Serve at In: U.Ion Gazette Extraordinary, May
Serve at In: U.Ion Gazette Extraordinary, May
Serve at In: U.Ion Gazette Extraordinary, May
To consolidate and amend i:he laws in force in the
Union relating to the registration of deeds.
BE theIT Senate
ENACTED by the King's Most Excellent Majesty,
and the House of Assembly of the Union of
South Africa as follows :-
Deeds registries. 1. (I) There shall be deeds registries at Cape Town, King-
williamstown, Kimberley, Vryburg, Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria
and Bloemfontein, each to serve its respective area as defined
in the Second Schedule to this Act. The Rand townships
registration office at Johannesburg, shall also be a deeds
registry, but only in connection with the registration of docu-
ments relating to immovable property in any township in
the area served thereby as defined in the said Schedule.
(2) In every deeds registry in the Union existing at the
commencement of this Act there shall be carried out to com-
pletion as if this Act had not been passed all matters which
immediately prior to such commencement were pending in
that registry, and each registry mentioned in sub-section (1)
shall be a continuation of the deeds registry existing at the
commencement of this Act in the area served thereby.
(3) The Governor-General may from time to time, upon
the authority of resolutions passed by both Houses of Parlia-
ment, alter by proclamation in the Gazette any area defined in
the Second Schedule to this Act as the area served by any
deeds registry.
Appointment of 2. (1) Subject to the provisions of any law relating to the
registrar and public service, the Governor-General shall, in respect of each
assistant regiatrar deeds registry, appoint an officer to be styled the registrar of
of deeds. deeds, who shall be in charge o the deeds registry in respect
of which he has been appointed : Provided that the officer
in charge of the Rand townships registration office shall
continue to be styled the Rand townships registrar : Provided
further that the officer appointed as registrar o deeds in
respect of the deeds registry at Cape Town may in addition
be appointed as registrar of deeds in respect of either or both
of the deeds registries at Kimberley and Vryburg.
(2) The Governor-General may, subject to the provisions
of any law relating to the public service, appoint for each .
deeds registry one or more assistant registrars of deeds, or for
the Rand townships registration office, one or more assistant
Rand townships registrars who shall respectively have the
power, subject to regulations, to do any act or thing which
may lawfully be done under this Act or any other law by a
registrar of deeds, or by the Rand townships registrar, as the
case may be.
(3) Every person holding, at the commencement of this
Act, the office of registrar or assistant registrar of deeds or
Rand townships registrar, or assistant Rand townships regis-
t_rar, shall be deemed to have been appointed under this
(4) Every registrar appointed under or referred to in this
section is hereinafter referred to as the registrar.
(5) Each registrar shall hve a seal of office which shall be
affixed to all deeds executed or attested by him and to all
copies of deeds issued by h1m to serve in lieu of the original
Duties of 3. The registrar shall, subject to the provisions of this Act-
registrar. (a) take charge of and preserve all reoords which were
prior to the commencement o thi11 Act, or may be-
co~e aft~r such commenc.ement, records of any deeds
registry m respect of which he has been appointed ;
Regulations. 10. (1) The board established under sec~ion nine may make
regulations prescribing-
(a) the procedure to be followed by the said board m
carrying out its functions ;
(b) the fees of office (if any) to be charged in respect of
any act, matter or thing required or permitted to
be done in or in relation to a deeds registry, including
any report made to the court by the registrar in
connection. with any application or action to which
he is not a party ;
(c) the fees and charges of conveyancers and notaries
public in connection with the preparation, passing
and registration of deeds or other documents regis-
tered or filed or intended for registration or filing
in a deeds registry and the fees and charges of any
other legal practitioners in connection with the
preliminary work required for the purpose of any
such deed or other document and the fees and charges
in connection with the taxation of any such fees or
(d) the manner and form in which and the qualifications
of the person by whom any deed or other document
required or permitted to be lodged, registered or
filed in any deeds registry shall be prepared, lodged
executed, registered, filed or delivered ;
(e) the manner and form in which endorsements or
entries required by this Act or any other law to be
made on registered deeds or other documents or
in the registers shall be made thereon or therein ;
(f) the particular documents which, when produced in
a deeds registry, shall be attested or witnessed,
and the manner in which any such document shall
be attested or witnessed ;
(g) the divisions, districts or other areas within the area
served by any deeds registry, which shall be adopted
in numbering for the purposes of registration, the
farms or other pieces of land situate therein ;
(h) the method according to which farms or other pieces
of land in any such division, district or other area
shall be numbered ;
( i) the manner and form in which erven or portions of
erven in townships, locations or similar areas may
be registered ;
(j) the manner and form in which information which is
required by law to be furnished .to a registrar shall
be recorded in his deeds registry, the manner and form
in which information permitted by law to be furnished
by a registrar to the public shall be furnished and
the m!:',nner and form in which the identity of persons
shall be established;
(k) the conditions upon which conveyancers, surveyors
and other persons may conduct any search in a deed11
registry, and the precautions which shall be taken
to ensure preservation of the records from damage
by improper handling or otherwise ; -
(l) the transmission by any registrar of returns of deeds
of transfer, deeds of grant, and certificates of title
Pre3cribed ll. (1) The regulations board shall prescribe such personal,
regi"ters. property and other registers as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions of this Act.
