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Language Training For Mining Engineers

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Language training for mining engineers: teaching, learning, assessment

S. Kostrytska, O. Shvets
National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

ABSTRACT: Effective ways of teaching English for Specific Purposes for mining students are described. Entry and target levels of
English language proficiency for engineers are given. Innovative approaches to teaching mining engineers with the emphasis on case study
method and project work are highlighted. Requirements for ESP materials and tasks are given. It is shown that evaluation and assessment
help students become active participants of the study process. The importance of Language Portfolio in stimulating motivation and
encouraging lifelong learning is pointed out.


More and more international opportunities for a professional engineering career are opening up in the flexible modern world, which is
characterized by the intensive development of science and technology and considerable expansion of business and cultural ties with
scientists and businesspeople. The need to use foreign languages especially English as an international one has risen. To meet the needs of
language learners, it is necessary to apply more effective methods to teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes courses, which
practical aim is to prepare students to communicate effectively in their academic and professional environments by developing their
general and professionally oriented communicative language competences (ESP Curriculum 2005).
ESP learners and teachers now understand the importance of language learning for effective communication. To better help students
learn to communicate in a language, teaching methods, materials and learning activities are created to provide students with opportunities
to interact.
Communicative language teaching is based on the fact that people learn languages by interacting. Therefore, ESP Curriculum guidelines
are focused on communicative teaching.
Making mining students effective learners, ESP teachers implementing new strategies for using assessment as an instructional device
recognize the ability of students to take control of their own success and accept responsibility for their own learning. These empowering
feelings will inspire and motivate students toward greater achievement.


Entering the European space Ukraine is expected to follow the European standards in language proficiency. The exit level of proficiency
for Bachelors is B2 (Independent User), which should be assessed at the end of the course using the B2 level descriptors given in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (CEF 2001). B2 level descriptors that determine students learning
outcomes are already translated into subject-related skills (Descriptors of Professional Language Proficiency) (ESP Curriculum 2005).
Communicative language competences, in particular, rely on students ability to learn which mobilises existential competence, declarative
knowledge and skills, and draws on various types of competence (CEF 2001). With its regard, students develop their study skills and their
acceptance of responsibility for their own learning.
Based on professional and academic skills the course helps our students match national qualification levels of achievement, i.e.
Education and Qualification Standards which describe the targets students should be able to reach. The content of the ESP course is
determined by those communicative needs which are required for the learners purposes.
In order to achieve the learning outcomes at this level derived from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEF 2001), rather than developing a course around an analysis of the language, we start instead with an analysis of the learners needs.
For the identification of our students fairly specific needs, we proceed by first identifying the target situation and then carrying out a
detailed analysis of the linguistic features of that situation (Hutchinson & Waters 1986).
At the Department of Foreign Languages of the National Mining University we use OUP Quick Placement Test when placing students
into an appropriate level/group before the course starts. It is a flexible test of English language proficiency, quick and easy to administer.
The entry level of mining students ranges from A1 to B2. Table 1 shows that the majority of students have A1 and A2 levels of language

Common reference levels

Fields of specialization
A1 A2 B1 B2
Business and Economics 35.5% 43.3% 18.7% 2.5%
Engineering (Mining) 42.5% 41.8% 13.4% 2.3%
Law 45.5% 42.1% 11.9% 0.5%

Table 1. The entry level in language proficiency of Ukrainian university students

