Pneumatic and Flash Drying
Pneumatic and Flash Drying
Pneumatic and Flash Drying
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Pneumatic and Flash Drying
16 Irene Borde and Avi Levy
In order to achieve efficient pneumatic drying pro-
Air inlet
cess, the air velocity should be as low as possible to
achieve materials transport, the mass flow rate of the
FIGURE 16.1 Simple flash drying system. gas should be the minimum necessary to achieve the
1 6 1 6 1 6
3 2 7
5 6 7
10 9
1 8
3 3
2 2
FIGURE 16.3 Two-stage pneumatic dryer with vapor utilization. 1, Wet product; 2, primary air inlet; 3, heat generator;
4, fan; 5, dryer tube; 6, cyclones; 7, cyclone separator; 8, predried product discharge; 9, dried product discharge; 10, vapor
return line; 11, waste gas stack. (From Flash Dryer, Deutsche Babcock, Babcock-BSH GMBH, 1998. With permission.)
back to the first drying stage. This system is particu- the material is recirculated until it is dried to the
larly efficient if the drying agent is superheated steam. required humidity. For instance high-temperature
Separation is by means of cyclone separators. short-time ring dryers are used in the food industry
A second drying stage can also be used as a cool- to expand the starch cell structure in potatoes or
ing stage. Two-stage flash dryers can be used for carrots to give a rigid porous structure, which enhances
products difficult to dry, e.g., for methylcellulose. conventional drying rates [5].
The number of cycles of different particles in two- Figure 16.4 presents a spin-flash dryer that can be
stage systems may be different and as a result the utilized for some special applications. As described in
resistance time of the particles will not be the same. Ref. [4] the spin-flash dryer is basically a mechanically
For longer resistance times the duct can be formed agitated fluidized bed device for very short resi-
into a continuous loop (ring dryers). In these systems dence times. Hence it is targeted for surface moisture
Exhaust air
Bag filter
Drying chamber
Wet feed
Feed hopper
and agitator Dried solids
Air heater
Hot air plenum
Annular air inlet
FIGURE 16.4 Spin-flash dryer. (From Devahastin, S. (Ed.), Mujumdars Practical Guide To Industrial DryingPrinciples,
Equipment And New Developments, Exergex Corporation, Montreal, Canada, 2000. With permission.)
universal gas constant, and pvo and pvg are the partial Sc (16:23)
pressures of the water vapor at the particle crust and r g Dn
the gas phase, respectively.
The second drying period starts at a critical solid- The correlations for the Nusselt number (see Table
to-liquid mass ratio, jcr, which is obtained from a 16.1) can be used to calculate the Sherwood number,
minimum void fraction, i.e., the porosity of the par- Sh, and the mass transfer coefficient hm by replacing
ticles, (typically varied between 0.05 and 0.25). Dur- the Prandtl number, Pr, with the Schmidt number, Sc.
ing the second period of the drying process, a dry During the first drying stage the diameter of the
crust starts to form, which causes a second resistance particle, ds, shrinks due to evaporation from the outer
to mass and heat transfer. Thus, the wet particle surface to the surrounding gas. Thus the diameter of
consists of a dry crust surrounding a wet core. This the wet particle can be calculated by
resistance is governed by a diffusion process, which
occurs between the outside diameter of the particle, d 2
ds m
_s (16:24)
dso, and the diameter of the wet core, dsi. Assuming dx rw us pds2
that the particle is not shrinking during the second
drying period, the outside diameter of the particle At the second drying stage, the evaporation process
remains constant and the diameter of the wet core of liquid from a particle is assumed to be governed by
decreases. The equation for the evaporation rate diffusion through the particle crust and convection
from a single particle is expressed as a Stephan-type into the gas medium. As evaporation proceeds, the
diffusion rule [50] wet core shrinks as the particle dries. In general, both
0 1 the particle outer diameter and the wet core diameter
can be shrinked, which may deform the particles
dsi dso 2pDv p B p psat C shape and size. In order to simplify the model, it
m nB C
dso dsi R Tave @ RTss pvg Tss A was assumed that the particles outer diameter re-
p 2 M
hm pdso w Tg mains constant during the second drying period.
(16:21) Thus, only the change of the wet core diameter, dsi,
was considered:
where Dv is the diffusion coefficient, psat is the satur-
ation pressure inside the wet core, and Tave is the
d 2
average temperature of the particle. dsi m
_s (16:25)
In analogy to the heat transfer coefficient, the mass dx rw us pdsi2
transfer coefficient hm is calculated from the Sher-
wood number, Sh, which is equivalent to Nusselt
number, Nu 16.5.3 CASE STUDY
120 60
Solid temperature (8C)
Gas temperature (C)
100 50
70 30
60 Abiabatic flow model Conducting wall model
50 Conducting wall model 20 Abiabatic flow model
Rocha (1988) exp. data Rocha (1988) exp. data
40 DryPak DryPak
Rocha (1988) a
10 Rocha (1988) a
30 Rocha (1988) b Rocha (1988) b
20 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) Dryer length [m] (b) Dryer length (m)
FIGURE 16.6 Comparison between the predictions of the pneumatic drying model, DryPak model [35], Rocha [33] models
and the experimental data for changes of (a) gas temperature, (b) solid temperature, (c) gas humidity, and (d) particles
moisture content with length under adiabatic and known wall temperature operating conditions.