(2) In addition to such registers as he may be required
by any other law to keep, each registrar shall as soon as may
be after the commencement of this Act, prepare, open and keep
the prescribed registers.
(3) .Any prescribed register in which any debts secured
by bond~ are entered shall be deemed to be a continuation
Temporary con- 12. Until such time as any prescribed register has been
tinuation of exist- prepared and opened each registrar shall continue to keep
ing registers.
the corresponding register in use in his registry immediately
prior to the commencement of this Act, and to make therein
the like entries as were customarily made therein prior to
such commencement.
General Provisions.
When registration 13. (1) Deeds executed or attested by a registrar shall be
takes place.
deemed to be registered upon the affixing of the registrar's
signature thereto : Provided that no such deed, which is one
of a batch of interdependent deeds, intended for registration
together, shall be deemed to be registered until all the deeds of
the batch have been signed by the registrar.
(2) If by inadvertence the registrar's signature has not been
affixed to a deed at the time at which the signature should
have been affixed in the ordinary course, the registrar may
affix his signature thereto when the omission is discovered,
and the deed shall thereupon be deemed to have been registered
at the time aforesaid.
(3) All endorsements or entries made on title deeds or in
registers in connection with the registration of any deed
executed or attested by a registrar shall be deemed to have
been effected simultaneously with the registration of such deed,
although in fact they may have been made subsequent thereto.
Deeds to follow 14. (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Act or in any
sequence of their other law or as directed by the court-
relative causes.
(a) transfers of land and cessions of real rights therein
shall follow the sequence of the successive trans-
actions in pursuance of which they are made, and if
made in pursuance of testamentary disposition or
intestate succession they shall follow the sequence
in which the right to ownership or other real right
in the land accrued to the persons successively becom-
ing vested with such right ;
(b) it shall not be lawful to depart from any such sequence
in recording in any deeds registry any change in the
ownership in such land or of such real right : Provided
(i) if the property has passed in terms of a will or
through intestate succession from a deceased
person to his descendants, and one or other of
these descendants has died a minor and intestate
and no executor has been appointed in his
estate, transfer or cession of the property which
has vested in that descendant may be passed
by the executor in the estate of the deceased
person direct to the heirs ab intestato of the
descendant ;
(ii) if the registrar is satisfied that the value of the
immovable property which has vested in any
heir or legatee in terms of a will or through
intestate succession would be equalled or exceeded
by the costs involved in transferring or ceding
it to the heir or legatee, and the heir or legatee
has sold the property, transfer or cession thereof
may, with the consent in writing of the heir or
legatee, be passed by the executor in the estate
of the deceased person direct to the purchaser ;
(iii) if in the administration of the estate of a deceased
person any redistribution of the immovable
property in such estate takes place among the
heirs of the deceased or between such heirs and
the surviving spouse, the executor or admini-
strator of such estate may transfer or cede the
property direct to the persons entitled thereto
in terms of such redistribution.
Transfer of Land.
Manner of dt>aling 18. (1) The ownership of unalienated Crown land may be
with Crown land. transferred from the Crown only by a deed of grant issued
under proper authority and, save as hereinafter provided,
having a diagram of the land annexed thereto.
(2) The ownership of land alienated from and reacquired
by the Crown may be transferred from the Crown either by
deed of grant or by deed of transfer issued or executed, as the
case may be, under proper authority, but in either case the
deed of grant or transfer shall contain a reference to the title
deed by which the Crown held the land and to the title deed
to which the diagram of the land is annexed and shall set
forth the conditions upon which the land is alienated and
the rights to the land reserved by the Crown on this alienation.
Requisites where 27. (1) If the share or shares owned by any of the parties
share in land to a partition is mortgaged, the partition transfers shall not
partitioned is be attested unless the bond is produced to the registrar together
mortgaged. with the written consent of the legal h'lder of the bond, to the
Requisites where 28. (1) If the share or shares owned by any of the parties to
share in land par- a partition appear from the title deeds of the land partitioned
titioned is subject to be subject to a lease, personal servitude or other real right,
to other rights.
the written consent of the holder thereof, together with the deed,
if any, by which the lease, servitude or real right is held, shall
be produceu to the registrar.
