11 2f30 Science Assessed Thinking 2fdiscussion Rubric - Blake Jewell - Topic 1

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Demonstrates understanding of the Understands the topic and clearly Understands topic, however, Does not understand topic or
Identification of the importance of the topic through a clearly identifies the problem or claim. problem is not clearly identified. identify problem.
problem/claim stated claim with connections to the
I think that the increase of abundant resources,
My evidence causes the population of many species to more
likely change. This is because...

Gathers relevant data from reliable Gathers relevant data from reliable Has obtained data that is Data does not aid in proving
sources that both supports and counters sources that supports the relevant, but is limited in quality claim.
the claim/problem. claim/problem. and quantity.
If this change was implemented with humans, then
things like medicine, food, and buildings. Third-world
countires will have more to eat, and the population of
humans will go up. This is becuase with the amount of
My evidence
food that there is, the tird-wrld countries will be saved
from starvatioin. Also, natural ingredients essential for
medicine, can create more bootles/industries for that
medicine, healing more people, preventing death longer.
Inferences are based on mulitple pieces of Inferences are created using at least Data is interpretated but does not May have talking points, perhaps
Interpret data/infer
data/sources (when applicable) to connect one piece of data/source and directly connect ot the big idea. faulty logic, or lack of inference
with the big idea. Interpretation includes connects to the big idea. Logic is not defended with present.
data/explanation of
various ideas without the use of faulty Interpretation includes various ideas relevant data.
evidence logic. without the use of faulty logic.
Using our experient from yesterday as a piece
of evidence, if birds with a certaiin beak type,
such as the toothpick, there will be a different
variety of food that is able to function with the
My evidence
type of beak. With this trait, the bird will be
able to survive, and if this bird is a type of
prey, the predator will be able to survive, and
won't go extinct.
Evaluation of the possible solutions Evaluates and recognizes other Solution/conclusion is made in Solution/conclusion is made in
followed by the implementation of the possible solutions prior to isolation of group discussion. isolation of group discussion and
Evaluation and
solution moves the idea forward. Others formulating their own original is not relevant.
implementation of a
can use this position and expand the conclusion based on evidence.
well-reasoned original
boundaries of the discussion. Is able to
solution/conclusion. synthesize a well reasoned original
With this in mind I think that anything that
changes in the enviroment will have cause and
effect and nothing will stay the sameif you mix
My evidence up natures way.

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