Article ABC of Psychological Medicine Musculoskeletal Pain

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ABC of psychological medicine: Musculoskeletal

Chris J Main and Amanda C de C Williams

BMJ 2002;325;534-537

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Clinical review
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ABC of psychological medicine

Musculoskeletal pain
Chris J Main, Amanda C de C Williams

Musculoskeletal symptoms of various types (neck pain, limb

pain, low back pain, joint pain, chronic widespread pain) are a
major reason for consultation in primary care. This article uses
the example of low back pain because it is particularly common
and there is a substantial evidence base for its management.
The principles of management outlined are also applicable to
non-specific musculoskeletal symptoms in general.
The increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal pain,
including back pain, has been described as an epidemic. Pain
complaints are usually self limiting, but if they become chronic
the consequences are serious. These include the distress of
patients and their families and consequences for employers in
terms of sickness absence and for society as a whole in terms of
welfare benefits and lost productivity. Many causes for
musculoskeletal pain have been identified. Psychological and
social factors have been shown to play a major role in
exacerbating the biological substrate of pain by influencing pain
perception and the development of chronic disability. This new
understanding has led to a biopsychosocial model of back
pain. Social

Research has also shown that there are many different

reasons for patients to consult their doctor with painseeking Illness
cure or symptomatic relief, diagnostic clarification, reassurance,
legitimisation of symptoms, or medical certification for work
absence or to express distress, frustration, or anger. Doctors Psychological
need to clarify which of these reasons apply to an individual distress
and to respond appropriately.
and beliefs

Managing acute back pain

Most patients can be effectively managed with a combination of Pain
brief assessment and giving information, advice, analgesia, and
appropriate reassurance. Minimal rest and an early return to
work should be encouraged. Explanation and advice can be Biopsychosocial model of the clinical presentation and assessment of low
usefully supplemented with written material. back pain and disability at a point in time
Doctors tasks include not only the traditional provision of
diagnosis, investigation, prescriptions, and sickness certificates
but also giving accurate advice, information, and reassurance.
Primary care and emergency department doctors are Excerpt from information booklet The Back Book*
potentially powerful therapeutic agents and can provide Its your back
effective immediate care, but they may also unintentionally Backache is not a serious disease and it should not cripple you unless
promote progression to chronic pain. The risk of chronicity is you let it. We have tried to show you the best way to deal with it. The
reduced by important thing now is for you to get on with your life. How your
x Paying attention to the psychological aspects of symptom backache affects you depends on how you react to the pain and what
you do about it yourself.
There is no instant answer. You will have your ups and downs for a
x Avoiding unnecessary, excessive, or inappropriate whilethat is normal. But look at it this way
There are two types of sufferer
x Avoiding inconsistent care (which may cause patients to
One who avoids activity, and one who copes
become overcautious) x The avoider gets frightened by the pain and worries about the future
x Giving advice on preventing recurrence (such as by sensible x The avoider is afraid that hurting always means further damageit
lifting and avoiding excessive loads). doesnt
Research evidence supports a change of emphasis from x The avoider rests a lot and waits for the pain to get better
treating symptoms to early prevention of factors that result in x The coper knows that the pain will get better and does not fear the
progression to chronicity. This has led to the development of
x The coper carries on as normally as possible
new back pain management guidelines for both medical x The coper deals with the pain by being positive, staying active, or
management and occupational health. The shift in emphasis staying at work
from rest and immobilisation to active self management
*Roland M et al, Stationery Office, 2002.
requires broadening the focus of the consultation from


Clinical review
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examination of symptoms alone to assessment, which includes

