Three-Phase Power: Phase Power Total True Power The Power Triangle
Three-Phase Power: Phase Power Total True Power The Power Triangle
Three-Phase Power: Phase Power Total True Power The Power Triangle
Three-phase power
Phase power
Total true power
The power triangle
Power measurement
One wattmeter
Two wattmeter method
Three wattmeters
Power factor measurement
When a load is connected to a three phase supply, it draws power from that
supply. The value of the load power is important in determining the actual
size of the load which the source is capable of supplying, the size of the
cables connecting the source to the load and the type and size of the
protection used to protect both the load and the source.
In this section we will examine some of the concepts relating to three phase
power, the methods used to minimise reactive power at the source and the
means of measuring true three phase power and determining the power factor
of a three phase load.
Phase power
The power developed, used and/or consumed in a phase is determined using
the equations already covered in this module. Look at the basic three-phase
circuit in Figure 1.
In the circuit drawn in Figure 1 we can see that there are three independent
loads, supplied from a three-phase source. The power used by each section
of the load is calculated by using one of the following equations.
The equations for each phase are therefore the same, except that when we
are dealing with a specific phase subscripts identifying that phase are used.
For example, the equations for A phase would be written as:
Step 1 Determine the phase voltage. As the load is star connected, use the
following equation:
Similarly, V and V are also 240 V.
By similar calculation, I and I are also 10 A.
P C VC I C cos C
240 10 0. 8
1920 W
As you can see from Example 1, if the load is balanced the values for
voltage, current and power have the same magnitude for each phase.
Student exercise 1
2 Determine the phase powers consumed by a three-phase delta connected motor, whose
winding impedance is 12 with a power factor of 0.7 lagging, if it is supplied from a
three-phase 415 V, 50 Hz source.
Check your answers with those given at the end of the section.
With true power there is no phase separation. This means that total true
power for a three-phase load is the numerical sum of the three individual
phase powers. This can be written as:
Example 2
Example 3
Step 1 Determine the phase voltage. As the load is star connected, use the
following equation:
Balanced loads
As Example 1 showed, if the load is balanced the phase powers are equal,
and the simplest way of determining the total power is to calculate one phase
power and multiply it by three. That is:
If we substitute the star equations into the total power equation we can write
the often-used equation for total power in a balanced load:
If we substitute the delta equations into the total power equation we can
write the often-used equation for total power in a balanced load:
Example 4
3 Determine the total power consumed by a three-phase delta connected load where each
phase of the load consists of inductors having an impedance of 25 with a power
factor of 0.8 lagging, if it is supplied from a three-phase 415 V, 50 Hz source.
Check your answers with those given at the end of the section.
You will remember that these powers can be linked together by means of a
power triangle. As power is the same for three-phase power as for single-
phase, the triangle is the same (Figure 2).
In Figure 2 the horizontal line represents the true power (P), the vertical line
represents the reactive power (Q) and the diagonal line represents the
apparent power (S). The triangle is always drawn this way, regardless of the
load type.
These equations apply both to the individual phase powers and to the total
power of the three-phase load. Take care when performing calculations with
three-phase power that you keep phase power values separate from the
three-phase values.
Example 5
pf = cos
Since the power factor was lagging the phase angle is a negative value
with respect to the voltage.
= 53.13
The power triangle can also be used to illustrate and/or solve problems
dealing with power factor correction. (If the triangle is used to solve a
problem, remember that it must be drawn to scale). Example 6 gives the two
methods of solving a problem dealing with power factor correction, one
graphical and one analytical.
Step 3 Determine the true, apparent and reactive powers for the original
P = 180 kW (given)
Note that you only need P and the angle to construct the power triangle.
Step 7 Draw a line at the new phase angle of the circuit onto the original
triangle representing the original load as in Figure 6.
Step 8 Using Figure 6, measure the distance between the points at which
the original and the new lines representing the apparent power
touch the reactive power side of the triangle. This distance
represents the capacitive VAr added to the circuit.
Step 9 Determine the phase current in the capacitor bank. In star, we have:
pf = cos
P = 180 kW (given)
Step 5 Determine the true, apparent and reactive powers for the new load
including the capacitor bank.
