An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal
An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal
An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal
Background: The Eastern Highlands area of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has a rich tradition of medicinal plant use.
However, rapid modernization is resulting in the loss of independent language traditions and consequently a loss
of individuals knowledgeable in medicinal plant use. This report represents a program to document and preserve
traditional knowledge concerning medicinal plant use in PNG. This report documents and compares traditional
plant use in the Eastern Highlands districts of Unggai-Bena, Okapa, and Obura-Wonenara, and puts these new
records in context of previously documented PNG medicinal plant use.
Methods: This manuscript is an annotated combination of Traditional Medicines survey reports generated by UPNG
trainees using a survey questionnaire titled Information sheet on traditional herbal reparations and medicinal
plants of PNG. The Traditional Medicines survey project is supported by WHO, US NIH and PNG governmental
health care initiatives and funding.
Results: Overall, after poisoning (synonymous with magic) the most commonly recorded ailments addressed by
medicinal plant use were pain, gynecological disease, gastrointestinal maladies, anemia or malnutrition and malaria.
However, the recorded indications for plant use varied widely amongst the different survey locations. Unlike many
areas of PNG, mixing of ingredients was the most common mode of preparation recorded, except for two areas
where the consumption of fresh plant material was more common. Throughout the Eastern Highlands oral
administration was most common, with topical application second. Overall, leaves were most commonly used in
the preparations of the healers interviewed, followed by bark and stems. Several new medicinal uses of plants were
also documented.
Conclusions: Collaboration between the WHO, UPNG and the PNG Department of Health initiated Traditional
Medicine survey program in order to preserve traditional knowledge concerning medicinal plant use in PNG. This
effort promotes integration of effective and accessible traditional practices with Western protocols. The Traditional
Medicine surveys are particularly important because, in the absence of the clinical validation, the documentation of
the consistent use of a given plant for specific indication by a large number of herbalists, across a wide range of
ethnic traditions, maybe considered as a positive criterion for the promulgation of said use amongst PNGs recently
formed traditional healer associations.
Keywords: Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Medicinal Plants, Obura-Wonenara, Unggai-Bena, Okapa
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Utah, 30 S. 2000
E, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2012 Jorim et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 2 of 17
request for interviews. The principal requirement being the traditional knowledge and intellectual property of
that the healers are recognized in the community to the source communities. The guidelines operate under
have knowledge and skills of providing herbal treat- the current UPNG benefit sharing model, which is ap-
ments, that they are active in the practice and are willing plicable to many areas of natural products research and
to share their knowledge. The interviews are usually which includes guidelines concerning intellectual prop-
conducted in Tok Pisin or Tok Ples (local dialects) be- erty rights and benefits sharing that has been approved
cause facility with English is not uniform amongst the by the PNG government. The proprietary UPNG Trad-
interviewees and it is important to communicate as itional Medicines Database records, in addition to plant
clearly as possible. medicinal use, information concerning source indivi-
Samples of the plants useful for identification (flowers, duals and communities in order to recognize and trace
fruits or nuts, twigs with leaves) in addition to the parts the traditional knowledge intellectual property.
used medicinally were harvested, dried and compressed The three student reports compiled here detail medi-
in newspapers. A copy of the survey questionnaire is cinal plant use from three separate regions and several
provided in supplementary information Additional file 1. distinguishable language and dialect groups in the East-
Newspapers were changed daily until they remained dry ern Highlands province of PNG (Figure 1). The Eastern
after compression. Pressed plant samples, plant photo- Highlands areas surveyed encompass Ipma-Baruya lan-
graphs and descriptions were assigned a voucher num- guage groups of the Marawaka area of the Yeila Rural
bers and deposited at the UPNG Herbarium for Local Level Government (LLG), Obura-Wonenara elect-
identification and reference purposes [8]. The data con- orate; the Bena, Gahuku and Siane language groups of
cerning plant use are written up under supervision into the Unggai-Bena LLG; and the Fore/Keyagana/Kimi lan-
student authored reports and the plant information is guage groups of the Okapa LLG [12]. Forty five practi-
entered into the Traditional Medicines Database, which tioners were interviewed for this work: three from Ande
contains the combined reports generated by a decades village, 16 from Jomuru village, one from Marawaka sta-
work in this endeavor. It is the student reports that pro- tion, five from Wauko village, one from Boike village,
vide the base information for this current report. one from Gawol village, one from Kammwa village, and
Guidelines regulating accession of the database have one from Kwaksiolo village in the Marawaka/South
been developed at UPNG in order to recognize and trace Obura Wonenara LLG area; two from Numurapoka
Figure 1 Map of Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea showing Local Level Governments (LLG) where studies were
carried out.
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 4 of 17
village, one from Ginipauka village, one from Masiga, Plant parts utilized, preparation and administration
two from Orumba village, and two from Sekagu village Overall, leaves were most commonly used in the pre-
from the Unggai Benna LLG area; four from the Haga parations of the healers interviewed (Figure 2). This was
villages, two from Yavanita village and two from Amusa followed by bark and stems as the next most likely plant
village in the Okapa LLG of the Eastern Highlands. parts to be used. Exceptions to this rule were the reports
from Gahuku and Siane language groups where stems
and flowers were reported to be used more frequently
Results and discussion than bark. The mixture of two or more ingredients is
Dataset and diseases the most common mode of preparation recorded in the
A total of 60 specimens were described from the Eastern Highlands, except for the Gahuku and Mara-
Marawaka area, 76 from the Okapa LLG; and 77 in waka regions where the consumption of fresh material
the Unggai-Bena LLG. Two plants specimens each in or fresh succus (expressed juice) was reported as more
the Marawaka and Okapa constituencies only served common (Figure 3). Also reported was the occasional
as additives or spices: Piper gibbilimbum and a Sac- practice of the storage and consumption of dried medi-
charum sp. to mask bitter tastes of herbal prepara- cinal plants. Throughout the Eastern Highlands oral
tions; Saccharum species are commonly used as a consumption of medicinal plants was the most common
salty preservative. In the Kayagana language area, administration practice recorded (Figure 4). Topical ap-
Rungia klossii and Zingiber officinale are the two spe- plication was the second most widely practiced mode of
cies that are routinely added to various medicinal pre- administration.
