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7.2 Modal Analysis

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2 Modal analysis
Estimated time to complete this course: 1623 minutes

This course discusses setting up and performing a modal analysis. When you complete this course, you should understand the basics of
modal analysis and be able to analyze a model using a modal solution.

Setup information

Part folder: parts_simulation

NX role: Advanced with full menus

System preparation

[Date] 1
7.2.1 Modal analysis
Modal analysis:

Calculates natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes.

Does not consider damping.

How stiffness and mass affect natural frequency

For a single DOF system, the natural frequency is related to the mass (M) and stiffness (K) as follows:

[Date] 2
Supported modal analysis types
In Advanced Simulation, you can choose from the following modal analysis types when you create a structural solution:

Solver Solution type

SOL 103 Real Eigenvalues

SOL 103 Response Simulation

NX Nastran
SOL 103 Superelement

SOL 103 Flexible Body

SOL 103
MSC Nastran
SOL 103 Superelement


ABAQUS Frequency Perturbation substep

[Date] 3
7.2.2 Using elements for a modal analysis
Some of the elements that can be used for a modal analysis include:

3D tetrahedral or hexahedral solid elements.

2D quadrilateral or triangular thin shell elements.
1D bar, beam, rod, rigid link, and spring elements.
0D concentrated mass elements.
Gap elements.

For more information about elements, see Physical properties and element attributes Elements and physical properties in the

Advanced Simulation online Help.

[Date] 4
7.2.3 Using materials for a modal analysis
Material types that can be used in a modal analysis include:


For more information about materials, see Materials in the Advanced Simulation online Help.

[Date] 5
7.2.4 Defining boundary conditions for a modal analysis
Boundary conditions for modal analysis include constraints and gluing, such as:

Displacement constraints.
Coupled degrees of freedom.
Surface-to-surface gluing

For more information, see Boundary Conditions in the Advanced Simulation online Help.

[Date] 6
7.2.5 Modal pre-stress
A model can be pre-stressed prior to performing a modal analysis.

Pre-stress or stress stiffening is done in a linear static load case.

Pre-stress can include forces, bolt pre-load and contact.

[Date] 7
7.2.6 Setting modal solution attributes
For a modal analysis, some of the NX Nastran solution attributes include:

Number of Desired Modes

System Cells
Output Requests
Eigenvalue Method. Identifies the type of solve: Lanczos or Householder. The method specifies the real eigenvalue extraction
options for the solution. Eigenvalue extraction options are stored as a solver-specific object. Lanczos is the recommended
method for most models; Householder is recommended for smaller models.
For more information, see Nastran environment in the Advanced Simulation online Help.

[Date] 8
7.2.7 Rigid body modes
If you select a Lanczos solve:

You can solve for the modes of a free-free body.

If you are calculating modes for an unrestrained structure, it is a good practice to calculate the rigid body modes. This reveals
any unintended mechanisms or grounding resulting from poor modeling.
To avoid calculating the rigid body modes, set the frequency range above 1 Hz.

[Date] 9
7.2.8 Reviewing modal analysis results
Natural frequencies and mode shapes are the primary results for a modal solution.

The results are ordered by frequency, with the lowest natural frequency being the first mode, the next highest being the second
mode, and so on.
The normal modes represent dynamic states in which the elastic and inertial forces are balanced when no external loads are
The mode shapes represent relative displacement of the nodes.
The mode shapes help you determine what load locations and directions will excite the structure.

[Date] 10
7.2.9 Animating mode shapes

In Post-processing, Animation is particularly useful for visualizing mode shapes.

When animating mode shapes, in the Animation dialog box:

Set Style to Modal.

Select Full Cycle.

Animation of mode shape for a single mode

[Date] 11
7.2.10 Activity: Modal analysis
Estimated time to complete: 1015 minutes

You will learn how to:

Solve a free-free normal mode dynamics problem.

Specify number of modes calculated.
Display and animate mode shapes.
Modify a mesh using beams.
Resolve a model and display results.

Launch the Modal analysis activity.

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Open the Simulation file
You will use a speaker part for this activity.


Files of type: Simulation Files (*.sim)

File name:


For a normal mode solution using the Lanczos solver, boundary conditions are not required to solve the model. By examining the
Simulation Navigator, you can see that the model does not contain any boundary conditions.

[Date] 13
Reset the dialog box memory
The options you select in NX dialog boxes are preserved for the next time you open the same dialog box within an NX session. Restore
the default settings to ensure that the dialog boxes are in the expected initial state for each step of the activity.

Preferences User Interface

Reset Dialog Memory


[Date] 14
Solve the model
By default, the solver calculates 10 modes. However, you can change the number of modes the solver calculates.

