Introduction To Linguistics
Introduction To Linguistics
Introduction To Linguistics
Before the twentieth century, the term philology, first attested in 1716, was
commonly used to refer to the science of language, which was then
predominantly historical in focus. Since Ferdinand de Saussures insistence on
the importance of synchronic analysis, however, this focus has shifted and the
term philology is now generally used for the "study of a language's grammar,
history and literary tradition," especially in the United States, where it was
never as popular as it was elsewhere (in the sense of the "science of
language"). Although the term "linguist" in the sense of "a student of language"
dates from 1641, the term linguistics is first attested in 1847. It is now the
usual academic term in English for the scientific study of language.
Goals of linguistics
What are the goals of linguistics? How does a linguist determine if his or her
analysis is good? To what degree does an analysis of a language reflect the
truth about the language? We can look at language descriptions in terms of
three tasks: Observational adequacy Descriptive adequacy Explanatory
For example
For a teacher of foreign languages: the teacher will definitely benefit a great
deal from the knowledge of linguistics. He will learn about not only how
language is pronounced or structured, but also how it should be presented to
learners. He will know not only how each level of the language system is
related to other levels, but also how language is closely related to many things
outside itself, such as the mind, the brain, and society, among other things.
For a researcher: there is even more scope for displaying his abilities. First,
there are various branches of linguistics, each of which is equally fascinating
and challenging. Secondly, linguistic research is going deeper and deeper,
often from mere descriptions to logical and philosophical explanations.
Thirdly, linguistics is becoming more and more interdisciplinary, which means
that it draws on the findings of other disciplines while it also sheds light on
their research.
Description: it aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use.
E.g. People dont say X
Prescription: it aims to lay down rules for correct and standard behavior in
using language. E.g. Dont say X
The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how
things are.
Langue: refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a
speech community.
Parole: refers to the realization of langue in actual use.
Its social because it refers to the set of conventions and rules which the
speakers of a community all have to abide by.
For Saussure, language includes both langue and parole. These are French
How is language
structured? Structure
Formal analysis
Functional analysis
Main Branches of Linguistics
Descriptive Linguistics
There are different types of grammars (using the term grammar as theorical
models). Some of them are: Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Grammar Formal vs.
Functional Grammar
A descriptive grammar is built up by analyzing how speakers use a language, and deducing the rules they are
following. A prescriptive grammar is a set of explicit rules for using language that are taught, or enforced, so
that people will use the language in a particular way. Typically the rules are handed down from generation to
generation. Both kinds of grammars have their places in the world.
Linguists create descriptive grammars in order to understand language more deeply. They understand that a
single language can have multiple dialects, and that each dialect will have its own grammatical rules--internally
consistent, but perhaps different from other dialects of the same language. The rules they deduce are
sometimes more nuanced than the ones taught by prescriptivists.
Prescriptivists include schoolteachers, copyeditors, and others charged with correcting people's use of the
language. (Also some people who just have strong opinions on the topic.) Prescriptivists start with the
assumption that there is one "correct" way to use the language, and many incorrect ways.
An Introduction to Linguistics
Students studying linguistics and other language sciences for the first time
often have misconceptions about what they are about and what they can offer
them. They may think that linguists are authorities on what is correct and what
is incorrect in a given language. But linguistics is the science of language; it
treats language and the ways people use it as phenomena to be studied much
as a geologist treats the earth. Linguists want to figure out how language
works. But language is a cultural phenomenon and we all have deep-seated,
cultural ideas about what it is and how we ought to use it, so knowing where to
begin in studying it scientifically is not a trivial matter at all.
What we study
A science takes phenomena of one kind or another as its subject matter and
attempts to describe and explain them objectively. Scientists gather particular
kinds of data, analyze them, and create theories that account for the data. How
would linguists and other language scientists go about objectively describing
and explaining how language works? What kind of data would they examine?
How would they analyze the data? What would it mean to "account for" the
data with a theory? It is important to come to grips with some of our
preconceptions about language before we begin to approach language as the
object of scientific study. As you certainly know, people are quite conscious of
how they differ from people from other regions, social groups, or ethnic groups.
They notice differences in dress, in food, in patterns of social interaction, in
which qualities are valued or attract attention. And it is natural to evaluate
these features of other groups, to think of their dress as fashionable or weird,
to think of their food as tasteless or gross, to think of their social behaviors as
friendly or offensive. The same is true for language. People hear speech that
differs from their own and they may find it sloppy, elegant, or monotonous.