parations. The addition of pork to concoctions is
frequent in all areas studied, but especially in the Commonly used plant species among healers that were
Ungaai-Bena LLG, where the practice was recorded as interviewed
nearly universal. Pork is a high protein food and cul- Ascarina philippinensis is a fairly widespread tree in the
tural icon in the Highlands. PNG highlands [33]. Reports of its medicinal use are un-
The total number of diseases and symptoms listed in common, although its use in ritual food preparation
this report is 220, with several species recorded as hav- (kirai in the Chimbu region of the highlands) for which
ing more than one use. Disease descriptions have been health promotion is a component of the ceremony, has
sorted into 14 general categories as shown in Table 1. been reported [21]. A concoction incorporating leaves of
Overall, by far the largest category of plant use (n = 45 Ascarina philippinensis is used by the Fore to treat "poi-
[20.5%]) was magic, synonymously referred to here as son", however in Marawaka the fresh leaves and fruit are
poisoned (Table 1). In the regions surveyed, with few used to treat high fevers and weight loss. In both areas
exceptions, poisoned refers to a syndrome consisting the preparations are consumed with other ingredients,
of abdominal swelling with accompanying constipation, in the Fore area after heating.
swelling of extremities, acute and occasional body pains Bidens pilosa is a medicinal plant used widely in
and aches; sometimes accompanied by anorexia/dyspha- PNG, often applied topically for sores and boils. The
gia. The underlying reason for the discomfort is thought freshly squeezed succus from leaves of Bidens pilosa is
to be sorcery or witchcraft directed at the affected indi- utilized by the Keyagana group to treat sores and
vidual. Overall, after poisoning the next most common wounds, in the Marawaka area the succus of leaves and
(n = 23 [10.5%]) afflictions for which herbal treatments shoots is used for the same conditions. In both areas
were recorded were pain, gynecological and gastrointes- the application method is topical. B. pilosa is a com-
tinal maladies. Treatments for pulmonary conditions mon weed widely distributed from low altitudes to over
and anemia or malnutrition ranked next (n = 21 [9.5%]), 2,000 m in Papua New Guinea [16]. An additional
with malaria ranking number 8 (n = 20 [9.1%]) of the top recorded use is the use of fresh leaves, gently heated,
overall categories of use. Unfortunately, these overall and placed over the affected eye to treat red or sore
averages do not accurately represent the variation in the eyes [9,16].
reported plant usages recorded in the different survey Crassocephalum crepidioides, is widespread in sub-
locations. While magic was the predominant condition tropical and tropical areas around the World. Succus
treated overall, in the Marawaka area the largest cat- from fresh leaves is used in the Gahaku areas for fresh
egory of medicinal plants use was for pulmonary dis- cuts and wounds, in the Kayagana group the leaves are
eases (17 of the overall total of 21 in that disease heated and then succus is used for sores and wounds. In
category). In the Bena dialect area, anemia and malnutri- both cases application is topical. Leaves and petioles
tion had the highest number of plant uses recorded, 12 have been reported to be heated and crushed and ap-
of the 37, with no species at this location recorded as plied to sores in the Mt. Hagen area of the highlands
being used to treat poisoning. [13], and the application of crushed leaves to sores was
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 5 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Genus and Voucher Family Local name Disease Plant part Medicinal Route
species [References] number [Dialect : preparation
Abrus sp. [9,11] WL065 Leguminosae Amanani-Aginogo GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
[U : A] [Magic]
Adenostemma sp. SK057 Asteraceae Hovepa [B : S] Swollen skin & L, F & vines Sun drying E
[13,14]*, [15]* skin infection
Ageratum conyzoides L. SK013 Asteraceae Govu suva [S : O] Diarrhea L&F F / Succus O
[8,9,11,13,14,16]*, [15]*
Alpinia sp. WL052 Zingiberaceae Amo-o [Ki : A] GIT / Swelling Stem Concoction O
[8,9,11,13,14,16]*, [17] [Magic]
Alpinia sp. SK056 Zingiberaceae Sinogepuna [B : S] Swollen joints L Chopped leaves O
[8,9,11,13,14,16]*, [17] are cooked
together with pig
Alpinia sp. SK030 Zingiberaceae Gini giye [S : O] Flatulence yf L Cut into pieces & O
[8,9,11,13,14,16]*, [17] cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Alpinia sp. [8,9,11,13,14,16]*, [17] RJ006 Zingiberaceae Koikadene [I : J] Ovulation / Fruit/Seeds Fresh O
Alpinia sp. [8,9,11,13,14,16]*, [17] SK020 Zingiberaceae Gavu [S : O] Sever fever yf L & Cut into pieces & O
shoot cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Alstonia brassii Monach. [8- SK064 Apocynaceae Gigipe [B : S] Skin infection Sap Fresh / Succus E
11,13,16,18] (Milkywhite)
Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. [8- RJ011 Apocynaceae Yaknalae's Ita [I : Malaria L, B Fresh / dry O
11,13,16,18] M-B]
Alstonia sp. SK046 Apocynaceae Hihipa [B : S] To gain strenght L&B Cut into small O
[8-11,13,14,16]*, during warfare pieces & cooked
[15,18,19]* with pig meat in
Alyxia sp. [14]*, [18] RJ034a Apocynaceae Kevitingoje [I : J] Dyspnea soft L Fresh O
Aristolochia indica L. [20] RJ001 Meliaceae Yaki'Itchale [I : J] Malaria, Abortion, L, B Fresh, Decoction O
Ascarina philippinensis C.B.Rob. RJ036 Chloranthaceae Nebotniari [I : J] High fever L, fruit Fresh O
[21]*, [14]*
Ascarina philippinensis C.B.Rob. WL021 Chloranthaceae Pawasa [F : Y] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
[21]*, [14]* [Magic]
Aspium sp. WL034 Unidentified Waise [F : Y / E] Diarrhea / L Concoction O
abdominal pain /
Bacopa sp. SK033 Scrophulariaceae Momoto [G : U] For gaining L, F & Stem Cut into pieces & O