(2) The land described in the deeds of partition transfer
shall be made subject to the lease, servitude or real right
to the same extent as the share or shares for which it is sub-
stituted, and the deed, if any, by which the lease, servitude
or real right is held, shall be endorsed by the registrar in the
same manner as the bond mentioned in section twenty-seven.
(3) If there exists any bond by which the lease, servitude
or real right is itself mortgaged, that bond shall also be produced
to the registrar, together with the written consent of the
legal holder thereof, and the registrar shall make the endorse-
ments and entries mentioned in section twenty-seven on the
bond, the deeds concerned and in the registers.
Transfer of expro 31. (1) Whenever any land has, under the authority of any
priated land byor law, been expropriated by, and whenever the ownership of
land vested
statute. any land has by statute been vested in, the State, any public
or local authority or any corporate body or any association
of persons, the registrar shall, upon lodgment with him of a
deed of transfer in the prescribed form prepared by a con-
veyancer in favour of the transferee, execute the same, and if
the land is hypothecated, he shall note the fact of such transfer
against the entry of the bond in the register in which such
entry has been made : Provided that no such transfer shall
Registration of 32. (1) Whenever any right of servitude over any land
expropriated ser has under the authority of any law been expropriated by, or
vitudes or servi- has by statute been vested in the State, any public or local
tudes vested by
statute. authority or any corporate body or any association of persons,
the owner of the land shall on demand of the holder of such
right sign or authorize the signature of a notarial deed evi-
dencing such servitude and hand over to such holder the title
deeds of the land.
(2) If the owner of the land fails to comply with the pro-
visions of sub-section (1), the holder of the right of servitude
may apply to the court for an order directing the owner to
sign or authorize the signature of the notarial deed and to
hand over the title deeds, and authorizing some person on
failure of the owner to comply with such order, to appear
before a notary public and execute the said deed in the place .
of the owner, and authorizing the registrar to register the said
deed without the production of the title deeds.
(3) On production of the prescribed number of copies of
the said deed duly executed and of the title deeds or of the
order of court authorizing registration of such deed without
production of the title deeds, the registrar shall register the
deed, and if the land is hypo theca ted, shall note the fact of
such registration against the entry of the bond in the register
in which such entry has been made : Provided that no such
registration shall prejudice any claim to compensation which
any owner or other person may have in respect of the expro-
priation or vesting of such servitude.
(4) The registrar shall not register the said deed unless he
is satisfied that any notice prescribed by or under any law in
connection with the expropriation of such servitude, has been
duly served upon the person entitled to such notice, and may
call for such diagrams as he may think necessary.
Registration of 33. (1) Any person who has acquired in any manner, other
title by. other than than by prescription or expropriation, the right to the owner-
t~c~~dmary ship of immovable property registered in the name of any other
P ure. person and who is unable to procure registration thereof in
his name in the usual manner and according to the sequence
of the successive transactions or successions in pursuance of
which the right to the ownership of such property has devolved
upon him, may, in lieu of applying to the court, apply in writing
to the commission constituted in terms of this section for the
province in which such property is situate, for an order author-
izing the registration in his name of such property.
(2) (a) The commission referred to in sub-section (1) shall
(i) in the province of the Transvaal, of the registrar
of deeds, the registrar of mining titles, and the
surveyor-general ;
(ii) in the province of the Cape of Good Hope, of
the registrar of deeds at Cape Town, the surveyor-
general, and the Master of the Supreme Court ;
Certificate of 34. (1) Any person who is the joint owner of a piece of
registered title of land the whole of or shares in which is or are held by such
undivided share.
person and others under one title deed, may, subject to the
provisions of section thirty-seven, obtain a certificate of registered
title of his undivided share in such land, and no transfer of
a fraction only of his undivided share or hypothecation or
lease of the whole or any fraction of his undivided share in
the land shall be registered in a deeds registry unless a certificate
of registered title of such undivided share is produced to the
registrar: Provided that all the joint owners so holding under
one title deed may together transfer an undivided share in
the land or a fraction of the share held under such deed or
hypothecate or effect the registration of a lease of the whole
of such land or share without the production of such a certificate.
(2) If the title deed under which land or shares therein is
held in joint ownership is lost or destroyed any joint owner may,
upon compliance with the prescribed requirements, obtain
a certificate of registered title in respect of his share in the land
without obtaining a certified copy of the deed which has been
lost or destroyed.