The data indicate that mining students need better and more effective ways of learning foreign languages and their teachers need to
employ more effective teaching methods. The most significant change that has been taking place in the university language classroom is the
shift from traditional teacher-fronted models of learning to learner-centred ones. In the latter model the learner is central to the learning
process and cooperates rather than competes with the other learners.
Academic mobility Bachelors qualification level presupposes that by the end of the course mining students will be able to read with a
large degree of independence, adapting strategy to a range of study and specialism-related texts, communicate within academic or
professional environment with a degree of fluency and spontaneity, follow the essentials of talks, lectures, reports, presentations,
discussions on study and specialism-related topics, convey detailed study and specialism-related information in writing, drawing on a
range of sources etc.
According to the objectives for B2 level (ESP Curriculum 2005), the study skills which will be developed throughout the ESP course are
grouped into the following categories: information location, academic speaking, academic writing, organisation and self-awareness, and
The focus on developing students study skills reflects the values of the Bologna Process with its emphasis on individual responsibility
for learning (Bologna1999).
The checklist of study skills from the CEF [3] was given to students:
1. I can identify my own needs and goals in language learning.
2. I can plan my own learning.
3. I can reflect on my own learning.
4. I can be aware of my own strengths and weaknesses as a learner.
5. I can organise my own strategies in order to activate skills and maximise effectiveness.
6. I can search for appropriate learning materials and use them for independent learning.
7. I can co-operate effectively in pair and group work.
8. I can monitor and evaluate my own progress that helps me to watch the changes in my progress and learn to correct myself.
9. I can take responsibility for my own progress and work independently.
Being focused on very useful practical objectives, students can improve their study skills both in ESP instructional settings and during
self-study in which a learner works alone or with other learners without the control of a teacher. Learners can make choices about what to
learn, what strategies to use and the amount of time to spend on a learning task. They can take charge of their own learning progress. Study
skills in the study situations in which they are likely to be needed are given as a list of abilities, techniques, and strategies which are used
when reading, writing or listening for study purposes (Jordan 1997).
The students need to master a number of study skills and strategies. As the data from research findings show, the majority of ESP
learners need English to have access to information via the Internet, to use e-communication, to extract information from the specialist
literature and to exchange scientific and technical information (ESP 2004).
They learn how to use the library resources as an aid to learning, for example, as a resource for independent research projects; how to
read with the greatest efficiency and the least wasted time and energy.


