INCOTERMS 2010 Illustrated Guide PDF
INCOTERMS 2010 Illustrated Guide PDF
INCOTERMS 2010 Illustrated Guide PDF
A comprehensive guide to the 11 INCOTERMS 2010
Arrival Terms
Delivered At Terminal
(. . . named terminal at port or place of destination) . . 22
Delivered At Place
(. . . named place of destination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Delivered Duty Paid
(. . . named place of destination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1. Incoterms is a registered trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and is used here for informational purposes only.
This illustrated guide is independently authored and published and is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with the ICC. The full
text of Incoterms 2010 (117 pages) is contained in ICC publication No. 715, ISBN 978-92-8420080-1. Contact ICC Publishing, Inc.,
1212 Avenue of the Americas, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10036 USA, Tel: +[1] (212) 703-5066,, or ICC Publish-
ing S.A., 38 Cours Albert, 1er, 75008 Paris, France, Tel: +[33] (1) 49 53 28 28,
The World Trade Press Illustrated Guide to Incoterms 2010 is 2000-2010 by World Trade Press.
deliveryIn common usage, delivery is the act of multimodalUse of more than one mode of transport
delivering something, while the place of delivery is of- (road, rail, sea, air) to transport goods (or people) from ori-
ten the buyers place of business. In Incoterms 2010, gin to final destination.
however, delivery is the point where the risk of loss carrierIn common usage, a carrier is a firm that
or damage passes from the seller to the buyer. This is transports goods or passengers for hire, rather than sim-
often the named port or place but not necessarily the ply arranging for such transport. In Incoterms, however,
buyers place of business. the carrier can be any person or firm who by contract
pre-carriageThe initial transport of goods from the undertakes to perform or procure such services. The
sellers premises to the main port or place where main car- buyer nominates the carrier and the seller need only
riage begins. Usually by truck, rail, or inland waterway. accept the nomination for the term to work.
main carriageThe primary transport of goods, gen- string saleThe sale, and successive resale, of a single
erally for the longest part of the journey and generally shipment of goods while en route from place of shipment
from one country to another. Usually by sea vessel or to final destination. This is common in the commodity
by airplane, but also by truck, rail, or inland waterway. trade, where oil, grain, and ore shipments are sold and re-
onward carriageTransport from the port, terminal, or sold before the vessel arrives in port. A number of Inco-
place of arrival in the country of destination to the buyers terms now take this practice into account by giving the
premises. Usually by truck, rail, or inland waterway. seller the option to procure goods already so delivered.
Notes on Incoterms
1. Underlying ContractIncoterms were designed to have to assume risks and costs associated with export
be used within the context of a written contract for the and import formalities and duties. In some cases, for-
sale of goods (not services). Incoterms, therefore, re- eign exporters may not be able to obtain import licenses
fer to the contract of sale, rather than the contract of in the country of import. Parties should research the
carriage of the goods. Buyers and sellers should spec- pertinent local trade laws before using such terms.
ify that their contract be governed by Incoterms 2010. 9. Variants of Incoterms (Added Wording)
2. Two ComponentsEach Incoterm has two compo- Incoterms give no guidance regarding the addition of
nents: the term name, and a named place, port, or termi- words to individual terms. In practice, the seller and
nal. For example: EXW, Sellers warehouse located at buyer may agree to added wording. For example, if the
___. Or, DDP, Buyers warehouse located at ___. An seller agrees to DDP terms, agreeing to pay for customs
Incoterm is incomplete without both components. formalities and import duties but not for VAT (value
3. Precise Point of DeliveryIn addition to a specific added tax), the term DDP VAT Unpaid may be used.
named port, place, or terminal, it may be neces- Adding wording to an Incoterm, however, may present a
sary to name a precise point of delivery. For exam- risk if the wording contradicts the fundamental meaning
ple, the original terms of sale may state CFR Port of of the Incoterm itself. For example, if the seller agrees to
Rotterdam. The Port of Rotterdam, however, is CIF, seller responsible for unloading the aircraft, there
huge. The buyer who prefers a particular point within is an inherent problem, because CIF can only be used for
the port should name the specific point in the sales transport by sea or inland waterway. Use additional
contract and in the trade term. This may be an impor- wording only if you are certain that it is consistent with
tant issue in situations where the buyer is responsible the meaning of the term used.
