C 1167 - 03 Clay Roof Tile - Genteng Keramik

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Designation: C 1167 03

Standard Specification for

Clay Roof Tiles1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1167; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 4. Classification
1.1 This specification covers clay tiles intended for use as 4.1 Clay roof tiles covered by this specification are classi-
roof covering where durability and appearance are required to fied by grade for durability and type for appearance as follows:
provide a weather-resistant surface of specified design. 4.1.1 Grades:
1.2 Tiles are manufactured from clay, shale, or similar Grade 1Providing resistance to severe frost ac-
naturally occurring earthy substances and subjected to heat tion.
treatment at elevated temperatures (firing). The heat treatment Grade 2Providing resistance to moderate frost
must develop a fired bond between the particulate constituents action.
to provide the strength and durability requirements of this Grade 3Providing negligible resistance to any
specification (see firing and fired bond in Terminology C 43). frost action.
1.3 Tiles are shaped during manufacture by molding, press- Grades relate to exposure to weather as defined in
ing, or extrusion and it is permitted to use the shaping method Table 1.
to describe the tiles. 4.2 Types:
1.4 Tiles are generally planar or undulating rectangular 4.2.1 Type IHigh-profile tilestiles having a rise-to-
shapes available in a variety of cross-sectional profiles, shapes, width ratio greater than 1:5.
sizes, surface textures, and colors. 4.2.2 Type IILow-profile tilestiles having a rise-to-
1.5 Three grades of tile having various degrees of resistance width ratio equal to, or less than 1:5.
to weathering are covered in this specification. Three types of 4.2.3 Type IIIAll other tiles, including flat.
tile are defined to cover the features that influence appearance.
1.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 5. Material and Finish
as the standard. 5.1 Colors and textures produced by application of inor-
ganic coatings to the faces of the tiles are not prohibited
2. Referenced Documents provided that evidence satisfactory to the purchaser is fur-
2.1 ASTM Standards: nished regarding the durability of the coatings. Tiles that are
C 43 Terminology of Structural Clay Products2 colored by flashing or textured by sanding, where the sand does
C 67 Test Methods of Sampling and Testing Brick and not form a continuous coating, are not considered as surface-
Structural Clay Tile2 colored tiles for the purpose of this specification.
C 297 Test Method for Tensile Strength of Flat Sandwich NOTE 1When surface colored tiles (other than sanded or flashed) are
Constructions in Flatwise Plane3 specified, data satisfactory to the purchaser shall be submitted showing
C 554 Test Method for Crazing Resistance of Fired Glazed that after 50 cycles of freezing-thawing (5.2) there is no observable
Ceramic Whitewares by a Thermal Shock Method4 difference in the applied finish when viewed from a distance of 40 ft (12
m) under an illumination of not less than 50 fc (538 lm/m2) by an observer
3. Terminology with normal vision. It is not prohibited to present service records of the
3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms relating to struc- performance of the particular coated tiles in appropriate locations in place
of the freezing and thawing test, with the consent of the purchaser.
tural clay products, and clay roof tiles, see Terminology C 43.
5.2 The tiles shall be free of defects, deficiencies, or
bloating, that would interfere with the proper laying of the tiles,
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C15 on the performance of the roof, or the requirements of this
Manufactured Masonry Units and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C15.06 on Roofing Tile.
Current edition approved January 10, 2003. Published November 2003. Origi- 5.2.1 Tiles that, when broken, have a dark area that has a
nally approved in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 1996 as C 1167 96. steely appearance and is sharply delineated from the surround-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.05. ing normal color of tile are not prohibited. This dark area is
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.02. known as black heart or black core. Black heart is generally the