Factors associated with chronicity and outcome
patients understanding of their pain and how they behave in
response to it. The shift towards self directed pain management Distress
x Symptom awareness and concern
recasts the role of primary care doctor to the more rewarding
x Depressive reactions; helplessness
one of guide or coach rather than a mere mechanic.
Beliefs about pain and disability
Identify risk factors for chronicity x Significance and controllability
x Fears and misunderstandings about pain
Guidelines for primary care management of acute back pain
highlight the identification of risk factors for chronicity. A useful Behavioural factors
x Guarded movements and avoidance patterns
approach has been developed in New Zealand. It aims to
x Coping style and strategies
involve all interested partiespatient, the patients family,
healthcare professionals, and, importantly, the patients
employer. Four groups of risk factors or flags for chronicity
are accompanied by recommended assessment strategies, which Clinical red flags
Organic pathology
Biomedical factors
include the use of screening questionnaires, a set of structured Concurrent medical problems
interview prompts, and a guide to behavioural management. Iatrogenic factors
The focus is on key psychological factors that favour chronicity: Beliefs
x The belief that back pain is due to progressive pathology Clinical yellow flags Psychological or
Coping strategies
x The belief that back pain is harmful or severely disabling behavioural factors
x The belief that avoidance of activity will help recovery (predictors)
Illness behaviour
x A tendency to low mood and withdrawal from social
Willingness to change
interaction Occupational blue flags Family reinforcement
x The expectation that passive treatments rather than active self
Work status
management will help. Social and economic
The assessment of red flags will identify the small number Health benefits and insurance factors
Socio-occupational black
of patients who need referral for an urgent surgical opinion. flags Litigation

Similarly, patients with declared suicidal intent require Work satisfaction

immediate psychiatric referral. These two groups of patients Working conditions Occupational
need to be managed separately. Work characteristics factors

For the vast majority of patients, however, the identification Social policy
of contributory psychological and social factors should be seen
as an investigation of the normal range of reactions to pain The clinical flags approach to obstacles to recovery from back pain and
rather than the seeking of psychopathology. Questions in the aspects of assessment
form of interview prompts have been designed to elicit
potential psychosocial barriers to recovery in the yellow flags
system. They can be used at the time of initial presentation by Structured interview prompts
the general practitioner. x What do you understand is the cause of your back pain?
x What are you expecting will help you?
Establish collaboration x How are others responding to your back pain (employer,
Recent studies of miscommunications between doctors and coworkers, and family)?
x What are you doing to cope with back pain?
patients with pain show that adequate assessment and
x Have you had time off work in the past with back pain?
collaborative management cannot be achieved without good x Do you think that you will ever return to work? When?
communication between doctors and patients: only then will
patients fully disclose their concerns.
The essence of good communication is to work toward
understanding a patients problem from his or her own Guidelines for collaborative management of patients with
perspective. In order to do this, the doctor must first gain the pain
patients confidence. A patient who has been convinced that the x Listen carefully to the patient
doctor takes the pain seriously will give credence to what the x Carefully observe the patients behaviour
x Attend not only to what is said but also how it is said
doctor says. Unfortunately, the converse is more common, and
x Attempt to understand how the patient feels
patients who feel that a doctor has dismissed or under-rated x Offer encouragement to disclose fears and feelings
their pain are unlikely to reveal key information or to adhere to x Offer reassurance that you accept the reality of the pain
treatment advice. x Correct misunderstandings or miscommunications about the
Enhance accurate beliefs and self management strategies x Offer appropriate challenges to unhelpful thoughts and biases
It is easy to overlook the value of simple measures. Many (such as catastrophising)
patients respond positively to clear and simple advice, which x Understand the patients general social and economic
enables them to manage and control their own symptoms.

Examples of simple management strategies

x Explain the difference between hurt and harm x Advise that analgesic drugs be taken on a regular rather than a
x Reassure patients about the future and the benign nature of their pain contingent basis
symptoms x Set realistic goals such as small increases in activity
x Help patients regain control over pain x Suggest rewards for successful achievement (such as listening
x Get patients to pace activitiesthat is, perform activities in to some favourite music)
manageable, graded stages


Clinical review
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Some of these strategies may seem self evident or even

trivial, but they are not. Only by building confidence slowly is it
possible to prevent the development of invalidity. Occasionally
patients will seem to get stuck and become demoralised or
distressed. Suggesting ways to enhance positive self
management can help maintain progress towards a more Ways of enhancing positive self management
satisfactory lifestyle. Get patients to
The success of the cognitive and behavioural approach x Identify when they are thinking in unrealistic, unhelpful ways about
described below has stimulated the development of secondary their pain (such as It will keep getting worse) and to change to
prevention programmes designed to prevent those with low making a more balanced positive evaluation
x Notice when they are becoming tense or angry and then take steps
back pain from becoming chronically incapacitated by it.
to interrupt their thoughts and to use relaxation strategies
Intervention programmes based on cognitive behaviour x Change how they respond when the pain gets bad (such as pause
therapy have also been shown to be effective in reducing and take a break)
disability. x Document their progress
x Elicit and use the help of others to establish and maintain
Manage distress and anger successful coping strategies
If patients show evidence of distress or anger, find out why.
Various strategies for dealing with distress and anger have been

