Numerical Approaches For A Mathematical Model of An Fccu Regenerator
Numerical Approaches For A Mathematical Model of An Fccu Regenerator
Numerical Approaches For A Mathematical Model of An Fccu Regenerator
J. C. Penteado, ABSTRACT
C. O. R. Negro This work discusses a mathematical model of an FCCU (Fluid Catalytic
and L. F. S. Rossib Cracking Unit) regenerator. The model assumes that the regenerator is
divided into two regions: the freeboard and the dense bed. The latter is
composed of a bubble phase and an emulsion phase. Both phases are
Universidade Tecnolgica Federal do Paran modeled as a CSTR (Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor) in which ordinary
Departamento Acadmico de Mecnica differential equations are employed to represent the conservation of mass,
energy and species. In the freeboard, the flow is considered to be one-
Bairro Rebouas
dimensional, and the conservation principles are represented by partial
CEP 80230-901, Curitiba, Paran, Brasil differential equations to describe space and time changes. The main aim of
[email protected] this work is to compare two numerical approaches for solving the set of
partial and ordinary differential equations, namely, the fourth-order Runge-
[email protected]
Kutta and implicit finite-difference methods. Although both methods give
Corresponding author very similar results, the implicit finite-difference method can be much
faster. Steady-state results were corroborated by experimental data, and the
dynamic results were compared with those in the literature (Han and Chung,
2001b). Finally, an analysis of the models sensitivity to the boundary
conditions was conducted.
- volume fraction of the bubble phase Gas) by the action of a catalyst (generally composed
Hr heat of reaction (difference in the enthalpy of of silica and alumina) at high temperature. In
the products and reactants) (kJ m-3 s-1) addition, carbonic residues (coke) are deposited on
P - pressure difference across the valve (Pa) the surface of the catalyst, reducing its activity. This
t time step (s) endothermic process takes place in a vertical flow
- coefficient in equation (26) (-) reactor (riser). Following this, the products are
- coefficient in equation (26) (-) separated from the catalyst to prevent further
cracking and avoid loss of performance. The spent
a general variable (mc,E, mg,R, wE, Ci,E, TE, Ci,B, TB)
catalyst then flows to a regenerator where the coke is
in the discretized equation (24) (-)
burnt in a fluidized bed. The combustion reactivates
- density (kg m-3)
the catalyst and provides energy for the cracking
From the modeling viewpoint, regeneration is
very complex: it is a two-phase (solid - gas) flow
a feed air
combustion problem. Several studies have been
B bubble phase
carried out to model the regeneration process. For
c catalyst
instance, McFarlane et al. (1993) developed a
C cyclone
simulation model for the ESSO model IV FCC Unit.
ck coke
Lansarin (1997) proposed a mathematical model to
CO carbon monoxide
simulate the steady-state behavior of a UOP Stacked
CO2 carbon dioxide
converter. Ali and Rohani (1997) published a
D dense bed
dynamic model of an FCC converter, which was later
E emulsion phase
modified by Malay et al. (1999). Santos (2000)
F freeboard
described different models for the regenerator. Han
g gas
and Chung (2001a and 2001b) developed a dynamic
i different components: O2, CO, CO2, H2O, N2
FCC model in which the regenerator was divided into
j one of the ordinary differential equations in the
two regions.
fourth-order Runge-Kutta method
Other authors published more specific studies of
k adjacent region defined in equation (24)
regenerator models. Errazu et al. (1979) developed a
N2 - nitrogen
grid model for an FCCU regenerator. They concluded
O2 oxygen
that the fluidized bed can usefully be represented by a
r regenerator
CSTR without feed-gas bypass. De Lasa and Grace
R regenerated
(1979) described a model for a fluidized-bed reactor
S spent
with the dense bed treated as a CSTR. They assumed
U Upstream discrete point
piston flow on the freeboard and concluded that
V neighborhood
modeling of the freeboard is very important. Lee et
al. (1989) developed three different models for a
typical regenerator and compared the results of these
models with measurements from an industrial plant.
t previous time
Faltsi-Saravalou and Vasalos (1991) described a
t+t current time dynamic model of a two-region fluidized bed (dense
and freeboard) and gave a rigorous description of the
INTRODUCTION hydrodynamics of Geldarts A and B-type particles.
