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Bibliometric Study of Annals of Library and Information Studies

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BiBliometric Study of AnnAlS of liBrAry And

informAtion StudieS
M.Ambika*, Alwarammal**, D.Chinnadurai***

Abstract This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of the Annals of Library and Information Studies Journal. The paper analyzes
a bibliometric study of 283 Articles (545 Authors) were published from 2002 to 2011 in the Annals of Library and information studies journal.
The paper covers the bibliometric analyses of year-wise distribution of articles (from 2002 to 2011), subject-wise distribution of articles,
authorship patterns, and institutions-wise distribution of contributions, state wise (geographical) (22 Indian States and 10 Foreign Countries)
distribution of articles and prolific authors from 2002 to 2011 have been analyzed
Keyword: Bibliometics, Journal of Annals of Library and Information Studies, Authorship Pattern, Geographical Distribution, Prolific

introduction journal, published by the national Institute of Science

Communication and Information resources (NISCAIR) New
Bibliometrics Delhi. This study aims to find out the bibliometric analysis
of annals of library and information studies from 2002-2011.
Bibliometrics is a type of research method used in Library
and information sciences. It is an emerging area of research reVieW of literAture
in the Library and information science field. The term
Bibliometrics was first coined by Pritchard 1969, and its This paper devotes to examine the review of works related
usage and practice can be traced back to the second decade to various aspects of bibliometric studies. It is observed
of this country. It is the statistical analysis of texts and that there are various research studies highlighting the
information..It utilizes quantitative analysis and statistics to importance of bibliometric analysis.
describe patterns of publication within a given field or body
of literature. Neerja Verma, Rajnish Tamrakar and Priyanka Sharmab1,
has analyses of the 131 contributions of the journal entitled
Bibliometrics is an emerging thrust area of research and has Annals of Library & Information Studies published
now become a well established part of information research during 1999-2005. It examines Year wise, Institutions
and a quantitative approach to the description of documents. wise, State wise distribution of contributions, authorship
It has grown out of the realization that literature is growing pattern, citation analysis and length of the contributions.
and changing out of a rate with which no librarian or Swapan Kumar Patra, Partha Bhattacharya, & Neera
information worker equipped with traditional bibliographic Verma2, has analyses growth pattern, core journals and
skills and methods could keep abreast. authors distribution in the field of bibliometrics using data
from Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA).
Annals of library and information Studies Thanuskodi S3, analyzing the research output performance
of social scientists on social science subjects. The analysis
Annals of Library and information studies journal is one cover mainly the number of articles, authorship pattern,
of the peer reviewed journal, earlier published as annals of subject wise distribution of articles, average number of
library science and documentation. It is a leading journal references per articles, forms of documents cited, year wise
in Library and Information Studies publishing original distribution of cited journals.Thanuskodi S4 presents a
papers, survey reports, reviews, short communications, and bibliometric analysis of the journal titled Library Herald
letters pertaining to library science, information science from 2006 to 2010. The analysis cover mainly the number
and computer applications in these fields. It is a quarterly of articles, authorship pattern, subject wise distribution of
articles, average number of references per articles, forms

* Assistant Librarian, Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India.

E-mail: ambikaabirami@gmail.com
** Librarian, Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India. E-mail: gganandh@rediffmail.com
*** Deputy Librarian, Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India.
E-mail: chinnaduraikd@gmail.com
Bibliometric Study of Annals of Library and Information Studies 29

Table 1: . Year-wise Distribution of Articles

No. of Articles Issue-wise

Year Vol. No. 1 2 3 4 No. of Articles %
2002 49 5 4 5 4 18 6.36
2003 50 5 4 5 5 19 6.71
2004 51 5 6 6 4 21 7.42
2005 52 5 6 6 6 23 8.13
2006 53 6 6 7 7 26 9.19
2007 54 6 9 6 7 28 9.89
2008 55 9 10 9 7 35 12.37
2009 56 7 8 9 10 34 12.01
2010 57 9 9 15 10 43 15.19
2011 58 10 10 9 7 36 12.72

