Guideline For Offshore Structural Reliability Analysis (Aplication To Tension Leg Platforms) DNV
Guideline For Offshore Structural Reliability Analysis (Aplication To Tension Leg Platforms) DNV
Guideline For Offshore Structural Reliability Analysis (Aplication To Tension Leg Platforms) DNV
Date of first issue: Project No.: DET NORSKE VERITAS AS
5 September 1995 22210120 Division Nordic Countries
Characteristic features of TLPs are briefly described, and an overview is given of TLP response analysis
to environmental actions. Model uncertainties involved in the response analysis are discussed and
recommendations are given for use in reliability analysis. A set of limit states are discussed, that may be
considered in the Level III reliability analysis of TLP structural components, including:
tether foundations
stiffened shell structures in columns and pontoons
structural connections between deck girders, columns and pontoons,
air gap.
Experience from an example of reliability analysis an ultimate limit state for TLP tethers is summarised.
This ultimate limit state includes the combined effects of external pressure, axial tension, and bending
The modelling of the fatigue limit state for TLP tethers is discussed.
Recommendations for further work are included.
DET NORSKE VERITAS AS, Head Office: Veritasvn. 1, N-1322 HVIK, Norway Org. No: NO 945 748 931 MVA
Guideline for Offshore Structural Reliability Analysis
- Application to Tension Leg Platforms Page No. i
Report No. 95-3197, rev. 02 Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1
1.1 Objective 1
1.2 Definition of a TLP 1
1.3 Design Codes for TLPs 2
1.4 Arrangement of Report 2
7. REFERENCES..........................................................................................................44
8. FIGURES ..................................................................................................................52
Guideline for Offshore Structural Reliability Analysis
- Application to Tension Leg Platforms Page No. 1
Report No. 95-3197, rev. 02
1.1 Objective
The objective of this section of the Guideline for Offshore Structural Reliability Analysis is to
provide the following information with respect to tension leg platforms:
an overview of the characteristics of that structure's response to environmental
detailed guidance on the reliability analysis of that structure with respect to several
important modes of failure,
examples of reliability analyses applied to selected failure modes for that structure
The guidelines are intended for the application of Level III reliability analysis to the structure
type; i.e. in which the joint probability distribution of the uncertain parameters is used to
compute the probability of failure. This is usually a fairly demanding type of analysis, and is
primarily expected to be applied in the final design or verification of major load bearing
components of a structure. Hence, the guidelines to be prepared in this project will concentrate
on the requirements for these types of analysis, and will not make any attempt to embrace all
aspects of the design of an offshore structure. However, within these limitations, our aim is to
cover all aspects of this type of reliability analysis.
The tethers are normally attached at the corners of the platform, such that heave, roll and pitch
motions are restrained, as indicated in Fig.1.1. An alternative is to attach the tethers centrally,
thus allowing roll and pitch, and restraining only heave motion. This alternative type is usually
called a heave resisted, or single leg TLP; c.f. White et al. (1988).
A TLP is usually considered compliant with respect to surge, sway and yaw motions. In deep
water a catenary mooring system may be used in addition to the tether system. The catenary
mooring system may either be used to actively position the TLP relative to wells, or to passively
reduce the total offset of the TLP in severe weather. Such a supplemental mooring is applied to
the Auger TLP.
In deep water the tethers are usually made nearly neutrally buoyant, due to weight
considerations. Bottom connections are made to a piled foundation, or to a gravity based
structure, or to suction anchors. The connection to the TLP is either by external attachment to
columns, or internally through the columns. Flex joints are required at both ends of the tethers to
reduce the applied bending moments in the tethers.
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A recommended practice for TLP design is provided in API RP2T (1987). A working stress
design format is adopted in APIs recommended practice, but in section 4.2.1 it is recognised
that: A probabilistic analysis combined with reliability based design methods may provide a
more versatile method for developing an optimum design, but requires extensive analysis. API
has established a technical advisory committee, TAC93-20, to revise their recommended practice
for TLPs.
Design rules are also available from DNV (1989). In DNVs Rules for Fixed Offshore
Installations, the structural design may either be based on the allowable stress method or
according to the partial coefficient method, but in Ch.1, Sec.4, paragraph A104 it is also stated
that: Level 3 reliability analysis methods are mainly considered as applicable to unique, special
case design problems, for calibration of the level 1 methods and for conditions where limited
experience exists.
The present report is based on the general guidelines set out in the Guideline for Reliability
Analysis of Marine Structures - General, (Skjong et al., 1995). Companion applications are also
available for jacket (Sigurdsson et al., 1996) and jack-up structures (Croker, 1996).
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Water level changes due to tides and storm surge cause variations in the draught of the hull, since
the tethers and excess buoyancy prevent the platform rising and falling with the water level. The
change in draught results in a change in the buoyancy forces, and a corresponding change in the
tether tensions, unless compensated by ballast adjustment.
In a stationary environmental state, the environmental actions and system response may
conveniently be separated into mean, time-independent components, and time-varying
components. Since the TLP is compliant to horizontal environmental forces, the response to
mean environmental actions is most apparent as mean surge and sway offset of the platform, in
the direction of these environmental loads. A mean yaw angle may also be induced. The
relatively stiff tethers cause a corresponding set-down of the platform, as a second order effect,
which becomes apparent at large offsets (or large yaw angles). Mean environmental loads in a
vertical plane also cause heave, roll, and pitch platform motions, which are not easily apparent,
since they involve elastic strain of the tethers, of much smaller magnitude.
The response of the TLP in the form of rigid body platform motions is emphasised in the
preceding paragraphs. This is natural, because these response modes are most easily apparent,
and because the hull and deck form a relatively stiff structure. This being the case, elastic
structural dynamics of the platform can usually be ignored, and quasistatic analysis can be
applied, provided the lowest platform natural frequency has been checked, and found to lie
outside the range of significant excitation frequencies. Furthermore, the elastic deformations of
the platform are relatively small, and can usually be neglected when analysing other parts of the
TLP system; viz. the tethers. Note however, that three, vertical, rigid body modes are
insufficient to completely explain tether tension measurements at four platform corners, and that
some of the unexplained variation is likely to be due to platform flexure.
Fairly good estimates of compliant platform motions can usually be obtained by treating the
tethers as inelastic strings, without local external loading. This model relies on the effectiveness
of the flex joints at the ends of the tethers in reducing bending effects. The tethers and risers
tend to contribute somewhat to the damping of the compliant platform motions, but the
corresponding local loads can be negligible. Elastic treatment of the tethers is necessary to
include the vertical modes of platform motion. This may be adequate in relatively shallow water.
In deeper water, it becomes necessary to allow for dynamic response in the structural analysis of
the tethers themselves, though tether dynamics may still have negligible effect on the tension
applied to the TLP hull. In very deep water, the exposed length of the tethers may be so large
that the local hydrodynamic loads applied to the tethers have a significant effect on the compliant
platform motions, and possibly on the vertical platform motions, too.
