Asme Ix Welder Qualification Interpretation PDF
Asme Ix Welder Qualification Interpretation PDF
Asme Ix Welder Qualification Interpretation PDF
Interpretation: IX-77-04
Subject: Section IX, Tack Welder Qualification
Date Issued: January 31, 1977
File: NA
Question: May a welder be qualified as a tack welder if his tack welds were a part of another
welder's qualification test coupon or part of another welding procedure qualification test which
met the intent of the Code?
Reply: The Code requires that all welders, (including tack welders), must be qualified per
Section IX.
Interpretation: IX-78-16
Subject: Section IX, QW-255, Flux Cored Arc Welding
Date Issued: February 27, 1978
File: BC77-502
Question: Does gas metal-arc welding (GMAW) in the procedure qualification and
performance qualification refer also to flux cored arc welding (FCAW)? If so, should welders be
qualified separately under both processes?
Reply: Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) is permissible under the Code and is considered to
come under the more general method of welding known as gas metal-arc welding (GMAW).
Welders do not have to be qualified separately unless there is a change in any of the Essential
Variables. However, there is an Essential Variable for procedure qualification, QW-404.23, that
requires separate qualification for solid wire and for flux cored wire for the GMAW process.
Interpretation: IX-78-76
Subject: Section IX, QW-153(d)
Date Issued: June 7, 1978
File No: BC78-223
Question: QW-153.1(d) permits acceptance of the tension test if the specimen breaks in the
base metal outside of the weld or fusion line where the strength is not more than 5% below the
specified minimum tensile strength of the base metal. What are the requirements if the specimen
breaks in the weld or fusion line?
Reply: If the tension test specimen breaks in the weld or fusion line, it shall have a tensile
strength not less than that required in QW-153.1(a), (b), or (c).
Interpretation: IX-86-08
Subject: Section IX, QW-200.4
Date Issued: December 4, 1985
File No: BC85-134
Question (1): Per QW-200.4(a), may two or more separate WPSs (each properly qualified to
weld the joint individually) be used to weld a single production joint without writing a new WPS
combining the separate WPSs into a single WPS?
Question (2): Does QW-211.4(a) permit the referencing of a separately qualified WPS to cover
the root pass welding of open root joints in another WPS?
Interpretation: IX-86-12
Subject: Section IX, QW-355
Date Issued: December 4, 1985
File: BC85-482
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-86-46
Subject: Section IX, QW-355
Date Issued: November 24, 1986
File: BC86-219
Question: Is a welder who is qualified using gas metal-arc welding (GMAW) also qualified for
flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) or vice versa, provided the other variables for performance
qualification remain unchanged?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-86-70
Subject: Section IX, QW-200.2 and QW-483
Date Issued: May 7, 1987
File: BC87-089
Question (1): Is the absence of a laboratory test number on a Procedure Qualification Record
(PQR), QW-483 or equivalent, cause for rendering the document invalid?
Question (2): Is the PQR invalid if the laboratory test results are specified on a PQR and neither
the laboratory nor the owner of the PQR can produce a copy of the laboratory test results?
Interpretation: IX-89-34
Subject: Section IX, QW-404.5
Date Issued: January 3, 1990
File: BC89-172
Question: If a WPS and PQR have been qualified with filler material purchased to an established
procurement document, is it required by QW-404.5 to requalify each time that filler material is
reordered to the procurement document?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-89-35
Subject: Section IX, Multi-process Qualification
Date Issued: January 3, 1990
File: BC89-307
Question: A qualified (multiple process) WPS lists the following: Diameter and pipe schedule
6 in. Sch. xxs (0.864 in. nominal thickness); GTAW root pass 0.100 in. deposit thickness;
SMAW hot and fill passes 0.764 in. deposit thickness. A welder performed a performance
qualification test, using the above WPS. An inspector, using a vernier caliper measured the root
pass deposit and determined 0.125 in. thickness had been deposited by the GTAW process, and
subsequently rejected the performance test based on excessive deposit by the GTAW process.
The coupon was radiographed and, additionally, side-bend specimens were removed and tested.
Both met all the Section IX requirements for performance qualification. Since there are no
tolerances stated in any of the tables relating to welding process deposits or test coupon
specimens, does the Code require verification of the deposit thickness of weldments to the degree
cited above?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-89-36
Subject: Section IX, QW-409.8 and QW-422
Date Issued: January 3, 1990
File: BC89-357
Question (1): When a constant current power supply is used in SMAW and GTAW, is a voltage
or voltage range required to be listed on the WPS, provided the voltage is addressed (i.e. N/A)?
Notch-toughness testing is not applicable.
Question (2): ASTM SB-163, 166, 167 and 168 Specification for Nickel Chromium Alloys in
various shapes and forms, include UNS No. N06600 and UNS No. N06690 material. In the P-
No. 43 base material listing, only UNS No. N06600 is specified. May the UNS No. N06690 be
included in the P-No. 43 grouping to reduce welding procedure qualifications?
Interpretation: IX-89-39
Subject: Section IX, QW-216.2(d)
Date Issued: January 3, 1990
File: BC89-361
Question: When obtaining the chemical analysis required in QW-216.2(d) from the test coupon
detailed in QW-462.5, shall the minimum thickness qualified be measured from the fusion line so
that the chemical sample included the effect of base metal dilution in the deposit?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-89-83
Subject: Section IX, QW-151.1, QW-451
Date Issued: January 2, 1991
File: BC90-532
Question (1): Are two single full plate thickness specimens necessary to satisfy the requirements
of QW-451 when they are prepared in accordance with QW-151.1(a)?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): Is the qualified thickness range of QW-451 based on the as-welded coupon
thickness, even though the coupon is subsequently machined to less thickness, in order to obtain
parallel surfaces?
Interpretation: IX-89-87
Subject: Section IX, QW-202.2(c)
Date Issued: January 2, 1991
File: BC90-745
Question: May pressure retaining fillet welds be qualified by means other than a groove weld
test coupon?
Reply: No
Interpretation: IX-89-95
Subject: Section IX, QW-452.1
Date Issued: March 7, 1991
File No: BC90-869
Question: Is a welder who has qualified using a deposit thickness of 0.90 in. qualified to weld the
entire thickness of a 3 in. thick material?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-12
Subject: Section IX; QW-322.2 Expiration and Renewal of Qualifications of Welders
Date Issued: October 7, 1991
File No BC91-264
Question: May a welder that has qualified on 2 in. and 6 in. diameter stainless steel pipe ,
maintain qualification by making one butt weld on 6 in. stainless steel pipe?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-18
Subject: QW-422 and QW-423; Alternate Base Materials for Welder Qualification,
Date Issued: October 7, 1991
File No: 91-389
Question (1): Is a welder, who has qualified using mild steel base material P-No. 1 to P-No. 1
using either GMAW, GTAW, or PAW welding processes and filler metal F6/A1, qualified to
weld austenitic stainless steel P-No. 8 to P-No. 8?
Question (2): Is the A-Number an essential variable for a welder performance qualification test?
Interpretation: IX-92-22
Subject: Section IX; QW-322.2 Expiration and Renewal of Welder Qualification
Date Issued: October 7, 1991
File No: BC91-425
Question (1): Does a welder who is qualified for a given process for both groove and
corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay maintain his qualification for groove welding if, for more
than six months, the welder only does corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay welding?
Question (2): Does the non-Code welding work need to be examined by NDE to maintain the
welders qualification?
Question (3): May a welder maintain his qualification by welding on temporary attachments
without any NDE?
Interpretation: IX-92-42
Subject: QW-200.4(a), Combination of Welding Processes
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-011
Question: May a single set of weld metal impact test specimens be used to qualify two or more
processes or procedures?
Reply: Yes, provided weld metal from each process or procedure is included in each specimen.
Interpretation: IX-92-43
Subject: QW-492, Definition of Machine Welding
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-100
Question: Is a GMAW spot welding process in which all variables are preset, except for
placement of the nozzle against the material and activation of the trigger by the operator,
considered machine welding?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-44
Subject: QW-251.4 and QW-280, Special Processes
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-168
Question (1): According to the 1990 Addenda of Section IX, are there any supplementary
essential or nonessential variables required to be addressed in a WPS for the special processes
described in QW-280?
Question (2): According to the 1991 Addenda of Section IX, are there any supplementary
essential or nonessential variables required to be addressed in a WPS for the special processes
described in QW-251.4?
Interpretation: IX-92-45
Subject: QW303.2 and QW-452.4, Fillet Welds
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-238
Question: When Section IX requires separate performance qualification for fillet welds on small
diameter pipe, does the same requirement apply to longitudinal fillet welds (such as the
attachment of gussets in the longitudinal direction)?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-46
Subject: QW-303.3 and QW-461.9, Special Positions for Performance Qualification
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-265
Question: Is a welder who is qualified to weld groove welds in a special orientation, also
qualified to weld in the 1G position?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-47
Subject: QW-322.2, Renewal of Qualification
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-266
Question: May the renewal of welder and welding operator performance qualification be done on
production work?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-48
Subject: QW-466, Test Jigs
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-267
Question: In determining the appropriate test jig dimensions of QW-466 to use for bend tests, is
it permissible to use the dimensions corresponding to P-No. 35 material when the filler metal is a
F-No. 36, even though the base material is other than a P-No. 35 material?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-49
Subject: QW-466, Test Jigs
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-268
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-50
Subject: QW-403.6, Base Metals
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-217
Question: If Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) notch toughness requirements are applicable, does QW-
403.6, base metal thickness requirements apply?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-51
Subject: QW-451.3 and QW-462.4, Fillet Weld Test Specimens Procedure; and QW-
452.4, Performance Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens
Date Issued: September 30, 1992
File No: 92-276
Question: If a welder performs a procedure qualification per QW-462.4(d) using 2 in. NPS pipe
and passes, is he qualified for all diameters as outlined in QW-451.3?
Interpretation: IX-92-52
Subject: QW-462.5, Corrosion-Resistant Overlay Cladding/Hard-Facing Overlay,
Chemical Analysis Specimen
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-252
Question: May only one chemical analysis specimen be removed from the vertical portion of a
6G positioned hard-facing welded PQR coupon when the weld travel direction is reversed every
other weld pass resulting in weld beads deposited in vertical-upward and vertical-downward
Reply: Yes, provided a chemical analysis represents each vertical travel direction.
Interpretation: IX-92-53
Subject: QW-452.1, Groove Weld Procedure Qualifications Thickness Limits and Test
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-254
Question: A welder has qualified on 3 in. O.D. in. wall pipe in the 1G position. He has also
qualified on 1 in. O.D. in. wall pipe in the 6G position. Is he qualified to weld 1 in. O.D.
in. wall in all positions?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-54
Subject: QW-214.3, Corrosion-Resistant Weld Metal Overlay
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-305
Question: Prior to the 1991 Addenda, did QW-214.3 address the number of chemical analysis
tests required for Corrosion-Resistant Weld Metal Overlay utilizing the GTAW Machine Welding
Process in the 5G or 6G position?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-55
Subject: QW-103.2, Records
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-307
Reply: Section IX does not address the media in which records are required to be maintained.
Interpretation: IX-92-56
Subject: QW-451.3, Fillet Weld Tests
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-308
Question: A welder performs a fillet weld procedure qualification in accordance with QW-451.3,
which fails; therefore, neither the procedure nor the welder are qualified. Is it permissible for the
welder to then perform a successful groove weld procedure qualification test and be qualified for
grooves and fillets?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-57
Subject: QW-253, QW-256 and QW-406.3, Maximum Interpass Temperature
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-354
Question: According to the 199 Addenda of Section IX, is it permissible to revise a WPS by
increasing interpass temperature to more than 100F above that recorded on the supporting PQR
when supplementary essential variables do not apply without requalification?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-58
Subject: QW-364, Friction Welding
Date Issued: December 14, 1992
File No: 92-357
Question: For performance qualification, is a friction weld operator required to requalify for each
seat size and base metal combination to be qualified to operate the machine?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-59
Subject: QW-306, Combination of Welding Processes; QW-452.1 and QW-452.3,
Performance Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens
Date Issued: February 22, 1993
File No: 92-206
Background: The combination of welding processes and pipe diameters listed below were used
for performance qualification:
(1) 2 in. Sch. 80 (.218) pipe with open butt using GTAW process.
(2) 2 in. Sch. 160 (.343) pipe with consumable insert and fill pass using the GRAW process
and the remainder welded with SMAW process.
(3) 6 in. XXS (.864) using SMAW process with backing.
Question: Using the combinations listed in the Background, in accordance with QW-306, Note 2
of QW-452.1 to determine maximum thickness qualified, and QW-452.3 for minimum diameter
qualification, is the welder qualified to weld on unlimited thickness and diameters above 1 in.,
using either an open butt joint or a consumable insert with the root layer deposited with the
GTAW process and the remainder deposited with the SMAW process?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-60
Subject: QW-214, Corrosion-Resistant Weld Metal Overlay
Date Issued: February 22, 1993
File No: 92-421
Question: When corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay is deposited in a base material groove to
a depth that is not included in the design calculations, must the deposit be tested as a groove
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-61
Subject: Section II, Part C; SFA-5.13, Specification for Solid Surfacing Welding Rods
and Electrodes
Date Issued: February 22, 1993
File No: 92-422
Question: May powdered filler metal be classified under Section II, Part C, SFA 5.13?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-62
Subject: QW-408.2, Shielding Gas
Date Issued: February 22, 1993
File No: 92-425
Question (1): When changing shielding gases of a specific mixture, is it permissible to adjust the
nominal percentage(s) of the minor component(s) by +/- 20% without requalifying the procedure?
Question (2): In addition, when the absolute value of +/- 20% times the nominal percentage of a
minor component is less than 1%, would it be permissible to make a +/- 1% adjustment to the gas
Interpretation: IX-92-63
Subject: QW-153.1, Tensile Strength
Date Issued: February 22, 1993
File No: 92-452
Question: A welding procedure qualification test coupon is welded using P-No. 23, SB-209,
alloy 6061 aluminum base material in the (o) temper. After welding the test coupon, it is
subjected to a T-6 heat treatment. To establish acceptability of tensile tests per QW-153.1, may
the tensile requirements of QW-422 for SB-209, alloy 6061 (T4 and T6 tempers in the welded
condition) be used?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-64
Subject: QW-322, Expiration and Renewal of Qualification
Date Issued: May 26, 1993
File No: 93-148
Question: May a welding operator performance test coupon being welded for qualification or
renewal, be repaired prior to testing, using a manual welding procedure?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-65
Subject: QW-423.1, Alternate Base Metals for Welder Qualification
Date Issued: May 26, 1993
File No: 93-148
Interpretation: IX-92-66
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: May 26, 1993
File No: 93-377
Question (1): May the new Company, C, use PQRs and WPSs developed previously by
Company A and Company B?
Question (2): May the new Company, C, use the central materials laboratory of Company A to
develop WPSs and PQRs?
Interpretation: IX-92-67
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: May 26, 1993
File No: 93-391
Question: In a contract involving piping construction work, our company subcontracted the
piping prefabrication work to a subcontractor. This subcontractor is managed by our company
but has a different name. The subcontractor proceeded to qualify welding procedures which were
conducted in the presence and with the approval of our companys welding engineer, who
monitored the welding of the test coupons and signed approval on the PQRs. The Quality
Control System of the subcontractor and our company fully describe the operational control of
procedure qualifications. Was our client right in rejecting the use by our company of the
subcontractor qualified welding procedures for the erection work of the prefabricated piping?
Interpretation: IX-92-68
Subject: QW-306, Combination of Welding Processes; and QW-451, Groove Weld
Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens
Date Issued: June 30, 1993
File No: 92-011A
Question: In using a single set of test specimens to qualify two or more processes or procedures,
does Section IX specify a minimum weld deposit thickness to be included in each test specimen
from each of the processes or procedures?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-69
Subject: QW-409.1, Electrical Characteristics
Date Issued: June 30, 1993
File No: 92-011B, 92-228, 92-353
Question: Is it the intent of QW-409.1 that the heat input, to be recorded on the PQR, be
calculated based on the parameters used at the location where the impact specimens were
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-70R
Subject: QW-403.5, Base Metals
Date Issued: June 4, 2001
File No: 00-470
Question (1): When a procedure qualification with supplemental notch toughness requirement is
conducted with one P-Number material having multiple certifications in different Group
Numbers, are WPSs qualified for all combinations of the Group Numbers?