weight cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Barringtonia sp. [8,9,13,15-17]* SK054 Barringtoniaceae Lahapa [B : S] Stomach ache L & sap Sap & chopped O
leaves are mixed
together and
cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Begonia rex Putz. RJ012 Begoniaceae Woyatchale [I : J] Sores / Boils (esp. L, Stem Fresh or dried O
on neck)
Begonia sp. [9,10,21]*, [13,14]*, WL031 Begoniaceae Awaya [F : Y] Excessive L Concoction O
[15,20,22-24]* menstrual
Begonia sp. [9,10,21]*, [13,14]*, RJ002 Begoniaceae Saiguwong'giye Strong cough / L / or A Fresh O
[15,22-24]* [I : J] general good
Bidens pilosa L. WL045 Asteraceae Kamena [K : E] Sores & Wounds L Heated / Succus E
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Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Bidens pilosa L. RJ013 Asteraceae Toiporeyie [I : J] Cuts/Wounds/ L & shoot Succus (crushed) E
[9,11,13,15,16,19,21,24]* Scratches
Blumea sp. [9,10,13,14,21] WL020 Asteraceae Aleu [F : Y] Weight decrease L Concoction O
due to abdominal
problems /
Boerlagiodendron eminens (W. SK050 Araliaceae Sofa [B : S] Control sexual L Leaves cut into O
Bull) Merr.*** desire of men pieces and cooked
with pig meat in
Bubbia sp. RJ021 Winteraceae Pangwe [I : J] Aches and pains, L, B Decoction O
cough, arthritis,
Calycacanthus magnusianus K. RJ029 Acanthaceae Ikowote/Wusale [I : Sores (all types) L Fresh (Mascerated) E
Schum W / AD]
Castanopsis acuminatissima SK009 Fagaceae Nege [S : G] Otitis media B F /Succus (Scraped E
(Blume) Rehder [10,21]*, [14]* and juice
Casuarina oligodon L.A.S. WL062 Casuarinaceae Alaeva / Karavefa GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
Johnson [21]*, [14]*, [25] [Ki / K : A] [Magic]
Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxb. SK045 Oleaceae Hagavi [B : S] Malnutrition/ L&B Scrapped bark & O
Growth chopped leaves
retardation are cooked in
bamboo with pig
Chrysanthemum sp. SK015 Asteraceae Seveya [S : O] Boil F F /Succus E
Cinnamomum sp. [9,10,21]*, WL007 Lauraceae Yaravu [F : U] Weakness / B Concoction O
[13,14]*, [15,20,22-24]* nausea /
Cinnamomum sp. [9,10,21]*, SK036 Lauraceae Yahoma [B : S] Poison within L&B Scraped B is added O
[13,14]*, [15,20,22-24]* body system to chopped L &
pig meat and
cooked in bamboo
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) WL075 Cladoniaceae Lanefa-Kikinofa [K : Vaginal discharge A Heated O
Leight A] / bleeding
Coleus blumei Benth. [9,11] SK043 Lamiaceae Mufler [B : S] Induce labour in L Cut into pieces O
childbirth and cooked with
other leaves & pig
meat in bamboo
Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth. RJ007 Lamiaceae Wuririta [I : J] Strong productive f soft L Heated and Fresh O
[9,21]*, [13,15]* cough
Commelina sp. [8,9,11,14]*, [15]* WL042 Commelinaceae Hitirifa [K : E] Headache A Fresh O
Commersonia bartramiana (L.) WL001 Sterculiaceae Kalaifa [K : E] Emetic B Concoction O
Merr. [8,21]*
Coprosma sp. [14]* WL066 Rubiaceae Loanoya [Ki : A] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
Cordyline fruticosa (Linnaeus) A. SK019 Agavaceae Gini fono [S : O] Anemia & yL Cut into pieces & O
Chevalier [8,13,14,16]*, [15] Dizziness cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth [9- RJ044 Agavaceae Alebiyei [I : KA] Magical soft un- Concoction O
11] sprouted
shoot / L
Cosmos sp. SK001 Asteraceae Seho gihi [G : N] Toothache F Decoction O (Rinse)
Crassocephalum crepidioides RJ037 Asteraceae Matchope [I : J] Wounds and cuts L Succus (crushed) E
(Benth.) S. Moore [9,21]*, [14,15]* (hemostasis)
Crassocephalum crepidioides SK004 Asteraceae Okore gihi [G : N] Fresh cuts yL, F & F / Succus (All are E
(Benth.) S. Moore [9,21]*, [14]*, Stem squeezed
[15]* together)
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 7 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Crassocephalum crepidioides WL046 Asteraceae Ino-Kamena-e Sores & Wounds L Heated / Succus E
(Benth.) S. Moore [9,21]*, [14]*, [K : E]
Crotalaria retusa L. [9,13] SK071 Leguminosae Orupa flawa [G : G] Chicken-pox F Fresh / Succus E
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. [9] SK005 Hypoxidaceae Orupa napa [G: N] Growth retarded Tubers Maceration, then O
children liquid is used to
cook greens &
meat in bamboo
Cyrtandra sp. [21]*, [13,14]*, [15]* SK060 Gesneriaceae Minise [B : S] Malnutrition L & Stem Cut into pieces O
and cooked with
pig meat in
Cyrtandra sp. [21]*, [13,14]*, [15]* WL032 Gesneriaceae Asaswa [F : Y] Weight decrease L Concoction O
due to abdominal
problems /
Cyrtandra sp. [13,21]*, [14]*, [15]* RJ015 Gesneriaceae Kodatchale [I : J] Emetic and L Fresh O
strong cough
Decaspermum bracteatum SK047 Myrtaceae Sosome [B : S] Back & joint pain, L&B Cut into pieces O
(Roxb.) A.J.Scott headache & and cooked with
toothache pig meat in
Dendrobium sp. [9,21]*, [13,14]* SK029 Orchidaceae Fonomuna [S : O] Severe headache L & stem Cut into pieces & O
& dizziness cooked with pig
Dendrobium sp. [9,21]*, [13,14]* WL048 Orchidaceae Kinua [K : E] Backache A Fresh O
Dendrocnide interrupta (L.) Chew WL035 Urticaceae Fai [K : U] Muscle / joint L Fresh E
pains / headache
Dendrocnide sp. [13] RJ048 Urticaceae Iwole [I : J] Productive cough soft L Concoction O
Desmodium sp. [8,9,11,13,14,16]*, SK021 Leguminosae Suwaroka ginona Malnutrition L, F & Stem Cooked with meat O
[22,26] [S : O] in bamboo
Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. [14]*, SK066 Liliaceae Mamuha [B : S] Irritating cough & L & Tubers Infusion O
[15]* throat mucus
Diospyros sp. [13] WL010 Ebenaceae Kigi Yosita-e [F : Y] Shortness of B Concoction O
breath w/
discomfort and
Diospyros sp. [13] WL037 Ebenaceae HamaitoYosa [K : E] Significant weight L & B Concoction O
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. [11,21]*, WL044 Sapindaceae Karu [K : E] Bone Fractures / L Heated E
[14,16]*, [27] Painful joints