They divided the dense bed into two phases: the
Nowadays, hundreds of fluidized catalytic bubble phase and emulsion phase. The freeboard
cracking (FCC) units are in operation worldwide, above the dense region was modeled as a one-
producing almost 500 million gallons of gasoline per dimensional flow reactor. Guigon and Large (1984)
day. This process is considered one of the most applied a two-phase flow model to a multistage
important developments in chemical engineering in regenerator. Filho et al. (1996) explored the influence
the last century (NACS, 2003). Because of the large of the air jet near the regenerator air distribution grid.
amount of gasoline produced, small efficiency gains Based on these earlier works, a dynamic model
can lead to significant increases in earnings, and as a for simulating the regeneration process in an FCC
result, major investments have been made to enhance unit is presented. The model is based on the mass and
the processs efficiency. The operational flexibility of energy conservation equations. The differential
the FCC process means that it can easily be adapted equations are solved by two numerical methods: the
to the demands of local markets. Furthermore, the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and the finite-
process is highly profitable, as heavy distillates with difference method. The main aim of the present work
limited commercial value are converted into more is to investigate and compare the performance of
expensive products. Residues from atmospheric and these numerical methods.
vacuum distillation (gasoil and other residues) are
cracked into gasoline and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum
(m c
c,E p ,c + mg,E c p ,g,E )
m& c ,S c p ,c (TS TE ) + m& c ,C c p ,c (TC TE ) + m& ac pg ,E p ,a Ta TE
p , g ,E
( )
+VB H B,E + DB,E CO2 ,B CO2 ,E c p ,O2 ( TB TE )
+UV AV (TV TE ) H r ,EVE
Mass conservation of solids: The rate of where T is the temperature, cp the specific heat, U the
accumulation of catalyst within the emulsion phase is overall heat transfer coefficient, A the heat transfer
equal to the spent and recycled catalyst flow rates area and Hr the heat of the combustion reaction. H
minus the regenerated catalyst flow rate and the is the heat transfer coefficient per unit of volume. The
catalyst flow rate to the freeboard: indices g and V are, respectively, gas and
t c , F z c, F c g , R RTE
P = Zg (12)
M g ,R
where is the volume fraction and vc the catalyst
velocity, which is based on the catalyst mass flow
where P is the pressure, Z the compressibility factor,
rate and is independent of the height. c is the catalyst
density. R the ideal gas constant and g,R the gas density
computed as the ratio of the mass of gas to the
volume of gas within the regenerator.
kX (13)
m& = P where k c and c are, respectively, the rate
+ (1 ) X 2
coefficient of the coke combustion reaction and the
molar ratio of CO2 and CO on the catalyst surface
where k is the valve flow rate factor, X the valve stem (Arbel et. al., 1995). The oxidation of CO is
position, the valve head differential at maximum dependent on the type of catalyst (composites of
flow/valve head differential at zero flow and P the vanadium, nickel and copper contribute to the
pressure difference across the valve. combustion) and can be homogeneous and/or
heterogeneous. The reaction rates for the oxidation of
Combustion Kinetics Model CO (Eq. (16) and (17)) are given by:
It can be seen that all the first order ordinary where represents one of the properties
differential equations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and
(11) have the same form and can generally be written mc , E , mg , rg , wcq, E , Ci , E , TE , Ci , B , TB . k is the value
as, of a property at an adjacent region (spent, cyclone,
regenerated, emulsion, freeboard, feed air), N
d N indicates the number of interactions with adjacent
a = d k (k ) +s sb (24)
dt k =1 regions, and the coefficients a , d k , s and sb are
defined according to each conservation equation.
Tables 2 and 3 show the coefficients for the mass and
energy conservation equations, respectively.
Table 2 - Properties and k and the coefficients a, d k , s, sb for the mass conservation equations.