Question (2): In the above question, does one set of HAZ impact specimens, when required,
satisfy the requirements of Section IX?
Question (3): When a procedure qualification with supplemental notch toughness requirement is
conducted with two materials of different P-Number each having multiple certifications in
different Group Numbers, are WPSs qualified for all combinations of the multiple certified Group
Number of the first P-Number material to the multiple certified Group Number of the second P-
Number material?
Question (4): In the above question, does one set of HAZ impact specimens from each P-Number
material, when required, satisfy the requirement of Section IX?
Question (5): In Question (3), are materials from the multiple certified Group Numbers qualified
for welding a P-Number material to itself?
Interpretation: IX-92-71
Subject: QW-302.4, Visual Examination
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-365
Question: Are welders or welding operators qualified in accordance with Section IX, prior to the
1992 Addenda, for which the results of visual examination required by QW-302.4 were not
documented on the WPQ, required to requalify in order that visual examination results may be
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-72
Subject: QW-381(c), Corrosion Resistant Weld Metal Overlay; QW-453 and QW-461.9,
Performance Qualification
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-392
Question (1): May welder qualifications for corrosion-resistant overlays per QW-381 and QW-
453 be made on plate, when qualifying for welding on pipe/tubes parallel to the axis of the
Question (2a): Should the side bends required in QW-453 consist of the base metal plus overlay
thickness, after surface conditioning per Note 4 of QW-453?
Question (2b): When the overlay test specimens are less than in. thick, may the side bend
specimen width be the test specimen thickness?
Question (2c): May the edges of the overlay be outside of the bent area as long as at least a 1
in. width of overlay and HAZ are completely within the bend?
Question (3): may QW-461.9 Groove-Pipe be used for the position essential variable rules for
welder qualifications on corrosion-resistant overlap?
Background: A welder performance qualification test plate fails to meet the radiographic
requirements for qualification. After further training a new performance qualification test plate is
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-74
Subject: QB-402.1, Base Metals
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-474
Question: When brazing material used for a procedure qualification test is not listed in QB-422
or Appendix C, but is similar to P-No. 107 or S-No. 107 materials listed in QB-422 or Appendix
C, may this material be considered P-No. 107 or S-No. 107 material in accordance with QB-
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-75
Subject: QW-200.4(b), Combination of Welding Procedures
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-490
Question: When writing multi-process welding procedures per QW-200.4(a), where the tube wall
thickness is less than 1 in., using a separate qualification for the root deposit only, must the root
deposit qualification coupon be in. minimum thickness as stated in QW-200.4(b)?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-76
Subject: QW-462, Test Specimens
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-515
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-77
Subject: QW-200.4, Combination of Welding Procedures; and QW-451.4, Fillet Welds
Qualified by Groove Weld Tests
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-518
Background: A butt welding procedure qualification was completed on a pipe with E6010
electrode (F-No. 3) for the root pass and E7018 electrode (F-No. 4) for the remaining process.
Question (1): Will the above procedure qualification alone support a WPS to make a fillet weld
with E7018 electrodes (F-No. 4) for all the passes for all fillet sizes on all base metal thicknesses
when all the other essential variables under QW-253, SMAW process, are the same?
Question (2): Will the above procedure qualification alone support a WPS to make a butt weld
with E7018 electrodes (F-No. 4) for all the passes including the root pass within the limits of
qualification of QW-451.1 and within the limits of the essential variables under QW-253, SMAW
Interpretation: IX-92-78
Subject: QW-200.2(b), Welding Procedure Qualifications
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-561
Question (1): May a company subcontract weld procedure development and qualification,
including certification of the PQR, without a company representative present to witness the
welding, testing and certification?
Question (2): May a company subcontract weld procedure development and qualification,
including certification of the PQR, with a company representative present to witness the welding,
testing and certification?
Interpretation: IX-92-79
Subject: QW-151.1, Tension Tests, Reduced Section-Plate; and QW-462.1(a), Test
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-583
Question (1): Is it permissible to reduce a plate test coupon thickness beyond removing the
reinforcement to allow for parallel surfaces?
Interpretation: IX-92-80
Subject: QW-103, Responsibility; and QW-210, Manufacturers or Contractors
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-584
Question: When a company changes names during the course of time must all the historical
documents, such as PQRs and WPQs, be revised to show this new name?
Reply: No, provided there is documented traceability from the new company name to the WPSs
and PQRs qualified under the old company name.
Interpretation: IX-92-81
Subject: QW-103.1 and QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: October 18, 1993
File No: 92-306
Question (1): According to Section IX, para. QW-201, is it permissible for a manufacturer or
contractor to have the welding of the test weldments performed by another organization?
Question (2): According to para. QW-201, is it permissible to subcontract the work preparation
of test metal for welding and subsequent work on preparation of test specimens from the
completed weldment, performance of nondestructive examination, and mechanical test, provided
that the manufacturer or contractor accepts the responsibility for any such work?
Question (3): If the manufacturer or contractor writes the WPS and the welder used to produce
weldments to be tested for qualification of procedures are under full supervision and control of a
representative of the manufacturer or contractor during the production of these test weldments,
may the welder be an employee of another organization?
Interpretation: IX-92-82
Subject: Code Case 2141, Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, SFA 5.17
and SFA 5.23
Date Issued: November 22, 1993
File No: 93-434
Question (1): Does the Manufacturers Date Report in the Section IX Code Case 2141 mean
the following: (a) Manufacturers Data Report required in PG-112 of Section I; (b) Data Report
required in NCA-3770 of Section III; (c) Data Report required in UG-120 of Section VIII,
Division 1; or (d) Manufacturers Data Report required in AS-300 of Section VIII, Division 2?
Reply (1): A Manufacturers Data Report form is any data report from that is required in an
ASME Code Book.
Question (2): Is it required to describe this Code Case number on procurement and/or
manufacturers specifications and certified material test report of welding consumables?
Reply (2): Section IX does not address procurement and manufacturers specifications.
Interpretation: IX-92-83
Subject: QB-415, Brazing Variables
Date Issued: September 22, 1993
File No: 93-527
Question (1): Does ASME Section IX permit braze welding qualifications, using the rules of Part
QW, Welding?
Question (2): May a fabricator qualify hard-facing, using the brazing variables listed in QB-415?
Interpretation: IX-92-84
Subject: QW-407.2, Postweld Heat Treatment
Date Issued: November 22, 1993
File No: 93-586
Background: A PQR was welded on a 2 in. thick P-No. 1, Gr. 2 material and post weld heat
treated at 1150F for six hours (3 hrs/in.) with supplementary essential variable requirements.
Question: Will this PQR support a WPS for a production weld in 2 in. thick P-No. 1, Gr. 2
material that is PWHT at 1150F for 2 hours (1 hr/in.)?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-85
Subject: QB-121 and AB-123, Brazing Test Positions
Date Issued: November 22, 1993
File No: 93-655
Question: If the test material is oriented at 15 deg. above horizontal (i.e., 75 deg. down from
vertical) and the brazing filler metal flows upward by capillary action through the joint, would the
brazer then be qualified for both the flat-flow and vertical-upflow positions?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-86
Subject: QW-100.3, Welding General Requirements
Date Issued: November 22, 1993
File No: 93-658
Question: May a hard-facing procedure qualification test that was performed in 1990 on a 1 in.
thick test coupon and is used to support a welding procedure specification written in 1993, be
used to deposit a hard-facing overlay on a base material 1 in. to unlimited thickness?
Interpretation: IX-92-87
Subject: QW-403.6, Base Metals; and QW-409.1, Electrical Characteristics
Date Issued: February 14, 1994
File No: 93-151
Background: Two PQRs have been qualified to support a WPS with notch toughness
requirements and having a qualified base metal thickness range from 5/16 in. to 2 in. inclusive.
One PQR was qualified on 1 in. thick material with a maximum heat input of 85,000 J/in. The
second was qualified on 5/16 in. thick material with a maximum heat input of 45,000 J/in. All
other essential and supplementary essential variables are the same.
Question (1): Is this WPS qualified for using 85,000 J/in. max. heat input on thicknesses 5/16 in.
to 2 in.?
Question (2): Is the heat input value of 85,000 J/in. applicable to base metal thicknesses between
in. to 2 in. and the heat input value of 45,000 J/in. applicable to base metal thicknesses between
5/16 in. and in.?
Interpretation: IX-92-88
Subject: QW-409.1 and QW-409.8, Electrical Characteristics
Date Issued: February 14, 1994
File No: 93-593
Question: Section IX, QW-409.8 and QW-409.1, require that the volts and amps be specified in
the WPS. Does Section IX require voltage to be measured at a specific location in the welding
circuit or the current to be measured using a specific type of meter (RMS, averaging or other
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-89
Subject: QW-452.1, Groove Weld Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits and Test
Specimens; and QW-452.3, Groove Weld Diameter Limits
Date Issued: February 14, 1994
File No: 93-653
Question: A welder has qualified on 3 in. O.D. in. wall pipe in the 1G position and has also
qualified on 1 in. O.D. in. wall pipe in the 1G position. Is the welder qualified to weld 1 in.
O.D. in. wall in the 1G position?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-90
Subject: QW-461.9, Performance Qualification Position and Diameter Limitations
Date Issued: February 14, 1994
File No: 93-753
Question: A welder has passed two separate tests; one on in. O.D. by 0.049 in. thick pipe
welded in the 6G position using GTAW process, and another on in. thick plate welded in the
1G position using GTAW process. Do these two tests in combination qualify the welder to weld
pipe of unlimited diameter in all positions up to 1 in. thick using GTAW?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-91
Subject: QW-300, General Welding Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: February 14, 1994
File No: 93-755
Question: Does Section IX prohibit making editorial corrections to welder and welding operator
performance qualification records?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-92
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility, Clarification Request to
Interpretation IX-92-07, Date Issued: Oct. 7, 1991, File 91-156
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 93-678
Background: Two companies are contracted by a client company to undertake pipe work
installation on its facility. All stages of the Welding Procedure Qualification Process for the two
contracted companies are witnessed by the client companies representative and the
documentation duly stamped and signed as accepted by the client.
Question (3): Does the client company have to requalify these procedures in order to perform in-
house maintenance at a later date using all the same essential and nonessential variables with its
own qualified welders?
Interpretation: IX-92-93
Subject: QB-402.1, Brazing Data and Appendix C Nonmandatory S-Numbers
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 93-752
Question (1): Does the brazing procedure qualification test with a base metal assigned one S-
Number, or S-Number plus Group-Number, qualify for all other base metals in the same S-
Number grouping?
Question (2): Does the brazing procedure qualification test with dissimilar metals using one
metal listed in one S-Number to one specific metal not listed in one S or P-Number qualify for the
brazing of all other base metals in the same S-Number to themselves and to the specific base
metal without S or P-Number?
Interpretation: IX-92-94
Subject: Section II, Part C SFA-5.8
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 93-754
Question: May AWS Classification Bag-34 be considered SFA-5.8 filler metal even though it
does not appear in the 1992 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section II, Part C (including
the 1992 Addenda)?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-95
Subject: QW-200, General Welding Procedure Qualifications
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 94-008
Question: May a single WPS be qualified both with PWHT and without PWHT (two PQRs),
thereby allowing the WPS to be used with or without PWHT?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-96
Subject: QW-300, General Welding Procedure Qualifications
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 94-102
Background: A welder is qualified on a NPS 2 Sch. 40 pipe test coupon using GTAW 1.6 mm
deposited weld metal and SMAW 2.4 mm deposited weld metal.
Question (1): Is the SMAW portion of the performance qualification considered welding with
Question (2): Is the welder qualified to weld NPS 4 single welded groove weld without backing
using the SMAW process only?
Interpretation: IX-92-97
Subject: QW-200.4(a), Combination of Welding Procedures
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 94-167
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-92-98
Subject: Appendix C, Nonmandatory S-Numbers
Date Issued: May 20, 1994
File No: 94-236
Question: May steel produced to ASTM A-108 Grade 1018, UNS G10180, be considered S-1
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-92-99
Subject: QW-432.6, F-Numbers; and Section II, Part C SFA-5.92
Date Issued: June 10, 1994
File No: 93-762 and 93-769
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-01
Subject: QW-200.1(b), General Welding Procedure Qualifications; and QW-402.4, Joints
Date Issued: September 21, 1994
File No: 94-104
Question: If a WPS states that the GTAW process shall be used on root and second pass of open
root or metal backed groove joints and the SMAW process shall be used on the remainder of the
groove joint, is it necessary to state that the SMAW portion of the WPS must be performed with
backing (i.e., the GTAW process)?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-02
Subject: QW-462, Test Specimens
Date Issued: September 21, 1994
File No: 94-181
Question: What are the minimum and maximum tolerances for specimens shown in QW-462,
where the figures show approximate dimensions?
Reply: As stated in the Foreword, The Code does not fully address tolerances. When
dimensions, sizes, or other parameters are not specified with tolerances, the values of these
parameters are considered nominal and allowable tolerance or local variances may be considered
acceptable when based on engineering judgment and standard practices as determined by the
Interpretation: IX-95-03
Subject: QW-202.2(b), Groove and Fillet Weld Tests; and QW-202.3(b), Weld Repair and
Buildup Tests
Date Issued: September 21, 1994
File No: 94-235
Background: Procedure qualification was performed by making a full penetration weld on 1 in.
thick plate. Paragraph QW-202.2(b) states that qualification on 1 in. or thicker base metal
qualifies for making partial penetration welds on base metals with no upper limit of base metal
thickness. No minimum thickness of base metal is addressed.
Question (1): Does qualification of a 1 in. thick base metal qualify for making partial
penetration groove welds on base metals which are less than 3/16 in. thick?
Reply (1): No, see para. QW-451.1 for minimum base metal thicknesses.
Background: Procedure qualification was performed by making a full penetration weld on 1 in.
thick plate. Paragraph QW-202.3(b) states that qualification on 1 in. thick or thicker base metal
qualifies for making weld repairs or weld build-ups on base metals of unlimited thickness.
Question (2): Does qualification on 1 in. base metal qualify for making weld repairs or weld
build-ups on base metals which are less than 3/16 in. thick?
Reply (2): No, see para. QW-451.1 for minimum base metal thicknesses.
Interpretation: IX-95-04
Subject: QW-452.3, Groove Weld Diameter Limits and Submerged Arc Wire Flux
Date Issued: September 21, 1994
File No: 94-296
Question (1): According to para. QW-452.3, is the inside diameter an essential variable for
performance qualification?
Background: A WPS for SAW process was qualified with a wire flux combination classified as
F6P0-EL8, using one trade name for flux. This WPS was in use for several years. Now the flux
manufacturer has changed the classification to F7P2-EL8 without changing the trade name of
flux. The flux trade name is mentioned on the WPS and PQR along with the former AWS
Question (2): Is it required to requalify this WPS due to the change in the AWS class of the wire
flux combination by the flux manufacturer without changing its Trade Name?
Interpretation: IX-95-05
Subject: QW-422, P-Numbers
Date Issued: September 21, 1994
File No: 94-365
Question: May SB-564 UNS N08825 be considered as P-No. 45, since it has identical properties
to SB-425 UNS N08825 that is assigned P-No. 45 in QW-422?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-06
Subject: QW-153.1, Tension Tests
Date Issued: September 21, 1994
File No: 94-542
Question: If a tensile specimen breaks in the weld metal, below the weld metals minimum
specified tensile requirement, but not below the minimum tensile strength specified for the base
metal, is the PQR considered acceptable?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-07
Subject: QW-420.2, S-Numbers
Date Issued: March 17, 1995
File No: 94-522
Question: When qualifying a welding procedure using S1 group 2 for API 5LX60 pipe joining to
MSS SP-75 or ASTM A860 WPHY-65 fittings, or when joining WPHY-60 fittings to each other,
is it permissible to use the corresponding S-Number for the fitting as the same grade of high
strength pipe when the physical properties are similar?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-08
Subject: QW-462.4(a), Fillet Weld Procedure
Date Issued: March 17, 1995
File No: 94-543
Question (1): When T2 is greater than in. in Fig. QW-462.4(a), what is the maximum size fillet
weld required?
