State College Water Authority Lawsuit
State College Water Authority Lawsuit
State College Water Authority Lawsuit
Plaintiff Jason Richard, by and through his attorneys, Stephen Franko, Esq.,
hereby files this Complaint against Defendant, and in support avers as follows:
retaliated against Jason Richard (Richard), due to his disability. This action seeks
(ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12101; and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, 43 P.S.
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1. This Court has jurisdiction under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA),
law claims.
2. The events or omissions giving rise to these claims, occurred within the
(EEOC), which issued him a right to sue letter on November 22, 2016.
1201 W. Branch Rd., State College, PA 16801 and employed Richard at all
7. Richard suffers from a learning disability which makes it difficult for him to
take tests.
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8. On February 3, 2016 Richard was called into a meeting with Garth Brown,
Susan Runk, John Lichman, and Brian Heiser. Plaintiff assumed that it was
9. Richard had been told for many years that he would be next for supervisor of
the meter shop and also received training for the position.
supervisor. Richard was informed in this meeting that he must take the
backflow position.
11.Richard then went to the assistant executive director, Brian Heiser and
inquired into who received the supervisor position as he was given backflow.
12.Richard was informed by Heiser that a new hire, Nick, was given the
13.Richard asked why Nick had been given this position, and why there were no
interviews or job postings for the department head position. Richard was told
that Nick has a college degree and that he did not have to explain why there
14.Richard stated that over the past several years, everyone had moved up to new
college degree. Again, Heiser stated that he did not have to explain.
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15.Heiser further stated that, had Jim Stere stayed with Defendant, he would have
been promoted to department head however Jim does not have a degree.
16.The following day Richard was called into Lichmans office and informed
that the department head position had been rewritten and that it now required
a college degree.
17.Eric Miller, a meter reader, Larry Hold, Jim Stere, and Don Butts stated that
my supervisor, Garth Brown, would call Richard names and stated that he
would make sure Richard, and coworker Don Butts, who has the same
a. Eric Miller was told by Garth Brown that if he stayed in the department
his ass to see whats wrong with his throat, when Richard was sick.
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c. Mr. Brown made a threat towards Mr. Richard saying, I wish you were
d. Richard took this information to the board, but nothing was done.
about the discrimination stating that he would make Richard look bad Brian
Heiser intended to add negative things into Richards personnel file in order
22.Richard had never had disciplinary action nor a negative performance review
23.Lichman informed Richard when you go looking for another job dont have
them call anyone but me, because everyone else here will make you look bad.
24.As of the date of filing of this Complaint, Defendant is still adding false,
negative items to Richards personnel file to retaliate against him for filing a
25.Since filing the EEOC charge Mr. Richards new department boss has been
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26.Richard is currently under a doctors care to treat the stress and anxiety
American with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12101
d. Punitive damages;
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g. Other such relief as the Court may deem just and proper
American with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12101
34.Richard was given a negative review, for the first time in more than a decade
35.Richard has received false, negative items in his personnel file in retaliation
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(G) Other such relief as the Court may deem just and proper
Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA), Title 43 P.S. 955
(N) Other such relief as the Court may deem just and proper
Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA), Title 43 P.S. 955
43.Richard was given a negative review, for the first time in more than a decade
44.Richard has received false, negative items in his personnel file in retaliation
his favor, and against Defendant, and award the following damages against
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d. Punitive damages;
g. Other such relief as the Court may deem just and proper
JS 44 (Rev. 12/12)
Case 4:17-cv-00304-MWB Document 1-1 Filed 02/17/17 Page 1 of 2
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.)
(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Centre County of Residence of First Listed Defendant Centre
(c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)
Stephen H. Franko
120 Bridge Street
Tunkhannock, PA 18657 (570)-731-3000
II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an X in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an X in One Box for Plaintiff
(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defendant)
1 U.S. Government 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State 1 1 Incorporated or Principal Place 4 4
of Business In This State
2 U.S. Government 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State 2 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 5 5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) of Business In Another State
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replaces nor supplements the filings and service of pleading or other papers as
required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is
required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. Consequently, a civil cover sheet is submitted to the Clerk of
Court for each civil complaint filed. The attorney filing a case should complete the form as follows:
I.(a) Plaintiffs-Defendants. Enter names (last, first, middle initial) of plaintiff and defendant. If the plaintiff or defendant is a government agency, use
only the full name or standard abbreviations. If the plaintiff or defendant is an official within a government agency, identify first the agency and
then the official, giving both name and title.
(b) County of Residence. For each civil case filed, except U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county where the first listed plaintiff resides at the
time of filing. In U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county in which the first listed defendant resides at the time of filing. (NOTE: In land
condemnation cases, the county of residence of the "defendant" is the location of the tract of land involved.)
(c) Attorneys. Enter the firm name, address, telephone number, and attorney of record. If there are several attorneys, list them on an attachment, noting
in this section "(see attachment)".
II. Jurisdiction. The basis of jurisdiction is set forth under Rule 8(a), F.R.Cv.P., which requires that jurisdictions be shown in pleadings. Place an "X"
in one of the boxes. If there is more than one basis of jurisdiction, precedence is given in the order shown below.
United States plaintiff. (1) Jurisdiction based on 28 U.S.C. 1345 and 1348. Suits by agencies and officers of the United States are included here.
United States defendant. (2) When the plaintiff is suing the United States, its officers or agencies, place an "X" in this box.
Federal question. (3) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1331, where jurisdiction arises under the Constitution of the United States, an amendment
to the Constitution, an act of Congress or a treaty of the United States. In cases where the U.S. is a party, the U.S. plaintiff or defendant code takes
precedence, and box 1 or 2 should be marked.
Diversity of citizenship. (4) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1332, where parties are citizens of different states. When Box 4 is checked, the
citizenship of the different parties must be checked. (See Section III below; NOTE: federal question actions take precedence over diversity
III. Residence (citizenship) of Principal Parties. This section of the JS 44 is to be completed if diversity of citizenship was indicated above. Mark this
section for each principal party.
IV. Nature of Suit. Place an "X" in the appropriate box. If the nature of suit cannot be determined, be sure the cause of action, in Section VI below, is
sufficient to enable the deputy clerk or the statistical clerk(s) in the Administrative Office to determine the nature of suit. If the cause fits more than
one nature of suit, select the most definitive.
VI. Cause of Action. Report the civil statute directly related to the cause of action and give a brief description of the cause. Do not cite jurisdictional
statutes unless diversity. Example: U.S. Civil Statute: 47 USC 553 Brief Description: Unauthorized reception of cable service
VII. Requested in Complaint. Class Action. Place an "X" in this box if you are filing a class action under Rule 23, F.R.Cv.P.
Demand. In this space enter the actual dollar amount being demanded or indicate other demand, such as a preliminary injunction.
Jury Demand. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether or not a jury is being demanded.
VIII. Related Cases. This section of the JS 44 is used to reference related pending cases, if any. If there are related pending cases, insert the docket
numbers and the corresponding judge names for such cases.
Date and Attorney Signature. Date and sign the civil cover sheet.