Equation (1) Equation (2) Equation (3) Equation (5) Equation (11)
mc,E wE Ci , E Ci , B mg ,r
1 - wS Ci ,a Ci ,a -
2 - wC Ci , B Ci , E -
a 1 mc,E 1 1 1
vg ,E vg,B
d1 - m& c ,S -
d2 - m& c ,C DB ,E -
mf ( 1 )
ri,E m& ar + Rg ,D + Rg ,F
s m& c ,S + m& c ,C -
sb m& c ,R + m& c ,F rck, E M ck VE - - m& g,C
Table 3 - Properties and k and the coefficients ak , dk , s, sb for the energy conservation equations.
The first order derivative of equation (24) can point to the dense-bed interface (S is assumed to be
be approximated by the backward finite-difference the interface value) and evolves along the height.
approximation to yield the following expression:
at +t N t +t t +t N t +t t +t
+ d k = d k k +
t k =1 k =1 (25)
t +t
t + ( s t +t sbt +t )
Figure 2 One dimensional discretization.
where t is the time-step. The index t and t+t
represent past and present values. Discretization provides two set of algebraic
equations, represented by equation (25) for the dense
Partial Differential Equations bed and equation (27) for the freeboard.
a j , di , j + 12 k j 2 ,K , nn + 12 k j 2 )
k = k +1
k +1
, k +1
,..., k +1 k j 4 = t f j (t + t , 1n + k j 3 , 2n + k j 3 ,K , nn + k j 3 )
1 2 j
jn+1 = jn +
( k j1 + 2 k j 2 + 2 k j 3 + k j 4 ) (30) This case study is based on the start-up of a
PETROBRAS/SIX pilot plant located in So Mateus
do Sul-PR, Brazil. At start-up, the regenerator
where temperature is assumed to be 900K, the pressure, 1.9
bar, and the coke on catalyst, zero. The molar
k j1 = t f j (t,1n , 2n ,K , jn ) , concentrations of gas compounds (CO, CO2, H2O, O2
and N2) are assumed to be identical to their
concentrations in the feed air (see Table 5). For the
(K) (K)
simulation was carried out over a 200-minute period.
A comparison of the fourth-order Runge-Kutta
922,0 40pontos
40 points
and finite-difference methods is given below. 20
10 points
different time-steps. As expected, the steady-state is The finite-difference and fourth-order Runge-
independent of the time-step. However, the smaller Kutta methods give virtually the same results. For
the time-step, the steeper the dynamic temperature example, the maximum temperature difference is
gradient. Table 7 shows the maximum temperature only 0.04 K for a 0.54s time-step. Any value larger
difference between a certain time-step solution and a than this makes the solution unstable. Table 8 shows
7.5s time-step result. As shown, 7.5s and 15s time- a comparison of the performance of the numerical
step results are quite close; therefore, a 15s time-step methods. For a mesh-independent solution, the finite
solution is considered time-step independent. difference method is much faster. As the time-step is
reduced, the finite-difference method becomes slower
Table 7 - Temperature difference for different time- than the fourth-order Runge-Kutta approach; for
steps. 0.0115s, the computational time for the finite-
Time-step (s) Tmax(K) difference method is 81minutes, and for the Runge-
120 4.1 Kutta method, 78 minutes.
60 2.3
Table 8 - Comparison of the finite-difference and
30 0.7
fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods. Computer
15 0.05
employed: Pentium III, 1.1GHz, 512MB.
Fourth-order Finite
Runge-Kutta Difference
Temperatura (K)
910 points
80 pontos and coke on catalyst are smaller and larger,
40 pontos respectively, than their experimental counterparts.
20 pontos
900 points
10 pontos The small amount of gas exchanged between the
5 7.5s
pontos emulsion and bubble phases is a possible cause of
890 these discrepancies. Falsti-Saravalou and Vasalos
0 50 100 150 200
(1991) explained that this mass exchange is strongly
Time (min)
dependent on the bubble sizes within the dense bed. It
Figure 6 Transient response of dense-bed is probable, therefore, that the correlation used to
temperature for a 15s time-step and different grids in
the freeboard. Finite-difference solution.
