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Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126

Luminescence temperature and pressure studies of Zn2SiO4

phosphors doped with Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions
Fuhai Sua,, Baoshan Maa, Kun Dinga, Guohua Lia, Shaopeng Wangb,
Wei Chenb,, Alan G. Jolyc, David E. McCreadyc
State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 912, Beijing 100083, Peoples Republic of China
Nomadics, Inc., 1024 South Innovation Way, Stillwater, OK 74074, USA
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99354, USA
Received 1 September 2004
Available online 29 April 2005


Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ phosphors were prepared by a sol-gel process and their
luminescence spectra were investigated. The emission bands from intra-ion transitions of Mn2+ and Eu3+ samples were
studied as a function of pressure. The pressure coefcient of Mn2+ emission was found to be 25.370.5 and
28.570.9 meV/GPa for Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, respectively. The Eu3+ emission shows only weak
pressure dependence. The pressure dependences of the Mn2+ and Eu3+ emissions in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ are slightly
different from that in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ samples, which can be attributed to the co-doping of Mn2+
and Eu3+ ions. The Mn2+ emission in the two samples, however, exhibits analogous temperature dependence and
similar luminescence lifetimes, indicating no energy transfer from Mn2+ to Eu3+ occurs.
r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 78.55.m; 74.25.Gz; 71.70.Ch

Keywords: Zn2SiO4; Mn2+; Eu3+; Hydrostatic pressures; Luminescence; Crystal eld

1. Introduction stability and transparency in the ultraviolet

(UV)-visible range. Transition and rare-earth ions
Zinc silicate is an ideal host material for are excellent luminescent centers as a result of their
transition metal ions because of its chemical inner shell electronic transitions. Consequently,
transition and rare-earth ion doped zinc silicates
Corresponding authors. have been studied extensively as efcient lumines-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Su), cent materials [16]. Mn2+ doped Zn2SiO4 phos-
[email protected] (G. Li), [email protected] (W. Chen). phors emit green light when excited by UV light or

0022-2313/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

118 F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126

cathode rays. These materials have been widely 5000 rpm for 15 min allowed separation of the
investigated as novel luminescent materials in solid samples from the solution. The resulting
lamps, cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and plasma powders were dried at 400 1C under nitrogen
display panels due to their high luminescence overnight revealing white solids. Finally, the solids
efciency [7]. Similarly, Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ has at- were annealed at 1000 1C under nitrogen. The
tracted attention because of its strong emission in glass-like solid obtained has strong green and red
the red which is in accordance with the standard luminescence. Three different samples were pre-
made by the CIE (commission International de pared: Zn2SiO4 doped with 8% Mn2+; Zn2SiO4
1 Eclairage, France). Therefore, the phosphor doped with 6% Eu3+; and Zn2SiO4 co-doped with
has some desirable features that make it applicable 8% Mn2+ and 3% Eu3+.
to TV and CRT screen applications [5]. Co- The phase identity of the phosphors was
doping of Mn2+ and Eu3+ into Zn2SiO4 may examined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD)
provide a phosphor with both green and red using a Philips XPert MPD system (PW3040/00
emissions, making it potentially useful for full- type) equipped with a 1.8 kW Cu source
color displays. (
(l 1:54056 A). The PL measurements under
For co-doped phosphors, it is important to hydrostatic pressure were done in a diamond-anvil
reveal the interactions between the dopants in cell (DAC) at room temperature. The samples,
order to get high efciency and adequate color together with a small piece of ruby, were placed in
index. Pressure and temperature dependences of a stainless-steel gasket with a hole of 300 mm in
the luminescence can provide useful information diameter. A 4:1 methanolethanol mixture was
about the interactions between doped ions and the used as the pressure-transmitting medium. The
coupling between the dopants and the host crystal pressure was determined by using the standard
lattices. The variation in hydrostatic pressure or ruby-uorescence technique and varied from 0 to
temperature can change the inter-atomic distance. 6 GPa. The photoluminescence (PL) measure-
This can change the overlap among adjacent ments at different temperatures were performed
electronic orbitals as well as the crystal eld by xing samples on the cold nger of a closed-
surrounding the dopant. Therefore, the study of cycle refrigeration system. The temperature varied
luminescence spectral properties as a function of from 10 to 300 K. The 325 nm line of a HeCd
pressure or temperature may provide insight about laser and the 454.5 nm line of an Ar+ ion
the interactions between the luminescent centers or laser were used as the excitation source. The
between the centers and the host lattice. In this emitted light was dispersed by a JY-HRD1 double
paper, we report the pressure and temperature grating monochromator and detected by a cooled
behaviors of Zn2SiO4 phosphors doped with GaAs photomultiplier tube operating in photon-
Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions. counting mode. The excitation spectra under
atmospheric pressure were measured with a
uorometer (FluoroMax-2 from Jobin Yvon-
2. Experimental Spex). The sample was placed on a custom-built
solid sample holder.
The samples were prepared as follows. First, The lifetimes and time-resolved spectra were
calculated amounts of Zn(CH3COO)2, Mn(NO3)2 collected using the output of nanosecond pulsed
Eu(NO3)3 and 0.5 g of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) optical parametric oscillator/amplier (Spectra
were dissolved in 50 ml water by thoroughly Physics MOPO-730). The output was directed
stirring under argon protection. Afterwards, onto the samples and the emission collected
4.5 mM Na2SiO3 (2 g of 27% saturated solution) at right angle and focused into a mono-
was added slowly and NaOH solution (about chromator equipped with either a cooled CCD
10 ml of 0.1 M NaOH) was used to adjust the pH detector for spectral measurements, or a
value to 10. The solution was reuxed overnight in standard photomultiplier tube for lifetime mea-
an Argon atmosphere after which centrifugation at surements.

