NFIRAOS science instruments, since this will help reduce both the number of
“warm” optical surfaces and the un-sensed tip/tilt biases between the tip/tilt wavefront sensors and the scientific
focal plane. Additionally, one of the NFIRAOS deformable mirrors will be mounted on a tip/tilt platform to further
reduce the number of optical surfaces.
Finally, Table 8-15 lists the first-order AO design parameters for NFIRAOS and the LGSF that determine the
potential performance of the control loop. Derived and validated using detailed modeling codes, these design
parameters yield a delivered, on-axis RMS wavefront error of about 187 nm (including implementation error
sources) for the early light TMT AO system. Further details of the error budget are presented in Section 8.5.2
This decision will be reviewed at the beginning of the TMT construction phase based upon performance
achieved by optical fibers at that time.
17 W yields acceptable performance during seasons of at least average sodium column density. NFIRAOS
The early light AO system on TMT will be a facility on the Nasmyth platform capable of feeding up to three live
astronomical instruments. This Narrow Field IR AO System (NFIRAOS), which senses and corrects wavefront
aberrations induced by the atmosphere and the observatory, will provide diffraction-limited resolution and high
Strehls over a 10-30 arc second science field of view. It uses two deformable mirrors conjugate to ranges of 0
and 12 km to extend the AO-compensated field-of-view beyond the isoplanatic patch size, and also to improve
sky coverage by sharpening near-IR natural guide stars over a 2 arcminute diameter “technical” field. This
larger field will also be used by the IRMS instrument, taking advantage of the significantly improved image
quality out to the edge of the field (Strehl ratio >3%.)
NFIRAOS Requirements
The following Table 8-16 shows the key specifications for NFIRAOS taken from the TMT Observatory
Requirements Document [2].
Risk Mitigation
Operation at ambient and -35 C - Good athermalization design practices
- DM prototype testing
- Purging and cooling system design
- Evacuated double-pane entrance window
- Subsystem tests in cold chamber
Challenging LGS & turbulence simulator (TG) - Early emphasis on optical design effort
optics (zoom, lenslets, TG space envelope)
- Trade studies in conjunction with vendors
Static and dynamic telescope aberrations may - High bandwidth TTP specified and prototyped
be higher than expected
- Conservative DM actuator stroke specified and
- Conservative WFS subaperture field of view (many
WFS aliasing of sodium layer and high spatial - Truth WFS, with very high order sampling of pupil
frequency aberrations and detector
Sodium layer variability may be larger and - Develop background RTC algorithms to update
faster than expected WFS gains and biases
- Implement a second truth WFS with moderate order
and high bandwidth
- High frame rate sodium layer characterization with
6.5 m telescope
Challenging schedule - Early design coordination with LGSF, AOSQ,
telescope, instrument and system engineering
- NFIRAOS Preliminary design review during DDP
- NFIRAOS will be integrated and tested with IRIS at
Work Plan
NRC/HIA is the prime contractor for NFIRAOS, and will develop the design. Performance modeling work is
done by the TMT project office, in collaboration with NRC/HIA for specific items. The Preliminary Design of
NFIRAOS is included in the Design and Development Phase (DDP) of TMT; the Final Design and later phases
will be funded from the construction budget.
NRC/HIA will design and procure the NFIRAOS components except for the DMs, RTC, and Polar Coordinate
CCDs, which are managed directly by TMT. HIA will integrate the components at its facilities, and test
NFIRAOS as a system together with the IRIS instrument. Working together with the TMT staff, NRC/HIA will
Assemble, Integrate and Verify (AIV) NFIRAOS at the observatory.
LGSF Design
An LGSF conceptual design has been developed that satisfies all of the above requirements [4],[5]. This design
utilizes heritage from other LGS systems that are already in operation or under construction, including the
Gemini North and Gemini South LGSF systems. The design relies upon currently available laser and beam
transport technologies. The main subsystems of the LGSF are (i) the laser and its enclosure (LSE), (ii) the
beam transfer optics, laser launch telescope, and associated control systems and (iii) the LGSF safety system.
Figure 8-57 is a functional block diagram of the LGSF system .
- Providing AO reconstruction parameters to the RTC for each AO system. These include the initial
parameters for the wavefront sensor gradient estimation algorithm, and the matrices for the wavefront
reconstruction algorithm updated at a slow rate.
- Post-processing science PSFs using wavefront structure functions computed in real time by the RTC of
each AO system
- Finally, extensibility and maintainability are also major requirements.
The Adaptive Optics Sequencer will be a modular and extensible system as illustrated in Fig. 8-59. Only the
early light AO systems and their associated science instruments have been represented in this figure. The
AOSQ will interface primarily with the OCS to receive commands for implementing sequences and
configurations, and to report the status of these commands. It will interface with the Telescope Control System
to transfer the telescope modes computed by the RTC (offload router module). It will also interface with the
Data Management System to transfer the Point Spread Function (PSF) estimates for each AO observation
(PSF module), and to download AO engineering telemetry.
The most critical components of the AO Sequencer are the Reconstructor
Parameter Generator and the PSF Reconstructor modules, both of which will
implement challenging algorithms that are not yet fully defined. Possible
approaches have been defined [6], however, and will be studied in detail before
the start of the construction phase.
The TMT AO group plans to sub-contract the development of the AO
Sequencer. Work is scheduled to start at the beginning of the construction
phase. The Reconstructor Parameter Generator module and the PSF
Reconstructor module will be designed and developed jointly with the TMT
AO group. Two AOSQ systems will be integrated, and will be sent to the
LGSF Vendor and HIA for tests with the LGSF and with NFIRAOS and
IRIS, respectively.
Fig 8-60: CILAS Subscale
9x9 DM.
Integration with tip/tilt Yes, 20 Hz tip/tilt bandwidth Yes, for small bimorph mirrors at
platform higher bandwidths
Figure 8-60 illustrates the 9x9 subscale prototype DM fabricated and tested by CILAS during their feasibility
demonstration in 2005-06. This mirror demonstrated an actuator stroke of 11 μm, surface flatness of 13 nm
RMS, and hysteresis of 5-6%, all at an operating temperature of -35 degrees Celsius as will be required for
Figure 8-61 illustrates the conceptual designs
developed by CILAS and Observatoire de Paris-
Meudon for the full-scale DM and its tip/tilt platform.
