JChemEduc 1983 60 112-116
JChemEduc 1983 60 112-116
JChemEduc 1983 60 112-116
Donald R. McKelvey
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705
Certain anomalous chemical properties have been noted for Schrodinger equation correctly predicted the hydrogen
the heavy elements. Two classical examples are the unique spectrum and the predictions could be extended to more
properties of gold and mercury as compared to the other complicated atomic systems. But there were still problems.
members of their families. A third example is the reluctance The Schrodinger treatment by itself could not account for the
u i t h r 1)"-rtranitiw~~nct:~l, ~ i l ~ ~ lt hj ei t hi:l~c-~ jptli.ilh fine structure in the hvdroeen atom. In fact. the Bohr-Som-
uuidntim > I J I ~'I'lie
, . ~ r ~ l c r~r, ~x i~dla ~.t.utt
i ~ ~ lor
i the-t clt -
ments is two less thanthe group number. Thus, in Group IVA, - .
the most stable oxidation state of lead is f 2 , while tin exhibits Also, when the ~chrodingerequation was applied to the
stable oxidation states of both +2 and +4. This phenomenon spectra of the alkali metals, it predicted singlets where dou-
has been attributed to the so called "inert pair" effect. I shall blets are actually observed.
discuss how these and other anomalous chemical properties In 1925 George Uhlenbeck and Samuel A. Goudsmit showed
may he explained on the basis of relativistic effects. In order that the Schrodinger treatment could be made to account
to do this properly, I would like to trace the development of correctlv for the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum and
the relativistic wave equation, the Dirac equation. starting
with the Bohr treatment of the hydrogen atom. For those
readers who are unfamiliar with the Dirac equation, I would abo& an axis through its center whiie at the same timecir-
also like to summarize some of its major consequences. culating about the nucleus. Thus, the electron would have an
angular momentum due to its spinning in addition to the an-
The Bohr Atom gular momentum which it possesses due to its circular motion
During the latter half of the 19th century it was difficult for ahbut the nucleus. Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit assigned a spin
scientists to understand why a heated gas of hydrogen atoms angular momentum of 'I& to the electron in order to explain
should emit electromagnetic radiation of only certain energies the doublets observed in the suectra of the alkali metals. It was
rather than a continuous spectrum of energies. There was no l'urll~cr:twllllit d l l l n t lht -pill :111:1lli,r ini.,tIIelitunl \c.rIc.r a.1-
theory which was adequate in explaining the hydrogen spec- cl)n,e t ~ u , ~ ~ i ~and d 1 % hc 3 l i-~ n %I
i / chad t I ithcr \ r ~ t h
t l r .xr~i~i,t
trum until 1913 when Bohr formulated his theory. Bohr was an applied magnetic field. The value of the spin angular mo-
able to derive an equation which correctly reproduced the mentum was later revised to (&/2)h and it could have com-
spectral frequencies observed in the hydrogen spectrum.
Bohr's treatment represented quite a triumph at the time even
though it was unable to explain the spectra for elements with a fourth quantum number, the spin quantum number (m, =
Z > 1and did not account for the so-called "fine structure" was added to the three already ohtained from the
of the hydrogen spectrum. Schriidinger equation.
The Bohr-Sommerfeld Model The Dirac Equation
In the Bohr-Sommerfeld model (1916) it was assumed that According to the postulates of quantum mechanics, the
the electron traveled in an elliptical path with the nucleus wave equation for ij/ is obtained from the classical expression
located at one focus. This resulted in the introduction of a for the total energy of the system by replacing the dynamical
second quantum number since two polar coordinates, r a n d variables with operators and by the insertion of the wave
0, were now needed to locate the position of the electron.
Sommerfeld also took relativistic effects into consideration.
function as the operand.