F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126 119

3. Results and discussion (a)

ex =325nm (b) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+
3.1. Atmospheric pressure photoluminescence and

Intensity (arb.units)
photoluminescence excitation spectra 5

Fig. 1 shows the XRPD patterns of the 4
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, sam-



ples. The two samples exhibit almost identical 3


XRPD patterns corresponding to the Willemite


structure of the usual rhombohedral phase of i
Zn2SiO4 [8]. The Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions substitute
for the Zn2+ in the Zn2SiO4 host, which has 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500
tetrahedral sites [911]. No XRPD peaks from Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
impurities are observed in the samples, thus, it is
Fig. 2. (a) The PL spectra from Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, Zn2SiO4:Eu3+,
reasonable to assume that Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions
and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ samples and (b) the excitation
substitute for Zn2+ sites in the Zn2SiO4 host spectra of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ obtained
lattice. However, it must be pointed out that by monitoring the green emission at 530 nm and measured at
defects such as F-centers appear along with the room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The sharp peak in
substitution of Eu3+ to preserve charge neutrality. the excitation spectra at 265 nm arises from the second-order
diffraction of the excitation wavelength.
The PL spectra of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, Zn2SiO4:
Mn2+,Eu3+ and Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ at atmospheric
pressure are displayed in Fig. 2(a). The
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ displays a broad green emission (J 024) of Eu3+, respectively [5]. Fig. 2(b)
peaking at 525 nm due to the 4T16A1 transition of shows the PL excitation (PLE) spectra of
Mn2+ ions. The PL spectra of Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ ob-
shows more complex behavior (Fig. 2(a)). The tained by monitoring the green emission at
emission peaks at 578, 590, 610, 654, and 703 nm 520 nm. There is a broad peak at about 270 nm,
are attributed to the transitions of 5D0 to 7FJ which is more intense compared with other
excitation peaks. An analogous broad peak about
276 nm was also observed in TMA2MnBr4 com-
plexes [12]. The broad peak is likely associated

with the crystal eld transitions of higher energy in



Mn2+ ions. The larger intensity of the band with




respect to the other dd bands of lower energy can

Intensity (counts)

be a consequence of increased mixing with ligand-





metal charge transfer states. The excitation peaks

at 356, 380, 420, 435, and 490 nm are assigned
to the transitions of 6A1 (S)4E (4D), 6A1 (S)
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ T2 (4D), 6A1 (S)4A1, 4E (4G), 6A1 (S)4T2 (4G)
and 6A1 (S)4T1 (4G) of Mn2+, respectively [2,13].
It should be pointed out that the shape of the
excitation spectra is similar to that in
TMA2MnBr4 complexes [12]. Upon comparison
10 20 30 40 50 60 with the assignment of transition energies of Mn2+
2Theta (deg.) in the reference, the 6A1 (S)4T1 (4G) transition in
Fig. 1. The XRPD patterns of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ (upper) Zn2SiO4:Mn should be at about 445 nm and
and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ (lower) samples prepared by sol-gel corresponding to the shoulder of the broad band
process. from the 6A1 (S)4T2 (4G) transition. However,