Reply (2): The length of each fillet leg(s) shall be nominally equal to the thickness of T2.
Reply (3): No. As stated in the 1992 Addenda to the Foreword, when tolerances are not
specified, dimensions are considered nominal and allowable tolerances or local variances may be
considered acceptable when based on engineering judgment and standard practices as determined
by the designer.
Interpretation: IX-95-09
Subject: QW-153, Acceptance Criteria Tension Tests
Date Issued: March 17, 1995
File No: 94-570
Question: When welds between base metals of different minimum specified tensile strengths are
being tested and tensile failure occurs in either of the base metals, does the reference to base
metal within QW-153.1(d) mean the base metal with the lower minimum specified tensile
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-10
Subject: QW-200.4, Combination of Welding Procedures
Date Issued: March 17, 1995
File No: 94-662
Question: May a single process WPS be qualified by a combination process PQR where no
essential variables for the process are changed?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-11
Subject: QW-408, Gas
Date Issued: March 17, 1995
File No: 95-002
Question: Is it required to indicate the purity level by percent composition or descriptive terms of
a single shielding gas on the WPS and on the PQR?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-12
Subject: QW-202.4, Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses
Date Issued: March 17, 1995
File No: 95-027
Question: Does QW-202.4 include butt joints and corner joints when joining dissimilar base
metal thicknesses when prepared with a groove?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-13
Subject: QW-203, Limits of Qualified Positions for Procedures; and Section II, Part C,
SFA-5.1 and 5.5
Date Issued: June 15, 1995
File No: 94-035
Question: Do the requirements for classification of filler metals in accordance with ASME
Section II, Part C apply to the qualification of welding and brazing procedures in accordance with
Section IX?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-14
Subject: QW-300.3, Welding Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: June 15, 1995
File No: 95-040
Question: Are there any circumstances under which a non-employee person or organization can
represent one or more participating organizations during welding of the test coupon in accordance
with the requirements of QW-300.3?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-15
Subject: QW-160, Guided-Bend Tests; and QW-466 Note (b) Test Jigs
Date Issued: June 15, 1995
File No: 95-094
Question: Is it acceptable to measure the percent elongation of the tensile specimens in lieu of
bend specimens to measure the ductility for welding procedure qualification acceptance?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-16
Subject: QW-255, Welding Variables Procedure Specifications for FCAW; and QW-
408.2, Gas
Date Issued: June 15, 1995
File No: 95-095
Question: May a FCAW welding procedure, qualified without shielding gas, be used with a
shielding gas without requalification?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-17
Subject: QW-302.4, Visual Examination
Date Issued: October 19, 1995
File No: 95-035
Question (1): For the fillet weld coupon in welder performance qualification, does the macro
examination required per QW-452.5 exempt the visual examination required per QW-302.4?
Reply (1): No.
Question (2): Does the visual examination of the fillet weld test coupon required per QW-302.4
refer to the final weld face side only?
Interpretation: IX-95-18
Subject: QW-409.8, Electrical Characteristics
Date Issued: October 19, 1995
File No: 95-220
Question: Does Section IX require that a separate amperage range be specified for each filler
metal size listed in the WPS?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-19
Subject: QW-300.3, Welding Performance Qualifications; and QW-322.1(b), Expiration
of Welder Qualification
Date Issued: October 19, 1995
File No: 95-221
Background: A welder simultaneously qualifies for ten different contractors in accordance with
QW-300.3. QW-300.3 requires the contractor that rejects a welder to notify the other contractors
who participated in the simultaneous test that the welders qualification has been revoked. One of
the contractors subsequently revokes the welders qualification for specific reason in accordance
with QW-322.1(b).
Question (1): Are the other nine contractors who qualified the welder simultaneously, required to
revoke the welders qualification per QW-322.1(b)?
Question (2): When a participating contractor revokes a welders qualification for a specific
reason, does QW-300.3 require the other participating contractors to retest the welder or welding
Interpretation: IX-95-20
Subject: QW-300, Welding Performance Qualification
Date Issued: October 19, 1995
File No: 95-302
Question: If the manufacturer or contractor writes the WPS, and the welder used to produce the
weldments to be tested for qualification of procedures is under the full supervision and control of
the manufacturer or contractor during the production of these test weldments, may the welder be a
contracted employee, provided the Quality Control system or Quality Assurance Program of the
manufacturer or contractor describes the control of contracted welders?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-21
Subject: QW-403.5, Base Metals
Date Issued: October 19, 1995
File No: 95-318
Background: A PQR is qualified in accordance with Section IX, with supplementary essential
variables, using a material from British Standard 1501-224-490A-LT50
Question: May this PQR be used to support a WPS utilizing a P-Number 1, Group Number 2
material with supplementary essential variables?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-22
Subject: QW-424, Base Metals Used for Procedure Qualification
Date Issued: December 28, 1995
File No: 95-251
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-23
Subject: QW-453, Notes (3) and (10), Thickness Limits and Test Specimens for Hard-
Facing and Corrosion-Resistant Overlays
Date Issued: December 28, 1995
File No: 95-428
Question (1): Notes (3) and (10) of QW-453 require a liquid penetrant examination of the surface
of the test coupon for hard-facing procedure and performance qualifications, respectively. May
the acceptance standards of QW-195.2 or other standards deemed appropriate by the qualifying
organization be used as acceptance criteria?
Interpretation: IX-95-24
Subject: QW-403.1, Base Metals
Date Issued: March 19, 1996
File No: 95-194
Question: Does a WPS qualified using P-No. 1, Group No. 1 material, qualify welding for P-No.
1, Group No. 2 material, when notch toughness tests are not required?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-25
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: March 19, 1996
File No: 95-252
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-26
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: March 19, 1996
File No: 95-303
Background: Company A owns company B and changes its name to C. The new company C
continues to use the WPSs and PQRs initially developed by B. After some time, company A (the
parent company) splits C back to B and C. Both B and C now operate independently, but under
company A.
Question: May company B use the WPSs and PQRs initially developed by B and also use WPSs
and PQRs qualified by company C before the last reorganization?
Interpretation: IX-95-27
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: March 19, 1996
File No: 95-482
Question: May a subcontractor use a WPS supported by a PQR which was qualified by the
contracting company and subsequently supplied to the subcontractor?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-28
Subject: QW-403.10, Short Circuiting Mode
Date Issued: March 19, 1996
File No: 96-002
Question: Are the base metal thickness restrictions for the GMAW process short circuiting mode
stated in QW-403.10 and QW-404.32 also applicable to fillet weld tests, either in procedure
qualifications (QW-451.3, QW-451.4) or in performance qualifications (QW-452.4, QW-452.5
and QW-452.6)?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-29
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: May 30, 1996
File No: 95-302
Question: If more than one manufacturer or contractor agrees upon the use of one WPS, which is
to be followed during production of test weldments for qualification testing, may the welder used
to produce the weldments to be tested for qualification procedures, be under the full supervision
and control of each manufacturer or contractor during the welding, provided the Quality Control
System or Quality Assurance Program of each manufacturer or contractor describes the control of
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-30
Subject: QW-350, Welding Variables for Welders
Date Issued: May 30, 1996
File No: 96-073
Question (1): Do the essential variables of QW-350 apply to welding operators carrying out
corrosion resistant overlay?
Question (2): Are welding operators qualified for submerged arc welding, also qualified for
Electroslag welding and vice versa?
Background: A welding operator has direct visual contact with a pipe weldment that is being
welded utilizing machine orbital pipe welding equipment. This welding operator is giving verbal
commands to a second welding operator, who does not have eye contact with the weldment, and
who is positioning the weld head and wire aimers located on the head remotely, during the
welding of the joint in accordance with the verbal commands of the first operator. Each welding
operator has been qualified to perform both remote and direct visual control welding.
Question: Are these welders qualified to make the subject weld in accordance with QW-361.2,
even though the welding operator having direct visual control is directing the positioning of the
orbital pipe welding equipment verbally and does not have hands-on control of the welding
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-32
Subject: QW-300.2, Welding Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: July 1, 1996
File No: 95-302
Question: If more than one manufacturer or contractor agrees upon the use of one WPS, which is
to be followed during the production of test weldments for qualification testing, may the welder
used to produce the weldments to be tested for qualification of procedures, be under the full
supervision and control of each manufacturer or contractor during the welding, provided the
Quality Control System or Quality Assurance Program of each manufacturer or contractor
describes the control of welders?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-33
Subject: QW-403.10, Short-Circuiting Mode
Date Issued: September 24, 1996
File No: 96-001
Question: Does QW-403.10 limit the base metal thickness qualified to 1.1T for a combination
GMAW-S/SMAW PQR test coupon thickness T less than in., when used to support a
combination GMAW-S/SMAW WPS?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-95-34
Subject: QW-202.3, Weld Repair and Buildup
Date Issued: September 24, 1996
File No: 96-060
Question (1): Does Section IX require qualification of the substrate (e.g., in accordance with
QW-202.3 or when the substrate is not included in the design minimum wall thickness in
accordance with QW-214) which will be subsequently covered by a hardfacing weld metal
Question (2): If the deposit of the substrate is included in a hardfacing weld metal overlay
procedure qualified to QW-216, is evaluation of the substrate to QW-202.3 or QW-214, as
applicable, required?
Reply (2): Section IX does not address qualification of a combination substrate/hardfacing WPS
in a single coupon.
Interpretation: IX-95-35
Subject: QW-300.1, Welding Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: September 24, 1996
File No: 96-287
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-36
Subject: QW-300, Welding Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: September 24, 1996
File No: 96-314
Question (2): Since the essential variables are the same for both methods, would successful
qualification with testing in manual GTAW allow the same welder to weld in production using
semi-automatic GTAW without testing?
Question: In accordance with QW-404.9(c), does a change in the wire classification shown in
SFA-5.9, with no change in the flux composition, F-Number, or A-Number, require procedure
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-38
Subject: QW-322, Expiration and Renewal of Qualification
Date Issued: January 6, 1997
File No: 96-132
Reply: Section IX does not address how conformance to QW-322 is demonstrated. Other book
sections my address the maintenance of records.
Interpretation: IX-95-39
Subject: QW-304, Performance Qualification Welders
Date Issued: January 6, 1997
File No: 96-331
Question (1): Would the successful performance qualification of a welder in a manual or semi-
automatic type (e.g., GMAW, GTAW, SAW) per QW-304 qualify the same welder to operate as
welding operator in machine or automatic type welding?
Question (2): If a welder used GMAW (short-circuiting mode) for the root pass and SAW for the
hot and fill passes of test coupon, may the test coupon be testing using radiography for the SAW
portion of the weld, in accordance with QW-304 and QW-306?
Interpretation: IX-95-40
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: January 21, 1997
File No: 93-431 and 95-222
Background: Company A was a subsidiary of Company B. Company B sold Company A to
Company C, and Company A became a division of Company C.
Question: May Company A continue to use WPSs and PQRs previously developed by Company
Reply: It is the intent of the Coe that when a manufacturer or contractor, or part of a
manufacturer or contractor, is acquired by a new owner(s), the PQRs and WPSs may be used by
the new owner(s) without requalification, provided all of the following are met:
(a) the new owner(s) takes responsibility for the WPSs and PQRs;
(b) the WPSs reflect the name of the new owner(s); and
(c) the Quality Control System/Quality Assurance Program reflects the source of the PQRs
as being from the former manufacturer or contractor.
Interpretation: IX-95-41
Subject: QW-453, Procedure/Performance Qualification Thickness Limits and Test
Specimens for Hardfacing (Wear-Resistant) and Corrosion-Resistant Overlays
Date Issued: March 6, 1997
File No: 97-028
Background: Corrosion-resistant weld overlay on P-No. 1 material needs to be carried out with
Nickel-Aluminum Bronze using E CuNiAl SMAW electrode (F-No. 37) and ER CuNiAl GMAW
filler wire (F-No. 37).
Question: For procedure qualification of the above to QW-453, can side bend test specimens of
in. thickness be used, bent to inner diameter of 2 1/16 in., as given for P-No. XX with F-No. 36
under QW-466.1?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-95-42
Subject: QW-284, Seam Welding Equipment Qualification
Date Issued: May 20, 1997
File No: 97-044
Background: When qualifying resistance seam welding equipment for QW-284, testing and
acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with QW-196. QW-196.2.1 addresses shear test
specimens, but only deals with spot welding.
Question (1): When qualifying seam welding equipment, do the requirements for spot shear test
per QW-196.2.1 apply?
Question (2): Do the rules of QW-286 for procedures qualification apply for equipment
Interpretation: IX-98-01
Subject: QB-141.4, Sectioning Tests
Date Issued: December 15, 1997
File No: 97-304
Question: In QB-451.3, Note (1), is the Sectioning Test a substitute for the Peel Test?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-98-02
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: December 15, 1997
File No: 97-309
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-03
Subject: QW-451, Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens
Date Issued: December 15, 1997
File No: 97-479
Question: Does a partial penetration groove weld procedure qualification test assembly qualify
for full penetration production groove welds within the ranges indicated in QW-451?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-98-04
Subject: QW-200.2, Welding Procedure Qualifications
Date Issued: December 15, 1997
File No: 97-481
Question: Does ASME Section IX require that a preliminary WPS be attached to the PQR?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-05
Subject: QW-453, Procedure/Performance Qualification Thickness Limits and Test
Specimens for Hardfacing (Wear-Resistant) and Corrosion-Resistant Overlays
Date Issued: April 28, 1998
File No: 98-009
Question: In making repairs to hardfacing weld metal overlays, does the existing hardfacing weld
metal overlay deposit to be repaired, constitute a change in the original essential variable(s) (e.g.,
base material, thickness, etc.) thus requiring a new qualification?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-06
Subject: QW-402.12(a) and (c) and QW-402.12, Joints
Date Issued: April 28, 1998
File No: 98-009
Question: Do the words any change exceeding 10%, changegreater than 10%, a
changegreater than 10%, and an increase or decrease of more than 10%, respectively, all
indicate a qualified range of 10% above and 10% below the value recorded in the PQR?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-98-07
Subject: QW-410.42, Technique
Date Issued: April 28, 1998
File No: 97-302
Question (1): For PAW hardfacing and corrosion resistant weld metal overlay qualifications,
may the full range of oscillation qualified (including the change of more than 10%) also apply
to the combined minimum and maximum oscillation range qualified? (e.g., would the range
qualified for a 1 in. oscillation combined with a 1.5 in. oscillation be 0.9 in 1.65 in.)
Question (2): May the minimum and maximum oscillation values be combined and qualified on
a single hardfacing weld metal overlay test coupon, assuming all other essential variables are the
Reply (2): Section IX does not prohibit the qualification of more than one set of essential
variables on a single test coupon, provided each set of essential variables is tested in accordance
with the requirements of Section IX.
Interpretation: IX-98-08
Subject: QW-432, F-Numbers
Date Issued: April 28, 1998
File No: 98-131
Question: A WPS is qualified with an SMA electrode that is not certified by the manufacturer as
conforming to an AWS classification. Are welders who were previously qualified with an
electrode classified as F-4, also qualified to use this unclassified electrode that conforms to the
deposit chemistry of EXXXX-G, in Table 2 of SFA-5.5 (within the other limitations of QW-
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-09
Subject: QW-150 and QW-462.1, Tension Test Specimens for Pipe and Plate
Date Issued: October 9, 1998
File No: 97-302
Question: Would tensile tests performed in accordance with SA-370 be acceptable for meeting
ASME Section IX, QW-462.1(a) and (b)?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-10
Subject: QW-407.1, Post Weld Heat Treatment
Date Issued: October 9, 1998
File No: 97-306/97-308
Question: Is it the intent of Section IX in QW-407.1 to permit reporting the results of more than
one PWHT condition on a single report, with a single PQR number, provided all the other
applicable essential and supplementary essential variables are identical and all required tests are
conducted and reported for both conditions?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-98-11
Subject: QW-300, Welding Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: October 9, 1998
File No: 98-133
Question: May Company A retain the Company B employee responsible for welder performance
qualification, to review the welder qualification documents of both companies and qualify the
welders of Company B to the welding program of Company A without further testing of the
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-12
Subject: QW-451, Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens
Date Issued: October 9, 1998
File No: 98-237/98-238
Question: May longitudinal bend specimens be used in lieu of transverse bend specimens when
the base metals or the base metal and the weld metal do not differ markedly in bending
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-13
Subject: QW-200.1, Welding Procedure Qualifications
Date Issued: December 22, 1998
File No: 98-239
Reply: Section IX does not specify how nonessential variables are to be addressed; however, the
terms must provide direction to the welder/welding operator for making production welds to
Code requirements.