Simulation Navigator

Solution 1


Edit Solution Attributes

Case Control

Edit (Lanczos Data)

Number of Desired Modes 12

OK all dialog boxes

Wait for the job to finish and for the command window to close.

the Information window

Cancel Analysis Job Monitor dialog box

Close Solution Monitor dialog box

[Date] 15
View the results

Simulation Navigator


Post-Processing Navigator

The modal results are listed in the Post Processing Navigator. The first 6 modes have extremely low frequencies. These are rigid body
modes. Mode 7 represents the first flexible mode with a natural frequency of about 133 Hz.

Mode 7 (expand)

Displacement Nodal (expand)


[Date] 16
Animate the mode shape
You can animate the mode shape plotted in the previous step as follows.

Animation (Post-Processing toolbar)

Style Modal

Number of Frames 15

Synchronized 100
Frame Delay



[Date] 17
Stop (Post-Processing toolbar)

When you finish looking at the results, return to the model.

Return to Model (Layout Manager toolbar)

[Date] 18
Make the FEM the work part

Simulation Navigator

Simulation File View


Make Work Part

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Update the display
In preparation for adding bracing between the side panels, turn off the display of the mesh and polygon geometry for the front and
back panels.

Simulation Navigator

cabinet_fem1.fem (expand)

3D Collectors (expand)

Solid(1) (expand)

3d_mesh(2) (deselect)

3d_mesh(3) (deselect)

Polygon Geometry (expand)

Polygon Body (2) (deselect)

[Date] 20
Polygon Body (3) (deselect)

[Date] 21
Add bracing to the cabinet
Bracing is sometimes used in loudspeakers to raise the natural frequencies of the flexible modes by stiffening the cabinet. In this
step, you use a beam element to simulate bracing the side panels together.

1D Connection (Advanced Simulation toolbar, Connections Drop-down list)


Type Node to Node

You are selecting the node at the location of the blue mesh point. The mesh point is visible on the inside face of the cabinet side

[Date] 22

Node (Select Node)

Connection Element



[Date] 23
Create a cross section
Create a 0.5 in radius circular cross section that you will later assign to the beam.

1D Element Section (Advanced Simulation toolbar, Mesh Drop-down list)

Create Section

Type Rod

DIM1 0.5

OK Beam Section dialog box

Close Beam Section Manager dialog box

[Date] 24
Assign physical properties to the beam
Now assign the cross section created in the previous step and the polycarbonate material property to the beam.

Simulation Navigator

1D Collectors (expand)

Beam Collector(1)


Edit (Beam Property)

Section Type Constant

Fore Section ROD(1)

Choose Material (Material)

[Date] 25
Materials Polycarbonate

OK all dialog boxes

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Update the display
Redisplay the mesh and polygon geometry for the front and back panels.

Simulation Navigator

Polygon Body (2) (select)

Polygon Body (3) (select)

3d_mesh(2) (select)

3d_mesh(3) (select)

[Date] 27
Make the Simulation file the work part

Simulation Navigator

Simulation File View


Make Work Part

[Date] 28
Solve the model

Simulation Navigator

Solution 1


Wait for the job to finish and for the command window to close.

the Information window

Cancel Analysis Job Monitor dialog box

Close Solution Monitor dialog box

[Date] 29
View the results

Simulation Navigator


Post Processing Navigator

Now the first 7 modes listed in the Post Processing Navigator have extremely low frequencies and are recognized to be rigid body
modes. An extra rigid body mode has arisen because the beam is free to rotate about its own axis. This occurs because:

Nodes defining beam elements have translational and rotational DOF.

Nodes defining tetrahedral elements have only translational DOF.
By attaching both ends of the beam to the tetrahedral mesh, two rigid body rotations of the beam are coupled to the tetrahedral
mesh. However, rigid body rotation of the beam about its own axis remains uncoupled, which produces the extra rigid body mode.

Mode 8 (expand)

Displacement Nodal (expand)

[Date] 30

The addition of the brace has caused the natural frequency of the fundamental flexible mode to increase from about 133 Hz to
about 184 Hz.

[Date] 31
Animate the mode shape
You can animate the mode shape plotted in the previous step as follows.

Animation (Post-Processing toolbar)

Style Modal

Number of Frames 15


Synchronized 100
Frame Delay



[Date] 32
It is apparent that adding the brace has also altered the mode shape of the fundamental flexible mode.

Stop (Post-Processing toolbar)

Return to Model (Layout Manager toolbar)

File Close All Parts

You completed the activity.

[Date] 33
7.2.11 Review

The rigid body modes will be the six modes having the lowest natural frequencies.

The rigid body modes will typically have very low natural frequencies compared to those of the flexible body modes.

Show feedback
An unconstrained model can have more than six rigid body modes.
Click Exit the course below.

[Date] 34

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