(3) The provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall apply
also where two or more pieces of land or shares therein are
held in joint ownership by the same title deed: Provided that
all the pieces of land or the shares therein shall be included
in the certificate of registered title and shall be described in
separate paragraphs.
Certificate of 35. Any person who is, by virtue of more than one title
registered title of deed, the owner of undivided shares in one or more than one
aggregate share. piece of land may, subject to the provisions of section thirty-
seven, obtain a certificate of registered title in respect of his
aggregate share in the land: Provided that if there are two
or more pieces of land the several pieces of land or shares
therein shall be described in separate paragraphs.
Certificate of 36. Any person who holds two or more pieces of land, or
registered title undivided shares therein, by one title deed may, subject to
of one or more the provisions of section thirty-seven, obtain a certificate of
properties held
tmder one deed. registered title in respect of one or more of such pieces of
land or of the undivided share or shares held by him therein:
Provided that at least one of the pieces of land or the share
therein held by such deed remains held thereby.
Certificate of 38. (1) If the title deed of any land has been lost or destroyed
registered title and the registry duplicate of such title deed has also been lost
taking place of or destroyed, the registrar shall, on written application by
lost or destroyed the owner of the land, accompanied by a diagram of the land,
if no diagram thereof is filed in the registry or in the office
of the surveyor-general concerned, execute a certificate of
registered title in respect of such land in accordance with the
diagram of the land.
(2) Before issuing the certificate the registrar shall, at the
expense of the applicant, publish in the prescribed form notice
of intention to issue the certificate in two consecutive ordinary
issues of the Gazette and in two consecutive issues of a newspaper
printed in the division, district or county in which the land
is situate, or if there is no such newspaper theninanynewspaper
circulating in such division, district or county.
(3) A draft of the proposed certificate and a copy of the
diagram, if any, accompanying the application, shall be
open for inspection in the registry free of charge by any
interested person, for a period of six weeks after the date of
the first publication of the notice in the Gazette, .during which
period any person interested may object to the issue of the certi-
(4) Any person who has lodged with the registrar an
objection to the issue of the certificate may, in default of any
arrangement between him and the applicant, apply to the court
within one month after the last day upon which an objection
may be lodged, for an order prohibiting the registrar from
issuing the certificate, and the court may make such order
on the application as it may deem fit.
(5) A certificate of registered title issued under this section
shall be as nearly as practicable in the prescribed form and shall
take the place of the lost or destroyed title deed and shall
embody or refer to every condition, servitude, bond, lease or
other encumbrance which according to the records of the registry
was embodied or referred to in the lost or destroyed title deed
or in any endorsement thereon.
Certificate of 39. (1) If by reason of an error the same land has been
registered title registered in the names of different persons, the registrar may,
to correct error upon transfer of the land being given to one of them by
in registration. the other or others, issue to the person to whom transfer is so
given a certificate of registered title of the land held by him
under the various title deeds.
(2) The provisions of section thirty-seven shall mutatis
mutandis apply in respect of the issue of such certificate.
Ce:tificate of con 40. (1) If a diagram has been framed and approved under
so!Idadtedd '?r f the provisions of section forty-one of the Land Survey Act,
two t1tlepieces
o 1927, an d sue h d'1agram represents two or more p1eces
of 1an d
of land. which are-
(a) contiguous to each other;
(b) owned by the same person or by two or more persons
in the same undivided shares in each such piece of
Transfer of town- 47. The owner of land in respect of which a register has been
ship or portion opened under section forty-six may transfer, by one deed, the
whole or any portion of such land or a share in the whole
of such land: Provided that-
(a) if a portion only of the land is sought to be trans-
(i) the transfer shall be passed in accordance with
a diagram (to be annexed to such deed) from
which shall be excluded all erven on the land
represented thereon which have already been
transferred, and on which the total area of such
transferred erven shall be indicated;
(ii) the boundaries of such portion shall coincide with
one or more of the lines of division shown on the
general plan and shall not intersect any of the
erven shown thereon ;
(b) if the remainder of the land is sought to be trans-
ferred there shall be produced to the registrar a
certificate of remainder signed by the surveyor-
general ; and
(c) the deed of transfer shall disclose that the land con-
veyed thereby has been laid out as a township or is a
portion of land so laid out, that such land remains
subject to the provisions of the law relating to town-
ships, and, if any public place or portion thereof in
such township forms part of the land transferred,
that the rights of owners of erven and of other persons
to such public place are not affected by such transfer.