A business unit of Petrobrs S/A, located in So
Mateus do Sul-PR, Brazil.
estimate the bubble diameters gave inappropriate in Table 11. The coke on regenerated catalyst and the
values. Table 9 shows a comparison of plant data outlet molar concentrations of CO and CO2 obtained
with computed values for different bubble diameters. with the complete model are closer to the
experimental data. On the other hand, the temperature
Table 9 Comparison of the results obtained with the of the regenerated catalyst provided by the one-bed
proposed model and experimental data for different model is nearer to that of its experimental
bubble diameters. counterpart. This comparison clearly demonstrates
the influence of the freeboard on the combustion of
Variable Plant Bubble diameter (m) Unit CO. When the model including the freeboard is used,
0.15 0.1 0.04 the values for the outlet molar concentrations and
TE 995.1 944.6 978.3 957.2 K coke on catalyst approximate to the experimental
TF 947.2 960.2 938.4 934.2 K values.
wE 0.048 0.24 0.031 0.026 %
CCO 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.40 % Table 11 Comparison of the two-bed (dense and
CCO2 8.31 7.36 8.65 8.42 freeboard) and one-bed models.
CO2 11.17 12.34 10.75 10.82 %
CN2 79.57 80.30 80.54 80.36 % Two-bed Plant One-bed Unit
TE 978.3 995.1 1006.0 K
In the conditions prevailing in the case study,
TF 938.4 947.2 - K most
A bubble diameter of 0.1m yields the closest the plant operates with excess oxygen, so that
results to the experimental data. The bubble size that w E 0.031 0.048 0.023
reactions are complete and take place in the dense %
provides the best results is approximately half that CCO
bed. it is for 0.06
this reason0.000 0.93 for the%
that the results one-
obtained by the empirical correlation. A bubble CCO2 8.65 8.31 7.75 %
diameter less than 0.035m makes the solution CO2 10.75 11.17 11.15 %
unstable and is the lowest limit at which the CN2 80.54 79.57 80.17 %
correlation is still valid. For a bubble diameter of
0.1m, the bubble velocity and void fraction, which In the conditions prevailing in the case study,
also depend on the bubble diameter, agree with the plant operates with excess oxygen, so that most
values given by Santos [6]. reactions are complete and take place in the dense
Two models of combustion kinetics were tested: bed. It is for this reason that results for the one-bed
the model proposed by Arbel et al. [17] and that model and those for the complete model are similar.
described by Han and Chung (2001a) and (2001b). When there is no excess O2, a significant amount of
As shown in Table 10, the results obtained using the CO is oxidized in the freeboard, in which case the
model proposed by Arbel et al. [17] are closer to the complete model is more appropriate.
experimental data than the results obtained with the
model described by Han and Chung for most Numerical Comparison
Following is a comparison of the proposed
Table 10 Comparison of two kinetic models found model with that proposed by Han and Chung
in the literature. ((2001a) and (2001b)).
Han and Chung (2001b) modeled the whole
Variable Plant Arbel Han and Unit FCC, including the riser, regenerator, reactor and
et al. Chung valves. In order to compare the two models, the
(1995) (2001a e b) values of some variables (the inlet-air and spent-
TE 995.1 978.3 958.5 catalyst flow rates (see Figure 7), coke on spent
catalyst and spent-catalyst temperature (see Figure
TF 947.2 938.4 906.1 K
8)) obtained from Han and Chungs (2001b) results
wE 0.048 0.031 0.065 %
were established as the boundary conditions of the
CCO 0.00 0.06 0.54 % proposed model. After 10 minutes of simulation, the
CCO2 8.31 8.65 7.91 % airflow rate was increased from 34kg/s to 35.7kg/s.