120 F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126

our calculated result for 6A1 (S)4T1 (4G) transi- According to previous results, the Mn2+ emission
tion according to the crystal eld theory is close to slowly diminishes when the concentration of
the 490 nm, which agrees with that reported in Mn2+ increases above 5 mol%, due to energy
other references [2,13]. The energies of these transfer between Mn2+ ions [1]. Sohn et al. [2]
excited states are almost identical in have also observed this interaction between Mn2+
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ as listed ions. It was found that the radiationless energy
in Table 1. An estimate of the Racah parameters transfer rate is proportional to R6, where R is the
(B and C) and crystal eld strength (Dq) is distance between Mn2+ ions taking part in the
obtained from the excitation peaks based on the energy transfer [2]. Therefore, one possible cause
crystal eld theory [14]. The measured energies of of the rapid decrease of the Mn2+ emission
the PLE peaks and the obtained values of B, C, intensity at higher pressures is the slight pressure-
and Dq are listed in Table 1. The errors of B, C, induced decrease of the distance between Mn2+
and Dq are about 20, 50 and 90 cm1, assuming ions. Another factor responsible for the decrease in
the measurement error of the peak position is intensity is likely associated with the pressure-
within 1 nm. Within the error of the data, the induced low-symmetry crystal-eld effects. In
calculated values of B, C and Dq in general, the linear compressibility shows the
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ are almost identical to that in directional properties to a certain extent, thus
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+. This indicates that the co- the symmetry of the crystal-eld surrounding the
doping of Eu3+ does not change the crystal eld Mn2+ ions may lower with increasing pressure.
strength around Mn2+ sites to any appreciable The change in symmetry can inuence the 4T16A1
amount. transition efciency of Mn2+.
Zn2SiO4 undergoes a phase transformation at
3.2. PL spectra pressure dependence about 2.5 GPa, where hexagonal Zn2SiO4-I
changes to tetragonal Zn2SiO4-II [15]. Neverthe-
The emission spectra for the samples at different less, no discontinuity in the PL spectra with
pressures are presented in Fig. 3. The Eu3+ increasing pressures is observed for either Mn2+
emission peaks do not change dramatically with or Eu3+ ions doped Zn2SiO4. This might be
pressure, either in peak position or in bandwidth. associated with the fact that the Zn2+ ions are
However, their intensities decrease with the still in tetrahedral coordinated sites in the
increase of pressure. The Mn2+ emission in Zn2SiO4-II phase and the interatomic distance of
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ shifts ZnO in Zn2SiO4-II is quite similar to that of
to longer wavelengths with increasing pressure Willemite [16]. To compare the pressure behaviors
and the emission intensity decreases rapidly. of Mn2+ emission in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and

Table 1
Excitation peak energies and crystal eld parameters for Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ samples

Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ (cm1) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ (cm1)

Observed Calculated Observed Calculated

Excitation peak energy A1 (S)4E (4D) 28050 280907590 28097 279947590
A1 (S)4T2 (4D) 26316 26343
A1 (S)4A1,4E (4G) 23736 237407450 23753 237457450
A1 (S)4T2 (4G) 23095 226487600 23116 225717600
A1 (S)4T1 (4G) 20367 204567500 20387 204707500
Crystal eld parameters B 622720 607720
C 3504750 3535750
Dq 562790 563790

F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126 121

(a) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ (b) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ (c) 2 Zn2SiO4:Eu
ex =454.5nm ex =454.5nm ex =325nm
5D -7F
0 J
J=0 P=0.35GPa
Intensity (arb.units)

5D -7F
0 J 4
2 1
J=0 3
585 600
1 P=0.16GPa 1.25
1 1.89
1.2 x2.4 2.76

x5 3.13
2.1 3.77

3.2 4.65

500 550 600 650 700 500 550 600 500 550 600 650 700 750
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3. The PL spectra at selected pressures from (a) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, (b) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, and (c) Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ samples. The
inset in Fig. 5(a) represents the magnied spectrum of the 5D07F0 and 5D07F1 emissions of Eu3+ ions (P 0:16 GPa).