As stated above, this section mainly considers environmental loads and load-effects related to
TLPs, because the stochastic modelling of these load-effects is of prime concern in structural
reliability analysis. However other load categories also need to be addressed in this connection.
This is mainly related to permanent loads and deformation loads.
The parameters governing stillwater loads are carefully controlled. Hence, it seems reasonable to
assume that the stillwater loads may be taken to be deterministic quantities, rather than stochastic
variables. Some support for this assumption is provided by Mercier et al.s (1991) report that
the pretensions in the tethers of the Jolliet TLP, as measured after installation, were within about
2% of each other.
These loads are fairly simple functions of the water level. The water level variation due to tide
and storm surge can conveniently be treated as part of the vector of short term environmental
conditions. Hence the water level loads are handled as stochastic variables, which are time
independent within each short term environmental state. In the reliability analysis, these loads
may be grouped together with the mean environmental loads.
The current speed, mean wind speed, and wave spectral parameters are components of the vector
of short term environmental conditions. Thus the mean loads resulting from these environmental
effects are stochastic variables, that vary between environmental states, but are time-independent
within each short term environmental state.
The wave-frequency loads are dependent on the short term wave conditions. They are also time
dependent; i.e. stochastic processes. Since the wave elevation process may be assumed
Gaussian, and the wave-frequency loads are obtained as a linear transformation of the wave
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elevation, the wave-frequency loads are also Gaussian, and may be characterised by a covariance
matrix, or by a corresponding set of power spectral densities and cross-spectral densities. This
type of information is usually required in the reliability analysis.
Rigid-body platform motions are first computed in the form of transfer functions (or response
amplitude operators) in regular, long-crested waves. The transfer functions may be combined
with wave spectra to compute the covariance matrix of the response. These computations are
linear, and require linearisation of the restoring forces that act on the platform. The linearised
restoring forces may be regarded as a function of the platform offset. In particular, the coupling
coefficients between the modes of motion increase with offset. Usual design practice is to repeat
the wave-frequency response analysis for linearisations at a few different offset locations, also
including the increased draught due to set-down. Appropriate sets of linearised response are then
applied in each of the standard design cases that are considered. In the reliability analysis, it may
be worthwhile to arrange interpolation of the linearised response, as a function of offset.
Alternatively, an iterative approach can be applied, by checking that the set of linearised transfer
functions applied in a reliability analysis is suitable at the offset conditions defined by the
resulting design point of the analysis.
When dynamic analysis of the tethers is required, then this can also take the form of a linearised
analysis. Transfer functions for the local tether response in terms of axial tension and bending
moments about two cross-sectional axes are obtained. The tether response is driven by the
transfer functions for the rigid body platform motions at the upper end, and by hydrodynamic
forces acting locally on the tethers. The linearised tether response can also usefully be treated as
a function of offset. Nonlinear, time domain analysis of the tether response is also a possibility,
but the increased amount of computational effort is usually undesirable in reliability analysis,
where the response has to be obtained in many environmental states. However, nonlinear tether
response calculations can be very useful to quantify the model uncertainty of the linearised
very time-consuming, and seem unlikely to be applied in reliability calculations, in the near
The low-frequency loads are dependent on the short term wind and wave conditions. They are
also stochastic processes. Since the wind gusts are assumed Gaussian, the low-frequency wind
loads may also be taken as approximately Gaussian. However, the low-frequency wave loads are
not Gaussian (Nss, 1990). It is suggested that the combined low-frequency loads due to wind
and waves may be approximately treated as a Gaussian process, until the required distribution
theory has been more fully developed.
The tether response to the low-frequency platform motions can simply be determined by
quasistatic analysis. Corresponding low-frequency wind and wave moments also act on the
platform, but are not amplified by resonant platform motions in the same way that the horizontal
forces are. The tether response induced by the moments should be included, but can be treated in
a much simpler manner, provided it is confirmed that these components are relatively small.
At present there exists no commercial computer program for simulation of TLP ringing response.
As a consequence one has to rely on carefully performed model tests. Important factors
governing ringing response are; system eigenperiods (for heave, roll, and pitch), the profile and
kinematics of steep waves, interaction effects, and the line of action of ringing forces relative to
the rotational centre of the TLP. The damping level is considered to be of relatively minor
importance in connection with ringing phenomena. The response level due to ringing may be at
the same (and higher) level as the first order tether tensions due to platform heave, roll and pitch.
Ringing effects will not be included in this guideline, due to the difficulty of quantifying these
effects at present (cf. Mathisen et al., 1994a). Considerable effort is currently being expended to
improve this situation, and suitable models should hopefully be developed in the near future.
requirements for the foundations on the seabed. Mispositioning causes an uneven distribution of
tension between the tethers, which tends to increase with platform offset. Significant increases
in tension may be caused by mispositioning. Mispositioning needs to be taken into consideration
early in design. Hamilton (1993) provides an approach to the calculation of mispositioning
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Banon et. al (1994) have applied a coefficient of variation of 20% to static offset, and 10% to the
tether tension induced by static offset and by mean moment, and Mathisen et al. (1994b) have
used 10% for TLP hull stresses due to mean offset, in two related reliability analyses.
The mean offset and related loads are largely dependent on aerodynamic drag coefficients,
hydrodynamic drag coefficients and mean wave drift force coefficients. The computed mean
force, and system response will closely reflect the accuracy of these coefficients under specific
environmental conditions. If the drag coefficients are based on model tests for the actual TLP
considered, and the wave drift forces also are from dedicated model tests or diffraction
calculations, then a coefficient of variation as low as 10% should be attainable. If the force
coefficients are based on generic data, then it would be prudent to increase the coefficient of
variation for the model uncertainty to about 20%. No bias should be included in this model
uncertainty unless strong evidence to the contrary is found for the TLP considered.
In practice, the transfer functions are integrated with a wave spectrum to obtain the standard
deviation of the response in a sea state. It is more convenient to apply a model uncertainty factor
to such a response standard deviation, than to the underlying transfer function ordinates. In
principal, such a model uncertainty might be expected to vary with sea state: a relatively low
uncertainty would apply in mild weather, and a somewhat higher uncertainty would apply in
severe weather, when nonlinear effects become more important. In practice, insufficient
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information is available to specify the model uncertainty as a function of the sea state. The
model uncertainty is taken as a stochastic variable, independent of the variables describing the
sea state. However, it may be reasonable to adjust the magnitude of the uncertainty with respect
to the type of analysis; i.e. lower uncertainty for fatigue analysis, which is dominated by
moderate sea states, and higher uncertainty for overload analysis, which is dominated by extreme
sea states.