of documents cited, year wise distribution of cited journals. metHodoloGy

All the studies point towards the merits and weakness of the
journal which will be helpful for its further development. The present study efforts to analyze the bibliographic
attributes of the articles published by annals of library and
oBJectiVeS information studies from 2002-2011, ten volumes (vol 49
to58) containing 40 issues have been taken up for the study.
The objective of the present study is: The information like authors, states, subject areas, institutions
to study year-wise distribution of papers; are extracted from annals of library and information studies
website published by NISCIR.
to study the authorship pattern of papers
to study the most prolific contributions of papers
dAtA AnAlySiS And interPretAtion
to study subject-wise distribution of the papers
to study institute-wise distribution of papers; The annals of library and information studies have extracted
to study the (geographical) state wise distribution of all the details of all articles published from 2002-2011 were
papers recorded from this journal website.
Table 1 show that the numbers differs from year to year

Table 2: Authorship Patterns

Year No. of % of Total

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Articles Articles Authors
Single 6 6 7 10 6 12 12 6 17 14 96 33.92 96
2 authors 8 11 8 7 14 10 16 19 18 15 126 44.52 252
3 authors 3 2 5 5 5 6 6 9 6 6 53 18.73 159
4 authors 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 5 1.77 20
5 authors 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.35 5
6 authors 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.35 6
7 authors 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.35 7
Total articles 18 19 21 23 26 28 35 34 43 36 283 100 % 545
Total authors 35 34 45 45 54 50 66 71 79 66 = 545
Average authors
1.94 1.79 2.14 1.96 2.08 1.79 1.89 2.09 1.84 1.83
per article
30 International Journal of Information Library & Society Volume 2 Issue 2 July 2013

Table 3: Year-wise Authorship Pattern

Years 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total articles %
Single author 6 6 7 10 6 12 12 6 17 14 96 33.92
Joint authors 12(29) 13(28) 14(38) 13(35) 20(48) 16(38) 23(54) 28(65) 26(62) 22(52) 187(449) 66.08

Table 4: Prolic Authors

S.no Author name No of papers published Ranking

1 Sen, B K 21(7.42) 1
2 Garg, K C 10(3.53) 2
3 Gupta, B M 10(3.53) 2
4 Dutta, Bidyarthi 7(2.47) 3
5 Kumar, Suresh 7(2.47) 3
6 Jeevan, V K J 5(1.94) 4
7 Kumar, S 5(1.94) 4
8 Biradar, B S 4(1.41) 5
9 Das, Anup Kumar 4(1.41) 5
10 Dutt, B 4(1.41) 5
11 Gupta, Dinesh K 4(1.41) 5
12 Kademani, B S 4(1.41) 5
13 Kalyane, V L 4(1.41) 5
14 Kumar, B T Sampath 4(1.41) 5
15 Kumar, Vijai 4(1.41) 5
16 Mukherjee, Bhaskar 4(1.41) 5
17 Pujar, S M 4(1.41) 5
18 Rajendiran, P 4(1.41) 5
19 Shivalingaiah, D 4(1.41) 5

and there is also steady increase in the number of articles

from the year 2002 to 2011. Out of total 283 articles, the yearwise contribution of articles
maximum numbers of articles are published in the year 16
2010 contributing 43 articles, which is secured 15.19% in 14

the total publications. The minimum numbers of articles are 12.37

number of contribution

12 12.01 12.72

published in the year 2002 with 18 articles, which are 6.36% 10

9.19 9.89
8 6.36 6.71 7.42
in the total publications. It shows that the publication of the 6
articles constantly increased year by year. 4
Table 2. Reveals that during 2002 2011 the highest 0
proportion of articles were published by 2 authors which 2002 2003
2004 2005
2006 2007
are 126 (44.52%), followed by single author contribution 2008 2009
2010 2011

96 (33.92%), and then 3 authors 53(18.73%), 4 authors

5(1.77%), and 5, 6, 7 authors contributed 1 articles
respectively. Maximum number of papers published by Graph -1
double authors and minimum number of articles were The year wise authorship pattern was analyzed to determine
published by 5, 6, 7 co authors. the percentage of single and multiple authorship. The above
table shows that out of 283 articles single author contributed
96 (33.92%)articles , while the rest 187(66.08%) articles
Bibliometric Study of Annals of Library and Information Studies 31

