This encounter involves several powerful aberrant creatures including a Mind Flayer Pact Lord named Tolvul accompanied by 4 dominated thralls. Tolvul can use mind blast and dominate creatures. Another encounter involves a Beholder Pact Lord named Siolim who can use eye rays including fire, exhaustion, sleep, and telekinesis. Siolim has high stats and defenses. The documents provide game statistics and abilities for these powerful aberrant creatures and their minions.
This encounter involves several powerful aberrant creatures including a Mind Flayer Pact Lord named Tolvul accompanied by 4 dominated thralls. Tolvul can use mind blast and dominate creatures. Another encounter involves a Beholder Pact Lord named Siolim who can use eye rays including fire, exhaustion, sleep, and telekinesis. Siolim has high stats and defenses. The documents provide game statistics and abilities for these powerful aberrant creatures and their minions.
This encounter involves several powerful aberrant creatures including a Mind Flayer Pact Lord named Tolvul accompanied by 4 dominated thralls. Tolvul can use mind blast and dominate creatures. Another encounter involves a Beholder Pact Lord named Siolim who can use eye rays including fire, exhaustion, sleep, and telekinesis. Siolim has high stats and defenses. The documents provide game statistics and abilities for these powerful aberrant creatures and their minions.
This encounter involves several powerful aberrant creatures including a Mind Flayer Pact Lord named Tolvul accompanied by 4 dominated thralls. Tolvul can use mind blast and dominate creatures. Another encounter involves a Beholder Pact Lord named Siolim who can use eye rays including fire, exhaustion, sleep, and telekinesis. Siolim has high stats and defenses. The documents provide game statistics and abilities for these powerful aberrant creatures and their minions.
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Tainted Crossbowman Level 1 Minion Artillery
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 25
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +0 Shaheed Encounter 1 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. 1 x Quaan Slaver, 2 x Tainted Slaver, 2 x Tainted AC 13; Fortitude 13; Reflex 14; Will 13 Speed 6 Crossbowman r Light Crossbow (standard; at-will) • Weapon Ranged 15/30; +8 vs AC; 3 damage, or 5 damage if an ally is Quaan Slaver Level 5 Controller (Leader) adjacent to the target Medium aberrant magical beast XP 200 m Shortsword (standard; at-will) • Weapon Initiative +4 Senses Perception +3; darkvision +6 vs AC; 3 damage HP 63; Bloodied 31 Archer's Dodge AC 19; Fortitude 16; Reflex 17; Will 18 The tainted crossbowman has +4 to AC vs. opportunity at- Immune dazed tacks. Speed 8 , Climb 6 (spider climb) Alignment Evil Languages Common m Bite (standard; at-will) • Poison Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) +10 vs AC; 1d6 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is slowed Equipment Light Crossbow, Bolts x20 (save ends) R Charm Bolt (standard; at-will) • Charm Ranged 12; +9 vs Will; the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls on attacks that include the neogi slaver as a target (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target treats the slaver as invisible (save ends) C Psychic Shackle (standard; recharge 5 6) • Psychic Close blast 3; +9 vs Will; 2d8 + 1 psychic damage, and the tar- get is dazed until the start of the quaan slaver’s next turn C Thrall Goad (minor; encounter) Close burst 6; targets allies; the target makes a saving throw with a +5 bonus Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 12 Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Insight +13, Intimidate +15 Str 15 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 15 (+4) Con 15 (+4) Int 15 (+4) Cha 15 (+4)
Tainted Slaver Level 1 Minion Lurker
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 25 Initiative +7 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 14; Will 13 Resist 5 psychic Speed 6 m Barbed Grab (standard; at-will) Reach 3; +6 vs AC; 3 damage, and the target is grabbed Abberant Form (when an attack hits the tainted slaver; en- counter) Roll d20; on a 10+, the tainted slaver takes no damage. Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages — Str 11 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Int 4 (–3) Cha 10 (+0) Shaheed Encounter 2 Shaheed Encounter 3 1 x 'Tovul' Mind Flayer Pact Lord, 4 x Dominated 1 x Siolim, Beholder Pact Lord Thrall Siolim, Beholder Pact Lord Level 11 Artillery Medium aberrant magical beast XP 600 Tolvul, Mind Flayer Pact Lord Level 7 Lurker Initiative +9 Senses Perception +14; all-around Medium aberrant humanoid XP 300 vision, darkvision Initiative +11 Senses Perception +9 HP 90; Bloodied 45 HP 63; Bloodied 31 AC 26; Fortitude 22; Reflex 26; Will 27 AC 21; Fortitude 17; Reflex 19; Will 20 Speed Fly 6 (hover) Speed 7 m Bite (standard; at-will) m Tentacles (standard; at-will) +18 vs AC; 2d4 + 1 damage +12 vs AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape) r Central Eye (minor; at-will) Ranged 5; +16 vs Will; 1 the target is immobilized until the end C Mind Blast (standard; recharge 5 6) • Psychic of the beholder’s next turn Close blast 5; does not target mind flayers or creatures domin- ated by mind flayers; +10 vs Will; 2d8 + 3 psychic damage, and M Eye Rays (standard; encounter) the target is dazed (save ends) The beholder uses two eye ray powers chosen from the list be- Thrall Bodyguard low. Using eye rays does not provoke opportunity attacks. While a creature dominated by Tolvul is adjacent to Tolvul, he 1 — Fire Ray (Fire): Ranged 8; +10 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 4 fire can use an immediate interrupt when targeted by a melee or damage. ranged attack to redirect the attack to the dominated creature. 2 — Exhaustion Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 8; +10 vs. Fortitude; Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, tele- 1d8 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save pathy 10 ends). Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +13, Dungeoneering +9, Stealth +12 3 — Sleep Ray (Sleep): Ranged 8; +10 vs. Fortitude; the target Str 11 (+3) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 12 (+4) is slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is Con 15 (+5) Int 15 (+5) Cha 21 (+8) knocked unconscious (save ends, ends if the target takes dam- age). 4 — Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 8; +10 vs. Fortitude; the behold- er slides the target 4 squares; 1 Level 1 Minion Artillery Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech Dominated Thrall XP 25 Str 15 (+7) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 19 (+9) Medium natural humanoid Con 18 (+9) Int 21 (+10) Cha 23 (+11) Initiative +3 Senses Perception +0 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 13; Fortitude 13; Reflex 14; Will 13 Speed 6 r Shortbow (standard; at-will) • Weapon Ranged 15/30; +8 vs AC; 3 damage, or 5 damage if an ally is adjacent to the target m Shortsword (standard; at-will) • Weapon +6 vs AC; 3 damage Archer's Dodge The dominated thrall has +4 to AC vs. opportunity attacks. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)