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

C 1167 03
TABLE 1 Grade Classification for Clay Roof Tiles both. Such a tile is completely unacceptable for use regardless of its other
Grade properties such as strength.
Weathering Index (see Annex A1)
(All Types) NOTE 3The resistance of clay roof tiles to weathering cannot be
1 500 and greater
predicted with complete assurance using any of the physical tests
2 50 to 500 prescribed. However, practical experience has demonstrated satisfactory
3 less than 50 performance of clay roof tiles, some for hundreds of years, and this
experience forms the basis of the prescriptive requirements of Table 2.
There is generally excellent correlation between field performance and the
requirements. However, it is possible that some tiles that meet this
result of the reduction of iron minerals during the firing specification are not suitable for severe climates. Furthermore, it is also
process. Its presence, regardless of the size in the tile that possible for other tiles that do not meet this specification to show
otherwise meets the physical performance of this specification, acceptable serviceability in the most severe climates. The best indication
shall not be cause for rejection. of clay roof tile durability is the service record of experience with the
specified product in the environment of its intended use.
5.3 The exposed tile surface shall be free of chippage or
other imperfections detracting from the appearance of the 6.1.1 Measure the water absorption, and calculate the satu-
designated sample when viewed from a distance 40 ft (12 m) ration coefficient, in accordance with Test Methods C 67. The
under an illumination of not less than 50 fc (538 lm/m2) by an test sample shall consist of five whole tiles.
observer with normal vision. 6.1.2 The physical requirements in Table 2 shall be achieved
5.4 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the purchaser as a result of the firing process and associated thermal reactions
and the seller, a delivery of tiles shall contain not less than within the tile body (and glaze, if present) which include
95 % whole tiles. In this specification, the term whole tiles development of the fired bond, increase in density, increase in
shall be understood to mean tiles meeting the appearance strength, and reduction in water absorption. Tiles shall not
requirements of this specification. comply with this specification if other processes, for example,
5.5 After tiles are placed in usage, the manufacturer or his immersion in solutions of organic materials to effect impreg-
agent shall not be held responsible for compliance of tiles with nation or surface sealing, are used to change the physical
the requirements of this specification for dimensional toler- properties which result from the firing process. It is not
ances, finish, texture, or color. prohibited to test tiles in accordance with this Specification
after the impregnation and sealing materials are removed as
6. Performance Requirements prescribed in Test Methods C 67.
6.1 DurabilityThe tiles shall conform to the physical 6.2 Freezing and ThawingThe requirements specified in
requirements for the Grade specified as prescribed in Table 2. 6.1 for water absorption (5-h boiling) and saturation coefficient
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, tiles of a higher shall not apply for all Grades provided that a sample of five
Grade (greater weathering index) shall be accepted instead of tiles, meeting all of the other requirements, experiences no
a lower Grade. The saturation coefficient requirement does not breakage, no crack development that exceeds the minimum
apply when the average cold water absorption of a random dimension of the specimen, and not greater than 0.5 % loss in
sample of five tiles does not exceed 6 %, no more than one tile dry weight when subjected to 50 cycles of the freezing-and-
of the sample exceeds 6 % and its cold water absorption is less thawing test of Test Methods C 67, modified in accordance
than 8 %. When Grade 3 tiles are used in regions where the with 6.2.1.
weathering index is less than 50 (see Annex A1), unless 6.2.1 Modify Test Methods C 67, Section 8, as follows: The
otherwise specified, the requirements for water absorption and test sample shall consist of five whole tiles. The freezing trays
for saturation coefficient shall not apply. and containers shall be of sufficient size and depth to allow the
tiles to be completely submerged in water when placed
NOTE 2Frost is of profound importance in mechanical weathering
where its effectiveness is dependent on the frequency of temperature
horizontally. The tiles shall be completely submerged in water
fluctuation across the freezing point in the presence of water. The ability when the trays are placed in the freezing chamber. It is not
of a tile to resist failure in a wet and freezing environment is, therefore, of prohibited to test individual tile or to stack tile on top of each
paramount importance. If a tile fails in such an environment, its use will other in the tray, provided that spacers at least 14 in. (6 mm)
result in an unacceptable deterioration of appearance or more likely, a total thick are used between adjacent tiles and that the total stack is
failure to function (that is, protect the underlying structure from rain), or completely submerged.
NOTE 4A large capacity freezer is generally necessary to accomplish
TABLE 2 Physical Requirements freezing in the manner specified in Test Methods C 67 for trays containing
Absorption Requirements more than one tile. It is not prohibited to use custom trays to enclose the
tile(s) and minimize the volume of water required to completely submerge
Cold Water Absorption Maximum Saturation
Maximum Percent CoefficientA the tile(s).
Average of Individual Average of Individual 6.2.2 A lot of tiles shall be given the Grade 1 rating without
Five Tiles Tile Five Tiles Tile repeating a freezing and thawing test provided that a previous
1 6 8 0.74 0.76 lot made by the supplier from similar materials, by the same
2 11 13 0.80 0.82
3 13 15 0.84 0.86
process, at the same production plant, and within the previous
12 months, had passed the test, and provided also that a sample
The saturation coefficient is the ratio of absorption by 24-h submersion in water
at a temperature of 75 6 10F (24 6 6C) to that after 5 h submersion in boiling of five tiles selected from the lot has an average and individual
water. minimum transverse strength not less than the previously