These impressions may also be associated with the languages of particular
groups rather than (or in addition to) the people themselves: we may find a
certain language more expressive, more logical, even more masculine. What's
the source of these impressions? Are they accurate? Undeniably communities
of people do tend to differ. To take an obvious example, food preparation is
more important in some cultures than others; some cultures are famous the
world over for their cuisine. For language, the differences are again obvious to
anyone. It's not just that languages sound different. Some languages make
distinctions in sounds, in words, in grammar that others don't. And people
learning a second language often have trouble making the distinctions that
aren't part of their first language. What we naturally notice, as speakers of a
particular language, is what is "missing" in other languages and what kinds of
mistakes second-language learners make in trying to speak our language. This
may lead us, consciously or unconsciously, to think there is something deficient
about the other language or even about the speakers of the other language. It
is very difficult for us to see it from the other perspective, to see that we also
fail to make distinctions that matter in the other language and have trouble
making them when we try to learn that language. For example, as speakers of
English, we may be surprised to find that Japanese has no words corresponding
to English a and the, words that are so basic to English we may almost take
them for granted. And we may be struck by the errors that Japanese learners of
English make in trying to master these words. Similarly, we are struck by the
confusions Japanese learners may have in pronouncing English words with the
sounds that we write with l and r, a distinction not made in Japanese. But these
same Japanese speakers may be surprised when they first learn that English
has only one word for 'you' (Japanese has at least six possibilities) and struck
by the tendency of English-speaking learners of Japanese to always use the
same word for 'you'. And they are similarly struck by the difficulty English-
speaking learners of Japanese have with distinctions in vowel length and pitch
change, distinctions that don't exist in English. In fact there is no evidence that
people in some cultures speak in sloppier or more elegant or more monotonous
ways than people in other cultures. And while languages do differ in striking
ways, these different features seem to balance each other out. There is also
considerable variation within English (or any other major language); that is,
English has dialects. We have a lot more to say about dialects but for now the
main point to be made is that what linguists have learned about the essential
equality of languages applies to dialects as well. Though it is often even harder
for people to accept this fact for dialects than for languages, as far as anyone
knows, there is nothing inherently inferior or superior about any dialect of any
language. Data for research on language Linguists and other language
scientists are interested in what people do, not what somebody thinks they
should do. To carry on their study, clearly researchers need to gather examples
of language. There are two sorts of ways to get these. By collecting naturally
occurring language, either written texts or spoken language. Linguists usually
study spoken (or signed) language because it is more basic than written
language. Most of the human languages that have existed have not been
written at all, and among those that are written, many people do not read or
write them. In addition, though language learning continues throughout life,
most of the basic patterns of a language are probably mastered by the time a
child is six years old. So the written form of the language has little or nothing to
do with this fundamental early learning of language. By eliciting language by
asking people particular questions or by doing experiments that call for
language. Linguists use both kinds of data. For example, once you'd arrived in
Grenada, you might get permission to record phone conversations, then
transcribe the conversations, perhaps using a special notation that shows the
speakers' pronunciation. Or you might recruit one or more willing speakers to
help you in your study by translating words or sentences from your English into
theirs or by telling you whether certain sentences are possible in their English.
You know that linguistics is the scientific study of language. How does one
study something scientifically? What is meant by scientific method? What will
studying linguistics mean? When we go about the everyday business of
studying, it is easy to see this as a process of learning what those who know
teach us. Yet we should always remember the crucial importance of questions,
since they are what moves science, in its broadest sense, forward. Asking
questions is a skill well-developed in every child, yet often lost by the time we
become adults. It is so easy to imagine the little farm boy asking, Granny,
Granny, why do apples fall down from trees? Why dont they fall up? and the
irritated reply of the busy care-giver who says, Dont bother me with your silly
questions. Go out and do something useful, like chop wood! Fortunately, the
little boy Isaac Newton grew up to be a man who posed that question again,
and found a way to answer it. Now we all know about the law of gravitation.
From this simple example, we can learn a great deal about the scientific
method, for little Isaacs question shows that he had noticed that something
happened with regularity. He then described this regularity, and looked for a
reason to explain it. These three elements come up again and again in any
academic field of study: observation, description, and explanation. Before he
published his theory of gravitation, Newton also read about and studied what
others had done in the past. Scientific knowledge is The scientific method
cumulative, building always on the work of others. Not that this path is simple
and orderly: hypotheses are proposed, studied, argued about, verified and/or
rejected. Even Newtons theory, which explained all the observed facts and
made predictions that were tested by others and found to be correct, so that
for many people over many centuries it was considered the Truth, eventually
reached a point where new, more accurate instruments started to allow new
facts to be observed that could no longer comfortably fit the theory. Albert
Einstein then proposed his Theory of Relativity, explaining the newly observed
facts and making predictions, which have since been tested and found to be
accurate. Of course, the universe itself has not changed. The important point to
remember is that the best of theories have been found to be incorrect.
Mankinds store of knowledge increases with replicating and testing and
sometimes repudiating the findings of others. This is true as much for
Linguistics as for Physics and indeed even for something as everyday as
learning a language or finding out what the funny noise is that your car makes
when it is cold.