Effective ESP course can focus on improving students linguistic skills. We identify productive (oral and written) and receptive (auditory
and reading) performance. All those four primary modes of performance are seen as integrated language skills.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum for Universities highlights the necessity of an integrated approach to the teaching of the
primary language skills. The process of integrating language skills to reflect and match real-life use involves linking them together in such
a way that what has been learned and practiced through one skill is reinforced and extended through further language activities which
bring one or more of the other skills into use (Byrne 1984). Though listed as separate core objectives for Bachelors language proficiency
level B2, they are seen as integration of skills incorporating professional communicative competence developed with the performance of
academic and job-related tasks.
In practice, a module that deals with the reading skills will also deal with related listening, speaking and writing skills. Taking a whole
language approach which seeks to focus on language in its entirety rather than breaking it down into separate components, it might include
pre-reading discussions, listening to a series of informative statements or a lecture, a focus on a certain reading strategy (e.g., scanning),
writing a paraphrase of a section of a reading passage, i.e. extensive use of the four skills in an academic setting.
Instead of telling students about how language works, teachers give students opportunities to use language. Student-centered experiential
techniques would include simulations, role plays, research projects, hands-on projects, i.e. a variety of highly motivating task-based and
communicative activities so that skills are learnt effectively in an integrated manner.
Besides using an integrated approach for developing macro-skills (reading, listening, spoken interaction, spoken production, and
writing), the following ones are also applied:
- skills-based approach where students acquire such skills as generic job-related skills (writing e-mails, CV, letters; giving presentations;
socializing etc.), reflection, self-study, self-assessment and self-evaluation;
- communicative approach to teaching/learning a language in order to realise the practical aim of the curriculum, i.e. to facilitate students
to use the language in various academic, social and professional contexts.
- learner-centred approach where students have a more active and responsible role, and in which they often need to work together to
complete a task;
- task-based approach: role plays, simulations, case studies, projects and oral presentations are to be involved.
In this way students in engineering acquire knowledge and skills needed both for their successful studies at the universities and for future
target situation, long term goals. It allows for the complete integration of language skills.
Case study which is considered to be an ideal method of inducting students into their professional world improves students motivation
to learn a language, develops responsibility, problem-solving skills as well as all the language skills. Cases reflect typical real life
situations which mining students will have to encounter with in their professional activity. Teaching through the case studies supported
with the language related exercises and follow-up activities enhances both linguistic and cross-cultural awareness of the learners.
There are some advantages of the case study method that make it effective and, consequently, commonly used in teaching English for
specific purposes:
- active student involvement;
- high degree of interaction among students;
- use of authentic materials (manuals, specifications, instructions, business letters, technical journals, etc.) improves the reading
comprehension and intensifies the relationship to the students job;
- each student is an individual and they work in their own manner.
Project work is also increasingly used nowadays to promote meaningful student engagement with language and content learning.
Projects can be successfully integrated into a skills-based thematic unit, or introduced into a special sequence of activities in a more
traditional classroom.
The general objectives of the project are to:
- provide intrinsically motivating activities;
- allow learners to take responsibility for their own language education;
- enhance the learners presentation skills;
- provide opportunities to work in small groups.
Project work centres around the completion of a task. It usually requires an extended amount of independent work. Much of this work
takes place outside the classroom. Being involved in the project work students go through the following stages. Everything starts with a
classroom planning, initial discussion of the idea, definition of the project objective, creating general outline. After the discussion of the
content, scope of the project and the needs basic research around the topic is done. While carrying out the project to complete the tasks
planned students collect information, design a questionnaire which will be used to investigate the opinions of a specific target group.
Following this, the learners must go beyond the boundaries of the classroom and administer their questionnaire to the target group, conduct
interviews, organize the material. Then comes reviewing and monitoring. The teams have discussions and feedback sessions. They assess
and evaluate the work done.
Project work promotes collaborative learning. Classrooms are organized so that students work together in small co-operative teams.
Taking into account the low level of language proficiency of some of the students, it is less threatening to them. Besides, such an approach
enhances students learning in the sense of increasing the amount of their participation.
They work together to produce a product, but the value of such work lies not just in the final product but in the process of working on it.
The final product (an oral presentation, a poster presentation, a bulletin board display, a written paper, a report) is shared with others,
giving the project a real purpose.
Project work is student-centred, though the teacher plays a major role in offering support and guidance throughout the process. When
organized in the way described project work places responsibility for learning on the students themselves. They take control of what and
how they learn.
The language is used for authentic communicative purposes. Real-world subject matter and topics of professional interest to students
become central to projects. Much language use occurs in a communicative context. By encouraging students to move out of the university
classroom and into the world of work, project work helps to bridge the gap between the language study and language use.
Participants of a project are engaged in interaction, production, reception or mediation, or a combination of two or more of these. They
interact with an interviewee and complete a form, read a report and discuss it with peers in order to arrive at a decision on a course of
action, etc. Such work leads to the authentic integration of skills and processing of information from various sources, mirroring real-life
tasks which students will encounter in their future jobs.
Learners are actively involved in using communication strategies, such as clarification, confirmation, comprehension checks, requests,
repairing, reacting, and turn-taking (Kostrytska 2010).
Curriculum and syllabus design should involve a never-ending process of making adjustments aimed at enhancing the projects
pedagogical usefulness to learners.
The effectiveness of the learning process depends a lot on students contribution to it and their responsibility for the outcome. The ability
to take charge of ones learning is defined as autonomy which means that the learner has the responsibility for all the decisions concerning
their learning. Autonomy and responsibility require active involvement, and they are very much interrelated. Autonomous learners
understand the purpose of their learning programme, explicitly accept responsibility for their learning, share in the setting of learning
goals, take initiatives in planning and executing learning activities, and regularly review their learning and evaluate its effectiveness
(Holec 1981).
Autonomous learning is a natural, common-sense approach to ESP learners who have different needs. Thinking about learning how to
learn, we have been concerned with encouraging ESP learners:
- to work out their objectives;
- to think through a range of strategies they need;
- to plan their learning;
- to give a time scale to it;
- to select materials to meet their objectives;
- to undertake self-assessment, etc.
The main reason for advocating learner autonomy is that students need to be able to continue their ESP learning without ESP teachers
after finishing the course. Movement towards autonomous learning requires awareness raising and learner training (Jordan 1997).The
properly trained autonomous learners can understand the aims and purposes of learning, they can make them their own and work on them.
They see the importance of being concerned about what they are trying to do. The learners of this kind are aware of the teachers
objectives. Besides, they are able to formulate their own objectives which can either coincide with the teachers or be additional to what
the ESP teacher is doing.
Effective autonomous learners can select and implement appropriate learning strategies. They can monitor their own use of learning
strategies, are able to identify strategies that are not working for them, that are not appropriate, and use other strategies.
Engineering students, for instance, choose learning strategies that are more analytic than those selected by humanities students (Oxford


