Aling - Experience Katalog

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Od 1984. kvalitet i pouzdanost su glavni prioriteti u kompaniji

Aling-Conel. To se podjednako odnosi na proizvode i usluge.
Dugogodinje iskustvo i brojna priznanja omoguila su nam da
postanemo regionalni lider i pouzdan partner naim kupcima.

Since 1984, quality and reliability are the top priorities of the company
Aling-Conel. This applies equally to products and services. Many years
of experience and numerous awards have enabled us to become a
regional leader and reliable partner to our customers.


Dizajnirani da zadovolje najvie sigurnosne standarde i proizvedeni Designed to meet the highest safety standards and manufactured from
od najkvalitetnijih materijala, Experience proizvodi nude the nest materials, Experience products oer the opportunity to express
mogunost izraavanja osobenog stila korisnika u svom domu. personal style of every customer.
The ultimate elegance is reected in the geometry of shapes and daring
Ultimativna elegancija ogleda se u geometriji oblika, a smele
color combinations will give to any wall a dose of extravagance.
kombinacije boja svakom zidu dae dozu ekstravagancije.
Modular elements are done in 4 colors
Modularni elementi izrauju se u 4 boje


4 5


Ugradnja u montane kutije 60 uz pomo vijaka ili stegaa. Mogunost nizanja kutija.
Program Experience se na ovaj nain moe ugraivati kod adaptacije postojeih SKLOPKE
instalacija bez ugradnje novih montanih kutija.
Experience sklopke su jasno oznaene i sigurne za povezivanje
zahvaljujui emi koja se nalazi sa strane sklopke (smanjen je
UNIVERSAL INSTALL rizik od pogrene instalacije).
Experience switches are clearly marked and safe for connectivity thanks to the
U prirubnicu se postavljaju runim utiskivanjem sa prednje strane, scheme, which is located on the side of the switch (reduced risk of incorrect
bez skidanja prirubnice sa montane kutije. Demontaa sklopke installation).
Installation into the mounting box 60 with screws or screw clamps.
The possibility of installation of mounting frames in row. se takoe vri sa prednje strane bez skidanja prirubnice sa Installing the module switch into the mounting frame is simply done by hand
Program Experience in this way can be installed in adaptation of existing montane kutije. Dovoljno je izvijaem otkaiti modul sklopke. pressing from the front side, without removing the mounting frame from the
installations without installing of new prefabricated mounting boxes. mounting box. Disassembly is also done from the front side without removing
Sklopke imaju jednostavne vijane prikljuke koji omoguavaju the mounting frame from the mounting box. It is only needed to remove module
sigurnu i brzu montau. Opremljeni su uvodnim otvorima za by screwdriver.
lake uvoenje provodnika. Prihvataju dva provodnika preseka do
4mm2. Vijci su obezbeeni od ispadanja. Switches have simple screw connectors that allow safe and fast installation.
Switches have inlets for easier implementation of conductors. Inlets can wire
LED indikacije za sklopke (za indikaciju kada je sklopka ukljuena two conductors up to 4mm2. The screws are secured from falling out.
ili iskljuena) postoje u dve varijante: sa kontaktima i sa LED lamp for switches (for indication when the switch is ON or OFF) are oered
provodnicima. Korisniku je data mogunost izbora boje indikacije in two types: with contacts and with conductors. Customer can choose the color
(crvena, plava, zelena, bela). of light (red, blue, green, white).


MODULARNA INSTALACIJA Experience socket outlets are complied with strict standards and safety
Experience prikljunice odgovaraju strogim standardima i sigurnosnim
checkouts. Socket outlets are supplied with screw connections with
proverama. Prikljunice su snabdevene vijanim prikljucima sa introductions to facilitate the introduction of two conductors up to 2.5mm2.
Za sklopove 3 ili vie modula obezbeene su posebne montane
uvodima za lake uvoenje dva provodnika preseka do 2,5mm2.
kutije na koje se prirubnica montira pomou vijaka. Sockets are made with membranes that provide protection for children by
Vijci se isporuuju zajedno sa prirubnicom. Prikljunice se rade i u varijanti sa membranama koje obezbeuju preventing insertion of objects into the socket outlet.
Montane kutije mogu biti za pune i za uplje zidove. zatitu za decu spreavanjem umetanja predmeta u prikljunicu.
Installation and disassembly into the mounting frame is done the same
Montaa i demontaa u prirubnicu se vri na isti nain kao i kod way as for the switches.
sklopki. Experience socket outlet advantages:
MODULAR INSTALL Prednosti utinica Experience: - user friendly assembly and dis-assembly
- veoma jednostavna montaa i demontaa - tightening of the conductors is done from the front and is possible even
For the assembly of 3 or more modules we are providing when the socket outlet is inside the mounting frame (facilitates easy
- pritezanje provodnika se vri sa prednje strane i mogue je i kada installation of short conductors, hard conductors, a large number of
special mounting boxes where mounting frame is installing
by screws. Screws are supplied together with the mounting je prikljunica utisnuta u prirubnicu (olakava laku montau kratkih conductors in a mounting box)
frame. Mounting boxes are made for full and hollow walls. provodnika, krutih provodnika, velikog broja provodnika u kutiji)

6 7
Maske modularnog programa Experience svojom
nekonvencionalnom dimenzijom (92mm visine) i svojim
jasnim geometrijskim linijama zadovoljavaju i klasine i
moderne zahteve korisnika.
TECHNICAL ADVANTAGES Novina Experience modularnog sistema je posebno
dizajniran nosa maske, koji je sastavni deo dekorativne
maske. Nosa maske proizvodi se u tri boje: bela, crna
i silver. Sa prednje strane vidi se kao meuram koji
naglaava dizajn maske. Gledano sa strane, maska sa
nosaem deluje kao da lebdi na zidu.

U prirodi najlepe svetlo pojavljuje se u suton. U kui,
elektronski regulator vam pomae da kreirate prijatan
svetlosni ambijent u kome ete se oputati.
Uz svaki elektronski regulator pakuje se jasno tehniko Cover frames of modular program Experience with its
uputstvo za povezivanje i korienje. (slika) unconventional dimensions (92mm in height) and its
clear geometric lines meet both classic and modern
Elektronski regulator za LED rasvetu moe da dimuje customer demands.
LED sijalice do 200W. Izuzetne tehnike karakteristike
omoguavaju savreno dimovanje bez treperenja. Novelty of Experience modular program is specially
designed frame holder, that is an integral part of
KOMUNIKACIJE decorative cover frame. Frame holder is made in three
colors: white, black and silver. From the front it looks like
Prednosti: inner frame that emphasizes frame design. Seen from
- Viefunkcionalni regulator svetlosti Telefon, TV, Internet teko je zamisliti sadanjicu bez the side, the decorative cover frame together with the
frame holder appears to oat on the wall.
- Jednostavno programiranje tasterom komunikacija. Experience komunikacijske prikljunice
garantuju optimalnu povezanost i visoku pouzdanost
- Ugradnja u postojeu instalaciju prenosa podataka kroz konektore RJ12 i RJ45 koji
- Mogunost dimovanja dimabilnih sijalica zadovoljavaju standarde Cat3, Cat5e, Cat6 i Cat6A.
Prekrivna maska se postavlja bez alata The covering frame is positioned without
male snage (1-3W) Provodnici se spajaju u konektore bez upotrebe alata any tools by simple pressing onto the ange
jednostavnim utiskivanjem na prirubnicu
(tooless) umetanjem provodnika koji se automatski vezuje Skidanje maske je veoma jednostavno The romoval of frame is very simple
sa kontaktima zatvaranjem konektora. Konektori RJ45 i izvodi se izvijaem na predvienom by using the screw driver on the provided point
zadovljavaju standarde vezivanja TIA/EIA 568A ili 568B. mestu ime se smanjuje mogunost thus reducing the possibility of any damage
In nature the most beautiful light occurs in the twilight. In the
house, the electronic controller helps to create a pleasant lighting
atmosphere where you can relax. COMMUNICATIONS PRIRUBNICE
With each electronic controller is packed a clear technical
guidelines for connection and use. Telephone, TV, Internet it is hard to imagine the present
without communications. Experience communications Prirubnica je konstruisana tako da poseduje vrstinu
Dimmer for LED can regulate LED lights up to 200W. Exceptional
technical characteristics provide a perfect icker-free dimming.
modules guarantee optimal connection and high reliability i otpornost na udare i vrlo je jednostavna za ugradnju.
of data transfer through the RJ12 and RJ45 connectors that Fleksibilna montaa ak i kod neravnih zidova Mounting frame is designed to be hard, withstand impacts and is very easy for installation.
meet the standards Cat3, Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat6A. A exible installation allows that even at rough walls assembly can be installed straight.
omoguuje da postavljeni sklop uvek stoji ravno.
Benets: The conductors are connected to the connectors without Holes on mounting frame and symmetric geometry of mounting frame 2M are allowing
Mesta za ugradnju na prirubnici i simetrina geometrija horizontal and vertical installation in a row.
tools (tool-less) by inserting conductor that is automatically
- Multifunctional Dimmer
associated with contact closure connector. RJ45 connectors prirubnice 2M omoguava horizontalnu i vertikalnu
- Simple programming button meet the standards binding TIA / EIA 568A or 568B. ugradnju u nizu.
- Installation in an existing installation
- Possibility of dimming of low power (1-3W) dimmable bulbs

Sklopovi se mogu nizati The assemblies can be followed in a row

horizontalno i tada je mogue horizontally and then it is possible to connect
spajanje kutija razliite veliine. the installation boxes of various sizes.
Ili vertikalno, Or vertically,
gde se mogu nizati where only the boxes
samo kutije iste veliine. of the same size can follow in a row.