Interpretation: IX-98-14
Subject: QW-361.2, Machine Welding Variables for Welding Operators; and QW-381,
Corrosion-Resistant Weld Metal Overlay
Date Issued: December 22, 1998
File No: 98-447
Question (1): Is the welding operator qualified for both Direct and Remote Visual control
techniques applied either in single or multiple layers?
Question (2): For the qualification described in the background, may two welding operators
qualify on one coupon, provided the requirements of QW-453 and QW-361.2 (which delineate
the welding operators limits of qualification as per QW-306) are addressed?
Interpretation: IX-98-15
Subject: QW-405.3, Positions
Date Issued: December 22, 1998
File No: 98-448
Question: May a single-pass seal weld as defined in QW-492, used to seal boiler tubes to a
boiler tube sheet, be considered a cover pass or a wash pass for purposes of exemption form
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-16
Subject: QW-462.5(a), Chemical Analysis and Hardness Specimen Corrosion-Resistant
and Hard-Facing Weld Metal Overlay
Date Issued: December 22, 1998
File No: 99-453
Question: Is it permissible to use the surface of the test coupon as the approximate fusion line
when determining the minimum finished thickness for corrosion-resistant and hard-facing
overlays in accordance with QW-462.5(a)?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-98-17
Subject: QW-453, Procedure/Performance Qualification Thickness Limits and Test
Specimens for Hard-Facing (Wear Resistant) and Corrosion-Resistant Overlays
Date Issued: March 23, 1999
File No: 98-055
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-98-18
Subject: QW-201.1, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: March 23, 1999
File No: 99-025
Background: When one of a companys plants is sold, it is not clear if the new owner can use the
Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) qualified
by the original company, when the original company wishes to continue using those WPSs/PQRs.
Question: Company A sells one of its plants to Company B. May both Company A and
Company B use the WPSs/PQRs previously qualified by Company A?
Interpretation: IX-98-19
Subject: QW-404, Filler Metals
Date Issued: September 24, 1999
File No: 99-409
Question: Is requalification required when the filler metal specified in the WPS and supporting
PQR is moved from one SFA specification to another SFA specification, or the AWS
classification is changed, or when a previously unclassified filler is classified by the filler metal
manufacturer as conforming to an SFA specification?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-98-20R
Subject: QW-202.4(b), Dissimilar Base Metal Thickness
Date Issued: June 8, 2000
File No: 99-539
Question: When welding a corner joint with dissimilar base metal thickness, the thickness of
both members must be within the qualified thickness range of the WPS(s) being used. How is the
thickness for the thicker member defined in sketches (a), (b) and (c) below?
Reply: For sketch (a), the thicker of T or ts. For sketch (b), the thicker of T or ts. For sketch (c),
the thicker of flange a or hub b.
Interpretation: IX-01-01
Subject: QW-403, Base Metal Requirement; QW-404, Filler Metal Requirement
Date Issued: October 11, 2000
File No: 00-514
Question (1): If a WPS is written using the GMAW-S process alone, is T limited to 1.1T per
QW-403.10 and t limited to 1.1t per QW-404.32?
Question (2): If a WPS is written using FCAW process alone, is T limited to 2T per QW-403.8
and t limited to 2t per QW-404.30?
Question: Is it permissible to consider the Welding Coalition as the organization which has
responsible operational control of production of the weldments to be made in accordance with
this Code, such that Company B may use weld procedures qualified by Company C and vice
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-01-03
Subject: QW-194, Visual Examinations
Date Issued: January 3, 2001
File No: 00-519
Reply: Yes. However, manufacturers may disqualify welders based on QW-301.2 when
discontinuities, such as undercut and porosity, do not comply with the quality requirement of the
Interpretation: IX-01-04
Subject: QW-304.1, Welders Test Coupon Examination
Date Issued: January 3, 2001
File No: 00-653
Question: Does QW-304.1 require that when radiography is used for examination of welder test
coupons for performance qualification, the visual examination per QW-302.4 be performed and
documented on the Welder/Welding Operator Performance Qualification record?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-01-05
Subject: QW-200.2, Welding Procedure Qualification
Date Issued: January 3, 2001
File No: 00-654
Question: When a nonessential variable is recorded on a PQR, may a new or revised WPS
supported by the PQR specify a different range for that nonessential variable from that recorded
on the PQR?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-06R
Subject: QW-410.51, Addition/Deletion of Oscillation (1998 and Earlier Editions)
Date Issued: February 9, 2001
File No: 98-240
Question: Is it the intent of Section IX that a PQR developed with a machine or automatic
GTAW hard-facing process, with or without oscillation, may be used to qualify a WPS for a
manual, or a semiautomatic GTAW hard-facing process, with or without weave?
Reply: Yes. Note that recent actions by Section IX have defined oscillation as applicable to
machine and automatic processes and weave as applicable to manual and semiautomatic
Interpretation: IX-01-07
Subject: QW-420.2, Material Grouping
Date Issued: June 4, 2001
File No: 01-029
Question (1): Does this PQR support a WPS for welding P-Number X to S-Number Y without
changes to any other essential variables?
Question (2): Does this PQR support a WPS for welding S-Number X to S-Number Y without
changes to any other essential variables?
Interpretation: IX-01-08
Subject: QW-300.2, Transfer of Record of Performance Qualification
Date Issued: February 26, 2001
File No: 01-030
Question: When a new owner acquires a company, or part of a company, does QW-300.2
prohibit continued use of existing welder performance qualifications?
Reply: No. Section IX does not address rules applicable to performance qualification continuity
when a new owner acquires a manufacturer or contractor. If welder performance qualification
continuity is to be maintained by the new owner, the Quality Control System/Quality Assurance
Program should reflect to the source of the welder performance qualification records as being
from the former manufacturer or contractor.
Interpretation: IX-01-09
Subject: QW-356, Welding Variables
Date Issued: February 26, 2001
File No: 01-032
Question: A welder was qualified to P-No. 1 material using the GTAW process without gas
backing using F-No. 6 filler material. Is he qualified to weld P-No. 8 material using the GTAW
process with gas backing using F-No. 6 filler material, provided all other essential variables
remain the same?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-10
Subject: QW-144 and QW-194, Visual Examinations
Date Issued: February 26, 2001
File No: 01-073
Question: Are the requirements of QW-144 and QW-194 for visual examination of the test
coupon required for the qualifications of a welding procedure?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-01-11
Subject: QW-510 and QW-540 in Article V, Standard Welding Procedure Specifications
Date Issued: June 4, 2001
File No: 01-089
Question (1): Under QW-510(d), is it acceptable to weld the demonstration test coupon with only
GTAW if the SWPS is for combination GTAW root and SMAW E7018 fill?
Reply (1): No. All variables of the SWPSs are considered to be essential variables.
Question (2): Under QW-510(d), is it acceptable to weld the demonstration test coupon with only
SMAW E7018 if the SWPS is for combination GTAW root and SMAW E7018 fill?
Reply (2): No. All variables of the SWPSs are considered to be essential variables.
Question (3): Under QW-510(d), is it acceptable to weld the demonstration test coupon with only
SMAW E7018 if the SWPS specifies both E6010 and E7018?
Reply (3): No. All variables of the SWPSs are considered to be essential variables.
Question (4): Does Section IX, Article II apply when the fabricator chooses to use SWPSs?
Question (5): When using SWPSs under Article V of Section IX, may a single welding process
of a multiple SWPSs be used to complete a weld?
Question (6): When using SWPSs under Article V of Section IX, may a single process SWPS for
E7018 and a single process SWPS for GTAW be used to complete a weld, assuming all other
variables are within the SWPS parameters?
Question (7): When using SWPSs under Article V of Section IX, may a single process SWPS for
E7018 and a single process SWPS for E6010 be used to complete a weld, assuming all other
variables are within the SWPS parameters?
Interpretation: IX-01-12
Subject: QW-322.2(a) and QW-452.1, Rule Change Affecting Welder Qualification
Date Issued: June 4, 2001
File No: 01-201
Background: ASME Section IX, 2000 Addenda, revised Table QW-452.1 reducing the coupon
size from in. to in. to qualify the welder for Maximum to be welded when welding a
minimum of three layers.
Question (1): A welder qualified prior to the 2000 Addenda, and has remained qualified since his
original test. His original test coupon consisted of at least three weld layers and greater than in.
but less than in. deposited weld metal. May the qualification recorded be revised from 2t to
Max. to be welded subsequent to the 2000 Addenda?
Question (2): A welder was qualified prior to the 2000 Addenda. His qualification has lapsed
due to not welding with the original weld process for greater than 6 months. His original test
coupon consisted of at least three layers and greater than in. but less than in. deposited weld
metal. His renewal restores his original qualifications in accordance with QW-322.2(a). May the
original qualification record be revised from 2t to Max. to be welded subsequent to the 2000
Reply (2): Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-13
Subject: References to Edition and Addenda
Date Issued: June 26, 2001
File No: 01-570
Question (1): The 1998 Code Edition, as published, incorporates the 1998 Addenda. When
providing reference to this Code Edition and Addenda within a Code-required document, may
only the Edition be listed (i.e, 1998 Edition)?
Question (2): For the 1998 Edition only, is it necessary to revise Code-required documentation
where the term 1998 Edition was used as meaning the 1995 Edition through the 1997
Interpretation: IX-01-14
Subject: QW-500, The Use of SWPSs
Date Issued: September 25, 2001
File No: 01-332
Question: May a manufacturer or contractor adopt and use SWPSs in accordance with the rules
of Article V for work on Code items built to an edition or addenda prior to the 1998 edition with
the 2000 Addenda, provided the construction code does not prohibit the use of SWPSs?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-15
Subject: QW-300.2, Employers Responsibility
Date Issued: September 15, 2001
File No: 01-641
Question (1): An employee of a contractor provides supervision and control over a welder during
welding of a test coupon, but that welder is not an employee of the contractor at the time of the
test. Is it required that the welder be an employee of that contractor at the time of qualification
Reply (1): No.
Question (2): Must the welder be an employee of any manufacturer or contractor at the time of
qualification testing?
Interpretation: IX-01-16
Subject: Code Case 2142-1 and 2143-1
Date Issued: December 18, 2001
File No: 01-641
Background: The submerged are welding process is being used to deposit corrosion-resistant
weld overlay for Section III, Subsection NB fabrication using a NI-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal
and flux combination. The strip filler metal does not meet the chemical requirements of Code
Case 2142-1 (bare electrode and rod), but both filler metal and weld deposit meet the chemical
composition limits of Code Case 2143-1 (covered electrodes).
Question (1): Must the Ni-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal used for the SAW process meet the
chemical composition requirements of Code Case 2142-1 to be classified as F-43 for procedure
and performance qualifications?
Question (2): May Ni-Cr-Fe alloy filler metal that is not designated as F-43 per Code Case 2142-
1 be used for welding if the welding procedure is qualified separately per QW-404.37?
Question (3): If the Ni-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal meets the chemical composition
requirements of Code Case 2143-1 and was produced to the requirements of SFA-5.14, except for
the chemical analysis, may the filler metal be classified as F-43 for procedure and performance
Question (4): If the Ni-Cr-Fe alloy strip filler metal is not classified in an SFA specification, and
is not covered in Code Case 2142-1 or 2143-1, is it permissible to identify the filler metal and
flux on the WPS, PQR and WPQ by the manufacturers brand names?
Interpretation: IX-01-17
Subject: QW-202.2(b), QW-202.3(b) and QW-407.4
Date Issued: December 18, 2001
File No: 01-615
Background: A groove weld procedure qualification test coupon 1.5 in. thick was welded with
the SMAW process using multiple passes of in. max. thickness. The test coupon was given a
subsequent post weld heat treatment exceeding the upper transformation temperature prior to the
completion of mechanical testing.
Question: May this PQR be used to support the weld of partial penetration groove welds per
QW-202.2(b) or weld repair and buildup welds per QW-202.3(b) on base material thickness
exceeding 1.65 in.?
Reply: No. Per QW-407.4, a procedure qualification test coupon receiving a post weld heat
treatment in which the upper transformation is exceeded, the maximum qualified thickness for
production welds is 1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon.
Interpretation: IX-01-18
Subject: QW-153.1, Acceptance Criteria for Tensile Strength
Date Issued: December 18, 2001
File No: 01-772
Question: Does the minimum specified tensile strength in QW/QB-422 supersede the AS/SB
material tensile strength for procedure qualification?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-19
Subject: QW-202.4(b), Dissimilar Base Metal Thickness
Date Issued: December 18, 2001
File No: 01-811
Question: Does QW-202.4(b) permit the maximum weld deposit thickness limit to be extended
beyond the limit specified in QW-451.1?
Reply: No. QW-202.4 applies only to the base metal thickness limits.
Interpretation: IX-01-20
Subject: QW-100.3 and QW-420.1, P-Number Reassignment
Date Issued: December 18, 2001
File No: 01-813
Question (1): May a procedure qualification record subject to variable QW-407.1(a) that
included only a PWHT below the lower transformation temperature be used to support a WPS
with PWHT above the upper transformation temperature and a subsequent PWHT below the
lower transformation temperature?
Question (2): Does Section IX address the values to be used as transformation temperature?
Interpretation: IX-01-21
Subject: QW-151.1(d), Reduced Section Plate; QW-200.4(b), Combination of
Processes; QW-322, Expiration and Renewal of Qualifications
Date Issued: January 19, 2002
File No: 01-035
Background [(1), (2), (3)]: A welder is qualified for manual SMAW and GTAW, and
semiautomatic FCAW and GMAW.
Question (1): Do welders maintain their qualifications for manual SMAW and GTAW by
welding with either semiautomatic GMAW or FCAW?
Question (2): Do welders maintain their qualifications for both SMAW and GTAW by welding
with only one of the processes during the six-month period?
Question (3): Do welders maintain their qualifications for semiautomatic GMAW and FCAW by
welding with either GMAW or FCAW during the six-month period?
Background [(4)]: A WPS was qualified using a Trade Name wire-flux combination that
conforms to a classification in ASME Section II, Part C.
Question (4): Does the substitution in the qualified WPS of a different Trade Name wire-flux
combination that conforms to the same SFA Specification and classification in ASME Section II,
Part C require requalification?
Background [(5)]: The tensile specimens of a 60 mm PQR test plate was divided into three
pieces. The sum of the thickness of the three specimens was less than 60 mm.
Question (5): What is the allowable percentage thickness reduction from the original base metal
Interpretation: IX-01-22
Subject: QW-100.3 and QW-420.1, P-Number Reassignment
Date Issued: March 11, 2002
File No: 01-679
Question: May a previous qualified WPS, written to permit the welding of P-No. 5, Group 1
material to P-No. 5, Group 4 material prior to the establishment of P-Nos. 5A, 5B and 5C be used
to weld SA-213 T22 to SA-213 T91 materials?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-23
Subject: QW-202.4, Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses
Date Issued: March 11, 2002
File No: 01-789
Question: A WPS is qualified to weld base material from 1.6 mm to 20 mm. May that WPS be
used for welding a part 30 mm thick that has been tapered to 15 mm thick to another 15 mm part?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-24
Subject: QW-200.4, Impact Test Qualification of Multi-process Welds
Date Issued: March 11, 2002
File No: 01-814
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-25
Subject: Section II, Part C
Date Issued: March 11, 2002
File No: 01-815
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-01-26
Subject: QW-100.3, The Use of the Referenced Edition of the Code
Date Issued: March 11, 2002
File No: 01-826
Background: A designer specifies a specific year of the ASME Code to be complied with for
the fabrication of a component, i.e., including 96 Addenda, and this component is installed in
Question (1): What year of Section IX does the installer use for qualifying welders/welding
Reply (1): Welders are qualified in accordance with the current edition and addenda of
Section IX in effect at the time of the qualification. See QW-100.3.