P = 180 kW (given)
180 103
180 103
200 kVA
Step 7 Determine the phase current in the capacitor bank. Remember that
in star
Or, as the capacitor bank is star connected, and in star , the phase
current may be calculated using
Step 8 Determine the phase impedance of each capacitor using Ohms law.
The analytical method looks easier, as there are fewer steps in solving the
problem. The graphical solution, however, allows the principles of power
factor correction to be more easily understood.
The capacitors may be arranged in delta whether the load is star connected
or delta connected. This is shown in Figures 7(a) for a star load and 7(b) for
a delta load.
Check your answers with those given at the end of the section.
There are a number of methods to measure the power used and/or developed
by a load. They all involve a meter called a wattmeter. This meter was
discussed in other resource modules.
One wattmeter
The one wattmeter method of connection can be used on both three wire and
four wire three-phase systems. It is easiest to look first at the three-phase
four wire system. This is illustrated in Figure 8.
In this method the voltage coil of the wattmeter is connected between one
phase and neutral. The power measured is phase power.
If the load is balanced, the total power used by the load is three times the
measured value. This is written as
If the load is unbalanced, the technique is to measure each phase power and
add the three phase values together. This is written as
This method suffers the disadvantage that the connection process is more
tedious than for a balanced load, as the actual connections of the wattmeter
must be changed for each reading.
Example 8
The three-phase three wire system of supply can also be monitored using a
single wattmeter. Remember that to measure phase power the wattmeter
must be connected between one line and neutral. In the three wire system
there is no neutral. To overcome this, an artificial star point (neutral point) is
created by connecting one end of the voltage coil of the wattmeter to one
line and the other end to two impedances which are in turn connected to the
other two lines. This is illustrated in Figure 9.
It is very important that the impedance values of the two impedances used
with the voltage coil to create the artificial star point are the same as that of
the voltage coil of the wattmeter, otherwise inaccurate readings will result.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to use two coils identical to the voltage
coil of the wattmeter. These are obtainable from the manufacturers and
distributors of these meters.
The total power for the load is determined in the same way as for the four
wire connection. That is, for balanced loads
The total power is found by adding the readings of the two meters. This is
written as:
Voltage across W1 = e3 e2
Voltage across W2 = e1 - e2
Example 9
The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the
power used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 10 kW and W2
reads 7 kW, determine the total power in the load.
As most analog meters deflect in one direction only, for some loads, the
meter will try to deflect backwards due to the phase relationship between
current and voltage within the meter. When this occurs, the voltage coil
connections must be reversed. Some meters provide a reversing switch that
will reverse the connections of the voltage coil in the wattmeter. This will
then allow the meter to indicate the power that the load is consuming. For
the total power calculation, this reversal of the coil will mean that the value
measured by that wattmeter should be regarded as negative. Dont forget to
alter the polarity of the reading in the total power equation.
The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the
power used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 4.5 kW after the
reversing switch is closed and W2 reads 13 kW, determine the total power in
the load.
Three wattmeters
Like the single wattmeter, this may be used with either three phase three wire
system or three phase four wire systems.
We will look first at the four wire system. The current coil of each wattmeter
is connected in a line and the voltage coil is connected between one line and
neutral. This is shown in Figure 11.
With this method each phase power is measured, and the total power is the
sum of the three readings. This is written as
The main disadvantage of this method is the expense of installing and using
three meters.
Example 11
Figure 12: Connection of three analog wattmeters using artificial star point
Figure 12 shows how an artificial star point is created by connecting one end
of each of the voltage coils together. It must be stressed that this artificial
star point can only be created with the voltage coils if they are identical. If
they are not identical, they will not develop symmetrical phase voltages, and
the wattmeters will give incorrect readings.
The total power is again the sum of the phase powers measured by the three
1 A single wattmeter is used to measure the power consumed by a balanced load. If the
wattmeter is connected to measure the power in the B phase of the load and the reading
is 4200 W, determine the total power in the load.
2 The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the power
used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 40 kW and W2 reads 27 kW,
determine the total power in the load.
3 The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the power
used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 6 kW after the reversing switch is
closed and W2 reads 9.2 kW, determine the total power in the load.
4 Three wattmeters are used to measure the power consumed in an balanced three phase
load supplied from a three phase three wire source. If the power measured by W1, W2
and W3 is 1500 W, 3650 W and 2740 W respectively, determine the total power in the
Check your answers with those given at the end of the section.