C 1167 03
graded sample and has average and individual maximum water sufficient to allow a 12 in. (30.5 cm) span to be used. In that
absorption and saturation coefficient not greater than those of case, a shorter span, not less than two-thirds of the length of the
the previously graded sample. tile, shall be used and the required minimum values in Table 3
NOTE 5Unless specifically requested by the purchaser, the 50-cycle
shall be increased proportionately to the reduction in span, that
freezing and thawing test is used only as an alternative when tiles do not is, multiplied by:
conform to either Table 2 requirements for maximum water absorption 12
and saturation coefficient, or to the restrictive absorption requirements in span used ~in.! (1)
6.3.3 The tile shall be tested in a three-point bending mode
6.3 StrengthThe transverse breaking strength of tiles shall
be determined as described for the Flexure Test in Test in a horizontal plane with the bottom surface of the tile resting
Methods C 67 except as modified in 6.3.1 to 6.3.7. on two lower support members and with the load being applied
6.3.1 Five tiles shall be tested wet after a 24-h submersion to the upper (exposed) surface of the tile by a third member
in water at a temperature of 75 6 10F (24 6 6C) or five tiles moving in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the tile and
shall be tested dry after heating in a ventilated oven for 24 h at at mid-span (that is, equidistant from each of the lower support
a temperature of 230 to 239F (110 to 115C). members). Tile shall be considered to comply with this speci- 6.3.4 The two support members and the loading member
fication when they pass the requirement of either the wet or the shall be of metal or hardwood with 1 in. (25 mm) 6 5 % wide
dry transverse strength test. The choice of method, wet or dry, faces. The faces shall be shaped (see Note 6) to closely
shall be mutually agreed upon between specifier and supplier. conform to the profile of the surface of the tile upon which they
6.3.2 The span chosen for the test shall be 12 in. (30.5 cm) bear during the test (it is prohibited to use different profiles for
6 5 % or 23 of the length of the tile, whichever is greater. The each member depending on the profile and cross-sectional
span is measured between the centers of the lower support shape of the tile). The total height of the members shall not be
members (6.3.3 and Fig. 1). more than 1 in. (25 mm) greater than the rise of the tile profile It is not prohibited to use a shorter span than and, if hardwood, they shall be backed up with steel bearing
required by 6.3.2 when the length of the tile to be tested is not plates at least 12 in. (13 mm) thick. A rubber shim strip 316 in.

NOTE 1See text for dimensions.