The conceptual design for the DM is based closely
upon the designs of mirrors with 41x41 and 25x25
actuators for the ESO SPHERE instrument (now in
fabrication) and the Gemini-South MCAO system
(successfully fabricated and tested). This includes
the fabrication of actuators in linear strips (or
“combs”), which are then assembled into a 2-
dimensional array. Finally, the tip/tilt platform is a
flex-pivot gimbal design that is also traceable to
existing systems, although the design for NFIRAOS
involves control of a larger, heavier mass at a lower
control bandwidth. Fig 8-61: NFIRAOS DM and Tip/Tilt Platform.
(a) Guidestar (b) Shack-Hartmann spots, (c) Shack-Hartmann spots, (d) Polar coordinate CCD
elongation CW laser pulsed laser array concept
Fig 8-62: Sodium guidestar elongation and its impact on LGS wavefront sensing.
With or without a pulsed laser, a “polar coordinate” CCD array containing separate patches of pixels for each
WFS subaperture (Figure 8-62 (d)) provides significant advantages in comparison with more conventional
detectors. For elongated guidestar images, the polar coordinate geometry greatly reduces the total number of
pixels which must be read out, thereby reducing pixel read rates and detector read noise. With short laser
pulses, synchronized charge shifting can be used to compensate for the radial motion of the Shack-Hartmann
spots as the laser pulse transits the sodium layer, eliminating all or most of the guidestar elongation and
reducing the wavefront sensing measurement error due to noise.
Table 8-21 summarizes the top-level requirements for the polar coordinate CCD. The fundamental parameters
for the number of subapertures and frame rate are derived directly from the design of NFIRAOS. The
CILAS has already demonstrated that detached actuators can be successfully repaired with the 25x25 DM
for the Gemini-South MCAO system.
This AODP project has already demonstrated a JFET output amplifier yielding 1 read noise electron at lower
pixel rates, but the number of output amplifiers that would be needed to duplicate this result for the NFIRAOS
LGS WFS would be prohibitive.
Table 8-22: IR detector array requirements for NGS tip/tilt wavefront sensing.
Parameter Requirement Goal Gemini/ESO/NMT Objective
2 2
Array size, pixels 128 256 2562
Pixel size, μm 18-40 18 25 18-40
Frame rate, Hz 500 800 625
Spectral bandwidth, μm 1.0-1.7 1.0-2.5 1.0-2.5
Quantum efficiency 0.7 0.8 0.7
Read noise electrons 10 5 5
18 μm corresponds to the desired angular subtense of 8.6 milli arc sec at the NFIRAOS output focal ratio of
f/15, with no requirement for additional relay optics.
Line width, GHz <1.5 (goal 0.050) Electrical power <60A @ 208V
Beam quality, xDL <1.1 (goal 1.0) Other Variable gravity vector
This requirement has been derived based upon current estimates for the thickness of the sodium layer (~10
km) and relatively conservative design parameters for the polar coordinate CCD array (5 noise electrons per
pixel per read and a pixel width of 0.5 arc seconds on the sky).
[1] Science-Based Requirements Document, TMT.PSC.DRD.05.001.
[2] Observatory Requirements Document, TMT.SEN.DRD.05.001.
[3] NFIRAOS Conceptual Design Report, TMT.AOS.CDD.06.010.
[4] Laser Guide Star Facility Conceptual Design Report, TMT.AOS.CDD.06.035.
[5] Laser Guide Star Facility Conceptual Design Report Appendices, TMT.AOS.CDD.06.034.
[6] PSF Reconstruction Implementation for the TMT NFIRAOS LGS MCAO System, TMT.AOS.PRE.06.106.
Additional references:
B. Ellerbroek and al., “A conceptual design for the Thirty Meter Telescope Adaptive Optics system”, SPIE Proc.
6269, 2006, TMT.AOS.JOU.06.14.
8.6.1 Introduction
As discussed in Section 3 and the Science
Requirement Document (SRD, [1]), the
TMT SAC requested a comprehensive
suite of eight instruments required to tackle
the science that they envisage for the first
decade of operation of TMT. A summary
that provides an overview of the desired
instrument capabilities is given in Table 8-
24. The proposed instruments stretch the
TMT discovery space in wavelength (λ),
spatial/spectral resolution (R) and field-of-
view/slit length (FOV/SL). They also stretch
a number of important TMT subsystem
parameters such as the maximum
instrument physical size and weight that
the observatory will need to accommodate.
Six of the instruments use built-in AO
systems or use NFIRAOS to exploit the
diffraction-limited capability of TMT, and Fig 8-66: The early light instruments on the TMT Nasmyth
the other two (WFOS and HROS) are platforms. APS is at the on-axis position on the –x
seeing-limited but could utilize Ground-
layer AO (GLAO) or Laser Tomography AO platform, and NFIRAOS is at +5° off-axis. IRIS is mounted
(LTAO) to improve their observing on the upward-looking port of NFIRAOS, and WFOS is the
efficiency. The instruments also exploit the large cylinder on the +x platform. The Nasmyth platforms
entire wavelength range of TMT, from 340 are located 7 meters below the optical axis of the
nm to 28 microns; they include a high
telescope [2] to minimize M1 airflow blockage by the
contrast instrument; and instruments with a
variety of field sizes, up to 20 arcmin in instruments themselves. Electronics and other
diameter. Thus the instrument suite is instrument support systems will be located on this level.
representative and suitable for defining
general instrument requirements that should provide enough flexibility to accommodate future instruments.