Table 5: Subject-wise Distributions

Subjects Total %
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Information technology/
4 4 7 3 4 3 5 3 5 4 42 14.84
computer application
User studies 3 1 - 1 2 4 7 7 4 6 35 12.37
Bibliometric studies 2 - 3 4 6 7 3 4 2 3 34 12.01
Others 1 2 1 3 3 3 4 5 6 4 32 11.31
Management 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 7 4 26 9.19
Citation analysis 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 4 4 24 8.48
Digital library - 1 - 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 19 6.71
Scientometric analysis - 2 - 1 3 - 3 1 4 2 16 5.65
Classification/ catalog-
1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - - 1 12 4.24
7 Automation Kumar, S 1 - 1
5(1.94) - 4 2 1 2 1 4 - 12 4.24
8 Biradar,
Academic/public& B S 4(1.41) 5
9 Das, Anup Kumar - 3 4(1.41)
- - 5 - 1 1 3 - 2 10 3.53
special library
10 Dutt, B 4(1.41) 5
11 Gupta, Dinesh K
Library profession 3 4(1.41)
1 2 5 1 - - - 2 - 9 3.18
12 Kademani, B S 4(1.41) 5
LIS education 2 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 2 8 2.83
13 Kalyane, V L 4(1.41) 5
14 Kumar, B T Sampath 1
Webometrics - 4(1.41)
1 - 5 - - - 1 - 1 4 1.41
15 Kumar, Vijai 4(1.41) 5
16 Total Mukherjee, Bhaskar 18 19 4(1.41)
21 23 5 26 28 35 34 43 36 283 100%
17 Pujar, S M 4(1.41) 5
18 Rajendiran, P 4(1.41) 5
19 Shivalingaiah, D 4(1.41) 5
were contributed by joint authors (449). maximum number Table 4 reveals that Among the 545 authors SEN B K
of articles published by joint authors in the journal of library published 21 articles which is recorded as the highest number
and information studies Graph-2
Journal. of articles with 7.42% and he secure the first rank in the
study of annals of library and information studies journals.,
Mukherjee, Shivalingaiah, D, followed by Garge K C and Gupta B M got second rank
Bhaskar, 4 Rajendiran, P, 4 have contributed 10 articles and further followed by Dutta,
Pujar, S M, 4
Bidyarthi and Kumar, Suresh contributed 7 articles and they
Sen, B K, 21
secured third rank, and Jeevan, V K J , Kumar, S contributed
Vijai, 4
5 papers,12 authors contributed 4 articles ,13 authors
BT contributed 3 articles, 56 authors contributed 2 articles and
,4 85 authors contributed single articles respectively.
Table 5 shows that majority of the contributions appeared
Kalyane, V L, 4 Garg, K C, 10
under Information technology/Computer application 42
Kademani, B S, 4
(14.84%). The next position is taken by User studies 35
Gupta, B M, 10 (12.37). This is followed by bibliometric studies with 34
Dinesh (12.01), and other subjects 32(11.31) further followed by
K, 4 Dutt,
B, 4 management26 (9.19%), citation analysis, 24 (8.48%),
Bidyarthi, 7 digital libraries19 (6.71%), citation analysis 16(5.65%). The
Das, Anup study also shows there are small number of contribution
Kumar, 4 Kuma Kumar,
Biradar, B S, 4 r, S, 5
V K J,
Suresh, 7 in the field such as Classification/ cataloging 12(4.24%),
5 Automation 12(4.24%), Academic/public& special library
10(3.53%), Library profession 9 (3.18%), LIS education 8
(2.83%), Webometrics 4(1.41%).
32 International Journal of Information Library & Society Volume 2 Issue 2 July 2013

Table 6: Institutions-wise Distribution of Contributions

Institutions Number of contributions %age

Universities 132 46.64
Academic Institutions 68 24.03
Research centre 35 12.37
Colleges 28 9.89
Others 20 7.07
Total 283 -