8 9
BASIC karakterie ultimativna elegancija i smele kombinacije kontrasta svetlosti i tame dopunjenih srebrom.
U BASIC liniji tri su osnovne boje maski: bela, crna i silver. Svaka maska dolazi u 3 kombinacije nosaa maske.

THREE MAIN PROGRAMS BASIC reects the ultimate elegance and bold contrast of light and dark colors complemented
with silver touch. Each mask comes in 3 dierent combinations with mask holder.

10 11
COLOR grupu proizvoda ini 16 maski podeljenih u razigrani kolorit pod nazivom VIVID,
metalik efekat pod nazivom METALLIC i nene na dodir SOFT TOUCH. EXCLUSIVE grupa maski proizvedena je od prirodnih materijala i podeljena je na maske izraene od prirodnog drveta WOOD, sosticirane maske
izraene od stakla GLASS i robusne maske izraene od metala METAL. Sve maske u EXCLUSIVE grupi izrauju se sa crnim nosaem maske.

COLOR consists of 16 cover frames divided into playful colors named VIVID, EXCLUSIVE group mask is made of natural materials and is divided into a mask made of natural Wood, sophisticated masks
metallic eect called METALLIC and tender on touch called SOFT TOUCH. made of Glass and robust mask made of Metal. All the masks EXCLUSIVE group are made with black mask carrier.

Linija VIVID sastoji se od 4 pastelne Liniju WOOD ine etiri

boje sa belim nosaem maske (pastel elegantne pune drvene maske:
plava, pastel zelena, pastel narandasta i wenge, orah, trenja i javor
lavanda) i 3 neobina kontrasta sa crnim
nosaem maske (krem, grat i crvena)
WOOD line is made of natural wood
and consists of four elegant cover
VIVID line has 4 pastel colors with white mask frames: wenge, nut, cherry
holder (pastel blue, pastel green, pastel orange and maple
and lavender) and 3 contrast colors with black
mask holder (beige, graphite and red)

Linija METALLIC sastoji se od 7 metalik Linija GLASS sastoji se od dve

boja sa istovetnom nijansom nosaa staklene maske u boji:
maske (metalik zlatna, zlatna sjaj, koral i kristal bela
zlatna saten, antik srebro, aluminijum,
metalik zelena, metalik plava).
GLASS line is made of colored glass
and consists of two shiny colors:
METALLIC line consists of 7 metallic colors coral and crystal white
with the same shade of mask holder (metallic
gold, shiny gold, satin gold, antique silver,
aluminum, metallic green, metallic blue)

Liniju SOFT TOUCH ine 2 osnovne Liniju METAL ine dve

boje: sky blue i so souch crna. maske od metala:
Novina je sky blue boja (bela sa titanijum i antik zlato
fosforom) koja u mraku svetli
plaviastim svetlom.
METAL line is made of metal
and has two colors: titanium
SOFT TOUCH line has 2 colors: sky and antique gold.
blue and so touch black. The novelty
is sky blue color (white phosphorus)
that illuminates in the dark bluish light.

12 13































SKLOPKE Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-1
Ugradnja u noseu prirubnicu utiskivanjem
Za indikaciju kada je sklopka ukljuena
Za indikaciju kada je sklopka iskljuena LED INDIKATORSKA SVETLA
SWITCHES Complied with IEC 60669-1 For indication when the switch is on LED INDICATION LAMPS
Installation into the mounting frame by pressing For indication when the switch is o

72101 72103 72104 72181.4 72181.5 72183.4

Sklopka jednopolna Sklopka naizmenina Sklopka ukrsna LED indikacija 230V~ LED indikacija 230V~ LED indikacija 24V~
16AX 250V~ EXP 1M 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M sa kontaktima sa kontaktima sa kontaktima
bez tastera bez tastera bez tastera (za indikaciju) EXP, (za indikaciju) EXP, (za indikaciju) EXP,
crveno plavo crveno
1 way switch 2 way switch Intermediate switch
16AX 250V~ EXP 1M 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M LED lamp 230V~ LED lamp 230V~ LED lamp 24V~
without button without button without button with contacts with contacts with contacts
(for indication) EXP, (for indication) EXP, (for indication) EXP,
red blue red

Koristi se za indikaciju kada je sklopka iskljuena Used for indication when the switch is o
( jednopolna sklopka, taster sklopka i naizmenina sklopka sa indikacijom) ( 1 way switch, push - button switch and 2 way switch )

72105 72106 72111 72182.4 72182.5

Sklopka jednopolna 16AX 250V~ Sklopka dvopolna Taster sklopka jednopolna LED indikacija 230V~ LED indikacija 230V~
EXP 1M sa prikljukom za nulti 10AX 250V~ EXP 1M 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M sa provodnicima sa provodnicima
provodnik (indikatorska) bez tastera bez tastera bez tastera (za indikaciju) EXP, (za indikaciju) EXP,
1 way switch 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M with 2 pole switch Push-button switch crveno plavo
connection for the neutral conductor 10AX 250V~ EXP 1M 16AX 250V~ EXP 1M
LED lamp 230V~ LED lamp 230V~
(with indikator) without button without button without button
with conductors with conductors
Indikacija svetli kada Indikacija svetli kada (for indication) EXP, (for indication) EXP,
je sklopka ukljuena je sklopka iskljuena red blue
Indication turns on when Indication turns on when
the switch is on the switch is o
72182.0 72182.12
LED indikacija 230V~ LED indikacija 230V~
sa provodnicima sa provodnicima
72114.x (za indikaciju) EXP, (za indikaciju) EXP,
belo zeleno
Taster sklopka za roletne
16AX 250V~ EXP 2M LED lamp 230V~ LED lamp 230V~
with conductors with conductors
Push-button shutters switch (for indication) EXP, (for indication) EXP,
16A 250v~ EXP 2M white green

Par taster sklopki povezanih Koristi se za indikaciju kada je sklopka ukljuena Used for indication when the switch is on
za upravljanje kretanjem ( jednopolna sa prikljukom za nulti provodnik, dvopolna ) ( 1 way switch with connection for the neutral conductor, 2 pole switch )
elektromotora za roletne
u dva smera Koristi se za indikaciju kada je sklopka iskljuena ( ukrsna) Used for indication when the switch is o ( intermediate switch )

A pair of connected push-button

switches for the control of shutters
electric motor movement
in two directions

72117.x White x=0
Potezna taster
sklopka jednopolna Crna so
16AX 250V~ EXP 1M So black x = E1
1 way with cord Silver
16AX 250V~ EXP 1M Silver x=S

Beige x=9

Taster sklopka, jednopolna Za jednopolnu sklopku sa prikljukom za nulti provodnik Za dvopolnu i ukrsnu sklopku koristi se LED
i naizmenina sklopka koristi se LED indikacija sa provodnicima. Provodnici se indikacija sa provodnicima. Provodnici se
sa indikacijom koriste indikaciju sa kontaktima postave zajedno sa instalacionim provodnicima (1) postave zajedno sa instalacionim provodnicima (1)
koja se jednostavno utisne u leite (vidi sliku) i potom se indikacija utisne u leite (2) i potom se indikacija utisne u leite (2)

Push - button switch, 1 way switch with connection for the neutral conductor 2 pole switch and intermediate switch
1 way switch and 2 way switch is using LED lamp with conductors. Conductors are placed are using LED lamp with conductors. Conductors
with indication are using LED lamp with contacts together with installation conductors (1) and then indication are placed together with installation conductors (1)
that is simply pressed into bearing (see image) is pressed into the bearing (2) and then indication is pressed into the bearing (2)