Question (2): What year of Section II does the installer use for purchasing welding materials?
Reply (2): Section IX does not address this issue. The question should be addressed to the
applicable construction code.
Interpretation: IX-01-27
Subject: QW-452.1, Nominal Coupon Thickness
Date Issued: March 11, 2002
File No: 02-111
Question: A welder welds a NPS 6 Schedule 80 test coupon that is 0.432 in. thick. He uses one
welding process, one set of essential variables, and deposits at least three layers of weld metal in
that test coupon. Is that welder qualified to weld maximum to be welded?
Reply: No. The nominal coupon thickness must be at least in. thick in order for a welder to be
qualified for maximum to be welded.
Interpretation: IX-01-28
Subject: QW-409.4, Electrical Characteristics
Date Issued: May 22, 2002
File No: 02-2691
Question: Does QW-409.4 apply to the current type used to preheat the filler metal wire when
welding GTAW Hot-Wire Automatic or machine corrosion-resistant overlay?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-01-29
Subject: Section II, Part C, SFA Specifications, Marking of Packages
Date Issued: October 3, 2002
File No: 02-2692
Background: ASME Section II, Part C, SFA Specifications state in the Marking of Packages
paragraphs that the AWS specification and classification designations must be marked on the
outside of each unit package.
Question (1): Must filler metal procured to an ASME SFA specification be marked with the
ASME SFA specification, such as ASME SFA-5.XX?
Question (3): May the material manufacturer add the ASME specification (e.g., SFA-5.XX) to
the required AWS markings on the unit container?
Interpretation: IX-01-30
Subject: QW-403.5, Base Metal Requirements
Date Issued: December 30, 2002
File No: 02-2693
Question: When impact testing of a heat-affected zone is required for nonferrous base
materials of the same P-Number, does a PQR with a UNS number designation (e.g., SB-619,
UNS N06022) qualify a WPS that specifies a different UNS number designation (e.g., SB-619
UNS N10276) within the same P-Number?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-01-31
Subject: QW-423, Alternate Base Materials for Welder Qualification
Date Issued: December 30, 2002
File No: 02-2694
Question (1): May a welder who has qualified on a P-Number base metal within the left
column of QW-423, weld any combination of P-Number base metals in the corresponding row
of the right column, within the limits of the other essential variable limits qualified?
Question (2): May a welder who has qualified on a P-Number base metal within the left
column of QW-423, weld one of the P-Number base metals in the corresponding row of the
right column to any other (dissimilar) P-Number in the corresponding row of the right column,
within the limits of the other essential variable limits qualified?
Question (3): May a welder who has qualified on a P-Number base metal within the left
column of QW-423 welded to an unassigned base metal, weld any combination of P-Number
base metals in the corresponding row of the right column to the unassigned metal, within the
limits of the other essential variable limits qualified?
Interpretation: IX-01-33
Subject: QW-283, Welds with Buttering
Date Issued: December 30, 2002
File No: 02-3896
Background: In all cases described below, the manufacturers develop and follow WPSs and
PQRs based on the test coupons welded. The minimum buttering thickness in all cases will be
greater than 3/16 in.
Question (1): Manufacturer A qualifies a WPS by buttering the ends of the test coupons, which
are the same material. The buttered ends are heat treated, then the weld is completed using the
same filler metal as was used for the buttering. Manufacturer B welds a groove weld test coupon
of the same best metal using the same process, filler metal and other essential variables as
manufacturer A. That test coupon is heat treated in the same manner as the heat treatment used
for the buttering by manufacturer A. May manufacturer A weld parts that were buttered by
manufacturer B?
Question (2): Manufacturer C welds a groove weld test coupon using the same base metal,
process, filler metal, and other essential variables as manufacturer A. That test coupon is heat
treated in the same manner as the heat treatment used for buttering by manufacturer A. May
manufacturer A weld parts that were buttered by manufacturer C?
Question (3): Manufacturer A receives parts that have been buttered by both manufacturers B
and C. May the parts buttered by manufacturer B be welded by manufacturer A to parts buttered
by manufacturer C?
Question (4): Manufacturer D receives parts that have been buttered by manufacturers A, B and
C. May manufacturer D weld the buttered parts together using a buttered groove weld test
coupon qualified using the same base metal, process, filler metal, and other essential variables as
manufacturer A?
Question (5): Manufacturer D receives parts that have been buttered by manufacturers A, B and
C. May manufacturer D weld the buttered parts together using a groove weld test coupon
qualified in accordance with QW-283.4(b) using the same process, filler metal, and other
essential variables that manufacturer A used to join the buttered parts (i.e., the as-welded portion
of the test) using a base metal that nominally matches the chemical analysis of the buttering used
by manufacturer A, B, or C?
Question (6): Manufacturer E welds a groove weld test coupon of another base metal using the
same filler metal as manufacturer A. That test coupon is heat treated and tested in accordance
with QW-202.2(a). May manufacturer F, who has welded a test coupon in accordance with QW-
283.4(b), join parts buttered by manufacturer E?
Interpretation: IX-01-34
Subject: QB-203.1, Limits of Qualified Flow Positions for Procedures, and QB-408.4,
Joint Design; QB-303.3, Limits of Qualified Positions, and QB-408.1, Joint
Date Issued: March 13, 2003
File No: 02-3541
Background (1): QB-203.1 states: Qualification in pipe shall qualify for plate, but not vice
versa. Horizontal-flow in pipe shall qualify for flat-flow in plate. QB-408.4 states: A
change in the joint type, e.g., from a butt to a lap or socket, from that qualified. For lap or
socket joints, a decrease in overlap length from that qualified.
Question (1): Do procedure qualifications in plate lap joints qualify for tube-to-tube socket
joints for brazing procedure qualifications?
Background (2): QB-303.3 states: Qualifications in pipe shall qualify for plate, but not vice
versa. Horizontal-flow in pipe shall qualify for flat-flow in plate. QB-408.1 states: A
change in the joint type, i.e., from a butt to a lap or socket, from that qualified. For lap or
socket joints, an increase in lap length of more than 25% from the overlap used on brazer
performance qualification test coupon.
Question (2): Do performance qualifications in plate lap joints qualify for tube-to-tube socket
joints for brazer performance qualifications?
Question (1): A test coupon is prepared as follows: A 1.75 in. plate is welded to 1.75 in. plate
with 1 in. thick weld. Per QW-451.1, is 8 in. the maximum thickness range of base metal
Reply (1): Yes, except that further limits or exceptions may apply as stated in Notes (1) and (5)
of QW-451.1.
Question (2): Using the same test coupon as Question (1), where a single process was used to
deposit the entire weld thickness, is 8 in. the maximum thickness of the weld metal permitted per
Reply (2): Yes, except that further limits or exceptions may apply as stated in Notes (1) and (5)
of QW-451.1.
Interpretation: IX-01-36
Subject: QW-301.4, Record of Welder Performance Qualification
Date Issued: March 13, 2003
File No: 02-4198
Background: For welders performance qualification, a multiple layer groove weld is made on a
single test coupon using one welder for first layer and another welder for the second.
Question: QW-301.4 requires a record of welder performance qualification. May a single form
be used to record the essential variables, the type of test and test results, and the ranges qualified
in accordance with QW-452 for each welder and welding operator?
Reply: Section IX specifies information required to be recorded, but does not specify the format
of the records.
Interpretation: IX-01-37
Subject: QW-404.33, Change in SFA Specifications for Filler Metal Classification
Date Issued: May 19, 2003
File No: 03-263
Question: Does the expression a change in the SFA specification filler metal classification
refer to a change in the AWS classification?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-38
Subject: Section II, Part C, SFA 5.1, Table 1
Date Issued: May 19, 2003
File No: 03-274
Question: May a welder qualify with E7018 electrode using either uphill or downhill
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-01-39
Subject: QW-401.3, Supplemental Essential Variable (Procedure)
Date Issued: May 19, 2003
File No: 03-469
Background: A company has qualified a PQR to satisfy all testing requirements other than notch
toughness for welding P1 Group 2 to P1 Group 2 by the SAW process. Another test coupon is
subsequently prepared using the WPS written on the original PQR and an additional PQR is then
qualified with only testing for notch toughness, as allowed by the Code, to supplement the
original PQR for welding with impact requirements. However, the preheat value (an essential
variable) used to qualify the original PQR was 150F. The preheat temperature was less than
Question: May the supplemental PQR with reduced preheat be used with the original PQR to
support a WPS for notch toughness application?
Interpretation: IX-01-40
Subject: QW-201/QW-201.1, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: May 19, 2003
File No: 03-740
Background: Several manufacturing organizations within the same company perform welding
procedure qualifications in accordance with Section IX. Each manufacturing organization
performs these activities in accordance with specific Quality Assurance Program(s)/Quality
Control System(s) that comply with their ASME Construction Code Certificate(s) of
Authorization and describe operational control of qualifications.
Question: Is it permitted for any of the manufacturing organizations within the company to use
WPSs and PQRs qualified by any of the other manufacturing organizations?
Interpretation: IX-04-01
Subject: QW-151.3, Tension Test Turned Specimen
Date Issued: September 15, 2003
File No: 02-3586
Background: ASME Section IX, Paragraph QW-151.3(b) states, " For thicknesses over 1" (25
mm), multiple specimens shall be cut through the full thickness of the weld with their centers
parallel to the metal surface and not over 1" (25 mm) apart. The centers of the specimens
adjacent to the metal surface shall not exceed 5/8" (16 mm) from the surface."
Question (1): Does the specified distance between specimens of 'not over 1" apart' refer to the
distance between the centers of the specimens?
Question (2): How many tension tests would be required for a 2-1/2" thick groove welding
procedure qualification test coupon welded full thickness?
Question (3): When reduced section turned tension test specimens are used in accordance with
QW-462.1(d) for a 2-1/2" thick groove welding procedure qualification test coupon welded
full thickness, what is the minimum number of specimens that must be removed for each
tension test set?
Interpretation: IX-04-02
Subject: QW-258.1 and QW-410.38
Date Issued: September 15, 2003
File No: 03-1029
Background: The elctroslag welding process is used to apply a corrosion-resistant overlay. The
essential variables in QW-258.1 apply. QW-410.38 is listed as an essential variable for corrosion-
resistant overlay.
Question (1): When a single layer is recorded in the PQR, is a WPS qualified for application of
multiple layers?
Question (2): When multiple layers are recorded in the PQR, is a WPS qualified for application
of single layer?
Interpretation: IX-04-03
Subject: QW-407.1 , Postweld Heat Treatment
Date Issued: September 15, 2003
File No: 03-1212
Question (1): May a procedure qualification record subject to the variable QW-407.1(a) which
qualified P-No. 8 to P-No. 8 with no PWHT support a WPS with PWHT?
Reply (1): QW-407.1(a) does not apply to P-No. 8 materials. See QW-407.1(b).
Question (2): Would application of controlled and monitored heat to the weld and surrounding
area for the correction of distortion in P-No. 8 material be considered a PWHT operation?
Reply (2): See QW-407.1(b).
Note: This interpretation originally appeared in Volume 54. The P8 has been corrected by
Errata to read P-No. 8.
Interpretation: IX-04-04
Subject: QW-401.3 Supplemental Essential Variable
Date Issued: September 15, 2003
File No: 03-1246
Background: A WPS is supported by three PQRs. Two PQRs are recorded on 12 mm and 28.5
mm thick coupons using tensile, bend, and impact testing specimens. A third PQR was made
using 5 mm thick plate using the same welding parameters, but only impact specimens were
Question (1): May these PQRs be combined to support a WPS for welding 2.5 mm through 57
mm material requiring notch toughness testing?
Question (2): May these three PQRs be combined to support welding base metal thicknesses
of 4.8 through 57 mm with or without notch toughness?
Note: This interpretation originally appeared in Volume 54. The WP in Question (1) has
been corrected by Errata to read WPS.
Interpretation: IX-04-05
Subject: QW-200.2(f) and QW-451
Date Issued: December 30, 2003
File No: 03-1583
Question: Two separate PQRs with identical welding process exist for a 6 mm and an 8 mm
base metal thickness. May these PQRs support a WPS, with all the essential and
supplementary essential variables unchanged, to weld a 28 mm thick production joint?
Interpretation: IX-04-06
Subject: QB-151.3, QB-451.3, and QB-462.1(e)
Date Issued: December 30, 2003
File No: 03-1664
Background: Two tubes under 3" diameter are separately torch brazed into each end of a coupling
using face fed filler in the same position with all the remaining brazing variables the same for
both joints. The coupon is pulled to failure which occurs in the weaker of the two brazed joints.
The resulting ultimate tensile strength exceeds the minimum specified values listed in QW/QB-
Question (1): Does one tensile specimen, as shown in QB-462.1(e), brazed in this manner, fulfill
the requirement in QB-451.3 for two tension tests?
Question (2): Since the same inside diameter, outside diameter, cross-sectional area ultimate
load, ultimate tensile strength, and type of failure exist for both lap joints, may the same values be
recorded for the two tension tests on the Brazing PQR?
Interpretation: IX-04-07
Subject: QW-310.1, QW-452.3 and QW-461.9
Date Issued: December 30, 2003
File No: 03-1686
Question: Does QW-310.1 apply if the pipe coupon is welded in the 6G position?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-04-08
Subject: QW-200.4, Combination of Welding Procedures
Date Issued: April 1, 2004
File No: 03-1770
Background: A combination weld process PQR was qualified using the GTAW for the root
pass, SMAW and SAW.
Question: May this PQR support a WPS for welding with only one or two of the processes
shown on the PQR?
Interpretation: IX-04-09
Subject: QW-403.9, Base Metal Thickness
Date Issued: April 1, 2004
File No: 04-65
Background: An EGW procedure was qualified on 3/8 in. thick base material completing the
weld joint in one (1) single pass.
Question: Is the WPS qualified to make a weld deposit greater than 1/2 in., in one pass, in base
metal greater than 1/2 in. in thickness?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-04-10
Subject: QW-100.3 and QW-202.2, Procedure Qualification Record Time Limits
Date Issued: June 10, 2004
File No: 04-601
Reply: PQRs always remain valid, but may only be used to support WPSs, provided they meet
the requirements of the 1962 or later Edition of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section
IX. See QW-100.3.
Interpretation: IX-04-11
Subject: QW-451.1, Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens and
QW-202.4, Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses
Date Issued: December 22, 2004
File No: 04-599
Background: A procedure qualification test coupon using the same P-Number material and
consisting of two plates of different thicknesses are welded together, where the thicker of the
two plates (T2 = 1-1/2 thick) has been tapered on a 4:1 taper down to the thinner plate
thickness (T1 = 1 thick).
Question (1): Does this test coupon qualify the WPS for a base metal thickness range of 3/16
to 8?
Background: A procedure qualification test coupon using the same or different P-Number
materials and consisting of two plates of different thicknesses, T2 = 1-1/2 thick and T1 = 1
thick welded with a single process. The thicknesses meet on the same plane with neither plate
being tapered. The joint is welded in accordance with the sketch below.
Question (2): Does this test coupon qualify the WPS for both base metals for a thickness
range of 3/16 to 8 on both sides of the weld joint?
Reply (2): Yes.
Question (3): Does this test coupon qualify the WPS for both base metals of different P
Numbers for a thickness range of 3/16 to 8?
Reply (3): No. QW-202.4 requires both base metal thicknesses be in accordance with QW-
451.1. Base metal T1 is qualified 3/16 to 2 and base metal T2 is qualified 3/16 to 8,
except as permitted by QW-202.4(b)(1).
Interpretation: IX-04-12
Subject: QW-409.1, Electrical Characteristics, Heat Input
Date Issued: December 22, 2004
File No: 04-1013
Question (1): Does QW-409.1 require that the highest heat input, to be recorded on the PQR, be
calculated on the parameters used at the location where the HAZ impact specimens are removed?
