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Jr1 - ESM 1

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LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Table of Contents

1. LEGO Element Survey ........................................................................................... 1

2. Activities

2.1 Lesson 1a - Seesaw (Levers) .............................................................................. 3

2.2 Lesson 1b - Stamper (Levers) ............................................................................ 6

2.3 Lesson 2a Car and Launcher (Wheels and Axles)...................................... 9

2.4 Lesson 2b Cab and Trailer (Wheels and Axles) ......................................... 12

2.5 Lesson 3a Crane (Pulleys) ............................................................................. 15

2.6 Lesson 3b Fan (Pulleys).................................................................................. 18

2.7 Lesson 4a The Crowns Eyes (Gear - Direction) ....................................... 21

2.8 Lesson 4b Guess the Colour (Gear - Direction) ....................................... 24

2.9 Lesson 5a Marry-Go-Round (Gear - Speed) ............................................. 28

2.10 Lesson 5b Food Mixer (Gear - Speed) ..................................................... 31

2.11 Lesson 6a Winch (Crown Gear) ............................................................... 34

2.12 Lesson 6b Turnstile (Crown Gear) .............................................................. 37

2.13 Lesson 7a Car with Crane (Worm Gear) ................................................. 40

2.14 Lesson 7b Measuring Wheel (Worm Gear) .............................................. 43

3. Problem Solving Activities

3.1 Wind Speed Tester ............................................................................................ 46

3.2 A Carnival Ride ................................................................................................. 50

LEGO Element Survey

1x 1x 1x
LEGO DUPLO girl LEGO DUPLO boy Brick with eyes, oval, 2x4x2, yellow
4271511 4502103 81981

4x 4x 2x
Brick with arch, 2x3, red Brick with holes, 2x4, red Plate, 2x4, yellow
230221 75349 4160152

3x 5x
Brick, 2x2, yellow Brick, 2x4, yellow
343724 301124
Bridge element, 2x4x2, yellow

2x 4x
Brick, 2x2, red Brick, 2x4, red
343721 301121
Beam, 7-module, yellow

3x 3x
Brick, 2x2, green Brick, 2x4, green
343728 301128

Beam, 11-module, yellow

Brick, 2x8, red

String with hook, yellow

Brick with holes, 2x10, red

LEGO, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 2008 The LEGO Group. 82
LEGO Element Survey

2x 4x 1x
Gear, 24-tooth crown, blue Axle with gear, Worm gear, blue
4501054 5-module, 8-tooth, blue 4271573

Connector peg, handle, yellow
2x 4493718
Gear, 24-tooth crown, red
652921 2x
Axle with gear,
8-module, 8-tooth, blue

Belt, blue

2x 7x
Gear, 40-tooth crown, yellow Axle, 6-module, grey
4501044 4211534

Hub / pulley wheel, yellow
4271570 5x 1x
Axle, 8-module, green Gear block, transparent
652128 4113297

Tyre, black

1x 1x
Plate, 6x12, green Plastic forms sheet, green
4281607 4520270

LEGO, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 2008 The LEGO Group. 83
LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 1a Seesaw (Levers)

Topics : -

- Seesaw (Levers)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a lever model

can be created by allowing part of the structure to
revolve round or pivot on
o A single point
o An axle
- Students are able to understand the practical uses of
levers and explore ways of creating a balancing
scale (first-class lever).

Learning Activities :-

- Learn how to translate a real-life structure (seesaw)

into an Early Simple Machines model.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 1a Seesaw (Levers)


Fill in the correct answers.

Balance or imbalance?




LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 1a Seesaw (Levers).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 1b Stamper (Levers)

Topics : -

- Stamper (Levers)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a more

complicated lever model can be created by
allowing parts of the structure to revolve round or
pivot on multiple points or axles.
- Students are able to understand the practical uses of
levers and explore ways of creating a more
complicated lever.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn how to apply two parallel levers (beams) in an

Early Simple Machines model (stamper) to lift and
lower a weight.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 1b Stamper (Levers)


Fill in the correct answers.



Brick with

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 1b Stamper (Levers).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 2a Car and Launcher

(Wheels and Axles)

Topics : -

- Car and Launcher (Wheels and Axles)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that heavy loads

can be moved with less effort when rollers or wheels
are used to reduce friction.
- Students are able to understand that a wheel needs
an axle to hold it in place to allow it to turn.
- Students are able to understand that wheels and
axles enable the model to move on a different plane
(forwards and backwards).

Learning Activities :-

- Learn how wheels can be used to move a complete

model (car) rather than just part of a model.
- Allow children to experiment with the force of
launcher which is necessary to start the car moving.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 2a Car and Launcher

(Wheels and Axles)


Fill in the correct answers.