FIG. 1 Schematic of Assembly for Flexure Strength Testing

C 1167 03
TABLE 3 Transverse Breaking Strength Requirements 6.4.1 Modify 10.4.1 of Test Methods C 67 as follows: Set
Wet Transverse Strength, Dry Transverse Strength, one specimen of each of the five pairs, with appropriate support
min, lbf (N) min, lbf (N) formed from corrosion-resistant material to maintain the tile in
Type (All Grades)
Average of Individual Average of Individual an approximately vertical position, on its nose end, partially
Five Tiles Tile Five Tiles Tile
immersed in distilled water to a depth of approximately 1 in.
Type IHigh Profile 300 (1334) 260 (1157) 400 (1779) 350 (1556) (25.4 mm) for 7 days in the drying room.
Type IILow Profile 225 (1001) 200 (890) 300 (1334) 250 (1112)
Type IIIOther Tiles 225 (1001) 200 (890) 300 (1334) 250 (1112) 6.5 Reactive ParticulatesReactive particulates shall not
be used in the composition of the tile if they result in a visible
imperfection when viewed from a distance of 10 ft (3 m) under
(4.8 mm) 6 10 % thick of hardness no greater than Shore an illumination of not less than 50 fc (538.2 lm/m2) by an
Durometer 30 (A scale), and 1 in. (25 mm) 6 5 % wide, shall observer with normal vision.
be placed between the faces of the support and loading 6.6 PermeabilityThe permeability of tiles shall be deter-
members and the surface of the tile. A schematic of the mined as follows:
assembly for testing a typical S tile is shown in Fig. 1. 6.6.1 ApparatusProvide a walled frame and stand, as
NOTE 6The intent of the defined loading system is (1) to apply the shown in Fig. 2, designed to closely surround the perimeter of
bending force with a loading member that pushes against as much of the the tile and provide for horizontal support of the tile with the
profiled surface of the tile as is practical, (2) to support the tile on exposed surface uppermost, and for sealing around the perim-
members that support as much of the profiled surface of the tile as is eter. Any support flange or sealant material shall not protrude
practical, and (3) to ensure that the contact area of both the loading and more than 12 in. (12 mm) onto the surface of either side of the
support members be equally distributed on either side of the length
centerline on the tile to avoid non-symmetrical loading.
tile. The height of the stand shall be sufficient to allow
For tile with complex profiles and cross-sections but with flat bearing observation of the underside of the tile. The height of the
surfaces which are at least 50 % of the width of the tile and which are also perimeter frame wall shall be at least 3 in. (75 mm) greater than
equally distributed on either side of the length centerline it is not the height of the tile profile to be tested.
prohibited to use flat support and loading members to perform this test 6.6.2 ProcedureSeal the entire perimeter of the tile in the
provided that they otherwise comply with the requirements of 6.3.4, 6.3.5 frame with a suitable compound such as putty, mastic, or
and 6.3.6. When sufficient flat bearing surface does not exist, wood blocks silicone sealant that will provide a watertight seal. Nail holes
of appropriate thickness and profile and 1 in. (25 mm) wide, shall be used
to provide a surface that will allow load application using a flat loading
shall be similarly sealed. Sealant shall not protrude more than
12 in. (12 mm) onto the surface of either side of the tile. Place
member which otherwise meets the requirements of 6.3.4, 6.3.5 and 6.3.6,
and causes the load to be applied to at least 50 % of the width of the tile the frame and stand assembly on a non-absorbant surface and
and equally distributed on either side of the length centerline of the tile. adjust the stand so that the tile is horizontal. Add water at 75 6
Each wood block used to provide sufficient flat surface to allow loading 10F (24 6 6C) to a depth of 2 6 14 in. (51 6 6 mm)
and supporting with flat bearing members shall have a length of at least measured from the highest point of the upper surface of the tile.
25 % of the width of the tile. Such blocks shall be spaced no farther apart
Maintain the depth of water for the 24 h duration of the test and
than 25 % of the width of the tile to avoid concentrated loading. Loading
and support members shall be parallel to each other and be placed in the periodically observe the underside of the tile and the surface
same alignment across the width of the tile, when viewed from the end of beneath the stand for signs of water droplets. Protect the
the tile, to avoid torsional loading. assembly from drafts to avoid evaporation from the underside
6.3.5 The length of the support and loading members shall of the tile.
be greater than the width of the tile. 6.6.3 Acceptance CriteriaThree tiles, selected at random
6.3.6 Both of the support members and the loading member from the lot, shall be tested. The tile shall have passed the
shall be free to rotate in the longitudinal and transverse permeability test when, after 24 h, no water droplets have
directions of the test specimen and be adjusted so that they will fallen from the underside of the tile. When water droplets have
exert no force in these directions. It is not prohibited to fallen, the tile has failed the permeability test.
accomplish this by using spherically seated steel balls with
appropriate supporting springs.
6.3.7 The tile shall be loaded uniformly and continuously,
without shock, at a rate not to exceed 1000 lbf (4550 N)/min
until fracture.
6.3.8 Record the load in pounds (kilograms) at fracture of
each of the five tiles and report the average of the five tests and
the minimum individual result.
6.3.9 For tiles with width greater than 14 in. (35.6 cm) the
minimum values in Table 3 are to be increased proportionately
to the increase in width, that is, multiplied by:
width ~in.!
14 (2)

6.4 EfflorescenceThe rating for efflorescence shall be not

effloresced when tiles of any grade are tested in accordance
with Test Methods C 67 (modified in accordance with 6.4.1). FIG. 2 Permeability Test Arrangement