Dynarnicnl variable Operator
An electron in a circular orbit has constant velocity, but an Position: X, y,z r,y,z
electron in an elliptical orbit has velocity that is different a t
different positions, speeding up when it is near the nucleus
and slowing down when it is far away. The relativistic mass
of the electron changes with the changing velocity of the
electron. By taking into account these relativistic effects,
Sommerfeld was able to account for the fine structure in the
hydrogen spectrum. However, there were still many aspects a
Total energy: E ih-
of atomic spectra which remained unexplained, most at
notably: According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, the energy of
a part,iclr is given by
1) The relative intensities of the transitions: and
2) The spectra of elements with Z > 1. E" cC2( p r Z + p Y+Pp z 2 + mO2c2). (1)
The Schrodinger Equation
In 1926 the laws or postulates of quantum mechanics were E = i c (p,2 + p Y 2+ p Z 2t mo2c2)112
developed by Erwin Schriidinger resulting in his famous and applying the above postulate of quantum mechanics, one
equation. At about the same time, Werner Heisenherg, Max obtains:
Born, and Pascual Jordan developed a treatment called matrix
mechanics, which gave results which were later shown to be
equivalent to those ohtained by Schriidinger. Solutions to the
Dirac chose to use the negative root. He then applied the The Dirac velocity operators and aspect operator are usually
ahovementioned postulate of quantum mechanics to obtain given as follows:
+ ~ Z C ( ~ P Z P ,+ U.Z~ZPZPI + arPplmo~
Introducing the 4 X 4 matrices into the Dirac equation leads
+ Uyazp,pz + a y Z ~ , 2+ %CZIP>P~+ ~ ~ ~ , 3 p , m ~ c to four differential equations. Solutions to the equations give
+ ~ , ~ Z P , P+Za,n,p,p, + a z Z ~ , Z+ a,O~,m,,c $1, $2, $3 and $a as functions of the polar coordinates, r, 4, and
0 and, unlike the Schrodinger equation, introduce all four
+ Bazm,cpz + Oaymoe~,+ P a , r n , , ~+~p2mOZc2 ~ (6)
quantum numbers. There is not, however, a one to one cor-
Inspection of the right side of eqn. (6) reveals that if the
eaualitv is to hold. then all of the cross uroduct terms. that is
s ,
all the terms located off the diagonal, must add out. This may later.
be accomnlished if each uair of terms svmmetricallv located The Dirac equation was solved for a hydrogen-like atom by
about the diagonal adds u p to zero. For example, a,a,p,p, C. G. Darwin in 1928, the same year that Dirac published his
+ a,a,p,p, = 0. Now p,p, = p,p, since the momentum op- work. The equation is not solved here, and the reader is asked
erators are commuting operators. That is to say, it makes no to refer to Bethe and Salpeter (1j for the solution to aparticle
difference whether $ is differentiated first with respect to x in a one-dimensional box.
and then 2 or with respect to z first and then x . This requires
that the a's and fl anticommute, that is Consequences of the Dirac Treatment
. . The hydrogen spectrum When the Dirac theory is applied
a,a, = -a,%, L # 1 to the hydrogen atom, it correctly predicts the entire spec-
uip = -0% trum, including all fine structure. Well, almost. In 1947 Willis
E. Lamb, Jr. and Robert C. Retherford were ahle to show that
Furthermore, inspection of the diagonal reveals that in order the 2s1/2 level was higher in energy than the 2p1/2 level by
for the equality to hold, the following must he true: cua2 = P2 1,060MHz. This amounts to about two parts per million when
= 1. compared with the frequency of the Balmer-alpha line, which
Dirac was ahle to show that these restrictions could not be represents the energy difference hetween t h e n = 2 and n =
satisfied if the a's and @ were scalar functions. He went on to 3 levels. The Dirar theory predicts that these states should
show that they had to he at least 4 X 4 matrices and $ a 4- have the same energy. This very small shift, called the Lamb
component vector. shift, is explained in a theory called quantum electrodynamics.
It is usually written According to this theory there exist electromagnetic field
fluctuations which are auantum mechanical in nature and
the nucleus when they are close together. The shapes of the
2s1/2 and 2~112orbitals are such that the electron spends more
Table 1. The Dirac Quantum Numbers
According to this equation, there exist for the electron two sets
of energy states, one of positive energy and one of negative
energy. These two sets of energy states would range in energy
from +me2 to plus infinity and from -mc"o minus infinity.
Dirac recognized that all observed electrons occupied the
positive energy states. This then created the question, "Why
don't the electrons of positive energy spontaneously fall into
the neeative enerw states with the release of enerev?". Dirac
from Cd to Hg.
In eoine down Grouu IA and Grouo IIA. the atomic radii
reach; maximum w i t h ~ (26.2
s nm) &d ~ a ' ( 2 l .nm).
l Fricke
With u = Z = 80 and c = 137, we obtain m = 1.2 m,. So the and Waber (7) have calculated the atomic radii of eka-fran-
masses of the 1s electrons in mercurv are increased bv ao- cium and eka-radium to be 25.5 nm and 21.6 nm, respectively.
