Vaczijanos e PDF
Vaczijanos e PDF
Vaczijanos e PDF
Ph.D. thesis
Jnos Vczi
Semmelweis University
Educational and Sport Sciences
Official reviewers:
Todays main coordination mechanism is the market (Kornai, 1986). Economic and market
logic are gaining ground also in the sports industry. The sports industry of developed market
economies saw major changes over the past few decades that have generated solvent demand
in both the spectator and leisure sports segments (Andrs, 2003, 2004). In modern societies,
rising sports consumption has increased the economic weight of spectator and leisure sports
(Guttman, 1978). The sports industry started to get commercialized in the 1980s when capital
was channelled to the sector for purposes other than prestige consumption (Dnes &
Misovicz, 1994). Elaborating on a statement by Chelladurai (1994), Srkzy (2002)
highlighted the following key factors of this commercialization process:
a value shift put post-materialistic and post-modern values in the forefront in western
countries with a mature sports market;
with the growth of leisure sports entire industries emerged to support mass
sports was integrated into tourism;
the system of competitive sports no longer fit in the traditional, non-profit institutional
the construction of sports facilities turned into a profitable form of capital investment;
profit generation became the primary driver for sports events;
sports sponsorship grew to become one of the most profitable tools of marketing
communications (Kolah, 2006);
a framework was established for merchandizing and branding;
an organisational framework gradually emerged to help use money as capital and
manage sports as a profit-generating business.
According to Andrs (2003), the commercial operation of the sports industry is based on three
key aspects that help to evaluate the extent to which the sports industry can satisfy the criteria
of a profit-driven market. To evaluate the degree of commercialization of a nations sports
industry, the following three aspects need to be evaluated in a combined manner:
size of capital investment;
enforcement of a customer-oriented attitude in business services;
maturity of sports industry institutions and infrastructure.
The problems of the Hungarian sports industry are too complex to confine their discussion to
funding. They are intertwined with individual and community (social) motivation,
psychological and sociological factors. Still, if you evaluate the implications of market logic
gaining ground in the sports industry, the conflicts of funding is the first area to evaluate. The
current situation requires cooperation between functional sectors, changes in the regulatory
framework, restructuring and the active involvement of the government in funding. Instead of
pseudo-economic reasoning, the sports industry needs concrete action to raise additional
funds. This study aims to propose innovative solutions for funding sports in Hungary. It seeks
to find ways to generate additional revenues to supplement currently available resources.
Some observers say market growth is limited by demand. Demand can be increased
through indirect incentives and benefits offered by the government. This study, however,
suggests a very different approach. In line with European trends, we believe that gambling
offers the key revenue stream to raise extra funds for the sports industry.
During our study it was not the goal to introduce and cover the entire Hungarian sport
financing system in a detailed, in depth analysis. Instead, the authors strived for introducing
the main components of sports funding and their interactions. The major goal was to identify
and solve particular problems in the area of funding of mostly Olympic sports federations.
The authors intended to change the financial structure of the Olympic preparation by the
introduction of excess funds of the described Olympic Lottery. This study outlines an
innovative funding component to be integrated in the system of government sports funding.
Similarly to economic research, sports industry research also tends to have macro, mezzo and
micro levels of analysis (Andrs 2003; Berkes, 2006). As this study focuses on the sports
industry as a whole, it is to be considered as a macro-level analysis.
Y: total direct revenues collected by the owner of sports activity from the sports
Ra: revenues from the people doing sports;
Rs: revenues from spectators watching others doing sports at the site of the sports
Rm: revenues from broadcasting the sports activity in the media;
Rf: fees paid by companies using the given sports activity as a marketing tool;
Rm: secondary revenues generated by the sports activity;
Rp: community support for the sports activity;
Ci: a cost factor (i) required for the sports activity;
Due to the profile of the study we based the research methods on the work of Babbie (Babbie
1998). To understand the elements of the problem better, we first collected secondary data
and to collect primary data, structured interviews were applied. To gain secondary data the
authors employed press analysis, document analysis and international studies as well. By
using them, we could gain a more accurate picture of the international and Hungarian sports
funding structures. During our analysis seven structured interviews were conducted. Two way
moderated methods were used. One was responsible for the easiness and flow of information,
while the other for the recording of information during the talks. The conversation was built
around four major blocks: the crisis of transformation in Hungarian sports, the financial
systems of EU countries, the Hungarian sports financing, and the Olympic Lottery program.
Can you make lottery players influence the way how gambling revenues are used? Should
players be allowed to have a say in how much gambling revenues are spent on sports and
which branches of sport are supported? Who are the players and what about their motives?
Are they motivated by the prizes, the joy of the game, entertainment, habit or the desire to test
regular lottery numbers?
Total Olympic lottery revenues would be subject to 12% gambling tax, and 36% of total
revenues would be the total prize money to be distributed among players. The gambling tax
payable on the estimated revenues of HUF 12,5 billion would total HUF 1.5 billion. This
amount could be transferred in full to support sports via two channels. 80% of the amount
would be channelled to the federations of drawn sports branches, while the outstanding 20%
would be distributed based on players preferences, that is, it would be paid to the preferred
Distribution channels of the Olympic lotterys revenues
Unclaimed prizes would be entered into a second drawing. Here, the main prize could be a
ticket to a European or world championship or in the two years before the Olympics a
ticket to the upcoming Olympic Games. This way, the number of supporters travelling to
international tournaments can also be increased.
Our suggestions were motivated by the desire to create a more predictable financial
environment for Hungarys cash-stripped sports industry and to comply with the ECs White
Paper. In the White Paper, the European Commission asked member states to propose a
sustainable long-term funding model for the European sports industry. To complement the
feedback received from member states, the Commission will prepare an independent study on
sports funding from public and private sources and the related progress.
A sports funding system similar to the above Olympic lottery model is in place in
England. In England, government funding for sports is based on funds allocated by the
Ministry of Education to school sports activities, the sports budget of the Department for
Cultural Media and Sport, and funds from the National Lottery Fund. Govermnent funds
including those from the National Lottery Fund are distributed by UK Sport and Sport
England. Since the mid-1990s, 28% of lottery revenues are channelled to a special fund called
the National Lottery Fund supporting cultural, national heritage and sports causes. Funding is
structured as follows: sports, national heritage and culture receive 16.6% each; while the
outstanding 50% is transferred to the so called Big Lottery Fund supporting not only sports,
culture and national heritage but also various charity causes. (The receipts of the Big Lottery
Fund are distributed in roughly the same way as the National Lottery Fund, but since the Big
Lottery Fund works more on a project basis, it is not possible to identify percentages).
(Walter, 2003).
Once introduced in the Hungarian market, the Olympic lottery concept could be sold
to other EU member states under a licence given that the economic value of sports is
increasingly created through intellectual rights, copyrights, commercial communication,
trademarks, image and media rights. The efficient enforcement of intellectual property rights
is an integral part of an increasingly global and dynamic sports industry.
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44. p.