Dynamic Force Analysis

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Subject Code: MEE-301/Dynamics of Machinery

UNIT - 1

Unit -1
Dynamic Force Analysis
DAlemberts principle Equivalent offset inertia force
Dynamic analysis of four bar mechanism Dynamic
Analysis of reciprocating engines Piston effort, Crank
effort,Turning moment on crankshaft, Inertia of
connecting rod Inertia force in reciprocating engines
(Graphical method).
Turning moment diagrams Single and multi
cylinder engines Fluctuation of energy Fly Wheels
Applications in engines and punching presses.
The property of matter offering resistance to
any change of its state of rest or of uniform
motion in a straight line is known as inertia.
Inertia force
It is an imaginary force which when acts upon
a rigid body, brings it in an equilibrium. It is
numerically equal to the accelerating force in
magnitude but opposite in direction.
Inertia force = External (or accelerating) force = m a
Kinematics of Machinery
limited ourselves to consideration of the
geometry of the motions and of the
relationships between displacement and time.
But the force required to produce those
motions were not considered.
magnitudes and the directions of
forces due to external loads
forces due to combustion of fuels
forces due to friction forces
forces due to change of temperatures, spring
forces, impact forces, inertia forces.

helps the designer in selecting proper sizes of the

machine components - withstand the stresses
developed in them.
Static Force Analysis
When the inertia effect due to the mass of the
machine components are neglected, then the
analysis of mechanism is called as static force
Example: hydraulic lifting cranes
Dynamic Force Analysis
When the inertia effect due to the mass of the
components is also considered in addition to the
externally applied loads, it is called dynamic force
Example: high speed IC engines
Types of force Analysis
Equilibrium of members with two forces
Equilibrium of members with three forces
Equilibrium of members with two forces and
Equilibrium of members with two couples.
Equilibrium of members with four forces.
DAlemberts Principle
The principle states that the sum of the
differences between the forces acting on a
system and the time derivatives of the momenta
of the system itself along any virtual
displacement consistent with the constraints of
the system is zero.
Dynamic Analysis of Four bar
Dynamic Analysis of Reciprocating engines.
Inertia force and torque analysis by neglecting weight
of connecting rod.
Velocity and acceleration of piston.
Angular velocity and Angular acceleration of
connecting rod.
Force and Torque Analysis in reciprocating engine
neglecting the weight of connecting rod.
Equivalent Dynamical System
Determination of two masses of equivalent dynamical
Turning Moment Diagram
The turning moment diagram is graphical
representation of the turning moment or
crank effort for various positions of crank.
Single cylinder double acting engine
Turning moment diagram for 4-stroke I.C engine
Turning moment diagram for a multi cylinder engine
Fluctuation of Energy
Fluctuation of Speed
This is defined as the ratio of the difference
between the maximum and minimum angular
speeds during a cycle to the mean speed of
rotation of the crank shaft.
Maximum fluctuation of energy
Coefficient of fluctuation of energy
Coefficient of fluctuation of speed
Energy stored in flywheel
A flywheel is a rotating mass that
is used as an energy reservoir in a machine.
It absorbs energy in the form of kinetic
energy, during those periods of crank
rotation when actual turning moment is
greater than the resisting moment and
release energy, by way of parting with
some of its K.E, when the actual turning
moment is less than the resisting moment.

Flywheel is a device that acts as

an Engine Reservoir by storing and
supplying mechanical Energy when

Restore energy during power stroke.
Deliver it back during intake in next cycle.
The mass of flywheel of an engine is 6.5 tones and the radius of gyration
is 1.8 metres. It is found from the turning moment diagram that the
fluctuation of energy is 56 kN-m. If the mean speed of the engine is 120
r.p.m., find the maximum and minimum speeds.

The flywheel of a steam engine has a radius of gyration of 1 m and mass

2500 kg. The starting torque of the steam engine is 1500 N-m and may
be assumed constant. Determine: 1. the angular acceleration of the
flywheel, and 2. the kinetic energy of the flywheel after 10 seconds
from the start.

