C Section
C Section
C Section
If you're pregnant, knowing what to expect during a C-section both during the
procedure and afterward can help you prepare.
Sometimes a C-section is safer for you or your baby than is a vaginal delivery.
Your health care provider might recommend a C-section if:
Your labor isn't progressing. Stalled labor is one of the most common
reasons for a C-section. Perhaps your cervix isn't opening enough despite
strong contractions over several hours or the baby's head is too big to pass
through your birth canal.
Your baby isn't getting enough oxygen. If your health care provider is
concerned about your baby's oxygen supply or changes in your baby's
heartbeat, a C-section might be the best option.
There's a problem with your placenta. If the placenta covers the opening
of your cervix (placenta previa), C-section might be the safest way to deliver
the baby.
There's a problem with the umbilical cord. A C-section might be
recommended if a loop of umbilical cord slips through your cervix ahead of
your baby or if the cord is compressed by the uterus during contractions.
Recovery from a C-section takes longer than does recovery from a vaginal birth.
And like other types of major surgery, C-sections also carry risks.
Surgical injury. Although rare, accidental nicks to the baby's skin can
occur during surgery.
Risks to you include:
Inflammation and infection of the membrane lining the uterus. This
condition known as endometritis can cause fever, foul-smelling vaginal
discharge and uterine pain.
Increased bleeding. You're likely to lose more blood with a C-section than
with a vaginal birth. However, transfusions are rarely needed.
Blood clots. The risk of developing a blood clot inside a vein especially
in the legs or pelvic organs is greater after a C-section than after a vaginal
delivery. If a blood clot travels to your lungs (pulmonary embolism), the
damage can be life-threatening. Your health care team will take steps to
prevent blood clots. You can help, too, by walking frequently soon after
Your health care provider might also recommend certain blood tests before your
C-section. These tests will provide information about your blood type and your
level of hemoglobin the main component of red blood cells. These details will
be helpful to your health care team in the unlikely event that you need a blood
transfusion during the C-section.
Even if you're planning a vaginal birth, it's important to prepare for the
unexpected. Discuss the possibility of a C-section with your health care provider
well before your due date. Ask questions, share your concerns and review the
circumstances that might make a C-section the best option. In an emergency,
your health care provider might not have time to explain the procedure or answer
your questions in detail.
After a C-section, you'll need time to rest and recover. Consider recruiting help
ahead of time for the weeks following the birth of your baby.
Delivery. The baby will be delivered through the incisions. The doctor will
clear your baby's mouth and nose of fluids, then clamp and cut the umbilical
cord. The placenta will be removed from your uterus, and the incisions will be
closed with sutures.
If you have regional anesthesia, you'll be able to hear and see the baby right after
Soon after your C-section, you'll be encouraged to get up and walk. Moving
around can speed your recovery and help prevent constipation and potentially
dangerous blood clots.
While you're in the hospital, your health care team will monitor your incision for
signs of infection. They'll also monitor your movement, how much fluid you're
drinking, and bladder and bowel function.
You will be able to start breast-feeding as soon as you feel up to it. Ask your
nurse or a lactation consultant to teach you how to position yourself and support
your baby so that you're comfortable. Your health care team will select
medications for your post-surgical pain with breast-feeding in mind. Continuing to
take the medication shouldn't interfere with breast-feeding. Pain control is
important since pain interferes with the release of oxytocin, a hormone that helps
your milk flow.
Before you leave the hospital, talk with your health care provider about any
preventive care you might need, including vaccinations. Making sure your
vaccinations are current can help protect your health and your baby's health.
Take it easy. Rest when possible. Try to keep everything that you and your
baby might need within reach. For the first few weeks, avoid lifting from a
squatting position or lifting anything heavier than your baby.
Support your abdomen. Use pillows for extra support while breast-
feeding. A pregnancy belt might provide additional support.
Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking water and other fluids can help replace the
fluid lost during delivery and breast-feeding, as well as prevent constipation.
Avoid sex. Don't have sex until your health care provider gives you the
green light often four to six weeks after surgery. You don't have to give up
on intimacy in the meantime, though. Spend time with your partner, even if it's
just a few minutes in the morning or after the baby goes to sleep at night.
Contact your health care provider if you experience:
Any signs of infection such as a fever higher than 100.4 F (38 C), severe
pain in your abdomen, or redness, swelling and discharge at your incision site
Painful urination
Heavy bleeding that soaks a sanitary napkin within an hour or bleeding that
continues longer than eight weeks after delivery