Bear's Birthday: by Christine A. Economos Illustrated by Winifred Barnum-Newman

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Bears Birthday

by Christine A. Economos
illustrated by Winifred Barnum-Newman


ISBN-13: 978-0-325-01569-9
ISBN-10: 0-325-01569-4

Book 93
Level I

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Bears Birthday
Author: Christine A. Economos
361 Hanover Street
Portsmouth, NH 038013912
Offices and agents throughout the world
Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Books
Copyright 2009 by Irene C. Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, and Heinemann
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests
for permission should be mailed to the Permissions Department at Heinemann,
361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801.
ISBN-13: 978-0-325-01569-9 ISBN-10: 0-325-01569-4
Editorial Development, Design, and Production by Brown Publishing Network
Illustrations: Winifred Barnum-Newman
Printed in China
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RRD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Bears Birthday
by Christine A. Economos
illustrated by Winifred Barnum-Newman

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Bear woke up.
He looked outside and smiled.

What a beautiful day for

my birthday, he said.
I will have a party!
First I will make a cake.
But I dont have any eggs.

So Bear went to Rabbits house.


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Hello, Rabbit, said Bear. Bear thanked Rabbit and
Do you have any eggs? took the eggs.
I want to bake a cake. Then he went home.

I have some eggs, said Rabbit. Why didnt Bear ask me

What is the cake for? to his party? Rabbit asked sadly.

Its my birthday, and Im having

a party, said Bear.

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Hello, Beaver, said Bear.
Do you have any paper?
I want to make some hats.

I have some paper, said Beaver.

What are the hats for?

Its my birthday, and Im having

a party, said Bear.

When he got home, Bear made

the cake.

Now I will make party hats,

said Bear.
But I dont have any paper.

So Bear went to Beavers house.


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When he got home, Bear made
the hats.

These are good hats, said Bear.

Now I will blow up balloons.
But I dont have any balloons.

So Bear went to Foxs house.

Bear thanked Beaver and

took the paper.
Then he went home.

Why didnt Bear ask me to his

party? Beaver asked sadly.
I will ask Rabbit.


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Hello, Fox, said Bear.
Do you have any balloons?

I have some balloons, said Fox.

What are they for?

Its my birthday, and Im having

a party, said Bear.

Bear thanked Fox and took

the balloons.
Then he went home.

Why didnt Bear ask me

to his party? Fox asked sadly.
I will ask Rabbit.

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When he got home, Bear waited and waited,
Bear blew up the balloons. but no friends came.
He put the cake and the hats Bear was sad.
on the table. It was his birthday.
Where were his friends?
I am finished, Bear said.
Now I will wait for my friends. I will go look for them,
he said.

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Bear went to Rabbits house.
Beaver and Fox were there.

Im sad, Bear told them.

I made a cake and party hats.
I blew up balloons.
Why didnt you come to my
birthday party?

We did not come, said Bears

friends, because you did not
ask us!

Oh, said Bear.

I planned a party.
But I forgot to ask my friends
to come.

We will come now! said Fox.

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So they all went to Bears house
to have a party.

This is a good party, Bear,

said all his friends.

Yes, said Bear. It is a good

surprise party!


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