for unloading, storage, and other charges once the 10. PackingIt is the responsibility of the seller to provide
goods have been made available at the named place. packaging unless the goods shipped are conventionally
In some cases it may not be possible for the buyer to shipped unpackaged (commodities such as oil or grain). In
name the precise point of delivery at the time of con- most situations it is best if the buyer and seller agree in the
tract. However, if the buyer does not do so in a timely sales contract on the type and extent of packing required.
manner, the seller may make delivery within a range However, it may not be possible to know beforehand the
of places that is within the terms of the contract, but type or duration of transport. As a result, it is the responsi-
inconvenient for the buyer. bility of the seller to provide for safe and appropriate pack-
4. EXW and FCAThe buyer who purchases on Ex aging, but only to the extent that the buyer has made the
Works (EXW) or Free Carrier (FCA) terms will need circumstances of the transport known beforehand. If the
to arrange for the contract of carriage. Also, since the seller is responsible for packing goods in an ocean or air
seller will not receive a bill of lading, using a letter of freight container, their responsibility includes stuffing the
credit requiring a bill of lading will not be possible. container properly to withstand shipment.
5. EDI: Electronic Data InterchangeIt is increas- 11. InspectionThere are several issues related to inspec-
ingly common for sellers to prepare and transmit doc- tions: a) the seller is responsible for costs of inspection to
uments electronically. Incoterms provide for EDI and make certain the quantity and quality of the shipment are
electronic documents so long as buyers and sellers in conformity with the sales contract; b) pre-shipment in-
agree on their use in the sales contract. spections as required by the export authority are the re-
6. Insurable InterestIn most cases, neither the buyer sponsibility of the party responsible for export
nor the seller is obligated to provide insurance. In fact, formalities; c) import inspections as required by the im-
only two Incoterms mention insurance: CIP and CIF. port authority are the responsibility of the party responsi-
In both cases the seller is obligated to secure insur- ble for import formalities; and d) third-party inspections
ance for the buyer, but only for minimum coverage. for independent verification of quality and quantity (if re-
The seller and buyer, however, may have insurable quired) are generally the responsibility of the buyer. The
interest in the goods, and prudence may dictate pur- buyer may require such an inspection and inspection
chase of insurance coverage or additional insurance document as a condition of payment.
coverage. 12. Passing of Risks and CostsIn all E, F, and D terms,
7. Customs of the Port or TradeIncoterms are an both risks and costs pass from seller to buyer at the named
attempt to standardize trade terms for all nations and place, port, or terminal. In all C terms, however, the trans-
all trades. However, different ports and different fer of risks occurs at a different point than the transfer of
trades have their own customs and practices. It is best costs. Refer to each term for details.
if such practices are specified in the sales contract. 13. CarrierIn common usage, a carrier is a firm that
8. Export/Import Customs ClearanceIt is usually transports goods or passengers for hire, rather than
desirable that export customs formalities be handled by simply arranging for such transport. In Incoterms,
the seller and import customs formalities be handled by however, carrier is the party with whom carriage is
the buyer. However, some trade terms (such as EXW) contracted and can be any person or firm. In practice,
require that the buyer handle export formalities, while the buyer nominates the carrier and the seller need
others, such as DDP, require that the seller handle im- only accept the nomination. It is recommended that
port formalities. In each case, the buyer and seller will the carrier be named in the sales contract.
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
tion to provide for carriage of goods or for insurance. of delivery, to give seller sufficient notice.
Provide the buyer, at the buyers request and cost (if 8. Proof of DeliveryProvide the seller with evidence
any), information required to obtain insurance. of taking delivery.