Broadly, materials are defined as any systematic description of the techniques and exercises to be used for learning/teaching the
language (Brown 1995).
According to Huthchinson and Waters (1986), there are three possible ways of turning your course design into actual teaching materials:
materials evaluation, materials development, materials adaptation. Materials can be adopted, developed, or adapted, or some combination
of the three. The choice of overall strategy will depend on the programmes overall orientation.
The learning materials could be a good motivating factor. The coursebook for mining engineers English for Study and Work (2010) is
designed to meet the needs of ESP students majoring in mining and to help students to achieve target B2 language proficiency level as
required for Bachelor Degree. Each unit of the coursebook module starts with the objectives and expected outcomes. Part II Resources
for Self-study is aimed at independent and autonomous learning of general and professionally-oriented English and developing
communicative language competences. It is a pack of resources to be used by students individually during their self-study. As self-study is
an integral part of the ESP course and takes 30-60 per cent of overall students load, the main aim of this part of the coursebook is to
develop students study skills, enhance their job-related skills developed in the class, as well as cognitive skills and learning strategies,
including self-organisation. Each section starts with the expected outcomes, i.e. what students should be able to do by the end of the
section and finishes with Self-assessment section with the help of which students can check their progress by using the key answers to the
end-of-module test. The key answers are accompanied with the explanations and can be seen as an additional input. The tasks and
activities relate to the course content and students' interests and experiences and are aimed to develop a whole range of competences
language skills and language knowledge, communicative, socio-linguistic, pragmatic, socio-cultural competences and study skills.
Students will learn and change if the tasks are meaningful, relevant, motivating, challenging, have a clear purpose and clear instructions,
meet students needs, make them think and share their opinions and own experiences, and allow to develop their confidence and fluency.
Besides using the teacher-generated materials or already existing in textbooks, students working in groups can produce those for the
whole class to use. Each group can do a different task. The task of the teacher is to help groups with advice and guidance in the preparation
of the exercises. Student-based materials foster group cohesion and a spirit of group solidarity. Relevant ESP teacher/learner materials
should provide a systematic means for independent self-study.
Effective materials offer a clear, systematic, coherent and flexible enough unit structure to allow for creativity and variety. Variety is
essential to practice a number of micro-skills; to introduce a range of activity types; and to vary the type of interaction taking place during
the class.
The tasks that reflect the students specialist world should be meaningful, relevant, motivating, challenging, have a clear purpose and
clear instructions, meet students needs, make them think and share their opinions and own experiences, and allow to develop their
confidence and fluency.


