Set Operators

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Self Test 397

Describe the Set Operators
1. Which of these set operators will not sort the rows? (Choose the best answer.)
2. Which of these operators will remove duplicate rows from the final result? (Choose all that apply.)

Use a Set Operator to Combine Multiple Queries into a Single Query

3. If a compound query contains both a MINUS and an INTERSECT operator, which will be
applied first? (Choose the best answer.)
A. The INTERSECT, because INTERSECT has higher precedence than MINUS.
B. The MINUS, because MINUS has a higher precedence than INTERSECT.
C. The precedence is determined by the order in which they are specified.
D. It is not possible for a compound query to include both MINUS and INTERSECT.
4. There are four rows in the REGIONS table. Consider the following statements and choose how
many rows will be returned for each: 0, 4, 8, or 16.
A. select * from regions union select * from regions
B. select * from regions union all select * from regions
C. select * from regions minus select * from regions
D. select * from regions intersect select * from regions
5. Consider this compound query:
select empno, hired from emp
union all
select emp_id,hired,fired from ex_emp;
398 Chapter 9: Using the Set Operators

The columns EMP.EMPNO and EX_EMP.EMP_ID are integer; the column EMP.HIRED is
timestamp; the columns EX_EMP.HIRED and EX_EMP.FIRED are date. Why will the state-
ment fail? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Because the columns EMPNO and EMP_ID have different names
B. Because the columns EMP.HIRED and EX_EMP.HIRED are different data types
C. Because there are two columns in the first query and three columns in the second query
D. For all the reasons above
E. The query will succeed.

Control the Order of Rows Returned

6. Which line of this statement will cause it to fail? (Choose the best answer.)
A. select ename, hired from current_staff
B. order by ename
C. minus
D. select ename, hired from current staff
E. where deptno=10
F. order by ename;
7. Study this statement:
select ename from emp union all select ename from ex_emp;

In what order will the rows be returned? (Choose the best answer.)
A. The rows from each table will be grouped and within each group will be sorted on ENAME.
B. The rows from each table will be grouped but not sorted.
C. The rows will not be grouped but will all be sorted on ENAME.
D. The rows will be neither grouped nor sorted.

Working in the HR schema, design some queries that will generate reports using the set operators.
The reports required are as follows:
1. Employees have their current job (identified by JOB_ID) recorded in their EMPLOYEES row.
Jobs they have held previously (but not their current job) are recorded in JOB_HISTORY.
Which employees have never changed jobs? The listing should include the employees
Lab Question 399

2. Which employees were recruited into one job, then changed to a different job, but are now
back in a job they held before? Again, you will need to construct a query that compares
EMPLOYEES with JOB_HISTORY. The report should show the employees names and the job
titles. Job titles are stored in the table JOBS.
3. What jobs has any one employee held? This will be the JOB_ID for the employees current
job (in EMPLOYEES) and all previous jobs (in JOB_HISTORY). If the employee has held a
job more than once, there is no need to list it more than once. Use a replacement variable to
prompt for the EMPLOYEE_ID and display the job title(s). Employees 101 and 200 will be
suitable employees for testing.

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