Stepoc BBA PDF
Stepoc BBA PDF
Stepoc BBA PDF
(16.4) Fq4
Forticrete Ltd
Hillhead Quarry Agrment
Harpur Hill
Buxton Certificate
Derbyshire SK17 9PS No 98/3450
Tel: 01298 23333 Fax: 01298 23000
Designated by Government
European Technical
Approvals Blocs de bton de foundation
Readers are advised to check the validity of this Certificate by either referring to the Index of Current BBA Publications or contacting
the BBA direct (Telephone Hotline 01923 665400).
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Requirement: B3(4) Internal fire spread structure
Comment: Stepoc blockwork is non-combustible and therefore meets the
Designers should note that requirement for limited combustibility for separating walls. See
the nominal sizes shown in section 12 of this Certificate.
Requirement: B4(1) External fire spread
Figure 1 are also the work
Comment: Stepoc blockwork is non-combustible and designated Class 0
sizes as there are no mortar and therefore will not be subject to the limitations of a minimum
joints. distance from any point on the boundary. See section 12 of this
Walls should not exceed 10 Certificate.
Requirement: Regulation 7 Materials and workmanship
courses in height before filling
with fresh concrete. Comment: When required to achieve compliance with relevant requirements
of the Building Regulations. Stepoc blockwork is acceptable.
It is essential that Stepoc
Foundation Blockwork is 2 The Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990 (as amended)
constructed in accordance with In the opinion of the BBA, Stepoc Foundation Blockwork, if used in
the conditions set out in the accordance with the provisions of this Certificate, will satisfy the various
Design Data and Installation Regulations as listed below.
parts of this Certificate. Regulation: 10 Fitness of materials
Standard: B2.1 Selection and use of materials and components
This product has previously
Comment: Stepoc blockwork is acceptable. See sections 10 and 11 of
been the subject of Agrment this Certificate.
Certificate No 85/1574. Regulation: 11 Structure
Standard: C2.1 Construction
Comment: Stepoc blockwork designed to BS 5628 : Part 1 : 1992, using
the data given in Table 2 of this Certificate, will sustain and
transmit the design load to the foundation without impairing the
stability of, or damaging any part of, the building. See
section 8 of this Certificate.
Regulation: 12 Structural fire precautions
Standard: D2.2 Fire resistance
Comment: Stepoc blockwork, without chasing or holes, has a notional
period of fire resistance of 2 hours and may be used in
elements of structure subject to the requirements for each
occupancy group. See section 12 of this Certificate.
Standard: D2.3 Non-combustibility
Comment: Stepoc blockwork is non-combustible and may therefore form
part of any wall required to be non-combustible in accordance
with the Table to this Regulation. See section 12 of this
3 The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994 (as amended 1995 and
In the opinion of the BBA, Stepoc Foundation Blockwork, if used in
accordance with the provisions of this Certificate, will satisfy the various
Building Regulations as listed below.
Regulation: B2 Fitness of materials and workmanship
Comment: Stepoc blockwork is acceptable. See sections 10 and 11 of
this Certificate.
Regulation: D1 Loading
Comment: Stepoc blockwork has adequate strength and stiffness to sustain
and transmit the loads to the foundation without impairing the
stability of, or damaging any part of, the building provided that:
(a) it is correctly installed. See section 14 of this Certificate.
(b) when Stepoc blocks are designed to BS 5628 : Part 1 :
1992 the design strengths given in section 8 and Table 2 of
this Certificate are taken into account.
Regulation: E6 Internal fire spread structure
Comment: Stepoc blockwork, without chasing or holes, has a notional
period of fire resistance of 2 hours and may be used in
elements of structure subject to the requirements for each
purpose group See section 12 of this Certificate.
Stepoc blockwork is designated Class 0 material, and will
therefore satisfy the requirements for the surfaces of every
purpose group. See section 12 of this Certificate.
Regulation: E8 External fire spread
Comment: Stepoc blockwork is non-combustible and designated Class 0,
and therefore will not be subject to the limitations of a minimum
distance from any point on the boundary. See section 12 of this
Electronicthe concrete
Copy mix are transferred into an extrusion
Technical Specification machine that forms the blocks.
5.2 Quality control includes tests on aggregates,
4 Description monitoring of the batching and mixing process
4.1 Stepoc blocks are manufactured from Portland and tests to BS 6073 : 1981 on the finished
cement to BS 12 : 1996 and selected aggregates blocks.
to BS 882 : 1983.
4.2 Stepoc blocks are available in two standard 6 Delivery to site
sizes (see Figure 1 and Table 1) and manufactured The blocks are supplied in banded cubes on
to the requirements of BS 6073 : Part 1 : 1981. pallets which can be handled by forklift trucks or
Special blocks of one-third length and full length mechanical grabs. The blocks should be stored on
are available with plain ends for each block type
dry, level ground.
for use in the construction of corners and junctions
(see Figures 2, 3 and 4).
