STO704 PM Assessment Specification - v2 - 06 02 2017

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Project Management Assignment Specification

Assessment Title Group-based Project Plan Report/Individual Report

Module Title Operations and Project Management
Module Code STO704 Number of 20
Project Management David Owen
Assessment Weighting 50%
Issue Date January 30th 2017
Submission Deadline 1) w/c March 27 (Formative Group Presentations)
All groups to upload PPTs with accompanying notes
for each page of the PPT (1600 words max) on
Moodle group space by 09:00 Monday March 2017.
This must be clearly labelled as formative

2) 15:00 April 6th Summative Group Report and

15:00 April 13th Individual Reflective Report

A) Summative Group Report (40%)

Updated PPTs and accompanying notes (1600
words max)

B) Individual Reflective Report (10%) - 400 words


Procedure for/where to Three moodle submission links will be provided for the
submit work (including file summative assignment:
name format for Moodle
where applicable) 1) Updated PPTs (25 slides max. but stll only 1600
words max for the accompanying notes)only
one slide pack per group needs to be uploaded!
The following file naming format should be used
for submission:
Group Name_Project Plan Name

2) Individual Peer Assessment Form of individual

contributions to the groupwork. The following file
naming format should be used for submission:
student surname_student ID_group name

3) Individual reflective report (400 words max). The

following file naming format should be used for
student surname_student ID_group name
Expected Return Date May 12th 2017
Description of Students will be required to undertake a group-based
Assessment Task assignment to develop a plan for a project aimed at
raising money for a charity of their choice and make a
formative PowerPoint presentation of this project plan.


Each presentation will be 20 minutes maximum and 20

slides maximum and the slides MUST have
accompanying notes (1600 words maximumnot every
slide needs notes but the total word count for the notes
of the overall presentation is 1600 words)

The presentation will present the project plan and be

underpinned by project management course concepts
and theory.

Formative feedback will be provided by the tutor at the

end of each presentation and this can be used to
upgrade the accompanying notes and PPTs for the final
summative submission.

A "Peer Evaluation Form" will be provided to each group

by your tutor. It is compulsory that this form is
completed by each student and failure to do so will
mean that the assignment requirements were not
completed and a grade mark penalty of 3 marks will
be deducted from the students individual mark.


After the presentations, each group will need to submit

upgraded PPT slides with accompanying notes (1600
words max). This will be marked as the equivalent of a
group report and is worth 40% of the module mark. The
group mark obtained will be adjusted to a final individual
mark based on Peer Assessments of individual
contributions to the group work.

Students also need to submit an individual 400-word

reflective report (worth 10% of the module mark) on what
they have learnt from the project based assignment with
particular emphasis on teamwork and communication

It is suggested that you use the following format and

style for the individual report:

The report should have a title and subtitles.

The report should be 1.5 line-spaced, 12 point

font, Times New Roman, or Arial.

Each page should be numbered

The reports will be assessed by the tutor and some

samples will be second marked by the module leader.
Module Learning Learning Outcomes Assessed by:
Outcomes assessed:
3) Critically evaluate and Group Report
select appropriate
hard and soft
techniques for the
effective management
of projects.
4) Demonstrate research Group Report
skills that enable
wider exploration of
the subject area and
effective decision
making in practice
5) Analyse and reflect Individual Reflective
upon effectiveness of Report
teamwork, and
presentation skills.

Word Limit 2000 words (1600 words for group report and 400 words
for individual reflective report)

Presentation Format PPT slides with accompanying notes for the group
(eg Word document)
Word document for individual reflective report

Resources/Support Course Material on moodle

Available Tutor

Assessment Criteria Group report shows evidence of background reading and

research, and application of course concepts separate
marking guide provided

Peer review of individual group work contributions

Participation in peer review activities

Individual reflective report shows critical reflection of

lessons learnt separate marking criteria provided

Peer / Self Assessment Yes


Details of how feedback Formative Feedback on Presentation

will be provided Tutor feedback on written reports.

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