16 17
White x=0

Crna so
So black x = E1


73101.x 1M Taster 1M irine 22,2mm, Button 1M width 22,2mm,

EXP 1M 73104.x 73105.x 73106.x 73107.x 73102.x 73102.x
Taster 2M irine 44,4mm Button 2M width 44,4mm
Taster EXP 1M EXP 2M 73304.x 73305.x 73306.x 73307.x 73302.x 73303.x
Za sklopke For switches
Button EXP 1M bez indikacije; without indication;
sa oznakom pojaavanja kljua 0-I posluge strelica gore strelica dole
Ugradnja na sklopku Installation onto the switch
utiskivanjem by pressing with symbol amplication key 0-I servants arrow up arrow down

Taster 1M irine 22,2mm, Bela

Taster 2M irine 44,4mm
x=0 White
Za sklopke
bez indikacije;
Ugradnja na sklopku Crna so
73301.x 2M utiskivanjem
x = E1 So black

Taster EXP 2M
Button EXP 2M Button 1M width 22,2mm, Silver
Button 2M width 44,4mm
x=S Silver
For switches
without indication;
Installation onto the switch x=9 Beige
by pressing

73201.x 1M Taster 1M irine 22,2mm Button 1M width 22,2mm

EXP 1M 73202.x 73203.x 73204.x 73205.x 73206.x 73207.x 73208.x 73209.x
Taster 2M irine 44,4mm Button 2M width 44,4mm
Taster EXP 2M 73402.x 73403.x 73404.x 73405.x 73406.x 73407.x 73408.x 73409.x
sa indikacijom Za sklopke For switches
sa indikacijom withindication
EXP 1M sa indikacijom i oznakom svetla zvona bojlera grejalice ventilatora prikljunice ve maine tua
Ugradnja na sklopku Installation onto the switch
Button utiskivanjem by pressing with indicator and symbol light bell boiler heater fan socket washing shower
with indicator machine
Taster 1M irine 22,2mm
Taster 2M irine 44,4mm
Za sklopke
sa indikacijom
Ugradnja na sklopku
73401.x 2M utiskivanjem
sa indikacijom
Button 1M width 22,2mm
Button 2M width 44,4mm
with indicator For switches
EXP 2M withindication
Installation onto the switch
by pressing

70001.x Za pokrivanje mesta

gde nedostaje modul
For covering the places
where module is missing
Taster se zakai na jednu stranu tipkala, a druga strana se lagano pritisne da klikne taster.
Poklopac maske Pokriva irinu jednog Covers the width of kod tastera sa indikacijom voditi rauna o poloaju indikacije (vidi sliku 1 i 2)
(slepi modul) modula 22,2mm one module 22,2mm
stavljanje tastera je jednostavnije ukoliko se prvo zakai na podignutoj strani tipkala (kao na slici 1 i 2)
EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the holding
Taster 2M poseduje nosa koji je sastavni deo tastera 2M;
prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
zajedno sa postavljanjem tastera 2M potrebno je utisnuti i nosa u prirubnicu (slika 2)
Blank module

The button is hooked to one side of switch, and the other side is lightly pressed until button is clicked.
At buttons with indication pay attention of the position of indication (see picture 1 and 2)
Slika 1 Slika 2
placing the button is easier if rst snap to the raised side of the buttons (see picture 1 and 2) picture 1 picture 2
Button 2M has a carrier which is an integral part of button 2M;
along with setting of button 2M it is necessary to press-in holder into the mounting frame (picture 2)

18 19
Relejni izlaz max 500W Relay exit max 500W for all lamps;
za sve tipove sijalica; Time regulation 10 s - 10 min;
Regulacija vremena Light treshold regulation 2 - 2000 lx;
iskljuenosti 10 s - 10 min;
Sensitivity lever regulation;
Regulacija osvetljenosti pri kojoj
senzor reaguje 2 - 2000 lx; External push button activation;

Regulacija svetlosti; Horisontal view angle 110 0;

Mogunost aktiviranja Complied with IEC 60669-2-1;

spoljnim tasterom;
SKLOPKE ZA KUPATILO Vidni ugao po horizontali 1100;
Installation into the mounting
frame by pressing; ELEKTRONIKA
Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-2-1; Indication
prirubnicu utiskivanjem;

Infracrveni detektor
pokreta EXP 2M
500W, 230V~/50Hz
Infrared motion
detector EXP 2M
500W, 230V~/50Hz

72201.x Za sijalice sa uarenim vlaknom

i halogene sijalice sa standardnim
For the incadescent lamps
and halogen lamps with standard
Elektronski transformatorom 230V~ 40-300W; transformer 230V~ 40-300W;
72303.00 72304.00 regulator Za halogene sijalice sa standardnim For halogen lamps with standard
transformatorom 40-300VA; transformer 40-300VA;
Set sklopki za kupatilo 3x16A 250V~ Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-1; Set sklopki za kupatilo 4x16A 250V~ Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-1; 40-300VA
sa indikacijom i kutijom 3M, horizontalno Ugradnja u montanu kutiju sa indikacijom i kutijom 4M, horizontalno Ugradnja u montanu kutiju
EXP 1M Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-2-1; Complied with IEC 60669-2-1;

(svetlo, grejalica, boiler) EXP pomou vijaka (svetlo, ventilator, grejalica, boiler) EXP pomou vijaka Dimmer Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
prirubnicu utiskivanjem; frame by pressing;
Bathroom switch set 3x16AX 250V~ Complied with IEC 60669-1; Bathroom switch set 4x16AX 250V~ Complied with IEC 60669-1; 40-300VA Indikacija Indication
with indicator and mounting box 3M with indicator and mounting box 4M
Installation into the mounting Installation into the mounting EXP 1M
horizontal (light, heater, boiler) EXP horizontal (light, fan, heater, boiler) EXP
by screws by screws

Usaglaeno Usaglaeno
sa IEC 60669-1; sa IEC 60669-1; 72202.x Za sijalice sa uarenim vlaknom
i halogene sijalice sa standardnim
For the incadescent lamps
and halogen lamps with standard
Ugradnja u Ugradnja u Elektronski transformatorom 230V~ 40-300W; transformer 230V~ 40-300W;
dve vertikalne dve vertikalne regulator sa Za halogene sijalice sa standardnim For halogen lamps with standard
nizajue kutije 60 nizajue kutije 60 transformatorom 40-300VA; transformer 40-300VA;
pomou vijaka pomou vijaka naizmeninom sklop-
kom Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-2-1; Complied with IEC 60669-2-1;
Complied with Complied with EXP 1M , 40-300VA Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
IEC 60669-1; IEC 60669-1;
prirubnicu utiskivanjem; frame by pressing;
Installation into Installation into
Dimmer with
alternative switch Indikacija Indication
two vertical mounted two vertical mounted
boxes 60 by screws boxes 60 by screws EXP 1M , 40-300VA

72204.x Za sijalice sa uarenim vlaknom

i halogene sijalice 230V~ 40-500W;
For the incadescent lamps
and halogen lamps 230V~ 40-500W;
Elektronski Za halogene sijalice sa standardnim For halogen lamps with standard
regulator za transformatorom 40-300VA; transformer 40-300VA;
induktivno Za halogene sijalice sa elektronskim For halogen lamps with electronic
optereenje, transformatorom 40-200VA; transformer 40-200VA;
EXP 1M, 40-300VA Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-2-1; Complied with IEC 60669-2-1;
Dimmer for Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
inductive load, prirubnicu utiskivanjem; frame by pressing;
EXP 1M Indikacija ukljuenosti Indication when dimmer is ON

72205.x Univerzalni taster elektronski Universal push-button

72306.00 72308.00 regulator za sve vrste sijalica; dimmer for all types of bulbs;
Elektronski Osnovna namena za CFL i LED The main purpose for dimmable
Set sklopki za kupatilo 3x16A 250V~ Set sklopki za kupatilo 4x16A 250V~ regulator za LED, dimabilne sijalice do 200W; CFL and LED bulbs up to 200W;
sa indikacijom i kutijom 2x2M, vertikalno sa indikacijom i kutijom 2x2M, vertikalno EXP 1M, 200W Usaglaeno sa IEC 60669-2-1; Complied with IEC 60669-2-1;
(svetlo 2M, grejalica, boiler) EXP (svetlo, ventilator, grejalica, boiler) EXP
Dimmer for LED, Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
Bathroom switch set 3x16AX 250V~ Bathroom switch set 4x16AX 250V~ EXP 1M, 200W prirubnicu utiskivanjem; frame by pressing;
with indicator and mounting box 2x2M vertical with indicator and mounting box 2x2M vertical
(light 2M, heater, boiler) EXP (light, fan, heater, boiler) EXP Indikacija Indication

20 21
PRIKLJUNICE Usaglaeno sa IEC 60884-1
Ugradnja u noseu prirubnicu utiskivanjem PRIKLJUNICE
Installation into the mounting frame by pressing