2.40 where a is the pressure coefcient and E0

2.38 Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ represents the emission energy at P 0 GPa. The
2.36 Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+
obtained pressure coefcients for Zn2SiO4:Mn2+
2.34 and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ are 25.370.5 and
Energy (eV)

2.32 28.570.9 meV/GPa, respectively. The absolute

2.30 value of the pressure coefcient for Zn2SiO4:
2.28 Mn2+,Eu3+ is somewhat larger than that for
The pressure behavior of the Mn2+ emission
maximum may be analyzed using crystal eld
theory, which has been successfully used to
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 describe the pressure dependence of Mn2+ emis-
Pressure (GPa) sion from ZnS:Mn2+ [1719]. The pressure shift of
the peak energy of the Mn2+ emission, dE/dP, can
Fig. 4. Pressure dependence of the peak energy of the Mn2+ be expressed as a function of dDq/dP and dB/dP,
emission from Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+. The
providing that the Racah parameter ratio C/B is
solid lines are the least-squares t to the data using a linear
relationship. independent of the pressure [17]:
dE dDq 1 dB
d E 0  Dqd , (2)
dP dP B dP
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, plots of the peak energies of where E0 is the PL peak energy of Mn2+ emission
Mn2+ emission as a function of pressure are at P 0 GPa and d d(E/B)/d(Dq/B) is the
displayed in Fig. 4. The two straight lines in the slope of the curve E/B vs. Dq/B at the value of
plot represent the result of the least-squares t to Dq/B derived from the corresponding transition
the experimental data using a linear relation: T1 to 6A1 in the SuganoTanabe diagram.
The value of d is 10 for Mn2+ ions [14].
EP E 0 aP, (1) Eq. (2) predicts the pressure dependence of

122 F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126

Mn2+ emission, which is determined by the tion metal complexes, and the crystal eld strength
pressure-induced variation of Dq and B. The Dq as a function of metalligand distance generally
term is proportional to Rn, where R represents does not agree with the point charge model. The
the distance between the Mn2+ ion and surround- values of the exponent n derived from molecular
ing O ions. In a point charge model, the value of n orbital wave function calculations on different
is 5 [17]. Therefore, the rst term of the equation transition metal complexes are between 3.5 and 6
can be written as [26]. In the present case, it is possible that the co-
 1 doping of Eu3+ changes the local compressibility
dE dDq 50 of the Mn-ligand system. In addition, the co-
10  kDq; (3) doping with a few percent of Eu3+ ions may lower
dP dP 3
the point symmetry of the Mn2+ site which may
where k 1=V dV =dP is the volume com- cause a difference in the pressure shifts of Mn2+
pressibility. Although there is no reported value of emission in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:
k for Zn2SiO4, the bulk modulus of most silicates Mn2+,Eu3+.
is between 110 and 170 GPa [2022]. Assuming The pressure dependence of the Eu3+ emission
that the bulk modulus of Zn2SiO4 is also in the energies are plotted in Fig. 5. For comparison, the
above range, the calculated rst term of Eq. (3) is different Eu3+ transitions are shifted vertically.
between 7 and 10 meV/GPa for the two samples. From Fig. 5(a) it can be observed that the Eu3+
In addition, there is no available data of dB/dP for emission from Eu3+-doped Zn2SiO4 exhibits a
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, so it is difcult to calculate the weak red shift with increasing pressure. The
pressure coefcient precisely. If the value obtained pressure coefcient obtained by least-squares
for ZnS:Mn2+ (3.48 cm1/GPa [23]) is used to
estimate the pressure coefcients, the obtained
results are in the range of 2428 meV/GPa for the 25 (a)
two samples. These results are in accordance
with the experimental data, suggesting that the 5
pressure coefcient for the Mn2+ emission in 15 5
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ can be described by the above
crystal eld theory. It should be mentioned that 5
the derivative of the Racah parameter B depends 5
E(P)-E0 (meV)

on the ligands covalency and crystal compressi- D0-7F4
bility, therefore the value of dB/dP from different 30
Mn2+ doped complexes may show large discre- (b) 5
25 D0-7F0
pancies. For a more precise quantitative calcula-
tion for the pressure dependence of Mn2+ 20
emission from Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, dB/dP needs to be 5
obtained directly from experiment. 15
According to the above discussion, the crystal 10 5
eld strength Dq and Racah parameter B is almost
identical in Mn2+ singly-doped and Mn2+, Eu3+
co-doped Zn2SiO4 phosphors. Therefore, factors 0 D0-7F4

other than crystal eld parameters should be 0 1 2 3 4

considered in order to explain the variation in Pressure (GPa)
pressure coefcients between the two samples. The
quantity d(Dq)/dP in Eq. (2) has been found to be Fig. 5. The variation of the peak energies of Eu3+ transition,
E(p)E0, from (a) Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ and (b) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+
dependent on the local compressibility [24,25]. The as a function of pressure, where E0 is the emission energy at
exponent n in the relation of Dq on R is sensitive P 0 GPa. The data are offset on the vertical axis for
to the surroundings around doped ions in transi- comparison. The solid lines are the least-squares ts to the data.