Nielsen (1992) gives a summary of the comparison of motion response for two floating
production platforms from 23 different institutions. A turret-positioned ship and a deep draft
floater are considered. The deep draft floater is somewhat similar to a TLP in this context. When
including all the results supplied, the average coefficient of variation (CoV) for the standard
deviation of the first order motions is found to be 16%. This is based on a severe sea state with a
significant wave height of 15.5 m. After a critical review of the results, the CoV is reduced to
Banon et al. (1994) and Mathisen et al. (1994b) describe results from a joint industry project to
calibrate load and resistance factored design equations for TLPs. In this project a CoV of 5%
was applied as model uncertainty to wave-frequency offset and hull stresses, while a CoV of
10% was applied to wave-frequency tether tension.
Marthinsen (1989) compares the computed standard deviation of combined wave-frequency and
low-frequency TLP surge in an extreme environmental state with model test results, and obtains
-1% without current, and -15% with wind, waves and current. The low-frequency surge is much
larger than the wave-frequency surge in this comparison. Marton and Mathisen compare the
computed standard deviation of low-frequency TLP surge in two environmental states and obtain
deviations of +18% and -8%.
Banon et al. (1994) have applied model uncertainties with 44% coefficient of variation to low-
frequency wind induced offset, 28% to low-frequency wave induced offset, and 21% to low-
frequency wave induced tension. Mathisen et al. (1994b) have applied a model uncertainty of
11% to low-frequency TLP hull TLP hull stresses.
It is recommended that a model uncertainty with coefficient of variation from 20% to 30% be
applied to load-effects related to low-frequency response of TLPs. Again, no bias should be
included unless specific information is available.
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Ringing is a newer topic than springing, which seems more difficult to analyse, and for which
less information is available. The model uncertainty on this effect should be even larger.
Mathisen et al. (1994a) include some suggestions on how model uncertainty can be quantified for
3.9 Summary
The model uncertainties suggested or recommended in the preceding paragraphs are summarised
in Table 3.1. A normal distribution is usually a reasonable choice. However, negative values for
model uncertainty factors are usually undesirable, and a log-normal distribution is an alternative
that can avoid negative values, if necessary, for large coefficients of variation. The mean value
of the model uncertainty factor should normally be set to unity. Bias can have a considerable
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effect on the reliability results, and should only be introduced where adequate information is
available to quantify the bias.
4.2 Foundations
A tension leg platform (TLP) may be tethered to driven pile anchors (with or without template),
to gravity anchors, or to suction anchors penetrated into the seabed beneath each corner of the
The loads that act on the TLP foundation consist of permanent (sustained) tension, and
environmental forces due to waves, wind, currents, drift, and tides. The TLP also has two
additional loads as a result of setdown and mispositioning. Mispositioning loads occur when the
TLP is slightly offset from the desired location. Setdown results from the lateral displacement of
the hull, which tends to lower the mean hull position.
The resulting foundation loads can be classified into static permanent loads, variable mean loads,
and oscillatory loads. Only the pretension load (cf. 2.3) from the hull buoyancy is considered a
truly permanent, sustained load. Mean loads are relatively constant over a short term period of
the order of one or a few hours, but vary slowly over longer periods and from day to day. They
include the mean wind, mean current, mean wave drift, tides, as well as most of the contribution
from the mispositioning and setdown (cf. 2.4 & 2.5). These loads are treated as quasi-static
forces in the foundation design and can be up to 30% of the total foundation load (Clukey et al.,
1995). The oscillatory loads have periods of the order of seconds to minutes. These loads are
due mostly to wave forces, although there is some contribution from mispositioning and setdown
loads (cf. 2.6, 2.7 & 2.8).
When the combination of these loads is applied to a TLP during a design storm, the tethers
develop an inclination, which results in a lateral load on the foundation. Although the connection
between the tether and the foundation is hinged, the lateral force caused by the inclination results
in an overturning moment at mudline. This moment depends on the location of the hinge above
The pull-out capacity of the anchors under these loading conditions is crucial for the successful
platform operation.
The maximum tensile load is typically much larger than the permanent tension and is more likely
to govern the design. However, some clayey soils exhibit much lower shear strength under a
sustained static load than under a transient cyclic load. So, in principle, both loading conditions
should be considered with the respective relevant soil shear strengths at a clay site.
Deterministic studies (Doyle, 1994; and from Norwegian Geotechnical Institute files) show that
for the TLPs in operation today, the foundation safety factor for the permanent tension condition
is significantly higher than that for the extreme environmental condition. Considering further
that the uncertainty in the permanent tension is much lower than the uncertainty in environmental
loads, it is reasonable to evaluate the pile anchor reliability only under the extreme wave loads.
The forces acting on a pile anchor are schematically shown on Fig. 1. The limit state function for
the pile anchor may be formulated as:
g = Qu - L (4.1)
where Qu is the pile pull-out capacity and L is the axial load at the pile top. Considering the
annual probability of pile anchor failure, the load variable L in the limit state represents the
annual extreme axial load at the pile top. The lateral load and overturning moment on the pile
top are small (the angle q in Fig.4.1 is less than 10 under the maximum tensile load during an
extreme storm event) and may be ignored in the limit state.
The axial tensile load on the pile is resisted by skin friction and submerged weight of the pile
(including the soil plug). Thus, the pull-out capacity of the pile may be written as:
Qu = f i Ai + W' (4.2)
i =1
where n is the number of soil layers into which the pile has penetrated, fi is the unit shaft friction
in layer i, Ai is the outer contact area of pile shaft with soil in layer i, and W is the submerged
weight of pile and soil plug. Possible resistance due to suction at the pile tip is neglected.
The ultimate unit shaft friction in clays is typically estimated by one of the following methods:
f = a su (4.3)
f = b s vo (4.4)
f = l ( s vo + 2 su ) (4.5)
where su is the undrained soil shear strength, svo is the effective overburden stress at the point in
question, and a, b, and l are skin friction factors.
Correction factors to account for specific effects, for example pile length or cyclic loading, can
also be applied, but one should take caution to account for all effects as some of these are
inherently included in the empirical methods that are presently in use.
Value of the earth pressure coefficient, and therefore effective stress, allowed in the
calculations of axial pile capacity for compression and tension loading.
Limiting side friction value, whether it should be applied and whether it should be made
dependent on relative density.
The simplified models used in current axial pile capacity calculation methods have been derived
predominantly from onshore load tests on small piles. These empirical methods have led to a
number of parameters specific to the estimation of ultimate capacity of driven tubular piles, for
example the factors a, b, and l for estimation of shaft friction in clay. The uncertainties in these
parameters (model uncertainty) as well as the uncertainties in soil properties and effective
overburden stress are discussed in Section 7.3 of the General Guideline for Offshore Structural
Reliability Analysis (Skjong et al., 1995).
Based on engineering judgement and available test data, Doyle (1994) comes up with a B value
of 1.5 (i.e. the axial pile capacity obtained by using the API RP2A method is divided by 1.5) for
the Auger TLP in the Gulf of Mexico (soft clay site).