Key strategies for assessing and managing distress and anger

Managing disabling chronic back associated with pain
x Distinguish distress associated with pain and disability from more
pain general distress
A minority of patients become increasingly incapacitated and x Identify iatrogenic misunderstandings
x Identify mistaken beliefs and fears
require more detailed management of what has become a
x Try to correct misunderstandings
chronic pain problem. Research has shown that the most x Identify iatrogenic distress and anger
important influences on the development of chronicity are x Listen and empathise
psychological rather than biomechanical. The psychological x Above all, dont get angry yourself
factors are high levels of distress, misunderstandings about pain
and its implications, and avoidance of activities associated with a
fear of making pain worse.
For patients with established chronic disabling pain
specialist referral is required. The treatment of choice is an
interdisciplinary pain management programme (IPMP). In Disability Back pain
these programmes the focus is changed from pain to function,
Depression Recovery
with particular emphasis on perceived obstacles to recovery.
These pain management programmes address the clinical
flags. The most commonly used therapeutic approach is a
cognitive-behavioural perspective with emphasis on self
Avoidance Painful experiences Confrontation
management. Treatment approaches based on cognitive and Catastrophising
behavioural principles have been found to be more effective
than traditional biomedical or biomechanically oriented
Fear of movement
No fear
or injury
Specific chronic pain syndromes
Many specific and more widespread pain syndromes have been
Effects of confrontation or avoidance of pain on outcome of episode of low
describedsuch as chronic pain, late whiplash syndrome, back pain: fear of movement and re-injury can determine how some people
chronic widespread pain, fibromyalgia, somatoform pain recover from back pain while others develop chronic pain and disability
disorder, repetitive strain disorder. It seems unlikely that these
are distinct entities, and they are best seen as overlapping
descriptive terms that do not have specific aetiological
significance. Multidisciplinary treatment that includes
psychological, behavioural, and psychiatric assessment and Defining characteristics of modern pain management
interventions is usually required. programmes
x Focus on function rather than disease
x Focus on management rather than cure
x Integration of specific therapeutic ingredients
Conclusion x Multidisciplinary management
x Emphasis on active rather than passive methods
There needs to be a revolution in the day to day management x Emphasis on self care rather than simply receiving treatment
of musculoskeletal pain. Not only do we need to abandon
prolonged rest and enforced inactivity as a form of treatment,
but we also need to appreciate that addressing patients beliefs,
distress, and coping strategies must be an integral part of
management if it is to be effective.


Clinical review
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Lessons learnt in the management of chronic low back pain

Evidence based summary
have direct relevance to the early and specialist management of
musculoskeletal pain in general. x Acute back pain is best treated with minimal rest and rapid return
to work and normal activity
x Psychological and behavioural responses to pain and social factors
Chris J Main is head of the department of behavioural medicine, are the main determinants of chronic pain disability
Hope Hospital, Salford. Amanda C de C Williams is senior lecturer in x Specialist psychological treatments and pain management
clinical health psychology, Guys, Kings, and St Thomass School of programmes are effective in treating chronic pain
Medicine, University of London.
Burton AK, Waddell G, Tillotson KM, Summerton N. Information and advice to
patients with back pain can have a positive effect. A randomised controlled trial
of a novel educational booklet in primary care. Spine 1999;24:2484-91
The ABC of psychological medicine is edited by Richard Mayou,
professor of psychiatry, University of Oxford; Michael Sharpe, reader Linton SJ. A Review of psychological risk factors in back and neck pain. Spine
in psychological medicine, University of Edinburgh; and Alan Carson, 2000;25:1148-56
consultant neuropsychiatrist, NHS Lothian, and honorary senior Morley SJ, Eccleston C, Williams A. Systematic review and meta-analysis of
lecturer, University of Edinburgh. The series will be published as a randomised controlled trials of cognitive behaviour therapy and behaviour
book in winter 2002. therapy for chronic pain in adults, excluding headache. Pain 1999;80:1-13