Drymaria cordata (L.) [9,14]*, [15] RJ042 Caryophyllaceae Motdeikedike [I : J] Tooth ache A Decoction O
Elaeagnus sp. [21]* WL009 Elaeagnaceae Tunakafe yosita-e GIT / Swelling L Dried O
[U : Y] [Magic]
Elaeocarpus sp. [9,10,13,14,21]*, WL051 Elaeocarpaceae Ukari [K : A] GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
[15,17]* [Magic]
Eleutheranthera sp. [28] WL056 Asteraceae Lemu [Ki : A] Pains [general R Concoction O
Emilia prenanthoidea DC. SK022 Asteraceae Gambiri govu Rumbling L Cut into pieces & O
[10,13,14]*, [9,21] [S : O] stomach cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Erigeron sumatrensis Retz. [14,21] WL013 Asteraceae Kisekise / Okiopa GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
[K : U] [Magic]
Euphorbia hirta L. [9,15,16] SK032 Euphorbiaceae Saha gihi [G : U] Dysentery L, F & Stem F / Succus O
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 8 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Eurya sp. [21]*, [14]* WL070 Theaceae Iyaleya [Ki : A] Headache, L Concoction O
fatigue, GI
muscle aches and
Eustrephus latifolius R. Br. SK075 Philesiaceae Haya sono [G : G] Anti-helminthics L Fresh / Succus O
Ficus benjamina L. [29] SK052 Moraceae Makeyafa [B : S] Joint & back pain L&B Scraped bark & O
chopped leaves
are cooked with
pig meat in
Ficus copiosa Steud. [8,9,21]*, WL047 Moraceae Atai-Yosita [K : E] Chest Pains, L&B Concoction O
[14,16]* labored breathing
Ficus pumila L. WL025 Moraceae Kasakonde [F : Y] Malaise, fever, L Concoction O
[8-11,13,14,16]*, shaking, vomiting
[19,22] [sometimes]
Ficus pungens Reinw. ex BL. SK073 Moraceae Gegeha [G : U] Shivering hands & L & Fruit Chopped leaves & O
[9,10,13,14,16]* feet smashed fruits are
cooked together
with pig meat in
Ficus pungens Reinw. ex Blume RJ017 Moraceae Ayeye [I : W] Oral trush soft f L Succus (crushed) O
Ficus sp. WL015 Moraceae Higifa [K : Y] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
[8-11,13,14,16,21]*, [19,22] [Magic]
Ficus sp. [8-11,13,14,16,21]*, WL038 Moraceae Yagarueta [K : E] Malaise, fever, L Concoction O
[19,22] shaking, vomiting
Finschia sp. SK037 Proteaceae Yakof [B : S] Abdominal L Cut into pieces & O
swelling cooked with pig
Gardenia sp. [14]*, [21]* SK007 Rubiaceae Amanini [G : N] Faintness / L Chopped into O
Epilepsy pieces & cooked
with meat in
Glochidion sp. [14]*, [15]* SK024 Euphorbiaceae Poroqui [S : O] Frequent yf L Cut into pieces & O
dizziness cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Gordonia papuana Kobuski [21]*, WL069 Theaceae Oasiri / Kogaisiri GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
[14]* [Ki / K : A] [Magic]
Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griffith WL017 Acanthaceae Otoro [U : Y] Excessive L Concoction O
[8,21]*, [14]*, [22] menstrual
Grevillea papuana Diels SK072 Proteaceae Mumusopa yaha F cuts & Ulcer L Poultice E
[10,13,21] [G : G] sores
Hemigraphis sp. WL074 Acanthaceae NamKatoga GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
[8-10,21]*, [13,14]*, [20] [K : NI (E)] [Magic]
Hemigraphis sp. RJ041 Acanthaceae Bukmeye/Murie Magical L Concoction O
[8-10,21]*, [13,14]*, [20] [I : KA]
Hyptis sp. [9,11,13,23] SK017 Labiatae Seve moiba [S : O] Spear wounds L F / Succus E
Hyptis sp. [9,11,13,23] SK018 Labiatae Gekesagu [B : S] Otitis media Soft stem & F / Succus E
Stem skin
Impatiens hawkeri W.Bull [10,21]*, RJ043 Balsaminaceae Meyebui [I : KA] Magical L Concoction O
Impatiens hawkeri W.Bull [10,21]*, RJ045 Balsaminaceae Kolumbota [I : KA] Magical L Concoction O
Kibara katikii Philipson SK025 Monimiaceae Suwa nara [S : O] Epilepsy L Cut into pieces & O
cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
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Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Laportea decumana (Roxb.) RJ009 Urticaceae Nabotne (green) Liver pain soft L Heated and Fresh O
Wedd. [9,10,21]*, [I : J]
Laportea decumana (Roxb.) RJ018 Urticaceae Nabotne (Pink) Joint pain L Fresh O
Wedd. [9,10,21]*, [I : J] (analgesic);
[13,16,19,22,24,26,30] magical
Laportea sp. [9,10,21]*, RJ004 Urticaceae Keletichale [I : J] Liver pain f soft L Fresh O
[13,14,16,19,22,24,26,30] (Epigatric pain)
Leucosyke capitellata (Poir.) SK063 Urticaceae Hagaza [B : S] Skin itchiness L & stem Fresh / Succus O&E
Wedd. [8]
Litsea exsudens Kosterm. [14]* SK048 Lauraceae Sagifa [B : S] Cleanes L&B Leaves & barks are O
bodysystem cut into pieces
and cooked with
pig meat in
Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G. Don) WL040 Onagraceae Lawolawosa [K : E] Blood in urine, A Concoction O
exell apud A.R. Fernandes [21]* yellow tongue,
headache with
high fever, aching
joints [all ocurring
Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven SK069 Onagraceae Goluwaiyo [G : G] Ulcer sores Fruit & Fresh / Succus E
[14]* seeds
Maclura sp. RJ020 Moraceae Iveriate [I : J] Malaria soft L Fresh O
Medinilla sp. SK028 Melastomataceae Lunu aira [S : O] Anemia L Cut into pieces & O
cooked with pig
Melastoma malabathricum L. WL014 Melastomataceae Tawakaya [F : U] GIT / Swelling L&B Concoction O
[14]* [Magic]
Melastoma sp. [8,9,11,13,14]* WL006 Melastomataceae Kora Yosa / Au Heart Problems L Concoction O
Yosaita [F / K : Y]
Mucuna stanleyi C.T.White RJ014 Leguminosae Kang'ole [I : J] Contraception soft L Succus (crushed) O
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack [28] SK068 Rutaceae Onupa yaha [G : N] Mentallydisturbed L Leaves are cut into O
pieces and cooked
with meat in
Murraya sp. [28] SK031 Rutaceae Nuva yaha [G : G] Nasal congestion L Steaming I
Musa sp. [8,9,11,13,14,16,21]*, WL053 Musaceae Abu [Ki : K] GIT / Swelling Stem Concoction O
[23,24,30] [Magic]
Myrmecodia sp. RJ046 Rubiaceae Kleklina [I : KA] Magical soft L Concoction / Fresh O
[8,21]*, [13]
Ophiorrhiza nervosa RidL. [14]* SK049 Rubiaceae Atu [B : S] Poison within L Cooked with pig O
body system meat in bamboo
