TB KeyPerformanceEvaluation PDF
TB KeyPerformanceEvaluation PDF
TB KeyPerformanceEvaluation PDF
nowledge of the various performance evaluation Where
parameters typically used during the bid evaluation Qr = rated capacity
process for a centrifugal compressor is an important Qs = capacity at surge on compressor rated speed curve
step toward the selection of machines that fit most econom- Qt = capacity at rated head on surge line
ically and effectively with the application. Hr = rated head
Explained here are generic boundary limit criteria and Hs = head at surge on compressor rated speed curve
the preferred operating envelope for centrifugal compressor Qo = capacity at rated speed where polytropic head is
performance curves, API 617 performance guarantee limits 85% of polytropic head at Qr
and impeller performance evaluation. Qstonewall = capacity where decrease in polytropic head
Smooth and trouble-free operation of compressors is is 10% for 1% increase in inlet volute and
an absolute necessity for continuous operation of oil and shall be 110% of Qr
gas production facilities. Hence, during a detailed design (See equations 5 and 6 in glossary at end)
project, evaluation of compressor performance at various
operating conditions is an important compressor preorder
activity for engineering contractors.
Typically, compressors in offshore installations face vary-
ing flow and pressure during the life of production platforms.
In late-life scenarios, the production of gas from a well can
drop to as low as 15% of compressor designed capacity.
In such instances, the selection of operating envelopes
for a compressor is a very important bid evaluation activity
(to reduce recycle flow and thus the power loss). An en-
gineering contractors responsibility is to select a machine
with optimal efficiency and with a sufficiently broad operat-
ing envelope to cover the entire life of a platform with mini-
mum changes.
n Figure 1. This is the typical performance curve of a centrifugal
Operating envelope for compressor performance curve compressor.
While assessing compressor performance, the following
relationships should be considered in addition to required Compressor characteristics vary with the difference in
shaft power and polytropic efficiency (Figure 1). molecular weight of process gases tabulated below (Table
Stability Range = (Qr Qs) / Qr (1) 1). In general, with higher molecular weight or number of
Turndown Range = (Qr Qt) / Qr (2) stages, the turndown ratio becomes smaller and pressure
Pressure (Head) Rise to Surge = Hs / Hr (3) rise becomes higher. The following should be used as typi-
Overload Range = Qo / Qr (4) cal guidelines for compressor operating envelope range:
Mehul Patel is principal machinery engineer at Chicago Bridge & Performance guarantee
Iron Co. (CB&I) in London, U.K. Before joining CB&I in February, According to API 617:
2012, he was with WorleyParsons in the U.K. and L&T-Chiyoda Variable speed unit: Head and capacity shall have zero
Ltd. in India. Patel, who has a mechanical engineering degree negative tolerance at the normal operating point (or other
from North Gujarat University, India, has a background in execut- point as specified), and the power at this point shall not ex-
ing front-end engineering and design and detailed design engi- ceed 104% of the suppliers predicted shaft power value.
neering for rotating machinery. Contact him at: [email protected] This tolerance shall be inclusive of all test tolerances.