The photograph of a man with back pain is reproduced with permission Further reading
of John Powell/Rex. The figure showing the biopsychosocial model of low
back pain is adapted from Waddell G, The back pain revolution, Edinburgh: x Clinical Standards Advisory Group. Clinical Standards Advisory
Churchill Livingstone, 1998. The figure showing the clinical flags Group report on back pain. London: HMSO, 1994
approach to assessing back pain and the box of defining characteristics of x Kendall NAS, Linton SJ, Main CJ. Guide to assessing psychosocial
modern pain management programmes are adapted from Main CJ and yellow flags in acute low back pain: risk factors for long term disability and
Spanswick CC, Pain management: an interdisciplinary approach, Edinburgh: work loss. Wellington, NZ: Accident Rehabilitation and
Churchill-Livingstone, 2000. The boxes of guidelines for collaborative Compensation Insurance Corporation of New Zealand and the
management of patients with pain, of key strategies for managing distress National Health Committee, 1997
and anger associated with pain, of structured interview prompts, and of x Royal College of General Practitioners. Clinical guidelines for the
ways to enhance positive self management are adapted from Main CJ and management of acute low back pain. London: RCGP, 1996
Watson PJ, in Gifford L, ed, Topical issues in pain, vol 3, Falmouth: CNS x Waddell G, Burton K. Occupational health guidelines for the
Press (in press). The figure showing effects of confrontation or avoidance management of low back pain at workevidence review. London: Faculty
of pain on outcome of episode of low back pain is adapted from Vlaeyen of Occupational Medicine, 2000
JWS et al, J Occup Rehabil 1995;5:235-52. x Roland M, Waddell G, Klaber-Moffett J, Burton AK, Main CJ. The
back book. 2nd ed. Norwich: Stationery Office, 2002
BMJ 2002;325:5347

A memorable patient
A thousand leagues under the sea

Having recently served as the medical officer of a that the preservative was vodka, the histology was
Royal Navy nuclear powered submarine, sometimes reported as cavernous haemangioma. Although some
isolated for up to 12 weeks without communications, I cellular detail was lost because shrinkage from cell
was occasionally confronted with vexing clinical dehydration, the histology on this occasion was clear
dilemmas. enough. Alcohol is in fact routinely used with cervical
About four weeks from the end of a patrol, a 24 year cytology and frozen section in most histopathology
old sailor presented with an itchy, raised, irregularly labs.
pigmented lesion on his back that had been bleeding Cavernous haemangiomas are normally found in
over the past two days. He had first noticed it over six the central nervous system and are associated with
months ago but had failed to seek advice. It was hard, subarachnoid haemorrhage. There is often a family
non-blanching, and surrounded by erythema; I was history. Rarely there are extensive cutaneous
instantly concerned by its appearance, suggestive of manifestations, which usually present in infancy and
malignant melanoma. Physical examination was are associated with thrombocytopenia and other
normal in all other respects. haemangiomas.
I decided that it was in the patients best interest to Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging showed no
have such a suspicious lesion removed immediately, evidence of any intracerebral lesions, and the sailor was
rather than adding further to the already substantial passed fit to continue service at sea on submarines.
delay. The only problem was what to preserve the
F J H Brims Royal Hospital Haslar, Gosport
specimen in, as specimen preservative is not routinely
held on board. Although most submariners do not We welcome articles up to 600 words on topics such as
drink at sea, some stock is held, and I decided that A memorable patient, A paper that changed my practice, My
some of our finest Smirnoff vodka was more most unfortunate mistake, or any other piece conveying
appropriate than rum, and so this was selected instruction, pathos, or humour. If possible the article
as the preservative of choice. I then performed should be supplied on a disk. Permission is needed
the minor operation somewhere at sea, several from the patient or a relative if an identifiable patient is
hundred feet under the waterquite an interesting referred to. We also welcome contributions for
experience. Endpieces, consisting of quotations of up to 80 words
Once we had returned to dry land, and after a (but most are considerably shorter) from any source,
telephone call from a confused pathologist on reading ancient or modern, which have appealed to the reader.


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