Study of Resonance-Based Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging System in Close Proximity To Metallic Objects

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.

37, 183189, 2014

Study of Resonance-Based Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging

System in Close Proximity to Metallic Objects

Durga P. Kar1, * , Praveen P. Nayak1 , Satyanarayan Bhuyan1 , and Sanjib K. Panda2

AbstractA typical magnetic resonance coupling based wireless Electric Vehicle (EV) charging system
consists of a transmitting coil at the charging station and a receiving coil in the vehicle. In order to
maintain good energy transfer efficiency of the wireless charging system, the effect of the proximal
metallic object in the vicinity of the receiving coil has been investigated. Both from the simulation
and experimental measurement, it has been observed that the resonance based wireless energy transfer
system is very sensitive to the nearby metallic objects, leading to significant deterioration in energy
transfer efficiency. This effect on the energy transfer efficiency is also seen to be different for different
physical spacing between the transmitting and receiving coils. It is also found that the operating
resonant frequency for optimum energy transfer efficiency changes with the metallic object in close
proximity to the receiving coil. The simulated results well agree with the experimental results. The
analysis will provide future guidelines for designing an efficient resonance coupling based wireless
charging system for EVs even in the presence of metallic objects.


Wireless charging systems for EVs have recently received much attention because the wireless charging
can provide the convenience to power EVs wirelessly [1, 2]. Roadway electric vehicle applications using
conventional inductive coupling [3, 4] and microwave energy transmission [5] have been proposed for
more than two decades, but till date there has been only limited commercial development due to the
difficulties of inconvenience and efficient only for very short range distance. As electric vehicles make
use of large amounts of energy, any loss in energy efficiency due to the energy transfer process from
the source to the vehicle, will be significant. It has been found that magnetic resonance coupling based
wireless energy transfer system is an effective solution of powering or charging an EV wirelessly [613].
As a result of the advantage of being efficient over a relatively far distance, the magnetic resonance
coupling based wireless energy transfer system has been utilized for charging EVs. In order to make
the magnetic resonance coupling based wireless EV charging system more viable, it is important to
investigate the effect of surrounding metallic objects along with the operating parameters on the energy
transfer efficiency of the wireless charging system.
In this paper, the effect of operating parameters such as the operating frequency, physical spacing,
and proximal metallic object on the wireless energy transfer efficiency have been investigated through
both simulations and experiments. The electromagnetic simulations have been carried out to validate
the experimentally measured results. The analysis will help to get hold of a suitable design of efficient
wireless charging system even in the presence of metallic object.

Received 5 July 2014, Accepted 29 July 2014, Scheduled 30 July 2014

* Corresponding author: Satyanarayan Bhuyan ([email protected]).
1 Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ITER, Siksha O Anushandhan University, Bhubaneswar 751030,

India. 2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576, Singapore.
184 Kar et al.



The experimental setup of wireless energy transfer system based on magnetic resonance coupling for
charging of EVs is shown in Fig. 1(a). The wireless energy transfer system consists of a Radio Frequency
(RF) power source, driving coil, transmitting resonant coil, receiving resonant coil, load coil and resistive
load. The input RF power source is supplied to the driving coil. The transmitting coil is inductively
coupled with the driving coil so that the transmitting coil is energized at its resonant frequency. The
receiving coil is magnetically coupled at its resonant frequency with transmitting coil placed away from
each other. The strong magnetic field coupling between the transmitting and receiving resonant coils
enables the energy to be transferred from one coil to the other at the operating resonant frequency over
a relatively large distance. The load coil is inductively coupled with the receiving coil. The received
energy is then transferred to the load coil, and finally delivered to the load resistance connected across
the load coil. For the analysis, the magnetic resonance-based wireless charging system is accurately
modeled using electromagnetic simulation tool (CST Microwave Studio). The developed electromagnetic
simulation model of the wireless energy transfer system is shown in Fig. 1(b). The simulated model is
used to analyze the performance of the wireless charging system for EVs.
For both the simulation and experiment of resonant wireless energy transfer efficiency, the

Measurement screen

Load coil

Receiving coil

Transmitting coil Resonant

Capacitor Power Source
Driving coil

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Magnetic resonance coupling based wireless energy transfer system for EV charging.
(a) Experimental setup. (b) Electromagnetic simulation model.