In order to assess and improve student learning ESP teachers need to select the right assessment tools. Traditional tests are frequently
used as summative evaluation to grade students. They are an effective way to define the goals of the course. Students concentrate on
learning whatever they think will be on the test. Tests are not often used to provide feedback to both students and teachers on whether
learning goals are being met. Formative mid-course/module feedback at the classroom level, repeated at regular intervals, helps both
learners and teachers clarify their goals and assess progress towards those goals. There is still time to make changes based on the feedback.
Assessment is an integral part of learning. Communicative competence can be tested both on the receptive level and on the production
level. Nowadays, modern tests include tasks that assess the four primary language skills in an integrated way. It is considered to be one of
the most valid ways to test language proficiency.
Ability to monitor the students own learning progress can be effectively developed through the use of Language Portfolio for
Professional Communication which is a learning as well as assessment tool. Students are involved in deciding what to include in the
portfolio. They may revise material in the portfolio after feedback from the teacher or peers. They reflect on the work in the portfolio, thus
becoming aware of personal development. Language portfolio not only helps students develop their capacity for reflection, it enhances
learning to learn and promotes the development of critical thinking skills (Curriculum, 2005). Thanks to a purposeful collection of work
there is evidence of mastery of language. Records prepared by students of their learning experiences and describing what activities they
have done and the progress they have made help them become more involved in and responsible for their own learning. They help them
develop their language learning strategies.
Monitoring their own learning (being involved in self-assessment) is a very important characteristic. Effective autonomous learners are
consciously involved with assessment and recognize its importance. They might make a more detailed analysis of successes and failures
than other learners. Autonomy is the case when the learner is much more in control of his or her learning (Dickinson 1997). One aspect of
this control is the area of assessment. The students are invited to assess themselves. They may submit their self-assessed grade with the
assignment. In case the grades of the student and the teacher are different, the negotiating criteria may be used.
The success in learning depends a lot on how motivated the students are during the study process and how many hours they are willing to
spend daily on the learning materials. In order to stimulate student motivation and involvement to become better language learners and
encourage them to become language learners for life, the teacher uses self-assessment grids included into the Language Portfolio.
Below is an extract of a sample of a B2 (Vantage) self-assessment checklist of language skills for professional needs for spoken
- I can take an active part in conversations and discussions on most general topics in my academic or professional context.
- I can make my ideas and opinions on academic and specialism-related topics clearly understood by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments convincingly in both formal and informal discussion.
- I can pass on detailed study and specialism-related information reliably, synthesizing and reporting it from a number of sources.
- I can understand detailed professional instructions well and respond adequately (CEF 2001).
Students assess their language achievement and set personal learning goals. It helps students make the language learning process more
transparent, reflect on and assess their progress to identify problems, emphasize achievements and motivate.
Regular goal setting and self-assessment are central to the LP. A language passport requires learners to assess their own proficiency
using the scales and descriptors derived from the Common European Framework; and a dossier, in which the owner collects evidence of
his or her developing proficiency in a foreign language. This emphasis on self-assessment coincides with the Council of Europes concern
to promote autonomous lifelong learning. The introduction of self-assessment can lead to an open dialogue with students and give them a
better understanding of students problems.
The language portfolio enhances learning to learn and promotes the development of critical thinking skills as it is the basis for efficient
and autonomous lifelong learning of languages after school (ESP Curriculum 2005).
In the ESP course students learn how to understand assessment requirements. It helps them to be involved into designing the criteria for
assessing themselves. Their decisions then are used as the criteria for self-assessment. Students also evaluate the process of learning and
reflect on what is happening. Each aspect of the module and course design is evaluated: the aims, objectives and outcomes of the
module/course, the content of the module/course, the materials, and the methods.
To incorporate the integrated-skills approach in assessing communicative competence, it is necessary to keep in mind that items to test
communicative competence should be closely related to real-life situations, for instance academic course topics or campus situation topics.
Both achievement and proficiency tests are designed to measure the degree of mastery in the production skills (speaking and writing) and
the level of proficiency in the comprehension skills (listening and reading).
The tasks often require test takers to combine more than one skill. For example, the integrated tasks ask test takers to read, listen, and
then speak in response to a question. Another example can be listening and then speaking in response to a question. It can also be reading,
listening, and then writing in response to a question. The test takers may be required to type/write a response to material they have heard
and read.
To measure communicative language skills, the listening-reading comprehension test is used much more often than any other
combination: listening-speaking, reading-speaking, listening-writing, reading-writing (Finnochiaro, M. and S. Sako 1983). In the listening-
reading comprehension tests, the aim is to measure not only the students ability to comprehend the meaning of the orally presented
material, but also the ability to understand the meaning of the responses presented in written form. In this respect, the listening-reading
comprehension test item differs from the item used for pure listening comprehension.
