16 - C4101 (Fam 5)
16 - C4101 (Fam 5)
16 - C4101 (Fam 5)
Discuss Items
1. *Engine operating limitations (ref. NATOPS Ch.4)
Normal idle range 400-660°C
Normal operating range 400-695°C
Max continuous 695°C
Max acceleration 825°C (2 sec)
Hot Start 925°C (2 sec) or 1090C
Max @ shutdown 610°C
Note: High ITT may be decreased by reducing accessory load and/or increasing N1 speed.
At high cruising altitudes, retard the PCL to bring ITT within limits
Idle operating range 150 ft-lbs
Normal operating range 400-l015 ft-lbs
Max allowable 1015 ft-lbs
Maximum torque 1315 ft-lbs
Auto ignition range 300-180 ft-lbs
Prop overspeed test range 400-500 ft-lbs
Max torque (oil malfunction) 850 ft-lbs
Fuel/Fuel Flow:
Idle ~125 lbs/hr
Normal operation ~335 lbs/hr
Critical Fuel (for flight) -20-0 lbs
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Primary Flight Training Briefing Synopsis
Oil Temperature:
Min starting temperature -40°C
Normal Operating range 10-99°C
Maximum 100°C
Oil pressure:
Idle operating range 40 PSI min
Normal operating range (N1 above 75%) 65-85 PSI
Maximum fluctuation +5 (within limits)
Max oil pressure 100 PSI
Acceleration Limitations:
+4.5g up to 280KIAS; -2.3g up to 220KIAS; decreasing to -1.0g at 280KIAS
With flaps down, +2.0g to -1.0g
During extension of the landing gear, +1.5g to 0g
Max sink rate at ground contact 600 FPM
Max Ramp 4,425 lbs
Takeoff/Landing 4,400 lbs
Touch-and-go/Aerobatic 4,300 lbs
Max zero-fuel 3,650 lbs
Aerodynamic Limitations:
Clean, smooth, below 20,000 ft: 280 KIAS
Clean, smooth, 20k-25k ft: 245 KIAS
Turbulent Air: 195 KIAS
Gear Down: below 150 KIAS
Flaps Down/Up and Gear retraction: 120 KIAS
Canopy Emergency Open: 250 KIAS
Canopy Open: 240 KIAS
Ceiling: 25,000 ft
Crosswind Limits:
Full Flap 15 Knots
No Flap 22 Knots
Solo 10 Knots and 25 Knot Headwind
Prohibited Maneuvers
Night Formation Flight
Inverted flight above 220 KIAS
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Inverted Stalls
Inverted Spins
Spins with propeller feathered
Spins with gear and/or flaps extended
2. *Engine failure indications (ref. NATOPS 14-1)
a. Do not attempt an airstart if engine failure can be attributed to a mechanical malfunction, was accompanied by
an explosion, overheating problem, or strong fumes exist in the cockpit, or if N1 indicates 0 rpm.
Condition Torque N1 ITT Prop RPM Fuel Flow Oil Temp Oil Press
Decaying below
Rollback Low 40-65 - 80-100 Norm Norm
Decreasing Below 110 KIAS,
Flameout Zero 10-12 Less than 50 Decrease Various
toward 200 decays to 200
Compressor Stall Fluct Fluct Fluct Minor surges Fluct Norm Norm
Gear Flaps Propeller VBestGlide Sink rate at 100 Glide Ratio at 100
Condition (KIAS) KIAS (FPM) KIAS (L/D)
UP UP Feathered 100 800 12 to 1
DOW UP Feathered 87 1200 8 to 1
UP DOW Feathered 93 1250 8 to 1
DOW DOW Feathered 88 1650 6 to 1
UP UP Unfeathered 117 2400 3 to 1
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Primary Flight Training Briefing Synopsis
New Maneuvers
1. Skidded turn stall (ref. FTI 6-28)
a. This maneuver demonstrates the excessive loss of altitude and the unusual characteristics of a stall in
unbalanced flight. It will NOT be performed by the student, IP demo only.
b. Can occur if improper slip inputs are made – dangerous when executing the ELP approach. Can result in a skid
and possible stall at an altitude from which safe recovery is impossible.
c. Procedures:
i. Configuration: At or above 8000 ft AGL, 100 KIAS, level flight, gear down, flaps up, landing
checklist complete.
ii. Checklist: Stall checklist
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iii. Clearing Turns: Perform clearing turn with the last 90 of turn to the right.
iv. At the beginning of the last 90 of turn, reduce the PCL to 300 ft-lbs of torque and transition to a 100
KIAS descent.
v. At the completion of the clearing turn, apply full right rudder while using a left aileron to maintain 30
degrees AOB to demonstrate the characteristics of a full skid. Simultaneously raise the nose while
reducing the PCL to 200 ft-lbs. Increase control pressures as airspeed is reduced.
vi. After the aircraft stalls, recover IAW NATOPS OCF Recovery Procedures.
vii. Ensure 150 KIAS is not exceeded throughout the maneuver.
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Primary Flight Training Briefing Synopsis
Emergency Procedures
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