Metallic Sheet Measurement screen

Load coil
Receiving coil

Transmitting coil Resonant


Driving coil Power Source

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Magnetic resonance coupling based wireless energy transfer system with proximal metallic
object. (a) Experimental setup. (b) Electromagnetic simulation model.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 37, 2014 185

transmitting and receiving coils are wound to form spiral coils of 45 cm outer diameter, 14 turns,
and 0.8 cm coil spacing. The spiral coils are made of copper wire with diameter 0.64 cm. Both the
transmitting and receiving coils are connected with adjustable lumped capacitor to make the energy
transfer system resonant. In order to analyze the effect of metallic object on the energy transfer
efficiency, a metallic sheet (Aluminium metal) is placed above the load coil of the wireless energy
transfer system. The size of the metallic sheet used in the experimental investigation and simulation
model is 0.25 m2 . Unless and otherwise specified, the metallic sheet is placed at 5 cm away from the
load coil of the wireless energy transfer system. The experimental magnetic resonance coupling based
wireless energy transfer system with the metallic sheet is shown in Fig. 2(a) and simulated model of the
wireless energy transfer system in the presence of metallic sheet is shown in Fig. 2(b).
In the magnetic resonance coupling based wireless energy transfer system, electromagnetic
resonance coupling entails an LC resonance. The LC resonance occurs at a particular frequency called
resonance frequency at which the inductive reactance (XL = 2f L) is equal to the capacitive reactance
(XC = 1/2f C), leads to the maximum energy transfer from the transmitting coil to receiving coil.
The resonant frequency (f ) of the transmitting and receiving coil is determined by the well known
formula [3]
f= (1)
2 LC
The experimental energy transfer efficiency depends on the input supply power (Pin ) and the output
power (Pout ) delivered to the load resistance connected across the load coil. The efficiency is given by [3]
(%) = 100 (2)
The wireless energy transfer is based on the strongly coupled magnetic resonance mechanism [3]. When
the resonant transmitter and receiver coils are in the midrange proximity (distance equal to several
times of resonant coil size) their near fields will strongly couple with each other. The strong magnetic
field coupling between the resonant coils allows the energy to be concentrated at a specific resonant
frequency to transfer from one resonating coil to the other placed away from each other even over a
relatively far distance. This coupling mechanism enables the receiver resonant coil to capture energy
efficiently from the magnetic fields generated by the resonant transmitting coil.


The electromagnetic simulation is carried out for different physical spacing between the transmitting and
receiving resonant coils of the wireless energy transfer system. The distance between the transmitting
and receiving coils is varied from 5 cm to 15 cm vertically along the central axis of the coils. The
simulated frequency characteristics of energy transfer efficiency for different vertical spacing between
the transmitting and receiving resonant coils of wireless energy transfer system is shown in Fig. 3. It
can be seen that the energy transfer efficiency reaches the maximum at a particular frequency. That
frequency for which maximum energy transfer occurs is known as resonant frequency of the system. This
means that the magnetic field generated by the transmitting coil is strongly coupled with receiving coil
at that frequency. For the sample case of where the physical spacing is 12 cm between the transmitting
and receiving resonant coils, the maximum energy transfer occurs with efficiency of 90% and the resonant
frequency is 31.57 kHz. It is also observed that the energy transfer efficiency and the operating resonant
frequency are different for different vertical separation distance between the transmitting and receiving
coils. For each vertical separation distance between the transmitting and receiving resonant coils,
the wireless energy transfer system has its own strongly coupled region that is an optimum operating
frequency for which maximum energy transfer occurs.
The experimental frequency characteristic of energy transfer efficiency for different vertical distance
between the transmitting and receiving resonant coils of wireless charging system is depicted in Fig. 4.
The measurement is carried out for different vertical distances similar to the case of simulation. The
maximum energy transfer efficiency is 90% for the measured case compared to 91% in the simulation
at 12 cm physical spacing between the transmitting and receiving resonant coils for resonant frequency
of 31.57 kHz. The simulated results are compared with the experimentally measured results. Both the
186 Kar et al.

100 100

Efficiency (%)

Efficiency (%)
d=5 cm
60 d=10 cm d=5 cm
d=12 cm d=10 cm
d=15 cm d=12 cm
40 d=15 cm

20 25 30 35 40 45 20 25 30 35 40 45
Operating frequency (kHZ) Operating frequency (kHZ)

Figure 3. Simulated frequency characteristics Figure 4. Measured frequency characteristics

of energy transfer efficiency for different vertical of energy transfer efficiency for different vertical
spacing between the transmitting and receiving spacing between the transmitting and receiving
resonant coils of wireless energy transfer system. resonant coils of wireless energy transfer system.
100 50
Power transfer efficiency (%)

Operating frequency (kHz)

80 40

60 30
Without Metal
Expt. efficiency
Sim. efficiency
Resonant frequency
40 20
4 8 12 16 20
Vertical distance between coils (cm)

Figure 5. Both the simulated and experimental resonant frequency characteristics of optimum energy
transfer efficiency of the wireless energy transfer system without metal plate.

simulated and experimental resonant frequency characteristics of optimum energy transfer efficiency of
the wireless energy transfer system are illustrated in Fig. 5. It has been found that the relative error
between the experimental and simulated energy transfer efficiency is about 1%, i.e., simulated results
agree well with the obtained experimental results. The close agreement between the simulation and
experimental results demonstrates the effectiveness of the electromagnetic simulation model used.
The effect of proximal metallic object on the performance of the wireless charging system for EVs
has been investigated. Both the simulation and experimental measurement have been carried out in
order to determine the effect of the proximal metallic sheet on the wireless energy transfer efficiency.
The effect is studied for a metal sheet placed at a distance of 5 cm away from the receiving load coil
of the wireless charging system. The characteristics of the optimum energy transfer efficiency in the
presence of metallic plate corresponding to the resonant frequency for different vertical distance between
the coils is shown in Fig. 6. It can be observed that the simulated results agree with the experimentally
measured results. The energy transfer efficiency decreases drastically if the metallic object is placed near
to the wireless energy transfer system. For the vertical distance of 12 cm between the transmitting and
receiving resonant coils, the optimum energy transfer efficiency reduces from 90% to 57% at the resonant
frequency of 31.57 kHz in the presence of metallic sheet. This is due to the change in resonant frequency
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 37, 2014 187