Feasibility studies of all of the above instruments were carried out in 2005-2006. Nearly two hundred scientists
and engineers at forty-six US, Canadian and French institutions were involved in these studies, which were
reviewed by panels of international experts. Most importantly, perhaps, these studies demonstrate that the
instruments are feasible for a 30m telescope, albeit challenging in some aspects. The science cases and
operational concept documents of these studies highlight and document the tremendous scientific potential of
The instrument suite has been divided by the TMT SAC in December 2006 [3] into “early light” and “first
decade” instruments for a variety of pragmatic reasons: funding constraints, commissioning practicalities, and
technological readiness. The early light suite consists of IRIS (behind NFIRAOS), WFOS (“two-barrel”
configuration), and IRMS (a clone of the Keck MOSFIRE, also to be used behind NFIRAOS). These are
discussed in the following sections, and the remaining instruments, including their AO components are
discussed in Section 8.7. While bringing the early light instruments on-line is clearly the top priority of the TMT
instrumentation program, it should be emphasized that the ultimate goal of this program is to bring the full SRD
suite into operation over the first decade of TMT operations. Many design decisions and choices were therefore
made with this ultimate goal in mind.
The very ambitious WFOS requested in the SRD has been scaled back to reduce cost, risk and commissioning
complexity and make it suitable for early light. Likewise, the early light IRIS configuration has also been kept as
simple as possible yet still retaining the ability to meet its key science objectives.
The main WFOS requirements listed in the TMT Observatory Requirement Document (ORD, [4]) are:
• Multi-object spectroscopy over as much of a 20’ field as possible
• Wavelength range: 0.34-1.1µm (0.31-1.6µm goal); atmospheric dispersion correction required
• Field of view: 40.5 arcmin2; may not be contiguous
• Total slit length ≥ 500 arcsec
• Image quality: ≤ 0.2 arcsec full width at half maximum (FWHM) over any 0.1µm wavelength
interval (including contributions from the telescope and the ADC at z = 60°)
• Spatial sampling: ≤ 0.15 arcsec per pixel, goal ≤ 0.10 arcsec
• Spectral resolution: R=500-5000 for 0".75 slit; goal: 150-7500
• Throughput: ≥ 30% from 0.34 – 1.0 µm
• Sensitivity: Photon-noise limited spectra for all exposure times > 60 sec; background subtraction
systematics must be negligible compared to photon noise for total exposure times as long as 100
kiloseconds; nod and shuffle capability in the detectors may be desirable.
• Wavelength stability: flexure < 0.15 arcsec at detector
• GLAO-based image quality improvement a possibility
The spatial pixel scale is reasonably well-matched to the sampling scale (50 milliarcsec) requested in the SRD
for IRMOS and the length of individual slitlets (made by masking bars in MOSFIRE) is similar to the
recommended scale for IRMOS. The requirements for spectral resolution (R>3000) would be satisfied for slit
widths smaller than about 0.3 arc seconds (but slit widths smaller than 160 milliarcsec would be spectrally
under-sampled, i.e. less than 2 pix/resolution element) and the desired spectral coverage of 1 atmospheric
band at a time for Y, J, H, and K bands would be met over much of the NFIRAOS field of regard. For
multiplexing, the individual bars can be configured in up to 46 slitlets over the entire NFIRAOS field; in practice,
some of the slitlets would be made into contiguous slits of lengths that are multiples of 2.5”. The width of slits
and their placement within the field are remotely configurable in real time.
As a bonus, the instrument can be configured (remotely, in ~30 seconds) as an imager that would cover the
entire NFIRAOS field of regard, albeit with spatial sampling of only 60 milliarcsec (roughly 4 times larger than
the diffraction limit at 2 microns). MOSFIRE successfully passed DDR in April 2007, and it is expected to be
complete by December 2009.
Preliminary results from studies of the optical and mechanical interfaces between NFIRAOS and IRMS under
way at the time of writing are quite encouraging (Powell, Atwood & Byrnes, NRC/HIA – private communication).
MOSFIRE on Keck is designed for a curved focal plane with a radius of 2100mm, and the pupil is located near
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
on−axis on−axis
0.4 0.4
edge avg edge avg
0.2 SL 0.2 SL
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Radius (mas) Radius (mas)
edge avg
0.2 SL
0 50 100 150 200
Radius (mas)
Fig 8-71: Encircled energy curves showing the NFIRAOS wide field performance
in J, H and K with tomographic reconstructor parameters tuned to optimize
image quality over a 30’’ diameter field [16]. The minimum (Nyquist-sampled)
IRMS slit width is 160 mas, and it thus encloses light within a radius of 80 mas.
0.8 0.8
EE 0.6 0.6
on−axis on−axis
0.4 0.4
edge avg edge avg
0.2 SL 0.2 SL
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Radius (mas) Radius (mas)
edge avg
0.2 SL
0 50 100 150 200
Radius (mas)
Fig 8-72: Encircled energy curves showing the NFIRAOS wide field
performance in J, H and K with tomographic reconstructor parameters tuned to
optimize image quality over the full 2’ diameter field [16]. The IRMS slit width is
60 mas.
[1] TMT Science Requirement Document, TMT.PSC.DRD.05.001.
[2] Nasmyth Platform Structural Design Concept, TMT.STR.TEC.06.043.
[3] TMT SAC Meeting Minutes 2006-12, TMT.PSC.MGT.06.016.
8.7.1 Introduction
Several of the remaining instruments described in the SRD will include sophisticated AO systems, and some
will require advances in technologies. The TMT SAC’s specific recommendation for the next generation of
instruments is: “We recommend that MIRES, NIRES-B and IRMOS be implemented as soon as possible after
the early light suite. We hope that the first two of these can be implemented within 3 years of first light. IRMOS
is also high priority and should be implemented soon as technically feasible. PFI is a very exciting, highly-
focused instrument, which we hope can be funded. There is also strong support for HROS, and we hope that it
can be brought on line within the first decade of operations. The SAC reaffirms the importance of high-quality
wide-field diffraction-limited imaging [WIRC].” [1]. It is anticipated that SAC will review the priorities and
capabilities of the instruments on an annual basis so that details of the following instruments may change.
However, as mentioned earlier, the observatory is being designed to accommodate the requirements of the
entire instrument suite, not just the early light instruments.