It is apparent from the list above that the bias factor used in deterministic tension pile design is
not appropriate for reliability assessment of the foundation. Most of the effects covered by the
bias factor B can be explicitly accounted for in structural reliability assessment of foundation
components and in overall system reliability assessment.
As far as the soil strength is concerned, there is strong evidence that the ultimate skin friction in
clay is the same for piles under compression and piles under tension. However, the ultimate skin
friction in sand may be significantly lower for a tension pile. The 20th edition of API RP2A
(1993) suggests a value of 0.7 to 1 for K in Eq.4.6 for both compression and tension piles. Many
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researchers and practitioners believe this value is too high for a tension pile and consider a value
of 0.5 - 0.8 more reasonable for TLP applications. The difference between compression and
tension piles is taken into account in the next edition of API RP2A-LRFD, due to be released in
1996. The new draft recommendations read:
The unit shaft friction increases with increase in soil density and pile displacement ratio.
Some data suggests that the shaft capacity in compression may be higher than that in
tension due to change in Poissons ratio, differences in the total stress field (increasing in
compression, decreasing in tension), and changes in mean effective stress due to rotation
of principal stresses (De Nicola and Randolph, 1993).
For open-ended pipe piles driven unplugged, it is usually appropriate to assume K as 0.7
to 0.8 for compression loading. For tension loading, it is appropriate to assume K as 0.5
to 0.7. For full displacement piles (plugged or closed end), value of K under
compression loading may be assumed as 0.8 to 1.0. For tension loading, value of K for
full displacement piles may be assumed to be 0.7 to 0.8. For both low (unplugged) and
full (plugged) displacement piles in compression and tension loading, the lower value is
for loose to medium dense granular material and the high value is for dense to very dense
material. For further discussion, refer to Kraft (1991).
Soil type
Composition of the storm-induced loads on the foundation
Foundation dimensions and drainage boundary conditions
Ratio of cyclic load amplitude to permanent and/or static load
When the sum of the permanent (sustained) load and the storm-induced static load on the
foundation is significantly larger than the cyclic load amplitude (one-way cyclic loading), then
the cyclic effects will be minor. This is the situation for tension pile anchors supporting a TLP:
the cyclic axial load amplitude at the pile top is always less than the mean tensile force exerted
by the tethers.
There are only a few published studies on the effects of cyclic loading on axial capacity of
tension piles. The studies performed by Goulois (1982) and Karlsrud and Nadim (1990) suggest
that the cyclic axial pile capacity in clay may be 85 - 110% of the static capacity for one-way
cyclic loading of a tension pile. A cyclic capacity greater than the reference static capacity
means that the strength increase due to rapid rate of loading is more dominant than the strength
degradation due to cyclic loading.
Soil layering
The soil strength properties of distinct soil layers can generally be assumed independent random
parameters in the pile capacity computations.
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Within a nominally uniform layer, however, one should be careful on how the sublayer
thicknesses and properties are chosen. Engineering properties of a nominally uniform soil layer
exhibit spatial variability in both horizontal and vertical directions. For example, North Sea soils
typically have a lateral scale of fluctuation in the order of 30 - 60m and a vertical scale of
fluctuation in the order of 3 - 5m (Keaveny et al., 1989). The scale of fluctuation in the vertical
direction is an important factor in reducing the dispersion of the axial pile capacity due to spatial
averaging. A practical approximation that is often used is to choose the sublayer thicknesses to
be of the same order as the vertical scale of fluctuation, and assume the sublayer strengths to be
independent random variables.
Suction anchors, like piles, are generally cylindrical in shape, but have larger diameters and
shallower penetration depths. A foundation unit may also consist of several cylinders attached
together. The term suction refers to two different factors: 1) the controlled reduction of the
pressure at the caisson head during the installation process, and 2) the passive reduction of
pressure occurring during uplift (reverse end-bearing).
The pull-out capacity of a suction anchor relies on generation of suction in the soil in the skirt
compartment(s) of the anchor and in the soil beneath the anchor under the maximum tension
loads. The TLP suction anchors installed to date (Snorre and Heidrun) are designed to resist the
permanent pretension loads by dead-weight and ballast (Clukey et al., 1995). Passive suction is
relied upon to resist the cyclic and quasi-static loads under the design storm.
A gravity anchor foundation may also be used to resist the loads exerted by the tethers. The
submerged dead-weight of a gravity anchor is greater than the maximum design tension load.
Since a gravity anchor does not rely on suction in soil to resist the tensile forces, it does not need
to be equipped with skirts. However, skirts may be used on a gravity anchor to improve its
stability when the tension loads are minimum and a large net compressive load due to the
submerged anchor weight acts on the soil beneath.
The most essential aspect of the foundation design of an anchor is to ensure that the foundation
soil has sufficient capacity to carry the large static and cyclic pull-out loads without excessive
displacements. A foundation failure may occur as large vertical, horizontal and rotational
displacements. The failure mode may be large cyclic displacements, large cyclically-induced
permanent displacements, or a combination of large permanent and cyclic displacements. The
limit state function for foundation capacity can be written in a format similar to that for a pile
anchor (Eq.4.1):
g = R-L (4.7)
where L is the maximum tension load on the anchor and R is the foundation capacity.
For a gravity anchor (without skirts), R is simply the submerged weight of the anchor and L is
the vertical component of load. The procedure for estimating the foundation capacity for a
suction anchor is, however, more complicated. It is similar to the procedure for calculation of
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the foundation bearing capacity for a gravity platform under combined static and cyclic loads.
The most commonly used analysis method was proposed by Andersen and Lauritzsen (1988).
The principles and procedures used to calculate the bearing capacity of gravity platforms can
also be used to calculate the pull-out capacity for suction anchors. The only modification needed
to adapt the procedure to calculate the pull-out capacity for anchors is to use extension shear
strengths instead of compression shear strengths in the soil beneath the structure, and com-
pression shear strengths instead of extension shear strengths in the soil outside the anchor
The pull-out capacity is calculated with limiting equilibrium analyses. Various types of failure
surfaces should be analysed and a search must be made to find the location of the surface that
gives the lowest bearing capacity. The critical type of failure surface will depend on several
factors such as the load inclination, the ratio between static and cyclic loads, the shear strength
profile, and the embedment depth to diameter ratio of the anchor.
The limiting equilibrium analyses are performed with the "cyclic shear strength" of the soil. The
cyclic shear strength can be determined from cyclic triaxial and direct simple shear (DSS)
laboratory tests consolidated to the in-situ vertical and horizontal effective stresses. The
laboratory tests are run to failure under conditions that simulate the stress conditions along the
potential failure surface as closely as possible (Fig.4.2). Details of the procedure to calculate
pull-out capacity are provided by Andersen et al. (1994).