Ophiorrhiza sp. [14,21]* WL011 Rubiaceae Temu / Afela Hefi Epigastric pain, L & soft Concoction O
[F / K : Y] nausea, stem
[Stomach cancer]
Orania sp. WL072 Arecaceae Vayave [K : AN (E)] Difficult B Concoction O
breathing, cough
and wheezing
Oxalis corniculata L. [9,14,16]*, SK041 Oxalidaceae Sokolo [B : S] Dysmenorrhoea L, F & Stem Cut into pieces & O
[19] cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Oxalis corniculata L. [9,14,16]*, SK035 Oxalidaceae Gehani gihi [G : M] Labour pain L, F & Stem F / Succus O
Pandanus sp. [9,13,14,16,21]*, RJ047 Pandanaceae Awangwe [I : J] Asthma soft L Succus (squeezed) O
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 10 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Phyllanthus niruri L. [9,11,13,16] SK070 Euphorbiaceae Saha gihi [G : G] Stings from L&F Fresh / Succus E
Piper aduncum L. [29] WL043 Piperaceae Kamani-Lucefa Bone Fractures L Heated E
[K : E]
Piper betle L. [9,10,16] SK061 Piperaceae Yagerere [B : S] Malnutrition L Chopped and O
cooked together
with pig meat
Piper gibbilimbum C.DC. [14]*, RJ038 Piperaceae Kutmunne [I : J] Improves L Wrapper O
[31,32] platability of
other TrM
Piper sp. [8-10,21]*, [13,14,16]*, RJ039 Piperaceae Mudutganan'ne [I : Magical soft L Concoction O
[17,18,22] KA]
Piper sp. [8-10,21]*, [13,14,16]*, SK026 Piperaceae Gegiya [G : U] Toothache yf L Succus E
Pipturus argenteus SK067 Urticaceae Ase yaha [G : N] Remove worms L Chopped leaves O
(G.Forst.) Wedd. [9,10,13,16,18,26] are cooked
together with pig
Pittosporum sinuatum BL. [14]* WL058 Pittosporaceae Ilawau-u [Ki : A] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
Pittosporum sp. [9,21]* [13,14,16]* RJ027 Pittosporaceae Wununghe [I : W Scabies, ulcerative A Decoction O
Planchonella sp. [14]* RJ024 Sapotaceae Ik'klake [I : J] Abdominal Seed, L, B Decoction (bark) / O
swelling / Magical fresh
Plantago major L. [21]* SK044 Plantaginaceae Getuya [B : S] Diarrhea Whole Either cooked O
separately or with
pig meat in a
Plantago major L. [21]* SK034 Plantaginaceae Masiga gihi [G : U] Deep wound L & stem F / Succus E
(pig/dog bite,
axe/knife wound)
Plectranthus scutellarioides R. Br. SK040 Lamiaceae Salita [B : S] Dysentery L Cut into pieces & O
[3,13,14,16,18] cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Podocarpus neriifolius Don. [9,27] WL054 Podocarpaceae Laso [Ki / K : A] GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
Poikilospermum sp. SK058 Urticaceae Sikrutafa [B : S] To gain weight/ L & vine Chopped leaves & O
[8,14]* become fat scraped vines are
cooked together
with pig meat
Polygala paniculata L., [21]*, [13], SK016 Polygalaceae Nuva gihi [G : O] Malaria & High L&F Cooked with meat O
[14]* Fever in bamboo
Polygonum strigosum R. Br. [14] RJ022 Polygonaceae Tungole [I : J] Labor pain soft L Fresh O
Polyscias filicifolia RJ005 Araliaceae Iriduki'Imetchale Malaria L Fresh O
(C.Moore ex E.Fourn.) [I : J]
Psidium guajava L. [8,9,13,16] SK002 Myrtaceae Gusigusi [G : N] Diarrhea L Fresh / Succus O
Psoralea sp. SK003 Leguminosae Gulumeha [G : G] White mouth L, F & Stem F / Succus (All at O
sores / Candida once) (Chewed)
Psychotria sp. [9,11,21]*, [13,14]* WL033 Rubiaceae Katoya [F : Y] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
Rubus moluccanus L. [9,14,16,21]* WL023 Rosaceae Uruturu [F : Y] Fevers L Concoction O
Rungia klossii S.Moore [11,21]*, WL004 Acanthaceae Hefi [K : U] none Herb Major additive to O
[14,30]* Wl001- > 003
Saccharum sp. [9,11,21]*, RJ051 Poaceae Sale / Saimije [I : J] Improves Crystallized Additive (taste / O
[13,14,16]*, [17,23,26] platability of texture)
other TrM
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 11 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Sacciolepis sp. [10,13,14,21] WL036 Poaceae Hufa-aigoyae Small sores & F / Stem Succus E
[K : AN] minor cuts
Salacia sp. [14]* WL029 Celastraceae Agenafa [K : Y] GIT / Swelling L & Stem Concoction O
Sambucus javanica Reinw. ex SK008 Caprifoliaceae Golani yaha [G : N] Chicken-pox F Infusion used for E
Blume bathing
Sanchezia nobilis var. SK076 Acanthaceae Girukaru [G : U] Broken bones & L Cooked with meat O&E
glaucophylla Lem. joint dislocations or other greens
Saurauia andreana WL064 Actinidiaceae Ayano [Ki : K] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
(F.MuelL.) Diels [8,14]* [Magic]
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* SK027 Actinidiaceae Goiva [S : O] Ulcers L Poultice E
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* SK051 Actinidiaceae Kiahuyave [B : S] Dysmenorrhoea L&B Leaves / bark or O
both are cut into
pieces and cooked
with pig meat in
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* SK053 Actinidiaceae Yaketupa [B : S] Abnormal mouth L&B Chopped leaves & O
& nose bleeding scraped bark are
cooked together
with pig meat in
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* RJ010 Actinidiaceae Kokgingila [I : J] Permanent B Decoction O
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* RJ030 Actinidiaceae Gol'lik [I : W / AD] Liver pain / L Fresh O
epigastric pain
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* WL005 Actinidiaceae Karakieta [F : Y] Pains, Fevers & GI L Concoction O
Saurauia sp. [8,21]*, [14]* WL018 Actinidiaceae Kaware [F : Y] Excessive L Concoction O
Schefflera sp. [21]*, WL003 Araliaceae Ase [K : E] Emetic L Concoction O
[13], [14]*, [15]*
Scindapsus sp. SK055 Araceae Yage [B : S] Severelysick Stem & yf L Chopped leaves & O
patients scraped vines are
cooked together
with pig meat
Selaginella emmeliana Van Geert WL049 Selaginellaceae Kakasi [Ki / K : A] Swollen Hands L Concoction O/E
and Feet
Senecio sp. [14]* SK012 Asteraceae Gotu aira [S : O] Cough with yL & S F / Succus O
runny nose
Setaria sp. [8-10,14] SK010 Poaceae Nomu suva [S : O] Malaria whole plant Chopped into O
pieces & cooked
with meat in
Sida acuta Burm. F. [9,13,16] SK014 Malvaceae Nivinihani [G : O] Dysmenorrhoea, yf L & Rs Eaten with food & O