4. DeliveryMake the goods available to the buyer at 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections in-
the named place and point of delivery at the time stipu- cluding those required by the country of export.
lated in the sales contract. If the buyer has not stipu- 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
Buyers Responsibilities (summary)
lated a specific point at the named place of delivery, the data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
1. PaymentPay for the goods as provided in the sales
seller may pick one that suits sellers purposes. related to securing information or documentation, in-
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage cluding security information, the buyer requires for ex-
2. Licenses, Security, and Customs Formalities
to the goods until they have been made available to the port and import formalities, security clearance, and
Obtain any export and import licenses or authoriza-
buyer at the named place of delivery, at the agreed- transport of the goods to the final destination.
tions, and handle all export and import customs for-
upon time stipulated in the sales contract.
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
carriage on standard industry terms at the buyers risk cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales or period for delivery, and the mode of transport.
and cost. contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
Provide information to enable the buyer to obtain 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers request ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
insurance. and cost, assistance in securing information and docu- 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods to the carrier at the ments, including security information, the buyer requires less such is required by the country of export.
named place of delivery at the time stipulated in the for transport and import of the goods to the final destina- 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
sales contract. If the named place of delivery is the tion. Reimburse the buyer for buyers costs related to se- data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
sellers place of business, the seller is responsible for curing information and documents, including security related to securing information or documentation, in-
loading the goods onto the transport vehicle. If the information the seller requires for export formalities and cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
named place is any other location, such as the loading security clearance of the goods. import formalities, security clearance, and transport of
dock of the carrier, the seller is not responsible for un- the goods to the final destination.
Buyers Responsibilities (summary)
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Sea or Inland Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Waterway Only Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
buyers risk and cost. 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers re- sufficient notice to the seller of the name of the ship, the
No obligation to provide insurance. Provide information quest and cost, assistance in securing information and loading point, and the time or period for delivery.
to enable the buyer to obtain insurance. documents, including security information, required by 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods alongside the ship at the buyer for transport and import of the goods to the ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
the named port of shipment, or procure the goods so final destination. Reimburse the buyer for buyers costs 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
delivered, within the agreed-upon time stipulated in related to securing information and documents, includ- less such is required by the country of export.
the sales contract. If the buyer has not stipulated a ing security information, the seller requires for export 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
specific loading point at the named port of shipment, formalities and security clearance of the goods to the data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
the seller may pick one that suits sellers purposes. named port of shipment. related to securing information or documentation, in-
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
to the goods until they have been delivered alongside import formalities, security clearance, and transport of
Buyers Responsibilities (summary)
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Sea or Inland Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Waterway Only Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
terms at the buyers risk and cost. contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. sufficient notice to the seller of the name of the vessel,
No obligation to provide insurance. Provide information 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers request the loading point, and the time or period for delivery.
to enable the buyer to obtain insurance. and cost, assistance in securing information and docu- 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods on board the named ves- ments, including security information, required by the ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
sel at the named port of shipment at the time stipulated buyer for transport and import of the goods to the final 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
in the sales contract, or procure the goods so deliv- destination. Reimburse the buyer for buyers costs related less such is required by the country of export.
ered. If the buyer has not stipulated a specific loading to securing information and documents, including security 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
point at the named port of shipment, the seller may information the seller requires for export formalities and data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
pick one that suits sellers purposes. security clearance of the goods to the ship at the named related to securing information or documentation, in-
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage port of shipment. cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
to the goods until they have been delivered on board import formalities, security clearance, and transport of
Buyers Responsibilities (summary)
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Sea or Inland Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Waterway Only Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
contract for the carriage of the goods from the point sold unpackaged. Package the goods as the seller deems the point of receiving the shipment at the named port
of delivery to the named port of destination. appropriate for transport, unless the buyer has given spe- of destination, to give seller sufficient notice.
No obligation to provide insurance. Provide information cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
to enable the buyer to obtain insurance. contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods on board the ship at the 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers request 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
port of shipment (not destination) or procure goods al- and cost, assistance in securing information and docu- less such is required by the country of export.
ready so delivered within the agreed-upon time. ments, including security information, required by the 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage buyer for import and transport of the goods from the data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
to the goods until they have been delivered on board named port to the final destination. Reimburse the buyer related to securing information or documentation, in-
the ship at the port of shipment (not destination), within for buyers costs related to securing information and docu- cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
the agreed-upon time stipulated in the sales contract. mentation, including security information the seller re- import formalities, security clearance, and transport of
6. CostsPay all costs until the goods have been deliv- quires for export formalities, transport, security clearance, the goods to the final destination.
