03 - WS2006 Mori P
03 - WS2006 Mori P
03 - WS2006 Mori P
Shinichiro Mori
Ehime University
Note: ACECC stands for Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Contents of todays presentation
ISO23469- Seismic actions on geotechnical works
and related issues
- ISO/TC98
- ISO3010 Seismic action on structures
- History of development of ISO23469
- Features of ISO23469
- Follow-up project of ISO23469
- Harmonization of design code in the globe
Bases for design of structures
buildings and civil engineering works
Established in 1961
Secretariat : Polish Committee for Standardization
Members: 22 P-members and 35 observers
(one member or observer from each country)
Main tasks
SC1: terminology and symbols
SC2: reliability of structures ISO2394
SC3: loads, forces and other actions on structures
including seismic actions on structures and geotechnical works
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Bases for design of structures -
Seismic actions on structures
This International Standard specifies principles of
evaluating seismic actions for the seismic design
of buildings, towers, chimneys, and similar structures.
Most ofthe
the principles
principles are
be referredalso
to for
to the
dummy design of structures such as bridges, dams,
harbour installations, tunnels, fuel storage tanks, chemical
plants, conventional power plants, etc. (in(changed
WD in 1997)
in 1998)
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Necessity of new IS for civil works
Seismic actions on superstructures of bridges and
buildings come from same mechanism.
Buried structures, Soil structures, Foundations
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
History of development of ISO23469
-Seismic actions for designing geotechnical works
Dec., 1998 Application of ISO3010 on civil works was avoided
May, 2000 Establishment of International SC in Earthquake
Committee in JSCE
May, 2001 Proposal of NWI from Japan at TC98 meeting
Feb., 2002 Establishment of TC98/SC3/WG10 by Prof. Iai as
Convener; after that, 9 WG10-meetings were held
3 of the 9 meetings in conjunction with TC98 meetings
Feb., 2005 DIS successfully obtained 100% approval votes
, so it was automatically approved as IS.
Satisfactory accomplishment within 3 years as per rule.
Nov., 2005 This International Standard was published.
As a result, Japanese experiences after Kobe earthquake and US
experiences after Northridge were reflected to the principles of this
IS as well as European ones.
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Establishment of WG for ISO23469 and
invitation of related liaisons
Establishment of WG10 with 18 international experts
including 8 Europeans, 6 Asians, 3 North Americans and 1
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Basic stance for development of ISO23469
To presume well-experienced practitioners as users
To make it work throughout the next decade
To consider balance with ISO3010
To put stress on Soil-Structure Interaction
To cover well-used design methods
Not to exclude newly developed technique
Not to describe the detail of modelling
Not to provide choice of methods and models
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Features of WG activity during development
WG activity was transparent and open.
- WG10 Website installation
- All minutes of meetings and all WD on the Web
- Some meetings extended to any participants of academic
conferences held in conjunction with WG meetings
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Contents of ISO23469
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
5 Principles and procedure
6 Evaluation of earthquake ground motions,
ground failure, and fault displacements
7 Procedure for specifying seismic actions
8 Seismic actions for equivalent static analysis
9 Seismic actions for dynamic analysis
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Collapse of highway embankment during
Niigata-ken Chuetsu earthquake in 2004
Pile foundation
Inclination Liquefaction
10 deg.