3 Brick with


LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 2a Car & Launcher

(Wheels and Axles).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 2b Cab and Trailer

(Wheels and Axles)

Topics : -

- Cab and Trailer (Wheels and Axles)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that heavy loads

can be moved with less effort when rollers or wheels
are used to reduce friction.
- Students are able to understand that a wheel needs
an axle to hold it in place to allow it to turn.
- Students are able to understand that both the use of
wheels to allow movement of a complete model,
and pivot point to allow a section of a model to turn.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn how to allow a section of a model (cab) to

turn by adding a pivot point on the model.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 2b Cab and Trailer

(Wheels and Axles)


Fill in the correct answers.

Can turn or cannot turn?

Can turn

2 Cannot

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 2b Cab & Trailer .

(Wheels and Axles)

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 3a Crane (Pulleys)

Topics : -

- Crane (Pulleys)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a pulley is a

special kind of wheel with a groove in it which will
help to reduce friction.
- Students are able to understand that a rope can
pass over a free-turning pulley or be wound round a
fixed pulley.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn how to build a crane with free turning pulley to

lift heavy loads or pull objects.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 3a Crane (Pulleys)


Fill in the correct answers.




LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 3a Crane (Pulleys).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 3b Fan (Pulleys)

Topics : -

- Fan (Pulleys)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a pulley is a

special kind of wheel with a groove in it which will
help to reduce friction.
- Students are able to understand that two pulleys can
be connected by a belt which enables one pulley to
turn the other.
- Students are able to understand that different sized
pulleys can be used to change output speed.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a fan to investigate the change of speed

produced by using different sized pulleys.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 3b Fan (Pulleys)


Match the correct answers.

Drive Pulley

Driven Pulley

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 3b Fan (Pulleys) .

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 4a The Clowns Eyes

(Gear - Direction)

Topics : -

- The Clowns Eyes (Gear - Direction)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a gear is a

wheel with identical teeth round the edge.
- Students are able to understand the teeth of one
gear mesh with and turn the teeth of the second
- Students are able to understand that two gears
meshed together turn in opposite directions.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a Crowns Eyes and observe the turning

direction of the meshing gears.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 4a The Clowns Eyes

(Gear - Direction)


1) Match the correct answers.

Driven Gear Drive Gear

2) Circle the correct answer.

Drive gear and driven gear will turn in
( same / opposite ) direction.

3) Draw arrow on the circle to show

clockwise direction.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 4a The Clowns Eyes

(Gear - Direction).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 4b Guess the Colour

(Gear - Direction)

Topics : -

- Guess the Colour (Gear - Direction)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a gear is a

wheel with identical teeth round the edge.
- Students are able to understand that two gears
meshed together will turn in opposite directions, but
a third gear placed between them will make them
turn in the same direction.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn to place the third, central or idler gear

between two gears to make them turn in the same

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 4b Guess the Colour

(Gear - Direction)

Exercise 1

Match the correct answers.

Drive Gear

Idler Gear

Driven Gear

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 4b Guess the Colour

(Gear - Direction)

Exercise 2

1) Circle the correct answer.

D ri v e g e a r a n d d ri v en g e a r wi l l t u r n i n
( same / opposite ) direction.

2) Draw arrow on the circle below to show

counterclockwise direction.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 4b Guess the Colour

(Gear - Direction).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 5a Merry-Go-Round
(Gear - Speed)

Topics : -

- Merry-Go-Round (Gear - Speed)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that two gears of

different sizes meshed together will operate at
different speeds.
- Students are able to understand that output speed
will be increased when a large gear turns a smaller
- Students are able to understand that output speed
will be reduced when a small gear turns a larger gear.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn to use different size gears to make parts of a

model move at different speeds.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 5a Merry-Go-Round
(Gear - Speed)


Match the correct answers.

Driven Gear Drive Gear Driven Gear

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : _______________ _________

Activity : Lesson 5a Merry-Go-Round

(Gear - Speed).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 5b Food Mixer (Gear - Speed)

Topics : -

- Food Mixer (Gear - Speed)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that two gears of

different sizes meshed together will operate at
different speeds.
- Students are able to understand that output speed
will be increased when a large gear turns a smaller
- Students are able to understand that output speed
will be reduced when a small gear turns a larger gear.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn to build a food mixer that will increase output

speed by applying a larger gear to turn a smaller

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 5b Food Mixer

(Gear - Speed)


Circle the correct answers.

No Drive Gear Driven Gear Speed

1 Speed Up

Speed Down

Same Speed
40-tooth gear 24-tooth gear

2 Speed Up

Speed Down

Same Speed
40-tooth gear 40-tooth gear

3 Speed Up

Speed Down

Same Speed
24-tooth gear 40-tooth gear

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : ________________________

Activity : Lesson 5b Food Mixer .

(Gear - Speed).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 6a Winch (Crown Gear)

Topics : -

- Winch (Crown Gear)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that crown gear has

special curved teeth which enable it to mesh at right
angles with a spur gear.
- Students are able to understand that a change in
output speed and direction will be produced when a
crown gear works with a larger or smaller spur gear.