Thus, accurding to these authors, the relativistic contraction
of the valence s shell overtakes the shell-structure expansion
appears in the denominator. PyYkk6 and ~ e s c l a u x(6) state after Cs and Ba, making Cs the largest atom in nature.
that "all the others shells. UD to the valence shell, contract Pitzer (8)has calculated the energies of the s and p valence
roughly as much because their electron speeds near the nu- orbitals for Ge, Sn, and Pb. In one set of calculations, he took
cleus are cornoarable and the contraction of the inner part of into account relativistic effects and in the other set he did not.
the wave fmlction pulls in the outer tail?." They also point out T h e energy differences between the s and p orbitals as ob-
that the I, orbitals also contract: "The magnitude of the con- tained hy the two methods are shown in Table 3. Since in the
traction of thep,,, subshell is comparablito that of thesln. relativistic method the and py2 orbitals have different
The p:j,, subshell contracts much less." This contraction re-
sults in a corresponding increase in stability. The relativistic wei&ted averages were ;sgd for the p orbitals when 4 ~(rel:
enerpies and since the 0 2 1 7 orbital is doublv" degenerate.
contraction of the s orhitals of the heavy elements and the ativistic) was calculated. Notice that 46 (non relativistic)
corresuondinr increase in stahilitv accounts for the inert oair decreases from Ge to Sn to Ph while AE (relativistic) decreases
from Ge to Sn and then i u m ~ back
s UD for Pb. This is caused
by a decrease in the energy o? the rela$vistic s orbitals relative
6p2) favors the +2 oxidation state. to the nonrelativistic ones in going down the column.
A second consequence of the relativistic contraction of the A particularly interesting manifestation of relativistic ef-
a and p ~ , , orbitals is that now they are more effective a t fects is found in the unusual chemical properties of Au when
screening the d and f orbitals from the nuclear attraction. The compared with Ag or Cu. The differences hetween Au and Ag
d and f orbitals do not "penetrate" the way the s a n d p orbitals appear to he largely relativistic. Both have the electronic
do hecause of their high angular momenta and consequently, configuration (n - 1)d l 0 ns'. Relativistic effects result in the
the d and f electrons spend much less time near the nucleus s electrons being more tightly hound and the d electrons being
and do not experience the high velocities necessary for the more loosely bound in Au than in Ag. This results in the first
relativistic contraction. The increased shielding due to the ionization potential being greater for Au (9.22 eV versus 7.57
contraction of t h e and p orhitals thus results in a radial ex- eV) and the second ionization potential heing greater lor Ag
'It should be noted that since this derivation is based upon the Bohr (21.5 eV versus 20.5 eV). The energy difference between the
model it is, at best. a rough approximation. (n - 1) d and ns orbitals drops from 5.2 eV for Ag to 2.6 eV for
Table 3. Energy Difference Between the s and p Orbitals ol the in the size of the atoms and ions from La to Lu. The most
Valence Shell i m ~ o r t a ncause
t of this contraction is the ineffective shielding
Element A 1rel.r Ar Inonre1 I of bne 4f electron by another which in turn is caused by the
"nonpenetrating" nature of the {orbitals. Thus, the steady
buildup of nuclear charge which accompanies the filling of the
41 orbital coupled with the ineffective shield in^ results in a
steady decrease in size. Pitzer ( 8 ) has shown that these con-
siderations alone would make Lu3+ the same size as Y3+ hut
that relativistic considerations are needed to account for the
Au (8). The more tightly hound ns orbital of Au results in Au 0.03 A by which Ln3+ is smaller than Y+3. Pitzer estimates
having a much higher electron affinity (2.308 eV) than either that about 10% of the lanthanide contraction is due to rela-
Ag (1.202 eV) or Cu (1.226 eV). This in turn accounts for the tivistic effects.
formation of CsAu and RhAu which are nonmetallic semi-
conductors with the CsClstructure. Ag doesnot form any such Conclusion
compounds. The relativistic contraction and tighter binding Relativistic effects have been shown to be lareelv respon-
of the 6s orbital of Au also accounts for the unusually high
dissociation enerev of Au? 12.34 eV) com~aredwith Ae? 11.65
eV) or Cue (1.95 e?). Lee et. al. (9) have attributed abo;t 1eV effect, contribute to the lanthanide contraction (6,8) a& are
of the 2.34 eV to relativistic effects. The remarkahle stabilitv probably responsihle for the unusual stability of Hgz2+.These
of Hg22+ must also he due to relativistic effects inasmuch as and many other examples are discussed in the extensive review
by Pyykko (11).
I believe that the Dirac treatment and its consequences have
a definite place in the undergraduate curriculum and should
he receiving considerably mire emphasis than they are given
at present.
Literature Cited
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difference hetween the 6 ~ l i i a n d6D:w states is nearlv 1eV. ,..,,",.