To verify the procedure for calculating pull-out capacity of anchors, the Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute performed a series of one static and three cyclic field model tests for Saga Petroleum
when they decided to use concrete anchors for the TLP at the Snorre field (Dyvik et al., 1993).
Class A prediction (i.e. prediction made before the tests were carried out) of model anchor
capacities proved to be very accurate (Andersen et al., 1993). The predicted pull-out capacities
are summarised and compared to the measured pull-out capacities in Table 4.1. The comparison
shows that the predicted capacities agree very well with the measured capacities in the static test
and in all the three cyclic tests, independent of variations in cyclic load history, geometry and
load eccentricity.
Table 4.1 Comparison between predicted and measured pull-out capacities of suction
anchors in clay (Andersen et al., 1993)
The predicted critical failure surfaces for the static test (Model Test 1) and two of the cyclic tests
(Model Tests 2 and 3) were almost identical (Fig.4.3a). These tests had the same load eccen-
tricity. Cyclic Model Test 4, with a greater load eccentricity than the other model tests, had a
different calculated critical failure surface, as shown in Fig.4.3b.
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These results show that the modelling uncertainty for the procedure outlined by Andersen et al.
(1992) for pull-out capacity of suction anchors in clay is relatively small. The key is an accurate
determination of cyclic soil strength under the applied loads.
The cyclic shear strength is not a unique soil property and depends on the loading history. Thus
the uncertainty in the cyclic shear strength is related to both the uncertainty in the soil
characteristics and the uncertainty in the load history during the design storm.
Keaveny et al. (1993) performed probabilistic stability analysis for a gravity suction anchor (gravity
anchor with skirts) for a TLP conceptual design at a stiff clay site in the North Sea. They used the
technique developed at NGI to estimate the uncertainty in the cyclic shear strength of the soil.
The uncertainty was estimated by Monte-Carlo simulation with Latin hypercube sampling of the
random variables that influence the cyclic strength. The study by Keaveny et al. showed that the
pull-out of the anchor was not the most critical mode of foundation failure because the tension
loads were resisted by the submerged weight of the anchor. The critical mode was foundation
sliding combined with partial lift-off of the anchor similar to that shown in Fig.4.2 and Fig.4.3a.
Using a second-order reliability method (SORM), the conditional reliability index given the 100-
year design storm was computed to b = 4.9 (Pf = 4.610-7). The low probability of non-
performance was consistent with the high material coefficients used in the deterministic design
of the anchors and pointed to conservatism in the anchor design for that TLP.
developed for these limit states can be adapted to buckling criteria for other failure modes, if
these are considered more relevant for a particular TLP.
On this basis, the outcrossing rate through the limit state function can be calculated for any
environmental state. The expectation of the outcrossing rate is taken with respect to the
distribution of the environmental variables (significant wave height, peak wave period, wind
speed, current speed, heading angles, etc.). The annual probability of failure conditional on the
time-independent variables r can then be computed. Finally, the marginal probability of failure
is obtained by integration with respect to the time-independent variables. This is the same type
of probabilistic formulation applied for the tether ULS in the TLP example report.
This reliability analysis was applied with two sets of environmental conditions, for the
Norwegian continental shelf, and for the Gulf of Mexico. The environmental model for the Gulf
of Mexico was only based on hurricane conditions, while the model for the Norwegian
continental shelf was based on all environmental conditions. Thus, for the Gulf of Mexico, the
probability of one or more hurricanes per year was included in the probabilistic formulation.
4.3.4 Yielding
A useful criterion against yielding can be formulated in terms of the Von Mises equivalent stress,
with limit state function
2 2 2 2
g = sF - s X - sY + s X sY - 3 s XY (4.11)
where sF is the yield stress of the material, s X , sY are normal stresses, and s XY is the shear
stress applied in the shell plating. This limit state is again a nonlinear combination of stochastic
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processes, which presents some difficulty and needs a vector outcrossing formulation. However,
the limit state surface can be viewed as an ellipsoid, and the outcrossing rate can be calculated
directly by numerical integration over this surface, as described by Madsen (1985). The vector
outcrossing algorithm which can compute the outcrossing rate using standard asymptotic
approximations from structural reliability methods is much more efficient than numerical
The computation of the local stresses and the probabilistic formulation for this limit state follows
the same procedure, as outlined for OSCS bay failure.
term, and most effort should be expended on the modelling of the annual extreme value
distribution for the wave crest elevation.
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The global coordinate system of the TLP with weather directions are given in Fig.5.1.
Stahl and Geyer (1985) developed a systems reliability analysis for TLP tether systems. Their
paper emphasises the modelling of system effects, based on Stahl and Geyer (1984), and does not
include much detail on the load or resistance variables. Only tension loads are considered in
their analysis, implying that all tethers at one corner of the TLP experience the same loads. On
this basis, a considerable systems effect is found; i.e. the reliability of a tether (or all the tethers
in one corner) is reduced because the same load is applied to all elements, and necessarily finds
the element with the lowest resistance. The limit state considered in the present report leads to
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the highest loads at the bottom of each tether, implying that the weakest element in a tether is not
necessarily subjected to the highest load, which may tend to reduce the systems effect.
Banon and Harding (1989) carried out a tether reliability analysis considering two limit states for
maximum and for minimum tether tension. Their paper addresses the combination of several
tension loads, and uses exceedance of the yield stress as the failure criterion. The load
components included correspond quite closely to those included in the present report. An
important difference is that the present report takes account of the effect of offset on the wave-
frequency loads (cf. section 5.2.3), and dynamic analysis of the tethers is also applied. The point
crossing method applied by Banon and Harding is closely related to the vector out-crossing
technique applied here.
Harding and Banon (1989) and Banon et al. (1991) extended this analysis to include the effect of
underdeck wave impacts on the tether reliability. If the elevation of the deck above the stillwater
surface is inadequate, then underdeck wave impacts can occur, and induce significant loads in
the tethers, which will naturally affect the reliability considerably. It seems advisable to design a
reasonably generous clearance to ensure a very low probability of such wave impacts. If impacts
are to be tolerated, then more accurate analysis of the resulting underdeck loads is desirable.
Banon et al. (1994) also applied this reliability analysis, without deck impact, in a calibration of
a simplified design equation for the same tether limit state as studied in the present report; i.e.
now including the combined effect of axial tension, bending and external water pressure. The
vector out-crossing method was applied instead of the point crossing method.
Rooney et al. (1989) carried out a tether reliability analysis, using the load model described by
Marthinsen (1989), and including combination of axial stress due to tension and bending with
hoop stress due to external pressure in the limit state function. Turkstras rule was applied in the
load modelling, and the wave frequency stress was modelled with its extreme value distribution,
as the dominant stochastic process.
Lotsberg (1991) carried out a tether reliability analysis which also included the effect of
foundation-mispositioning on the tether tension, based on results obtained by Madsen et al.