Diameter 40cm Soil-structure interaction
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Damage to a gravity dam due to fault displacement with 7.5m
of relative displacement during 1999 Chi-chi earthquake
7.5 m
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Primary issues for specifying seismic actions
Clause 5
Seismic actions for designing geotec hnical works Clause 6
Evaluation of earthquake ground m otions, ground failure, and fault displacements
Seismic hazard analysis
Site response analysis and assessment of liquefac tion potential
Spatial variation
Fault displacements, ground failure, and other geotechnic al hazards
Paraseism ic influences
Clause 7
Specifying seism ic ac tions
Clause 8
Equivalent static analysis
Clause 9
Dynamic analysis
Simplified dynamic analysis
Seismic actions from a superstructure
Seismic actions without spatial variation
Seismic actions with spatial variation
Seismic actions on soil and structure masses
Effects of soil liquefac tion and induced ground displacement
Detailed dynamic analysis
Seismic actions for a soil-structure system
Effects of soil liquefaction and induced ground displacem ent
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Informative Annexes 1-7 of 14
Annex A Primary issues for specifying seismic actions
Annex B Upper crustal rock, firm ground, and local soil
Annex C Design situations for combination of actions
Annex D Seismic hazard analysis and earthquake ground
Annex E Site response analysis
Annex F Spatial variation of earthquake ground motion
Annex G Assessment of liquefaction
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Informative Annexes 8-14 of 14
Annex H Seismic actions defined for various models of
geotechnical works
Annex I Soil-structure interaction for designing deep
foundations: phase for inertial and kinematic
Annex J Limitations in the conventional method and
emerging trend for evaluating active earth pressure
Annex K Effects of liquefaction considered in various
models of geotechnical works
Annex L Evaluation of other induced effects
Annex M Concepts of response control and protection
Annex N Interdependence of geotechnical and structure
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Features of ISO23469
- Introduction of site specific design
- Design philosophy for extreme event
- Modeling of soil-structure interaction
- Consideration of spatial variation of seismic
- Recommendation of coupled analysis for SSI
- Stimulating discussions including option
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Two stage determination of seismic
actions on geotechnical works
Stage 1
- Evaluation of basic variables for seismic action
- Reference ground motion, associated phenomena
Stage 2
- Determination of seismic action based on basic variables
- Important role of SSI
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Flowchart for specifying seismic actions
Stage 1 (Clause 6) Stage 2 (Clause 7)
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Methods for site response analysis
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Stimulating discussions
As an option, the owners or authorities in charge of the
geotechnical works may decide at their own risk to
perform no explicit seismic design, or to perform the
minimum design required by applicable codes, if the
consequence of a failure is very low.
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Classification of types of analyses based
on model of soil-structure interaction
dynamic Inertia Earth
pressure force pressure
Sea Sea
Caisson Caisson
Seabed Seabed
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Different models of analysis
(Retaining walls)
Inclination Lateral
Hydro-dynamic pressure 4.1 Displacement
3.5 m
Horizontal component of inertia force Vertical Displacement 1.5 m +4.0 m
-36.0 m
Gravity + Vertical component of inertia forcea
a see H.1
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Seismic actions
with spatial variation
Seismic actions for simplified equivalent static
(1A) and detailed dynamic analyses (2A)
ct ure
n d s tr u
rgr ou
und e
u b e -like
el- o
Tu nn
nt Ground surface
pla c em e
d d is
Subgrade reaction spring a ic g r o un
seis m Tunnel - or tube-like
sv ers e (a) Transverse actions underground structure
The subgrade reaction springs may Tra n Lumped mass
be assumed rigid for underground
structure with a small cross section
such as pipelines. t ur e Equivalent springs
s tr uc
r ou n d
u n derg
t ub e-like
e l- o r
T unn
c em e
d d is pla Lum ped mass-equivalent spring system
g r o un idealises the local soil deposit
s mic Firm ground
Interface shear spring al s ei
itud in (b) Longitudinal actions
Lon g
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Design example of pile foundation of
PC tank for LNG (2)
- 2D-FEM
- Axial symmetric FEM
- 3D-FEM
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Policy of collection of design examples
- Demonstrating how to use this ISO for practicing engineers and
code writers by showing design examples based on ISO23469
- Based on documents published or to be published
- Having important things need to be covered
- Focusing evaluation of reference earthquake ground motion
should be documented in detailed as a common issue
- Having combination of simplified and detailed analyses
- Description should be cared in terms of conformity with
requirement and recommendation in ISO23469.
- Having stress on methodologies recommended by WG
- Describing not only seismic actions, but also performance criteria
and design of superstructure
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Overall check on conformity
Check sheet of design example in terms of conformity with ISO23469
Items ISO23469
Performance objectives Safety 5.1.2
Serviceability 5.1.3
Reference earthquake motions Safety 6.1
Others 6.2
Perfomance criteria 5.1.4
Design working life
Site response analysis and assessment of liquefaction Type of analysis Reason*
potential Outline of analysis
Type of analysis Reason*
Spatial variation of earthquake ground motions 6.4
Outline of analysis
Fault displacements and other geotecnical hazards Outline of evaluation 6.5
Paraseismic influences Outline of evaluation 6.6
Type of analysis Reason* 7
Seismic actions on geotechnical works Outline of analysis 8
Performance criteria parameters 9
Overall conformity with ISO23469
*Reason for choosing the type of analysis
Convenient for comparison among examples
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori
Harmonization of design code in the globe
Thank you.
ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in Asian Region, Nov 4, 2006, Taipei Shinichiro Mori