Yoga Eng
Yoga Eng
Yoga Eng
10) GANDA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is unhelping, has rough
and hard nature and has excessive anger.
17) VYATIPAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, obeys his parents,
is inflicted with veneral diseases, rough and hard natured and always
tries to obstruct others' efforts.
19) PAREEGHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, gives false witness,
bails out many people from the prison, has little hunger and defeats his
20) SHIVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has knowledge of the
sacred hymns, has his sense organs under control, blessed with beauty, is
fortunate and is blessed by the Lord Shiva.
21) SIDDHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has his
sense organs under control, efficient in every faculty and an
accomplisher of many tasks.
24) SHUKLA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has full
control over his sense organs, has power and strength, is an efficient
debator and a winner in the battle.
25) BRAHMA Yoga: A person, born in Brahma Yoga, is very studious,
a follower of virtuous path, respectable, has tranquility and peace of
mind, is generous.
26) ENDRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is powerful, radiant, has
excess of phlegm in his body and the best person in his family.