Special prov1s1ons 48. If any land situate in the area served by the Rand town-
affecting mort- ships registration office at Johannesburg has been sub-divided
gaged land in
Rand townships into lots or erven shown on a general plan, which has, in terms
registration area. of section forty-six been furnished to the Rand townships
registrar, and if that land is mortgaged together with other
land registered in the deeds registry at Pretoria but not in the
Rand townships registration office, every transaction affecting
the bond shall be registered in both the deeds registry at
Pretoria and the Rand townships registration office.
Special provisions 49. (1) If any area of land in the province of the Transvaal
regarding town-
ships in the
constitutes by reason of its situation a portion of an existing
Transvaal. township, the Administrator may, by proclamation in the
official Gazette of that Province, extend the boundaries of that
ccx1vi UNION GAZET'rE EX'rRAORDlNARY, 26TH :MAY, 1937.
General Provisions.
Requirements in 51. (1) Except where passed, in Natal or the Orange Free
case of bonds State, on the authority of a power of attorney granted prior
intended to secure to the commencement of the Deeds Registries Act, 1918,
future debts.
or in the Transvaal on the authority of a power of attorney
granted prior to the commencement of the Registration
of Deeds and Titles Act, 1909 (Act No. 25 of 1909)
of the Transvaal, which power of attorney has in either
case been duly registered in terms of sub-section (2)
of section fifty of the first-mentioned Act, no bond attested
or registered after the commencement of this Act shall be
of any force or effect for the purpose of giving preference
or priority in respect of any debt incurred after the registration
of the bond, unless-
(a) it is expressly stipulated in the bond that the
bond is intended to secure future debts generally or
some particular future debt described therein ; and
(b) a sum is fixed in the bond as an amount beyond which
future debts shall not be secured by the bond.
(2) If a bond purports to secure payment by the mortgagor
of the costs of preserving and realising the security or of fire
insurance premiums, cost of notice or bank exchange, such
costs and charges shall not be deemed to be future debts within
the meaning of sub-section (1).
Cession of bond 52. No cession of any bond intended to secure future debts
securing future shall be registered unless the amount already due in respect
debts. thereof is disclosed in the cession. On registration of such
cession the bond shall be deemed to be a bond securing an
existing debt of the amount so disclosed and shall be endorsed
Exclusion of 53. (1) Save as provided in any other law the reg1strar
general clause in shall not attest any mortgage bond which purports to bind
mortgage bonds. movable property or which contains the clause, commonly
known as the general clause, purporting to bind generally all
the immovable or movable property of the debtor or both
and shall not register any notarial bond which purports to bind
immovable property.
(2) No mortgage bond shall be passed by two or more
mortgagors unless it purports to bind immovable property of
each morigagor.
Rights of Mortgagees.
Transfer of 56. (1) No transfer of mortgaged land shall be attested or
hypothecated executed by the registrar, and no cession of a mortgaged
property. lease of immovable property, or of any mortgaged real right
in land, shall be registered until the bond has been cancelled
or the land, lease, or right has been released from the opera-
tion of the bond with the consent in writing of the holder
thereof: Provided that no such cancellation or release shall be
necessary if the transfer or cession is made-
(a) in execution of the judgment of any court by the
competent officer ; or
(b) by the trustee of an insolvent estate, an executor
administering and distributing an estate under
sub-section (3) of section forty-eight of the Adminis-
tration of Estates Act, 1913, the liquidator of a
company which is unable to pay its debts and which
is being wound up by or under the supervision of the
court or a liquidator or trustee elected or appointed
under the Farmers' Assistance Act, 1935; or
(c) in any other circumstances in this Act or in any other
law specially provided or as ordered by the court.
(2) A consent to the release from the operation of a bond
of all the property mortgaged thereunder shall, except where
the debt secured by such bond is further secured by a col-
lateral bond, be deemed to be a consent to the cancellation
of that bond.
Substitu~ion of 57. (1) If the owner (in this section referred to as the
debtor m respect transferor) of land which is hypothecated under a registered
of a bond. mortgage b ond (no t b emg
a person re f erre d to m
paragrap h
(b) of sub-section (1) of section fifty-six) has agreed to transfer
to another person the whole of the land hypothecated there-
under, and has not reserved any real right in such land, the
registrar may, notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section
(1) of the said section, register the transfer and substitute the
transferee for the transferor as debtor in respect of the bond :
Provided that there is produced to him, in duplicate, the
written consent in the prescribed form of the holder of the
bond and the transferee to the substitution of the transferee
for the transferor as the debtor in respect of the bond.