CO2 11.17 10.75 11.27 % This value was kept unchanged until the simulation
CN2 79.57 80.54 80.28 % had continued for 150 minutes, when the flow rate
was reduced to its initial value. The air temperature
Therefore, the kinetic model described by Arbel was maintained constant at 432K throughout the
et al. is used for the other comparisons, including that simulation.
in Table 9. In order to check the influence of the
freeboard on the regenerator model, a second
approach was considered, in which the freeboard was
excluded (i.e., a one-bed model). A comparison of the
complete model with the one-bed approach is shown
40 Airflow
390 Table 13 Steady-state comparison of the proposed
Vazo de Ar
0.8 370 model and Han and Chungs (2001b) model.
rate (kg/s)
30 Spent catalyst
0.6 350
Variable Han and Current Unit
Vazo rate
20 330
Vazo de flow
Chung model
0.2 Regenerated
Vazo catalystregenerado
de catalisador
00 270
Coke on the regen. 0.1 0.13 %
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 catalyst
Time (min)
Tempo (min)
Regen.-Catalyst 991.0 1003.4 K
Figure 7 Air, regenerated-catalyst and spent- Molar concentr. of CO2 14.80 14.86 %
catalyst flow rates (Han and Chung (2001b)) Molar concentr. of CO 0.4 2.31 %
transient boundary conditions. Molar concentr. of O2 0.2 0.06 %
1.0 890 Molar concentr. of H2O 9.20 7.72 %
(%) %
Cat. Gasto (K)
Cat. Gasto
Catalyst temperature
on catalyst
0,6 830 temperatures obtained with both models are in good
de Coque
770 and 0.13% for the present model and the Han and
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
750 Chung model, respectively. However, the molar
(min) concentrations of CO, O2 and H2O for the proposed
model differ slightly from those obtained by Han and
Figure 8 Coke on spent catalyst and spent-catalyst Chung. These differences can be attributed to the
temperature (Han and Chung (2001b)) transient modeling of the dense bed, as Han and Chung
boundary conditions. (2001b) employed a distributed model and the
approach described here assumes it is uniform.
Beyond the boundary conditions, the proposed
approach also uses the Han and Chung (2001b) Dynamic Comparison
models for combustion kinetics, mass transfer
coefficient and control valves. It should be noted that As shown in Figure 9, the transient response of
Han and Chungs model assumes there are one- the coke on regenerated catalyst and regenerated-
dimensional variations of gas properties within the catalyst temperature obtained with the proposed
whole regenerator, whereas the proposed model only model and those obtained with Han and Chungs
assumes this within the freeboard. These are the model ((2001a) and (2001b)) are similar. Because of
differences between the models. the low molar concentration, the discrepancies
between the two models appear quite large (see
Steady-state comparison Figure 10). However, the maximum molar
concentration is in the order of 2.5% and the
Initially, a steady-state comparison of the differences in concentration are under 2%. Despite
proposed model and Han and Chungs (2001b) model these differences, the models show similar trends.
was conducted. The fixed boundary conditions are
shown in Table 12, and the comparison of the main Sensitivity Analysis
variables is given in Table 13.
Lastly, an analysis of the sensitivity of the
Table 12 Boundary conditions for the steady-state proposed model to all the boundary conditions was
comparison between the proposed model and Han carried out for the operating conditions and
and Chungs (2001b) model. geometry described in Section 4.1 (The
PETROBRAS/SIX pilot FCCU plant).
Variable Value Unit
Spent catalyst flow rate 314 kg/s
Spent catalyst temperature 787 K
Coke on spent catalyst 0.9 %
Air flow rate 34 kg/s
Inlet air temperature 432 K
(K) (K)
Te 0,8
Frao de Coque Cat. Reg. %
1040 era
1000 tur
Coke on catalyst (%)
0,8 Han e Chung (2001)
Cat. Regenerado
-------- Han and Chung (2001b) a 0,6
1020 975 Coke Coque
1000 0,4
Regen. catal.
Regen. catal.