Diarrhea F / Succus
Sigesbeckia orientalis L. [14]* SK042 Asteraceae Mezamua [B : S] Diarrhea Whole Fresh / Succus O
Smilax rotundifolia L. [8,9,16] WL024 Smilacaceae Kogana [K : Y] Pains and Fevers L Concoction O
Smilax sp. [8,9,14,16]* WL030 Smilacaceae Ala-Kogana [K : U] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
Smilax sp. [8,9,14,16]* SK023 Smilacaceae Gatapa nara [S : O] Epilepsy y soft L Cut into pieces & O
cooked with pig
meat in bamboo
Steganthera sp. [14]* RJ033 Monimiaceae Kwagisal'lik [I : AD] Strong cough soft L & S Fresh O
with burning/
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 12 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Symplocos sp. [14,21]* WL002 Symplocaceae Vefa [K : E] Emetic B Concoction O
Symplocos sp. [14,21]* WL059 Symplocaceae Nimihavaya [Ki : A] Epigastric pain L Concoction O
Symplocos sp. [14,21]* RJ032 Symplocaceae Guruke [I : W Cough L Fresh O
Syzygium longipes Merr. & L.M. SK059 Myrtaceae Maze [B : S] Malnutrition L&B Cut into pieces O
Perry [8-11,13,16,18] and cooked with
pig meat in
Syzygium sp. [8-11,21]*, [13,14,16] SK074 Myrtaceae Nuva yaha [G : G] Mild-severe chest L & Fruit Dry / fresh O
, [18] pain chopped leaves
are cooked with
meat in bamboo
Syzygium sp. [8-11,21]*, [13,14,16] WL019 Myrtaceae Yasawa [F : Y] GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
, [18] [Magic]
Syzygium sp. [8], SK038 Myrtaceae Fitome [B : S] Swallowing of L&B Cut into pieces O
[9-11,21]*, [13,14,16]*, poison and cooked with
[18] pig meat in
Tagetes sp. [11] SK006 Asteraceae Ukuromini [G : N] Toothache F & Stem F (All are squeezed D
near F and applied
Tasmannia piperita (Hook. f.) RJ008 Winteraceae Iridukichale [I : J] Malaria and L Fresh or dry O
Miers. [13,14] strong cough
Tecoma sp. [21]*, [15]* WL067 Bignoniaceae Na-a [Ki : A] Vaginal R Concoction O
Timonius belensis Merr. & L.M. SK039 Rubiaceae Kipe [B : S] Joint & back pain L&B Scraped B is added O
Perry [14]* to chopped L &
pig meat and
cooked in bamboo
Timonius sp. [9,13,14,16]* WL039 Rubiaceae Ubagu [K : E] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
Trichospermum sp. WL071 Tiliaceae Aviya [Ki : A] Headache, L Concoction O
fatigue, GI
muscle aches and
Tridax procumbens L. [11,16] SK077 Asteraceae Lilita [G : U] Mild-severe L Cooked with meat O
headache in bamboo
Tristiropsis sp. RJ023 Sapindaceae Longola [I : J] Malaria, cough w/ soft L Fresh O
chest pain /
Uncaria sp. [8,21]*, [14]* SK062 Rubiaceae Glagigo [B : S] Internal sores & L & Stem Candida: stem O (Rinse)
candida smashed to release /O
infections succus which is
gargled; sores:
stem and leaves
are cooked and
Unidentified SK011 Araliaceae Gororotave nara Toothache L & stem F / Succus (Cut & E
[S : O] squeezed in hand)
Unidentified SK065 Not given Nagepa [B : S] Headache L, F & Stem All parts are O
cooked together
with pig meat
Unidentified RJ003 Unidentified Imetchale [I : J] Malaria L Fresh O
Unidentified RJ016 Icacinaceae Kawikaule [I : J] Strong cough L Fresh or dry O
Unidentified RJ025 Scrophulariaceae Imetchale [I : J] Malaria and A Fresh or dry O
Unidentified RJ026 Solanaceae Kwagi'Kuwogie Persistent cough L Fresh O
[I : J]
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 13 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Unidentified RJ028 Unidentified Kimamite (small) Malaria / mental L, Stem Leaf Fresh / Stem O
[I : J] enhancement charred and
Unidentified RJ031 Unidentified Kat'tungje [I : J] Strong cough L Fresh O
with rhinorrhea
Unidentified RJ034b Unidentified Ammate [I : J] Dyspnea soft L Fresh O
Unidentified RJ035 Unidentified Kimamite (big) Headache / L Fresh O
[I : J] Malaise
Unidentified RJ040 Euphorbiaceae Klalebongbonge Magical soft shoot / Concoction O
[I : KA] L
Unidentified WL008 Leguminosae Orovia [F : Y] Abdominal F Fresh O
discomfort /
bodyaches [also
magical: make
people like
Unidentified WL012 Unidentified Kuougo [U : Y] GIT / Swelling Stem Concoction O
[Magic] [dried]
Unidentified WL016 Euphorbiaceae Kamira [KT : F] Excessive L Concoction O]
Unidentified WL026 Unidentified Tewesa [F : Y] GIT / Swelling A Concoction O
Unidentified WL027 Myrtaceae Kuta [K : Y] GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
[Magic] [also
magical as
protection for
Unidentified WL028 Unknown Nonhe [F : Y] GIT / Swelling L&B Concoction O
Unidentified WL041 Unidentified Eso-Aginogi [K : E] Weight Loss with A Concoction O
severe bodyaches
and GI
Unidentified WL050 Unidentified Veya [Ki : A] Swollen Hands A Concoction O/E
and Feet
Unidentified WL055 Lamiaceae Natano [Ki / K : A] GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
Unidentified WL057 Sapindaceae M-e [Ki : A] Pains B Concoction O
Unidentified WL060 Theaceae Alau / Kalau [Ki / K GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
: A] [Magic]
Unidentified WL061 Unidentified Kaviaya / Kamagafa GIT / Swelling B Concoction O
[Ki / K : A] [Magic]
Unidentified WL068 Melastomataceae Masirita [Ki : A] GIT / Swelling L Concoction O
Unidentified WL076 Unidentified Hapalaga Hitirifae Diarrhea F / Fruit Fresh O
[K : NI (E)]
Unidentified RJ050 Unidentified Tungoje [I : J] Cough L Fresh O
Usnea strigosa (Ach.) Eaton WL063 Parmeliaceae Oleazu [Ki : A] Headache A Concoction O
Vaccinium sp. [13], RJ019 Ericaceae Yopengchale Strong cough, L Fresh O
[14]*, [21]*, [15]* [I : J] asthma/dyspnea,
fertility, stop
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 14 of 17
Table 1 Medicinally Utilized Plants in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Continued)
Zingiber officinale Roscoe [8- RJ059 Zingiberaceae Imate [I : J] Sore throat / Rhizome Concoction O
10,16,22,26,30] Magical
Zingiber officinale Roscoe [8- WL073 Zingiberaceae Atu [K : NI (E)] Common R Concoction Many
10,16,22,26,30] Ingredient
Languages: Gahuku G; Siane S; Bena B ; Ipma-Baruya Language I ;Fore F ; Keyagana K ;Kimi = Ki ; Unknown U.
