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About Herbal Power Peel: Skin Care Professionals

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Herbal Power Peel Resurfacing Exfoliant Powder utilizes proprietary marine

and herbal ingredients to treat a variety of skin conditions including acne,

oily congested skin, sun damage, large pores, hyper-pigmentation and fine
lines and wrinkles. The bioactive ingredients are useful in skin resurfacing,
treatment of congested skin and may be used as a scrub, mask or deeper
peeling treatment. The professional grade application can be applied daily,
weekly, monthly or multiple times depending on the condition to be treated.
Herbal Power Peel can safely be used on the face and body.

When used as a peeling agent, Herbal Power Peel stimulates new cell growth,
elastin and collagen production and improves skin tone and texture. The
enzymes in the peel powder dissolve and digest old dead cells from the
skin's outer layers and provides bio-stimulation to new cells.
When Herbal Power Peel is massaged into the skin, it creates a controlled
micro irritation that activates a wound healing response. This normally takes
place in a natural restorative response to tissue injury. The skin becomes
flushed and sensitive due to the increased blood circulation in the treated
skin. It is the necessary inflammatory cells that fight aging and eliminate the
old skin cells of devitalized tissue. Wound healing response stimulates new
cell growth and improves skin tone and texture. Old debilitated and dead
cells are exfoliated from the skin's outer layer without harming the younger
living cells resulting in clearer softer smoother skin. Increased stratum
corneum sloughing results in cell turnover which normally is a goal of acne
and anti-aging therapies. Herbal Power Peel does not contain any skin


Herbal Power Peel may be used in a spa or medical setting. Herbal Power
Peel Resurfacing Exfoliant Powder is our own proprietary formulation but
contains similar types of ingredients found in some acclaimed green herbal
peeling treatments. If you have been searching for a powerful but natural
treatment to skin enhancement, then Herbal Power Peel offers many
benefits. Several treatments may be necessary to achieve desired results.
Custom professional strength available to licensed
professionals. No practitioner certification is required


Skin peels have been reported in medical literature since 1941 when Eller
and Wolff described their use in treatment of acne and scars of the face. Skin
peels are a type of controlled wounding with resultant collagen stimulation
and resurfacing of the skin. With the increased interest in non-surgical skin
rejuvenation, skin peeling has had a resurgence because of its low cost,
safety and availability.

Skin disorders that may benefit from Herbal Power Peel Resurfacing Exfoliant

* Acne

* Light scarring

* Photodamage

* Actinic kerotoses

* Fine lines and wrinkles

* Some pigmentary disorders

Chemical peels are divided into three categories depending on the depth of
the wounding. Superficial peels penetrate the epidermis only, while medium
depth peels can damage the entire epidermis and the papillary and upper
reticular dermis. Deep peels can penetrate into the mid reticular dermis.
Client selection, skin priming, and peel selection are important for optimum
results with minimum side effects. Herbal Power Peel can be classified as a
superficial to medium depth peel.

A complete skin history should be reviewed with the client and should
include any eczema, sensitive skin syndrome, herpes simplex, nicotine use,
accutan use, HIV, Seborrhea and the history of all topical formulations,
including retinoids, acids, and skin care products. Clients with a history of
eczema or sensitive skin will react more to the peeling agents and will
require a lower strength treatment. Clients with very oily sebaceous skin may
require a more aggressive treatment and pre-peel degreasing.

* Skin type and the degree of photo damage must be assessed before
administering the deeper peel. Skin types can be classified by using the
Fitzpatrick skin type scale. This scale is important when deciding how
aggressive the peel should be. The Fitzpatrick skin type scale is used to
predict a patient's pigmentary response to chemical peeling agents. Light
skinned Fitzpatrick skin types I and II can usually be treated safely while
darker types III-IV has a higher risk of developing PIH (post inflammatory
hyper-pigmentation. PIH or skin darkening can usually be minimized or
prevented by pre-treating with lightening agents, before, during
and post peel.

Included in the pre-peel consultation are the signed consent forms, the
clarification of the pre-peel and post peel instructions, supplies to have on
had at home, and a realistic discussion of the results. Clients are informed
that for best results, Herbal Power Peel is usually done in a series of

Pre-treatment preparation before the deeper peel is two to four weeks. This
ensures an even take of the peel by thinning the epidermal barrier,
accelerating wound healing and reducing post-inflammatory hyper-
pigmentation. Agents may include lactic acid, salicylic acid, kojic acid,
hydroquinone, retinals, retin-a, tretinion, glycolic acid and azelaic acids. A
broad spectrum ultra violet sunblock with a minimum of sun protection SPF
30 must be utilized in all peels! Those containing the stabilizer mexoryl are
highly recommended.

Advanced treatments should only be carried out by experienced peelers!