Question (2): GTAW is a non-consumable electrode welding process that would record zero
for the per unit length of electrode in QW-409.1(b). Therefore, can the weld volume method
detailed in QW-409.1 be used to control the heat input for a non-consumable electrode welding
process such as GTAW?
Interpretation: IX-04-13
Subject: QW-322.2, Renewal of Qualification
Date Issued: December 22, 2004
File No: 04-1457
Background: A welder has been qualified for the GMAW process (short circuiting
transfer mode). The required mechanical bend tests were performed and found to be acceptable.
The welder did not weld with this process during the following six-month period, resulting in
expiration of the qualification.
Interpretation: IX-04-14
Subject: QW-200.2, Procedure Qualification Record and QW-409.1, Electrical
Characteristics, Heat Input
Date Issued: December 22, 2004
File No: 04-1592
Question (1): Procedure Qualification tests were conducted with notch toughness testing.
When documenting the PQR with actual variables (Amps, Volts, Travel Speed) that were
recorded during welding of the test coupon, is it required that a single value be recorded for these
variables in the PQR?
Question (2): Must the volts, amps and travel speed used to calculate heat input for each
process per QW-409.1 be measured in the same weld pass or unit length of weld?
Interpretation: IX-04-15
Subject: QW-407.2, Base Metal Thickness Qualification and QW-407.2, PWHT
Temperature and Time Range
Date Issued: December 22, 2004
File No: 04-1595
Question (1): Will a procedure qualification test coupon on 1.5 in. thick P-No. 1, Gr. 2 material
and post weld heat treated at 1100 deg. F. for 1.5 hours with supplementary essential variable
requirements met, support a WPS with supplementary essential variable requirements for
production welding on 8 in. thick P-No. 1, Gr. 2 material that is PWHT at 1100 deg. F. for 3.5
Question (2): Based on the conditions stated in Question 1, could the PWHT time on the 8 in.
thick weldment be increased to 4 hours and 10 minutes at 1100 deg. F. and still be in compliance
with Code requirements?
Interpretation: IX-92-69
Subject: QW-409.1, Electrical Characteristics
Date Issued: May 19, 2005
File No: 05-635
Interpretation: IX-04-16
Subject: QW-403.5, Qualification of Dissimilar Group Number Base Metals
Date Issued: March 8, 2005
File No: 04-1418
Question (1): A PQR is qualified with impact testing using API 5L X56, which is an S-No.1,
Group 2 material. Does that PQR support a WPS for impact tested welding API 5L X52 and X46
which are S-No.1, Group 1 materials?
Question (2): Does a PQR qualified with impact testing conducted using an unassigned material
welded to an S-No.1, Group 2 material support a WPS for welding the same unassigned material
to S-No.1, Group 1 material?
Interpretation: IX-04-17
Subject: QW-409.8, QW-256, SFA Specifications, GTAW Electrode Characteristics
Date Issued: March 8, 2005
File No: 05-24
Question: May current levels outside the range of SFA 5.12 Table AI for specific tungsten
electrode diameters be specified in a WPS in accordance with Section IX?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-04-18
Subject: QW-200.4(b), Combination Procedure Qualification Records
Date Issued: March 8, 2005
File No: 05-25
Background: A combination GTAW and SMAW WPS is supported by two PQRs. PQR A is
welded with SMAW to join 38 mm (1- in.) thick plates with 38 mm (1- in.) of SMAW
deposit. PQR B is welded with GTAW and SMAW to join 13 mm ( in.) thick plates, with 3 mm
(1/8 in.) of GTAW deposit, and 10 mm (3/8 in.) of SMAW deposited.
Question (1): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range
of 5 mm (3/16 in.) to 200 mm (8 in.) when impact testing is not required?
Question (2): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a maximum deposited weld
metal thickness of 6 mm ( in.) for the GTAW process and 200 mm (8 in.) for the SMAW
Question (3): When impact tests are performed for both PQRs with acceptable results, do
PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range of 13 mm ( in.) to
200 mm (8 in.) when impact testing is required?
Interpretation: IX-04-19
Subject: QW-404.36, Filler Metals, Testing of Recrushed Slag
Date Issued: March 8, 2005
File No: 05-26
Question: Does QW-404.36 require that each batch or blend of recrushed slag, as defined in
SFA-5.17, be tested in accordance with Section II, Part C regardless of the source of slag?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-04-20
Subject: QW-407.1, Welding Procedure Specification, Postweld Heat Treatment
Date Issued: March 8, 2005
File No: 05-293
Question: A WPS for joining P-No.4 to P-No.4 specifies that the PWHT be performed at
1125 deg. F +/- 25 deg. F, which is below the lower transformation temperature for the material.
May this WPS be revised to specify a PWHT performed at 1225 deg. F +/- 25 deg. F, which is
also below the transformation temperature, without requalification of the procedure?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-04-21
Subject: QW-184 and QW-322.1, Production Welds, Revoking Welder Qualifications
Date Issued: May 19, 2005
File No: 05-528
Question (1): A welder qualified for fillet welds by a qualification test on a plate groove weld is
required to weld a fillet weld of 3/8 in. (10 mm) leg on a nozzle to shell weld. Is the welder
required to produce fillet welds with legs having a maximum difference in length of 1/8 in. (3.2
mm) as per QW-184?
Question (2): The same welder, qualified as per previous question, produces fillet welds with one
leg size twice the size of the other (3/8 versus 3/4 in.). Is this cause for questioning his/her ability
to weld within the qualification parameters and revoke his/her qualification for fillet welds, in
terms of QW-322.1(b)?
Reply (2): Section IX does not establish criteria for revoking welder qualifications.
Interpretation: IX-04-22
Subject: QW-407.4, Qualified Thickness Range when Exceeding the PWHT Upper
Transformation Temperature
Date Issued: May 27, 2005
File No: 04-1301
Question: When variable QW-407.4 applies per QW-250 for test coupons with postweld heat
treatment exceeding the upper transformation temperature is the maximum thickness qualified
1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon for ferrous P number materials; P-No.1 through P-No.7
and P-No. 9A through P-No11B?
Reply: Yes
Interpretation: IX-04-23
Subject: QW-211 and QW-310.2, Procedure Qualification for Groove Welds with
Backing (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: August 18, 2005
File No: 05-784
Background: A performance qualification test is performed using solid round bar machined to
42.20 mm (1.66 in.) O.D. with a machined circumferential weld groove that is 14.6 mm (0.575
in.) deep and has integral backing. Welding is performed in the 6G test position with a single
welding process. At least three weld layers are deposited. The test coupon will be subjected to
radiographic examination.
Question: May the test coupon described above be used for a performance qualification test in
the 6G position welded with a single process to qualify for all position welding of unlimited weld
metal thickness with backing and for all diameters 25 mm (1 in.) O.D. and greater?
Reply: Yes, however, multiple test coupons are required to provide a minimum weld length of
150 mm (6 in.) for radiographic examination and the radiographic examination requirements of
QW-191 are met.
Interpretation: IX-04-24
Subject: QW-461.9, Performance Qualification Position and Diameter Limitations
(2004 Edtion)
Date Issued: November 15, 2005
File: 05-1195
Question: A welder was qualified on pipe 5/8 thick in the 6G position using the GTAW process
without backing for his root pass, and SMAW with F4 filler metal to complete the joint. He is
also qualified to weld using SMAW on plate in the 1G position without backing.
May this welder deposit a root pass using SMAW with F4 filler in the 6G position without
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-04-25
Subject: QW-151.3 and QW-451, Tension Test Requirements for Turned Specimens
(2004 Edition)
Date Issued: November 17, 2005
File No: 05-1404
Background: A test coupon of 1 1/8 thickness was welded. Only two (2) turned 0.505 inch
diameter tension specimens were prepared and tested. The test results were acceptable for the
specimens tested.
Question (1): Do the tension tests performed satisfy the requirements of QW-150 and QW-451?
Question (2): Are the requirements of QW-150 and QW-451 satisfied if the WPS and this PQR
supports is limited to a base metal thickness range of 3/16 to 2 inches instead of a base metal
thickness range of 3/16 to 2-1/4 inches that would have been permitted had a sufficient number of
tension specimens been tested?
Interpretation: IX-04-26
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: February 22, 2006
File No: 05-1196
Background: Two independent companies A and B form a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to
perform work requiring ASME Section I Code Stamp. The LLP has obtained valid ASME
Certificates of Authorization. Each company also has valid, existing ASME Certificates of
Authorization. The organization effective operational control of welding procedure qualification
is described in each of the partners Quality Control System Manuals and the LLPs Quality
Control System Manual.
The welding procedure qualification tests and production welding are under the full supervision
and control of the same individual representing both the LLP and company A.
Question: May the LLP use PQRs qualified by company A after the formation of the LLP?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-04-27
Subject: Units of Measurement
Date Issued: February 22, 2006
File No: 05-1215
Reply (1): Yes. Code Case 2523 provides information about when such conversions are
required and the requirements for performing such conversions.
Question (2): Is it acceptable to maintain welding procedure specifications that are dual
dimensioned with SI units primary and US Customary units in parenthesis, with a conversion
table as part of the welding manual to ensure that qualification limits are not exceeded?
Reply (2): Yes. Code Case 2523 provides information about when such conversions are
required and the requirements for performing such conversions.
Interpretation: IX-04-28
Subject: QW-405.2, Welding Position (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: June 21, 2006
File No: 06-323
Question (1): If a Stud Welding Procedure Qualification is performed in the 4S position does the
same procedure qualification qualify for the 1S position?
Question (2): If a Stud Welding Procedure Qualification is performed in the 4S and 2S position
does the same procedure qualification also qualify for all positions?
Interpretation: IX-04-29
Subject: QW-407.1(b), Postweld Heat Treatment
Date Issued: June 21, 2006
File No: 06-462
Question: Does QW-407.1(b)(2) address the temperature ranges for stress relieving, stabilizing
and/or solution annealing heat treatments?
Reply: No, QW-407.1(b)(2) addresses PWHT within a specified temperature range. Section IX
requires the temperature range to be specified on the WPS and the PQR supporting the WPS be
within the specified PWHT temperature range. (See the fourth paragraph of the Introduction.)
Interpretation: IX-01-22R
Subject: QW-100.3 and QW-420.1, P-Number Reassignment (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: September 11, 2007
File No: 01-679, 04-600
Question: May a previously qualified WPS, written to permit the welding of P-No. 5, Group 1
material to P-No. 5, Group 4 material prior to the establishment of P-Nos. 5A, 5B, and 5C, be
used to weld SA-213 T22 to SA-213 T91 materials?
Reply: Yes, if the WPS is revised to limit the materials qualified for welding to the P- or S-
Number(s) and Group number(s) assigned to the specific material(s) originally used for the
procedure qualification test coupon in the applicable edition and addenda of Section IX.
Interpretation: IX-07-01
Subject: QW-407.1(b), Postweld Heat Treatment (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: February 6, 2007
File No: 06-285
Question: Is the heat treatment described above considered Postweld Heat Treatment
for the purpose of welding procedure qualification in accordance with Section IX, para.
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-07-02
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: August 17, 2007
File No: 06-912
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-07-03
Subject: QW-409.2, FCAW Mode of Transfer (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: August 17,2007
File No: 07-1041
Question: Does QW-409.2, the transfer mode variable, apply to the flux cored arc welding
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-07-04
Subject: QW-404.23, Filler Metal Product Form (2007 Edition)
Date Issued: August 17, 2007
File No: 07-1343
Question (1): Is the requirement to document essential variable QW-404.23 satisfied when the
AWS filler metal classification is specified in the WPS and recorded on the supporting PQR?
Question (2): Does QW-404.23 require the words solid wire, bare wire or flux cored be
specified in addition to the AWS filler metal classification in the WPS and supporting PQR?
Interpretation: IX-07-05
Subject: QW-100.3 and QW-420.1, Change of P-No. as an Essential Variable with
Respect to Reassignment of P-No.5 into P-No. 5A, 5B, and 5C (2004 Edition)
Date Issued: September 11, 2007
File No: 04-600
Background: A welding procedure was qualified in 1975 (without impact testing) for joining P-
No.5 materials, using SA-213-T9 in the PQR test coupon. P-No.5 has since been deleted, and
CrMo materials have been reassigned to P-Nos.5A, 5B, and 5C, with SA-213-T9 being assigned
to P-No.5B. It can be demonstrated that SA-213-T9 is now designated as a P-No.5B material.
Question (1): QW-100.3 allows the continued use of welding procedures qualified under previous
Editions and Addenda of the Code without revision to include any variables required by later
Editions and Addenda. Is it the intent of QW-100.3 to allow the use of this WPS to join P-No.5A,
.P-No.5B or P-No.5C materials without requalification when toughness is not a consideration?
Reply (1): No. QW-100.3 applies when later Code Editions and Addenda have added new
variables for a given welding process. While this WPS can be shown to be qualified for welding
P-No.5B materials to each other, it is intended that the WPS be editorially revised to show
applicability of the WPS to the originally qualified materials under the material grouping
assignment found in the applicable Edition and Addenda of Section IX. See QW-420.1 and QW-
Question (2): Is it the intent of Section IX that the WPS described above is acceptable for joining
all materials previously assigned P-No.5?
Reply (2): No. Based upon the original PQR, the WPS is qualified only for joining materials
assigned to P-No.5B under the current Section IX rules. See QW-403.13.
Interpretation: IX-07-06
Subject: QW-407.1 and QW-407.2, Postweld Heat Treatment (2007 Edition)
Date Issued: December 11, 2007
File No: 07-1708
Background: A weld test coupon for a PQR was welded using P-No. 1, Group 2 plate material
to itself and postweld heat treated at 1110F - 1130F (600C - 610C) for ten hours. The
PQR documents all supplementary essential variable notch-toughness requirements. Notch-
toughness is required and all qualification ranges are supported by the PQR for production
Question: Will this PQR support a WPS that specifies a PWHT temperature range below the
lower transformation temperature provided the time at temperature does not exceed 12.5
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-07-07R
Subject: QW-404.22, Use of Consumable Inserts (2007 Edition)
Date Issued: February 12, 2008
File No: 08-40
Background: QW-356 lists the essential variables for Welder Performance Qualification for
manual GTAW. QW-404.22, the use of consumable inserts, is an essential variable for
Welder Performance Qualification within QW-356.
Each qualification test is performed independently and welded full thickness by the process used
to make the root weld
Question (1): Is this individual qualified to weld a NPS 6 (DN 150) Schedule 40 pipe groove
weld by making the root weld with the GTAW-machine process with a consumable insert and
then completing the weld using the GTAW-manual process?
Question (2): Is this individual qualified to make non-through wall weld repairs using the
GTAW-manual process to a NPS 6 (DN 150) Schedule 40 pipe groove weld that was
originally performed using the GTAW-machine process with a consumable insert?
Question (3): Is this individual qualified to make through-wall repairs using the GTAW-
manual process to the root of a NPS 6 (DN 150) Schedule 40 pipe groove weld that was
originally performed using the GTAW-machine process with a consumable insert if the defect
removal results in a repair cavity with an open root?
Interpretation: IX-07-08
Subject: QW-200.2(c), Changes to PQR (2007 Edition)
Date Issued: February 12, 2008
File No: 08-209
Question (1): Can additional tests and data that are not required by Section IX (i.e., hardness
ferrite, corrosion, etc.) be added to a PQR at a later date when the testing was not performed as
part of the original PQR, but followed the conditions of the original qualification?
Question (2): If the tests and data noted in Question 1 are added to the PQR, would
recertification, including date, be required?
Reply (2): Yes. All changes to a PQR require recertification (including date) by the
manufacturer or contractor per QW-200.2(c).
Interpretation: IX-07-09
Subject: QW-401.3 and QW-403.6, Thickness Range Qualified for Impact Testing (2007
Date Issued: May 1, 2008
File No: 08-576
Background: A welding procedure qualification was performed on a 1 in. (25 mm) thick test
coupon. Tension and bend tests were performed on the 1 in. (25 mm) plate. A second welding
procedure qualification was performed on a 0.24 in. (6 mm) plate and only impact testing was
performed. All of the essential and supplementary essential variables remained the same except
for the coupon thickness.