F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126 123

Table 2
The pressure coefcients for Mn2+ and Eu3+ emissions in three samples obtained from the least-squares t to the experimental data
using a linear relation

Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ (meV/ Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+

(meV/GPa) GPa) (meV/GPa)

Mn2+ 4
T16A1 25.370.5 28.570.9
D07F0 0.4570.1 0.6270.2
D07F1 0.6470.05 1.570.3
Eu3+ 5
D07F2 0.4570.05 0.2670.1
D07F3 0.7170.1
D07F4 0.6970.08 1.1170.15
average pressure shift (Eu3+) 0.59 0.56

linear t for the emission energy from the 6D04FJ 3000

(a) Zn2SiO4:Eu3+
(J 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) transition is shown in Table 2.
The pressure dependences for the transitions of
D04FJ (J 04) are nearly the same. 2400
Nv (cm-1)

The crystal eld parameters of Eu3+ can be

estimated from the Stark splitting of 5D04F1 2100

Intensity (a.u.)
E2 E1 E3
emission peaks. According to crystal eld theory, 1800
the crystal eld strength parameter Nv can be 5
D0- F17

determined by the following relation [27,28]: 1500

584 592 600
r Wavelength (nm)
4p 1200
Nn B20 2 2B22 2 , (4) (b) Zn2SiO4:Eu3+
5 -2
Formal Negative Charge

where B20 and B22 are crystal eld parameters and -3
related to the Stark splitting of the 7F1 energy level
[24]: -4

E 1 E b 15B20 , -5
1 6 -6
E2 Eb  B20 B22 ,
10 10
p -7
1 6
E3 Eb  B20  B22 , 5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
10 10
Pressure (GPa)
where the Ei (i 1, 2, 3) are the three Stark split
levels as shown in Fig. 6 and Eb is the average Fig. 6. (a) The crystal-eld strength (Nv) derived from the Stark
splitting of the 5D07F1 transition in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+, and (b) the
energy of the three experimental 7F1 levels. Based formal negative charge for Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,
on the measured Stark splitting of the 5D07F1 Eu3+ as the function of the pressure. The inset displays the
emission at different pressures for Zn2SiO4:Eu3+, three Stark split peaks of the 5D07F1 transition.
the variation of the crystal eld strength described
by Nv with pressure is plotted in Fig. 6(a). It is
clear that the crystal eld strength increases
gradually with the increase of the pressure. the emission peaks of the 5D07F1 and 5D07F4
The pressure behavior of the Eu3+ emissions in transitions shift to lower energies at a faster rate
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ (Fig. 5b) are different from with increasing pressure than in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+.
that in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+. In Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, However, the 5D07F0 transition shifts to higher

124 F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126

energy and the 5D07F2 transition is almost the Eu3+ ion and can be derived from the energy
unchanged as the pressure increases. Therefore, (v) of the 5D07F0 transition [28,29]
the splitting between 7FJ states with respect to
vcm1 17273 2:29q  0:76q2 . (6)
different J show distinct changes with increasing
pressure in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, whereas these The variation of formal negative charge induced
splittings are almost independent on the pressure by pressure for the two samples is shown in
in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+. The presence of Mn2+ ions Fig. 6(b). The value of the formal negative charge
likely lowers the symmetry of the crystal eld in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ shows a weak decreasing trend
surrounding Eu3+ or changes the local compres- with elevated pressure but the formal charge in
sibility of the Eu-ligand system, and thus inu- Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ increases.
ences the pressure dependence of the crystal eld.
This can account for the different behavior of 3.3. The PL spectra temperature dependence
Eu3+ transition in the two samples. In addition, it
is interesting that the average pressure-induced The luminescence temperature dependence may
shift of the 5D07FJ emission from Zn2SiO4: provide insight into explaining the pressure
Mn2+,Eu3+ is about 0.56 meV/GPa, which is dependences. The energy position and bandwidths
almost identical to the value (0.59 meV/GPa) of the emission peaks from Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions
from Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ as shown in Table 2. Previous are almost independent of temperature for the
results from Eu3+ doped into glasses also show a three samples (Fig. 7). For Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and
pressure regime where the energy shift induced by Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, the Mn2+ emission be-
the increased pressure displays a very weak comes weaker in intensity with decreasing tem-
redshift [28]. These observations have been ex- perature. This phenomenon is consistent with the
plained by the formation of pressure-induced high- pressure induced decrease of the intensity. The
eld Eu3+ sites related to the higher formal lower temperature tends to shorten the distance
negative charges on the ligand [27,28]. The sum between Mn2+ ions. Therefore, the radiationless
of the formal negative charge (q) on the oxygen energy transfer between Mn2+ ions should be
ligands is associated with the electronegativity of enhanced. Another possible reason for the increase