Learning Activities :-

- Learn how a crown gear can be used to transfer the

input (the handle being turned) through 90 degrees
to operate the output (the winding mechanism).

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 6a Winch (Crown Gear)


1) Match the correct answers.

Driven Gear Drive Gear

2) Circle the correct answer.

Crown gear turn the follower by ( 90 / 180 ).

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : __________________ ______

Activity : Lesson 6a Winch (Crown Gear).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 6b Turnstile (Crown Gear)

Topics : -

- Turnstile (Crown Gear)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that crown gear has

special curved teeth which enable it to mesh at right
angles with a spur gear.
- Students are able to understand that a change in
output speed and direction will be produced when a
crown gear works with a larger or smaller spur gear.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a real model using a crown gear to transfer

horizontal movement (the turnstile) to vertical
movement (the counting mechanism).

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 6b Turnstile (Crown Gear)


Circle the correct answers.

8-tooth gear

24-tooth gear

24-tooth crown gear

40-tooth gear

8-tooth gear
24-tooth gear

24-tooth crown gear

40-tooth gear

8-tooth gear
24-tooth gear

24-tooth crown gear

40-tooth gear

8-tooth gear
24-tooth gear

24-tooth crown gear

40-tooth gear

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : _____________ ___________

Activity : Lesson 6b Turnstile (Crown Gear).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 7a Car with Crane

(Worm Gear)

Topics : -

- Car with Crane (Worm Gear)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a worm gear is

used to slow down the output speed of a machine
and to change the direction of the movement
- Students are able to understand that worm gear
pushes just one tooth on the spur gear round every
time it turns.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a car with crane that uses the worm gear to lift
a load and to hold it in place whilst the car moves

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 7a Car with Crane

(Worm Gear)


1) Match the correct answers.

Drive Gear

Driven Gear

2) Circle the correct answer.

Worm gear will roll up the hook ( slowly , quickly ).

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : __________________ _____

Activity : Lesson 7a Car with Crane

(Worm Gear).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 7b Measuring Wheel

(Worm Gear)

Topics : -

- Measuring Wheel (Worm Gear)

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that a worm gear is

used to slow down the output speed of a machine
and to change the direction of the movement
- Students are able to understand that worm gear
pushes just one tooth on the spur gear round every
time it turns.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a familiar measuring wheel and adapts it to

include a measuring gauge and pointer.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Lesson 7b Measuring Wheel

(Worm Gear)


Fill in the correct answers.

A. 24 B. Worm Gear C. Transparent Box

1. Worm gear can only be housed in the .

2. 24-tooth gear is unable to drive .

3. Worm gear turns round in order to drive the 24-

tooh gear one round.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Weekly Assessment

Date : __________ ______________

Activity : Lesson 7b Measuring Wheel

(Worm Gear).

1) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

2) Written Answers

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Problem Solving

Topics : -

- Wind Speed Tester

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to build a sturdy model that:

o can rotate freely;
o has high capacity to catch the wind;
o can withstand strong wind.
- Students are able to understand that the model will
move according to the wind speed: the stronger the
wind, the faster speed will turn.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a wind speed tester with a pivot point allowing it

to turn freely according to the wind speed.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Problem Solving

Wind Speed Tester

The Problem

Sam and Sara are excited about flying their new kites, but
they want to know if it is windy enough. They need
something to show them how windy it is.

Can you help Sam and Sara to make a wind speed tester?

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Design Brief

Design and make a wind speed tester that:

Can stand on its own
Can catch strong wind
Can rotate freely according to wind speed

Make a sketch of the idea you designed and made.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Problem Solving Assessment

Activity : The Problem Wind Speed Tester.

1) Planning and Design

5 4 3 2 1

2) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Problem Solving

Topics : -

- A Carnival Ride

Learning Objectives : -

- Students are able to understand that connecting

(meshing) gears turn in opposite directions, but
alternate gears turn in the same direction.
- Students are able to understand that gears with
different sizes will turn at different speeds.

Learning Activities :-

- Build a carnival ride that makes the characters go at

different speeds and turn in different directions.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Problem Solving

A Carnival Ride

The Problem

Sam and Sara are going to a carnival. They want a

carnival ride which makes them go at different speeds
and turn in different directions.

Can you help Sam and Sara to make a carnival ride

operated by gears which will enable them to turn in
different directions or at different speeds?

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Design Brief

Design and make a carnival ride that:

Turn in different directions
Move at different speeds

Make a sketch of the idea you designed and made.

LEGO Education Early Simple Machine

Problem Solving Assessment

Activity : The Problem A Carnival Ride.

1) Planning and Design

5 4 3 2 1

2) LEGO Construction

5 4 3 2 1

3) Teamwork

5 4 3 2 1




Marking Scheme:

5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Moderate 2 Poor 1 Fail


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