The development of these instruments (and future ones) will be an on-going activity that will require careful and
judicious planning and management. To ensure that these instruments begin arriving as required, some of
them will have to be initiated early in the construction phase, even though they will not be funded from
construction funds. The instrumentation plan will have to be able to adapt to changing budgetary scenarios,
technological advances, and opportunities. For these reasons, a separate Instrument Development Office
(described in Section 8.7.4) is planned that will guide instruments all the way from pre-concept studies through
to successful commissioning with the goal of enabling forefront science as quickly and as efficiently as
possible. One of the first activities of this team will be to initiate development of the first decade instruments in
the SRD. A brief description of these instruments follows.
SAC recognized that the Planet Formation Instrument (PFI) is a unique instrument with high scientific merit but
also felt that it addresses a rather specialized scientific niche. It is focused on one primary goal: the direct
detection of extrasolar planets. PFI is also unique in that it places significant requirements on the telescope
optics (primary pupil shape, secondary support structure, segment edge and reflectivity) and vibrational
environment, and these requirements have been factored in the telescope design.
PFI will build very strongly on the heritage being gained by the “planet finder” instruments that are currently
being designed for Gemini (“GPI”, [2]) and the VLT (“SPHERE”, [3]) It is not yet at a sufficient level of
technological readiness to include it in the early light suite.
Fortunately, the Gemini Planet Finder (GPI) project is the perfect PFI pathfinder, and there is considerable
overlap between the GPI and PFI teams. The PFI team has suggested a strategy in which further PFI design
efforts are undertaken only when GPI has reached a higher level of maturity. The PFI feasibility study schedule
indicates that the fabrication phase is short enough that we can wait for more advanced GPI developments
before finalizing the PFI design and fabricating it and still deliver it within 1-2 years from TMT first light.
Fig 8-75: Object selection mechanism concepts for IRMOS: (Left) Tiled focal plane
(Caltech) and (Right) Movable probe arms in a “slice of pie” configuration (U. Florida).
The IRMOS concept proposed by the U. Florida/NRC/HIA team (IRMOS-UF) has two basic subsystems: a
MOAO system for adaptive corrections and a science backend for target selection and integral field
spectroscopy. These systems reside in two separate vacuum spaces held at two different operating
temperatures. The “meatlocker” (~230K) includes the pickoff optics and detectors for the LGS and NGS
wavefront sensors, the pickoff optics for the science fields and the deformable mirrors for MOAO corrections.
The “deep freeze” (~80K) contains the final re-imaging optics for the MOS pickoffs, the integral field units and
the spectrograph optics, mechanisms and detectors. The MOS probe mechanism (Figure 8-75) uses 20
independently-controlled/actuated MOS pick-off probe arms. The MOAO woofer-tweeter pair in each arm will
consist of a 31-actuator CILAS bimorph mirror and of a 64x64 actuator MEMS DM. Each MOS arm will feed its
own spectrograph in the “deep freeze”. Each spectrograph will be individually configurable (e.g. to record the
same rest-frame spectral range for a sample of objects at different redshifts) and serviceable. Like the Caltech
concept, arms can be reconfigured “on-the-fly”.
None 10 10 5
AM2 4 4 5
Development Strategy
Both teams have estimated that it would take about 10 years to bring a full version of IRMOS on-line at TMT.
The technologies (MEMS deformable mirrors, open loop control, etc) required to fulfill these ambitions have
also not yet been proven, and the instrument will likely be very expensive. Consequentially, other simpler and
cheaper options are also being considered by the TMT SAC, most notably a system with fewer IFUs deployed
over the 2 arcmin technical field of NFIRAOS. If the IRMOS is not realizable within, say, 5 years after first light,
then a NFIRAOS-based version may be attractive because it is recognized that integral field spectroscopy of
several targets simultaneously will enable TMT to reach many of its science goals very effectively. An “IRMOS-
TMT feasibility study contracts were awarded to two separate groups with two very different HROS concepts.
The University of California – Santa Cruz team led by Steve Vogt is proposing a classical Moderate- to High-
Resolution Spectrometer (“MTHR”) echelle concept [24, 25, 26] and the University of Colorado team led by
Cynthia Froning is proposing a multiplexed 1st order spectrograph concept (“HROS-CU”, [27, 28, 29]). Both
HROS concepts were reviewed by the same independent expert panel in March 2006 [30, 31]
The MTHR concept builds upon the heritage of the VLT/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES)
and Keck/ High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES) spectrographs as it combines the best advantages
from both: the dual-white-pupil/dual-arm configuration of UVES to limit the sizes of the echelle, cross-disperser
and camera and a HIRES-style camera to allow for a much larger camera size as the spectrometer is scaled up
to match TMT. The footprint of MTHR is 10 × 11 × 4m. Like WFOS, this is not a small instrument, but the
UCSC team demonstrated the flexibility of their design by finding a way to actually fit MTHR inside one of the
TMT Nasmyth platforms. Based on the largest gratings currently available, the echelle would have to be a 3 × 5
mosaic. The large echelle is clearly a challenging element of this design. The gratings will be supported by a
330mm-thick piece of Zerodur, 3.3 meters long and 1 meter wide, and they will be aligned using a Zygo
interferometer. The predicted throughput efficiency of MTHR will exceed 20% (~1.5× HIRES and UVES), and
this efficiency coupled with the TMT aperture should lead to a 20-40-fold improvement in relative observing
speed over existing spectrographs. The MTHR concept also includes an interesting lower resolution mode
(“MODRES”) in which a large fiber positioner capable of patrolling the full 20′ field of view of TMT would feed
MTHR with the light from up to 667 different targets to deliver spectra with a resolution of R=2300-11000.