(a) Zn2SiO4:Mn,Eu (b) Zn2SiO4:Mn (c) Zn2SiO4:Eu

10K T= 10K

30K 30K
Intensity (arb.units)

50K 60K
10K 90K 90K
40K 150K 13 0K
220K 18 0K
T=300K 300K

500 600 700 400 500 600 700 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 7. The PL spectra at different temperatures for (a) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, (b) Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and (c) Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ samples.

F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126 125

of intensity with temperature may be thermally t well with a single exponential function and the
activated energy transfer from other defects to obtained lifetimes are 1070.1 and 3.470.1 ms,
Mn2+ ions. As the temperature increases, thermal respectively. In Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, the decay curve
activation can release carriers trapped at defect can be well t by a bi-exponential function, with
sites to the conduction band of the host. These lifetimes of 10.270.1 and 1.2470.1 ms, respec-
carriers can be trapped at the Mn2+ sites, tively. The slow component corresponds to the
enhancing the luminescence with increasing tem- decay of the Mn2+ emission, which is consistent
perature. with that in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+. If there is
The intensity of Eu3+ emission also shows an energy transfer from Mn2+ to Eu3+, the decay
increase at elevated temperature in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+. lifetime of Mn2+ should be shortened in the co-
However, the Eu3+ emission from Zn2SiO4: doped phosphor. However, the decay lifetimes of
Mn2+,Eu3+ diminishes slightly as the temperature Mn2+ in the two samples are almost identical,
increases. Interactions between Mn2+ and Eu3+ indicating no energy transfer occurs. This conclu-
ions such as energy transfer are possible reasons sion is consistent with the results from the pressure
for the difference in pressure and temperature and temperature measurements.
behaviors between Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:
Mn2+,Eu3+. Time-resolved luminescence spectra
and lifetimes can reveal whether there is energy 4. Conclusions
transfer between Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions. The time-
resolved spectra of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ following We have investigated the luminescence spectra
excitation at 395 nm are shown in Fig. 8. In the of Zn2SiO4:Mn2+, Zn2SiO4:Eu3+, and Zn2SiO4:
inset of Fig. 8, the luminescence decay curves of Mn2+,Eu3+ phosphors under different pressures
the Mn2+ and Eu3+ emission from Zn2SiO4: and temperatures. The emission bands consist of
Mn2+,Eu3+ are plotted. The decay curve of the intra-ion transitions of Mn2+ and Eu3+ in these
Mn2+ emission from Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ is also shown samples. The excitation spectra of the Mn2+ ion
for comparison. The decay curves of Mn2+ and in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ is consistent with that in
Eu3+ emission from Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ can be Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+, which implies that the co-
doping of Eu3+ ions does not change the crystal
eld surrounding Mn2+. The Mn2+ emission
Logarithmic Intensity (a.u.)

em:610 nm Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+
shifts to longer wavelengths with increasing
ex=395 nm
pressure and the pressure dependence of Mn2+
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ emission can be well described by crystal eld
theory. The Eu3+ emission has very weak pressure
Intensity (arb.units)

em:525 nm dependence. The pressure dependence of the
crystal eld strength and the electronegativity for
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
delay: 5s Eu3+ ions have been obtained. The pressure
time (second)
dependences of the Mn2+ and Eu3+ emissions in
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ are slightly different from
that in Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ and Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ sam-
delay: 50s ples, which may be associated with the co-doping
of Mn2+ and Eu3+ ions. The Mn2+ emission
460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 intensity exhibits a diminishing trend with decreas-
Wavelength (nm) ing temperature and increasing pressure for the
two samples doped with Mn2+ ions. This effect is
Fig. 8. Time-resolved spectra obtained at 5 and 50 ms delay
likely related to carrier migration among Mn2+
after excitation of 395 nm laser line for Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+.
The inset displays the luminescence lifetime decay curves of the ions. The temperature dependence of the Eu3+
Mn2+ and Eu3+ emission from Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ (solid line) and intensity displays opposite trends in the
Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ (dashed line). Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ and Zn2SiO4:Mn2+,Eu3+ samples,

126 F. Su et al. / Journal of Luminescence 116 (2006) 117126

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