Villages: Amusa - A; Ande - AD; Aniruvi - AN; Egera-Haga - E; Ginipauka - G; Jomuru -J; Kimi - K; Kam'mwa - KA; Kamiyovindi-Tunuku - KT; Masiga - M; Mala and
Boiko M-B; Numurapoka - N; Niruvi - NI; Orumba - O; Sekagu -S; Unknown - U; Wauko - W; Yawanita Haya -Y.
Route: Oral O ; External E; D direct on tooth; I - Inhaled.
Plant parts: Aerial parts A; Bark B; Flowers F;; Leaves L; Tubers T; Root R; Vine V; Whole W; young y.
Medicinal preparation: Fresh F.
*** now known as Osmoxylon eminens (W.Bull) Philipson.
A * following a reference number indicates no reference to medicinal use of the plant was made in the cited source.
reported by Holdsworth from Goodenough Island [9]. of PNG, leaves were heated over a fire and applied top-
Crassocephalum crepidioides is widespread in subtrop- ically to alleviate body pains [13,35]. Also, the Trad-
ical and tropical areas around the world. Antimalarial itional Medicine Database records the use of fresh
and antimicrobial dihydroisocoumarin compounds have leaves in the treatment of inguinal hernia (swelling of
been isolated from an endophytic Geotrichum sp. fungus testicles) by brushing the leaves upwards against the
of this plant [34], although there is no evidence that the testicles [16]. The application of leaves to sores was also
coumarin compounds contribute to the putative medi- reported by Telban [10].
cinal properties of this plant. Both Oxalis corniculata and Plantago major are used
Gahaku-speaking people cook chopped leaves and fruit in Bena and Gahaku speaking communities. In Bena
of Ficus pungens and use them to treat "shivering hands areas Oxalis corniculata is cooked with pig meat and
and feet", while in Marawaka liquid extract from fresh eaten to treat painful menses, while in Gahaku areas its
leaves is used to treat thrush (oral candidaiasis). In both fresh fruit and flowers, as well as freshly squeezed suc-
cases the traditional medicines are consumed orally. cus, are recorded as consumed orally to relieve labor
Ficus pungens is common throughout the lowlands of pains. Oxalis corniculata is found everywhere in Papua
Papua New Guinea [33] and there are many reports of New Guinea, but most commonly in the Highlands [33].
its medicinal use in PNG [9,10,13,14,16]. Its use for Traditional uses include pulping of the whole plant to
coughs has been repeatedly reported; e.g., in Holds- extract sap that is drunk to treat syphilis and prostate
worth [9] coughs are treated in the Sepik by swallowing cancer [16]. To treat burns, the whole plant is crushed,
sap obtained from the root. Also, the leaves of Ficus chewed and spat onto the burn [9].
pungens are crushed together with the leaves of a spe- According to Zubair [36], Plantago major (common
cies of Mallotus, and mixed with water and consumed plantain) has been used in folk medicine all over the
to relieve a bad cough in Buka, Bougainville [9]. A solu- world, mainly for the healing of wounds. We have
tion made from crushed and squeezed bark is taken or- found reports of its medicinal use in PNG are uncom-
ally for a week for treatment of asthma [16]. Other mon, however. Plantago major is cooked whole in Bena
reported uses include: in the previous Northern District areas and consumed orally as treatment for diarrhea,
Figure 2 The plant parts used for traditional medicines in the Eastern Highlands by study area.
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 15 of 17
Figure 3 Methods of preparation of medicinal plants prevalent in the Eastern Highlands region of PNG. (The use of a plant as a
wrapper/container to prepare medicines may not imply medicinal action by itself).
while in Gahaku areas leaves and succus from stems are Begonia rex, which is consumed orally for boils and
reported to be applied topically to treat deep wounds. sores, including tropical ulcers, in the Ipma-Baruya lan-
Zingiber officinale is found in many preparations in guage area. There are several Begonia species reported
Kaygana speaking areas where the rhizome is used as an as used medicinally in PNG [9,10,13,14,20,22-24], but
additive to improve taste and texture of medicinal pre- not B. rex. So far as we can tell the species Begonia rex
parations; however in Marawaka it is used in a concoc- has only been reported from West Papua to this point
tion to treat sore throat and for magical purposes. [33]. Likewise, there are records of Calycacanthus mag-
Zingiber is grown as a culinary and ornamental plant nusianus in PNG [33], but not of its medicinal use. This
[16]. It is widely used for a plethora of indications too is also the case for other plants listed in this report:
numerous to list here e.g., [8-10,16,21,22,26,30]. Ascarina philippinensis; Chionanthus ramiflorus; the li-
chen Cladonia scabriuscula; Decaspermum bracteatum;
Dianella ensifolia; Eustrephus latifolius; Gordonia
Lesser known medicinal plant species of PNG papuana; Kibara katikii; Litsea exsudens; Ludwigia hys-
It is frequently the case in reports such as this that it is sopifolia; Ludwigia octovalvis; Melastoma malabathri-
not always possible to find references for medicinal use cum; Ophiorrhiza nervosa; Pittosporum sinuatum;
in PNG for all the species listed. Plants identified to the Selaginella emmeliana*, a spike moss; Sigesbeckia orien-
species level reported here, but not found listed as medi- talis; Timonius belensis and Usnea strigosa*; (* Known to
cinal in the PNG literature we reviewed, include: exist in PNG, personal communication, Prof. Robert
Figure 4 Route of consumption of medicinal plants and preparations by frequency of use or mode. Note: For reasons of clarity the
language groups have been folded into LLGs (Unggai-Bena LLG for Bena, Gahuku and Siane languages; Okapa LLG for Fore, Kimi and Keyagana
languages and Obura-Wonenara LLG for Ipma-Baruya language).