(2) In registering the transfer the registrar shall-
(a) make, in the appropriate register in the prescribed
(i) an entry setting forth that the debt of the trans-
feror secured by the bond is cancelled ; and
(ii) an entry setting forth that the transferee has
become the debtor in respect of the bond ;
(b) annex one duplicate of the written consent referred to
in sub-section (1) to the bond and file the other with
the registry duplicate thereof ;
(c) endorse upon the bond in the prescribed form-
(i) the name of the transferee ;
(ii) the date and number of the transfer;
(iii) a reference to the said written consent; and
(iv) that the transferee has been substituted for the
transferor as debtor in respect of the bond; ~nd
(d) make on the transfer deed an endorsement of mortgage
containing the date and number of the bond and the
amount due in terms thereof.
Notarial Bonds.
Registration of 61. (1) Every notarial bond executed before or after the
notarial bonds. commencement of this Act shall be tendered for registration
in a deeds registry within the period of two months after the
date of its execution or within such extended period as the
court may on application allow. Unless so tendered, or if so
tendered and rejected by the registrar and not re-tendered
within the said period, a notarial bond shall not be registered
except upon an order of court and within such further period
as the court may direct: Provided that if the registrar suspends
or refuses registration pending the submission of further
information in order to enable him to determine whether any
person mentioned in the bond is or is not a person whose
name appears in any register or document in the deeds registry
concerned, such suspension or refusal shall not be deemed
to be a rejection of the bond.
(2) A signed original for filing in the registry as the registry
duplicate, together with a further original or a grosse or a
copy of the bond certified by a notary public shall be tendered
for registration.
(3) Every notarial bond shall disclose-
(a) the place at and the date on which it was executed,
as well as the place where the notary practises ; and
(b) the place where the debtor resides and the place or
places, if any, where he carries on business.
(4) A notarial bond shall be deemed to be registered at the
time when the entry thereof is made in the appropriate register.
Where notarial 62. (1) Every notarial bond shall be registered in the deeds
bond is to be registry for the area in which the debtor resides and carries
registered. on business, or if he resides and carries on business in areas
served by different deeds registries, in the deeds registry for the
area in which he resides and in every deeds registry serving
any area in which he carries on business.
(2) No notarial bond shall be of any force or effect as against
any person who is not a party thereto, unless it has been
registered in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1).
(3) Registration of a notarial bond in accordance with the
provisions of the said sub-section shall be effective as registra-
tion for the whole Union.
(4) A notarial bond which is required to be registered in
more than one deeds registry shall be registered in the first
registry within the period prescribed in section sixty-one, in
the second registry within an additional period of one month
after the date of registration in the first registry, and in each
General Provisions.
Registration of 68. (1) If for any reason a personal servitude has lapsed,
laps~ of personal the registrar shall, on written application by or on behalf
serv'l.tude. of the owner of the land encumbered thereby, accompanied
by proof of the lapse of the servitude, the title deed of the
land and, if available, the title deed, if any, of the servitude
(which title deed the holder of the servitude shall on demand
hand over to the owner of such land) note on the title deed
of the land and of the servitude, if the title deed of the servitude
has been produced, that the servitude has lapsed.
(2) Cancellation of the registration of a personal servitude
in pursuance of an agreement between the owner of the land
encumbered and the holder of the servitude shall be effected
by notarial deed: Provided that no such deed shall be regis-
tered if the servitude is mortgaged, unless the mortgagee
consents in writing to the cancellation of the bond or the
release of the servitude from its operation.
Transfer and 69. (1) If the owner of land subject to a personal servitude
m?rtgage of land and the holder of that servitude have disposed of the land
eerv1 u e ereon. or any portion thereof together with the. rights of servitude
to another person, they may together g1ve transfer thereof
to the person acquiring it.
(2) The transfer deed shall describe the transferors as
the owner of the land and holder of the servitude respectively,
but no mention of the servitude shall be made in the description
of the land therein.
(3) The owner of land subject to a personal servitude and
the holder of that servitude may together mortgage the land
to the full extent of their respective rights therein.
(4) The owner of the land and the holder of the servitude
may either of them as principal debtor mortgage the land or
the servitude respectively and the other of them may in the
same bond mortgage the servitude or the land as surety.
Rights to Minerals.
Separati?n from 70. (1) Rights to minerals may be separated from the
rights of
to minerals owners h'Ip of 1an d b y reservatiOn
un d er sectiOn
or seventy-two in a condition contained in a transfer of such
land or by exclusion from a partition of such terms of
section seventy-three or by cession of those rights by the owner
of the land to another person.
(2) Such separation from the ownership may take place in
respect of a portion of a registered piece of land, or of a share
in the whole or a portion of a registered piece of land, and
may be in respect of all minerals generally, or of a particular
mineral or minerals.