74101.x 74101.4 74101.12 74101.N

Prikljunica dvopolna crveni blok zeleni blok narandasti blok
16A 250V~ EXP 2M red block green block orange block
2 pole socket outlet
16A 250V~ EXP 2M Za mree Za mree Za mree
sa UPS (sa sa zatienim sa generatorskim
transformatorom) generatorskim napajanjem preko
napajanjem transformatora
For power networks For power networks For power networks
with UPS with protected with generator supply
(with transformer) generator supply via transformer
via transformer

74102.x 74112.x Premoteni sklopovi

Prikljunica dvopolna Sklop dve Dovoljno je samo
sa zatitom kontakata prikljunice dvopolne prikljuiti napojni kabel
16A 250V~ EXP 2M 16A 250V ~ EXP 2x2M
2 pole socket outlet premotene Socket outlet assembly
with bridged contact
with safety shutter Sokets set
16A 250V~ EXP 2M 16A 250V~ One need only
connected cable
EXP 2x2M

74103.xT Sklop tri
prikljunice dvopolne
Prikljunica dvopolna sa 16A 250V ~ EXP 3x2M
transparentnim poklopcem premotene
16A 250V~ EXP 2M Sokets set
2 pole socket outlet 16A 250V~
with transparent cover EXP 3x2M
16A 250V~ EXP 2M bridged

74121.x 74121.4
Prikljunica dvopolna Prikljunica dvopolna
10A 250V~ EXP 1M, 10A 250V~ EXP 1M,
CEI 23-50/P11 CEI 23-50/P11
74104.xT italijanska italijanska, crvena
Prikljunica dvopolna sa 2 pole socket outlet 2 pole socket outlet
transparentnim poklopcem CEI 10A 250V~ EXP 1M 10A 250V~ EXP 1M,
i zatitom kontakata CEI 23-50/P11
16A 250V~ EXP 2M italian type, red
2 pole socket outlet
with transparent cover
and safety shutter Usaglaeno sa CEI 23-50/P11; Complied with CEI 23-50/P11; Za mree sa UPS (sa transformatorom)
16A 250V~ EXP 2M
Ugradnja u noseu prirubnicu Installation into the mounting For power networks with UPS (with transformer)
utiskivanjem frame by pressing

22 23
74221.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;
Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting
Prikljunica bez upotrebe alata; wire installation;
komunikacijska Spajanje prema TIA/EIA- Connecting according to TIA/EIA-
Keystone 568A ili 568B standardu 568A or 568B standard for
RJ45 Cat 5e UTP za raspored parica; the arrangement of pairs;

Data socket
Ugradnja u noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem
Installation into the mounting
frame by pressing

RJ45 Cat5e UTP

74211.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;

74222.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;
Prikljuak za dve parice Connection for two pairs Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting
Prikljunica (linija + terminal); (line+terminal); Prikljunica bez upotrebe alata; wire installation;
telefonska Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting komunikacijska Spajanje prema TIA/EIA- Connecting according to TIA/EIA-
Keystone prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing Keystone 568A ili 568B standardu 568A or 568B standard for
RJ12 6/4 Cat 3 RJ45 Cat 5e FTP za raspored parica; the arrangement of pairs;
EXP 1M EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
Telephone Data socket
socket Keystone Keystone
RJ12 6/4 Cat3 RJ45 Cat5e FTP

74212.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;

74223.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;
Za ISDN linije; For ISDN lines; Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting
Prikljunica Prikljunica bez upotrebe alata; wire installation;
Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting
telefonska bez upotrebe alata; wire installation; komunikacijska Connecting according to TIA/EIA-
Spajanje prema TIA/EIA-
Keystone Keystone 568A ili 568B standardu 568A or 568B standard for
Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
RJ12 6/6 Cat 3 prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing RJ45 Cat 6 UTP za raspored parica; the arrangement of pairs;
EXP 1M EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
Telephone Data socket
socket Keystone Keystone
RJ12 6/6 Cat3 RJ45 Cat6 UTP

74201.x Modul irine 22,2mm

za noenje Keystone
Module 22,2mm widith
for Keystone connectors
74224.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;

holding Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting

Keystone konektora Prikljunica bez upotrebe alata; wire installation;
nosa Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting komunikacijska Spajanje prema TIA/EIA- Connecting according to TIA/EIA-
prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
EXP 1M Keystone 568A ili 568B standardu 568A or 568B standard for
Keystone RJ45 Cat 6 FTP za raspored parica; the arrangement of pairs;
holder EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
EXP 1M prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
Data socket
RJ45 Cat6 FTP

74303 74305 74306 74307 74225.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;
Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting
Modul Modul Modul Modul Prikljunica wire installation;
bez upotrebe alata;
Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone komunikacijska Spajanje prema TIA/EIA- Connecting according to TIA/EIA-
Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic Keystone 568A or 568B standard for
568A ili 568B standardu
RJ12 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 Cat 6A UTP za raspored parica; the arrangement of pairs;
6/4 Cat 3 Cat 5e UTP Cat 6 UTP Cat 6A UTP EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
Module Module Module Module prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
Data socket
Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone
Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic RJ45 Cat6A UTP
RJ12 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 EXP 1M
6/4 Cat 3 Cat 5e UTP Cat 6 UTP Cat 6A UTP

74313 74315 74316 74317

Modul Modul Modul Modul 74226.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 60603-7; Complied with IEC 60603-7;
Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Montaa provodnika Tooless conducting
Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic Prikljunica bez upotrebe alata; wire installation;
RJ12 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 komunikacijska Spajanje prema TIA/EIA- Connecting according to TIA/EIA-
6/6 Cat 3 Cat 5e FTP Cat 6 FTP Cat 6A FTP Keystone 568A ili 568B standardu 568A or 568B standard for
Module Module Module Module
RJ45 Cat 6A FTP za raspored parica; the arrangement of pairs;

Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic Linkbasic prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
Data socket
RJ12 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 Keystone
6/6 Cat 3 Cat 5e FTP Cat 6 FTP Cat 6A FTP RJ45 Cat6A FTP

24 25

74261.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 169-2 Complied with IEC 169-2 74283.x Za punjenje elektronskih
ureaja putem standardnog
For charging of electronic
devises via standard USB port;
- muki konektor; - M connector;
Prikljunica USB punja USB porta;
Prikljunica antenska Montaa antenskog Installation of aerial Enables charging of two
TV IEC M /F EXP kabla preko F konektora; cable by F connector ; 1,2A 5V= EXP 2M Punjenje dva ureaja devices simultaneously;
1M za individualne Bez priguenja signala; Without signal attenuation; I Power supply unit USB Complied with EN 60950-1
sisteme Usaglaeno sa EN 60950-1 and EMC directive;
Ugradnja u noseu nstallation into the mounting 1,2A 5V= EXP 2M
i EMC direktivom;
prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing Installation into the mounting
TV aerial socket IEC M/F frame by pressing
Ugradnja u noseu
for individual systems prirubnicu utiskivanjem

74262.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 169-2

- enski konektor;
Complied with IEC 169-2
- F connector;
Prikljunica Montaa antenskog Installation of aerial
antenska FM kabla preko F konektora; cable by F connector ;
IEC F /F EXP 1M Bez priguenja signala; Without signal attenuation; I
FM aerial socket Ugradnja u noseu nstallation into the mounting
IEC F/F EXP 1M prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing

Za prenos audio For the transmission

74263.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 169-2 Complied with IEC 169-2 74281.x signala - stereo; of audio signals stereo;
- muki konektor; - M connector;
Montaa provodnika Installation of conducting
Prikljunica Montaa antenskog Installation of aerial cable Prikljunica audio wires by soldering;
antenska TV kabla preko vijane veze; by screw terminals; 2xRCA EXP 1M
Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
IEC zavrna 5dB Priguenje signala cca 5dB; Signal attenuation approx. 5dB;
Audio socket prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting 2XRCA EXP 1M
TV aerial socket prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
end-line 5db

Za prenos audio For the transmission

74264.x Usaglaeno sa IEC 169-2 Complied with IEC 169-2
- M connector;
74282.x ili video signala; of audio or video signals;
- muki konektor;
Montaa kabla preko Installation of cabel
Prikljunica Montaa antenskog Installation of aerial cable Prikljunica by BNC connector;
BNC konektora;
antenska TV kabla preko vijane veze; by screw terminals; audio/video
Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
prolazna 10dB Priguenje signala cca 10dB; Signal attenuation approx. 10dB; BNC/BNC EXP 1M frame by pressing
prirubnicu utiskivanjem
IEC EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting Audio/video
TV aerial socket prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing socket
throughpass 10db BNC/BNC EXP 1M

74265.x Zavrna za satelitske antene; Terminal for satellite aerials;

Montaa antenskog Installation of aerial
Prikljunica kabla preko F konektora; cable by F connector;
antenska TV Bez priguenja signala; Without signal attenuation;
Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
za individualne prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
sisteme SAT
TV aerial socket
F/F for individual
systems EXP 1M

26 27
Raznovrsnost programa Experience, pored brojnih funkcionalnih Diversity of Experience, among numerous functional modules,
modula, ogleda se i u izuzetno velikoj ponudi dekorativnih maski. reects in very large oer of decorative masks.