Table 1 Characteristic properties
4.3 The mean compressive strengths of blocks,
when tested in accordance with BS 6073 : Stepoc Nominal Average Specified
Part 1 : 1981 and evaluated in accordance with block dimensions weight compressive
BS 6073 : Part 2 : 1981, are given in Table 1. type strength*
(mm) (kg) (Nmm2)
5.1 The raw materials for the blocks are fed into 256 400 225 256 19.6 3.5
a continuous batching plant; measured amounts of *in accordance with BS 6073 : Part 2 : 1981
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Design Data Figure 4 Cross-junction detail
7 General
7.1 Stepoc Foundation Blockwork is satisfactory
for use below the damp-proof course in inner and
outer leaves of cavity walls and in solid external
and internal walls.
7.2 Special blocks of one-third length and full
length are available with plain ends for each type
of block for use in the construction of corners and
cross and tee junctions (see Figures 2, 3 and 4).
Figure 2 Corner detail
8 Blockwork strength
The characteristic strengths and the
appropriate partial safety factors for the
blockwork, which can be used for design
calculations in accordance with BS 5628 : Part 1 :
1992, are summarised in Table 2.
256 mm
block = 18
Shear (fv)
9 Infill concrete
The infill concrete must comply with the following
(1) The concrete must be able to flow easily
through the Stepoc blockwork (see Figure 5) and
must therefore be of a consistency suitable for
pumping, ie with a slump of a minimum 150 mm
sampled in accordance with BS 1881 : Part 101 :
1983 and determined in accordance with BS 1881 :
Part 102 : 1983.
Copy in accordance with the fire resistance of
Figure 5 Installation of Stepoc blockwork walls
loadbearing masonry comprising solid blocks
made from Class 1 aggregate concrete having a
minimum thickness of 100 mm (BS 5628 : Part 3 :
1985 : Table 16).
12.2 Stepoc blockwork is non-combustible and
will therefore have a Class 0 surface spread of
flame rating (see sections 1, 2 and 3 of this
13 Movement joints
Movement joints should be designed as for
concrete masonry in accordance with BS 5628 :
Part 3 : 1985.
14 General
14.1 Installation must be carried out in
accordance with the Stepoc Block Instruction
Manual (available from Forticrete Ltd), the
(2) The concrete must have a minimum main requirements of which are reproduced in this
characteristic strength of 35 Nmm2. Compliance section.
with the specified characteristic strength should be 14.2 The blocks should be laid on concrete strip or
judged in accordance with Section 16.2 of slab foundations designed and constructed in
BS 5328 : Part 2 : 1991. accordance with the recommendations of BS 8004 :
(3) Admixtures should be added to the fresh 1986 and BS 8110 : Part 1 : 1997.
concrete mix only in accordance with the
recommendations of Section 6.1.5 of BS 8110 :
15 Procedure
Part 1 : 1997. 15.1 The first course of blocks are:
level and smooth foundation surface
(4) The maximum aggregate size shall not exceed
10 mm. laid directly onto the foundation using loose sand
and small timber wedges where required to
(5) The mix shall contain not less than 300 kg of ensure alignment and level
Portland cement per cubic metre of fresh concrete.
uneven foundation surface
10 Resistance to frost damage set in a nominal 10 mm thick bed of mortar but
no mortar must be allowed between the
Stepoc foundation blockwork is resistant to
perpends of the blocks.
the freeze/thaw conditions that are likely to
occur below a damp-proof course. 15.2 Subsequent courses are laid dry in a one-
third running bond (see Figure 5), with the open
11 Resistance to sulphate attack end of one block engaging the ribbed end of the
Stepoc Foundation Blockwork, when filled adjacent block, and to a string line stretched tight
with concrete complying with the specification between the corner blocks.
in section 9 of this Certificate, will have 15.3 For cavity wall construction using Stepoc
adequate resistance to Class 1 sulphate ground blocks, wall ties of the double triangle type to
conditions as defined by BRE Digest No 363: BS 1243 : 1978 can be accommodated by
less than 0.24% SO4 in soil by acid extraction lateral notches in the top of the block shell at
less than 1.2 gl1 of SO4 in 2:1 water:soil extract, intervals not greater than 900 mm horizontally and
and 450 mm vertically. When the concrete is poured it
less than 0.4 gl1 of SO4 in groundwater. must be compacted using hand-held rods at the
wall-tie locations to prevent the formation of voids.
12 Behaviour in relation to fire 15.4 Vertical faces should be checked for plumb
12.1 When installed in accordance with on completion of alternate courses. Where
the requirements of this Certificate the necessary, corrections to level and plumb may be
notional period of fire resistance for all made by placing small timber wedges or loose
thicknesses of Stepoc blockwork,without chasing or sand between courses. Any adjustments made
holes, has been assessed as 2 hours. This is during the laying of the blocks should be carefully
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inspected before pouring the infill concrete. Where 17 Other investigations
a number of corrections to level and plumb have 17.1 The erection of a trial wall was observed
been made, the unfilled blockwork should be and site visits were made to assess the
propped to ensure adequate stability during the practicability of installation.
concrete pour.
