A Food and Beverage News Special

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A Food And Beverage News Special
October 28, 2006

Potential yet to be utilized

The total confectionery market in India has reached almost Rs 2,500 crore. There are four
categories of confectionery in the organised sector - chocolate confectionery, sugar
confectionery, gum and cereal bars.

To grow beyond 10% annually

indian chocolates industry is growing at a rapid pace. Cadbury's occupy about 70% of the
chocolate/confectionery market with Dairy Milk, Five Star, Perk, Gems.

Alpenliebe & the Indian Sugar Confectionery

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Alpenliebe, a hard-boiled sugar candy, was one

of the first brands to be launched after Perfetti
Van Melle (India) Ltd. (PVMI) launched its
operations in India in 1994.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of the world's third

largest confectionery major Perfetti Van Melle
S.p.A,1 PVMI also had other big brands such as
Center Fresh, Center Shock, Big Babol,
Chlormint, Mentos, Fruitella, Cofitos, Protex
Happydent, Happydent White, Marbles,
Chocoliebe, Chatar Patar, etc., in its brand

As of early 2008, Alpenliebe was the single largest selling sugar confectionery brand in India
and made up a major portion of PVMI's revenue, estimated to be Rs.7 billion2 in 2007.

Alpenliebe was available in three flavors - 'rich milky caramel', 'cream strawberry', and
'chocolate'. In addition to this, the company also started marketing lollipops under the Alpenliebe
brand in the early 2000s in three flavors - 'rich milky caramel', 'strawberry cream', and 'cola &
vanilla'. In 2005, the company also launched a center-filled candy under the brand name
Abpenliebe Creamfills.

Analysts gave PVMI credit for creating a big brand (Alpenliebe) in the low value, low margin,
and fragmented sugar confectionery market in India that was quite different from the market in
other developed countries but very competitive nevertheless.3

The sugar confectionery market includes products such as sweets, jellies, and gums but not
chocolate confectionery. While there was a large unorganized market for sugar confectioneries in
India, the organized market in India was estimated to be US$461 million in 2007, i.e., around 70
percent of the total candy market in the country.

According to Euromonitor4, the market in India grew at a rate of 7.2 percent per year between
2002 and 2006.5 The market was dominated by PVMI, which was the market leader with a
market share of more than 30 percent, Cadbury India6, Wrigley's7, and Lotte Confectionery8.

Other significant players in the market were Hindustan Unilever Ltd9 (HUL), ITC Ltd10 (ITC),
Nestlé India Ltd.11, Candico12, Godrej Beverages and Food Ltd.13, and Ravalgaon Sugar Farm
Ltd.14 Analysts felt that the market was witnessing a shift with an expansion in the organized

Micro Case Studies Main Page

Confectionery in India to 2006 is a detailed analysis of the confectionery market, providing forecast data
to 2006. The report examines key local trends in confectionery, with an emphasis on providing quality
primary research data, obtained directly from major players in the industry. It establishes the market
size and structure, provides analysis of current market trends, and profiles the industry’s major players.
Contains information on four confectionery categories - chocolate confectionery, sugar confectionery,
gum and cereal bars. The comprehensive data set includes market values, volumes, segmentations and
forecasts. All data is for 2001 and full five-year forecasts are provided. The Indian confectionery market
reached a value of $433.5 million in 2001. Sugar confectionery is the largest product category. It will
remain the most lucrative category over the next five years. These products are most suited to the
Indian climate. Chocolate and gum confectionery follow this, each with a similar sized share of the
Indian market.Standard grocers are the leading distribution channel, with one third of the Indian
confectionery market, by value. Traditional grocers are the only other channel to take a double-digit
share. The remainder of the market shows a high degree of fragmentation.Use this report to understand
the key trends and issues in confectionery and assess the competitive landscape of the Indian
confectionery industry.

Global Confectionery Market Valued at

$147.7 Billion by 2013
Posted: December 1, 2009

According to a recent report by Research and Markets (www.researchandmarkets.com) the

global confectionery market grew 3% in 2008 to reach a value of $127.9 billion, and is forecast
to touch $147.7 billion by 2013. The report further suggests that Europe accounts for 48.8% of
the global confectionery market’s value; almost 48.6% of the global confectionery market value
is generated by chocolate sales.


The Global Confectionery Market to 2006

Datamonitor, May 2003, Pages: 513

  Table of Contents                 


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The Global Confectionery Market to 2006 is a detailed analysis of the world's major
confectionery markets, providing forecast data to 2006. The report examines key trends in
confectionery, with an emphasis on providing quality primary research data, obtained directly
from major players in the industry. It establishes the market size and structure, provides analysis
of current market trends, and profiles the industry’s major players.

* Contains information on 4 confectionery categories - chocolate confectionery, sugar
confectionery, gum and cereal bars - in 42 countries.

* The comprehensive data set includes market values, volumes, segmentations and forecasts on a
global and country level

* All data is for 2001 and full five-year forecasts are provided

Report Highlights:
The global confectionery market reached a value of $73.2 billion in 2001, a 21% increase since
1996 and a compound annual growth rate (Cagr) of 4% in the 1996-2001 period.

The European market is the world’s largest, accounting for 42% of revenues for confectionery
worldwide. The region overtook the Americas as the leading segment in 1998.

Cereal bars are the smallest product sector in the global confectionery market this partly reflects
their recent introduction and niche status as a healthy alternative rather than traditional
confectionery product.

Reasons to Purchase:
* Understand the key trends and issues in confectionery

* Understand which countries and product lines offer the best opportunities for growth

* Assess the competitive landscape of the global confectionery industry



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Our Guarantee

Datamonitor's Confectionery - BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Industry Guide is an essential
resource for top-level data and analysis covering the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China)
Confectionery industry. The report includes easily comparable data on market value, volume,
segmentation and market share, plus full five year market forecasts. It examines future problems,
innovations and potential growth areas within the market.

Scope of the Report:

 Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation

 Provides textual analysis of the industry's prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the
leading companies
 Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards
 Compares data from Brazil, Russia, India, and China, alongside individual chapters on each
 Includes a five-year forecast of the industry


 The BRIC Confectionery market grew by 5.5% between 2004 and 2008 to reach a value of $21.2
 In 2013, the market is forecast to have a value of $27 billion, an increase of 4.9% from 2008.
 India was the fastest growing country with a CAGR of 7.7% over the 2004-08 period.

Why you should buy this report:

 Spot future trends and developments

 Inform your business decisions
 Add weight to presentations and marketing materials
 Save time carrying out entry-level research

Market Definition

The confectionery market consists of chocolate, gum, cereal bars and sugar confectionery. The
market is valued according to retail selling price (RSP) and includes any applicable taxes.

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