Podeljene su u 3 osnovne grupe BASIC, COLOR i EXCLUSIVE, Divided into three main groups BASIC, COLOR and EXCLUSIVE,
depending on the colors and materials.
u zavisnosti od boja i materijala koji su korieni pri izradi.
DEKORATIVNE MASKE Raznolikost boja i veliki broj kombinacija, program Experience
The variety of colors and a large number of combinations,
makes Experience the perfect decor on the wall for traditional
ine savrenim dekorom na zidu kako klasinih tako i modernih,
DECORATIVE FRAMES ekstravagantnih enterijera.
as well for the modern and extravagant interiors.






28 29
Ultimativna elegancija i prozranost
ogledaju se u geometriji oblika i
odsjaju povrina i kreiraju novu
deniciju stila

BASIC Ultimative elegance and lightness are

reected in the geometry of shapes

and glossy surface to create a new
denition of style

30 31
70162.00 70142.00 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, bela EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
sa belim nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP bela sa belim For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

white with white holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa white with frame by pressing

BELA MASKA / BELI NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
white holder

Ugradnja na noseu
WHITE FRAME / WHITE HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, white with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
white holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.00 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, bela sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
belim nosaem belim nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, white with BASIC, horizontal,
white holder white with white holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.00 Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
belim nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M bela sa belim by pressing
EXP BASIC, white with nosaem
white holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, white 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with white holder

70103.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem belim nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, white with BASIC, white with
white holder white holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.00 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem belim nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, white with BASIC, white with
white holder white holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

32 33
70162.0E 70142.0E Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, bela EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
sa crnim nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP bela sa crnim For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

white with black holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa white with frame by pressing

BELA MASKA / CRNI NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
black holder

Ugradnja na noseu
WHITE FRAME / BLACK HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, white with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
black holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.0E Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, bela sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, white with BASIC, horizontal,
black holder white with black holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.0E Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
crnim nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M bela sa crnim by pressing
EXP BASIC, white with nosaem
black holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, white 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with black holder

70103.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, white with BASIC, white with
black holder black holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.0E Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, white with BASIC, white with
black holder black holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

34 35
70162.0S 70142.0S Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, bela EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
sa silver nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP bela sa silver For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

silver with white holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa white with frame by pressing

BELA MASKA / SILVER NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
silver holder

Ugradnja na noseu
WHITE FRAME / SILVER HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, white with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
silver holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.0S Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, bela sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
silver nosaem silver nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, white with BASIC, horizontal,
silver holder white with silver holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.0S Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
silver nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M bela sa silver by pressing
EXP BASIC, white with nosaem
silver holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, white 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with silver holder

70103.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem silver nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, white with BASIC, white with
silver holder silver holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.0S Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, bela sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem silver nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, white with BASIC, white with
silver holder silver holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

36 37
Snaga crne boje ogleda se u smelim
kombinacijama koje e Vaem
prostoru dati dozu ekstravagancije

Power of black reects in daring

BASIC combinations that will give your space

a dose of extravagance


38 39
70162.EE 70142.EE Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC BASIC Maska nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, crna 2x2M EXP, Ugradnja na noseu
sa crnim nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP crna sa crnim For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

black with black holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa black with frame by pressing

CRNA MASKA / CRNI NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
black holder

Ugradnja na noseu
BLACK FRAME / BLACK HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, black with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
black holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.EE Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, crna sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, black with BASIC, horizontal,
black holder black with black holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.EE Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
crnim nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M crna sa crnim by pressing
EXP BASIC, black with nosaem
black holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, black 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with black holder

70103.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, black with BASIC, black
black holder with black holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.EE Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem
BCover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, black with BASIC, black
black holder with black holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

40 41
70162.E0 70142.E0 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, crna EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
sa belim nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP crna sa belim For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

black with white holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa black with frame by pressing

CRNA MASKA / BELI NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
white holder

Ugradnja na noseu
BLACK FRAME / WHITE HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, black with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
white holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.E0 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, crna sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
belim nosaem belim nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, black with BASIC, horizontal,
white holder black with white holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.E0 Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
belim nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M crna sa belim by pressing
EXP BASIC, black with nosaem
white holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, black 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with white holder

70103.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem belim nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, black with BASIC, black with
white holder white holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.E0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem belim nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, black with BASIC, black with
white holder white holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

42 43
70162.ES 70142.ES Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, crna EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
sa silver nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP crna sa silver For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

black with silver holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa black with frame by pressing

CRNA MASKA / SILVER NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
silver holder

Ugradnja na noseu
BLACK FRAME / SILVER HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, black with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
silver holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.ES Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, crna sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
silver nosaem silver nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, black with BASIC, horizontal,
silver holder black with silver holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.ES Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
silver nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M crna sa silver by pressing
EXP BASIC, black with nosaem
silver holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, black 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with silver holder

70103.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem silver nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, black with BASIC, black with
silver holder silver holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.ES Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, crna sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem silver nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, black with BASIC, black with
silver holder silver holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

44 45
Srebrna tekstura za moderne
enterijere i kao modni dodatak
na Vaem zidu

Silver texture for modern interiors

BASIC and as a fashion accessory

to your wall


46 47
70162.SS 70142.SS Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, silver sa silver EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP silver sa silver For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

silver with silver holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa silver with frame by pressing

SILVER MASKA / SILVER NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
silver holder

Ugradnja na noseu
SILVER FRAME / SILVER HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, silver with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
silver holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.SS Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, silver sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
silver nosaem silver nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, silver with BASIC, horizontal,
silver holder silver with silver holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.SS Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, silver sa silver prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M EXP silver sa silver by pressing
BASIC, silver with nosaem
silver holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, silver 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with silver holder

70103.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem silver nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, silver with BASIC, silver with
silver holder silver holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.SS Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
silver nosaem silver nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, silver with BASIC, silver with
silver holder silver holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

48 49
70162.S0 70142.S0 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, silver EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
sa belim nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP silver sa belim For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

silver with white holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa vertical, silver frame by pressing

SILVER MASKA / BELI NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;
with white holder

Ugradnja na noseu
SILVER FRAME / WHITE HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, silver with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
white holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.S0 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, silver sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
belim nosaem belim nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, silver with BASIC, horizontal,
white holder silver with white holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.S0 Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
belim nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M silver sa belim by pressing
EXP BASIC, silver with nosaem
white holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, silver 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with white holder

70103.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem belim nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, silver with BASIC, silver with
white holder white holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.S0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
belim nosaem belim nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, silver with BASIC, silver with
white holder white holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

50 51
70162.SE 70142.SE Za pokrivanje dva sklopa
sa dva modula u vertikalnim
Maska 3x2M EXP BASIC Maska 2x2M nizajuim kutijama 60;
vertikalna, silver sa crnim EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
nosaem vertikalna, prirubnicu utiskivanjem

Cover frame 3x2M EXP silver sa crnim For covering the two assemblies
BASIC, vertical, nosaem with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;

silver with black holder Cover frame 2x2M
EXP BASIC, vertical, Installation onto the mounting
Za pokrivanje tri sklopa silver with black frame by pressing

SILVER MASKA / CRNI NOSA sa dva modula u vertikalnim

nizajuim kutijama 60;

Ugradnja na noseu
SILVER FRAME / BLACK HOLDER prirubnicu utiskivanjem

For covering the three assemblies

with two modules in vertical
mounted box 60;
97,6 x 162,8 mm
70101.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa jednim modulom;
For covering the assembly
with one module;
Installation onto the mounting
frame by pressing
Maska 1M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem
Cover frame 1M EXP
BASIC, silver with
97,6 x 233,8 mm
black holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm

70102.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70122.SE Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 2x2M EXP BASIC, mounted box 60;
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing horizontalna, silver sa Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem mounting frame
Cover frame 2M EXP Cover frame 2x2M EXP by pressing
BASIC, silver with BASIC, horizontal,
black holder silver with black holder

97,6 x 91,8 mm 168,6 x 91,8 mm

70123.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa dva modula;
For covering the assembly
with two modules;
70132.SE Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa
dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2/3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 3x2M mounted box 60;
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing EXP BASIC, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
crnim nosaem horizontalna, mounting frame
Cover frame 2/3M silver sa crnim by pressing
EXP BASIC, silver with nosaem
black holder Cover frame 3x2M
120 x 91,8 mm horizontal, silver 239,6 x 91,8 mm
with black holder

70103.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the assembly
with three modules;
70106.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa est modula;
For covering the assembly
with six modules;
Maska 3M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 6M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem
Cover frame 3M EXP Cover frame 6M EXP
BASIC, silver with BASIC, silver with
black holder black holder