Question: May the above PQRs be used to support a WPS for materials requiring notch
toughness with a qualified thickness range of 0.1875 in. (5 mm) to 2 in. (50 mm)?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-07-10
Subject: QW-201.1
Date Issued: September 18, 2008
File No: 08-1002
Question: Does QW-201.1 allow maintaining effective operational control of PQRs and WPSs
under different ownership than existed during the original procedure qualification when the
ownership of one company has been transferred more than once?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-07-11
Subject: QW-301.2, Qualification Tests
Date Issued: November 26, 2008
File No: 08-1607
Question: Does QW-301.2 require that a person making adjustments to the welding equipment
settings, under the supervision and control of the welder or welding operator performing the weld,
also be a qualified welder or welding operator?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-07-12
Subject: QW-466.1
Date Issued: December 3, 2008
File No: 08-1161
Question: In Table QW-466.1, when the material P-No. is assigned as All Others and the
material specification of the ASME Code Section II does not have any requirements for reporting
elongation, is the manufacturer limited to performing a base metal tension test to determine the
proper test jig dimensions A, B, C, and D of Table QW-466.1?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-07-13
Subject: QW-483 and QW-484
Date Issued: December 3, 2008
File No: 08-1464
Question (1): May the manufacturer or contractor, subcontract the certification of procedure or
performance qualification records?
Question (2): Does Section IX specify the qualifications for the individuals who certify
procedure or performance qualification records?
Interpretation: IX-07-14
Subject: QW/QB-422
Date Issued: June 4, 2009
File No: 09-486
Question: Does the assignment of P-No. 8, Group No. 3 to SA-479, Type XM-19, UNS S20910
include all three (3) of the heat treatment conditions (annealed, hot-rolled and strain-hardened)
specified by SA-479?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-01
Subject: Article III - QW-302.1 & QW-302.2
Date Issued: August 18, 2009
File No: 09-567
Question (1): If radiographic examination per QW-302.2 is done for qualification of 2 welders on
a single pipe coupon welded in the 6G position, must each welder complete the entire
circumference of the pipe coupon?
Question 2: If mechanical testing per QW-302.1 is done for qualification of 2 welders on a single
pipe coupon welded in the 6G position, must each welder complete the entire circumference of
the pipe coupon in order to remove the required bend specimens in accordance with QW-463.2(d)
or QW-463.2(e)?
Interpretation: IX-10-02
Subject: QW-300.2(b)
Date Issued: August 18, 2009
File No: 09-747
Question: Is the manufacturer or contractor required to provide full supervision during the
performance qualification testing, so that issues such as the essential variables and inspections
during the test can be verified and satisfied for each welder or welding operator qualified?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-03
Subject: QW-304 & QW-355 - FCAW
Date Issued: August 18, 2009
File No: 09-1012
Question (1): May radiographic examination meeting the requirements of QW-304 be used to
qualify a welder using the Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) process, provided the transfer mode
is not the short circuiting mode?
Question (2): When qualifying a welder in accordance with the essential variables listed in QW-
355 for the Gas Metal-Arc Welding (GMAW) process and the requirements of QW-304 are met,
is the welder also qualified for the Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) process if the essential
variables are unchanged?
Interpretation: IX-10-04
Subject: QW-100.3 and QW-420.1
Date Issued: November 12, 2009
File No: 09-490
Background: A later Edition /Addenda of Section IX assigns a P-number different from that
assigned by the Edition/Addenda of Section IX that was in effect at the time of qualification.
Question (1): Is it required that the WPS be revised or a new WPS be written to identify the new
P-number when the applicable code edition/addenda lists the material under the new P-number?
Question (2): Is it required that the WPS be revised or a new WPS be written to identify the new
P-number when the applicable code edition/addenda lists the material under the old P-number?
Reply (2): No
Question (3): Is it required that a supporting PQR be amended to show the new P-number
Question 4: May a supporting PQR be amended to show the new P-number assignment?
Question (5): May a supporting PQR be amended to show both the old and the new P-number
Question (6): Is it required that the WPS or PQR be amended to reflect the new filler metal F-No.
Question (7): May the WPS or PQR be amended to reflect the new filler metal F-No.
Interpretation: IX-10-05
Subject: QW-452.5 & QW-181.2.1
Date Issued: December 2, 2009
File No: 09-1596
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-06
Subject: QW-452.5
Date Issued: December 11, 2009
File No: 08-210
Question: Is it the intent of QW-452.5 to permit welder or welding operator fillet weld
performance qualification testing to be conducted using test coupon thicknesses greater than 3/8
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-07
Subject: QW-250
Date Issued: December 31, 2009
File No: 09-588
Question (1): Is it the intent of the Code that Variables QW-403.6, QW-406.3, QW-409.1, QW-
410.9, and QW-410.10 apply when specified in QW-250 for P-No. 10H materials?
Question (2): Is it the intent of the Code that Variable QW-407.4 applies when specified in QW-
250 for P-No. 10H materials?
Interpretation: IX-10-08
Subject: QW-407.2
Date Issued: February 17, 2010
File No: 09-513
Question: May a procedure qualification subject to the variable QW-407.2, for P-No.8 material
with solution annealing PWHT at 1060C (1940F) for 1 hour and impact tested, support a WPS
for production with both solution annealing at 1060C (1940F) and stabilization heat treatment at
950C (1742F) for 2 hours?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-10-09
Subject: QB-451.3 and QB-451.5, Workmanship Coupons
Date Issued: February 17, 2010
File No: 09-883
Question: For components such as valve bodies and seats in which materials of suitable geometry
and thickness are not normally available to make up lap joint test coupons as required by QB-
451.3, is it the intent of the Committee that the materials to be brazed shall be qualified using any
convenient thickness and geometry suitable for performing the tension and section testes required
by QB-451.3, and that a greater range of base metal thickness may be qualified using
workmanship test coupons in accordance with QB-451.5?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-10
Subject: QW-163 and QW-466.1 Guided Bend Test Specimen Dimensions
Date Issued: February 17, 2010
File No: 09-2140
Background: A welding procedure was qualified for welding on thick base metals. Due to the
thickness of the test coupon required, the width of the face of the weld is 5 inches. Per QW-163,
the weld and heat-affected zone shall be completely within the bent portion of the bend specimen.
For a material with 20% or greater elongation, the standard 3/8 thick bend specimen provides a
bent portion that is 3.53 inches long on the OD of the specimen.
Question (1): Does it meet the requirements of ASME Section IX, if the bend radius and bend
test specimen thickness are increased, such that 20% outer fiber elongation is achieved, and the
OD of the specimen contains the entire width of the weld and HAZ?
Question (2): Does it meet the requirements of ASME Section IX, if a set of multiple
specimens having the standard 3/8 thickness and representing the entire width of the
weld and both HAZs are removed and tested to meet the requirements for testing the
entire width of the weld?
Question (3): Assuming that both of the base metals in the test coupon are of the
same P-No., does it meet the requirements of ASME Section IX, to use standard 3/8
thick bend specimens representing at least one HAZ and as much weld metal as
possible, when performing the required bend test?
Interpretation: IX-10-11
Subject: QW-453 Minimum Qualified Thickness for Corrosion Overlay
Date Issued: February 17, 2010
File No: 09-2141
Question: For corrosion resistant overlay welding procedure qualifications, where a chemical
analysis is not required, is there a minimum qualified deposit thickness?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-10-12
Subject: QW-181.1 & QW-424.1 Procedure Qualification Using Production Assembly
Date Issued: February 17, 2010
File No: 10-13
Question: Does ASME Section IX allow the use of materials having the same P-No. as the actual
production materials, to produce a test specimen for fillet welding procedure qualification, using
a production assembly mockup?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-13
Subject: QW-404.5(b), Change in trade designation of filler metal
Date Issued: June 25, 2010
File No: 09-1368
Background: A PQR using GTAW process was qualified using filler metal classified in
accordance with ASME Section II Part C, SFA 5.28, ER80S-G classification, with chemistry
meeting A-Number 2. A footnote was used in the PQR to document the filler metal Trade Name
used in the qualification.
Question: A WPS supported by the above PQR using the same filler metal classification ER80S-
G and A-No. 2, but with a different Trade Name was specified. When notch toughness (QW-
404.12) does not apply, does a change in the filler Trade Name specified on the WPS require
Reply: No
Interpretation: IX-10-14
Subject: QW-200.4
Date Issued: June 25, 2010
File No: 09-2144
Background: A production weld joint was made using a qualified welding procedure, welding P3
to P8 using an unassigned filler metal. In order perform a repair to this joint, a 2nd welding
procedure was qualified using an assigned filler metal.
Question (1): If the 2nd procedure is qualified by welding P3 to P8, is this procedure qualified to
repair the production weld between the P3 & P8 material made with an unassigned filler metal?
Question (3): If the 2nd procedure is made by welding P-number material that nominally matches
the composition of the unassigned filler metal similar to QW-293.4, is the 2nd procedure qualified
to make a repair to the production weld between the P3 & P8 material provided that the repair is
entirely within the previously deposited weld metal?
Interpretation: IX-10-15
Subject: QW-202.3, Weld Repair and Buildup
Date Issued: August 26, 2010
File No: 10-359
Question: May a WPS be used to perform a weld repair per QW-202.3 on a groove weld
previously welded using the same WPS, without revising the WPS to include the groove design
of the repair cavity?
Interpretation: IX-10-16
Subject: QW-200.1(b), Contents of the WPS; QW-200.2(b), Contents of the PQR;
QW-404.24 and QW-404.27, Supplemental Filler Metal
Date Issued: August 26, 2010
File No: 10-1159
Background: QW-404.24 and QW-404.27 are essential variables for the SAW process. A
procedure qualification test was conducted using the SAW process without the use of
supplemental filler metal.
Question: Is it required that the PQR indicate that supplemental filler metal was not used and
must the WPS specify it is not to be used?
Reply: Yes. However, Section IX does not specify the manner in which this is documented on
the PQR or specified on the WPS. The method of recording information on the PQR and WPS
may be by statement, sketch or other means as long as the essential variables are addressed.
Interpretation: IX-10-17
Subject: QW-322.1(a)
Date Issued: August 26, 2010
File No: 10-1161
Background: A welder successfully completes a performance qualification test. During the next
six months, the welder used the welding process multiple times during the first four months, but
did not use the welding process in the fifth or sixth month.
Question: When maintaining the welder's qualification, is the welder continuity based on the last
date the welder used the welding process?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-18
Subject: QW-256.1; Joining of Clad Materials
Date Issued: November 17, 2010
File No: 09-994
Background: A composite (clad) material having a carbon steel base and alloy 825 cladding is to
be joined by welding. The alloy 825 cladding is not included in the design calculations. The
contractor has a PQR for joining the base metal whose qualified ranges are appropriate for
welding conditions. The contractor also has a PQR for overlaying carbon steel with alloy 625
filler metal using GTAW, whose qualified ranges of essential special process variables for
corrosion resistant overlay welding are applicable to the welding conditions.
Question (1): When joining the clad layer of a composite (clad) material using GTAW
where the clad thickness is not considered in the design calculations, are the essential special
process variables or QW-256.1 applicable to the clad portion of the weld?
Question (2): When completing the clad portion of a weld using the GTAW process, is a WPS
qualified to deposit corrosion resistant weld metal using alloy 625 (UNS N06625) filler metal,
also qualified for depositing a corrosion resistant weld metal overlay using alloy 825 (UNS
N08065) filler metal, when the carbon steel base metal has the same P-No. as the base metal
qualified by the WPS?
Interpretation: IX-10-19
Subject: QW-2004. - Procedure Qualification, Corrosion Resistant Weld Metal Overlay
Date Issued: November 17, 2010
File No: 09-2143
Background: A corrosion resistant weld metal overlay was applied to P-No.3 base metal with
WPS qualified for the SAW process using an unassigned strip filler metal, with resulting deposit
chemistry nominally matching F-No.43 filler metal. It is later determined a greater thickness of
corrosion resistant weld metal overlay or a repair to the overlay is needed. An alternate WPS is
proposed for depositing the weld metal overlay to increase the overlay thickness or perform the
repairs. The alternate WPS was qualified using a different welding process, applying SFA-5.11
ENiCrFe-7 filler metal to produce a corrosion resistant weld metal overlay with a deposit
chemistry nominally matching F-No.43 on P-No.3 base metals.
Question: Is any WPS qualified for depositing a corrosion resistant weld metal
overlay with a known chemistry, also qualified for applying additional layers or repairs
to an existing corrosion resistant overlay surface having a nominally matching
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-20
Subject: QW-405.3
Date Issued: November 18, 2010
File No: 10-1489
Question: When a welder qualifies with the vertical up progression on weld coupons in the 3G,
5G, or 6G test positions, is that welder qualified to weld with the vertical down progression when
QW-405.3 is a performance qualification essential variable?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-10-21
Subject: QW-402 and QW-404 Through QW-410
Date Issued: March 11, 2011
File No: 10-496
Question: When impacts are waived by a book section for the base metal (HAZ notch toughness
is not required), but are required for the weld metal, do the supplementary essential variables of
QW-402 and QW-404 through QW-410 apply per the applicable tables QW-252 through QW-
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-22
Subject: QW-200.2, Use of Preliminary WPS
Date Issued: March 14, 2011
File No: 10-1158
Question: Does ASME Section IX require a preliminary WPS be used during procedure
qualification testing, or that a WPS number be recorded on the PQR?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-10-23
Subject: QW-433 and QW-452.1(b)
Date Issued: March 14, 2011
File No: 10-1918
Background: A welder tests on an NPS 6 Sch. 80 (0.432 in. wall) coupon, depositing 0.100 in. of
E6010 and the balance of 0.332 in. using E7018.
Question (1): Using E6010, is the welder qualified to deposit 0.864 in. maximum of weld metal?
Question (2): Using E7018, is the welder qualified to deposit 0.664 in. maximum of weld metal?
Question (3): Is the welder qualified to deposit 0.864 in. of weld metal using E6010 plus 0.664 in.
of E7018 weld metal deposit thickness for a total of 1.528 in. in the same groove?
Interpretation: IX-10-24
Subject: QW-409.2, Combination of Processes
Date Issued: March 14, 2011
File No: 11-216
Background: A welder was tested on an SA-516 Gr. 70 plate, using the GMAW process. Short
arc mode was used for depositing the root, and spray arc mode was used for depositing the
balance of the weld in a single coupon.
Question: Is it permissible, according to ASME Section IX, QW-409.2, to use two modes of
metal transfer in a single test coupon?
Reply: Yes; the deposit thickness for each transfer mode shall be recorded as required by QW-
Interpretation: IX-10-25
Subject: QW-201, Manufacturers or Contractors Responsibility
Date Issued: May 23, 2011
File No: 11-44
Question: May an organization with more than one ASME Certificate of Authorization, under
different names and in different locations, describe in its quality assurance programs the
operational control of procedure qualifications and the use of welding procedures properly
qualified under one certificate holder, under another certificate holder within the organization, but
without separate qualification, as permitted by Section IX, QW-201?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-26
Subject: QW-304, Volumetric Examination
Date Issued: June 13, 2011
File No: 09-744
Question: Does Section IX require a welder to qualify for small diameter butt welds by preparing
more than one small diameter pipe coupon to provide a minimum circumferential weld length
when qualified by volumetric examination under the provisions of QW-304?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-27
Subject: Section IX, QW-452.5
Date Issued: August 1, 2011
File No: 08-210
Question: Is it the intent of QW-452.5 to permit welder or welding operator fillet weld
performance qualification testing to be conducted using test coupon thicknesses greater than
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-28
Subject: Section IX, QW-250
Date Issued: August 1, 2011
File No: 09-558
Question (1): Is it the intent of the Code that Variables QW-403.6, QW-406.3, QW-409.1,
QW-410.9 and QW-410.10 apply when specified in QW-250 for P-No. 10H materials?
Question (2): Is it the intent of the Code that Variable QW-407.4 apply when specified in
QW-250 for P-No. 10H materials?
Interpretation: IX-10-29
Subject: Section IX, QW-300.3 - Simultaneous Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: August 1, 2011
File No: 10-339
Question: Is it the intent of Section IX, paragraph QW-300.3 to permit an AWS Standard
Welding Procedure Specification adopted by a contractor to be used in lieu of a PQR to support
the range of variables for a single WPS proposed for use in conducting simultaneous welder
performance qualification testing?