17.2 An evaluation was made of existing data
15.5 No more than 10 courses of unfilled relating to the structural performance of the
blockwork may be laid before a concrete pour blockwork filled with concrete.
is made. Provision should be made to prevent
debris from entering the block cavities during 17.3 The manufacturing process was examined and
construction. details were obtained of the quality and composition
of the materials used. The manufacturers quality
15.6 The blockwork is cut or trimmed to control procedures were witnessed and records
accommodate inserts such as ducting, sleeves, examined to confirm that the characteristic
vents and pipes in accordance with the compressive strength of the blocks was determined
recommendations of BS 5628 : Part 3 : 1985. in accordance with BS 6073 : Part 1 : 1981.
When specifying or detailing inserts to pass
through a Stepoc wall, consideration must be given
to the pressures exerted by the infill concrete and Bibliography
the need to ensure that no voids are created due to
the concrete flow being obstructed. Consideration BS 12 : 1996 Specification for Portland cement
must also be given to the effects that trimming,
through fittings and inserts will have on the fire BS 882 : 1992 Specification for aggregates from
resistance of Stepoc blockwork. natural sources for concrete
15.7 The concrete should preferably be placed BS 1243 : 1978 Specification for metal ties for
by pumping; however, it may be placed by cavity wall construction
alternative methods provided that:
BS 1881 Testing concrete
fresh concrete can flow in a similar manner to
Part 101 : 1983 Method of sampling fresh
pumped concrete, and
concrete on site
the method of transportation and placing does Part 102 : 1983 Method for determination of
not incur an additional risk to the stability of the slump
BS 5328 Concrete
Part 2 : 1991 Methods for specifying concrete
Technical Investigations mixes
The following is a summary of the technical BS 5628 Code of practice for use of masonry
investigations carried out on Stepoc Foundation Part 1 : 1992 Structural use of unreinforced
Blockwork. masonry
Part 3 : 1985 Materials and components, design
16 Tests and workmanship
The following tests were carried out:
BS 6073 Precast concrete masonry units
(a) To BS 6073: Parts 1 and 2: 1981 Part 1 : 1981 Specification for precast concrete
dimensional accuracy masonry units
dry density of blocks Part 2 : 1981 Method for specifying precast
dry density of block material. concrete masonry units
(b) To BS 5628 : Part 1 : 1992, Appendix A3 BS 8004 : 1986 Code of practice for foundations
characteristic flexural strength of Stepoc wallettes
laid dry and filled with concrete. BS 8110 Structural use of concrete
Part 1 : 1997 Code of practice for design and
(c) To MOAT No 12 : 1977 freeze/thaw
resistance of concrete filled blocks.
(d) Compressive tests on Stepoc walls laid dry MOAT No 12 : 1977 The Assessment of Precast,
and then filled with concrete. Insulating Concrete Blocks for General use in
(e) Comparative compressive tests on
individual Stepoc blocks, both filled with concrete BRE Digest 363 Sulphate and acid resistance of
and unfilled. concrete in the ground
In granting this Certificate, the BBA makes
Conditions of Certification no representation as to:
(a) the presence or absence of patent or similar
18 Conditions rights subsisting in the product; and
18.1 Where reference is made in this Certificate (b) the legal right of the Certificate holder to
to any Act of Parliament, Regulation made market, install or maintain the product; and
thereunder, Statutory Instrument, Code of Practice, (c) the nature of individual installations of the
British Standard, manufacturers instruction or product, including methods and workmanship.
similar publication, it shall be construed as
reference to such publication in the form in which it 18.5 It should be noted that any recommendations
is in force at the date of this Certificate. relating to the safe use of this product which are
contained or referred to in this Certificate are the
18.2 The quality of materials and the method of minimum standards required to be met when the
manufacture have been examined and found product is used. They do not purport in any way to
satisfactory by the BBA and must be maintained to restate the requirements of the Health & Safety at
this standard during the period of validity of this Work etc Act 1974, or of any other statutory or
Certificate. This Certificate will remain valid for an Common Law duties of care, or of any duty of care
unlimited period provided: which exist at the date of this Certificate or in the
(a) the specification of the product is unchanged; future; nor is conformity with such recommendations
and to be taken as satisfying the requirements of the
(b) the manufacturer continues to have the product 1974 Act or of any present or future statutory or
Common Law duties of care. In granting this
checked by the BBA.
Certificate, the BBA does not accept responsibility
18.3 This Certificate will apply only to the product to any person or body for any loss or damage,
that is installed, used and maintained as set out in including personal injury, arising as a direct or
this Certificate. indirect result of the use of this product.
In the opinion of the British Board of Agrment, Stepoc Foundation Blockwork is fit for its
intended use provided it is installed, used and maintained as set out in this Certificate.
Certificate No 98/3450 is accordingly awarded to Forticrete Ltd.
On behalf of the British Board of Agrment
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