120 x 91,8 mm 187,2 x 91,8 mm

70104.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the assembly
with four modules;
70107.SE Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa sedam modula;
For covering the assembly
with seven modules;
Maska 4M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting Maska 7M EXP Ugradnja na noseu Installation onto the mounting
BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing BASIC, silver sa prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
crnim nosaem crnim nosaem
Cover frame 4M EXP Cover frame 7M EXP
BASIC, silver with BASIC, silver with
black holder black holder

142,4 x 91,8 mm 209,6 x 91,8 mm

52 53
Razigrani kolorit u jasnim formama
prua veliki broj kombinacija boja

Playfull coloring in clear forms

provides a variety of combinations

COLOR of design


x=2 x=5 x=N

Grat Pastel plava Pastel narandasta
Graphite Pastel blue Pastel orange

x=9 x=7 x=V

Krem Pastel zelena Lavanda
Beige Pastel green Lavander


1M 2x2M 3M 6M 2M/3M
70201.x 70222.x 70203.x 70206.x 70223.x
2M 3x2M 4M 7M
70202.x 70232.x 70204.x 70207.x

54 55
Metalik efekat daje vaem zidu
dozu luksuza

Mettalic eect gives your wall

a dose of luxury


x = G2 x = S1 x=P
Brueni nikal Antik silver Plava metalik
Brushed nickel Antique silver Blue metalic

x = G1 x=U x=Z
Zlatna sjaj Aluminijum Zelena metalik
Shiny gold Aluminium Green metalic


1M 2x2M 3M 6M 2M/3M
70301.x 70322.x 70303.x 70306.x 70323.x
2M 3x2M 4M 7M
70302.x 70332.x 70304.x 70307.x

56 57
Kada se svetlo ugasi so touch
sky blue uvodi vas u novi svet
dekorativnih maski

When the light is o, sky blue so

COLOR touch brings you into the new world of

decorative frames


x = K1
Sky blue
Sky blue

x = E1
Crna so
So black

1M 3M 6M 2/3M
U DODIRU TOUCH 70401.x 70403.x 70406.x 70423.x
New line of frames arouses in user
Nova linija maski programa
a new feeling: a sense of touch.
Experience budi u korisniku
jo jedno ulo: ulo dodira. So, tender surface - a distinctive feature
that highlights a sophisticated look.
Mekana, nena povrina -
So touch frames are produced in two
2M 4M 7M
specinost koja naglaava 70402.x 70404.x 70407.x
basic colors: black and white (sky blue).
sosticirani izgled.
Originality is reected in the white frame
Maske so touch proizvode se u dve that glows in the dark by bluish light,
osnovne boje: crnoj i beloj (sky blue). hence the name is sky blue.
Novina se ogleda u beloj masci
koja samo u mraku svetli
plaviastim svetlom,
pa otuda i naziv sky blue.

58 59
etiri elegantne vrste za
tradicionalne prostore i korisnike
koji uivaju u toplini punog drveta

Four elegant woods

EXCLUSIVE for traditional spaces and users

that enjoys the warmth of solid wood






Decorative cover masks made of solid
Dekorativne maske od punog drveta daju
wood are bringing the living area earthy,
prostoru zemljani, prirodan izgled. natural look.
Ono to ih ini jedinstvenim What make them unique
su karakteristike i are samog drveta are characteristics and patterns
od kojeg su izraene. of the wood they are made of.

60 61
Osvojie svaki prostor koji prati
najnovije trendove u dizajnu

Fulll every space

EXCLUSIVE that follows the latest trends

in interior design


Kristal bela
Chystal white



2M 3M 4M 7M
EKSTRAVAGANTNO EXTRAVAGANT 70602.x 70603.x 70604.x 70607.x
Glass is one of the basic materials in our living
Staklo je jedan od osnovnih materijala u naim
spaces for several centuries and until today
ivotnim prostorima ve nekoliko vekova i sve more and more nds its place in interior design.
do dananjih dana sve vie pronalazi svoje
mesto u dizajnu enterijera. Although many see glass as cold and sensitive
material, its advantages and possibilities of
Iako staklo mnogi doivljavaju kao hladan performing attractive details in the interior are
i osetljiv materijal, njegove prednosti kao i numerous. For these reasons, the glass is the
mogunosti izvoenja atraktivnih detalja u material that should be loved and enjoyed in all
enterijerima su mnogobrojne. Upravo iz tih the beauty that creates in the interior.
razloga, staklo, kao materijal, treba voleti i With its transparency and ease, glass does not
uivati u svim lepotama koje stvara u enterijeru. burden the space and make it airy and bright.
Svojom transparetnou i lakoom, Experience oers two decorative cover masks
ne optereuje prostor i ini ga prozranim made of glass:
i sjajnim. Crystal white made for your individuality
Program Experience nudi dve dekorativne Corals which introduces you to
maske izraene od stakla: a dreamy underwater world.

Kristalno belu u kojoj e se ogledati

vaa individualnost
Koral koja vas uvodi u sanjivi
podvodni svet.

62 63
Mo livenog metala pretoena
u eleganciju za jedinstvene prostore

Distinctive materials
for unique spaces


x = G3
Antik zlato
Antique gold


2M 3M 4M 7M
TRAJAN DURABLE 70702.x 70703.x 70704.x 70707.x
Exclusive line in Experience is enriched with
Exclusive linija programa Experience obogaena
another natural material - metal.
je jo jednim prirodnim materijalom metalom.
Metal as a material arouse in user a sense
Metal kao materijal budi u korisniku oseaj of durability and robustness.
trajnosti i robusnosti.
Metal as a detail on the wall reects the
Metal kao detalj na zidu oslikava karakter character of owners and certainly awakes
vlasnika i zasigurno budi panju posmatraa. the attention of viewer.
U kombinaciji sa jasnim geometrijskim linijama In combination with clear geometric lines and
i grubim povrinama dekorativne maske od rough surfaces metal covering masks are easy
metala lako su uklopive u rustine, ali i u ultra tting in rustic and in ultra modern homes.
moderne domove. Experience Program oers two decorative
covering masks made of metal:
Program Experience nudi dve dekorativne
maske izraene od metala: Antique gold that will gain on archaic
to every space
Antik zlato sa kojom e svaki prostor
Titanium, that will give the space
dobiti na rustinosti a dose of individuality.
Titanijum koji e prostoru dati
dozu individualnosti.

64 65
Montane kutije 60
Installation boxes 60
UGRADNJA Montane kutije za
modularni program
INSTALLATION Installation boxes for
modular program



2M 3x2M



3M 6M

4M 7M

66 67
71023 Za ugradnju dva modula; For two module
Ugradnja u montanu
Prirubnica kutiju 3M pomou vijaka Installation into the
2/3M EXP mounting box
by screws
sa vijcima


with screws


71001 Za ugradnju For one module 71003 Za ugradnju tri modula; For three module
jednog modula; installation; Ugradnja u montanu
Prirubnica kutiju 3M pomou vijaka Installation into the
Prirubnica Ugradnja u montanu Installation into the mounting
3M EXP mounting box
1M EXP kutiju 60 pomou vijaka box 60 by screws by screws
sa vijcima
za uplji zid
Mounting frame 3M EXP
frame 1M EXP with screws
for hollow wall

71101 Za ugradnju
jednog modula;
For one module
71004 Za ugradnju etiri modula; For four module
Ugradnja u montanu
Prirubnica Ugradnja u montanu Installation into the mounting Prirubnica kutiju 4M pomou vijaka Installation into the
1M EXP kutiju 60 pomou stegaa box 60 by clamps 4M EXP mounting box
by screws
sa stegaima sa vijcima
Mounting Mounting
frame 1M EXP frame 4M EXP
with claws with screws

71002 Za ugradnju For two module 71006 Za ugradnju est modula; For six module
dva modula; installation;
Ugradnja u montanu
Prirubnica Ugradnja u montanu Installation into the mounting Prirubnica kutiju 7M pomou vijaka Installation into the
2M EXP kutiju 60 pomou vijaka box 60 by screws 6M EXP mounting box
by screws
za uplji zid sa vijcima
Mounting Mounting
frame 2M EXP frame 6M EXP
for hollow wall with screws

71102 Za ugradnju
dva modula;
For two module
71007 Za ugradnju sedam modula; For seven module
Ugradnja u montanu
Prirubnica Ugradnja u montanu Installation into the mounting Prirubnica kutiju 7M pomou vijaka Installation into the
2M EXP kutiju 60 pomou stegaa box 60 by clamps 7M EXP mounting box
by screws
sa stegaima sa vijcima
Mounting Mounting
frame 2M EXP frame 7M EXP
with claws with screws