Evaluation is an important and integral part of any course design. Evaluation of the course helps the course designers, teachers and
students decide which parts of the course have been working successfully and which have not. Evaluation is also a judgement of the
success of the course as a whole (Moon 2001). The purposes of evaluation are:
- to recognise what is effective and what is ineffective;
- to improve what is ineffective;
- to improve, modify or to replan the course in order to make it effectively meet the students needs.
The purpose of the pre-evaluation or initial evaluation is to evaluate whether the aims, objectives and learning outcomes are matched
with students needs. Before the course begins, students write the entry test to modify the course to determine where they are and to suit
their needs. Their responses give the course designers and teachers the information that makes the course more effective in satisfying the
students needs. The entry test, student interviews, administrative consultation, and collection of materials and books, etc. are used at this
At the initial stage students input is vital. Therefore they are asked to comment on the following: I expect , I look forward to , I
hope for .
In the ESP course the needs analysis is of paramount importance because every individual student has their own specific purpose
(Jordan 1997). It implies that ESP practitioners and course designers are to take students needs and goals more seriously when planning
the course and tailor everything to their particular requirements. The information obtained from the students will help define and adjust the
module/course content according to the students expectations. Ongoing needs assessment and formative course evaluation overlap, since
they help to gauge students needs while the course is in progress so that it can be modified, as appropriate, to promote learning (Moon
2001). Evaluation during the course or formative evaluation gives information about the degree to which aims and learning outcomes are
being met in order to change ineffective aspects while teaching a separate module or the course. Graves (2000) defines the formative
evaluation as an ongoing, periodic evaluation of the individual units that assists the course team in modifying future units based on the
feedback that teachers receive from students, so that the remainder of the course is tailored to their needs and expectations. Formative
evaluation focuses on the process of teaching and learning (Rea-Dickins, P. and K. Germaine 1992). Its procedures look at a number of
features including meetings, self-reporting by students and staff, some observation of classes, informal conversations and group
It is natural for conscientious teachers to ask themselves whether a lesson (a module or a course) was successful. Formative self-
evaluation is needed as the basis for change and development. The following self-evaluation form can be used by teachers, which may help
them to reflect on the lessons, modules and courses they have just run.
1. What were the objectives of the lesson/module/course? Did I achieve them?
2. What did I like most? What is the evidence for it?
3. What do I need to improve?
4. What should I do next to improve?
The purpose of the end-of-course evaluation or summative evaluation is to give information about the degree to which course learning
outcomes have been met, to assess the achievement of the course and to provide the information for the redesign of the course. The
summative evaluation takes place immediately after the course has ended and later when students are into their undergraduate studies. The
summative evaluation provides the students with an overall view of progression of the course from beginning to end as perceived (Graves
The evaluation process provides:
1. Written reports, systematic classroom observations, and comments from the teaching staff.
2. Questionnaires, completed at the end of the module and the course. Students are asked to comment on the skills they felt they had
learnt, materials and methods used in the course.
3. Student observation and comments, collected informally and formally during the course.
4. End of course exams.
5. Feedback from teaching staff, collected during the course, at the end of each module and at the end of the course. An analysis of
student performance in the exam is also made.
The information the course designers obtain from both formative and summative evaluation will make the course more effective in
meeting students needs.
Alongside the teachers, the students are equally participated in the evaluation process that requires them to reflect on their learning. They
can bring some changes and innovations to make the module/course more effective in the future. The task of the ESP teacher is to
encourage students to be more active and involved in all the stages of the course evaluation in order to see what is important to students
and what is of little consequence. In their feedback they may write what they are doing and what they would like to be doing. The
information the students provide at the end of the module or the course will be used to determine the effectiveness of them and to decide
what should be changed the following year. They make comments on the following:
1. Things I greatly liked.
2. Questions I would like to ask.
3. Suggestions I would make to improve.
4. What was challenging.
Students can record and reflect on their language learning in the language portfolio. It helps them reflect their objectives, ways of
learning and success in language learning as well as plan their learning and learn autonomously. The pedagogic function of the language
portfolio is to make the language learning process more transparent to students, to help them develop their capacity for reflection and self-
assessment, and thus to enable them gradually to assume more responsibility for their own learning. The language portfolio enhances
learning to learn and promotes the development of critical thinking skills as it is the basis for efficient and autonomous life-long learning
of languages after school (ESP Curriculum 2005). Students will be able to continue working efficiently and usefully even when away from
their teacher and the classroom. That is why throughout the course they evaluate the process of learning and reflect on what is happening.
Eventually each aspect of the module and course design is evaluated:
- the aims, objectives and outcomes of the module/course (whether they are clearly stated, appropriate and achievable);
- the content of the module/course (whether it meets students needs, complete and focused enough, at the right level );
- the materials (whether they are engaging and relevant)
- the methods (whether the students are comfortable with their roles and the teachers roles)