The University of Colorado team took a completely different approach with their HROS concept. HROS-CU
uses an array of high-performance (>95%) dichroic mirrors to direct light into 32 narrow-band first-order
spectrographs that covers the wavelength range 310-1100 nm at R=100,000 in a single integration. Each
channel will go through five dichroic reflections. Although all spectrographs will be identical, gratings and
detectors will be optimized at each wavelength to maximize performance. HROS-CU will have an array of 5-7
one square arcsec IFUs to allow sampling multiple points of an extended object and/or to provide well-
separated sky channels. The dichroic tree will need to be shielded from ambient thermal fluctuations and from
acoustical vibrations. Thermal gradients of 0.1°C across the dichroic optical mounts and motions induced by
vibrations with amplitudes larger than 0.1 arcsecond rms could affect instrument performance. The collimator,
grating and camera optics in each channel are greatly simplified by the narrow wavelength range over which
they have to operate. As an example, there is no longer a need for the camera to be achromatic. The total Overview
Adaptive optics systems are either required or highly desirable for virtually the entire suite of SRD science
instruments. At the same time, it must be understood that some of these AO systems will not be immediately
available following TMT first light for reasons of technical readiness and/or cost. It is therefore useful to define a
set of initial and upgraded AO modes for each TMT scientific capability, as summarized in Table 8-28 below.
The three initial modes consist of (i) the facility LGS MCAO system NFIRAOS, already described in detail in
Section 8.5; (ii) possibly a laser tomography AO (LTAO) system optimized for mid-IR science instruments such
as MIRES, utilizing similar (but lower order) conventional AO components, and (iii) seeing-limited operation
without AO, for those instruments and observations where AO is useful but not genuinely required.
The upgraded AO modes and capabilities can similarly be divided into three categories. These include: (i) an
adaptive secondary mirror (AM2), (ii) multi-object AO (MOAO) for IRMOS as previously discussed in Section, and (iii) extremely high-order AO components and systems for an upgraded version of NFIRAOS and
ExAO. Each of these options provides significant performance improvements for one or more TMT science
Such a system would otherwise be impractical, since a conventional AO relay with 4-5 surfaces would cause
unacceptable throughput losses in the near UV.
Narrow field, NIR spectroscopy and Multi-Conjugate AO (MCAO); MCAO with very high-order
imaging (IRIS, NIRES, WIRC) NFIRAOS components; NFIRAOS upgrade
Moderate field, NIR multi-object 2’ FOV behind NFIRAOS Multi-Object AO (MOAO) with open-
spectroscopy (IRMS, IRMOS) loop MEMS
Narrow field, MIR spectroscopy and Laser Tomography AO (LTAO) LTAO with an adaptive secondary
imaging (MIRES) with standard DM mirror (AM2)
High contrast imaging and None at TMT first light Extreme AO (ExAO) with very high-
spectroscopy (PFI) order components
Table 8-29 summarizes the top-level requirements for AM2 as developed during the TMT conceptual design
phase. Of the three possible applications listed above, diffraction-limited AO at mid IR wavelengths for
MIRES 28 places the most stringent requirements on the mirror’s temporal control bandwidth and its order of
wavefront correction. Additionally, the use of AM2 for seeing-limited observation imposes important
requirements upon AM2 figure quality and its stability in the absence of optical feedback from high-order
wavefront sensors.
Figure 8-76 illustrates the AM2 design concept developed by SAGEM during the TMT Conceptual Design
Phase in response to the above requirements. 29 Key features of the design include the 4-5 mm thick,
segmented Zerodur facesheet, a light-weighted reference body fabricated from silicon carbide or possibly ULE,
and a reduced (i.e. leveraged) voice coil actuator design. The order of correction is approximately 1800
actuators with a pitch of 7-8 cm. The mirror design is, therefore, in some sense “less adaptive” than current
concepts for 8-10 m class secondary mirrors, since the values for facesheet thickness and inter-actuator pitch
are both larger by approximately a factor of two. This approach serves to reduce actuator costs and facesheet
Defined as a Strehl ratio of 0.9 (goal 0.95) at λ=7.0 μm under nominal atmospheric conditions.
This design was developed for the original Gregorian optical prescription for TMT, and has not been updated
for the new Ritchey-Chrétien design.
LGS WFS 1202 subapertures AODP polar Current design for 602
detectors coordinate CCD subapertures may be scalable
RTC Order 1202 MCAO PCG algorithms, Feasibility study for the order
Processors wavefront control at FPGA and DSP 602 NFIRAOS baseline
800 Hz processors
Guidestar Pulsed lasers SFG using solid- AODP projects at LLNL and
lasers 40-50 W per LGS state or fiber lasers LMCT
The precise size and composition of this group will depend on the number and types of instruments being
developed (i.e. on the size and details of the development budget). In order to deliver the complete instrument
suite (including AO capability) in the first decade, considerable oversight will be required since about one
instrument or major AO capability should be ready for commissioning every year. To provide appropriate
leadership and systems engineering expertise for the contracts and work packages, to fully participate in
reviews and acceptance tests, and to lead the commissioning activity at the telescope a staff of at least 10 will
be required: IDO manager (astronomer/instrumentalist), AO group leader/engineer, Instrumentation group
leader/engineer, Instrumentation Systems Engineer and 6 engineers with expertise in lasers, optics,
mechanics, controls, software and cryogenics. This group will be located in North America, most likely at a
partner facility, and will be supported by an administrative assistant.
[1] TMT SAC Meeting Minutes 2006-12, TMT.PSC.MGT.06.016.
[2] Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) (Lick web page)
[3] Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) (ESO web page)
[4] TMT Observatory Requirements Document, TMT.SEN.DRD.05.001.
[5] PFI Feasibility Study Final Report Volume 1, TMT.IAO.CDD.06.005.
[6] PFI Feasibility Study Final Report Volume 2, TMT.IAO.CDD.06.004.
[7] PFI Operational Concepts Definition Document, TMT.IAO.CDD.06.006.
[8] PFI Initial Functional and Performance Requirements Document, TMT.IAO.CDD.06.007.
[9] Review Committee Report on the PFI Design Review for TMT, TMT.INS.COR.06.010.
[10] MIRES Feasibility Study Final Report, TMT.INS.CDD.06.008.
[11] MIRES Feasibility Study Final Report Appendices, TMT.INS.CDD.06.009.
