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| mera Se BREE EC | 7 me = STAR. WARS Sr eT Fo caer eae DcdinsaaRa antl Sear a eee ea ry penn eg rier eect stir or ei any Rr calc on Giaaenec i A Piano eat mee en nN a a RCM Reece acne pecan poe ‘ aa Ou USL seared a tas Prarie! RE eeepc i Bieter anne eee need i coanrn ecto Nee eat my posrity Cenarion conned Pea ra an mene nts RL ee ao ee ee red meena Ca era rete » panei 2 b Te ee UL Star Wars" Empire at War” Forces of Corruption J shel | tothe err i] CU LU \ iu ‘ | Cetera |Wig oC) CCL In Star Wars Empire at War. you tontrlled an entire war forthe Star 7 eerie Cir Geom ene aod ane ge ‘rees of Corruption This expansion pack presents ® new, unique point aires Mri Ponies tod ea ee nat) een Seer re) coe Rag SN eos ecard Perici Hat ey ara eee Pena rere deg ee eee) Se ee ear mene eco cy Pree suis areca ne | i ; \ Eerie orca niente } you through th setup proces i your computer dogs not have Autorun enobled. open My Gomputer end Ace Sate eae earn tee aN ‘ " _ aC a Tatoriais tf Even if you already know how to play Stan Wars Empire at War, Poe ORI cn a ae RS ‘ntroguced to the new gome features, you wil alco be directly invelvee BS nn ee oe ee mo " : PPro ee Co Poa », So na es ee en Series of story based missions, spreading corruption and fighting battles Pane a eae tad een Co ae area ee) Peete c ne een eee eee Sierra erent aa ne arty Snore korean eked retention ee eid ny eR Ca Re a ee PON needs take til) Parente att oat rey Pa In-Game Help eet a es eee cee ag Sn Rc alco er at Tutorale"Additional play tie and sevice are offerad during ply by the Peer coat Reet) Se oe er ka Se a et oa alee ae cree beer narra iia eae Pty eee ee an) Pearce Ue Seri; . eee te arp Hite ene eet mera eee tee eee Eee cre : eee ener Caer een iT Pd spent a ee ia Da een ea =< — ER ac ed enelits: The Consortium receives a large sum of credits Pec cs eter rn 3 Cue Com Cd ee One j Berea ners betes a S ee a eS ee eer ero Pee eaten eeeta bapa rll een ereenmmnmnnerememmeiiS sree mea Corruption Ree hr tet Boerne teri Ser cect eed Pea erat eco eee Por eee ier Fatt ata a La Re Saree eee earl a al - persis Ga cd Daa eS Rory Pon arets eae cera See ee ero Po “ . ‘There are tool of eight corruption ptions to choose from which vary ee ee aad eae oct ate ean i? i - ls eer meres) } Foci cout eS a ea z 4. oe BR hepa eet lel he ere G i : eee Bonner eta ~ intimidate © senior planetary oficial Ce ec cee ey oe eee) Coa, : oe Peer eo cc ea ant Pore eerie eceemacriter See ec ae repre eats Sy : 4 Ei ee rage —— oe or ait |CD Ceres ect cries perio ere eee eer rae) Benefits: Indigenous units ally withthe Consortium guring combat on that Oa ca Eocene fe Creag Seen eee eed Sos eee urehese SOC i oer Peer ee ere ae Eoin Stavery Se ea eta en Pe raat ten aan eee ee Cece err Coa eee Benen iy Scie hte a papi fie et Nene ee ete eae a rae ea Corruption such as cheaper productign, foster build times and smugglers bse eae eer ea Re Corruptis See ge ad PUuuo meet i ety re ria secre ec ee Toa ‘The Consortium at¥esses the Black Market to Sapir ene ae Tg pe ee ot eet eee erty orem atures ese ns ene ane ee ee eae ee Ey seer ree aN Poa erent ee ceacn tena is Patera Cea eee) pice mari eael PSPC re ey Boor coro tne scant etic a retry omer ateceny Lear ne aera Pec ear ee acy Dice Tema teary Poros irene) pierre See Pier cae tere Ronaiog aol trp st Rpg Beat | | ; errors c nen ne econ Aeterna pe Se 1 ee eg Eee ec ere Rae hac rr eee ee age oe |Borie een irae re aries Po eu ence ner Prorat ey Petcare eek eer aiay oer end De eee ee heer nents Errata nu ea ea ee ee fram aperating by elfectively sticking them tothe ground. Consortium units Seat) etn | eet py Cn et eae rien eae ea baer ered Pirate emer ear en < brie oe Earnie amy riage > BL Cae ee penne rterttetaree cnt rear Bara aeeCpa eee rte Poe er mcf ee ett Eee ee act 5 See Uae CooL Game Reply files can only be seved efter multiplayer