(1987). A limit state for the combined effect of tension, bending and external pressure, taken
from the DNV Classification Note on Buckling Strength Analysis was applied, and Turkstras
rule was used in the modelling of the load effects. Both Rooney et al. and Lotsberg found the
randomness in the yield stress most important for the reliability result, followed by the
randomness in the wave-frequency load-effect, together with its model uncertainty. For other
offshore structures, the randomness in the wave-induced load tends to be relatively more
important. The difference in behaviour may well arise because of the relatively larger amount of
stillwater stresses present in a tether, due to pretension and external hydrostatic pressure. The
importance of the wave-frequency component in these analyses provides some justification for
the more detailed modelling of this component in the present analysis, including dynamic
response and the effect of offset on the wave-frequency response.
sa s b
s ac s bc
n = na 1.7
+ nb 1.7
sa s b sa s b
s ac + s bc s ac + s bc
na = 2 + 0.023 D t (5.3)
nb = 1 + 300 t D (5.4)
with as the diameter of the tether, and t as the wall thickness. The formulation is valid for
D / t in the range from 15 to 40. It is only intended for positive values of the three load-effects
involved. Further details of the underlying capacity variables are included in the example report.
The model uncertainty for this failure criterion has also been developed, based on comparisons
with experimental and nonlinear finite element results.
The required load-effects are external pressure, axial stress, and bending stress. The external
pressure is simply the hydrostatic pressure, including water level variation. Pressure variations
due to waves are usually negligible in the lower part of the tether, which is the most critical area
for a tether with constant cross-section. Hence the external pressure is treated as a time-
independent stochastic variable under short term, stationary environmental conditions. The axial
and bending stresses are time-dependent stochastic processes, involving several load-effects.
The failure criterion is formulated as a nonlinear combination of these load-effects. This leads to
some difficulty in determination of the extreme value of the combined load effect. This
difficulty is overcome by formulating the problem in terms of an out-crossing analysis, cf. Hagen
and Tvedt (1991). To comply with the requirements of this formulation, the time derivatives of
the stochastic processes involved in the failure criterion are also needed.
If the bending stress is a minor component, as may often be the case, then there is a possibility to
simplify the analysis. A combined normal stress ratio, can be obtained by linear combination of
the axial and bending stresses. The dependency of the exponent n on the bending stress can be
neglected in this case, and simplified to the value na . The extreme value distribution of the
normal stress ratio is obtainable for both the low-frequency and wave-frequency load-effects
separately, but not combined. However, combinations of these two load-effects can be based on
Turkstras principle.
The local stresses in the tether can be split into low-frequency (LF), wave-frequency (WF), and
high-frequency components (HF). High-frequency components are neglected in the present
analysis. High-frequency springing is primarily important for fatigue analysis, and expected to
be a minor component in the ultimate limit state. High-frequency ringing is neglected because
adequate response models that can easily be incorporated in the present example are not
available. Ringing should not be neglected in general. The low-frequency stress components
can conveniently be modelled as deterministic functions of the platform offset motion. Hence
the offset motion is an important element in this limit state. The wave-frequency stress
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components are computed as dynamic tether response to the wave-frequency platform motions.
The wave-frequency response of both platform and tethers is modified by the low-frequency
offset of the platform, and the analysis is formulated so that this effect can be included.
Having obtained the out-crossing rate, the conditional first-passage probability of failure is
approximated by
r r
Pf r
(r ) = 1 - exp{-n g (r )l} (5.6)
where l is the time duration considered, usually one year. The marginal probability of failure is
then obtained by the theorem of total probability
r r r
Pf = Pf r
(r ) f Rr ( r ) dr (5.7)
f Rr ( r )
where is the probability density of the time-independent variables.
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Fig.5.2 provides an overview of the offset calculation. The low-frequency platform motions in a
short term, stationary environmental state are excited by wind gust forces and second-order, low-
frequency wave forces. The low-frequency motion responses to these excitation forces have been
computed with the SWIM and MOTION programs (MIT, 1995), based on second-order
diffraction theory for an array of cylinders, by Emmerhoff and Sclavounos (1992). Wind load
excitation is also included. Surge, sway and yaw motions are computed in the time domain. The
largest mean LF yaw motion in any of the environmental states considered was less than 0.1
degree, and the largest LF yaw standard deviation was less than 0.4 degrees. The WF yaw
motion was even smaller. Hence the effect of yaw motion on the tether stresses was neglected.
The surge and sway motions were subsequently combined into a radial offset motion. Short term
statistics of the radial motion and its time derivative were computed from the time histories with
a small program written for this purpose (EXSWIM). These statistics comprise the mean value,
standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. The distribution of the low-frequency motion is
based on these statistics. A normal distribution has been applied. The skewness was found to be
negligible. The kurtosis for the LF offset was found to be small in the mild environmental states,
and increased with significant wave height, to close to 2 in the most severe states. This indicates
considerable deviation from the normal distribution, which has zero kurtosis. It was intended to
use this information with an alternative distribution model for the offset motion, but this
alternative distribution was omitted due to lack of time.
Fig.5.3 provides an overview of the tether response calculation. The mean stresses and transfer
functions for dynamic tether response in regular waves were computed with the FRECOM
program (MCS, 1989). This provides a linear finite element analysis of the tether. The main
excitation is applied at the upper end, due to the corresponding transfer function for the TLP
motion at this point. Local hydrodynamic forces on the tether are computed by means of
Morisons equation. Correct phasing of the top point motions relative to the incoming wave
kinematics is obtained through the transfer function for the top point motion. The transfer
functions for axial and bending stresses at the lower end of the tether were combined with a
Jonswap wave spectrum, using the POSTRESP program (DNV SESAM, 1993), to provide the
covariance matrix for these two stresses and their time derivatives. These mean values and
covariance matrices for the stresses were computed for a number of short term, stationary,
environmental states, and mean offset positions of the tether top point. The mean offset of the
tether top point in the tether dynamic analysis will subsequently be taken to correspond to an
instantaneous value of the low-frequency platform motion, because the tether response to the
low-frequency motion can be considered to be quasi-static. Hence, more than one offset position
must be considered for the tether transfer functions, and also for the tether response in each
environmental state, not just the mean platform position in that state. The wave-frequency
stresses in a short term, stationary, environmental state, conditional on the offset, were modelled
as independent Gaussian processes, because the correlations were found to be negligible. If
more correlation had been found between the axial and bending stresses, then they and their time
derivatives could have been modelled as a Gaussian vector process.
