Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Activity: Home Assignment
Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Activity: Home Assignment
Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Activity: Home Assignment
Roll No.:
1. Read the biography of Bismarck. Find out and write how he led the drive for German unity.
Specifically write the brutal methods Bismarck used to achieve unification on the home front.
2. Create an annotated time line of Unification of Italy from 1830-1861. Include ten significant events
during the times of the following personalities.
a. Gluseppe Mazzini
b. King Victor Emmanuel II
c. Cavour
d. Gluseppe Garibaldi
Learning Outcome
1. Allot 2 marks for the correct explanation for Bismarcks drive for German unity. Allot 3 marks for the
brutal methods used by Bismarck to achieve German unification.
a. Two great powers claimed for leadership of Germany: Austria and Prussia. The two rival
powers struggled with each other to lead the smaller German states.
b. Out of the two, it was Prussia which was destined to unify Germany.
c. Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Prussia, lead his country in Germanys unification with
the help of Prussian army and bureaucracy.
d. Bismarck was successful in uniting more than forty states on German soil into the
German Empire in 1870.
e. Bismarck was an excellent diplomat who brilliantly manipulated alliances and played
different powers off against one another.
f. Bismarck was a conservative and he opposed democracy.
g. He used the decisive policies of blood and iron to build the German nation.
h. He embarked on an ambitious program of militarization.
i. He asserted that significant problems could not be solved by mere speeches and public
opinion, but only through bloodshed and rattling of war weapons.
j. He manipulated the governments of both France and Prussia to start a war that
ultimately led to German unification.
2. Allot half mark for each correct annotated timeline of significant events related to the mentioned
1830 - Nationalist Revolutions in some states
1831 - Mazzini forms Young Italy. Meets Garibaldi and inspires him.
1833 - Garibaldi sentenced to death for his part in a revolution in Piedmont; goes into
1847 - Number of reforms carried, e.g., Creating free press, a civic guard, and Council
of State
March 1848 - Metternich resigned as Foreign Minister
1852 - Cavour appointed as PM of Piedmont