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Team Building

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COE Lesson Plan

Lesson Teacher: Haley Berkram Date: Feb/21/2017

Lesson Grade Level: 1st Grade Timeframe: 9:00 to 9:40

Content Area: Art Grouping Strategy: Small Group

Preparing for Lesson Development

1. What does your pre-assessment observation indicate about your
students needs and current performance and educational needs?
Students have prior knowledge of working with groups. They can compare the
similarities and differences of a well working group and a non-well working
group. I am not 100% sure they are comfortable working together and
sharing ideas.

2. How will you design the lesson to meet the needs of all learners in
your classroom? I will design the lesson to meet all the needs of the
learners by allowing the students to work together. They are allowed to ask
each other questions and solve the problems together.

Lesson Plan Development

Lesson Title: Team Building
Common Core and/or State Standard: VA:CR.1.1b Use observation and
investigation in preparation for making a work of art.
Assessment of
Learning: I will assess
this by walking around
the class while students
Lesson Objective: Students will learn the importance are working on the
of working together. project. I will be listening
for the students to use
words that help them to
compromise or add new
Assessment of
Learning: I will assess
Lesson Objective: Students will be able to use the
this by observing their
given materials provided to construct a unique piece
work in progress and
of art.
their piece after the
project has ended.
Based on the lesson objectives, select an appropriate teaching model:
Madeline Hunter
Indian Education For All (IEFA) x No Yes. If yes, please describe
Lesson Procedures/Activities Materials
Management Needs
I will capture the students *Book: Swimmy Student will remain in
attention by reading the book by Leo Lioni the chairs at their
Swimmy By Leo Lioni. This story * 10 Red Plastic assigned table..
shows how its okay to be different, Cups Students will raise hands
*2 Straws per
and working together is a great way for teacher attention.
person in the
to solve problems. I will relate this team
book to everyday life by discussing *1 2ft length of
how important it is to work together string per person
in all kinds of groups. (family, in the team
classroom, friends, community, etc.) *1 cotton ball per
person in the
*1 rubber band
per kiddo
*1 Lego Figure
per team
After the discussion, the students will Journals Students will remain in
be instructed to pull out their journals. Pencils their chairs at their tables. I
They will write 5 strengths they believe will be walking around the
they have, and 5 goals they want to room monitoring students
work towards. These can be strengths and keeping them on task.
such as, I work well in groups. Goals can
be things like, I want to learn better
communication skills. I will then tell the
students that today, they will be given
the opportunity to use these strengths,
and meet their goals through the
activity. We will be doing a team
building activity.

Assuming I have a class of 25 students, 10 Red Plastic Students will work at their
I will break the class down to groups of Cups, 2 Straws tables. They may work
5. per person in the together. Teacher will be
Each team will receive a stack of plastic team, 1 2ft walking around monitoring
cups. length of string the students and keeping
The students are told they will be per person in the them on task. Students can
making a pyramid with the tools team, 1 cotton raise hand for teacher
included. All without touching the cups ball per person attention.
or the Lego figure with their hands. The in the team, 1
students will need to work together to rubber band per
come up with a way to move the cups. kiddo, 1 Lego
The students will be instructed to write Figure per team.
in their journals ideas of how to
complete this project. They may write
how they will lift the cups, and how they
will ensure the cups do not fall over. The
students will be given 5 minutes to
brainstorm before beginning the
I will check for understanding by asking Questions Students are expected to
the students questions. I will ask what answer questions by raising
they think the most challenging part of their hands.
this activity will be. I will ask if they
think the project will work better if they
work together or individually.
After a single team wins the challenge, I Art Piece Students are expected to
will ask the student to show me how participate in activity and
they did it. Then I will remove a tool or help solve any given
add a handicap so they have to re-think problems.
the challenge and re-do it a different
way. This will challenge the students to
think beyond their previous solution.
They will also have to communicate to
brainstorm another way to solve the
problem. Seeing how the students solve
the problems by using teamwork will
serve as a formative assessment
To close the lesson, the students will Journals Students will clean their
clean their area and return to their area. Students are
seats. We will discuss challenges, as expected to participate in
well as strengths. They will then explain discussion, and write in
in their journals how their team worked their journal.
together to complete each task. They
will write what they specifically did to
help the group, and what they could
have done better to help the group. This
will serve as a post assessment.

Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness/Student Learning: Once the students

made goals, they showed more attentiveness toward reaching that goal. The
students found ways to solve problems collectively.
Reflection and Recommendations for Next Time: The students did very well
working together in teams. One thing I would consider next time, is to group the
teams myself rather than letting them choose.

Attachments, if required.

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