Certifica~es of 71. (1) Any person who .transfers land subject to a reserva-
rights of
to minerals t'Ion In h'Is f avour of rig
h ts to mmera
1s t h creon, or on wh ose
land a township or settlement is established subject to such
reservation, shall simultaneously with the passing of transfer
or the opening of a register in a deeds registry for such town-
ship or settlement, as the case may be, take out a certificate
of rights to minerals in the prescribed form in respect of the
rights so reserved; where the register has been opened, a
certificate may be taken out in respect of the remainder of the
township or settlement upon a certificate from the
surveyor-general as to the remainder.
(2) (a) Upon the written application to the registrar of
any person who has, before the commencement of
this Act, transferred land subject to a reservation in
his favour of rights to minerals thereon and who is
the holder of such rights, the r.egistrar shall, on
production of the title deed under which that land
is held, issue to such person a certificate of rights to
minerals in the prescribed form in respect of the rights
so reserved.
(b) The holder of the title deed shall upon the demand
and at the expense of the applicant produce the
title deed to the registrar.
(3) Any person who transfers land in the manner described
in sub-section (1) or who is an applicant under sub-section (2)
shall, if the registrar so requires, lodge with him a diagram
showing the area in respect of which the rights to minerals are
(4) A certificate of rights to minerals referred to in sub-
section (1) or (2} shall-
(a) set forth the rights to minerals to which it relates
and any rights ancillary to such rights ;
eel viii UNION GAZETTE l!iXTHAORDINAitY, 26TH MAY, 1937.
Praedial Servitudes.
Where lease to be 79. Save where provision to the contrary is made in any
registered. law, any lease of immovable property which is registered
in the name of the lessor in a deeds registry may be registered
in that registry and any sub-lease of any lease so registered
may be registered in that registry.
Notarial bonds
82. (1) For the registration of a notarial bond specially
hypothecating hypothecating a registered lease or sub-lease the deed of
leases or lease shall be produced to the registrar.
(2) In registering such bond the registrar shall endorse on
the deed that the lease or sub-lease has been hypothecated by
the bond.
(3) The provisions of sub-section (1) of section fifty-six shall
mutatis mutandis apply in respect of any lease or sub-lease
so hypothecated.
Hypothecation of 83. (1) If in any lease entered into under any law relating
land settlement to land settlement the lessee is given the option to purchase
exermse o op t"wn
lease. afterf the
h property
. leased
. or any portion thereof, and. he has exercised
to purchase. t e optwn, the nghts to the property so acqmred by the lessee
may, if the lease is registered in a deeds registry and is not
subject to an existing bond, be hypothecated by a notarial
(2) The provisions of section eighty-two shall mutatis mutandis
apply in respect of the registration of such a bond.
(3) If such lease is subject to an existing bond at the date
of the exercise of the option the rights acquired by the exercise
of such option shall be subject to such bond.
Prospecting Contracts.
Registration of 84. (1) If the prospecting rights granted under a prospecting
prospecting contract are granted for a defined period with a right of renewal
for any further period, registration of the contract shall be
effective for that defined period only : Provided that if the
holder of prospecting rights so granted under a registered
prospecting contract lodges such contract at the deeds registry
before the expiration of the said defined period together with
an affidavit in terms of sub-section (2), or within one month
after the expiration of the defined period together with the
grantor's written consent to such endorsement, the registrar
shall endorse upon the register of prospecting contracts and
upon the contract and the registry duplicate thereof a state-
ment that the said holder claims to have exereised his right
of renewal for the period mentioned in the said affidavit, and
the endorsement so made shall, as from the date thereof, be
effective notice of the claim to all interested persons, other
than the grantor of the prospecting rights, whose written
consent to such endorsement has not been produced.
(2) The affidavit referred to in sub-section (1) shall be made
by the holder of the prospecting rights under a registered
prospecting contract or by his duly authorized agent, and shall
state that the holder has fulfilled all such conditions of the
contract as entitled him to a renewal of the contract and that
he has duly exercised his right to renew the same.
(3) If at the time when a prospecting contract is tendered for
registration the defined period for which the prospecting
rights were granted thereunder has already expired but a
further period for which there is a right of renewal has not
yet expired, the registrar shall upon the application of the person
who was the holder of the prospecting rights under such
contract and with the consent in writing of the grantor of those
rights, register the contract, and the registration shall then be
effective in respect of the period for which it is claimed that the
contract has been renewed.