C 1167 03
7. Texture and Color incidental to the usual method of manufacture, and not extend-
7.1 The color and texture of tiles shall be specified by the ing through the body of the tile, shall not be deemed grounds
purchaser and mutually agreed upon between purchaser and for rejection.
supplier with reference to a sample of the grade and type 10. Rejection and Rehearing
specified representing the range of possible shades and tex-
tures. 10.1 When material that fails to conform to the require-
7.2 Glazed TileIt is not prohibited to coat the exposed ments of this specification is rejected, such rejection shall be
surface of the tiles with a ceramic glaze of a color and gloss promptly reported in writing to the supplier. In case of
mutually agreed between purchaser and supplier with reference rejection, and, when not specifically excluded in the purchase
to a sample of the grade and type specified representing the contract, the supplier shall have the right to inspect the rejected
range of possible shades of color and degrees of gloss. lot and resubmit the lot after removal of the material not
7.2.1 Glaze AdherenceThe adherence of the ceramic conforming to the specified requirements, provided this is done
glaze shall be evaluated by the thermal shock method in within 20 days after receipt of notice of the specific cause for
accordance with Sections 2, 3, and 4 of Test Method C 554 rejection.
with the exception that four heating and quenching cycles shall 10.2 When the shipment fails to conform to the require-
be conducted with an oven temperature of 450F (232C). ments for the grade and type specified, the manufacturer is not
After the four heating and quenching cycles, the glaze adher- prohibited from sorting the lot, and, when sorted, new speci-
ence shall be evaluated by flatwise tension tests conducted on mens shall be selected by the purchaser from the retained lot
five specimens in accordance with Test Method C 297. The and tested at the expense of the supplier. When the second set
adherence strength shall not be less than 100 lbf/in2(689 kPa). of specimens fails to meet the requirements, the entire lot shall
be rejected.
8. Tolerances on Dimensions and Weight
11. Certification
8.1 DimensionsThe total variation in dimensions of indi-
vidual tiles, when measured in accordance with Test Methods 11.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the
C 67, shall not be more than 65 % from the nominal dimen- purchaser shall be furnished certification that a sample repre-
sion specified by the supplier. The average dimensions mea- sentative of each lot has been tested or inspected as required by
sured shall not be less than the nominal dimensions specified this specification and the requirements have been met. When
by the supplier. specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test
8.2 WeightThe total variation in weight of individual tiles, results shall be furnished.
when measured in accordance with Test Methods C 67, shall NOTE 7Unless otherwise specified in the purchase contract, the cost
not be greater than 610 % from the nominal weight specified of tests is typically borne as follows: When the results of the test show that
by the supplier. The average weight measured shall not be the tiles do not conform to the requirements of this specification, the cost
greater than 6 10 % of the nominal weight. is typically borne by the seller. When the results of the tests show that the
tiles do conform to the requirements of this specification, the cost is
9. Inspection typically borne by the purchaser.
9.1 Inspection of the material covered by this specification 11.2 For the purposes of determining compliance to this
shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier as specification, a lot is defined as 250 000 tiles or the total job
part of the purchase contract. site shipment quantity if fewer than 250 000 tiles.
9.2 The tiles, as delivered to the site, shall, by visual
inspection, conform to the requirements specified by the 12. Keywords
purchaser or to the sample or samples approved as the standard 12.1 absorption; clay; clay roof tile; durability; freeze thaw
of comparison and to the samples passing the tests for physical durability; permeability; roof; roofing; tile; transverse breaking
requirements. Minor indentations, chips or surface cracks strength

C 1167 03

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The effect of weathering on tiles is related to the the mean monthly corrected precipitation (rainfall) occurring
weathering index, which for any locality is the product of the during the period between and including the normal date of the
average annual number of freezing cycle days and the average first killing frost in the fall and the normal date of the last
annual winter rainfall in inches (millimetres), defined as killing frost in the spring. The winter rainfall for any period is
follows.5 equal to the total precipitation less one tenth of the total fall of
snow, sleet, and hail. Rainfall for a portion of a month is
A1.2 A freezing cycle day is any day during which the air
temperature passes either above or below 32F (0C). The
average number of freezing cycle days in a year equals the
difference between the mean number of days during which the A1.4 Fig. A1.1 indicates general areas of the United States
minimum temperature was 32F or below, and the mean in which clay roof tiles are subject to severe, moderate, and
number of days during which the maximum temperature was negligible weathering. The severe weathering region has a
32F or below. weathering index greater than 500. The moderate weathering
region has a weathering index of 50 to 500. The negligible
A1.3 Winter rainfall is the sum, in inches (millimetres), of weathering region has a weathering index of less than 50. The
index for geographic locations near the 50 and 500-in. cycle
lines should be determined by analysis of weather bureau local
Data needed to determine the weathering for any locality may be found or
estimated from tables of Local Climatological Data published by the National climatological summaries, with due regard to the effect of
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. microclimatic conditions, especially altitude.

C 1167 03

FIG. A1.1 Weathering Indexes in the United States

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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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