Table 7: State-wise Distribution of Articles

State Number of contributions %age

New Delhi 58 20.49
Karnataka 44 15.55
West Bengal 32 11.31
Maharashtra 24 8.48
Kerala 16 5.65
Tamilnadu 14 4.95
Uttar Pradesh 14 4.95
Madhya Pradesh 9 3.18
UttaraKhand 6 2.12
Manipur 6 2.12
Haryana 5 1.77
Andhra Pradesh 5 1.77
Rajasthan 5 1.77
Orissa 3 1.06
Himachal Pradesh 3 1.06
Jammu & Kashmir 3 1.06
Punjab 2 0.71
Chandigarh 2 0.71
Jharkhand 2 0.71
Assam 2 0.71
Pondicherry 1 0.35
Gujarat 1 0.35

Other countries Number of contributions %age

Bangladesh 5 1.77
Nigeria 5 1.77
Sri Lanka 4 1.41
USA 3 1.06
Belgium 2 0.71
Netherland 2 0.71
UK 2 0.71
Hungary 1 0.35
Nepal 1 0.35
Hawaii 1 0.35
Total 283
Bibliometric Study of Annals of Library and Information Studies 33

The table 6 reveals institution-wise distribution of papers When subject wise contribution of analysis is taken
published in the Annals of library and information studies into consideration most of the contributions are from
during the period under study. Authors from universities Information technology/Computer application with 42
contributed 132 (46.64%) papers followed by 68 (24.03%) papers (14.84%).
from Academic institutions. Further followed by Research The study on prolific author shows that Sen B K got
centre 35 (12.37%), from colleges 28 (9.89%) and other i.e., first rank followed by him, Garg K C; Gupta B M
private research centre, free lands etc 20 (7.07) respectively. got second rank, who has contributed 21articles, 10
articles, and 10 articles respectively each.
It was revealed that geographical distribution of article
is taken in to consideration, India produce maximum
number of contribution when compared to other
countries .In India the state wise contributions shows
the highest of 58 articles were published from New
Delhi out of 283 articles.

Aoki, M. (2002). Analysis of the literature on practice guide-
lines: a bibliometric study. J Jpn Med Libr Assoc., 49(1),
Chaurasia, K. K. (2004). Bibliometric Analysis of ILA
Bulletin (1998-2003), Dissertation Submitted to Lucknow
University for the award of degree of Master of Library &
Graph-3 Information Science.
The table 7 gives the state wise distribution of contributions Hazarika, T., Goswami, K., & Das, P. (2003). Bibliometrics
in the 10 volumes of the journal out of 283 contributions, analysis of Indian forester: 1991- 2000. IASLIC Bulletin,
the highest number 58 (20.49) has been contributed by 48(4), 213-223.
authors in New Delhi followed by Karnataka 44(15.55 Verma, N., Tamrakar, R., & Sharmab, P. (2007). Analysis
%,) west Bengal 32(11.31%), Maharashtra 24(8.48), of Contributions in Annals of Library and Information
Kerala 16(5.65%) Tamilnadu, Utter Pradesh14 (4.95%) Studies, 54, 106-111.
respectively. The Lowest number of one article (0.35%)
Patra, S.K., Bhattacharya, P., & Verma, N. (2006). Bibliometric
contributed by authors from Pondicherry, Gujarat, Hungary,
study of literature on Bibliometric. DESIDOC Bulletin of
Nepal, Hawaii, Indian authors contributed 256 article out of
Information Technology, 26(1), 27-32.
283 articles and other countries contributed only 27 articles
out of 283 articles. Singh, G., Mittal, R., & Ahmad, M. (2007). A bibliometric
study of literature on digital Libraries. The Electronic
Library, 25(3), 342-348.
findinG And concluSion
Patra, S.K., Bhattacharya, P., & Verma, N. (2006).
The analysis shows that the annals of library and Bibliometric study of literature on bibliometrics.
information studies journal has published 283 article DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology, 26(1),
during the period of 2002-2011 27-32.
It was found that the year wise contribution of papers Thanuskodi, S. (2010). Journal of Social Sciences: A
were maximum number (43 out of 283 ) during the Bibliometric Study. Journal of Social Sciences, 24(2),
year 2010 77-80.
The majority of library and information scientist prefer Thanuskodi, S. (2011). Journal of Art, Science &Commerce.
to contribute their papers jointly(double authors) in International Refereed Research Journal, 2(4), 68.
Authorship pattern of 283 articles
Most of the articles were published from universities
when the institution wise distribution of papers was

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