0,4 980
0,2 900 0.0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
0,0 920 Catalyst flow rate (kg/s)
Vazo de catalisador
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Tempo (min) Figure 11 Regenerated-catalyst temperature and
coke on regenerated catalyst in steady state as a
Figure 9 Numerical comparison of coke on
function of the spent-catalyst flow rate.
regenerated catalyst and regenerated-catalyst
Effect of the coke on spent catalyst
2.02,0 O2
catalyst the higher the regenerator temperature.
Current model
Frao molar %
response. The time for all variables to stabilize was
Frao de coque %
less than 25 minutes. This is of the same order as the 950
ratio of the mass of catalyst within the regenerator to 900 1,0
Regen. catalyst
the mass flow rate of the spent catalyst. As the 850
transient responses of all the variables are quite 800
similar, they are not shown. The sensitivity analysis 750 0,0
0,0 0.2
0,2 0.4
0,4 0.6
0,6 0.8
0,8 1.0
1,0 1.2
1,2 1.4
1,4 1.6
1,6 1.8
1,8 2.0
was thus performed only for steady-state conditions. Coke on spent catalyst (%)
Frao de coque no catalisador gasto %
2.5 8 5
Regenerado (K)
7 CO
coque %(%)
800 4
mole concentration
Frao molar CO %
Coke ondecatalyst
1,5 5
600 3
Regen. catalyst
400 2
Coke 0,5
0.5 2
200 1
0 0,0 O2
0 0
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900
20 30 40 50 60
Spent cat. gasto (K)
catalyst temperature (K) Inletdeairflow
Vazo rate (kg/s)
ar alimentado (kg/s)
Figure 14 shows the molar concentration of 0,4 1050
oxygen at the regenerator outlet as a function of the Temperature 1030
coque %(%)
cat. regenerado
spent-catalyst temperature. When the oxygen molar
concentration is low (spent-catalyst temperature 0.2
Regen. catalyst
Coke on
higher than 800K), an increase in the spent-catalyst 990
temperature does not improve the combustion rate. 0,1
Therefore, the regenerated-catalyst temperature only 0.0
0,0 950
rises because of the higher energy of the spent- 20 30 40 50 60
Vazo deairflow rate (kg/s)
ar alimentado (kg/s)
catalyst itself. A discontinuity can also be observed
when the spent-catalyst temperature is reduced. At
632K, the steady state of the system jumps to a lower Figure 16 Regenerated-catalyst temperature and
value. This value is called the extinction point (Han coke on regenerated catalyst in steady state as a
and Chung 2001b). As can be seen, there is hysteresis function of the inlet air flow rate.
between the ignition and extinction points. The spent-
catalyst temperature between these two values can A maximum temperature is observed at an air
lead to one or other steady state. Operation near this flow rate of 44kg/s. Above this maximum
region is not desirable, as any disturbance can lead to temperature, the coke on catalyst becomes very low.
instability. High temperatures and excess oxygen are
characteristics of complete combustion. The
regenerator therefore works at complete combustion
O 2 mole concentration (%)
temperature is less sensitive to the inlet air flow rate.
The excess oxygen helps to reduce the regenerator
10 temperature once the air is cold, while the excess air
5 significantly improves the combustion process.
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Effect of inlet air temperature
Spent Temperatura Cat. Gasto
catalyst temperature (K)
A 10K increase in inlet air temperature produces
Figure 14 Molar concentration of oxygen in steady a 1K increase in regenerated-catalyst temperature.
state as a function of spent-catalyst temperature. This relationship is almost linear irrespective of the
inlet temperature, as the energy carried by the air is
Effect of the air flow rate small compared with that produced by combustion.
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ii) FINEP/PETROBRAS (the OCUCC project); of a FCC Converter Unit (Modelagem e Simulao
and iii) the CAPES Foundation. da Seo de Converso de uma Unidade FCC). PhD
The authors would also like to thank Thesis, UNICAMP Department of Chemical
PETROBRAS/SIX for the experimental data Engineering. Campinas, SP, Brazil: (in Portuguese).
provided for the steady-state comparison. Lee, L. S., Yu, S. and Cheng, C., 1989,
Fluidized-Bed Catalyst Cracking Regenerator