CIRED2007 0383 Paper
CIRED2007 0383 Paper
CIRED2007 0383 Paper
Paper 0383
generator breaker. system generator
20 source
Testing has been performed with this device, as yet in a source fault
direct circuit, in which currents and (transient) voltages 15
are produced by a single source. In a further stage of 10 load current
development, it is necessary to use a synthetic circuit, in 5
which an auxiliary circuit is used to produce the special generator rating 150 MVA, 15 kV
values of the TRV.
0 5 10 15 20
time (us)
Fig. 1: TRV shapes of some generator circuit breaker (rated 15 kV, 200
In IEEE Std. C37-013 [1] relevant test-requirements are MVA) duties compared to general purpose 15 kV circuit breaker T30
laid down for generator circuit breakers, intended for TRV (S1 intended for cable systems, S2 for line systems)
generators ranging from 100 - 1000 MVA. Recently
(Nov. 2006) draft Amendment 1: Supplement for use with of a bus). In this case, the peak value of the system source
Generators 10 - 100 MVA was released [2]. The main topic fault TRV increases, whereas the TRV rate-of-rise decreases.
of this draft is to include TRV requirements in the generator From the examples of IEEE PC37.013a/D6 [2], proposed to
power range 10 - 100 MVA and to provide guidance on how be included as Annex B in a future version of the IEEE
cables between transformer and breaker can affect TRV. generator standard [1], it follows that only considerable length
In IEC, a separate generator breaker standard does not exist of cable (> 20 m) combined with small MVA generator
and the IEC 62271-100 circuit breaker standard excludes ratings (< 20 MVA) can be effective to reduce TRV rate-of-
generator breakers. However, practice is often to employ rise strongly, but still at the cost of increase of the TRV peak
"general purpose" breakers (type tested per IEC 62271-100) value [3].
in a range 20 - 50 MVA as generator breakers. The authors In fig. 2, TRV rate-of-rise of generator breaker fault
interruption duties are compared to the TRVs belonging to the
Paper 0383
maximum fault current (T100 duty) of a general purpose 15 tests, only one LC circuit is used to produce the injection
kV breaker. From this, it becomes clear that a breaker, type current, in separate tests on the first and last poles to clear
tested in accordance with IEC 62271-100, even with very respectively. The other LC unit is needed for arc prolongation.
high rated breaking current, e.g. 63 kA, generally falls short A new method for arc prolongation is developed that can
to fulfil the very severe generator TRV requirements. produce far higher current than the arc prolongation circuits
normally used in high-voltage synthetic testing. Such a circuit
TESTING is necessary to produce a realistic arc duration in synthetic
6 The auxiliary breaker for isolation of the current source
system source fault from the HV-source, must also be a generator circuit
TRV rate of rise (kV/us)
Paper 0383
Actual status
The modular high-current and gene-
rator vacuum circuit breakers 3AH37
/3AH38 from Siemens was type tested
up to 72 kA in accordance with IEEE
Std. C37-013. The breaker has rated
voltage of 17.5 kV and is available for
nominal current up to 6300 A and
short-circuit current up to 72 kA.
Fig. 3: Oscillograms of 10 kA tests by Siemens (early-eighties of last century) regarding
During the design work, simulations
missing current zero with vacuum breaker (left) and oil circuit breaker (right). Upper trace:
in mechanics, electrical and thermal
current, lower trace: arc voltage.
fields were necessary. The
2. Long arcing times and high asymmetry such as occur in optimisation of contact material, contact system of the
the generator-source faults need a very careful design of interrupter as well as the mechanical properties of the breaker
(radial magnetical field) arc control; are the basis of success. Existing subassemblies of the 3AH3
3. The arc voltage of vacuum breakers is much lower than of family were used.
gasfilled breakers. The advantage is a lower thermal stress Three-phase direct tests up to 72 kA were done in the
of the breaking chambers, the disadvantage is the Siemens test laboratory and at KEMA. All development
impossibility to interact with the circuit in order to testing was done at Siemens. The final type tests were done at
advance current zero in the case of very high asymmetry KEMA.
during a generator source fault. This is illustrated in fig. 3 The increase of rated voltage up to 24 kV will be the next step
of early tests, showing that the relatively high arc voltage in the development. Therefore, an understanding of the
of a minimum oil circuit breaker can "advance" current plasma physics and the influence of the arc voltage on the
zero, whereas "vacuum" has to wait for current zero breaking process is necessary.
because of its low arc voltage. Based on the results and experience in high-current and
generator vacuum circuit-breakers breaking capabilities up to
100 kA in vacuum are possible.
Circuit breaker parameters
In fig. 4, a typical oscillogram of an interruption of 80.1 kA
current: 50 kA/div
voltage: 10 kV/div
purpose circuit breakers for extreme service situations
time: 20 ms/div
such as occur for example in the off-shore industry. In 50
for example occur with short-circuit currents having an
asymmetry higher than 75%. Around 1980, compara- - 1 50
controllable arcing times. With the 3AH38 breaker, an Fig.4: Interruption of 80.1 kARMS current with 53% asymmetry by a
arcing time of 50 ms (at a level of 31.5 kA) was vacuum genererator circuit breaker. cs: contact separation.
demonstrated. The figure shows one phase of a direct three-phase test.
Paper 0383
current is shown. Very high asymmetry is produced here, Another example is single-phase vs. three-phase testing. In
leading to a first asymmetrical current peak of 228 kA and the single-phase case, great caution must be exercised in
asymmetry (at contact separation) of 53%. order to simulate the phase-to-phase (dynamical, mechanical)
Fig. 5 shows the object in the KEMA test-station. In fig. 6 the interaction when testing single phase.
circuit breaker and interrupter are shown. A relative newcomer in the field of generator breakers is the
vacuum circuit breaker. Direct three-phase tests up to 72 kA
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION are described that confirm the performance of both test-circuit
and test-object.
Due to specific network requirements, such as a very steep
rise of transient recovery voltage after fault current inter- REFERENCES
[1] IEEE Std. C37.013-1997: "Standard for AC-High
Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis", IEEE New York
[2] IEEE PC37.013a/D6, Nov. 2006, "Standard for AC
High Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis - Draft Amendment 1:
Supplement for use with Generators Rated 10 - 100
MVA", IEEE New York
[3] D. Dufournet, G.F. Montillet, 2002, "Transient Recovery
Voltage Requirements for System-Source Fault
Interruption by Small Generator Circuit Breakers", IEEE
Trans. Pow. Del., vol.17, no.2, 474-478.
[4] R.P.P. Smeets, W.A. van der Linden, 1998, "The Testing
of SF6 Generator Circuit-Breakers", IEEE Trans. Pow.
Del., vol.13, no.4, pp. 1188 - 1193
[5] R.P.P. Smeets, H.D. Barts, L. Zehnder, 2006, "Extreme
Stresses of Generator Circuit Breakers", CIGRE
Conference, paper A3-306