University mining students need/have a desire to be able to communicate successfully in the English-speaking academic settings/other
academic instruction environments in English and develop career-related communication skills. The task of the teacher is to raise student
awareness about how they are learning and help them to find more effective ways of working, so that they can continue working efficiently
and usefully even when away from their teacher and the classroom.
Organisation and self-awareness are included in the study skills objectives of the ESP Core Curriculum to help students achieve B2 as
the standard of achievement for the Bachelors degree, the level recognizable within Europe in line with the levels identified in Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages. Study skills are incorporated into the learning objectives of the ESP Curriculum to
develop professional communicative competences of students thus becoming an integral part in teaching and learning a language. Study
skills are also professional transferable skills which can be used by students in learning other subjects as well as in many other different
contexts including their careers and personal lives. In order to continue working efficiently and usefully after graduating from university,
when there will be no teaching, students need to develop their study skills in order to be able to learn autonomously.
Methodology and content of the materials need to be sensitive to students previous learning experience. The use of project work and
case study in ESP stimulates students self-study. In ESP, project work is of great importance. Students can access the source material in
their own time, work through the material at their own pace, choosing topics to match their own interests. They can work on their own, in
pairs or small groups or as a class to complete a project sharing resources, ideas, and expertise along the way.
Materials provide a stimulus to learning. Good materials do not teach: they encourage to learn. They need to contain challenging and
interesting texts, enjoyable activities that stimulate the learners thinking capacities, offering opportunities for learners to use their previous
knowledge and skills, content which both learner and teacher can cope with. Materials provide models of correct models of language use.
We should always keep in mind that the materials that we produce aim at students better use of the language they have learned.
Assessment does not only determine students progress and achievement in acquiring skills and knowledge, it also enables staff to
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching.


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Brown, J.D. 1995. The Elements of Language Curriculum. A Systematic Approach to Program Development, Heinle and Heinle
Byrne, D. Integrating Skills in Johnson K. & K. Morrow. 1984. Communication in the Language Classroom, London: Longman.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. 2001. Council of Europe, Modern Languages
Division, Strasbourg.
Dickinson, L. 1997. Talking Shop: Aspects of Autonomous Learning in Hedge, T. and N. Whitney (ed.) Power Pedagogy and Practice.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Ukraine. A Baseline Study. 2005. Kyiv: Lenvit.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) National Curriculum for Universities. 2005. Kyiv: Lenvit.
English for Study and Work (A Coursebook for Mining Engineers). 2010. S. I. Kostrytska, I.I. Zuyenok, O.D. Shvets, N.V. Poperechna.
Finnochiaro, M. and S. Sako. 1983. Foreign Language Testing. A practical approach: Regents Publishing Company, Inc.
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