Combining different types of chemical peels can enhance the effects of
Herbal Power Peel. One can combine glycolic, lactic, Jessner, or TCA for a
deeper advanced peel. A microdermabrasion treatment prior to the peel may
also be performed to increase the effects of the peel.

Side Effects of the advanced deeper peel can include the following :

Edema- Redness and possibly swelling are to be expected with the deeper
peeling treatment. Ice packs and cool water compresses are helpful.

Pain-There may be some uncomfortable sensations lasting from 1-3 days. It is

advisable to take pain relievers before and after the deeper peel.
Persistent Erythemia- This is a natural response of the herbal peel and may
last a few days to a week. Mature, fragile and thinning skin can have
a tendency to flush and facial capillaries can dilate.

Acne- Acneform eruptions can occur due to the occlusive nature of the
emollient creams that utilized during the healing. This is self-limiting and
they usually resolve on their own.

Infection-The peeling agents are germicidal however the topical

and occlusive ointments with petroleum could promote the growth of
Streptococcus or Staph infections.

HSV- Any type of peel can activate a herpes reaction that could result in
scarring. Herpetic infections present as a painful eruption not a vesicle due
to the lack of an intact epidermis. Pre-treatment with an anti-viral will
diminish the possibility of an outbreak.

Milia- Whiteheads can occur 1-3 weeks after the peel and are due to the
occlusive ointments that are applied. Extractions with a lance may be

PIH -(Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation) This darkening occurs in darker

and Ethnic skin types due to the trauma of the peel. Prepping the skin with
lightening agents are mandatory to prevent PIH.

Herbal Power Peel Resurfacing Exfoliant Peel offers many benefits for skin
enhancement. Chemical and acid free skin peeling continues to be an
effective, safe and economically desirable procedure. With appropriate
experience, proper skin type, and with any possible complications
addressed, the procedure can lead to excellent results and satisfied
Power Peeltm Microdermabrasion
When you examine your skin, does it look and feel as soft and fresh as you
want? Or are you unhappy with age spots, acne
scars, stretch marks, fine wrinkles or flaking

With our Power Peeltm skin treatment program,

you too can see immediate improvements in
your skins appearance. This unique approach
removes dead and flaking skin cells and
stimulates the production of fresh young skin
cells and collagen. It is the ultimate
advancement in non-invasive, non-surgical skin conditioning.

Enjoy a rewarding experience and relax while our trained staff delivers
gentle Power Peel treatments to remove age spots and fine lines around the
eyes, lips and neck. Power Peels can even reduce the appearance of stretch
marks and acne scars.

Here are answers to commonly asked questions about the Power Peel

What is a Power Peel?

Micro-crystals are projected onto the skin, removing the topmost layer of
dead skin cells. The crystals and the skin cells are then vacuumed back into
the microdermabrasion tool for disposal. Microdermabrasion treatments
have been used in Europe for years. Now, this procedure is helping men and
women in the United States experience remarkable improvements in their
skin texture, regardless of skin color. Power Peels are a safe, non-surgical,
comprehensive approach to skin care.

What results can you expect?

Depending on the area treated, you will notice an improvement in your
skins appearance. Stretch marks and acne scars will be
less obvious.

Age spots and fine lines are erased and many patients
report that their skin seems to be softer, smoother and

What are the advantages of a Power Peel?

Procedure takes less time

There is no discomfort

Quick recovery time

There are no disruptions to normal activities

Who are the best candidates for a Power Peel?

The best candidates for Power Peels are men and women who:

are in good health

have good skin tone

have realistic expectations

How long do treatments take?

Power Peel treatment sessions usually last about 1 hour. However,
treatments for stretch marks can take as long as two hours. During your
session we focus on your problem areas, but time can be given to other
areas of concern.

How many treatments can I have in one week?

Power Peel treatments are not aggressive. They are progressive and slow.
You may need ten to twelve treatments depending on the area treated.
Treatments are spaced two weeks to a month apart, giving the treated area
time to regenerate.

What are Power Peel treatments like?

With the aid of micro-crystals vacuumed through a delicate hand piece, held
at a precise angle to the skin, a technician effects a superficial skin polishing.
In as little as one treatment this gentle abrasive technique efficiently
produces satisfying results. Power Peels enhance skin condition and do what
no other available treatment can (without surgery) in combating the signs of
aging skin. Most importantly it is safe to use on all skin types and colors.

How soon will I see results?

After your first treatment, your skin will have a fresh, pink glow.
Improvement continues throughout your treatment program. The number of
treatments recommended for maximum results ranges from two to twelve
No effective

4k face and neck.

Chemical peel. whole body mch effective one application= welve session of
diamond peel.

Diamond peel.. oo cosly. Naanggaln ng libag..

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