Cost, Insurance, and Freight (. . . named port of destination)
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Sea or Inland Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Waterway Only Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
of delivery to the named port of destination. Obtain ated with checking the quality and quantity of the goods the buyer is entitled to specify a time for shipping or
and pay for minimum cover cargo insurance (Institute to be in conformity with the sales contract. Provide pre- the point of receiving the shipment at the named port
Cargo Clauses, Clause C coverage) from a reputable in- shipment inspections as required for export formalities. of destination, to give seller sufficient notice.
surance company or underwriter. Insurance must provide Package the goods, unless the goods are conventionally 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
coverage at least to the named port of destination, entitle sold unpackaged. Package the goods as the seller deems ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
the buyer to make a claim directly to the insurer, be for a appropriate for transport, unless the buyer has given spe- 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
minimum of 110% of the contract amount, and be in the cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales less such is required by the country of export.
currency of the sales contract. Provide the buyer with an contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
insurance policy or evidence of insurance. Provide infor- 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers request data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
mation to enable the buyer to obtain additional insurance. and cost, assistance in securing information and docu- related to securing information or documentation, in-
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods on board the ship at the ments, including security information, required by the cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
port of shipment or procure goods already so delivered.
6. CostsPay all costs until the goods have been delivered and transshipment to the named port of destination. named port of destination.
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
3. Carriage and InsuranceContract or procure a sold unpackaged. Package the goods as the seller deems ing delivery at the named place of destination, to give
contract for the carriage of the goods from the point appropriate for transport, unless the buyer has given spe- seller sufficient notice.
of delivery to the named place of destination. cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
No obligation to provide insurance. Provide information contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
to enable the buyer to obtain insurance. 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers request 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods to the (first) carrier at the and cost, assistance in securing information and docu- less such is required by the country of export.
named place of shipment (not place of destination). ments, including security information, required by the 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage buyer for import and transport of the goods from the data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
to the goods until they have been delivered to the named place to the final destination. Reimburse the buyer related to securing information or documentation, in-
(first) carrier at the place of shipment, within the for buyers costs related to securing information and docu- cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
agreed-upon time stipulated in the sales contract. mentation, including security information the seller re- import formalities, security clearance, and transport of
6. CostsPay all costs until the goods have been delivered quires for export formalities, transport, security clearance, the goods to the final destination.
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
contract for the carriage of the goods from the point 9. Checking, Packing, MarkingPay all costs associ- 7. Notice to SellerIf, according to the sales contract,
of delivery to the named place of destination. Obtain ated with checking the quality and quantity of the goods the buyer is entitled to specify a time or point of tak-
and pay for minimum cover cargo insurance (Institute to be in conformity with the sales contract. Provide pre- ing delivery at the named place of destination, to give
Cargo Clauses, Clause C coverage) from a reputable in- shipment inspections as required for export formalities. seller sufficient notice.
surance company or underwriter. Insurance must provide Package the goods, unless the goods are conventionally 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
coverage at least to the named place of destination, entitle sold unpackaged. Package the goods as the seller deems ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
the buyer to make a claim directly to the insurer, be for a appropriate for transport, unless the buyer has given spe- 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
minimum of 110% of the contract amount, and be in the cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales less such is required by the country of export.
currency of the sales contract. Provide the buyer with an contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-related
insurance policy or evidence of insurance. Provide infor- 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers request data requirements. Reimburse the seller for sellers costs
mation to enable the buyer to obtain additional insurance. and cost, assistance in securing information and docu- related to securing information or documentation, in-
4. DeliveryDeliver the goods to the (first) carrier at the ments, including security information, required by the cluding security information, that the buyer requires for
6. CostsPay all costs until the goods have been delivered and transshipment to the named place of destination. named place of destination.
Delivered At Terminal (. . . named terminal at port or place of destination)
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
transshipment through any country prior to delivery. sold unpackaged. Package the goods as the seller deems seller sufficient notice.