(4) If a document purporting to be a prospecting contract
contains any ambiguity and such document is in the opinion
of the registrar liable to be interpreted as constituting a grant
or lease of a right to minerals, the registrar may register that
document as a prospecting contract if a supplementary docu-
ment executed by 'all the parties to the first mentioned docu-
ment or by their assigns, or affidavits by such parties, ex-
plaining the purport and effect of the prospecting contract
are lodged at the deeds registry, and such document or every
such affidavit shall thereafter be deemed to form part of the
prospecting contract to which it relates.
(5) For the purposes of this section the grantor of prospecting
rights means the person who from the records in the deeds
registry appears to be the holder of the rights to minerals in the
land in question.
Cancellation of 85. (1) Upon the written request of the grantor of prospecting .
regi?tration on rights under a prospecting contract-
expiry of prospect- . . . . .
ing eontract or (a) the registratiOn of whiCh has under sectiOn etghty-four
failure to renew. ceased to be of effect; or
(b) to the renewal of which no claim has been lodged at
the deeds registry, or which, if such a claim has been
lodged, has lapsed by effiuxion of time,
the registrar shall cancel the entries in the registers relating
to the contract and the endorsement of the contract upon the
grantor's title deed of the land or the rights to minerals affected
by that contract.
(2) For the purposes of this section the grantor of prospecting
rights means the person who from the records in the deeds
registry appears to be the holder of the rights to minerals
in the land in question.
Antenuptial con- 86. An antenuptial contract executed before and not regis-
tracts to be tered at the commencement of this Act or executed after the
commencement of this Act, shall be registered in the manner
and within the time mentioned in section eighty-seven, and
unless so registered shall be of no force or effect as against any
person who is not a party thereto.
Manner and time 87. (1) An antenuptial contract executed in the Union
of registration of shall not be registered unless it has been attested by a notary
contracts. public and unless it has been tendered for registration in a
deeds registry within two months after the date of its execution
or within such extended period as the court may on application
(2) An antenuptial contract executed outside the Union shall
not be registered unless it has been attested by a notary public
or has been otherwise entered into in accordance with the law
of the place of execution and unless it has been tendered for
registration in a deeds registry within six months after the date
of its execution or the commencement of this Act, whichever
may be the later date, or within such extended period as the
court may on application allow.
(3) Unless an antenuptial contract has been tendered for
registration in terms of sub-section (1) or (2}, or if so tendered
and rejected by the registrar and not re-tendered within the
respective periods prescribed in the said sub-sections, the
contract shall not be registered except upon an order of court
and within such further period as the court may direct:
Provided that if the registrar suspends or refuses registration
pending the submission of further information in order to enable
him to determine whether any party to the contract is or is
not a person whose name appears in any register or document
in the deeds registry concerned, such suspension or refusal of
registration shall not be deemed to be a rejection of the
(4) A signed original contract (or an equivalent thereof
according to the law of the country where it was executed)
bearing the attestation of the notary public or otherwise
duly authenticated as required by law, for filing of record as
the registry duplicate, and a further signed original, similarly
attested or authenticated, or a grosse or a copy of the original
contract certified by a notary public, shall be tendered for
(5) Registration of an antenuptial contract in any one deeds
registry in the manner prescribed in this section shall be effective
as registration for the whole Union : Provided that if any
transaction in connection with which evidence of such contract
is necessary takes place in a deeds registry other than that
in which such contract has been registered, a copy of such
contract certified by the registrar of the place of registration
or a notary public shall be filed in such first-mentioned deeds
'l:'ransfer and ces- 91. No transfer of land and no cession of any registered
s10n ~ot to be. lease or sub-lease or other real right in land made as security
passe as semmty. for a debt or other obligation shall be attested by any registrar
or registered in any deeds registry.
Taxes and transf~r 92. (1) No deed of grant or transfer of land shall be regis-
dbufity to befi pafid tered unless accompanied by a receipt or certificate of a
e ore trans er o competent pu bl'w revenue offi cer t h at t h e taxes, d ut1es,
land f ees
and quitrent (if any) payable to the Government or any pro-
vincial administration on the property to be granted or trans-
ferred have been paid.
(2) If land or any real right in land has been settled upon
or donated to an intended spouse in terms of an antenuptial
contract, no transfer or cession of s!lch land or right by the
donor to any person other than the donee and no mortgage
thereof by the donor shall be executed, a~tested or registered
by the registrar unless the transfer duty (if any) payable
on the settlement or donation has been paid.
Short title and 104. This Act shall be called the Deeds Registries Act, 1937,
commencement of and shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the
Act. . Governor-General by proclamation in the Gazette.
Firat Schedule.
Act No.
1922. 15 of I Deeds Registries Act,
1918, Amendment
Tho whole.
Act, 1922.
Second Schedule.