Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta is a renowned hospital administrator and teacher in India. He completed his MBBS and MHA from prestigious institutions. He has over 30 years of experience in academic and healthcare management. He currently heads the Department of Hospital Administration at AIIMS and is involved in various national committees related to healthcare. His research and publications have significantly contributed to developing the field of hospital administration in India.
Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta is a renowned hospital administrator and teacher in India. He completed his MBBS and MHA from prestigious institutions. He has over 30 years of experience in academic and healthcare management. He currently heads the Department of Hospital Administration at AIIMS and is involved in various national committees related to healthcare. His research and publications have significantly contributed to developing the field of hospital administration in India.
Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta is a renowned hospital administrator and teacher in India. He completed his MBBS and MHA from prestigious institutions. He has over 30 years of experience in academic and healthcare management. He currently heads the Department of Hospital Administration at AIIMS and is involved in various national committees related to healthcare. His research and publications have significantly contributed to developing the field of hospital administration in India.
Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta is a renowned hospital administrator and teacher in India. He completed his MBBS and MHA from prestigious institutions. He has over 30 years of experience in academic and healthcare management. He currently heads the Department of Hospital Administration at AIIMS and is involved in various national committees related to healthcare. His research and publications have significantly contributed to developing the field of hospital administration in India.
Head, Deptt. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent Dr Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Dr Shakti Gupta is a teacher, mentor, researcher and hospital
administrator, who has been pivotal in defining the role of the healthcare administrator in the delivery of quality healthcare in the nation. He completed his medical graduation from Government Medical College, Jammu and post graduation in Hospital Administration from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. Presently as the Head of the Department of Hospital Administration he has been energetic as an author, research guide and in providing enabling platforms for debates and deliberations as well as organising conferences that brings together experts of national and international repute in health administration. He has been actively involved in various national and state level committees on healthcare activities. He has more than 30 years of distinguished academic and healthcare management experiences encompassing the entire spectrum of primary to tertiary healthcare. A brief snapshot of the same is provided:-
Fellowships, MBBS from Govt Medical College Jammu.
Awards & Masters in Hospital Administration, AIIMS, New Delhi. Honours WHO fellowship from USA on Accident and Emergency services including Disaster Management. Hospital Management Programme for Chief Executives of Asia Pacific from National University of Singapore. Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences 2009. Fellow of Institute of Hospital Engineers, PGIMER, Chandigarh. Fellow of the International Medical Sciences Academy, New Delhi 2009. Honoured with PRATIBHASHI SAMMAN2002, CHIKITSA RATAN 2010 and SHRAM SREE-2010. Chairman Expert committee for Formulation of National Ambulance Code for the country under Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt of India. Working Group on Emergency Care relating to Road Safety under Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt of India 2011. The report has been already submitted to the government. President Academy of Hospital Administration since 2009. Research Foundation of Hospital and healthcare Administration, Since 2011. Member Sub-Group on Road Transport and Human Resources Management under the working group on Road Transport constituted by the Planning Commission for the formulation of the Twelfth Five Year Plan(2012-2017). Working group for the development of the National Action Plan for Hospital Safety constituted by the National Disaster Management Authority, New Delhi. Governing Council of National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare Providers (NABH), Quality Council of India. Task Force on Health Sector Reforms for the State of J&K under the Chief Minister. Expert team for providing technical consultancy establishing Emergency Medical Service System under NRHM, Govt of Maharashtra state. Advisory board of Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai. Expert Group for establishing AIIMS like Institutions in the country. Consultant Appointed as the Expert Consultant by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India for establishment of hospitals in Bhutan and Nepal. WHO Consultant for the preparation of Module for Implementation of Electronic Medical Records in Speciality Hospitals in India. WHO Consultant to Nepal to study healthcare infrastructure and suggest remedial measures for capacity building of Human resources for Health. UNOPS Asia Office to study Procurement & Supply Management System being adopted by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India and based on his recommendations the Govt of India received 129 million dollars for HIV and TB programme from The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Books Hospital and Healthcare Administration-Appraisal and Authored Referral Treatise along with Col Sunil Kant Emergency Services & Disaster Management A Holistic Approach along with Dr P K Dave, Lt Gen N K Parmar(Retd) and Col Sunil Kant Hospital Stores Management an Integrated Approach along with Col Sunil Kant Modern Trends in Planning & Designing of Hospitals along with Col Sunil Kant, Dr R Chandrashekhar and Dr S Satpathy MCQs in Management & Hospital Administration along with Col Sunil Kant and Dr P Rampal Hospital Infection Control Guidelines along with Dr Sanjeev Singh and Col Sunil Kant Disease Outbreak Management along with Col Sunil Kant and J K Sharma Conferences, Hospital Equipment Appliances & Technology HEAT 1997 CMEs Seminars in AIIMS New Delhi & Workshops South Asian Conference on Synergy & organised Healthcare(SASHCON)- 2005 at Thimphu, Bhutan. South Asian Conference on Synergy & Healthcare(SASHCON)- 2008 at AIIMS ,NewDelhi National Seminar & Workshop on Operations Research in Hospital Administration in collaboration with WHO in August 2009, first time ever in Asia. International Conference on Recent Advances & Future trends in Healthcare Infrastructure & Medical Technology (HIMT- 2011) in collaboration with WHO, School of Planning & Architecture, The Indian Institute of Architects (NC) and the Academy of Hospital Administration. International Congress on Emergency Medical Service Systems (EMS-2012) in Feb 2012. Programme Director of the capacity building management development programme series Healthcare Executive Management Development Programme (HxMDP) for senior healthcare professionals in collaboration with WHO. Programme Director National Initiative for Patient Safety (NIPS), a series of workshops aimed to propagate the culture of patient safety across the nation by training the trainers. Programme Director for Best Procurement Practices for Hospital a series of workshops aimed at disseminating good procurement practices to be followed in Hospitals. Research Founder President of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration (RFHHA), New Delhi which is a leading professional organization promoting research and training in the field of Hospital and Healthcare management. He has mentored and guided numerous research studies in the fields of Patient safety, Quality in Hospitals, Infection Control and Planning & Designing of Hospitals in the Department at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Founder President of the EMS Leaders forum , with an aim of providing a common platform for convergence of the global think- tank in the field of Emergency Medical Services including Disaster management. Strongly That Situational Sensitivity and Behavioural Flexibility are the believes key attributes of a good administrator. Aspires To establish a full-fledged Centre for Excellence in Hospital Administration at AIIMS which will result in enhanced capacity building in this field & will act as a resource centre for various healthcare management issues for the country. The proposal for the same has been included by the Planning Commission of India for consideration. To start a Leadership Development Programme in the country for young health and hospital administrators so as to empower them to take up the leadership role in their organisations. To launch domain focussed Management Development Programmes for Senior Healthcare Executives across India in the field of financial management including Budgeting and Audit.