71123 Za ugradnju For two module 71202 71203 71204

dva modula; installation;
Prirubnica Ugradnja u montanu Installation into the mounting Set vijaka M3,5 x 20 Set vijaka M3,5 x 35 Set vijaka M3,5 x 50
2/3M EXP kutiju 60 pomou stegaa box 60 by clamps pakovanje 100 kom pakovanje 50 kom pakovanje 50 kom
sa stegaima Screw set M3,5 x 20 Screw set M3,5 x 35 Screw set M3,5 x 50
Mounting pack. 100 pcs. pack. 50 pcs. pack. 50 pcs.
frame 2/3M EXP
with claws

68 69

71303.5 Za ugradnju tri modula; For three module

Poklopac za zatvaranje Cover for mounting box
when is used as junction
montane kutije kada se
Ugradnja u montanu koristi kao razvodna ili za box or equipotentialing;
Prirubnica kutiju pomou vijaka Installation into the
izjednaenje potencijala;
3M EXP sa vijcima mounting box Installation onto the
by screws Ugradnja na montanu mounting box by screws
i LED osvetljenjem
kutiju vijcima
plavo svetlo,
frame 3M EXP
with screws
and LED lightning,
blue light

65232.0 65242.0 65272.0

Poklopac za kutiju Poklopac za kutiju Poklopac za kutiju
71304.5 Za ugradnju etiri modula; For four module PM3/VM3, beli PM4/VM4, beli PM7/VM7, beli
Ugradnja u montanu Ornamental cover for Ornamental cover for Ornamental cover for
Prirubnica kutiju pomou vijaka Installation into the PM3/VM3, white PM4/VM4, white PM7/VM7, white
4M EXP sa vijcima mounting box
by screws
i LED osvetljenjem
plavo svetlo,
frame 4M EXP Montaa kutije za 3, 4 i 7 modula poseduje The installation boxes
with screws i posebne ukrasne poklopce koji se na kutiju for 3, 4 or 7 modules have
and LED lightning, privruju viljcima. Poklopci imaju viestruku the special ornamental covers
namenu i obezbeuju sledee: to be xed to the box by screws.
blue light The covers are intended for multipurpose
- Mogunost korienja montanih kutija, application and provide the following:
kao razvodne instalacione kutije.
- Possibility of using the installation
- Mogunost da se izvede dodatna instalacija boxes as the junction boxes.
koja e se naknadno povezati i koristiti,
- Possibility of conneting and using
71306.5 Za ugradnju est modula; For six module - Mogunost upotrebe montanih kutija kao the additional installations.
installation; kutija za izjednaenje potencijala uz primenu
Ugradnja u montanu odgovarajuih rednih stezaljki. - Possibility of usinf the installation boxes as potential
Prirubnica kutiju pomou vijaka Installation into the equalizing boxes by applying, the appropriate
6M EXP sa vijcima mounting box block terminals.
by screws * Halogen free
i LED osvetljenjem
plavo svetlo,
frame 6M EXP Protective cover for mounting
Poklopac za zatitu kutije
with screws i provodnika prilikom box and conducting wires
and LED lightning, malterisanja; during plastering;
blue light
Snabdeven signalnim pipcima With signal extensions
radi lakeg pronalaenja for easier nding
nakon malterisanja; aer plastering;
Ugradnja na montanu Installation onto the mounting
kutiju utiskivanjem box by pressing
71307.5 Za ugradnju sedam modula; For seven module
Ugradnja u montanu
Prirubnica kutiju pomou vijaka Installation into the
7M EXP sa vijcima mounting box
by screws
i LED osvetljenjem 65231.0 65241.0 65271.0
plavo svetlo,
Zatitni poklopac Zatitni poklopac Zatitni poklopac
frame 7M EXP za kutiju PM3 za kutiju PM4 za kutiju PM7
with screws Protecting cover for Protecting cover for Protecting cover for
and LED lightning, PM3 installation box PM4 installation box PM7 installation box
blue light

Kod ugradnje montanih kutija u pune zidove When installing, the installation boxes into the
unutranjost kutije se zatiuje zatitnim solid wals, the internal parts of the box are to be
poklopcem koji prilikom malterisanja zidova protected by the protecting cover which provides
obezbeuje nesmetani rad. the trouble-free wall plastering.
Nakon suenja maltera poklopac se Aer drying, the cover can be simply taken out
jednostavno izvadi zajedno sa delom together with a part of plaster over it.
maltera koji je preko njega.
The internal part of the box and
Unutranjost kutije i provodnici ostaju isti. the counducting wires remain clean.

* Halogen free

70 71

700 710 800 Usaglaeno sa IEC 60570-1 711 Ugradnja u uplji zid
pomou kandi
Ugradnja u zid, sa vijcima
Montana kutija Montana kutija Montana kutija Montana kutija
60 x 40 mm 60 x 60 mm 60 x 40 mm Mogunost instalacije 60 x 40 mm Installation into the hollow
pomou stegaa ili vijaka
nizajua za nizajua za nizajua za za uplji zid wall by screw clamps
rastojanje 71mm rastojanje 71mm rastojanje 80mm Compiled with IEC 60670-1 Two-gang
Two-gang Two-gang Two-gang Flush mounted, installation box
installation box installation box installation box 60 x 40 mm
Accessory installation for hollow wall
60 x 40 mm 60 x 60 mm 60 x 40 mm by clamps or screw
for sequencing for sequencing for sequencing
71mm step 71mm step 80mm step
650C, 500V~ 850C, 400V~

6523 65236 Kutija za ugradnju 6533 Kutija za ugradnju

trostruke prirubnice;
trostruke prirubnice;
Montana kutija Montana kutija Ugradnja u puni zid Montana kutija Ugradnja u uplji zid
PM3 za 3M PM3 za 3M pod malter VM3 za 3M pomou kandi
za uplji zid, 50 mm sa vijcima
za puni zid, 50 mm za puni zid, 65 mm
Mounting box for three
Two-gang Two-gang Two-gang Mounting box for three
gang mounting frame;
installation box gang mounting frame;
installation box installation box
Installation into VM3 for 3M
PM3 for 3M PM3 for 3M the solid wall
Installation into the hollow
for solid wall, 50 mm for solid wall, 65 mm for hollow wall, 50 mm wall by screw clamps

650C, 400V~ 850C, 400V~

6524 65246 Kutija za ugradnju 6534 Kutija za ugradnju

etvorostruke prirubnice;
etvorostruke prirubnice;
Montana kutija Montana kutija Ugradnja u puni zid Montana kutija Ugradnja u uplji zid
PM4 za 4M PM4 za 4M pod malter VM4 za 4M pomou kandi
za uplji zid, 50 mm sa vijcima
za puni zid, 50 mm za puni zid, 65 mm
Mounting box for four Mounting box for four
Four-gang Four-gang gang mounting frame;
installation box gang mounting frame;
installation box installation box
Installation into VM4 for 4M Installation into the hollow
PM4 for 4M PM4 for 4M the solid wall
for solid wall, 50 mm for solid wall, 65 mm for hollow wall, 50 mm wall by screw clamps

650C, 400V~ 850C, 400V~

6527 65276 Kutija za ugradnju 6537 Kutija za ugradnju

sedmorostruke prirubnice;
sedmorostruke prirubnice;
Montana kutija Montana kutija Ugradnja u puni zid Montana kutija Ugradnja u uplji zid
PM7 za 6M/7M PM7 za 6M/7M pod malter VM7 za 6M/7M pomou kandi
za uplji zid, 50 mm sa vijcima
za puni zid, 50 mm za puni zid, 65 mm
Mounting box for seven
Seven-gang Mounting box for seven
Seven-gang Seven-gang gang mounting frame;
installation box gang mounting frame;
installation box installation box
Installation into VM7 for 6M/7M
PM7 for 6M/7M PM7 for 6M/7M the solid wall
Installation into the hollow
for solid wall, 50 mm for solid wall, 65 mm for hollow wall, 50 mm wall by screw clamps

650C, 400V~ 850C, 400V~

* Halogen free * Halogen free

72 73
Antibakterijski program izraen u standardnom ALING EXPERIENCE Antibacterial program made in standard ALING MODE design and exclusively
dizajnu i iskljuivo u beloj boji ima funkciju zatite korisnika od in white color has a function to protect user from transmision of bacterial,
prenoenja bakterija, virusa, mikroba i gljivica estim dodirivanjem. viruses, microbes and fungi during the oen touching. During the day
Dnevno vie korisnika dodiruje tastere sklopki, maske i blokove prikljunica. more users touches the switch buttons, covering frames and socket blocks.
Ovo je naroito izraeno u javnim i zdravstvenim ustanovama tako da je It is especially expressed in the public and medical institutions, so that

ANTIBAKTERIJSKI PROGRAM prednja povrina idealno mesto za razvoj i irenje bakterija.

