How People Make Decisions: People Face Trade-Offs
How People Make Decisions: People Face Trade-Offs
How People Make Decisions: People Face Trade-Offs
There is no thing such as a free lunch. To get one thing that we like, we
usually have to give up another thing that we like. Making decisions requires
trading one goal for another.
Examples include how students spend their time, how a family decides to
spend its income, how the government spends revenue, and how regulations
may protect the environment at a cost to firm owners.
A special example of a trade-off is the trade-off between efficiency and
Definition of efficiency: the property of society getting the
maximum benefits from its scarce resources.
Definition of equity: the property of distributing economic
prosperity fairly among the members of society.
For example, tax paid by wealthy people and then distributed to
poor may improve equity but lower the incentive for hard work and
therefore reduce the level of output produced by our resources.
This implies that the cost of this increased equality is a reduction
in the efficient use of our resources.
Another Example is guns and butter: The more we spend on national
defense(guns) to protect our borders, the less we can spend on consumer
goods (butter) to raise our standard of living at home.
Recognizing that trade-offs exist does not indicate what decisions should
or will be made.
Because people face trade off, making decisions requires comparing the
costs and benefits of alternative courses of action.
The cost of
going to college for a year is not just the tuition, books, and fees,
but also the foregone wages.
seeing a movie is not just the price of the ticket, but the value of
the time you spend in the theater
This is called opportunity cost of a resource
Definition of opportunity cost: whatever must be given up in order to
obtain some item. or last best alternative forgone
When making any decision, decision makers should consider the
opportunity costs of each possible action.
Trade is not like a sports competition, where one side gains and the other
side loses.
Consider trade that takes place inside your home. Your family is likely to
be involved in trade with other families on a daily basis. Most families do not
build their own homes, make their own clothes, or grow their own food.
Countries benefit from trading with one another as well.
Trade allows for specialization in products that benefits countries (or