API 653 PC Final Open
API 653 PC Final Open
API 653 PC Final Open
Choose only one answer, which you think is most appropriate.
Use the attached answer sheet in answering the following questions.
a. inch
b. inch
c. 3/16 inch
d. 5/8 inch
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
a. 5 min
b. 10 min
c. 7 min
d. 60 min
7/8" thk
a) No. 20
b) No. 25
c) No. 30
d) None of the above
5. If type of penetrameter is Q.1 is changed to wire type what
shall be the wire designation (wire decimeter in inch)
6. For steel plates and weld to be checked LPI, what shall be the
penetration time for penetrant
a. Weld A and B
b. Weld C and D
c. Weld D only
d. Weld A and D
a. 4 inch to 12 inch
b. 4 inch to 10 inch
c. 3 inch to 10 inch
d. 3 inch to 8 inch
10. For a new tank with 130 ft diameter thickness of top course
worked out was td=5mm tt=4mm. What will be minimum
nominal thickness provided for this course according to API 650
a. 3/16 (5mm)
b. 1/4 (6mm)
c. 5/16 (8mm)
d. None of the above
11. For a tank with diameter 100ft was found to have corrosion in a
localized area on shell. Minimum thickness observed (t2) was 1
inch. What will be the critical vertical length of for the area?
a. 40 inches
b. 37 inches
c. 45 inches
d. None of the above
a. 8 inches NPS
b. 6 inches NPS
c. 10 inches NPS
d. 4 inches NPS
a. Plate thickness =
b. Plate thickness = 5/8
c. Plate thickness = 1/2
d. Plate thickness = 1
a. 15 Years
b. 12.5 Years
c. 10 Years
d. 5 Years
Figure 1
0.54 AREA B
The total length of a arrow line drawn is 8 inches. The length of the
line in each of the corroded areas A, B and C are 1.5, 0.8 and 0.5
inches respectively.
b. Not acceptable as size are not OK, total length of the pit
dimensions is more than permitted
17. Two plates sample A and B were tested for longitudinal impact
testing. Following were results observed. They belonged to
Group No. I as per API 650:
Results of impact test for sample A were 18ft lb, 8ft lb, 16ft lb.
Results on sample B: 12ft lb, 14ft lb, 20 ft. lb
a. 10 & 6
b. 6 & 3
c. 8 & 4
d. 12 & 6
19. Repair of a 5/8 thick shell, using lapped (lap welded) patch
plate of 1/8 thick was carried out, without informing the
Owner. Such a repair is not acceptable as per API standard 653,
20. As per API Standard 650, the offset between vertical seams of
adjacent shells shall be a minimum distance of:
21. When butt welded annular bottom plates are used, in an AST
built to API Standard 650, their width from inside of the shell
shall be at least:
a. 900 mm
b. 300 mm
c. 600 mm
d. None of the above
a. 2 mm
b. 1.5 mm
c. 0.8 mm
d. 3 mm
a. 1 (25 mm)
b. (12.7 mm)
c. (19 mm)
d. 1-1/4 (32 mm)
24. Local deviations from theoretical shape of an aboveground
storage tank (AST), built to API Standard 650, specifically
Peaking at vertical joints or Banding at horizontal weld
joints as measured over an appropriate sweepboard of 36 shall
not exceed:
a. 19 mm (3/4)
b. 13 mm (1/2)
c. 16 mm (5/8)
d. 1/8 mm (3)
a. 5 years
b. 8 years
c. 4 years
d. 15 years