[12] Review Committee Report on the Feasibility Study Design for MIRES, TMT.INS.COR.06.016.
[13] UF/HIA IRMOS Feasibility Study Volume I, TMT.INS.CDD.06.005.
[14] UF/HIA IRMOS Feasibility Study Volume II, TMT.INS.CDD.06.007.
[15] UF/HIA IRMOS Feasibility Study Volume III, TMT.INS.CDD.06.006.
[16] UF/HIA IRMOS Feasibility Study Volume IV, TMT.INS.CDD.06.003.
[17] UF/HIA IRMOS Operational Concepts Definition Document, TMT.INS.CDD.06.002.
[18] UF/HIA IRMOS Functional and Performance Requirements Document, TMT.INS.CDD.06.001.
[19] Caltech IRMOS Feasibility Study Report, TMT.IAO.TEC.06.005.
[20] Caltech IRMOS Operational Concepts Definition Document, TMT.IAO.TEC.06.004.
[21] Caltech IRMOS Functional and Performance Requirements Document, TMT.IAO.TEC.06.001.
9.1.1 Definitions
Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) is a TMT Construction sub-phase activity that occurs on-site. In
particular, the focus is on activity at the site summit.
By fiat, AIV is defined to begin when telescope erection begins, i.e. after site preparation and enclosure
erection have proceeded to the point where telescope erection can begin.
In the abstract, AIV is the process of re-assembling (if necessary) all TMT subsystems delivered to the TMT
site, integrating them into the growing system (observatory) and verifying their performance – both individually
and as an ensemble. In reality, it is well known from experience that the AIV process is more organic than that.
The fundamental AIV product is a completely integrated TMT system (observatory) that meets a defined sub-
set of the high-level performance requirements specified in the Observatory Requirements Document (ORD).
Additional tuning will be required during the post-construction commissioning phase (see Section 10.1.2).
The end of AIV is defined as the delivery of an integrated and functioning system that includes a fully phased
M1 with all segments installed and fully functioning M2, M3, and APS subsystems.
At that time, IRIS, WFOS, and the major AO systems (i.e. LGSF and NFIRAOS) will have been assembled and
integrated into the observatory, but will not be completely verified. The completion of IRMS assembly,
integration, and verification is expected to occur later. Verification completion for these subsystems will be a
post-Construction activity (see Section 10.1.2).
A preliminary draft of this plan was implicitly developed during preparations for the 2006 September TMT Cost
Review. A more formal preliminary draft of this plan is a TMT PDR deliverable. A final version is a TMT FDR
The TMT System Engineer will write this plan in coordination with the various technical department heads
(telescope, AO, instrumentation, Design Operations) and assisted by the TMT project schedulers.
The TMT Project and Observatory Scientists will review the plan (especially the proposed performance
verification procedures) to assure that the overall technical and operational goals have been addressed.
Based on the AIV Plan, the TMT Project Manager in coordination with his department heads will create an AIV
activity timeline, staffing plan, and budget. In practice, such planning is a natural and necessary byproduct of
on-going TMT Project planning.
An AIV Manager will coordinate all on-site AIV activity. This person reports to the TMT Project Manager and
has the authority to authorize and/or schedule all work on-site. A daily coordination meeting led by the AIV
Manager and attended by the leaders of all on-site activity is anticipated.
During the actual AIV phase, the TMT System Engineering team will provide centralized system-level quality
assurance and performance verification checks. As needed, the System Engineering team will assist
subsystem AIV teams.
Title Responsibilities
• Recruit and manage SCO personnel
SCO Head • Coordinate planning with AIV Manager and System Engineer
• Lead development of detailed SCO procedures
• Participate in system testing & verification
System Scientists (2)
• Become ops staff system experts
• Follow instruments from pre-shipment review into steady-state
Instrument Scientists (2)
• Become ops staff instrument experts
• Follow AO systems from pre-shipment review into steady-state
AO Scientists (2)
• Become ops staff AO experts
• Learn and operate TMT system (telescope, AO, instrument
System Operators (2)
• Support AIV activity, especially at night
AIV is a highly parallel process. In fact, one of the major challenges of AIV is managing access to the skeleton
observatory on the mountain. Various teams are expected to be working on the observatory at same time,
assembling their subsystems and then functionally integrating them into the overall system. Although an on-site
AIV Manager with broad authority, and daily coordination, are essential for a successful AIV phase, a detailed
schedule reflecting the parallel nature of the process is equally important.
Fig. 9-1 indicates the point in the integration flow where a given subsystem is fully assembled and integrated
within the overall system, with a few exceptions. The M1 Optical and M1 Control Systems are broken into 3
phases. Phase A encompasses the first 120 segments with images stacked by the Prime Focus Camera, while
in Phase B they are also co-phased by the APS. Phase C ends with a fully phased, 492 segment primary
mirror. The Telescope Control System is also phased in the diagram: Phase I only supports M1 Phase A
activities, while Phase II indicates the fully operational system.
The telescope structure provides the mechanical skeleton and utility services to the other subsystems that are
attached. The first subsystem to be fully operational is the Observatory Safety System to ensure protection of
both personnel and equipment during assembly. The first major milestone is the integration of the Mount
Control System, i.e. the capability of moving the telescope structure in azimuth and elevation, in order to
facilitate the installation of segments and mirrors. Another prerequisite to integrating the optical surfaces is the
availability of the optical test and alignment systems.
In the last phase, the assembly and integration of the facility AO system and early light instruments are running
parallel to the work on the telescope, in order to be ready to start their commissioning as soon as the entire
primary mirror is fully phased.
9.3.1 Enclosure
The enclosure erection sequence is based around a central falsework structure that provides stability to the
enclosure during all phases of the erection sequence. The major lifting is done with a 275 tonne crawler crane
that is positioned around the outside of the enclosure base. Additional mobile cranes are located at the summit
and staging site at the base of the mountain. The enclosure shell is assembled into large modules in jigs at the
staging site allowing the majority of the structural assembly to be carried out near ground level and at lower
elevation, therefore improving safety and efficiency. The shell modules are then transported to the summit site
and erected into their final position. The alignment of the mechanical interfaces is a critical aspect of the
erection. During fabrication, steps can be taken to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the field alignment,
including trial assembly and adjustment of ring girders to very tight tolerances, and painting all structural
components white prior to shipping to minimize thermal distortion.