Specijalni aditivi na bazi srebrnih jona koji se dodaju u plastine mase tokom
vremena unitavaju i spreavaju dalje irenje bakterija na povrini plastike.
the front surface is perfect place for growth and spread of bacteria.
The special additives on silver ions that were added to plastic compounds
damage and block bacteria spread on the plastic surface. With the help of this
ANTIBACTERIAL PROGRAM Zahvaljujui ovim karakteristikama srebra postie se veoma ekasna i
dugotrajna zatita zdravlja svih korisnika koji dolaze u dodir sa
silver characteristic there is very efective and long term protection of health
for all users which are in contact with switches, covering frames and sockets.
sklopkama, maskama i prikljunicama.
At the rst time aplication is important at the places where a high level of
Prvenstveno je znaajna primena u svim prostorima gde se zahteva visok hygiene is required like hospitals and other medical institutions, restaurants,
stepen higijene kao to su bolnice i druge zdravstvene ustanove, restorani, bus and train stations, airports, schools, apartments with the sick persons which
autobuske i eleznike stanice, aerodromi, kolske ustanove, stanovi are sensitive on bacteria and viruses, medical employees apartments,
sa bolesnim osobama osetljivim na bakterije i viruse, stanovi zdravstvenih shoping and buisiness centers, public institutions (courthouses,
A73101.0 Taster 1M irine 22,2mm, Button 1M width 22,2mm, radnika, trgovinski i poslovni centri, javne ustanove (sudovi, optine, townships, museums, cinemas, sport arenes).
For switches muzeji, bioskopi, sportski objekti i sl.).
Za sklopke The products are tested according the standard JIS Z 2801
Taster EXP 1M bez indikacije; without indication; Proizvodi su testirani u skladu sa standardom JIS Z 2801 i poseduju
visok stepen redukcije bakterija na povrini plastike. and they have a high level of bacteria reduction on plastic surface.
Button EXP 1M Ugradnja na sklopku Installation onto the switch
by pressing Odravanje i ienje se sprovodi isto kao i kod proizvoda Cleaning and maintenance is same like products without antibacterial protection.
koji nemaju antibakterijsku zatitu. Prodacts are identical with standard program
Proizvodi su identini kao i standardni program with additional mark A ahead of product mark.
sa dodatom oznakom A ispred oznake proizvoda.
All covering frames are marked with sign of recognition
Sve maske antibakterijskog programa oznaene su
znakom raspoznavanja

A73201.0 Taster 1M irine 22,2mm, Button 1M width 22,2mm, A74102.0 Usaglaeno sa

IEC 60884-1
Complied with IEC 60884-1

Za sklopke For switches Installation into the mounting

Taster sa indikacijom without indication; Prikljunica Ugradnja u noseu frame by pressing
dvopolna prirubnicu utiskivanjem
sa indikacijom Ugradnja na sklopku Installation onto the switch
EXP 1M utiskivanjem by pressing sa zatitom
16A 250V~ EXP 2M
with indicator
EXP 1M 2 pole socket outlet
with safety shutter
16A 250V~ EXP 2M

A73301.0 Taster 2M irine 44,4mm, Button 2M width 44,4mm, A74104.0T Usaglaeno sa

IEC 60884-1
Complied with IEC 60884-1
Installation into the mounting
Za sklopke For switches
Taster EXP 2M without indication;
Prikljunica dvopolna Ugradnja u noseu frame by pressing
bez indikacije; prirubnicu utiskivanjem
sa transparentnim
Button EXP 2M Ugradnja na sklopku Installation onto the switch
utiskivanjem by pressing
i zatitom kontakata
16A 250V~ EXP 2M
2 pole socket outlet
with transparent cover
and safety shutter
16A 250V~ EXP 2M

A73401.0 Taster 2M irine 44,4mm, Button 2M width 44,4mm, A72121.0 Usaglaeno sa

CEI 23-50/P11;
Complied with CEI 23-50/P11;

Za sklopke For switches Installation into the mounting

Taster bez indikacije; with indication Prikljunica Ugradnja u noseu frame by pressing
sa indikacijom dvopolna prirubnicu utiskivanjem
Ugradnja na sklopku Installation onto the switch
EXP 2M utiskivanjem by pressing 10A 250V~ EXP1M,
CEI 23-50/P11
with indicator italijanska
EXP 2M 2 pole socket outlet
CEI 10A 250V~

A70001.0 Za pokrivanje slepih

modula irine 22,2mm
A74201.0 Modul irine 22,2mm
za noenje Keystone
A74263.0 Usaglaeno sa IEC 169-2
- muki konektor;
Complied with IEC 169-2
- M connector;
Poklopac maske Ugradnja u noseu Keystone Prikljunica Montaa antenskog Installation of aerial cable
(slepi modul) prirubnicu utiskivanjem nosa Ugradnja u noseu antenska TV kabla preko vijane veze; by screw terminals;
EXP 1M prirubnicu utiskivanjem
EXP 1M IEC zavrna 5dB Priguenje signala cca 5dB; Signal attenuation approx. 5dB;
Blank module For blank module covering
EXP 1M Ugradnja u noseu Installation into the mounting
Keystone Module 22,2mm widith
EXP 1M 22,2mm widith; holder prirubnicu utiskivanjem frame by pressing
for Keystone connectors TV aerial socket
Installation into the mounting EXP 1M holding end-line 5db
frame by pressing IEC EXP 1M
Installation into the mounting
frame by pressing

74 75
A70102.0 Za pokrivanje sklopa
sa dva modula;
For covering
the assembly with
two modules;
Maska Ugradnja na noseu
2M EXP, prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto
the mounting
ANTIBACTERIAL, frame by pressing
Cover frame

A70122.0 Za pokrivanje dva sklopa sa

dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the two
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 2x2M EXP, mounted box 60;
ANTIBACTERIAL, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
horizontalna, bela mounting frame
Cover frame by pressing
2x2M, EXP,
horizontal, white
168,6 x 91,8 mm

A70132.0 Za pokrivanje tri sklopa sa

dva modula u horizontalnim
For covering the three
assemblies with two
nizajuim kutijama 60; modules in horizontal
Maska 3x2M EXP, mounted box 60;
ANTIBACTERIAL, Ugradnja na noseu
prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto the
horizontalna, bela mounting frame
Cover frame by pressing
3x2M, EXP,
horizontal, white
239,6 x 91,8 mm

A70103.0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa tri modula;
For covering the
assembly with
three modules;
Maska Ugradnja na noseu
3M EXP, prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto
the mounting
ANTIBACTERIAL, frame by pressing
Cover frame
white 120 x 91,8 mm

A70104.0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa etiri modula;
For covering the
assembly with
four modules;
Maska Ugradnja na noseu
4M EXP, prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto
the mounting
ANTIBACTERIAL, frame by pressing
Cover frame
white 142,4 x 91,8 mm

A70107.0 Za pokrivanje sklopa

sa sedam modula;
For covering the
assembly with
seven modules;
Maska Ugradnja na noseu
7M EXP, prirubnicu utiskivanjem Installation onto
the mounting
ANTIBACTERIAL, frame by pressing
Cover frame
white 209,6 x 91,8 mm



72201 72202
Elektronski Elektronski regulator Elektronski regulator sa naizmeninom sklopkom,
regulator sa naizmeninom sklopkom povezivanje u naizmeninom reimu rada
L L Dimmer Dimmer Dimmer with alternative switch,
rotative with alternative switch wired in alternating mode



72101 72111
Sklopka jednopolna Taster sklopka jednopolna 72103
1 way switch Push-button switch 72204
Sklopka naizmenina
2 way switch Elektronski regulator Elektronski regulator za induktivno optereenje,
za induktivno optereenje povezivanje u naizmeninom reimu rada
Dimmer Dimmer inductive load,
L L for inductive load wired in alternating mode



Sklopka jednopolna sa prikljukom
72104 za nulti provodnik (indikatorska) 72205 Elektronski regulator za LED
u reimu rada sa nultim provodnikom
Sklopka ukrsna u kombinaciji sa dve sklopke naizmenine 1 way switch with connection for Elektronski regulator za LED
the neutral conductor (with indikator) Dimmer for LED
Intermediate switch in combination with two 2 way switches Dimmer for LED with neutral conductor mode



Dodatni tasteri
za runo aktiviranje 74283
Additional buttons Prikljunica USB punja
to manually activate
Power supply unit USB
72106 72114 72203
Sklopka dvopolna Taster sklopka za roletne Infracrveni detektor pokreta
2 pole switch Push-button shutters switch Infrared motion detector

78 79

2M 2/3M




2M 6M


2/3M 7M 3x2M


3M 7M

80 81


Realizacija: Repro-Print 021 504 709

a: eleznika 10, 21432 Gajdobra, Serbia

t: +381 21 762 674, 762 586
f: +381 21 762 779
e: [email protected]

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