The equation for determining the power factor angle or phase angle of the
load is
Note: For this equation to work, W2 must be in the phase immediately before
W1 as shown below:
Phase sequence :
b b
W2 W1
Recall that the cosine of the phase angle is the power factor (cos = pf).
Example 13
The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the
power used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 5 kW and W2
reads 7 kW, determine the power factor of the load.
If you have Jenneson, refer to section 9.8 Three phase power. See also
Appendix 1 for a description of a power factor meter. Note particularly
Figure A1.4 which clearly shows the same configuration of potential and
current coils used for the two wattmeter method.
1 The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the power
used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 2.5 kW and W2 reads 12 kW,
determine the power factor of the load.
2 The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the power
used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 0 kW and W2 reads 10 kW,
determine the power factor of the load.
3 The two wattmeter method of measuring total power is used to measure the power
used by an unbalanced three phase load. If W1 reads 10 kW and W2 reads 10 kW,
determine the power factor of the load.
Check your answers with those given at the end of the section.
Total power is the power used by the total load. For three phase
loads it is the sum of the three phase powers.
There are three types of powers, apparent power (S), reactive power
(Q) and true power (P).
The three types can be linked by a power triangle in which the
horizontal line represents true power, the vertical line reactive power
and the diagonal line apparent power.
Capacitor banks are used to improve the power factor of an inductive
load. These capacitors are normally connected in parallel with the
load at the supply terminals of the load.
When connecting capacitor banks in three phase systems, the
capacitors are usually connected in delta.
To measure power, a wattmeter is used.
To measure three phase power either one, two or three wattmeters
are used, depending upon the load, the type of supply and the
availability and cost of the wattmeters.
The power factor of the load can be determined when using the two
wattmeter method by the equations
In questions 1 to 9, place the letter matching your answer in the brackets provided.
1 The minimum number of fixed wattmeters required to measure total power drawn by a
three-phase four-wire unbalanced load is:
3 The total power in a three-phase system may be measured using a single fixed
wattmeter, provided the:
(a)load is not balanced
(b)load is balanced
(c)neutral is not connected
(d) load is star connected. ( )
4 When using a wattmeter to measure power in a three-phase star connected system, the
current coil is connected in:
(a)series with the load
(b)parallel with the supply
(c)series with the neutral
(d) parallel with the load. ( )
5 When using a wattmeter to measure power in a three-phase star connected system, the
voltage coil is connected in:
(a)series with the neutral
(b)series with the load
(c)parallel with the load
(d) series with the supply. ( )
6 When measuring balanced three-phase power with the two wattmeter method and both
readings are equal, the power factor is:
(c)0.5 leading
(d) 0.5 lagging. ( )
8 A three-phase wattmeter can be constructed using the concepts of the two wattmeter
method using:
(a)two current coils on a single shaft
(b)two potential coils on a single shaft
(c)fixed potential coils
(d) a current coil and potential coil on a single shaft. ( )
10 A star connected ac generator develops 11 000 volts per phase. Determine the MVA
rating of the machine if the current per phase is 50 A.
11 A three-phase alternator delivers a full load of 140 A at a power factor of 0.9 lagging. If
the terminal voltage is 415 V, calculate the:
12 A factory draws a line current of 130 A from a 415V supply at a power factor of
0.6 lag. Determine the:
(a) kVAr rating of a capacitor bank to improve the power factor to 0.866 lag
14 The power input to a three-phase, 415 V induction motor is measured by the two
wattmeter method where W1 indicates 10 kW and W2 indicates -6 kW (note the minus
sign). Calculate the:
Student exercise 1
1 1152 W
2 10.05 kW
Student exercise 2
1 11.5 kW
2 17.5 A
3 16.53 kW
Student exercise 3
(a) 196 kVAr, 2290 F per phase
Student exercise 4
1 12.6 kW
2 67 kW
3 3.2 kW
4 7.89 kW
Student exercise 5
1 0.6 3 1 (unity)
2 0.5
2 (c)
3 (b)
4 (a)
5 (c)
6 (a)
7 (a)
8 (b)
9 (d)
10 1.65 MVA
13 (a) 50 kW
(b) 0.945 lag
(c) 73.6 A
14 (a) 4 kW
(b) 0.143