The following figures illustrate the erection sequence:
• Figure 9-2: The falsework tower is erected. The azimuth bogies and lateral guides are installed and
rough aligned. The azimuth ring girder and rail are erected and rigidly supported by temporary posts
on the fixed base structure so that the bogies remain unloaded until the entire structure is erected.
• Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4: The enclosure shell modules are assembled in jigs at the staging site and
then trucked to the summit. The ventilation structure modules (Figure 9-3) and base shell modules
(Figure 9-4) are erected and supported on the falsework.
Fig 9-2: Falsework and azimuth ring erected. Fig 9-3: Ventilation structure erected.
• Figure 9-5: The base ring girder is erected and aligned, followed by the installation and rough
alignment of the cap bogies. The cap ring girder and rail is then erected and rigidly secured to the base
ring girder so that the cap bogies remain unloaded during the erection.
• Figure 9-6: The shutter ring girder and bogies are erected and secured to the cap ring girder. The
shutter structure is then erected on top of the falsework tower.
• Figure 9-7: The aperture ring girder is assembled on top of the falsework tower. The pre-assembled
cap shell modules are erected in two levels, with the falsework tower providing intermediate support.
Following erection of all structural components, the final alignment of the structure is made, and the enclosure
shell is welded. The structural load is then transferred off of the falsework and onto the bogies, and the final
alignment of the bogies is made and the falsework is taken down. At this point the erection of the telescope
structure can begin. The remaining major enclosure construction tasks include insulation and electrical
installation and acceptance testing.
9.3.2 Telescope
The erection of the telescope structure begins after the enclosure shell is closed and the interior falsework
supporting the enclosure is dismantled and removed. An extensive system of falsework is used to provide
stability to the many pieces that make up the structural frame of the telescope during erection. Additionally, the
falsework is used to elevate the structure so that hydrostatic bearings on the azimuth and elevation axes can
be installed after the structural frame is complete. Due to limited clearances between the telescope and
enclosure, many of the large structural components cannot be installed using a mobile crane within the
enclosure. Therefore, this lifting capacity is provided by a bridge crane whose support structure also serves as
falsework for telescope components. Installation of smaller telescope components and falsework is done using
a rough terrain crane inside the enclosure. Additional lifting capability is supplied by a 275 tonne lattice boom
crawler crane positioned outside the enclosure base, which accesses the telescope through the shutter, as well
as the enclosure crane. The following figures illustrate the erection sequence:
• Figure 9-8: The azimuth track consists of steel box sections, which are fastened to the concrete pier
by embedded anchor rods. The sections are installed over the rods, connected, leveled, and grouted in
place. A protective cover is installed over the track. The pintle support is a cylindrical steel weldment,
which is installed on anchor rods embedded in the pier. The pintle support is aligned and grouted in
place. Large components of the azimuth cable carrier are brought into the central pier area before
access is restricted by the construction of the azimuth structure.
bridge crane
crane towers
• Figure 9-10: Components of the azimuth cradles are lifted into place on the azimuth falsework and
connected together.
• Figure 9-11: Components of the azimuth central structure are installed on the azimuth falsework. The
cradles are aligned and the central structure is connected to the cradles.
central structure
Fig 9-10: Azimuth cradles installed. Fig 9-11: Azimuth central structure erected.
• Figure 9-12: Components of the elevation journals are lifted into place on falsework supported on the
azimuth structure. The bridge crane towers provide additional support to the journals. The journals’
components are drawn together, then aligned and bolted to reestablish the complete machined journal
• Figure 9-13: M1 cell support structure is positioned on falsework supported on the azimuth structure
and connected together. The azimuth journals are accurately aligned and the cell support structure is
connected to the journals. The M1 cell structure is lifted into place as large (16x6 meter) rafts, which
are temporarily connected to the M1 cell support structure. The M3 support structure is installed on the
M1 cell support structure.
M1 cell
M1 cell
Fig 9-12: Elevation journals installed. Fig 9-13: M1 mirror cell installed.
• Figure 9-14: The Nasmyth platforms are installed. Falsework is used to temporarily support the
components of the platform before they are connected into a stable frame.
• Figure 9-15: The bridge crane is dismantled using a combination of a lattice boom crawler crane
outside the enclosure, the enclosure crane, and a rough terrain crane inside the enclosure. The
components of the M2 support structure are installed with the crawler crane and enclosure crane.
Temporary falsework under the M1 cell support structure is removed, the elevation structure is aligned
and the M1 cell connections are completed. Members of the M2 support are tensioned.
• Figure 9-16: The hydrostatic bearings are installed, and the elevation and azimuth structures are
lowered on to the bearings. The hydraulic power unit and plumbing to the telescope are installed. The
azimuth falsework is removed. The drives, locks, hard stops, shock absorbers, limit switches and
seismic restraints are installed and aligned. Azimuth and elevation cable carriers are assembled and
aligned with a partial load of cables, sufficient to operate the drive system. Covers are installed over
the azimuth track.
• Figure 9-17: M1 segment handling cranes are installed using the enclosure crane and commissioned.
The segment handling cranes are used to install the M1 dummy masses. Laser enclosure dummy
masses are installed using a crawler crane from outside the enclosure.
power unit
Fig 9-14: Mechanical systems installed. Fig 9-15: Dummy masses installed.
Fig 9-16: Nasmyth platforms installed. Fig 9-17: M2 support components installed.
Following installation of the telescope structural and mechanical components, commissioning of the drive
systems commences. The oil supply system for the hydrostatic bearings is flushed and tested. A static load test
is conducted to check the fluid connections and basic operation of the hydrostatic bearings without telescope
motion. Static tests are conducted on the braking systems to verify control and initial alignment. The azimuth
mount system is surveyed to establish runouts and clearances for drives, brakes, encoders and hard stops.