The transfer functions for motions of the TLP platform as a rigid body in regular waves may be
computed with a diffraction program, such as WADAM (DNV SESAM, 1987). In principle,
these transfer functions should be computed as a function of the offset of the platform from the
mean stillwater position. The offset introduces coupling terms into the restoring matrix, which
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are essential to obtain the proper phase between surge and heave motions, with major
consequences for the resulting tether stresses. Unfortunately, transfer functions for platform
motions were only available at the mean stillwater position for this example, and resources were
not available to compute them as a function of offset. This led to some difficulties that are
described in the example report, and subsequently to a rough approximation for the effect of
offset on the tether response. The transfer functions for platform motions are normally computed
with respect to an origin in the stillwater plane, on a vertical through the centre of gravity. A
coordinate transformation is applied to obtain the transfer functions for motions at the tether top
connection to the platform, prior to use as input to the tether response computation.
Distributions for the environmental variables are defined in Table 5.3, based on Bitner-Gregersen
and Havers (1989) model for Haltenbanken, on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Short term distributions for the stochastic processes involved in the system response are defined
in Table 5.4.
In the outer layer, the dominant effect is provided by the low model uncertainty factor for the
axial stress capacity =1.02, compared to a mean value of 1.20. The model uncertainty for the
pressure capacity =0.85 is also low compared to a mean of 0.95. The model uncertainty for
wave-frequency load-effects =1.15 and is significant, while the model uncertainties for low-
frequency load-effects are relatively unimportant. The probabilities of the significant variables
are furthest from the median probability =0.5, with the axial stress capacity in the low end, and
the WF response model uncertainty in the high end. The failure event is attained by driving the
axial stress up, and these variables reflect that.
The inner layer applies to an auxiliary limit state function used with the vector out-crossing
algorithm, which includes both the basic failure criterion from equation (5.1), and the time
derivative of the failure criterion. This seems to have a slight effect on the design point, which is
not well understood yet. The most salient feature of the design point is a large significant wave
height of 20 m, which is needed to drive the loads up sufficiently to fail the tether. The other
environmental variables are within reasonable proximity of their mean values, conditional on this
large wave height. The TLP offset at 26.0 m is about one standard deviation above it's mean
value in the design point environmental state, while the WF axial force is right out in the tail of
its conditional distribution function for the environmental state. The components of the limit
state vector include the utilisation factors for the 3 load-effects, and show clearly that the design
point is dominated by the axial stress, with a utilisation of 0.82, with some contribution from the
pressure at a utilisation of 0.38, while the bending moment is insignificant. The table also shows
the percentage of the tether axial force contributed by the various components. The pretension is
just under half the total, and the WF tension is the dominant variable component.
Importance factors are often included to rank the significance of the various stochastic variables
in the computed reliability, and indicate how the reliability result would be affected if a
stochastic variable should be replaced by a corresponding deterministic value. The importance
factors are not so useful when many of the stochastic variables are not independent. This is the
case in the present analysis, where many of the various load effects are dependent on the same
environmental conditions. Hence, the importance factors are omitted here, but a fairly good
impression of the ranking of the stochastic variables is given by the deviation of the probability
for each variable from the median. The probabilities in Table 5.5 are related to the probability
distribution specified for each variable, and should be interpreted as conditional probabilities,
when the distribution parameters are computed from other stochastic variables.
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Table 5.5 Design point information for tether ULS from section 10.14 of example report.
Variable Units Value Probability
5.2.8 Consideration of the possibility of failure anywhere along the length of one tether
The reliability analysis results above refer to the bottom of the tether. For the tether considered,
the effect of the increase in axial stress due to the tether weight, is less than the effect of reduced
pressure, when moving to the tether top. Hence, this tether is most likely to fail at the bottom. If
the variation in tether ovality and material parameters along the length is negligible, then the
probability of failure for the whole tether will be equal to the probability of failure at the bottom,
with the present limit state.
similar loads. Tethers at different corners will tend to experience quite different loads, at least at
any given time and heading angle for the environmental effects. It seems reasonable to assume
that the extreme value distributions for the tether loads at the 4 corners are independent. For an
axisymmetric system, this implies about a fourfold increase in the probability that any tether will
exceed a very extreme load level, compared to the probability for a single tether. The probability
of failure will increase somewhat less, since the same model uncertainty and uncertainty in the
capacity function is common to all the tethers. In practice, the system is unlikely to be
completely axisymmetric - the environmental loads are likely to be more severe from one
geographical direction. The corner which is subject the highest loads will have the tethers with
the highest probability of failure, and this will be very close to the probability of failure for any
one tether in the system.
The situation will be different in the fatigue limit state, when significant variation in the fatigue
resistance should be expected between the tethers.
Table 5.6 Probability of exceeding axial stress level 300000 kN/m2 during 3 hours in an
environmental state
Significant wave height (m) Probability by outcrossing Probability - combination B
20 0.969 0.968
19 0.888 0.884
18 0.663 0.657
17 0.298 0.293
16 0.0489 0.0477
15 0.00162 0.00157
14 7.7710-6 7.5310-6
13 5.0310-9 4.8910-9
12 3.0610-13 2.9710-13
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Next a comparison is made, including the full environmental climate, but retaining diagonal seas.
The results in Table 5.7 show considerable discrepancy between the two procedures, which is
surprising, considering the good agreement in individual environmental states. It seems likely
that the discrepancy arises through a weakness in the computation of the expectation of the out-
crossing rate, with respect to the distribution of environmental states. Some additional
explanation and discussion is included in the example report. Little experience has been
available with the accuracy of the approximation applied for the expectation of the out-crossing
rate with respect to the distribution of the environmental states, prior to the present analysis.
Some comparisons made by Hagen (1992) for simple reliability problems have given acceptable
agreement. The present results indicate that it requires further study.
here. A brief survey of some previous studies of TLP tether fatigue is first included in the
following paragraphs.
Wirsching and Chen (1984, 1987) have applied reliability analysis of tether fatigue to the
calibration of a simplified fatigue design requirement for tethers. They have assumed the same
fatigue load is applied to all joints in a tether, and allowed for some difference in the fatigue
strength of the joints. Some discussion of the question of progressive collapse after an initial
tendon failure is also included.
Ximenes (1991), and Ximenes and Mansour (1991) have considered the effect of correlation
between the fatigue strengths of joints in the tethers in more detail. They have also quantified
the effect of time to repair after an initial tether failure, and considered the effect of inspection of
tether joints for developing fatigue cracks.
Jiao (1989) has included the effect of variation in the bending stress along the length of a tether
in 300 m water depth. In that case, the first bending mode has a considerable effect on the
combined stress, and tether joints near the middle of a tether experience a considerably higher
fatigue loading than joints near the ends. This significantly affects the system reliability.
Hovde (1995), and Hovde and Moan (1994), have studied correlation effects in some detail.
They have included the possibility of crack initiation at several sites along the weld seam of a
specific joint and found the number of possible crack sites to be an important parameter. All
failures are assumed to occur in tendons attached to the same TLP leg. This is conservative as
long as the legs are equally loaded, or the leg considered is more heavily loaded than the other
Winterstein et al. (1994) have included springing load effects in the fatigue analysis of a single
TLP joint using a second order Volterra series. They found a significant increase in the fatigue
damage due to the springing response, for the Snorre TLP in 320 m water depth.