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 16 of 17
Johns, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, New these circumstances, the consistent use of a particular
Guinea Research Program). plant for specific indication by a large number of hea-
Leaves of Boerlagiodendron eminens, also known as lers, across a wide range of ethnic traditions, is notable
Osmoxylon eminens, were recorded in Sekagu village, and may support the notion of a particular herbal reme-
Bena speaking area, to be cut and eaten to suppress sex- dys efficacy.
ual desire in men. This plant is not listed in the PNG The effort to document and validate medicinal plant
Plants database [33] and maybe a unique record. Black- use in PNG is part of a larger strategy that is under way
wood [22] reported leaves from a Boerlagiodendron sp. to meet the health care needs of citizens of PNG. As
to be eaten by the Kukukuku people of the Highlands. described by Waruruai et al. [8], the Traditional Medi-
Other lesser known medicinal plants in this report that cines survey project complements other programs sup-
are not represented in PNG Plants database [33] include ported by the PNG Ministry of Health to promote the
Dendrocnide interrupta (Fleurya interrupta); Polyscias use of efficacious herbal remedies in underserved com-
filicifolia; Sambucus javanica; and Sanchezia nobilis var. munities. Traditional healer associations have already
glaucophylla. We assume that Sanchezia is likely re- been established in several provinces and basic manuals
cently introduced as an ornamental species. on diagnosis and plant use have been drafted. The aim is
to promote integrated medical treatment options in an
Conclusions approach to health care that combines effective and ac-
As described by Feil [37], Highlanders may inhabit cessible traditional practices with Western protocols
similar altitudes but within this range there are distinct (when available). The medicinal plant surveys reported
sub regions. . . The Eastern Highlands are relatively here are the product of collaboration amongst the fac-
drier and historically became heavily populated later ulty at UPNG and the University of Utah, with support
than the wetter western regions. The contemporary cul- provided by the Fogarty International Center of the
tural and botanical diversity of the Eastern Highlands, NIH, USA [38], and the PNG Ministry of Health. The
the continued reliance on medicinal plants in rural com- Traditional Medicines survey project utilizes a university
munities there, and the innovation and experimentation training tutorial as one component of a larger strategy
of the practitioners, combine to yield a rich and dynamic aimed at providing improved health care options to a
area for study. While many traditional practitioners con- burgeoning population.
tinue to treat symptoms attributed to witchcraft, mod-
ern perceptions of disease etiology are penetrating even Additional file
remote villages, resulting in mixed rationales for giving
treatments that reflect these changes in understanding. Additional file 1: Information sheet on traditional herbal
preparations and medicinal plants of Papua New Guinea.
Several of the species reported here are used in the
Eastern Highlands but not frequently reported in the lit-
Competing interests
erature for medicinal use elsewhere in PNG. These in- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
clude both plants that are known to be widely
distributed in PNG (e.g., Ascarina philippinensis and Authors contributions
Calycacanthus magnusianus) and also those that are not PR and TM with colleagues established the Traditional Medicines survey
program at UPNG and oversaw training and support of students and the
known to be widely distributed in PNG (e.g., Boerlagio- maintenance of the Traditional Medicines Database. RJ, SK and WL, senior
dendron eminens and Aristolochia indica). The medi- year Bachelor of Pharmacy students travelled to their respective Eastern
cinal use of those plants that are localized geographically Highlands communities and conducted the interviews with locally
acknowledged healers and performed the corresponding plant collections
might reflect potent activity accessible only to those for- and documentation. PP and OG oversee the UPNG herbarium and identified
tunate enough to live there, while the unique use of collected plants. MK and LB integrated the data from the three surveys,
widely distributed plants might reflect either the local drafted the manuscript and performed the literature analysis. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
discovery of a useful property, or experimentation of
local healers in plant use practices perhaps not yet Acknowledgements
spread to or reproduced elsewhere in PNG. In any case, The student reports accessed for the information in this manuscript are
titled: Documentation and Evaluation of Traditional Medicine Practices in
efforts to validate the utility of PNG medicinal plants Marawaka area of Eastern Highlands Province, 2005, by Ronald Y. Jorim;
cannot completely skirt these issues. Subjecting trad- Documentation and Evaluation of Traditional Medicine Practices in the
itional plant preparations to laboratory testing can dem- Keyagana, Fore and Kimi Constituencies of Okapa, Eastern Highlands
Province, 2006, by Wauwa Legu, and Traditional Medicine Practices in the
onstrate specific bioactivities that may help validate the Unggai-Bena LLG Eastern Highlands Province, 2010, by Seva Korape. We
traditional use, but unfortunately, it is beyond the cap- gratefully acknowledge contributions and sharing of the Siane speaking
acity of the PNG Department of Health or the University people of Ginipauka and Orumba villages, the Gahuku speaking people of
Orumba, Numurapoka, Ginipauka, Masiga and Numurapoka vilages, the Bena
system to test for all the bioactivities represented in the speaking people of Sekagu village, the Ipma-Baruya language people of
wide range of plant uses recorded by the surveys. In Jomuru, Mala, Boiko, Wauko, Ande, Gawol, Kwaksiolo and Kam'mwa villages
Jorim et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 8:47 Page 17 of 17
and Marakawa station, the Keyagana speaking people of the Egera-Haga, 19. Edward D: Medicinal Plants in Gulegule Village of Normanby Island, Milne
Yavanita Haya, Aniruvi (Haga), Amusa, Aniruvi (Egera-Haga) and Niruvi (Egera- Bay Province. 2004, Personal Communication. P.P. Rai. 2009.
Haga) villages, the Fore speaking people of the Yavanita Haya, Kamiyovindi- 20. Johannes A: Medicinal plants of the nekematigi of the eastern highlands
Tunuku, and Egera-Haga villages and the Kimi speaking people of the Amusa of New guinea. Econ Bot 1975, 29:268277.
and Kimi villages. Without their invaluable input this publication would not 21. Hide R, Kimin M, Kora A, Kua G, Kua K: A checklist of some plants in the
be possible. We wish to thank Professor Robert Johns, Head New Guinea territory of the Sinasina Nami (Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea), with notes
Program, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, for input on plant on their uses, Working papers in anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and
identification while visiting the UPNG herbarium, and Robin L. Hyde, Visiting Maori Studies No. 54. Auckland: Dept. Anthropology, U. Auk.
Fellow, Department of Anthropology and Resource Management, ANU Private Bag; 1979.
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