A horizontal cross compound steam engine develops 300 kW at

90 r.p.m. The coefficient of fluctuation of energy as found from
the turning moment diagram is to be 0.1 and the fluctuation of
speed is to be kept within 0.5% of the mean speed. Find the
weight of the flywheel required, if the radius of gyration is 2
The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to the following
scales : Turning moment, 1 mm = 5 N-m ; crank angle, 1 mm = 1. The
turning moment diagram repeats itself at every half revolution of the engine
and the areas above and below the mean turning moment line taken in order
are 295, 685, 40, 340, 960, 270 mm2. The rotating parts are equivalent to a
mass of 36 kg at a radius of gyration of 150 mm. Determine the coefficient of
fluctuation of speed when the engine runs at 1800 r.p.m.
Let the total energy at A = E, then referring to
Fig. ,
Energy at B = E + 295... (Maximum energy)
Energy at C = E + 295 685 = E 390
Energy at D = E 390 + 40 = E 350
Energy at E = E 350 340 = E 690 ...(Minimum energy)
Energy at F = E 690 + 960 = E + 270
Energy at G = E + 270 270 = E = Energy at A
We know that maximum fluctuation of energy,
E = Maximum energy Minimum energy
= (E + 295) (E 690) = 985 mm2
= 985*3.14/36 = 86 N-m= 86 J
Let CS = Coefficient of fluctuation of speed.We know that maximum
fluctuation of energy ( E),
86 = m.k2 2.Cs = 36 (0.15)2(188.52) 2Cs = 28 787 Cs
Cs = 86 / 28 787 = 0.003 or 0.3%
A shaft fitted with a flywheel rotates at 250 r.p.m. and drives a machine.
The torque of machine varies in a cyclic manner over a period of 3
revolutions. The torque rises from 750 N-m to 3000 N-m uniformly during
1/2 revolution and remains constant for the following revolution. It then
falls uniformly to 750 N-m during the next 1/2 revolution and remains
constant for one revolution, the cycle being repeated thereafter. Determine
the power required to drive the machine and percentage fluctuation in
speed, if the driving torque applied to the shaft is constant and the mass of
the flywheel is 500 kg with radius of gyration of 600 mm.
1.The turning moment diagram for a four-stroke gas engine may be assumed for simplicity to
be represented by four triangles, the areas of which from the line of zero pressure are as
Expansion stroke = 3550 mm2; Exhaust stroke = 500 mm2; Suction stroke = 350 mm2; and
compression stroke = 1400 mm2. Each mm2 represents 3 N-m.
Assuming the resisting moment to be uniform, find the mass of the rim of a flywheel required
to keep the mean speed 200 r.p.m, within 2%. The mean radius of the rim may be taken as
0.75 m. Also determine the crank positions for the maximum and minimum speeds.

2. The torque delivered by a two-stroke engine is represented by

T = (1000 + 300 sin 2q 500 cos 2q) N-m, where q is the angle turned by the crank from the
inner-dead centre. The engine speed is 250 rpm. The mass of the flywheel is 400 kg and radius
of gyration 400 mm. Determine :
(i) the power developed,
(ii) the total percentage fluctuation of speed,
(iii) the angular acceleration of flywheel when the crank has rotated through an
angle of 60 from the inner dead centre, and
(iv) the maximum angular acceleration and retardation of the flywheel.
Dimensions of the Flywheel Rim

Let D = Mean diameter of rim in metres,

R = Mean radius of rim in metres,
A = Cross-sectional area of rim in m 2,
= Density of rim material in kg/m 3,
N = Speed of the flywheel in r.p.m.,
= Angular velocity of the flywheel in rad/s,
v = Linear velocity at the mean radius in m/s
= .R = D.N/60, and
= Tensile stress or hoop stress in N/m 2 due to
the centrifugal force.

Consider a small element of the rim as shown shaded in Fig. Let it subtends an
angle at the centre of the flywheel. Volume of the small element= A R.
Mass of the small element
dm = Density volume = .A.R.
and centrifugal force on the element, acting radialy outwards,
dF = dm.2 .R = .A.R 2. 2.
Flywheel in punching press
The flywheels used for
prime movers constitute a class
of problems in which the
resisting torque is assumed to be
constant and the driving torque
varies. flywheels used in
punching, riveting and similar
machines constitute another
class of problems in which the
actual(driving) turning moment
provided by an electric motor is
more or less constant but the
resisting torque(load) varies.
A punching press is driven by a constant torque electric motor.
The press is provided with a flywheel that rotates at maximum
speed of 225 r.p.m. The radius of gyration of the flywheel is 0.5
m. The press punches 720 holes per hour; each punching
operation takes 2 second and requires 15 kN-m of energy. Find
the power of the motor and the minimum mass of the flywheel
if speed of the same is not to fall below 200 r. p. m.

Power of the motor

We know that the total energy required per second
= Energy required / hole No. of holes / s
=15 103 720/3600 = 3000 N-m/s
Power of the motor = 3000 W = 3 kW
A punching machine makes 25 working strokes per minute and is capable of
punching 25 mm diameter holes in 18 mm thick steel plates having an
ultimate shear strength 300 MPa. The punching operation takes place during
1/10th of a revolution of the crankshaft. Estimate the power needed for the
driving motor, assuming a mechanical efficiency of 95 percent. Determine
suitable dimensions for the rim cross-section of the flywheel, having width
equal to twice thickness. The flywheel is to revolve at 9 times the speed of the
crankshaft. The permissible coefficient of fluctuation of speed is 0.1.
The flywheel is to be made of cast iron having a working stress (tensile) of 6
MPa and density of 7250 kg/m3. The diameter of the flywheel must not
exceed 1.4 m owing to space restrictions. The hub and the spokes may be
assumed to provide 5% of the rotational inertia of the wheel.

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