Deadzone Warbands
Deadzone Warbands
Deadzone Warbands
This is intended to be a modification of the Deadzone rules which allows players to fight skirmishes
between fantasy warbands from the KoW universe. It is not a completely new game, aside from
alternate movement mechanics, a few small tweaks and new force lists, this is still Deadzone.
Movement Changes
Fantasy environments tend to be less ordered and more organic than the urban battlezones of the
future. To allow for this, these rules do away with DZs grid-based movement mechanics. Instead of
defining movement and range in terms of cubes inches are used instead, with 1 cube becoming 3.
For example, the following two units are very similar in game terms:
In Deadzone, a Rebel Trooper has Speed 1-2 (indicating he can move one cube or sprint 2) and his
rifle has a range of 6 cubes.
In Warbands, a Norsican Huntsman has Speed 3-6 (indicating he can move 3 inches or sprint 6) and
his bow has a range of 18 inches.
In addition, each unit is considered to have control zone (CZ) extending in a 1 radius from the edge
of their base. Having something within a units CZ represents them being close enough to interact
with it, the main reason being for engaging an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, but also for actions
such as opening a crate. Essentially, if something is within a units CZ is it considered to be in the
same cube.
Shooting plays a reduced role in the KoW mod. In most factions only the specialists have ranged
The mechanics for shooting are identical to Deadzone with the following exceptions:
Rules affecting an entire cube (e.g. It Burns) are considered to affect the target model and any other
units with the targets Control Zone.
Mechanics for fighting in close combat follow the same rules as Deadzoen, with the exception that
the cube is replaced with the control zone. Therefore, models gain bonus dice for moving into the
targets CZ that turn, having friendly models in their targets CZ etc.
Army Lists
Norsican Reavers
The Norsican Reavers are a human faction from the icy north of Mantica. They have a notorious
reputation amongst the more civilised nations of the world as pirates and raiders They are born
warriors who prefer brutal close combat to ranged warfare, every Norsican boy learns how to wield
and axe and a sword as soon as they can pick one up. It is not uncommon to see ogres in Norsican
warbands, they have a natural affinity to one another with their shared love of adventure and
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
1 3/6 6+ 4+ 5+ 1
Ability: Rush All unactivated units within 6 of the Thane (including the Thane himself)
may perform a free Move action.
Recon 5+
Skalds are seers and holy men who interpret the will of the gods
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
1 3-6 6+ 6+ 6+ -
Abilities: Blessing of The Gods All friendly units within 6 of the Skald (including the Skald
himself) gain Frenzy (1) and Weight of Fire (1) for the rest of the round.
Recon: 4+
Armed with sword and shield, warriors form the backbone of Norsican raiding parties
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
1 3/6 6+ 5+ 5+ 1
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
1 3/6 6+ 5+ 5+ -
Berserkers throw themselves into the thick of the fighting with little regard for their own safety
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
1 3/6 7+ 5+ 5+ -
Despite the Norsican preference for hand-to-hand fighting, men who have skill with a bow are still
much sought after
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
1 3/6 5+ 6+ 6+ -
Size Sp S F Sv Arm
3 3/6 6+ 4+ 5+ 1
Abilities: Tough
Demons of the Abyss
Regeneration (n+) if this unit is injured at the start of its activation, roll a D8. If the role is
successful the unit regains 1 point of damage
Stealthy When this unit is targeted with a ranged attack, it adds +1 Survive dice
Abyssal Champion
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
1 3/6 6+ 5+ 5+ 1
Abilities: Chant of Hate The target model receives 1+ dice in all Fight tests and gains Frenzy
Regeneration (6+)
Abyssal Temptress
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
1 3/6 6+ 3+ 6+ -
Abilities: Mesmerising Gaze Pick one unactivated enemy model with line of sight to the
Temptress. Mark this model as activated.
Lower Abyssal
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
1 3/6 6+ 5+ 5+ 1
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
1 3/6 6+ 6+ 5+ -
Abilities: None
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
1 3/6 5+ 6+ 6+ -
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
1 3/6 6+ 4+ 6+ -
Abilities: Stealthy
Size Sp S F Sv Armour
3 3/6 - 4+ 5+ -
Abilities: Tough