The elevation structure is coarsely balanced and the M2 and M3 dummy masses are installed. Next the
elevation and azimuth drive systems are tested. Utility services are installed on the telescope and the telescope
is ready for acceptance testing. Testing includes verification of dimensions at critical interfaces between the
telescope structure and other parts of the telescope and enclosure, mount control system functional and
performance tests, and a test of the utility system.
9.3.3 Instruments
NFIRAOS, IRIS, and WFOS will be integrated and tested on the Nasmyth Platforms at the same time that
the primary mirror optics are being installed. NFIRAOS, with IRIS installed on its bottom port, will be installed
on one platform, while WFOS is installed on the other. This will enable science commissioning of AO and
seeing limited capabilities to occur in the same time frame as the first-light-all-segments-phased milestone.
IRMS, which will be mounted on the side port of NFIRAOS, will be commissioned after IRIS. The early light
instrumentation will be built at TMT partner institutions and extensively tested before shipment to the
observatory site. An important part of this process will be the integration and testing of IRIS mounted on
NFIRAOS at a partner site before shipment to the observatory.
Since these systems are quite large, they will have to be disassembled into sub-units before shipment. These
units will be hoisted to an instrument laydown area on the Nasmyth platform where they will either be partially
reassembled or lifted directly into the appropriate location. If required, a portable clean tent will be erected over
all or some of the instrument. For example, it is currently envisaged that NFIRAOS will be shipped in
~15 subunits that will be reassembled into larger units before being built up into the finished instrument.
Similarly, after reassembly on the platform, IRIS will be moved under and lifted up to the bottom port of
NFIRAOS. IRMS may be sufficiently small that it can be shipped as a unit and mounted directly onto the side
port of NFIRAOS. WFOS will be composed of very large units or subunits and will have to be assembled on a
laydown area on the platform, and then lifted into place to form the finished instrument.
The LGSF will also be built and tested at a partner institution before it is disassembled and shipped to the
observatory site. At the summit, the laser service enclosure (LSE) will be reassembled in its final location
on the telescope elevation journal, after which it will be populated with its 3 laser systems, their associated
electronics and cooling systems, the air filtration system, and the laser switchyard. The laser launch telescope,
asterism generator, and LGSF diagnostics bench will be partially reassembled and then hoisted into their
locations behind the TMT secondary mirror. The remaining, relatively small, components of the beam transfer
optics will be reassembled and then mounted at their locations on the telescope truss.
Clearly, the integration schedules for the telescope and the LGSF must be properly sequenced so that the
latter is ready for testing as soon as possible following telescope first light.
First 12 months 50
Steady-state 300
The actual minimum number of general science operations nights per interval will require approval by the TMT
As Early Operations progresses, it may become clear that more general science operations nights per interval
can be scheduled – however, our goal must remain: under promise, over deliver.
Due to lack of experience and a need to achieve a sufficient level of technical readiness, it seems safe to
assume that the initial 50 general science operations nights will be scheduled towards the end of the first 12-
month interval.
Observing time during early operations could be allocated to users in many different ways from many 0.5 night
observing runs to using a significant fraction of time for one or more Key Projects. As time allocation comes
closer to a reality, the SAC will be asked to discuss this topic and make a recommendation to the Board.
Administration (ADM)
Department Head, Ass't 0 2 0 2 0 0
Business Services Group 0 8 0 8 0 0
Logistical Services Group 0 2 8 2 3 0
Facilities Operations Group 0 8 22 0 15 0
Travel Support Office 0 0 3 2 0 0
Total 19 102 33 41 54 3
TMT Board
Project Manager
Science Advisory
Outreach QA Officer
ES&H Officer
Assembly, Integ., Verif. Information Technology
Observatory Software System Engineering
Business Operations
Observatory Scientist
Fig 11-1: Organization of the TMT Project during construction, showing the governing
TMT Board, the Level 1 Project Office, and levels 2 and 3 in the organization. The
organization closely parallels the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
11.11 Schedule
A schedule for TMT construction has been prepared following the WBS, in the same manner as the cost
estimate. The schedule has been prepared to define a technically-paced project execution with the schedule
contingency added to the project duration to define a robust schedule plan that is not limited by the pace of
funding authorization. This schedule, prepared in strict adherence to the WBS, will be combined with the cost
estimate to define the time phased funding profile required to construct TMT according to the schedule. The
integrated cost and schedule databases will provide the basis for earned value performance measurement. The
organization of the schedule plan supports replanning in the event of alternate funding profiles or for changes in
the project plan that are approved by the Change Control process during project execution. Further details of
the schedule are provided in Section 12.5.
11.15 Documentation
All project documentation will be archived in the project Document Control Center (DCC), using Xerox
Docushare software. A Document Control Plan defines the organization of the document archive, including
document numbering standards. The DCC provides a means of strict version control, assuring that all project
activities are informed by the current approved version of controlled documents.
An engineering drawing database will be maintained to organize technical drawings, control of versions and
approved changes and distribution of current drawings to all users. The engineering drawing database will be
rigorously coordinated with the DCC, including compatible document numbering and retrieval methods.
No TMT documents may be disposed of without written approval by the Project Manager. All documents are to
be maintained in electronic form in the archive without expiration. Paper documents will be recorded in
electronic form and paper copies will be maintained for three years after completion of the construction project.
[1] Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium, Prepared by the National Research Council; the
Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications (CPSMA); the Board on Physics and
Astronomy (BPA); and the Space Studies Board (SSB). The National Academies Press (2001).
[2] TMT Cost Book, TMT.BUS.CST.07.005.
[3] Cost Estimating Plan, TMT.BUS.SPE.05.001.
GLAO Ground-layer AO
GLC Global Loop Controller
GMS Global Metrology System
Gpc Giga Parsec
GSMT Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope
GTO Guaranteed Time Observations
M1 Primary Mirror
M1CS M1 control system
M2 Secondary Mirror
M2CS M2 control system
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QSO Quasi Stellar Object