Rhee and Stock (1991), and Rhee et al. (1993) have made a fracture mechanics fatigue
assessment of the threaded joint used in the Hutton TLP tethers, and compared deterministic and
probabilistic analyses.
All these references apply to the installed condition of the tethers, and this is the condition
discussed in the subsequent sections, too. However, a significant amount of fatigue damage may
arise during transportation and installation of the tethers, particularly when each tether is
assembled ashore and floated out in one piece. This source of fatigue damage can also be
incorporated in the following analysis, if necessary.
density function for the stress ranges f S ( s) , the mean frequency of the stress cycles u , and the
time duration considered T . When the SN-curve is in the simple form
N ( s) = k s - m (5.10)
with k and m experimentally determined parameters, then the damage function becomes
d= f S ( s ) ds
k 0 (5.11)
E Sm [ ]
[ ]
where E S m is the expected value of the m-th power of the stress ranges. If a bilinear form of
the SN-curve is applied, then the resulting damage expression is more complicated, and then
requires the expected value of the two alternative powers m1 and m2 of the stress ranges (cf.
example report section 6.2.1).
In a deterministic analysis, the fatigue capacity D might be set to unity, or to one over a safety
factor intended to allow for the uncertainty in the Miner-Palmgren hypothesis. In a reliability
analysis, the fatigue capacity is modelled as a random variable, to handle that uncertainty.
In a fracture mechanics fatigue analysis, the limit state function may be expressed as
g = aC - a N (5.12)
where a C is a critical crack depth, at which the tether is considered to have failed, and a N is the
crack depth arising after N stress cycles. Further analysis of this limit state function (cf. Jacket
Application Guideline) shows that the crack depth arising is also due to the expected value of the
m-th power of the stress ranges. In this case, m is the exponent of the Paris-Erdogan crack
growth equation. The fracture mechanics approach is more complicated than the SN-curve
approach, but can be used to update the fatigue reliability predictions, with information from in-
service inspection of the tethers for developing fatigue cracks.
u (y ) E[(s(y )) ]f
T r r m r r
d= r
(y ) dy (5.13)
where u (y ) is the frequency of the stress cycles in the short term environmental state denoted
r r
by the environmental state vector y , with long term probability density f Yr (y ) , and the
expectation of the m-th power of the stress range is now also conditional on the environmental
state. When load-effects in different frequency bands are included, then it may be important to
include the frequency inside the integral, as in equation (5.13), rather than outside the integral, as
in equation (5.11). Note that this expression provides a deterministic result for the fatigue
damage, and that it only becomes stochastic after model uncertainties are introduced.
response is significant for his example TLP in 300 m water depth. Susceptibility to dynamic
response will be largely governed by the first mode of transverse vibrations, which is dependent
on the tether geometry and pretension. Jiao (1989) seems to have used a tether with a first
transverse natural period of 6.8 s, while the present example has a natural period of 5.1 s.
Lotsberg et al. (1988) considered a TLP tether with a natural period of 5.7 s in 310 m water
depth, and obtained twice the fatigue damage when the dynamic bending stress at the mid-length
of the tether was included. For a TLP in 1000 m water depth with first natural period at 26 s,
Hargroves and Jefferys (1989) indicate that dynamic response (3 & 4) is significant, and that
vortex shedding effects (5) can be beneficial, because the cross flow vibration tends to increase
the damping of the in-line vibrations. Daily changes in weight and buoyancy (6) have been
considered negligible in the TLP fatigue analyses reviewed here. Experience so far indicates that
the low-frequency motions (7) have negligible effect on fatigue in TLP tethers. However, the
low-frequency motions do have an effect on the fatigue of catenary mooring lines, so some effect
on unusual TLP tethers may be conceivable.
Tether mispositioning is sometimes included as a load component. More accurately, it may be
said to lead to a perturbation of the other load components. The effect of mispositioning should
be evaluated for a fatigue analysis.
Specifically, for TLP analysis, it is clear that the wave-frequency loads in the tethers are
dependent on the low-frequency platform offset for which they are calculated. In ordinary design
analyses, the tether loads are usually computed at zero offset, and at an extreme offset, and these
results are used to make some conservative choice about the tether design loads. In a reliability
analysis the tether loads should be computed for at least three offset values. This is enough to
arrange a second order polynomial as an interpolation function, which is very well-suited to the
combined effects of linear, horizontal, restoring forces and quadratic, vertical forces due to set-
down. The resulting wave-frequency tether loads can then be interpolated for any value of low-
frequency offset, and the reliability analysis chooses this low-frequency offset for you.
This should be a real advantage in the tether analysis. Unfortunately, these results were not
accurately quantified in the example considered here, because of errors in the tether response
The tether response calculations at non-zero offset should be corrected with the improved
understanding gained from this work, to obtain and evaluate more accurate results for this
The principle illustrated by this example is, of course, one of the main strengths of structural
reliability analysis; i.e. to help the analyst to make the right combination of several random
variables. Sometimes this principle gets buried behind the computational machinery.
Specifically, results for the kurtosis of the low-frequency offset were obtained in the system
response analysis for the TLP example, but there was insufficient time available to investigate
the effect of including the kurtosis in an alternative distribution model. This should be done.
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There are practical advantages in separating the response analysis due to low-frequency, wave-
frequency, and high frequency effects. Hence, statistical distributions are primarily needed for
these response components separately. In the present work, these response processes have been
treated as independent in a stationary environmental state, while their dependencies on the
underlying environmental conditions have been included. The assumption of independence is
critical when the load-effects from the different frequency bands are combined.
More work is needed to investigate the independency assumptions, and develop suitable
models for any stochastic dependency that needs to be taken into account.
6.6 Ovality
Savings in the cost of tethers are possible if increased ovality of the tether cross-section can be
accepted. Some investigation of the effect of ovality on the ultimate limit state has been carried
out. However, ovality also affects the stress concentration factors at welded tether joints.
The sensitivity of the fatigue limit state to increased tether ovality should be investigated as
the next step in any further evaluation of the effect of tether ovality.
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Report No. 95-3197, rev. 02
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heave Directions
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Fig.1.1 TLP motions:compliant in surge, sway and yaw, restrained in heave, roll and pitch.
Offset is the radial resultant of surge and sway. Set-down is a 2nd order result of offset, in the
vertical (negative heave) direction.
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Fig.4.2 Simplified stress conditions for some elements along a potential failure surface in the soil.
Fig.4.4 Overview of load combination calculation for bay failure limit state of orthogonally
stiffened cylindrical shells.
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weather 0
weather 45
weather 90
Fig.5.1 TLP global coordinate system and definition of weather directions - section through
mean water level, seen from above.
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