100 100 100 100

With Metal plate
Expt. efficiency
80 Sim. efficiency 80

Power transfer efficiency (%)

Power transfer efficiency (%)

Operating frequency (KHz)

Operating frequency (kHz)
80 80
Operating frequency

60 60

60 With Metal plate 60

40 40 Expt. efficiency
Tuned resonant frequency
40 40
20 20

0 20 0 20
4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 20
Vertical distance between coils (cm) Vertical distance between coils (cm)

Figure 6. Both the simulated and experimental Figure 7. Measured frequency characteristics of
resonant frequency characteristics of optimum optimum energy transfer efficiency with different
energy transfer efficiency of the wireless energy vertical spacing between the coils in the presence
transfer system with metal plate. of metallic plate.
d=12 cm
Frequency=31.57 kHz
Energy transfer efficiency (%)




0 5 10 15 20
Gap between metal sheet and load coil (cm)

Figure 8. The experimental dependence of energy transfer efficiency on the physical spacing between
the load coil and the metallic plate.

of the energy transfer system and decrease in mutual inductance between the coils. Experimentally, it
is found that the resonant frequency of optimum energy transfer efficiency changes with the proximal
metallic sheet at different vertical distance. The measured frequency characteristics of optimum energy
transfer efficiency with different vertical spacing between the coils in the presence of metallic plate are
shown in Fig. 7. It is found that the optimum energy transfer efficiency with the presence of metallic
plate is improved from 57% to 63% by tuning the frequency from 31.57 kHz to the operating resonant
frequency 32.27 kHz for the distance of 12 cm between the coils.
In order to maintain the optimum energy transfer efficiency of wireless charging system with the
presence of metallic object, it is important to investigate the optimal physical spacing required between
the proximal metallic plate and the receiving load coil of the wireless charging system. The effect
is studied by varying the physical spacing between the metallic plate and the receiving load coil of
the wireless energy transfer system for fixed vertical separation distance between the transmitting
and receiving coils. The experimental dependence of energy transfer efficiency on the physical spacing
between the receiving load coil and the metallic plate is depicted in Fig. 8. The energy transfer efficiency
deteriorates drastically if the metal plate is placed very near to the load coil of the wireless system. The
energy transfer efficiency increases with increase in physical spacing between the metal plate and load coil
188 Kar et al.

of the wireless energy transfer system. This is because the mutual inductance between the transmitting
and receiving resonant coils reduces if the spacing between the metal plate and coil reduces. This leads
to the reduction in coupling coefficient between the transmitting and receiving resonant coils. Hence
the energy transfer efficiency reduces for the decrease in physical spacing between the metal plate and
load coil of wireless energy transfer system. Experimentally, it is found that at the operating resonant
frequency of 31.57 kHz and vertical distance of 12 cm between the charging coils, the wireless energy
transfer system regain its original optimum efficiency for 15 cm physical spacing between the metal sheet
and load coil.


The effect of surrounding metallic objects on the energy transfer efficiency of resonance-based wireless
charging system has been investigated through simulation and experiment in this research work. The
simulations are carried out to verify the experimental results, and the close agreement between them
demonstrates the effectiveness of the electromagnetic simulation model used. It is observed that the
energy transfer efficiency depends on the operating frequency, physical spacing between the transmitting
and receiving coils and the metallic object in close proximity to the receiving coil. It is seen that the
energy transfer efficiency of resonance based wireless energy transfer system reaches the maximum at
the resonant frequency. If the system is detuned from the resonance, the energy transfer efficiency drops
suddenly. The energy transfer efficiency with the corresponding resonant frequency is seen to be different
for different vertical spacing between the coils. It is found that the energy transfer efficiency reduces
dramatically if the metallic plate is placed in close proximity to the receiving coil of the wireless energy
transfer system. In the presence of metallic sheet, the optimum energy transfer efficiency reduces from
90% to 57% at the resonant frequency of 31.57 kHz for 12 cm vertical spacing between the transmitting
and receiving coils. The energy transfer efficiency can be improved by tuning the resonant frequency as
it can be seen from the experiment that the operating resonant frequency changes with the gap thickness
between the metal plate and receiving load coil of the system. These results show that the presence of
the metallic object in the vicinity of the receiving coil has to be carefully considered for each possible
usage scenario in order to maintain relatively large energy transfer efficiency of the wireless charging
system for EVs.


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