skirmish games, Cec act in ne tee Po onc eee tren} Per ee ca ee ea ee ey Oren teri tc Penne ey S es Lee i Coca nr ee cir a Dina a een hr aed Pot Caen ices oor Coen roe errr eo eer eer ay ombat. Meny of the older maps from Star Wars Empire at War have Beare co cee eae eee ae pein ey Pra ae eee eee ia eon ra is eee ee Pte eect aor ot bmn terete serene ans Creme? ; Pee ee ee aa Pore ae hea rere rake BCT eer coat Coad a ug Poe ae nena rey Scania se oa ee ee ere Peet etter aes coer cen eer Peo eae Ely etree oes coeetrann cri oe UT ae inane ey Pree ee ema eared Preece era error roe Prenat) |e | | | a}peter ae iri Ieee Cred Eee eee rd Preece Se ers Pennie ‘a Coe rs PR rae Bern teat Peete a | a PRL nt ur en Cetra nacre tte Pena ere ori cso Boao) UR eet Acree rer ny i erry an oooh ery arc ke ae a Bacher ee i Seek ene TT TIC aan eon Pinetree ee Cenc a at cue Cris Cher ed Pee cence ei eres Paar area anita ir aie Beets Seton eeu accom a Bree cece iene ee etd Pree ia (@ stant saty — These are areas of the terrain that only infantry, Per cre een ect tee ee pee Poser ae a Cee ee ee F paneer Unite affected by In ee * Co ana Pr its Pout ae ed PO ag Cee ee CS el Se oa Coe eee ee niente rie ears tt Se ee eat ener Sse ti at ae rah eae ee bea Peano ee Pee ee ee Peer ant Teen ner earn Pree tA cal Pe eae te eee) Pee ee re) anaes ne eee Baad =e eee Ceeee eee, eee!dee alin RR a Be Pa eae eae Ba ee i ee au ck rec a) Prarie ink tnt Cao! fit eee Orn a Cee ood Ty pcre ee ae er es roe eet Ce en red Benny Ee et cabelas Bron crit x ny PC en eh cee a ey oe Sere meee eer a iran taser PRE RPE Tipe maemo > ord een eT ea bo ee ences tnnTrttT TTT MMEMG ATES ITVSTIOTTYY rites) hed a ee ee 1 HEROES. | hasahto a EL r ro ty < Pa lla) enero iares se) a | | | : | | ya Deity oa ata Roan ene eet a = ssk (Hound’s Tooth) e recente rarity Fan ech cere hentia Pts 1 Ship ME Ee gere re eee a ee eee ene ry 2ad Wy uoit once favored by the Empire, it was eventually eee nh hel sell haere Eee aie ere ey re Sa ets pea Ce ent heii eee eee! Petr ete ee aera att prorat anor eee Ee ete ee Cee ed firepower over Its predecessors. The Interceptor IV erence re term ee een Pore Leena eee as Sree ror oe area rae ea eet ey Po ae a ee ee ee eM ey WCC Cec siete eee ee ae ie) |, ores ‘oan weapon eyteme Ce i —— ; Pa Se it ey ae ae Pee td chore 4 Peake a ae Paar snntc ania a ESeraioed Sea ae ios eu bree tatircae ta cr PL rt era e near a ey t eater eee dy eo oar re ese A eect nner neensr atic Pon ict me err) Pee ere Pere ieee Portion aed bee Se eee ry Ree ae Te) OO ene ener earner enc rer ot} cease eons ee) - ee Mc eer aaa eee ere ccs eh can SasataaeiVeTaerty). ginsa tat la le: % auruseneeeme «CO f i Cal hdy STRUCTURES 7 , e ah ER u / "iano neo eaces = ’ { Sera nee reer ae nO ne ea TN Caetano eae! we age S . 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Pore ry The Mightsisters of Dathomir are Force sensitive female a eee ra ea Pern ee eee eee ea Eee raed Sa Ce ir haere nos COC ere ee 2 ference een N Pura CNT TCE rnrapsrrerttinl a PED STPetco sarees ireaeetangest 7 a outers rs Perey This structure produces MAL and F9-T2 Transports ‘This structure produces Mercenary Assault Squads and crt Po ee er era Sone et em ers Sana ne on eer ee nny ors ce aoe eee Eee here aa = aT —— pte a! ba co ee Ct dahl Pa @ “a zi & a | RBS Sere, uum a Bee ae aoe Seer nea ete ee een ea Crete Leer ood eee oro Pobieareer a arrenca Snare oa) Se Se Tice en eltilds to Peer B pice Poa a eerie at oe ane nem) oer cee eee ea ieee in corners Encinas Ce ee eee ey Sa eires Caan ela Sa oer as MTT ere:Cte oars Tord ‘Luke Seyualter is 2 young Jed training to become 2 deci Core a oer a Benes a mire erent eietet en emery me eae ena PoC Rad Pahoa ym coe Bi turemret te Tec ered Per Pera geet Binet eke ack me eet Ms pra irene ine tet errr ard Se OMe ar pay A bores use oa Se ee ee co och aCe Geet alk. 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