3. Carriage and InsuranceContract and pay for the appropriate for transport, unless the buyer has given spe- 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
carriage of the goods to the named terminal at port or cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
place of destination. No obligation to the buyer to se- contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
cure a contract of insurance. At the buyers request 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers re- less such is required by the country of export.
and cost, provide information to enable the buyer to quest and cost, assistance in securing information and 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-re-
obtain insurance. documents, including security information, required lated data requirements. Reimburse the seller for
4. DeliveryMake the goods available to the buyer, by the buyer for import and transport of the goods sellers costs related to securing information or docu-
unloaded from the arriving means of transport, at the from the named terminal to the final destination. mentation, including security information, that the
named terminal at port or place of destination, within Reimburse the buyer for buyers costs related to se- buyer requires for import formalities, security clear-
the agreed-upon time. curing information and documentation, including se- ance, and transport of the goods to the final destina-
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage curity information, the seller requires for export tion.
6. CostsPay all costs until the goods have been made contract.
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
required for transshipment through any country appropriate for transport unless the buyer has given spe- ing delivery at the named place of destination, to give
prior to delivery. cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales seller sufficient notice.
3. Carriage and InsuranceContract and pay for the contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
carriage of the goods to the named place of destina- 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers re- ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
tion. No obligation to the buyer to secure a contract of quest and cost, assistance in securing information and 9. Inspection(s)Pay for pre-shipment inspections un-
insurance. At buyers request and cost, provide infor- documents, including security information, required by less such is required by the country of export.
mation to enable the buyer to obtain insurance. the buyer for import and transport of the goods from 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-re-
4. DeliveryMake the goods available to the buyer, not the named place of destination to the final destination. lated data requirements. Reimburse the seller for
unloaded, from the arriving means of transport, at the Reimburse the buyer for buyers costs related to se- sellers costs related to securing information or docu-
named place of destination, within the agreed-upon time. curing information and documentation, including se- mentation, including security information, that the
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage curity information, the seller requires for export buyer requires for import formalities, security clear-
to the goods until they have been made available to formalities, transport, security clearance, and trans- ance, and transport of the goods to the final destina-
Seller/ Export Pre-Carriage Delivery Loading at Named Loaded Transport by On Board Discharging Delivery at Onward Import Buyer/
Exporter Documents, to Named at Named Place/Port On Board Air, Rail, Road, Ship or (unloading) at Named Place/ Carriage to Documents, Importer
Named Place Formalities, Place, Not Place/Port, of Shipment Ship or Water, or Vessel, Not Named Place/Port Terminal Named Place, Formalities, Named Place,
and Fees Unloaded Unloaded Vessel Multimodal Unloaded of Destination Not Unloaded and Duties Unloaded
dures as well as those required for transshipment appropriate for transport unless the buyer has given spe- ing delivery at the named place of destination, to give
through any country prior to delivery. cific requirements prior to the finalization of the sales seller sufficient notice.
3. Carriage and InsuranceContract and pay for the contract. Provide marking appropriate to the packaging. 8. Proof of DeliveryAccept the sellers delivery doc-
carriage of the goods to the named place of destina- 10. OtherTimely provide the buyer, at the buyers re- ument if it is in conformity with the sales contract.
tion. No obligation to the buyer to secure a contract of quest and cost, assistance in securing information and 9. Inspection(s)No obligation to the seller for pre-
insurance. At the buyers request and cost, provide in- documents, including security information, required by shipment inspections required for export or import.
formation to enable the buyer to obtain insurance. the buyer for transport of the goods from the named 10. OtherTimely advise the seller of any security-re-
4. DeliveryMake the goods available to the buyer, not place of destination to the final destination. lated data requirements.
unloaded from the arriving means of transport, at the Reimburse the buyer for buyers costs related to securing Reimburse the seller for sellers costs related to secur-
named place of destination, within the agreed-upon time. information and documentation, including security in- ing information or documentation, including security
5. Risk TransferAssume all risks of loss or damage formation, required by the seller for export formalities, information, that the buyer requires for transport of
to the goods until they have been made available to transport, security clearance, import formalities, and the goods to the final destination.