Reply: Yes
Interpretation: IX-10-30
Subject: Section IX, QW-420 - ASTM Materials' P-No. Assignment
Date Issued: August 1, 2011
File No: 10-1189
Question: Is it the intent that material produced under an ASTM specification shall be considered
to have the same P-Number or P-Number plus Group Number as that of the P-Number or P-
Number plus Group Number assigned to the same grade or type material in the corresponding
ASME specification (e.g., SA-240 Type 304 is assigned P-No. 8, Group No.1; therefore, A 240
Type 304 is considered P-No. 8, Group No.1)?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-31
Subject: Section IX, QW-404.5 - A-Number
Date Issued: August 25, 2011
File No: 11-918
Background: A procedure qualification test coupon was prepared and tested, which included a
chemical analysis of the weld metal. The chemical analysis results were as follows, C: 0.08%,
Cr: 0.044%, Mo: 0.14%, Ni: 1.48%, Mn: 1.45%, Si: 0.19%
Interpretation: IX-10-32
Subject: Section IX, QW-182 - Fracture Tests
Date Issued: August 25, 2011
File No: 11-939
Question (1): Is it required by QW-182 that the sum of all rounded indications (regardless of
diameter) be considered in addition to the sum of the lengths of inclusions in determining the 3/8
in. (10 mm) maximum allowed for acceptance?
Question (2): Is it permissible to apply the porosity size limitation of 1/32 or greater as specified
in QW- (b)(3) to a in. (12 mm) welded coupon to the fracture test acceptance criteria
of QW-182?
Interpretation: IX-10-33
Subject: Section IX, QW-404.5, A-No. Essential Variable for GMAW Weld Metal
Date Issued: November 14, 2011
File No: 11-1339
Question (1): According to QW-404.5, may the A-No. of GMAW weld metal be established
from the chemical analysis of a weld deposit prepared according to the filler metal specification
when the shielding gas used for the chemical analysis was different from that used in the
procedure qualification?
Question (2): According to QW-404.5, may the A-No. of GMAW weld metal be established
from the chemical analysis of a weld deposit prepared according to the filler metal specification
provided the shielding gas used for the chemical analysis was the same as that used in the
procedure qualification?
Question (3): Are the GMAW rules in QW-404.5 for establishing A-Numbers also applicable to
Interpretation: IX-10-34
Subject: Section IX, QW-200.4(b)
Date Issued: December 8, 2011
File No: 10-1966
Background: PQR A is welded with SMAW to join 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick plates with 5/8 in. (16
mm) of SMAW deposit. PQR B is welded with GTAW and SMAW to join 5/16 in. (8 mm) thick
plates with 1/8 in. (3 mm) of GTAW and 3/16 in. (5 mm) of SMAW deposit. PQR C is welded
with GTAW to join 3/16 in. (5 mm) thick plates with 3/16 in. (5 mm) of GTAW deposit.
Question (1): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range of
1/16 in. (1.5 mm) to 1 in. (32 mm) when impact testing is not required?
Question (2): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range
of 1/16 in. (5 mm) to 1 (38 mm) when impact testing in not required?
Question (3): Do PQRs A and B qualify the combination WPS for a maximum deposit weld
metal thickness range of 1/4 in. (6 mm) for the GTAW process and 1 in. (32 mm) for the
SMAW process?
Question (4): Do PQRs A and C qualify the combination WPS for a maximum deposit weld
metal thickness range of 3/8 in. (10 mm) for the GTAW process and 1 in. (32 mm) for the
SMAW process?
Reply (4): No.
Question (5): Do PQRs A and C qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range
of 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) to 1 in. (32 mm) when impact testing is not required?
Question (6): Do PQRs A and C qualify the combination WPS for a base metal thickness range
of 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) to 1 in. (38 mm) when impact testing is not required?
Question (7): Do the provisions in QW-200.4(b) affect the responses to the above questions?
Interpretation: IX-10-35
Subject: Section IX, QW-452.1(b)
Date Issued: December 8, 2011
File No: 11-2030
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-36
Subject: Section IX, QW-462.4(a) and QW-462.4(b) - Fillet Weld Test
Date Issued: February 16, 2012
File No: 11-896
Question (1): May a WPS qualified with a fillet weld using a plate tee-joint configuration as
shown in figure QW-462.4(a) be used to join a plate to a pipe with fillet welds made parallel to
the axis of the pipe for nonpressure retaining applications?
Question (2): May a welder qualified with a fillet weld using a plate tee-joint configuration as
shown in figure QW-462.4(b) be used to weld a plate to a pipe with fillet welds made parallel to
the axis of the pipe?
Interpretation: IX-10-37
Subject: Section IX, QW-151.3, Tensile Tests Turned Specimens
Date Issued: February 16, 2012
File No: 11-2029
Question: For a 1 inch (25 mm) deep groove weld deposited in a 2 inch (50 mm) thick plate test
coupon, may a single turned 0.505 tensile specimen conforming to QW- 462.1(d) be used for
each tension test required by QW-451?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-38
Subject: Section IX; QW-404.23 - Filler Metal Product Form
Date Issued: February 16, 2012
File No: 12-47
Question: May stranded filler metal be considered the same as bare (solid or metal cored) filler
metal in QW-404.23?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-10-39
Subject: Section IX; QW-424.1, Base Metal Used for Procedure Qualification
Date Issued: February 16, 2012
File No: 12-178
Question: Does a PQR recording a P-No. 5B base metal welded to itself support a WPS for
welding P-No. 5B metal to any metal assigned P-No. 4, 3 or 1?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-13-01
Subject: Section IX; QW-403.6
Date Issued: July 2, 2012
File No: 12-635
Question: Does QW-403.6 apply when the HAZ is not subject to impact testing such as when
qualifying a P-8 material?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-02
Subject: Section IX; QW-193.2 and QW-288, Tube-to-Tubesheet Welder Qualification
Date Issued: August 23, 2012
File No: 12-752
Question (1): If a WPS is written and qualified for welding P-No.1 material to itself, is it
necessary to specifically mention on the WPS or on the PQR anything regarding QW-410.64
which addresses the use of thermal processes for cutting or backgouging when welding on P-
No.11A and P-No.11B materials?
Reply (1): No. The fact that the WPS and PQR are for welding on P-No.1 materials precludes the
need to specifically describe the use of thermal cutting or back-gouging for P-No.11A or P-No.
11B materials on either the WPS or the PQR.
Question (2): If a WPS specifies the use of ER70S-6 filler metal, is it necessary to specifically
mention in the WPS anything regarding QW-404.23 which addresses filler metal product form by
specifying that the filler metal has to be solid?
Reply (2): No. The designation ER70S-6 specifies that the filler metal be solid wire, and that is
sufficient for describing the variable QW-404.23.
Question (3): If a WPS is written and qualified for welding P-No. 5A material to itself, is it
necessary to specifically mention on a WPS or on the PQRs for submerged arc welding anything
regarding QW-404.34 which addresses, when welding on P-No.1 materials, the use of active or
neutral flux?
Reply (3): No. The use of active or neutral fluxes only needs to be specified on the WPS and
documented on the PQR when the base metal is P-No.1.
Interpretation: IX-13-04
Subject: Section IX; QW-181.2, Sectioning of Pipe-to-Pipe Quarter Sections
Date Issued: September 13, 2012
File No: 12-120
Question: If the resultant size from a pipe-to-pipe quarter section, per QW-462.4(c), is too large
to bend as specified with QW-181.2, can the fracture test quarter section specimen be cut into
multiple specimens and tested in lieu of one full quarter specimen?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-05
Subject: Section IX; QW-193 - Macro Examination for the Mockup Test of Tube-to-
Tubesheet Joint
Date Issued: November 14, 2012
File No: 12-1563
Question: When performing a tube-to-tubesheet test in accordance with QW-193, is it required to
section a total of 10 tubes and perform a macroetch of the 40 surfaces exposed by sectioning?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-06
Subject: Section IX; QW-103.2 Records
Date Issued: December 6, 2012
File No: 12-7
Background: In the 2006 Addenda to Section IX, it became mandatory to certify qualification
records by signature or other means as described in the manufacturers or contractors Quality
Control System.
Question: Prior to the 2006 Addenda, is a typed signature or means other than a written signature
on a procedure qualification or performance qualification record considered certified as required
in QW/QB-103.2?
Reply: Prior to the 2006 Addenda, the method of certification for procedure and performance
qualification records was not addressed by Section IX.
Interpretation: IX-13-07
Subject: Section IX; QW-407.1(b)
Date Issued: December 6, 2012
File No: 12-1230
a) P-No. 8 plate is welded, heated to 780C (1436F), then formed, followed by a solution heat
treatment at 1060C (1940F).
b) P-No. 8 plate is welded, then cold formed, followed by a solution heat treatment at 1060C
Question: Is WPS supported by a PQR with 1060C (1940F) solution heat treatment qualified to
weld P-No. 8 base material as described in a) and b) of the background?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-08
Subject: Section IX; QW-361.2(f) and (g)
Date Issued: December 6, 2012
File No: 12-1501
Question: A welding operator (machine) successfully qualifies in accordance with QW-300, using
an open root, single-welded, Vee-groove joint configuration, without backing and without a
consumable insert. Is the welding operator (machine) qualified to perform machine welding with
a consumable insert?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-09
Subject: Section IX; QW-202.4 - Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses
Date Issued: December 6, 2012
File No: 12-1833
Question: Does QW-202.4 allow a WPS qualified on groove weld, with specified P-no. 1 base
metal thickness range of 1/2 in. ( 13 mm ) through 1 in. ( 25 mm ), to be used in production to
weld a 1/2 in. (13 mm ) thick base metal to a 3/8 in. ( 10 mm ) thick base metal?
Reply: No.
Volume 63
Interpretation: IX-13-10
Subject: Section IX, QW-201
Date Issued: March 21, 2013
File: 13-119
Question: Company A owns Companies B and C. May Company B use WPSs qualified by
Company C in accordance with the requirements of Section IX without requalification, provided
Company C describes the process that they follow in their Quality Control System/Quality
Assurance Program for the operational control of procedure qualification?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-11
Subject: Section IX, QW-409.1 and QW-409.8, Reference to Nonmandatory Appendix H
Date Issued: March 25, 2013
File: 13-274
Question (2): Does either QW-409.1 or QW-409.8 require that power or energy shall be specified
in the WPS when using a waveform controlled power source?
Interpretation: IX-13-12
Subject: Section IX, QW-410.9
Date Issued: June 10, 2013
File: 12-1529
Question (1): Does QW-410.9 regard multiple layer welds as multipass welds, so that a change
from multiple layers per side to a single layer per side requires a requalification?
Reply (1): Yes, when the single layer is made in a single pass.
Question (2): Does QW-410.9 regard multiple beads in a single layer (as shown in beads 3, 4, 5,
and 6 of Figure QW/QB-492.1) as multipass?
Question (3): A Welding Procedure Specification is qualified with multiple layers per side. Can
this WPS be used to deposit multiple beads in a single layer per side, within the limits of all other
essential and supplementary essential variables?
Interpretation: IX-13-13
Subject: Section IX, QW-423.1
Date Issued: June 10, 2013
File: 12-2295
Question: In accordance with QW-423.1, may P-No. 1 base materials be substituted for P-No. 8
base materials when following a P-No. 8 to P-No. 8 WPS for the purpose of a welder
qualification, when variable QW-403.18 applies?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-14
Subject: Section IX, QW-360 - Welding Operator Performance Qualifications
Date Issued: June 10, 2013
File: 13-9
Question: While base metal P-Number is an essential variable for welder qualifications, QW-360
does not specify base metal P-Number as an essential variable for welding operator qualification.
Is it required that welding operators be qualified separately for welding Code Case base metals
when the Code Case specifies that Separate welding procedure and performance qualifications
shall be conducted for the material in accordance with Section IX?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-15
Subject: Section IX, QW-322, Expiration and Renewal Qualification
Date Issued: June 10, 2013
File: 13-131
Background: A welder is qualified for a shop that fabricates Section VIII, Division 1 vessels as
well as non-Code equipment. A welder maintains his welding process qualification for Code
welds by making non-Code welds.
Question (1): May a welder maintain his welding process qualification by making non-Code
welds if the welder has not made a Code weld for a period of 6 months or more?
Question (2): According to QW-322.1(a)(1), can a welder receive a 6-mo qualification extension
more than once?
Interpretation: IX-13-16
Subject: Section IX, QW-202.4 - Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses
Date Issued: June 10, 2013
File: 13-635
Question: When employing a WPS to join flat plates of dissimilar thickness in a groove-weld tee
joint, is it a requirement of QW-202.4 that both the thicker and thinner members must be
qualified within the range permitted by QW-451 unless the alternative provided in QW-202.4 is
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-17
Subject: QW-404.4 and QW-404.30, Change in F-Number and Base Metal Thickness
Date Issued: August 27, 2013
File: 13-161
Background: A WPS with supporting PQR was written and qualified without impact testing in
1978 to the 1977 Code without addenda, on a NPS 2 (EN50) diameter 0.432 in. (11 mm) wall
thickness pipe. The procedure was qualified in 6G position using an E6011 (F-No. 3) electrode on
the root pass and completed with two fill passes with E7018 (F-No. 4) electrodes. The deposit
thickness for the root and fill passes was not recorded on the PQR or specified individually on the
Question (1): Provided the WPS and PQR meet all requirements of the 1977 Edition of ASME
Section IX Code, may the WPS continue to be used without revision for work being completed to
the 1977 ASME Code?
Question (2): May a new WPS be written or revised without specifying weld metal thickness
range for each welding electrode (E6011 and E7018) with the WPS prepared to the 2010 Edition
of ASME Section IX Code with 2011a Addenda, using the PQR qualified to the 1977 Code?
Question (3): Is the deposit thickness required to be recorded individually on the PQR and WPS
for each F-Number electrode used for the root pass deposited with the E6011 electrode and the
fill passes deposited with E7018 electrodes qualified to the 2010 Edition of ASME Section IX
Code with 2011a Addenda?
Interpretation: IX-13-18
Subject: QW-261, Stud Welding Procedure Qualification
Date Issued: August 27, 2013
File: 13-568
Background: The requirements in QW-261, Stud Welding: essential variable QW-402.8 addresses
the stud size and shape, and essential variable QW-403.17 addresses base metal and stud metal P-
Numbers. However, there are no requirements regarding base metal thickness.
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-13-19
Subject: QW-404.12, Hard-Facing Filler Metal Classification
Date Issued: August 27, 2013
File: 13-727
Question: A PQR shows SFA-5.21 metal cored filler metal classification ERCCoCr-A was used
to qualify GTAW hard-facing overlay WPS. Does this PQR support a GTAW hard-facing overlay
WPS using SFA-5.21 bare (solid) filler metal classification ERCoCr-A?
Reply: No.
Interpretation: IX-13-20
Subject: QW-200 and QW-300
Date Issued: August 27, 2013
File: 13-939
Question (1): When preparing Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) and Welding Performance
Qualification (WPQ) test records in accordance with the requirements of QW-200 and QW-300,
is it required to use the word Certify on the PQR and WPQ documents?
Interpretation: IX-13-21
Subject: QG-108 (2013 Edition)
Date Issued: August 27, 2013
File: 13-1044
Question: In the 2013 Edition of Section IX, QG-108 requires that all new qualifications of
joining processes and personnel be in accordance with the current edition. In previous editions of
Section IX, the foreword indicated that new editions became mandatory 6 months after date of
issue. Does that requirement apply to the 2013 Edition?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: IX-13-22
Subject: QW-452.3, Groove-Weld Diameter Limits
Date Issued: August 27, 2013
File: 13-1154
Interpretation: IX-13-23
Subject: QW-405.2 and QW-410.1, Stringer/Weave Technique
Date Issued: December 5, 2013
File: 13-1559
Question (1): When notch toughness qualification is not applicable, does a change from stringer
bead to weave technique require requalification?
Question (2): When notch toughness qualification is applicable, does a change from stringer bead
to weave technique require requalification?